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Study of Traffic Flow at A Busy Intersection in Kanchipuram, India

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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.

4, April 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at

Study of Traffic Flow at a Busy Intersection in

Kanchipuram, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering,
Sri ChandrasekharendraSaraswathiViswaMahaVidhalaya,
Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India.
Abstract: Traffic flow analyses are used to achieve the safe, effective and efficient movement of peoples and
goods on roadways within a scheduled time are directly linked with traffic characteristics. The parameters which
are deciding the traffic flows are density, speed and volume.Nowadays the density and vehicle volume becomes
very high due to increase in population, drastic changes in the economics of the middle class families and also
people want the sophisticated life. To improve the road infrastructure for the future, the well planned and
effective management is mandatory. In this study the traffic volume at junction, which is considered as a heavy
traffic area was carried out manually and the footage from CCTV were taken and the suggestions were given to
regularize the traffic. The results obtained clearly stated that two wheelers and Cars take major proportion in the
traffic stream flow.

Keywords: Traffic volume; density; Traffic congestion

1. INTRODUCTION traffic flow characteristics [7, 9]. Hence the results

Bright future of the city is mainly based on its from the present study are helpful in controlling the
transportation. Many cities are facing various traffic at the intersection and also in suggesting
problems due to rapid industrialization and some of the remedial measures to improve the
urbanization [1, 10]. In the developing cities the traffic safety in the region. Remedial measures
numbers of private and public vehicles are to be such as widening the road, changing 4-lane to 6-
increased but the available space for the road is not lane or by providing more public transport can be
sufficient which leads to traffic congestion. One of recommended based on the outcomes of the work.
the unbearable problem occurs in the urban areas 1.1 Scope of traffic volume studies
are traffic congestion which affects the society and  To identify the transport either from
economy [2]. Congestion affects the free flow of public or private influences the traffic
vehicles which increases the journey time, system.
accidents and makes the people getting annoyed.  To know the seasonal, daily and hourly
This traffic congestion creates a most challenging variations in the flow of vehicles is mainly
problem in all developed and developing towns or used for the future expansion of roads.
cities [3]. In most of the metropolitan cities  To assess the quality of air in the
particularly during peak hours in the morning and particular area where the traffic is heavy.
in the evening people find very difficult to reach
their work places and their homes. They will get 2. STUDY AREA
mental tension and also it leads to waste more The city of Kanchipuram (12.8342° N latitude,
amount of fuel, time and creates lot of pollution 79.7036° E longitude, 83.2 m (273 ft) above sea
[4].The number of pedestrians crossing and the level) is located in the Indian State of Tamilnadu.
tremendous increased in the number of all type of The city covers an area of 11.605 km2. The land
vehicles especially cars but there is no way for around Kanchipuram is flat and slopes towards the
extending or widening the road due to various south and east.
political and land acquisition problems [5, 8]. This As Kanchipuram falls as one of the seven Tirthas
difficulty should be overcome by increasing the (pilgrimage sites) in India, it has tourist visitors
road space or diverting the traffic by considering from all over the country and even world. As
the distance and also convenience to the public. Kanchipuram is known for its cultural heritage,
The current work focuses the traffic characteristics tourism is greater here.
in the town of Kanchipuram at one selected priority
city[6,11]. Traffic flow is studied by manual 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS
methods. For better understanding of the present For determining the study area, traffic survey was
status of traffic flow at the junction, traffic survey done by obtaining CCTV Footages from
is conducted with the help of the data collection, an Kanchipuram Control Room. MoongilMandapam
attempt had been made to understand the traffic is one of the great junctions in kanchipuram town.
patterns during different time periods. Traffic CCTV footage of one camera that is for road going
control at that junction is also dependent on the from MoongilMandapamto Collectrate was studied

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.4, April 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
and the vehicles passing were noted down by say that the heaviest traffic area is
segregating them as Buses, Cars, Truck/Tempo, MoongilMandapam with around 6,50,000 vehicles
Two-wheelers by using the software Smart Traffic including Buses, Cars, Trucks, Minibuses, Two-
Analyser, (Fig.2). wheelers, Auto-rickshaws moving in a week from
CCTV Camera Footages of MoongilMandapam all directions. From the Data obtained, a total of
was obtained for one week that is from 24th 75,439 vehicles pass by one camera in a week in
February 2017 to 2nd March 2017 from morning MoongilMandapam, this area being the junction for
4.00 a.m to 12.00 a.m. (Table.1).The timing of four roads, still more vehicles pass by. So we can
footage for each day in week was classified as 4.00 say that MoongilMandapam holds most Traffic in
– 8.00, 8.01 – 12.00, 12.01 – 16.00, 16.01 – 20.00, Kanchipuram Town and hence it is taken as Heavy
20.01 – 24.00.Heavy Traffic, from the CCTV Traffic Point for the Study. (Fig.1.)
footages collected from the Control room, we can

