PC3.3 Cummins
PC3.3 Cummins
PC3.3 Cummins
Participant Guide
PowerCommand 3.3
Phase 1 Release
Created 10/2008
Revision History
v1.00 (10/2008)
1. Initial draft for product launch QTQ 2008
Cummins, Onan, and PowerCommand are all registered trademarks of Cummins Inc. InPower is a trademark of
Cummins Inc. Windows� is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Preface: I
This generation of Genset controls will use a new naming system. The preface
will identify the various controls and combinations that make up the new control
Introduction: II
The introduction describes the audience, the purpose, and the structure of the
training module.
Glossary: 14
This section lists the most common terms used throughout this training module
pertaining to the PowerCommand family of Controls.
Activities: 15
Copies of Participant In-class and Homework Activities, and each Section Quiz
are found in this section.
Appendix: 16
This section contains several useful guides and lists, including the ModBus
register list.
Diagrams: 17
This section has copies of all prints used in the course.
Participants have a copy of this sheet as the last page in their Participant Guide,
but if you need a master we provide one here.
The new generation of PowerCommand Controls will use a new easier to understand naming
system. The new controls are modular and therefore it can be confusing to know what feature are
being used it the genset control system is only referred to by the control board model. There are
several combinations of control boards and HMIs
N a m in g S y s te m
Naming Chart - PCC 1.X, 2.X, 3.X Naming System
The above naming chart shows the naming system for the new series of controls, PowerCommand
Control 1.X, 2.X, and 3.X. The X represents the HMI Operator Panel you have with the series of
control board.
The PCC 2.X and 3.3 will be released in a couple of different phases. These phases will support
certain devices as depicted in the visual above and in more detail throughout this training course.
The 2.X, & 3.X series designation will identify the high level of control ability however, there will
be several subcategories of different control board features. The first category of 2.X, & 3.3
controls will only work on FAE controlled engines. The next category will be used with hydra
mechanical engine applications. As new features and categories develop, additional training
courses will also develop.
Series 2.X with FAE control training and 3.3 with FAE control training will be the most
comprehensive training programs about the PCC 2300 and PCC 3300 controls. The training
programs that follow will concentrate on the specific feature enhancements, HMI, or accessory
developments relative to the specific Series. The Series 2.X & 3.3 FAE training will be a
prerequisite to any future training program
It has been planned that the PCC 3300 & HMI320 combination will be the only combination
available for the high level paralleling gensets. The plan is to only have a PC 3.3 control and never
a PC 3.2 or PC 3.4.
Welcome to the Particpants Guide for the PC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 module! This
guide was written by the Cummins Power Generation Technical Training department for your use
and reference.
We suggest you read through the entire Introduction to become familiar with the guide’s
structure. Then, just follow the step-by-step instructions for each lesson.
Module Purpose
The purpose of the PC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 module is to help you, the Cummins
Power Generation distributor service technician, understand the PC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control
3300 which is going to replace the specialized gen set control modules. It is also expected that the
PowerCommand Control 3300 will be used on many of the Cummins −powered gensets with Full
Authority Engines (FAE) and the hydro −mechanical fuel systems.
With this information, our technical force will be better prepared to meet our customers’
varying needs.
Module Audience
The primary audience for this module is Cummins Power Generation distributor power
generation technicians. We assume participants have previous experience with or knowledge of
integrated generator set AC and DC control operation, troubleshooting, and repair procedures. It
is a prerequisite to attend a PC 2.X course prior to attending this course.
Module Structure
This module contains lessons on related topics. Each lesson follows a carefully designed training
format, including a warm up, presentation, and activity (or exercise).
Lesson Format
Warm ups help participants focus and begin thinking about the lesson topic. The presentation
portion of the lesson is where participants receive new information. The activity & Quiz follows
the presentation; it gives participants the chance to practice new skills or work with new ideas.
Module Assessment
After completing all the lessons in the module, participants will complete a module assessment .
The module assessment lets us evaluate the level of knowledge participants have on the topic after
completing the module.
Participants will also complete a module comment form. This form gives participants the chance to
comment on the usefulness and effectiveness of the training module and make suggestions for
We will use the results from the module assessments and module comment forms to help us
determine if there is a need to modify the module.
Please mail the module assessments and comment forms to Cummins Power Generation’s Sales
and Technical Training department as soon as possible after the training session. The address is:
Preview the lessons−−Review the lesson objectives and read through the trainer’s instructions. Use
the Notes column to write any comments or additional information you want to include.
3 .3
Visual 1-1 PowerCommand Control
Section 1
Warm Up
In this lesson we are going to learn about the PowerCommand Control 3300 and its
We will see the standard and optional components, and learn their functions.
TB-15 – ModBus/RS485
J 20- Genset
J 14 – Service Tool Port
J 26- AUX 103
TB10 – Breaker Status
Connections J -25 Display
TB-15 – ModBus/RS485
J 20- Genset
J 14 – Service Tool Port
J 26- AUX 103
TB10 – Breaker Status
Connections J -25 Display
J 18 – Power Input
Chassis Ground
HM I Display N avigation
PCCNet Components
(Common @ P hase 1)
PowerCommand 3.3
Visual 1-10 Quiz for Lesson 1
In this lesson we have learned about the PCC 3300 control boards.
First we talked about the PCC 3300 Control, where it is used, and where it may be used
in the future.
Next we talked about the control board and a little bit about the connectors that join the harness to
the board:
Next we talked about the HMI 320 operator interface to the PCC 3.3 control.
After introduction of the operator panel we talked about the Operator Panel Menus and took a little
peek at the vast array of menu choices.
Then we looked at a drawing of the Optional Governor Drive stage for Diesel gensets .
Are there any questions that you have about the PCC 3.3 controls we have not yet covered? The
following sections will delve deeper into all of the items introduced here.
P o w e rC o m m a n d 3 .3
HM I 320
Visual 2-1
Section 2
Materials Needed
Warm Up
In this lesson we are going to learn about the Service and Setup Menus for thePCC3.3
You will have a chance to go through the menus as an in-class activity after we complete the lesson
material. Please don’t get lost in the menus as we are trying to go through the Participant’s Guide
• Locate and identify the front panel buttons used in navigating the PCC 3.3 HMI 320 menus.
• Identify the menu choices accessible without using the Application password.
• Access and use the Setup menu − Genset Service to view and/adjust Service menus.
• Use the Setup menu − Genset Setup to view and/adjust Setup menus.
Slide 2-2
Large Function
Graphical indication
Display lamps
Buttons Breaker
Display Sc reen
Line 1 Line 2
Controller Mode Fault Data
Line 3
Screen Name
Display Sc reen
Line 1 Line 2
Controller Mode Fault Data
Line 3
Screen Name
Page &
Pages available
Look at page 5-1 of 0900-0670 service This is a feature to protect a piece of
manual. MODE CHANGE PASSWORD customer equipment, or to protect
can be confusing to many. equipment from the customer. This
MODE refers to the operation mode such feature prevents someone from
as – running in Manual, running in accidentally or unknowingly changing the
Automatic, Manual parallel, etc... I control from Automatic Mode to Manual
Mode or from sending a breaker close
If Mode Change Password Protection is command when they shouldn’t. It is to
enabled, the buttons are disabled so an prevent an unauthorized person from
unauthorized operator cannot switch making unauthorized changes.
from one mode to another.
If Enabled, any button push on the HMI will Field technicians may want to use this feature
prompt a password request screen to for protection from inadvertent button
appear. actuations during service work.
Adjust Menus
The HMI has a Adjustment screen
for minor adjustment of operation set
Setup Menus
At this time I would like you to work as When everyone is done with the activities, we
teams to complete these activities. will discuss the correct answers.
In this lesson we have learned about the Service Menus for the PCC 3.3 and PCC3300/HMI 320
Lastly we worked through the menus and recorded the settings in the controls you have at your
workstations, and took a quiz on the Service Menus.
Are there any questions we have not yet covered on the Operator Panel Menus?
In the next lesson we will cover the use of InPower software with the PCC 3300 control.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Visual 3-1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Section 3
Materials Needed
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Warm Up
In this lesson we are going to learn the operating features and sequence for the PowerCommand
Control 3300.
What we learn in this lesson will be applied in the troubleshooting lesson and in both the written
and performance examinations.
• Create an understanding of the operation and functions of modes, sequences, and connections
used during the sequence of operation from start command to shutdown.
• Describe how to isolate a failure in the operation of the PCC 3.3 and find the failed part.
• Use the PC 3.3 Service Manual #900-0670 to understand the function of various modes of
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Fixed buttons
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Mo des of Operation
Each mode of operation has multiple choices
affecting sequence of operation.
Off Mode
Auto Mode
Manual Mode
Parallel Mode
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Emergency Start
Non-emergency Start
Non-emergency Start With Idle Warm up
Manual Start
Manual Start With Idle Warm up
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Manual Start:
If the Manual button is pressed, but the Start button is not, the control system will not start and the
control system will revert back to ‘Off’ after 10 seconds.
After the Start button is pressed on the HMI320, the PCC3.3 Control system enters Manual Run
mode which begins with the start sequence. The start sequence begins with the engine Pre-Lube
Cycle Prelube Cycle Enable if Enabled.
After the Pre-Lube cycle is complete, the PCC3.3 control system commands the genset to start
cranking by turning on the starter Low-Side Relay driver on Pin J20 -15. At this point, the
control system verifies the engine is rotating by monitoring the Average Engine Speed
parameter coming from the ECM.
If the engine speed is zero after two seconds from engaging the starter the control system turns off
the starter, waits two seconds and then re-engages the starter. At this point, if engine speed is
still zero the control issues a Fail To Crank (1438) shutdown fault.
Once the engine speed is greater then the Start Disconnect speed, the starter is disengaged. For
Start Mode = Emergency engine will accelerate to rated speed and voltage and bypass all the
idle warm-up delays. At this point, an engine is allowed will warm-up at idle speed until the
Idle Warmup Time delay has expired or the engine coolant temperature is greater then the Idle
Warmup Coolant Temperature. Upon completing the warm-up sequence, the engine will be
commanded to accelerate to rated speed and the genset to rated voltage. Upon reaching rated
speed and voltage the ‘Ready To Load’ command will become active.
Once the PCC3.3 receives a stop command by placing the control system in Off mode, it will go
into cool-down at rated speed if the genset was running with load that is greater than 10% of
genset rating. The genset will run in cool-down at rated mode for the Rated Cooldown Time
trim setting. The purpose of the cool-down at rated is to cool-down and preserve the engine.
After the cool-down at rated is completed the genset will cool-down at Idle speed. After the cool
down at Idle speed time expires, the genset is shut down via a normal stop.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Controlled Shutdown
With Idle Cool Down
With Idle Cool Down + To Relay
Contact 1
E- Contacts
Without Idle Cool Down
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Prelube Cycle
The PCC 3300 is able to initiate a Prelube cycle period
allowing the engine to circulate engine oil pressure.
Prelube Mode
Emergency start: Crank relay and Oil Priming Pump relay is energized
during start.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
The PCC3300 rectifies the incoming phases for a ripple DC power signal.
The PCC 3300 regulates the DC power and then controls the amount of on time
for the signal sent back to the exciter field winding. The Pulse duration of DC
signal is controlled for the needed excitation rate. Pulse Width Modulation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
The PCC3300 collects 3 phase PMG output power at J 18 which is twice genset
rated frequency.
The PCC3300 rectifies the incoming phases for a nearly smooth DC signal.
