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For Inverter Users: When Studying How To Use Our Inverters When Wiring The Inverter When Changing The Motor Speed

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For inverter users

(3) Ground (shield) the main circuit wires with metallic conduits.
When studying how to use our inverters (4) Use the shortest possible cables to connect the inverter to the motor. When wiring the inverter When changing the motor speed
(5) If the inverter has a high-attenuation EMI filter, turn off the grounding capacitor
detachment switch to reduce the leakage current. Note that doing so leads to a
Notes reduction in the noise attenuating effect. Wiring precautions Application to standard motors
Note) This inverter allows you to decrease the frequency up to 2.0kHz.
Leakage current Installing a molded-case circuit breaker [MCCB] Vibration
If the carrier frequency reduce, the acoustic noise caused by the motor increase.
This inverter uses high-speed switching devices for PWM control. (1) Install a molded-case circuit breaker (MCCB) on the inverter's power supply When a motor is operated with an industrial inverter, it experiences more vibrations
When a relatively long cable is used for power supply to an inverter, current may leak Ground fault input to protect the wiring. than when it is operated by the commercial power supply. The vibration can be
from the cable or the motor to the ground because of its capacitance, adversely Before begining operation, thoroughly check the wiring between the motor and the (2) Avoid turning the molded-case circuit breaker on and off frequently to turn on/off reduced to a negligible level by securing the motor and machine to the base firmly.
affecting peripheral equipment. The intensity of such a leakage current depends on inverter for incorrect wiring or short circuits. Do not ground the neutral the motor. If the base is weak, however, the vibration may increase at a light load due to
the PWM carrier frequency, the lengths of the input and output cables, etc., of the point of any star-connected motor. (3) To turn on/off the motor frequently, close/break the control terminals F (or R)- resonance with the mechanical system.
inverter. To prevent current leakage, it is recommended to take the following CC.
measures. Radio interference Reduction gear, belt, chain
[Noise produced by inverters] Installing a magnetic contactor [MC] [primary side] Note that the lubrication capability of a reducer or a converter used as the interface
【Effects of leakage current】
Since this inverter performs PWM control, it produces noise and sometimes affects (1) To prevent an automatic restart after the power interruption or overload relay has of the motor and the load machine may affected at low speeds.
Leakage current which increases when an inverter is used may pass through the nearby instrumental devices, electrical and electronic systems, etc. The effects of tripped, or actuation of the protective circuit, install an electro-magnetic contact in When operating at a frequencies exceeding 60 Hz or higher, power transmission
following routes: noise greatly vary with the noise resistance of each individual device, its wiring the power supply. mechanisms such as reduction gear, belts and chains, may cause problems such as
Route (1) ... Leakage due to the capacitance between the ground and the noise filter condition, the distance between it and the inverter, etc. (2) The inverter is provided with a failure detection relay (FL), so that, if its contacts production of noise, a reduction in strength, or shortening of service life.
Route (2) ... Leakage due to the capacitance between the ground and the inverter [Measures against noises] are connected to the operation circuit of the magnetic contactor on the primary
Route (3) ... Leakage due to the capacitance between ground and the cable connecting According to the route through which noise is transmitted, the noises produced by an side, the magnetic contactor will be opened when the protective circuit of the Frequency
the inverter and the motor inverter are classified into transmission noise, induction noise and radiation noise. inverter is activated. Before setting the maximum frequency to 60 Hz or higher, confirm that this
Route (4) ... Leakage due to the capacitance of the cable connecting the motor and an inverter in [Examples of protective measures] (3) The inverter can be used without a magnetic contactor. In this case, use an operating range is acceptable for the motor.
another power distribution line ●Separate the power line from other lines, such as weak-current lines and signal MCCB (equipped with a voltage tripping device) for opening the primary circuit
Route (5) ... Leakage through the grounding line common to motors lines, and install them apart from each other. when the inverter protective circuit is activated.
Route (6) ... Leakage to another line because of the capacitance of the ground
Leakage current which passes through the above routes may cause the following
●Install a noise filter in each inverter. It is effective for noise prevention to install (4) Avoid turning the magnetic contactor on and off frequently to turn on/off the Application to special motors
noise filters in other devices and systems, as well. motor.
trouble. ●Shield cables and wires with grounded metallic conduits, and cover electronic (5) To turn on/off the motor frequently, close/break the control terminals F (or R)- Gear motor
●Malfunction of a leakage circuit breaker in the same or another power systems with grounded metallic cases. CC. When using an industrial inverter to drive a gear motor, inquire of the motor
distribution line ●Separate the power distribution line of the inverter from that of other devices and manufacturer about its continuous operation range, since low-speed operation of a
●Malfunction of a ground-relay installed in the same or another power distribution systems. Installing a magnetic contactor [MC] [secondary side] gear motor may cause insufficient lubrication.

