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AKRF Public Outreach Report Attachments

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Town of Riverhead Comprehensive Plan


Compendium of 2020-2021
Public Outreach to
Identify Issues and Opportunities:


February 16, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Summary of Interviews

The AKRF-LKMA team interviewed 12 Town Departments and 10 other stakeholders to understand the issues and opportunities facing the
Town over the next 10-20 years, to help with formulating the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Following is a list of
the key takeaways:
• The Town may be in need of a small lot ordinance.
• A form-based code is needed to stimulate mixed-use development.
• The apartment cap should be eliminated so as to help create a customer base and activate Downtown.
• More flexibility in zoning within the district is needed in terms of types of allowable uses.
• The current Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program is not effective; changes are needed to incentivize developers to utilize
the program and to encourage farmers to keep farming.
• The TDR program has been in effect since 2003, and has preserved approximately 400 acres, which is insufficient. The TDR
program is costly for developers and the Town sometimes prioritizes development. The TDR program requires changes: in order to
sell the development rights the farmer needs to get a certificate, which requires the farmer to preserve the land forever. If the TDR
program dissolves, the farmers are stuck because of the deed, which is a major problem for farmers. Currently, farmers with
certificates have been unsuccessful in selling certificates because there is no market for the TDR program.
• The Master Plan Update should address the current prioritization of Pine Barrens preservation over the TDR program.
• The TDR/Farmland Preservation breakout committee should include the original TDR Committee, the Farmland Preservation
Committee, the Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Planning Board.
• Other tools for farmland preservation include “formalized cluster subdivisions;” Planned Development District; voluntary
preservation; and TDR bank to purchase rights from farmers.

1 April 22, 2021

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

• Town can encourage farming and support farming operations by allowing equipment/farm building and minimizing restrictions on
retail stands or products. Encourage tourism when farming operations are not active and more so during the off-season.
• The Town should discuss with private solar companies a plan to return the land back to a farmer after the solar company leaves. The
Farmland Agricultural Advisory Committee advocates for solar on non-industrial land; the TOR Code only allows for solar panels
on industrial land.
• In 2003, as a result of growing population, the Town upzoned farmland from 1-acre to 2-acre zoning (per residence), and created
the “Ag Protection Zone,” which runs from Sound Ave. to Route 25. This caused the farmers to lose equity in their land.
• Small business vitality in the Town is a concern due to the pandemic.
• Maximizing the river with attractive access, retail and recreational opportunities and events is critical for an effective economic
development strategy.
• The Town should market the waterfront area; host more events.
• The Town should support development at Calverton; high-tech businesses and high-paying jobs are needed.
• Riverhead cannot compete with the other eastern towns; the Town should attract unique retail/arts to create a unique destination and
a lively downtown.
• A bike path is needed Downtown to stimulate economic development and enhance quality of life for residents.
• The Department inspects each of its Town parks/recreational facilities at least once per year to determine any immediate needs.
Each year, the Department also reviews and updates the Town’s Parks and Recreation Department capital plan document, which
identifies 5-year goals/plans for the Town.
• The population for the Town of Riverhead has continued to grow increasing the need for recreational facilities.
• Main Street storm drains and Cesspools are a problem for protecting the river.
• Market-rate housing is needed to support Downtown businesses.

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Summary of Interviews

• Over the past 10 years the Town has seen population growth, which has put a capacity strain on the school district. Space is a major
concern now and into the future.
• Explore areas for TOD Downtown around transit/train stations to support mass transit and provide affordable and workforce
• Creek Road in Wading River is a continual problem with road flooding due to its low elevation particularly during high tide events
combined with heavy rains. Last eight years Division has been applying for grants, but not successful in securing funds.
• The LIRR has completed a study to relocate the Yaphank train station to the east. Two sites were identified: the first west of William
Floyd Parkway and the second in the vicinity of Brookhaven National Laboratory. The study is on hold. Access to the latter site
could add traffic to Town roads. Although electrification from Ronkonkoma east to Yaphank is being considered, there is no funding
currently available for that, nor for parking at a relocated station.
• There may be possible expansion of Microtransit bus service in less densely populated areas of the Town in place of fixed route bus
• DPW/Transportation will address requests for increased bus service as projects develop and demand arises.

The following table summarizes the roles and responsibilities of the Town Departments and other stakeholders (e.g., regional transportation
and planning agencies, community development organizations, school district, etc.) that the AKRF Team interviewed for the Riverhead
Comprehensive Plan Update, as well the main points (i.e., issues and opportunities).

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

Riverhead Accounting Department 12/9/20 The Accounting Department’s • Accounting Department’s primary role is managing the collection
primary functions are Budget and distribution of Town funds in accordance with the budget.
preparation, recording
revenues and paying bills and • During COVID the Department was “remote ready;” staff have the
employee, managing cash and ability to work from home with little to no interruption(s).
debt, information technology, • The Town typically pays for all essentials/services/goods through its
and financial reporting. standard fiscal revenue/expenditure stream. Only larger capital
improvements such as sewers and water district improvements (and

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

the proposed re-location of the Police Department and Justice Court)
are proposed to be paid by bond.
• There is growth (in population) seen throughout the Town, but it is
not substantive enough to cause major issues.
• Small business vitality in the Town is a concern due to the pandemic.
• Funding allocated from New York State for fiscal year 2022 is
expected to be down 20 percent and from the County by 50 percent.
Riverhead Town Attorney 2/10/21 Prepares all ordinances, and • There has been little demand for affordable housing density bonuses
local laws prosecutes under the Long Island Workforce Housing Act; the Town may be
violations of town code and interested in setting up a fund for affordable housing development.
defends litigation brought
against the town for civil • There is concern that developers may propose larger solar energy
damages. Prepares and projects to circumvent the Town permitting/SEQRA process and go
oversees all contracts entered through the streamlined 94-c process.
into by the town. Gives legal • There is limited capacity at Edwards Ave. substation that will limit
advice to the Town Board and the amount of solar array projects that may be developed in
other Town Departments on a Calverton.
daily basis. Acts as legal
counsel to the Zoning Board • There is a known groundwater pollution plume at EPCAL;
of Appeals. Commences development is also being held up by water capacity/control issues
litigation on behalf of the • Overcrowded housing is an issue Downtown where it is sewered.
Town. Approves Insurance Town is stepping up enforcement, but has to deal with county health
Certificates, Boards, and department regulations.
Letters of credit as to form.
• Development in the Southampton, which contributes students to the
Riverhead Central School District
• Airbnbs and other short-term rentals less than 30 days are not
permitted in the Town. 30-day or more rentals require a rental

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Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

permit. The Town is considering allowing less than 30-day rentals in
certain areas or developing a special permit process for these uses.
• One lesson learned from the 2003 Comp. Plan is the need to plan so
as not to create nonconforming uses. The Town is in need of a small
lot ordinance.
• TDR program is not effective; changes are needed to incentivize
developers to utilize the program and to encourage farmers to keep
• Solar has come at a cost to agriculture.
Riverhead Community 12/9/20 The Department has two • There are three major development projects on the
Development Department technical roles: 1) Community Town/Department’s radar:
Development Department and 1. Calverton Enterprise Park (EPCAL)
2) Community Development 2. East Main Street Downtown Urban Renewal Project
Agency, which is an urban 3. Railroad Avenue Urban Renewal Project.
renewal agency, created
pursuant to Article 15 of the • The Town would like to add additional denser development in the
NYS Urban Renewal Law. Downtown area.
The Department is responsible • We need to take advantage of our very large Federal Opportunity
for preparing and writing Zone, which covers the entirety of Downtown, most of Route 58 and
grants, administering projects, all of EPCAL to draw private investment into these areas.
and identifying different
planning studies, which also • Main Street businesses have been impacted by COVID, which has
includes implementation. impacted business activity, income, employment, and economic
The CDA is the owner of the activity overall.
Calverton property (aka • There is a need for increased/improved public parking.
EPCAL) which is a 2,600-acre
former Naval Weapons • The Town is working with the USACE on a Floodplain Control
Reserve Plant (with two long Management Study along the Peconic River. Controlling flood
runways and 1 million sf of events is critical to the Town and its economic center.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

industrial buildings). This • The Department would like to see less affordable housing, and more
property was given to the market-rate housing.
Town by the US Navy in 1996
for economic redevelopment • There is a major need for economic diversity in housing stock. We
and the Town thereafter are currently lopsided with affordable housing. This must be
designated it an Urban addressed or the Town’s revitalization goals cannot be met.
Renewal Area under NYS • The Town currently lacks sufficient quality jobs to keep younger
Law, which allows for public- population in the Town.
private partnership in
economic redevelopment • The Town encourages public participation in the planning process as
through the CDA. The 500- well interdepartmental coordination.
acre core was sold in 2001 • Cap (if any) on apartments in DC-1 needs to be based on numbers
and the Town is in contract and statistics.
with a buyer for the 1,600-
acre balance, which the • The Downtown area welcomes higher density in designated areas,
developer intends to construct but needs better public transportation (all modes) to provide
up to 10 million sf of new improved and more efficient services and a mix of rents and home
industrial space. ownership opportunities and/or rentals for the 80-130 percent AMI
range as well as lower incomes.

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Summary of Interviews

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

Riverhead Engineering Department 12/4/20 The Engineering Department • For capital planning the solid waste refuse truck used for collection
performs administrative and from Town waste containers needs to be replaced as it is way past its
professional engineering useful life span.
duties for the planning,
design, construction, • Intermediate to long-term equipment needs also include a vac-haul
operation and maintenance of (for Parking lot basin cleaning), street sweeper (for parking lot
town buildings, facilities, cleaning), and a small bulldozer. Also 5 replacement pickup trucks
utilities, roads, drainage as these vehicles are way past their useful lifespan.
systems, parks, beaches,
marine facilities, and parking
lots. Develops and manages
operating and capital
improvement budgets for all
five divisions of the
Engineering Department
(Sanitation, G.I.S. mapping,
Street Lighting/Traffic
Signals, Buildings and
Grounds, and Electrical
Riverhead Highway Department 12/2/20 The primary goal of the • Three ongoing issues are as follows:
Highway Division is to 1. Creek Road in Wading River is a continual problem with road
maintain the approximately flooding due to its low elevation particularly during high tide events
250 miles (500 lane miles) of combined with heavy rains. Last eight years Division has been
roadway in a good working applying for grants, but not successful in securing funds.
safe condition. The 2. Highway yard building in Wading River is very problematic.
maintenance of which 3. Farm field runoff after heavy storm events causes heavy roadway
includes: road surface, flooding and cleanup. Highway crews must be dispatched to remove
curbing, drainage, mowing, muddy runoff from the roadway surfaces, currently Farmland is
tree trimming, snow plowing exempt from the NYS stormwater laws and there is no methodology
and safety aspects and

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

highway appurtenances within to stop this continual problem. This is common throughout the
the Town Right-of-Way. eastern towns in Suffolk County.
• Utility companies are not maintaining roadways sufficiently when
performing necessary utility main and infrastructure work. They are
also not performing permanent roadway reconstruction in a timely
manner. All complaints come back to Highways for corrective action
and coordination with respective utility.
Riverhead Industrial Development 12/3/20 Promotes economic • Provide a range of housing types (e.g., tiny homes, homes for young
Agency (IDA) development in the Town. professionals, senior housing, etc.)
Offers incentives such as sales
tax/real property tax • Assist Town in developing EPCAL as an economic engine for the
abatement; MRT abatement; entire Town and a source of white-collar jobs
no interest financing. Mission • Better cooperation between Town Departments is needed to help
is to advance job realize potential development opportunities
opportunities; protect health
and general welfare of • More infrastructure and traffic mitigation is needed to support
Riverhead residents; and industrial development
attract new business. • Overcrowding in school district is an issue with the adjacent
proposed development in Riverside, Town of Southampton
• Creative zoning/incentives are needed to foster a range of suitable
developments/housing in the Town
• Town lacks higher education/high-tech jobs
Riverhead Parks and Recreation 12/29/20 The Parks and Recreation • Both program revenue and program participation were affected by
Department Department’s mission COVID and declined 75 and 70 percent, respectively.
statement: The mission of the
Town of Riverhead Parks & • The Department inspects each of its Town parks/recreational
Recreation Department is to facilities at least once per year to determine any immediate needs.
enrich the lives of residents Each year, the Department also reviews and updates the Town’s
through diverse, affordable

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Summary of Interviews

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

programs and special events, Parks and Recreation Department capital plan document, which
for people of all ages; as well identifies 5-year goals/plans for the Town.
as provide safe, friendly
• The population for the Town of Riverhead has continued to grow
parks, beaches and
increasing the need for recreational facilities.
community centers for
everyone to enjoy. • The Department is proactive about staying ahead of trends by
meeting with other towns, research, and feedback from the residents.
• The Department’s biggest challenge in 2021 will be how effective
the new vaccine will be and getting residents back to participating in
• Town beach sticker sales for 2020 were up roughly 8 percent
compared to previous years.
• The Department continues to look at ways technology can help move
the Department forward and make it easier for Town residents to
access permits, schedules, and sign up for activities.
• Social media/technology is integral to the Department for reaching
and notifying Town residents.
• Due to the pandemic, outdoor activities have been a challenge. This
past year (2020) has been a tremendous challenge, especially trying
to get people outside and participating in the Department’s

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

Riverhead Planning Board 3/26/21 The Planning Board’s mission • The pandemic slowed down applications, but it was not a large impact.
is to work with applications
from developers and • Town Planning staff and Town Board could use more efficient
homeowners, and review site software systems for tracking, record keeping, and storing electronic
plans to ensure proposals to site plans.
build or build changes align • There is a need to maintain the rural character of the Town.
with the Town Code.
• The Town really needs to utilize conservation measures, as well as
invest in public utilities to keep up with regulatory requirements and
replace infrastructure.
• The Town should be prepared to consider rezoning applications and
development rights in the future as development pressure grows.
• The Town needs to preserve its current characteristics of open space,
rural environment, and concentration on farmland.
• The Town’s infrastructure and need for maintenance and upkeep of
water and sewer infrastructure or cesspools is a major issue.

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Summary of Interviews

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

Riverhead Police Department 12/1/20 The Department's primary • Police Department’s primary role is public safety; other
role for the Township of responsibilities include public service, crime prevention, and
Riverhead is public safety. ensuring residents are safe.
The five eastern towns all
have their own police • Crime and overall calls to the Police Department has decreased
departments (“pds”). The during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Department is the primary law • Facility space is of concern as the Police Department has outgrown
enforcement department for their current facility.
Riverhead. Public service and
crime prevention are also • Police training facilities are limited in the Town.
Department goals, as well as • Governor’s Police Reform Executive Order (Executive Order 203
ensuring residents are safe and requiring each local government in NYS to adopt a policing reform
happy. plan that will maintain public safety while building mutual trust and
respect between police and the communities they serve). The Final
Riverhead Police Department Police Reform and Reinvention
Collaborative Plan was completed in March 2021.
• Increasing demand for services with Downtown apartment
complexes and EPCAL
• Keeping up with personal protective equipment (PPE) during the
pandemic was a challenge.
• Improved technology is needed to be able to do the job smarter
• Additional police vehicles are needed
• Traffic on Sound Avenue between, particularly between Labor Day
and Halloween is a problem
• The most prevalent crimes are minor offenses, such as larceny, petty
larceny, and criminal mischief. Petty larceny is number one. The
crime rate is low and has been improving over time.

11 April 22, 2021

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

Riverhead Sewer District 12/3/20 Treats all of the wastewater • Short-Term Project- Approximately 2/3 of the way through a $10
within the Riverhead Sewer million dollar upgrade at the Calverton plant.
District boundaries. Thirteen
pumping stations convey the • Intermediate-Term Project- Currently progressing a “Sludge
wastewater to the treatment Conditioning” project to bring the bio-solids to a Class A standards,
plant and scavenger waste enabling the sludge to be disposed of as an unrestricted use such as
plant which are located on the compost, use on sod farms, pottery nurseries, or farming where the
same site, and eventually material will not come into direct contact with the agricultural
discharges into the Peconic product grown for consumption i.e., potatoes, carrots, etc., saving
Estuary. Also oversees the monies on refuge trucking fees. This project when completed is
Calverton Sewer District estimated to save $260,000/year.
(located on the old Grumman • Long Range Project- $8-9 million upgrade to the pump-station that
property) which consist of a serves the south west quadrant of the district. This pump station is
collection system and sewer next in line for upgrade, and follows suit for the normal upgrade
plant. Meets all schedule of all pump stations. Vacant property adjacent to the pump
Environmental Protection station has already been acquired to allow for the upgrade.
Agency (EPA), New York
State Department of • NYSDEC has increased the requirements for Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Conservation Operators (WTOs). To run a certain grade plant, in this case Plant
(NYSDEC), and Suffolk 4A, one must have an employee with a Grade 4A license. The
County Department of Health processes and scientific improvements involved in today’s
Services (SCDHS) regulations wastewater treatment are complex.
and guidelines.
Riverhead Water District 12/2/20 The primary goal of the • A water district such as Riverhead Water, unlike an Authority, i.e.,
Riverhead water district is to SCWA, requires NYSDEC approval for expansion of its
protect the public health of its infrastructure showing supply calculations and needs. However,
customers. The Water District there has not been an approval for expansion from NYSDEC in over
encompasses approximately twenty years. This approval process is currently holding up the
44.3 square miles, with 234 EPCAL redevelopment for the Town of Riverhead.
miles of water main pulling
• There needs to be a better way to foresee future development; the
supply from 17 active
water supply needs to be able to support proposed development. The

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Summary of Interviews

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

groundwater wells at 10 district is working on forming a policy to have large scale developers
separate well locations. There fund the additional infrastructure needed.
are 35,000 customers with • TOR water district does not have an automated ‘SCADA’ system
12,328 residential and similar to SCWA. The SCADA system allows remote monitoring of
commercial services. conditions while the existing system (manual) requires more on hand
employees. Therefore, if the COVID pandemic affects some district
employees, monitoring and supply would l be a large issue.
• New York State has recently added oversight of water supply and
has more stringent regulations then the EPA. This Agency is fairly
new, so it is yet to be seen what extra or necessary upgrades would
be required as the district moves forward.
• Summer irrigation needs place a substantial load onto the water
supply, controls or limits need to be in place to avoid overburdening
the system.
• There needs to be better coordination with NYSDOT roadway
reconstruction projects that require water main and hydrant offset
along with water main replacements.
• Sanitary sewer billing for the Riverhead Sewer District is a function
of the utilization. Sewer bills get paid directly to the tax receiver,
when questions come into the water district office about sewer
payments, District staff does not have access to what or who has
Riverhead Zoning Board of 4/14/21 The ZBA acts by giving • The ZBA tries to find balance when reviewing applications, to be
Appeals advice to property owners fair to both the Town and the property owner, as well as neighbors.
about the appeals process, and
• The Town was not built for the current and existing future
guiding them through the
population in terms of roadway, parking, and infrastructure capacity.
process. When an applicant
comes to the ZBA, the ZBA • There is no need for additional apartments Downtown due to traffic
tries to find a balance between congestion, lack of parking, as well as flooding problems.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

what someone may want to • Most developers would rather build as-of-right than go through the
build on their property and lengthy variance process.
what they can actually do with
• The ZBA reviews applications for small nonconforming lots on a
their property.
case-by-case basis; this issue should continue to be addressed on a
case-by-case basis.
• There may be a need for more uniform buildings/design guidelines
• There are approximately 4-5 appeals per meeting where it was up to
8-10 apps years ago. There are not many new home applications but
the ZBA is receiving applications for additions to existing structures.
Atlantis Holdings 3/24/21 The Aquarium is focused on • Maximizing the river with attractive access, retail and recreational
being an economic driver to opportunities and events is critical for an effective economic
bring traffic to a world-class development strategy.
resort town, and educating the
public and protecting the • Main Street storm drains and Cesspools are a problem for protecting
river. the river.
• A form-based code is needed to stimulate mixed-use development.
• The apartment cap should be eliminated to help create a customer base
and activate Downtown.
• Market-rate housing is needed to support Downtown businesses.
• The Town should market the waterfront area; host more events.
• The Town should support development at Calverton; high-tech
businesses and high-paying jobs are needed.
• Riverhead cannot compete with the other eastern towns; the Town
should attract unique retail/arts to create a unique destination and a
lively downtown.

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• A bike path is needed Downtown to stimulate economic development
and enhance quality of life for residents.

Riverhead Business Improvement 12/8/20 The mission of the Riverhead • The BID District is a geographical area of Downtown Riverhead that
District (BID) Business Improvement spans from East Main Street (approx. Town Hall) to the Suffolk
District (BID) is to expand County Historical Society on West Main Street, the north side of the
sustainable economic activity Peconic Riverfront to the Railroad tracks
in historic downtown
Riverhead, create and expand • More flexibility in zoning within the district is needed in terms of
business, and develop jobs for types of allowable uses
community residents. The • Success of the Downtown is reliant on safe streets
BID pursues grants and
marketing initiatives and, to a • Need more experiential/outdoor spaces
lesser extent, organizes • Suggest a Downtown cultural opportunity that recognizes the
events. Hispanic population
• Need a balance of housing affordability
• Need more lighting, street art
• Marketing is important
• Route 58 could be opportunity for entertainment/health and wellness
Riverhead Chamber of Commerce 12/7/20 The Riverhead Chamber of • Need more efficiency in the new building permit process
Commerce, Inc. is organized for
• More zoning flexibility is needed in terms of types of allowable uses
the purpose of advancing the
in the Town
Commercial, Industrial,
Agricultural, Civic, Tourism, • Solar projects should not be constructed on industrial land, which
Economic & Workforce would be better suited for vertical farming and job creation. Solar
Development and General should be placed on farmland or be agrivoltaics.
Interests of the Township of
Riverhead and outlying
communities within the Central

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

School District No. 2 within • Town needs to be more forward-thinking in terms of anticipating
Suffolk County. future development and its impact on infrastructure; need to engage
The primary objectives of the with agencies whose approvals are required for implementation
organization are to promote the
• HUD’s levels of affordability do not work in Riverhead or towns like
patronage of Riverhead
ours for the purposes of providing affordable housing
Businesses; promote the well
being of the Riverhead area; • The requirement to use prevailing wage/unions can be cost
promote positive public prohibitive to developing in Riverhead
awareness of Riverhead;
provide information about local
businesses and services and to
promote tourism with the
Tourism Outreach Program and
through collaborative efforts
with local organizations.
Long Island Farm Bureau 2/4/21 The main mission of the LIFB • The result of the pandemic has been positive for the majority of farmers
is to educate the public and in local retail. An increase of population from core urban areas has
help local farmers by shifted the consumer trends from large indoor retail to local outdoor
advocating for legislation. retail sales.
LIFB identifies itself as a • However, there is a noticeable decline in agricultural events impacting
lobby group that assists with small local businesses specializing in events, indoor facilities, or
issues on county, state, and partnerships with restaurant industries.
federal level.
• In general, farmers have always been supportive of the needy and of the
• Short- and long-term opportunities for farmland preservation include
preserving equity in farms, ensuring farmers are economically viable to
be able to continue to operate, and preserving remaining farmland
(approximately 5-6k acres). In the long-term, realize the benefits of
farmers to the surrounding community and prioritize agricultural

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operations. Prevent restrictive legislation in favor of residential areas
(e.g., noise restrictions).
• There is a need to prioritize the Town’s active farmland preservation
• Town can encourage farming and support farming operations by
allowing equipment/ farm building, and minimizing restrictions on retail
stands or products. Encourage tourism when farming operations are not
active and more so during the off-season.
• Solar panels on farmland is a good preservation tool for future farm use
as it has very little impact on the farmland, and this alternative operations
project can preserve farmland so it can be handed off to future
generations. The Town should encourage this alternative revenue
avenues for farmers where appropriate.
• The Town should discuss with private solar companies a plan to return
the land back to a farmer after the solar company leaves. The Farmland
Agricultural Advisory Committee advocates for solar on non-industrial
land; the TOR Code only allows for solar panels on industrial land.
• As the Town grows there is going to be increasing demand for
agricultural retail. It is important to preserve and maintain agriculture for
future use.
• The current trend of people moving out of the City may bring a different
set of living and social standards, such as a disregard for farming
operations because the residents do not understand what it takes to farm.
• There is pressure on government and farmers to prohibit farming
operations in favor of maintaining open space.
• In 2003, as a result of growing population, the Town upzoned farmland
from 1-acre to 2-acre zoning (per residence), and created the “Ag
Protection Zone,” which runs from Sound Ave to Route 25. This caused
the farmers to lose equity in their land.

