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The document discusses Python concepts like variables, data types, functions, files etc. and provides examples of questions and explanations related to these topics.

Python provides two built-in functions to read a line of text from standard input, which by default comes from the keyboard. These functions are: raw_input and input

Sets the file’s current position at the offset. The method seek() sets the file’s current position at the offset.

1. Is Python case sensitive when dealing with identifiers?

a) yes
b) no
c) machine dependent
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Case is always significant.
2. What is the maximum possible length of an identifier?
a) 31 characters
b) 63 characters
c) 79 characters
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Identifiers can be of any length.
3. Which of the following is invalid?
a) _a = 1
b) __a = 1
c) __str__ = 1
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: All the statements will execute successfully but at the cost of reduced readability.

4. Which of the following is an invalid variable?

a) my_string_1
b) 1st_string
c) foo
d) _

Answer: b
Explanation: Variable names should not start with a number.
5. Why are local variable names beginning with an underscore discouraged?
a) they are used to indicate a private variables of a class
b) they confuse the interpreter
c) they are used to indicate global variables
d) they slow down execution

Answer: a
Explanation: As Python has no concept of private variables, leading underscores are used to indicate variables that
must not be accessed from outside the class.
6. Which of the following is not a keyword?
a) eval
b) assert
c) nonlocal
d) pass

Answer: a
Explanation: eval can be used as a variable.
7. All keywords in Python are in _________
a) lower case
c) Capitalized
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: True, False and None are capitalized while the others are in lower case.
8. Which of the following is true for variable names in Python?
a) unlimited length
b) all private members must have leading and trailing underscores
c) underscore and ampersand are the only two special characters allowed
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Variable names can be of any length.
9. Which of the following is an invalid statement?
a) abc = 1,000,000
b) a b c = 1000 2000 3000
c) a,b,c = 1000, 2000, 3000
d) a_b_c = 1,000,000

Answer: b
Explanation: Spaces are not allowed in variable names.
10. Which of the following cannot be a variable?
a) __init__
b) in
c) it
d) on

Answer: b
Explanation: in is a keyword.

Which of these in not a core data type?

a) Lists
b) Dictionary
c) Tuples
d) Class

Answer: d
Explanation: Class is a user defined data type.
2. Given a function that does not return any value, What value is thrown by default when executed in shell.
a) int
b) bool
c) void
d) None

Answer: d
Explanation: Python shell throws a NoneType object back.
3. What will be the output of the following Python code?


a) he
b) lo
c) olleh
d) hello

Answer: a
Explanation: We are printing only the 1st two bytes of string and hence the answer is “he”.
4. Which of the following will run without errors?
a) round(45.8)
b) round(6352.898,2,5)
c) round()
d) round(7463.123,2,1)

Answer: a
Explanation: Execute help(round) in the shell to get details of the parameters that are passed into the round function.

5. What is the return type of function id?

a) int
b) float
c) bool
d) dict

Answer: a
Explanation: Execute help(id) to find out details in python returns a integer value that is unique.
6. In python we do not specify types, it is directly interpreted by the compiler, so consider the following operation to
be performed.

>>>x = 13 ? 2
objective is to make sure x has a integer value, select all that apply (python 3.xx)
a) x = 13 // 2
b) x = int(13 / 2)
c) x = 13 % 2
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: // is integer operation in python 3.0 and int(..) is a type cast operator.
7. What error occurs when you execute the following Python code snippet?

apple = mango
a) SyntaxError
b) NameError
c) ValueError
d) TypeError

Answer: b
Explanation: Mango is not defined hence name error.
8. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

def example(a):
a = a + '2'
a = a*2
return a
a) indentation Error
b) cannot perform mathematical operation on strings
c) hello2
d) hello2hello2

Answer: a
Explanation: Python codes have to be indented properly.
9. What data type is the object below?

L = [1, 23, 'hello', 1]

a) list
b) dictionary
c) array
d) tuple

Answer: a
Explanation: List data type can store any values within it.
10. In order to store values in terms of key and value we use what core data type.
a) list
b) tuple
c) class
d) dictionary

Answer: d
Explanation: Dictionary stores values in terms of keys and values.
11. Which of the following results in a SyntaxError?
a) ‘”Once upon a time…”, she said.’
b) “He said, ‘Yes!'”
c) ‘3\’
d) ”’That’s okay”’

Answer: c
Explanation: Carefully look at the colons.
12. The following is displayed by a print function call. Select all of the function calls that result in this output.


b) print(”’tomdickharry”’)
c) print(‘tom\ndick\nharry’)


nswer: c
Explanation: The \n adds a new line.
13. What is the average value of the following Python code snippet?

>>>grade1 = 80
>>>grade2 = 90
>>>average = (grade1 + grade2) / 2
a) 85.0
b) 85.1
c) 95.0
d) 95.1

Answer: a
Explanation: Cause a decimal value of 0 to appear as output.
14. Select all options that print.

a) print(‘hello’, ‘how’, ‘are’, ‘you’)
b) print(‘hello’, ‘how’, ‘are’, ‘you’ + ‘-‘ * 4)
c) print(‘hello-‘ + ‘how-are-you’)
d) print(‘hello’ + ‘-‘ + ‘how’ + ‘-‘ + ‘are’ + ‘you’)

Answer: c
Explanation: Execute in the shell.
15. What is the return value of trunc()?
a) int
b) bool
c) float
d) None

Answer: a
Explanation: Execute help(math.trunc) to get details.

1. Which is the correct operator for power(xy)?

a) X^y
b) X**y
c) X^^y
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: In python, power operator is x**y i.e. 2**3=8.
2. Which one of these is floor division?
a) /
b) //
c) %
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: When both of the operands are integer then python chops out the fraction part and gives you the round
off value, to get the accurate answer use floor division. This is floor division. For ex, 5/2 = 2.5 but both of the opera
nds are integer so answer of this expression in python is 2. To get the 2.5 answer, use floor division.
3. What is the order of precedence in python?
i) Parentheses
ii) Exponential
iii) Multiplication
iv) Division
v) Addition
vi) Subtraction
a) i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi
b) ii,i,iii,iv,v,vi
c) ii,i,iv,iii,v,vi
d) i,ii,iii,iv,vi,v

Answer: a
Explanation: For order of precedence, just remember this PEMDAS (similar to BODMAS).

4. What is the answer to this expression, 22 % 3 is?

a) 7
b) 1
c) 0
d) 5

Answer: b
Explanation: Modulus operator gives the remainder. So, 22%3 gives the remainder, that is, 1.
5. Mathematical operations can be performed on a string.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: You can’t perform mathematical operation on string even if the string is in the form: ‘1234…’.
6. Operators with the same precedence are evaluated in which manner?
a) Left to Right
b) Right to Left
c) Can’t say
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: None.
7. What is the output of this expression, 3*1**3?
a) 27
b) 9
c) 3
d) 1

Answer: c
Explanation: First this expression will solve 1**3 because exponential has higher precedence than multiplication, so
1**3 = 1 and 3*1 = 3. Final answer is 3.
8. Which one of the following has the same precedence level?
a) Addition and Subtraction
b) Multiplication, Division and Addition
c) Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction
d) Addition and Multiplication

Answer: a
Explanation: “Addition and Subtraction” are at the same precedence level. Similarly, “Multiplication and Division”
are at the same precedence level. However, Multiplication and Division operators are at a higher precedence level th
an Addition and Subtraction operators.
9. The expression Int(x) implies that the variable x is converted to integer.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: None.
10. Which one of the following has the highest precedence in the expression?
a) Exponential
b) Addition
c) Multiplication
d) Parentheses

Answer: d
Explanation: Just remember: PEMDAS, that is, Parenthesis, Exponentiation, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Sub
traction. Note that the precedence order of Division and Multiplication is the same. Likewise, the order of Addition a
nd Subtraction is also the same.

1. What is the output of print 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3?

a) True
b) False
c) Machine dependent
d) Error

Answer: b
Explanation: Neither of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 can be represented accurately in binary. The round off errors from 0.1 and 0
.2 accumulate and hence there is a difference of 5.5511e-17 between (0.1 + 0.2) and 0.3.
2. Which of the following is not a complex number?
a) k = 2 + 3j
b) k = complex(2, 3)
c) k = 2 + 3l
d) k = 2 + 3J

Answer: c
Explanation: l (or L) stands for long.
3. What is the type of inf?
a) Boolean
b) Integer
c) Float
d) Complex

Answer: c
Explanation: Infinity is a special case of floating point numbers. It can be obtained by float(‘inf’).

4. What does ~4 evaluate to?

a) -5
b) -4
c) -3
d) +3

Answer: a
Explanation: ~x is equivalent to -(x+1).
5. What does ~~~~~~5 evaluate to?
a) +5
b) -11
c) +11
d) -5

Answer: a
Explanation: ~x is equivalent to -(x+1).
~~x = – (-(x+1) + 1) = (x+1) – 1 = x
~~x is equivalent to x
Extrapolating further ~~~~~~x would be same as x in the final result.
In the question, x value is given as 5 and “~” is repeated 6 times. So, the correct answer for “~~~~~~5” is 5.
6. Which of the following is incorrect?
a) x = 0b101
b) x = 0x4f5
c) x = 19023
d) x = 03964

Answer: d
Explanation: Numbers starting with a 0 are octal numbers but 9 isn’t allowed in octal numbers.
7. What is the result of cmp(3, 1)?
a) 1
b) 0
c) True
d) False

Answer: a
Explanation: cmp(x, y) returns 1 if x > y, 0 if x == y and -1 if x < y.
8. Which of the following is incorrect?
a) float(‘inf’)
b) float(‘nan’)
c) float(’56’+’78’)
d) float(’12+34′)

Answer: d
Explanation: ‘+’ cannot be converted to a float.
9. What is the result of round(0.5) – round(-0.5)?
a) 1.0
b) 2.0
c) 0.0
d) Value depends on Python version

Answer: d
Explanation: The behavior of the round() function is different in Python 2 and Python 3. In Python 2, it rounds off n
umbers away from 0 when the number to be rounded off is exactly halfway through. round(0.5) is 1 and round(-0.5)
is -1 whereas in Python 3, it rounds off numbers towards nearest even number when the number to be rounded off is
exactly halfway through. See the below output.
Here’s the runtime output for Python version 2.7 interpreter.

$ python
Python 2.7.17 (default, Nov 7 2019, 10:07:09)
>>> round(0.5)
>>> round(-0.5)
In the above output, you can see that the round() functions on 0.5 and -0.5 are moving away from 0 and hence “roun
d(0.5) – (round(-0.5)) = 1 – (-1) = 2”

Here’s the runtime output for Python version 3.6 interpreter.

$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Oct 7 2019, 12:59:55)
>>> round(0.5)
>>> round(-0.5)
>>> round(2.5)
>>> round(3.5)
In the above output, you can see that the round() functions on 0.5 and -0.5 are moving towards 0 and hence “round(0
.5) – (round(-0.5)) = 0 – 0 = 0“. Also note that the round(2.5) is 2 (which is an even number) whereas round(3.5) is 4
(which is an even number).
10. What does 3 ^ 4 evaluate to?
a) 81
b) 12
c) 0.75
d) 7

Answer: d
Explanation: ^ is the Binary XOR operator.

1. The value of the expressions 4/(3*(2-1)) and 4/3*(2-1) is the same.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Although the presence of parenthesis does affect the order of precedence, in the case shown above, it is
not making a difference. The result of both of these expressions is 1.333333333. Hence the statement is true.
2. What will be the value of the following Python expression?

a) 4
b) 7
c) 2
d) 0

Answer: b
Explanation: The order of precedence is: %, +. Hence the expression above, on simplification results in 4 + 3 = 7. H
ence the result is 7.

3. Evaluate the expression given below if A = 16 and B = 15.

A % B // A
a) 0.0
b) 0
c) 1.0
d) 1

Answer: b
Explanation: The above expression is evaluated as: 16%15//16, which is equal to 1//16, which results in 0.
4. Which of the following operators has its associativity from right to left?
a) +
b) //
c) %
d) **

Answer: d
Explanation: All of the operators shown above have associativity from left to right, except exponentiation operator (
**) which has its associativity from right to left.
5. What will be the value of x in the following Python expression?

x = int(43.55+2/2)
a) 43
b) 44
c) 22
d) 23

Answer: b
Explanation: The expression shown above is an example of explicit conversion. It is evaluated as int(43.55+1) = int(
44.55) = 44. Hence the result of this expression is 44.
6. What is the value of the following expression?