For inverter users

For inverter users

line ●Install the input and output cables of the inverter apart from each other.
●Noise produced at the output of an electronic device in another power (1) As a rule, if a magnetic contactor is installed between the inverter and the motor,
distribution line
●Use shielded twisted pair wires for wiring of the weak-current and signal circuits, do not turn ON/OFF while running. (If the secondary-side contactor is turned Toshiba Gold Motor (High-efficiency power-saving motor)
and always ground one of each pair of wires. ON/OFF while running, a large current may flow in the inverter, causing inverter Inverter-driven operation of Toshiba Gold Motors is the best solution for saving
●Activation of an external thermal relay installed between the inverter and the ●Ground the inverter with grounding wires as large and short as possible,
motor, at a current below the rate current damage and failure.) energy. This is because these motors have improved efficiency, power factor, and
separately from other devices and systems. (2) A magnetic contactor may be installed to change the motor or change to the noise/vibration reduction characteristics when compared to standard motors.
ELCB Noise filter
The single-phase 240V and three-phase 500V models have built-in noise commercial power source when the inverter is stopped. Always use an interlock
Power supply motor
Inverter M
filters which significantly reduce noise. with the magnetic contactor in this situation so that the commercial power supply is Pole-changing motor
not applied to the inverter's output terminals. Pole-changing motors can be driven by this inverter. Before changing poles,
① ② ③ however, be sure to let the motor come to a complete stop.
External signal
Ground-fault relay (1) Use a relay rated for low currents. Mount a surge suppressor on the excitation Hight-pole-count motors
Separate by 30 cm or coil of the relay.
more. When enclosing Note that hight-pole count motors(8 or more poles), which may be used for fans,etc.,

Ground signal cables and power (2) When wiring the control circuit, use shielded wires or twisted pair cables. have higher rated current than 4-pole moters.
⑥ separately as cables in the same duct, (3) All control terminals, except FLA, FLB and FLC are electronic circuits.

