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Computer Hardware MCQ

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1. The stuff would likely break if you 5. Which of the following is not a
threw it out of a fifth-story window is peripheral hardware device in a computer
a. Software
a. Keyboard
b. Firmware
b. Optical Drive
c. Hardware
c. HDD
d. All of above
d. Printer
2. Which of the following is not a
hardware? 6. Identify the network hardware of a
home network
a. Network Switch
a. Access Point
b. Cisco Router
b. NIC Card
c. Firewall
c. Analog Modem
d. Virtual Router
d. FireWire
3. A computer without software is
7. Which of the following is not a network
a. like a book of blank pages hardware?

b. most power to perform tasks quicker a. Network Switch

c. complete human being b. Bridge

d. all of above c. Print Server

4. Which of the following hardware you d. Network Interface Card

usually can’t find inside a CPU Casing?
8. A unit of a computer system that brings
a. Power Supply box data and instructions into the computer

b. Video card a. Input Devices

c. Video display unit b. Encoders

d. Graphics processor c. Processing Unit Devices

d. All of above 13. The two kinds of input devices – direct
input and indirect input devices are
9. Identify the odd one classified based on

a. Tracker ball a. Whether the data conversion is involved

or not
b. Microphone
b. Whether the data is acquired from a
c. Speaker device directly connected to CPU or through
d. Sensors
c. Whether the data is directly input or
10. Graphic Tablet is an retrieved from disk

a. Input Unit Device d. Whether the data is input with or without

human intervention
b. Output Unit Device
14. In which input method the data is
c. Video Processing Device already in machine readable form?

d. None of above a. Direct input method

11. The process of capturing or collecting b. Indirect input method

raw data, at the beginning of computer
based information system, in to a form c. Stored input method
that is usable by the computer for
processing. d. Network input method

a. Input 15. In which input method the data

should be converted into machine
b. Gather readable form so that a computer can
process it?
c.  Acquire
a. Direct input method
d. Process
b. Indirect input method
12. In any information system if the data
is processed right away it is called c. Network input method

a. Batch processing d. Stored input method

b. Online processing 16. A computer key board is a

sophisticated electromechanical
c. Offline processing component designed to create specialized
electronic codes when a key is pressed.
d. Automatic processing What is that electronic codes called?
a. Scan code b. English Scripts

b. Unicode c. Complex Scripts

c. ASCII d. None of above

d. EBCDIC 21. Which is the most common computer

keyboard layout?
17. Keyboard is an example of
a. Direct input method
b. Indirect input method
c. Devorak
c. Network input method
d. Colemark
d. Stored input method
22. QWERTY keyboard layout was
18. In a keyboard, the arrow keys, Home, originally designed
End, PageUp, PageDown keys are known
as a. To improve the typing speed

a. Standard keys b. To make typing more efficient

b. Function keys c. To make typing harder and inefficient

c. Navigation keys d. To improve the typing accuracy

d. Special purpose keys 23. Which of the following describes the

types of keyboards?
19. In a computer keyboard the Alt, Ctrl,
Shift, Del & Insert keys are known as a. QWERTY, Devorak, Colemark, JCUKEN

a. Standard keys b. XT, AT, Enhanced, Windows

b. Function keys c. Both of above

c. Navigation keys d. None of above

d. Special purpose keys 24. Which of the following keyboard have

83 keys?
20. Devorak, Colemark, JCUKEN are
some keyboard layouts for which scripts? a. XT keyboards

a. Latin Scripts b. AT keyboards

c. Enhanced keyboards c. Joysticks

d. Windows keyboards d. Plotter

25. Which of the following type of 29. Which of the following type of mouse
keyboard introduced the contain a ball on
SysRq (System Request) key? its underside and sensors to detect
direction of ball movement?
a. XT keyboards
a. Mechanical mouse
b. AT keyboards
b. Opto-mechanical mouse
c. Enhanced keyboards
c. Optical mouse
d. Windows keyboards
d. None of above
26. Which type of computer keyboard
contain 101 to 106 keys? 30. What is the difference between
mechanical mouse and opto-mechanical
a. XT keyboards mouse?

