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DZS GPON Technology Training Course - Session 4

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Session 4: System & Switch provisioning

– Part 2
Session 4 Outline
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
 Redundancy
 마스터 텍스트 스타일을Trunk,
Link Aggregation(Port 편집합니다
둘째 수준
 Rule(Flow
수준 ACL)
넷째 수준
 IGMP 다섯째 수준

 System Security
 System trouble shooting guide

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집

 Equipment(Board)
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다 Redundancy
둘째 수준
• Active/Active Redundancy with Load Balancing
셋째 수준
① Two board take a same role on service equally
넷째 수준
② The remaining board will handle all services if the failure of a board
③ High efficiency compared to committed resources
All of boards take a role on service at the same time

What Dasan can support

• Active/Standby Redundancy
① One of boards provides service, the rest remain in a wait state
② Failure on active board will not affect on service
③ Low efficiency compared to Active/Active Redundancy in the
resource point of view

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마스터 제목 스타일 편집

마스터 텍스트Redundancy Boot Sequence
스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
Primary SFU Seconady SFU
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준 Active/Standby decision by FSM
Active Standby

Standby SFU waits until active

SFU is available
ActiveInit StandbyWait

Once active SFU is ready,

synchronization process starts
SingleActive StartSync

Synchronization is finished and

standby SFU is available
ActiveReady StandbyReady

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마스터 제목 스타일 편집

마스터 텍스트Operational
둘째 수준
셋째 Active
수준 SFU Standby SFU
ActiveInit 넷째 수준
bootup completed
SingleActiveReady StandbyWait
Switchover detected

Active is ready
No software update
version requested is required Switchover detected
no software update is VersionCheck
VersionReport System MAC sync

software transfer requested UpdateMac

No software
Software sync required
sync required
Software sync
SoftwareTransfer required

Standby disconnection SoftwareSync

disconnection is Switchover detected or
software transfer completed process software sync failed
detected. Or Software transfer started
SoftwareTransferDone SoftwareSyncDone
Software Sync completed
process is
configuration transfer requested
Switchover detected
Configuration transfer started

configuration transfer completed ConfigSyncDone Reset

Switchover detected
All software components in
ConfigTransferDone standby started
Switchover detected
initial state sync requested
Initial state sync is completed

ActiveReady StateSyncTransfer DisconnectStandby SingleActiveReady StandbyReady

initial state sync completed Switchover detected

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Redundancy – Active SFU Operational Status Information
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
Description Actions
ActiveInit 텍스트 스타일을
Initial state. 편집합니다
User can’t set or change the configuration in this state. Proceeding boot sequence as single mode
regardless of redundancy configuration
둘째 수준
SingleActiveReady Completed boot sequence as Active SFU. All of application are re Single SFU are working as active without

셋째 수준 ady for working and providing service. In this state the mate is not synchronization with mate to support
working currently. redundancy feature.
VersionReport 넷째 수준
Completed to deliver information of version of running NOS to Just send information of version of
standby SFU according to requesting of confirming the running software. Before doing SSO.
다섯째 수준
software version on standby SFU for synchronization on Software.
SoftwareTransfer If Standby SFU has a different software version, Standby SFU Transmit current running NOS
requests to deliver the current running NOS to Standby itself. After
receiving the request, the Active SFU start sending the current
running NOS. if failed to deliver the NOS, Active SFU retransmit it
by pre-configured times.
SoftwareTransferDone Completed transmitting the NOS to standby SFU. Waiting for transmitting configuration
ConfigTransfer Start sending the running configuration by request of Standby SFU Generating the configuration file and
. After this state user cannot set or change the current configuratio sending it. Put a restriction on changing
n on Active SFU until synchronization on configuration is done the current configuration on Active SFU.
ConfigTransferDone Completed synchronization on initial configuration Waiting for synchronization on state of
StateSyncTransfer Each protocol module on Active SFU try to synchronize state of Each protocol transmit the state of module
itself. to same protocol module on mate board.

ActiveReady Completed state synchronization. All service will be available from Setting off the restriction on configuration
now. The user can set or change the configuration on Active SFU.

