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A Rapid Method To Isolate Soluble Royal Jelly Proteins

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Food Chemistry 134 (2012) 2332–2337

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Analytical Methods

A rapid method to isolate soluble royal jelly proteins

Reo Nozaki a,b, Shogo Tamura c,d, Aimi Ito c, Takanori Moriyama e, Kikuji Yamaguchi a,b, Toru Kono a,⇑
Division of Gastroenterologic and General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Asahikawa Medical University, Asahikawa, Japan
Japan Royal Jelly Research Laboratories, Japan Royal Jelly & Co., Miyagi, Japan
Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Soluble royal jelly (RJ) proteins (SRJPs) include the major RJ protein (MRJP) family, which contribute to the
Received 10 June 2011 physiological actions of RJ. Although SRJPs are prepared using conventional methods involving dialysis and
Received in revised form 15 March 2012 centrifugation, dialysis is a time-consuming process. We have therefore developed a simple method to iso-
Accepted 24 March 2012
late SRJPs from RJ. This new method produces 20-fold higher levels of SRJPs than that of the conventional
Available online 2 April 2012
procedure; hence, the levels obtained by the new and existing methods were compared. A 1-h ultracentri-
fugation separated SRJPs in the supernatant into upper, middle and lower layers. Each layer was analyzed
by size-exclusion HPLC, SDS–PAGE and 2-DE. The upper and middle layers contained MRJP2 (52 kDa) and
Royal jelly
MRJP3 (60–70 kDa), while the lower layer contained MRJP1 (290 kDa). In nature, MRJP1 is a monomer and/
Soluble royal jelly proteins or oligomer. When the lower layer was analyzed by Superose 12 HPLC, MRJP1 was predominantly an oli-
MRJP1 oligomer gomer. Our MRJP isolation method reduces the procedure time by using ultracentrifugation without dial-
HPLC ysis to obtain SRJPs and produces layers containing MRJP1 oligomers, MRJP2 and MRJP3.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Yamaguchi, & Moriyama, 2009). Typically, these methods take a

long time to produce SRJPs. Most existing methods require 7 days
Royal jelly (RJ) is nutritious food that is secreted from the hyp- of dialysis and produce very low yields because RJ is difficult to dis-
opharyngeal and mandibular glands of nurse honeybees. RJ con- solve. Therefore, the quantity of MRJPs obtained from SRJPs is a
tains 12–15% crude proteins, and it has been reported that 80% limiting factor for biological research on MRJPs.
of these proteins are members of the major RJ protein (MRJP) fam- Ultracentrifugation is known as a useful tool to isolate lipopro-
ily, with MRJP1 accounting for more than 45% (Furusawa et al., teins and whey proteins that are difficult to extract (De Natale
2008). MRJP1 is an acidic 55 kDa protein and forms an oligomeric et al., 2009; Etcheverry, Miller, & Glahn, 2004; Henry, Molle,
complex; however, its protein structure has not been analyzed Morgan, Fauquant, & Bouhallab, 2002; Tanese, 1997; Yee et al.,
yet. RJ is indispensable for the development of a queen bee and 2008). Thus, we used ultracentrifugation to isolate SRJPs from RJ
MRJP family is thought to be a major factor in queen honeybee and obtained a large quantity of SRJPs within an hour. In this study
development (Kamakura, 2011; Schmitzova et al., 1998; Weaver, we describe a simple and rapid method to isolate SRJPs using a no-
1966). vel ultracentrifugal analysis.
Furthermore, the MRJP family is considered the main substance
involved in the physiological actions of RJ, including cell prolifera-
2. Materials and methods
tion, cytokine suppression, and antimicrobial activity (Fujiwara
et al., 1990; Kamakura, Suenobu, & Fukushima, 2001; Majtan,
2.1. Materials
Kumar, Majtan, Walls, & Klaudiny, 2010; Oka, Emori, Kobayashi,
Hayashi, & Nomoto, 2001; Okamoto, 2003; Shen et al., 2010).
Fresh RJ was provided by Japan Royal Jelly (Tokyo, Japan). Sam-
Previously, soluble RJ proteins (SRJPs) including the MRJP family
ples were stored at 80 °C until analysis.
were prepared from methods that combined dialysis and centrifu-
gation (Tamura, Amano, et al., 2009; Tamura, Kono, Harada,
2.2. Extraction of soluble RJ proteins
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Department of Surgery, Asahikawa Medical
University, 2-1 Midorigaoka-Higashi, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8510, Japan. Tel.: First, 10 g of RJ was dissolved in 10 mL of deionized water and
+81 166 68 2503; fax: +81 166 68 2193. vortexed. Next, RJ was ultracentrifuged (Optima™ L-80XP Ultra-
E-mail address: (T. Kono). centrifuge, Beckman Coulter, Tokyo, Japan) at 113,400g for 1 h at