b. AT keyboards a. Mechanical mouse is connected with wire

but opto-mechanical
c. Enhanced keyboards mouse are wireless

d. Windows keyboards b. Mechanical mouse has a ball on its

underside but
27. Which key was added in Windows opto-mechanical don’t have
c. Mechanical mouse has only 2 buttons
a. SysRq while opto-mechanical
mouse have 3 buttons.
b. CapsLock
d. All of the above
c. Menu key
31. Cordless mouse or wireless mouse
d. None of above connects to the computer
28. The most common input device to
control the movement of a. Infrared light
the cursor on the screen?
b. Radio wave
a. Arrow keys
c. Both of above
b. Mouse
d. None of above
32. What is the device that captures 36. The scanning technology that makes it
images from photographic possible to
prints for computer editing and display? recognize handwritten data when there is
usually space among characters is
a. Scanner
a. OMR
b. Printer
b. ICR
c. Camera
d. All of above
d. OCR
33. Which of the following is not a type of
scanner? 37. We use following scanner to recognize
the printed and
a. Hand held scanner typed texts

b. Feed-in scanner a. OMR

c. Flatbed scanner b. OCR

d. None of above c. MICR

34. Which of the following is a scanning d. None of above

38. The scanner used to verify the
a. OCR signatures written by
magnetic ink in banks is
b. OMR
a. OMR
c. BCR
b. OCR
d. All of above
35. The scanning technology that allows
to read the check d. None of above
boxes affixed in predefined space is
39. A unit that receives information from
a. OCR CPU and converts
into suitable human readable form is
b. OMR
a. Input Unit
c. BCR
b. Output Unit
d. None of above
c. Processing Unit
d. Language Translator 44. Which of the following technology
can’t be used to build
40. A computer monitor is also called a flat panel display monitors?

a. VDT a. LCDs

b. VDU b. Gas Plasma Display

c. CRT c. CRT

d. None of above d. LED

41. Text and images are displayed on 45. Which of the following printer can
monitor by individual print a single
dots called character at a time?

a. Cursor a. Serial printer

b. Pixels b. Line printer

c. CRT c. Page printer

d. LED d. Impact printer

42. Specialized vacuum tube in which 46. Which of the following printer is
images are produced when suitable to print
an electron beam strikes a multiple carbon copies at once?
phosphorescent surface is
a. Impact Printer
a. CRT
b. Laser Printer
b. LED
c. Inkjet Printer
c. LCD
d. All of above
d. All of above
47. Identify the printer that uses a kind of
43. The full form of EGA is hub having set
of spokes at the margin of the hub. When
a. Enhanced Graphics Adapter the required character is aligned to
the print hammer, the character is then
b. Extended Graphics Adapter struck into the ribbon to produce
character on paper.
c. Enhanced Graphics Array
a. Inkjet printer
d. Extended Graphics Array
b. Dot matrix printer b. Flatbed plotter

c. Line printer c. Hand-held plotter

d. Daisy wheel printer d. None of above

48. The printing technology in which one 52. What is there in system unit that holds
or more color of ink a microprocessor
is sprayed at high speed onto the paper is chip, memory chips and expansion slots?

a. Laser Printer a. Slots

b. Ink Jet Printer b. Ports

c. Dot Matrix Printer c. Mother Board

d. Chain Printer d. Daughter Board

49. Which company introduced the first 53. Motherboard contains circuitry that
desktop laser printer connects
called LaserJet? microprocessor with memory and other
parts. What’s the circuitry called?
a. Compaq
a. Bus
b. Hewlett-Packard
b. Traffic
c. Epson
c. Data Path
d. Cannon
d. None of above
50. A special-purpose output device that
draws images with 54. Which of the following is not there in
ink pens is motherboard?

