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5571 PCC Release 1 - 7 - 2 Northbound Interface Guide Final

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5571 POL  Command  Center  Release 1.7.2

Northbound Interface Guide
Issue 01
October, 2022
Nokia — Proprietary and confidential.
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
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consulting with standards bodies to ensure that terminology is inclusive and aligned with the industry. Our future
customer documentation will be updated accordingly.
Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other products and company names mentioned herein may
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The information presented is subject to change without notice. No responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies
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Contains proprietary/trade secret information which is the property of Nokia and must not be made available to, or
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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

Table of Contents
1 Getting started ....................................................................................................... 4
1.1 5571 PCC Northbound Interface Overview ................................................................................. 4
1.1.1 PCC NBI capabilities.................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Licensing...................................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Accessing the 5571 PCC NBI .................................................................................. 5

3 Rest API for Inventory ............................................................................................ 6
3.1 Northbound Object names.......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Operation Constraint ................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Objects and their attributes used in PCC NBI ............................................................................. 7
3.4 Retrieving information of PCC objects...................................................................................... 16
3.5 Retrieving Inventory of OLTs ..................................................................................................... 16
3.6 Retrieving versioning information ............................................................................................ 17
3.7 Using REST API with Swagger UI ............................................................................................... 18
3.7.1 Response samples for retrieving PCC objects information .................................................................................... 18
get /external/slots/{oltname} operation response ................................................................................................. 18
get /external/ontports/{oltname} operation response........................................................................................... 19
get /external/ponports/{oltname} operation response.......................................................................................... 21
get /external/channelpairs/{oltname} operation response.................................................................................... 21
get /external/onts/{oltname} operation response .................................................................................................. 24
get /external/olts operation response ..................................................................................................................... 25
get /external/olts/{oltname} operation response ................................................................................................... 26
get /external/lags/{oltname} operation response................................................................................................... 26
3.7.2 Response samples for retrieving inventory details ................................................................................................. 27
get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname}/onts/{ontname} operation response...................................................... 27
get /external/inventory/olts operation response.................................................................................................... 30
get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname} operation response.................................................................................. 31
3.7.3 Response samples for retrieving operation usage counts...................................................................................... 31

4 Rest API for UNI Service Association and ONT Port updates ............................. 32
4.1 Associate a Service to an ONT Port ........................................................................................... 32
4.1.1 Response ................................................................................................................................................................... 32
4.1.2 Request Payload ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Remove a Service from an ONT port ......................................................................................... 34

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

4.2.1 Response ................................................................................................................................................................... 34

4.3 Update the ONT Properties ....................................................................................................... 35
4.3.1 Response ................................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.2 Request Payload ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.4 Associate an ONT Service Group to an ONT ............................................................................. 36
4.4.1 Response ................................................................................................................................................................... 36

5 SNMP Trap Forwarder.......................................................................................... 37

5.1 Configuring SNMP destination .................................................................................................. 37
5.2 Editing a SNMP Destination settings......................................................................................... 38
5.3 Deleting a SNMP destination..................................................................................................... 38
5.4 SNMP Client Integration ............................................................................................................ 38
5.4.1 Sample PDU of SNMP Trap ....................................................................................................................................... 38

6 PCC metrics .......................................................................................................... 40

6.1 Statistics Destination Settings .................................................................................................. 42
6.1.1 Configuring Statistics Destination Settings............................................................................................................. 42
6.1.2 Editing a statistics destination ................................................................................................................................. 43
6.1.3 Deleting a statistics destination............................................................................................................................... 43
6.1.4 PCC Statistical Data Collection Result file format ................................................................................................... 43
6.2 PCC Statistical Data Collection related exceptions.................................................................. 44
6.2.1 Case 1: Result files are not available in the destination server............................................................................... 44
6.2.2 Case 2: Empty or wrong result files in the destination server................................................................................. 44

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
1 Getting started
• 5571 PCC Northbound Interface Overview

1.1 5571 PCC Northbound Interface Overview

The PCC Northbound Interface architecture is based on a web service interface over HTTPS, which allows OSS client
applications to send requests and receive responses with current NE data.  PCC NBI is implemented through REST
API calls on a specific URL in order to get results.
The following figure depicts the PCC NBI architecture.

1 PCC NBI architecture

1.1.1 PCC NBI capabilities

PCC NBI provides the following capabilities:
• Use REST API for inventory collection
• Allow PCC OSS to export 5571 PCC metrics
• Support PCC OSS alarms

1.1.2 Licensing
You must have a Hospitality or Enterprise Premium license to use the PCC REST APIs and the 5571 PCC metrics.

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 4

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
2 Accessing the 5571 PCC NBI
To invoke the REST API, you must first authenticate using the username and password of the PCC client.
You can access the REST APIs of PCC using basic authentication. For information on REST APIs with Swagger UI, see
Using REST API with Swagger UI.

 Note
The OSS Client application which has cookies enabled will not be re-authenticated while the session is still

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 5

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
3 Rest API for Inventory
You must be familiar with REST API to work on the OSS client applications that interface with PCC NBI. The request
and response operations in the PCC NBI uses the HTTPS protocol. For HTTPS support, SSL certificate from the PCC
GUI is used. The result files for the PCC NBI operation are in JSON format.

3.1  Northbound Object names

The object identifier for PCC NBI is specified using a single string. The format of the NBI name should be defined as
<object type>:<NEName>:<specific object id>
The following table describes the mapping of 5571 PCC objects to Northbound object names.