The PCC 3300 regulates the DC power and then controls the amount of on time
for the signal sent back to the exciter field winding. The Pulse duration of DC
signal is controlled for the needed excitation rate. Pulse Width Modulation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
Alternator Frequency
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Sequence of Operation
In this lesson we have learned about the operation information about the PCC 3300 control board.
First we talked about the PCC 3300 Control board connections and the HMI 320 Operator Panel as
a quick review.
Next we talked about the control operation sequence during a engine start through shutdown.
Next we talked about the start modes available on the PCC 3.3 control.
Are there any questions that you have about the operation of PC 3.3 controls we have not yet
covered? The following section will look at installation, and connections details.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
3 .3
Visual 4-1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Section 4
Materials Needed
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Warm Up
In this lesson we are going to look at the installation and connections that can be used with the
PowerCommand Control 3300.
We will also give you a chance to work with some optional devices and controls at your
• Identify the correct connection points on options and the PCC 3300 control module.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Control Installation
Most technicians will encounter the PCC3300 Adding options in the field will most likely
when it is already installed onto a factory be a common occurrence
built generator set. However, there will be
situations when technicians will need to
know about proper installation of the PCC
3300, such as instances when an
old/obsolete control needs to be replaced
or when troubleshooting, or if adding
more features or options.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Installing Options
The PowerCommand Control 3300 cannot be
powered down except by disconnecting the
battery cable.
IMPORTANT! Press the local Emergency
Stop button and wait approximately 30
seconds before removing battery power.
The ECM needs to save data in
memory before power down.
Pressing the E-Stop (Keyswitch)
initiates the save process. If the
ECM experiences an
unanticipated power down, ECM
files may be corrupted.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
TB10- Circuit
Breaker Status TB1 – Customer I/O
Visual 4-4 Connector Location -r PowerCommand Control 3300
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Bus CT Connections
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
J12 Connections
Pin 4 Pin 6
Pin 1 Pin 3
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 1 Pin 4
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 22
Pin 11
Pin 12 Pin 1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 1 Pin 7
Pin 6 Pin 12
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 10 Pin 1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 5 Pin 1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 17 Pin 1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 11
Pin 1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 1
Pin 1
Pin 2
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
Pin 14
Pin 1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Installation
In this lesson, we have learned about installation of the PCC 3300 genset control and
important connection locations.
We talked about each individual connector and the connections available from the control
to the genset components and why each is important.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered about installation of the PCC 3300?
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
Visual 5-1 Control Setup & InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
Section 5
Materials Needed
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
Warm Up
In this lesson we are going to learn about the InPower parameters for the PowerCommandControl
You will have a chance to use InPower with the training controls as an in-class activity after we
complete the lesson material.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
Additional Notes:
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
Check boxes
accept a
simple click to
activate or
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
Radio buttons
accept a simple
click to change Text boxes
response to: only use
None, upper case
Warning, or alphabet,
Shutdown numerals,
and special
Response must
be set to:
Warning, or
to enter text into
the Fault Text
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
Pay attention to
this Note:
Voltages less than
600 volts can be
sensed directly
without a PT.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
This control is
able to
monitor total
KWH output. This control
You can also will support
reset the single and 3
KWH meter. phase
output. .
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
SETUP contains
a folder for setup
of the real time
clock. This clock
is referenced for
time stamps on
faults and is
used for
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
The History/About
folder contains
several adjustment
trims that allow
keyboard insertion
of Serial and Model
Visual 5-18 History & About
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Setup and InPower
In this lesson we have reviewed using InPower version 7.0 or later with the PCC 3300. First we
talked about connecting to the PCC 3300 control at TB15 with the RS-485 to RS-232 adapter and
the Cummins cable.
We then discussed the main InPower folders and parameters available when connected.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered that you may have?
In thenext lesson wewill learn about the PCC 3300 PCCNet Communications.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
Section 6: PC 3.3 & PCCNet
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
Section 6
Materials Needed
Instructor’s Note: This lesson presents information on the PCCNet modules used with the
PowerCommand Control 3300: Universal Annunciator, and HMI Control Panel. The Phase 1
release of the PC 3.3 supports only a few PCCNet devices, Phase 2 will support more.
Warm Up
In this lesson, we are going to look at the optional devices that communicate with the
PowerCommand Control 3300.
We will also give you a chance to work with the optional devices with the controls at your
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCCNET Overview
PCCNE T is a flexible communication system that
uses a standardized proprietary protocol unique to
Cummins P ower Generation
Visual 6-2
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
No Termination Required
Visual 6-3
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
This list may change with the addition of new or special devices
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
(4 wire)
Not a
Remote HMI320
AUX101&102 (Fut ur e)
AUX 1 03
Visual 6-6 PCCNet Architecture
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
The PCCNet Annunciator has Network and REMEMBER! The annunciator only works
Physical inputs. with PCCNet or hard-wired installations,
This annunciator supports both Network and cannot be used in a LonWorks based
wiring and discrete wiring terminals network.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
Inputs at the
Annunciator can
be configured
as faults to be
displayed on
the HMI 320
Output relays at
the Annunciator
can be set up to
actuate for any
fault code
originating from
the PC 3.3
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
HM I 112 Bargraph
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
2 1 5 4 3 2 1
J 1 J 3
J 6
J 3
Visual 6-11 Configuring the Universal Annunciator
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCCNET Troubleshooting
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 PCCNET
Visual 6-13 Activities
In this lesson we have learned about the PCCNet network and devices used with the PCC
This lesson gave us the opportunity to learn about the about installation of the PCC 3300
PCCNet communication system. We covered the connections that must be made from the
genset control to the various components/devices and why each is important.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered on PCCNet for the PCC 3300?
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Visual 7-1 ModBus Communications
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Section 7:
Equipment Needed
Materials Needed
Computer: must meet system requirement to effectively operated InPower 7.0 or higher.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Warm Up
In this lesson, we are going to look at the on board ModBus system that communicates information
from the PowerCommand Control 3300.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
ModBus Overview
ModBus is a industrial communication protocol
system that is not controlled by or influenced by
Cummins P ower Generation. It is considered a
“Open Protocol”
Visual 7-2 ModBus overview
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
ModBus Overview
CP G uses ModBus over Serial Line Protocol.
ModBus S erial Line protocol is a Master - Slave protocol.
A Master-slave type system can have only one master node and multiple
slave nodes.
The PC1.X, 2.X & 3.3 controls are a Slave Node.
A bus can accommodate 32 devices without repeaters, but up to a
maximum of 247 slave nodes can exist on a large ModBus network bus.
ModBus can communicate using many different physical media. The P CC
1302 uses EIA-485 (RS485) two-wire (2 wire) interface.
ModBus can use two different serial transmission modes: RTU mode or
ASCII mode.
All ModBus transmissions are verified for CRC errors.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Pin 1
Visual 7-4 ModBus Connection
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Visual 7-6 InPower Configuration of the ModBus port
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
In Po we r – S etu p - M od Bu s
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
In Po w er - M o nito r - M o dB us
Monitor Points
Monitor Points
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Of course, it is not possible to monitor a
communicating ModBus network with
InPower since the TB-15 port is used for
ModBus communication and for
connection to InPower.
The data displayed in the Monitor screens is
recorded data.
Bus Message Count – this is the number
of times that the PCC 3300 has been
polled by the Master.
Slave Message Count – this is the number
of times the PCC 3300 has responded to
No Response Count – this is the number
of times the PCC 3300 HAS NOT been
able to respond.
CRC Error Count – this is the number of
times the network has seen a faulty
Exception Count – this is the number of
times the system has seen a corrected
version of a faulty register.
CRC errors are encountered when a register is
sent correctly, but the receiving device
views it and finds errors in it. The
receiving device will automatically
request that the register be sent again.
This error count is very valuable to you if
you are troubleshooting ModBus
communications. It indicates that the
devices are trying to send or receive
messages, but someplace along the
transmission stream, the register is being
damaged. Start inspecting the wiring and
connections. The problem could be
caused by poor quality or inadequate
wire, poor connections, or environmental
issues such as electromagnetic
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
ModB us S ettings
The ModBus adjustments and settings are also
accessible through the HMI 320.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Visual 7-10 Testing ModBus systems.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Number of
to be
ModBus register and the data
communicated from the device
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
ModScan Software.
Once connected, ModScan will poll registers
and will allow write registers. Write
registers will send a command to the
generator set. A common command is to
START the genset. The genset must be in
Auto for the command to take effect.
It is a simple process to configure ModScan
to communicate with PCC 3300, but if
you need assistance with proper setup and
operation, refer to the details found in
Appendix B
The standard InPower communication cable
from the computer com port to the PCC
3300 TB-15 port can be used. The
RS232/RS485 converter must be used
Refer to the ModBus register map to help you
identify the register that you may wish to
The 2 most common register types to check
1. Coil Status – this is an on/off
statue indication. 1=ON & 0=OFF
2. Holding Register – this
indicates a message indicating up to 16
bits of information. Example in visual
7-9 shows register #40016. It will
appear {0000000000000000}
A common test is to “Write” bit “1” to
register 40300, the genset should start if
the control is in automatic mode.
Register 40302 can activate the Emergency
Stop. If this is activated via ModBus, you
cannot reset the shutdown at the genset
control until the ModBus command is set
to 0.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
ModScan Troubleshooting
Visual 7-13 ModScan software
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
Visual 7-14 Activities
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
In this lesson we have learned about the ModBus communication system and the ModBus feature
built into the PCC 3300.
First we talked about the basics of ModBus communications and some of the specific information
about how the system works.
Next we talked about ModBus connection requirement on the PCC 3300, its connectors and wire
Next we talked about the setup and configuration using InPower and the HMI320 setup.
Then we talked about the testing and troubleshooting. This was separated into 3 separate areas that
required additional information.
Lastly we went through each of the testing and troubleshooting tools and information available to
This lesson gave us the opportunity to learn some basics of ModBus and a little about this
communication feature on the PCC 3300. This section is a basic introduction to ModBus
communications with PCC control and communication systems. We will continue delving deeper
into ModBus communications with more advanced controls. This section serves as a prerequisite
for training on some of the more advanced PCC controls
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered on ModBus for the PCC 3300?
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 ModBus
3 .3
Visual 8-1 PGI CAN Communications
Section 8
Materials Needed
• Registered Dongle
Warm Up
In this lesson we are going to learn about the Power Generation Interface (PGI) for the
PowerCommandControl 3300.
• Determine how a PGI system is working with the PowerCommand Control 3300.
What Is PGI?
• Physical Datalink
• Electrical Datalink
FAE / Mech. FAE / Mech.
Engine Engine
OEM No GCS !!!
