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issues the

Invitation to Bid No.: PLNG-AMNT-21941

Issue date, February 8th, 2022



1. Invitation to Bid (ITB)

PERU LNG S.R.L. (“Company”) hereby requests a proposal for the provision of maintenance and
proper operation of three Gas Heaters H-1301, H-4101A and H-4101B. Services to be executed during
the Turnaround 2022 as described in the attached Pro Forma Contract.

2. Contents of ITB

Instructions to Bidders

 Instructions to Bidders.
o Bid Acknowledgement Form.
o Schedule 1 – Bid Acknowledgement Form
o Schedule 2 - Exceptions
o Schedule 3 – Form of Proposal.
o Schedule 4 – QHSE Requirements
o Schedule 5 – Bidders Questions Template
o Schedule 6 – Due Diligence Questionnaire
o Schedule 7 – Bidder’s Affidavit for Conflict of Interest
 Pro-forma Contract.
 Vendor Data Form

3. Company Representative and Address

The Representative to whom all written communications must be submitted is: Gigas

Paolo Grillo De Lambarri

Hunt LNG Operating Company S.A.C.
Calle Las Palmeras N° 435, Oficina 302
San Isidro, Lima 27
Phone: (511) 707-2237
Fax: (511) 707-2499

4. Schedule

Issuance of Invitation to Bid February 8th, 2022

Submittal of Bid Acknowledgement Form February 10th, 2022 (5:00pm)
Plant Visit (maximum 02 representatives per Bidder) February 17th, 2022 Deadline
for Bidders’ Questions February 24th, 2022 (5:00pm)
Deadline for Company’s Responses to Bidder’s Questions, March 4th, 2022
Proposal Submittal Deadline March 14th, 2022 (5:00pm)
For the visit to Plant, only two persons by bidder will be allowed and the following information shall
be submitted on February 14th, 2022 (3:00pm):
o DNI scanned copy
o COVID serological test result
o Health statement form (review attached)
o Not be a risk person (Refractory arterial hypertension, diabetes, immunosuppression disease,
chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, cancer, pregnant women, or people over 65 years old)
o Information of the vehicle on which the personnel will arrive and park at the plant.

1. General Information. Bidder shall prepare and submit its proposal in accordance with these Instructions to
Bidders and Pro Forma Contract, including all referenced documents attached hereto.

1.1 Special Instructions: The bidder shall examine in detail all instructions, forms, terms and conditions,
drawings contained in this Invitation to Bid, hence acknowledges them and has satisfied himself as to the
nature of the required Service. Bidder´s technical and commercial proposal shall include and/or
contemplate as minimum the information contained in Sections 2.7 through 2.9 of these instructions.

1.2 Confirmation of Receipt and Expression of Intent. Bidder shall promptly confirm by email, receipt
of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) and express its intention whether or not to submit a proposal via the submittal
of the Bid Acknowledgement Form contained in Schedule 1 within the established Schedule and duly
signed by the Bidder´s Legal Representative.

1.3 Company-Supplied Information and Confidentiality. In preparing its proposal, Bidder shall
consider only the data and information contained in this ITB, any Company authorized modification
thereto, and the Company´s responses to Bidder’s questions. Bidder must keep all such data and
information confidential.

1.4 Bidder’s Questions, Company’s Responses and ITB Modifications. Bidder’s questions must be
submitted to Company Representative via e-mail and shall be received on or before the Deadline for
Bidder’s Questions in the format contained in Schedule 5. Company will respond to Bidder’s questions via
e-mail on or before the Deadline for Company’s Response. All Bidders will receive a written copy of
Bidder’s questions, Company’s responses and any modifications made by Company to this ITB.

1.5 Proposal Submittal Deadline and Uninvited Proposals. Proposals must be received by Company
no later than the Proposal Submittal Deadline. Company does not intend to consider proposals received
after the Proposal Submittal Deadline or proposals received from a party not invited to participate in the
ITB by Company. Proposals submitted to Company shall be considered firm and Bidder shall not make
modifications of the proposals content after its submittal unless specifically requested by Company.

1.6 Proposal Evaluation and Supplementation. The proposal received by Company shall be evaluated
using such criteria as Company, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. Company may request Bidder to
supplement the information in its proposal, and the failure to provide the information requested may result
in the proposal being disqualified. Company, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject any
proposal, to waive non-compliance, and to cancel this ITB at any time for any reason at no cost to
Company. Company reserves the right to award the Service subject of this ITB in its entirety or partially as
it deems necessary.