PCC object  Naming convention


NT Slot Slot:NeName:Rn.Sn.NT[A|B]

NTIO Slot Slot:NeName:Rn.Sn.ACU/NTIO

Uplink Port Ethernet Port:NeName:IHUB:n

LAG Link Aggregation Group:NeName:IHUB:n

LT Slot Slot:NeName:Rn.Sn.LTn

PON PON Port:NeName:Rn.Sn.LTn.PONn


Channel Pair Channel Pair:NEName:Rn.Sn.LTn.CPn



Channel Group Channel Group:NEName:CGn

SubChannel Group Channel Group:NEName:CGn.SCGn

ONT Ethernet Port Ethernet Port:NeName:Rn.Sn.LTn.PONn.ONTn.Cn.Pn

ONT POTS Port POTS Port:NeName:Rn.Sn.LTn.PONn.ONTn.Cn.Pn

ONT VEIP Port VEIP Port:NeName:Rn.Sn.LTn.PONn.ONTn.Cn.Pn

ONT Video Port Video Port:NeName:Rn.Sn.LTn.PONn.ONTn.Cn.Pn

NGPON2 Ethernet Port (For the NGPON2 Ethernet Port:NeName:CGn.SCGn.ONTn.Cn.Pn

XGSPON Ethernet Port)

NGPON2 POTS Port (For the NGPON2 POTS Port:NeName:CGn.SCGn.ONTn.Cn.Pn


Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 6

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
PCC object  Naming convention

NGPON2 VEIP Port (For the NGPON2 VEIP Port:NeName:CGn.SCGn.ONTn.Cn.Pn

1 Northbound object names in 5571 PCC

3.2 Operation Constraint

The recommended number of concurrent inventory request in PCC NBI is 10.

3.3 Objects and their attributes used in PCC NBI

The PCC NBI can be used to retrieve data about the PCC NBI objects. Supported PCC NBI objects are:
• Card
• Uplink Port
• PON Port
• Channel Pair
• ONT Port
PCC NBI objects listed in this topic are used in the following operations:
• Retrieving information of PCC objects
• Retrieving Inventory of OLTs

 Note
1. Not all attributes are updated in real time via the REST API. The data will be synchronized after the
configured data collection interval.
2. REST API usage should be restricted to inventory collection and should not be used for receiving
real time network updates. SNMP trap forwarding interface should be used for real-time updates.

The following table describes the attribute details of an OLT.

Attribute in REST API Description Mandat Type Values


name The OLT name Yes String A single string is used.

Example, for name:
cific object id>

activeSoftwareVersion The Software Version Yes String  -

ipAddress The IP Address Yes String  -

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attribute in REST API Description Mandat Type Values

supervision Supervision State Yes String Supported values are:

• Declared
• Supervised
• PartiallySupervised
• InMaintenance
• Supervising
• ImportedWaitingFo
• ImportedWaitingFo

productAndRelease Hardware Type Yes String For example,  FX-I.5.4

2 Attributes of OLT
The following table describes the attribute details of a Card.

Attribute in REST API Description Mandat Type Value


name Name of the Card Yes String A single string is used.

Example, for name:
cific object id>

eqptSlotActualType The Installed Card Type Yes String Empty or a valid string

eqptSlotPlannedType The Planned Card Type Yes String NOT_PLANNED or a

valid string

eqptBoardAdminStatus The Administrative State Yes String Supported values are:

• unlock
• lock

eqptBoardOperStatus The Operational State Yes String Supported values are:

• enabled
• disabled

3 Attributes of a Card
The following table describes the attribute details of an Uplink Port.

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attribute in REST API Description Mandat Type Values

name Name of the Uplink Port Yes String A single string is used.
Example, for name:
cific object id>

tmnxPortClass The Interface Class Yes String  -

tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotia The Auto Negotiation Mode Yes String Supported values are:
• notApplicable
• true
• false
• limited

tmnxPortEtherSpeed The Configured Speed Yes String Supported values are:

• notApplicable
• speed10
• speed100
• speed1000
• speed10000
• speed40000
• speed100000
• speed2500

friendlyName The Friendly Name Yes String Example: nt-a:sfp-1

tmnxPortAdminStatus The Administrative State Yes String Supported values are:

• noop
• inService
• outOfService
• diagnose

tmnxPortOperStatus The Operational State Yes String Supported values are:

• unknown
• inService
• outOfService
• diagnosing
• failed

4 Attributes of an Uplink Port

The following table describes the attribute details of LAG.

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attribute of REST API Description Mandat Type Values

name Name of the LAG Yes String A single string is used.

Example, for name:
cific object id>

connectedPorts The List of Connected Uplink Yes String  -

Port Names

ifAdmin The Administrative State Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down
• testing

ifOperStatus The Operational State Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down
• testing
• unknown
• dormant
• notPresent
• lowerLayerDown

5 Attributes of LAG
The following table describes the attribute details of a PON Port.

Attribute of REST API Description Mandat Type Values


name Name of the PON port Yes String A single string is used.
Example, for name:
cific object id>

ifAdminStatus The Administrative State Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attribute of REST API Description Mandat Type Values

ifOperStatus The Operational State Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down
• testing
• unknown
• dormant

6 Attributes of a PON port

The following table describes the attribute details of a Channel Pair.

Attribute of REST API Description Mandatory Type Values

name Name of the Yes String A single string is used.

Channel Pair
Example, for name:
ecific object id>

ChannelPair Mode The Channel Yes String XGS, NGPON2

Pair Mode

channelGroup The Channel Yes String The Channel Group

Group that the Channel Pair
belongs to

subChannelGroup The SubChannel Yes String The SubChannel

Group Group that the
Channel Pair belongs

lambdaProfile The Wavelength Yes String The Lambda Profile


ng2ChanPairConfigPlann The Planned Yes String 10down10up

edSpeed Speed

IfAdminStatus The Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attribute of REST API Description Mandatory Type Values

ifOperStatus The Operational Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down
• testing
• unknown
• dormant

toPriChannelPair The Primary Yes, if the Channel Pair is String The name of the
Channel Pair part of a Channel Pair primary Channel Pair
Name Protection Group in an intra in the CP Protection
or inter shelf redundancy Group
No, otherwise.

toSecChannelPair The Paired Yes, if the Channel Pair is String The name of the
Channel Pair part of a Channel Pair Paired Channel Pair in
Name Protection Group in an intra the CP Protection
or inter shelf redundancy Group
No, otherwise.

eqptPortProtectionPortS The Primary Yes, if the Channel Pair is String unknown, activeUp,
tatus PON Status (for part of a Channel Pair activeDown,
intrashelf Type Protection Group in an inActiveUp,
B redundancy intra-shelf redundancy inActiveDown
only) setup.
No, otherwise.

eqptPortProtectionPaire The Paired PON Yes, if the Channel Pair is String unknown, activeUp,
dPonStatus Status (for part of a Channel Pair activeDown,
intrashelf Type Protection Group in an inActiveUp,
B redundancy intra-shelf redundancy inActiveDown
only) setup.
No, otherwise.

eqptPortProtectionLastS The Last Yes, if the Channel Pair is String none,

witchReason switchover part of a Channel Pair manualDue2AdminSt
Reason ((for Protection Group in an ateChanged,
intrashelf Type intra-shelf redundancy manualDue2UsageOf
B redundancy setup. SwitchCommand,
only) autoDue2SystemDete
No, otherwise.