0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Nozaki et al. / Food Chemistry 134 (2012) 2332–2337 2333

4 °C. Then, the supernatant was separated into three layers, includ- 2.5. 2-DE
ing the upper, middle, and lower layers. These layers contained de-
fined and layered soluble RJ proteins (LSRJPs). Each layer was Twenty-five micrograms of protein was desalted, delipidated
recovered with minimal mixing of the layers and then stored at and concentrated by deposition with 100% cold acetone. Protein
4 °C until further analysis. pellets were washed with 80% acetone and dissolved in a protein
solubiliser (Invitrogen), carrier ampholytes 3–10 (Invitrogen) and
DTT. The protein solution was added to an IPG ZOOM strip gel
2.3. Measurement of total protein levels
(pH 3–10, Invitrogen) and incubated overnight. First-dimension
IEF was run under gradient voltage conditions (175 V constant
The total protein concentration in the samples was quantified
for 20 min, gradient from 175 to 2000 V for 45 min, and 2000 V
using a Micro BCA protein Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific
constant for 30 min). IEF Marker 3–10 SELVA Liquid Mix (SERVA
K.K., Yokohama, Japan). HSA (Wako, Osaka, Japan) was used as a
Electrophoresis, Heidelberg, Germany) was used as a pI marker.
protein standard.
The IPG strip gel used for IEF was reduced with 50 mM DTT in
LDS sample buffer and alkylated with 125 mM iodoacetamide in
2.4. SDS–PAGE LDS sample buffer. The gel was used for second-dimension SDS–
PAGE as described above.
Proteins in each layer were mixed with NuPAGE lithium dode-
cyl sulphate (LDS) sample buffer (Invitrogen, Tokyo, Japan) con-
taining 50 mM DTT, and then boiled at 100 °C for 5 min. The 2.6. HPLC
sample mixtures were separated on precast NuPAGE 4–12% bis–
Tris polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen). Running buffer was prepared Each sample layer was analyzed by size-exclusion and anion-
using NuPAGE MES SDS Running Buffer (Invitrogen). SDS–PAGE exchange HPLC. Size-exclusion HPLC was performed on Superose
was performed at a constant 200 V. Mark12 Unstained Standard 12 columns (10  300 mm; GE Healthcare). PBS (Invitrogen) was
(Invitrogen) was used as molecular weight markers for SDS–PAGE. used as the elution buffer for each column. For the Superose 12

Fig. 1. Royal jelly (RJ) after ultracentrifugation and 2-DE profiles of three layers. (A) Soluble RJ proteins (SRJPs) after ultracentrifugation. Ten grams RJ was dissolved in 10 mL
of deionized water. The supernatant consisted of an upper turbid layer (1.5 mL), clear middle layer (7 mL), and a thick lower layer (4.5 mL). (a) Insoluble layer included RJ. (B–
D) 2-DE profiles of SRJPs of three layers. (B) 2-DE profile of upper-layer. The spot indicated by a dotted circle was MRJP3. Another spot indicated by a dashed circle was MRJP2.
(C) 2-DE profile of middle-layer. The major spot was the same as the upper-layer. (D) 2-DE profile of lower-layer. The major spot indicated by a continuous circle was MRJP1.
The amount of protein obtained was 20 lg. The gel was stained with CBB.