DisconnectStandby Notify all modules that standby SFU does not work any more. And Initiate the procedure of redundancy
then clean relevant information. synchronization

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Redundancy – Standby SFU Operational Status Information
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
Description Actions
텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
Standby SFU is waiting in order to proceed with the synchronizatio Check the state of Active SFU.
n. Standby SFU will perform the synchronization process when the
둘째 수준 Active is ready to begin the synchronization process.
VersionCheck Waiting for response on information of software version which is ru Request checking the version of NOS
셋째 수준 nning on Active SFU. and verify it
UpdateMac If Standby SFU has a different MAC Address from Active SFU, Sta Update the MAC Address
넷째 수준
ndby SFU replace the MAC address with the one of Active SFU.
SoftwareSync 다섯째 수준
If Standby SFU has a different Software from Active SFU, Standby Receive the Software
SFU will receive software which are running on Active SFU to sync
hronize the Software.
SoftwareSyncDone Receiving and saving the software on flash has been completed. Report that receiving the software has
As soon as software synchronization is complete, reset itself and been completed and reset itself
start working with the new software.
ConfigSync Request Active SFU synchronization on configuration and then try t Receiving the configuration and store
o receive and save the configuration file which Active SFU has tran it on Flash
smitted on Flash. Multiple configuration files are delivered in a singl
e compressed file. It means Standby SFU should have capability of
extracting from and compressing into archive file.
ConfigSyncDone Synchronization is complete. All of software modules will start runni Running software modules
ng on
StartupSync All software modules are working on with the initial configuration Request the synchronization on state
which saved in Standby SFU. And request the current state of of modules.
software module which is running on Active SFU in other to
synchronize the state of module.
StandbyReady The synchronization of all software modules have been completed.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집

 How
마스터 텍스트To Check?
스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
To display the status of SFU, use the following command.
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준

To synchronize the configuration data between SFUs for redundancy control

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집

 How
마스터 텍스트 To Check?
스타일을 편집합니다
SWITCH[A]# show redundancy status // Redundancy Status
둘째 수준
role: ACTIVE
operational state: ACTIVE_READY
slot: SFU_A 셋째 수준
Mate SFU status
넷째 수준
operational state: STANDBY_READY 다섯째 수준
slot: SFU_B

SWITCH[A]# show slot system sfu // SFU Active status

---------------------------------------------------- SWITCH[A]# show slot system sfu mate // SFU Standby status
| SFU SLOT [01] System Info | ----------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------- | SFU SLOT [02] System Info |
SysInfo(System Information)
Model Name : V8102_SFU SysInfo(System Information)
Main Memory Size : 2048 MB Model Name : V8102_SFU
Flash Memory Size : 8 MB(SPANSION 29GL064), 64 MB(S Main Memory Size : 2048 MB
PANSION 29GL512), 64 MB(SPANSION 29GL512) Flash Memory Size : 8 MB(SPANSION 29GL064), 64 MB(SPANSIO
H/W Revision : N 29GL512), 64 MB(SPANSION 29GL512)
H/W Address : 00:d0:cb:00:b9:b8 H/W Revision :
Serial Number : SN-TEST H/W Address : 00:d0:cb:00:b9:b8
NOS Version : 1.03 #0014 Serial Number : SN-TEST
B/L Version : 01.48.0002 NOS Version : 1.03 #0014
PLD Version : 0x02 B/L Version : 01.48.0002
PLD Version : 0x02

UPTIME : 0 days 3 hours 39 minutes 17 seconds

CPU LOAD : 5 sec: 1.58( 3.36) % 1 min: 1.55( 3.36 UPTIME : 0 days 1 hours 28 minutes 1 seconds
) %10 min: 1.54( 3.35) % CPU LOAD : 5 sec: 1.13( 3.30) % 1 min: 1.08( 3.30) %10 mi
MEMORY : MemTotal: 2012484 kB n: 1.09( 3.30) %
MEMORY : MemFree: 1716528 kB MEMORY : MemTotal: 2012484 kB
SWITCH[A]# MEMORY : MemFree: 1733744 kB

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Link Aggregation (LAG, LACP)
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
 Link Aggregation is
The basic concept of the LAG is that multiple
마스터 ports
physical 텍스트 are스타일을
into one logic
al bundle. 수준provides benefits including:
셋째 수준
Increased capacity - traffic may be balanced a
cross the member넷째ports
수준 to provide increas
ed aggregate throughput
다섯째 수준
Link redundancy - the LAG bundle can surviv
e the loss of one or more member links