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attribute of REST API Description Mandatory Type Values

eqptPortProtectionNumb The Number of Yes, if the Channel Pair is Int  

erOfSwitchovers Switchovers (for part of a Channel Pair
intrashelf Type Protection Group in an
B redundancy intra-shelf redundancy
only) setup.
No, otherwise.

7 Attributes of a Channel Pair

The following table describes the attribute details of an ONT.

Attributes of REST API Description Mandatory Type Values

name Name of the ONT Yes String A single string is used.

Example, for name:
ecific object id>

ontEquippedType The Hardware Type Yes String Any valid string

bponSerialNumber The Serial Number Yes String Any valid string

bponOntSwActiveVersion The Active Software Yes String Any valid string


bponOntPlannedVariant The Planned Variant Yes String Any valid string (DO,
SIP, ...)

bponOntSubscriberId1 A description field Yes String None or any valid


bponOntSubscriberId2 The ONT Friendly Name Yes String None or any valid

bponOntPlannedCfgFile1 The Planned Config file Yes String Supported values are:

ifAdminStatus The Administrative Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down
• testing

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attributes of REST API Description Mandatory Type Values

ifOperStatus The Operational State Yes String Supported values are:

• up
• down
• testing
• unknown
• dormant

pccOntState The PCC ONT State Yes String Supported values are:

ifLastChange The Time Stamp Yes String Any valid string

replaceable Is the ONT replaceable Yes Boolean Supported values are:

• true
• false

acknowledged Is the ONT Yes Boolean • true

acknowledged • false

location The name of the floor Yes String empty or a string in

the ONT is located format


bponOntNg2PreferredCha The preferred Channel Yes: for XGS ONT String e.g:
nPair Pair No: for non-XGS

bponOntPlannedRateUp The ONT Planned Rate Yes: for XGS ONT String nominalLineRateUp,
Up towDotFiveGbps,
No: for non-XGS

8 Attributes of an ONT
The following table describes the attribute details of an ONT Port.

Attributes of REST API Description Mandatory Type Values

name Name of the ONT Port Yes String  -

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Attributes of REST API Description Mandatory Type Values

description The Description Yes String  -

managementUrl The Management URL No String  -

(Only for ONT Ethernet
and VEIP Ports)

friendlyName The Friendly Name No String  -

(Present for all ports, if

serviceNames The list of associated No List of  -

Service Names String

ifAdminStatus The Administrative State No String Supported values are:

of ONT Ethernet and ONT
Yes - For ONT • up
VEIP Ports
Ethernet Port, • down
and ONT Video

bponPotsPortAdminStat The Administrative State No String Supported values are:

e of ONT POTS Port
Yes - For ONT • unlocked
POTS Port • locked

ifOperStatus The Operational State of No String Supported values are:

ONT Ethernet and ONT
Yes - For ONT • up
VEIP Ports
Ethernet Port, • down
ONT VEIP Port, • testing
and ONT Video • unknown
Port • dormant

bponPotsPortOperState The Operational State of No String Supported values are:

Yes - For ONT • enabled
POTS Port • disabled
• unknown

bponPotsPortSipUserna The SIP User Name No String  -

(for ONT POTS Port only) Yes - For ONT

addressOfRecord The Address of Record No String  -

(for ONT POTS Port only) Yes - For ONT

9 Attributes of an ONT Port

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
3.4 Retrieving information of PCC objects
Using the PCC NBI you can retrieve data about an OLT or OLTs.
Supported operations are:

Operation URI Description

List all OLT Names rest/external/olts?fields=name Provides the list of all OLTs in PCC.

List an OLT rest/external/olts/{nename} Provides information about an OLT in PCC.

10 Retrieve 5571 PCC object information

For attribute information of an OLT, refer to Objects and their attributes used in PCC NBI.
For response samples of the operation, refer to Using REST API with Swagger UI.

3.5 Retrieving Inventory of OLTs

You can collect inventory data of an OLT or OLTs and an ONT using the PCC NBI operation.
Supported operations are:

Operation URI Description

Inventory of an OLT rest/external/inventory/olts/ Use the operation to retrieve inventory

{oltname} of an OLT.
The response of the operation contains
information about following OLT
• NT Cards
• LT Cards
• NT Ports
• LAGs, PONs
• Channel Pairs
• ONTs
• ONT Ports

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Operation URI Description

Inventory of all OLTs rest/external/inventory/olts Use the operation to retrieve inventory

of all OLTs.
The response of the operation contains
the following information for a series of
OLT objects:
• NT Cards
• LT Cards
• NT Ports
• LAGs
• PONs
• Channel Pairs
• ONTs
• ONT Ports

Inventory of an ONT rest/external/inventory/olts/ Use the operation to retrieve inventory

{nename}/onts/{ontname} of an ONT.
The response of the operation contains
information about the following ONT
• ONT Ports

11 Inventory operations

 Note
When the number of objects to be returned by an inventory operation is long, the operation returns the
supported objects in batches. In the response of the operation, "_links" is used to provide the URIs for
retrieving additional objects. For example, the get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname} operation response
contains URI links to the following objects:
- ponports
- Channel Pairs
- slots
- onts
- lags
- ontports
See response sample for get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname} operation response.

For attribute information of an OLT or ONT, refer to Objects and their attributes used in PCC NBI.
For response samples of the operation, refer to Using REST API with Swagger UI.

3.6 Retrieving versioning information

PCC REST API supports versioning of endpoints. The version information should be provided in the Accept HTTPS
Header field where the format (json) is indicated, as part of request operation. For example, Accept: application/
json;version=1.6.0. In the operation response, the Content-Type will show the format and version of the endpoint.
Response for scenarios related to versioning

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
• If the version number is not specified in the request, PCC will return the oldest supported version of the
• If an unsupported version or version of a deprecated endpoint is requested, PCC will return an error with 406

 Note
PCC maintains the current version and 3 older versions prior to the current version. Older releases will be
deprecated. Release 1.3.1 is the first PCC REST API version.

