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Profiles of Drug Substances Vol 39

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The document discusses the preface to volume 39 of the Profiles series, which compiles physical and chemical data on drug substances and excipients. It aims to be a vital resource for academics and industry.

The main categories of chapters published in the Profiles series include comprehensive profiles, physical characterization, analytical methods, clinical uses/pharmacology, methodology reviews, and annual reviews of important areas to pharmaceutical scientists.

Methods of physical characterization discussed for drug substances and excipients include specific optical rotation, ionization constant, solubility characteristics, partition coefficient, particle morphology, crystallographic properties, hygroscopicity, thermal methods of analysis, and spectroscopy.


The comprehensive profiling of drug substances and pharmaceutical excip-

ients as to their physical and analytical characteristics remains essential to all
phases of pharmaceutical development, and such profiles are of immeasur-
able importance to workers in the field. Consequently, the compilation and
publication of comprehensive summaries of physical and chemical data, ana-
lytical methods, routes of compound preparation, degradation pathways,
uses and applications, etc., have always been and will continue to be a vital
function to both academia and industry.
As the science of pharmaceutics grows and matures, the need for infor-
mation similarly expands along new fronts, and this growth causes an equiv-
alent growth in the repository sources where investigators find the
information they need. The content of the Profiles series continues to
respond and expand to meet this need, and so chapters are published that
fall into one or more of the following main categories:
1. Comprehensive profiles of a drug substance or excipient
2. Physical characterization of a drug substance or excipient
3. Analytical methods for a drug substance or excipient
4. Detailed discussions of the clinical uses, pharmacology, pharmacokinet-
ics, safety, or toxicity of a drug substance or excipient
5. Reviews of methodology useful for the characterization of drug sub-
stances or excipients
6. Annual reviews of areas of importance to pharmaceutical scientists
The current volume contains comprehensive profiles of azithromycin,
cefdinir, curcumin, dasatinib, gefitinib, imatinib mesylate, moxifloxacin
hydrochloride, pravastatin sodium, and vardenafil dihydrochloride.
As always, I welcome communications from anyone in the pharmaceu-
tical community who might want to provide an opinion or a contribution.
Editor, Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients,
and Related Methodology


Ahmed H.H. Bakheit*, Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya,
Ahmed A. Abd-Elgalil
*Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Taif University, TAIF, KSU

Research Center, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Background 2
1. Description 2
1.1 Nomenclature 2
1.2 Formulae 3
1.3 Elemental analysis 4
1.4 Appearance 4
2. Methods of Preparation of Azithromycin 4
3. Physical Characteristics 5
3.1 Specific optical rotation 5
3.2 Ionization constant 6
3.3 Solubility characteristics 6
3.4 Partition coefficient 6
3.5 Particle morphology 6
3.6 Crystallographic properties 7
3.7 Hygroscopicity 7
3.8 Thermal methods of analysis 9
3.9 Spectroscopy 12
3.10 Mass spectrometry 17
4. Methods of Analysis 17
4.1 Compendial methods of analysis 17
4.2 Electrochemical methods of analysis 24
4.3 Spectroscopic methods of analysis 25
4.4 Chromatographic methods of analysis 28
4.5 Determination in body fluids and tissues 30
5. Stability 30
6. Clinical Applications 33
6.1 An overview 33
6.2 Antimicrobial spectrum susceptibility 33
6.3 Mechanism of action 33
6.4 Resistance to macrolides 34
6.5 Actions other than antimicrobial effects 34

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 1
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
2 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

6.6 Clinical uses and dosing 35

6.7 ADME profile 35
6.8 Side effects 36
6.9 Drug interactions 36
References 36

A team of researchers at the Croatian pharmaceutical company Pliva,
led by Dr. Slobodan okic, discovered azithromycin in 1980. It was pat-
ented in 1981. Pfizer launched azithromycin under Plivas license in other
markets under the brand name Zithromax in 1991. After several years, the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved AzaSite, an ophthalmic for-
mulation of azithromycin, for the treatment of eye infections [1].

1.1. Nomenclature
1.1.1 Systematic chemical names [25]
hexopyranosyloxy)-1-oxa-6-aza-cyclopentadecan-15-one dehydrate.
N-methyl-11-aza-10-deoxo-10-dihydroerythromycin A; 9-deoxo-9a-
methyl-9a-aza-homoerythromycin A; CP-62993; XZ-450; Azitrocin;
Sumamed; Trozocina; Zithromax; Zitromax.
Azithromycin 3

1.1.2 Nonproprietary names

Generic [6]: azithromycin
Synonyms [27]: Atsitromysiini; Azithromycine; Azithromycinum;
Azitromicina; Azitromicinas; Azitromisin; Azitromycin; Azytromycyna;
CP-62993; XZ-450; Azithramycine; Azithromycin Dihydrate;
Azithromycine [French]; Azithromycinum [Latin]; Azitromicina [Spanish].