Table 1
Comparison of the yields obtained by existing and new extraction methods.

Lot Weight Supernatant after centrifugation Total protein concentration of supernatant Yield of total protein levels Recovery rate
(g) (mL) (mg/mL) (mg) (%)
Existing a 3.24 2 20.52 41.04 1.27
method b 3.50 2 18.20 36.40 1.04
c 3.47 2 24.53 49.06 1.41
New method a 10 13 40.19 522.20 5.22
b 10 13 32.79 426.33 4.26
c 10 13 36.03 468.34 4.68
2334 R. Nozaki et al. / Food Chemistry 134 (2012) 2332–2337

column, the sample injection volume was 100 lL and the flow rate three different RJs was measured. The recovery rate was deter-
was 0.2 mL/min. mined as the percentage of the weight of RJ. The yields obtained
Anion-exchange HPLC was performed on a Mini Q column from each method are shown in Table 1. Total protein concentra-
(4.6  50 mm; GE Healthcare). Dialysis with 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH tions of supernatant obtained from each RJ using the existing
8.0) was used for sample desalting and buffer exchange, and then method were 20.52, 18.20, and 24.53 mg/mL; the new method
the samples were concentrated using a Minicon or Amicon Ultra- yielded 40.19, 32.79, and 36.03 mg/mL. Recovery rates were
4 (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). The sample injection volume 1.267%, 1.041%, and 1.413% using the existing method, while the
was 1 mL. The binding buffer contained 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), rates for the new method were 5.225%, 4.263%, and 4.683%. Recov-
and the elution buffer contained 20 mM Tris–HCl, 1 M NaCl. ery rates were calculated according to the following formula:
weight of 3 mL RJ/total protein in existing method, and RJ 10 g/to-
tal protein in new method.
3. Results

3.1. Extraction of LSRJPs by ultracentrifugation

3.3. Comparison of the protein profile from both extraction methods
The solution obtained by mixing 10 g of RJ with 10 mL of deion-
ized water was separated into three layers by ultracentrifugation First, we compared the protein profile of CSRJPs that were ex-
(Fig. 1A). The supernatant was classified as layered soluble RJ pro- tracted using the existing method and the new method. We recov-
teins (LSRJPs). In addition, the mixed solution of these layers was ered the mixture of three layers of SRJPs extracted by the new
classified as crude soluble RJ proteins (CSRJPs). The upper, middle, method. It is well established that size-exclusion chromatography
and lower layers had volumes of 1.5, 7, and 4.5 mL, respectively. of CSRJPs yields the elution pattern presented in Fig. 2. Each major
protein peak was identified in a previous study. A peak at 290 kDa
3.2. Comparison of the yields obtained by both extraction methods represented the MRJP1 oligomer, while peaks at approximately 70
and 50 kDa were MRJP3 and MRJP2, respectively. There were min-
We recovered the mixture of three LSRJPs layers extracted using imal differences in the major protein peaks between the two
the new method to compare with CSRJPs extracted from the exist- extraction methods. The new method yielded greater small molec-
ing method. The total amount of protein in CSRJPs extracted from ular peaks than the existing method. Peaks eluted after 15 mL in

Fig. 2. Two elution profiles of SRJPs by size-exclusion HPLC on a Superose 12 column. The protein absorbance was monitored at 280 nm. The column was calibrated using Gel
filtration Calibration Kits with low molecular weight and high molecular weight proteins (GE Healthcare). Peaks: (a) MRJP1 oligomer (290 kDa), (b) MRJP3 (60–70 kDa), (c)
MRJP2 (52 kDa). With regard to these major peaks, there was not much difference between the two methods. Lot number of RJ was the same for A and B. (A) Elution pattern of
SRJPs obtained by the existing method. Peak absorbances of MRJP1 and MRJP2 were 833 mAU and 1426 mAU, respectively. (B) Elution pattern of SRJPs (mixture of upper,
middle and lower layers) obtained by the new method. Peak absorbances of MRJP1 and MRJP2 were 831 mAU and 1479 mAU, respectively. Peaks eluted after 15 mL in
Superose 12 column consisted of low molecular constituents and not proteins.
R. Nozaki et al. / Food Chemistry 134 (2012) 2332–2337 2335

