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James Ronald Hennell

A thesis presented to the University of Western Sydney in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

© James Ronald Hennell July 2012

Table of contents

Front matter II  

0.1. List of figures X  

0.2. List of tables XIV  

0.3. List of publications XVI  

0.4. Statement of authentication XVIII  

0.5. Dedication XIX  

0.6. Acknowledgements XX  

0.7. List of abbreviations XXII  

0.8. Abstract XXIV  

Chapter 1. General introduction 1  

1.1. Background to traditional Chinese medicine 2  

1.2. Plant secondary metabolites: a chemical basis for HM 3  

1.3. Risks of HM 4  

1.3.1. Misidentification of raw materials 5  

1.3.2. Lack of chemical standardisation and characterisation 5  

1.3.3. Substitution and adulteration of the herbs 6  

1.4. Herbal medicine regulation in Australia 6  

1.4.1. Therapeutic goods administration 6  

1.4.2. Listed and registered complementary medicines 7  

1.4.3. Pharmacopoeia and official standards 8  

1.5. Overview of HM quality control strategies 8  

1.5.1. Chemical testing 9 Analytical equipment 9 Analytical paradigms 10  

Table of contents

1.5.2. Biochemical testing: DNA barcoding 11  

1.5.3. Biological response testing 11  

1.6. The compound-based approach to herbal quality evaluation using

Endoherb™ 12  

1.6.1. A new herbal formulation for the treatment of endometriosis 13  

1.6.2. Extraction solvents 13  

1.6.3. Analyte selection 15 Substances that may be used in listed medicines in Australia 15 Pharmacopoeia references 17 A novel approach to analyte selection 18  

1.6.4. Development and validation of analytical methods of analysis for the

selected analytes 24  

1.6.5. Method validation parameters 25 Identity confirmation 25 Accuracy (recovery) 26 Precision 27 Linearity 27 Detection limits 27 Stability 28  

1.7. The pattern-based approach to herbal quality evaluation using Equisetum

arvense L. 29  

1.7.1. A pattern-based approach to assessing herb quality 29  

1.7.2. Rationale for analysing E. arvense 29  

1.7.3. Chemometrics 30 Phytomics similarity index 31  

1.7.4. Genomic authentication 32  

Table of contents

1.7.5. Chemically based antioxidant assessment 32  

1.7.6. Structural elucidation 34  

1.8. Aims 34  

Chapter 2. Experimental for Endoherb™ 36  

2.1. Preparation of Endoherb™ extracts 37  

2.1.1. Sample preparation of the individual raw herbs for mixing 37  

2.1.2. Preparation of the aqueous ethanol extracts 37  

2.1.3. Aqueous extract 38  

2.2. Equipment 38  

2.2.1. Miscellaneous equipment 38  

2.2.2. LC-PDA and LC-MS instrumentation 38  

2.2.3. GC-MS instrumentation 39  

2.3. Reagents 39  

2.3.1. LC mobile phase 40  

2.4. Preparation of fortification and mixed standard calibration solutions 40  

2.4.1. Amygdalin, glycyrrhizic acid and paeoniflorin mixed fortification

solution 40  

2.4.2. Amygdalin, glycyrrhizic acid and paeoniflorin mixed standard

solutions 41  

2.4.3. Pachymic acid and rhein mixed fortification solution 41  

2.4.4. Pachymic acid and rhein mixed standard solutions 41  

2.4.5. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol mixed fortification

solution 41  

2.4.6. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol missed standard solutions 42  

Table of contents

2.4.7. Carveol, cinnamaldehyde, tetramethylpyrazine and umbelliferone

mixed fortification solution 42  

2.4.8. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol standard solutions 43  

2.5. Sample preparation 43  

2.6. Chromatographic conditions 43  

2.6.1. Analysis of amygdalin by LC-MS 44  

2.6.2. Analysis of glycyrrhizic acid by LC-PDA 44  

2.6.3. Analysis of paeoniflorin by LC-PDA 44  

2.6.4. Analysis of pachymic acid by LC-MS 45  

2.6.5. Analysis of rhein by LC-PDA 45  

2.6.6. Analysis of carveol, cinnamaldehyde, tetramethylpyrazine and

umbelliferone by GC-MS 45  

2.6.7. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol using GC-FID 46  

2.6.8. MS signal optimisation 46  

Chapter 3. Experimental for E. arvense 48  

3.1. Samples 49  

3.1.1. Sources of E. arvense 49  

3.1.2. Sample preparation 49  

3.2. Phytochemical profiling 50  

3.2.1. TLC 50  

3.2.2. LC–PDA and LC-MS 50  

3.3. Chemometric analysis 51  

3.4. Genetic authentication 52  

3.5. Antioxidant assays 53  

Table of contents

3.5.1. Chromatographic DPPH assay 53  

3.5.2. DPPH radical scavenging assay 54  

3.5.3. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity assay 55  

3.5.4. Structural elucidation 55  

Chapter 4. Results and discussion for Endoherb™ 56  

4.1. Analyte selection 57  

4.2. Extract production 57  

4.3. Quantitation of the selected analytes 57  

4.3.1. Sample preparation 57  

4.3.2. Analytical method development 58  

4.3.3. Analytical method validation 63 Analyte identity confirmation 63 Accuracy 70 Precision 72 Limits of detection 72 Linearity 73 Stability 74  

4.3.4. Extract comparison 74  

Chapter 5. Results and discussion for E. arvense 77  

5.1. Phytochemical profiling 78  

5.2. Chemometric analysis 82  

5.2.1. Chromatographic processing 82  

5.2.2. Statistical analysis 85  

5.3. Genetic authentication 88  

5.4. Radical scavenging assays 92  

Table of contents

5.4.1. Radical scavenging capacity 92  

5.4.2. Chromatographic DPPH assay 93  

5.5. Structural elucidation of antioxidant peaks 94  

Chapter 6. General conclusions 98  

6.1. Summary 99  

6.2. Major findings and implications in the application of the compound-based

approach to the quality evaluation of Endoherb™ 100  

6.2.1. A systematic method for the selection of analytes for the quantitative

analysis of Endoherb™ 100  

6.2.2. A validated analytical method for the quantitation of the selected

analytes in the dried Endoherb™ extract prepared from the pure

aqueous, 35 % aqueous ethanol and 95 % aqueous ethanol extraction

solvents. 101  

6.2.3. Evaluation of the extraction efficiencies of the three solvents tested. 101  

6.3. Major findings and implications in the application of the pattern-based

approach to the quality evaluation of E. arvense 102  

6.3.1. TLC, LC-PDA and LC-MS methods to chromatographically profile

and characterise the E. arvense extracts for phytochemical variability 102  

6.3.2. Chemometric methods to statistically analyse the chromatographic

profiles and determine the variability of the E. arvense extracts 103  

6.3.3. Chemical antioxidant assays as a rapid and simple method for

assessing the pharmacological variability of E. arvense extracts 104  

6.3.4. Genomic authentication methods for the identification of E. arvense

starting materials 104  

Table of contents

6.4. Future work 104  

References 106  

List of figures

0.1. List of figures

Figure 1.1: Different types of medicines classified by the TGA as

complementary medicines.24 7  

Figure 1.2: A flowchart for determining the need for analytical method

validation.27 25  

Figure 1.3: The equation used to calculate recovery. 26  

Figure 3.1: A schematic of the online DPPH instrumentation. 54  

Figure 4.1: The fractionation scheme used for the analysis of the analytes. 58  

Figure 4.2: Representative LC-PDA chromatograms of the glycyrrhizic acid

standard (red) and the 95 % ethanolic extract (black). λdet = 254 nm. 59  

Figure 4.3: Representative LC-PDA chromatograms of the paeoniflorin standard

(red) and the 95 % ethanolic extract (black). λdetection = 230 nm. 59  

Figure 4.4: Representative LC-PDA chromatograms of the rhein standard (red)

and the 95 % ethanolic extract (black). λdet = 430 nm. 60  

Figure 4.2: Representative LC-MS chromatograms of the amygdalin standard

(red) and the 95 % ethanolic extract (black). 60  

Figure 4.6: Representative LC-MS chromatograms of the pachymic acid

standard (red) and the 95 % ethanolic extract (black). 61  

Figure 4.3: Representative GC-FID chromatograms of the mixed standard (red)

and the 95 % ethanolic extract (black). 61  

Figure 4.4: Representative GC-MS chromatograms of the mixed standard (red)

and the 95 % ethanolic extract (black). 62  

Figure 4.9: Comparison between the standard (red) and sample (black) UV

spectra of glycyrrhizic acid. 64  

List of figures

Figure 4.10: Comparison between the standard (red) and sample (black) UV

spectra of paeoniflorin. 65  

Figure 4.11: Comparison between the standard (red) and sample (black) UV-Vis

spectra of rhein. 65  

Figure 4.12: A comparison of the amount of chemical determined in each of the

different extracts. 76  

Figure 5.1: Chromatographic characterisation of the E. arvense extracts using

TLC stained with Natural Products and Polyethylene Glycol reagent

view under 366 nm UV light. 79  

Figure 5.2: Chromatographic characterisation of the E. arvense extracts using

LC-PDA viewed at 280 nm. (Note: The annotation a represents

chicoric acid). 80  

Figure 5.3: Chromatographic characterisation of the E. arvense extracts using

LC-MS. (Note: The annotation a represents chicoric acid). 81  

Figure 5.4: The number of peaks detected in the TLC, LC-PDA and LC-MS

chromatograms using the msProcess peak detection software. (Note:

* represents a statistical significance of p < 0.05). 82  

Figure 5.5: A representative chromatogram of the China 8 sample indicating

various corrections performed using msProcess. 84  

Figure 5.6: The chromatographic peak alignment of the E. arvense

chromatograms. 85  

Figure 5.7: Principal component analysis (PCA) of LC-MS chromatographic

peaks identified using msProcess. 87  

List of figures

Figure 5.8: Principal component analysis (PCA) of LC-MS chromatographic

peaks identified using msProcess. 88  

Figure 5.9: matK DNA barcodes of the original plant material used to produce

the China 8, Europe 11 and India 13 extracts compared to other

Equisetum species entries in the GenBank® database. (Note:

Differences between the sequences are marked with a coloured box

(red = A, green = T, blue = C, yellow = G). 90  

Figure 5.10: rbcL DNA barcodes of the original plant material used to produce

the Europe 11 and India 13 extracts compared to other Equisetum

species entries in the GenBank® database. (Note: (Note: Differences

between the sequences are marked with a coloured box (red = A,

green = T, blue = C, yellow = G). 91  

Figure 5.11: The antioxidant activity of the various E. arvense extracts using the

DPPH and ORAC assays. 92  

Figure 5.12: The antioxidant activity of the various E. arvense extracts as profiled

using TLC developed in DPPH reagent, viewed under white light.

(Note: Pink/purple regions are unreacted DPPH, lighter regions are

where the DPPH radical has been scavenged by an antioxidant). 93  

Figure 5.13: A representative chromatogram of the China 8 sample using the on-

line DPPH assay. (Note: The chromatogram at 280 nm is overlayed

with the DPPH absorbance at 515 nm. Analytes that have DPPH

antioxidant activity are observed as a negative peak at 515 nm). 94  

List of figures

Figure 5.14: Tentative spectral structural elucidation of dicaffeoyltartaric acid

using (A) LC-MS and (B) LC-PDA and (C) the proposed MS

fragmentation pattern. 96  

Figure 5.15: Tentative spectral structural elucidation of genkwanin

acetylglucoside using (A) LC-MS and (B) LC-PDA and (C) the

proposed MS fragmentation pattern. 97  

List of tables

0.2. List of tables

Table 1.1: The herbal nomenclature and percentage composition of the

Endoherb™ formulation. (Note: Pharmaceutical and botanical names

are based on the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of

China.46) 14  

Table 1.2: Chemicals in Endoherb™ that may be used for listing on the ARTG.

(Note: A = active, C = component, E = excipient). 16  

Table 1.3: The analytes recommended for analysis in the respective herb based

on the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) and Pharmacopoeia of the

People’s Republic of China (P-PRC) recommendations. 18  

Table 1.4: The ranking system used to select analytes for the compound-based

analysis of Endoherb™. 20  

Table 1.5: The analytes chosen in the Endoherb™ formulation, based on British

Pharmacopoeia (BP), Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of

China (P-PRC), Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), and

Hong Kong Department of Health (DOH) recommendation and the

ranking system-based literature references. 22  

Table 2.1: Preparation of working standard solutions from the intermediate

standard. 42  

Table 2.2: Analytes and their ions monitored by GC-MS. 46  

Table 4.1: A comparison of the MS spectra of the analytes determined by LC-

MS and GC-MS and their proposed fragmentation pattern. 67  

Table 4.2: Summary of recoveries for the analytes. 71  

Table 4.3: A summary of the method precision for the analytes. 72  

List of tables

Table 4.4: Summary of the analytical method detection and quantification

limits for the analytes. 73  

Table 4.5: Summary of the calibration curve linearity for the analytes. 74  

Table 4.6: Summary of the results obtained for each of the Endoherb™ extracts

tested 75  

Table 5.1: The parameters used for chromatographic processing and a brief

outline of their function. 83  

Table 5.2: The tentative structural elucidation of several chemical constituents

contained in the E. arvense samples. Table kindly supplied by Dr

Suresh Govindaraghavan. 95  

List of publications

0.3. List of publications

Sucher, N. J., Hennell, J. R. & Carles, M. C. Genomic and Transcriptomic Profiling:

Tools for the Quality Production of Plant-Based Medicines. Biotechnology for

Medicinal Plants, 439-455 (2013).

Govindaraghavan, S., Hennell, J. R. & Sucher, N. J. From classical taxonomy to

genome and metabolome: Towards comprehensive quality standards for medicinal herb

raw materials and extracts. Fitoterapia 83(6), 979-988 (2012).

Sucher, N. J., Hennell, J. R. & Carles, M. C. DNA fingerprinting, DNA barcoding, and

next generation sequencing technology in plants. Methods Mol Biol 862, 13-22 (2012).

Hennell, J. R., D'Agostino, P. M., Lee, S., Khoo, C. S. & Sucher, N. J. Using

GenBank(R) for Genomic Authentication: A Tutorial. Methods Mol Biol 862, 181-200


Diaz, P. L., Hennell, J. R. & Sucher, N. J. Genomic DNA extraction and barcoding of

endophytic fungi. Methods Mol Biol 862, 171-179 (2012).

Moawad, M., Khoo, C. S., Lee, S. & Hennell, J. R. Simultaneous determination of

eight sympathomimetic amines in urine by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. J

AOAC Int 93, 116-122 (2010).

Lee, S., Khoo, C. S., Pearson, J. L., Hennell, J. R. & Bensoussan, A. Liquid

chromatographic determination of narirutin and hesperidin in Zhi Ke (Citrus aurantium

L.) in the form of the raw herb and of the dried aqueous extract. J AOAC Int 92, 789-

796 (2009).

List of publications

Lee, S. Khoo, C. S., Hennell, J. R., Pearson, J. L., Jarouche, M., Halstead, C. W. &

Bensoussan, A. LC determination of albiflorin and paeoniflorin in Bai Shao (Paeonia

lactiflora) as a raw herb and dried aqueous extract. J AOAC Int 92, 1027-1034 (2009).

Hennell, J. R., Lee, S., Khoo, C. S., Gray, M. J. & Bensoussan, A. The determination

of glycyrrhizic acid in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. ex DC. (Zhi Gan Cao) root and the

dried aqueous extract by LC-DAD. J Pharm Biomed Anal 47, 494-500 (2008).

Halstead, C. W., Lee, S., Khoo, C. S., Hennell, J. R. & Bensoussan, A. Validation of a

method for the simultaneous determination of four schisandra lignans in the raw herb

and commercial dried aqueous extracts of Schisandra chinensis (Wu Wei Zi) by RP-LC

with DAD. J Pharm Biomed Anal 45, 30-37 (2007).

