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The Explorer: Meeting Dates Here Is The Complete List For The Fraternal Year

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April 2011
Official Publication of Kingsway Council #3387
4202C Dundas Street West
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y6
Published the 15th day of each month Volume 50 Issue 8



Here is the complete list for the fraternal year.
Meetings will be held in our hall at
4202C Dundas Street West @ 8:00 p.m.
What follows is a list of council events. We
understand if you can not make it out to all of
the events, but we encourage you to attend as
MAY 24 EXECUTIVE MEETING many events a possible.

May we suggest you copy and place this list on the DATE EVENT
refrigerator or on your desk so you don’t forget when
there is a meeting. All members are welcomed to at- Wednesday Clergy Appreciation Night
tend both types of meetings. April 27 St. Roch Church
Ontario State Convention
May 21,22,23 Double Tree Hotel
Kingsway Council 2010-2011 Kingsway Council – General Meetings
CHAPLAIN The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each
Fr. Leo Burns C.S.B 416-847-6131 month at 8:00 P.M. sharp (except
GRAND KNIGHT July & August) at the Council
Denis Tisdel 416-559-0085 Chambers, 4202C Dundas St.
DEPUTY GRAND W., Etobicoke. The second
KNIGHT Tuesday meeting is a general
Paul Bryce 416-948-0445 members meeting and the fourth
PAST GRAND Tuesday is an executive business
Grand Knights of Kingsway meeting.
Council KNIGHT
Danny Franchi 416-732-4648
James Arm-
 1951/52 CHANCELLOR
Anthony Orgera 416-855-5400 Father Gregory Kelly Assembly General
 Wally Evans 1952/53
 Jack Dunn 1953/54 WARDEN
Vince Colgan 1954/55 Meetings
 Jack Harnett 1955/56
Mark Sabada 416-231-5203
 Furgus Walsh 1956/57 FINANCIAL SEC-
 Paul Grace 1957/58 RETARY
The 3rd Thursday of each
 Gilford Leinster 1958/59 Danny Franchi 416-732-4648 month at 8:00P.M. St. Greg-
 Wally Bedolfe 1959/60 TREASURER ory’s Parish Hall. (Except
 John Quinn 1960/61
Rodger Bodrug 416-247-5491 July, August and December)
 1961/62
O’Kelly ADVOCATE For more information contact:
 Thomas Keating 1962/63 Joe Wosik 416-622-7735 Brother Frank Ficker @ 416-
 Jack Wallace 1963/64 RECORDER 720-8663.
 E. Paul Butler 1964/65
Karl Moesch 905-270-9003
 Enio Biason 1965/66
Daniel McKeon 1966/68
Micheal Doerig Kingsway Columbus Club
 Leslie Karnac 1968/69
Philip Catalano 1969/70 TRUSTEE 1 YR
 Herbert Hunter 1970/71 Vince Conforzi 416-233-8363 PRESIDENT
 Carl Nuss 1971/73
 Larry Zinkel 1973/74
TRUSTEE 2 YRS Denis Tisdel 416-559-0085
William Joe Magalhaes 416-537-0485 VICE-PRESIDENT
 1974/76
Greaves TRUSTEE 3 YRS Paul Bryce 416-948-0445
 Charlie Brochu 1976/78
 Victor Castrucci 1978/80 Frank Ficker 416-720-8663 SECRETARY
Steve Harvey 1980/--- Frank Ficker 416-720-8663
 ----/81 TREASURER
Chris Columbus 416-239-9109
 Stanley Leonard 1981/82
David Young 416-899-8036 Joe Wosik 416-622-7735
John Bothello 1982/84
J. Paul Balog 1986/87 Tom Potocnik 416-523-9733 Danny Franchi 416-732-4648
Placido Natale 1987/88
 Peter Flanagan 1988/90
Uris Doerig
David Young 416-899-8036
 Michael Breton 1990/92
Thomas Troke 1992/93 State & Supreme Representatives Rodger Bodrug 416-247-5491
John Lametti 1993/95
Chester Sitarz 1995/96
Sam Tassone 1998/00
State Deputy Arthur Peters
John Chiappetta 2000/02
Tom Potocnik 2002/04 DISTRICT DEPUTY DIST. # 106
Horodeckyj Sam Tassone 647-225-2020
Danny Solomon 2006/08
Danny Franchi 2008/10
Denis Tisdel 2010/…. Danny Franchi 461-732-4648
Archie Lobo 905-567-1698
We are well on our
way to having our Squires Cir-
cle re-instated. The Circle’s
original name was St. John
Bosco Circle # 1193, and unless
the new Squires want to change
it, it will continue with that
name. Brother Paul Bryce has
just received acceptance from
the State Advocate to serve as
counsellor and is attempting to firm down some recruit-
ment dates with three of our churches. If any brother knows
of a potential Squires candidate, please contact Brother The Knights of Columbus and the Special
Paul Bryce @ (416) 948-0445 or by email Olympics in Ontario have had a storied history, which continues today.