1.7 Government Contacts or Press Release. Bidder shall not communicate with any Peruvian
governmental agency or authority with relation to this ITB or the Service without the prior written consent
of Company.

1.8 Legal Organization of Bidder and Joint and Several Liabilities. Bidder shall specify in its
proposal its legal form and jurisdiction of organization. If Bidder is a joint venture (whether in the nature of
a partnership, limited liability company or otherwise) or consortium, the proposal shall identify all members
comprising such entity. All members of such entity shall have joint and several liabilities under the
Contract. The proposal shall also identify the member of such entity having overall responsibility and
authority for the Service being proposed by Bidder as per the requirements of these instructions.

1.9 Legal Documentation. Bidder shall provide sufficient legal documentation of the company, joint
venture or consortium and its legal representative, such as by laws and powers of attorney issued within the
last 30 days of the submittal of the proposals, literal copy of Public Registry records, RUC Sheet,
respectively, among other relevant documents that Company may request at any moment.

2.1 Transmittal of Proposals. Bidder shall submit the following in the English language and by no
later than February 16th, 2022 (5:00pm).

1) Commercial Proposal Documents - Ref: PLNG-AMNT-21941 – Heater Maintenance

2) Technical Proposal Documents - Ref: PLNG-AMNT-21941 – Heater Maintenance

2.1 Alternate Proposals. So long as Bidder submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements of this
ITB, Bidder may also submit one or more alternate but separate proposals for performing the Service.

2.2 Irrevocability of the offer: The offer contained in the proposal submitted by Bidder shall be one and
irrevocable, unless prior written consent of the Company, and therefore it shall remain in force during the
entire bidding process until the adjudication of the service. Bidder shall be liable for all damages and losses
resulting from the breach of this clause.

2.3 Exceptions and/or Deviations. Schedule 2 is reserved for Bidder’s exceptions to anything in this ITB
package. Bidder must specifically identify the item or section of the Instructions to Bidders and/or Pro-
Forma Contract to which exception is taken, specify alternate wording requested (including justification)
and advise of the cost impact on Bidder’s proposal if Company rejects said exception. If no attachment
listing exceptions is included with the proposal, it will be conclusively deemed that Bidder has no
exceptions and that all elements of the ITB requirements are accepted. Company does not intend to consider
any proposal that takes exception to or fails to comply with this paragraph 2.4.

2.4 Technical Proposal. The Bidder shall ensure the technical proposal is submitted as per the Schedule 3 -
Form of Proposal attached to these Instructions to Bidders.

2.5 Commercial Proposal: The Bidder shall ensure the commercial proposal is submitted as per the
Schedule 3 - Form of Proposal attached to these Instructions to Bidders.

2.6 Additional Information. Bidder shall consider the following information when preparing its technical
and commercial proposal:

 Proposal validity shall be of a minimum of 90 days.

 Contract term shall be of fifteen (15) days.

2.7 Language. All communication between Bidder and Company shall be in the English language and via the
Company representative stipulated above.

2.8 Due Diligence Questionnaire: Company has a corporate policy to contract exclusively with persons
and legal entities that comply with the laws, regulations, as well as with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
("FCPA"), for its acronym in English, or any other applicable regulation, including but not limited to the
anti-corruption regulations in force in the Republic of Peru. In that sense, within the framework of the
regulations above mentioned, as one of its measures, Company requires that Bidder completes the Due
Diligence Questionnaire (as Schedule 7), this Questionnaire is designed to assist the Company in the
evaluation of proposed contractual relationships with its representatives, agents, joint venture partners, and
any other persons or entities acting for or on behalf of Bidder. The information provided in the Due
Diligence Questionnaire will be treated confidentially and Bidder agrees to be subject to verification of the
veracity of information provided in the Due Diligence Questionnaire.
If Bidder is a company whose principal place of business located outside of the United States of America,
or in connection with services to be performed outside of the United States, it is subject to the requirements
of this section 2.9.

2.10 Affidavit - Conflict of Interest. Company has a Code of Business Conduct for Contractors HRE- 000-
GUD-0002 applicable to its contractors who provide services and/or materials which among others, is
focused on the avoidance and prevention of conflicts of interest. Through this document, the importance of
communicating any issue which could be considered or perceived as a conflict of interest is key.

