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PCC 1.1

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Specification Sheet

1.1 Control

Description Features
The PowerCommand control system is a Easy to view: HMI 211RS for residential use.
microprocessor-based generator set monitoring, 128 x 64 pixel graphic LED backlight LCD.
metering and control system designed to meet
Easy to use: Tactile buttons for generator set
the demands of today’s engine driven generator
start/stop. Residential Standby display for
sets. The integration of all control functions into
convenient use.
a single control system provides enhanced
reliability and performance compared to Modbus® interface: Eliminates need for
conventional generator set control systems. MODLON.
These control systems have been designed and
Progressive protective functions: Advanced
tested to meet the harsh environment in which
Overcurrent Protection – Generator set
gensets are typically applied.
monitoring & protection.
Digital voltage regulation: Single phase full
wave SCR type regulator compatible with either
shunt or PMSG systems.
Digital engine speed governing: Provides
isochronous frequency regulation.
12 and 24 VDC battery operation.
Automatic mains failure: Smooth & automatic
transfer and re-transfer of load from utility to
generator set & vice-versa.
Exerciser clock: Runs generator set exerciser
routines for dependability of operation.
Warranty and service: Backed by a
comprehensive warranty and worldwide
distributor service network.
Certification: Suitable for us on generator sets
that are designed, manufactured, tested and
certified to relevant UL, NFPA, ISO, IEC Mil Std.,
CE and CSA standards.
©2019 Cummins Inc. | PDS-1566 | PD00000147 | (09/19)
PowerCommand Digital Generator • Configurable inputs and outputs - Four discrete inputs and
two dry contact relay outputs.
Set Control
• Warranty and service - Backed by a comprehensive warranty
PCC 1302 and worldwide distributor service network.
• Certifications - Suitable for use on generator sets that are
designed, manufactured, tested and certified to relevant UL,
NFPA, ISO, IEC, Mil Std., CE and CSA standards.
Base Control Functions
HMI capability
Operator adjustments - The HMI includes provisions for many
set up and adjustment functions.
Generator set hardware data - Access to the control and
software part number, generator set rating in kVA and
generator set model number is provided from the HMI or
Description InPowerTM.
The PowerCommand generator set control is suitable Data logs - Includes engine run time, controller on time, number
for use on a wide range of generator sets in non- of start attempts.
paralleling applications. The PowerCommand control is Fault history - Provides a record of the most recent fault
compatible with shunt or PMG excitation style. It is conditions with control hours time stamp. Up to 10 events are
suitable for use with reconnectable or non- stored in the control non-volatile memory.
reconnectable generators, and it can be configured for Alternator data
any frequency, voltage and power connection from
120-600 VAC Line-to-Line. • Voltage (single or three phase Line-to-Line and Line-to-
Power for this control system is derived from the
generator set starting batteries. The control functions • Current (single or three phase)
over a voltage range from 8 VDC to 30 VDC. • kVA (three phase and total)
• Frequency
• Engine data
• 12 and 24 VDC battery operation.
• Starting battery voltage
• Digital voltage regulation.
• Engine speed
• Digital engine speed governing (where applicable) -
Provides isochronous frequency regulation. • Engine temperature
• Full authority engine communications (where • Engine oil pressure
applicable) - Provides communication and control • Partial Full Authority Engine (FAE) data (where applicable)
with the Engine Control Module (ECM). • Service adjustments - The HMI includes provisions for
• Common harnessing - with higher feature Cummins adjustment and calibration of generator set control functions.
controls allows for easy field upgrades. Adjustments are protected by a password. Functions include:
• Generator set monitoring - Monitors status of all • Engine speed governor adjustments
critical engine and alternator functions. • Voltage regulation adjustments
• Digital genset metering (AC and DC). • Cycle cranking
• Genset battery monitoring system - to sense and • Configurable fault set up
warn against a weak battery condition. • Configurable output set up
• Engine starting - Includes relay drivers for starter, • Meter calibration
fuel shut off (FSO), glow plug/spark ignition power
and switch B+ applications. • Units of measurement
• Generator set protection - Protects engine and
• Advanced serviceability - using InPower™, a PC-
based software service tool.
• Environmental protection - The control system is
designed for reliable operation in harsh
environments. The main control board is a fully
encapsulated module that is protected from the
• Exerciser function – Routine exercising of generator
• Supports dual fuel control.
• Automatic Mains Failure function built in generator
set controller. Modbus interface - for interconnecting
to customer equipment.
©2019 Cummins Inc. | PDS-1566 | PD00000147 | (09/19)
Engine control Torque-matched V/Hz overload control - The voltage roll-off
SAE-J1939 CAN interface to full authority ECMs (where set point and rate of decay (i.e. the slope of the V/Hz curve)
applicable) - Provides data swapping between genset and is adjustable in the control.
engine controller for control, metering and diagnostics. Protective Functions
12 VDC/24 VDC battery operations - PowerCommand will
operate either on 12 VDC or 24 VDC batteries. On operation of a protective function the control will
indicate a fault by illuminating the appropriate status LED
Isochronous governing (where applicable) - Capable of on the HMI, as well as display the fault code and fault
controlling engine speed within +/-0.25% for any steady description on the LCD. The nature of the fault and time of
state load from no load to full load. Frequency drift will not occurrence are logged in the control. The service manual
exceed +/-0.5% for a 33 °C (60 °F) change in ambient and InPower service tool provide service keys and
temperature over an 8 hour period. procedures based on the service codes provided.
Temperature dependent governing dynamics (with Protective functions include:
electronic governing) - Modifies the engine governing Battle short mode