If an OSS must connect over the REST API of multiple PCCs, use the full URL. Each URL contains not only the URI to
the endpoint, but also the IP Address of the PCC where the endpoint is located.

3.7 Using REST API with Swagger UI

Swagger UI is an interactive documentation of the REST APIs that PCC supports for OSS interaction. Swagger UI
uses basic authentication. PCC REST APIs can be invoked using the Swagger UI by accessing https://host:8443/pcc/
doc/, where "host" is the IP address or host name of the server.
To invoke an operation, enter the required information in the Swagger UI, and then click the Try it out! button.
The OLT name format to be entered in a operation request is NE:<NE name in PCC>; for example, NE:INES-0-0-0-0.
The ONT name should be in the format ONT:{OLTName}:{ONTName}; for example,

3.7.1 Response samples for retrieving PCC objects information

get /external/slots/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/slots/{oltname} operation response contains the list of slots of an OLT.

"eqptBoardOperStatus": "disabled",
"eqptBoardAdminStatus": "unlock",
"name": "Slot:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT10",
"eqptSlotActualType": "EMPTY",
"eqptSlotPlannedType": "NOT_PLANNED"
"eqptBoardOperStatus": "enabled",
"eqptBoardAdminStatus": "unlock",
"name": "Slot:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.NTA",
"eqptSlotActualType": "NANT-E",
"eqptSlotPlannedType": "NANT-E"
"eqptBoardOperStatus": "disabled",
"eqptBoardAdminStatus": "unlock",
"name": "Slot:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT3",
"eqptSlotActualType": "EMPTY",
"eqptSlotPlannedType": "NOT_PLANNED"
"eqptBoardOperStatus": "enabled",

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

"eqptBoardAdminStatus": "unlock",
"name": "Slot:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT2",
"eqptSlotActualType": "NGLT-A",
"eqptSlotPlannedType": "NGLT-A"
"eqptBoardOperStatus": "disabled",
"eqptBoardAdminStatus": "unlock",
"name": "Slot:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT1",
"eqptSlotActualType": "EMPTY",
"eqptSlotPlannedType": "NGLT-A"

get /external/ontports/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/ontports/{oltname} operation response contains the list of ONT ports of an OLT.

    "ifAdminStatus": "down",
    "name": "Ethernet Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C1.P7",
    "description": "",
    "ifOperStatus": "down"
    "ifAdminStatus": "down",
    "name": "VEIP Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C14.P1",
    "description": "",
    "ifOperStatus": "down"
    "ifAdminStatus": "up",
    "name": "Ethernet Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C1.P1",
    "description": "",
    "ifOperStatus": "down",
    "serviceNames": "Service:HSI.HSI"

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

"bponPotsPortAdminState": "locked",
"bponPotsPortSipUsername": "",
"addressOfRecord": "IdmNotExistedAttribute",
"name": "NGPON2 POTS Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C2.P1",
"description": "",
"bponPotsPortOperState": "disabled"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P4",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"name": "NGPON2 VEIP Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C14.P1",
"description": "asdas",
"managementUrl": "",
"ifOperStatus": "up"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P3",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P2",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"bponPotsPortAdminState": "locked",
"bponPotsPortSipUsername": "",
"addressOfRecord": "IdmNotExistedAttribute",
"name": "NGPON2 POTS Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C2.P2",
"description": "",
"bponPotsPortOperState": "disabled"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P1",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "up"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C10.P1",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

get /external/ponports/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/ponports/{oltname} operation response contains the list of PON ports of an OLT.

"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "PON Port:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT2.PON2",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"name": "PON Port:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT2.PON3",
"ifOperStatus": "up"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "PON Port:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT2.PON4",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "PON Port:INES-40-1-1-1:R1.S1.LT2.PON5",
"ifOperStatus": "down"

get /external/channelpairs/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/channelpairs/{oltname} operation response contains the list of Channel Pairs of an OLT.

"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG16.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP8",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG16",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG15.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP7",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 21

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG15",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG14.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP6",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG14",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG13.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP5",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG13",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG12.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP4",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG12",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG11.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP3",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG11",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG10.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP2",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG10",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 22

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
"toSecChannelPair": "INES-50-1-1-11:R1.S1.LT5.CP1",
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"eqptPortProtectionPairedPortStatus": "inActiveDown",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG1.SCG1",
"eqptPortProtectionPortStatus": "activeUp",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP1",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG1",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up",
"toPriChannelPair": "INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP1"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG9.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT6.CP1",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG9",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"toSecChannelPair": "INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP3",
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"eqptPortProtectionPairedPortStatus": "inActiveUp",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG3.SCG1",
"eqptPortProtectionPortStatus": "activeUp",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP3",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG3",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up",
"toPriChannelPair": "INES-50-1-1-11:R1.S1.LT5.CP3"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP2",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG5.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP5",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG5",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 23

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG4.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP4",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG4",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG7.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP7",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG7",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG6.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP6",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG6",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"subChannelGroup": "SubChannel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG8.SCG1",
"name": "Channel Pair:INES-50-1-1-10:R1.S1.LT5.CP8",
"lambdaProfile": "Lambda Profile:defaultXgsponBasicSet",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"channelGroup": "Channel Group:INES-50-1-1-10:CG8",
"channelPairMode": "XGS",
"ng2ChanPairConfigPlannedSpeed": "10down10up"

get /external/onts/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/onts/{oltname} operation response contains the list of ONTs of an OLT.