2+4.00, 2**4.0
a) (6.0, 16.0)
b) (6.00, 16.00)
c) (6, 16)
d) (6.00, 16.0)

Answer: a
Explanation: The result of the expression shown above is (6.0, 16.0). This is because the result is automatically roun
ded off to one decimal place.
7. Which of the following is the truncation division operator?
a) /
b) %
c) //
d) |

Answer: c
Explanation: // is the operator for truncation division. It is called so because it returns only the integer part of the quo
tient, truncating the decimal part. For example: 20//3 = 6.
8. What are the values of the following Python expressions?

a) 64, 512, 64
b) 64, 64, 64
c) 512, 512, 512
d) 512, 64, 512
Answer: d
Explanation: Expression 1 is evaluated as: 2**9, which is equal to 512. Expression 2 is evaluated as 8**2, which is
equal to 64. The last expression is evaluated as 2**(3**2). This is because the associativity of ** operator is from ri
ght to left. Hence the result of the third expression is 512.
9. What is the value of the following expression?

8/4/2, 8/(4/2)
a) (1.0, 4.0)
b) (1.0, 1.0)
c) (4.0. 1.0)
d) (4.0, 4.0)

Answer: a
Explanation: The above expressions are evaluated as: 2/2, 8/2, which is equal to (1.0, 4.0).
10. What is the value of the following expression?

a) 8
b) 8.0
c) 8.3
d) 8.33

Answer: b
Explanation: The expression shown above is evaluated as: float( 7+1) = float(8) = 8.0. Hence the result of this expre
ssion is 8.0.

1. What will be the output of the following Python expression?

a) Error
b) 1.0
c) 1.00
d) 1

Answer: b
Explanation: The result of the expression shown above is 1.0 because print rounds off digits.
2. What will be the value of X in the following Python expression?

X = 2+9*((3*12)-8)/10
a) 30.0
b) 30.8
c) 28.4
d) 27.2

Answer: d
Explanation: The expression shown above is evaluated as: 2+9*(36-8)/10, which simplifies to give 2+9*(2.8), which
is equal to 2+25.2 = 27.2. Hence the result of this expression is 27.2.
3. Which of the following expressions involves coercion when evaluated in Python?
a) 4.7 – 1.5
b) 7.9 * 6.3
c) 1.7 % 2
d) 3.4 + 4.6

Answer: c
Explanation: Coercion is the implicit (automatic) conversion of operands to a common type. Coercion is automatical
ly performed on mixed-type expressions. The expression 1.7 % 2 is evaluated as 1.7 % 2.0 (that is, automatic conver
sion of int to float).
4. What will be the output of the following Python expression?

24//6%3, 24//4//2
a) (1,3)
b) (0,3)
c) (1,0)
d) (3,1)

Answer: a
Explanation: The expressions are evaluated as: 4%3 and 6//2 respectively. This results in the answer (1,3). This is be
cause the associativity of both of the expressions shown above is left to right.
5. Which among the following list of operators has the highest precedence?

+, -, **, %, /, <<, >>, |

a) <<, >>
b) **
c) |
d) %

Answer: b
Explanation: The highest precedence is that of the exponentiation operator, that is of **.
6. What will be the value of the following Python expression?

a) 5.0
b) 5
c) 4.0
d) 4

Answer: c
Explanation: The above expression is an example of explicit conversion. It is evaluated as: float(4+int(2.39)%2) = fl
oat(4+2%2) = float(4+0) = 4.0. Hence the result of this expression is 4.0.
7. Which of the following expressions is an example of type conversion?
a) 4.0 + float(3)
b) 5.3 + 6.3
c) 5.0 + 3
d) 3 + 7

Answer: a
Explanation: Type conversion is nothing but explicit conversion of operands to a specific type. Options 5.3 + 6.3 an
d 5.0 + 3 are examples of implicit conversion whereas option 4.0 + float(3) is an example of explicit conversion or t
ype conversion.
8. Which of the following expressions results in an error?
a) float(‘10’)
b) int(‘10’)
c) float(’10.8’)
d) int(’10.8’)

Answer: d
Explanation: All of the above examples show explicit conversion. However the expression int(’10.8’) results in an er
9. What will be the value of the following Python expression?

a) 3
b) 7
c) 77
d) 0

Answer: b
Explanation: The order of precedence is: **, //, +. The expression 4+2**5//10 is evaluated as 4+32//10, which is equ
al to 4+3 = 7. Hence the result of the expression shown above is 7.
10. The expression 2**2**3 is evaluates as: (2**2)**3.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The value of the expression (2**2)**3 = 4**3 = 64. When the expression 2**2**3 is evaluated in pyth
on, we get the result as 256, because this expression is evaluated as 2**(2**3). This is because the associativity of e
xponentiation operator (**) is from right to left and not from left to right.

1. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet if x=1?

a) 8
b) 1
c) 2
d) 4

Answer: d
Explanation: The binary form of 1 is 0001. The expression x<<2 implies we are performing bitwise left shift on x. T
his shift yields the value: 0100, which is the binary form of the number 4.
2. What will be the output of the following Python expression?

a) ‘0b10111’
b) ‘0b11101’
c) ‘0b11111’
d) ‘0b11011’

Answer: b
Explanation: The binary form of the number 29 is 11101. Hence the output of this expression is ‘0b11101’.
3. What will be the value of x in the following Python expression, if the result of that expression is 2?

a) 8
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1

Answer: a
Explanation: When the value of x is equal to 8 (1000), then x>>2 (bitwise right shift) yields the value 0010, which is
equal to 2. Hence the value of x is 8.
4. What will be the output of the following Python expression?

a) 1011
b) 11
c) 13
d) 1101

Answer: a
Explanation: The result of the expression shown will be 1011. This is because we have not specified the base in this
expression. Hence it automatically takes the base as 10.
5. To find the decimal value of 1111, that is 15, we can use the function:
a) int(1111,10)
b) int(‘1111’,10)
c) int(1111,2)
d) int(‘1111’,2)

Answer: d
Explanation: The expression int(‘1111’,2) gives the result 15. The expression int(‘1111’, 10) will give the result 111
6. What will be the output of the following Python expression if x=15 and y=12?

a) b1101
b) 0b1101
c) 12
d) 1101

Answer: c
Explanation: The symbol ‘&’ represents bitwise AND. This gives 1 if both the bits are equal to 1, else it gives 0. Th
e binary form of 15 is 1111 and that of 12 is 1100. Hence on performing the bitwise AND operation, we get 1100, w
hich is equal to 12.
7. Which of the following expressions results in an error?
a) int(1011)
b) int(‘1011’,23)
c) int(1011,2)
d) int(‘1011’)

Answer: c
Explanation: The expression int(1011,2) results in an error. Had we written this expression as int(‘1011’,2), then the
re would not be an error.
8. Which of the following represents the bitwise XOR operator?
a) &
b) ^
c) |
d) !
Answer: b
Explanation: The ^ operator represent bitwise XOR operation. &: bitwise AND, | : bitwise OR and ! represents bitwi
se NOT.
9. What is the value of the following Python expression?

a) ‘0bx1000’
b) 8
c) 1000
d) ‘0b1000’

Answer: d
Explanation: The prefix 0x specifies that the value is hexadecimal in nature. When we convert this hexadecimal valu
e to binary form, we get the result as: ‘0b1000’.
10. What will be the output of the following Python expression?

0x35 | 0x75
a) 115
b) 116
c) 117
d) 118

Answer: c
Explanation: The binary value of 0x35 is 110101 and that of 0x75 is 1110101. On OR-ing these two values we get t
he output as: 1110101, which is equal to 117. Hence the result of the above expression is 117.

1. It is not possible for the two’s complement value to be equal to the original value in any case.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: In most cases the value of two’s complement is different from the original value. However, there are ca
ses in which the two’s complement value may be equal to the original value. For example, the two’s complement of
10000000 is also equal to 10000000. Hence the statement is false.
2. The one’s complement of 110010101 is:
a) 001101010
b) 110010101
c) 001101011
d) 110010100

Answer: a
Explanation: The one’s complement of a value is obtained by simply changing all the 1’s to 0’s and all the 0’s to 1’s
. Hence the one’s complement of 110010101 is 001101010.

3. Bitwise _________ gives 1 if either of the bits is 1 and 0 when both of the bits are 1.
a) OR
b) AND
c) XOR
d) NOT

Answer: c
Explanation: Bitwise XOR gives 1 if either of the bits is 1 and 0 when both of the bits are 1.

4. What will be the output of the following Python expression?

a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 12

Answer: c
Explanation: ^ is the XOR operator. The binary form of 4 is 0100 and that of 12 is 1100. Therefore, 0100^1100 is 10
00, which is equal to 8.

5. Any odd number on being AND-ed with ________ always gives 1. Hint: Any even number on being AND-ed wit
h this value always gives 0.
a) 10
b) 2
c) 1
d) 0

Answer: c
Explanation: Any odd number on being AND-ed with 1 always gives 1. Any even number on being AND-ed with th
is value always gives 0.

6. What will be the value of the following Python expression?

a) 0b10000
b) 0b10001000
c) 0b1000b1000
d) 0b10000b1000

Answer: d
Explanation: The output of bin(10-2) = 0b1000 and that of bin(12^4) is ob1000. Hence the output of the above expre
ssion is: 0b10000b1000.
7. Which of the following expressions can be used to multiply a given number ‘a’ by 4?
a) a<<2
b) a<<4
c) a>>2
d) a>>4

Answer: a
Explanation: Let us consider an example wherein a=2. The binary form of 2 is 0010. When we left shift this value b
y 2, we get 1000, the value of which is 8. Hence if we want to multiply a given number ‘a’ by 4, we can use the expr
ession: a<<2.

8. What will be the output of the following Python code if a=10 and b =20?

a) 10 20
b) 10 10
c) 20 10
d) 20 20

Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above is used to swap the contents of two memory locations using bitwise X0R operat
or. Hence the output of the code shown above is: 20 10.
9. What is the two’s complement of -44?
a) 1011011
b) 11010100
c) 11101011
d) 10110011

Answer: b
Explanation: The binary form of -44 is 00101100. The one’s complement of this value is 11010011. On adding one t
o this we get: 11010100 (two’s complement).
10. What will be the output of the following Python expression?

a) 101
b) -101
c) 100
d) -100

Answer: b
Explanation: Suppose we have an expression ~A. This is evaluated as: -A – 1. Therefore, the expression ~100 is eva
luated as -100 – 1, which is equal to -101.

1. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?








Answer: d
Explanation: The Boolean function returns true if the argument passed to the bool function does not amount to zero.
In the first example, the string ‘False’ is passed to the function bool. This does not amount to zero and hence the out
put is true. In the second function, an empty list is passed to the function bool. Hence the output is false.

2. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?


['hello', 'morning'][bool('')]
a) error
b) no output
c) hello
d) morning

Answer: c
Explanation: The line of code shown above can be simplified to state that ‘hello’ should be printed if the argument p
assed to the Boolean function amounts to zero, else ‘morning’ will be printed.

3. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?





Answer: b
Explanation: The function not returns true if the argument amounts to false, and false if the argument amounts to tru
e. Hence the first function returns false, and the second function returns false.

4. What will be the output of the following Python code?

['f', 't'][bool('spam')]
a) t
b) f
c) No output
d) Error

Answer: a
Explanation: The line of code can be translated to state that ‘f’ is printed if the argument passed to the Boolean funct
ion amount to zero. Else ‘t’ is printed. The argument given to the Boolean function in the above case is ‘spam’, whic
h does not amount to zero. Hence the output is t.
5. What will be the output of the following Python code?

l=[1, 0, 2, 0, 'hello', '', []]

list(filter(bool, l))
a) Error
b) [1, 0, 2, 0, ‘hello’, ”, []]
c) [1, 0, 2, ‘hello’, ”, []]
d) [1, 2, ‘hello’]

Answer: d
Explanation: The code shown above returns a new list containing only those elements of the list l which do not amo
unt to zero. Hence the output is: [1, 2, ‘hello’].
6. What will be the output of the following Python code if the system date is 21st June, 2017 (Wednesday)?

