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Oral Communication-2nd Quarter-1st Cycle

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Negros Oriental
Sibulan North District
SY: 2021-2022



Name: ______________________________________________________ Score: ______________________

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer and write only the letter on the blank provided before each number.

_________1. It is the ability to use linguistic knowledge to effectively communicate with others.
a. locutionary c. Communicative competence
b. illocutionary d. Speech act
_________2. It is the social function of what is said.
a. locutionary c. Communicative competence
b. illocutionary d. Speech act
_________3. An utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.
a. locutionary c. Communicative competence
b. illocutionary d. Speech act
_________4. A type of illocutionary act in which the speaker tries to make the addressee perform an action.
a. locutionary c. assertive
b. illocutionary d. directive
_________5. A type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition.
a. locutionary c. assertive
b. illocutionary d. directive
_________6. Statements which enable the speaker to perform something just by stating it.
a. locutionary c. prelocutionary
b. illocutionary d. directive
_________7. A type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional reactions.
a. communication c. assertive
b. illocutionary d. directive
_________8. Refers to the intent of a speaker when he or she says something to a listener.
a. communication c. assertive
b. commisive d. directive
_________9. It is the actual act of uttering.
a. locutionary c. assertive
b. illocutionary d. directive
_________10. It is a communicative strategy which involves the presentation of a particular topic clearly, truthfully, and
saying only what is relevant.
a. nomination c. turn-taking
b. restriction d. topic control
_________11. This is the keeping of the interaction going by asking questions and eliciting a response.
a. nomination c. turn-taking
b. restriction d. topic control
_________12. This refers to the limitation you may have to observe as a speaker. When communicating in a classroom, in
a meeting, or while hanging out with your friends, you are typically given specific instructions that you
must follow.
a. nomination c. turn-taking
b. restriction d. topic control
_________13. This is a strategy wherein one member in the communicative process recognizes when and how to speak
because it is one’s turn.
a. nomination c. turn-taking
b. restriction d. topic control
_________14. This refers to how the speakers address the problems in speaking, listening, and comprehending that
they may encounter in a conversation.
a. repair c. turn-taking
b. termination d. topic control
__________15. This refers to the use of verbal and nonverbal signals to end the conversation.
a. repair c. turn-taking
b. termination d. topic control

II. True or False. Write “  ” if the statement is true and “ X ” if the statement is false on the black before each number.

_________1. The duration of interaction among the members of every communication process depends on the will of the
_________2. Being sensitive to the audience is an advantage quality of a speaker.

_________3. There’s only a single factor that must be considered in every communicative situation.
_________4. The language form used in all communication process depends on the ability of the speaker.
_________5. Everything that happens in a communication process should always revolve around the speech context.
_________6. A good speaker identifies the nature of every communicative situation he or she is engaged in.
_________7. All speeches must take not below an hour.
_________8. In all speech situations, the speaker’s words should be enhanced with gestures and facial expressions.
_________9. Relationship among the members of the communicative situation is always essential.
_________10. A friendly approach in delivering a speech fits to all kinds of situations.

“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” -Shiv Khera

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Student’s Name & Signature Parent/Guardian’s Name & Signature

To God Be All The Glory!


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