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Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Math 10

Name: Meliza P. Advincula

Course, Year & Section: BSED Math 3A

I. Objectives
After a series of activities and discussions, the grade 10 students are expected to
do the following tasks with at least 75% proficiency:
a. Define degrees and radians of an angle;
b. Explain their similarities and differences;
c. Operate or convert degrees to radians and radians to degrees.
II. Subject Matter
Main Topic: Degrees and Radians
Sub Topic: Converting degrees to radians and radians to degrees
Reference: Advance Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics
Page 158-160
Julieta G. Bernabe;
Materials: Cartolina, Illustration Board, Marker

III. Procedure: Inductive Method

Strategy Teachers Task Students Task

A. Preparation Using illustrations, the teacher will give The students will answer the questions given
1. Review the following questions: by the teacher without looking at any
(a) It is formed by two rays with references and instead, they will only look at
common endpoint. the illustration of the teacher.
(b) It is the motion of the body Answers:
about a certain or about its (a) Angle
axis. (b) Revolution
(c) As the angle rotates, the (c) Initial Side
stationary ray is called the? (d) Terminal Side
(d) While the rotating ray is the?
2. Motivation The teacher will group the class into The students will participate on the said
three by counting starting from the activity.
right front. Each group are tasked to present their
The teacher will give each group 3 answers on the class.
illustrative pictures for them to Answers:
answer. Their answers will be base on G1.
what part or the shaded portion of the (a) ¼
circle. (b) 3/8
G1. (c) 1/8
(a) ¾
A B (b) ½
C (c) 5/8
(a) 0
(b) 1
G2. (c) 7/8



B. Presentation The teacher will define degrees and The students will respond to the teacher,
radians. everytime the teacher asks if they have
Degree- it is a unit used for measuring understood the discussion of the lesson or
the size of an angle; denoted by (⁰). they want some further clarifications and
Radian- is the measure of a central examples.
angle of a circle whose rays subtend an The students can ask some more illustrative
arc on the circle equal to the radius of examples from their teacher.
the circle.
Using illustrations, the teacher will
discuss degrees and radians.
o 1 radian

The circumference of the circle is 2 π

times the radius.
Since the circumference of a circle is
subtended by a central angle of 360⁰,
it follows that:
2 π radian = 360⁰
or π radian = 180⁰

If π radian (180) is divided by π :

π radian/ π = 180⁰/ π
1 radian = 180⁰/ π
If π radian (180) is divided by 180⁰,
π radian / 180⁰ = 180⁰/180⁰
1⁰ = π / 180⁰ radian
The said relationships may be used in
conversions. Converting radians to
degrees and degrees to radians.
The teacher will now give some
illustrative examples.
(1) 5 π /6 radians
5 π 1800
= x =150⁰
6 π
In converting radians to degrees,
multiply the given radians to 180⁰/ π .
(2) 50⁰=
π 5π
50⁰ x = radians
180 18

In converting degrees to radians,

multiply the given degrees to 0
Another examples:

(3) =¿
2 π 1800
x =120⁰
3 π
(4) 100⁰=
π 5π
100⁰ x 0= radians
180 9
The teacher will ask the students if
they have understood the topic, and if
the students demands another
example’s for further clarifications, the
teacher will automatically give some.

C. Comparison The teacher will group the class into 3 The students must prepare and be ready.
and Contrast groups. 6 items will be given by the They must answer all the item number
teacher to be answered by each group, eventhough only two items will be given to
but the teacher will be the one to them t be explained on the board. This will
choose what number of items will they determine if they have really understood the
going to answer at the end of 5 topic very well.
minutes allotted time. Adding up, all Answers:
members must be ready for the 5π
1. radians
teacher will be the one to choose who 12
among the them will explain their 2. 270⁰
answers on the board, two members 19 π
3. radians
each group, one member per item. 36
Convert the following: 4. 216⁰
1. 75⁰ 7π
5. radians
3π 6
2. 6. 135⁰
3. 95⁰