[] or {}
{} or []




Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above shows two functions. In both the cases the right operand is returned. This is bec
ause each function is evaluated from left to right. Since the left operand is false, it is assumed that the right operand
must be true and hence the right operand is returned in each of the above case.

7. What will be the output of the following Python code?

class Truth:
a) pass
b) true
c) false
d) error

Answer: b
Explanation: If the truth method is not defined, the object is considered true. Hence the output of the code shown ab
ove is true.
8. What will be the output of the following Python code?

if (9 < 0) and (0 < -9):

elif (9 > 0) or False:
a) error
b) hello
c) good
d) bad

Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above prints the appropriate option depending on the conditions given. The condition
which matches is (9>0), and hence the output is: good.
9. Which of the following Boolean expressions is not logically equivalent to the other three?
a) not(-6<0 or-6>10)
b) -6>=0 and -6<=10
c) not(-6<10 or-6==10)
d) not(-6>10 or-6==10)

Answer: d
Explanation: The expression not(-6<0 or -6>10) returns the output False.
The expression -6>=0 and -6<=10 returns the output False.
The expression not(-6<10 or -6==10) returns the output False.
The expression not(-6>10 or -6==10) returns the output True.
10. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

not(10<20) and not(10>30)

a) True
b) False
c) Error
d) No output

Answer: b
Explanation: The expression not(10<20) returns false. The expression not(10>30) returns true. The and operation bet
ween false and true returns false. Hence the output is false.

1. What will be the output of the following Python code?


'first={0[0]}, third={0[2]}'.format(l)
a) ‘first=H, third=L’
b) ‘first=0, third=2’
c) Error
d) ‘first=0, third=L’

Answer: a
Explanation: In the code shown above, the value for first is substituted by l[0], that is H and the value for third is sub
stituted by l[2], that is L. Hence the output of the code shown above is: ‘first=H, third=L’. The list l= [‘H’, ‘E’, ‘L’, ‘
L’, ‘O’].

2. What will be the output of the following Python code?

p=l[0], l[-1], l[1:3]
'a={0}, b={1}, c={2}'.format(*p)
a) Error
b) “a=’H’, b=’O’, c=(E, L)”
c) “a=H, b=O, c=[‘E’, ‘L’]”
d) Junk value

Answer: c
Explanation: In the code shown above, the value for a is substituted by l[0], that is ‘H’, the value of b is substituted b
y l[-1], that is ‘O’ and the value for c is substituted by l[1:3]. Here the use of *p is to unpack a tuple items into indivi
dual function arguments.

3. The formatting method {1:<10} represents the ___________ positional argument, _________ justified in a 10 cha
racter wide field.
a) first, right
b) second, left
c) first, left
d) second, right

Answer: b
Explanation: The formatting method {1:<10} represents the second positional argument, left justified in a 10 charact
er wide field.

4. What will be the output of the following Python code?

hex(255), int('FF', 16), 0xFF

a) [0xFF, 255, 16, 255]
b) (‘0xff’, 155, 16, 255)
c) Error
d) (‘0xff’, 255, 255)

Answer: d
Explanation: The code shown above converts the value 255 into hexadecimal, that is, 0xff. The value ‘FF’ into integ
er. Hence the output of the code shown is: (‘0xff’, 255, 255).

5. The output of the two codes shown below is the same.

i. bin((2**16)-1)
ii. '{}'.format(bin((2**16)-1))
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The output of both of the codes shown above is ‘0b1111111111111111’. Hence the statement is true.
6. What will be the output of the following Python code?

'{a}{b}{a}'.format(a='hello', b='world')
a) ‘hello world’
b) ‘hello’ ‘world’ ‘hello’
c) ‘helloworldhello’
d) ‘hello’ ‘hello’ ‘world’

Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above prints the values substituted for a, b, a, in the same order. This operation is perf
ormed using the format function. Hence the output of the code is: ‘helloworldhello’.
7. What will be the output of the following Python code?

D=dict(p='san', q='foundry')
a) Error
b) sanfoundry
c) san foundry
d) {‘san’, ‘foundry’}

Answer: b
Explanation: The code shown above prints the values substituted for p and q in the same order. Note that there is no
blank space between p and q. Hence the output is: sanfoundry.
8. What will be the output of the following Python code?

'The {} side {1} {2}'.format('bright', 'of', 'life')

a) Error
b) ‘The bright side of life’
c) ‘The {bright} side {of} {life}’
d) No output

Answer: a
Explanation: The code shown above results in an error. This is because we have switched from automatic field numb
ering to manual field numbering, that is, from {} to {1}. Hence this code results in an error.
9. What will be the output of the following Python code?

'{0:f}, {1:2f}, {2:05.2f}'.format(1.23456, 1.23456, 1.23456)

a) Error
b) ‘1.234560, 1.22345, 1.23’
c) No output
d) ‘1.234560, 1.234560, 01.23’

Answer: d
Explanation: In the code shown above, various formatting options are displayed using the format option. Hence the
output of this code is: ‘1.234560, 1.234560, 01.23’
10. What will be the output of the following Python code?
'%.2f%s' % (1.2345, 99)
a) ‘1.2345’, ‘99’
b) ‘1.2399’
c) ‘1.234599’
d) 1.23, 99

Answer: b
Explanation: In this code, we must notice that since multiple values haven been given, they should be enclosed in a t
uple. Since the formatting format is %.2f, the value 1.2345 is reduced to two decimal places. Hence the output of the
code shown above: ‘1.2399’.
11. What will be the output of the following Python code?

'%s' %((1.23,),)
a) ‘(1.23,)’
b) 1.23,
c) (,1.23)
d) ‘1.23’

Answer: a
Explanation: The formatting expression accepts either a single substitution value, or a tuple of one or more items. Si
nce single item can be given either by itself or within the tuple, a tuple to be formatted must be provided as a tested t
uple. Hence the output of the code is: >>> ‘%s’ %((1.23,),).
12. What will be the output of the following two codes?

i. '{0}'.format(4.56)
ii. '{0}'.format([4.56,])
a) ‘4.56’, ‘4.56,’
b) ‘4.56’, ‘[4.56]’
c) 4.56, [4.56,]
d) 4.56, [4.56,]

Answer: b
Explanation: The code shown above shows the formatting option on the same value, that is 4.56, where in the secon
d case, the value is enclosed in a list. Hence the output of the code shown above is:
‘4.56’, ‘[4.56]’

1. What will be the output of the following Python code?


def mk(x):
def mk1():
return mk1
def mk2():
p = mk(mk2)





Answer: d
Explanation: The code shown above first prints the word “Decorated” and then “ordinary”. Hence the output of this
code is:

2. In the following Python code, which function is the decorator?


def mk(x):
def mk1():
return mk1
def mk2():
p = mk(mk2)
a) p()
b) mk()
c) mk1()
d) mk2()

Answer: b
Explanation: In the code shown above, the function mk() is the decorator. The function which is getting decorated is
mk2(). The return function is given the name p().

3. The ______ symbol along with the name of the decorator function can be placed above the definition of the functi
on to be decorated works as an alternate way for decorating a function.
a) #
b) $
c) @
d) &

Answer: c
Explanation: The @ symbol along with the name of the decorator function can be placed above the definition of the
function to be decorated works as an alternate way for decorating a function.
4. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def ordi():




Answer: a
Explanation: The code shown above returns the address on the function ordi first, after which the word “Ordinary” i
s printed. Hence the output of this code is:

5. The two snippets of the following Python codes are equivalent.

def f1():
def f1():
f1 = f(f1)
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The @ symbol can be used as an alternate way to specify a function that needs to be decorated. The out
put of the codes shown above is the same. Hence they are equivalent. Therefore this statement is true.
6. What will be the output of the following Python function?

def f(p, q):

return p%q
f(0, 2)
f(2, 0)

Zero Division Error

Zero Division Error

Zero Division Error

Zero Division Error

Answer: c
Explanation: The output of f(0, 2) is 0, since o%2 is equal to 0. The output of the f(2, 0) is a Zero Division Error. W
e can make use of decorators in order to avoid this error.

7. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def f(x):
def f1(a, b):
if b==0:
return f(a, b)
return f1
def f(a, b):
return a%b


Zero Division Error
c) NO
d) hello

Answer: a
Explanation: In the code shown above, we have used a decorator in order to avoid the Zero Division Error. Hence th
e output of this code is:
8. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def f(x):
def f1(*args, **kwargs):
print("*"* 5)
x(*args, **kwargs)
print("*"* 5)
return f1
def a(x):
def f1(*args, **kwargs):
print("%"* 5)
x(*args, **kwargs)
print("%"* 5)
return f1
def p(m):

b) Error
c) *****%%%%%hello%%%%%*****
d) hello

Answer: a
Explanation: The code shown above uses multiple decorators. The output of this code is:
9. The following python code can work with ____ parameters.

def f(x):
def f1(*args, **kwargs):
return x(*args, **kwargs)
return f1
a) 2
b) 1
c) any number of
d) 0

Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above shows a general decorator which can work with any number of arguments.
10. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def f(x):
def f1(*args, **kwargs):
print("*", 5)
x(*args, **kwargs)
print("*", 5)
return f1
def p(m):


c) *****
d) hello

Answer: d
Explanation: In the code shown above, we have not passed any parameter to the function p. Hence the output of this
code is: hello.
11. A function with parameters cannot be decorated.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: Any function, irrespective of whether or not it has parameters can be decorated. Hence the statement is
12. Identify the decorator in the snippet of code shown below.

def sf():
sf = mk(sf)
def sf():
a) @f
b) f
c) sf()
d) mk

Answer: d
Explanation: In the code shown above, @sf is not a decorator but only a decorator line. The ‘@’ symbol represents t
he application of a decorator. The decorator here is the function mk.
13. What will be the output of the following Python code?

class A:
def a(x):
a) Error
b) Warning
c) 100
d) No output
Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above demonstrates rebinding using a static method. This can be done with or without
a decorator. The output of this code will be 100.
14. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def d(f):
def n(*args):
return '$' + str(f(*args))
return n
def p(a, t):
return a + a*t
a) 100
b) $100
c) $0
d) 0

Answer: b
Explanation: In the code shown above, the decorator helps us to prefix the dollar sign along with the value. Since the
second argument is zero, the output of the code is: $100.
15. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def c(f):
def inner(*args, **kargs): += 1
return f(*args, **kargs) = 0
return inner
def fnc():
if __name__ == '__main__':
a) 4
b) 3
c) 0
d) 1

Answer: b
Explanation: The code shown above returns the number of times a given function has been called. Hence the output
of this code is: 3

What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?


a) 00000hi
b) 000hi
c) hi000
d) error

Answer: d
Explanation: The code snippet shown above results in an error because the above formatting option works only if ‘X
’ is a number. Since in the above case ‘X’ is a string, an error is thrown.
2. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?


a) 56 blank spaces before san-foundry
b) 56 blank spaces before san and foundry
c) 56 blank spaces after san-foundry
d) no change

Answer: a
Explanation: The formatting option print(“%Ns”,X) helps us add ‘N’ number of spaces before a given string ‘X’. He
nce the output for the code snippet shown above will be 56 blank spaces before the string “san-foundry”.

3. What will be the output of the following Python expression if x=456?


a) 000456
b) 456000
c) 456
d) error

Answer: c
Explanation: The expression shown above results in the output 456.