Statement of authentication

0.4. Statement of authentication

The work presented in this thesis is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, original

except as acknowledged in the text. I hereby declare that I have not submitted this

material, either in whole or in part, for a degree at this or any other institution.

Candidate’s signature:

James Ronald Hennell

B.Sc. (Honours)

July 2012


0.5. Dedication

I would like to dedicate this work to my parents, who have given their fullest love,

support and motivation throughout my life.


0.6. Acknowledgements

I am grateful and indebted to my supervisor Dr Cheang Soo Khoo (The Compassionate

One) for all the gems of knowledge and pearls of wisdom that he has provided over the

course of my project. Your extensive experience, knowledge, humour, kindness and

patients made my PhD extremely enjoyable and its greatly appreciated.

Special thanks to Professor Nikolaus Sucher for facilitating my training in molecular

biology and mathematics and allowing me to contribute to many projects throughout my

studies. Your passion for science, research and knowledge is admirable. I also wish to

convey my appreciation to Dr Suresh Govindaraghavan for contributing his valuable

industry-relevant expertise throughout my studies.

Many thanks go to the Centre for Complementary Medicine Research, PT Soho Industri

Pharmasi and the University of Western Sydney for supporting this research.

Specifically I wish to thank Professor Gerald Muench, Dr Sam Lee (The Lab Manager),

Dr Ray Helliwell, Jarryd Pearson, Mitchell Low, John Truong, Patricia Diaz, Professor

Alan Bensoussan, Ros Priest, Micki Macdonald and the rest of the CompleMED team

for their generous support. I also wish to thank the chemistry technical officers Dr

Shane Griffin, Tuan Nguyen and Zoran Polic for all the help they have given me.

Particular thanks go to all of my friends at UWS who made my PhD experience so

enjoyable and memorable. Especially to Ben Harper, Ben Singh, Dr Elise Wright, Paul

D’Agostino, Justin Sissng, Madhura Manohar, Dr Nikita Orkey, Anwen Krause- Heuer,

Greg Czaban and Caitlin Short. I would also like to convey my appreciation to my

friends at the Macarthur Symphonic Wind and Concert Bands, namely Ian Birt,


Stephanie Parkin, Brooke Anderson and Kim Jackson for being a constant source of joy

and relaxation, allowing me to unwind at the end of the week.

Finally my deepest gratitude to my mother Joan, father Stephen, sister Ariane and the

rest of my family for their love and accommodation of my eccentric needs during these

academic years.

List of abbreviations

0.7. List of abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition
(-)-ESI Negative mode ESI
[M-H] Molecular ion
AAPH 2,2’-Azobis(2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride
ARGCM Australian Guidelines for Complementary Medicines
ARTG Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods
BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
BP British Pharmacopoeia
CBoL Consortium for the Barcode of Life
cGMP Code of Good Manufacturing Practice
CM Complementary Medicine
DPPH 2,2-di(4-tert-octylphenyl)-1-picrylhydrazyl
EI Electron Impact
ESI Electrospray Ionization
ET Electron Transfer
FID Flame Ionization Detector
GC Gas Chromatography
HAT Hydrogen Atom Transfer
HCA Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
HM Herbal medicine
KNN k-Nearest Neighbor Analysis
LC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
matK Maturase K
MS Mass Spectrometry
NPPEG Natural Products (diphenylboric acid 2-aminoethyl ester) and Polyethylene
Glycol 4000 (PEG) reagent
OCM Office of Complementary Medicines
ORAC Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
P-PRC Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
PCA Principal Component Analysis
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
PVDF Polyvinylidene Difluoride
Q1 / Q3 Quadrupole 1 / Quadrupole 3
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
rbcL Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit
RSD Relative Standard Deviation
SD Standard Deviation
SIM Selective Ion Monitoring
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration
TGO Therapeutic Goods Orders

List of abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition
TLC High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography
US$ US Dollar
UV Ultraviolet
WHO World Health Organization
λdet Wavelength of detection
λmax Wavelength of maximum absorption


0.8. Abstract

The past decade has seen an unprecedented growth in the popularity of complementary

medicines in Western countries. As the popularity of complementary medicines

continues to grow, serious concerns have been raised about their quality and safety.

Herbal medicine quality control (QC) and assurance (QA) poses a great challenge, as

the large assortment of complex chemicals and the compositional variation found within

herbal mixtures makes analysis especially difficult. Here, the two commonly used

paradigms for herbal quality assessment; the compound- and pattern-based approaches

are examined using model systems.

The compound-based paradigm focuses on the quantitative analysis of one or more

chemical constituents of an herb or formulation in order to ensure quality and hence

product consistency. The complex nature of the 13-herb Endoherb™ formulation made

it an exemplar model for assessing this approach. The methodology used in this study

demonstrates how the systematic QC and QA of a complex herbal mixture can be

carried out using a logical and systematic method for the selection of the analytes, and

then developing a method for their sensitive, specific and accurate analysis. Several

methods of analysis including high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) with

photodiode array (PDA) and mass spectrometric (MS) detection, as well as gas

chromatography (GC) with MS and flame ionisation detection (FID) were employed for

the specific analysis of the selected analytes based on factors such as their polarity,

volatility and presence of a chromophore. Sample preparation is rapid and simple,

utilising sonication as the extraction method. The results show that increasing the


organic modifier in the extraction solvent, even for predominantly polar analytes can

increase the analyte extraction efficiency.

The pattern-based method compares the chromatographic profile of the extract of a new

batch with that of a target or reference batch. Combined with new genetic and

pharmacological methods of analysis, the pattern-based approach can be an important

addition to the characterisation of herbal authenticity and quality, especially in regards

to the quality of the raw materials. E. arvense was used as a model to observe the effect

of worldwide cultivation on phytochemical profile, genomic profile and

pharmacological activity. LC-MS was shown to provide excellent sensitivity,

resolution, and reproducibility for the chemical characterisation of the E. arvense

extracts. Chromatographic pre-processing of LC-MS profile data using the statistical

software ‘R’ was necessary for subsequent statistical analysis as the instrumental

contribution to the profiles made the detection of peaks cumbersome and the statistical

inferences inaccurate. The novel use of k-nearest neighbour analysis combined with

principal component analysis allowed for an objective classification of sample

grouping. Chemical measurement of the antioxidant capacity of the E. arvense extracts

provided a basic and preliminary way to establish quality standards of pharmacological

equivalence. Importantly, the results indicate that the implied biological effect of the

extracts is not reflected in their chemical profile. Finally, DNA barcoding using the loci

rbcL and matK was successfully used to authenticate the raw materials.


General introduction

1.1. Background to traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an empirical medical system based on

traditional theory, pathology, holistic diagnosis and treatment, which differs

substantially from the principles of orthodox Western-style medicine.1 The foundation

of TCM is largely based on the prescription of medicinal herbs, known as herbal

medicine (HM).2 The herbs prescribed are believed to work in concert together to treat

the diagnosed ailment. In HM, the herbs are mixed, decocted and generally consumed as

a tea.

The past decade has seen the HM industry grow from a modest base to a global industry

grossing over US$15.6 billion annually.3 In parts of Asia and Africa, over 80 % of the

population depend on traditional medicine for health care. It is currently estimated that

20 – 70 % of the population from Australia and Europe use some form of

complementary or alternative medicine in personal health care, in part due to the

increased cost and decreased supply of novel Western pharmaceutical drugs.4 In

countries with organised primary health care systems, HM has been integrated into

preventative care.5

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified that education, training and

research to support the safe use of complementary medicines is currently lacking, due in

part to the disproportionate increase in usage.6 Current research has focused on

‘translating’ the traditional theory of HM to a chemical basis by analysing plant

secondary metabolites.7

General introduction

1.2. Plant secondary metabolites: a chemical basis for HM

Plants synthesise a structurally diverse assortment of chemicals, known as

phytochemicals. These may be classified as primary or secondary metabolites,

depending on their role in the plant.8 Primary metabolites play a critical role in the

normal growth and development of the plant, such as in photosynthesis and

reproduction, and includes chemicals such as amino acids and lipids.9 The remaining

chemicals are known as secondary metabolites and are thought to perform roles in

signalling and plant defence, such as protecting plants from herbivores, microbial

infection, other plants and UV damage.9 Three basic chemical families exist, which are

based on the biosynthetic origin of the chemical:9,10

1. Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds such as flavonoids

2. Terpenoids such as menthol

3. Nitrogen-containing alkaloids such as morphine; and sulphur-containing compounds

such as glucosinolate derivatives

Secondary metabolites are extensively analysed as part of herbal regulation and in the

published literature as a diagnostic in chemotaxonomic studies.9 This is because each

genus of plant, and even individual species of plant can produce unique secondary

metabolites that can be used as a diagnostic of herb identity.11

Plant secondary metabolites have been used throughout history, including in Western

culture, for a diverse range of tasks such dyes, glues, oils, waxes, flavours and

perfumes.9 In the past 50 years research has increased significantly into the uses of

secondary metabolites as protective dietary supplements and as a potential source of

novel drugs. Secondary metabolites have been reported in the literature to have a

General introduction

plethora of biological functions in humans, such as antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial

and anticancer effects.12,13 However, plant secondary metabolites can present a

significant risk to humans.

1.3. Risks of HM

Serious concerns have been raised about the quality and safety of HM, particularly in

Western countries. In the past, HM have been contaminated with organic and inorganic

matter and some have been adulterated with prescription drugs.14,15 Furthermore, the

quality of the herb with respect to concentration of potentially biologically active

components is generally not known. In some cases the concentrations of putative active

ingredients are lower than expected but occasionally a component could be too high, so

the user may consume more than the maximum recommended dosage.3

Adverse reactions to TCM are classified as either intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic

reactions, which are directly related to the active medicine itself, can be either type A,

where they have predictable toxicity such as an overdose; or type B where they have an

idiosyncratic reaction such as anaphylaxis.16 Intrinsic reactions account for

approximately 8 % of adverse reactions.3 The remaining adverse reactions are extrinsic

in nature, and are as a result of some failure of good handling or good manufacturing

processes, such as herb misidentification or the presence of contaminants in the herb

like heavy metals, pesticides or microbes.16 An appropriately designed QC and QA

procedure for these herbs should minimise these risks.

General introduction

1.3.1. Misidentification of raw materials

Herbal nomenclature and a general lack of certified herbal reference materials are

contributors to raw material misidentification. HM are currently named in four common

ways: the common name, the translated or pinyin name, the pharmaceutical name, and

the binomial botanical name.17 Often the common and pinyin names can represent more

than one species or even different plant parts. The use of authenticated herbs can also

lead to ambiguity, considering the term species represents ‘more or less arbitrary and

subjective man-made units’ and ‘there are no objective infallible criteria for rank-

determination in plant classification.’18

1.3.2. Lack of chemical standardisation and characterisation

A significant portion of QC in the manufacture of herbal formulations is carried out by

‘QC-by-input’ whereby the manufacturer only needs to show that the quantity of each

herbal extract in the herbal formulation complies with the label claim when the bulk

mixture is prepared. At this time there is no requirement by the Australian Therapeutic

Goods Administration (TGA) that putative actives be quantified, though the regulatory

environment is steadily moving towards tighter control. A significant number of

suppliers now provide standardised extracts, which are extracts standardised to achieve

a target concentration of one marker and occasionally two markers. The selected marker

is usually a pharmacologically active component and is present in relatively high

concentration in the herb. The assumption is made that the other non-standardised

components do not contribute significantly to the activity of the herb.

Quantitation of putative active components is desirable because plants are a variable

raw material. Factors such as genetic drift; environmental conditions such as soil,

General introduction

climate, rainfall; the age and plant part used; time of harvest, post-harvest treatment,

storage and processing all contribute to this variation.19,20 These variations can

contribute significantly to batch-to-batch variation of the product and hence alter its


1.3.3. Substitution and adulteration of the herbs

Herbal substitution during the preparation of HM may occur somewhat innocuously as

the common and pinyin names for herbs can sometimes cover more than one botanical

species or for more economic reasons such as a shortage or increased cost of the

original ingredient.15 Regardless of the reason, the consequence may be a poor quality

or even unsafe product.21 A well-publicised example is the substitution of Stephania

tetranda with Aristolochia fangchi in a medicine designed to help with weight loss.

A. fangchi contains the nephrotoxin aristolochic acid that resulted in rapidly progressive

interstitial nephritis with terminal renal failure for those taking it.15

HM are sometimes adulterated with Western prescription drugs in order to increase their

efficacy.15 For example, an epileptic patient fell into a coma after taking an HM in

China laced with phenytoin, an anti-epileptic drug. No mention was made of any

prescription drugs on the packaging.22

1.4. Herbal medicine regulation in Australia

1.4.1. Therapeutic goods administration

The TGA is the Australian Government body responsible for the regulation of

medicines, including complementary medicines (CM) based on the Therapeutics Goods

Act 1989i.23

General introduction

As presented in Figure 1.1, CM is legally a general term for many kinds of medicines,

which also covers TCM.24

Figure 1.1: Different types of medicines classified by the TGA as complementary medicines.24

The Therapeutics Goods Act 1989i requires therapeutic goods that are imported or

manufactured for supply in Australia be included on the Australian Register of

Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).25

1.4.2. Listed and registered complementary medicines

HM can be recorded with the TGA as either a listed product or as a registered product.20

Formulations can be listed and assigned an AUST L number if they contain ingredients

that the TGA considers to be of low public health concern. Listed products must be

manufactured by a TGA-licensed manufacturer based on the code of good

manufacturing practice (cGMP).25 Approximately 4500 plant-based products are

currently listed.16 Formulations can be registered and assigned an AUST R number if

they contain herbs that are either restricted by the Standards for the Uniform Scheduling

of Drugs and Poisons, if the substance is a designated active ingredient that has an

established identity and tradition of use, or has been identified by the TGA as being of

some health concern.16,26 Substances can only be registered when appropriate

General introduction

documentation outlining clinical trial work is submitted to the Office of Complementary

Medicines (OCM) that advises the TGA.26

1.4.3. Pharmacopoeia and official standards

The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) and Therapeutic Goods Orders (TGOs) are the official

standards for regulatory purposes in Australia.27 The BP and TGO monographs provide

the minimum requirements that must be met for a medicine to comply with the cGMP.

The requirements of the monographs must be met except where a justification for not

doing so is authorised by the TGA. The TGA can consider the suitability of other

pharmacopoeia monographs or standards on a case-by-case basis.

1.5. Overview of HM quality control strategies

The QC and QA of HM is major a challenge because herbal products have a complex

chemical composition and are subject composition variation.

Besides ensuring safety, the aim of a QC program is to ensure a consistent product and

hence some predictable outcome for the consumer. The aim of ensuring product safety

is well defined, such as having limits on heavy metals, pesticides, microbial

contamination, and confirmation of herbal identity, which are relatively straightforward

to achieve. In a very small number of cases, a particular chemical might have to be

monitored because it is toxic or may be toxic at high concentrations. Achieving product

consistency is a more complex proposition with three broad possible approaches:19

1. Chemical testing

2. Biochemical testing

3. Biological response testing

General introduction

Ideally chemical, biochemical and biological testing should all be performed but this

ideal is unlikely to be achieved in a real-world manufacturing environment due to time

and cost constraints.

1.5.1. Chemical testing

Chemical characterisation is universally used as it relies on technology and expertise

typically found in most chemistry QC laboratories as well as being comparatively fast to

carry out, though the analytical method development process itself may be quite time

consuming. Analytical equipment

Herbal medicines contain potentially hundreds of analytes, usually in low concentration.

Methods of analysis must therefore focus on being able to separate these analytes and

determine them specifically and accurately. Chromatographic techniques such as high-

performance thin layer chromatography (TLC), high-performance liquid

chromatography (LC) and gas chromatography (GC) are extensively used for the quality

assessment of HM.

