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Ultrasonic Gas Meters Handbook - Instromet

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1.1 Operating principle

1.2 Pulse generation and detection
1.2.1 Transducer technology
1.2.2 Pulse detection


2.1 The accuracy of the travel time of a single path meter

2.2 The uncertainty due to the flow pattern
2.2.1 Reynolds’ number
2.2.2 Perturbed flow
2.2.3 The effect of turbulence
2.3 Possible path configurations
2.3.1 Single path meters P.Sonic spool piece meter Insertion meters
2.4 Multipath Q.Sonic meter


3.1 Installation of single path meters

3.2 Installation of Q.Sonic multipath meters
3.3 Ultrasonic noise - Regulators
3.4 Pressure drop
3.5 Wet gas
3.6 Pressurising and depressurising
3.7 Physical size
3.8 Transducer installation


4.1 AGC
4.2 Number of pulses accepted
4.3 Velocity of sound
4.4 Noise and signal analysis
4.5 Average velocity



This handbook is one of a series that Instromet has prepared for the
Gas industry. It describes the operating principle, the performance, the
installation and the output facilities of the different types of Instromet
Ultrasonic gasmeters. Comparisons are made with other types of
meters such as orifice plates, turbine meters and rotary piston meters.

Other handbooks in this series deal with Turbine meters, Rotary dis-
placement meters, Gas chromatographs and with complete Gas
Metering Systems.

Instromet also manufactures Ultrasonic Meters to measure river flow.

These will not be dealt with in this Handbook.


1.1 Operating principle

Sound waves travel with a specific velocity through a medium.

The speed of sound in gas is determined by its composition and also
by its pressure and temperature.

Some indicative figures for different gases are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Velocities of sound for different gases under different
Substance P (bar) T (K) C (m/s)
Methane (CH4) 1 275 432
Methane 1 320 463
Methane 60 275 414
Methane 60 320 456
Air 1.0133 275 333
Hydrogen (H2) 1.0133 273.15 1022
Ethylene(C2H4) 1 273.15 318
Natural gas (Groningen) 1.0133 273.15 400
For gases that behave as ideal gases the velocity of sound (C) is equal

C = √ (K•P/ρ)

For Natural Gas [1] the velocity of sound is approximately equal to:

C = √(k•P/(Z•ρ))

with k Poisson’s constant

P pressure
Z compressibility
ρ density

If a sound wave is created in a flowing medium its speed of propaga-

tion will be equal to the vector sum of the velocity of the original wave
and the velocity of the medium. This effect is used to measure gas

In figure 1 the basic system is shown. On both sides of the pipe, at posi-
tions A and B, transducers are mounted, capable of transmitting and
receiving ultrasonic waves. The acoustic waves are generated as a
beam perpendicular to the surface of the transducer.

Figure 1. Basic set-up

The Instromet Ultrasonic gasmeters use a short pulse signal. The form
of this signal, which is really a short burst of a very high frequency (fig-
ure 2), is recognised at the receiving end and the time elapsed since
emission is measured digitally.
Figure 2. Typical form of high frequency pulse

With zero flow, the travel time from A to B (tAB) is equal to the travel time
from B to A (tBA). This is equal to the average travel time for the acoustic
pulses t0:

tAB = tBA = t0 = L/C,

where L is the length of the acoustic path and C is the speed of sound in
the gas.

If there is a flow of gas with velocity vm in the direction indicated in figure

1, the travel time of the acoustic pulse from A to B will decrease and from
B to A will increase according to:

tAB = L
C + vm cos (ϕ)

tBA =
C - vm cos (ϕ)

where ϕ is the angle between the path A - B and the pipe axis.

When the two acoustic pulses are transmitted at the same time, the speed
of sound is identical for both measurements and can therefore be elimi-
nated, resulting in:
vm = (1/tAB - 1/tBA) (1)
2 cos (ϕ)
where v is the averaged flow velocity along the ultrasonic path. It is
clear from (1) that the flow meter is truly bidirectional.

Alternatively when the gas velocity vm is eliminated, the speed of

sound can be calculated:

C = L/2 (1/tAB + 1/tBA) (2)

Because the speed of sound is related to the density of the medium, it

can also be used in some applications to calculate an approximate
value for the mass flow in the system. This technique has been applied,
for example, in flare gas measurement and in vapour recovery.