    "ifAdminStatus": "up",

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 24

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
    "bponOntPlannedCfgFile1": "DISABLED",
    "acknowledged": "true",
    "replaceable": "false",
    "bponOntSerialNumber": "ALCL01995603",
    "ontEquippedType": "G-240W-B",
    "bponOntSubscriberId1": "GSFU",
    "ifLastChange": "1496123474000",
    "bponOntSubscriberId2": "",
    "name": "ONT:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1",
    "location": "",
    "ifOperStatus": "up",
    "bponOntSwActiveVersion": "3FE56065AFEA50",
    "pccOntState": "CONFIGURED",
    "bponOntPlannedVariant": "SIP"


"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"bponOntPlannedCfgFile1": "DISABLED",
"acknowledged": "true",
"replaceable": "false",
"bponOntSerialNumber": "ALCLF2B21002",
"ontEquippedType": "XS-250WX-A",
"bponOntSubscriberId1": "GSFU",
"ifLastChange": "1512919068000",
"bponOntSubscriberId2": "",
"bponOntNg2PreferredChanPair": "2049998848",
"name": "NGPON2 ONT:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1",
"location": "",
"bponOntSwActiveVersion": "3FE47059BFGB32 (R03.00.00bp SIP)",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"pccOntState": "CONFIGURED",
"bponOntPlannedVariant": "SIP",
"bponOntPlannedRateUp": "Instance Unavailable"

get /external/olts operation response

The get /external/olts operation response contains the list of OLTs.

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 25

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
"productAndRelease": "iSAM-I.5.4",
"supervision": "Supervised",
"name": "NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"ipAddress": "",
"activeSoftwareVersion": "OSWPAA54.431"
"productAndRelease": "FX-I.5.6",
"supervision": "Supervised",
"name": "NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108",
"ipAddress": "",
"activeSoftwareVersion": "L6GPAA56.416"
"productAndRelease": "FX-I.5.6",
"supervision": "Supervised",
"name": "NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.180",
"ipAddress": "",
"activeSoftwareVersion": "L6GPAA56.416"

get /external/olts/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/olts/{oltname} operation response contains the OLT data.

"productAndRelease": "iSAM-I.5.4",
"supervision": "Supervised",
"name": "NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"ipAddress": "",
"activeSoftwareVersion": "OSWPAA54.431"

get /external/lags/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/lags/{oltname} operation response contains the list of LAGs.

"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "Link Aggregation Group:INES-40-1-1-1:IHUB:12",
"ifOperStatus": "dormant"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 26

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

"name": "Link Aggregation Group:INES-40-1-1-1:IHUB:1",

"ifOperStatus": "dormant"

3.7.2 Response samples for retrieving inventory details

get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname}/onts/{ontname} operation response

The get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname}/onts/{ontname} operation response contains the ONT details of the
specific ONT.

    "location": "",
    "acknowledged": "true",
    "pccOntState": "CONFIGURED",
    "ontport": [
        "ifAdminStatus": "down",
        "name": "Ethernet Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C1.P3",
        "description": "",
        "ifOperStatus": "down"
        "ifAdminStatus": "down",
        "name": "Ethernet Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C1.P4",
        "description": "",
        "ifOperStatus": "down"
        "ifAdminStatus": "down",
        "name": "Ethernet Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C1.P5",
        "description": "",
        "ifOperStatus": "down"

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 27

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
        "ifAdminStatus": "down",
        "name": "Ethernet Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C1.P6",
        "description": "",
        "ifOperStatus": "down"
        "bponPotsPortAdminState": "unlocked",
        "bponPotsPortSipUsername": "test12",
        "addressOfRecord": "IdmNotExistedAttribute",
        "name": "POTS Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C2.P1",
        "description": "",
        "bponPotsPortOperState": "disabled",
        "serviceNames": "Service:VoIP-SIP.VOIP"
        "ifAdminStatus": "down",
        "name": "VEIP Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C14.P1",
        "description": "",
        "ifOperStatus": "down"
        "ifAdminStatus": "up",
        "name": "Ethernet Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C1.P1",
        "description": "",
        "ifOperStatus": "down",
        "serviceNames": "Service:HSI.HSI"
        "bponPotsPortAdminState": "locked",
        "bponPotsPortSipUsername": "",
        "addressOfRecord": "IdmNotExistedAttribute",
        "name": "POTS Port:INES-40-1-1-2:R1.S1.LT3.PON14.ONT1.C2.P2",
        "description": "",
        "bponPotsPortOperState": "disabled"

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 28

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"bponOntPlannedCfgFile1": "DISABLED",
"acknowledged": "true",
"replaceable": "false",
"bponOntSerialNumber": "ALCLF2B21002",
"ontEquippedType": "XS-250WX-A",
"bponOntSubscriberId1": "GSFU",
"ifLastChange": "1512919068000",
"bponOntSubscriberId2": "",
"bponOntNg2PreferredChanPair": "2049998848",
"ontport": [
"bponPotsPortAdminState": "locked",
"bponPotsPortSipUsername": "",
"addressOfRecord": "IdmNotExistedAttribute",
"name": "NGPON2 POTS Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C2.P1",
"description": "",
"bponPotsPortOperState": "disabled"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P4",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"ifAdminStatus": "up",
"name": "NGPON2 VEIP Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C14.P1",
"description": "asdas",
"managementUrl": "",
"ifOperStatus": "up"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P3",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P2",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"bponPotsPortAdminState": "locked",
"bponPotsPortSipUsername": "",
"addressOfRecord": "IdmNotExistedAttribute",
"name": "NGPON2 POTS Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C2.P2",
"description": "",
"bponPotsPortOperState": "disabled"

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 29

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C1.P1",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "up"
"ifAdminStatus": "down",
"name": "NGPON2 Ethernet Port:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1.C10.P1",
"description": "",
"ifOperStatus": "down"
"name": "NGPON2 ONT:INES-50-1-1-10:CG2.SCG1.ONT1",
"location": "",
"bponOntSwActiveVersion": "3FE47059BFGB32 (R03.00.00bp SIP)",
"ifOperStatus": "up",
"pccOntState": "CONFIGURED",
"bponOntPlannedVariant": "SIP",
"bponOntPlannedRateUp": "Instance Unavailable"

get /external/inventory/olts operation response

The get /external/inventory/olts operation response contains the list of OLTs with links to additional endpoint

"name": "NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"ipAddress": "",
"productAndRelease": "iSAM-I.5.4",
"activeSoftwareVersion": "OSWPAA54.431",
"_links": {
"ponports": "/pcc/rest/external/ponports/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"slots": "/pcc/rest/external/slots/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"onts": "/pcc/rest/external/onts/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"lags": "/pcc/rest/external/lags/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"uplinks": "/pcc/rest/external/uplinks/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"ontports": "/pcc/rest/external/ontports/NE:INES-40-1-1-1"
"supervision": "Supervised"
"name": "NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108",
"ipAddress": "",
"productAndRelease": "FX-I.5.6",
"activeSoftwareVersion": "L6GPAA56.416",
"_links": {
"ponports": "/pcc/rest/external/ponports/NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108",
"slots": "/pcc/rest/external/slots/NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108",

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 30

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2

"onts": "/pcc/rest/external/onts/NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108",
"lags": "/pcc/rest/external/lags/NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108",
"uplinks": "/pcc/rest/external/uplinks/NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108",
"ontports": "/pcc/rest/external/ontports/NE:Detected_at_135.249.41.108"
"supervision": "Supervised"

get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname} operation response

The get /external/inventory/olts/{oltname} operation response contains the inventory for the specified OLT.