LAGs may be statically configured or signaled

using standards based LACP, which is the
main focus of this post. There is also the P
ort Aggregation Protocol (PAgP), which is
similar in many regards to LACP, but is Link aggregation
Cisco proprietary and not in common usage.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Link aggregation (LAG, LACP)
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
 Port Trunk
• Increase bandwidth, while reducing the traffic congestion.
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
• Physical links to one logical link (trunk) that functions as a single, higher-speed
둘째 수준
• Between셋째 수준 devices as well as to connections in other network areas
where traffic 넷째
수준 exist.
다섯째 수준

 Conceptual Example of Port Trunk

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Link aggregation (LAG, LACP)
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
 Conceptual Example of Port Trunk
• All port trunk links must be point-to-point connection
•마스터 텍스트
Ports on 스타일을
both ends 편집합니다
of a port trunk group must have the same mode (speed and
둘째 수준
• Ports on both ends should have flow control settings
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
Configuring Port Trunk
다섯째 수준

To create a logical port by aggregating the ports, use the following command.

Interface XE 0/1 Interface XE 0/2

interface tengigabitethernet 0/1 interface tengigabitethernet 0/2
channel-group static 1 channel-group static 1

V8102[A](config)# show channel-group

Channel Group 1 : srcmac : XE0/1(o) XE0/2(o)

It is possible to input 1 to 12 to the trunk group ID because the V8102 supports 12 logical
aggregated ports, and the group ID of port trunk and the aggregator number of LACP
cannot coexist.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Link aggregation (LAG, LACP)
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
LACP Concept

LACP마스터 텍스트 based

is the standards 스타일을 편집합니다
protocol used to signal LAGs. It detects and protects the network fr
om a variety of misconfiguration and fault conditions, ensuring that links are only aggregated into
둘째 수준
a bundle if they are consistently configured and cabled.
셋째 수준
LACP must be configured
넷째 수준 in one of two modes:
다섯째 수준
Active mode - the device immediately sends LACP messages (LACPDUs) when the port comes
up and must reach an agreement with the attached port before traffic will pass.
Passive mode - the device does not generate LACPDUs until it receives them. If no LACPDUs ar
e received then the port aggregates as though statically configured. If LACPDUs are receive-d th
en an agreement must be reached with the peer before traffic will pass.

LACP Terms and Parameters

Per system
Per LAG:

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Link aggregation (LAG, LACP)
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
Configuring LACP Group
To create a logical port by aggregating the ports, use the following command.

마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다

SWITCH[A](config-if[XE0/1])# channel-group lacp 1 mode active // Enable LACP on port XE 0/1 with Channel group number 1
channel-group 수준 is created
SWITCH[A](config-if[XE0/1])# interface tengigabitethernet 0/2 // Enable LACP on port XE 0/2 with Channel group number 1
셋째 수준
SWITCH[A](config-if[XE0/2])# channel-group lacp 1 mode active
SWITCH[A](config)# show 수준
다섯째 수준
Interface CG1
Hardware is AGGREGATE
index 530001 metric 0 mtu 0 duplex-half
VRF Binding: Not bound
Binding channel-group id: 1
Statistics :
input packets 0, bytes 0, dropped 0, multicast packets 0
input errors 0, length 0, overrun 0, CRC 0, frame 0, fifo 0, missed 0
output packets 0, bytes 0, dropped 0
output errors 0, aborted 0, carrier 0, fifo 0, heartbeat 0, window 0
collisions 0,

SWITCH[A](config)# show channel-group lacp interface all // Verify Channal Group

V8102[A](config)# show channel-group lacp interface all
------ ---- ------- ------------------ ------- -----------------

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
Link aggregation (LAG, LACP)
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
Load Balancing for Trunk Group or LACP

If마스터 텍스트
packets enter 스타일을
to logical 편집합니다
port aggregating several ports and there is no way to decide
packet route, the packets could be gathered on particular member port so that it is not
possible 수준
to use logical port effectively. Therefore, the V8102 is configured to decide the
way of packet
셋째route수준in order to divide on member port effectively when packets enter.
The user could get information of packets to decided packet route.
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준
The followings are the simple descriptions for the distribution modes:

• dstip: destination IP address

• dstmac: destination MAC address
• srcdstip: source and destination IP address
• srcdstmac: source and destination MAC address (default)
• srcip: source IP address
• srcmac: source MAC address

The port designated as a member port of port trunk is automatically deleted from existing
VLAN. Therefore, if the member port and aggregated port exist in different VLAN each other,
VLAN configuration should be changed for their aggregation.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집

Rule ? 텍스트
마스터 QoS ? 스타일을 편집합니다

The rule 수준incoming traffic, and then processes the traffic according to user-defined policies.
You can use 셋째 수준 port, 802.1p priority (CoS), VLAN ID, DSCP, and so on to
the physical
classify incoming packets.
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준
You can configure the policy in order to change some data fields within a packet or to
relay packets to a mirror monitor by a rule.