1.2 Pulse generation and detection

One of the reasons why ultrasonic gasmeters developed much

later than their equivalents for liquids, is that it is much more difficult
to transmit a sound wave into a gas than into a liquid. High efficiency
transducers are needed that emit a well defined pulse in a directed
beam into the gas.

It is also desirable to be able to change transducers without the need

for recalibration. These requirements demand a special design and
extreme quality control.

1.2.1 Transducer technology

Specially designed transducers are used in the Instromet meters. These

transducers are capable of both transmitting and receiving ultrasonic
pulses.The main component within a transducer performing these
functions is a piezoceramic element. In the transmitting mode these
piezoceramic elements are excited with a characteristic electrical pulse
which results in the emission of a well determined acoustic pulse.
When used as a receiver, the incoming pulse generates a small signal
which, after amplification, can be processed. The shape of the pulse
generated and the directional pattern of a transducer depend, to a
large extend, on the dimensions and material characteristics of the
piezoceramic element.
1.2.2 Pulse detection

Before pulse detection and recognition take place, the received signal
is pre-processed using Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and a filter sec-
tion. The AGC section is used to cope with a wide spectrum of gas den-
sities, pressures and composition. After the pre-processing stage the
pulse is presented to the detection circuitry. In the detection circuit the
signal is digitized and compared with a ‘fingerprint’ of the expected
pulse signal, making it highly immune to other acoustic signals that
might otherwise influence the measurement. The measurement result,
based on the two transmitted pulses, is either:

* accepted, if the signal transmission is completely in agreement

with the preset quality standards
* rejected, if a deviation from these quality standards is

Only after the received pulse is accepted will the travel time be deter-
mined and used in the calculation of the gas velocity and the speed of
sound. Matching the received signal with its fingerprint not only elimi-
nates spurious signals, it also makes it possible to determine the time
of arrival more accurately. This method results in the highest measure-
ment quality that can presently be achieved.

Depending on the pipe diameter some 20 to 60 pulses are emitted per

acoustic path every second. The average travel time of accepted pulses
is used every second for further processing.


Instromet Ultrasonic gasmeters are manufactured in three types, each

directed to a particular market need. Two are intended to be used for
control purposes. One of these is designed to be mounted on existing
pipelines by hot tapping, the second is designed as a spool piece. Both
these types are influenced by the velocity profile. The third type is
designed specifically for custody transfer. The recommendations of the
OIML [2] for turbine meters and the international standard ISO 9951
[3] were used as a guideline in awaiting specific standards or recom-
As a result Instromet's Q.Sonic ultrasonic gasmeter was the world’s first
to be officially approved. It has now been approved for use in fiscal
measurement by the Dutch Official Authority NMi, by the German
Official Authority PTB and by Industry Canada, the Canadian Weights
and Measures Authority.

The difference in design and in path configuration of the three types

of meters result in a different performance.

A single path ultrasonic flow meter measures the average velocity

along the path in accordance with equation (1). If the velocity were
uniform over the cross-section, it would suffice to multiply this average
velocity with the cross-sectional area. In practice, the velocity reduces
from the centre towards the wall and the actual shape of this velocity
profile is a function of the Reynolds’ number.

For the flow rate we find therefore :

Q= ( 1/tAB - 1/tBA) (3)
2 cos (ϕ)

where A denotes the cross-sectional area of the pipe and k the effect
of the velocity profile.

The uncertainty in the values of tAB and tBA is determined by the elec-
tronics. The path length L and angle ϕ, and the surface area A are
determined by the geometry and any uncertainty in these parameters
will result in an uncertainty in the flow rate.

2.1 The accuracy of the travel time of a single path meter

To illustrate the required accuracy in the travel time measurement,

practical values will be substituted in the preceding equation, using a
value of 600 for the ultrasonic path angle ϕ. The equations then con-
vert to:
L L/C t0
tAB = = = ≈ t0 - M • t0/2 (4)
C + vm cos (ϕ) 1 + v/2C 1 + M/2
L L/C t0
tBA = ______________ = ________ = ________ ≈ t0 + M • t0/2 (5)
C - vm cos (ϕ) 1 - v/2C 1 - M/2

where M, the Mach number of the flow (v/C), must be much smaller
than unity. These relations show that the measured travel times (both
up and down stream) are equal to the mean travel time t0, with a small
correction M • t0/2 depending on the average gas velocity.