4. What will be the output of the following Python expression if X=345?

a) 345000
b) 000345
c) 000000345
d) 345000000

Answer: b
Explanation: The above expression returns the output 000345. It adds the required number of zeroes before the give
n number in order to make the number of digits 6 (as specified in this case).
5. Which of the following formatting options can be used in order to add ‘n’ blank spaces after a given string ‘S’?
a) print(“-ns”%S)
b) print(“-ns”%S)
c) print(“%ns”%S)
d) print(“%-ns”%S)

Answer: d
Explanation: In order to add ‘n’ blank spaces after a given string ‘S’, we use the formatting option:(“%-ns”%S).
6. What will be the output of the following Python expression if X = -122?

a) -000122
b) 000122
c) –00122
d) -00122

Answer: c
Explanation: The given number is -122. Here the total number of digits (including the negative sign) should be 6 acc
ording to the expression. In addition to this, there is a negative sign in the given expression. Hence the output will be
– -00122.
7. What will be the output of the following Python expression if the value of x is 34?

a) 34.00
b) 34.0000
c) 34.000000
d) 34.00000000

Answer: c
Explanation: The expression shown above normally returns the value with 6 decimal points if it is not specified with
any number. Hence the output of this expression will be: 34.000000 (6 decimal points).
8. What will be the output of the following Python expression if x=56.236?

a) 56.00
b) 56.24
c) 56.23
d) 0056.236

Answer: b
Explanation: The expression shown above rounds off the given number to the number of decimal places specified. S
ince the expression given specifies rounding off to two decimal places, the output of this expression will be 56.24. H
ad the value been x=56.234 (last digit being any number less than 5), the output would have been 56.23.
9. What will be the output of the following Python expression if x=22.19?

a) 22.1900
b) 22.00000
c) 22.19
d) 22.20

Answer: c
Explanation: The output of the expression above will be 22.19. This expression specifies that the total number of dig
its (including the decimal point) should be 5, rounded off to two decimal places.
10. The expression shown below results in an error.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The expression shown above does not result in an error. The output of this expression is -%5d0 989. H
ence this statement is incorrect.

1. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?


'%d %s %g you' %(1, 'hello', 4.0)

a) Error
b) 1 hello you 4.0
c) 1 hello 4 you
d) 1 4 hello you

Answer: c
Explanation: In the snippet of code shown above, three values are inserted into the target string. When we insert mor
e than one value, we should group the values on the right in a tuple. The % formatting expression operator expects ei
ther a single item or a tuple of one or more items on its right side.

2. The output of which of the codes shown below will be: “There are 4 blue birds.”?
a) ‘There are %g %d birds.’ %4 %blue
b) ‘There are %d %s birds.’ %(4, blue)
c) ‘There are %s %d birds.’ %[4, blue]
d) ‘There are %d %s birds.’ 4, blue

Answer: b
Explanation: The code ‘There are %d %s birds.’ %(4, blue) results in the output: There are 4 blue birds. When we in
sert more than one value, we should group the values on the right in a tuple.
3. What will be the output of the python code shown below for various styles of format specifiers?


res='integers:...%d...%-6d...%06d' %(x, x, x)
a) ‘integers:…1234…1234 …001234’
b) ‘integers…1234…1234…123400’
c) ‘integers:… 1234…1234…001234’
d) ‘integers:…1234…1234…001234’

Answer: a
Explanation: The code shown above prints 1234 for the format specified %d, ‘1234 ’ for the format specifier %-6d (
minus ‘-‘ sign signifies left justification), and 001234 for the format specifier %06d. Hence the output of this code is
: ‘integers:…1234…1234 …001234’

4. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

'%f | %e | %g' %(x, x, x)
a) Error
b) ‘3.3456789 | 3.3456789+00 | 3.345678’
c) ‘3.345678 | 3.345678e+0 | 3.345678’
d) ‘3.345679 | 3.345679e+00 | 3.34568’

Answer: d
Explanation: The %f %e and %g format specifiers represent floating point numbers in different ways. %e and %E ar
e the same, except that the exponent is in lowercase. %g chooses the format by number content. Hence the output of
this code is: ‘3.345679 | 3.345679e+00 | 3.34568’.

5. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

'%-6.2f | %05.2f | %+06.1f' %(x, x, x)
a) ‘3.35 | 03.35 | +003.3’
b) ‘3.3456789 | 03.3456789 | +03.3456789’
c) Error
d) ‘3.34 | 03.34 | 03.34+’

Answer: a
Explanation: The code shown above rounds the floating point value to two decimal places. In this code, a variety of
addition formatting features such as zero padding, total field width etc. Hence the output of this code is: ‘3.35 | 03.3
5 | +003.3’.
6. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

'%s' %x, str(x)
a) Error
b) (‘3.3456789’, ‘3.3456789’)
c) (3.3456789, 3.3456789)
d) (‘3.3456789’, 3.3456789)

Answer: b
Explanation: We can simply convert strings with a %s format expression or the str built-in function. Both of these m
ethods have been shown in this code. Hence the output is: ) (‘3.3456789’, ‘3.3456789’)
7. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

'%(qty)d more %(food)s' %{'qty':1, 'food': 'spam'}

a) Error
b) No output
c) ‘1 more foods’
d) ‘1 more spam’

Answer: d
Explanation: String formatting also allows conversion targets on the left to refer to the keys in a dictionary coded on
the right and fetch the corresponding values. In the code shown above, (qty) and (food) in the format string on the le
ft refers to keys in the dictionary literal on the right and fetch their assorted values. Hence the output of the code sho
wn above is: 1 more spam.
8. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

a) {‘a’ : ‘hello’, ‘q’ : 10, …… built-in names set by Python….}
b) {……Built in names set by Python……}
c) {‘a’ : ‘hello’, ‘q’ : 10}
d) Error

Answer: a
Explanation: The built in function vars() returns a dictionary containing all the variables that exist in the place. Henc
e the output of the code shown above is: {‘a’ : ‘hello’, ‘q’ : 10, …… built-in names set by Python….}
9. What will be the output of the following Python code?

s='{0}, {1}, and {2}'

s.format('hello', 'good', 'morning')
a) ‘hello good and morning’
b) ‘hello, good, morning’
c) ‘hello, good, and morning’
d) Error

Answer: c
Explanation: Within the subject string, curly braces designate substitution targets and arguments to be inserted either
by position or keyword. Hence the output of the code shown above:’hello, good,and morning’.
10. What will be the output of the following Python code?

s='%s, %s & %s'

s%('mumbai', 'kolkata', 'delhi')
a) mumbai kolkata & delhi
b) Error
c) No output
d) ‘mumbai, kolkata & delhi’

Answer: d
Explanation: In the code shown above, the format specifier %s is replaced by the designated substitution. Hence the
output of the code shown above is: ‘mumbai, kolkata & delhi’.
11. What will be the output of the following Python code?

t = '%(a)s, %(b)s, %(c)s'

t % dict(a='hello', b='world', c='universe')
a) ‘hello, world, universe’
b) ‘hellos, worlds, universes’
c) Error
d) hellos, world, universe

Answer: a
Explanation: Within the subject string, curly braces represent substitution targets and arguments to be inserted. Henc
e the output of the code shown above:
‘hello, world, universe’.
12. What will be the output of the following Python code?

'{a}, {0}, {abc}'.format(10, a=2.5, abc=[1, 2])

a) Error
b) ‘2.5, 10, [1, 2]’
c) 2.5, 10, 1, 2
d) ’10, 2.5, [1, 2]’

Answer: b
Explanation: Since we have specified that the order of the output be: {a}, {0}, {abc}, hence the value of associated
with {a} is printed first followed by that of {0} and {abc}. Hence the output of the code shown above is: ‘2.5, 10, [1
, 2]’.
13. What will be the output of the following Python code?

a) ‘1’
b) ‘1.234’
c) ‘1.23’
d) ‘1.2’

Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above displays the string method to round off a given decimal number to two decimal
places. Hence the output of the code is: ‘1.23’.
14. What will be the output of the following Python code?

'%x %d' %(255, 255)

a) ‘ff, 255’
b) ‘255, 255’
c) ‘15f, 15f’
d) Error

Answer: a
Explanation: The code shown above converts the given arguments to hexadecimal and decimal values and prints the
result. This is done using the format specifiers %x and %d respectively. Hence the output of the code shown above i
s: ‘ff, 255’.
15. The output of the two codes shown below is the same.

i. '{0:.2f}'.format(1/3.0)
ii. '%.2f'%(1/3.0)
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The two codes shown above represent the same operation but in different formats. The output of both o
f these functions is: ‘0.33’. Hence the statement is true.
Question Bank
* MCQ Questions
1. Is Python case sensitive when dealing with identifiers?
a) yes
b) no
c) machine dependent
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Case is always significant.

2. What is the maximum possible length of an identifier?

a) 31 characters
b) 63 characters
c) 79 characters
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Identifiers can be of any length.

3. Which of the following is invalid?

a) _a = 1
b) __a = 1
c) __str__ = 1
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: All the statements will execute successfully but at the cost of reduced

4. Which of the following is an invalid variable?

a) my_string_1
b) 1st_string
c) foo
d) _
Answer: b
Explanation: Variable names should not start with a number.

5. Why are local variable names beginning with an underscore discouraged?

a) they are used to indicate a private variables of a class
b) they confuse the interpreter
c) they are used to indicate global variables
d) they slow down execution
Answer: a
Explanation: As Python has no concept of private variables, leading underscores are
used to indicate variables that must not be accessed from outside the class.

6. Which of the following is not a keyword?

a) eval
b) assert
c) nonlocal
d) pass
Answer: a
Explanation: eval can be used as a variable.

7. All keywords in Python are in _________

a) lower case
c) Capitalized
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: True, False and None are capitalized while the others are in lower case.

8. Which of the following is true for variable names in Python?

a) unlimited length
b) all private members must have leading and trailing underscores
c) underscore and ampersand are the only two special characters allowed
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Variable names can be of any length.

9. Which of the following is an invalid statement?

a) abc = 1,000,000
b) a b c = 1000 2000 3000
c) a,b,c = 1000, 2000, 3000
d) a_b_c = 1,000,000
Answer: b
Explanation: Spaces are not allowed in variable names.

10. Which of the following cannot be a variable?

a) __init__
b) in
c) it
d) on
Answer: b
Explanation: in is a keyword.

11. What is the output of print 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3?

a) True
b) False
c) Machine dependent
d) Error
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: Neither of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 can be represented accurately in binary. The
round off errors from 0.1 and 0.2 accumulate and hence there is a difference of
5.5511e-17 between (0.1 + 0.2) and 0.3.

12. Which of the following is not a complex number?

a) k = 2 + 3j
b) k = complex(2, 3)
c) k = 2 + 3l
d) k = 2 + 3J
Answer: c
Explanation: l (or L) stands for long.

13. What is the type of inf?

a) Boolean
b) Integer
c) Float
d) Complex
Answer: c
Explanation: Infinity is a special case of floating point numbers. It can be obtained by

14. What does ~4 evaluate to?

a) -5
b) -4
c) -3
d) +3
Answer: a
Explanation: ~x is equivalent to -(x+1).

15.What does ~~~~~~5 evaluate to?

a) +5
b) -11
c) +11
d) -5
Answer: a
Explanation: ~x is equivalent to -(x+1).

16.Which of the following is incorrect?

a) x = 0b101
b) x = 0x4f5
c) x = 19023
d) x = 03964
Answer: d
Explanation: Numbers starting with a 0 are octal numbers but 9 isn’t allowed in octal
17. What is the result of cmp(3, 1)?
a) 1
b) 0
c) True
d) False
Answer: a
Explanation: cmp(x, y) returns 1 if x > y, 0 if x == y and -1 if x < y.

18. Which of the following is incorrect?

a) float(‘inf’)
b) float(‘nan’)
c) float(’56’+’78’)
d) float(’12+34′)
Answer: d
Explanation: ‘+’ cannot be converted to a float.
19. What is the result of round(0.5) – round(-0.5)?
a) 1.0
b) 2.0
c) 0.0
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Python rounds off numbers away from 0 when the number to be
rounded off is exactly halfway through. round(0.5) is 1 and round(-0.5) is -1.

20. What does 3 ^ 4 evaluate to?

a) 81
b) 12
c) 0.75
d) 7
Answer: d
Explanation: ^ is the Binary XOR operator.

21. Which of the following statements create a dictionary?

a) d = {}
b) d = {“john”:40, “peter”:45}
c) d = {40:”john”, 45:”peter”}
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Dictionaries are created by specifying keys and values.
22. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
d = {"john":40, "peter":45}
a) “john”, 40, 45, and “peter”
b) “john” and “peter”
c) 40 and 45
d) d = (40:”john”, 45:”peter”)
Answer: b
Explanation: Dictionaries appear in the form of keys and values.

23. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
d = {"john":40, "peter":45}
"john" in d

a) True
b) False
c) None
d) Error

Answer: a
Explanation: In can be used to check if the key is int dictionary.

24. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
d1 = {"john":40, "peter":45}
d2 = {"john":466, "peter":45}
d1 == d2

a) True
b) False
c) None
d) Error

Answer: b
Explanation: If d2 was initialized as d2 = d1 the answer would be true.

25. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
d1 = {"john":40, "peter":45}
d2 = {"john":466, "peter":45}
d1 > d2

a) True
b) False
c) Error
d) None
Answer: c
Explanation: Arithmetic > operator cannot be used with dictionaries.
26. Which of the following is a Python tuple?
a) [1, 2, 3]
b) (1, 2, 3)
c) {1, 2, 3}
d) {}
Answer: b
Explanation: Tuples are represented with round brackets.

27. Suppose t = (1, 2, 4, 3), which of the following is incorrect?

a) print(t[3])
b) t[3] = 45
c) print(max(t))
d) print(len(t))
Answer: b
Explanation: Values cannot be modified in the case of tuple, that is, tuple is

28. What will be the output of the following Python code?


a) (1, 2)
b) (1, 2, 4)
c) (2, 4)
d) (2, 4, 3)
Answer: c
Explanation: Slicing in tuples takes place just as it does in strings.

29. What will be the output of the following Python code?


a) (1, 2)
b) (1, 2, 4)
c) (2, 4)
d) (2, 4, 3)
Answer: c
Explanation: Slicing in tuples takes place just as it does in strings.

30. What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>>t = (1, 2, 4, 3, 8, 9)
>>>[t[i] for i in range(0, len(t), 2)]

a) [2, 3, 9]
b) [1, 2, 4, 3, 8, 9]
c) [1, 4, 8]
d) (1, 4, 8)
Answer: c
Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.

31. What will be the output of the following Python code?

d = {"john":40, "peter":45}

a) 40
b) 45
c) “john”
d) “peter”
Answer: a
Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.

32. What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>>t = (1, 2)
>>>2 * t

a) (1, 2, 1, 2)
b) [1, 2, 1, 2]
c) (1, 1, 2, 2)
d) [1, 1, 2, 2]
Answer: a
Explanation: * operator concatenates tuple.

33. Which of these about a set is not true?

a) Mutable data type
b) Allows duplicate values
c) Data type with unordered values
d) Immutable data type
Answer: d
Explanation: A set is a mutable data type with non-duplicate, unordered values,
providing the usual mathematical set operations.

34. Which of the following is not the correct syntax for creating a set?
a) set([[1,2],[3,4]])
b) set([1,2,2,3,4])
c) set((1,2,3,4))
d) {1,2,3,4}
Answer: a
Explanation: The argument given for the set must be an iterable.

35. What will be the output of the following Python code?

nums = set([1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4])print(len(nums))
a) 7
b) Error, invalid syntax for formation of set
c) 4
d) 8
Answer: c
Explanation: A set doesn’t have duplicate items.

36. What will be the output of the following Python code?

a = [5,5,6,7,7,7]
b = set(a)def test(lst):
if lst in b:
return 1
return 0for i in filter(test, a):
print(i,end=" ")
a) 5 5 6
b) 5 6 7
c) 5 5 6 7 7 7
d) 5 6 7 7 7

37. Which of the following statements is used to create an empty set?

a) { }
b) set()
c) [ ]
d) ( )
Answer: b
Explanation: { } creates a dictionary not a set. Only set() creates an empty set.

38. What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a={5,4}>>> b={1,2,4,5}>>> a<b
a) {1,2}
b) True
c) False
d) Invalid operation
Answer: b
Explanation: a<b returns True if a is a proper subset of b.

39. If a={5,6,7,8}, which of the following statements is false?

a) print(len(a))
b) print(min(a))
c) a.remove(5)
d) a[2]=45
Answer: d
Explanation: The members of a set can be accessed by their index values since the
elements of the set are unordered.

40. If a={5,6,7}, what happens when a.add(5) is executed?

a) a={5,5,6,7}
b) a={5,6,7}
c) Error as there is no add function for set data type
d) Error as 5 already exists in the set
Answer: b
Explanation: There exists add method for set data type. However 5 isn’t added again
as set consists of only non-duplicate elements and 5 already exists in the set. Execute
in python shell to verify.

41. What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a={4,5,6}>>> b={2,8,6}>>> a+b
a) {4,5,6,2,8}
b) {4,5,6,2,8,6}
c) Error as unsupported operand type for sets
d) Error as the duplicate item 6 is present in both sets
Answer: c
Explanation: Execute in python shell to verify.

*Answer In One Sentence :

1. What is name space in Python?

2. What are local variables and global variables in Python?
3. Is python case sensitive?
4. What is type conversion in Python?
5. Is indentation required in python?
6. What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?
7. What is a lambda function?
8. What is self in Python?
9. How does break, continue and pass work?
10. How can you randomize the items of a list in place in Python?
11. What are python iterators?
12. How do you write comments in python?
13. What is pickling and unpickling?
14. How will you convert a string to all lowercase?
15. How will you capitalize the first letter of string?
16. How to comment multiple lines in python?
17. What are docstrings in Python?
18. What is the purpose of is, not and in operators?
19. What is a dictionary in Python?
20. What does len() do?
21. Explain split(), sub(), subn() methods of “re” module in Python.
22. What are Python packages?
23. Does Python have OOps concepts?
24. How to import modules in python?
25. How are classes created in Python?
26. What is Polymorphism in Python?
27. Define encapsulation in Python?
28. How do you do data abstraction in Python?
29. Does python make use of access specifiers?
30. How to create an empty class in Python?

* Short Notes Questions :

1. Mention five benefits of using Python?

2. Explain what is Flask & its benefits?
3. Explain the key features of Python?
4. What are the global and local variables in Python?
5. Define modules in Python?
6. Define pickling and unpickling in Python?
7. Write a program to display Fibonacci sequence in Python?
8. Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not?
9. What is the difference between range and xrange?
10. Does multiple inheritance is supported in Python?
11. Does Python make use of access specifiers?
12. Define Constructor in Python?
13. How can we create a constructor in Python programming?
14. How Does Python Handle Memory Management?
15. What Are The Optional Statements Possible Inside A Try-Except Block
In Python?
16. What Is Slicing In Python?
17. What Is %S In Python?
18. What Is The Index In Python?
19. Is A String Immutable Or Mutable In Python?
20. How Many Basic Types Of Functions Are Available In Python?

* Short Answer Questions :

1. How Do We Write A Function In Python?

2. What Is “Call By Value” In Python?
3. What Is “Call By Reference” In Python?
4. Is It Mandatory For A Python Function To Return A Value?Comment?
5. What Does The *Args Do In Python?
6. What Does The **Kwargs Do In Python?
7. Does Python Have A Main() Method?
8. What Is The Purpose Of “End” In Python?
9. When Should You Use The “Break” In Python?
10. What Is The Difference Between Pass And Continue In Python?
11. What Does The Ord() Function Do In Python?
12. What Is Rstrip() In Python?
13. How Is Python Thread Safe?
14. How Does Python Manage The Memory?
15. What Is A Tuple In Python?
16. Is Python List A Linked List?
17. What Is Class In Python?
18. What Are Attributes And Methods In A Python Class?
19. How To Assign Values For The Class Attributes At Runtime?
20. What Is Inheritance In Python Programming?

* Long Answer Questions :

1. What is the difference between lists and tuples?

2. Explain Inheritance in Python with an example.
3. What is a dictionary in Python?
4. What are negative indexes and why are they used?
5. What are split(), sub(), and subn() methods in Python?
6. How are range and xrange different from one another?
7. Explain all file processing modes supported in Python.
8. How are Python arrays and Python lists different from each other?
9. Explain List and Queues with example?
10. Explain All OOPS Concept With example?
UNIT # 1

1. Python files are saved with the extension as ...?

a. .python
b. .pe
c. .py
d. .p
Ans: c

2. What is the name of the GUI that comes in-built as an interactive

shell with Python?

b. Pyshell
d. PythonSh
Ans: c

3. IDLE stands for ... ?

a. Indigenous Development Lab

b. Integrated Development Environment
c. Integrated Developers Local Environment
d. Indie Developers Environment

Ans: b

4. The function to display a specified message on the screen is ... ?

a. Print
b. Display
c. Run
d. output
Ans: a
5. Which of the following is an assignment operator in Python?

a. ==
b. ===
c. >>>
d. =
Ans: d

6. Which of the following is used to initialize multiple variables with a

common value?

a. x = y: y = 33
b. x = y = z = 33
c. x = z; y = z; x = 33;
d. x & y & z = 33
Ans: b

7. Comments in Python begin with ...?

a. {
b. $
c. *
d. #
Ans: d

8. A user-specified value can be assigned to a variable with this function ...

a. User
b. Enter
c. input
d. value
Ans: c

9. User input is read as ...?

a. Floating Decimal
b. Text String
c. Boolean Value
d. Integer
Ans: b

10. Output displayed by the print function will add this invisible character
at the end of the line by default ...

a. \t
b. \n
c. \s
d. \r
Ans: b
11. Multiple values specified in parentheses to print function will
display each value separated with this by default ...

a. Single Space
b. Double Space
c. A new Line
d. Double Lines
Ans: a
12. Which of the following will provide an ! character as alternative
separator for the print function?

a. sep is !
b. separate = !
c. sep >> '!'
d. sep = '!'
Ans: d

13. Which of the following will provide a * character as alternative line

ending for the print function?

a. end to *
b. end as *
c. end = '*'
d. ending = '*'
Ans: c

14. What will be the output after the following statements?

print(x / y)
a. 2.0
b. 2
c. 18
d. 18.0
Ans: a

15. What will be the output after the following statements?

y= 2
print(x // y)

a. 4.0
b. 4
c. 16
d. 16.0
Ans: b
16. What will be the output after the following statements?

print(x % y)

a. 0
b. 20
c. 1.0
d. 1
Ans: d
17. What will be the output after the following statements?
x += y

a. 3
b. 2
c. 5
d. 1
Ans: c
18. What will be the output after the following statements?

x *= y

a. 7
b. 12
c. 5
d. 35
Ans: d
19. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 25
y = 15
x -= y

a. 10
b. 25
c. 15
d. -15
Ans: a
20. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 30
x %= y

a. 4
b. 28
c. 2
d. 37
Ans: c
21. What will be the output after the following statements?

y= 7
print(x == y)

a. y = 7 and x = 3
b. True
c. x = 3 and y = 3
d. False
Ans: d
22. What will be the output after the following statements?

y= 6
print(x != y)

a. y = 6 and x = 8
b. True
c. x = 6 and y = 6
d. False
Ans: b
23. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 83
y = 57
print(x > y)

a. True
b. False
c. Yes
d. No
Ans: a
24. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 72
y = 64
print(x < y)

a. True
b. False
c. Yes
d. No
Ans: b
25. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = True

y = False
print(x and y)

a. True
b. False
c. Not defined
d. xy
Ans: b

26. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = True
y = False
print(x or y)

a. True
b. False
c. Not defined
d. xy
Ans: a
27. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = True
y = False
print(not x)

a. True
b. False
c. Not defined
d. y
Ans: b
28. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = True
y = False
print(not y)
a. True
b. False
c. Not defined
d. x
Ans: a
29. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 20
y = 40
z = y if (y > x) else x print(z)

a. True
b. False
c. 20
d. 40
Ans: d
30. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 50
y = 10
z = y if (y > x) else x print(z)

a. True
b. False
c. 50
d. 10
Ans: c
31. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 65
y = 53
z = y if (x % 2 == 0) else x print(z)

a. True
b. False
c. 65
d. 53
Ans: c
32. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 46
y = 98
z = y if (y % 2 == 0) else x print(z)

a. True
b. False
c. 46
d. 98
Ans: d
33. What will be the output after the following statements?