1.1.3 Proprietary names [3,7,8]

Azacid (Biosen: TR); Azitromin (Farmasa: BE); Azitromax (Pfizer:
NO); Azro (Eczacibasi: TR); Cronopen (Elea: AR); Hemomycin
(Hemofarm: YU); Misultina (Microsules: AR); Mixoterin (Roux-Ocefa:
AR); Sumamed (Pliva: CZ, HR, PL); Triamid (Beta: AR); Zifin
(Pratapa: ID); Zithrax (Dankos: ID); Zithromax (Pfizer: NL); Zitromax
(Pfizer: AR, BE, LU, TR); Zitrotek (Pfizer: TR);
Dihydrate: Arzomicin (Sintyal: AR); Azadose (Pfizer: FR); Azatek
(Biosen: TR); Azithral (Alembic: IN); Azitrin (Andromaco: AR);
Azitro (Deva: TR); Azitrocin (Pfizer: MX); Azitrocin (Roerig: IT);
Azitromax (Pfizer: NO,SE); Azitromicina Richet (Richet: AR);
Azitrotek (Deva: TR); Aziwok (Wockhardt: IN); Azomax (Kocak:
TR); Azro (Eczacibasi: TR); Cronopen (Elea: AR); Goxal (Pharmacia:
ES); Ribotrex (Pierre Fabre: IT); Toraseptol (Lesvi: ES); Triamid (Beta:
AR); Trozocina (Sigma-Tau: IT); Ultreon (Pfizer: DE); Vinzam (Funk:
ES); Zentavion (Vita: ES); Zistic (Bernofarm: ID); Zithromax (Bayer:
DE); Zithromax (Mack: DE); Zithromax (Pfizer: AT, AU, CA, CH, FI,
FR, ID, IE, IN, PT, UK, US); Zitromax (Pfizer: BE, BR, DK, ES, IT).

1.2. Formulae [2,3]

1.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, CAS number
Empirical formula Molecular CAS number
Anhydrous azithromycin C38H72N2O12 748.984 83905-01-5
Monohydrate azithromycin C38H72N2O12H2O 767.02 121479-24-4
Azithromycin dihydrate C38H72N2O122H2O 785.0 117772-70-0

1.2.2 Structural formula

See Figure 1.1
4 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

Figure 1.1 Structural formula of azithromycin hydrate.

1.3. Elemental analysis

The theoretical elemental composition of azithromycin is as follows [5]:
Carbon: 60.94 %; Hydrogen: 9.69%; Nitrogen: 3.74%; Oxygen: 25.63%

1.4. Appearance [2]

A white or almost white powder.


Azithromycin (5) was prepared from erythromycin A [9,10] by treating
the erythromycin (1) in methanol with hydroxylamine hydrochloride and a
base at reflux temperature for 10 h to form oxime (2). The oxime was isolated,
purified, and subjected to Beckmanns rearrangement to obtain the interme-
diary (6,9-iminoether) (3) (Scheme 1.1) in aqueous acetone in the presence of
p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and base for 2 h at 5  C (and 2 h more at room
temperature). The iminoether was reduced to the secondary amine (4) with
sodium borohydride in methanol [11,12] or by catalytic hydrogenation in the
presence of platinum dioxide and acetic acid as solvents [13].
Another alternate synthetic method for azithromycin is reported [14] The
iminoether (3) was prepared in single step (Scheme 1.2) from erythromycin
A (1), by treating the erythromycin A (1) solution in acetone with O-mesi-
tylene-sulfonylhydroxylamine, to form the mesitylenesulfonyloxime in situ
from erythromycin A, which was treated with an aqueous base (sodium bicar-
bonate) at 0  C, and then the intermediary 6-9-iminoether (3) (Scheme 1.2)
was produced by a Beckmanns rearrangement. The iminoether (3) was
reduced with reductive methylation using common techniques [15] to obtain
azithromycin (5).
Azithromycin 5







NMe2 NMe2
Agent HO


(4) (3)
Formic acid Rh/C, H2,
Formaldehyde, acetic acid





Scheme 1.1 Beckmanns rearrangement to obtain the intermediary (6,9-iminoether) for
preparation of Azithromycin.

Azithromycin is a semisynthetic 15-memberedmacrolide antibiotic, which

is derived from erythromycin A by a sequence of oximation, Beckmann
rearrangement, reduction, and N-methylation [1619]. Rengaraju et al. [20]
improved process for preparing nonhygroscopic azithromycin dehydrate.