A typical design velocity for an ultrasonic meter is 30 m/s. For a 1:75

range the minimum velocity is then 0.4 m/s. As an example, when this
velocity has to be measured with an accuracy of 0.5%, the meter must
have a resolution of 2mm/s. Combining this with a typical sound veloc-
ity of 400 m/s and an ultrasonic path length of 0.4 m gives the follow-
ing results:

t0 = 1 ms ; ∆t0 = M • t0/2 = 5 ns.

The small value of the mean travel time indicates that an ultrasonic
flow meter is capable of measuring with high repetition rates. In surge
control and other applications, where the flow drops from its set point
to its minimum in less than 0.5 s, this high repetition rate is of prime
importance. Typical repetition rates are 10 to 30 Hz but can be set to a
higher value if necessary. The advanced signal processing used in
Instromet Ultrasonic meters make it even possible to measure volume
in pulsating flow with little additional error [4].

The achievement of a high resolution in travel time measurement

requires the use of high speed, high accuracy and well designed

The uncertainty in the time resolution in all Instromet Ultrasonic gas-

meters is 10 ns or better.

The velocity error ∆v is proportional to the time error ∆t and given by:

C2 tan(ϕ)
∆v = ___________ ∆t
As a function of the pipe diameter this results in:

D δv
mm/s inches/s

6” 4,5 0,18
10” 2,7 0,11
20” 1,4 0,054
30” 0,9 0,036

Table 2. Velocity error as a function of the pipe diameter for a

10 ns uncertainty in time measurement

2.2 The uncertainty due to the flow pattern

2.2.1 Reynolds’ number

After entering the pipe the velocity profile will gradually accommo-
date itself until it is axisymmetric and fully developed. This would nor-
mally take some 80 D. Most theoretical and experimental work in flow
in pipes is related to fully developed flow.

For straight circular ducts the flow profile is determined by the

Reynolds’ number (Re) of the flow and the relative roughness of the
pipe wall. The dimensionless Reynolds’ number is calculated using the
velocity, the duct diameter, the density and the dynamic viscosity of the
flowing medium. For low Reynolds’ numbers the flow is laminar and
has a parabolic velocity profile (Hagen Poiseuille); for high Reynolds’
numbers the flow is turbulent and the velocity profile assumes the
form of a plug (figure 3).

The transition from laminar to turbulent in a straight pipe normally

takes place at a Reynolds’ number of about 2300.

Several relations have been put forward to describe the velocity profile
in a round pipe. From these relations one can calculate a theoretical
value for k. Instromet's experience has been that the one given by
Rothfus and Monrad [5] in a study for Shell results in an uncertainty of
approximately 1% for a single path meter operated at Re ≥ 105.
Figure 3. Laminar and turbulent flow patterns

2.2.2 Perturbed flow

In a practical installation a fully developed flow will always be per-

turbed to a certain extent. There may be bends, headers, risers, valves
or even filters generating all sorts of perturbations. Even in a very long
pipe the roughness of the surface, welds and the matching between
two subsequent pipe sections may influence the profile. The sensitivity
of the flow profile to minor deviations in the geometry is exemplified
by the tough requirements on the quality of the upstream piping in
the ISO 5167 [6] standard for orifice plate metering.

As a result the flow pattern will normally not be axisymmetric and may
contain a swirl component. Practical installations may also show pulsat-
ing flow.

The difference between swirl and turbulence is defined by the size of

the vortices. In case of turbulence, the size of the vortices is much
smaller than the pipe diameter. Since a single (small) vortex automati-
cally generates other vortices in different directions, this small vortex
breaks up into smaller and smaller vortices until it dissipates into heat.
In gas pipelines this process will last between 0.1 and 10 seconds,
depending on the pipe diameter. In the case of swirl, however, its size
is of the same magnitude as the inner pipe diameter. Therefore there is
no space to generate vortices in other directions. Consequently, this
vortex does not break up into smaller ones but remains stable over
pipe lengths of hundreds of pipe diameters long.
In the extreme case, one single vortex will occupy the full pipe diame-
ter and encounter very little damping other than created by the wall

Swirl can only be eliminated within a short distance by blocking it by

means of a flow straightener, making the installation unsuitable for
‘pigging”. This also generates a pressure drop.

In all cases except the case of one single vortex, the presence of swirl
will also mean that there are radial velocity components present, so-
called cross flows (figure 4).