TLC is commonly used for the rapid identification of herbal extracts. TLC has been

successfully used to differentiate and identify several herbal species.28 Sample

application, plate development and visualisation can easily be optimised.29

Unfortunately a number of key steps rely heavily on operator skill, giving rise to poor

reproducibility and its semi-quantitative nature.14

LC is by far the most popular chromatographic technique for analysing herbal products,

due to the generally non-volatile nature of large secondary metabolites produced by

General introduction

plants.29 One of the major advantages of LC is the ability to hyphenate with various

detectors, the main ones being the photodiode array (PDA) and mass spectrometer (MS)


GC is a sensitive method of analysing volatile components or non-volatile components

that can be made volatile by chemical derivatisation. GC is routinely hyphenated to

detectors such as the flame ionisation detector (FID) and MS. Analytical paradigms

Current regulatory standards predominantly focus on a compound-based paradigm,

where quantitative analysis of one or more chemical constituents of an herb or

formulation are used to quantify quality and hence product consistency.30 This approach

assumes that those constituents not quantified do not make a significant contribution to

the therapeutic effect of the medication. Consequently, this method does not give a

complete picture of an herbal product, as many components may be responsible for the

purported therapeutic effect and may work synergistically or antagonistically with each

other.7 The extent to which these assumptions are valid will likely depend on how

competently the type and number of analytes have been selected for monitoring.

Obviously the more analytes the better, but this has to be balanced against the cost,

complexity and hence practicality of the analytical task in an industry QC laboratory.

HM have been referred to as a ‘black box’ due to the plethora of unknown chemicals

contained within them.31 The pattern-based method compares the chromatographic

profile of an extract of a new batch with that of a target or reference batch, without

necessarily identifying or quantifying the detected chemicals.32 Identifying chemicals is

however desirable if they have been shown to have some pharmacological effect.7

General introduction

Traditionally, comparison between batches is performed using TLC and LC, however

the LC profile is more reproducible as the result is less dependent on operator skill.

Statistics are often utilised to determine whether the variation between the observed

chemical profiles are within acceptable limits.

1.5.2. Biochemical testing: DNA barcoding

Characterisation of plants at the genome level has been touted as the method by which

unequivocal herb identification can be achieved.33,34 DNA barcoding is a technique

where polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used for the amplification of a small locus of

genomic DNA, usually chloroplast DNA of the plant.35 DNA sequences are then

identified by comparison to sequences deposited in public repositories such as

GenBank®.36 A limitation of DNA barcoding is that it is generally only applicable to

the raw herbal starting material and not to the prepared extracts. This can be

problematic since most commercial herbal formulations are prepared by mixing single

herb extracts rather than producing an extract from the raw herb mixture. Thus the

application of DNA barcoding must be introduced at the raw material supplier to

identify the raw herb prior to manufacture.

1.5.3. Biological response testing

Characterisation of the potential biological effects of an herb is recommended by

several regulatory agencies such as the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to serve as

a more biologically useful way to establish quality standards.19,37 Biological response

testing may include cell line testing, animal testing and genomic response testing.

General introduction

One of the simplest ways to characterise the biological effects of an herb is by assessing

some overall pharmacological property like DPPH free radical scavenging activity,

oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), Folin-Ciocalteu reducing capacity, total

phenols, nitric oxide production by the Griess assay and Fe3+ reducing antioxidant

power. This is particularly applicable to plant extracts that containing phenols, which

are known to be potent free radical scavengers.38-40

1.6. The compound-based approach to herbal quality evaluation using Endoherb™

The most commonly used approach in HM QC is to identify, quantitate and monitor the

concentration of key analytes. The assumption is made that if a sufficient number of

bioactive analytes are identified, then the quantitation of these will provide a reliable

measure of product quality and hence enable the manufacturer to produce a consistent


Section of the ARGCM guidelines recommends the analysis of at least one

unique analyte from each constituent herb part in an herbal formulation.20 This is to

prevent adulteration of the herbal formulation with different herb parts or with a

different herb altogether. The analytes selected should ideally contribute to the

therapeutic effect of the formulation. This ideal is often not achieved because relatively

few plants have chemicals that are absolutely unique to them, but it may be sufficient

for the chemical just to be unique in the context of the formulation. There is currently

no regulatory criteria for the selection of analytes in complex herbal medicines for QC

and QA purposes, except that the analyte analysed should contribute to the effect of the


General introduction

1.6.1. A new herbal formulation for the treatment of endometriosis

Endometriosis is characterised by the growth and proliferation of endometrial tissue

outside of the uterus and is commonly associated with chronic inflammation, pelvic

pain and infertility.41,42 It is estimated to affect 0.5 – 5 % of fertile women and 25 –

40 % of infertile women around the world.41,43 The aetiology and pathogenesis of this

disease is poorly understood, and while medical and surgical treatment are effective for

the short-term amelioration of the associated chronic pelvic pain, recurrence is


Endoherb™ is an herbal formulation developed by Dr Alex Liew, a researcher at the

University of Western Sydney’s Centre for Complementary Medicine Research

(CompleMED), for the treatment of endometriosis-related pain. In a small, double blind

clinical trial, Endoherb™ was shown to have significant benefits for relieving

symptoms in women with laparoscopy-diagnosed endometriosis. Endoherb™ provided

marked pain relief and improved quality of life without unpleasant side effects.45 The

herbs used and their percentage composition in the Endoherb™ formulation is presented

in Table 1.1. For consistency, the herbs used in this formulation are referred to by their

pinyin name.

1.6.2. Extraction solvents

In HM, herbs are usually consumed as a water decoction, though aqueous alcoholic

extracts are also used using wines and spirits. In this work, three different extraction

solvents were used for the preparation of the Endoherb™ extract, these are: pure water,

35 % aqueous ethanol and 95 % aqueous ethanol. A water extraction was used for the

aforementioned clinical trial.

Pinyin name    Chinese name Percent in formulation (%) Latin pharmaceutical name Latin botanical name

Aiye   艾叶 4 Folium artemisiae argyi Artemisia argyi Levl. et Vant.

Baishao   白芍 8 Radix paeoniae alba Paeonia lactiflora Pall.

Baizhu   白术 8 Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.

Republic of China.46)

Chishao   赤芍 8 Radix paeoniae rubra Paeonia lactiflora Pall.

  Paeonia veitchii Lynch
Chuanxiong   川芎 6 Rhizoma chuanxiong Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.
  Ligusticum wallichii Franch.
Danggui   当归 10 Radix angelicae sinensis Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels

Fuling   茯苓 10 Poria Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf

Guizhi   桂枝 8 Ramulus cinnamomi Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees

  Cinnamomum cassia Presl (synonym)
Mudanpi   牡丹皮 8 Cortex moutan Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.

Shudahuang   熟大黄 6 Radix et rhizoma rhei Rheum palmatum L.

  Rheum tanguticum Maxim. ex Balf.
  Rheum officinale Baill.
Shudihuang   熟地黄 12 Radix rehmanniae praeparata Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.

Taoren   桃仁 6 Semen persicae Prunus persica (L.) Batsch

  Prunus davidiana (Carr.) Franch.
Zhigancao   炙甘草 6 Radix et rhizoma glycyrrhizae Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.
praeparata cum melle
  Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat.
(Note: Pharmaceutical and botanical names are based on the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s
Table 1.1: The herbal nomenclature and percentage composition of the Endoherb™ formulation.

General introduction

    Glycyrrhiza glabra L.
General introduction

1.6.3. Analyte selection

The first step in the QC of an HM is to decide on the set of analytes to monitor. If the

QC results are to reasonably reflect the quality of the medication, then this selection

process needs to be justifiable and systematic. Besides considering the pharmacological

activity and concentration of the analyte, factors such as regulatory compliance and the

analyte uniqueness in the context of the formulation are also considered. Finally, the

practicality of the task in terms of the number of analytes, availability of the pure

standards and analysis are taken into account. Substances that may be used in listed medicines in Australia

The ‘Substances that may be used in Listed Medicines’ publication by the TGA lists the

herbs and chemicals eligible for listing on the ARTG.47 The list includes the approved

role of the substance as an active (A), excipient (E), and/or component (C) ingredient.

Based on the herbs listed Table 1.1, the Endoherb™ formulation is not eligible to be a

listed medicine, principally because it contains taoren, which contains amygdalin.47 The

accepted therapeutic use of the herbs and major constituents are presented in Table 1.2.

Substances marked as C are not approved as substances for use in their own right and

can only be used in conjunction with an approved source. This table was used as a

preliminary guide for the selection of potential analytes.

Pinyin name    Latin botanical name Use Notes Active chemicals Accepted Notes
in herb use

Aiye   Artemisia argyi Levl. et Vant. A, E Oil derived from this species is a
Customs Prohibited Import.
Baishao   Paeonia lactiflora Pall. A, E

Baizhu   Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. A, E

= component, E = excipient).

Chishao   Paeonia lactiflora Pall. A, E

Chuanxiong   Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. A, E Ligustilide C Topical use

Ferulic acid E, C only.
Danggui   Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels A, E Ligustilide C Topical use
Ferulic acid E, C only.
Fuling   Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf A, E

Guizhi   Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees A, E If an oil, the concentration of this Cinnamaldehyde C

must not exceed 0.001 %. Cassia
oil is a mandatory component.

Mudanpi   Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. A, E

Shudahuang   Rheum palmatum L. A, E Not permitted if the plant part Rhein C

contains leaf. Hydroxyanthracene Chrysophanol C
derivatives calculated as rhein are
a mandatory component.
Shudihuang   Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. A, E

Taoren   Prunus persica (L.) Batsch Only Prunus dulcis var. dulcis Amygdalin C Listed
seed is permitted. Amygdalin and medicines must
Hydrocyanic acid are mandatory not contain any
components. amygdalin.

Zhigancao    Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. A, E Glycyrrhizic acid E, C

Table 1.2: Chemicals in Endoherb™ that may be used for listing on the ARTG. (Note: A = active, C

General introduction
General introduction Pharmacopoeia references

Only 6 out of the 13 herbs in the Endoherb™ formulation have a BP monograph for

their analysis.48 These herbs are gancao, dahuang, guizhi, danggui, baishao and chishao

(as P. lactiflora). The Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (P-PRC) has a

wider breadth of coverage for HM than the BP, and was therefore used in this project as

the reference for the remaining herbs.46 As each pharmacopoeia reference is for the

individual herb and not the formulation, the references were only used as a guide for

analyte selection. Based on the BP and P-PRC monographs, Table 1.3 presents the

chemicals selected for analysis in the Endoherb™ formulation.

General introduction

Table 1.3: The analytes recommended for analysis in the respective herb based on the British

Pharmacopoeia (BP) and Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (P-PRC)


Pinyin name Selected analyte(s) Reference

Baishao Paeoniflorin BP, P-PRC
Paeonol BP
Chishao Paeoniflorin BP, P-PRC
Paeonol BP
Danggui Ligustilide BP
Ferulic acid BP, P-PRC
Heptane BP
Linoleic acid BP
Mudanpi Paeonol P-PRC
Shudahuang Rhein BP, P-PRC
Chrysophanol BP, P-PRC
Physcione BP, P-PRC
Emodin BP, P-PRC
Aloe-emodin BP, P-PRC
Shudihuang Catalpol P-PRC
Taoren Amygdalin BP
Zhigancao Glycyrrhizic acid BP, P-PRC A novel approach to analyte selection

Since there is no pharmacopoeia recommendation for the selection of an analyte for

aiye, baizhu, chuanxiong, fuling and guizhi, analytes were chosen based on published

literature. Criteria were developed within CompleMED to examine all the reported

analytes of each constituent herb in a formulation for their importance in the action

towards the targeted disease.49,50 This is done to reduce the number of analytes required

for QC monitoring to a manageable quantity, while maintaining their usefulness in

reflecting herbal quality in terms of outcome for the consumer.

The analytes are ranked in importance and selected according to the following criteria:30

General introduction

• Concentration of the analyte in the herb

• Uniqueness of the analyte to the herb

• Physical and chemical properties of the analyte

• Commercial availability of the reference analytes

• Bioavailability of the analytes

• Amount of research to support the action of the analyte(s)

• Toxicity of the analyte and the safety limits applied to its use

• Quality of research conducted

• Traditional use of the herb

• The part of the plant used in the formulation, such as the seed, root or rhizome

These criteria were used to create a numerical ranking system from 0 – 6 as presented in

Table 1.4. The higher the number, the more important the analyte is for monitoring


General introduction

Table 1.4: The ranking system used to select analytes for the compound-based analysis of


Ranking Details
6 Analyte has highest bioactivity related to major symptoms of disease for which there
is sufficient evidence to support its activity (≥ 2 studies)
Analyte is present in high yield in the herb
Traditional/other use of the herb and its therapeutic action supports the activity of the
Bioavailability of analyte and/or its metabolites are known to be bioavailable
Analyte may be toxic and needs to be screened to comply to safety limits
5 Analyte has high bioactivity related to major symptom/s of the disease for which
there is sufficient evidence to support its activity (≥ 2 studies)
Analyte is present in high yield in the herb
Traditional/other use of the herb and its therapeutic action supports the activity of the
4 Analyte has bioactivity related to a symptom (major/minor) of the disease, however
there is only 1 study to support its action
Analyte is present in high yield in the herb
Traditional/other use of the herb and its therapeutic action supports the activity of the
3 Analyte has bioactivity related to a symptom (major/minor) of the disease, however
there is only 1 study to support this action
Analyte is present in low yield in the herb
Traditional/other use of the plant maybe be related to action of the analyte
2 Analyte’s activity is indirectly related to symptom of disease
Analyte is present in too low a yield in the herb for it to be screened
Analyte’s activity is not supported by traditional and therapeutic use of herb
1 Analyte’s activity is not related to indication of the disease of interest or no
commercial source of standard is available.
0 There are no bioactivity studies currently available for this analyte

General introduction

This ranking system was also used to rank the previously identified analytes for

comparison, as presented in Table 1.5. It is desirable to restrict the number of analytes

to 1-2 per herb since this is a 13-herb formulation and the analysis would be

impractically large otherwise. In total, 12 analytes were chosen for analysis. This

number of analytes is probably the close to the maximum number a industry QC lab can

routinely cope with.50

The herbs baishao, chishao and mudanpi are of the same genus, Paeonia, and are

consequently too similar for a unique analyte to be found to differentiate them. Instead,

paeoniflorin and paeonol, which are common to the Paeonia genus are analysed.

Similarly ligustilide is analysed, although it is common to both chuanxiong and


General introduction

Table 1.5: The analytes chosen in the Endoherb™ formulation, based on British Pharmacopoeia

(BP), Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (P-PRC), Therapeutic Goods

Administration (TGA), and Hong Kong Department of Health (DOH) recommendation and the

ranking system-based literature references.

Pinyin name Selected Structure Rank Reference

Aiye Carveol 3 Bensky12

Baishao Paeoniflorin 6 BP48


Paeonol 5 BP48

Baizhu Atractylenolide 3 Bensky12

III Tang13

Chishao Paeoniflorin See baishao 6 BP48


Paeonol See baishao 5 BP48

Chuanxiong Tetramethyl- 3 Tang13

Ligustilide 5 Bensky12

Danggui Umbelliferone 3 Anuj55

Ligustilide See chuanxiong 5 BP48


General introduction

Table 1.5: Continued

Pinyin name Selected Structure Rank Reference

Fuling Pachymic acid 3 Bensky12

Guizhi Cinnamaldehyde 3 TGA47


Mudanpi Paeoniflorin See baishao 6 DOH60

Paeonol See baishao 5 P-PRC46
Shudahuang Rhein 3 BP48
Shudihuang Catalpol 4 P-PRC46

Taoren Amygdalin 5 BP48


Zhigancao Glycyrrhizic acid 6 BP48


General introduction

1.6.4. Development and validation of analytical methods of analysis for the selected


Analytical method validation is defined as the process of demonstrating that the

analytical procedure is suitable for its intended purpose, for example, identification,

determination of impurities, assay of active or other ingredients.27 Based on the

flowchart presented in Figure 1.2, the first step is to develop the analytical method for

Endoherb™ and to test and characterise its performance through the validation process.