control parameters as a function of engine temperature.
This allows the engine to be more responsive when warm When enabled and the battle short switch is active, the
and more stable when operating at lower temperature control will allow some shutdown faults to be bypassed. If a
levels. bypassed shutdown fault occurs, the fault code and
description will still be annunciated, but the genset will not
Remote start mode - Accepts a ground signal from remote shutdown. This will be followed by a fail to shutdown fault.
devices to automatically start the generator set and Emergency stop shutdowns and others that are critical for
immediately accelerate to rated speed and voltage. The proper operation are not bypassed. Please refer to the
remote start signal will also wake up the control from sleep Control Application Guide or Manual for list of these faults.
mode. The control can incorporate a time delay start and
stop. Configurable alarm and status inputs
Remote and local Emergency stop - The control accepts a The control accepts up to four alarm or status inputs
ground signal from a local (genset mounted) or remote (configurable contact closed to ground or open) to indicate
(facility mounted) Emergency stop switch to cause the a configurable (customer-specified) condition. The control
generator set to immediately shut down. The generator set is programmable for warning, shutdown or status indication
is prevented from running or cranking with the switch and for labelling the input.
engaged. If in sleep mode, activation of either Emergency Emergency stop
stop switch will wake up the control. Annunciated whenever either Emergency stop signal is
Sleep mode - The control includes a configurable low received from external switch.
current draw state to minimize starting battery current draw General engine protection
when the genset is not operating. The control can also be Low and high battery voltage warning - Indicates status of
configured to go into a low current state while in auto for battery charging system (failure) by continuously monitoring
Prime applications or applications without a battery battery voltage.
charger. Weak battery warning - The control system will test the
Engine starting - The control system supports automatic battery each time the generator set is signaled to start and
engine starting. Primary and backup start disconnects are indicate a warning if the battery indicates impending failure.
achieved by one of three methods: magnetic pickup, Fail to start (overcrank) shutdown - The control system will
battery charging alternator feedback or main alternator indicate a fault if the generator set fails to start by the
output frequency. The control also supports configurable completion of the engine crack sequence.
glow plug control when applicable.
Fail to crank shutdown - Control has signaled starter to
Cycle cranking - Configurable for the number of starting crank engine but engine does not rotate.
cycles (1 to 7) and duration of crank and rest periods.
Cranking lockout - The control will not allow the starter to
Control includes starter protection algorithms to prevent the
operator from specifying a starting sequence that might be attempt to engage or to crank the engine when the engine
is rotating.
Hydro mechanical fuel system engine protection
Time delay start and stop (cooldown) - Configurable for
time delay of 0-300 seconds prior to starting after receiving Overspeed shutdown - Default setting is 115% of nominal.
a remote start signal and for time delay of 0-600 seconds Low lube oil pressure warning/shutdown - Level is
prior to shut down after signal to stop in normal operation pre-set (configurable with InPower) to match the
modes. Default for both time delay periods is 0 seconds. capabilities of the engine used. Control includes time
Alternator control delays to prevent nuisance alarms.
The control includes an integrated line-to-line sensing High lube oil temperature warning/shutdown - Level is pre-
voltage regulation system that is compatible with shunt or set (configurable with InPower) to match the capabilities of
PMG excitation systems. The voltage regulation system is the engine used. Control includes time delays to prevent
full wave rectified and has an SCR output for good motor nuisance alarms.
starting capability. Major system features include: High engine temperature warning/shutdown - Level is pre-
Digital output voltage regulation - Capable of regulating set (configurable with InPower) to match the capabilities of
output voltage to within +/-1.0% for any loads between no the engine used. Control includes time delays to prevent
load and full load. Voltage drift will not exceed +/-1.5% for nuisance alarms.
a 40 ºC (104 ºF) change in temperature in an eight hour Low coolant temperature warning - Indicates that engine
period. On engine starting or sudden load acceptance, temperature may not be high enough for a 10 second start
voltage is controlled to a maximum of 5% overshoot over or proper load acceptance.
nominal level. Sensor failure indication - Logic is provided on the base
The automatic voltage regulator feature can be disabled to control to detect analog sensor or interconnecting wiring
allow the use of an external voltage regulator. failures.
©2019 Cummins Inc. | PDS-1566 | PD00000147 | (09/19)
Full authority electronic engine protection Advanced Functions
Engine fault detection is handled inside the engine ECM.
Fault information is communicated via the SAE-J1939 data Automatic mains failure*
link for annunciation in the HMI The built in AMF feature provides the automatic transfer
Alternator protection and re-transfer of the load from utility to generator set and
High AC voltage shutdown (59) - Output voltage on any
phase exceeds pre-set values. Time to trip is inversely • Automatically starts-stops the generator set in the event
proportional to amount above threshold. Values adjustable of utility failure.
from 105-130% of nominal voltage, with time delay • Annunciates faults.
adjustable from 0.1-10 seconds. Default value is 110% for
10 seconds.
Low AC voltage shutdown (27) - Voltage on any phase has
dropped below a pre-set value. Adjustable over a range of
50-95% of reference voltage, time delay 2-20 seconds.
Default value is 85% for 10 seconds.
Overcurrent warning/shutdown - Implementation of the
thermal damage curve with instantaneous trip level
calculated based on current transformer ratio and
application power rating.