Figure 4. Single and double vortices and possible acoustic paths

As can be seen in figure 4 cross flow influences the average velocity

over a flow path and therefore generates an error in the flow rate. A
single vortex also produces an error in any path not going through the
centre. By choosing a different path configuration, the effect of swirl
can be completely eliminated. One method, shown in figure 5a, uses
another pair of transducers in the same plane parallel to the pipe axis .
By taking the average of the velocities measured by both pairs of
transducers, the cross flow is eliminated. The same effect can be
obtained by using the reflection of a centric ultrasonic beam as in
figure 5b. For this solution highly efficient transducers are needed.

The efficiency of the sophisticated Instromet transducers is such that

even multiple reflections can be used. All Instromet Ultrasonic gasme-
ters use the reflecting beam principle.
a. Two paths in the same plane

b. Reflected path

Figure 5. Two ways to eliminate the effect of swirl :

2.2.3 The effect of turbulence

Turbulence consists of small vortices in random directions rapidly

breaking down. The effect of turbulence can therefore be eliminated
by sufficiently long averaging. It shows in a random, small apparent
variation in the flow rate.

2.3 Possible path configurations

In figure 6 some possible path configurations are shown.

Figure 6. Path configurations

In arrangement A swirl as in figure 4 will give an error. It is also a con-

struction that is less suitable for buried pipe. Configuration B is insensi-
tive to these flow patterns and, because access from only one side is
needed, lends itself for application to buried pipe. Configurations C
and D are less influenced by asymmetric flow profiles but are quite
sensitive to vortices as in figure 5a. By adding a similar second path
rotating in the opposite direction, this effect can be eliminated. These
last two configurations have also a longer path length which increases
accuracy. Configuration D is difficult to install and C is therefore the
better choice.
2.3.1 Single path meters

For a fully developed flow the uncertainty in the flow rate is mainly
determined by the geometry of the meter and, for low flow rates, the
turbulent fluctuations and the offset error. The flow rate is calculated
from the average velocity over the path assuming a fully developed
velocity profile. If this is not the case the uncertainty in the flow rate
will increase.

Orifice plate flow meters are similarly affected by the velocity profile.
It is reasonable to assume that, if the same installation conditions are
observed as for orifice plates, similar uncertainties can be expected. For
an installation that satisfies ISO 5167 [6] this would give a basic uncer-
tainty of 1% for a ß of 1. As the installation requirements according to
the standard increase with ß, and are only listed up to a value of 0.8,
the uncertainty may still be somewhat higher in practice, even though
the installation conditions of ISO 5167 for ß = 0.8 are fully met.

For installations that do not satisfy these installation conditions the

uncertainty introduced by inadequate knowledge of the flow profile
increases and can be up to 2%. P.Sonic spool piece meters

The P.Sonic is a single reflection, single path meter with a path config-
uration as in figure 5b, mounted in a machined spool piece. In these
meters the distance between the transducers can be accurately con-
trolled and the cross-sectional area of the pipe is known with great
precision. As a result the dimensions contribute very little to the uncertainty.

When averaging over 1 second, the uncertainty due to turbulence

amounts to approximately 2% for velocities higher than a few meters
per second, decreasing for higher velocities.

For long averaging times or conversion of flow rate to a quantity, the

effect of turbulence goes to zero. Then, the uncertainty in the velocity
profile becomes the determining factor. For very low velocities the
absolute error in the time of flight becomes a significant addition.

For fully developed flow the uncertainty would be approximately 1.5%

at velocities down to 1 m/s if the installation conditions of ISO 5167 are
observed. For long averaging times in a good installation, the uncer-
tainty approaches 1%. Insertion meters

The transducers are inserted through a full bore 2” valve perpendicular

to the pipe and in a plane through the pipe axis (figure 7). The trans-
ducers are constructed to transmit a sound wave whose angle with the
tube is 45° or more. The meter is normally located on a transmission
line and if needed the pipe can be tapped under pressure using hot
tapping techniques.

Figure 7. Check.Sonic insertion meter

Compared to a spool piece meter additional uncertainties in the fol-

lowing parameters have to be considered.

* the diameter of the pipe

* the position and orientation of the transducers, affecting the

length of the ultrasonic path

* the roundness of the pipe affecting the surface area

These factors are very much determined by local practical conditions. In
general larger diameters give smaller errors except for roundness,
when large diameter pipes are becoming thin shelled structures.