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Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

• The TDR program has been in effect since 2003, and has preserved
approximately 400 acres, which is insufficient. The TDR program is
costly for developers and the Town sometimes prioritizes development.
The TDR program requires changes: in order to sell the development
rights the farmer needs to get a certificate, which requires the farmer to
preserve the land forever. If the TDR program dissolves, the farmers are
stuck because of the deed, which is a major problem for farmers.
Currently, farmers with certificates have been unsuccessful in selling
certificates because there is no market for the TDR program.
• The Master Plan Update should address the current prioritization of Pine
Barrens preservation over the TDR program.
• The TDR/Farmland Preservation breakout committee should include the
original TDR Committee, the Farmland Preservation Committee, the
Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Planning Board.
• Other tools for farmland preservation include “formalized cluster
subdivisions;” Planned Development District; voluntary preservation;
and TDR bank to purchase rights from farmers.
Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) 1/13/21 To support the Region, and all • The LIRR operates on a 5-year Capital Plan (2020 thru 2024).
Long Island municipalities, in Planning for the next capital plan (2025 thru 2029) will begin in
getting the public to work as 2022; specific future improvement projects would be in that plan.
well as supporting tourism to • Currently no capital projects within the Town have been identified.
New York City and Long • The LIRR has completed a study to relocate the Yaphank train
Island’s East End via station to the east. Two sites were identified: the first west of
passenger rail. Maintaining William Floyd Parkway and the second in the vicinity of
and expanding LIRR system Brookhaven National Laboratory. The study is on hold. Access to
to serve future development the latter site could add traffic to Town roads. Although
on Long Island. electrification from Ronkonkoma east to Yaphank is being
considered, there is no funding currently available for that, nor for
parking at a relocated station.

April 22, 2021 18

Summary of Interviews

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

• Providing enhanced LIRR service in Riverhead during summer and
fall tourist seasons would be difficult due to a single track, and the
first priority for available train equipment is to restore the South
Fork Commuter Connection (additional trains for commuters to
• Freight capacity can be increased by adding cars to the current
freight trains (four per day). New York and Atlantic Railway
provides freight service on LIRR tracks between New York City
and Southold. There is a freight siding at Calverton, providing
service to the Calverton Executive Airpark. About a half dozen
other, minor sidings exist in the Town.
New York State Department of 1/19/21 Deliver the Capital Program. • The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists all significant
Transportation (NYDOT) Maintain and operate existing capital projects on Long Island in the short term. NYMTC (the
facilities. Deliver and Regional Planning Organization for NY City, Long Island and the
administer local Federal aid Lower Hudson Valley) prepares a Regional Transportation Plan in
projects. 5-year increments. Plan 2045 is currently in effect, the draft Plan
2050 Plan is being updated, and draft employment and population
forecasts are being developed for Plan 2055. Improvements in the
Town of Riverhead include:
­ Other than maintenance-type projects, no major highway capacity
improvement projects are in current NYMTC plans for
­ Left turn lanes will be added on all approaches to the NY
25/Edwards Avenue intersection; the project is scheduled for
construction in 2023.
Northwell Health Peconic Bay 1/8/21 The hospital’s primary • Northwell Hospital is one of the largest employers on Long Island
Medical Center goal/role is to address (especially due to its expansion), and its service area continues to
emergency and community expand.
health needs.

19 April 22, 2021

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

• Significant capital improvements are ongoing including the
Northwell Health Peconic Bay Medical Center Master Plan.
• The population continues to age on the East End, which results in the
need for the Medical Center to provide more services for the elderly.
• The McGann-Mercy acquisition has provided additional (much
needed) space for the hospital.
• Trying to find and recruit young talent is an issue because of the
rising cost of living in the Town (and across Long Island).
• The biggest challenge that the Town will face in the next 15 years is
affordable housing for healthcare workers (whether or not we will
have a young workforce to draw from) and also where seniors will
live due to lack of senior homes.
• While the Northwell Hospital is always open, the types of services
vary by time of year. For example, during the summer/tourism
months, there are more significant levels of “treat and
release/emergency room” services provided.
Riverhead School District 1/21/21 The mission of the Riverhead • For fiscal year 2020/2021 the pandemic has changed the way the
Central School District is to school district has operated in the past in terms of administration and
inspire and academically student instruction.
empower all students to
become tomorrow’s leaders • The priority since September (2020) has been to have face-to-face
by: developing their unique instruction as much as possible, whether remotely or in person.
gifts and potential; providing • Over the past 10 years the Town has seen population growth, which
an environment that fosters has put a capacity strain on the school district. Space is a major
integrity, creativity, and concern now and into the future.
respect; and, ensuring that
students become successful, • The Town used to accommodate more of the School District
workforce/blue-collar jobs (e.g., janitors, bus drivers, food service

April 22, 2021 20

Summary of Interviews

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

contributing citizens in a workers, etc.). Now fewer people can afford to live here. Largely, the
global community. Mastic Beach area is where the [school] workforce currently resides.
• The Town needs to work closely with the school district because any
major residential development occurring in the Town will have a
significant impact on school enrollment and capacity.
• The pandemic has resulted in a temporary reduction in attendance
within buildings due to social distancing protocols, which is positive
in that students have more space.
• The pandemic has made the entire school district much more
technologically advanced. Now all classrooms are equipped with the
necessary technology equipment to teach virtually. The school
district is slowly equipping all students with one-to-one devices so
the students can work remotely.
• Although remote learning has been working, human interaction (in-
person learning) is so important and for the success of students.
Suffolk County Department of 1/28/21 The Department of Economic • Farmland preservation is important and needs to be balanced with
Economic Development and Development and Planning other Town priorities
Planning assists and promotes the
development, growth, and • Recommend addressing long-range planning and climate change
retention of a broad mix of plans
industry clusters that facilitate • Explore areas for TOD Downtown around transit/train stations to
job opportunities and private support mass transit and provide affordable and workforce housing.
capital investment. Through
implementation of various • Suffolk County supports the Town’s newly adopted Downtown TOD
technical and financing Overlay District
programs the department acts • Providing a range of housing types/housing for neurodiverse is
as a one-stop resource for all important
type of business sectors and
their respective needs. The • The County is supportive of parking reduction strategies

21 April 22, 2021

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Department/ Stakeholder Interview Role Summary of Issues and Opportunities

County supports workforce • Connect LI is an important Countywide transportation initiative; also
housing, tourism, and biking (County has Hike-Bike Master Plan)
downtown revitalization,
which support the quality of • Riverhead is an important locational asset/hub of the two forks
life residents have come to • There are opportunities to reuse big box (e.g., residential or micro
enjoy and expect. apartments)
• Improving water quality through minimizing nitrogen run-off is an
important objective (e.g., innovative and alternative on-site
wastewater treatment system [I/A OWTS]).
Suffolk County Department of 1/19/21 Roles include County • The County’s current Capital Program lists all highway projects.
Public Works (SCDPW) Highway Maintenance,
County Highway • The County feels that Downtown revitalization plans for the
Improvements, and Dredging Riverhead business district are encouraging and well-suited. Growth
and Beach Nourishment. in the downtown will help alleviate demand for growth in the
Goals are as follows: periphery, making better use of existing infrastructure and supporting
maintain, and when possible more investments in mass transit.
improve, Traffic Safety and • Maintaining transit access will be a priority for SCDPW. Town-wide,
Mobility for all roadway expanding bike facilities in accordance with Suffolk County’s Hike
users; maintain waterway and Bike Master Plan will guide decision-making on County
access through County roadways.
channel templates; Provide
public bus transportation • There may be possible expansion of Microtransit bus service in less
service within the Town, densely populated areas of the Town in place of fixed route bus
including paratransit service service.
for the disabled and elderly, • DPW/Transportation will address requests for increased bus service
serving major trip generators as projects develop and demand arises.
and population centers.

April 22, 2021 22

Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
Aquebogue has a dark sky advisory committee. Many businesses are not compliant with dark 
Aquebogue Other  Lighting sky; signage is concerning. 
Aquebogue Other  Vision statement The plan update should include a vision statement developed with community input.
Main Road in Aquebogue appears to be in the HC district (previously BC). Why is the chocolate 
Aquebogue Other  Zoning factory in RLC as opposed to BC?
Aquebogue; Jamesport; 
Laurel; Northville; South  The plan update needs to include resources for law and code enforcement (e.g., noise, zoning, 
Jamesport  Housing and Community Facilities Police/Law enforcement speeding on side roads used as bypasses). 
Aquebogue; Jamesport; 
Laurel; Northville; South  Zoning in areas east of Route 105 should have the goal of preserving the rural corridor and the 
Jamesport  Other  Zoning rural character of the area; special permits should be limited.
Aquebogue; Jamesport; 
Laurel; Northville; South  Denser housing is more affordable, better for the environment, and better for meeting the 
Jamesport; Downtown  Environmental Protection and Sustainability Housing needs of the Town's residents.
There is a need for housing for young people. So much of the Town's housing is unaffordable. 
Zoning restrictions should be lifted to allow for denser, more walkable neighborhoods. 
Aquebogue; Jamesport;  Eliminate setbacks, parking minimums and other barriers to affordable workforce housing. 
Laurel; Northville; South  Denser housing is more affordable, better for the environment, and better for meeting the 
Jamesport; Downtown  Housing and Community Facilities Housing needs of the Town's residents.
Aquebogue; Jamesport; 
Laurel; Northville; South 
Jamesport; Downtown  Transportation Pedestrians and bicycles Zoning restrictions should be lifted to allow for denser, more walkable neighborhoods.

Aquebogue; Northville;  How were the hamlet boundaries shown on the maps determined? The boundary lines are not 
Jamesport; South  correct. There should be input from the community to help place the lines correctly, in keeping 
Jamesport; Laurel Other  Hamlet Boundaries with how actual residents think of their hamlet boundaries. How can this happen?
Aquebogue; Northville; 
Jamesport; South  The Town needs to reach out for more community feedback; get input from all. How is the 
Jamesport; Laurel Other  Outreach Town getting more people involved? How is the Town reaching the unhoused population?
Aquebogue; Northville; 
Jamesport; South  The Town should retain rural character and strengthen the zoning code to require that 
Jamesport; Laurel TDR/Farmland Preservation Rural character buildings on rural properties should be rural in nature.
Flooding along the Long Island Sound from storm events is an issue, particularly near the 
Baiting Hollow Environmental Protection and Sustainability Flooding bluffs.
Baiting Hollow Farm has an application before the Planning Board for a 6,000‐sf wine bar; it is 
believed that the developer intends to use this space for wedding receptions. Some residents 
Baiting Hollow Environmental Protection and Sustainability Open space preservation want open space and want to stop development where it doesn't belong.
The draft eastern boundary of Baiting Hollow is currently in the middle of a residential 
development. The Town should consider moving this line to the east to include the 
Baiting Hollow Other Hamlet Boundaries development in its entirety.

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Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
There are concerns over the Baiting Hollow vineyard expanding due to an existing parking 
shortage and pedestrian safety concerns with people walking between businesses and traffic 
Baiting Hollow Transportation Safety on Sound Avenue, which is a narrow road. 
Baiting Hollow Transportation Traffic Traffic along Sound Avenue is an issue.
Baiting Hollow; Calverton Environmental Protection and Sustainability Flooding Flooding along Sound Avenue is an issue.
Mill Road north of Home Depot floods consistently. There's a drain there that may not be 
Calverton Environmental Protection and Sustainability Flooding working properly. In winter it freezes causing traffic safety hazards.
Calverton Environmental Protection and Sustainability Flooding There is a flooding issue on Fresh Pond Avenue at Route 25.
The Town should consider requiring buffers around solar development to preserve open 
Calverton Environmental Protection and Sustainability Open Space space. 
The location on Shade Tree Lane is difficult for Calverton residents to access. Meetings should 
Calverton Other Outreach be held at Riley Avenue School.
Calverton Other Zoning What is the Industrial B Zoning District? What is Hamlet Center (HC)?
There should be a new specific zoning district for solar development, or the Town should make 
Calverton Other Zoning clear whether these uses are allowed in the Industrial Zones. 
Can the Town change the zoning from Industrial B to Hamlet Center (HC) to be more in line 
Calverton Other Zoning with rural character?
Calverton Other Zoning What is the Planned Development (PD) Zoning?
The Town should decide what it wants for Edwards Avenue and Route 25/Middle Country 
Calverton Other  Zoning Road in terms of whether it should be built out with industrial and solar uses or not.
Calverton Route 58 and Economic Development EPCAL The Town should not assume that the EPCAL sale is final.
Calverton Route 58 and Economic Development EPCAL The Town needs a long‐term vision for EPCAL.
There should be smaller retail shops in Calverton. The existing and proposed 
industrial/commercial uses including Calverton Commons shopping center, HK Ventures, and 
ECPAL would be ideal spots for retail food offerings. The zoning should restrict the size of 
Calverton Route 58 and Economic Development Retail allowable retail buildings in these zones.

Calverton TDR/Farmland Preservation Farmland preservation It will be important to protect farmland on the rural roads.

River Road/Edwards Avenue intersection is a problem for vehicles crossing Edwards Avenue 
Calverton Transportation Highway from River Road.
NYSDOT improvements on 
Calverton Transportation Middle Country Road When will the NYSDOT improvements on Middle Country Road at Edwards Avenue be done? 
Pedestrian and bikes (Bike 
Calverton Transportation paths) Additional bike paths at EPCAL would be beneficial. 
Pedestrian and bikes  There is frustration about not being able to walk around the community due to the patchwork 
Calverton Transportation (Sidewalks) of sidewalks.
Calverton Transportation Traffic There is a traffic issue at Fresh Pond Avenue.
Policy 5.5A of the 2003 Comprehensive Plan is aimed at identifying scenic corridors. The Town 
needs stronger Rural Corridor zoning for protection of these roads/areas. There are 8 corridors 
Calverton; Baiting Hollow Environmental Protection and Sustainability Scenic quality in the Calverton/Baiting Hollow area.

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Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
The Town needs to address how flooding from severe storms will be managed at the new 
Downtown Environmental Protection and Sustainability Flooding Town Square.
Historic preservation is important. New buildings should be tied with the historic architecture 
Downtown Environmental Protection and Sustainability Historic architecture of the neighborhood.
There is noise on Second Street from businesses/music; what is the noise regulation for this 
Downtown Environmental Protection and Sustainability Noise area?
Downtown Environmental Protection and Sustainability Recycling Recycling containers are needed Downtown.

Downtown Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water/sewer infrastructure The Riverhead sewage treatment plant has more than enough capacity for 500 apartments.

Downtown Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water/sewer infrastructure The sewer infrastructure is overloaded from multiple household rentals (overcrowded, dense)

The Town should eliminate the apartment cap in the DC‐1 Zoning Use District. This will help to 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Apartment Cap address public safety. 
It is important to raise the apartment cap in the DC‐1 Zoning Use District. About half of the 
number of allowable apartments have been built and the Downtown is not yet halfway 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Apartment Cap revitalized.
The apartment cap is problematic because you need to have a residential population 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Apartment Cap downtown to keep eyes on the street and take care of the neighborhood.
5‐story buildings have no character. The Town needs housing but it doesn't have to be 5 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Building heights stories.

Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Housing The Town needs housing options other than single‐family homes which can be cost prohibitive. 

The DC‐3 Zoning Use District does not allow apartments; it allows townhomes. More flexibility 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Housing to build a variety of housing types is desired.
Residential buildings downtown help to bring people to the area and put eyes on the street 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Housing 24/7.
Housing is needed Downtown to support downtown revitalization. However, other uses are 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Housing need as well.
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Safety There is loitering Downtown; people sleeping on benches; no enforcement.
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Schools The schools are at capacity.
The Town needs short‐term rentals or to reduce the minimum stay allowed (to 14 days or 
less). This would help to support the businesses/restaurants Downtown. For example, the old 
Victorian homes on Second Street could be used for short‐term rentals which will help with 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Short‐term rentals downtown revitalization.
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Signage/Safety The Town needs to change the perception that downtown is unsafe. 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities Signage/Safety Putting cameras downtown will help to reduce crime. 
What are the three proposed projects that were submitted in response to the Railroad Street 
TOD Redevelopment RFQ? If apartments, will they be built in accordance with the Pattern 
Downtown Housing and Community Facilities TOD Redevelopment Book?
The 5‐story buildings downtown do not reflect the historic character of the neighborhood. The 
Downtown Other Zoning Town must zone to direct future development.

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Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
The Town should allow the sale of recreational cannabis downtown. Approximately 60‐70% of 
1,400 survey respondents want the sale of cannabis to be legal and want cafes on Main Street. 
The Town should limit the sale/café to one storefront each on Main Street with a sunset clause 
in 3 years to draw people in. The Town would benefit from the revenues that could be put 
toward police, schools, etc. This use would also draw customers to other Main Street 
Downtown Other Zoning businesses.
Downtown Other Zoning Can the Town describe the TOD Overlay District?

The Town needs an overall strategy to strengthen Downtown businesses. The Town should 
Downtown Route 58 and Economic Development Business consider its unique assets and how to best utilize the waterfront and its historic character.
The Town should consider a specialty grocery store Downtown. Developers have said that the 
Town doesn't have the necessary population base, but it would draw customers from the 
Downtown Route 58 and Economic Development Retail/Retail reuse North and South Forks as well as from the Town of Riverhead. 
Downtown Transportation Parking If we want to bring people downtown, does it make sense to redevelop the parking lot?
Downtown Transportation Pedestrians/bikes Downtown is changing from being parking‐oriented to more pedestrian‐oriented.
There is more traffic Downtown post‐pandemic, with less people travelling on LIRR. The LIE 
traffic starts from Exit 68 (pre‐pandemic traffic started on Exit 62). The transportation 
Downtown Transportation Traffic presentation should be updated for post‐pandemic conditions.

Downtown; Riverhead Housing and Community Facilities Housing Pulaski St. and Osborne Ave. in Polish Town is the location of a successful apartment project.

How is ongoing development in Riverside, Town of Southampton being considered in the plan 
Downtown; Riverhead Housing and Community Facilities Town of Southampton update?
Restrictions on signage is problem for real and perceived safety Downtown and elsewhere in 
the Town. A dark sky also poses traffic and pedestrian safety issues. Signs should be 
Downtown; Riverhead Other Signage/Safety illuminated with old‐fashioned lighting. 
Peconic Bay Medical Center was rezoned to Hospital in 2015 from residential. They bought 
Mercy High School and have plans to use that property; they would like to see it rezoned to 
Downtown; Riverhead Other Zoning Hospital.
There is a destination retail zone on Route 58 that requires a large store; with online shopping 
this type of store is obsolete/no longer needed in the Town. The Town should consider 
Downtown; Riverhead Other Zoning absorbing that zone into the Business CR zoning district.
The CRC Zoning Use District was mean to support residential development but it hasn't been 
Downtown; Riverhead Other Zoning realized.
Boutique stores compete with Tanger Outlets. People tend to shop on Route 58, not 
Downtown. The Town needs to build on the Town Square concept to formulate an economic 
development strategy for Downtown. Family‐oriented activities and recreational cannabis 
Downtown; Riverhead Route 58 and Economic Development Retail/Retail reuse sales should be considered.
The comprehensive plan needs to consider future trends in retail. The vacant retail buildings 
Downtown; Riverhead Route 58 and Economic Development Retail/Retail reuse on Route 58 can be reused for a variety of purposes and needs. 
Downtown; Riverhead Route 58 and Economic Development Vacant buildings An inventory of the Town's commercial properties is needed to identify vacant area.
Can we alleviate traffic on Route 58? Middle Road has become a bypass and can't handle the 
Downtown; Riverhead Transportation Traffic/Route 58 traffic.

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Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
Jamesport Environmental Protection and Sustainability Environmental protection The plan should prioritize environmental protection.
The plan update should include goals toward making lawns more "eco‐friendly" (i.e., free from 
Jamesport Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water resources fertilizer or pesticides) to protect water resources.
How much water do we have in aquifer? How much can we safely use/take out? We don't 
Jamesport Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water supply have an infinite supply. We can't overuse or it will turn salty. 

Jamesport Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water/sewer infrastructure A property's septic system information should be included in the real estate transfer deed.

The Comp Plan should examine how the Town Community Center in Jamesport could be an 
Jamesport Housing and Community Facilities Community center asset; it is poorly maintained and could be better utilized with more programing.
Law enforcement questions on the survey "skimmed the surface" of these issues. Town needs 
to consider more resources for code enforcement. The Town needs to enforce the noise codes; 
noise is a huge problem due to agritainment uses and catering halls; speeding on "bypass" 
Jamesport Housing and Community Facilities Law enforcement roadways, Airbnb's are also an issue.
In addition to Jamesport Beach, there is also a Town Marina in Jamesport, it's use and how it 
Jamesport Housing and Community Facilities Parks and recreation can be leveraged as an asset should be considered in the Comp Plan.
Jamesport Other Outreach The Jamesport meeting should be repeated due to technical issues. 
Jamesport hardware is currently in Aquebogue; see the Jamesport zoning from the 2003 Comp 
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries Plan; the RLC Zone goes west to Tuthills Lane
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries The Jamesport hamlet boundary is incorrect. 
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries The Jamesport hamlet boundary is incorrect.
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries The Jamesport hamlet boundary is a concern.
What are the implications of redistricting a portion of Jamesport to Aquebogue? There is 
concern that services in Jamesport will no longer be available if residents are now in 
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries Aquebogue.
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries What are the next steps for correcting the Jamesport hamlet boundary?
The draft Jamesport hamlet boundary is incorrect. Some properties are now in Aquebogue. 
Also, the Jamesport Hardware and Jamesport Country Store should be in Jamesport, not 
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries Aquebogue.
The draft Jamesport hamlet boundary is incorrect. The Town should not rely on the census 
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries boundary.
The Greater Jamesport Civic Association would like to work with the Town on the hamlet 
Jamesport Other  Hamlet Boundaries boundaries.
The Town has not promoted these meetings enough; need to inform people with adequate 
Jamesport Other  Outreach notice. Requested second meeting for these hamlets.
Jamesport Other  Vision statement How do we establish priorities?
Special permit requirements need to be tightened. Agritainment venues need to be 
Jamesport Other  Zoning incorporated into the zoning code.
Jamesport Other  Zoning Is the Town trying to expand commenrcial uses to the East? On Route 25?
Jamesport Other  Zoning There is too much spot zoning in Jamesport.

Jamesport Other  Zoning Shops should not included as an allowed use in the Rural Corridor (RLC) Zoning Use District.