Visual 8-3 PGI Architecture
Required Hardware/Software
Inline 4/5 Datalink Adapter (note: Inline 2 will work with
CPG products and you do not need to install drivers with this
- INLINE 4 Kit P/N - 4918190
- INLINE 5 USB Kit P/N – 4918416
– INCAL Calibration Download
InPower V6.0
– CM850/CM876 Products
– All Except QSX15, QSL9-IND
INPOWER TM – Adjustments
Physical Datalink
J 1939 Datalink Connector
Location: Engine Harness:
3-Pin Plug Cummins P/N – 3164635 (detail 1), Deutsch DT06-3S-E008
3-Pin Receptacle with 120Ω resistor Cummins P/N – 3163051, Deutsch DT04-3P-P006
Location: Genset Harness:
3-Pin Receptacle Cummins P/N – 3163918 (detail 2) Deutsch DT04-3P-E008
The 3-Pin connectors ONLY supply the SAE J 1939 support (no battery voltage supply)
Pin Signal
A J1939 Datalink (+)
J1939 Topology
Coolant Level
9-pin service Pedestal
connector J1939 3-pin J1939 3-pin
connector connector
(Plug) 3-pin J 1939
(Receptacle) connector
with 120 Ohm
Starter relay
Extension HMI
Alternator Battery ‘X-pin’ Connector to mate
with extension harness
9-Pin Deutsc h
Pin ID
A Datalink Return
B Datalink Power
C J1939 Datalink (+)
D J1939 Datalink (-)
E Datalink Shield
F Unconnected
G Unconnected
Service connector H Unconnected
9-pin Receptacle Cummins P/N: 3163295 J Unconnected
Deutsch HD10-9-1939P
Location: EngineHarness
Visual 8-13 9-Pin Deutsch
Check there is 120 Ohm resistor at each end of the back bone. 55 - 65 Ohm
Check that stubs are located appropriately on the datalink (not opposite each other)
Check Continuity
Check that the J1939 high and J1939 low are not open ciruit < 10 ohms
Chec k t hat the J1939 hi gh and J1939 l ow are not short ed t o ground > 100k ohm s
Check that the ground wire is not open circuit < 10 ohms
If you have a Inline II, connect it and look at J1939 light on the adaptor. If the J1939 light
is flashing, connect one ECM at a time to determine which ones are communicating.
CM876 – QSM11 T3
Electrical Datalink
The J1939 datalink carries a series of 1’s and 0’s in each
A 1 is a HIGH voltage differential between the J1939 high and the J1939 low.
A 0 is a LOW voltage differential between the J1939 high and the J1939 low.
At a Baud Rate of 250k it is possible for the voltages on the J1939 high and
low wires to change from 0 to 1 250 thousand times per second. Hence a
high resolution oscilloscope is required to be able to view these voltages.
Nominal Values
0 1
J1939 hig h 2.5 v 3.5v
J1939 low 2.5 v 1.5v
V 0v 2v
In this lesson we introduced the Power Generation Interface (PGI) usage with the PCC 3300 for
FAE engines. We covered the basics of what constitutes a PGI system, associated hardware and
software, troubleshooting tools, and some adjustments that can be made on the ECM.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered that you wrote down as you went through
the CBT?
In the next lesson we will learn about the PCC 3300 support materials.
3 .3
Visual 9-1
Section 9
Materials Needed
Warm Up
In this lesson we will introduce connections and operation options that can be used with the PC 3.3
in a paralleling environment.
This lesson will not delve into the operation and setup for each of the paralleling modes, but it will
introduce the paralleling abilities of this control.
• Understand the different paralleling setups and modes available in the PowerCommand Control
• Find and understand the paralleling configuration information in the service manual, InPower
and the HMI320.
W hat is Paralleling?
Paralleling is the synchronous operation of
two or more generator sets connected to a
common bus in order to provide power to a
common load
kW Demanded by Load
kVar Demanded by Load
Engines Produce kW
Alternators Make kVAR
Load Share
Load Govern
Power Transfer Control
Standalone mode is more like a non paralleling
control configuration. There are a couple
of added features that make this
configuration more desirable than just
using a PC2.X control.
This is a mode designed to allow the genset to
match frequency and voltage with another
source. In some modes of this operation
the PCC does not control connection to the
source and in some modes the PCC is in
full control of all connection functions.
Load Share:
In Load Share, the PCC is in parallel with
other gensets while isolated from the
utility. The PCC adjusts the speed
reference and the voltage set point so that
the genset takes its fair share of the load.
The genset should run at the same
percentage of its rated load at which other
gensets run.
Load Govern:
In Load Govern, the PCC is in parallel with
the utility. Since the utility frequency and
voltage are fixed, the PCC regulates the
genset kW output and genset kVAR
output, instead of the genset frequency
and genset voltage.
TB10- Circuit
Breaker Status TB1 – Customer I/O
Status screens
Monitor the
Setup screens
provide complete
configuration and
adjustment for all
paralleling functions.
There are several different state features that were discussed. They were Standalone,
synchronization, Droop, Load Share, Load Govern and Power Transfer Control.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered about this lesson?
Visual 10-1
Section 10
Materials Needed
Warm Up
In this lesson we will cover the Standalone mode operation. We will experience the setup process
and configuration of the control in addition to the physical connections that can be used with the
PC 3.3.
This is the first lesson in the series introducing participants to the paralleling features or options.
These lessons will not teach the theory and science of paralleling. It will cover the basics about
connecting, configuring and adjusting the features of this control to optimize unit performance.
Understanding the operation of these features provides a solid base for troubleshooting if
performance problems should ever occur.
Standalone operation will be covered first because it is the most basic. Later lessons will provide
the details about more complex configurations.
• Find and understand the configuration information in the service manual, InPower and the
kW Demanded by Load
There are few connections to the PCC 3300 in
the Standalone mode. The dotted lines
designate the connection is optional.
IMPORTANT! The information bullets
found on the diagram provides valuable
information. Read them!
Greater detail about the bullet references can
be found in Service Manual 900-0670
Section 4 and Section 2.
TB10- Circuit
Breaker Status
Return: TB10 - 2
In this lesson, we have learned about installation of the PCC 3300 genset control and
important connection locations.
First, we talked about the procedure for installing options to the control on a genset.
Then, we used the Common Connector Scheme diagrams and visuals to view each
individual connector and the connections available from the control to the genset
components and why each is important.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered about installation of the PCC 3300?
Visual 11-1
Section 11
Equipment Needed
Materials Needed
Warm Up
Differences and similarities between Standalone mode operation and Synchronize Only will be
covered in this lesson. We will experience the setup process and configuration of the control in
addition to the physical connections that can be used with the PC 3.3.
These early lesson in the paralleling lesson series introduce participants to the paralleling features
or options. These lessons will not teach the theory and science of paralleling. It will cover the
basics about connecting, configuring and adjusting the features of this control to optimize unit
performance. Understanding the operation of these features provides a solid base for
troubleshooting if performance problems should ever occur.
Synchronize is a very basic introduction to paralleling functions and it prepares everyone for
encounters with more complex modes of paralleling operation.
• Understand the reason for operating the PC 3.3 in Synchronize Only mode.
• Find and understand the configuration information in the service manual, InPower and the
• Execute a control setup and configuration for a genset or simulator to operate in this mode.
Synchronize Only
Synchronize Only is a mode that does not parallel, however: it
does synchronize with other gensets or systems.
The setup
encountered in
InPower is the
same as that
used with
TB10- Circuit
Breaker Status
17 10 8&7 2
#2 Return
10 optional
#17 Return
This lesson is not only supposed teach you about the synchronizing feature of this
control, but it is also supposed to prepare you for lesson 12: Isolated Bus Paralleling.
In this lesson, we have learned about synchronizing, installation connections, and setup
of the PCC 3300 genset control for operating in Synchronize Only mode.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered about Synchronize Only Mode of the
PCC 3300?
Section 12:
Isolated Bus Paralleling
Visual 12-1
Section 12
Materials Needed
Warm Up
What you have learned about Standalone mode operation and Synchronize Only will be applied in
this lesson. We will experience the setup process and configuration of the control in addition to the
physical connections that can be used with the PC 3.3.
This lesson will provide a very basic introduction to Isolated bus paralleling functions and it will
prepare everyone for encounters with more complex utility/mains paralleling operation.
• Understand the configuration of various Isolated Bus systems, and the reason for operating the
PC 3.3 in droop or isochronous mode.
• Find and understand the configuration information in the service manual, InPower and the
• Execute a control setup and configuration for a genset or simulator to operate in this mode.
Isolated Bu s Pa ralleling
Isolated Bu s Paralleling
Participant’s Text
If a genset has been waiting to win permission to close to a dead bus and it has not received that
permission within a set amount of time, it will assume that the first start system has failed and
will close its breaker to the dead bus. This is the First Start Backup function. This prevents a
situation where no genset closes to the bus due to a failed first start system.
WARNING! --- This does present a risk of mu ltiple gensets closing to the dead bus, but this ris k is
reduced by setting the first start backup time delays to be signific antly different on each genset.
E.G. 10 sec, 20sec, 30 sec, etc. Then the assumpt ion is that all gensets w ere started at the same
The frequency/phase matching control provides for two methods of automatic frequency
synchronizing. The first is Phase Match which will attempt to drive the phase error to zero. A
phase offset adjustment is included for cases where a phase shift exists due to a delta / wye
transformer for example. The second method of synchronizing is Slip Frequency which will
attempt to drive a fixed frequency difference between the two sources. In some cases this is
used to insure that power will flow in the desired direction at the initial time the sources are
paralleled, or with a genset whose governing cannot be accurately enough controlled to phase
match (such as gas gensets). The control provides one method of automatic voltage
synchronizing which is voltage match. This method will attempt to drive the voltage error to
In most cases synchronizing is automatically initiated by the control when necessary. This is done
by connecting sync enable/configurable input #30 to a return.
Load Share:
The load share function manages the genset’s kW and kVAR production when it is connected to a
common bus with other gensets while isolated from the utility bus. Each genset must determine
how much of the total bus load to take. The desired result is for each genset to take its equal
share of the load relative to its own rating while maintaining the bus frequency and voltage at
the nominal values. (i.e. Each would end up taking the same % load.) The sharing of kW is
controlled by fuel (speed). The sharing of kVAR is controlled by excitation (voltage).
In order to share load while maintaining fixed frequency and voltage, some form of communication
between the gensets must occur. (The other option with no communication is speed and voltage
droop.) This is accomplished via the “load share lines”. There is a pair for kW and a pair for
Controller compatibility for Paralleling must b considered. When a paralleling system consists of
different models of PCC3XXX genset controls, some adjustments are necessary in order to
insure comparable load sharing performance. These adjustments are NOT necessary if the
controls are all identical control models.
What are the symptoms or issues if these adjustments are not made or are made improperly?
4. Even after balancing the kVAR sharing at one kVAR load condition, the kVAR sharing
may not be balanced at a different kVAR load.
5. kVAR sharing will not be equal when V/Hz is acting (e.g. during a large kW transient or
overload condition).
6. Reverse kW or Reverse kVAR shutdowns may occur during Master Synchronizing with
Droop is a passive means of having paralleled gensets share kW (via speed droop) and kVAR (via
voltage droop). In the case of speed droop, as kW load increases, speed (i.e. fueling) is
reduced, forcing other gensets to pick up more kW thus resulting in a balance. In the case of
voltage droop, as lagging kVAR increases, voltage (i.e. excitation) is reduced, forcing other
gensets to pick up more lagging kVAR thus resulting in a balance. Droop can be used on an
isolated bus for passive sharing among gensets.
All gensets may be operated in droop, but this leads to a frequency which changes with load.
Another alternative is to operate one of the sets as a “lead” unit in the isochronous mode. The
other sets operating in droop will be forced to go to the isochronous speed and thus they will be
effectively base-loaded. The lead unit then takes up all the changes in load that occur while
maintaining a fixed frequency bus. As an example, if the genset set to operate in isochronous
mode at a frequency of 57Hz were run in parallel with a genset operating in droop set as shown
in Figure 1 with a nominal frequency of 60Hz the genset in droop would be loaded at 50% kW.