The validation parameters outlined in Section 1.6.5 are adapted from the European

Union Commission decision of 12 August 2002 implementing Council Directive

96/23/EC.64 Once the analytical method is developed, it can be used to analyse different

sources of the herb or herbal formulation. A full method validation involves inter-

laboratory testing with typically ≥ 7 laboratories participating. This undertaking is

usually carried out by an agency or organisation like the Association of Official

Analytical Chemists.

General introduction

Figure 1.2: A flowchart for determining the need for analytical method validation.27

1.6.5. Method validation parameters Identity confirmation

Analyte identification is achieved by comparing the retention times of sample and

standard peaks. If the PDA is used, identity confirmation is achieved by comparing the

UV-Vis spectra of the standard and sample peaks to determine their match. Comparison

of the UV-Vis spectra is informative if the spectrum has multiple peaks for several

points of evaluation. For the MS detector, spectral comparison is more reliable. In the

case of LC-MS, electrospray ionisation (ESI) coupled to a tandem MS (MS/MS)

General introduction

enables the identification of the molecular ion, which can then be fragmented by

collision-induced dissociation to form distinct daughter ions. In the case of GC-MS, the

molecular ion is usually fragmented by electron impact (EI), generally forming many

ion fragments. The MS spectra of sample and standard peaks can then be compared for

the presence of these ions as well as their relative intensities. Additionally, if the

observed fragments can be reasonably rationalised to the presumed structure, additional

confidence is gained that the assumed chemical structure is correct. Accuracy (recovery)

Accuracy is assessed to determine whether the analytical method gives results that are

close to the true value. In this study accuracy is determined from fortification (spiking)

recoveries carried out at the 50, 100 and 200 % levels. Fortification is carried out using

a mixed standard fortification solution, where the ratio of the concentration of the

standards corresponds to their relative concentrations in the un-fortified sample as

shown in Figure 1.3. A volume of fortification solution is added to the sample such that

the analyte peak height (or area) will increase by approximately 50, 100 and 200 %, to

give fortification levels of 50, 100 and 200 % respectively. After adding the fortification

solution the solvent is allowed to evaporate before starting the analysis. Each

fortification level and the un-fortified sample are determined with n = 7 replicates to

give a total of 28 analyses.

Figure 1.3: The equation used to calculate recovery.

fortified value – unfortified value

recovery = ×100 %
amount of analyte added

General introduction Precision

The precision of an analytical method is defined as the degree of agreement between a

set of replicate results. Precision is assessed for both the sample and standards. This

agreement is expressed in terms of the standard deviation (SD) and relative standard

deviation (RSD) of n = 7 replicate sample preparations and analyses. This technique

determines the total precision of the method, incorporating the contributing

uncertainties from sample preparation and instrumental analysis. Linearity

Instrumental linearity refers to the ability of the detector to produce results that are

directly, or by means of well-defined mathematical transformations, proportional to the

concentration of the chemical standard. Method linearity, that is the linearity starting

from extraction to instrumental analysis, is tested over a range in which the analyte

concentration can reasonably be expected to lie – this typically encompasses from 50 %

of an expected lowest value to 100 % above an expected highest value. Method linearity

tests can reveal, for example, if the extraction solvent has reached saturation for the

analyte. Detection limits

The limit of detection (LOD) is defined as the lowest amount of analyte that can be

detected by a method within a specified degree of accuracy and reproducibility. The

method LOD is typically defined as three times the SD of a set of replicate (typically

n = 7) extractions and analyses.

General introduction

The limit of quantitation (LOQ) is the lowest measured amount of analyte in a sample

that can be quantified within a specified degree of accuracy and reproducibility. The

method LOQ is generally defined as ten times the SD of a set of replicate (typically

n = 7) extractions and analyses.

LOD and LOQ are calculated statistically in this way as both the sample preparation and

instrumental uncertainties are accounted for. Determination of the detection limits using

the signal-to-noise ratio of a chromatogram only determines the instrumental detection

limit. If the LOD is determined from the SD of replicates of multiple injections of the

same solution, the uncertainty also incorporates the error contribution from the

autosampler. Stability

Stability refers to the decrease in analyte concentration (decomposition) in both the

standard and sample under specified storage conditions as a function of time. This is

determined by analysing the samples at specific time intervals using the validated

analytical method. The samples and standards are discarded when the analyte peak area

has decreased ≥ 2 %. Typically stability is assessed by storing the samples and

standards at room temperature (25 °C), in a fridge (4 °C) and in a freezer (-20 °C).

Generally analyte stability is lower in the sample than in the standard.

General introduction

1.7. The pattern-based approach to herbal quality evaluation using Equisetum

arvense L.

1.7.1. A pattern-based approach to assessing herb quality

Pattern-based chromatographic profiling is increasingly being used as a supplementary

tool in assessing herbal medicine quality.65-67 The pattern-based approach considers all

detectable constituents of a given herbal material to establish a characteristic

chromatographic profile without necessarily identifying or quantifying all the

constituents. The pattern-based approach may be used to determine the similarity of the

chromatographic profile of a new batch of herb compared to a reference batch. This

method employs some subjectivity in judging the degree of similarity or difference

between the profiles.

The pattern-based methodology is generally applied to the individual herbs in a mixture

rather than the mixture itself because it is difficult to identify the component herb(s) that

may be responsible for a mixture chromatographic profile that deviates significantly

from a target profile. It is a reasonable expectation that by using individual herbs that

have a comparable profile to a reference, it is more likely that a mixture will meet its

target profile.

1.7.2. Rationale for analysing E. arvense

It was originally intended that the pattern-based approach be applied to one of the herbs

used in Endoherb™. Unfortunately we were unable to obtain a sufficient number of

samples from different manufacturers of any of the individual herbs used in order to

conduct a statistically meaningful comparison. However we were able to obtain 13

General introduction

sources of the extract of the herb E. arvense, so this herb was used for this pattern-based

application to quality control.

In this study E. arvense was used as a model to observe the effect of worldwide

cultivation on phytochemical profile, genomic profile and pharmacological activity.

E. arvense was selected because it is distributed worldwide and the Equisetum species

plus its hybrids are widely reported to possess extensive morphological, morphometric

and chemotypical variation.68 It is used in traditional medicine as a hypoglycaemic,

diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, vasorelaxant and haemostatic69-74 and contains

flavonoids, styrylpyrones, phenyl carboxylic acids, alkaloids and silica.68,75

1.7.3. Chemometrics

The pattern-based approach to the assessment of herbal raw material quality using

chromatographic profiling is being increasingly utilised, however natural variations in

the starting material make the comparison somewhat ambiguous.65,76 The term

chemometrics has been used since the 1970s to describe the application of mathematical

(generally statistical) methods of analysis on chemical data.77 Statistical techniques such

as principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) are

commonly used in chemometrics as they help to greatly reduce the complexity of

chromatographic profiles to a more user friendly form, such as a 2-dimensional plot.78

Pre-processing of the profile data is generally required prior to statistical analysis in

order to minimise the ‘garbage in, garbage out’ principle, thereby reducing the

contribution of meaningless information (such as instrumental noise) to the final


General introduction

The R language for statistical computing (known simply as ‘R’) is a powerful tool for

chemometric analysis.80 One of R’s major advantages is that it is free, with many users

around the world donating add-on packages that can perform a wide array of functions.

One such package is ‘msProcess,’ which is used in this study to pre-process

chromatographic data. msProcess can remove instrumental noise, baseline drift, peak

retention time variations, identify peaks, and quantify peak height.76 The ‘Stats’

package included in R contains many of the commonly used statistical techniques such

as PCA and HCA.81

PCA works by explaining a large number of highly correlated variables such as various

peak height measurements using a small number of uncorrelated variables called

principal components (PCs).67 Plotting the samples on the PCs can yield a 1-, 2- or 3-

dimensional plot depending on the number of PCs chosen. Similar samples often group

together in the same area of the scores plot. Plotting the variables on the loadings plot

can identify the variables responsible for the grouping observed in the scores plot.67

HCA-based techniques can be used in conjunction with PCA to aid in the classification

of sample groups.67 K-nearest neighbour clustering (KNN), for example, can be used to

categorise samples into a user-defined number of groups. Phytomics similarity index

The Phytomics Similarity Index (PSI) is a statistical method proposed by Tilton et al

that uses the linear correlation coefficient (r) to compare two chromatographic

profiles.19 This technique is unique to others in that it compares the chromatographic

profiles based on the ratio of each peak intensity (n) with each of the other (n-1) peak in

the same chromatogram.

General introduction

This process was used as a starting point for subsequent PCA analysis. The rationale for

using the ratio information instead of simply the peak intensity values is that the ratio

provides measurement relative to each of the other peaks in the chromatogram. This is

used in an attempt to perform a more holistic analysis.

1.7.4. Genomic authentication

A range of genomic techniques can be used to authenticate plants based on species-

specific variations in the DNA sequences of various chloroplast and nuclear regions.33

PCR-based methods only require minute amounts of DNA and can be applied to fresh

and dried plant parts.

DNA barcoding is a tool that has the potential to allow rapid and unequivocal

identification of any land plant.35,82-84 DNA barcodes consist of a standardised short

sequence of DNA often between 400 and 800 base pairs long. While DNA barcoding

has proven to be considerably more demanding in plants than in animals, where a single

locus has proved sufficient, a concerted effort of scientists worldwide has led to the

identification of four regions that can be used for DNA barcoding of land plants with

reasonable success. The three plastid markers rbcL, matK and intergenic spacer trnH–

psbA have proved to be effective in a wide range of land plants. In addition, the nuclear

ribosomal marker ITS, which has been used for the genomic authentication of medicinal

plants, has also proved suitable for species discrimination in a large number of plants.33

1.7.5. Chemically based antioxidant assessment

Due to the highly variable nature of the flavonoid and phenyl carboxylic acid content of

E. arvense extracts, and the correlation of phenolic content to radical scavenging

General introduction

capacity, the radical scavenging capacity can be used as a basic and preliminary

measure of pharmacological activity.38,39 It should be noted that this data is limited to

the chemical sense and should not be used in lieu of a cell line-based or in vivo assay.39

It is important to assess the biological effect of a complementary medicine as part of a

strict QA regime. This is necessary as extracts may be chemically characterised as

equivalent, though they contain different pharmacologically active chemicals not

detectable by the chemical analysis used. Similarly, extracts with different chemical

profiles may exhibit the same biological activity if the phytochemicals responsible for

the difference in the profile are biologically inert.19

The two main methods by which a compound can function as an antioxidant are

hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) and electron transfer (ET).39 This study assesses the

radical scavenging capacity of the E. arvense extracts using both HAT and ET


HAT reactions such as ORAC are kinetic based methods, whereby fluorescein and the

antioxidant being measured compete for peroxyl radicals generated by the thermal

decomposition of 2,2’-azobis(2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride (AAPH).85 The

stronger the antioxidant is, the longer the substrate takes to be degraded.

ET reactions such as those using 2,2-di(4-tert-octylphenyl)-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)

involve a redox reaction between the DPPH and the antioxidant compound being

measured. DPPH is a rapid and simple antioxidant assay that is commercially available.

In its oxidised form DPPH has an intense purple colour (λmax 515 nm) and when it is

reduced it becomes yellow (λmax 320 nm), the colour change being proportional to the

antioxidant concentration.

General introduction

Both the ORAC and DPPH methods use gallic acid as a reference for antioxidant

capacity. That is, these assays measure how much better (or worse) the E. arvense

extracts are at being antioxidants than gallic acid. An on-line LC-PDA DPPH assay was

also used to detect the chemicals that may contribute the bulk antioxidant capacity of

the extract.

1.7.6. Structural elucidation

While it is not a requirement to identify or quantify chemicals using the pattern-based

method, the use of LC-MS, LC-DPPH-PDA and chemometrics provided a convenient

starting point for the identification of pharmacologically active chemicals.

1.8. Aims

1. Use a systematic method for the selection of analytes for the quantitative analysis of


2. Develop and validate an analytical method for the quantitation of the selected

analytes in the dried Endoherb™ extract prepared from the pure aqueous, 35 %

aqueous ethanol and 95 % aqueous ethanol extraction solvents.

3. Use the validated analytical method to evaluate the extraction efficiencies of the

three solvents tested.

4. To develop TLC, LC-PDA and LC-MS methods to chromatographically profile and

characterise the E. arvense extracts for phytochemical variability.

5. Use chemometric methods to statistically analyse the chromatographic profiles and

determine the variability of the E. arvense extracts.

6. Use chemical antioxidant assays as a rapid and simple method for assessing the

pharmacological variability of E. arvense extracts.

General introduction

7. Utilise genomic authentication methods for the identification of E. arvense starting




Experimental for Endoherb™

2.1. Preparation of Endoherb™ extracts

Three powdered extracts of approximately 200 g were produced by The Centre for

Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, Southern Cross University (Lismore, NSW). The

extracts were prepared using 95 % aqueous ethanol, 35 % aqueous ethanol, and water as

the extraction solvent to investigate the effect of extraction solvent polarity on the

quantity of the analytes in the final extract. All extracts were stored at room

temperature in a desiccator over phosphorus pentoxide.

2.1.1. Sample preparation of the individual raw herbs for mixing

Each dried plant material was ground to ≤ 500 µm and then mixed in the in the ratio

given in Table 1.1 to produce 2 kg of the mixture. Dried plant material was supplied by

Beijing Tong Ren Tang (Sydney, Australia). The extracts were then prepared as


2.1.2. Preparation of the aqueous ethanol extracts

For the 95 % aqueous ethanol extract, 2 kg of the herbal mixture was placed in a 50 L

stainless steel rocking extraction vessel fitted with a filtration head. 20 L of 95 %

ethanol was added and the mixture allowed to steep with a gentle rocking motion for 24

h. The 20 L of extract was then filtered through 3 × Whatman No. 1 filter papers. The

extract was then concentrated using a 20 L rotary evaporator. The yield for this extract

was lower than the desired 10 : 1 extraction ratio, so another 20 L of 95 % ethanol was

added to the herb residue and steeped for a further 24 h, filtered, concentrated and

combined with the first extract. The extract was then placed on a freeze drier as a final

concentration step to yield 221.5 g of dried extract.

Experimental for Endoherb™

For the 35 % aqueous ethanol extract, the same procedure was followed except that

35 % ethanol was used instead of 95 % ethanol and only one aliquot of extraction

solvent was required. The procedure produced 201.1 g of dried extract.

2.1.3. Aqueous extract

2 kg of the herbal mixture was placed in a 50 L stainless steel rocking extraction vessel.

20 L of water was added and allowed to steep with a heating element inserted into the

extraction vessel. The extract was heated at 65 °C for 2 h with regular stirring. A filter

head was then fitted to the extraction vessel and allowed to rock for 3 h to improve

extraction. The extract was then filtered and dried as for the aqueous ethanol extracts to

give 326.3 g of dried extract.

2.2. Equipment

2.2.1. Miscellaneous equipment

An Adam AFA-210LC analytical balance (Adam Equipment Co., Australia) and a

Sartorius SE-2 micro analytical balance (Sartorius Australia, Australia) were used to

weigh the samples and standards. A Powersonic 420 ultrasonic bath (Thermoline

Scientific, Australia) was used to dissolve samples.

2.2.2. LC-PDA and LC-MS instrumentation

The LC-PDA analysis of glycyrrhizic acid, paeoniflorin, and rhein was performed on a

Varian Prostar system comprising of 2 × 210 single pumps, a column valve module 500,

a 430 auto-sampler, and a 335 PDA detector with a ‘9×0 mm’ analytic flow cell (Varian

Inc., Australia). Solvents were degassed using a model AF DG2 in-line degasser

(Waters, USA). The system was controlled using Varian Star Workstation version 6.20.