Dates for the 50/50 draws which the Knights

help out selling tickets for the Special Olympics will
Up Coming Degree Dates!!! be written in upcoming newsletters For more infor-
mation, please contact the State board representative,
Anyone interested in advancing in their Knighthood, Joe Mathews at 905-279-5057 or by email at:
here is a list of upcoming First, Second and Third De- In most cases, one week’s confirma-
gree dates. Please contact our Grand Knight, tion is needed if you intend to help.
Denis Tisdel, if you wish to attend a degree.

First Degrees Please stay tuned here for more

May 2nd Our Lady of Grace events regarding Special
May 5th Sts. Peter and Paul
May15th St. Francis Xavier
Olympics and our Order.
Second Degrees May 28m 2011 - 50/50 with the
May 15th St. Patrick’s Toronto FC.
Third Degree

May 1st Heart Lake

May 29th John Bosco
June 26 TBA

Fourth Degree

Saturday June 18,

Doubletree Hotel
655 Dixon Road
CHAPLAIN’S CORNER sense Jesus perfectly and personally fulfilled
and carried out the purposes, the goals, the
“Christ Has Died! Christ ideals of the Knights of Columbus far better
Has Risen! Christ Will than any one of us ever can or will. Thus He
Come Again! has set the ideal for each Knight of Columbus.
To the extent that we share Jesus’ love for and
identification with the poor, the rejected, the
As the Feast of the suffering, the needy, we are good Knights of
Resurrection of Jesus draws near, the Liturgy Columbus, we are good Christians. Christ is
draws our attention to those events which im- the model Knight of Columbus. By becoming
mediately preceded His glorious triumph over a Knight of Columbus, we have chosen to be-
death. After the consecration at every Mass, come imitators of Christ as closely as possible,
the entire congregation, each of us, proclaims to love Him in His poverty, His need, His hu-
our belief, at that most sacred of moments. miliation, in His suffering as we find them to-
day in our neighbour.
After His triumphant entry into Jerusa-
lem on Palm Sunday, and before His resurrec-
tion on Easter Sunday, during Holy Week, Je- Let us pray that as Knights of Columbus
sus endured sufferings greater than anything as we work to assist Christ, suffering in our
most of us will ever be called upon to endure. neighbour, that we will help the poor, the re-
In the Garden of Gethsemane, He was over-
jected, the needy, the humiliated to experience
whelmed by a sense of spiritual rejection and
isolation, as if He were left to suffer by Him- first hand the Resurrection of Jesus in their
self, with no support or love from anyone. His lives. May Easter bring new hope, new life,
own people and His own religion, in the per- an overcoming of sin and suffering, humilia-
son of Judas the servants of the High Priest tion and rejection, a real resurrection of Jesus
and the Roman soldiers, rejected Him and all in each of you, and through you in all those
He stood for. His Apostles, His chosen col- whom we are privileged to help and care for
leagues, friends and family, all abandoned
during the days and months ahead.
Him. He was publicly tortured, ridiculed, spat
upon, made a public spectacle. Rev. L. D. Burns, C.S.B.
At this very important time in His life, Chaplain
as He was about to leave this world, Christ
chose to become far more closely identified Knights of Columbus
with the poor, the abandoned, the rejected, the Kingsway Council
suffering, the outcasts of society than any of us
in Etobicoke will ever be. Jesus did not just
read a book about the poor, nor sing a song
about the poor, nor watch a television show
about the poor, the needy or the rejects of soci-
ety. Jesus actually suffered their pain, their
rejection, their need, their humiliation. In a
On Sunday May 8th (Mother’s Day) we
Brothers, will begin our Rose Sunday Campaign. We
will be at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish for all
I want to take this op- masses. Your help on this project will be
portunity to thank you all for greatly appreciated. I will let you know the
making our 60th Anniversary dates for the four other parishes.
such a huge success. I espe-
cially want to thank all the I want to also take the opportunity to
Brothers who helped in the wish you and your families a very Happy
preparing and executing this event. I also Easter. It is important as knight’s to renew
want to thank all the Brothers who donated ourselves as we go through the days of Holy
prizes for our draw. With this behind us, it is Week. Let us be extra attentive as we listen to
time to focus on the last 3 months of this fra- God’s word so that we absorb the true mean-
ternal year. ing of Jesus’ death for the forgiveness of our
On April 27, we get to appreciate our
clergy. They work hard all year round to bring God Bless.
us God’s word, love and comfort. We have Denis Tisdel
two opportunities per year to show that we ap- Grand Knight
preciate our clergy, one is our contribution to Kingsway Council 3387
the Sheppard’s Trust and the other is this din-
ner. Please let me know if you can make it,
tickets are $25.00 each, 6 tickets are available.