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The Greater Jamesport Civic Association would like to work with the Town on the zoning of the 
Jamesport Other  Zoning area.
The wineries, new restaurants with outdoor dining, agri‐businesses and other emerging 
Adverse effects from  business opportunities are positive for the economy, but these uses have adverse effects 
outdoor  associated with them too. Those adverse effects need to be identified and ways to mitigate 
Jamesport Route 58 and Economic Development dining/agritainment them should be identified in the Comp Plan.
Jamesport Route 58 and Economic Development Retail reuse Retail should not be expanded farther east into the Town's rural hamlets.
Jamesport TDR/Farmland Preservation Farmland preservation The plan should address farmland preservation.
Jamesport TDR/Farmland Preservation Rural character Preserving the rural character of the hamlet is important. 
Jamesport TDR/Farmland Preservation Zoning Many uses on farmland are nonconforming retail /non‐Agricultural uses.
Roads such as Peconic Bay Blvd. are used by bicyclists for recreation and commuting; need to 
alert motorists that bikes are in the roadway. Safety issue of using this as a "by‐pass" for Main 
Jamesport Transportation Bicycles rouadways.

There is speeding on roads that are categorized as "bypasses." Related safety issues as people 
Jamesport Transportation Bypasses use these same roads for biking, walking and running, this conflicting use should be addressed.
There's been an influx of restaurants/businesses along Main Road without adequate parking 
Jamesport Transportation Parking and sidewalks provided. 
A developer is buying up numerous properties and is now the second largest landowner in 
Jamesport; Aquebogue Route 58 and Economic Development Development Jameport/Aquebogue.
RB‐80 zoning should remain and not be a receiving area that increases density. TDR Program 
Jamesport; Laurel TDR/Farmland Preservation Receiving areas  to be expanded to RB‐80 in Jamesport and Laurel.
Manorville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Drinking water supply The Town should prioritize getting clean water for the people of Manorville. 
Manorville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Drinking water supply There are emerging groundwater contaminants in Manorville and across Long Island.
The Town is addressing the water quality issue in Manorville. The Town held a Water Forum 
on 9/22/21 and is on the verge of getting a grant from the federal government to address the 
problem. The Town has to match 20 percent of all grants received. The cost is estimated at $9 
Manorville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Drinking water supply million.

When will the Town do something regarding contamination of private water wells in 
Manorville? It is important to get clean water for Manorville as soon as possible. There needs 
Manorville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Drinking water supply to be discussions with Suffolk County Water Authority and the Town of Brookhaven.

The Town has plenty of water but needs infrastructure to supply public drinking water to the 
homes in Manorville. This is estimated to cost $9 million. The Town is seeking a grant from the 
federal government to cover a portion of the costs. The appropriations committee is reviewing 
a proposed Town bond. Once funding is approved, H2M will design it; it will require about 8 
months of building infrastructure for the Town to bring water to the residents' homes. SCWA is 
Manorville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Drinking water supply not offering individual hookups. This will be not result in any cost to taxpayers.
Town is pursuing grants for expanding water district to areas south and east of EPCAL where 
Manorville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water/sewer infrastructure contamination has been identified.

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Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
The Town should ensure that the industrial zoning is not expanded to the areas surrounding 
the United Riverhead petroleum storage (Terminal) (URT) facility and that it remains 
residential. (URT recently purchased 5 large residential properties adjacent to thier existing 
Northville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Industrial zoning property, we don't want to see those be rezoned industrial.) 
Town should consider an Overlay district on the Historic Sound Avenue Corridor to protect 
Northville Environmental Protection and Sustainability Zoning Open Space, the rural character of the area, and to address noise issues.
Why is Northville being made its own hamlet? It should be combined with Aquebogue or 
otherwise much smaller than represented. Consider the following boundaries: Sound Avenue 
Northville Other  Hamlet Boundaries north to Pier Avenue.
The 2003 plan update included a visioning process. How did that plan help the Town, or what 
fell through the cracks? That plan also had a specific delineation of the commercial areas of 
Northville Other  Vision statement the hamlets that needs to be tightened up.
Riverhead Environmental Protection and Sustainability Habitat Protection of habitat needs more consideration.
Riverhead Environmental Protection and Sustainability Open Space The Town should consider rezoning industrial areas to protect open space.

Riverhead Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water/sewer infrastructure There needs to be discussion of providing sewers at Roanoke Landing.

There needs to be a limit to apartments complexes which can have adverse effects. Other 
towns need to share the need to provide diverse housing options. Riverhead cannot sustain 
the number of apartments being added to the school district in neighboring towns (i.e., 
Riverhead Housing and Community Facilities Apartments Southampton). 
Riverhead cannot handle the influx of students coming from neighboring school districts (e.g., 
Southampton has seen a 30 percent decline in student population, while Riverhead is 
experiencing the opposite). Riverhead should work with the Town of Southampton on 
Riverhead Housing and Community Facilities School District potential solutions.
Adopt a small lot law similar to Southampton that has a "3/10" and "4/10" provision reducing 
rear yard by 3/10 and side yard by 4/10 based upon lot width and depth. Delete "DRC" in code; 
it requires 10,000‐sf buildings on Route 58, which are obsolete; convert DRC to BC. Permit 
Veteran housing in all zoning districts. Permit "school" uses in more zoning districts (e.g., 
vocational schools should be permitted in Industrial and PIP zoning districts). Allow more uses 
Riverhead Other Zoning in PIP zoning districts.
Riverhead Route 58 and Economic Development Retail/Retail reuse Reuse of vacant stores should be prioritized over clearing land for new buildings.
Big and bold stores are more appropriate on Route 58, without cutting down trees, compared 
Riverhead Route 58 and Economic Development Retail/Retail reuse to Downtown. 
Delete "DRC" in code; it requires 10,000‐sf buildings on Route 58, which are obsolete; convert 
Riverhead Route 58 and Economic Development Zoning DRC to BC. 
A portion of grant money for projects around the train station will incorporate paths from the 
Riverhead Transportation Pedestrians/bikes train station to the new development.
South Jamesport;  Department of Consumer  The Town should incorporate a Department of Consumer Affairs into its plan to serve as a 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Affairs liaison with the community regarding housing affordability. 
South Jamesport;  The Town should conduct outreach to those who work in the Town but cannot afford to live 
Townwide Other  Outreach here.

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The 2003 plan did not mention climate change. The Town needs to address the effects of 
climate change. The Town should appoint a consultant to work on the completing the Climate 
Smart Community Program. If the Town can achieve Bronze level it will provide more 
opportunities for grants. There are 11 issues that the Town can incorporate into the 
comprehensive plan update to achieve bronze level of certification, including 1) 
Comprehensive Plan with Sustainability Elements (3‐21 points); 2) Climate Vulnerability 
Assessment (4‐16 points); 3) Climate Resilience Vision (3 points); 4) Climate Smart Resiliency 
Planning (6 points); 5) Climate Adaption Strategies (2‐8 points); 6) Climate Resiliency in Local 
Plans and Projects (under review); 7) Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates (under review); 8) 
Watershed Assessment (2‐6 points); 9) Strategic Relocation Out of Flood‐prone Areas (under 
review); 10) Nature‐based Shoreline Protection (under review); and 11) Consideration of Sea‐
level Rise in Coastal Development (under review). The Town may be able to get credit for all 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Climate Change the carbon dioxide it is removing from the atmosphere through its solar energy projects.
The Town needs to manage wild fires, especially in the Pine Barrens and during drought, and in 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Climate change (Wild Fires) light of the planned development at EPCAL.
The Town should consider net zero retrofits. The Town should work with NYSDEC on the 
Climate change; renewable  Climate Smart Communities program. The Town needs to secure grants to address climate 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability energy change and renewable energy and achieve bronze level certification. 
The Town must terminate the Triple Five contract to protect critcially endangered habitat at 
EPCAL, and provide development opportunities for Town residents and businesses. The 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability EPCAL original 50‐lot subdivision would be a good start.
The Town was working on a Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP) that was 98 percent 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability LWRP complete at one time that the consultants should be aware of.
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Offshore Wind What are the benefits of offshore wind for the Town of Riverhead?
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Open Space The protection of open space is important. 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Open Space Development should not come at the expense of cutting down trees.
The Town should collaborate with Peconic Estuary Partnership regarding their comprehensive 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Peconic Estuary Partnership management plan.

The CLCPA was mentioned. What is the Town doing with the building code to reduce emissions 
by 50 percent in just 5 years? Are we considering townwide retrofits to meet 2030 goals? 
Building space heating and cooling is responsible for 40 percent of carbon emissions. Building 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Renewable Energy retrofits also provides jobs, mentorships, and trainings and is being done all across the U.S.
The Town needs to preserve open space and scenic quality in accordance with the goals of the 
2003 Comp. Plan. The Town Boards are there not to approve development but to assess 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Scenic quality whether it belongs. 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Scenic quality Is AKRF aware of the State's process for designating scenic corridors?
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Scenic quality There is a need to define "scenic" versus "historic."
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Scenic/historic corridors The Town should consider the designation of scenic/historic roads that limit their use.

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Section 5 of the 2003 Comp. Plan describes protecting visual quality; 18 corridors were 
identified that should be considered including Edwards Avenue. Solar does not enhance scenic 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Scenic/visual quality quality; it inhibits the view of the scenic corridor, which conflicts with the intent of the plan. 

Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water/sewer infrastructure The Town needs the water infrastructure to keep pace with development. 

Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Solar moratorium The Town should consider a solar moratorium until the comprehensive plan is adopted. 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Solid waste Most of the waste in this country is shipped overseas; is the Town looking at this issue?
None of the Town's waste is shipped overseas. The majority goes to Covanta and is 
incinerated. Recycling goes to Islip and then may be sold overseas as a commodity. Glass is not 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Solid waste recycled on Long Island.
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Solid waste The Town should look into establishing a glass repurposing facility. 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Solid waste The Town is updating its Solid Waste Management Plan
Recyclable waste goes to Islip's Facility for transport to Brookhaven's sorting facility. Non‐
recyclable waste goes to Covanta Incinerator in Nassau, and ash goes to Brookhaven Landfill. 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Solid waste Need a glass repurposing facility to wash glass so it can be recycled.
There are contaminant's in the Town's landfill. There are a lot of emerging contaminants on 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Solid waste Long Island.
Will the comprehensive plan update project water/sewer demands based on current 
Townwide Environmental Protection and Sustainability Water/sewer infrastructure conditions or past trends?

The Affordable Housing Memo dated August 3, 2021 did not include any rental units in the DC‐
3 Zoning Use District (e.g., 205 Osborne Avenue, which was recently proposed, or the potential 
apartments from the TOD overlay build‐out). The Town needs to look at affordable housing 
from a regional perspective. To what degree are the other towns meeting their demands? The 
Town of Southampton is adding 1,700 rental units in Riverside in the Riverhead School District, 
which will have impacts in Riverhead (e.g., traffic). Despite documentation that the Town can 
meet the demand through 2040, the memo concludes with the suggestion that the Town may 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Affordable Housing  wish to add 300‐500 new designated affordable units. 
It is not evident how the analysis supports the conclusion that "a nominal amount of new 
designated, affordable housing would help to meet the existing and future needs of lower‐
income populations over the analysis period.” Similarly the last sentence of the report, 
"However, the Town may wish to add up to 300‐500 new designated affordable units over the 
planning period to meet the needs of the existing and future lower‐income populations." is not 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Affordable Housing  substantiated.
Is the Town thinking of implementing another cap on the number of additional units allowed 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Apartment Cap in areas outside of the DC‐1 Zoning Use District?
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Assisted living There is a need for assisted living to support the Town's aging/senior population.

Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Fire services Will the Town consider expansion of fire services as well as fixed or partial paid firefighters?

The homeless population is not going anywhere and needs to be addressed. The plan should 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Homeless/Impoverished prioritize the most impoverished.

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Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Housing Will the housing elements of the three proposed projects be compliant with the Pattern Book?

Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Housing The plan should address the need for housing for young people. 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Safety Safety should be addressed, including numbers of officers needed in a police department. 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Schools Overcrowding in schools is an issue.
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Schools The Town should collaborate with Cornell.

Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Short‐term rentals The Town needs to ensure that the existing housing stock does not become short‐term rentals. 

Will safety be considered in the comprehensive plan update? Safety needs to keep pace with 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Signage/Safety development. 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Speed limit enforcement How do we get the Town police to enforce the speed limits and truck weight limits?
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Speed limit enforcement Residents can contact the Riverhead Police Department to report speed limit violations.
The Town should reach out to the unhoused population and those that are in or recently 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Unhoused population  released from the criminal justice system, to get their input into the plan update.
The Town should collaborate with Cornell on higher education opportunities, and invlove them 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Universities in the Comp Plan as the State's Land Grant Institution active in this area. 
There were two veteran houses; one owned by a 501(c) organization and other owned by 
individual who rented it out; the house closed because the property owner put it up for sale; 
Townwide Housing and Community Facilities Veteran housing veterans were displaced. There's a need for veterans housing. 
Townwide Other 2003 Comp Plan Goals How would the Town rate the success of the 2003 Comp Plan overall?

We are updating the 2003 plan; this is not a new plan. We need to look at what was addressed 
in the 2003 plan. Section 5 p. 15 includes Goal 5.5 to protect scenic quality. The Town 
identified Edwards Avenue as a scenic corridor but this is not being taken into consideration as 
700 acres in this area are developed with solar energy installations. We are getting off track 
Townwide Other 2003 Comp Plan Goals with respect to the goals for preserving scenic quality from the 2003 Comp. Plan.
The purpose of the project is to update the 2003 Comp. Plan, not create a new one. It is 
Townwide Other 2003 Comp Plan Goals important to look back at those goals. 
The Town should revisit the 2003 Comprehensive Plan goals to see which may have been 
Townwide Other 2003 Comprehensive Plan  completed and which are no longer or still needed.
The Central Advisory Committee is heavy with developer and business interests and less 
focused on open space preservation. Syd Bail was appointed to make sure that the civics have 
Townwide Other Advisory Committee a seat.
Is the Town focused on getting grants to complete projects that were identified in the 2003 
Townwide Other Grants Comp. Plan?
Townwide Other Historic Sound Avenue is considered a historic corridor and should be treated as one.
Townwide Other Outreach Events should be held closer to the hamlets that are the focus of the presentation. 
The advisory committee has not met since February. Syd Bail will be a voice for open space 
Townwide Other Outreach preservation. 
Townwide Other Outreach Will the residents be part of the new visioning process?
Townwide Other Outreach Has thought been given to moving the community meetings closer to the hamlets?
Townwide Other Outreach/Survey A 250 response rate for the survey is not good. 

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Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
Townwide Other Outreach/Survey Did the Town consider direct mail for the survey?
The Town needs to be able to qualify the survey data to make sure each response is from a 
Townwide Other Outreach/Survey unique individual.
Townwide Other Outreach/Survey Will the survey be kept open until the demographics is collected?
Townwide Other Outreach/Survey Are the stakeholder interviews posted on the project website?
Townwide Other Outreach/Survey 250 responses to the comprehensive plan update survey is not a good response rate. 
The comprehensive plan update survey has achieved a 1 percent response rate and the survey 
Townwide Other Outreach/Survey is still open.
Townwide Other Safety The Town needs to consider the safety implications of adding new residents to the Town.
The Town is commended for resolving the audiovisual issues since the last community 
Townwide Other Technical meeting. 
Townwide Other Water supply Water distribution needs to be improved.
Southampton adopted a 3/10 and 4/10 law to address small lots that the Town of Riverhead 
Townwide Other Zoning could adapt (See Section 330‐61).
Townwide Other Zoning Please explain what is meant by a small lot ordinance.
Look for projects that are not being proposed in the Town; there may be something wrong 
Townwide Other Zoning with the zoning. 

How will the plan consider short‐term rentals? The Town has stringent short‐term rental 
Townwide Other Zoning regulations (not less than 28 days) compared to other towns that allow stays 14 days or less.
Townwide Other Zoning What is the definition of Rural Corridor?
Townwide Other Zoning Certain uses should be restricted in the APZ, such as wedding halls. 
Townwide Other Zoning What is the definition of agritainment?
Townwide Other Zoning What percentage of acres on an 80,000‐sf lo can be developed in the APZ?
The only way to fill vacant space on Route 58 is to stop allowing development on virgin land 
Townwide Other Zoning elsewhere.
The Town should consider a streamlined building approval process to expedite projects that 
Townwide Other Zoning conform to the code.
Townwide Other Zoning Only a few projects have been built in the HC Zoning Use District.  

The Town should not be overly restrictive in terms of uses allowed by zoning. For example, 
Townwide Other Zoning look at the McDonald's that closed in Wading River because it didn't have a drive thru. 
Is there a document that critiques the 2003 Comp. Plan in detail? Have the goals and 
Townwide Other  2003 Comp Plan Goals objectives of the 2003 plan been met, or why not?
Have the 2003 Comp Plan goals been met? This is an update, not a new plan, which does note 
Townwide Other  2003 Comp Plan Goals mean that we can't have new goals.
The meeting should be repeated for these hamlets, and comments from the meeting 
Townwide Other  Outreach summarized.
Townwide Other  Outreach The community meetings should be listed on the Town's Calendar of Events.
Townwide Other  Technical It was difficult to hear the audio on the Zoom, and to see the presentation. 
Townwide Other  Technical/Zoom The presentation needs to be more visible on the Zoom. 

Page 11 of 15
Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
What is meant by "flexible" zoning codes? Zoning shouldn't be flexible; granting of special 
Townwide Other  Zoning permits should require extenuating circumstances.
How does the proliferating "Agri‐business/Agri‐tainment" fit with the Town's codes? Some 
consideration of what an appropriate total number and desnity of such uses needs to be 
Townwide Other  Zoning examined.
The Town should consider requiring retrofitting (e.g., green roofs, solar, geothermal, 
Townwide Other  Zoning floodproofing).
Townwide Other  Zoning Maps The zoning maps online are hard to read. 
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Agritainment What is the definition of Agritainment? 
The Town needs architectural review of the buildings along Route 58 so that there is more 
uniform building design. There is a concern regarding nighttime lighting/signage; flat roof 
buildings; non‐uniform buildings. What is the status of adopting a form‐based code for Route 
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Architecture 58?
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Business The Town needs to encourage businesses to open up in the Town.

Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Employment Is the employment being a presented a count of where workers live or where workers work?

Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Employment/Revenues Is the Town considering employment and economic opportunities for increasing revenues?

Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Employment/Revenues Is our goal always to increase the Town's assessment/revenue?
EPCAL seems like a dead end that needs to be addressed in the plan update. EPCAL is 
advertized as "shovel ready" but it really does not appear to be (e.g, environmental issues). 
The Town should protect the 1000 acres that aredesignated as "environmentally sensitive" by 
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development EPCAL NYSDEC.
Industrial/commercial  The Town should consider a moratorium on the development of new industrial or commercial 
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development development space unless it is a reuse of vacant space.
Will the comprehensive plan update include changes that have taken in place in the Town 
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Planning through today?
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Planning Will the 1990 study be used to make decisions?

Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Population  Will the Town identify a population goal? Some residents may not want population growth. 

Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Population  Will the Town look at the current rate of saturation growth or prior trends?
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Retail reuse Vacant buildings should be reused before new retail/industrial development can be built.
Are there secondary roadways that can be built off of Route 58 to encourage commercial 
development to locate within the existing commercial corridor rather than spreading east and 
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Roadways west?
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Social migration Will the comprehensive plan update consider social migration?
The big picture is lost when the focus is on the hamlets. Existing vacant retail space should be 
included in the plan update. Is an inventory being done? Big box is likely underutilized due to 
the pandemic and "Amazon effect" shifting demand online. The Town should backfill existing 
Townwide Route 58 and Economic Development Vacant retail  vacancies before building new structures. 

Townwide TDR/Farmland Preservation Development Is the Town looking to incentivize developers to build greater density through TDR?

Page 12 of 15
Town of Riverhead September 2021 Community Meetings (9/13, 9/27, 9/28, and 9/29) ‐ Summary of Comments
Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Subcategory Summary of Comment
The Town must terminate the Triple Five contract to protect critcially endangered habitat at 
EPCAL, and provide development opportunities for Town residents and businesses. The 
Townwide TDR/Farmland Preservation EPCAL original 50‐lot subdivision would be a good start.
Why not allow farmers anywhere in the Town to sell their development rights (even if they are 
Townwide TDR/Farmland Preservation Farmland preservation not withing a sending area)?

Townwide TDR/Farmland Preservation Receiving areas  Will the RB‐80 zoning district become a receiving area? Or will it remain 2‐acres per house?

Townwide TDR/Farmland Preservation TDR The TDR needs to be re‐written.
Townwide TDR/Farmland Preservation Vacant land The Town should prioritize vacant land rehabilitation.
Townwide Transportation Buses Should small bus shelters be built at key bus stops?
There is support for addressing complete streets. is a good resource for 
Townwide Transportation Complete Streets information about what works across the U.S.
Townwide Transportation Historic/Scenic Corridors Review list of 18 Scenic Corridors from 2003 Plan. Sound Avenue is a Historic Corridor.
The Town needs light rail to make it more integrated and to result in less carbon emissions into 
the region. The light rail could operate between hamlets; trains can stop at Roanoke Avenue 
Townwide Transportation Light rail/transit and Greenport. 
Townwide Transportation Light rail/transit Is the Town participating in the County's Reimagine Transit initiative?
Pedestrian and bikes (Bike  The Town should revisit designated bike paths in the Town to evaluate whether some can be 
Townwide Transportation paths) improved or abandoned.
Townwide Transportation Police/Law Enforcement Need to enforce overweight truck restrictions and speeding
Is anyone carrying out a behavioral study to encourage residents/workers to take public 
Townwide Transportation Public Transit transit?
Townwide Transportation Traffic Traffic congestion during harvest season should be addressed.
Suffolk Count Economic Development Department has developed a North Fork Traffic Task 
Townwide Transportation Traffic Force.