Fig. 3. Elution profiles of three layers SRJPs by size-exclusion HPLC on a Superose 12 column. The protein absorbance was monitored at 280 nm. (A) Elution pattern of SRJPs of
upper layer. MRJP3 peak was 419 mAU and MRJP2 peak was 865 mAU. (B) Elution pattern of SRJPs of middle layer. MRJP3 peak was 624 mAU and MRJP2 peak was 1338 mAU.
(C) Elution pattern of SRJPs of lower layer. MRJP1 oligomer peak was 1660 mAU.
2336 R. Nozaki et al. / Food Chemistry 134 (2012) 2332–2337

Superose 12 column consisted of low molecular constituents and MRJPs have been the subject of various research projects on the
not proteins (data not shown). physiological activities of RJ. Such studies call for a significant
amount of highly pure MRJPs. Therefore, we believe that our new
technique will contribute to advances in scientific knowledge of
3.4. Analysis of LSRJPs by electrophoresis
the MRJP family.
We demonstrated that ultracentrifuging RJ for 1 h resulted in a
We analyzed the proteins in the three layers that were obtained
visible, three-layer separation of the supernatant. The upper and
with the reformed extraction method by SDS–PAGE and 2-DE.
middle layers had high concentrations of MRJP2 (52 kDa) and
SDS–PAGE bands and 2-DE spots were identified by a previous
MRJP3 (60–70 kDa). MRJP1 (55 kDa), which had a similar molecu-
studies using MALDI-TOF–MS and standard proteomic analyses
lar weight to MRJP2 and MRJP3, was present in the lower layer in
(Tamura, Amano, et al., 2009; Tamura, Kono, et al., 2009). There
the form of an oligomer. Our accomplishment has provided a
were minimal differences in both the upper and middle layers.
highly efficient method to purify the target MRJP by collecting
However, a 55 kDa band was predominantly stained in the lower
the relevant supernatant layer. In particular, MRJP1 exerts cell
protective effects (Turkmen, Cavusoglu, Yapar, & Yalcin, 2009;
Additionally, we performed 2-DE and confirmed that MRJP1
Wagner, Dobler, & Thiem, 1970) and other physiological activities
predominantly fractionated to the lower layer (Fig. 1B–D).
(Majtan, Kovacova, Bilikova, & Simuth, 2006; Matsui et al., 2002;
Narita et al., 2006) and exists predominantly as an oligomer in nat-
3.5. Analysis of LSRJPs by HPLC urally produced RJ (Tamura, Amano, et al., 2009; Tamura, Kono,
et al., 2009). This underscores the significance of using the MRJP1
We analyzed the proteins in the three layers that were obtained oligomer when studying the biological properties of MRJP1.
using the new extraction method using Superose 12 size-exclusion In conclusion, the novel technique involving ultracentrifugation
HPLC columns. The chromatograms are shown in Fig. 3A–C. The of RJ described here supersedes conventional methods in terms of
upper layer contained many peaks corresponding to low molecular technical simplicity and production yields. Despite economic is-
weight proteins. There was a small peak representing the MRJP1 sues related to the high cost of the ultracentrifugation equipment,
oligomer (290 kDa) in the upper layer. In addition, the middle layer we expect that this new process will prove to be a new standard
contained a small peak corresponding to the MRJP1 oligomer. method to purify MRJPs.
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the upper layer. On the other hand, it was clear that the MRJP1 oli- References
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