"name": "NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"ipAddress": "",
"productAndRelease": "iSAM-I.5.4",
"activeSoftwareVersion": "OSWPAA54.431",
"_links": {
"ponports": "/pcc/rest/external/ponports/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"slots": "/pcc/rest/external/slots/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"onts": "/pcc/rest/external/onts/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"lags": "/pcc/rest/external/lags/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"uplinks": "/pcc/rest/external/uplinks/NE:INES-40-1-1-1",
"ontports": "/pcc/rest/external/ontports/NE:INES-40-1-1-1"
"supervision": "Supervised"

3.7.3 Response samples for retrieving operation usage counts

The get /external/services/link/count operation response contains the operation usage counts of ONT ports and

"operationName": "ontPort",
"usageCount": 13

"operationName": "uplink",
"usageCount": 6

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 31

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
4 Rest API for UNI Service Association and ONT Port updates
The following operations can be done using the REST API
• Associate a service to an ONT port.
• Remove a service from an ONT port.
• Update ONT Port properties.
• Associate an ONT Service Group to an ONT.

 Note
The following header needs to be added to all requests for these APIs –
Key: Accept
Value: application/json;version=1.7.0

4.1 Associate a Service to an ONT Port

This operation requires the following pre-requisites.
• The service that you want to associate must be created in PCC.
• The ONT and the ONT Port should be present in PCC.

Operation URI Description

Associate a Service to ONT Port PUT /external/config/service/ serviceName: PCC Service Name. For
{serviceName}/{ontPortId} e.g. DataService

ontPortId: The full ONT Port Name.

ONT Port:<OLT Name>:<PortId>

4.1.1 Response
Status Response

200 OK (Service is associated to ONT)

404 One of the following -

• The service does not exist
• The ONT Port does not exist

500 Failed

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 32

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
4.1.2 Request Payload
The request data can contain additional parameters for configuring the service.
Format: application/json
JSON Content Properties

Property Name Description Accepted Values

staticIpAddress The Static IP Address to be assigned to Any valid set of IPv4 Address separated
the port. by |.
Multiple IP Address should be separated For e.g., "|"
by the delimiter '|'
Only applicable for Restricted User
User,and Secure Forced Forwarding

staticMacAddress The Static MAC Addresses to be Any valid set of MAC Address separated
assigned to the port. by |.
Multiple MAC Addresses should be For e.g., "00:00:00:00:00:00|
separated by the delimiter '|' 00:00:00:00:00:01"
Only applicable for Restricted User
User,and Secure Forced Forwarding

VoIP-SIP Configurations that can be used while assigning VoIP-SIP service on POTS ports

layerDhcp Defines if the Layer 2 configuration is • true - if has to be DHCP

DHCP • false - if the IP Address is defined. In
this case the userIpAddress and
userIpPrefix is mandatory

userIpAddress The Layer 2 IP Address. Only applicable IPV4 Address. e.g.,
if layerDhcp is set to false

userIpPrefix The Layer 2 IP Prefix. Only applicable Integer which is a valid IP Prefix. e.g., 8.
if layerDhcp is set to false
Note:Only applicable for POTS ports

iphostDhcp Defines if the IP Host configuration is • true - if has to be DHCP

DHCP enabled. • false - if the IP Host parameters are

iphostAddress Defines the IP Host Address. Applicable Valid IPv4 Address

only if iphostDhcp is false

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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Property Name Description Accepted Values

iphostMask Defines the IP Host Mask. Applicable Valid IPv4 Address

only if iphostDhcp is false

iphostGateway Defines the IP Host Gateway. Applicable Valid IPv4 Address

only if iphostDhcp is false

sipUserName SIP Username

sipPassword SIP password

sipAddressOfRecord SIP Address of Record



4.2 Remove a Service from an ONT port

This operation requires the following pre-requisites.
• The ONT and the ONT Port should be present in PCC.
• The service that you want to remove must be associated to the ONT port.

Operation URI Description

Remove a Service DELETE /external/config/service/ serviceName: PCC Service Name. For

from an ONT Port {serviceName}/{ontPortId} e.g. DataService

ontPortId: The full ONT Port Name.

ONT Port:<OLT Name>:<PortId>

4.2.1 Response
Status Response

200 OK (Service is deleted from the ONT)

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 34

5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Status Response

404 One of the following -

• The service does not exist
• The ONT Port does not exist

500 Failed

4.3 Update the ONT Properties

This operation requires the following pre-requisite.
• The ONT and the ONT Port should be present in PCC.

Operation URI Description

Update the ONT properties PUT /external/config/ontport/ ontPortId: The full ONT Port Name.
{ontPortId} Format 
ONT Port:<OLT Name>:<PortId>

4.3.1 Response
Status Response

200 OK (Service is deleted from the ONT)

404 The ONT Port does not exist

500 Failed

4.3.2 Request Payload

The request data should contain the properties that need to be updated on the given ONT Port. 
Format: application/json
JSON Content Properties

Property Name Description Accepted Values

adminState The port admin status • LOCKED


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5571 PCC Northbound Interface Guide Release 1.7.2
Property Name Description Accepted Values

dynamicVlanAssignment Dynamic VLAN Assignment • ENABLED

macBypass MAC Bypass

macBasedAuthentication MAC Based Authentication

4.4 Associate an ONT Service Group to an ONT

This operation requires the following pre-requisites.
• The ONT and should be present in PCC.
• The ONT Service Group that you want to associate must be created via the PCC GUI.