The current ratings of multipole motors are relatively high. So, when selecting an
separate them with a Therefore, input signal must insulate with power circuit. inverter, you must pay special attention to its current rating so that the current rating
Leakage current flow routes Noise Filter
metal plate.
Twist the signal cables. of the motor is below that of the inverter.
【Measures against effects of leakage current】 Installing an overload relay
equipment (1) The VF-S11 inverter has an electronic-thermal overload protective function. Single-phase motor
The measures against the effects of leakage current are as follows:
However, in the following cases, the thermal relay operation level must be adjusted Because single-phase motors are equipped with a centrifugal switch and capacitors
1) Measures to prevent the malfunction of leakage circuit breakers Separate grounding
or an overload relay matching the motor's characteristics must be installed for starting, they cannot be driven by an inverter. If only a single-phase, power
(1) Decrease the PWM carrier frequency of the inverter. Note) Noise Filter
between the inverter and the motor. system is availabls a 3-phase motor can be driven by using a single-phase input
(2) Use radio-frequency interference-proof ELCBs as ground-fault interrupters in
(a) When using a motor having a rated current value different from that of the interter to convert it into a 3-phase 240V output. (A special inverter and a 3-phase
not only the system into which the inverter is incorporated but also other Control panel frame
equivalent. motor are required.)
systems. When ELCBs are used, the PWM carrier frequency needs to be Sensor signal
Control signal
1 point Metal conduit tube, (b) When driving several motors simultaneously.
increased to operate the inverter.
(3) When connecting multiple inverters to a single ELCB, use an ELCB with a
grounding shielding cable, (2) When using the inverter to control the operation of a constant-torque motor (VF Braking motor
Motor motor), change the protective characteristic of the electronic thermal relay When using a braking motor, if the braking circuit is directly connected to the
high current sensitivity or reduce the number of inverters connected to the
according to the setting of the VF motor. inverters's output terminals, the brake cannot be released because of the lowered
(3) In order to adequately protect a motor used for low-speed operation, we starting voltage. Therefore, when using a braking motor, connect the braking circuit
2) Measures against malfunction of ground-fault relay:
recommend the use of a motor equipped with a embedded thermal relay. to the inverter's power supply side, as shown on the left. Usually, braking motors
(1) Decrease the PWM carrier frequency of the inverter. Note) Power factor improvement capacitors
(2) Install ground-fault relays with a high-frequency protective function (e.g., produce larger noise in low speed ranges.
Do not install a power factor improvement capacitors on the input or output side of
Toshiba CCR12 type of relays) in both the same and other lines. When ELCBs the inverter. Note: In the case of the circuit shown on the left, assign the function of detecting low-
are used, the PWM carrier frequency needs to be increased to operate the
Installing a power factor improvement capacitor on the input or output side causes
(         )
Non-excitation activation
type brake speed signals to the RY and RC terminals. Make sure the parameter F130 is
current containing harmonic components to flow into the capacitor, adversely B set to 4 (factory default setting).
3) Measures against noise produced by other electric and electronic systems: affecting the capacitor itself or causing the inverter to trip. To improve the power
(1) Separate the grounding line of the inverter from that of the affected electric factor, install an input AC reactor or a DC reactor (optional) on the primary side of
and electronic systems. Power MC1 RY
the inverter.
(2) Decrease the PWM carrier frequency of the inverter. Note) supply RY RC
4) Measures against malfunction of external thermal relays: IM
(1) Remove the external thermal relay and use the electronic thermal function of Installation of input AC reactors
the inverter instead of it. (Unapplicable to cases where a single inverter is used These devices are used to improve the input power factor and suppress high MC2
to drive more than one motor. Refer to the instruction manual for measures to harmonic currents and surges. Install an input AC reactor when using this inverter
be taken when thermal relays cannot be removed.) under the following conditions: Run/stop
(2) Decrease the PWM carrier frequency of the inverter. Note) (1) When the power source capacity is 500kVA or more, and when it is 10 times
5) Measures by means of wiring and grounding or more greater than the inverter capacity.
(1) Use a grounding wire as large as possible. (2) When the inverter is connected the same power distribution system as a
(2) Separate the inverter's grounding wire from that of other systems or install the thyristor-committed control equipment.
grounding wire of each system separately to the grounding point. (3) When the inverter is connected to the same power distribution system as that
of distorted wave-producing systems, such as arc furnaces and large-capacity

13 14
For inverter users Peripheral devices

No. Device Function and purpose Refer to

Used to improve the input power factor, reduce the harmonics, and suppress
external surge on the inverter power source side. Install when the power
Selecting the capacity (model) of the inverter capacity is 500 kVA or more and 10 times or more than the inverter capacity
or when a distorted wave generation source such as a thyristor unit or a large-
capacity inverter is connected in the same distribution system.

Selection ① Input AC reactor (ACL)

Reactor type Improvement of Suppression of harmonic
of external
Capacity Starting characteristics power factor 240V-4.0kW or less Other model surge P.17
Refer to the applicable motor capacities listed in the standard specifications. When a motor is driven by an inverter, its operation is restricted by the inverter’s
Power supply
Input AC reactor ○ ○ ○ ○
When driving a high-pole motor, special motor, or multiple motors in parallel, select overload current rating, so the starting characteristic is different from those obtained DC reactor ○ Large ○ ○ Large ×
such an inverter that the sum of the motor rated current multiplied by 1.05 to 1.1 is from commercial power supply operation. ○Large : Large effective. ○: effective. ×: ineffective
less than the inverter's rated output current value. Although the starting torque is smaller with an inverter than with the commercial Generally, a DC reactor improves the power factor more than a DC reactor.
power supply, a high starting torque can be produced at low speeds by adjusting the When the inverter is used along with equipment for which a high degree of
② DC reactor (DCL) reliability is required, an input AC reactor capable of suppressing external
Acceleration/deceleration times V/f pattern torque boost amount or by employing vector control. (200% in surges should be used along with a DC reactor.
The actual acceleration and deceleration times of a motor driven by an inverter are sensorless control mode, though this rate varies with the motor characteristics.)
When a larger starting torque is necessary, select an inverter with a larger capacity Molded-cace circuit These types of filters are not necessary because all single-phase 240V or 3-
determined by the torque and moment of inertia2 of the load, and can be calculated phase 500V models have a built-in EMI noise filter, conforming to Class A, as
and examine the possibility of increasing the motor capacity. breaker (MCCB) standard. But install these filters if necessarily of noise reduction move and
by the following equations.
The acceleration and deceleration times of an inverter can be set individually. In any High-attenuation • Effective to prevent interference in audio equipment used near the inverter.
③ P.18
case, however, they should be set longer than their respective values determined by radio noise filter • Install on the input side of the inverter.
• Provided with wide-range attenuation characteristics from AM radio bands to
the following equations.
Harmonic current and influence to power supply (NF type) near 10MHz.