When processing traffic, the traffic is usually supposed to be processed in time-order like
FIFO(first in, first out). This way might cause undesired traffic loss in case of traffic overloading.

However, in case of overloading traffic, QoS can apply processing order to traffic by
reorganizing priorities according to its importance. By favor of QoS, you can predict network
performance in advance and manage bandwidth more efficiently.

QoS (Quality of Service) is one of useful functions to provide more reliable service for traffic
flow control. It is very serviceable to prevent overloading and delaying or failing of sending
traffic by giving higher or lower priority to traffic.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
The QoS provides the following benefits:
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
I. Control over network resources
둘째 수준
II. Effective use of resources
III. 셋째 수준
Customized service
IV. Traffic Prioritization
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준

Procedure of QoS operation

Incoming packets are classified by configured conditions, and then processed by packet
counter and rate-limiting on specific policer. After marking and remarking action, the
switch transmits those classified and processed packets via a given scheduling algorithm.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집

마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다

둘째 수준
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준

Structure of Rule : shows the relationship of Flow, Class, Policer and

Policy on basic structure of Rule.

You can simply manage more than 2 Flows through one Class.
Flow or Class and Policer can be implemented by one policy.
Both Flow and Class cannot belong to one policy together.
However, a single flow or class can belong to multiple policies. Otherwise, only one policer
can belong to one policy.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
• Flow • Policy
Defines traffic classification criterias such as L3 Configures the policy classifying the action(s) to
source 텍스트 IP
and destination 스타일을
address, L2편집합니다
source and be performed if the configured rule
destination MAC address, Ethernet type, length, Class
둘째 수준
of Service (CoS), Differentiated Services Code Point
classification fits transmitted packet(s).
It can’t only include a specified Flow, Class or
(DSCP) and so셋째 on. A수준
unique name needs to be Policer but also set marking/remarking according
assigned to each flow.
넷째 수준 to the various parameters such as CoS and
DSCP which determine the rule action or
• Class 다섯째 수준 priority of packets.
Includes more than 2 flows for the efficient traffic – mirror transmits the classified traffic to the
management in the application of rule to this set of monitor port.
flows. Additionally, a unique name needs to be – redirect
assigned to each class. – permit
– deny
• Policer – copy-to-cpu
Defines the packet counter and rate-limit. The policer
adjusts how and what is to be classified within
transmitted packets. • Scheduling Algorithm
– packet counter calculates the classified packets for To handle traffic, you need to configure differently
identifying a flow. processing orders of traffic by using
– rate-limit defines which packets conform to or scheduling algorithms.
exceed the given rate. The V8102 provides:
– Strict Priority Queuing (SP)
An already applied rule cannot be modified. It needs to be – Deficit Round Robin (DRR)
deleted and then created again with changed values. – Weighted Round Robin (WRR)

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
7.5.2 Packet Classification

마스터 텍스트 스타일을
Flow Mode 편집합니다 Flow Creation
둘째 수준 Configuring Flow
셋째 수준 Applying and modifying Flow Class Creation
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준
7.5.3 Packet Conditioning Policer Creation Packet Counter Rate-limit Applying and modifying Policer

7.5.4 Rule Action Policy Creation Metering Policy Priority Policy Action Setting CoS and ToS values Attaching a Policy to an interface Applying and Modifying Policy

7.5.5 Displaying Rule

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
SWITCH[A](config-flow[test])# ?
[ Testing
마스터CLI ]
Flow configuration commands:
스타일을 편집합니다
apply Apply flow
cos IEEE 802.1p priority