Page 13 of 15
Comments by Rank

Row Labels Count of Hamlet(s) of Concern %
Aquebogue 11 3.5%
Baiting Hollow 7 2.2%
Calverton 20 6.4%
Downtown 39 12.5%
Jamesport 42 13.4%
Laurel 9 2.9%
Manorville 6 1.9%
Northville 12 3.8%
Riverhead 20 6.4%
South Jamesport 10 3.2%
Townwide 128 40.9%
Wading River 9 2.9%

Row Labels Count of Topic Area %
Other 85 32.1%
Environmental Protection and Sustainability 56 21.1%
Housing and Community Facilities 43 16.2%
Transportation 37 14.0%
Route 58 and Economic Development 32 12.1%
TDR/Farmland Preservation 12 4.5%
Grand Total 265 100.0%

Row Labels Count of Subcategory %
Zoning 38 14.3%
Outreach/Survey 18 6.8%
Housing 15 5.6%
Water/sewer/stormwater infrastructure 15 5.6%
Hamlet Boundaries 13 4.9%
Retail/Retail reuse/Vacant buildings 11 4.1%
Signage/Safety/Lighting 9 3.4%
Water resources 9 3.4%
Pedestrians/Bikes 8 3.0%
Traffic/Traffic growth 8 3.0%
Solid waste and Recycling 7 2.6%
EPCAL 7 2.6%
2003 Comp Plan/Goals 6 2.3%
Travel Infrastructure/roadways/highways/bypasses 6 2.3%
Transit/Trolley/Buses/Light rail 6 2.3%
School District/Schools/Universities 6 2.3%
Open Space 5 1.9%
Scenic/visual quality 5 1.9%
Apartment Cap 5 1.9%
Police/Enforcement 5 1.9%
Business/Employment/Revenues 4 1.5%
Development/TOD Redevelopment 4 1.5%
Renewable Energy/Offshore Wind 4 1.5%
Climate Change 3 1.1%
Technical/Zoom 3 1.1%
Farmland preservation 3 1.1%
TDR 3 1.1%
Vision statement 3 1.1%
Agritainment 2 0.8%
Architecture/building heights 2 0.8%
Historic resources/historic architecture 2 0.8%
Natural Resources/Environmental Protection 2 0.8%
Parking 2 0.8%
Planning 2 0.8%
Population  2 0.8%
Rural character 2 0.8%
Scenic/historic corridors 2 0.8%
Travel characteristics 2 0.8%
Unhoused/homeless/impoverished population  2 0.8%
Advisory Committee 1 0.4%
Community center 1 0.4%
Complete Streets 1 0.4%
Department of Consumer Affairs 1 0.4%
Fire services 1 0.4%
Grants 1 0.4%
LWRP 1 0.4%
Noise 1 0.4%
Outdoor dining 1 0.4%
Parks and recreation 1 0.4%
Peconic Estuary Partnership 1 0.4%
Social migration 1 0.4%
Solar moratorium 1 0.4%
Town of Southampton 1 0.4%
Zoning Maps 1 0.4%
Count of Hamlet(s) of Concern Count of Subcategory
Zoning Maps
120 Town of Southampton
Solar moratorium
100 Social migration
Peconic Estuary Partnership
80 Parks and recreation
Outdoor dining
60 Noise
40 Grants
Fire services
20 Department of Consumer Affairs
Complete Streets
0 Community center
Advisory Committee
Unhoused/homeless/impoverished population
Travel characteristics
Scenic/historic corridors
Rural character
Natural Resources/Environmental Protection
Historic resources/historic architecture
Count of Topic Area Architecture/building heights
Vision statement
TDR/Farmland Preservation Farmland preservation
Climate Change
Route 58 and Economic Development Renewable Energy/Offshore Wind
Development/TOD Redevelopment
Transportation Police/Enforcement
Apartment Cap
Scenic/visual quality
Housing and Community Facilities Open Space
School District/Schools/Universities
Transit/Trolley/Buses/Light rail
Environmental Protection and Sustainability Travel…
2003 Comp Plan/Goals
Other Solid waste and Recycling
Traffic/Traffic growth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Water resources
Retail/Retail reuse/Vacant buildings
Hamlet Boundaries
Water/sewer/stormwater infrastructure
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Page 15 of 15
Town of Riverhead 11/29/21 TRANSPORTATION TOPIC Meeting ‐ Summary of Comments
Name  AFFILIATION Focus Area Category Summary of Comments

Committee Member Comments / Remarks
Alt. Transportation 
Steve Kuhl Calverton Ped/Bike Facilities Alt Trans Committee focus has been on the EPCAL trail
Committee Chair
Alt. Transportation 
Steve Kuhl Calverton, Downtown Ped/Bike Facilities Committee is looking at additional Alternative Routes including Edwards Avenue and Roanoke Avenue
Committee Chair
Alt. Transportation 
Steve Kuhl Downtown Ped/Bike Facilities Need route connectiong Main Street, Aquarium and River
Committee Chair
Alt. Transportation  Town funded "Alternative Transportation Path"  project which added signs, some pavement markings and 
Steve Kuhl Multiple Locations Bike Facilities
Committee Chair provided bike lanes on multiple roadways had a lot of unsuccessful elements
Deputy Commissioner  He will check with Bill Hillman, Chief Engineer re the prohibition of certain traffic movements at the 
Darnell Tyson County Rd 58 Riverhead
SCDPW Kroemer Ave. intersection
Deputy Commissioner 
Darnell Tyson Townwide SC Transit Ridership Declines in ridership betweeen 2003 and 2019 are consistent with Nationwide and Regional declines
Deputy Commissioner 
Darnell Tyson Townwide SC Transit Ridership S92 route (Orient‐East Hampton) ridership declined, but this route is the busuest in the SC Transit System
Deputy Commissioner  SCAT ridesharing increased in same period.  In 2016, SCAT was made Countywide, eliminating the 
Darnell Tyson Townwide SC Transit Ridership
SCDPW requirement to be within 3/4 mile of an existing County route. Cost is $3M to $6M per year.
Deputy Commissioner  The Reimagining Transit Study is looking at changing bus headways.  Draft Plan in 2022, revisions effective 
Darnell Tyson
SCDPW Townwide/County Mobility  in 2023
Bus Transportation
Deputy Commissioner  Study
Darnell Tyson Study is also following Southampton's test of On‐Demand Transit, may expand elsewhere
Deputy Commissioner 
Darnell Tyson Downtown Bike Facilities Town Bike Share Program is good
Deputy Commissioner 
Darnell Tyson Suffolk Transit Electric vehicles SC Transit goal is 25% electric by 2025, 100% by 2035; currently testing with 10 buses.
Multiple Locations Bike Facilities Should create a bike route/lanes from Wading River to EPCAL to Hampton Jitney bus facility to put bikes on 
Henry Kreymborg Town Advisory Committee
Henry Kreymborg Town Advisory Committee Multiple Locations Bike Facilities Solar Project could add 2 miles of bike paths to extend to Hampton Jitney
Bike Facilities
Henry Kreymborg Town Advisory Committee Multiple Locations
Could extend from Hamton Jitney down Edwards Avenue to County Road 94 to downtown Riverhead
Henry Kreymborg Town Advisory Committee LIRR LIRR Most Riverhead residents drive to Ronkonkoma because of poor schedule at Riverhead station
Henry Kreymborg Town Advisory Committee Jamesport Bypass Roadways Manor Lane has too many trucks, should have weight Limits
Senior Director of External  LIRR suspended the requirements for bike permits on trains except for certain peak hour trains‐‐temporary 
Hector Garcia, LIRR Bike Facilities
Affairs LIRR and Metro North Railroads as a result of COVID‐related passenger declines
More trains are needed, battery powered trains would be helpful.   Also need sidings and double tracking 
Senior Director of External 
Hector Garcia, LIRR LIRR Ronkonkoma‐Greenport to improve service, but other branches (e.g. Montauk and Port Jefferson) are competing for infrastructure 
NY 25 at Edwards Avenue intersection‐‐left turn lanes on all approaches, and realignment of Edwards 
Planned Roadway  Avenue through the intersection
Steve Belkin, NYSDOT Community Liaison Townwide 
Improvements Various Maintenance‐type Improvements, including mitigating flooding on NY 25 both west of Edwards 
Avenue, and 1‐1/2 miles east of the LI Expressway 
Jeff Murphree Town Director of Building &  Roadways Roadway Flooding  Flooding at, and in a large area around, the NY 25A/Wading River Manor Road intersection in Wading 
Planning River.  Drainage Study is needed.

Page 1 of 3
Town of Riverhead 11/29/21 TRANSPORTATION TOPIC Meeting ‐ Summary of Comments
Name  AFFILIATION Focus Area Category Summary of Comments
Community Development  Downtown New Overlay Zoning 
Dawn Thomas Adopted in 2021‐‐encompasses a 2‐acre parcel owned by the Town on the south side of the LIRR
Director District
Community Development  Downtown New Overlay Zoning 
Dawn Thomas Town has solicited proposals from Master Developers and has shortlisted to 3 submittals
Director District
Community Development  Downtown New Overlay Zoning 
Dawn Thomas Proposed development would be a mixed use development with a parking garage
Director District
Community Development  Downtown Alternative Transportation  Looking to create a Downtown Area Hub for all modes of transportation.  Two applications were submitted 
Dawn Thomas
Director Project to USDOT; unsuccessful, but will reapply
Community Development  Downtown
Dawn Thomas
Director Blueway Trail Connects Downtown Riverhead, connect with sidewalks and Lighted Crosswalks
Community Development  Downtown Safe Routes to Schools 
Dawn Thomas Working with NYSDOT to implement Improvements on Griffing Avenue
Director Grant
Community Development 
Dawn Thomas Downtown Crosswalks/sidewalks Needed in Harrison  Ave. Area
Community Development 
Dawn Thomas Downtown Sidewalks Town obtained ROW to add sidewalks on Cranberry Street
Community Development  LIRR alternatives to diesel  In favor of investigation of relacement with rechargeable battery operated locomotives, i.e. due to 
Dawn Thomas Townwide 
Director locomotives improved air quality


Name  Affiliation (if known) Focus Area Category Summary of Comments

North Fork Environmental 
Make Scenic Corridor as was done on CR 48 by Town of Southold‐‐try to get it done with NY State. Use 
Mark Haubner Group/Town Environmental  Sound Avenue Scenic Corridor
farmland preserved by Town as gateway to corridor.
Requested LIRR passenger data, want to publicize use of LIRR. Hector Garcia indicated that LIRR passenger 
North Fork Environmental  LIRR Passenger Data
growth is primarily in the off‐peak, eg weekends
Mark Haubner Group/Town Environmental 
Most Riverhead people drive to Ronkonkoma due to a much better train schedule (which will go to 30 
Committee LIRR Service
minute headways after the Third Track west of Hicksville is completed)
Mike Foley Roadways Congestion / Traffic  At the NY 25/Edwards Ave. Intersection:
Volume Will NYSDOT condemn ROW to provide improvements?
How long will left turn lanes be?
Need to consider public good in eminent domain 
Roundabout at this location would require ROW
Mike Foley Roadways Sound Ave Sound Avenue is not an historic corridor
Not enough pavement for trucks leaving Northville petro site and turning onto Sound Avenue at Penny's 
Roadways Sound Ave
Mike Foley Road
Congestion / Traffic 
Roadways "Too many cars, too few roads."   'Trade Parade' phenomenon occurs on North Fork too
Resident (Northville) Volume
Congestion / Traffic 
Roadways Peconic Bay Blvd/Hubbard's Avenue are heavily traveled bypasses. 
Resident (Northville) Volume
Resident (Northville) Roadways Bikes Roads are too dangerous for bikes, need to widen them
Resident (Northville) LIRR   Service Trains to Ronkonkoma too slow‐‐25 mph

Page 2 of 3
Town of Riverhead 11/29/21 TRANSPORTATION TOPIC Meeting ‐ Summary of Comments
Name  AFFILIATION Focus Area Category Summary of Comments
Resident (Calverton) Roadways Scenic Corridors Codify Sound Avenue as a Scenic Corridor, also look of 18 roadways for add'l scenic corridors
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident (Calverton) Roadways Consider roundabouts where levelks of service at intersections on Sound Avenue are poor
Congestion / Traffic  Consider roundabouts on Sound Ave at CR 105 and Osborn Avenue, and maybe on Horton Ave,Twomey 
Resident (Calverton) Roadways
Volume Ave also
Resident (Calverton) Roadways LIRR crossings Rough pavement/grades at Edwards Avenue and Osborn Avenue crossings
Resident (Calverton) LIRR Maintenance Tracks require maintenance improvements
Resident (Calverton) LIRR Would be nice to travel from Huntington to Riverhead via Calverton by rail
Congestion / Traffic  Traffic signals on CR58 should be coordinated better. Jeff Murphree said County can be contacted to 
Resident (Calverton) Roadways
Volume review
Traffic signal should have been installed at Tractor Supply Company.  Sent petition to DOT; DOT's response 
was that signal warrants were not met, but if any development occurred on the west side of Tractor 
Resident (Calverton) Roadways Traffic Signals
Supply, DOT would reconsider.  Jeff noted that HK Ventures on east side of Tractor Supply wouldhave a 
significant traffic  impact.  Steve Belkin of DOT will follow up.
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident (Calverton) Roadways Level of Service on NY25 at Edwards Avenue is very bad, as is congestion elsewhere in Calverton.
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident (Calverton) Roadways EPCAL traffic study indicated a future LOS F; Aquapark application will add significant traffic
Resident Road Improvements Roundabouts Where would roundabouts be implemented?
Resident Rail Service More frequent train service is needed.
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident Roadways NY25 / CR105 Intersection is congested, should be studied
Congestion / Traffic  Access to Forest Drive on NY 25 west of CR 105 often is blocked, hindering emergency vehicles.  Need 
Resident Roadways
Volume longer eastbound right turn lane on NY 25 approaching CR 105 to reduce queues
Resident Roadways Condition NY 25 pavement needs to be repaired
Resident Roadways Condition Will NYSDOT provide list of roads that will be resurfaced?
Resident Roadways Emergency vehicles Emergency vehicles need wider lanes
Resident LIRR Schedule Better service would attract more riders
Resident LIRR Schedule LIRR could provide service for reverse commuters to Riverhead if jobs were created
Resident Air Travel General There is no functioning airport at EPCAL/in Riverhead
Resident Roadways Pavement Pavement condition at NY 25/Edwards Avenue intersection is poor
Resident Land Use Too much solar/industrial development in Calvertion
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident Land Use Current zoning results in too many cars
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident Roadways LOS at many locations is F now; without adding any developments not yet built
Resident Downtown Aquarium gets 900,000 visitors per year
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident Downtown Consider water taxi service to/from Riverside
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident Downtown Development in TOD district will make traffic worse
Comp. Plan needs to be compatible with Riverside development in Southampton.  Is pedestrian bridge 
Resident Land Use
across Peconic River still being considered?
Congestion / Traffic 
Resident Downtown BOA Study indicated LOS F exists at intersections
Resident Town Vehicle Fleet Electric vehicles Is Town converting fleet to electric vehicles?

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 11/30/21 Environment/Sustainability Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Key Points/Recommendations for the
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Comp. Plan Update

There are a number of solar farms on farmland. Solar can only be done on industrial land; that land is
mostly along Route 25 in Calverton. Agriculture has existed there for many years. NYS Dept. of Ag &
Markets has come up with concept of co-locating solar on farmland. How is decommisioning handled
to not destroy the farmland? In Riverhead mostly the solar companies have bought the farmland
outright. But important for industry to restore the farmland. Need to look at the potential benefits
and drawbacks. Farmers need to be profitable. Solar can offset some of their costs; can be a farmland
preservation opportunity to allow farming to continue on the remainder of the property. Until Town • Solar should be allowed on farmland as a
Rob Carpenter LI Farm Bureau Agricultural Preservation; Renewable Energy has enough funds through CPF, TDR, etc. we should consider solar as a way toward preservation. means toward preservation.
Do we have the vision already written? Are we looking to expand it or change it from what it was in
2003? We have an inventory of freshwater wetlands that is outdated from the 70s; will we redo the
freshwater wetlands inventory? About 110 that are over 1/2 acre-1 acre; do we want to follow DEC
replacement requirements that you have to replace with a piece 3x larger or can we use
sending/receiving for that? I/A systems - there are 94K that are needed in the coastal areas of the
County; Town did 14 of them in a year; can we strengthen the Town Code or make greater efforts in • The Town should update its freshwater
public education to subsidize these for people. It's twice the cost of a conventional system. Trees - wetlands inventory. • The Town Code
would like to code a policy for tree replacement/protection. Smitthtown created a tree inventory - should require I/A systems. • Public
can the Town do one? Would like Town to hire enforcement personnel. Revitalize the Climate Smart education is needed (e.g., water
Community Task Force (requires matching funds). Town is a Clean Energy Community as well; conservation). • The Town should
NYSERDA has non-matching funds. Water conservation and landscaping - public education is needed implement a tree replacement/protection
and Town should reduce use of water. USGS has easy-to-use mapping tools; MIT Mitigation Tool is policy. • The Town should hire enforcement
another resource for reducing emissions. Columbia has flood visuals. 20 years may be too long a personnel; revitalize the Climate Smart
Vision statement; freshwater wetlands; I/A period; consider doing revisions once every 5 or 10 years. We need a media/marketing person to Community Task Force; and reduce use of
TOR Environmental systems; public education; climate change; educate on recycling. Glass is subject to market pressure; we have to pay to get rid of it. We are now water. • Consider updates the plan every 5
Advisory renewable energy; water conservation; capping landfills with broken glass, that requires energy. We need a glass repurposing facility (e.g., at or 10 years. • The Town is need of a glass
Mark Haubner Committee mapping tools; recycling EPCAL); they're not large. repurposing facility.
The interactive map is very helpful. There needs to be an implementation schedule that is fixed,
pursued, and funded. What are the things that are threatening Riverhead's environment?
Incremental commercial, subdivision development will eat up what's left of Riverhead (i.e., rural • There needs to be an implementation
character). We need a good subdivision process and SEQRA process. Need to bolster our decision- schedule that is fixed, pursued, and funded.
making boards with the information and policies they should be following. The constitutional • The Town needs a good (rigid) subdivision
Group for the East Development pressure; implementation amendment - not clear what it does - but it got people's attention. We need to make the daily process. • The Town should focus on
Bob DeLuca End schedule; subdivision review procedures. operations of government focused on conservation. conservation.
Executive Director, It's great that the Critical Lands Protection Strategy is on the Town's radar. GIS data is freely available. • The Town should use utilize GIS data from
Peconic Estuary PEP went through great stakeholder engagement; agricultural lands are separated by developed and PEP's Critical Lands Protection Strategy is
Dr. Joyce Novak Program Critical Lands Protection Strategy undeveloped. available.

The Town Board is commended for taking this initiative seriously. Riverhead is important with a lot of
resources. New zoning innovations; water resources/nitrogen impacts has room for improvement.
Land use intensities get greater over time. Too much land may be zoned industrial. Town has an
airport, large former weapons facility. What is the next best use that possibly has the innovation that
Riverhead needs to manage its future. Water resource management - how do you manage growth, • The Town needs more innovative
water infrastructure demand? Government is about allocating money for the greater public good. zoning/uses; removal of nitrogen from
Nature Conservancy has modeling on sea level rise for various climate scenarios. We are planning water resources. • There is too much land
Nature now for a future that we want. We need to foresee it well enough to be able to plan smartly. Anyone zoned industrial. • The Nature Conservancy
Kevin McDonald Conservancy Zoning; water resources; innovation who says this is as good as it gets is lacking innovation. has modeling on sea level rise.

Riverhead has its challenges with funding for preservation. PLT has applied to NYS Ag & Markets,
which is a great partnership b/c they haven't been too active on LI. They are looking at preserving
Julie Wesnofske Peconic Land Trust Farmland preservation around 38 acres. Most of it is contiguous with another property across the street. • Farmland preservation is important.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 11/30/21 Environment/Sustainability Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Key Points/Recommendations for the
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Comp. Plan Update

Attention being given to climate change is reassuring. The 2003 Comp. Plan didn't mention climate
change, except it was mentioned with the local waterfront revitalization plan - the one mention that
Town of Riverhead recognized that sea level rise was going to be an issue. There have been many changes since the last • Climate change must be addressed. •
Environmental comp. plan update. Ch. 22 could be used to get the word out, to educate the public with regard to There needs to be public education (e.g., Ch.
George Bartunek Committee Climate change; public education availability and importance of the septic systems, groundwater protection (e.g., cartoons). 22 regarding groundwater protection.
On the CAC level it is important to update our maps, so we can help people develop their land in a • Mapping is important. • I/A systems
responsible way. Implementation of I/A systems is a great thing. Public education about what to do if should be encouraged. • Public education is
Chuck Thomas Local architect Mapping, public eduation, I/A they have wetlands, etc. on their property would be helpful. needed (e.g., wetlands).
• Consumer education is important (e.g.,
Jamesport Consumer education is important (use of pesticides, solar panels, etc.). Civics can have input. Need use of pesticides, solar panels). • Need to
resident/civic to spread the word. Need to define "sustainability." Put more quantitative/measurable goals down. define "sustainability." • Put down more
Priscilla Devine assoc. Consumer education There is data on nitrogen levels. quantitative/measurable goals.
• The Town could benefit from a USGS
Owns and operates a farm preserved in the 70s. Groundwater quantity will be affected by sea level groundwater model to see if there will be
rise/salt water intrusion and development; is Town planning on modeling that through USGS enough water to serve the plan/future
groundwater model to see if there will be enough water to service this plan? Are any wells going to population. • Use worst-case sea level rise
become salt/no longer usable? Use worst-case SLR assumptions and review every 5 years or so. Plant assumptions. • Review the plan every 5
more trees for beautification and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. There is significant state park years. • The plan could include policies
Organic farmer, in Riverhead that could be a sending area if Town came up with ordinance for cutting down trees. aimed at preserving more trees or an
Phil Barbato Jamesport Groundwater quantity; trees Significant open space Town has purchased can also be used for that purpose. ordinance for cutting down trees.
Town is studying with USGS; aligns with USGS sustainability study being done throughout
Nassau/Suffolk; defining salt water interface around Riverhead which will be used as tool for future • The Town should utilize the USGS
water supply development moving forward. Town is on a sustainability siting team with USGS and sustainability study, which will define the
TOR Water will advocate that state investment be used in Riverhead. Drilled 2 wells that can be used to monitor salt water interface around Riverhead, as a
Frank Mancini Superintendent Water supply impacts caused by pumping, global warming, etc. tool for future water supply development.

Need to reexamine zoning in Calverton. We need a more holistic approach. We missed an • The Town should reexamine the industrial
opportunity with the 36MW State-controlled process. Idea for sustainability for farmers. Tree zoning/solar permitting process. • A tree
Toqui Terchun Calverton resident Solar farms inventory - including how old they are - would be valuable. inventory would be valuable.
• The Town needs an updated
Wetlands map needs to be updated. CZM line may need to be updated. Need to add Environmental wetlands/coastal zone/environmental
Justice areas, as well as Opportunity Zones, which have development implications. Pine Barrens Plan justice maps. • The Comp. Plan should
is being updated. Town is looking to Pine Barrens Commission to reassert its jurisdiction. Need to consider the Pine Barrens Plan that is being
address importance of 1000 acres that are supposed to subject to a critical protection land, whether updated. • The Town should revisit lot
we own the land or sell it to somebody, the requirement has to run with the land; that plan should coverage allowances and tree clearing limits.
be part of the whole inventory that needs to be preserved. Lot coverage should also be looked at, as • Public education is needed (e.g., trees). •
well as tree clearing limits. People need to understand the importance of keeping trees on their The Town should set guidelines for utilizing
property - it adds value. Town should set guidelines for utilizing solar/renewables/recycled products solar/renewables/recycled products in site
Barbara Blass Jamesport resident Wetlands, preservation, trees, solar in site plans. Cliffs program has been updated. plan.

• The plan should address carrying capacity.

This plan should address carrying capacity, modeled. Solar on farmland may soon become a different • The plan needs to consider the future of
issue. Some have tower systems for solar panels; technology is changing; with vertical panels you solar technology/co-locating with farm; for
have more room to continue farming. This plan needs to consider the future of solar co-locating with example, vertical panels could be required
Resident Calverton resident Carrying capacity; solar on farmland farm. For example, maybe towers could be required at such a time that they are viable. when they become viable.