Radio noise reduction filter

• Use when equipment readily affected by noise is installed in the peripheral
Magnetic area.
Acceleration time ta= (JM+JL)×ΔN (sec.) Harmonics are defined as sinusoidal waves that is multiple freguency of commercial
9.56×(TM−TL) power (base frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz). Commercial power including harmonics contactor (MC) • Effective to prevent interference in audio equipment used near the inverter.
• Effective in noise reduction on both input and output sides of the inverter.
Deceleration time ta= (JM+JL)×ΔN (sec.) has a distorted waveform. ④ • Provided with attenuation characteristics of several dB in frequencies from P.18
9.56×(TB+TL) Some electrical and electronic devices produce distorted waves in their rectifying Zero-phase reactor AM radio bands to 10MHz.
JM : Moment of inertia of motor (kge.m ) 2
and smoothing circuits on the input side. Harmonics produced by a device influence ferrite core-type • For noise countermeasures, insert on the secondary side of the inverter.
JL : Moment of inertia of load (kge.m2) other electrical equipment and facilities in some cases (for example, overheating of A high-attenuation compact EMI noise filter that can be Foot-mounted and
(converted into value on motor shaft) ① Input AC reactor Side-mounted. With this filter on, the inverter complies with the following
△N : Difference in rotating speed between before and phase advancing capacitors and reactors).
(ACL) standards.
For inverter users

after acc. or dce. (min.-1)

TL : Load torque (Ne.m)
Three-phase 240V model:
Conditions TM : Motor rated torque x 1.2-1.3 (Ne.m) ... V/f control Measures for suppressing higher harmonics noise filter

Peripheral devices
⑤ EN55011: Class A, Group 1 (Motor connecting cable length: 5 m or less) P.20
: Motor rated torque x 1.5 (Ne.m) (Compliant with And EN55011: Class B, Group 1 (Motor connecting cable length: 1 m or less)
... Vector operation control No Measures Description
European standards)
TB : Motor rated torque x 0.2 (Ne.m) 1 Connecting a The leakage of a harmonic current from an inverter can be ③ High-attenuation Single-phase 240V, three-phase 500V models:
EN55011: Class B, Group 1 (Motor connecting cable length: 20 m or less)
When a braking resistor or a braking resistor unit is used: reactor restricted by connecting an input AC reactor (ACL) on the ⑤ EMC radio noise reduction
( Motor rated torque x 0.8-1.0 (Ne.m) ) input side of the inverter or a DC reactor (DCL) to the DC
noise reduction N.F filter
And EN55011: Class A, Group 1 (Motor connecting cable length: 50 m or less)
section of the inverter. EMC plate A steel plate used to connect shielded earth wires from inverter's power cables
filter(Compliant ④ Zero-phase reactor ⑥ or to connect earth wires from external devices. P.9
Allowable torque characteristics 2 Connecting a A PWM converter that shapes the waveform of an input
current into a substantially sinusoidal waveform. The leakage with European ferrite core-type radio
(attached as standard)
higher harmonic
When a standard motor is combined with an inverter to perform variable speed suppressing of a harmonic current from a power supply can be restricted noise reduction filter Use when rapid deceleration or stop is frequently required or when it is
standards) desired to reduce the deceleration time with large load. This resistor consumes
operation, the motor temperature rises slightly higher than it normally does during unit (SC7) by connecting a harmonic suppressing unit (SC7). ⑦ Braking resistor P.18
regenerative energy during power generation braking.
commercial power supply operation. This is because the inverter output voltage has ⑥ EMC plate • Braking resistor - With (resistor + protective thermal relay) built in.
a sinusoidal (approximate) PWM waveform. In addition, the cooling becomes less 3 Connecting a higher A harmonic current can be absorbed by the use of a phase (attached as standard)
harmonic suppressing advancing capacitor unit composed of a phase advancing ② DC reactor Motor-end surge Use an insulation-reinforced motor or install the surge voltage restraint filter to
effective at low speed, so the torque must be reduced according to the frequency. prevent degrading motor insulation caused by surge voltage generation
When constant-torque operation must be performed at low speeds, use a Toshiba VF phase advancing capacitor capacitor and a DC reactor. (DCL) ⑨ DIN rail kit ⑧ voltage suppression filter
depending on cable length and wiring method, or use of a 400V class motor P.19
(for 500V class only) driven with an inverter.
motor designed specifically for use with inverters. 4 Multi-pulse For delta-delta connection and delta-Y connection
operation of transformers, the effect of 12 pulses can be obtained by
Available for the 2.2kW (or 1.5kW) or less.
transformation distributing the load evenly, and thus currents containing fifth- VF-S11 ⑨ DIN rail kit (Model: DIN003Z, DIN005Z) P.20
[An example of V/f 200 order and seventh-order harmonics can be suppressed.
Use this unit for batch read, batch copy, and batch writing of setting
control at a base 5 Other measures Harmonic currents can also be suppressed by the use of ⑩ Parameter writer
180 parameters. (Model: PWU001Z)
passive (AC) and active filters.
Torque (%) (See Note 1.)