If it were desired to run both gensets at 60Hz and still load the genset operating in droop to 50%
set the Frequency Adjust trim on the genset operating in droop to 3 to increase the 0% kW
output frequency to 63Hz.
Figure 1 Load Share – Droop kW is a graphical representation of speed droop. In this case the
Speed Droop Percentage trim has been set to 10%. As can be seen from the graph at 100% kW
ouput the genset will be operating at 90% of nominal frequency. In other words for a nominal
frequency of 60Hz the genset will be running at 54Hz at full load.
Figure 2 Load Share – Droop kVAR is a graphical representation of voltage droop. In this case
the Voltage Droop Percentage trim has been set to 5%. As can be seen from the graph at 100%
kVAR ouput the genset will be operating at 95% of nominal voltage. In other words, for a
nominal voltage of 480VAC the genset will be running at 456VAC at full load.
y 97
n 96
q 95
l 94
i 93
o 92
% 91
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
% kW Outp ut
Figure 1 Load Share DROOP kW
l 98
a 97
N 96
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
% kVAR Output
Figure 1 Load Share DROOP kVAR
A Contact =
B Contact =
C Contact =
Bus CT Connections
Gen 1
Pin 12
Gen 2
B+Return M
M B+Return
17 10 7 2
#2 Return
11 10
15 #9 Return 8
#16 Return 14
#17 Return
WYE 1 Phase
Pin Pin
Pin Pin
Pin Pin 1 4
1 4
1 4
Neutral U V W
Qu iz & Activities
In this lesson, we have learned about Isolated Bus Paralleling configuration of the PCC
3300 genset control and important connection locations.
Q. Are there any questions we have not yet covered about Isolated Bus installation of the
PCC 3300?
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
Visual 13-1
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
Section 13
PC 3.3 Troubleshooting
Materials Needed
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
Warm Up
This is the last lesson and if everyone is not warmed up by now, they never will be.
Troubleshooting is a skill that comes from experience and training can only enhance the
proficiency of the individual practicing the skill. This section will provide guidance on finding
resources to support troubleshooting efforts.
• Find fault codes and sequence of operation information in the Service Manual.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
Seven Section
• System Overview
• Hardware
• Control Operation
• Paralleling Operation
• Setup and Calib ration
• Parameters
• Troubleshooting
• Schematics
• Sequence Diagrams
• Parts List
• ModBus Register Mapping
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
Quality VO M
$4.95 @ Amazon
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
are clearly
noted on
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
ModScan is not a
configuration tool, it
is a troubleshooting
and testing tool.
Holding Registers
display data.
Registers 43517
is the Prelube
State parameter.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
PCC 3.3 & PowerCommand Control 3300 Troubleshooting & Service Manual.
Troubleshooting Activities
In this lesson, we covered tools and multiple ways to troubleshoot the PC 3.3 control.
Q. This is the last training Section before the final test. Are there any questions we have
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
SECTION 14 -- Glossary
Alternating Current (AC) is electric current that alternates between a positive maximum value and a
negative maximum value at a characteristic frequency, usually 50 or 60 cycles per second (Hertz).
Used generically to indicate either a warning or a shutdown fault.
American National Standards Institute.
Acoustic Material
Acoustic material is any material considered in terms of its acoustic properties, especially its
properties of absorbing or deadening sound.
Active Power
Active power is thereal power (kW) supplied by the generator set to the electrical load. Active
power creates a load on the generator set's engine and is limited by the horsepower of the engine.
Active power does thework of heating, turning motor shafts, etc.
Alternator is another term for AC generator.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Amortisseur Windings
The amortisseur windings of a synchronous AC generator are the conductors embedded in the pole
faces of the rotor. They are connected together at both ends of the poles by end rings or end plates.
Their function is to dampen waveform distortion during load changes.
Ampacity is the safe current-carrying capacity of an electrical conductor in amperes as defined by
The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. One ampere of current will flow when a potential of
one volt is applied across a resistance of one ohm.
An annunciator is an accessory device used to give remote indication of the status of an operating
component in a system. Annunciators are typically used in applications where the equipment
monitored is not located in a portion of the facility that is normally attended. The NFPA has
specific requirements for remote annunciators used in some applications, such as hospitals.
Apparent Power
Apparent power is the product of current and voltage, expressed as kVA. It is real power (kW)
divided by the power factor (PF).
The armature of an AC generator is the assembly of windings and metal core laminations in which
the output voltage is induced. It is the stationary part (stator) in a revolving-field generator.
B+ Return
Similar to battery negative (B-). This may be an isolated battery negative circuit and may not be
directly connected to chassis ground or the battery negative. In some circumstances it may float at a
different potential than chassis ground.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Backup Protection
Backup protection consists of protective devices, which are intended to operate only after other
protective devices have failed to operate or detect a fault.
The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, it is
expressed as bits per second, or bytes per second. For analog devices, it is usually expressed as
cycles per second, or Hertz.
Bar Graph
A metering panel which is optional a PowerCommand Control. This optional panel is referred to as
the HMI112 and it allows the operator to view a display of Amperes, KVA, Frequency, and
Voltage provided by the generator set. There is also a version that will display KVA and Power
Factor in addition to the other listed functions.
Base Card
The main processor board of the PowerCommand Control. This board contains the main power
supply for the control, microprocessor, flash memory for updates to the operating system
(calibration download), interface to the optional HMIs, PCCNET and Modbus connections, and
inputs for engine sensor data.
Base Load
Base load is that portion of a building load demand which is constant. It is the "base" of the
building demand curve.
Baud Rate
The speed of data transmission in serial data communications approximately equal to the number of
code elements (bits) per second (BPS). Bits per second are also termed BPS, with the prefix (k)
denoting thousands.
The process of making the logical connections to the network (also called connecting). This
involves connecting network variable outputs to network variable inputs using LonWorks software.
Binary Digit.
Black Start
Black Start refers to the starting of a power system with its own power sources, without the
assistance from external power supplies.
A logical system used to express one of two states, such as on or off (yes or no, 1 or 0, etc.)
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
A network communication technique whereby a node automatically receives a network variable
from a sender node whenever the sender node sends it out. Whenever this condition exists, the node
is said to be "bound".
Bumpless Transition
Bumpless transition is make-before-break transfer of an electrical load from one source to another
where voltage and frequency transients are kept to a minimum.
Bus can refer to the current-carrying copper bars that connect the AC generators and loads in a
paralleling system, to the paralleled output of the AC generators in a system or to a feeder in an
electrical distribution system.
Bus Bars
Bus Bars are rectangular copper or aluminum bars that connect the output of the generator set
circuit breakers to the transfer switches, circuit breakers, or fusible switches that transfer power to
the load. The bus bars are sized and assembled in multiples according to the current they must carry
under load. A typical sizing criteria for copper bus bars rated from 500-5,000 amps is to maintain a
current density of 1,000 amps per square inch of cross-sectional area. This results in a bus
temperature rise at full load that is within acceptable limits.
Bus Capacity
Bus capacity is the maximum load that can be carried on a system without causing degradation of
the generator frequency to less than a prescribed level (usually 59 Hz in a 60 Hz system).
CT (Current Transformer)
Current transformers are instrument transformers used in conjunction with ammeters, control
circuits and protective relaying. They usually have 5 ampere secondaries.
Non-volatile adjustment made on the factory floor. A data set downloaded to a G-Drive or GenSet
control to update the operation of the control.
Refers to a communication system that divides geographic regions into sections called cells. The
purpose of this division is to make the most use of the limited number of transmission frequencies.
A Channel is the physical communications media that connects the devices and the properties of
these media (such as transmission speed). Most PowerCommand network installations will have
only one channel (UTP cable and 78 KBPS transmission speed). In a large network, there may be
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
multiple channels and each channel may or may not be of the same media type. Typically, channels
are linked together using routers.
Channel Terminator
This is used to terminate networks on devices that do not have terminate switches. These are
devices such as Gateways, RCI's, Routers, etc. that do not terminate circuits built into their design.
A circuit is a path for an electric current across a potential (voltage).
Circuit Breaker
A circuit breaker is a protective device that automatically interrupts the current flowing through it
when that current exceeds a certain value for a specified period of time. See Air Circuit Breaker,
Main Breaker, Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Power Circuit Breaker.
Connecting Devices
Connecting to refers to the process of assigning connections--linking an output variable of one
device to an input variable of another device. This process is also called "binding".
A contactor is a device for opening and closing an electric power circuit.
Continuous Load
A continuous load is a load where the maximum current is expected to continue for three hours or
more (as defined by the NEC for design calculations).
Cross Current
Cross currents are currents that circulate between paralleled generator sets when the internal
(excitation) voltage of one genset is different from the other genset(s). The genset with the higher
internal voltage supplies reactive power (kVAR) to the other genset(s). The amount of cross current
that flows is a measure of this reactive power. Cross currents are 90 degrees out of phase (lagging)
compared to the current that the generator would supply at 1.0 (unity) power factor.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Current is the flow of electric charge. Its unit of measure is the ampere.
A cycle is one complete reversal of an alternating current or voltage from zero to a positive
maximum to zero again and then from zero to a negative maximum to zero again. The number of
cycles per second is the frequency.
CRC Error
This is a digital communication test. It is a acronym for Cyclical Redundancy Check. An error
indicates that a digital message did not arrive at its destination with all of the original data intact.
Dead Bus
Dead Bus refers to the de-energized state of the power connections between outputs of paralleled
generator sets. The term bus in this usage can either be rigid solid bus bars or insulated flexible
Delta Connection
Delta connection refers to a three phase connection in which the start of each phase is connected to
the end of the next phase, forming the triangle-shaped Greek letter Delta. The load lines are
connected to the corners of the triangle.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Deviation Factor
The deviation factor is the maximum instantaneous deviation, in percent, of the generator voltage
from a true sine wave of the same RMS value and frequency.
Dielectric Strength
Dielectric strength is the ability of insulation to withstand voltage without breaking down.
Differential Relay
A differential relay is a protective device that is fed by current transformers located at two different
series points in the electrical system. The differential relay compares the currents and picks up
when there is a difference in the two, which signifies a fault in the zone of protection. These
devices are typically used to protect windings in generators or transformers.
Digital Display
A small display board that communicates with the Base Board. This item is now sysnonomis with
the HMI. This display module shows menus, adjustment information, alarms, and statistics of
events. This module is optional on some products.
Distribution Switchgear
Distribution switchgear may include automatic transfer switches, drawout air frame circuit
breakers, fusible switches, or molded case breakers.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
A domain is a network concept that allows independently functioning networks to share resources
such as transmission media. A domain designation provides an ID number to identify the devices
that can communicate within that domain. A network must have at least one domain.
PowerCommand Network installations will usually have only one specified domain.
Acronym for Engine Control Module. This term usually refers to the control that is supplied on
Cummins FAE engines, but it is also used when referring to PCC series controls that are used to
control engine speed and engine protection.
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. This memory holds data after the power
has been removed, but can be changed by writing new data on top of old data. This is where the
PowerCommand Control stores its calibration data. InPower, the service software, can write a new
calibration into the control flash memory.
Efficiency (EFF)
Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input, such as the ratio between the electrical
energy input to a motor and the mechanical energy output at the shaft of the motor.
Electrical Operator
An electrical operator is the electric motor driven closing and tripping (opening) devices that permit
remote control of a circuit breaker.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Emergency Bus
An emergency bus is the silver-plated copper bus bars or flexible cable used to connect the
paralleling breakers to the emergency system feeder breakers, and ultimately to automatic transfer
switches or other distribution devices.