2.4 Multipath Q.Sonic meters

In a practical installation the velocity profile will mostly differ from the
undisturbed velocity profile due to the actual piping configuration.
The piping may result in:

* asymmetric velocity profiles

* swirl, generating tangential and or radial velocity components

* pulsations

The multipath Q.Sonic has been designed to eliminate the effect of the
distortions of the velocity profile. The path configuration has been cho-
sen in such a way that it is possible to detect the type of distortion and to
measure its strength (figure 8). Two double reflection triangular
corkscrew paths, one rotating clockwise and the other counter clock-
wise, are used to measure the swirl strength. Three single reflection
paths are used to measure the asymmetry of the flow pattern.

Swirl paths Diagonal paths Cross-sectional view

Figure 8. Q.Sonic path configuration

For the determination of the flow rate, the mean velocity over the
cross-section of the pipe is needed. To calculate the value, several thou-
sands of flow profiles were measured and analysed. On the basis of
this analysis Instromet has developed a proprietary procedure that
takes into account:

* the Reynolds’ number

* the measured velocities along the individual paths

* the measured swirl strength

* the asymmetry of the flow

The velocities are measured almost instantaneously. The pulses are

generated in a semi-random way and averaging over a sufficiently
long period eliminates any bias due to pulsations.

As a result, the uncertainty in measurement with a Q.Sonic can be pre-

dicted from the dimensions to within 0,5%. Individual (wet) calibration
in a test installation can reduce this even further.

For the smaller diameters a 3 paths configuration is used and the

uncertainty with dry calibration only increases to 0.7 %.


3.1 Installation of single path meters

As discussed earlier the flow profile has a similar effect as for orifice
plates. Present indications are that observing the installation condi-
tions as stipulated in ISO 5167 will result in a basic uncertainty of about
1%. Similarly, if the smaller, bracketed values listed in this standard are
used for the straight lengths preceding the meter, one can expect to
have to add an additional 0.5% arithmetically.

3.2 Installation of Q.Sonic multipath meter

In absence of any standards for ultrasonic meters or their installation, the

Q.Sonic was tested to the standard for turbine meters ISO 9951.
The standard defines a set of flow perturbators that have to be installed
upstream of the meter for a performance test. The flow perturbators give
either a low level or a high level of perturbations.

The high level perturbation as defined in ISO 9951 consists of two

bends in perpendicular planes, with a segmental orifice located
between the two bends blocking half the pipe area. The objective is to
model the flow pattern generated by a regulator. The low level pertur-
bation is similar to the high level perturbation except for the omission
of the segmental orifice.

Independent tests carried out by users [7] have confirmed that the
Q.Sonic only needs 10 nominal diameters of straight upstream pipe to
satisfy the requirements of ISO 9951.

3.3 Ultrasonic noise - Regulators

Some types of regulators generate very high levels of ultrasonic noise.

If the acoustic energy that is generated is in the same frequency band
as where the meter operates there is a likelihood of interference.

If an ultrasonic meter has to be installed in the same installation as a

regulator that operates above the critical pressure ratio, the following
measures should be considered:

* Install the regulator and the meter as far apart as possible.

* Avoid a design where regulator and meter are in line, some

bends or tees in between help attenuate the noise.

* If possible install the meter upstream of the regulator.

3.4 Pressure drop

Ultrasonic meters produce no pressure drop.

3.5 Wet gas

Under certain conditions small amounts of liquid can deposit from

natural gas on the pipe wall. This liquid film is propelled through the
pipe by the gas velocity, at low velocities mostly along the bottom, and
at higher velocities also along the rest of the surface. At the same time
droplets are being carried in the gas stream.

Instromet Ultrasonic gasmeters are not sensitive to the presence of liq-

uid. The meter will continue operating even if totally flooded.
However, in these circumstances the uncertainty of the measurement
result will increase with the amount of liquid present. This is for a large
part due to the decrease in free area available for gas flow.

A temporary flooding of the meter with water or condensate will not

normally affect its performance afterwards. However, the meter
should be installed so that liquids do not collect in the meter.

The performance of the Q.Sonic for wet gas has been demonstrated in
trials carried out by ARCO British Limited on the Thames platform in
the North Sea [8].

3.6 Pressurising and depressurising

Pressurising and depressurising the meter can be done at any rate. The
meter does not suffer any damage from high gas velocities.