Town of Brookhaven incentivizes projects to incorporate solar, connected to FAR. Town can also • The Town can mandate solar for large
mandate solar for large industrial projects. Solar can become integral part of farming if it's a industrial projects. • Solar may be permitted
component of the farm but not if it becomes the entirety of the farm. Solar rating could be required on a portion of the farm. • Solar rating could
Syd Bail GJCA, CAC Solar projects to sell a house. be required to sell a house.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 11/30/21 Environment/Sustainability Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Key Points/Recommendations for the
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Comp. Plan Update
Supports solar as a component of the farm. Town needs to educate homeowners and work with
landscapers to provide waste reduction services, versus bags on sides of roads being sent to • Solar may be permitted on a portion of the
community landfill. Solid waste management would focus on reducing food waste; Town would set farm. • Public education is needed (e.g.,
up model to follow. Ch. 22 may be utilzied for consumer education. Solar on new development or solid waste reduction; Ch. 22). • The Town
Solar, consumer education, solid waste energy efficiency on all new development, specifically on large projects - we need to see how that should require solar or energy efficiency on
Resident management land can sustain itself. new development.
All new residential projects in Brookhaven were to be situated in such a way that solar would not be
a problem. There was opposition. In Riverhead, new projects should have 100% of the homes • New projects should have 100% of the
John Solar requirements for new homes situated to take advantage of solar heating. homes situated to take advantage of solar.
Ch. 22 should be utilized. Recycling is important. Wetlands protection is important. They are building
Public education; recycling; wetlands on side of North Fork Preserve. They are cutting trees in East Hampton due to beatles. Climate
John Cullen Northville protection; trees; climate change change is real and is important for future generations. • Public education is needed (e.g., Ch. 22).

• The Town should create maps by

There are subwatershed studies and USGS maps; we should do maps by watersheds to help people watersheds. • The plan should consider
locate exactly where they are and where the flow is going and bring awareness about groundwater carrying capacity to determine the amount
and surface waters. Planning should be by carrying capacity to determine how much growth can be of new growth that can be supported. •
Watershed mapping; carrying capacity; interim supported without destroying our environment. Town should develop goals for zero waste. Town Develop goals for zero waste. • Check on
Karen Bluer Calverton plan progress should check in on progress every 1-5 years. plan progress every 1-5 years.

We are all one area related to the Peconic River and Sound. There needs to be regional collaboration • There needs to be regional collaboration. •
and a wholistic approach. There should policy to pay to replant trees that are cut down. Ch. 22 The Town should implement a tree
Margaret DeCruz Greenport Regional issues; trees; public awareness should be used to advertise meetings. cutting/replanting policy.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/1/21 Route 58/Downtown/Economic Development Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update
• The Town may need less stringent zoning/more flexible
regulations in terms of what types of tenants are permitted at
The more residents the more potential shoppers we have. The Town is very selective in what can come to Tanger (e.g., Tanger. • The Town should work with Tanger to bring a good
Bob Hennessy Tanger Outlets Tenant mix food tenants); the Town has stringent zoning regulations. The Town should work with Tanger to bring a good tenant mix. tenant mix.

Online retail vs. brick and mortar which is on Rt. 58; online sales are about 13%, less than $1 trillion; brick and mortar is
~$4.7 trillion, so it's still strong, but it's changing. We see online retailers going into brick and mortar (e.g., Warby Parker). • Brick and mortar is still strong but it is changing; there is a
We are fortunate not to have department stores at Tanger so there's not that risk associated with it. With the pandemic, trend toward online retailers filling brick and mortar. •
stores like Dress Barn or Lane Bryant went away faster. Riverhead is a good shopping hub right now compared to other Riverhead is a good shopping hub, which gives it an advantage
Carl M. Landis Tanger Outlets Retail reuse areas of LI, which is an advantage. compared to other areas of Long Island.

The Downtown vacancies were created pre-internet due to retail moving into larger or smaller stores, mid-size
department stores; Route 58 as it evolved pulled some business away from Downtown. So Town has been working to
revitalize Downtown piggybacking off of a long history of downtown planning. The Town created urban renewal areas: 1)
East Main Street; 2) Railroad Avenue; and 3) EPCAL. They gave the Town opportunties that it wouldn't have had
otherwise; created public-private partnerships. Town also acquired property Downtown (in addition to EPCAL from
Navy); everyone wants an active downtown and wants railroad avenue to change. CDA did smaller-scale planning (e.g.,
BOA in 2016), TOD Parking Study (2020), strategic study and planning for Town Square, and another plan for the Railroad
Avenue area. Those studies helped secure funding and public-private partnerships to facilitate development. Anticipated
downtown development includes 1) TOD Development Transformation; 2) Suffolk Theater Residential/Green Room
Addition; 3) LI Science Center Expansion; 4) Vail Leavitt Music Hall Renovation; and 5) Alternative Transit Circuit
(connections). Town purchased and is demolishing a few buildings to make way for Town Square, adjacent to the new LI
Science Center site. Market Study suggested condos, hotel, retail, food and beverage would be appropriate uses for the
new Town Square. The Town is working on flooding. Town hopes to leverage new TOD parking to revitalize the area. It • Town Square and other public improvement projects are
Dawn Thomas Town of Riverhead CDA will have outdoor dining, pedestrian walkways
Vacancies in downtown anticipated to continue the revitalization of Downtown.

Create a downtown experience to attract visitors (restaurants, museum, Aquarium); safety is paramount. Residential is
also part of it. We are on family-oriented cultural track. Need something to draw people down Main Street - Town
Square should help. Need more uses, e.g., hotels along Route 58 and Downtown; need less restrictive zoning to bring in
developer investment. There's a huge demand for hotels with the weddings, etc. Town Square Market Study called out • Create a downtown experience to attract visitors. • There is
need for hotel downtown. We have very rigid retail zoning. Self storage is huge nationwide; has taken over the old big a huge demand for hotels. • The Town has very rigid retail
Development; box/Walmart stores; it's a quasi retail use. We're not that vacant on Route 58; most shopping centers are in good shape. zoning/needs more adaptable zoning. • Self-storage may be a
Ike Israel Realty zoning Tanger had a lot of restrictions; we need to help them with that. viable resuse of vacant buildings on Route 58.

Size of buildings and real property taxes is an issue; cost psf for smaller business to open Downtown becomes a hurdle.
We are targeting mixed use b/c volume of apartments will carry whatever potential retail we can get on the ground floor.
Loss of retail is morphing; looking forward with regard to zoning, traditional zoning is not keeping up with times - it needs
to be more fluid. Technology, infrastructure, economic development is changing - use of corporate headquarters, • There is a market for mixed-use because the apartments will
Riverhead Industrial Development Development; buildings, careers, etc. The zoning should be a living document in certain areas of the town. Four "e"s: entertainment, carry the ground floor retail. • The Town needs flexible zoning,
Tracy Stark Agency zoning eateries, environment, and engagement - if you can produce that Downtown it will help. along with entertainment and eateries.

Route 58 and Downtown are a focus of econ dev. Entertainment is very important. We don't want just restaurants, we
Development; need entertainment, things to do Downtown. There should be a focus on small business and retail experience such as • Entertainment is needed Downtown, including shopping. •
Kristy Verity Business Improvement District zoning entertainment, shopping. If we need to make that easier with zoning that would be beneficial. More flexibile zoning may be necessary.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/1/21 Route 58/Downtown/Economic Development Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update
Has the Town made progress on a vacant buildings inventory? What would be the most appropriate tenant fix at Tanger
Outlets? (Tanger noted a boutique, gym, mixed-use, spa, entertainment, etc.; currently it's a strict retail-only type
environment). Stand alone restaurants would not be appropriate because that's what we want Downtown and on Route
58. Perception of lack of safety Downtown is a critical factor that must be overcome with education and marketing.
Recreational cannabis sales would help Downtown, although would not be an appropriate use on Town Square.
Downtown can accomodate children's entertainment and responsible adult indulgences as well. Every Town but • The Town needs a vacant buildings inventory. • The Town
Riverhead has voted to opt out. Put retail cannabis sales within walking distance of Town Square to leverage visitors, needs to overcome the perception of lack of safety
rather than putting in some obscure industrial location. 3% tax goes directly to municipalities that opted in. $350K a Downtown. • Stand alone restaurants would not be
week, $50k/day, $17.5 million/year, $525,000 for Town. 60% of that revenue should go to improving safety (cameras, appropriate at Tanger because of competition with
Vacancies; retail signs, etc.). 30% can go to special education services. 10% for drug abuse education. NYS has goal of October 2022 - Downtown. • Downtown should accommodate recreational
Mike Foley Resident, Reeves Park reuse probably middle to end of 2023. cannabis sales, but not on Town Square.

N/S side parking on Main St. is completely full; 2 stories of parking underneath apartments doesn't make sense; no one
will want to park by TOD to go to a market-rate apartment on Main St.; 2-story parking the one on bottom, look at what • Lower level parking could be used to retain water during
Councilman Elect, Aquebogue they do in Holland, they retain water, so when the water recedes you pump it out. Town Square has to be programmed; flood events and pumped out. • More flexible zoning is
Bob Kern Resident Parking; flooding in favor of performance (flex) zoning; Tanger has potential for a variety of uses; buildings have fire suppression. needed to allow for a greater range of uses at Tanger.
Homeless population has increased. Route 58 buildings could be reused to house homeless. Through flexible zoning with
Tanger and other areas could allow a movie theater. There are really two communities downtown: 1) Riverhead; and 2) • Vacant buildings on Route 58 could be reused to house
Perception of Riverside in Southampton. How does Southampton's update affect Riverhead and how are the two towns collaborating? homeless population. • There needs to collaboration with
Calverton resident lack of safety A specialty grocery is needed Downtown. Southampton. • A specilaty grocery is needed Downtown.
zoning; climate
technology; Flexibility keeps coming up as a need, both from developers and consumers. There are disruptions which require
interim plan flexibility moving forward (e.g., pandemic, climate, technology). We have to be flexible in zoning to respond to these • There is an apparent need for zoning flexibility. • Need to
Mark Haubner Aquebogue resident progress changes. Need to reassess plan every 1, 5, 10 years. have intermin plan progress check-ins every 1, 5, or 10 years.
Bating Hollow; Downtown recreational Downtown is utilized by all of Riverhead. There is a sewage treatment plant being considered in Riverside. Keep • There needs to be collaboration across towns and hamlets. •
Janice Revitalization Committee cannabis recreational cannabis away from Town Square. Follow Amsterdam and keep that use restricted to certain areas. Recreational cannabis should be restricted to certain areas.
Sewage • The proposed Riverside development plans to built its own
Online commenter treatment Does the proposed Riverside development plan to build its own sewage treatment facility. sewage treatment facility.
• The Town needs to upgrade the roadway infrastructure to
Roadways; Greenport is suffering from traffic. Roadway infrastructure needs to be improved to accommodate all of the new and handle the traffic from all of the new and proposed
John Cullen Northville resident traffic proposed development. development.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/1/21 Route 58/Downtown/Economic Development Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update

We have to concentrate our future needs. Riverhead compared to five East End Town has always been the receiving
place, sometimes for good or bad. Route 58 was mostly industrial and most development was east of traffic circle near
hospital; over the years and with help of Tanger that changed and now people go between the circle and Tanger. The
original comp. plan was always cognitive of not creating vaccums; Tanger was to bring in people and then let them
explore Riverhead; there was a trolley that went back and forth. It's great that the Town is engaging in promoting an
atmosphere that will host the right businesses downtown. Downtown is small compared to Route 58. Average
supermarket is 65k-100k sf; movie theater is 60-70k sf; we don't have that sf Downtown. Downtown is great for tourists,
family, experience, as another family-oriented destination with dining, theater, parades, etc. The Town should continue
to work with the BID. We have to be flexible with uses but understand that these are small uses; we will hopefully get
small boutiques, interesting restaurants (30- and 50-seat restaurants, that have a chef, and will attract visitors from the
East End). We have exact definitions in our zoning; need more liberal definitions of retail (i.e., furniture, t-shirts, etc.).
Tanger is an oasis. People come there, come to Aquarium, and they go back in their cars and go home. We need
restaurants to attract them Downtown. Five East End Towns don't want big box; Riverhead is a good shopping hub
because there is competition and availability of products in one place. Route 58 is not vacant, but everyone believes that.
The Armory is not vacant but it's owned by the Town and the Town can only use it for a particular purpose; it's not open
to the public. Most of Route 58 is professionally managed. We have to be careful with what we put on Route 58 because
Tanger will capture a lot of the visitors. We need hotels. There is still resistence to creating hotels farther east so • Downtown is great for tourists, family, experience
Riverhead should continue to allow those. Professional workers need affordable housing, in additional to hospital destination with dining, theater, parades, etc. • The Town
workers. The Town has already proven the 500-cap on apartments should be eliminated. We need townhouses to house should continue to work with the BID. • The Town needs to be
first-time homebuyers. The school needs a solution to the school overcrowding issue. The 2003 Comp. Plan helped grow flexible with allowed uses; We have exact definitions in our
the Town. The Town needs parking solutions; parking that is convenient to whatever we create. Figure out how our zoning; need more liberal definitions of retail (i.e., furniture, t-
arteries can be improved. Traffic and parking are important but we have to move forward. Toys R Us went bankrupt. shirts, etc.). • There's a need for small boutiques, interesting
Things take time to redevelop. K-mart was becoming Town Hall; now it's not. Tanger, Brixmor are great developers; it restaurants (30- and 50-seat restaurants, that have a chef, and
Development; shouldn't take decades to get something approved. EPCAL is a sad story. Let's move forward. We lost Amazon b/c we had will attract visitors from the East End). The Town needs hotels,
Richard Israel Builder/developer in Riverhead zoning no place for them to go. Things change; tenants change; retailers have grown; small businesses have had to adapt. affordable housing, townhomes, and parking solutions.
Development should be limited farther east of Route 105. Size of parking lot/height of building was a concern (Turnoff
application was denied). Will there will be increased occupancy of vacant buildings or will new buildings be erected? Is
the Town proposing increased train and bus service? The Town needs more enforcement personnel, security cameras,
Limits of something to make families feel comfortable to walk down Main Street from Aquarium. There needs to be increased • There is a desire to limit development east of Route 105 in
development flexibility with zoning so that the unused buildings can be reused quickly by commercial tenants on Route 58 or Jamesport. • The Town will need to work with the County
east of Route Downtown (these are personal service stores; downtown has an active restaurant row). Downtown has a new yoga, DPW. • The Town needs to overcome the negative perception
105; safety; ballet, tatoo; Michaelangelo's will be a new Italian eatery; old diner was taken over). Zoning restrictions should be less of safety Downtown. • There needs to be increased zoning
Jim Dorenz Jamesport resident; GJCA President zoning restrictive to allow new commercial tenants. flexibility.

Page 3 of 3
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/6/21 Housing/Community Services Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update

Can you go over the Affordable Housing Inventory? Affordable

housing is a regional issue. Southampton is adding 2,300 new units
which will impact Riverhead schools. Town needs to have
conservation about school district about redistricting lines. Look
toward other types of dev., not just housing, which impacts schools
and infrastructure. Not a fan of micro apts.; there may be better uses
for Route 58; we need assisted living. How many apartments will
there be in the TOD? The Town needs to look at allowing short-term • The Town needs to collaborate with Southampton. • There may be better
Catherine Kent Town of Riverhead Affordable Housing rentals; it's already happening illegally and should be regulated. uses for Route 58 than residential. • There is a need for assisted living.

It was the intent of the LI Workforce Housing Act that each developer
in all communities in the state would have to set aside 10% of their
units as affordable in order to continue having affordable housing.
Riverhead has done very well. There are many levels of affordable
housing (very low, low, workforce, etc.). 221 East Main Street - most
recent example - affordable rents are not always considered
affordable -$1060 for studio up to $1500 (60% AMI); 1 BR $1350-
1900 at 90%; 2 BR $1623-2500; these are steep rents for teachers,
etc. We have take a deep look, where the needs are; we need middle-
income and Veterans housing; doesn't have to be on the low end all
the time. Nassau County allowed first time homebuyers to build or
buy 2-family houses, had to be owner-occupied at all times but could
rent a unit and afford home ownership and was well received and
one way to get young person into the home ownership market; as
long as price as affordable. At least 500-600 market-rate apartments
are going in Downtown and there's a need at 221 East Main Street we
have market-rates at 130% of the AMI - we have a waiting list/first • Affordable housing needs should be determined at various income levels. •
Affordable Housing; apartments to rent; $129,900 is HUD's 2021 Nassau-Suffolk AM. The Town may want to consider a first-time homebuyer program (e.g., 2-family
market-rate housing; There is a need for market-rate; aging-out, seniors want to sell home with option to rent one of the units). • There is a need for market-rate
Connie Lassandro CML Consultant senior housing but don't want to leave the area. apartments and housing for seniors.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/6/21 Housing/Community Services Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update

Are the affordable units considered rental or ownerhip? What

percentage of the affordables incorporates ownership? Giving people
a path to ownership is important, provides equity, allows first time
homeowners to become part of the community. How are you figuring
out the need? We did a survey on the North Fork asking people what
kinds of houses and price points people were comfortalbe and the
majority wanted home ownership. Get a list of social services
records/needs; do they need a campus? access to medical facilities?
some that need supervision and some that don't and how does
location relate to that. We'd like to see any development enhance
energy conservation, water conservation, and helps residents by
Housing tenure; social bringing down operating costs. Having a high quality standard for
services needs; what is to be built in the future and how to retrofit existing homes
environmental will be important. Adding to mix of housing needs, 2-family is • Home ownership is important. • Consult social services records/needs. •
conservation standards; interesting, are there work-live opportunities? Some have small Incorporate environmental conservation standards for new and retrofitted
work-live; seasonal businesses as part of their home. There is a need for workers for buildings. • Consider live-work opportunities. • There is a need for housing for
Glynis Berry Studio Architects workers seasonal workers for farmers and service industry. the Town's seasonal workers.
There is need for a senior center satellite location closer to west end
of Town; we don't currently get a lot of people from the Wading River
Town of Riverhead area (20 minute drive). What percentage of new apartments are
Senior Citizens occupied by senior citizens? Downtown may need a nutrition • The Town should consider adding a senior center satellite location closer to
Kelly Tocci Program Senior center location program. the west end of Town. • Downtown may need a nutrition program for seniors.

The Town Square Market Study indicates that the apartment cap
should be removed and there should not be a new limit. Because we
probably don't need more rental housing in Riverhead, we really need
to fill the gap between rental and single-family home, so some type of
first time homebuyer program. Town hopes to use the new 0.25 tax
benefit to fund a downpayment assistance program; in addition to 2-
family (owner occupied with accessory apartments) but also to
renovate historic properties because those would be more costly. We
need senior housing at every level including assisted living. We need
to work with Southampton and revisit their plan to add more units in • The Town should eliminate the 500-unit apartment cap Downtown. • The
500-unit cap; first time Riverside - the Riverhead CSD did not raise any flags with the Town hopes to fund a first time homebuyer program with the new real estate
homebuyer program; proposed development in the SEQRA process; they basically agreed transfer tax. • The Town needs senior housing including assisted living. • The
senior housing; school that the tax benefits would cover the cost to the schools, which the Town needs to collaborate with Southampton regarding new
district overcrowding; Town probably wouldn't agree with. We need to make clear the development/school district overcrowding. • The Town should make clear the
Town of Riverhead need for home percent of the Town's affordable housing stock that is currently percentage of affordable housing stock that is for ownership rather than for
Dawn Thomas CDA ownership owner-occupied versus rental. rent.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/6/21 Housing/Community Services Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update

Micro apartments are not cost effective (e.g., no windows). We

should look at having short-term rentals in the downtown; this would
be good for downtown businesses (bring people with more
disposable income). We need more home ownership opportunities. It
would be nice to tie it to TDR. We are lacking subdivision regulations
for how to address workforce housing option (it doesn't tell us what
the income guidelines are). No one has proposed that. How many
new residential subdivisions do we have going on right now in the
Town? That would be a good indication of housing growth. There are • Micro apartments are not cost effective. • The Town should consider allowing
77 units in the subdivision pipeline. We should look at how density is short-term rentals. • The Town needs more home ownership, possibly tied to
calculated in some of the zoning districts b/c the language is vague TDR. • The Town should look at new residential subdivisions as an indication of
for some districts (e.g., CRC). Is there a hamlet breakdown of future growth. • The Town may need to revise the zoning to make how density
affordable units? Don't most income-restricted units have a 20-year is calculated more clear for some of the districts (e.g., CRC). • The Town should
lifespan? We need to account for the affordable housing that will provide a breakdown of affordable units by hamlet. • The Town needs to
Ike Israel Realty Micro apartments sunset depending on funding sources (it will need to be replaced). account for affordable housing that will sunset, which may need to be replaced.

What are the plans from working backwards? What water availability
do we have? Need to take into account what surrounding towns are
doing; we all use the same aquifer. Will we look at roads, electric
supply will be impacted? We need to take into account water and
Carrying capacity; energy efficiency with new development; this will also make the • The Town should consider infrastructure capacity to determine the amount of
conservation standards; development more affordable; we need to put conservation new growth that can be supported, and take a regional approach. • The Town
Phil Barbado zoning standards in the zoning code. should put conservation standards into the zoning code for new development.
Housing is tied to sustainability (water conservation, sewer capacity,
energy needs). We need to look at all of the demands housing puts
on our energy and infrastructure and environment. The draft
affordable housing analysis focused on rentals; mobile homes are • The Town must consider the impacts of housing on energy, infrastructure,
affordable were largely not considered (those that are owned). Why and the environment. • The Town should consider mobile homes/homes for
Sustainability; are we going from 10 to 20% goals to meet affordable housing ownership in the calculation of affordable housing. • The Town should justify its
Barbara Blass affordable housing demand? goals for affordable housing.
Buildings have a lifespan (commercial buildings about 50 years). What
will it take to refurbish these? At some point it's better to tear down
and start again. We consider cost of home ownership, lifecycle
analysis, etc. Residential homes probably last about 100 years before
we have to strip out wiring. Everything we build today will last 50+
years. We need to think farther ahead and overbuild for those • The Town must consider the lifecycle of buildings when planning for the
Resident Building retrofits; contingencies. Are we targeting 50% less emissions, net zero by future. • The Town should target 50 percent less emissions/net zero energy by
Mark Haubner Environmental Planner energy efficiency goals 2050? 2050.
We need clarification on 10-20% - is that a standard expected today
or a future goal? Adding more housing necessitates us to look at a
wholistic view which includes water infrastructure. Are we going to • The Town should clarify whether the affordable housing goals are for today or
Affordable housing allow more apartments to be built before we address infrastructure for the future. • The Town must consider the impact of new housing on water
goals; infrastructure needs? What are the priorities and in what order will things be done infrastructure. • The Town should set priorities/timeline for adding new
Toqui Terchun Resident needs; prioritization (e.g., housing, infrastructure)? housing and infrastructure.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/6/21 Housing/Community Services Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update
How many surveys have been submitted online (450). Nassau-Suffolk
incomes should be segregated because they are very different. AMI is
set by HUD. Suffolk County requires 20% set aside; NYS set aside is
10%. Vacant buildings on Route 58 could be demolished; this is what
IDA should be paying for. Assisted living close to hospitals and
shopping would make sense on Route 58 (could replace a demolished
Walmart). Micro, affordable apartments may also make sense for
Route 58 and a good use of space that is vacated and close to the • The Town should encourage demolition and reuse of the vacant buildings on
Mike Foley Reeves Park Resident Public survey jobs. Route 58 for assisted living and possibly micro apartments.
The Town may need a housing authority to keep track of what is
happening. How can you make projections for the Town when no one
Housing authority; seems to know what is going to happen at EPCAL? How will that • The Town should consider creating a housing authority. • The Town needs to
Syd Bail CAC ECPAL change the housing? It's uncertain. consider the uncertainty of EPCAL in its future projections.
There is a need for seasonal worker housing (agriculture, tourism,
businesses). TDR Subcommitee has come up with a number of
recommendations regarding zoning changes to help with the success • There is a need for seasonal worker housing (e.g., agriculture, tourism,
of the program, specifically on Route 58 and to promote assisted businesses). • The TDR Subcommittee has proposed zoning recommendations
Rob Carpenter LIFB Seasonal workers; TDR living, shopping, etc. to help with the success of the TDR program that should be considered.