a. 30
b. 15
c. 22
d. 247
Ans: b
34. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = 7 * (4 + 5)

a. 63
b. 16
c. 33
d. 35
Ans: a
35. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = '24' + '16'

a. 40
b. 2416
c. 21
d. 46
Ans: b
36. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 15 + 35

a. 40
b. 153
c. 50
d. 1535
Ans: c
37. What will be the data type of x after the following statement if input
entered is 18 ?

x = input('Enter a number: ')

a. Float
b. String
c. List
d. Integer
Ans: b
38. What will be the data type of y after the following statements if input
entered is 50?

x = input('Enter a number: ') y = int(x)

a. Float
b. String
c. List
d. Integer
Ans: d
39. What will be the data type of y after the following statements?

x = 71
y = float(x)

a. Float
b. String
c. List
d. Integer
Ans: a
40. What will be the data type of y after the following statements?

x = 48
y = str(x)
a. Float
b. String
c. List
d. Integer
Ans: b
41. What will be the output after the following statements?


a. x
b. 8
c. z
d. y
Ans: b
42. What will be the value of x, y and z after the following statement?

x = y = z = 300

a. All three will have the value of 3

b. All three will have the value of 100
c. All three will have the value of 300
d. x and y will have arbitrary values, while z will have the value of 300
Ans: c
43. What will be the value of x, y and z after the following statement?

x, y, z = 3, 4, 5

a. All three will have the value of 3

b. All three will have the value of 345
c. x will have the value of 3, y will have the value 4 and z will have the
value of 5
d. x and y will have arbitrary values, while z will have the value of 345
Ans: c

44. What will be the output after the following statements?


a. 3
b. 4
c. 34
d. 12
Ans: d

45. What will be the data type of x after the following statement?

x = False

a. List
b. String
c. Dictionary
d. Boolean
Ans: d
46. Which of the following function can be used to find the data type
of a variable?

a. data()
b. type()
c. true()
d. str()
Ans: b
47. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = 'Python'

y = 'y' in x

a. [1]
b. y
c. True
d. False
Ans: c

48. What will be the data type of x after the following statements?

false = "This is not true" x = false

a. List
b. String
c. Dictionary
d. Boolean
Ans: b

49. What do you type to enter the interactive help mode of Python?

b. save
c. help()
d. help
Ans: c
50. What does the following statement do?

import random
a. Imports the random module
b. Imports a random module from a list of modules
c. Imports the random function
d. imports the directory named random
Ans: a
51. What does the following statement do?

import keyword, sys

a. Imports all the python keywords

b. Imports the keyword and sys modules
c. Imports the keyword and sys functions
d. imports the directories named keyword and sys
Ans: b

52. What does the following statements do?

import sys

a. Displays the Python version

b. Displays the operating system version
c. Displays the date
d. Displays the year
Ans: a

53. What does the following statements do?

import sys

a. Displays the Python version

b. Displays the operating system version
c. Displays the location of the Python interpreter
d. Displays the date and time
Ans: c
54. What does the following statements do?

import keyword

a. Displays the list of Python modules

b. Displays a list of all the Python keywords
c. Displays a random keyword from the Python keywords
d. Displays the date and time
Ans: b



1. for loop in python are work on



3.Both of the above

4.None of the above


2. For loop in python is

1.Entry control loop

2.Exit control loop

3.Simple loop

4.None of the above


3. How many times it will print the statement ?, for i in range(100): print(i)


4. In which of the following loop in python, we can check the condition ?

1.for loop
2.while loop while loop
4.None of the above

5. It is possible to create a loop using goto statement in python ?

4.None of the above

6. l=[],for i in l: print(l), what is the output ?

4.None of the above

7. To break the infinite loop , which keyword we use ?

4.None of the above

8. which of the following is consider as a infinite loop ?

4.None of the above

9. Which of the following is the loop in python ?

2.while while
4.1 and 2

10. Which of the following loop is not supported by the python programming
language ?
1.for loop
2.while loop while loop
4.None of the above

11. Which of the following loop is work on the particular range in python ?
1.for loop
2.while loop while loop

12. While(0), how many times a loop run ?


13. while(1==3):, how many times a loop run ?


14. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = ['ab', 'cd']
for i in x:
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: The function upper() does not modify a string in place, it returns a new
string which isn’t being stored anywhere.

15. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = ['ab', 'cd']
for i in x:
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: The loop does not terminate as new elements are being added to the list in
each iteration.

16. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 1
while True:
if i%3 == 0:
i + = 1
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: SyntaxError, there shouldn’t be a space between + and = in +=.

17. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 1
while True:
if i%0O7 == 0:
i += 1
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Control exits the loop when i becomes 7.

18. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 5
while True:
if i%0O11 == 0:
i += 1
a) 5 6 7 8 9 10
b) 5 6 7 8
c) 5 6
d) error

Answer: b
Explanation: 0O11 is an octal number.

19. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 5
while True:
if i%0O9 == 0:
i += 1
c)5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ….
d) error
Answer: d
Explanation: 9 isn’t allowed in an octal number.

20. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 1
while True:
if i%2 == 0:
i += 2
d) 1 3 5 7 9 11 …
Answer: d
Explanation: The loop does not terminate since i is never an even number.

21. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 2
while True:
if i%3 == 0:
i += 2
d) error
Answer: b
Explanation: The numbers 2 and 4 are printed. The next value of i is 6 which is divisible by
3 and hence control exits the loop.

22. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 1
while False:
if i%2 == 0:
i += 2
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Control does not enter the loop because of False.

23. What will be the output of the following Python code?

True = False
while True:
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: SyntaxError, True is a keyword and it’s value cannot be changed.

24. What will be the output of the following Python code?

i = 0
while i < 5:
i += 1
if i == 3:
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: The else part is not executed if control breaks out of the loop.
25. What will be the output of the following Python code?
i = 0
while i < 3:
print(i,end=” “)
i += 1
c)012 print(0)
d) error
Answer: b
Explanation: The else part is executed when the condition in the while statement is false.

26. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = "abcdef"
while i in x:
print(i, end=" ")
a)a b c d e f
c)i i i i i i…
d) error
Answer: d
Explanation: NameError, i is not defined.

27. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = "abcdef"
i = "i"
while i in x:
print(i, end=" ")
a) no output
b) i i i i i i …
c) a b c d e f
d) abcdef
Explanation: “i” is not in “abcdef”.

28. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = "abcdef"
i = "a"
while i in x:
print(i, end = " ")
a) no output
b) i i i i i i …
c) a a a a a a …
d) a b c d e f

Answer: c
Explanation: As the value of i or x isn’t changing, the condition will always evaluate to

29. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = "abcdef"
i = "a"
while i in x:
print('i', end = " ")
a) no output
b) i i i i i i …
c) a a a a a a …
d) a b c d e f
Answer: b
Explanation: Here i i i i i … printed continuously because as the value of i or x isn’t
changing, the condition will always evaluate to True. But also here we use a citation
marks on “i”, so, here i treated as a string, not like a variable.

30. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = "abcdef"
i = "a"
while i in x:
x = x[:-1]
print(i, end = " ")
a) i i i i i i
b) a a a a a a
c) a a a a a
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: The string x is being shortened by one character in each iteration.

31. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = "abcdef"
i = "a"
while i in x[:-1]:
print(i, end = " ")
a) a a a a a
b) a a a a a a
c) a a a a a a …
d) a
Explanation: String x is not being altered and i is in x[:-1].
32. What will be the output of the following Python code?
x = "abcdef"
i = "a"
while i in x:
x = x[1:]
print(i, end = " ")
a) a a a a a a
b) a
c) no output
d) error
Explanation: The string x is being shortened by one character in each iteration.

33. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = "abcdef"
i = "a"
while i in x[1:]:
print(i, end = " ")
a) a a a a a a
b) a
c) no output
d) error
Explanation: i is not in x[1:].

34. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = 'abcd'
for i in x:
a) a B C D
b) a b c d
c) A B C D
d) error
Explanation: Changes do not happen in-place, rather a new instance of the string is

35. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = 'abcd'
for i in x:
a) a b c d
b) A B C D
c) a B C D
d) error
Explanation: The instance of the string returned by upper() is being printed.
36. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = 'abcd'
for i in range(x):
a) a b c d
b) 0 1 2 3
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: range(str) is not allowed.

37. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)):
a) a b c d
b) 0 1 2 3
c) error
d) 1 2 3 4
Explanation: i takes values 0, 1, 2 and 3.

38. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)):
a) a b c d
b) 0 1 2 3
c) error
d) 1 2 3 4
Explanation: Objects of type int have no attribute upper().

39. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)):
print (x)
a) a b c d
b) 0 1 2 3
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: Objects of type int have no attribute upper().

40. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)):
print (x)
a) abcd
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: Changes do not happen in-place, rather a new instance of the string is

41. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)):
print (x)
a) abcd
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: Objects of type int aren’t subscriptable. However, if the statement was x[i],
an error would not have been thrown.

42. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)):
x = 'a'
a) a
b) abcd abcd abcd
c) a a a a
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: range() is computed only at the time of entering the loop.
43. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)):
x = 'a'
a) a
b) abcd abcd abcd abcd
c) a a a a
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: abcd a a a is the output as x is modified only after ‘abcd’ has been printed

44. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = 123
for i in x:
a) 1 2 3
b) 123
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: Objects of type int are not iterable.

45. What will be the output of the following Python code?

d = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c'}

for i in d:
a) 0 1 2
b) a b c
c) 0 a 1 b 2 c
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: Loops over the keys of the dictionary.

46. What will be the output of the following Python code?

d = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c'}

for x, y in d:
print(x, y)
Explanation: Error, objects of type int aren’t iterable.

47. What will be the output of the following Python code?

d = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c'}
for x, y in d.items():
print(x, y)
Explanation: Loops over key, value pairs.

48. What will be the output of the following Python code?

for i in range(0):
a) 0
b) no output
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: range(0) is empty.

49. What will be the output of the following Python code?

for i in range(2.0):
a) 0.0 1.0
b) 0 1
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: Object of type float cannot be interpreted as an integer.

50. What will be the output of the following Python code?

for i in range(int(2.0)):
a) 0.0 1.0
b) 0 1
c) error
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: range(int(2.0)) is the same as range(2).

51.  What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

for i in '':
print (i)
a) None
b) (nothing is printed)
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: The string does not have any character to loop over.

52. What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?

for i in 'abcd'[::-1]:
print (i)
a) a b c d
b) d c b a
c) error
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: [::-1] reverses the string.

53. What will be the output of the following Python code?

for i in range(5):
if i == 5:
Explanation: The else part is executed if control doesn’t break out of the loop.

54. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = (i for i in range(3))
for i in x:
a) 0 1 2
b) error
c) 0 1 2 0 1 2
d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: The first statement creates a generator object.

55. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = (i for i in range(3))
for i in x:
for i in x:

a) 0 1 2
b) error
c) 0 1 2 0 1 2
d) none of the mentioned

Explanation: We can loop over a generator object only once.