I still need to hear from you regarding

the Hope for Children fundraisers.

1st We are selling a case of Packaged

Certified Angus Beef Steaks for $60.00, each
case will weigh about 5lbs. You are looking at
8 – 10 oz. Steaks. This is a great way to get
ready for a wonderful BBQ with your family
and friends; summer is just around the corner.
All orders need to be in by this Thursday,
please let me or Sam Tassone know if you are
2nd We are selling tickets to the Famous
People Players Dinner Theatre, the cost of the
ticket is $75.00 per person. Date of the per-
formance will be on Saturday May 14th start-
ing a 6 pm. Please let me know if you are in-
terested in attending this event.

Brother Knights,

Since we are so close to

the day that we celebrate what is
the foundation of our faith, per-
haps we can reflect on what we
have done this year to try to be-
come more like our Lord and Saviour. How
have we helped our fellow neighbour, the
poor, the lonely, those who have been outcast?
Have we shunned away from them, avoided
them, went along with the rest of the crowd
and ignored them? Have we been good Chris-
tians, a good Catholic? As we enter Holy
Week, and remember and re-live the events
that led up to Christ’s crucifixion and resurrec-
tion, let us commit in our hearts to be more
like Jesus in every way.

May your journey with Christ during

Holy Week be blessed with a strengthening of
your faith, and a renewed commitment to lis-
tening to and acting upon His Word.

Vivat Jesus,
Paul Bryce
Deputy Grand Knight
The events below are not council related and were put together by all the weekly bul letins.

Holy Week Schedule

Holy Angels St. Gregory

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:00pm Bilingual. Adoration until 10:00pm 7:00pm Adoration until 9:00pm

Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
2:00pm English 4:00pm Italian 7:00pm Stations of the Cross 11:30am 2:30pm Stations of the Cross 4:30pm

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Holy Saturday Easter Vigil

Blessing of the Food 12:00pm. Vigil 7:00pm 7:00pm

Easter Sunday Easter Sunday

No Evening Mass Regular Schedule

Our Lady of Peace St. Clement

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper
8:00pm Adoration to Midnight 7:00pm Adoration until 11:00pm

Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
3:00pm. Stations of the Cross 7:00pm 12:00pm and 3:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Holy Saturday Easter Vigil

Blessing of Easter Food 10:00am. Vigil 8:30pm 8:30pm

Easter Sunday Easter Sunday

Regular Schedule Regular Schedule

Our Lady of Sorrows Resurrection of Our Lord

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper

7:30pm Adoration until 10:00pm
Please call the Rectory

Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

12:00pm and 3:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil


Easter Sunday
Regular Schedule

Hope for Children Foundation is a supported
Catholic Children’s Aid Society charity.
Kingsway as well as several other councils
and the Hope for Children have worked hand
in hand on many different projects is the past.
One that we have continued to work on is the
charity bingo to support the Knights of Co- Beatification of Pope John Paul II
lumbus bursary which is handed out once a
year. Below are the remaining bingo dates for May 1, 2011 marks a historical day in the
2011, which will held at the Keele Street Church. Pope John Paul II will be declared a
Bingo Hall. More dates will be scheduled for Blessed in the Holy Catholic Church. Let us
the remaining months of 2011. Any interested continue to pray that one day he may be ele-
brother willing to help out please contact vated to the High Altar and canonized and be
Brother Sam Tassone for more information. called St. John Paul II.

Those of you lucky to have Salt and Light TV,

May 06 and June 03 from 18:15 to 21:15, please be advised that they will show live the
May 06, and June 03 from 21:15 to 00:45 events from Rome.

Saturday, April 30th, Prayer vigil, live at 2pm

with replays at 8pm and midnight.

Sunday, May 1st, Mass of Beatification, live at

3:30am and replays 9:30am 7:30pm 11:30pm.
Our Council in Action
Please note all photos are posted on our website

Ordinandi Dinner 2011

Kingsway Council #3387—60th Anniversary

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