Operation URI Description

Remove a Service PUT /external/config/osg/ osgName: ONT Service Group Name. e.g.,
from an ONT Port {osgName}/{ontId} OSG1

ontId: The full ONT Port Name.

ONT Port:<OLT Name>:<ONTid>

4.4.1 Response
Status Response

200 OK (Service is deleted from the ONT)

404 One of the following -

• The ONT Service Group does not exist
• The ONT does not exist

500 Failed

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5 SNMP Trap Forwarder
PCC supports forwarding of alarms originating from the System or NEs as Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) traps to the OSS client. SNMP traps can alert you to system events that require immediate attention. You
must configure SNMP trap forwarder in PCC to receive these alerts. You can filter a set of SNMP alarm traps by
configuring Alarm filters with specific conditions like specific problem, alarm severity and probable cause. SNMP
alarm traps matching the alarm filtering criteria are forwarded.
A maximum of 30 SNMP destinations can be created.

5.1 Configuring SNMP destination

Perform the following steps to configure SNMP destination:

1. Click on the icon on the PCC taskbar.

2. Select OSS Administration.
3. Click the SNMP Trap Forwarder tab.

4. In the SNMP Destination Settings panel, click to create a SNMP destination.

5. Enter values for the following parameters:
Parameter Description

Port Port on which SNMP destination is set.

IP Address IP address of the trap forwarder.

Community String Enter the SNMP community string.

If the community string is correct, the device responds with
the requested information.
If the community string is incorrect, the device simply
discards the request and does not respond.
12 SNMP Destination settings
6. Click ADD.
7. In the Alarm Filters, enter the alarm filtering criteria to Specific Problem, Probable Cause and Alarm
Severity fields.
8. Click SAVE.

2 SNMP Trap Forwarder

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5.2 Editing a SNMP Destination settings
Perform the following steps to edit a SNMP destination settings:

1. To edit the SNMP trap setting, Click the edit icon  beside each SNMP destination setting.
2. Click SAVE
3. Click SAVE again to save the edited settings.

5.3 Deleting a SNMP destination

PCC will not forward the SNMP Alarm traps if SNMP destination settings are deleted.
Perform the following steps to delete a SNMP trap settings:

1. To delete the SNMP Destination Setting, click the delete icon beside the entry.
2. A warning message is displayed, click YES to delete SNMP destination.
3. Click SAVE.

5.4 SNMP Client Integration

You need to develop the SNMP client application in the OSS to receive the traps. Then integrate the PCC MIBs in the
SNMP client. PCC MIBs are independent of NE version.
The required OAD-AMS-ALARM MIB and other supporting MIBs are available in the PCC server at /var/opt/ams/local/

5.4.1 Sample PDU of SNMP Trap

SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (1019122) 2:49:51.22

SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:


PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::PCCAmsAlarmMib.1.4.0 = STRING: "pccadm"

PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::specificProblem = STRING: Trap Manager Registration


PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::repairActions = STRING: "Launch the command Resync Alarms

and State for that NE. If the problem persists, stop and restart supervision
of the NE."


PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::sourceFriendlyName = STRING: Agent:GPON48:IACM

PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::alarmSeverity = INTEGER: major(4)

PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::notificationId = STRING: 80015

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PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::alarmCategory = INTEGER: equipment(4)

PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::asamAlarmServAffType = INTEGER: notServiceAffecting(2)



PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::raisedTimeStamp = STRING: Fri Sep 14 11:38:48 ICT 2012

PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::acknowledged = INTEGER: false(2)

PCC-AMS-ALARM-MIB::probableCause = STRING: Synchronization Problem


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6 PCC metrics
PCC collects metrics for Historical (H) and Instant (I) 15 minutes, Historical (H) 5 minutes, and Instant 1 hour for the
appropriate counters. The collected statistical result files are transferred to the remote server configured using the
Statistics Destination Settings.
The following table lists the supported counters in PCC.
Counter Description Historical (H) /
Instant (I)

gponOltSidePonUtilTxPmInter Total (unicast+multicast+broadcast) traffic bytes H-5M

valTotalBytes transmitted on the PON port in the downstream

gponOltSidePonUtilRxPmInter Total traffic bytes on the PON port in the upstream H-5M
valTotalBytes direction

gponOltSideOntUtilPmInterval Usage of the ONT Utility PM Interval Counters that is H-5M

TxUcastBytes calculated based on the transmitted traffic.

gponOltSidePonUtilRxPmInter Usage of the PON utility PM interval counters in H-5M

valTotalDropBytes downstream.

gponOltSidePonUtilTxPmInter Usage of the PON utility PM interval counters in H-5M

valUcastDropBytes downstream.

fadPortExtPMPrevious15MinIn The number of bytes received on this port during this H-15M
Octets particular 15 minute interval

fadPortExtPMPrevious15MinOu The number of bytes transmitted on this port during H-15M

tOctets this particular 15 minute interval

fadSapPMPrevious15MinEgress The number of bytes transmitted on this SAP during H-15M

Octets this particular 15 minute interval

fadSapPMPrevious15MinIngres The number of bytes received on this SAP during this H-15M
sOctets particular 15 minute interval

gponOltSidePonUtilTxPmInter Usage of the PON utility PM interval counters in H-15M

valTotalUtil downstream or upstream direction.

gponOltSideOntUtilPmInterval  Usage of the ONT Utility PM Interval Counters H-15M

RxUcastDropBytes (received dropped bytes)

gponOntOntsidePonAggEtherI Average traffic rate in this interval of upstream in units H-15M

ntervalTxRate of bps

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Counter Description Historical (H) /
Instant (I)

gponOntOntsidePonAggEtherI Sum of the Ethernet error statistics caused due to: H-15M
1. CRC Align Errors
2. Fragments
3. Jabbers
4. Collisions
in the upstream direction

gponOntOntsidePonAggEtherI Sum of the Ethernet error statistics caused due to: H-15M
1. CRC Align Errors
2. Fragments
3. Jabbers
4. Collisions
in the downstream direction

ifOperStatus of the ONT ONT Operational State I-15M

ifOperStatus of the ONT  Ability to select specific ports for monitoring such as I-15M
Ethernet Port Printers and Teleconferencing.