Experimental for Endoherb™

The column was a Luna C18 (150 × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) equipped with a C18 SecurityGuard

(3 × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) guard column (Phenomenex, Australia).

The LC-MS analysis of amygdalin and pachymic acid was performed on the same

Varian LC-PDA system except that the column eluent was passed through a splitter

which diverted 20 % of the flow to a Varian 1200L triple quadrupole mass spectrometer

and 80 % to the PDA detector.

2.2.3. GC-MS instrumentation

The GC-MS system used for the analysis of carveol, cinnamaldehyde,

tetramethylpyrazine and umbelliferone was an Agilent 7890A GC with a 5975C inert

XL EI/CI mass selective detector (MS) and CombiPal autosampler (Agilent, Australia).

The column was a HP-5MS (30 m × 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 µm; J&W scientific, USA). The

GC-FID system was the same as used for the GC-MS, though the column was

connected to a FID. Helium was used as the carrier gas.

2.3. Reagents

Acetonitrile was of LC grade (Mallinckrodt Chemical Ltd., UK). Ethanol (95 %),

methanol and formic acid (90 %) were reagent grade (Biolab, Australia). Air, argon,

helium, hydrogen and nitrogen were of ultra-high purity grade (Coregas, Australia).

Purified water (> 18 MΩ cm) was obtained from an Elga Purelab Prima and Purelab

Ultra high purity water system (Biolab, Australia).

Amygdalin (98.6 %), catalpol, (-)-carveol and (+)-carveol (60 : 40 % mixture of

isomers, 99.4 %), trans-cinnamaldehyde (99.4 %), glycyrrhizic acid (93.4 %) and

tetramethylpyrazine (99.9 %) were of primary grade (Sigma-Aldrich, Australia).

Experimental for Endoherb™

Atractylenolide III (99.5 %), ligustilide (98.8 %), paeonol (100 %), paeoniflorin

(98.7 %), pachymic acid (97.9 %), rhein (99.7 %) and umbelliferone (100 %) were of

secondary grade (Phytomarker Ltd., Tianjin, China). The primary grade standards have

purity and spectroscopic characterisation; the secondary grade standards have purity by

LC only. The results presented in the results section have been corrected for standard


2.3.1. LC mobile phase

Mobile phase A (0.1 % formic acid in water) was prepared by adding 900 mL water to a

1000 mL volumetric flask followed by 1.1 mL formic acid before making up to volume

with water. Mobile phase B was acetonitrile. Mobile phases were degassed by

sonication for 5 min and filtered through a 0.45 µm polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)

membrane filter before use.

2.4. Preparation of fortification and mixed standard calibration solutions

2.4.1. Amygdalin, glycyrrhizic acid and paeoniflorin mixed fortification solution

A mixed fortification solution containing 2000 µg/mL amygdalin, 4000 µg/mL

glycyrrhizic acid and 1000 µg/mL paeoniflorin were prepared by weighing 10.0, 20.0

and 5.0 mg of the respective standard into a 5 mL volumetric flask and adding

approximately 3 mL of 50 % aqueous methanol before sonicating for 5 min or until the

solid has dissolved. The solution was allowed to cool before making up to volume with

50 % aqueous methanol.

Experimental for Endoherb™

2.4.2. Amygdalin, glycyrrhizic acid and paeoniflorin mixed standard solutions

An intermediate mixed standard calibration solution was prepared by diluting 50 µL of

the mixed fortification solution to 1000 µL with 50 % aqueous methanol to give a 20-

fold dilution of the mixed fortification solution. This intermediate mixed standard was

diluted 1, 1/5, 1/10, 1/50 and 1/100 to give the mixed working standard solutions.

2.4.3. Pachymic acid and rhein mixed fortification solution

A mixed fortification solution containing 3000 µg/mL pachymic acid and 1700 µg/mL

rhein was prepared by weighing 30.0 and 17.0 mg of the respective standards into a 10

mL volumetric flask and adding approximately 7 mL of 95 % ethanol before sonicating

for 5 min or until the standards have dissolved. The solution was allowed to cool before

making up to volume with 95 % ethanol.

2.4.4. Pachymic acid and rhein mixed standard solutions

An intermediate mixed standard calibration solution was prepared by diluting 50 µL of

the mixed fortification solution to 1000 µL with 95 % aqueous methanol to give a 20-

fold dilution of the mixed fortification solution. This intermediate mixed standard was

diluted 1, 1/5, 1/10, 1/50 and 1/100 to give the mixed working standard solutions.

2.4.5. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol mixed fortification solution

A mixed fortification solution containing 4000 µg/mL atractylenolide III, 5500 µg/mL

ligustilide and 18,200 µg/mL paeonol was prepared by adding 20.0 mg, 27.5 mg and

91.0 mg of the respective standards into a 5 mL volumetric flask containing

approximately 3 mL ethanol. Ethanol was first placed in the flask because ligustilide is

Experimental for Endoherb™

volatile. The flask was loosely stoppered and sonicated until the solid just dissolved

before cooling and making up to volume with 95 % ethanol.

2.4.6. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol missed standard solutions

An intermediate mixed standard calibration solution was prepared by diluting 25 µL of

the mixed fortification solution to 1000 µL with 95 % aqueous methanol to give a 40-

fold dilution of the mixed fortification solution. This intermediate mixed standard was

diluted as shown in Table 2.1 to give the mixed working standard solutions.

Table 2.1: Preparation of working standard solutions from the intermediate standard.

Fold dilution Volume of standard (µL) Volume of 95 % ethanol (µL)

1/100 100 900
1/5 200 800
1/2.5 400 600
1/1.7 600 400
1/1.25 800 200
1 (no dilution) 1000 0

2.4.7. Carveol, cinnamaldehyde, tetramethylpyrazine and umbelliferone mixed

fortification solution

A mixed fortification solution containing 287 µg/mL carveol, 278 µg/mL

cinnamaldehyde, 100 µg/mL tetramethylpyrazine and 400 µg/mL umbelliferone was

prepared by adding 3 µL (or 2.87 mg), 2.5 µL (or 278 mg), 1.0 mg and 4.0 mg of the

respective standards into a 10 mL volumetric flask containing approximately 7 mL of

95 % ethanol. The flask was loosely stoppered and sonicated for approximately 5 min or

till the solid is just dissolved. After cooling the solution was made up to volume with 95

Experimental for Endoherb™

% ethanol. The 95 % ethanol was first added to the flask, as carveol and

cinnamaldehyde are volatile.

2.4.8. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol standard solutions

An intermediate mixed standard calibration solution was prepared by diluting 25 µL of

the mixed fortification solution to 1000 µL with 95 % aqueous methanol to give a 40-

fold dilution of the mixed fortification solution. This intermediate mixed standard was

diluted as shown in Table 2.1 to give the mixed working standard solutions.

2.5. Sample preparation

Two different extractions were used, utilising different solvents to selectively extract

particular analytes. For the analysis of amygdalin, glycyrrhizic acid and paeoniflorin,

50 % aqueous methanol was used as the extraction solvent, while 95 % aqueous ethanol

was used for the others.

200 mg of the dried extract was weighed into a 25 mL volumetric flask, approximately

20 mL of the extraction solvent added and the mixture sonicated for 30 min. The

solution was allowed to cool before making up to volume with the extraction solvent.

The sample was passed through a 0.45 µm PVDF syringe filter into a 1.5 mL

autosampler vial for LC analysis.

2.6. Chromatographic conditions

Separate LC methods were used for the determination of amygdalin, glycyrrhizic acid,

paeoniflorin, pachymic acid and rhein. GC-MS was used for the simultaneous

determination of carveol, cinnamaldehyde, tetramethylpyrazine and umbelliferone. GC-

Experimental for Endoherb™

FID was used for the simultaneous determination of atractylenolide III, ligustilide and


2.6.1. Analysis of amygdalin by LC-MS

The initial mobile phase composition was 88 % solvent A and 12 % solvent B,

maintained for 10 min before changing to 95 % solvent B for 5 min to wash the column

before returning to the initial composition for 5 min to equilibrate the column for the

next analysis. The injection volume was 10 µL. The MS was operated using (-)-ESI

with a drying gas temperature of 350 ºC, capillary voltage of -60 V, needle voltage of -

4850 V, shield voltage of -400 V and a detector voltage of 1500 V. Q1 and Q3 both

operated with a peak width of 3 AMU and a scan time of 2 s. The [M-H]- ion (m/z 456)

was monitored for quantitation and two transitions are monitored for qualification (m/z

456→119, 25 V and m/z 456→323, 13 V).

2.6.2. Analysis of glycyrrhizic acid by LC-PDA

The initial mobile phase was 58 % solvent A and 42 % solvent B, maintained for 10

min before changing to 95 % solvent B for 5 min to wash the column before returning

to the initial composition for 5 min to equilibrate the column for the next analysis. The

injection volume was 10 µL. The glycyrrhizic acid peak was monitored at 254 nm.

2.6.3. Analysis of paeoniflorin by LC-PDA

The initial mobile phase was 85 % solvent A and 15 % solvent B, maintained for 10

min before changing to 95 % solvent B for 5 min to wash the column before returning

to the initial composition for 5 min to equilibrate the column for the next analysis. The

injection volume was 10 µL. The paeoniflorin peak was observed at 230 nm.

Experimental for Endoherb™

2.6.4. Analysis of pachymic acid by LC-MS

The mobile phase was 20 % solvent A and 80 % solvent B. The injection volume was

10 µL. The MS was operated using (-)-ESI with a drying gas temperature of 300 ºC,

capillary voltage of -100 V, needle voltage of -5000 V, shield voltage of -275 V and a

detector voltage of 1500 V. Q1 and Q3 both operated with a peak width of 3 AMU and

a scan time of 2 s. The [M-H]- ion (m/z 528) was monitored for quantitation and two

daughter ions were monitored for qualification (m/z 528→465, 46 V and m/z 528→467,

45 V).

2.6.5. Analysis of rhein by LC-PDA

The initial mobile phase was 55 % solvent A and 45 % solvent B, maintained for 10

min before changing to 95 % solvent B for 5 min to wash the column before returning

to the initial composition for 5 min to equilibrate the column for the next analysis. The

injection volume was 10 µL. Rhein was monitored at 430 nm.

2.6.6. Analysis of carveol, cinnamaldehyde, tetramethylpyrazine and umbelliferone by


The autosampler was programmed for a 1 µL injection, pre-cleaning the syringe with

ethanol once, then the sample five times before each injection. The syringe was rinsed

with ethanol five times after each injection. The injector was set at 200 ºC using a split

ratio of 20 : 1. The column pressure was programmed to maintain a constant flow of

1.5 mL/min. The initial oven temperature is held at 100 ºC for 1 min and then increased

to 220 ºC at a rate of 10 ºC/min and held at 220 ºC for 2 min. The oven temperature was

then increased to 250 ºC for 2 min after the run to clean the column. The MS transfer

line was maintained at 250 ºC, the EI source at 230 ºC and the quadrupole at 150 ºC.

Experimental for Endoherb™

Quantitation was performed in selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode, monitoring the

product ion shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Analytes and their ions monitored by GC-MS.

Analyte Product ions (m/z)

Atractylenolide III 147, 215, 230
(+)-Carveol 84, 109, 134
(-)-Carveol 84, 109, 134
Cinnamaldehyde 77, 103, 131
Ligustilide 148, 161, 190
Paeonol 108, 151, 166
Tetramethylpyrazine 54, 95, 136
Umbelliferone 105, 134, 162

2.6.7. Atractylenolide III, ligustilide and paeonol using GC-FID

The operating conditions for the GC, autosampler and column are the same as those

used in Section 45. The FID was set at 300 ºC with a H2 flow of 30 mL/min, air flow of

400 mL/min and He makeup flow of 25 mL/min.

2.6.8. MS signal optimisation

Prior to MS detection, several parameters were optimised to maximise ion formation,

ion trajectories as well as ion fragmentation.

For LC-MS, these were determined by direct infusion of standard solutions

(approximately 100 µg/mL in methanol) into the ESI interface at 20.0 µL/min. The ESI

parameters optimised include needle voltage, shield voltage, capillary voltage, drying

gas temperature and ionisation mode (ESI(+) or ESI(-)).

Experimental for Endoherb™

Once the optimum conditions for maximum molecular ion signal were determined,

fragmentation experiments were performed to produce transition products for

quantification and identity confirmation.

The transitions measured for GC-MS analysis were determined by injecting 1 µL of a

20 µg mL-1 solution of chemical reference and determining the most intense and highest

m/z transitions for each chemical.



Experimental for E. arvense

3.1. Samples

3.1.1. Sources of E. arvense

The non-standardised E. arvense extracts sourced from the USA (n = 7, 4 : 1 extract

ratio, dicalcium phosphate excipient); China (n = 3, 5 : 1 extract ratio, glucose

excipient); Europe (n = 2, 5 : 1 extract ratio, lactose monohydrate excipient); and India

(n = 1, 4 : 1 extract ratio, dicalcium phosphate excipient) were provided by LIPA

Pharmaceuticals Ltd (NSW, Australia). The authenticity of the extracts was established

by phytochemical comparison against reference extracts prepared from authenticated

E. arvense plants with the traceability documents provided by each manufacturer.

Where the raw material used to produce the extracts were available, these were used for

genomic authentication.

3.1.2. Sample preparation

The excipient was removed from the commercial extracts to minimise sample

variability due to different excipients used and their different extract-to-excipient ratios.

Approximately 4 g of each commercial extract was weighed into a 250 mL conical flask

and 250 mL of 80 % aqueous methanol was added. The mixture was sonicated for 1 h

with occasional stirring and then centrifuged at 4000 g for 5 min to pellet out the

insoluble excipient. The supernatant was filtered though a 0.45 µm PVDF syringe filter

and the filtrate evaporated to dryness under vacuum at 60 ºC to remove the methanol

and the residue freeze-dried for 12 h to remove the remaining water. The resultant solid

was stored at 4 ºC if not used on the same day.

Experimental for E. arvense

3.2. Phytochemical profiling

3.2.1. TLC

A CAMAG (Muttenz, Switzerland) TLC system equipped with a sample applicator and

visualisation chamber was used with Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) silica gel 60 F254

TLC plates (20 cm × 10 cm) for TLC profiling. The TLC profiling method was from

Wagner et al, using a mobile phase of ethyl acetate : formic acid : glacial acetic acid :

water (100 : 11 : 11 : 26 mL).86

Working solutions of each extract were made by dissolving 50 mg of the purified

sample in 1 mL of 80 % methanol. The solution was sonicated briefly to dissolve the

extract and then filtered through a 0.45 µm PVDF syringe filter. 2 µL bands were

applied to the plate.

To visualise the flavonoid and phenyl carboxylic acid profile, the plate was developed

in natural products (diphenylboric acid 2-aminoethyl ester) and polyethylene glycol

4000 (PEG) reagent (NPPEG) and viewed under 366 nm light.

To visualise chemicals that scavenge the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) free

radical, the plate was developed in DPPH reagent (200 µg/mL in ethanol) and visualised

in white light. Chemicals that scavenge the DPPH radical appear yellow.

3.2.2. LC–PDA and LC-MS

A Varian (California, USA) ProStar system equipped with a 430 autosampler, 335

photodiode array detector (PDA) and 1200L quadrupole MS/MS detector was used for

the LC profiling. An Alltech (Queensland, Australia) Prevail C18 column

Experimental for E. arvense

(150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) with a Phenomenex (California, USA) Security C18 guard

column (2 mm × 4 mm, 5 µm) was used for analytical separation.

Working solutions of each extract were prepared by dissolving 50.0 mg of the purified

sample in 1 mL 80 % methanol and briefly sonicating it to dissolve the extract before

filtering through a 0.45 µm PVDF syringe filter.