UNIT # 3

1. What is the data type of x after the following statement?

x = [7, 8, 9, 10]

a. List
b. Dictionary
c. Tuple
d. String
2. What is the data type of x after the following statement?

x = ['Today', 'Tomorrow', 'Yesterday']

a. List
b. Dictionary
c. Tuple
d. String
3. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = ['Today', 'Tomorrow', 'Yesterday'] y = x[1]

a. x1
b. Today
c. Tomorrow
d. Yesterday
4. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [25, 35, 45]

y = x[0]

a. x0
b. 25
c. 35
d. 45
5. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [10, 20, 30]

y = x[1] + x[2]

a. 20
b. 30
c. 40
d. 50
6. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday'] y = x[1] +


a. MondayTuesday
b. SundayMonday
c. SunMonday
d. Monday Tuesday
7. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0],[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]] y = x[1][2]


a. 0.0
b. 1.0
c. 5.0
d. 6.0
8. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0],[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]] y = x[0][1] +


a. 1.0
b. 4.0
c. 5.0
d. 6.0
9. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [15, 45, 85, 95]


a. 30
b. 40
c. 50
d. 10
10. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2]

a. [5, 4, 3, 2]
b. 5, 4, 3, 2
c. 5432
d. (5, 4, 3, 2)
11. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2]

a. [5, 4, 3, 2]
b. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
C. 1,2,3,4,5
D. [5,4,3,2,1]
12. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2]
x.insert(1, 0)

a. [5, 1, 3, 2, 0]
b. [5, 0, 4, 3, 2]
c. [0, 5, 4, 3, 2]
d. [1, 5, 4, 3, 2]
13. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2]

a. [5, 3, 2]
b. [5, 4, 3]
c. [5, 4, 2]
d. [3, 2]
14. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
15. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
16. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

a. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
b. []
c. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
d. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
17. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
y = [0, 5, 10]

a. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 10]
b. []
c. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
d. [0, 5, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
18. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
y = [10, 5, 0]

a. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 10, 5, 0]
b. []
c. [10, 5, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
d. [10, 5, 0]
19. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
y = [10, 5, 0]

a. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 10, 5, 0]
b. [10, 5, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
c. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
d. [10, 5, 0]
20. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

a. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
b. [0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
c. [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
d. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
21. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [25, 14, 53, 62, 11]


a. [11, 14, 25, 53, 62]

b. [25, 14, 53, 62, 11]
c. [62, 53, 25, 14, 11]
d. [25, 53, 62, 14, 11]
22. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = ['25', 'Today', '53', 'Sunday', '15']


a. ['Today', 'Sunday', '15', '25', '53']

b. ['Sunday', 'Today', '15', '25', '53']
c. ['15', '25', '53', 'Sunday', 'Today']
d. ['15', '25', '53', 'Today', 'Sunday']
23. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [25, 'Today', 53, 'Sunday', 15]


a. ['Today', 'Sunday', 15, 25, 53]

b. [15, 'Sunday', 53, 'Today', 25]
c. [15, 25, 53, 'Sunday', 'Today']
d. [15, 25, 53, 'Today', 'Sunday']
24. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [25, 35, 53, 25, 52, 35, 25]


a. 25
b. 3
c. 53
d. 35
25. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [25, 35, 53, 25, 52, 35, 25]


a. 25
b. 5
c. 7
d. 35
26. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [25, 35, 53, 25, 52, 35, 25]


a. 25
b. 5
c. 7
d. [25, 35, 53, 25, 52, 35, 25]
27. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [25, 35, 53, 25, 52, 35, 25]

del x[3]

a. [25, 35, 53, 52, 35, 25]

b. [25, 5, 5, 25, 52, 5, 25]
c. [35, 53, 52, 35]
d. [25, 35, 53, 25, 52, 35, 25]
28. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0, 1]
del x[2:3]

a. [5, 3, 6, 4, 0, 1]
b. [5, 3, 2, 4, 0, 1]
c. [5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 1]
d. [5, 4, 0, 1]
29. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0, 7]
del x[0:7]

a. []
b. [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0, 7]
c. [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0]
d. [3, 6, 2, 4, 0]

30. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0, 7]
del x[0:4]

a. []
b. [5, 3, 6, 2, 7]
c. [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0]
d. [4, 0, 7]
31. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0, 7]
del x[:]

a. []
b. [5, 3, 6, 2, 7]
c. [5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 0]
d. [4, 0, 7]
32. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [4, 0, 7]
y = str(x[0]) + str(x[1]) print(y)

a. 11
b. 4
c. 40
d. 7
33. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [4, 0, 7]
y = float(x[0] + x[2]) print(y)

a. 11
b. 11.0
c. 47.0
d. 47
34. What will be the data type of x after the following statement?

x = (34, 81, 50)

a. List
b. String
c. Dictionary
d. Tuple
35. What will be the data type of x after the following statement?

x = 'Python 3 Test'
a. List
b. String
c. Dictionary
d. Tuple
36. What will be the data type of x after the following statement?

x = [2290, 376, 198]

a. List
b. String
c. Dictionary
d. Tuple

37. What will be the data type of x after the following statement?

x = {'lang' :'Python', 'version' : '3'}

a. List
b. Set
c. Dictionary
d. Tuple
38. What will be the data type of x after the following statement?

x = {2015, 2016, 2017, 2018}

a. List
b. Set
c. Dictionary
D. Tuple
39. What will be the data type of x after the following statement?

x = [2016, 'Leap Year', 'True']

a. List
b. String
c. Dictionary
d. Boolean
40. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = [24, 50, 37]

y = 24 in x

a. x[0]
b. [24]
c. True
d. False
41. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {'A', 'B', 'C'}

y = 'b' in x

a. x[1]
b. ['B']
c. True
d. False
42. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = {0:4, 1:8, 2:16, 3:32}
y = 0 in x

a. x[0]
b. [24]
c. True
d. False
43. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {0:4, 1:8, 2:16, 3:32}

y = 8 in x

a. x[0]
b. [24]
c. True
d. False
44. Which of the following is immutable (values that cannot be changed)?

a. List
b. Dictionary
c. Tuple
d. Set
45. Which of the following has only unique values?

a. List
b. Dictionary
c. Tuple
d. Set
46. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {0:4, 1:8, 2:16, 3:32}


a. dict_keys([0, 1, 2, 3])
b. dict_keys{0, 1, 2, 3}
c. dict_keys(0, 1, 2, 3)
d. dict_keys[0, 1, 2, 3]

47. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {0:4, 1:8, 2:16, 3:32}


a. dict_values([4, 8, 16, 32])

b. dict_values{4, 8, 16, 32}
c. dict_values(4, 8, 16, 32)
d. dict_values[4, 8, 16, 32]
48. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = {1:'Jan', 2:'Feb', 3:'March', 4:'April'} print(x[2])

a. Jan
b. Feb
c. March
d. April
49. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {0:4, 1:8, 2:16, 3:32}


a. [4, 8]
b. [4, 8, 16]
c. 16
d. 8

50. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {0:4, 1:8, 2:16, 3:32}


a. dict_items(4, 8, 16, 32)

b. dict_items([4, 8, 16, 32])
c. dict_items[0, 1, 2, 3]
d. dict_items([(0, 4), (1, 8), (2, 16), (3, 32)])
51. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = {5:4, 8:8, 3:16, 9:32}

a. [4, 8, 16, 32]

b. [(3, 16), (5, 4), (8, 8), (9, 32)]
c. [3, 5, 8, 9]
d. [(4, 5), (8, 8), (16, 3), (32, 9)]
52. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']

for i in x:
print(i, end='')

a. P
b. python
c. Pytho
d. Python

53. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')

for i in x:
print(i, end=' ')

a. abcd
b. a b c d
c. False
d. True
54. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = {'x', 'z', 'y'}
for i in x:
print(i, end='')

a. x z y
b. xzy
c. False
d. True
55. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {'z:1', 'y:2', 'x:3'}

for i in x:
print(i, end=' ')

a. x y z
b. 1 2 3
c. x:3 y:2 z:1
d. True


56. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']

for i in enumerate(x): print(i,

a. ('P')('y')('t')('h')('o')('n')
b. python
c. python
d. (0, 'P')(1, 'y')(2, 't')(3, 'h')(4, 'o')(5, 'n')
57. What will be the output after the following statements?
x = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}
for i in x:
print(i, end=' ')

a. x y z
b. 1 2 3
c. x:1 y:2 z:3
d. True
58. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}

for i, j in x.items(): print(i, j, end='
a. x y z
b. x 1 y 2 z 3
c. x:1 y:2 z:3
d. x, 1, y, 2, z, 3


59. What will be the output after the following statements?

x = ['p', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']

y = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
for i in zip(x, y): print(i,

a. ('P')('y')('t')('h')('o')('n')
b. python 0 1 2 3 4 5
c. ('p', '0')('y', '1')('t', '2')('h', '3')('o', '4')('n', '5')
d. (0, 'P')(1, 'y')(2, 't')(3, 'h')(4, 'o')(5, 'n')
60. What will be the output after the following statements?

myvar = 5
def printvar() :

a. 01245
b. 12345
c. 5
d. 1234
61. What is printvar in the following statements?
myvar = 5
def printvar() :
a. A list
b. A string
c. An integer
d. A function
62. What will be the output after the following statements?

myvar = 5
def printvar() :
print(myvar, end ='')

a. 55
b. 5 5
c. 5
d. 10
63. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(var) :

print(var, end ='')


a. 55
b. 4 5
c. 45
d. var

64. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(var1, var2) :

print(var1 + var2, end ='')
call(10, 40)

a. 10
b. 50
c. 40
d. 10 + 40
65. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(var1, var2, var3) :

print(var1 var2 var3, end ='')

a = b = c = 10
call(a, b, c)

a. 1000
b. 10
c. 30
d. 10 10 10
66. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(var1=20, var2=5, var3=2) :

print(var1 var2 var3, end ='')


a. 100
b. 1000
c. 2052
d. 200
67. What will be the output after the following statements?
def call(var1=20, var2=5, var3=2) :
print(var1 var2 var3, end ='')

a. 597
b. 315
c. 2052
d. 200
68. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(var1=20, var2=5, var3=2) :

print(var1 var2 var3, end ='')


a. 57
b. 315
c. 70
d. 200
69. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(var1=20, var2=5, var3=2) :

print((var1 * var2) - var3, end ='')

call(var2=5, var3=3, var1=4)

a. 17
b. 98
c. 70
d. 11
70. What will be the output after the following statements?
def call(var1=20, var2=5, var3=2) :
print((var1 * var2) - var3, end ='')

a. 17
b. 98
c. 26
d. 11
71. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(x, y) :

return x * y
print(call(5, 3))

a. 18
b. 5, 3
c. 15
d. 8
72. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(y, x) :

return x / y
z = call(4, 9)

a. 0.444445
b. 2
c. 0
d. 2.25
73. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(x,y) :

if y == 0:
return return

a. 6
b. -6
c. 2
d. 6.0
74. What will be the output after the following statements?

def call(x,y) :

if x == 0:

return return y + x

a. 5
b. 5.0
c. 0
d. None
75. What will be the output after the following statements?

y = lambda x: x*4

a. 24
b. 24.0
c. 6: 24
D. 36
Topic: Module Unit 4

1. Which of these definitions correctly describes a module?

a) Denoted by triple quotes for providing the specification of certain program elements
b) Design and implementation of specific functionality to be incorporated into a program
c) Defines the specification of how it is to be used
d) Any program that reuses code
Answer: b
Explanation: The term “module” refers to the implementation of specific functionality to be
incorporated into a program.
2. Which of the following is not an advantage of using modules?
a) Provides a means of reuse of program code
b) Provides a means of dividing up tasks
c) Provides a means of reducing the size of the program
d) Provides a means of testing individual parts of the program
Answer: c
Explanation: The total size of the program remains the same regardless of whether modules
are used or not. Modules simply divide the program.
3. Program code making use of a given module is called a ______ of the module.
a) Client
b) Docstring
c) Interface
d) Modularity
Answer: a
Explanation: Program code making use of a given module is called the client of the module.
There may be multiple clients for a module.
4. ______ is a string literal denoted by triple quotes for providing the specifications of certain
program elements.
a) Interface
b) Modularity
c) Client
d) Docstring
Answer: d
Explanation: Docstring used for providing the specifications of program elements.
5. Which of the following is true about top-down design process?
a) The details of a program design are addressed before the overall design
b) Only the details of the program are addressed
c) The overall design of the program is addressed before the details
d) Only the design of the program is addressed
Answer: c
Explanation: Top-down design is an approach for deriving a modular design in which the
overall design.
6. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def change(a):
b=[x*2 for x in a]
def change(a):
b=[x*x for x in a]
from mod1 import change
from mod2 import change

a) [2,4,6]
b) [1,4,9]
c) [2,4,6]
d) There is a name clash
Answer: d
Explanation: A name clash is when two different entities with the same identifier become part
of the same scope. Since both the modules have the same function name, there is a name clash.

7. Which of the following isn’t true about main modules?

a) When a python file is directly executed, it is considered main module of a program
b) Main modules may import any number of modules
c) Special name given to main modules is: __main__
d) Other main modules can import main modules

Answer: d
Explanation: Main modules are not meant to be imported into other modules.

8. Which of the following is not a valid namespace?

a) Global namespace
b) Public namespace
c) Built-in namespace
d) Local namespace
Answer: b
Explanation: During a Python program execution, there are as many as three namespaces –
built-in namespace, global namespace and local namespace.