둘째 수준
Rule configuration is classified by
To run exec commands in config mode
DiffServ field
ethtype Ethernet type
three different셋째 modes 수준according to exit End current mode and down to previous mode
its roles for Rule mechanism. flow-label Flow label
You can configure a rule for수준
Description of the interactive help system
IEEE 802.1p priority in inner tag
incoming or outgoing packets.다섯째 수준
Using inner-vid Specifies inner vlan
ip IP protocol
the function, ip-precedence IP precedence (Class Selector)
ipv6 IPV6 protocol
you can handle packets classified by length IP total packet length
the rule. mac Layer 2 address
no Negate a command or set its defaults
outer-cos IEEE 802.1p priority in outer tag
To open Rule Configuration mode, outer-vid Specifies outer vlan
show Show running system information
enter the flow, policer and policy tos Type of Service
commands, traffic-class Traffic class
write Write running configuration to memory, file or terminal
Then the system prompt will be
changed from SWITCH(config)# to
NAME])#, SWITCH(config-
policer[NAME])# and

Main commands of Rule Configuration mode.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집

Flow Mode
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
The V8102 수준
gives you two flow modes.
Flow default & flow extension
셋째 수준
The flow mode decides the수준
number of rule you can create.
The default mode can have 다섯째up to수준
1024 flows while the extension mode can have up to 512 flows.
However if you set the default mode on the system, it causes NetBios Filtering function to be disabled.
There is any other restriction on the extension mode.


The packet classification can be configured for each flow.

• The flow name must be unique. Its size is limited to 32 significant characters.
• The flow name cannot start with the alphabet “a” or “A”.
• The order in which the following configuration commands are entered is arbitrary.
• The configuration of a flow being configured can be changed as often as wanted until the apply
command is entered.
• Use the show flow-profile command to display the configuration entered up to now.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
Applying and modifying Flow
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
- After configuring a flow using the above commands, apply it to the system with the following
command. If셋째you do수준
not apply the flow to the system, all specified configurations on Flow Configuration
mode will be lost.
넷째 수준
Class Creation 다섯째 수준

A class is a set of flows. More than 2 flows can belong to one class. You can simply handle and
configure the packets on several flows at once.
To create a class including more than 2 flows,

Policer Creation

- Same as flow creation. (So as the policy creation)

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마스터 제목 스타일 편집
If you already created the policy, you need to include specified flow or class and policer to specify
the 텍스트
rule action 스타일을
for the 편집합니다
packets matching configured classifying patterns on flow or class and policer.

둘째 수준
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준

One policy is not able to include both flow and class at the same time.
Either flow or class can belong to one policy.
Only one policer can belong to one policy.

If rules that are more than two match the same packet then the rule having a higher priority will be
processed first.

-> priority {low | medium | high | highest}

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
 Policy Action
마스터•텍스트 스타일을
To specify the rule 편집합니다
action for the packets matching,

둘째 수준
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준

 Attaching a Policy to an Interface

• After you configure a rule including the packet classification, policing and rule
action, you should attach a policy to an interface to specify port or VLAN
in which the policy should be applied. If you do not specify an interface for
rule, rule does not work properly.
Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
마스터 제목 스타일 편집
 To attach a policy to an interface
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
SWITCH[A](config)# interface vlan 100 // Apply one service rule to interface vlan

둘째 수준
SWITCH[A](config-if[100])# service-policy
input Input packets
output Output packets
셋째 수준
SWITCH[A](config-if[100])# service-policy
넷째 수준
SWITCH[A](config)# interface gpon ½ // apply one service rule to one physical port
다섯째 수준
SWITCH[A](config-if[GPON1/2])# service-policy
input Input packets
output Output packets

SWITCH[A](config-if[GPON1/2])# service-policy

 Displaying Rule

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마스터 제목 스타일 편집
The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a communications protocol use
d by hosts and adjacent routers on IPv4 networks to establish multicast group member
ships. IGMP텍스트 스타일을
is an integral 편집합니다
part of IP multicast.
IGMP can 둘째be used
수준for one-to-many networking applications such as online streaming
video and gaming, and allows more efficient use of resources when supporting these t
셋째 수준
ypes of applications.
넷째 수준
IGMP is used on IPv4 networks. Multicast management on IPv6 networks is handled b
다섯째 수준
y Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) which uses ICMPv6 messaging in contrast to IG
MP's bare IP encapsulation.

A network designed to deliver a multicast service using IGMP might use this basic arc

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마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다

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마스터 제목 스타일 편집
Enabling IGMP Snooping
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
You can enable IGMP snooping globally or on each VLAN respectively.
By default, 수준 snooping is globally disabled.
셋째 수준
To enable IGMP snooping, use the following command.
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다섯째 수준

To disable,

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IGMP Snooping Version
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
The membership reports sent to the multicast router are sent based on the IGMP snooping version of
the interface. If you statically specify the version on a certain interface, the reports are always sent out
only with the셋째 수준version. If you do not statically specify the version, and a version 1 query is
넷째 수준
received on the interface, the interface dynamically sends out a version 1 report. If no version 1 query is
received on the interface다섯째for the
수준version 1 router present timeout period (400 seconds), the interface
version goes back to its default value (3).