The LC analysis was carried out using a 10 µL injection volume and a mobile phase

flow rate of 1 mL/min consisting of 0.1 % aqueous formic acid (mobile phase A) and

acetonitrile (mobile phase B). The mobile phase program was 10 % B for 10 min with a

linear increase to 50 % B between 10 - 63 min. The column was then washed with 100

% B for 10 min and equilibrated with starting mobile phase for 10 min between each


The eluate was split to send 80 % to the PDA and 20 % to the MS. PDA chromatograms

are acquired at 280 nm. The MS was set to acquire in the (-)-ESI mode, scanning

between 70-700 AMU using a nebulisation gas temperature of 400 ºC at 19 psi, needle

voltage -3900 V at 15 µA, shield voltage -400 V, capillary voltage -100 V, and MS

detector at -1700 V.

3.3. Chemometric analysis

Software supplied by the ‘R Project for Statistical Computing’ was used for the data

processing and statistical analysis. Specific packages used with R are detailed as


The package ‘msProcess’ was used to modify the chromatograms by removing

instrumental noise, baseline drift, identifying peaks, removing peak retention time

Experimental for E. arvense

variations between samples and to quantify peak height.88 This was done to minimise

sample variation due to instrumental factors.

PCA was used together with KNN to differentiate samples and highlight the chemical

components potentially responsible these differences using the ‘stats’ package included

with R.81 PCA was first conducted on the corrected chromatograms and the results are

plotted using the first two PCs. KNN was then applied to the first two PCs in order to

highlight samples that cluster together. Three groups were specified for the KNN, based

on the country of origin of the sample: 1) USA, 2) China/Europe and 3) India. The

group-specific peaks and their corresponding UV and MS spectra were compiled and

compared those in the literature to tentatively identify the compounds.68

Using the chromatogram correction technique outlined, the average number of peaks

detected was determined using the usual techniques of TLC, LC-PDA and LC-MS to

estimate their detection power. The determination of the statistical significance (p <

0.05) between the analytical techniques was measured by one-way ANOVA with a

Tukey post-test using GraphPad Prism 5.0d for Mac OS X.89

3.4. Genetic authentication

Genomic DNA was extracted and purified from the dried stem using a Qiagen DNeasy

mini plant mini kit (Victoria, Australia) following the manufacturer’s instructions

except that water was used instead of buffer AE. The loci used for genomic

authentication are the chloroplast genes matK (Maturase K) and rbcL (ribulose-1,5-

bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit) as specified by the Consortium for

the Barcode of Life (CBoL).35 For the PCR amplification of matK, the primers

ATACCCCATTTTATTCATCC in the forward direction and

Experimental for E. arvense

TACTTTTATGTTTACGAGC in the reverse direction were used as recommended by

the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.90 For the PCR amplification of rbcL the primers

ATGTCACCACAAACAGAGACTAAAGC in the forward direction and

GTAAAATCAAGTCCACCRCG in the reverse direction were used as recommended

by CBoL.91 The iProof high-fidelity DNA polymerase PCR kit from Bio-Rad (NSW,

Australia) was used for PCR amplification as per the manufacturer instructions for a

50 µL reaction with 35 cycles of the following temperature program: initial denaturation

98 ºC, 60 s; denaturation 98 ºC, 30 s; annealing 53 ºC, 40 s; extension 72 ºC, 40 s; final

extension 72 ºC, 5 min. The PCR products were purified using the Qiagen QIAquick

PCR Purification Kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions except that water was

used instead of buffer AE. PCR products were sequenced at the Australian Genome

Research Facility Ltd (NSW, Australia). Data processing was performed using the

program Geneious™.92

3.5. Antioxidant assays

3.5.1. Chromatographic DPPH assay

Chromatographic peaks that scavenged the DPPH radials were determined by

introducing DPPH reagent (40 µg/mL in 60 % A and 40 % B) into the post-column

eluent using a third pump (0.6 mL/min) and reacting the solution in a coil

(5.0 m × 0.5 mm) based on the work by Bandoniene et al, as presented in Figure 3.1.93

The PDA detector was set to monitor at 280 nm for the chromatogram and 515 nm for

the degradation of the DPPH radical.

Experimental for E. arvense

Figure 3.1: A schematic of the online DPPH instrumentation.

3.5.2. DPPH radical scavenging assay

A method adapted from Blois et al and Molyneux et al was used to estimate the DPPH

radical scavenging capacity of the E. arvense extracts compared to a gallic acid

standard.94,95 All reagents are prepared in 80 % aqueous methanol. The gallic acid

standard curve was made by diluting a gallic acid stock (3 mM) to give 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and

1.5 mM working standards. Samples are prepared by dissolving 1.0 mg of the extract in

10 mL 80 % aqueous methanol which was also the solvent used as the reagent blank.

180 µL of the DPPH reagent (250 µM) was pipetted into each microtitre plate well

used. In triplicate, 20 µL of each working standard, sample or blank was pipetted into

the DPPH reagent to make a total volume of 200 µL in each well. To correct for sample

absorbance (i.e. absorbance not due to the DPPH), sample blanks were also prepared in

triplicate by adding 180 µL of 80 % aqueous methanol to the well and adding 20 µL of

sample. The plate was vortexed at 700 rpm for 30 min in the dark prior to measuring the

absorbance at 515 nm. The sample antioxidant scavenging capacity is reported as the

gallic acid equivalent.

Experimental for E. arvense

3.5.3. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity assay

The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay measures the ability of E.

arvense extracts to protect fluorescein from degradation by peroxyl radicals using the

method described in the BMG LABTECH (Ortenberg, Germany) application note 148

using gallic acid as the reference standard.96 All reagents were prepared in pH 7.4

phosphate buffer (10 mM). The gallic acid standard curve was prepared by diluting the

gallic acid stock (200 µM) to give 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 µM working standards. Samples

were prepared by dissolving 1.0 mg of extract in 10 mL of 80 % aqueous methanol

which was also the solvent used as the reagent blank. 150 µL fluorescein (10 nM) and

25 µL of either gallic acid standard, sample or blank was pipetted into each microtitre

plate well used for analysis. This solution was vortexed for 30 min at 37 ºC before

rapidly adding 25 µL of the radical generator 2,2’-azobis(2-

amidinopropane)dihydrochloride (AAPH, 240 mM) to each well and measuring the

plate every 90 s (excitation 485 nm, emission 520 nm). The areas under the signal

degradation curves of the samples were compared to the gallic acid standard and the

results are given as the gallic acid equivalent.

3.5.4. Structural elucidation

Retention time, UV-Vis and MS spectra of the chromatographic peaks identified as

being active using the LC-DPPH-PDA assay were compared to the literature for

tentative structural elucidation.



Results and discussion for Endoherb™

4.1. Analyte selection

4.2. Extract production

The three Endoherb™ extracts were deliquescent, making accurate weighing and

sampling difficult. The 95 % ethanol extract was the most difficult to work with as it did

not dry to a solid, presumably because it contained oils. Both the 35 % and water

extracts could be dried and powdered for homogeneous sampling when desiccated.

The extraction method used involved soaking the powdered herb in water or aqueous

ethanol and is therefore a relatively mild method of extraction. The extraction method

approximates home extraction where the sliced or ground-up herbs are soaked in spirits.

Home extraction by water usually involves boiling the herb to produce the decoction.

4.3. Quantitation of the selected analytes

4.3.1. Sample preparation

Many solvents were trialled in order to maximise the analyte extraction efficiency, and

ideally, to perform a simultaneous extraction. Using water in combination with either

methanol or ethanol caused a white cloudy solution to form in the ethanolic extracts of

Endoherb™ instead of the clear coloured liquid obtained through extraction with pure

ethanol. The cloudiness is probably due to non-polar components that are dispersed in

the solvent but are not soluble in it. Consequently two extraction solvents: 50 %

aqueous methanol and 95 % aqueous ethanol were needed to extract the high and low

polarity analytes separately.

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

4.3.2. Analytical method development

The variety of chemical groups and hence chemical properties of the analytes present in

the mixture made their analysis in a single analytical run difficult. Thus several methods

had to be used for their analysis. The techniques of LC-PDA, LC-MS, GC-FID and GC-

MS were employed. The use of chromatographic techniques appropriate to the

chemicals analysed removed the need for long and involved sample preparation

involving SPE or solvent-solvent partitioning.

A summary of the methods of analysis and the rationale for their use is presented in

Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: The fractionation scheme used for the analysis of the analytes.

Chromatographic methods were developed for all analytes except catalpol. All the

methods showed good resolution of the analyte peak and satisfactory signal-to-noise for

their accurate and reproducible quantitation. Representative chromatograms of the

chemical standards and herbal extracts are presented in Figure 4.2 - Figure 4.8.

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Figure 4.2: Representative LC-PDA chromatograms of the glycyrrhizic acid standard (red) and the

95 % ethanolic extract (black). λdet = 254 nm.

Figure 4.3: Representative LC-PDA chromatograms of the paeoniflorin standard (red) and the

95 % ethanolic extract (black). λdetection = 230 nm.

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Figure 4.4: Representative LC-PDA chromatograms of the rhein standard (red) and the 95 %

ethanolic extract (black). λdet = 430 nm.

Figure 4.5: Representative LC-MS chromatograms of the amygdalin standard (red) and the 95 %

ethanolic extract (black).

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Figure 4.6: Representative LC-MS chromatograms of the pachymic acid standard (red) and the

95 % ethanolic extract (black).

Figure 4.7: Representative GC-FID chromatograms of the mixed standard (red) and the 95 %

ethanolic extract (black).

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Figure 4.8: Representative GC-MS chromatograms of the mixed standard (red) and the 95 %

ethanolic extract (black).

MS detection was required for most of the chemicals markers as they were present at

low concentrations in the extract (< 1 mg/g). LC-PDA detection could not detect many

of the analytes even if they had chromophore as it was not specific enough to separate

potentially hundreds of other analytes unless an impractically long run (up to 2 h per

sample) was used. MS can provide a means of specific detection of these analytes even

without complete resolution from other peaks. GC-MS was used for the more volatile

analytes as the significantly decreased peak width compared to LC made their analysis

more specific and rapid.

Catalpol was unable to be measured with the available instrumentation, as it was too

polar to show satisfactory retention on a C18 column and it has no satisfactory

chromophore for sensitive and specific detection using a PDA detector. Catalpol was

also not detected in any of the extracts using the MS detector during method

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

development. The result of this is that the herb Shudihuang is not measured in the final

formulation. A possible reason for why catalpol has not been detected is that

Shudihuang is honey baked; therefore the cells may not be being ruptured during the

extraction process, especially when the honey coating is not soluble in 35 % or 95 %

ethanol extraction solvent. It was also not possible to grind finely due to its stickiness.

Tetramethylpyrazine is below the limit of detection in the extracts tested. Even though

tetramethylpyrazine was not detected, method validation was still conducted on this

chemical, as the substance may be present in other sources of the herb.

It was necessary to use LC-PDA for the analysis glycyrrhizic acid, paeoniflorin and

rhein as matrix effects prevented their accurate quantitation using the ESI source. The

presence of strong chromophores, high concentration, and the robustness of the LC-

PDA system negated the necessity to use LC-MS to analyse these chemicals.

4.3.3. Analytical method validation

All the methods showed good resolution of the analyte peak with a satisfactory signal-

to-noise and good precision. Method validation was completed on all analytes except

catalpol. A summary of the method validation parameters tested is presented in Table

4.2 - Table 4.6. Analyte identity confirmation

Reasonable identity confirmation was achieved for those analytes analysed by LC-PDA

by comparison of the UV-Vis spectra of the peaks obtained from the sample extract and

standard solutions. Each analyte displayed a characteristic spectrum with a λmax together

with at least one other peak. The sample and standard spectrum show good overlap as

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

can be observed in Figure 4.9 - Figure 4.11. Identity confirmation was supported by LC-

MS as discussed in the next paragraph and Table 4.1.

Figure 4.9: Comparison between the standard (red) and sample (black) UV spectra of glycyrrhizic


Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Figure 4.10: Comparison between the standard (red) and sample (black) UV spectra of


Figure 4.11: Comparison between the standard (red) and sample (black) UV-Vis spectra of rhein.

Identity confirmation for the chemicals markers analysed by LC-MS and GC-MS was

achieved with greater confidence than by comparison of the UV-Vis spectrum, namely

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

by comparing the m/z of the ions obtained, as well as their relative abundances with

those obtained for the standard. Additional confidence is gained if one is able to

rationalise the observed ions to an assumed chemical structure. The relative intensities

for the analytes in the standard and samples fall within acceptable tolerances.64 The MS

identity confirmation results are presented in Table 4.1.

Analyte Standard Sample Percentage Permitted Pass / Fail Proposed fragmentation pattern
difference (%) tolerance (%)

Amygdalin 456(100) 456(100) ±0 ±20 Pass

323(9) 323(5) ±44 ±50
119(7) 119(4) ±43 ±50

Atractylenolide III 147(100) 147(100) ±0 ±20 Pass

215(10.3) 215(9.9) ±5 ±10
their proposed fragmentation pattern.

230(10.6) 230(10.2) ±4 ±10

Carveol 84(51.8) 84(50.0) ±4 ±10 Pass

109(100) 109(100) ±0 ±10
134(4.1) 134(4.3) ±5 ±50

Cinnamaldehyde 77(61.1) 77(55.6) ±9 ±15 Pass

103(100) 103(100) ±0 ±10
131(95.5) 131(90.9) ±5 ±10
Table 4.1: A comparison of the MS spectra of the analytes determined by LC-MS and GC-MS and

Results and discussion for Endoherb™
Analyte Standard Sample Percentage Permitted Pass / Fail Proposed fragmentation pattern
difference (%) tolerance (%)

Glycyrrhizic acid 193(87) 193(85) ±2 ±20 Pass

351(100) 351(100) ±0 ±20
Table 4.1: Continued

Ligustilide 148(78.0) 148(76.4) ±2 ±10 Pass

161(100) 161(100) ±0 ±10
190(61.6) 190(58.6) ±5 ±10

Pachymic acid 528(100) 528(100) ±0 ±20 Pass

Paeoniflorin 121(100) 121(100) ±0 ±20 Pass

327(8) 327(10) ±20 ±50

Results and discussion for Endoherb™
Analyte Standard Sample Percentage Permitted tolerance Pass / Fail Proposed fragmentation pattern
difference (%) (%)

Paeonol 108(7.4) 108(7.1) ±4 ±50 Pass

151(100) 151(100) ±0 ±10
166(34.9) 166(36.4) ±4 ±15
Table 4.1: Continued

Rhein 182 (43) 182 (43) ±0 ±25 Pass

239 (72) 239 (70) ±3 ±20

Tetramethylpyrazine 54(43.8) 54(41.1) ±6 ±10 Pass

95(100) 95(100) ±0 ±10
136(42.3) 136(45.6) ±8 ±50

Umbelliferone 105(51.0) 105(48.1) ±6 ±15 Pass

134(100) 134(100) ±0 ±10
162(87.8) 162(84.4) ±4 ±10

Results and discussion for Endoherb™
Results and discussion for Endoherb™ Accuracy

The 50, 100 and 200 % spike recovery results for the 35 % ethanol extract of the

Endoherb™ mixture are presented in Table 4.2. Considering all the analytes, the

average recovery was 104.2 % (range 79.0 to 151.9 %) with an average RSD of 10.7 %

(range 1.7 to 29 %).

Where the percentage recovery decreases with increasing fortification, for example for

carveol, cinnamaldehyde, pachymic acid, paeonol, tetramethylpyrazine and

umbelliferone, this may be due to the chemical being more difficult to dissolve

completely at higher concentrations. Where the percentage recovery increases with an

increase in fortification, such as atractylenolide III, glycyrrhizic acid, paeoniflorin and

rhein, this may be due to a constant loss of chemical, such as by adsorption onto the

surface of glass flasks or the filters used. The loss of a constant amount of analyte is

proportionately more significant the lower the analyte concentration.