frequency of 60 Hz] Maximum torque

160 Extended operation panel kit provided with LED indication section,
⑪ Extension panel RUN/STOP key, UP/DOWN key, Monitor key, and Enter key.
140 (Model: RKP001Z, RKP002Z) P.19
120 ⑦ Braking RS232C This unit allows you to connect a personal computer to inverters for data
Maximum allowable continuous torque resistor communications.
100 ⑫ communication
(Model: RS20035)
④ conversion cable
Zero-phase reactor RS485 This unit allows you to connect a personal computer to multiple inverters for
60 N.F data transfer.
ferrite core-type radio ⑬ communication
(Models: RS4001Z, RS4002Z)
40 noise reduction filter conversion unit
20 USB This unit is connected to a PLC or a computer to enable data communications.
communication By connecting the connector cable, parameters can be easily adjusted, and
0 ⑭
data easily saved and written. -
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ⑧ conversion unit (Type: USB 001Z)
Output frequency (Hz) Motor-end surge
voltage suppression filter Internal These boards allow you to connect a upper controller to multiple inverters for
Note 1. 100% of torque refers to the amount of torque that the motor produces ⑮ communication data transfer. Removable terminal board is replaced by these boards. RS485,
(for 500V class only) DeviceNet and LONWORKS are prepared.
when it is running at a 60Hz-synchronized speed. The starting torque is card (Models: RS4003Z, DEV001Z, LIU005Z)
smaller in this case than that required when power is supplied from a
commercial power line. So, the characteristics of the machine to be This panel includes a frequency meter, a frequency regulator and RUN/STOP
operated need to be taken into consideration. ⑯ Remote panel (forward/reverse run)switches. P.19
(Model: CBVR-7B1)
Note 2. The maximum allowable torque at 50Hz can be calculated approximately by IM Motor
multiplying the maximum allowable torque at a base frequency of 60Hz by Conduit pipe Attachment kit used for conformance to NEMA TYPE1.
⑰ -
0.8. attachment kit
Communication This cable allows you to connect a personal computer for the totally enclosed
⑱ cable for totally box type while retaining the protective construction of the IP54 (or IP55). -
(Type: CAB 0031)
enclosed box type

15 16
Devices External dimensions and connections Devices External dimensions and connections
Input AC reactor High-attenuation LC filter

VFS11 P (Earth terminal)

(ACL) AC reactor radio noise filter source
Terminal box with cover
(NF type)

Note:(1) Noise filter should be connected to

the inverter main circuit primaryside.
(2) Output cable should be kept away
VFS11S from the input cable.
AC reactor
Rated Dimensions (mm) Approx.
Power Reactor current Inverter type weight
4-ØF holes source model (A) A B C E F G H J K M N P (kg)
NF3005A-MJ 5 VFS11-2004PM∼VFS11-2007PM 1.0
Fig. A Fig. B NF3015A-MJ 15 VFS11-2015PM, VFS11-2022PM
174.5 160 145 110 80 32 45 M4
NF3020A-MJ 20 VFS11-2037PM 70 20 Ø5.5 M4 1.6
NF3030A-MJ 30 VFS11-2055PM