Emergency System
An emergency system is independent power generation equipment that is legally required to feed
equipment or systems whose failure may present a life safety hazard to persons or property.
Energy is manifest in forms such as electricity, heat, light and the capacity to do work. It is
convertible from one form to another, such as in a generator set, which converts rotating
mechanical energy into electrical energy. Typical units of energy are kW/h, Btu (British thermal
unit), Hp/h, ft/lbf, joule and calorie.
Engine Position Sensor. Serves the similar function as an MPU (Magnetic Pick Up) however it uses
Hall Effect sensing and provides input to the ECM (Engine Control Module)
An exciter is a device that supplies direct current (DC) to the field coils of a synchronous generator,
producing the magnetic flux required for inducing output voltage in the armature coils (stator). See
Acronym for Full Authority Engine. These engines typically employ high tech electronic fuel
injection and control systems.
A condition occurred which caused a warning or shutdown alarm.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
can be transmitted digitally rather being transformed into analog data for transmission as is the case
with metal wires when used for computer data transmission. Fiber optics are becoming increasingly
more common for use with Local-Area Networks (LANs).
The generator field (rotor) consists of a multi-pole electromagnet which induces output voltage in
the armature coils (stator) of the generator when it is rotated by the engine. The field is energized
by DC supplied by the exciter.
Form - C Relay
Refers to a type of relay that has a normally closed contact and a normally closed contact. The relay
coil must be energized for the contacts to switch position.
Frequency is the number of complete cycles per unit of time of any periodically varying quantity,
such as alternating voltage or current. It is usually expressed as (Hz) Hertz or CPS (cycles per
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Frequency Regulation
Frequency regulation is a measure that states the difference between no-load and full-load
frequency as a percentage of full-load frequency.
FT-10 Network
FT-10, sometimes described as FTT-10, is the large network transceiver system used with
Cummins Power Generation systems employing the LonWorks protocol. FTT-10 stands for “Free
Topology Type - 10Mbaud.” The Free Topology protocol allows multiple topologies to be used in
one network. The maximum network cable length in a free topology network is 500 meters. If the
network is designed and installed using a multi-drop bus topology the maximum distance is 4,000
Fusible Switch
A fusible switch is an isolating switch and overcurrent protective device used for feeder or transfer
switch isolation and protection. It is typically a manually operated, stored energy opening and
closing, bolted compression blade switch, with provisions for installing current limited fuses.
A device that acts as an interface between two different communication protocols. The Network
Gateway Module (NGM) provides a communication protocol that a PC can understand. Other
gateway devices may be used to interface between our Lontalk protocol and other systems such as a
SCADA or Building Automation System. Typically, a gateway becomes necessary when a SCADA
or BAS does not have a driver developed for Lontalk.
A generator is a machine which converts rotating mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Acronym for Genset Control System. This is usually found on generator sets built by other, yet
they use engines and controls built by Cummins.
A governor is a device on the engine which controls fuel to maintain a constant engine speed under
various load conditions. The governor must have provision for adjusting speed (generator
frequency) and speed droop (no load to full load).
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
The utility-owned power distribution system.
A ground is a connection, either intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit and the earth
or some conducting body serving in place of the earth.
Ground Return
Ground return is a method of ground fault detection that employs a single sensor (CT) encircling
the main bonding jumper between the power system neutral and ground. This device in itself is not
capable of locating the faulted circuit but when used in conjunction with ground fault sensors on all
feeders and source connections, can provide bus fault protection when properly coordinated
Grounded Neutral
A grounded neutral is the intentionally grounded center point of a Y-connected, four-wire
generator, or the mid-winding point of a single phase generator.
Harmonics are voltage or current components which operate at integral multiples of the
fundamental frequency of a power system (50 or 60 Hertz). Harmonic currents have the effect of
distorting the shape of the voltage wave form from that of a pure sine wave.
Hertz (Hz)
The term Hertz is the preferred designation for cycles per second (CPS) and is used to describe
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Human Machine Interface: Commonly referred to as touch panel, or control display, and now
includes reference to the annunciator and bargraph .
A common connection point for devices or nodes in a network or sub-network. Hubs are commonly
used to connect segments of a LAN and contain multiple ports.
Hunting is a phenomenon that can occur upon load changes in which the frequency or the voltage
continues to rise above and fall below the desired value without reaching a steady-state value. It is
caused by insufficient damping.
Incoming Set
This is the generator set that is about to be connected to (paralleled with) the energized bus.
Initial Calibration
Downloading a data set to a PowerCommand Control to set up the operation of the control. In this
type of calibration the technician has to manually enter the dataplate information for the genset into
InPower software. If a capture file is not downloaded into the control after this type of calibration is
performed, all parameters will be reset to their “factory settings”.
Insulation is non-conductive material used to prevent leakage of electric current from a conductor.
There are several classes of insulation in use for generator construction, each recognized for a
maximum continuous-duty temperature.
Internal Voltage
The internal voltage is the voltage a generator would develop at no load if it were not connected in
a parallel operation. Excitation of the generator field controls internal voltage.
Design to allow one product to work with another product without modification.
This refers to the practice of operating on-site power systems, at the request of a utility, to reduce
electrical demand on the utility grid during periods of high consumption. Interruptible facilities
may also be disconnected from all electrical service in the event of high demand on the utility grid,
even if no on site power system is available.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Interrupting Capacity
Interrupting capacity is the magnitude of electrical current that a device can safely interrupt (open
against), without failure of the component.
kW Load Sensor
The kW load sensor is an electronic device provided to sense kW level at various points in a
system, for use in control functions within the system, such as kW load alarms, or load demand.
kVA (kilo-Volt-Amperes)
kVA is a term for rating electrical devices. A device's kVA rating is equal to its rated output in
amperes multiplied by its rated operating voltage. In the case of three-phase generator sets, kVA is
the kW ouput rating divided by 0.8, the rated power factor. kVA is the vector sum of the active
power (kW) and the reactive power (kVAR) flowing in a circuit.
This is an abbreviation for kilowatt, an alternate term for rating electrical devices. Generator sets in
the United States are usually rated in kW. Sometimes called active power, kW loads the generator
set engine.
This is a unit of electric energy. It is equivalent to one kW of electric power supplied for one hour.
Lead Unit
In a paralleling system that has a load demand feature, the lead unit is the last unit to be shut down
in the event that load demand mode is in operation.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
A leg is a phase winding of a generator, or a phase conductor of a distribution system.
Line-To-Line Voltage
Line-to-line voltage is the voltage between any two phases of an AC generator.
Line-To-Neutral Voltage
In a 3-phase, 4-wire, Y-connected generator, line-to-neutral voltage is the voltage between a phase
and the common neutral where the three phases are tied together.
Load Demand
Load Demand is a paralleling system operating mode in which the system monitors the total kW
output of the generator sets, and controls the number of operating sets as a function of the total load
on the system. The purpose of load demand controls is to reduce fuel consumption and limit
problems caused by light load operation of reciprocating diesel generator sets.
Load Dump
Signal output from a genset which is activated by the genset when it enters an overload and/or
underfrequency condition. In today’s systems, this tells the master control that it needs to shed
some load.
Load Factor
The load factor is the ratio of the average load to the generator set power rating.
Load Management
Load management is the overall control of load connected to match available generator capacity.
Priority control and load shedding are the two features required for load management.
Load Shedding
Load shedding is the process by which the total load on a paralleling system is reduced, on
overload of the system bus, so that the most critical loads continue to be provided with reliable
electrical service.
Local Loop
A method of branching out or creating a stub on the network. The maximum distance this stub can
be is 10ft. (3m) from the main network bus. Effectively the node is "daisy-chained" into the
network. This involves two wires, one that goes to the node and another that returns to the main
network bus. The total local loop distance must be added to the total network length. This becomes
important when the main network bus nears the 4,600 ft. length and requires the use of Routers.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Locations are subdivisions of a network that can be selected for easier organization. Locations may
designate physical places, but are not required to do so. For example, network devices in one
location may communicate with network devices in another location when requested to do so.
Low Voltage
AC system operating voltages from 120 to 600 VAC.
Main Breaker
A main breaker is a circuit breaker at the input or output of the bus, through which all of the bus
power must flow. The generator main breaker is the device, usually mounted on the generator set,
that interrupts the genset's power output. Main breakers provide overcurrent protection and a single
disconnect point for all power in a switchboard or device.
Mains is a term used extensively outside of the United States to describe the normal power service
Master Control
A control section in a typical paralleling system that provides total system metering and the
interface point between the paralleling system and the facility.
The main network bus defined by two characteristics: 1) The electrical signal level and 2) the
characteristics of the wiring they will travel over. Typically, our standard PowerCommand Network
uses 22 AWG Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) wire operating at 78 KBPS.
Medium Voltage
AC system operating voltages from 601 to 15000 VAC.
MODBUS ®Protocol An industrial networking system that uses RS-232 serial master-slave
communications at data transfer rate of up to 19.2 KBPS and is a messaging structure developed by
Modicon in 1979, used to establish master-slave/client-server communication between intelligent
industrial devices. There are multiple variations of the protocol.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Modbus II
An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data
transfer rates of five megabits per second (MBPS). The network medium is coaxial cable.
Modbus Plus
An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data
transfer rates of one megabit per second (MBPS). The network media is shielded twisted-pair cable.
Modules are also called nodes or devices. These are devices such as Genset Communication
Modules (GCMs), Control Communication Modules (CCMs), and Digital Input/Output Modules
In paralleling applications, unless a generator set is disconnected from the bus when its engine fails
(usually as a result of a fuel system problem), the generator will drive (motor) the engine, drawing
power from the bus. Reverse power protection which automatically disconnects a failed set from
the bus is essential for paralleling systems. Also, in certain applications such as elevators, the load
can motor the generator set if insufficient additional load is present.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEMA 1 Enclosure
This enclosure designation is for indoor use only-where dirt, dust, and water are not a
consideration. Personnel protection is the primary purpose of this type of enclosure.
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National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 110
National Fire Protection Agency Section 110 (NFPA 110) deals with the regulations concerning
Emergency Power Systems (EPS). This section deals with regulations on installation, operation,
and monitoring of EPS.
A collection of Nodes that communicate with one another over a common medium.
Network Bus
The main "backbone" of the network data wire. It must be terminated at both the start and end of
the network. Stubs off the main bus wire cannot exceed 10ft. (3m.). The wire is "daisy-chained"
from one node to the next. The bus cannot exceed 4,600ft. without the use of a router. Bus can also
refer to the devices that connect the generators and loads to a system.
Network Data
A signal that carries messages between nodes. PowerCommand Networks use Manchester
Encoding that makes the signal insensitive to polarity. The signal is transformer-coupled to the
network data wire at a rate of 78 KBPS.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Neutral refers to the common point of a Y-connected AC generator, a conductor connected to that
point or to the mid-winding point of a single-phase AC generator.
Neutral Current
Neutral current is the current that flows in the neutral leg of a paralleling system. Often, this term is
used in reference to circulating currents or cross currents.
A module that can communicate over the network data to other modules. A module contains a
Neuron Chip. Certain devices are nodes such as Genset Communication Modules (GCMs) and
Control Communication Modules (CCMs). Other devices are not nodes, as they cannot
communicate with other devices, but only receive messages. An example is the Network
Annunciator Module (NAM).