3.1. Specific optical rotation [5,21]
[a] 20
45 to 49 (anhydrous substance) (C 1 in anhydrous ethanol R)
[a]20 37 (C 1 in CHCl3)
6 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

NMe2 NMe2





Scheme 1.2 An alternate synthetic method for Azithromycin.

3.2. Ionization constant [22]

pKa 7.34

3.3. Solubility characteristics [21]

Azthiromycin is practically insoluble in water and freely soluble in anhy-
drous ethanol and methylene chloride.

3.4. Partition coefficient

The octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow) of azithromycin was 0.65 at
20  C and pH 7 [23]. Adsorption isotherm studies indicated that the ther-
modynamic data revealed that the adsorption of azithromycin on the surface
of zinc was endothermic, spontaneous, and consistent with the adsorption
model of Langmuir [24].

3.5. Particle morphology

Gandhi et al. [25] viewed the commercial sample, dehydration and mon-
ohydration of azithromycin by scanning electron microscopy (Jeol electron
Azithromycin 7

microscope, D-6000, Japan). The samples were sputter coated with gold
before examination, and they found that the internal crystal structure appears
to be the same, as is evident from the similar enthalpy of fusion for all three
samples [26].

3.6. Crystallographic properties

3.6.1 Single crystal structure
Data were collected at room temperature using Bruker X-ray diffractome-
ters equipped with copper radiation and graphite monochromators. Struc-
tures were solved using direct methods. The SHELXTL computer library
provided by Bruker AXS, Inc. facilitated all necessary crystallographic com-
putations and molecular displays (SHELXTL Reference Manual, Version
5.1, Bruker AXS, Madison, WI, USA) [14].
The molecular structure of the anhydrous crystalline azithromycin
obtained is shown in Figure 1.2, and the structure was elucidated by single
crystal X-ray diffraction, finding that it coincides with the anhydrous crys-
talline form, with a tetragonal crystal system and the space group P42212.
These and other crystallographic data from the diffraction analysis are com-
pared with data reported for the dihydrated crystalline form. A displays peaks
at 9.3, 13.0 and 18.7 degrees of 2-theta [27].

3.6.2 X-ray powder diffraction pattern [28]

The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of azithromycin has been measured
using a Bruker D5000 diffractometer (Madison, Wis.) equipped with copper
radiation, fixed slits (1.0, 1.0, 0.6 mm), and a Kevex solid state detector. The
pattern obtained is shown in Figure 1.3, and Azithromycin dehydrate dis-
plays peaks at 7.2, 7.9, 9.3, 9.9, 11.2, 12.0, 12.7, 13.0, 14.0, 15.6, 16.0,
16.4, 16.8, 17.5, 18.2, 18.7, 19.1, 19.8, 20.5, 20.9, 21.2, 21.6, 21.8, and
24.0, the data was collected from 3.0 to 40.0 degrees in 2-theta using a step
size of 0.04 degrees and a step time of 1.0 seconds.

3.7. Hygroscopicity
Azithromycin was found to exhibit pseudopolymorphism and can exist as
monohydrate and dihydrate. The anhydrous form of AZI seemed to be
unstable since it converted to dihydrate on storage at room temperature.
On the other hand, monohydrate in the presence of moisture can convert
8 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

Figure 1.2 An X-ray crystal structure of the crystalline anhydrous azithromycin.

to the more stable dihydrate form. Therefore, the most stable form of AZI is
dehydrate [25].
Allen et al. [29] found that azithromycin was obtained as hygroscopic
monohydrate when it was prepared by crystallization from ethanol and
water, and nonhygroscopic dehydrate azithromycin was prepared by crys-
tallization from tetrahydrofuran and aliphatic (C5C7) hydrocarbon in the
presence of at least two molar equivalents of water.
Azithromycin 9






3 10 20 30 40
Figure 1.3 An experimental powder X-ray diffraction pattern of azithromycin
dehydrate [8].

3.8. Thermal methods of analysis

3.8.1 Melting behavior
The melting range of azithromycin crystals is between 113 and 115  C [5].

3.8.2 Differential scanning calorimetry [25]

The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermogram of azithromycin
was recorded on a DSC (Mettler, Toledo DSC 821 Switzerland) using
Mettler Star system. The curve shown in Figure 1.4 was collected from
0 to 250  C with nitrogen purging (80 ml/min), and using a heating rate
of 10  C/min. DSC thermograms of anhydrous, dehydrate, and mono-
hydrate are shown in Figure 1.4, and the thermal characteristics are shown
in Table 1.1.