The umbelliferone measurement showed a signification over-estimation of the expected

concentration. This may be due to uncertainties regarding the purity of the standard

since it was a secondary standard. This may be resolved by performing a painstaking

purity characterisation of the standard using elemental analysis and thermal analysis of

the standard. Purity by LC-PDA is unreliable because impurities without a chromophore

(for example water) are not detected. The more common explanation for > 100 %

recovery is a coeluting peak, but this is less likely in our case as a MS detector was used

and the ion ratio comparison between sample and standard peaks are a good match.

Accuracy a

Analyte Technique 50 % level 100 % level 200 % level Average

Recovery (%) RSD (%) Recovery (%) RSD (%) Recovery (%) RSD (%) Recovery (%) RSD (%)

Amygdalin LC-MS 96.5 3 101.1 2.2 100.2 2 99.3 3.1

Atractylenolide III GC-FID 109.7 7.7 110.7 3.5 113.5 3.3 111.3 5.2

(+)-Carveol GC-MS 131.1 4.7 79.3 10 91 3.8 100.5 23.5

(-)-Carveol GC-MS 142 2 107.9 5.7 103.1 1.9 117.7 18.2

Cinnamaldehyde GC-MS 90.9 11.2 77.4 13.1 75.1 7.5 81.1 13.6

Average and RSD calculated from n = 7 replicates.

Table 4.2: Summary of recoveries for the analytes.

Glycyrrhizic acid LC-PDA 87.9 4.7 96.6 2.8 97.2 1 93.9 5.5

Ligustilide GC-FID 79.8 50 74.1 15.8 83.2 3.6 79.0 29.4

Pachymic acid LC-MS 114.6 1.9 107.1 3.3 101.6 1.2 107.8 5.5

Paeoniflorin LC-PDA 107 4.7 109.3 2.4 109.5 1.3 108.6 3.2

Paeonol GC-FID 101.5 2.6 99.9 2.1 97.6 2.8 99.6 2.9

Rhein LC-PDA 93.6 1.7 94.6 1.5 95.4 1.4 94.5 1.7

Tetramethylpyrazine GC-MS 134 2.9 99 5.9 96.4 2.4 109.7 16.4

Umbelliferone GC-MS 173.3 4.3 141.9 4.3 140.7 3.5 151.9 10.9

Results and discussion for Endoherb™
Results and discussion for Endoherb™ Precision

Good instrumental and method precision was obtained using all methods of analysis as

presented in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: A summary of the method precision for the analytes.

Precision a
Analyte Technique
Amount ± SD (mg/g) tR ± SD (min)
Amygdalin LC-MS 0.85 ± 0.03 7.433 ± 0.008
Atractylenolide III GC-FID 1.08 ± 0.05 15.081 ± 0.001
(+)-Carveol GC-MS 0.078 ± 0.005 4.462 ± 0.000
(-)-Carveol GC-MS 0.007 ± 0.001 4.592 ± 0.004
Cinnamaldehyde GC-MS 0.146 ± 0.007 5.074 ± 0.000
Glycyrrhizic acid LC-PDA 1.80 ± 0.03 6.43 ± 0.02
Ligustilide GC-FID 11.2 ± 0.3 11.1622 ± 0.0005
Pachymic acid LC-MS 0.46 ± 0.01 8.33 ± 0.02
Paeoniflorin LC-PDA 14.5 ± 0.1 8.84 ± 0.03
Paeonol GC-FID 8.1 ± 0.1 7.7908 ± 0.0005
Rhein LC-PDA 0.119 ± 0.005 8.23 ± 0.03
Tetramethylpyrazine GC-MS 0.003 ± 0.001 3.08 ± 0.01 b
Umbelliferone GC-MS 0.013 ± 0.001 11.561 ± 0.000
Average and RSD calculated from n = 7 replicates.
Not determined in the unfortified sample, value determined from the 50 % fortification. Limits of detection

The LOQs are sufficiently low to quantify the concentrations of these chemicals that

can be reasonably expected in the ethanolic extracts of Endoherb™, as presented in

Table 4.4.

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Table 4.4: Summary of the analytical method detection and quantification limits for the analytes.

Detection limits a
Analyte Technique
LOD (mg/g) LOQ (mg/g)
Amygdalin LC-MS 0.1 0.3
Atractylenolide III GC-FID 0.1 0.5
(+)-Carveol GC-MS 0.02 0.06
(-)-Carveol GC-MS 0.003 0.01
Cinnamaldehyde GC-MS 0.02 0.07
Glycyrrhizic acid LC-PDA 0.09 0.3
Ligustilide GC-FID 1 3.2
Pachymic acid LC-MS 0.04 0.1
Paeoniflorin LC-PDA 0.4 1.5
Paeonol GC-FID 0.3 1
Rhein LC-PDA 0.01 0.05
Tetramethylpyrazine GC-MS 0.003 0.009 a
Umbelliferone GC-MS 0.003 0.012
Average and RSD calculated from n = 7 replicates.
Not determined in the unfortified sample, value determined from the 50 % fortification. Linearity

The calibration curves show good linearity with correlation coefficients (r2) > 0.995 as

presented in Table 4.5.

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Table 4.5: Summary of the calibration curve linearity for the analytes.

Analyte Technique
Range (µg/mL) r2
Amygdalin LC-MS 1 - 100 0.996
Atractylenolide III GC-FID 10.5 - 105 0.9998
(+)-Carveol GC-MS 0.4 - 4 0.9995
(-)-Carveol GC-MS 0.4 – 4 0.9994
Cinnamaldehyde GC-MS 0.12 – 12 0.996
Glycyrrhizic acid LC-PDA 2 - 211 0.9992
Ligustilide GC-FID 12 - 120 0.9998
Pachymic acid LC-MS 1.5 - 150 0.998
Paeoniflorin LC-PDA 10 - 1000 0.9999
Paeonol GC-FID 45 - 450 0.9998
Rhein LC-PDA 0.8 - 42 0.9994
Tetramethylpyrazine GC-MS 0.25 – 2.5 0.9995
Umbelliferone GC-MS 1 – 10 0.998 Stability

For accurate quantitation, standards and samples need to be prepared freshly on the day

of analysis, with the sample extracts being stable for up to 24 h.

4.3.4. Extract comparison

A summary of the analyte concentrations in the various extracts is presented in Table

4.6 and Figure 4.12. The 95 % ethanolic extract contained the highest concentrations of

the analytes, followed by the 35 % ethanolic extract, and lastly the aqueous extract as

can be observed in Figure 4.12.

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Table 4.6: Summary of the results obtained for each of the Endoherb™ extracts tested

Amount ± SD (mg/g)
Analyte Technique Aqueous 35 % ethanol 95 % ethanol
extract extract extract
Amygdalin LC-MS 0.298 ± 0.002 0.85 ± 0.03 2.078 ± 0.1
Atractylenolide III GC-FID < LOD 1.08 ± 0.05 2.1 ± 0.3
(+)-Carveol GC-MS < LOD 0.078 ± 0.005 0.2021 ± 0.0002
(-)-Carveol GC-MS < LOD 0.007 ± 0.001 0.03 ± 0.03
Cinnamaldehyde GC-MS < LOD 0.146 ± 0.007 0.512 ± 0.07
Glycyrrhizic acid LC-PDA 0.6 ± 0.1 1.80 ± 0.03 4.0 ± 0.2
Ligustilide GC-FID < LOD 11.2 ± 0.3 8.4 ± 1.5
Pachymic acid LC-MS < LOD 0.46 ± 0.01 0.50 ± 0.02
Paeoniflorin LC-PDA 11.6 ± 0.1 14.5 ± 0.1 36 ± 1
Paeonol GC-FID < LOD 8.1 ± 0.1 11.4 ± 0.6
Rhein LC-PDA < LOQ 0.119 ± 0.005 0.14 ± 0.02
Tetramethylpyrazine GC-MS < LOD < LOD < LOD
Umbelliferone GC-MS 0.05 ± 0.05 0.013 ± 0.001 0.0242 ± 0.0001

Results and discussion for Endoherb™

Figure 4.12: A comparison of the amount of chemical determined in each of the different extracts.



Results and discussion for E. arvense

5.1. Phytochemical profiling

Significant quantitative and qualitative differences were observed in the profiles

obtained using TLC, LC-PDA and LC-MS, especially in relation to phenyl carboxylic

acids and flavonoids.

The flavonoid and phenyl carboxylic acid TLC profile, while being useful as a rapid

profiling technique, was insufficient at revealing the complex nature of the chemical

variation between samples, as presented in Figure 5.1. The TLC profile was on average

able to resolve 9 ± 3 peaks, however only a single peak was detected in the India 13

sample. The TLC profile was however sufficient to indicate a general quantitative

difference in phenyl carboxylic acid and flavonoid concentration between, forming

three general groups: 1) the USA extracts 2) the European and Chinese extracts 3) the

Indian extract. Due to the poor sensitivity of the TLC technique, it is difficult to

conclude whether any qualitative differences between the samples exist.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.1: Chromatographic characterisation of the E. arvense extracts using TLC stained with

Natural Products and Polyethylene Glycol reagent view under 366 nm UV light.

The LC-PDA chromatogram acquired at 280 nm contained 35 ± 7 peaks, triple the

number of peaks contained in the TLC profile, as presented in Figure 5.2. The same

general trend in phenyl carboxylic acid and flavonoid concentration in the extracts from

different was similar to that in the TLC. The LC-PDA profile has the added benefit of

acquiring the UV-Vis spectrum of each peak, which can be useful in downstream

process such as structural elucidation. Clear qualitative differences also exist between

the samples, especially in regards to the Indian sample, detectable due to the increased

sensitivity of the LC-PDA technique over TLC.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.2: Chromatographic characterisation of the E. arvense extracts using LC-PDA viewed at

280 nm. (Note: The annotation a represents chicoric acid).

The LC-MS technique detected on average 43 ± 8 peaks, displaying both qualitative and

quantitative differences between the extracts as shown in Figure 5.3. The same general

trend in phenyl carboxylic acid and flavonoid concentration between countries of origin

was similar to that in the TLC.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.3: Chromatographic characterisation of the E. arvense extracts using LC-MS. (Note: The

annotation a represents chicoric acid).

The increase in the number of peaks obtained by on each profiling technique is

presented in Figure 5.4.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.4: The number of peaks detected in the TLC, LC-PDA and LC-MS chromatograms using

the msProcess peak detection software. (Note: * represents a statistical significance of p < 0.05).

The detection of peaks in a chromatogram is crucial for both qualitative and quantitative

analyses, because the amount of information increases as more peaks are detected.97 The

comparison of the different profiling techniques is useful information for industry,

where TLC is the profiling method of choice for herbal authentication. TLC is

straightforward to perform but the information it provides is somewhat limited. The LC-

MS is much more informative but the cost of the instrumentation is more than double

that of the TLC and involves much more maintenance and is more costly to operate.

5.2. Chemometric analysis

5.2.1. Chromatographic processing

The package msProcess was successfully used to remove instrumental noise, remove

baseline drift, identify peaks, and remove peak retention time variations to accurately

Results and discussion for E. arvense

quantify peak height. Although it is desirable to use peak area for accurate quantitation

using LC, peak height was used due to a limitation of the software. Satisfactory

identification of peaks was obtained using a trial and error method, resulting in the

parameters presented in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: The parameters used for chromatographic processing and a brief outline of their


Process Parameter Value Details

msDenoise function wavelet Decreases the amplitude of the wavelet
coefficients resulting in a denoised version of the
original series.
msDenoise thresh.scale 5 Amplifies or attenuates the threshold values at
each decomposition level to obtain a smoother or
rougher result.
msNoise function spline Smoothes the series based on a spline.
msDetrend function supsmu Estimates the baseline by fitting a smooth curve
to the local minima within the span parameter.

msDetrend span 0.1 The fraction of the observations in the span of the
running lines smoother.

msPeak function simple Performs peak detection via a simple local

maxima search.
msPeak snr.thresh 10 The signal to noise threshold. Only the local
maxima whose signal to noise level is above this
value will be recorded as peaks.
msAlign function cluster Clusters peaks using one-dimensional hierarchical
clustering and uses distances between peak
locations as the similarity measure.
msAlign snr.thresh 10 The peaks with signal-to-noise ratio larger than
this value will be used to construct the common
set of peak classes.
msAlign mz.precision 0.01 A numeric value, used to construct the threshold
when performing clustering.
msQuantify function intensity The measure used to identify candidate peaks is
the maximum intensity value found over a pre-
defined span of the corresponding peak class.

An illustration of processes involved in the chromatographic processing is presented in

Figure 5.5.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.5: A representative chromatogram of the China 8 sample indicating various corrections

performed using msProcess.

A) The original chromatogram. B) The black line represents the noise detected in the

chromatogram. The red line represents the average. C) The black line represents the de-noised

chromatogram and the red line represents the detected baseline drift. D) The black line represents

the chromatogram with the baseline drift removed; the red circles represent the detected peaks. E)

The corrected chromatogram converted into centroid form.

Once each individual chromatogram is processed, they are compared to each other to

determine a set of representative peaks present in most of the chromatograms, as

Results and discussion for E. arvense

presented in Figure 5.6. From this, a table of intensity values was produced that was

used for the subsequent statistical analysis. Ultimately, 107 intensity values were

obtained for each chromatogram.

Figure 5.6: The chromatographic peak alignment of the E. arvense chromatograms.

(Note: Red circles represent where a peak is detected in each chromatogram. Where that peak is

identified in most chromatograms, the peak height is measured in all chromatograms at the

average retention time, represented by the vertical orange lines).

5.2.2. Statistical analysis

The multivariate statistical techniques of PCA and KNN were successfully used to

identify differences and similarities between the different E. arvense extracts based on

peak intensity. KNN was used to identify grouping obtained using PCA, by highlighting

samples that were classified into the 3 groups. PCA was also used to determine which

Results and discussion for E. arvense

chromatographic peaks and therefore phytochemicals are responsible for the observed


As presented in Figure 5.7, grouping in the scores plot (left) is observed, which is

consistent with the country of origin, that is: USA (red), China / Europe (blue), and

India (green). KNN clustering represented by coloured circles proved very effective in

sample classification. Based on the similar proximity of chromatographic peaks in the

loadings plot (right) to the sample groups in the scores plot, the peaks responsible for

sample differentiation were identified. Three representative peaks have been highlighted

in the same colours as the sample groups to indicate the groups they affect. Chicoric

acid is highlighted in Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3 (annotation a) as a representative

example of how this peak is detected only in the India 13 sample by visual examination,

and confirmed as a differentiating variable in the PCA. Other chemicals that have been

tentatively identified in the E. arvense extracts based on comparison of LC, UV-Vis and

MS data to the literature are presented in Section 5.5.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.7: Principal component analysis (PCA) of LC-MS chromatographic peaks identified using


The colour and ellipses on the scores plots denote grouping obtained from KNN clustering using 3

specified clusters. The proportion of variance encompassed by each PC is given in brackets. The

scores plot (left) is based on the absolute amplitude of all 107 detected peaks, showing that the

geographical origin of the extracts is primarily associated with the 3 specified groups (red = USA,

blue = Europe and China, green = India). The loadings plot (right) highlights peaks that are

representative of the grouping observed in the scores plot (3-hydroxyflavone for USA, methyl

caffeoylquinic acid for Europe and China, chicoric acid for India).