5. 210⁰

This activity will determine who among
the students have not and those who
understood the topic. And if incase
most of the students have not
understood the lesson very well, the
teacher will give further examples or
she can also have peer tutoring. The
students who really have understood
the topic will be paired to those who
are not and they will be the one to
teach their classmates. This is because,
those students who cannot yet
understand the lesson will be or will
have a hard time to catch up the next
lesson after this one.
D. Generalization The teacher will ask some questions The students will answer the questions given
about the discussed topic, or summary by the teacher without looking at their notes.
of the lesson. Answers:
1. What are the two 1. Degree and Radians
measurements used in π
2. By multiplying
determining the measurement 180
on an angle? To the given degree.
2. How can we convert degrees to 180
3. By multiplying
radians? π
3. How can we convert radians to to the given radians.
E. Application The teacher will give 3 illustrative The students will answer the items given by
examples and will instruct the students the teacher.
to solve it on their seats. Answers:

a. 135⁰ &
Give the degree and radian 4
measurements of the following: 7π
b. 157.5⁰ &

c. 67.5⁰ &

Evaluation The teacher will administer a 10 The students will answer the questionnaire
items multiple choice type of given by the teacher.
questionnaire to the class to assess Answers:
their learnings about the lesson. This 1. C
will determine if the teacher have 2. B.
successfully done her tasked in 3. C.
imparting the knowledge to the 4. D
students. 5. A
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. C

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Choose the letter of the best possible answer. Write the letter before the
number. Avoid erasures.
1. It is a unit used for measuring the size of an angle; denoted by (⁰).
a. Radius
b. Radian
c. Degrees
d. Radii
2. It is the measure of a central angle of a circle whose rays subtend an arc on the circle
equal to the radius of the circle.
a. Radius
b. Radian
c. Degrees
d. Radii
3. 2 π radian is equivalent to what degrees?
a. 180⁰
b. 160⁰
c. 360⁰
d. 240⁰
4. In converting degrees to radians, the given degrees will be multiplied to________?
b. 1⁰
c. 1 radian
d. 0
5. In converting radians to degrees, the given radians will be multiplied to _________?
b. 1⁰
c. 1 radian
d. 0
6. The circumference of a circle is subtended by a central angle of _______?
a. 2 π
b. 360⁰
c. 180⁰
d. π
7. The following radian measurements are equivalent to a degree measures equal or not
greater than 360⁰ EXCEPT:
a. 2 π

19 π
55 π
8. Give the degree and radian measure of

a. 67.5⁰ &

b. 65.7⁰ &

c. 67.5⁰ &

d. 65.7⁰ &
9. 720⁰ is equivalent to?
a.4 π
b. 3 π
c. 2.5 π
d. 5 π
10. 1⁰ is equivalent to?
c. 0
V. Assignment
A. Topic: Unit Circle
B. Sub topic: Angles of a unit circle

Strategy Teachers task Students task

C. Words to be The teacher will give 10 words The students will give
study for the students to look for its definitions of the words given
meaning. by the teacher.
Define the following: Answers:
1. Radii 1. Radii- plural form of
2. Radius radius.
3. Central Angle 2. Radius- the distance
4. Coordinate from the center to the
5. Circumference circumference of the
6. Angel Rotation circle.
7. Counterclockwise 3. Central Angle- is an
Motion angle with endpoints
8. Clockwise Motion and located on a circles
9. Abscissa circumference and
10. Ordinate vertex located at the
center of the circle.
4. Coordinates- is the
member used to
determine the position
of points.
5. Circumference- the
distance around the
6. Angle Rotation- the
angle through which
the plane figure is
7. Counterclockwise
Motion- proceeds
opposite to the
direction of the clock
hands: from the top to
the left, then down to
the right, and back to
8. Clockwise Motion- is
one proceeds in the
same direction as a
clock’s hands: from the
top to the right, then
down and then to the
left, and back to the
9. Abscissa- the x-
coordinate, the
distance from a point
to the vertical or y- axis
measured parallel to
the horizontal or the x
10. Ordinate- the y
coordinate, represents
the distance from a
point to the horizontal
or x axis measured
parallel to the vertical
or y axis.
D. Guide Questions The teacher will give 5 The students will answer the
related questions to the words questions given by the
to be study. teacher.
1. If the angle is positive, Answers:
then the motion of the 1. Counterclockwise
rotation is _________? Motion
2. If the angle is negative 2. Clockwise Motion
then the motion of the 3. Quadrants 1 & 3
angle rotation is 4. If their abscissa and
_____? ordinate are of
3. If the abscissa and opposite signs.
ordinate are equal and 5. The radius should be
have same sign, then it equal to 1. x² + y²= 1
lies in quadrants ____?
4. When can we say that
the points lies on the
second and fourth
5. What is wrong with this
equation x² + y²= 3?
Write the correct
(hint: equation of a
E. Home Activity Each student will prepare 3 The students will bring the 3
different types of emoji. faces of emoji placed in a stick
Happy, sad, and confused next meeting for the next set
emoji that will be placed in a of activities.
This is for the preparations of
the next set of activities.

F. References
Advance Algebra, Trigonometry, and Statistics
Page 158-160
Julieta G. Bernabe;

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