In that sense, within the framework of the regulations above mentioned, as one of its measures, Company
requires that Bidder completes the Bidders Affidavit for Conflict of Interest (as Schedule
The information provided in the referred Affidavit will be treated as confidential and Bidder agrees to be
subject to verification of the veracity of the information provided in said document.




REFERENCE NO. PLNG-AMNT-21941 – Heater Maintenance

Please sign and return this form promptly via email to

FROM ____________________________________________________________

( _) We acknowledge receipt of the subject Inquiry and all referenced documents.

( _) We will submit a bid to you on or before the following date:

( _) We will not submit a bid. Reason for declining to quote:

We hereby state that the information disclosed by PERU LNG S.R.L. (Company), for purposes of the herein referred
Invitation to Bid, includes certain information which Company considers to be nonpublic, confidential and proprietary
in nature (the "Information"). Therefore, we agree that our company and its Representatives (affiliates, subsidiaries,
directors and workers) shall keep the Information strictly confidential and shall not allow the Information to be
disclosed to others without Company's prior written consent. The obligations of our company under this document shall
not apply to any portion of the Information that (a) is or becomes part of the public domain through no wrongful action
by our company or its Representatives, (b) was rightfully in our Company's possession prior to its being disclosed to
our company or its Representatives by Company, or (c) is legally required to be disclosed by our company or its
Representatives pursuant to a court order or act of any other governmental authorities. At Company's request, upon
completion of the bidding process, Contractor shall return all Information, along with copies thereof, to Company.

Bidder’s Company Name:

Bidder’s Reference Number:

Bidder´s Legal Representative´s Signature:

Bidder´s Legal Representative´s Name:

Bidder´s Legal Representative´s Title:


E-mail Address:





Section/ Statement in Pro-Forma

Cost Impact if Not
Paragraph Contract or Instructions Statement proposed by Bidder Bidder’s reason for deviation
Reference to Bidders
Form of Proposal

Bidder shall organize the proposals as described below:

1. Commercial Proposal

a. All counterpart-originals of the Commercial Proposal must be signed by an officer of

Bidder who has the authority to legally bind Bidder if its proposal is accepted. The
officer signing the proposal must initial each page of each counterpart original.

b. Currency of Proposals and Correction of Pricing Errors. Unless otherwise permitted by

these Instructions or by Company, all money amounts must be proposed in and will be
paid under the Contract in U.S. Dollars. Bidder will not be permitted to vary the
compensation stated in its proposal, except to correct demonstrable clerical or arithmetic
errors, and then only with the express written consent of Company.

c. The lump sum and unit rate proposal to be included shall consider the integral execution
of the services considering the Scope of Service as described in Exhibit A of the Pro
Forma Contract. The commercial proposal shall be divided in 3 sections:

1) Lump sum cost for items 5.1 (Burners Gas Pokers), 5.2 (Radiant and Convection
Zone) and 5.4 (Materials) of Exhibit A of the Contract, including its detailed

2) All-inclusive unit rate cost for item 5.3 of Exhibit A of the Contract:

 Replace brick quarl if significant deterioration has taken place (cracking,

spalling, etc.) located on the radiant floors (Unit rate is per brick quarl).
 Replace the ceramic fiber blankets of the radiant wall (Unit rate is per m2).

2. Technical Proposal

a. Bidder will prepare a work package, which shall include, method of statement or
procedure about how the work will be carried out, including all the activities considered
as part of the scope indicated on the Contract, IPER, environmental aspect and impact
matrix, list of relay testing equipment to be used, Equipment certification, Materials and
consumables, equipment list, drawing and sketch for the equipment arrangement.

b. Bidders shall submit a detailed schedule with all the activities and milestones that will
be declared by the bidder. Including preparation and demobilization activities.

c. Identification of any required subcontractors including pertinent information regarding

company structure, services and materials supplied certification among others.

d. Resumes (CV) and qualification for personnel and supervisors to be assigned during the
performance of the Service. The qualified personnel assigned by Bidders shall have
experience in similar activities. Bidders shall submit the correspondent prove of

e. Completed QHSE Questionnaire as per Schedule 4.

f. Schedule 2 Exceptions (if any).

g. Legal documentation as per Sections 1.8 and 1.9 of these Instructions to Bidders.

h. Bidders shall submit a list of the past experience performing similar jobs.

i. Completed and duly signed Due Diligence Questionnaire as per Schedule 6.


QHSE Questionnaire
( see attached)
Bidder Questions Template
( see attached)
Due Diligence Questionnaire
( see attached)
Bidder´s Affidavit for Conflict of Interest
( see attached)

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