The taxpayer pocketbook has to be looked at. Southampton school

district is losing population (30% in next 10 years) because families
can't afford to live there and if they do they live in Riverhead school
district. 0.5% tax that just got passed - you have to have a plan and
the affordable housing can't just be in one area; in Riverhead
affordable housing gets put in Riverhead Hamlet/Downtown. Was
there a market study done of the regional affordable housing issue?
There's a 60-unit affordable housing project in Southampton and
there was pushback; meanwhile they are adding 2,300 units in
Riverside. The other towns aren't doing their fair share and the
burden shouldn't be on the Town of Riverhead. The trade parade is a
function of not having affordable housing in the area where people
work. Homes are purchased by business owners for their workers.
NYC/out of town homeowners buy homes and rent them out on
AirBNB. Our highest rent is more affordable than the lowest rent in
East Hampton. The school district boundary lines; Southampton and
Tuckahoe tried to merge but it got voted down b/c SH taxes were
going up and Tuckahoe were going down. We can't redraw boundary
lines without school districts on both sides voting. The low-income
households Downtown don't have disposable income to spend on the
businesses. We need to have people that have disposable income. To • The cost to taxpayers must be considered. • Affordable housing should not be
make it affordable in perpetuity you have to put some covenants if it concentrated in one area of the town. • There needs to be a regional approach
will be owned. The Town had several of these projects and has done to addressing affordable housing. • Riverhead has low rents compared to
its part compared to other East End towns. Affordable housing in neighboring towns. • There needs to be people with disposable income
Housing affordability; other towns usually comes in the form of tax abatements; we can't downtown to support the businesses. • Affordable housing usually comes with
Laverne Tennenberg Town Assessor school overcrowding give these abatements to seniors and that's wrong. tax abatements and it creates an unfair burden on Riverhead taxpayers.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/6/21 Housing/Community Services Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments
Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update
Are those folks (the waiting list for the market-rate apartments)
coming from out of town or moving within Riverhead? (It's a mix). We
want to prioritize existing Riverhead residents. First time
Local preference for homebuyers, etc. How is the quality of the survey data and how it's
home ownership; Public being compiled?; are we looking at IP addresses? How are we making • The plan should prioritize local preference for home ownership. • The lack of
Toqui Terchun Resident survey sure there aren't duplicate entries? survey response is more of an issue.
We need to be self-sufficient in terms of food. We have a lot of
farmland in the Town; not enough is protected and not enough is
Organic farmer, feeding people. How much food do we need to produce and how • The plan should address local food needs in terms of the amount of farmland
Phil Barbado Jamesport Food much farmland do we need? that needs to be preserved.
How did the Town determine the need for additional affordable
Barbara Blass Resident Affordable housing housing units? • The Town should clearly explain the need for additional affordable housing.
What is the condition of the existing provision of housing? For
Inadequate housing; instance, the mobile home parks - many of them have untreated
requirements for wastewater systems. There should be requirments to upgrade
retrofits; need for detrimental conditions along with help to get subsidies. The Town • The plan should incorporate policies for address inadequate exisiting housing
subsidies; electric could also require that new development provide for electric vehicles. conditions (requirements to upgrade, subsidies, access to electric vehicles as
Glynis Berry Studio Architects vehicles; condos The plan should also consider the need for condos. part of developments, condos).
It was noted that the Town needs a small lot ordinance, and that
according to ZBA each situation is different and is handled on a case-
by-case basis. How many cases came before the ZBA in last 2 years
involving small lots (particularly in Wading River)? Are we making this
more of an issue than it really is? >50% of ZBA cases involve small lot
Syd Bail Resident, CAC Small lot ordinance issues. • The Town may be in need of a small lot ordinance.

Everyone thinks affordable housing is 4- or 5-story development and

it's really not; you can do townhouses/garden apartments, which are
well received. In Mattituck, they put in home ownership a few years
ago. Everyone is talking about first time homebuyers. There has to be
subsidies for downpayment assistance, family has to go through
financial counseling, etc. So there's a process but they get almost
$100k toward downpayment and they can afford a house. The Town
Affordable housing; firs of Riverhead should establish a protocal for first time homebuyers. • The Town should look to neighborhing towns for examples of affordable
time homebuyer Young couples want to invest. Garden apartments, particularly in housing that are integrated with the surrounding community (e.g., garden
Connie Lassandro CML Consultant program Wading River, are desired. apartments). • The Town should establish a protocol for first time homebuyers.
The Town should look at the examples in East Hampton and Westport
(e.g., affordable garden apartments). Home ownership is important.
Sustainability has an upfront cost but it generates savings over time.
Having a housing commission may be a good idea. It's important to
have institutional knowledge. Housing affects medical and • The Town should look to neighborhing towns for examples of affordable
recreational needs. For each residential unit developer is supposed to housing that are integrated with the surrounding community (e.g., garden
pay $3k for a park somewhere in the Town. The Town needs to apartments). • The Town should encourage home ownership. • The Town
Affordable Housing; enforce this park and recreation fee that is in the Town Code for all should encourage sustainability. • The Town needs to enforce the park and
Catherine Kent Town of Riverhead sustainability; park fee apartments. recreation fee for all dwelling units.
Park fee should be different for apartments versus single-family
Ike Israel Richmond Realty Park fee homes. • The park fee should be different for apartments versus single-family homes.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/13/21 Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments

Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update
Agriculture is very important in Suffolk County, as part of the culture and the economy. Money that comes in is dedicated
to open space and farmland preservation. Riverhead like Southold has a lot of unprotected farmland. There is value to
preserving large tracts of farmland. Soil is good here. Emerging crop of marijuana has to be economically driven. Crops
change, generations change. In terms of food insecurity around the world, Riverhead has a great climate. The County will • Farmland preservation is important. • Farming has to be
be making more offers on farmland. It's a voluntary process; it's a year-long process. The Conservation Subdivision Revew economically driven. • Riverhead's farmland is important
Procedures - Southold model is a little different; your land is your equity; you need to preserve that equity. You have to for food security. • The Town can partner with Suffolk
do something with the money from selling development rights. You still keep a portion that you can subdivide and sell off. County to preserve farmland. • Conservation Subdivision
Farmland Riverhead had a good run at preserving a lot of farmland. County's program allows renewable energy production on Review Procedures is a valuable tool for farmland
preservation; preserved land for the operations. That helps offset long-term costs of operations. County put $100 million into its captial preservation. • Allowing renewable energy on preserved
Suffolk County renewable energy; budget over 10 years into farmland preservation. $5 million will be available next year. This money is dedicated toward farmland can offset operating costs. • The County has
Al Krupski Legislator capital budgets farmland preservation. dedicated capital budget for farmland preservation.
The Town has a long history of farming that we need to keep and honor going forward. We need to be more serious
about preservation efforts, but recognize that things will change. We need to adapt to the future changes. What is the
East End going to look like in 2031? The Comp. Plan is about creating the vision for the future. Farmers need to make
money. LIFB does a great job at advocating and making people aware of the issues. Wage increases are impending, we • The Town needs to preserve farmland and allow
Town of Riverhead have development pressure, etc. This is the whole agriculture community. This needs to be a viable business going flexibility so that the farming can continue to be
Frank Beyrodt Councilman Agriculture forward. How will we adopt rules that will ensure that farming going forward will be viable? economically viable in the future.
The potential for flooding on roads on farmland. It's not really the farmers responsibility. Solar is a defacto preservation
tool. Most solar can be removed quite easily. Solar on farmland means the farmland is not lost forever. The Town should
revisit the solar code and consider allowing farmer to lease a portion to solar company to get revenue to help offset
operating costs. This will prevent farms from being sold off to developers and help farms to stay in farming families. The
Town should prioritize the purchase of trees from local farmers. Agricultural worker housing is important and needs to be
thoroughly addressed by the Town. Farmers need water, irrigation, access to water on their farms. At time of 2003 Comp.
Plan there was a population cap; the farm community was the only group of landowners that were required to be forced
with an upzone of their land, losing equity. As a result, the TDR program was created to help offset some of that loss. The
Agriculture; solar; TDR program has not be as effective at preserving the farmland and helping the farmers as was promised. Now we're
Director, LI Farm trees; housing; water talking about needing additional housing and population to help the Town's economy; where is the equity for the
Rob Carpenter Bureau resources farmers? • Allowing solar on farmland is a tool toward preservation.

We need to recognize the business of farming. There needs to be more revenue to acquire development rights, whether
it's through TDR or PDR. We have to find more capital to make people whole if they want to protect their land and take
the equity out. There was great promise around TDR but for a variety of reasons it didn't take off the way everyone
hoped. You want as many tools as you can have in the toolbox to work with farm families. You need to understand their
land, and land that is suitable for development. PLT helps farmers sort out the possibilities and the understand the
different tools available to create a unique mix that helps them to achieve their goals. Conservation subdivision concept
of incentivizing people to consider less density; tradeoff can be expedited review and sometimes combine PDR as part of
the deal. Ag PDD or Ag Conservation District is another tool; if farmer commit to keeping their land as is they would go
into PDD and zoning would be assured. This happened in the wake of an effort to upzone agricultural land, which soon
followed in Southold Town. These programs provide security/equity to farmers and at same time to purchase The Town needs to support the farmers so that farming is
development credits over time; you need capital to buy development rights. That has been a struggle for Riverhead Town; economically viable. There are various farmland
PDD didn't work as everyone hoped it would and CPF was bonded. You have to start with an appreciation and preservation tools that the Town should consider including
President, Peconic commitment to the business of farming; understand the needs of the farmers and be flexible; find ways to bring in capital conservation subdivisions or Ag PDD or Ag Conservation
John Halsey Land Trust without farmer having to sell land to developer. District.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/13/21 Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments

Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update

Committee was formed in 2016; working on proposed TDR amendments. The Town has promised this will be adopted as
part of the master plan review. Farmland is an important resource in Riverhead. We've preserved about 56% of our
farmland according to PLT. The Town used up the funds in the CPF; there won't be funds left until the end of the decade,
at which time the fund expires. The TDR program has a lot of potential but hasn't been fully utilized. There are ways to
use Route 58, to expand commercial uses there, expand medical uses, allowing slightly bigger footprints, slightly taller
buildings, might absorb 4-5 TDRs per acre; hospital would love to have convenient housing for their staff - hospital is one
of the Town's largest economic generator. You can absorb 11-20 TDRs per acre for residential use; not increasing the
Town's cap just moving it to a more convenient location. Assisted living makes sense next to the hospital and can absorb
14-33 TDRs. Route 58 can absorb 3k-5K TDRs, most of the farmland in the Town. Expand where you can sell TDRs from
(e.g., Aquebogue, Jamesport, Laurel, south of Route 25 and north of Sound Avenue - Sound Avenue could be a sending
area in addition to being a receiving area). We can look to industrial areas, possibly a slight increase in FAR for TDR. In
Community Benefits Zone there should be min. requirements for TDR (none right now). In Retirement Community there
should be a minimum requirement for TDR and there's none right now. One success they suggested Town Board revert
back to original requirements for hotels to use TDR, which they did. A lot of news about accessory dwelling units, why not
require a TDR to build an accessory dwelling unit. There could be a TDR bank, but that requires funding. There are
suggestions for streamlining the process (e.g., Town could maintain lists of buyers/sellers; promote it). There are a lot of • The Town should consider the recommendations of the
Richard Wines TDR Subcommittee TDR ways to improve this powerful tool. TDR Subcommittee.

Town of Riverhead • TDR is an important tool for farmland preservation and

Frank Beyrodt Councilman TDR; taxes TDR has no cost to the taxpayers. TDR can be used to preserve farmland and help businesses. has the benefit of no cost to taxpayers.
Noise from agritainment is adverse. Weddings are not essential for preserving farmland. Tent permit is approved by fire • The Town needs to address the adverse noise impacts
commissioners. There needs to public input if this type of use can be allowed to continue. Permits can reapplied for that come from some of the agritainment uses (e.g.,
Robert Skinner Jamesport resident Noise; agritainment starting January 31st and can run for 180 days. weddings).
The Agricultural Vision Statement led to abuses that the residents have been fighting for the last 20 years. Vineyards are
like farms. How many Vineyards are there in Riverhead? We need to consider how to classify the vineyards (e.g., with
tasting rooms, kitchens [cider house], weddings), because these uses are an abuse to agribusiness. Road side stands,
Reeves Park school field trips, riding lessons, hay rides, food trucks are acceptable; wine and cider tasting is an abuse to agritainment. • The Agricultural Vision Statement needs to be updated.
resident; South The Town needs specific requirements that exclude abuses (weddings, amplified music). Solar on a scenic corridor • The Town needs to define agritainment and certain uses
Park Heights Civic Vision statement; detracts from the scenic character. Let's preserve our open space. Get rid of flexibility. Make it rigid. Do not give should be prohibited (e.g., weddings, catering, no
Mike Foley Association agritainment; zoning discretion to boards when it comes to preserving open space. amplified music).

In favor of agritainment, but weddings and parties should not be considered agritainment. Outdoor weddings are causing • The Town needs more stringent zoning regulations and
adverse noise. Riverhead has no enforcement on nights and weekends from May 1 to September 1. Proper zoning noise ordinances to minimize the adverse noise effects
Agritainment; noise; guidelines need to be drawn if these uses are considered to agricultural. Agricultural uses need to remain good neighbors. associated with some agritainment uses (e.g., outdoor
Al DeSchmez (sp?) Farmer zoning Noise ordinances need to be updated. Outdoor tent events are the root of the problem along with amplified music. tent events).
We need 2-3 acres per person to feed ourselves. A lot of activities are considered farming, rightfully so, and these things
will change over time, and we have to allow for that flexibility. We need to look at impact of farming activities on
Food security; tax environment, water supply, and soil quality. Maybe give a different tax assessment number to farms that have positive
Organic farmer, assessment; flexibility; effects. Negative effects (soil removal, groundwater contamination) could be taxed differently. We are on track to • The Town should create goals aimed toward farmland
Phil Barbato Jamesport TDR improving the TDR program, which is an important tool for farmland preservation. preservation for food security.
Providing money for a drive thru (through TDR) sounds like a bribe. Use TDR benefits for giant buildings coming up in this
town. I hope the farmland property that one developer is buying up stays farmland and doesn't become residential. He • The Town should pass policies aimed at keeping
John Cullen Northville TDR wants to build a boutique hotel on one of his properties in Southold. farmland that is getting purchased as farmland.
Anyone in business of farming had to make an investment in the land. The investment was needed to make a living. We
Town of Riverhead don't know what crops will be successful or what the future holds. We need to work with the farming community if we • The Town should work with the farming community to
Frank Beyrodt Councilman Farming expect farming to go forward. ensure that farming remains economically viable.

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Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update - 12/13/21 Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Topic Meeting - Summary of Comments

Name Affiliation Subtopic Summary of Comment Key Points/Recommendations for the Comp. Plan Update
Farming is hard. We need the master plan to address specific things such as what Rob Carpenter proposed. The 2003
Master Plan is a little vague; we love preservation but farming is hard. We need the master plan to protect the farmer
(e.g., water on the road, solar-visual issue - there's not a lot of down sides to solar compared with the alternatives [e.g.,
strip mall]). With TDRs, let's see the environmental review get rolled into the master plan review. The plan should address
Farming; TDR; agritourism in a positive way; there's no need to limit the numbers of animals, for example. This will protect against • The plan should include specific protections for farmers.
Unknown agritourism future zoning or legislative changes. The Plan should be specific and positive. • The plan should address agritourism in a postive way.
Marijuana - there are rules that make it difficult for growers to understand what they can and cannot do. You have to
pay cash for cannabis since it's illegal under federal law. The product is limited to that state; you can export surplus to
another state (CA, CO cannot cross state lines with their crop and are sitting on surplus). Don't saturate the market. Don't
put a wedding reception on your farm. We are looking to limit noise. Purchasing TDRs for drive through is not a bribe. Rob
Reeves Park Carpenter has well thought out points; flooding is not the farmers' problem. This needs to be addressed in the master
resident; South Recreational cannabis; plan and proper drainage put in. Solar as form of preservation is questionable. Solar should not hinder our scenic
Park Heights Civic noise; TDR, drainage; corridors. Tree replacement using local trees is a great idea. Ag housing for workers is a great idea. We need to give credit • The Master Plan should prohibit weddings, catering
Mike Foley Association solar; scenic corridors to farmers that are housing their J1 and H2A workers. halls, and amplified music on farmland.
Is the Town considering solar voltaics? Solar companies and agriculture need to study to ensure viability. We have
preserved land; we need Ag worker housing - can we put Ag worker housing on some of that preserved land. Some
Bob Kern Councilman Elect Solarvoltaics smaller operations have no room for Ag worker housing. • The plan should address agrivoltaics.
There are different levels of preservation; it would have to be on Riverhead preserved land. The Town doesn't have • The Town may continue to allow for agricultural worker
Rob Carpenter LI Farm Bureau Ag worker housing control over County, State, or private preserved lands. housing on its preserved lands.
• The Town should continue to allow for a small portion of
Town of Riverhead the farm to be dedicated to agriculture worker housing as
Frank Beyrodt Councilman Ag worker housing It is common for a small portion of the farm to be dedicated to Ag worker housing as part of subdivision review process. part of its subdivision review process.

Page 3 of 3
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

We have identified 11 hamlets in the Town of Riverhead. Which hamlet
do you live in or are you most connected with (e.g., work in or own a
business in)? Check all that apply.
Answered: 467
Skipped: 0

Wading River



Baiting Hollow


Hamlet (outs...




South Jamesport


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

1 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


Wading River 16.70% 78

Manorville 4.07% 19

Calverton 17.99% 84

Baiting Hollow 19.27% 90

Downtown Riverhead 15.63% 73

Riverhead Hamlet (outside Downtown) 21.41% 100

Northville 6.85% 32

Aquebogue 16.49% 77

Jamesport 16.49% 77

South Jamesport 5.14% 24

Laurel 3.43% 16

Total Respondents: 467  

2 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Which of the following choices best describes your relationship with the
Town of Riverhead? Check all that apply (if you check "Other" please write
in your answer).
Answered: 467
Skipped: 0

(year round...

(part time o...

Renter or
Lessee (year...

Renter or

Employee in
any Riverhea...

Business Owner

Visitor (for...

Visitor (for...



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

3 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


Homeowner (year round resident) 82.66% 386

Homeowner (part time or seasonal resident) 6.00% 28

Renter or Lessee (year round) 5.57% 26

Renter or Lessee (seasonal) 0.00% 0

Employee in any Riverhead Hamlet (not a resident) 3.21% 15

Business Owner 8.78% 41

Frequent Visitor (for pleasure/vacations) 4.28% 20

Frequent Visitor (for business purposes) 2.36% 11

Student 1.07% 5

Other: 3.21% 15

Total Respondents: 467  

4 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

The Comprehensive Plan Update is looking for input from all
ages. Please check your age group.
Answered: 467
Skipped: 0

Under 21





Over 75

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Under 21 0.21% 1

21-35 8.35% 39

36-50 15.63% 73

51-65 39.40% 184

66-75 26.34% 123

Over 75 10.06% 47


5 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

If you live in the Town of Riverhead, how long have you lived here?
Answered: 467
Skipped: 0

Less than 1

1-2 years

3-5 years

6-10 years

More than 10

I do not live
in the Town ...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Less than 1 year 1.93% 9

1-2 years 1.71% 8

3-5 years 8.35% 39

6-10 years 5.35% 25

More than 10 years 74.73% 349

I do not live in the Town of Riverhead 7.92% 37


6 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

The Comprehensive Plan has not been updated since 2003 and there
have been many changes in the Town since then. What do you think the
goals should be for this Comprehensive Plan Update? Check the 5 topics
below that are most important to you (if you check "Other" please write in
your suggestion).
Answered: 430
Skipped: 37



development ...

hamlet centers

Reuse of
vacant retai...




resources an...



diverse hous...

Promoting use
of renewable...



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

7 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


Downtown revitalization 49.77% 214

Waterfront revitalization 30.00% 129

Economic development and expanded local employment opportunities 25.12% 108

Walkable hamlet centers 21.86% 94

Reuse of vacant retail space on County Road 58 (Route 58) 56.05% 241

Farmland/open space preservation 70.47% 303

Thriving agriculture business 29.30% 126

Enhanced recreational opportunities (e.g., outdoors, waterfront access) 22.33% 96

Natural resources and environmental protection 49.53% 213

Historic preservation 32.79% 141

Reduced traffic congestion 53.72% 231

Providing diverse housing types for different household sizes, income ranges, and ages 11.63% 50

Promoting use of renewable energy 18.84% 81

Riverfront flooding 13.49% 58

Other: 15.12% 65

Total Respondents: 430  

8 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

The Comprehensive Plan Update has to balance a variety of priorities
and needs. How important are each of the following to you?
Answered: 430
Skipped: 37


from flooding

Natural and
water resour...


9 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

County Road 58
(Route 58)...

Housing need
and options

Housing code


10 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey






11 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

celebration ...

Expanded and


services and...

12 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Very Import… Important Neutral Not Import…

Very Unimp…


Public health/food security 45.43% 33.41% 17.31% 2.64% 1.20%  
189 139 72 11 5 416 1.

Resiliency from flooding 30.84% 42.41% 22.17% 3.61% 0.96%  

128 176 92 15 4 415 2.

Natural and water resources 67.92% 27.12% 4.72% 0.00% 0.24%  

protection 288 115 20 0 1 424 1.

Farmland/open space preservation 69.50% 22.70% 6.38% 0.24% 1.18%  

294 96 27 1 5 423 1.

County Road 58 (Route 58) 37.44% 36.73% 14.22% 6.64% 4.98%  

Corridor redevelopment/retail reuse 158 155 60 28 21 422 2.

Housing need and options 15.46% 27.29% 32.61% 16.18% 8.45%  

64 113 135 67 35 414 2.

Housing code enforcement 54.16% 28.03% 12.83% 3.33% 1.66%  

228 118 54 14 7 421 1.

Renewable energy/solar farms 19.57% 26.09% 30.19% 13.53% 10.63%  

81 108 125 56 44 414 2.

Downtown Riverhead revitalization 35.89% 39.00% 17.94% 2.87% 4.31%  

150 163 75 12 18 418 2.

Economic 26.92% 35.58% 27.64% 4.81% 5.05%  

opportunities/employment 112 148 115 20 21 416 2.
creation/job training

Traffic congestion reduction 54.78% 27.27% 15.07% 1.44% 1.44%  

229 114 63 6 6 418 1.

Transportation 21.69% 29.88% 32.53% 9.64% 6.27%  

improvements/options/connections 90 124 135 40 26 415 2.
(e.g., increased bus routes and
frequency/more frequent rail

Improved telecommunications 35.32% 31.26% 23.39% 5.73% 4.30%  

(e.g., internet service) 148 131 98 24 18 419 2.

Community celebration and events 12.95% 29.98% 38.13% 13.19% 5.76%  

54 125 159 55 24 417 2.

Expanded and enhanced 17.22% 36.36% 32.06% 10.05% 4.31%  

recreational facilities󠇌 72 152 134 42 18 418 2.

Community services(e.g., 10.60% 29.88% 40.48% 10.84% 8.19%  

expanded daycare options) 44 124 168 45 34 415 2.