To specify the static IGMP snooping version,

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마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다

둘째 수준
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
System Security
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마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
McFDB has no forwarding information it will be flooded. We can use this
셋째 수준
function not ot flood unknown multicast traffic.
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준
 Tip!
Do not configure it on the port multicast router is connecting to.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
System Security
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IGMP max-group/Throttling
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
Limit the maximum number of multicast groups that a host on a port can join.
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
 Tip! 다섯째 수준
There are two points of this function. You can do it either in SFU or ONT.

In onu-profile

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System Security
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Storm Control
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
Feature for controling Broadcast, Multicast and DLF. Those kind of packets can
셋째 수준
causes the network unstable and occupies most of the bandwidth.
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준
 Tip!
DLF storm control is enabled by default.

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System Security
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MAC limit
마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준
Limit the maximum number of MAC addresses learned.
셋째 수준
넷째 수준
 Tip! 다섯째 수준
There are two points of this function. You can do it either in SFU or ONT.

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
System Trouble Shooting Guide
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Useful information for trouble shooting

마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
No 둘째 수준
Command Line The purpose

셋째 수준
Switch# Show system
넷째 수준
Switch# @show version
Verify current NOS version on the system
다섯째 수준
SWITCH# show slot nos iu all

3 Switch# show core-dump Verify that is there Software Daemon crashed on OLT

4 Switch# tech-support all console Query useful log on the OLT system

5 SWITCH# show cpuload Verify CPU load on OLT

6 SWITCH#show syslog local non-volatile Quey OLT syslog

7 SWITCH#show onu active Verify onu status on OLT

SWITCH#show onu info

8 Verify onu information on OLT (onu-profile, optical rx power …)

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
System Trouble Shooting Guide
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Information needed if service met interruption on ONT

마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
둘째 수준 show onu active // ONT have to get “manual” mode
셋째 수준
OLT | ONU | STATUS | MODE | Serial No. | Password | Link uptime
넷째 수준
1/1 | 1 | Active | auto | CIGG09140025 | 0000000000 | 00:03:34
1/1 | 2 | Active | manual | DSNWcb002829 | 0000000000 | 00:00:20
다섯째 수준
V8102(config-gpon-olt[1/1])# show onu info // verify onu-profile of ONT and optical power status
OLT|ONU| STATUS | Serial No. | Distance | RX Power | Profile
1/1 | 1 | Active | CIGG09140025 | 100m | -17.9 dBm |Res-1x1Mb-3IPTV
1/1 | 2 | Inactive | DSNWcb002829 | | |

V8102(config-gpon-olt[1])# show onu firmware version <ONU ID> // verify current NOS on ONT
(D):Default-OS (R):Running-OS
OLT | ONU | Upgrade Status | OS1 | OS2
1 | 1 | - | #2.38m | (D)(R) #3.19m

V8240(config-gpon-olt[1/2])# show olt mac 4 // MAC address was learned on ONT

no. | OLT | ONU | MAC ADDRESS | GEM ID | VID | Status
1 | 1/2 | 4 | 18:d0:71:02:05:10 | 130 | 200 | dynamic
Total number of entries : 1

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.
System Trouble Shooting Guide
마스터 제목 스타일 편집

Information needed if service met interruption on ONT

마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다
SWITCH[A]# 둘째show onu수준 ip-host gpon 1/1 1
OLT : 1/1, ONU : 1, Host : 1(0x0001)

IP Option
셋째 수준
MAC Address
Current IP
넷째 수준
: 18:d0:71:02:05:10
Current Mask :다섯째 수준
Current Gateway :
Current Primary DNS :
Current Secondary DNS :
Domain name :
Host name :

SWITCH[A]# show onu pppoe status gpon 1/1 1

OLT : 1/1, ONU : 1, Host : 1(0x0002)
AdminState : PPPoE Enable
Status : Connect Progress
Auth-Type : PAP
Username : dasan
Password : 123456
MTU : 1492
LCP Interval : 60

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마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다

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셋째 수준
넷째 수준
다섯째 수준

Thank you!

Copyright© 2014 DASAN Networks, Inc.

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