Fig.1. Study area- MoongilMandapam

Fig.2. Screenshots of STA (SMART TRAFFIC ANALYSER)

Table 1. Composition of traffic flow stream from 24.02.2017 to 02.03.2017

Time Bus Car Truck/Tempo Two Wheeler Total

24th February 2017

4.00 - 8.00 67 365 40 986 1458

8.01 - 12.00 102 458 69 1051 1680

12.01 - 16.00 97 345 58 992 1492

16.01 - 20.00 124 559 78 1089 1850

20.01 - 24.00 129 576 64 1032 1801

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.4, April 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at

Total 519 2303 309 5150 8281

25th February 2017

4.00 - 8.00 64 357 43 999 1463

8.01 - 12.00 108 442 65 1109 1724

12.01 - 16.00 94 365 61 1033 1553

16.01 - 20.00 147 541 74 1078 1840

20.01 - 24.00 115 589 58 1156 1918

Total 528 2294 301 5375 8498

26th February 2017

4.00 - 8.00 63 364 54 987 1468

8.01 - 12.00 104 435 75 1125 1739

12.01 - 16.00 100 365 68 1047 1580

16.01 - 20.00 158 536 84 1185 1963

20.01 - 24.00 125 594 60 1598 2377

Total 550 2294 341 5942 9127

27th February 2017

4.00 - 8.00 72 389 60 997 1518

8.01 - 12.00 145 569 75 1689 2478

12.01 - 16.00 122 487 78 1165 1852

16.01 - 20.00 168 635 93 1285 2181

20.01 - 24.00 132 587 65 1635 2419

Total 639 2667 371 6771 10448

28th February 2017

4.00 - 8.00 74 395 63 845 1377

8.01 - 12.00 154 615 78 1745 2592

12.01 - 16.00 136 565 82 1365 2148

16.01 - 20.00 189 645 96 1278 2208

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.4, April 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at

20.01 - 24.00 145 591 74 1784 2594

Total 698 2811 393 7017 10919

1st March 2017

4.00 - 8.00 85 345 54 749 1233

8.01 - 12.00 185 641 85 2846 3757

12.01 - 16.00 147 558 94 1623 2422

16.01 - 20.00 173 628 61 2574 3436

20.01 - 24.00 138 586 83 2145 2952

Total 728 2758 377 9937 13800

2nd March 2017

4.00 - 8.00 87 389 51 689 1216

8.01 - 12.00 245 784 84 2745 3858

12.01 - 16.00 214 641 94 1783 2732

16.01 - 20.00 229 662 65 2687 3643

20.01 - 24.00 185 587 90 2055 2917

Total 960 3063 384 9959 14366



200 Two Wheeler

4.00 - 8.00 8.01 - 12.00 12.01 - 16.00 16.01 - 20.00 20.01 - 24.00

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.4, April 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at

600 Car

400 Truck/Tempo
200 Two Wheeler
4.00 - 8.00 8.01 - 12.00 12.01 - 16.01 - 20.01 -
16.00 20.00 24.00

1200 Bus
600 Truck/Tempo
400 Two Wheeler
4.00 - 8.00 8.01 - 12.00 12.01 - 16.00 16.01 - 20.00 20.01 - 24.00

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.4, April 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at

1600 Bus
1400 Car
1000 Truck/Tempo
800 Two Wheeler
4.00 - 8.00 8.01 - 12.00 12.01 - 16.00 16.01 - 20.00 20.01 - 24.00


1500 Bus
Two Wheeler
4.00 - 8.00 8.01 - 12.00 12.01 - 16.00 16.01 - 20.00 20.01 - 24.00

500 Two Wheeler

4.00 - 8.00 8.01 - 12.00 12.01 - 16.00 16.01 - 20.00 20.01 - 24.00

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.4, April 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at

500 Two Wheeler

4.00 - 8.00 8.01 - 12.00 12.01 - 16.00 16.01 - 20.00 20.01 - 24.00

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