Nominal Value
A value which has not been trimmed. An example would be normal line frequency of 60.0 Hz. The
nominal value is 60.0 Hz.
Nonlinear Load
A nonlinear load is a load for which the relationship between voltage and current is not a linear
function. Some common nonlinear loads are fluorescent lighting, SCR motor starters and UPS
systems. Nonlinear loads cause abnormal conductor heating and voltage distortion.
Octave Band
In sound pressure measurements (using an octave band analyzer), octave bands are the eight
divisions of the measured sound frequency spectrum, where the highest frequency of each band is
twice that of its lowest frequency. The octave bands are specified by their center frequencies,
typically: 63, 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 and 8,000 Hz (cycles per second).
The ohm is a unit of electrical resistance. One volt will cause a current of one ampere to flow
through a resistance of one ohm.
On-Set Paralleling
On-set paralleling is a manual paralleling system that is built onto the generator set, no additional
switchboards are required.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
One-Line Diagram
A one-line diagram is a schematic diagram of a three-phase power distribution system which uses
one line to show all three phases. It is understood when using this easy to read drawing that one line
represents three.
Operating Source
An operating source is a source of electrical power that is delivering power to a load. The operating
source can be either a generator set or a commercial (utility bus) power line.
Out-Of-Phase refers to alternating currents or voltages of the same frequency which are not passing
through their zero points at the same time.
Overcrank is an alarm function provided with most generator sets that indicate that the generator
set has failed to start.
Overload Rating
The overload rating of a device is the load in excess of the nominal rating the device can carry for a
specified length of time without being damaged.
Overshoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency exceeds the nominal value as the
voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.
Parallel Operation
Parallel Operation is the operation of two or more sources of AC electrical power whose output
leads are connected to a common load. Connection of the power sources is made so that the sources
electrically function as a single source of power. Parallel Operation requires that the two sources of
electrical power must match in voltage, frequency, and number of phases.
Paralleling Breaker
A paralleling breaker is the circuit breaker that connects the generator set to the emergency bus,
and across which all the individual generator synchronizing functions occur.
Paralleling Control
A paralleling control contains the electrical equipment provided in a paralleling system for control
of a single generator set.
Paralleling Suppressers
Paralleling suppressors are semiconductor devices that protect the silicon diodes on a brushless
excitation system from damaging overvoltages. Overvoltages, usually of short duration, occur when
a generator is paralleled out of phase with the energized bus.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Monitored values or settings in the PCC or the Operator Panel that can be looked at and, in some
cases, adjusted. Some parameters are protected by passwords.
In error detecting schemes, a Bit (even or odd) that represents the binary sum of the data
transmitted. Primarily used when transmitting data over a long distance. For example, when
transmitting information using modems.
Pass Thru
Refers to a junction box connection where the network bus comes to a connector and then
continues straight on through. In most Pass Thru connections, very little input and output is done.
An example of this connection is the Junction Box/Terminator (JBT).
PC 1.X
Acronym designationfor PowerCommand Control 1302 with one of several HMI versions. 1.1 =
HMI 211, 1.2 = HMI 220.
Acronym for PowerCommand Control.
An RS-485 based networking scheme that allows PowerCommand gensets, transfer switches,
paralleling switchgear, and monitoring/control modules to work without operator intervention on
setup or restart.
Definition #2: Alternator capability curves calculate per unit kW as the ratio of kW to rated kVA.
Per unit kVAR is calculated as the ratio of rated kVAR to rated kVA.
Acronym for Production Engine Test System.
Peak Load
Peak load is the highest point in the kilowatt demand curve of a facility. This is used as the basis
for the utility company's demand charge.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
A network operating system where any device on the main network bus can initiate
Phase refers to the windings of an AC generator. In a three-phase generator there are three
windings, typically designated as A-B-C, R-S-T or U-V-W. The phases are 120 degrees out of
phase with each other. That is, the instants at which the three phase voltages pass through zero or
reach their maximums are 120 degrees apart, where one complete cycle is considered 360 degrees.
A single-phase generator has only one winding.
Phase Angle
Phase angle refers to the relation between two sine waves which do not pass through zero at the
same time. Considering one full cycle to be 360 degrees, the phase angle expresses how far apart
the two waves are in relation to each other in degrees.
Phase Rotation
Phase rotation (or phase sequence) describes the order (A-B-C, R-S-T, or U-V-W) of the phase
voltages at the output terminals of a three-phase generator. The generator phase rotation must
match the facility phase rotation. This must be checked prior to operation of the electrical loads in a
facility with an on-site generator.
Acronym for Power Generation Interface to Cummins J1939 CAN communication systems.
Pilot Relay
A Pilot Relay is a simple relay which uses a low current coil that activates high current contacts.
The PCC 1302 control board has limited output power and it can be damage if it is connected
directly to high power DC loads such as fuel shut off solenoids or starter solenoids.
Pitch is a mechanical design characteristic of a generator that indicates the ratio of the number of
winding slots per generator pole to the number of slots enclosed by each coil. The generator
designer may use the pitch of a machine to optimize the generator cost versus the quality of the
voltage waveform generated.
Pole is used in reference to magnets, which are bipolar. The poles of a magnet are designated North
and South. Because magnets are bipolar, all generators have an even number of poles. The number
of poles determines how fast the generator will have to be turned to obtain the specified frequency .
For example, a generator with a 4-pole field would have to be run at 1800 rpm to obtain a
frequency of 60 Hz (1500 rpm for 50 Hz). Pole can also refer to the electrodes of a battery or to the
number of phases served by a switch or breaker.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
The external connector on a device at which the network cable or medium is attached.
Power refers to the rate of performing work or of expending energy. Typically, mechanical power
is expressed in terms of horsepower and electrical power in terms of kilowatts. One kW equals 1.34
PowerCommand Network
A communication network for moving information electrically among various Onan on-site power
generation modules. The PowerCommand Network will utilize Echelon LonWorks for system
module interconnection.
Power Factor
Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the active power (kW) and apparent power (kVA)
in a circuit.
Prime Power
Prime Power describes an application where the generator set(s) must supply power on a
continuous basis and for long periods of time between shutdowns. No utility service is present in
typical prime power applications.
Priority Control
Priority control is the process by which the total loads on the bus is limited to the most critical
loads in the system until adequate generation capacity is available to serve all loads.
A set of rules used mutually by two or more devices to communicate. Also, known as the
"language" used in a network.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Pulse Alarms
Pulse alarms are alarm logic systems that allow all alarms to be annunciated, even if a previous
alarm has been silenced but is still present in the system.
Random-Access Memory. This is the memory that the PowerCommand Control uses to actually
operate the generator set. This memory requires power to maintain its content.
Radio Interference
Radio interference refers to the interference with radio reception caused by a generator set.
Rated Current
To be calculated based on rated power (kW) and nominal voltage.
Rated kW
Definition #1: This is set by the end application — standby, limited time prime, unlimited time
prime, or continuous.
Definition #2: Determined by the rated current and voltage programmed into the Base card by the
Manufacturing Tool or calibration downloaded by InPower software. This is the maximum kilowatt
load the generator set can provide.
Reference Value
A value in a control loop which determines to what value the control loop is attempting to drive the
output. An example situation would be when a synchronizing control loop is attempting to drive the
genset frequency to match the bus frequency. Perhaps the genset nominal frequency is 60.0 Hz, the
genset set point frequency is 61.5 Hz, but the bus frequency is 59.0 Hz because it is overloaded.
Prior to closing the circuit breaker, the genset will set its reference frequency to 59.0 to allow it to
match the bus. At this time, the reference value is 59.0 Hz.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
A ModBus communication packet of information. Cummins Power Generation uses 40000 level
designations for most genset data.
Revolutions Per Minute.
Reactance is the opposition to the flow of current in AC circuits caused by inductances and
capacitances. It is expressed in terms of ohms and its symbol is X.
Reactive Power
Reactive power is power that flows back and forth between the inductive windings of the generator
and the inductive windings of motors, transformers, etc., which are part of the electrical load. This
power does no useful work in the electrical load nor does it present load to the engine. It does apply
load to the generator and limits the capacity of the generator.
A reactor is an electrical device that applies only reactive load to a system.
Real Power
Real power is the product of current, voltage and power factor (the cosine of the angle by which
current leads or lags voltage) and is expressed as W (watts).
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current in DC and AC circuits. It is expressed in ohms
and its symbol is R.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Risers are rectangular copper or aluminum bars that connect circuit breakers, fusible switches, and
transfer switches with the main system bus. As with bus bars, they are sized and assembled in
multiples according to the current they must carry.
A rotor is the rotating element of a motor or generator.
A device for passing network messages over another media and sometimes protocol. Our network
router is programmed as a "repeater" to create another channel on the main network bus. Each
channel can have a 4,600 ft. network bus and is capable of having 44 nodes. The PowerCommand
Network can have up to twenty (20) channels.
Silicon Controlled Rectifier -- a three-electrode solid-state device which permits current to flow in
one direction only, and does this only when a suitable potential is applied to the third electrode,
called the gate.
Selective Coordination
Selective coordination is the selective application of overcurrent devices such that short circuit
faults are cleared by the device immediately on the line side of the fault, and only by that device.
Self Excitation
A method whereby the output of the AC alternator is utilized for powering the voltage regulation
circuit. Sometimes the term “Shunt Excitation” will be found in some product literature.
Separately Derived
A separately derived on-site power system has no direct neutral connection with the neutral of the
normal electrical service.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Sequential Paralleling
Sequential paralleling is a type of automatic paralleling system where the generators in a system
close to the bus in a prescribed order, typically by use of a single synchronizer.
Service Entrance
The service entrance is the point where the utility service enters the facility. In low voltage systems
the neutral is grounded at the service entrance.
Short Circuit
A short circuit is generally an unintended electrical connection between current carrying parts.
Shunt Trip
Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of
the breaker or switch by an electrical signal.
A type of fault that causes the Genset to shut off immediately or prevents it from starting .
Sine Wave
A sine wave is a graphical representation of a sine function, where the sine values (usually the y
axis) are plotted against the angles (x axis) to which they correspond. AC voltage and current wave
shapes approximate such a curve.
A single instance where a network has been installed.
A networked device that is controlled by another device. Slave devices do not initiate data
transmission. They respond to commands or requests initiated by a master device. In digital
communication systems such as ModBus, this would be a device that is not capable of originating
or initiating communications. It can only respond when asked for information.
Soft Loading
Soft loading refers to the ramping of load onto or off of a generator in a gradual fashion for the
purpose of minimizing voltage and frequency transients on the system.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Sound is considered both in terms of the sound pressure waves travelling in air (pressures
superimposed on the atmospheric pressure) and the corresponding aural sensation. Sound can be
"structure-borne", that is, transmitted through any solid elastic medium, but is audible only at
points where the solid medium "radiates" the pressure waves into the air.
Standby System
A standby system is an independent power system that allows operation of a facility in the event of
normal power failure.
Star Connection
See Wye Connection.
Star Topology
A topology where all the devices must connect to a central hub. Star topologies are relatively easy
to install and manage, but can have bottlenecks occur as all the information must pass through the
Starting Current
The initial value of current drawn by a motor when it is started from standstill.
The stator is the stationary part of a generator or motor. See Armature.
An indication of state used for informative purposes only — not a warning or shutdown alarm.
Typically a status indication does not require any action to be taken.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Surge is the sudden rise in voltage in a system, usually caused by load disconnect.
