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Sample Lesson Plan in Mathematics

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During and at the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. illustrate the unit circle and relationship between linear and angular
measures of a central angle in a unit circle using Angle Meter and Infinite
Unit Circle mobile applications;
2. convert degree measure to radian measure and vice versa using
Trigonometry 3 app; and
3. Relate how angles are form to focus.


Topic: Angle Measures
References: Learner’s Material in Precalculus
Mobile Applications: Angle Meter and Infinite Unit Circle
Skills to develop: Converting degree measure to radian measure and vice versa
Values Integration:Focus
Time Frame: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Teaching Approaches:Constructivism, Experiential, Discovery and Reflective


Mechanics: Angle Meter Navigation:
1. The teacher will mention several 1. Open the Angle Meter mobile app.
angle measures to the class. 2. Once the teacher mentioned the
2. Students must form the mentioned measure of angle, tilt and/or rotate
angle using the Angle Meter app. the mobile phone to form the
3. After forming the angle, students angle.
will silently raise their mobile 3. When you already form the angle,
phones showing the formed angle. lock the angle meter by tapping
the angle meter per se on mobile
phone screen.

(Sample angle formed in Angle Meter)


Based on our activity, how did you form Angles were formed by tilting/rotating the
the angle? mobile phone to get the desired angle

What did you notice when you tilt/rotate One of the hands of the angle meter
your mobile phone? moves.

How many hands did you observed in the Two (2).

angle meter?

What happens to the other hand of the While the one hand is moving, the other
angle meter? one is stationary (not moving).

The two (2) hands angle meter has

something to do in forming angles. The
one that rotates is called the terminal side
while the one that is stationary is called
the initial side.

To deeply understand the concept of Infinite Unit Circle Navigation:

terminal side and initial side, kindly open 1. Open the Infinite Unit Circle
the mobile app Infinite Unit Circle. Mobile App.
2. There are two tabs in the app, the
unit circle and the coterminal
angle. In this case, open the
coterminal angle tab. (Explain that
coterminal angle will be discuss in
the next lesson).
3. Noticeably, there are blue and red
side along the unit circle. Make
use of the red one.
4. Rotate the terminal side (red)
clockwise and counterclockwise.
5. Record the angle as shown below
the unit circle.

What did you observe in the measure of Counterclockwise rotation forms positive
the angles when you rotate the terminal angle.
side in counterclockwise rotation?

How about in clockwise rotation? Clockwise rotation forms negative angle.

Very good!
Notice as well that the angle is drawn in
the xy-plane with its vertex at the origin
and its initial side on the positive x-axis,
thus the angle formed is said to be in
standard position.

Are there angle measures given when you Yes, there are. Angles are expressed in
rotate the terminal side? degree and radian measure.

Since we only rotated one terminal side

and it generates to angle measure such as
degree measure and radian measure, what
can you infer about the relationship of the Angle in degree measure has a
two angle measures? corresponding angle in radian measure.

Exactly! With that being said we shall

now learn how to convert degree measure
to radian measure and vice versa.
In converting angle in degree measure to (Let the students discover how to convert
radian measure and vice versa, we just angle in degree measure to radian
need to note the relationship of the two measure and vice versa using the
measure i.e. conversion. Trigonometry 3 mobile application.)

Trigonometry 3 Navigation:
1. Open the Trigonometry 3 app.
2. Go to the “Degrees to Radians”
tab to start learning how to convert
angles in degree measure to radian
measure. Once finished, go to the
next tab “Radians to Degree” to
start learning how to convert angle
in radian measure to degree
3. To answer question, simply tap on
a box (green box) to change the
number or symbol inside the box.
4. Then check your answer by
tapping on the tick.

(Facilitate the learning process)

Tap the first three boxes to input 150. Do

the same on the next three boxes. On the
last boxes (fraction form), input the
answer. Tap the check mark to verify your
answer. It will either display “X mark” to
signify that the answer is wrong or “check
mark” to signify the opposite.

(Facilitate the learning process) To convert angle from degree measure to

radian measure, multiply the given angle
by 180° .

To convert angle from radian measure to

degree measure, multiply the given angle
by π

Tap on the first boxes on the left side and

input the given angle. On the right side,
input the product on the left side. As you
multiply the product on the left side with
180o, the answer must be entered on the
last three boxes. Tap the check mark to
verify your answer. It will either display
“X mark” to signify that the answer is
wrong or “check mark” to signify the

How do we convert angle in degree

measure to radian measure?

What if the angle is in radian measure,

how are we going to convert radian to


Now that you know already how to

convert angle in degree measure to radian
measure and vice versa, kindly go the
“Exercises” tab on the same mobile app
and convert the angles.

Convert each angle manually. Then, input

your answer in the box provided per item.
You can only check your answer once you
converted all the angles given.
π π 180 °
2 π( ) =90 °
3π 3 π 180 °
rad =
2 ( )
=270 °

11π 11 π 180 °
6 π( )=330 °

30 °=30° ( 180°π )= π6 rad

240 °=240° ( 180°π )= 43π rad
315 °=315° ( 180°π )= 74π rad
What have you learned from our (Students will respond)
discussion this morning?

Should we say that you really understand Yes Sir!

the concepts of angle measures?

A while ago, I ask you to form an angle
using Angle Meter. Some of you failed,
while others have successfully formed an
angle. You notice that a minute movement
causes the angle measure to change. In
that particular scenario, what you really
need is FOCUS. Once you are focus on
your goals, you will definitely get what
you are aiming. For example, when you
are studying, make sure you are out of
distractions in order for you to focus.

Can you give me some of your priorities, (Students will give insights)
aims in life, etc. that you need to focus
Direction: Convert the following angles. Show your solutions.
1. Degree measure: 25o, -115o, 89o,-200o,-50o

3π 5π 5π −π −π
2. Radian measure: 10 , 2 , 4 , 4 , 2

1. Convert:
13π 34 π

a. -889o b. 254o c. 11 d. 19

2. When do we say that two angles are coterminal?

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