3.7 Physical size

Sizes and ranges are given in table 3 for the P.Sonic and in table 4 for
the Q.Sonic.
Diameter Product Flow range Qmin Qmax Meter body
3 3
[m /h] [m /h] length
4” P.Sonic 1:40 20 800 5D
6” P.Sonic 1:50 30 1600 4D
8” P.Sonic 1:60 50 3000 4D
10” P.Sonic 1:60 60 5000 3D
12” P.Sonic 1:125 65 8000 3D
16” P.Sonic 1:130 90 12000 3D
20” P.Sonic 1:140 130 19000 3D
24” P.Sonic 1:140 200 28000 3D
30” P.Sonic 1:180 250 45000 3D
Table 3. Sizes and ranges for the P.Sonic single path meter

Diameter Product Flow range Qmin Qmax Meter body

3 3
[m /h] [m /h] length
6” Q.Sonic-3 1:35 45 1600 5D
8” Q.Sonic-3 1:50 60 3000 4D
10” Q.Sonic-3 1:65 75 5000 4D
12” Q.Sonic-3 1:90 90 8000 3D
16” Q.Sonic-3 1:120 100 12000 3D
20” Q.Sonic-3 1:150 130 19000 3D
24” Q.Sonic-3 1:215 130 28000 3D
30” Q.Sonic-3 1:225 200 45000 3D
Table 4. Sizes and ranges for the Q.Sonic multipath meter

3.8 Transducer installation

The transducers have proved to be extremely reliable. There is howev-

er, an option available which permits the removal of the transducers
under pressure. The transducers are in this case inserted through full
bore valves.

The transducers are fully exchangeable without invalidating the official

calibration. There is no need for recalibration after installing a differ-
ent transducer.
The transducers of insertion meters can routinely be retracted to be
able to give passage to a pig. A hydraulic system to automatically
retract the transducers at the approach of a pig is available as an


The fact that all relevant data are available in digital electronic form
allows for sophisticated diagnostic techniques. These diagnostic data
can be accessed on line and used to generate control charts. In this way
any degradation in performance can be detected in an early stage and
remedied. The following diagnostics are available on Instromet
Ultrasonic gasmeters:

4.1 AGC

The received signals are amplified. An Automatic Gain Control adjusts

the amplification to achieve a specific signal level. Decrease of signal
level could for example be caused by thick deposits on the transducers.
Monitoring the AGC provides an excellent diagnostic tool.

4.2 Number of pulses accepted

The received signal is compared with a template of the expected sig-

nal. If the resemblance is sufficient the signal is accepted. The percentage
of rejected signals has to remain under a certain level however.

4.3 Velocity of sound

From equation (2), the velocity of sound can be calculated.

Depending on the fluid and the pressure and temperature range that
can be expected a maximum and minimum value for this figure can be
determined. Values outside of these limits would indicate abnormal
conditions or a malfunction somewhere in the system. In multipath
meters the velocity of sound can be determined for each of the paths
4.4 Noise and signal analysis

The noise received in absence of signals is analysed typically every 10

seconds. Its level determines the value to which the gain can be
increased by the AGC. The AGC level strength and the noise level are
both available from the meter.


The outputs of ultrasonic flow meters consist of a pulse signal and a

serial digital data signal available according to RS 232 or RS 485 standards.
The pulse rate is proportional to the flow rate so that each pulse equals
a certain volume.

Additional status signals are available to indicate flow direction and to

indicate validity of the signal.

Special software is provided to communicate with the gasmeter

through a PC. This PC can also serve to adjust parameters as far as
allowed for legal metrology purposes.

[1] R.L. Andsager, R.M. Knapp: Acoustic measurement of distance in

natural gas systems, Society of Petroleum Engineers, paper SPE
1640, 1966.

[2] Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Legale (OIML), recom-

mendation R32: Rotary piston gas meters and turbine gasmeters.

[3] ISO 9951, Measurement of gas flow in closed conduits - Turbine


[4] H.J. Dane: Ultrasonic measurement of unsteady gas flow, Paper

presented at the 1995 meeting of the AGA operating section.

[5] R.R. Rothfus, C.C. Monrad:Correlation of turbulent velocities for

tubes and parallel plates, Indust. and Engng. Chem. 47 (6) (1955)

[6] ISO 5167-1, Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differ-

ence devices-Orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in
circular cross-section conduits running full.

[7] F. Vulovic, B. Harbrink, K. van Bloemendaal: Installation effects on a

multipath ultrasonic flow meter designed for profile distortions,
North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop, October 1995,

[8] P.Robbins: Thames Alpha gas metering ultrasonic meter (USM) trial,
North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop, October 1996, Peebles
Hydro, Scotland.

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