a. Inkjet Printers a. System Clock

b. Laser Printers b. Buses

c. Plotter c. Ports

d. Light Pen d. VDT

51. Which of the following is not a type of 55. The expansion slots or sockets accept
plotter additional
expansion cards often known as
a. Drum plotter
a. Motherboard c. CMOS RAM

b. Daughterboard d. EEPROM

c. Chips 60. Memory chips are mounted on a

circuit board usually known
d. None of above as

56. Motorola and Intel are well-known a. Memory Expansion Card

companies to produce
b. Memory Slot
a. Motherboards
c. Memory Bank
b. Daughterborads
d. Memory Module
c. Microprocessors
61. A kind of memory chip that stores
d. None of above data and instructions permanently is
a. ROM
57. Intel Pentium chip uses b. SRAM
a. CISC design d. RAM
b. RISC design
62. Which of the following ROM is most
c. Both of above convenient to rewrite?
d. None of above b. EEPROM
58. RAM & ROM are classified based on d. DRAM

a. Data storage is temporary or permanent 63. Which of the following port is used to
connect DB-25 pin Modems or Scanners?
b. Data access is random or sequential a. Serial Ports
b. Parallel Port
c. Data retrieval is quicker or slower c. PS/2 Port
d. USB Port
d. Data removal is automatic or manual
64. A disk is divided into several
59. Which of the following memory is
concentric circles called
most volatile?
a. Track
b. Sector
c. Cylinder
d. Cluster
65. The time taken to move an access arm 71. Which of the following is not an
to a certain track on a disk is optical storage medium?
a. Seek Time a. CDs
b. Head Switching Time b. DVDs
c. Search Time c. Blu Ray
d. Data Transfer time d. Memory Sticks

66. The rotational delay time or latency 72. A standard CD ROM can hold data
time is also known as up to
a. Seek Time a. 1.44 MB
b. Head Switching Time b. 650 MB
c. Search Time c. 2 GB
d. Data Transfer time d. 1 TB

67. Which of the following is not a 73. IBM introduced the first 8” floppy
magnetic storage medium? disk in 1971 which could store
a. Floppy Disk a. 100 KB
b. Hard Disk b. 164 KB
c. Digital Versatile Disks c. 512 KB
d. Cassettes and Cartridges d. 1.44 MB

68. Which of the following term do not 74. The storage capacity of a floppy disk
refer to an expansion card? is measured in
a. Controller Cards a. KB
b. Adapters b. MB
c. Daughterboard c. GB
d. Motherboard d. TB

69. Which of the following port is better 75. The storage capacity of a hard disk is
suitable to support high speed graphics measured in
and other video input? a. KB
a. VGA Port b. MB
b. SVGA Port c. GB
c. AGP Port d. TB
d. PS/2 Port
76. What is the suitable output device for
70. Which device in microprocessor stores CAE, CAD and CAM?
the data to be processed? a. Dot Matrix Printers
a. ROM b. Laser Printers
b. RAM c. Plotters
c. Registers d. Projectors
d. ALU
77. Which of the following printer
produces most noise?
a. Dot Matrix Printer 79. A cluster of red, green and blue diodes
b. Inkjet Printer is driven together to form a full-color
c. Laser Printer pixel in a
d. None of above a. LCD Monitor
b. LED Monitor
78. To record and produce sound in a c. CRT Monitor
computer system you need d. Monochrome Monitor
a. Microphone
b. Speakers 80. The temporary output of a computer
c. Sound card system is called
d. All of above a. Hardcopy output
b. Softcopy output
c. Computer Printout
d. None of above

Correct Answers

1-c 2-d 3-a 4-c 5-c 6-a 7-d 8-a 9-c 10-a

11-a 12-b 13-a 14-a 15-b 16-a 17-b 18-c 19-d 20-a

21-a 22-c 23-b 24-a 25-b 26-c 27-c 28-b 29-a 30-b

31-c 32-a 33-d 34-d 35-b 36-b 37-b 38-c 39-b 40-b

41-b 42-a 43-a 44-c 45-a 46-a 47-d 48-b 49-b 50-c

51-c 52-c 53-a 54-d 55-b 56-c 57-a 58-a 59-b 60-d

61-a 62-c 63-a 64-a 65-a 66-c 67-c 68-c 69-c 70-c

71-d 72-b 73-a 74-b 75-c 76-c 77-a 78-d 79-b 80-b

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