Emergency services and police 57.35% 26.54% 12.56% 1.90% 1.66%  

protection 242 112 53 8 7 422 1.

13 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

How often do you frequent the businesses in Downtown Riverhead?
Answered: 430
Skipped: 37

Most days

About once a

About once a

Rarely or never

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Most days 11.86% 51

About once a week 33.72% 145

About once a month 26.28% 113

Rarely or never 28.14% 121


14 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

How often do you visit the businesses on County Road 58 (Route 58)?
Answered: 430
Skipped: 37

Most days

About once a

About 3 times
per week

About once a

Rarely or never

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Most days 29.30% 126

About once a week 37.21% 160

About 3 times per week 22.09% 95

About once a month 8.14% 35

Rarely or never 3.26% 14


15 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

There are vacant and underutilized commercial/retail buildings on
County Road 58 (Route 58). What other uses do you think are needed on
Route 58 to complement active uses and reduce these vacancies? Check
the 3 that are the most needed (if you check "Other" please write in your
Answered: 416
Skipped: 51

Personal care
services (e....




force housing






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

16 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


Personal care services (e.g., salon, dry cleaning, fitness center) 26.92% 112

Professional offices 35.82% 149

Medical/health care 30.77% 128

Market-rate residential 17.79% 74

Affordable/workforce housing 22.60% 94

Micro Apartments 10.82% 45

Entertainment 53.37% 222

Hotels 8.41% 35

Fee-based recreational facilities (indoor/outdoor) 42.31% 176

Other: 23.80% 99

Total Respondents: 416  

17 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

The Town knows traffic and transportation issues are important to
everyone, so the Comprehensive Plan will collect data to address
transportation needs. If you are employed, how far from your home is your
place of work? Please respond based on pre-pandemic conditions.
Answered: 416
Skipped: 51

Work from home

0 to 5 miles

6 to 10 miles

More than 10

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Work from home 28.61% 119

0 to 5 miles 23.80% 99

6 to 10 miles 12.50% 52

More than 10 miles 35.10% 146


18 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

How you travel will also inform our recommendations. How do you
get to and from work? Please respond based on pre-pandemic conditions.
Answered: 416
Skipped: 51



Commute by car

Commute by car
with one or...





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Walk 3.13% 13

Bike 0.00% 0

Commute by car alone 67.79% 282

Commute by car with one or more other persons 5.53% 23

Taxi/ride service 0.00% 0

Bus 0.00% 0

LIRR 2.64% 11

Other: 20.91% 87


19 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

School-related trips are a substantial source of traffic in the Town
during certain hours. How do you or you and your child get to and from
school most days (if you check "Other" please write in your answer)?
Please respond based on pre-pandemic conditions.
Answered: 416
Skipped: 51



School bus

I drive alone

I drive with a
family membe...

r drives me

I do not have


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Walk 0.72% 3

Bike 0.00% 0

School bus 12.50% 52

I drive alone 5.77% 24

I drive with a family member or friend 2.88% 12

Parent/caregiver drives me 1.20% 5

I do not have school-age children 67.55% 281

Other: 9.38% 39


20 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Shopping is another major source of traffic in the Town. How do you
get to and from local shopping areas most days (if you check "Other"
please write in your answer)? Please respond based on pre-pandemic
Answered: 402
Skipped: 65




I drive alone

I drive with a
family membe...

r drives me



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Walk 0.25% 1

Bike 0.25% 1

Bus 0.00% 0

I drive alone 68.91% 277

I drive with a family member or friend 28.36% 114

Parent/caregiver drives me 0.00% 0

Taxi/ride service 0.00% 0

Other: 2.24% 9


21 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

As part of our analysis of traffic and transportation issues and
opportunities, what importance do you place on the following transportation
options (and/or write in your suggestion)?
Answered: 402
Skipped: 65

ied bus service

Increased LIRR

bike lanes a...

walkable or...

22 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Expanding work
from home

carpool options

traffic flow...


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

23 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Very Import… Important Neutral󠇌 Not Import…

Very Unimp…


Increased/modified bus 15.40% 27.42% 33.16% 13.58% 10.44%    
service 59 105 127 52 40 383 2.76

Increased LIRR service 26.55% 30.41% 25.52% 10.82% 6.70%    

103 118 99 42 26 388 2.41

Expand/improve bike 26.74% 26.99% 25.45% 10.28% 10.54%    

lanes and bike/pedestrian 104 105 99 40 41 389 2.51

Promote walkable or 21.09% 29.43% 32.03% 10.16% 7.29%    

transit-oriented 81 113 123 39 28 384 2.53
development (TOD) to
reduce trips

Expanding work from 22.19% 22.72% 38.64% 9.40% 7.05%    

home 85 87 148 36 27 383 2.56

Promoting carpool options 9.97% 20.47% 49.61% 10.76% 9.19%    

38 78 189 41 35 381 2.89

Improve traffic flow on 57.47% 30.38% 8.86% 0.76% 2.53%    

Main Road (Route 25) and 227 120 35 3 10 395 1.61
County Road 58 (Route
58) to reduce by-pass
traffic on Sound Avenue
and other roads

Improve seasonal/tourism 75.25% 18.94% 3.54% 0.51% 1.77%    

traffic flow (e.g., 298 75 14 2 7 396 1.35
vineyards, special events)

24 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

The Comprehensive Plan Update will evaluate the community service
and facility needs in the Town. What do you think are the Town’s greatest
community facility and service needs? Choose the 5 most important to you
(if you check "Other" please write in your suggestion).
Answered: 402
Skipped: 65

health care...

More local
facilities f...

access to jo...


management a...

Emergency and
fire services

parks, and...





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

25 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


Improved health care options and proximity to services 31.09% 125

More local facilities for higher education (e.g., post-high school) 33.58% 135

Increased access to job training and vocational resources 38.31% 154

Security, crime prevention, and police protection 79.35% 319

Traffic management and safety 75.62% 304

Emergency and fire services 49.25% 198

Playgrounds, parks, and recreational programs 59.45% 239

Food distribution and access to healthy foods 29.35% 118

Daycare 16.17% 65

Libraries 19.90% 80

Other: 14.43% 58

Total Respondents: 402  

26 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

The Comprehensive Plan Update will also examine housing needs in
the Town. Please evaluate the following types of housing in terms of
additional types you would like to see in the Town (and/or write in your
Answered: 402
Skipped: 65

force (for...





Assisted Living

27 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


opportunity ...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Needed No Opinion Not Needed


Affordable/Workforce (for moderate- and low-income individuals and households) 39.53% 24.35% 36.13%  
151 93 138 382

Market-rate 37.93% 40.58% 21.49%  

143 153 81 377

Mixed-income 36.59% 41.46% 21.95%  

135 153 81 369

Multi-Family/Apartments 23.47% 26.67% 49.87%  

88 100 187 375

Age-restricted Housing 31.81% 35.58% 32.61%  

118 132 121 371

Assisted Living 58.27% 25.46% 16.27%  

222 97 62 381

Rental Opportunities 41.07% 33.33% 25.60%  

154 125 96 375

Increased opportunity for ownership of all types of housing (e.g., condos, co-ops, 50.40% 29.55% 20.05%  
townhouses, single-family homes) 191 112 76 379

28 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Agriculture and agribusiness are important to the Town economy,
history, and character. Please evaluate the following as uses that could
support farm preservation or agribusiness (and/or write in your
Answered: 398
Skipped: 69



Expanding farm
to table and...

specialty cr...


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Needed No Opinion Not Needed

29 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


Expanding agri-tourism and agricultural events and programs 51.15% 21.48% 27.37%    
200 84 107 391 1.76

Allow complementary uses or flexibility of uses on farmland that 50.89% 26.33% 22.78%    
support income 201 104 90 395 1.72

Expanding farm to table and healthy food programs 81.23% 15.68% 3.08%    
316 61 12 389 1.22

Expanding specialty crop businesses 61.79% 28.97% 9.23%    

241 113 36 390 1.47

Improved product distribution 62.02% 33.59% 4.39%    

240 130 17 387 1.42

30 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

As a coastal town with extensive shoreline, the Comprehensive Plan
Update needs to address current and projected flood protection needs and
the issue of sea level rise. What are your priorities for addressing
flooding/sea level rise/resiliency? Check up to 3 (if you check "Other"
please write in your suggestion).
Answered: 398
Skipped: 69

coastal zone...



development ...

coastal open...


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Updated coastal zone management policies 56.53% 225

Flood protection projects with State and Federal assistance 57.04% 227

Greater building setback from wetlands and waterways 56.03% 223

Elevating development in the flood zone 28.89% 115

Identifying coastal open space preservation priorities 66.08% 263

Other: 6.28% 25

Total Respondents: 398  

31 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

The Peconic River is a critical recreational and ecological resource for
the Town. What importance do you place on the following uses/activities
along the Peconic River (and/or write in your suggestion)?
Answered: 398
Skipped: 69

Access for

paths and mo...



32 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey


Reducing or
improving th...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Very Import… Important Neutral Not Import…

Very Unimp…


Access for boaters 34.95% 31.38% 25.00% 5.36% 3.32%    
137 123 98 21 13 392 2.11

Shared-use paths and 39.54% 35.20% 20.15% 3.32% 1.79%    

more access points 155 138 79 13 7 392 1.93

Nitrogen Reduction 67.18% 21.63% 10.18% 0.25% 0.76%    

264 85 40 1 3 393 1.46

Land preservation 74.23% 19.59% 5.15% 0.77% 0.26%    

288 76 20 3 1 388 1.33

Wetland restoration 67.01% 24.37% 7.36% 1.02% 0.25%    

264 96 29 4 1 394 1.43

Reducing or improving the 72.96% 20.92% 5.87% 0.26% 0.00%    

quality of stormwater 286 82 23 1 0 392 1.33

33 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Renewable energy options are a growing need for our future. Which
of the following renewable energy policies do you think are appropriate?
Check the top 3 (if you check "Other" please write in your suggestion).
Answered: 398
Skipped: 69

Allow solar

Solar panels

Solar panels
integrated w...

Solar panels
on vacant land

access to...

Tax incentives
to reduce...

Supporting or


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Allow solar power facilities if they provide direct benefits for Riverhead (e.g., lower electric rates, community benefits, 65.58% 261

Solar panels within industrial and commercial properties (e.g., on buildings, in parking areas) 65.83% 262

Solar panels integrated with farmland 15.58% 62

Solar panels on vacant land 15.08% 60

Improved access to renewable energy sources 38.69% 154

Tax incentives to reduce carbon footprint 42.71% 170

Supporting or encouraging alternative energy choices through the existing supply grid 41.96% 167

Other: 14.57% 58

Total Respondents: 398  

34 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Do you think the Town should reexamine and expand long-term
planning initiatives related to health care?
Answered: 389
Skipped: 78

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree
Nor Disagree



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Strongly Agree 28.02% 109

Agree 30.08% 117

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 33.93% 132

Disagree 4.88% 19

Strongly Disagree 3.08% 12


35 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Public Survey

Do you think the Town should reexamine and expand long-term
planning initiatives related to extreme storm events (e.g., Nor’Easters,
Super Storm Sandy) or other severe emergency conditions (e.g., electrical
emergencies such as blackouts or brownouts)?
Answered: 389
Skipped: 78

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree
Nor Disagree



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Strongly Agree 52.44% 204

Agree 32.39% 126

Neither Agree Nor Disagree 12.60% 49

Disagree 1.80% 7

Strongly Disagree 0.77% 3


36 / 36
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update Social Pinpoint Comments

First Last
Created on Type Comment Email Name Name Hamlet Topic Area Category
Bayberry Park is a neglected gem. It needs more
attention and care. The tennis Courts are a mess,
resurfacing the courts needs to be completed. The
Parking lot needs a major reworking. very little
attention has been made to make it an attractive
8/6/2021 14:31 Issue and inviting facility. Sid Bail Wading River Housing and Community Services Parks and Recreation
Riverhead parking Lot near Duck Ponds. There is a
need for better maintenance. Some of the
cobblestone curb stone curbing should be
repaired. The northern border of the parking lot is
unattractive and relatively barren. The southern
border is reasonably attractive thanks to the work
of a volunteer group the Shoreham Garden Club.
There is a need for new and attractive trash
receptacles. The brick walkways from the parking
lot to the Duck Ponds and to Brecky's store should
8/6/2021 14:51 Comment be repaired or replaced. Sid Bail Wading River Transportation Parking
17-acre CR parcel- This parcel might be good
choice for acquisition by the County/Town or the
Peconic Land Trust. It could be used for agriculture
(just east of King Kullen and CVS on south side of
8/6/2021 15:20 Comment 25A). Sid Bail Wading River Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Land
Boat ramp, canal, and parking lot need lots of
attention. The ramp is functional but canal is too
8/6/2021 20:03 Issue shallow to actually launch a boat. Brent Kirmish Wading River Housing and Community Services Parks and Recreation
Reeves Beach parking is too small to allow ANY
non-resident day or seasonal passes. The Jeep
ramp access to the beach is prone to non
permitted abuse. Fines for this should be
increased, and a process should be implemented
to enforce scofflaw collection. Resident volunteers
in beach communities can notify police to assist in
8/7/2021 9:58 Comment enforcement. Mike Foley Baiting Hollow Housing and Community Services Parks and Recreation

DRAFT 1 February 4, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

The asphalt is being washed away and pieces are

on the beach. Remove the broken road and the
streetlight in the sand (where the road used to
be). Add seating and native plantings that will
withstand the tide.

Add more garbage cans. There is too much litter

on the beach as the one can is always full during
8/7/2021 12:11 Issue the summer. (Miamogue Point Park) South Jamesport Transportation Transportation and Infrastructure
Need reliable high speed fiber optic internet and
phone service. Current options DSL and cable.
Both unreliable. Need cell service. Currently none
8/7/2021 15:44 Comment or spotty. (near Bluffs at Baiting Hollow area) Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Transportation Phone/Internet

Need traffic light. Very hard to make left turn onto

8/7/2021 15:46 Comment sounds Ave (from Oakleigh Avenue). Janet Ottaiano Calverton Transportation Traffic
Need speed enforcement on Oakleigh ave (near
8/7/2021 15:46 Comment Sound Avenue). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Transportation Traffic
8/7/2021 15:47 Comment Need 4 way stop sign (along Oakleigh Avenue). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Transportation Traffic
8/7/2021 15:48 Asset Local beach asset (Woodcliff Circle/Beach). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Housing and Community Services Parks and Recreation

8/7/2021 15:49 Asset Good restaurant (Cooperage Inn). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Route 58/Economic Redevelopment Business

Should stay natural or agriculture (North Shore

8/7/2021 15:50 Asset Horse Rescue / North Fork Family Farm). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Agricultural

8/7/2021 15:51 Comment Great catering (Giorgio's Baiting Hollow). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Business

February 4, 2022 2 DRAFT

Social Pinpoint Comments

There are no C.O.'s or permits for this by holding,

nor it's utilities and propane tanks (just south of
tennis courts along Fox Hill Drive (south of Bluffs
8/7/2021 15:54 Issue Drive North)). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Other Certificate of Occupancy/Permit
Area should remain natural (east side of Oakleigh
8/7/2021 15:55 Comment Avenue, north of Sound Avenue). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Preservation
Poorly maintained by the town (Oakleigh Avenue
8/7/2021 15:56 Issue between Wyl Lane and Sound Avenue). Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Transportation Maintenance
8/7/2021 15:57 Asset Asset (Pierpont Blossom Farms) Janet Ottaiano Baiting Hollow Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Agriculture
Really need to make this business (Garden of Eve
Organic Farm & Market) require people to exit and
enter elsewhere (to the West and East are other
options). Very dangerous having traffic exit at the
8/7/2021 19:44 Issue top of this T intersection. Northville Transportation Traffic
LUMBER+Salt looks like a junkyard/salvage yard.
8/7/2021 19:45 Issue This is appalling. Northville Other Visual
side of West Lane, approx. 450 south of Cedar
8/7/2021 19:46 Comment Clove Court) Northville Other
This area of Youngs Ave (west of Osborn Avenue)
is a disgrace to the town.
Between the mess that Crown has created the
abandoned animal shelter and the Town dumping
facilities it has become a total disregard for the
local residents.
The area certainly needs to be cleaned up and
8/8/2021 8:34 Comment landscaped Dennis Murray Calverton Environmental Protection/Sustainability Visual
Intersection is unsafe needs to be widened
8/8/2021 10:50 Issue (Edwards Avenue and Middle Country Road) Dennis Murray Calverton Transportation Traffic
How can illegal dumping be stopped on JT Blvd
8/8/2021 17:47 Comment (east side, south of Pulaski Street)? Thomas McSwane Downtown Environmental Protection/Sustainability Visual
Thank you Town of Riverhead for repairing this
ramp every time it washes out! One of the best
things about Riverhead is being able to drive down
the beach and watch sunset or fish (north end of
8/8/2021 21:04 Comment Roanoke Avenue, near beach). :) Riverhead Transportation Parks and Recreation

DRAFT 3 February 4, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Intersection (Edwards Avenue and Sound Avenue)

needs to be widened. Folks that live back here
cannot access this turn on weekends without
waiting 2-3 lights to even turn north on Edwards
Ave. The light is too short for everyone traveling
back up island and south to the LIE.
Let alone the people that are going straight (west)
cannot turn around those blocked by oncoming
traffic (those traveling east) without a huge
8/9/2021 8:40 Comment backlog. Baiting Hollow Transportation Traffic
Junkie and seedy central (Riverhead LIRR Station).
8/9/2021 8:43 Issue Clean up the area. Downtown Environmental Protection/Sustainability Visual
Intersection (Wading River Manor Road and 25A)
needs to be widened and a turn lane added. Like
Edwards and Sound Avenues; there is no way to
pass anyone turning (south) going east. =
8/9/2021 8:49 Issue KICKBACK/TRAFFIC. Wading River Transportation Traffic
ALLOWED UP THIS ROAD (Edwards Avenue near
Sound Avenue).
I’ve observed larger tractor trailers that cannot
even turn in EITHER direction of Sound Avenue
because they are too wide to fit in the intersection
and turn properly with any cars present.

If you want to come up to sound, use another

8/9/2021 8:55 Issue route to get to/from the expressway! Calverton Transportation Traffic
Bushes here need to be trimmed by the town or
whomever owns this property. It’s super difficult
to see around here when making the right into
Sound. (Intersection of Sound Avenue and
8/9/2021 9:01 Issue Twomey Avenue) Calverton Transportation Visual
Create / expand / maintain bike lanes / walking &
jogging paths from the Sound to the Bay ("Beach
to Beach") along Pier Ave. Manor Lane and South
8/9/2021 9:38 Opportunity Jamesport Ave. Sean Elwood Jamesport Transportation Traffic
The intersection of Mill Road and 58 is very
dangerous. There are at least two issues that
should be addressed. One would be when making
a left turn from 58 west onto Mill Rd It’s difficult
to ascertain the correct lane to turn int . Second
issue is when large trucks traveling east on 58
make a right turn going south on Mill Rd.
ShopRite’s super size trailers making a right go
8/10/2021 0:54 Issue onto the sidewalk. Cars stopped at the light feel Louise Abbate Downtown Transportation Traffic

February 4, 2022 4 DRAFT

Social Pinpoint Comments

they’re to be crushed. Hwy dept. needs to review

this intersection.

There has to be better traffic management on

Sound Ave. Its very difficult to turn on to Sound
Ave from Osborne and Twomey Ave ,also the
amount of Truck traffic using it as bypass instead
8/10/2021 9:10 Comment of taking 58. Edward Enders Downtown Transportation Traffic
Traffic gets pretty bad once you're in
Jamesport/Laurel/ How can we reduce tourism in
8/11/2021 9:14 Issue this area? Jamesport Transportation Traffic
The downtown areas of Jamesport and Laurel and
8/11/2021 9:15 Asset perfect! Jamesport Other Hamlet
Run off BMP are crucial in this area at the mouth
8/11/2021 9:18 Issue of the river Riverhead Environmental Protection/Sustainability Water
Love all the farmland here (north of Peconic Bay
8/11/2021 9:18 Asset Blvd, west of Laurel Lane) Laurel Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Farmland
Love all the farmland here (north of Main Road,
8/11/2021 9:19 Asset west of Manor Lane) Jamesport Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Farmland
The Modern Snack Bar (along Main Road) is a local
8/11/2021 9:20 Asset classic! Aquebogue Other Business
Let's encourage small business here (near
Paumanok Vineyards) (and all wineries) while
discouraging the "industrial scale" feel of places
8/11/2021 9:21 Opportunity like Duck Walk Aquebogue Route 58/Economic Redevelopment Business
I would like to discourage future development of
this kind (Town homes along Summerfield Lane
8/11/2021 9:21 Issue North and South) -- lacks character Northville Housing and Community Services Housing

There is constant flooding on Creek Road that

8/12/2021 3:44 Issue makes it impassable. Stephen Shapiro Wading River Environmental Protection/Sustainability Flooding/Infrastructure

DRAFT 5 February 4, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Is there anything that can be done with this light

(intersection of Peconic Avenue and 25)? In the
mornings and at 5pm the queue of people on
Peconic Avenue turning right (east) backs up to
8/12/2021 9:29 Comment the traffic circle. Downtown Transportation Traffic/Transportation
Remove the headstones from the parking lot at
Reeves beach--it will add 2 more spaces, and they
8/18/2021 12:17 Comment weren't done with a permit. Mike Foley Riverhead Transportation Parking
Doesn't the town demolish vacant falling down
houses (house across the street from Aquebogue
Health Chiropractic)? This house has been
8/18/2021 23:24 Issue abandoned for decades. Do something about it. Aquebogue Housing and Community Services Vacant Buildings
There is a town owned right of way at the north
end of Penny's Rd, that goes directly to the Sound.
I would love to see it cleared so that we, the
8/18/2021 23:28 Opportunity people can walk to the beach at this point. Northville Transportation Parks and Recreation
I see 2 people disliked my comment that Lumber
and Salt looks like a junkyard. If it's the owners,
8/18/2021 23:33 Comment clean the darn place up. It looks like a junkyard. Northville Other Visual
Does the house with the windmill (486 NY-25,
Riverhead, NY) have permits to run a wedding
business. It seems like they have a loud party
8/20/2021 20:51 Issue there a lot of weekends. Aquebogue Other Zoning
The hamlet boundaries for Jamesport and
Aquebogue are incorrect. Aquebogue does not
begin at Washington Ave. Aquebogue begins at
Tuthill's Lane. This is important and needs to be
corrected. It impacts voting precincts, population
8/23/2021 16:22 Issue data, government representation and more. Joan Cear Aquebogue Other Hamlet Boundaries
It is of primary importance to maintain rural
corridor zoning east of route 105 in the Town of
Riverhead. This means NO two-story office or
other commercial buildings, no multi-story
apartment buildings or hotels. It is the rural
beauty of this area that attracts tourists and their
8/23/2021 16:25 Issue money to Riverhead. Keep the rural corridor rural! Joan Cear Riverhead Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Zoning/Rural Corridors

There is a lot of beautiful farmland in this area

(north of Peconic Bay Blvd, west of Laurel Lane).
However, none of the surviving farmland in
Jamesport, Aquebogue or Laurel south of Rt. 25 or
east of Herrick's lane is eligible for the Transfer of
8/25/2021 8:43 Opportunity Development Rights program -- currently the Richard Wines Laurel Agriculture/Farmland Preservation TDR

February 4, 2022 6 DRAFT

Social Pinpoint Comments

town's only viable farmland preservation tool. This

needs to be addressed.