Dimensions (mm)
Model Rating Inverter type Terminals weight NF3040A-MJ 40 VFS11-2075PM 217.5 200 185 120 90 43 M5 2.7
A B C D E F G (kg) 44
NF3050A-MJ 50 VFS11-2110PM 267.5 250 235 170 140 90 60 4.6
PFLS2002S 1-phase 240V -2.0A-50/60Hz VFS11S-2002PL (Note) 80 55 115 63 45 5 45 0.85 30 Ø6.5 M6
terminal M3.5
VFS11-2004∼2007PM Harmonica
NF3080A-MJ 80 VFS11-2150PM 294.5 280 260 170 150 37 100 65 M6 7.0
PFL2005S 3-phase 240V -5.5A-50/60Hz VFS11S-2004PL 105 65 115 90 55 5 40 terminal M3.5 1.2
VFS11-2015、2022PM Harmonica
NF3010C-MJ 10 VFS11-4004∼4037PL 1.4
PFL2011S 3-phase 240V -11A-50/60Hz VFS11S-2007PL 130 70 140 115 60 5 50 terminal M4 2.3
VFS11-2037PM A Harmonica
NF3015C-MJ 15 VFS11-4055PL 174.5 160 145 110 80 32 45 M4
PFL2018S 3-phase 240V -18A-50/60Hz VFS11S-2015、2022PL 130 70 140 115 60 5 50 terminal M4 2.5
NF3020C-MJ 20 VFS11-4075PL 70 20 Ø5.5 M4 1.6
PFL2025S 3-phase 240V -25A-50/60Hz VFS11-2055PM 125 100 130 50 83 7 ― terminal M4 2.6
NF3030C-MJ 30 VFS11-4110PL 177.5
PFL2050S 3-phase 240V -50A-50/60Hz VFS11-2075、2110PM 155 115 140 50 95 7 ― terminal M6 3.4 200 185 120 90 44 43
B Harmonica
NF3040C-MJ 40 VFS11-4150PL 217.5 M5 2.7
PFL2100S 3-phase 240V -100A-50/60Hz VFS11-2150PM 230 150 210 60 90 8 ― terminal M8 8.2
Note: Every inverter with a model number ending in-PL comes standard with a built-in noise filter almost equal in size and performance to this filter.
PFL4012S 3-phase 500V -12.5A-50/60Hz VFS11-4004∼4037PL 125 95 130 50 79 7 ― Harmonica 2.3
PFL4025S 3-phase 500V -25A-50/60Hz VFS11-4055∼4110PL 155 110 155 50 94 7 ― B
terminal M4
4.9 Zero-phase reactor
Harmonica Zero-phase reactor
PFL4050S 3-phase 500V -50A-50/60Hz VFS11-4150PL 155 140 165 50 112 7 ― terminal M6 6.6 ferrite core-type
Note: PFLS2002S has 4 terminals. radio noise filter
7 x 14 slotted hole R U
Power S V IM
source T W
DC reactor Terminal box
with cover

Peripheral devices
Peripheral devices

Name plate
Name plate Input or output cable sould be coiled over 4-times.
Unit: mm RC5078 is recommended for the models
Model: RC5078
Model: RC9129 4.0kW or less.


D (Installation dimension)
E (Installation dimension)
resistor φ4.2

4.5 x 6 slotted hole (DCLS-2002)
4.4 x 6 slotted hole (DCL-2007) Power source IM

Fig. A (Lead wire length) PB PA

Terminal box Fig. B Fig. C

with cover C
Fig. A Breaking resistor
DC reactor
4-ø5 holes
Name VF-S11
Wire opening Power S V
PA/+ source
Power MC

E (Installation dimension)
Breaking resistor
(Note 1)

Fig. C Earth terminal

Do not fail connect to
TH1 the operation circuit
(M5) TH2

D (Installation dimension) Fig. D


Rated Dimensions (mm) Approx.