As presented in Figure 5.8, the PCA based on the intensity ratios (PSI) showed better

delineation between the USA and European extracts. The downside to this method is

many more data points are produced (left) which make peak identification difficult.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.8: Principal component analysis (PCA) of LC-MS chromatographic peaks identified using


The colour and ellipses on the scores plots denote grouping obtained from KNN using 3 specified

clusters. The proportion of variance encompassed by each PC is given in brackets. The scores plot

(left) is of the 5,671 peaks intensity ratios obtained from the 107 detected peaks using the rational of

Tilton et al showing the geographical origin of the extracts is primarily associated with the 3

specified groups (red = USA, blue = Europe and China, green = India). The loadings plot (right)

contained no significant information.19

5.3. Genetic authentication

Both the matK and rbcL loci were successfully used to authenticate the representative

China, Europe and India samples with reasonable certainly. The matK locus was better

at differentiating E. arvense from the other Equisetum species than rbcL, with a BLAST

search of GenBank® yielding between 97.3 – 99.9 % (India and Europe respectively)

identical sites to the E. arvense database entries using the matK products compared to

98.9 – 100 % (Europe and India respectively) for rbcL. Although the percentage match

using rbcL is higher, the percentages are equally shared with other Equisetum species,

Results and discussion for E. arvense

for example India 13 shared the 100 % match with both E. fluviatile and E. diffusum.

Numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are present in the matK sequence

for the India 13 sample, including an insertion between 465-472 bp not present in any

other GenBank® entries, which may indicate it is a different species yet to be published

in GenBank®. Nucleotide alignments of the China 8, Europe 11 and India 13 matK and

rbcL sequences against other species in the GenBank® database are presented in Figure

5.9 and Figure 5.10.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.9: matK DNA barcodes of the original plant material used to produce the China 8, Europe

11 and India 13 extracts compared to other Equisetum species entries in the GenBank® database.

(Note: Differences between the sequences are marked with a coloured box (red = A, green = T, blue

= C, yellow = G).

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.10: rbcL DNA barcodes of the original plant material used to produce the Europe 11 and

India 13 extracts compared to other Equisetum species entries in the GenBank® database. (Note:

(Note: Differences between the sequences are marked with a coloured box (red = A, green = T, blue

= C, yellow = G).

Results and discussion for E. arvense

5.4. Radical scavenging assays

5.4.1. Radical scavenging capacity

Assessment of the total radical scavenging capacity of the extracts was measured using

two different antioxidant techniques to account for the different kinetic models involved

in antioxidant activity. Figure 5.11 shows a comparison of the antioxidant capacity of

the different E. arvense extracts. Generally speaking, the ORAC and DPPH results are

comparable, indicating that the flavonoids and phenyl carboxylic acids can function in

both the HAT and ET mechanisms. The China 8 and USA 7 samples showed the

highest antioxidant capacity of the extracts. This is contrary to what is implied by the

phytochemical profiling, which indicates that the China and European extracts are

similar to each other and distinct from the USA extracts.

Figure 5.11: The antioxidant activity of the various E. arvense extracts using the DPPH and ORAC


Results and discussion for E. arvense

The DPPH-based antioxidant assay was very useful for the assessment of antioxidant

activity due primarily to the rapidity of the reaction, as well as being performed in a

solvent compatible with the herbal extracts. The major downside of this assay is that the

assay may have little biological implication.39

5.4.2. Chromatographic DPPH assay

Due to the rapidity of the reaction, DPPH is useful as a TLC stain. When in the presence

of a radical scavenger, the purple DPPH radical is converted to a yellow colour. As

presented in Figure 5.12, the Chinese and European extracts contain approximately 5

strongly antioxidant analytes.

Figure 5.12: The antioxidant activity of the various E. arvense extracts as profiled using TLC

developed in DPPH reagent, viewed under white light. (Note: Pink/purple regions are unreacted

DPPH, lighter regions are where the DPPH radical has been scavenged by an antioxidant).

The online LC-DPPH-PDA method was adapted in order to determine the analytes

potentially responsible for the antioxidant activity of the extracts. The preliminary

Results and discussion for E. arvense

results in tandem with the tentative structural elucidation provide a useful method to

expose the chemicals responsible for the purported pharmacological effects. As

presented in Figure 5.13, peaks at 280 nm (similar to that in Figure 5.2) that have a

DPPH radical scavenging capacity are identified by the corresponding decrease in

DPPH absorbance measured simultaneously at 515 nm.

Figure 5.13: A representative chromatogram of the China 8 sample using the on-line DPPH assay.

(Note: The chromatogram at 280 nm is overlayed with the DPPH absorbance at 515 nm. Analytes

that have DPPH antioxidant activity are observed as a negative peak at 515 nm).

5.5. Structural elucidation of antioxidant peaks

The retention time, as well as the UV-Vis and MS spectra of the peaks observed in the

LC-PDA and LC-MS chromatograms respectively was compared to the literature for

tentative preliminary structural elucidation as presented in Table 5.2. A representative

example of how the structure of dicaffeoyltartaric acid and a genkwanin acetylglucoside

were elucidated is presented in Figure 5.14 and Figure 5.15 respectively.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Table 5.2: The tentative structural elucidation of several chemical constituents contained in the E.

arvense samples. Table kindly supplied by Dr Suresh Govindaraghavan.

tR PDA peaks MS peaks (m/z) Tentative ID Ref-

(min) (nm) erence
5.6 241, 328 179, 149, 312(100, Caffeoyl tartaric acid isomer
6.5 242, 327 312(100) Caffeoyl tartaric acid isomer
9.9 241, 327 149, 225, 312(100) Caffeoyl tartaric acid isomer
11.4 241, 328 148, 179, 311(100) Caffeoyl tartaric acid isomer
16.2 240, 323 135, 179, 225, 367(100) Methyl caffeoylquinic acid
18.5 234, 315 295, 336(100) Caffeoyl shikimic acid isomer
19.8 237, 326 179, 295, 335(100) Caffeoyl shikimic acid isomer
24.6 231, 283 650(100) Quercetin or Protogenkwanin
26.6 241, 342 319, 448(100) Luteolin glucoside
28.7 265, 354 300, 342, 464(100) Quercetin glucoside
29.3 255, 366 271, 579(100) Apigenin 3-O-glucoside-7-O-
30.1 236, 261, 431(100), 463, 489 Apigenin glucoside
31 235, 269, 410(100), 462 Quercetin glucoside
31.4 235, 287 301, 610 Quercetin 3-O-glucoside-7-O-
32.9 238, 328 149, 178, 311(100), 473 Dicaffeoyl tartaric acid
34.9 237, 261, 445(100), 490 Genkwanin glucoside isomer
41.1 288, 353 285(100) Kaempferol derivative
42.7 233, 270, 284(100) Genkwanin glucoside isomer
46.8 231, 288 302(100) Quercetin / Protogenkwanin

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.14: Tentative spectral structural elucidation of dicaffeoyltartaric acid using (A) LC-MS

and (B) LC-PDA and (C) the proposed MS fragmentation pattern.

Results and discussion for E. arvense

Figure 5.15: Tentative spectral structural elucidation of genkwanin acetylglucoside using (A) LC-

MS and (B) LC-PDA and (C) the proposed MS fragmentation pattern.


General conclusions

6.1. Summary

The past decade has seen an unprecedented growth in the popularity of complementary

medicines in Western countries. As the popularity of complementary medicines

continues to grow, serious concerns have been raised about their quality and safety. HM

is faced with problems of plant misidentification and inconsistent quality. Herbal

quality control is a significant challenge due to the large assortment of chemicals found

in a natural product and their expected compositional variation. The complexity of

applying quality control to multi-herb medicines increases with each additional herb.

This study shows how quality control of a complex herbal mixture may be carried out

and how the quality and identity of the single herb may be established.

Current regulatory standards predominantly focus on chromatographic methods of

analysis for the separation of the complex assortment of chemicals contained in herbal

formulations. The compound-based method focuses on the quantitative analysis of one

or more chemical constituents of an herb or formulation in order to determine quality

and hence product consistency. In contrast, the pattern-based method compares the

chromatographic profile of the extract of a new batch with that of a target or reference

batch, without necessarily identifying or quantifying the constituents. Similarly new

genetic and pharmacological methods are also available to supplement the

characterisation of plants.

Importantly, no single technique is adequate for the QA and QC of herbal material.

Rather, a multifaceted strategy including qualitative chemical profiles, quantitative

analysis of analytes, genetic authentication and pharmacological activity, should be

considered for characterising herbs and herbal products.

General conclusions

6.2. Major findings and implications in the application of the compound-based

approach to the quality evaluation of Endoherb™

The complex nature of Endoherb™ made it an exemplar model for assessing the

compound-based approach to herbal medicine QA. The methodology used in this study

has demonstrated how the systematic QC of a complex herbal mixture can be carried

out. The process firstly involves applying a logical and systematic method for the

selection of the analytes, and then developing a method for their sensitive, specific and

accurate analysis. This methodology has wide-ranging implications for the QC of

complex herbal mixtures.

6.2.1. A systematic method for the selection of analytes for the quantitative analysis of


A major contribution of this work is the logical and systematic process that has been

applied for the careful selection of analytes relevant to the safety and efficacy of the

Endoherb™ formulation. The need for such a process is self evident, as a typical multi-

herb formula, generally containing between 3 to 20 herbs, could contain many hundreds

of analytes, therefore making the total chemical analysis impractical. With no currently

established and accepted criteria for the selection of marker chemicals in the QA

industry, especially in relation to complex herbal mixtures, this methodology provides a

foundation on which some form of informed decision can be made. Accurate chemical

characterisation of an HM is achieved by taking into account variables such as the

traditional use of the herb, previous research, analyte localisation, bioavailability,

uniqueness, concentration, toxicity and commercial availability of the selected analyte.

General conclusions

6.2.2. A validated analytical method for the quantitation of the selected analytes in the

dried Endoherb™ extract prepared from the pure aqueous, 35 % aqueous ethanol

and 95 % aqueous ethanol extraction solvents.

The trustworthiness of any chemical analysis is dependant on the quality of the

analytical method used. Considerable time was invested in ensuring that the

performance of the developed method was well characterised with regards to specificity,

accuracy and precision in quantifying the selected analytes.

The diverse chemical properties of the selected analytes made it difficult to analyse

them using a single simultaneous chromatographic method. Several methods were

instead used for the specific analysis of these chemical components based on factors

such as their polarity, volatility and presence of a chromophore. LC-PDA, LC-MS, GC-

FID and GC-MS were employed.

The sample preparation is rapid and simple, utilising sonication as the extraction

method. This method of extraction is amenable to batch processing. The substantial

differences in the chemistry of the analytes made it necessary to use two extraction

solvents: 50 % aqueous methanol and 95 % aqueous ethanol to extract the analytes.

6.2.3. Evaluation of the extraction efficiencies of the three solvents tested.

The results of the extraction solvent comparison showed that increasing the organic

modifier in the extraction solvent, even for predominantly polar analytes, could increase

analyte extraction efficiency. This finding is in contradiction to the traditional methods

of preparation used in the TCM industry, which predominantly use aqueous extraction

solvents. It is therefore likely that most TCM preparations in the market today have only

General conclusions

a small amount the active components extracted, with the rest of the herb mass left over

going to waste. As discussed in the ‘future work’ section, these results indicate that an

investigation into the extraction efficiency of the individual raw herb should be carried

out, as it is possible that the starting material does not contain the target analyte. This

would require that each individual herb in the formulation be analysed prior to


6.3. Major findings and implications in the application of the pattern-based

approach to the quality evaluation of E. arvense

Characterisation of herbal authenticity and quality is one of the major challenges facing

the herbal medicine industry, a task made difficult due to fundamental challenges in

species delineation. The pattern-based approach to quality evaluation, namely the use of

chemical fingerprinting as well as DNA barcoding, is conceptually demonstrated here to

be a useful supplement to the existing quality control framework of analyte quantitation.

6.3.1. TLC, LC-PDA and LC-MS methods to chromatographically profile and

characterise the E. arvense extracts for phytochemical variability

The usefulness of any profiling method for qualitative or quantitative analysis is

dependent on the resolution and sensitivity of the chromatographic method. A limitation

of the fingerprinting technique is that it does not have the resolving power to

satisfactorily and accurately characterise an extract. Overall, LC-MS was shown to

provide excellent sensitivity, resolution, and reproducibility for the chemical

characterisation of the E. arvense extracts. Although a considerably more expensive

instrument for profiling than TLC, the significant increase in information content will

make this a worthwhile addition to herbal chemical profiling. Limitations of the LC-

General conclusions

MS, for example the ionisation source, still limit the chemicals that can be detected with

good sensitivity, for example large complex molecules. Other spectral characterisation

techniques such as NMR and IR should certainly be included in future fingerprinting

methods. A further consideration may be time-of-flight LC-MS for the characterisation

of polysaccharides and other large molecules.

6.3.2. Chemometric methods to statistically analyse the chromatographic profiles and

determine the variability of the E. arvense extracts

Chromatographic pre-processing of profile data is necessary for subsequent statistical

analysis as the instrumental contribution to a chromatographic profile, especially using

LC-MS, can make the detection of peaks cumbersome and the statistical inferences

inaccurate. The package msProcess was successfully used to remove instrumental noise,

remove baseline drift, identify peaks, and remove peak retention time variations to

accurately quantify peak height.

PCA is a well-established statistical method for the analysis of complex data. Similar

samples tend to form clusters on the scores plot whereas dissimilar samples will be

found at greater distances, with the loadings plot indicating the original variables

responsible for the similarity or dissimilarity. The novel use of KNN combined with

PCA allows for a more objective classification of sample grouping, classifying extracts

with minimal subjectivity. As with all statistical analysis, the overall reliability of the

result is dependent on the sample size. For a large QC laboratory, the potentially

hundreds of batches of product will make this statistical analysis more appropriate.

Similarly, more complex statistical analyses such as soft independent modelling of class

analogy (SIMCA) may be employed on larger sample sizes.

General conclusions

6.3.3. Chemical antioxidant assays as a rapid and simple method for assessing the

pharmacological variability of E. arvense extracts

The chemical measurement of antioxidant capacity of the E. arvense extracts is a

biologically useful way, albeit fairly basic and preliminary, to establish quality

standards of pharmacological equivalence. Importantly, the results of this study indicate

that the implied biological effects of the extracts are not reflected in their chemical

profile. This is useful knowledge for industry, where extracts are commonly

standardised to contain a particular concentration of a single component purported to be

the principal active ingredient, generally to the omission of other chemicals. As it

relates to this case, it appears that pharmacologically active chemicals may not be

detectable by the chemical analyses used or that many of the analytes detected in the

chemical profile may not contribute in a significant way to antioxidant activity.

6.3.4. Genomic authentication methods for the identification of E. arvense starting


A significant advancement in herbal authentication process is the application of

genomic methods to achieve species delineation. Although there are a large number of

molecular techniques becoming available to authenticate plants, such as next generation

whole genome sequencing, the ‘traditional’ PCR-based DNA barcoding successfully

used the proposed standardised DNA loci of rbcL and matK to confirm the identity of

the E. arvense raw materials. As DNA barcoding becomes more standardised and

rigorous, it will certainly be an essential tool herbal authentication.

6.4. Future work

The work reported in this thesis has considerable scope for expansion.

General conclusions

With respect to the analysis of the Endoherb™ formulation, the proposed method

should be subject to inter-laboratory testing and used to analyse more extracts from

different suppliers to determine method ruggedness. As the analyte tetramethylpyrazine

and catalpol were unable to be measured in final formulation, the starting material

should be analysed prior to being used in the formulation to assure that analyte is

present. The accuracy of the umbelliferone result requires significant improvement. The

umbelliferone peak should be derivatised for GC analysis in order to remove the

excessive peak tailing due to its polarity. A trimethysilyl derivative using for example

ethyl trimethylsilylacetate/tetrabutylammonium fluoride should be trialled.105

With respect to the analysis of E. arvense, many of the results presented here are

preliminary and require further development before forming part of a rigorous QC

system. Notably, the identification and characterisation of the potentially

pharmacologically active analytes needs to be conducted with at least NMR

characterisation. Similarly, other biological measures of pharmacological effect should

be investigated, though they need to be simple enough to be used day-to-day in a

chemistry QC lab.

Finally, the techniques used here need to be communicated to industry and the scientific

community to ensure harmonisation of herbal QC and QA methods.


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