Surge Rating
Surge rating is the rating of a machine, usually in excess of its normal operating level, for which it
can provide power for a very short time.
Surge Suppressor
Surge suppressors are devices capable of conducting high transient voltages. They are used for
protecting other devices that could be destroyed by the transient voltages.
Switching Hub
Short for port-switching hub, a special type of hub that actually forwards information to the
appropriate port based on the IP address assigned. Conventional hubs simply rebroadcast
information to every port. Switching hubs forward information only to the required port.
In a paralleling application, synchronization is obtained when an incoming generator set is matched
with and in step to the same frequency, voltage, and phase sequence as the operating power source.
A synchronizer is an electronic device that monitors the phase relationship between two voltage
sources and provides a connection signal to an engine governor, to force the generator set to
synchronize to the system bus.
Synchronizing Lights
Synchronizing lights are lamps connected across the line contactor of the incoming generator set.
The lights indicate when the voltage waveforms of the incoming and operating power sources
coincide and paralleling can be completed.
Synchronous Generator
A synchronous generator is an AC generator having a DC exciter. Synchronous generators are used
as stand-alone generators for emergency power and can also be paralleled with other synchronous
generators and the utility system.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
A synchroscope is a meter that indicates the relative phase angle between an incoming set voltage
and the bus voltage. The synchroscope pointer indicates whether the set is faster or slower than the
bus and allows the operator to adjust the frequency (speed) accordingly before manually paralleling
to the bus.
Both ends of the main network bus must be terminated to avoid transmission reflections. The
effective network data bus may be made up of several different physical buses. The Terminator is a
RC circuit that matches the impedance of the physical media.
A resistive load placed at the end of a cable to prevent data signals from reflecting back into the
data path.
In digital data transmission communications, this is a “permission to speak” bit that passes from
network member to member in a specific sequence at specific intervals.
Token-Ring Topology
All of the devices or nodes are connected to one another in the shape of a closed loop. Ring
topologies are relatively expensive to install, but they offer high bandwidth and can span larger
The physical shape of a network. There are three principal topologies: multi-drop bus, token-ring,
and star.
Transfer Switch
A transfer switch is an electrical device for switching loads between alternate power sources. An
automatic transfer switch monitors the condition of the sources and connects the load to the
alternate source if the preferred source fails.
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
Non-volatile adjustment made in the field by an operator, user, or service technician. It is a subset
of parameters that can be adjusted, as opposed to parameters that can only be monitored.
TP/XF-78 Network
An older transceiver system used in PowerCommand Networks. TP/XF-78 stands for “Twisted-
Pair, Transformer-Coupled, 78 kbaud speed network.” The TP/XF-78 network has been replaced
by PCCNet network in small systems and by the FT-10 network in larger systems.
The primary producer/distributor of electric power. In some countries it’s called the utility source;
in some others it is called the mains or “hydro.”
Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as
the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.
The volt is a unit of electrical potential. A potential of one volt will cause a current of one ampere
to flow through a resistance of one ohm.
Voltage Control
The voltage control is a rheostat that sets the operating point of the voltage regulator and therefore
controls the output voltage of the generator set, within its design limits.
Voltage Dip
Voltage dip is the dip in voltage that results when a load is added, occurring before the regulator
can correct it, or resulting from the functioning of the voltage regulator to unload an overloaded
Voltage Regulation
Voltage regulation is a measure that states the difference between maximum and minimum steady-
state voltage as a percentage of nominal voltage.
A type of fault which does not shut down the engine or generator set, but is meant to warn the user
or operator of an out of normal condition which could eventually adversely affect operation of the
Genset (i.e. could shut it down or prevent it from starting or operating properly).
PCC 3.3 and PowerCommand Control 3300 PowerCommand Control 3300 Glossary
The watt is a unit of electric power. In direct current (DC) circuits, wattage equals voltage times
amperage. In alternating current (AC) circuits, wattage equals effective (RMS) voltage times
effective (RMS) amperage times power factor times a constant dependent on the number of phases.
1,000 watts equal one kW.
Watt-Hour Meter
A watt-hour meter records the total power output at a specific point in a system. Typical recording
increment is in kW-hours.
A wattmeter records power being delivered from a source to the load. Wattmeters for paralleling
systems are calibrated in kilowatts (kW).
Wide-Area Network
A system of LANs connected over a large distance via a fiber optic line, telephone line, or radio
Wye Connections
A Wye connection is the same as a star connection. It is a method of interconnecting the phases of a
three-phase system to form a configuration resembling the letter Y. A fourth (neutral) wire can be
connected at the center point.
Zero Sequence
Zero sequence is a method of ground fault detection that utilizes a sensor (CT) that encircles all the
phase conductors as well as the neutral conductors. The sensor will produce an output proportional
to the imbalance of ground fault current in the circuit. This output is then measured by a relay to
initiate circuit breaker tripping or ground fault alarm.
Zones of Protection
Zones of protection are defined areas within a distribution system that are protected by specific
Section 15:
PC 3.3 & PCC 3300 Activities
This section provides Activities and Quiz’s to the previous 13 Sections.
Activity 1-1:
Section 1 Quiz:
Introduction to the PC 3.3 & PCC 3300 Quiz
Match and identify the image and components; use the Service Manual or Participants’
Guide. Images are located on the next page
_____ 1) TB-5 Breaker Control Connection _____ 12) DSx LED Status Indicators
_____ 3) TB-7 Bus Voltage Sense _____ 14) J26 AUX105 Connections
_____ 4) AUX 105 Power Stage _____ 15) J22 Genset Voltage Sense
_____ 5) J14 Service Tool Port _____ 16) TB-9 Analog I/O
_____ 6) J12 Genset CT Input _____ 17) TB-10 Breaker Status Connections
_____ 10) J17 – Field Output _____ 21) J25 Display Connections
_____ 11) TB-15 ModBus/RS485 Service Port _____ 22) PCC 3300
Activity 2-1:
1. Press the Home button and begin this activity from the Home Menus.
2. History / About
____________________ Kw Hours
____________________ Wye/Delta
3. Faults Screens
____________________ Number of Active Shutdowns
____________________ Number of Active Warning
____________________ First listed Fault History fault code
4. Fault History
5. Paralleling Status
6. Genset Data
Activity 2-2:
______________________________ List the menu choices on the HOME 2/2 screen.
2. Adjust
3. Genset Setup
____________________ Freq/Speed
____________________ PT Primary
____________________ PT Secondary
____________________ CT Secondary
8. PCCNetSetup
9. ModBus Setup
____________________ Language
____________________ Temperature
13. Calibration
14. Save/Restore
Using theSoft Keys at the bottomof the Home screen, work through theMenus on the
Operator Panel
1. Genset Data
2. Alternator Data
3. Engine Data
4. Paralleling
5. %Alternator
6. Advance Control
7. Advance Engine
Activity 3-1:
PC3.3 Sequence of Operation Quiz
Answer the following questions about functions and components; use the
demonstrator, Participants’ Guide or Operator Manual 900-0670.
1. The PMG can provide the backup start disconnect. At what voltage does it activate?
AC or DC?
2. In order to keep the devices awake at all times, what jumper do you make on the HMI
3. If the genset is running and then enters Manual operation, how long do you have to
push the Manual Button before it will do a hard shutdown?
6. What terminal block and pin will the ground input remote start signal enter the
PowerCommand 3.3?
8. When running in Parallel Mode @ idle, what button push will cause the breaker to
Activity 4-1:
1. When powering down the PCC 3300, it is important to press the local Emergency
Stop button and wait approximately 30 seconds before removing battery power.
A. To ensure that the ECM has time to cool down before power down
B. To ensure that the ECM has had enough time to save data in memory before
power down.
C. To prevent static discharge damage to the control boards. .
D. All of the above
2. The PCC3300 processor receives alternator field information (F1 and F2) through
Activity 5-1:
PC3.3 Setup and InPower Quiz
Answer the following questions about functions and components; use the
demonstrator, Participants’ Guide or Operator Manual 900-0670.
1. Kit 0541-1199 allows the technician to connect InPower to both the Operator Panel
and the Base Board at the same time.
A. True
B. False
2. Which of the following is true with regard to connecting InPower to the HMI?
Match each of the following feature folders in column A to its corresponding function in
column B
4. _______Alternator Data B. Allows the user set and perform tests such as
witness testing
8. The snapshot feature allows the user to select a particular fault and then view data for
the preceding few seconds before that fault becomes active.
A. True
B. False
9. Why is it important to save a capture file before making any changes or adjustments?
10. When viewing the setup wizard, the Enable Setup Mode button seen on the setup
screens must be highlighted in order to be able to make any adjustments/changes.
A. True
B. False
Activity 5-2:
3. Set the Daylight Savings time, day, month and hour and all settings for the year.
4 . Set the exerciser Scheduler to exercise the genset every Thursday morning at
10:00AM for 30 minutes and on Friday afternoon at 12:30 for 10 minutes.
5. Set the Exception for Thursday & Friday November 27 & 28 beginning in the year
7. If InPower is available, check all the setting that were been made during this exercise.
Activity 6-1:
1. The recommended data cable for the data and power wires used with PCCNET is
Beldin #9729.
A. True
B. False
2. The maximum number of devices in the network is 20 and should not span more than
4000ft of data wire.
A. True
B. False
Activity 6-2:
Activity 7-1:
PC3.3 ModBus Quiz
Answer the following questions about functions and components; use the
demonstrator, Participants’ Guide or Operator Manual 900-0670.
1. Since the PowerCommand 3.3 follows the master-slave protocol, would the
PowerCommand 3.3 be configured as a master or a slave? Why?
____________________________________________ __________________________
__ _______________________________________________________
3. On what PCC 3300 connector would you make your ModBus connections?
__________________ ____________________________________________________
4. Can you change the communication Baud rate on the PCC 3300 base board?
__ ________________________________________________________________
5. Via the HMI 320, what screens would you use/navigate to find the ModBus setup
6. What is the Fasted Baud Rate available for the PowerCommand 3.3?
__ _______________________________________________________
7. With the PowerCommand 3.3 ModBus Register Map, what ModBus Address is Genset
LL Average Voltage?
8. What software can be used to help troubleshoot the PowerCommand 3.3 ModBus
Activity 8-1:
PC3.3 PGI CAN Communication Quiz
Answer the following questions about functions and components; use the
demonstrator, Participants’ Guide or Operator Manual 900-0670.
1. What connector and pins would you check the backbone for proper resistance values?
What should be the value between those pins if the circuit is good?
3. Can you perform Witness Testing Procedures if you are connected to the PCC 2300
base board with InPower?
4. If you were connected with a Peak System Adapter and did not see DC as part of any
source address, what would this mean?
____________________________________________________ __________________
Activity 9-1:
1. The PC3.3 comes fully configurable and there is no requirement to purchase new
codes or additional features.
A. Standby
B. Isolated Bus
C. Utility Single
D. Utility Multiple
E. C & D
4. Which connector is not used when configuring the control for paralleling modes?
A. TB10
B. TB1
C. TB5
D. TB3
5. There are many adjustments and few monitor screens in the paralleling setup folder.
Activity 10-1:
1. The password used for changing the Genset Application Type from the HMI is?
A. 121
B. No password is required
C. 574
D. 1209
A. 1213
B. 1454
C. 1456
D. 1209
Activity 11-1:
PC3.3 Synchronize Only Quiz
Answer the following questions about functions and components; use the
demonstrator, Participants’ Guide or Operator Manual 900-0670.