snmpOutGetResponses Total Number of Get Responses Generated I-15M

ipInDelivers Total Number of Packets Successfully Delivered I-15M

snmpInSetRequests Total Number of Set Request PDUs Accepted I-15M

cpuLoadAverage CPU Load Average from CPU/Memory Usage I-1H

totalMemSize Total Memory Size on the board from CPU/Memory I-1H

Usage. Indicates the size of the total semi and
dynamical memory.

memAbsoluteUsage Total Used Memory from CPU/Memory Usage I-1H

eqptBoardAvailStatus Slot Available State I-1H

eqptPowerACState Subrack AC Power State I-1H


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Counter Description Historical (H) /
Instant (I)

etherStatsOctets   I-1H
Total number of octets of data (including those in bad
packets) received on the network (excluding framing
bits but including FCS octets)

ifInErrors  Number of inbound packets that contained errors I-1H

preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-
layer protocol

ifOutErrors  Number of outbound packets that could not be I-1H

transmitted because of errors

ifOutDiscards Number of outbound packets which were chosen to be I-1H

discarded even though no errors had been detected to
prevent their being transmitted. 
13 Supported counters in PCC

6.1 Statistics Destination Settings

PCC collects the counter data from the OLT. You can use the "Statistics Destination Settings" in the PCC GUI to
configure the destination for the result files where the OSS will retrieve the statistics collected from the OLT. The
collected result files of Historical (H) and Instant (I)15 minutes and Instant 1 hour are compressed as a tar file and
moved to the remote server using SFTP. 
Ensure you have admin privileges to make any changes to Statistics Destination Settings.

 Note
If the Graphs are not plotted or if the values are missing for a few intervals in the PCC Metrics, check if any
PCC alarms exist with the Probable cause "SDC Collection Failure".

6.1.1 Configuring Statistics Destination Settings

You can configure the Data File Destination for the Statistics Destination result files from the PCC GUI using the
following steps:

1. On the PCC taskbar, click the icon and select OSS Administration.
2. Click the Statistics Destination Settings tab to configure the Data File Destination for the OSS.

3. Click the icon to add the destination for the result files.
4. Enter the values for the following in the Create Statistics Destination dialog box.
Parameter Description

IP Address IP address of the remote machine in which the data files

should be stored.
Note: Ensure that the remote machine has SSH enabled.

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Parameter Description

Directory Path where the data file should be stored. Example, /var/opt/

Username Username of the destination server.

Password Password of the destination server.

14 Statistics Destination Settings
5. Click Add and then Save the settings.
If the destination with the same IP address and directory is already available, following error is displayed:
"Unable to add a new statistics destination. There is already an existing statistics destination with the same
IP Address and directory."

6.1.2 Editing a statistics destination

Perform the following steps to edit a statistics destination:

1. To edit the statistics destination, Click the edit icon  beside each statistics destination setting.
2. Make the changes and then, click SAVE.

6.1.3 Deleting a statistics destination

Perform the following steps to delete a statistics destination:

1. To delete the statistics destination, click the delete icon beside the entry. A warning message is
2. Click YES to delete statistics destination.
3. Click SAVE.

6.1.4 PCC Statistical Data Collection Result file format

The filename format of the compressed PCC Statistical Data Collection Result file available at the remote server is
<NE IP Address | NE Name>_<Type>_<Timestamp>.tar.gz, where:
<NE IP Address | NE Name> is the NE IP address or the NE name added to the Results file format name.
<Type> is the collection type, namely, ‘H-15M’,  ‘I-15M’, or ‘I-1H’
<Timestamp> is the server timestamp represented as follows:
YYYY-MM-DD-HH, if the collection type is I-1H.
YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm where mm= 00, 15, 30 or 45, if the collection type is H-15M, I-1H or I-15M.
For instant counters, the timestamp corresponds to the planned time at which the collection was started. For
historical counters, the timestamp corresponds to the start time of the historical period.
Example of the compressed file with the PCC Statistical Data Collection Result File format is
The compressed .tar file contains the PCC Statistical Data Collection Result Files in CSV format.

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3 Sample Result file content

6.2 PCC Statistical Data Collection related exceptions

PCC collects the counters from the NE or OLT and stores the result file for the PCC OSS. This topic provides some
tips to troubleshoot issues related to Statistics Destination Settings related to PCC. 
After performing all the checks, if the Statistical Data Collection result files are not collected, contact the Nokia or
Channel Partner Support representative for further assistance.

6.2.1 Case 1: Result files are not available in the destination server
If the result files are not stored in the destination server, perform the following checks.
• The configured IP address is correct.
• Connectivity between the PCC and destination server is up.
• The configuration file is available from the PCC server or through the AMS GUI
• The Statistical Data Collection result file is generated in the local folder. If the configuration file has the
“transferBufferInMinutes” attribute of a data destination set to 0, a result file is not stored on the local disk
for a long time. The Statistical Data Collection result files are deleted immediately after being stored in the
target folder. So to perform this check, you have to open the local folder and watch what is being populated.
• Any PCC alarm is raised in the PCC alarm viewer. Check the alarm details.
General checks to performed when an issue is found related to Statistics destination settings.
• Check if the SFTP port is opened.
• Check if the credentials to be used for the file transfer are correct.
• Check if the SSL certificate is valid, as SFTP is used for file transfer.

6.2.2 Case 2: Empty or wrong result files in the destination server

1. In the following cases, it is possible to have empty or wrong results in the destination server.
• There is no traffic on the NE. Hence, all the counter related files are not available.
• The configuration file has just been uploaded and counter collection has not yet started.
2. If an OLT is unreachable, result files will not be sent to the destination server.
3. The Statistical Data Collection result will also not be sent to the destination server, in case of the following
NTP related issues:
• NTP server is not configured on the OLT; hence, the OLT is not NTP synchronized with PCC.
• NTP server is not configured on teh OLT, but the time difference between PCC and the OLT is greater
than 1 minute.

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• NTP server is configured on the OLT, but the OLT is not able to synchronize its time with PCC, for
unknown reasons.

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