* A utility voltage monitoring sensor (as shown in the AMF
diagram above) must be connected in order to use the AMF
feature on the 1302 control. Use Schneider Electric Relay
RSB1A120U7 and Socket RSZE1S35M.
Exerciser clock
The exerciser clock runs the generator set exerciser
routines for dependability of operation.

Field Control Interface
Under frequency shutdown (81 u) - Generator set output
frequency cannot be maintained. Settings are adjustable Input signals to the base control include:
from 2-10 Hz below nominal governor set point, for a 5-20 - Remote start
second time delay. Default: 6 Hz, 10 seconds. - Local and Emergency stop
Over frequency shutdown/warning (81o) - Generator set is - Configurable inputs: Control includes (4) input signals
operating at a potentially damaging frequency level. from customer discrete devices that are configurable
Settings are adjustable from 2-10 Hz above nominal for warning, shutdown or status indication, as well as
governor set point for a 1-20 second time delay. Default: 6 message displayed.
Hz, 10 seconds, enabled. Output signals from the PowerCommand control
Loss of sensing voltage shutdown - Shutdown of generator include:
set will occur on loss of voltage sensing inputs to the - Configurable relay outputs: Control includes (2) relay
control. output contacts rated at 2 A. These outputs can be
Field overload shutdown - Uses field voltage to shutdown configured to activate on any control warning or
generator set when a field overload condition occurs. shutdown fault as well as ready to load, not in auto,
common alarm, common warning and common
- Ready to load (generator set running) signal:
Operates when the generator set has reached 90% of
rated speed and voltage and latches until generator
set is switched to off or idle mode.
©2019 Cummins Inc. | PDS-1566 | PD00000147 | (09/19)
PowerCommand Human Machine Mechanical Drawing
Interface HMI211