2. CT2 can only read Neutral Bus current in Synchronize only Mode.
3. Which ModBus register will initiate the Synchronizer when in Synchronize only
A. 40954
B. 43954
C. The synchronizer can only be enabled through TB10 – 13 & 19.
D. The Synchronizer is always enabled when in Synchronizer only mode.
Activity 12-1:
A. TB3
B. TB7
C. TB5
D. None of the above
5. For a 120/240 volt 3 phase installation, where do the generator bus inputs land on the
PCC3300 control board?
Activity 13-1:
1. The InPower Snapshot feature can only be used for alternator fault codes?
3. All faults codes available from the PCC3300 control can be reset by the ModBus reset
4. Exciter Field voltage limits are listed on the Common Connector Wire Diagram ?
A. A-5
B. A-7
C. A-5, 6, 7, and 8.
D. A-12
Section 16:
PC 3.3 Appendix
This section provides additional technical information to assist with understanding
several sections.
PC 3.3
Real Time Clock
The PCC3300 control system includes a real time clock function. The Real Time Clock (RTC) is used for
calculating controller on time, recording fault occurrence times, supporting factory test, and for the automatic
scheduler feature. Once programmed, the real time clock accurately* calculates seconds, minutes, hours,
date of the month, month, day of the week, and year with leap year compensation valid up to 2100. The
clock operates in 24 hour format and automatically adjusts the end of the month for months fewer than 31
When battery power is removed from the PCC3300, the RTC remains powered via internal circuitry on the
PCC3300. The internal circuitry will provide power to the RTC for about one hour, after which the RTC will
become reset to 0 Seconds, 0 Hour, 0 Minutes, 0 Month, 0 Date, 0 Year. Under this condition, the “RTC
Power Interrupt” Fault (1689) will become active indicating that the clock needs to be reset.
The RTC also has supports Daylights Savings Time, which is a convention used to advance the time by one
hour so afternoons have more daylight then mornings. The DST logic adds the DST Adjustment time to the
current time when the current time is equal to the DST Start Time. The DST logic subtracts the DST
Adjustment time from the current time when the current time is equal to the DST End Time. To Enable DST,
the trim Daylight Savings Enabled needs to be set to Enabled. To setup DST, specify the values for the
following trims.
Daylight Savings End Week First Occurrence – Last Occurrence of Daylight Savings End
Daylight Savings Start Day Monday - Sunday Calendar Day in which DST Starts
Daylight Savings Start Hour 02 – 19 hours Hour (24 Hr) in which DST Starts
Daylight Savings Start Week First Occurrence – Last Occurrence of Daylight Savings End
For Example: If DST Ends on the 1st Wednesday in April at 02:00 AM every year, and DST Starts on the 2
Thursday in September at 3:00 PM every year, and DST Adjusts the clock by 1 hour each time, the
parameters should be set to the following values.
Trim Value
Daylight Savings End Day Wednesday
Daylight Savings End Hour 02
Daylight Savings End Month 4
Occurrence in Month
Daylight Savings Start Day Thursday
Occurrence in Month
Daylight Savings Time Adjustment 60
*The real time clock is accurate with 30 minutes over the course of 1 calendar year.
PC 3.3
Exercise Scheduler
The exercise scheduler is a feature that automatically starts the genset for exercise. This feature prevents
common problems which result from mechanical equipment sitting for long periods of time. In order for the
automatic exerciser to work, the PCC3.3 control system needs to be in ‘Auto’ mode, the RTC needs to be
set (Fault 1689 is not active), and the trim Exercise Scheduler Enable needs to be set to Enable.
The PCC3.3 can be programmed to run up to 12 independent programs, all which can either be one time
events or repeating events. Furthermore, each program can be programmed to exercise the genset in two
run modes, no load and with Load.
Each independent program has the following trims which establish its behavior. “X” can have a value from 1
thru 12, once for each available program.
For example, if it was desired to have a Program that ran on every Monday at 8:12 AM for 1 Hour and 30
Minutes with Load the trims should be defined like this
Trim Value
Scheduler Program x Enable Enable
Scheduler Program x Start Minute 12
Scheduler Program x Start Hour 8
The following table is the Exercise Scheduler table which contains the information for Programs 1 thru 12.
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Program 4
Program 5
Program 6
Program 7
Program 8
Program 9
Program 10
Program 11
Program 12
Another sub-feature of the Exercise Scheduler is the ability to program exceptions to the scheduler
programs. Exceptions are anti-programs and can either be on time events or repeating. The PCC3.3 can
have up to 6 independent exceptions. The following are the trims needed to define an exception.
Each independent program has the following trims which establish its behavior. “X” can have a value from 1
thru 12, once for each available program.
Trim Value Meaning
Scheduler Exception x Enable Enable – Disable Enables or Disables Exception X
Scheduler Exception x Minute 0 – 59 Specifies at what minute Exception X
with start.
Scheduler Exception x Hour 0 – 23 Specifies at what hour Exception X
will start.
Scheduler Exception x Date 0 - 31 Specifies the date in which Exception
X will start.
Scheduler Exception x Month 0 - 12 Specifies which Month Exception X
will start.
Scheduler Exception x Repeat Once, Every Year. Specifies the repeating behavior of
Exception X
Scheduler Exception x Duration 0 – 23 Specifies how many hours Exception
Hours X will be valid for.
For example, if it was desired to have an Exception that stopped all programmed activity from December
th nd
25 at 1:00 AM until J an 2 the trims should be defined like this
Trim Value
Scheduler Exception x Enable Enable
Scheduler Exception x Minute 0
Scheduler Exception x Hour 1
The following is the Exercise Scheduler which contains all the exceptions 1 - 6.
The following are a set of rules used to define schedules and exceptions –
1. If there is a running program and the next programmed program(s) overlap with the existing
running program, the existing program will run as it is and next overlapping program(s) will not
start even, if the first program is expires before the next overlapping program is scheduled to
2. If program is running and exception becomes active, the PCC3.3 control system will ignore the
newly activated exception(s) and will continue to run the active program expires.
3. If there is an active exception and the next exception(s) overlap with the existing active
exception, the existing exception will continue to be active as it is and the next exception(s) will
be ignored.
4. If an exception and program are scheduled to become active at the same time, then the
exception will become active and the program will be ignored.
5. If a program is active and running (or an exception is active) and control system loses power
before the program or exception can expire, the active program or exception will not be started
again when power is restored to the control system even if there is time remaining in the
ModScan is a software tool that can help you verify ModBus communications from the
PowerCommand control. It is not a Cummins Power Generation product, it is a product designed
by WinTech for general use in any ModBus serial communication system. The use of ModScan
enables a CPG technician to prove ModBus communications from a CPG controls system to a
neutral third party software.
The following directions and examples apply to using ModScan with PCC 1301 and 1302 genset
Refer to the appropriate register map for specific registers available.
Page 1
Page 2
3. Click on the “Protocol Selection s ” button and change the Transmission Mode to “RTU”
(see Figure 4). Do not be concerned with settings in the other boxes. Click “OK ” button.
Page 3
5. On the main ModScan screen (see Figure 5), Change the Address to 0064, the Length to 1.
WARNING ModScan is not satisfied if it polls a group of registers and finds one in the
sequence that is not pr ogrammed, it will d isplay a “ Exception Response” as in Figure 4-2.
Minimize the number of r egisters polled to a sequential length as listed in th e register
6. From the MODBUS Point Type pull down menu, select “03: HOLDING REGISTER.”
The PCC 1300 series communicates all registers as a HOLDING REGISTER. Refer to any of the
preceding mapping registers to view different pieces of data.
The “Valid Slave Responses” should now be incrementing as the data on the screen is updated.
You should see a single register displayed with a 5 digit value. Poll the following register
addresses for the Genset.
40061 is Battery voltage at the control.
40064 is Coolant Temp. (This value will be displayed in Celsius ONLY)
40070 is Eng Runtime (value will be displayed in seconds)
Page 4
7. On the main ModScan menu (see Figure 6), change the Length to 1. Refer to the warning in
step 5.
WARNING Accidental starting of the generator set can cause severe personal injury or
death. During step 8, a “ start” command is sent to the genset. If the genset is in t he Auto
mode, the genset WILL s tart.
8.To output a value to the genset control, poll the desired address, (In this case we want to test
the start command which is register #40300) double click on register 40300. The Write Register
dialog box is displayed (see Figure 6).
If you enter a value of “1” and select “Update,” Genset #1 starts and runs. If you double click on
register 40300 again, enter a value of “0,” and selecting “Update;” the Genset stops.
9. Review the mapping register information for other coils that you can manipulate.
Page 5
Page 6
The following notes apply to using ModScan with PCC 1301 and 1302 genset controls.
Refer to the appropriate register map for specific registers available.
Genset Control
Start/Stop - When this register is set to “1,” the genset starts, and ramps to operating speed.
As long as this register remains a “1,” the genset will continue to run. When this register is set
to “0,” the genset stops.
Fault Reset - This should be a momentary signal of about 2 seconds duration. Entering a “1” in
the fault reset register resets any non–active warning and, If there is not a remote start on the
genset, it resets any non–active shutdown except the Emergency Stop.
Emergency Stop - When this register is set to “1,” the emergency stop is active at the
PowerCommand control. The emergency stop cannot be rest until this register is set to “0.”
After the register is reset to “0,” the emergency stop must be reset at the PowerCommand
control. It cannot be reset remotely.
Fault State - As part of Gen Status State, digital value 4 (Fault State 1) = shutdown with an
active run command (cannot be remotely reset) and digital value 5 (Fault State 2) = shutdown
with no active run command (can be remotely reset).
Fault Code - This register contains the fault code number of the currently active fault. See
service manual for list of supported fault codes.
Fault Type - This register contains the fault type of currently active fault
2=Derate (this is a feature NOT currently supported by the PCC 1300 series)
3=Shutdown with Cool down
Fault bypass (battle short) feature enable – Activation of battle short via ModBus is just as
serious as any other activation of battle short.
Page 7
Page 8
Section 17:
PC 3.3 Sequence Diagrams
This section contains Common Connector wire diagrams and Sequence
Sheet 1 of 1
Sheet 2 of 2
Sheet 3 of 3
Sheet 4 of 4
Sheet 5 of 5
Sheet 6 of 6
Sheet 7 of 7
Sheet 8 of 8
Sheet 9 of 9
Sheet 10 of 10
Sheet 11 of 11
Sheet 12 of 12
Sheet 13 of 13
Sheet 14 of 14
Sheet 15 of 15
Sheet 16 of 16
Sheet 17 of 17
Sheet 18 of 18
____ 3.3 & PowerCommand
______ ______ ______ ______Control
______ 3300
____ ______Section
______ 18____ ______ ____
Section 18:
____ 3.3 & PowerCommand
______ ______ ______ ______Control
______ 3300
____ ______Section
______ 18____ ______ ____
____ 3.3 & PowerCommand
______ ______ ______ ______Control
______ 3300
____ ______Section
______ 18____ ______ ____
____ 3.3 & PowerCommand
______ ______ ______ ______Control
______ 3300
____ ______Section
______ 18____ ______ ____
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____ 3.3 & PowerCommand
______ ______ ______ ______Control
______ 3300
____ ______Section
______ 18____ ______ ____
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____ 3.3 & PowerCommand
______ ______ ______ ______Control
______ 3300
____ ______Section
______ 18____ ______ ____