There is a lot of beautiful farmland in this area

(north of 25, east of Herricks Lane), A fair amount
is already preserved, however none of the
surviving farmland east of Herrick's Lane (in what
should be called Laurel) is eligible for the Transfer
of Development Rights program -- currently the
town's only viable farmland preservation tool.
8/25/2021 8:46 Opportunity This needs to be addressed. Richard Wines Jamesport Agriculture/Farmland Preservation TDR
This historic Hulse home is falling into disrepair
and this should be addressed. Cultural assets such
as these are important for Sound Avenue, Town
8/25/2021 9:03 Comment and region. Mark Terry Wading River Housing and Community Services Cultural/Historic
Historical asset (north side of Sound Avenue, west
of Fresh Pond Avenue) that needs immediate
8/25/2021 9:06 Asset attention. Mark Terry Wading River Housing and Community Services Cultural/Historic
Speeding of vehicles with little enforcement in this
area (near Zdunko Lane, along Sound Avenue)
needs to be addressed. Residents along Sound
Avenue enter the traffic stream from driveways
and are at risk.

Speeding is observed when the road has lighter

8/25/2021 9:16 Issue traffic. Mark Terry Riverhead Transportation Traffic
Very dangerous Intersection (Roanoke Avenue and
Reeves Avenue) - recommend re-evaluating traffic
8/25/2021 9:37 Issue controls as objective. Mark Terry Riverhead Transportation Traffic
Dangerous Intersection Horton Avenue and
Reeves Avenue) - recommend re-evaluating traffic
8/25/2021 9:38 Issue controls as objective. Mark Terry Riverhead Transportation Traffic
I was in this building (South Jamesport U.S. Post
Office) for the first time yesterday in a while.
Feels and looks like a sick building - black mold or
dust coming from air vents. Door uninviting in
need of paint - dirty feel. Actually felt bad for the
young guy working in the conditions. Certainty
8/25/2021 10:02 Issue not the pride of the USPS. Recommend goal to South Jamesport Housing and Community Services Visual

DRAFT 7 February 4, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

work with USPS to demolish and rebuild Post


Keep Jamesport Country Store, Jamesport

Vineyards and Washington Ave neighbors in the
hamlet of Jamesport. The boundary between
Aquebogue and Jamesport should be a line drawn
south from Tuthill Lane, not the current map
dividing Washington Ave. While posted map may
be consistent with the boundaries of a census
designated place, a CDP does not purport to
correspond with the local understanding of the
community. Historic understanding of the
community residents should be paramount for
8/26/2021 12:09 Issue comp plan. Steve Green Jamesport Route 58/Economic Redevelopment Hamlet Boundary
Strengthen protection of rural corridor from
erosion by special permits. Require application for
uses that differ from current use of property to
demonstrate that its not feasible to find an
alternative location outside RC and that new use
serves best interest of community when weighed
against intention to protect rural and agricultural
8/28/2021 10:05 Issue nature of zone. Steve Green Aquebogue Transportation Rural Corridors
Lack of adequate road storm drainage systems on
8/28/2021 20:14 Issue N. Wading River Rd. and N. Country Rd. Sid Bail Wading River Environmental Protection/Sustainability Infrastructure/Stormwater
The Town of Riverhead should be doing more to
enhance the portions of the Wading River Duck
8/28/2021 20:18 Issue Ponds which it is responsible for. Sid Bail Wading River Environmental Protection/Sustainability Water Resources
Bayberry Park tennis courts need a makeover.
They should be resurfaced with acceptable
8/29/2021 11:39 Comment materials. Stephanie Bail Wading River Housing and Community Services Parks and Recreation
Sidewalks are needed along North Country Road
from the duck ponds to Route 25A. Walking on
8/29/2021 11:44 Issue that road is extremely dangerous. Stephanie Bail Wading River Transportation Pedestrians
Historic district signs should be installed under
8/29/2021 11:46 Comment street signs in the historic district. Stephanie Bail Wading River Housing and Community Services Cultural/Historic
The Wading River Duck Ponds should be dredged
8/29/2021 11:49 Comment and filters installed for cleaner water. Stephanie Bail Wading River Environmental Protection/Sustainability Water Resources

February 4, 2022 8 DRAFT

Social Pinpoint Comments

A sidewalk should be installed in Sound Road in

8/29/2021 11:50 Comment Wading River. Stephanie Bail Wading River Transportation Pedestrians
The town should be more vigilant about allowing
construction without building permits. There
should be repercussions for infractions. A historic
house was renovated without a permit and
without oversight by the Landmarks Commission.
8/29/2021 11:54 Issue That should NOT be allowed to happen. Stephanie Bail Wading River Housing and Community Services Construction/Historic Resources
Mill Pond should be inspected for deficiencies.
Once the dam goes, the pond will drain, creating
8/29/2021 11:58 Issue havoc downtown. Stephanie Bail Wading River Environmental Protection/Sustainability Water Resources
Homes are being rented out much more
frequently and for shorter periods than allowed by
8/29/2021 12:01 Issue Riverhead law. Stephanie Bail Wading River Housing and Community Services Rentals
Sewage and other unsavory pollutants are leaking
into the Sound, creating an unhealthy hazard for
8/29/2021 12:03 Issue swimmers. Stephanie Bail Wading River Environmental Protection/Sustainability Sewer Infrastructure
The Town should consider implementing a 'small
lot ordinance' for pre-existing non-conforming
lots. This should apply not just to Wading River,
but other areas where zoning forces homeowners
to obtain a variance for structures like sheds/small
garages. Old zoning in WR is Res A or B, which
dictate a 20' setback (same as current RB80) that
often cannot be met. Parts of Jamesport and
Riverhead are vested in Res C/Ag A zonings, which
allow a 10' setback. A 10' setback seems fair
8/31/2021 10:41 Comment across the board. Wading River Housing and Community Services Zoning/Small Lots
With its hundreds of historic resources, all of Main
Road should be placed on the National Register of
Historic Places as a district -- allowing
homeowners of older houses to receive 20% tax
credits for many repair and restoration projects
and income producing properties to receive 40%
9/3/2021 13:30 Opportunity tax credits. Richard Wines Aquebogue Housing and Community Services Cultural/Historic
All of Sound Avenue was designated a Scenic and
Historic Corridor back in 1975 by the state
legislature and the town board. That designation
should be given some teeth to protect remaining
historic resources. We have already lost about
9/3/2021 13:32 Opportunity half since 1975! Richard Wines Northville Housing and Community Services Cultural/Historic

DRAFT 9 February 4, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Traditionally this area was considered part of

Northville. When it was incorporated as a village
in the 1920s (sometimes called the Village of
Sound Avenue), the western boundary extended
at least to Doctor's path. By some definitions, the
9/3/2021 17:37 Comment community extended to Roanoke Avenue. Richard Wines Riverhead Other Hamlet Boundaries
Doesn't exist. New shop (northwest corner of E.
9/3/2021 22:07 Comment Main Street and Benjamin Place, Riverhead, NY). Sean Murray Downtown Other Land Use
Doesn't exist. Church property (northeast corner
of E. Main Street and Benjamin Place, Riverhead,
9/3/2021 22:08 Comment NY). Sean Murray Downtown Other Land Use
Was the home of Long Island Council of Churches
pantry (southwest corner of E. 2nd Street and
Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, NY). No longer
9/3/2021 22:10 Comment exists. Sean Murray Downtown Other Land Use
Dangerous intersection (where Middle Road and
Deep Hole Road meet). Multiple near accidents
every day. Countless numbers on the weekends.
Heavy tractor trailers loaded with sand and other
material going to cement plants. Road is only
9/4/2021 5:27 Issue rated for 8 tons. Dozens of 80,000 lb trucks daily. Calverton Transportation Traffic/Transportation
Park (Sound Avenue Nature Preserve) closes at
9/7/2021 13:02 Issue dusk but people still use it. Need enforcement. Riverhead Housing and Community Services Parks and Recreation
The owner did a great job restoring this barn.
Love the little flower stand (along Sound Avenue,
9/7/2021 13:03 Asset west of Park Road)! Riverhead Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Agribusiness
Asset (Schmitt's Farm Stand on Sound and
9/7/2021 13:04 Asset farmland) Riverhead Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Agribusiness
The proliferation of promotional feather flags
along Sound Avenue are turning this historic and
9/8/2021 9:04 Issue scenic corridor into just another stretch of retail. Michael McLaughlin Riverhead Route 58/Economic Redevelopment Scenic Corridors
Please do not change the zoning on the
Community River Waterfront. We have had 3
different zoning designations in just 15 years.
Has public water, sewer. uses that give access to
the waterfront help keep eyes on activities and
9/12/2021 10:28 Comment increase awareness. Glynis Berry Downtown Other Zoning/Waterfront Access
This Residential area (near intersection of Maple
Avenue and E. 2nd Street) has potential to foster
small businesses, home ownership if zoning
allows. Consider restricting number of properties
9/12/2021 10:31 Comment that may be owned by one entity/person. Glynis Berry Downtown Housing and Community Services Zoning

February 4, 2022 10 DRAFT

Social Pinpoint Comments

Route 105. I can hear drag racing many nights.

9/13/2021 8:52 Issue Can't something be done about this? Northville Transportation Traffic/Noise
This factory (along West Lane, north of Veronica
Lane) has ALWAYS been a problem, for decades.
The latest occupant has let the property
deteriorate, and the halogen parking lot light are
9/13/2021 8:53 Issue in violation of the town's dark skies policy. Northville Other Visual
Very happy to see the police directing traffic at
this intersection (Sound Avenue and Northville
Turnpike), made dangerous by the Garden of Eve
9/13/2021 8:56 Comment having an exit right at the top of the intersection. Riverhead Transportation Traffic
End of Meeting House Creek Lane: Remove the
post and rail barriers to parking. Does not leave
space to park when kayaking. This is a town of
Riverhead street, not a private Rd. Residents of
Hockabuck neighborhood should not have the
right to restrict town of riverhead residents from
parking here. If they want to maintain and pave
the rd, go for it but as long as my taxes pay for it I
9/13/2021 9:00 Comment should be able to use it. Aquebogue Transportation Traffic
This boundary line divides my property between
Aquebogue and Northville. My house is in
Aquebogue and it appears that my yard is in
Northville based on this boundary line. The line
should be adjusted so as to ensure that both the
house and yard are in Aquebogue so as to prevent
9/23/2021 13:37 Issue confusion. Lee Mendelson Aquebogue Other Hamlet Boundaries
Alley Cat Thrift Shop and Church Office Building
(located on north side of E. Main St between
9/23/2021 22:10 Comment Benjamin Pl and East Ave) Sean Murray Downtown Other Business/Land Use
People speed down the road to go the beach.
Putting speed bumps should help slow down the
10/16/2021 0:02 Comment cars. Baiting Hollow Transportation Traffic
At night, this traffic light takes a long time to turn
green. Maybe at night this light turns into flashing
yellow for Roanoke and flashing green for Sound
10/16/2021 0:05 Opportunity (intersection of Sound Ave and Roanoke Ave). Riverhead Transportation Traffic
Add drinking water for the dogs at the dog park
10/16/2021 0:07 Opportunity (Stotzky Memorial Park). Downtown Housing and Community Services Parks and Recreation
11/22/2021 16:32 Comment Turn this into another traffic circle? Sean Deery Downtown Transportation Traffic

DRAFT 11 February 4, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update

Parking Garage. Condense all of the parking lots

near Railroad Ave into a multi-level parking
garage. add infill development to create a true
downtown streetscape EVERYWHERE we have
11/22/2021 16:36 Opportunity parking lots currently. Sean Deery Downtown Transportation Parking
Too much parking. Condense this into a parking
garage near the train station. Make this infill
11/22/2021 16:37 Issue development. Sean Deery Downtown Transportation Parking
Need to increase water flow to the West to reduce
11/22/2021 16:40 Issue fish kills and nitrogen pollution. Sean Deery Downtown Environmental Protection/Sustainability Nitrogen reduction
Find a way to create turning lanes in key areas
along Sound Ave and Main Rd. where agritourism
businesses create huge traffic back-ups. Also
explore the feasibility of roundabouts at
intersections where it has become impossible to
11/24/2021 18:21 Issue make a left turn, and sometimes a right turn! Joan Cear Northville Transportation Traffic
This area has the potential to house more people
and become a vibrant source of foot traffic for the
Downtown. No matter who owns it, increase the
zoning to add townhouses, duplexes, and
11/30/2021 20:26 Comment triplexes. Sean Deery Downtown Housing and Community Services Housing
Town should expand the TDR program to include
farmland south of Main Rd. and North of Sound
Ave. To exclude those areas of our hamlet is a
disservice to farm owners, and a gross oversight
12/18/2021 13:03 Issue by the Town. Now is the time to change this. Joan Cear Laurel Agriculture/Farmland Preservation TDR
The TDR program should be revised and expanded
to include farmland North of Sound Ave. and
south of Main Rd. Excluding these areas is a major
12/18/2021 13:05 Issue fault of the plan and now is the time to correct it. Joan Cear Northville Agriculture/Farmland Preservation TDR
Update the town's TDR program and expand it to
12/18/2021 13:12 Issue include farmland south of Main Rd. Joan Cear Aquebogue Agriculture/Farmland Preservation TDR
STOP commercial development east of Route 105.
The rural character of the area attracts tourists
with disposable income. If you build up the Town
east of Route 105, you will not only lose the charm
12/18/2021 13:15 Issue of area, you'll lose revenue. Joan Cear Riverhead Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Rural character

February 4, 2022 12 DRAFT

Social Pinpoint Comments

Agri-entertainment businesses are more

entertainment than agriculture. The Town should
revise the property tax structure and add create a
separate tax rate for agritourism/agritainment
businesses that is higher than the rate for land
that is solely dedicated to agricultural production.
If the town would create such a tax levy, the
additional money could fund the emergency
services, code and law enforcement, and
infrastructure needs these entertainment
12/18/2021 13:21 Issue properties require from the town. Joan Cear Northville Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Agritourism
Agri-entertainment businesses are more
entertainment than agriculture. The Town should
create a separate tax rate for
agritourism/agritainment businesses that is higher
than the rate for farmland that is solely dedicated
to agricultural production. The revenues could
fund the emergency services, code and law
enforcement, and infrastructure needs these
12/18/2021 13:24 Opportunity entertainment properties require from the town. Joan Cear Aquebogue Agriculture/Farmland Preservation Agritourism
Thank you for addressing the inconsistent hamlet
boundary here between Jamesport and Laurel.
What is contained on this map is correct. Thank
12/18/2021 13:34 Comment you. Jamesport Other Hamlet Boundaries
The 2003 Comp Plan highlighted the historic and
scenic significance of the Sound Avenue Corridor.
It also indicated that steps should be undertaken
to protect the integrity of this scenic and historic
corridor. It is time to adopt some formal measures
1/15/2022 14:26 Comment to protect the Sound Avenue Corridor. Sid Bail Calverton Transportation Scenic Corridors
Traffic between merge of 25/58 and 105 going
east is horrible. There needs to be a long right turn
lane to get the single file moving. Worst on
weekends and rush hour daily. I know it's a NYS
DOT issue but there is no reason for this kind of
1/17/2022 21:40 Issue backup every day. Mark Haubner Riverhead Transportation Traffic

DRAFT 13 February 4, 2022

Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update ‐ Comment Forms Summary

Date/Time Name2 Email2 Hamlet(s) of Concern Topic Area Comment

The comprehensive plan has to strongly come out against further commercial, big box buildings EAST of Rte 105.  We dedicated [ and destroyed Rte 58] in 
an effort to allow and limit commercial development to the corridor leading to the intersection at Route 105.  Further development past this mark will be 
the death knoll for our quality of life.  We should be mindful that the revenue boom envisioned by the Rte 58 development has not evolved;; the property 
tax burden still is on the backs of residential property owners.  Even the downtown economic boom promised by the Aquarium has failed to materialize 
and this business will never be the economic engine they promised when we were convinced to let them develop on East Main Street.  Economic 
development needs to be restricted to those areas currently developed, with repurposing and incentives for businesses to locate in these areas. Also, one 
of the biggest obstacles to development is allowing prior years zoning rules to go with the land and with whoever is the new owner. This practice must be 
Aquebogue; Downtown;  Conventional zone zoning standards need to yield to Town‐wide form based zoning. This allows for greater local participation and input‐ a right that all 
Jamesport; Laurel; Northville;  Route 58/Economic  residents should have, a say in hw their community looks.  Current traditional zoning has proven to be a disaster, especially with our ZBA constant give‐
8/7/21 8:36:57 Angela De Vito South Jamesport; Redevelopment aways.

Route 58/Economic 
Agriculture/Farmland  1‐‐no more new retail space until vacant spaces are repurposed
8/18/21 12:11:08 Mike Foley Baiting Hollow Protection/Sustainability 3‐‐No more sand mining‐‐CMA's application must be denied.

Protection/Sustainability; Route 
Aquebogue; Baiting Hollow;  58/Economic Redevelopment; 
Calverton; Downtown; Jamesport;  Agriculture/Farmland 
Laurel; Manorville; Northville;  Preservation; Housing and 
Riverhead; South Jamesport;  Community Services; 
8/18/21 13:45:21 Mark Haubner Wading River Transportation A comprehensive plan should be just that‐‐comprehensive. Every one of these topics interrelates and depends on every other.

I have owned my house in Jamesport since 1980 and am shocked to find that portions of Jamesport are to be reallocated to Aquebogue‐in furtherance of 
what????. The Jamesport Civic Association is a strong group that has successfully worked with Riverhead town to conserve the rural nature of the area‐can 
only imagine that this redistricting will weaken the town and that effort and further the interests of those who would allow unfettered development.
Route 58/Economic  All this seems to be going on without public comment and it is absolutely necessary that hearings be scheduled and publicized‐it was very difficult to find 
8/29/21 15:38:14 Margaret Byrne Jamesport Redevelopment the link to the mapping or to provide comments.
Riverhead; Calverton; Downtown; 
Northville; Manorville; Aquebogue; 
Baiting Hollow; Jamesport; Laurel;  Route 58/Economic 
10/5/21 9:35:32 Alexander Prego Alexander.Prego@SuffolkCountySouth Jamesport; Wading River Redevelopment; Transportation Any proposed Town modifications to a County Road should be vetted by SCDPW prior to being presented to the public or any elected official.
I am a long time resident of Wading River. I would like to offer my input for the Long Range Planning which is now taking place. I would like to see the 
addition of a recreational walking, jogging and biking lane on Sound Road in Wading River. In recent years, the traffic has increased on this narrow road 
making it dangerous for anyone wishing to use it recreationally. A widened road with a marked lane for recreation use would provide a safer environment 
for residents wishing to exercise.
Thank you for your consideration,
Michele Dougherty
50 Southview Ct.
Wading River,
10/19/21 12:47:26 Michele Wading River Transportation NY 11792
Route 58/Economic 
Preservation;Environmental  I was on the Env Protection / Sustainability call and could not be hear even though my phone was off of mute. I don't have Microsoft Teams on my laptop 
Protection/Sustainability;  and was forced to download, but without an account I still can't access the meeting except for the dial in number. Don't you have a service available that 
Housing and Community  would allow anyone to participate rather than those with a Microsoft account?!?! I'm 24, I know how to work a phone, there was something wrong on 
11/30/21 20:31:20 Sean Deery Riverhead; Downtown Facilities;Transportation your end of the system.
Riverhead Comprehensive Plan Update ‐ Comment Forms Summary

Before I begin, I'd like to thank the committee for their time and expertise:

I think navigability on foot (or lack thereof) is the underlying issue facing Riverhead town. I grew up here, and in the mid‐2000s was part of the Riverhead 
High School Cross Country team. Nowadays, it'd be insane to try and run across Main Road. And if I go to shop at, say, Lidl's or Gala Fresh, it requires me to 
walk through expanses of parking lot where the signal from the surrounding traffic architecture is that, relative to the cars, I'm an unwelcome guest. I think
the best solution for Main Road is to create service roads and pedestrian malls on either side of Main Road. The service roads, one way streets on either 
side, would be drawn out from the currently adjoining parking lots. For reference: think of the layouts of Eastern Parkway or Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn. 
The aim for this would be to separate through‐traffic from local‐traffic. Businesses would only accessible from the service roads, and the Main Road would 
be accessible only at set intersections. The pedestrian malls would make for a more comfortable pedestrian experience.

I think Riverhead Train Station should be turned into a more central intermodal hub. I have no idea why a bunch of bus routes (S66, S60, &c.) terminate at 
the 'Suffolk Community Center' which is all but inaccessible on foot. They should instead terminate at a (renovated) train station instead, along with, say, 
the Hampton Jitney and other transit options. This is to say nothing of bike lanes.

Commercial retail construction needs to be dialed back. Our open spaces are a strategic asset, and more big‐box commercial development when there are 
vacant stores to be filled is crazy. That said, I do wonder—and this may prove unworkable—if there's a way to gradually (in conjunction with Tanger itself) 
migrate the boutique Tanger Outlet stores to downtown Riverhead. The boutique businesses that would otherwise be downtown do exist, they're just 
siloed up in Tanger; or are along Main Road. Beyond that, you will surely hear demands for more parking. I implore the committee to hold fast against 
those requests. The demand for more parking, and more parking minimums, will drive locations further apart, which will lead to more people needing to 
drive, which will inevitably lead to the need for more parking spaces. Instead, think of Annapolis, Maryland; which is highly walkable and enjoyable to be 
in, with its alleyways and residential housing, and very little parking of any kind at all. Which, in closing—
Transportation;Housing and 
Community Facilities;Route  HOUSING: I think allowing for duplexes, triplexes, four‐plexes, accessory dwelling units, and similar 'missing middle' residential housing, can satisfy the 
12/1/21 17:20:49 John Fallot Riverhead 58/Economic Redevelopment need for more housing without the backlash that we've seen around five‐story condos.

DID YOU FORGET TO OPEN THE MICROSOFT TEAMS MEETING?!?!? I've been waiting for OVER AN HOUR..... I also couldn't speak yesterday even though 
Route 58/Economic  my phone was work just fine.
12/1/21 19:09:30 Sean Deery Riverhead; Downtown Redevelopment This is why people get PISSED OFF about government.... and I'm pro Downtown Revitalization!

I have been to 4 out of 5 meeting and spoke at 3 of them and continue to believe my thoughts, Route 58 seems built out already, what more do you need, 
it will only add to more traffic. Save all the farmland you can, stop giving these big builders tax breaks give it to the TDR and preserve as much land as 
possible, SAVE our WETLANDS, They will never be able to stop the traffic on all Riverhead roads if you build it they will come.  Please don`t believe the LIRR 
is going to ad more trains or even another track to Riverhead.  They just spent a billion bucks to add a 3rd track in Nassau county to help speed things up 
Agriculture/Farmland  and the covid comes and ridership is still down and in long run they don`t think it will ever get back to what it once was.  Sorry to be a Debbie Downer   PS 
Preservation; Environmental  Stefan  Soloview needs to be on the map. Just read a Bloomberg article from 2019 and this is a quote from article. "."Soloviev lives on Long Island, where 
Protection/Sustainability;  he’s installed his 17‐year‐old son Christian as the head of a smaller agricultural operation on 1,100 acres on the North Fork – land he said he may 
Transportation; Route  eventually use to build homes. The New York Times reported  ‐09‐09/stefan‐soloviev‐is‐one‐of‐
12/15/21 8:27:54 John Cullen Northville  58/Economic Redevelopment america‐s‐largest‐landowners               All the best John Cullen
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