This control system includes an intuitive operator interface
panel that allows for complete genset control as well as Software
system metering, fault annunciation, configuration and
InPower (beyond 6.0 version) is a PC-based software
diagnostics. The interface includes five generator set status
service tool that is designed to directly communicate to
LED lamps with both internationally accepted symbols and
PowerCommand generator sets and transfer switches, to
English text to comply with customer needs. The interface
facilitate service and monitoring of these products.
also includes an LED backlit LCD display with tactile feel
soft-switches for easy operation and screen navigation. It is Environment
configurable for units of measurement and has adjustable
The control is designed for proper operation without
screen contrast and brightness.
recalibration in ambient temperatures from -40 ºC (-40 ºF)
The run/off/auto switch function is integrated into the to +70º C (158 ºF), and for storage from -55 ºC (-67 ºF) to
interface panel. +80 ºC (176 ºF). Control will operate with humidity up to
All data on the control can be viewed by scrolling through 95%, non-condensing.
screens with the navigation keys. The control displays the The HMI is designed for proper operation in ambient
current active fault and a time-ordered history of the five temperatures from -40 ºC* (-40 ºF) to +70 ºC (158 ºF), and
previous faults. for storage from -40 ºC* (-40 ºF) to +80 ºC (176 ºF).
Features The control board is fully encapsulated to provide superior
resistance to dust and moisture. Display panel has a single
• LED indicating lamps:
membrane surface, which is impervious to effects of dust,
- Remote start moisture, oil and exhaust fumes. This panel uses a sealed
- Not in auto membrane to provide long reliable service life in harsh
- Shutdown environments.
- Warning
The control system is specifically designed and tested for
- Auto
resistance to RFI/EMI and to resist effects of vibration to
- Run
provide a long reliable life when mounted on a generator
• 128 x 64 pixels graphic LED backlight LCD. set. The control includes transient voltage surge
• Four tactile feel membrane switches for LCD defined suppression to provide compliance to referenced
operation. The functions of these switches are defined standards.
dynamically on the LCD. * Heater accessory (pn: A040H853) is available for
• Two tactile feel membrane switches dedicated for off and enhanced operation below -20 ºC
• Allows for complete genset control setup.
PowerCommand meets or exceeds the requirements of the
• Certifications: Suitable for use on generator sets that are following codes and standards:
designed, manufactured, tested and certified to relevant
- NFPA 110 for level 1 and 2 systems.
UL, NFPA, ISO, IEC, Mil Std., CE and CSA standards. - ISO 8528-4: 1993 compliance, controls and switchgear.
• HMI 211RS provides convenience for residential use. - CE marking: The control system is suitable for use on
generator sets to be CE-marked.
Communications Connections - EN 50081-1,2 residential/light industrial emissions or
PC tool interface - This RS-485 communication port allows industrial emissions.
- EN 50082-1,2 residential/light industrial or industrial
the HMI to communicate with a personal computer running
InPower. - ISO 7637-2, level 2; DC supply surge voltage test.
This RS-485 communication port allows the HMI to - Mil Std. 202C, Method 101 and ASTM B117: Salt fog test.
communicate with the main control board. - PowerCommand control systems and generator sets are
designed and manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities.
- UL 6200 recognized and suitable for use on UL 2200 Listed
generator sets.
- CSA C282-M1999 compliance.
- CSA 22.2 No. 14 M91 industrial controls.
©2019 Cummins Inc. | PDS-1566 | PD00000147 | (09/19)
All components and subsystems are covered by an express
limited one year warranty. Other optional and extended
factory warranties and local distributor maintenance
agreements are available

1301-1302 Upgrade Kit (HM) 0541-1431
PowerCommand 500 (LAN) A040X126
Remote HMI 211 0541-1394
Remote HMI 211RS A046K103
I/O Expansion (Aux 101) 0541-1291
HMI Heater Accessory Kit A040H853

Parts Ordering Information

1302 Control Board 0327-1617-02
1302 control Board – Arrow A043W505
Aux 104 (Governor Control) 0327-1507
HMI 211 Without Heater 0300-6014
HMI 211 with Heater A026G237

Additional Resources
Resource Where to find
1302 Service Manual QSOL
Accessories Catalog
Additional Controls Information PowerSuite Library

For more information contact your local Cummins

distributor or visit

©2019 Cummins Inc. All rights reserved. Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. PowerCommand, AmpSentry, InPower and “Our energy working for you.” are trademarks of
Cummins Inc. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
PDS-1566 | PD00000147 | (09/19)

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