9. Which of the following is false about “import modulename” form of import?

a) The namespace of imported module becomes part of importing module
b) This form of import prevents name clash
c) The namespace of imported module becomes available to importing module
d) The identifiers in module are accessed as: modulename.identifier

Answer: a
Explanation: In the “import modulename” form of import, the namespace of imported module
becomes available to, but not part of, the importing module.

10. Which of the following is false about “from-import” form of import?

a) The syntax is: from modulename import identifier
b) This form of import prevents name clash
c) The namespace of imported module becomes part of importing module
d) The identifiers in module are accessed directly as: identifier

Answer: b
Explanation: In the “from-import” form of import, there may be name clashes because names
of the imported identifiers aren’t specified along with the module name.

11. Which of the statements about modules is false?

a) In the “from-import” form of import, identifiers beginning with two underscores are private
and aren’t imported
b) dir() built-in function monitors the items in the namespace of the main module
c) In the “from-import” form of import, all identifiers regardless of whether they are private or
public are imported
d) When a module is loaded, a compiled version of the module with file extension .pyc is
automatically produced

Answer: c
Explanation: In the “from-import” form of import, identifiers beginning with two underscores
are private and aren’t imported.

12. What will be the output of the following Python code?

from math import factorial
a) 120
b) Nothing is printed
c) Error, method factorial doesn’t exist in math module
d) Error, the statement should be: print(factorial(5))
Answer: d
Explanation: In the “from-import” form of import, the imported identifiers (in this case
factorial()) aren’t specified along with the module name.

13. What is the order of namespaces in which Python looks for an identifier?
a) Python first searches the global namespace, then the local namespace and finally the built-in
b) Python first searches the local namespace, then the global namespace and finally the built-in
c) Python first searches the built-in namespace, then the global namespace and finally the local
d) Python first searches the built-in namespace, then the local namespace and finally the global

Answer: b
Explanation: Python first searches for the local, then the global and finally the built-in

14. What is returned by math.ceil(3.4)?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 4.0
d) 3.0

Answer: b
Explanation: The ceil function returns the smallest integer that is bigger than or equal to the
number itself.

15. What is the value returned by math.floor(3.4)?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 4.0
d) 3.0
Answer: a
Explanation: The floor function returns the biggest number that is smaller than or equal to the
number itself.

16. What will be the output of print(math.copysign(3, -1))?

a) 1
b) 1.0
c) -3
d) -3.0

Answer: d

Explanation: The copysign function returns a float whose absolute value is that of the first
argument and the sign is that of the second argument.

17. What is displayed on executing print(math.fabs(-3.4))?

a) -3.4
b) 3.4
c) 3
d) -3
Answer: b
Explanation: A negative floating point number is returned as a positive floating point number.

Exception Handling
1. How many except statements can a try-except block have?
a) zero
b) one
c) more than one
d) more than zero

Answer: d
Explanation: There has to be at least one except statement
2. When will the else part of try-except-else be executed?
a) always
b) when an exception occurs
c) when no exception occurs
d) when an exception occurs in to except block

Answer: c
Explanation: The else part is executed when no exception occurs.

3. Is the following Python code valid?

# Do something
# Do something
# Do something
a) no, there is no such thing as finally
b) no, finally cannot be used with except
c) no, finally must come before except
d) yes

Answer: b
Explanation: Refer documentation.

4. Is the following Python code valid?

# Do something
# Do something
# Do something
a) no, there is no such thing as else
b) no, else cannot be used with except
c) no, else must come before except
d) yes
Answer: d
Explanation: Refer documentation.
5. Can one block of except statements handle multiple exception?
a) yes, like except TypeError, SyntaxError [,…]
b) yes, like except [TypeError, SyntaxError]
c) no
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Each type of exception can be specified directly. There is no need to put it in a list.
6. When is the finally block executed?
a) when there is no exception
b) when there is an exception
c) only if some condition that has been specified is satisfied
d) always
Answer: d
Explanation: The finally block is always executed.
7. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def foo():
return 1
return 2
k = foo()

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) error, there is more than one return statement in a single try-finally block

Answer: b
Explanation: The finally block is executed even there is a return statement in the try block.

8. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def foo():

a) 1 2
b) 1
c) 2
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: No error occurs in the try block so 1 is printed. Then the finally block is executed and 2 is

9. What will be the output of the following Python code?

if '1' != 1:
raise "someError"
print("someError has not occurred")
except "someError":
print ("someError has occurred")
a) someError has occurred
b) someError has not occurred
c) invalid code
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: A new exception class must inherit from a BaseException. There is no such inheritance

10. What happens when ‘1’ == 1 is executed?

a) we get a True
b) we get a False
c) an TypeError occurs
d) a ValueError occurs

Answer: b
Explanation: It simply evaluates to False and does not raise any exception.

11. The following Python code will result in an error if the input value is entered as -5.

assert False, 'Spanish'

a) True
b) False

12. What will be the output of the following Python code?

assert x>y, 'X too small'

a) Assertion Error
b) 10 8
c) No output
d) 108

Answer: c
Explanation: The code shown above results in an error if and only if x<y. However, in the above case,
since x>y, there is no error. Since there is no print statement, hence there is no output.
13. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def f(x):
yield x+1

a) 8
b) 9
c) 7
d) Error
Answer: b
Explanation: The code shown above returns the value of the expression x+1, since we have used to
keyword yield. The value of x is 8. Hence the output of the code is 9.
14. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def f(x):
yield x+1
yield x+2

a) Error
b) test
c) test 10 12
d) No output

Answer: d
Explanation: The code shown above will not yield any output. This is because when we try to yield 9,
and there is no next(g), the iteration stops. Hence there is no output.

15. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def f(x):
yield x+1
yield x+2
a) No output
b) 11 test 12
c) 11 test
d) 11

Answer: b
Explanation: The code shown above results in the output:
This is because we have used next(g) twice. Had we not used next, there would be no output.

16.  What will be the output of the following Python code?

def a():
f(x, 4)
print('after f')
print('after f?')

a) No output
b) after f?
c) error
d) after f

Answer: c
Explanation: This code shown above will result in an error simply because ‘f’ is not defined. ‘try’ and
‘finally’ are keywords used in exception handling.

17. What will be the output of the following Python code?

def f(x):
for i in range(5):
yield i
a) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
b) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
c) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
d) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Answer: a
Explanation: The output of the code shown above is a list containing whole numbers in the range (5).
Hence the output of this code is: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].
18. The error displayed in the following Python code is?

import itertools
l1=(1, 2, 3)
l2=[4, 5, 6]
l=itertools.chain(l1, l2)

a) ‘list’ object is not iterator

b) ‘tuple’ object is not iterator
c) ‘list’ object is iterator
d) ‘tuple’ object is iterator

Answer: b
Explanation: The error raised in the code shown above is that: ‘tuple’ object is not iterator. Had we
given l2 as argument to next, the error would have been: ‘list’ object is not iterator.
19. Which of the following is not an exception handling keyword in Python?
a) try
b) except
c) accept
d) finally

Answer: c
Explanation: The keywords ‘try’, ‘except’ and ‘finally’ are exception handling keywords in python
whereas the word ‘accept’ is not a keyword at all.

20. What will be the output of the following Python code?

g = (i for i in range(5))


a) class <’loop’>
b) class <‘iteration’>
c) class <’range’>
d) class <’generator’>

Answer: d
Explanation: Another way of creating a generator is to use parenthesis. Hence the output of the code
shown above is: class<’generator’>

File Handling

1. To open a file c:\scores.txt for reading, we use _____________

a) infile = open(“c:\scores.txt”, “r”)
b) infile = open(“c:\\scores.txt”, “r”)
c) infile = open(file = “c:\scores.txt”, “r”)
d) infile = open(file = “c:\\scores.txt”, “r”)

Answer: b
Explanation: Execute help(open) to get more details.

2. To open a file c:\scores.txt for writing, we use ____________

a) outfile = open(“c:\scores.txt”, “w”)
b) outfile = open(“c:\\scores.txt”, “w”)
c) outfile = open(file = “c:\scores.txt”, “w”)
d) outfile = open(file = “c:\\scores.txt”, “w”)

Answer: b
Explanation: w is used to indicate that file is to be written to.

3. To open a file c:\scores.txt for appending data, we use ____________

a) outfile = open(“c:\\scores.txt”, “a”)
b) outfile = open(“c:\\scores.txt”, “rw”)
c) outfile = open(file = “c:\scores.txt”, “w”)
d) outfile = open(file = “c:\\scores.txt”, “w”)
Answer: a
Explanation: a is used to indicate that data is to be appended.
4. Which of the following statements are true?
a) When you open a file for reading, if the file does not exist, an error occurs
b) When you open a file for writing, if the file does not exist, a new file is created
c) When you open a file for writing, if the file exists, the existing file is overwritten with the
new file
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: The program will throw an error.

5. To read two characters from a file object infile, we use ____________

c) infile.readline()
d) infile.readlines()

Answer: a
Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.

6. To read the entire remaining contents of the file as a string from a file object infile, we use
c) infile.readline()
d) infile.readlines()

Answer: b
Explanation: read function is used to read all the lines in a file.

7. What will be the output of the following Python code?

f = None
for i in range (5):
with open("data.txt", "w") as f:
if i > 2:

a) True
b) False
c) None
d) Error
Answer: a
Explanation: The WITH statement when used with open file guarantees that the file object is closed
when the with block exits.
8. To read the next line of the file from a file object infile, we use ____________
c) infile.readline()
d) infile.readlines()

Answer: c
Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.

9. To read the remaining lines of the file from a file object infile, we use ____________
c) infile.readline()
d) infile.readlines()

Answer: d
Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.
10. The readlines() method returns ____________
a) str
b) a list of lines
c) a list of single characters
d) a list of integers

Answer: b
Explanation: Every line is stored in a list and returned.

11. Which are the two built-in functions to read a line of text from standard input, which by default
comes from the keyboard?
a) Raw_input & Input
b) Input & Scan
c) Scan & Scanner
d) Scanner

Answer: a
Explanation: Python provides two built-in functions to read a line of text from standard input, which by
default comes from the keyboard. These functions are:
raw_input and input

12. Which one of the following is not attributes of file?

a) closed
b) softspace
c) rename
d) mode

Answer: c
Explanation: rename is not the attribute of file rest all are files attributes.

13. What is the use of tell() method in python?

a) tells you the current position within the file
b) tells you the end position within the file
c) tells you the file is opened or not
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: The tell() method tells you the current position within the file; in other words, the next
read or write will occur at that many bytes from the beginning of the file.

14. What is the current syntax of rename() a file?

a) rename(current_file_name, new_file_name)
b) rename(new_file_name, current_file_name,)
c) rename(()(current_file_name, new_file_name))
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: This is the correct syntax which has shown below.
rename(current_file_name, new_file_name)

15. What is the current syntax of remove() a file?

a) remove(file_name)
b) remove(new_file_name, current_file_name,)
c) remove(() , file_name))
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: remove(file_name)

16. What will be the output of the following Python code?

fo = open("foo.txt", "rw+")
print "Name of the file: ",
for index in range(5):
line =
print "Line No %d - %s" % (index, line)

# Close opened file


a) Compilation Error
b) Syntax Error
c) Displays Output
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: It displays the output as shown below. The method next() is used when a file is used as an
iterator, typically in a loop, the next() method is called repeatedly. This method returns the next input
line, or raises Stop Iteration when EOF is hit.

17. What is the use of seek() method in files?

a) sets the file’s current position at the offset
b) sets the file’s previous position at the offset
c) sets the file’s current position within the file
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Sets the file’s current position at the offset. The method seek() sets the file’s current
position at the offset.
Following is the syntax for seek() method:[, whence])
offset — This is the position of the read/write pointer within the file.

whence — This is optional and defaults to 0 which means absolute file positioning, other values are 1
which means seek relative to the current position and 2 means seek relative to the file’s end.

18. What is the use of truncate() method in file?

a) truncates the file size
b) deletes the content of the file
c) deletes the file size
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: The method truncate() truncates the file size. Following is the syntax for truncate()
fileObject.truncate( [ size ])
size — If this optional argument is present, the file is truncated to (at most) that size

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