Model current Inverter type Terminals weight Fig. B
(A) W H D X Y d1 d2 (kg) External Approx.
Dimensions (mm) dimensions
DCLS-2002 2.5 VFS11S-2002PL 79 50 44 66 ― ― ― V1.25-3.5 0.6 Model Rating Inverter type and
A A B C D E G connections (kg)
DCL-2007 7 VFS11S-2004PL 92 65 70 82 ― ― ― V2-3.5 1.2 VFS11-2004∼2007PM
VFS11-2015、2022PM PBR-2007 120W-200Ω VFS11S-2002∼2007PL A
DCL-2022 14 VFS11S-2007PL 86 110 80 71 64 ― ― M4 2.2 VFS11-2015, 2022PM
B PBR-2022 120W-75Ω VFS11S-2015, 2022PL
42 182 20 4.2 172 ― and 0.28
DCL-2037 22.5 86 110 85 71 70 ― ― M4 2.5
PBR-2037 120W-40Ω VFS11-2037PM C
DCL-2055 38 VFS11-2055PM 75 130 140 50 85 85 55 M5 1.9
PBR3-2055 240W-20Ω(40Ω×2P) VFS11-2055PM 320 115 50 4
DCL-2110 75 VFS11-2075∼2110PM 100 150 150 65 85 95 55 C M6 2.4 B
PBR3-2075 440W-15Ω(30Ω×2P) VFS11-2075PM 4.5
DCL-2220 150 VFS11-2150PM 117 160 190 90 90 130 60 M8 4.3 120 110 230 and
PBR3-2110 660W-10Ω(30Ω×3P) VFS11-2110PM 350 190 150 5
DCL-2007 7 VFS11-4004∼4015PL (Note) 92 65 70 82 ― ― ― A V2-3.5 1.2 D
PBR3-2150 880W-7.5Ω(30Ω×4P) VFS11-2150PM 5.5
DCL-2022 14 VFS11-4022、4037PL (Note) 86 110 80 71 64 ― ― B M4 2.2
PBR-2007 120W-200Ω VFS11-4004∼4022PL A
DCL-4110 38 VFS11-4055∼4110PL 95 150 165 70 90 105 60 M5 3.0 42 182 20 4.2 172 ― and 0.28
C PBR-4037 120W-160Ω VFS11-4037PL C
DCL-4220 75 VFS11-4150PL 105 160 185 80 100 130 65 M8 3.7
PBR3-4055 240W-80Ω(160Ω×2P) VFS11-4055PL 320 115 50 4
Note: VFS11-4004PL-4037PL are used DC reactor for 240V class. B
PBR3-4075 440W-60Ω(120Ω×2P) VFS11-4075PL 4.5
120 110 230 and
PBR3-4110 660W-40Ω(120Ω×3P) VFS11-4110PL 350 190 150 5
PBR3-4150 880W-30Ω(120Ω×4P) VFS11-4150PL 5.5
Note1: Use the same type of braking resistor of VFS11-2002 ~ 2007PM for those of VFS11-4004 ~ 4022PL.
Note2: The data in Rating above refer to the resultant resistance capacities (watts) and resultant re-sistance values (_).
The numeric values inside parentheses refer to the internal compositions of resistors.
17 18
Devices External dimensions and connections Devices External dimensions and connections
Motor-end surge Motor-end surge voltage Invertor Dimensions (mm) Approx.
EMC noise
suppression filter l type Terminal screw Grounding screw weight Foot mount installation Side mount installation
voltage suppression Width Hight Depth (kg)
reduction filter How to wire
MSF-4015Z VFS11-4004~4015PL 310 300 255 M4 M4 12
filter (Compliant with
MSF-4037Z VFS11-4022, 4037PL 310 300 255 M4 M4 20
(for 500V class only) MSF-4075Z VFS11-4055, 4075PL 310 350 315 M5 M5 30 European
MSF-4150Z VFS11-4110, 4150PL 330 400 350 M5 M5 40
Parameter writer Parameter writer
2.0 30.0
Extension panel


Parameter writer type: PWU001Z Extension panel type: RKP002Z
Extension panel Cable type (1m): CAB0011 Cable type (1m): CAB0011 A high-attenuation compact EMI noise filter that can be

(3m): CAB0013 (3m): CAB0013 Foot-mounted and Side-mounted. With this filter on,


the inverter complies with the folllwing standards.
(5m): CAB0015 (5m): CAB0015
Note: This panel has the parameter Three-phase 240V model:
Extension panel copy function. IEC61800-3:Categoly C2(Motor connecting cable length: 5 m or less)

And IEC61800-3:Categoly C1(Motor connecting cable length: 1 m or less)

Extension panel type: RKP001Z

Cable type (1m): CAB0011 9.0
Single-phase 240V, three-phase 500V models:

3.2 holes
15.9 2.8
IEC61800-3:Categoly C2(Motor connecting cable length: 20 m or less)
(3m): CAB0013
45° And IEC61800-3:Categoly C1(Motor connecting cable length: 50 m or less)

(5m): CAB0015 2.0 1.0

RS232C RS232C communication converter cable RS485 communication converter unit Rated Dimensions(mm) Approx.
current(mA) Note 1)
Type Inverter type
communication Type: RS20035 ・2-port type : RS4001Z ・8-port type : RS4002Z
W H D W1 H1 E F G
(kg) Power Power
source A source B
conversion cable 2.0
8 (Intrallation dimension) EMFS11S-2009AZ 9 VFS11S-2002∼2007PL 72 195 37 52 180 5 8.5 10 0.5 3 47

13.5 holes EMFS11-2007AZ 7 VFS11-2004∼2007PM 72 195 37 52 180 5 8.5 10 7 45

RS485 D-sub9 pin connector (socket) EMFS11S-2016BZ 16 VFS11S-2015PL 105 195 35 85 180 5 8.5 10 3 47
15.9 15.9

VFS11-2015、2022PM 8 48



168 (Intrallation dimension)

EMFS11-4015BZ 15 105 195 42 85 180 5 8.5 10 0.9
90.0 VFS11-4004∼4015PL 15 96
conversion unit


EMFS11S-2022CZ 22 VFS11S-2022PL 140 235 35 120 215 5 8.5 10 0.8 6 103

VFS11-2037PM 20 125


40.2 5m EMFS11-4025CZ 25 140 235 50 120 215 5 8.5 10 1.3

VFS11-4022、4037PL 40 249
28.0 VFS11-2055、2075PM 23 147
EMFS11-4047DZ 47 180 305 60 140 285 5.5 9.5 11 2.6

3.2 holes VFS11-4055、4075PL 47 293

Peripheral devices

Peripheral devices

15.9 EMFS11-2083EZ 83 VFS11-2110、2150PM 245 395 80 205 375 5.5 9.5 11 5.0 17 104

Note: For information about the software program that 45° 4 1 EMFS11-4049EZ 49 VFS11-4110、4150PL 245 395 60 205 375 5.5 9.5 11 3.8 47 293

enables you to set parameters using a personal 1.0 13.2 1.0
computer. Note 1. These values are referential ones of single piece of RFI filter. For 240V class, 60Hz/200V power source. For 500V class, 60Hz/400V power source. For
Cable type(1m): CAB0011, (3m): CAB0013, (5m): CAB0015
power system A and B, refer to table below.
Select an earth leakage breaker with consideration of leakage current above and leakage current from the inverter unit.
Remote panel R2.5
(Installation meter)
Panel hole VF-S11
W Power source A Power source B
CBVR-7B1 Frequency meter
Installation hole
S/L2 Main
φE D
90 (Installation dimension)

Frequency regulator 2-Ø4 (M3 screw) Remote T/L3


JIS mark N1.5


H1(Mounting dimension)
Remote φG

H1Mounting dimension
Forward F R
Reverse R FM

Ø5 holes CC

Panel + + + +

Rubber bushing (Ø34)

(Mounting dimension)
Painting: JIS mark 5Y7/1
(Panel front N1.5) Note: The wire length should be 30m or less
Earth terminal (M5) Weight: 0.7kg the inverter and the remote panel. Internal RS485 DeviceNet LONWORKS
communication Type:RS4003Z Type:DEV001Z Type:LIU005Z
Frequency meter Frequency meter <QS-60T (80Hz-1mAdc)>
M4 terminal screw Panel cut dimensions
QS60T 20
40 60
Color: (N1.5)
24±0.2 24±0.2

Terminal cover



80Hz-1mAdc QS60T

M3 installation screw Approx.


weight: 75g


10 30 2-Ø3.5 holes
60 13 25.5 17 24 24 24±0.2 24±0.2

(Front) (Side) (Rear) Unit: mm

FRH kit Frequency setting resistor

Frequency setting panel Frequency setting knob <K-3> DIN rail kit Type Inverter type
White mark
M4 x 5 PO 7 DIN003Z 0.2

ole VFS11-2015PM、2022PM
Ø2 DIN005Z 0.3

Ø3.2 holes

Ø10 holes

(Description of panel holes)

19 20

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