3.8.3 Thermogravimetric analysis

Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out using TGA (Mettler, LMI JM
Switzerland) apparatus. The samples (15 mg) were placed in aluminum
pans and heated up to 250  C at a rate of 1  C/min under nitrogen purge
(40 ml/min). The TGA thermogram obtained with the AZC sample is
given in Figure 1.5. This thermogram exhibited the transition from the
dihydrate to the anhydrous form of azithromycin. The observed weight loss
10 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.



40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 C

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 min

Temperature (C)
Figure 1.4 DSC thermograms of different forms of AZI. Upper curve depicts the com-
mercial sample of AZI; middle curve shows the endotherm of dihydrate (DH) and lower
curve shows the endotherm of monohydrate (MH). The thermograms were generated
using a sealed pan.

Table 1.1 Thermal analysis and KFT of different forms of AZI

Sample name DSC analysis Water content
Temperature Heat fusion
range ( C) (J/g) TGA (%) KFT (%)
Anhydrous 132.29143.09 62.73  7.13 4.452  0.18 4.57  0.03
azithromycin 149.83155.48 30.41  2.93
Monohydrate 134.65155.48 92.99  8.58 4.155  0.41 4.35  0.28
azithromycin 139.88156.31 92.83  2.41 2.472  0.41 2.39  0.79

of 4.38% corresponded to the stoichiometric weight loss of two water

molecules [30].
Gandhi et al. [25] were found a stoichiometric weight loss of two water
molecules (theoretical weight loss 4.58%) for CS and DH by TGA, while
MH showed a weight loss corresponding to one molecule of water (theo-
retical weight loss 2.29%) as shown in Figure 1.6. The results were in good
Azithromycin 11

98 4.3816%
Mass %

25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165 185
Temperature (C)
Figure 1.5 TGA thermogram of AZC.


40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 C

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 min

Figure 1.6 TGA thermograms of different forms of AZI. Upper curve indicates stoichio-
metric weight loss of two water molecules in CS, middle curve indicates weight loss
of two water molecules in DH, and lower curve indicates weight loss of one water
molecule in MH.

agreement with those found by Karl Fischer titration KFT as shown in

Table 1.1.

3.8.4 Karl Fischer titration (KFT) [25]

Water content in different forms of AZI was determined using a Karl Fischer
titrimeter (Metrohm, 716 DMS, Switzerland). Samples (2025 mg) were
12 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

accurately weighed and quickly transferred to the titration vessel containing

anhydrous methanol.

3.8.5 Boiling point, enthalpy of vapor, flash point, and vapor pressure
The calculated value of the boiling point of azithromycin under a pressure of
760 mmHg was 822.1  C. The enthalpy of vapor calculated value was
135.99 KJ/mol. The value of flash point was found to be 451  C, and the
vapor pressure was calculated to be 251 1031 mmHg at 25  C [31].

3.9. Spectroscopy
3.9.1 UV/Vis spectroscopy
The ultraviolet spectrum of azithromycin dihydrate in methanol and mobile
phase (methanol: acetonitrile: phosphate buffer pH 6.7: tetrahydrofuran,
15:25:60:2.5, v/v) shown in Figure 1.7. The figures were recorded using
a double beam Model GBC 916UV VIS spectrophotometer (GBC Scien-
tific Equipment Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia). The values of
wavelength maximum in nanometer (lmax) are 201.6 nm on methanol
and 199.2 nm on mobile phase. The spectra of azithromycin in methanol
(Figure 1.7A) and mobile phase (Figure 1.7B) were shown below.

3.9.2 Vibrational spectroscopy [32]

The infrared absorption spectrum of azithromycin is shown in Figure 1.8. It
was obtained in a KBr disc using a FT-IR Nicolet Imoact 410 instrument,
infrared spectrophotometer. The principal peaks were 3561, 3496, 13344,
1282, 1269, 1251, and 1083.

3.9.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry [33] 1H NMR spectrum [33]
The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of AZI was recorded
using an internal deuterium lock at ambient probe temperatures on the fol-
lowing instruments: Bruker DPX-400 (400 MHz), Bruker Avance DRX-
400 (400 MHz), Bruker Avance 500 BB-ATM (500 MHz), and Bruker
Avance 500 Cryo Ultrashield (500 MHz). An internal reference of dH
7.26 was used for the residual CHCl3 in CDCl3. Data are represented as fol-
lows: chemical shift (in ppm to the nearest 0.01 ppm), integration, multiplic-
ity (s, singlet; d, doublet; t, triplet; q, quartet; m, multiplet), coupling
constant (J in Hz to the nearest 1 Hz), and assignments, which were deter-
mined either on the basis of unambiguous chemical shift or coupling pattern,
Azithromycin 13





192 202 212 222 232 242
Wavelength (nm)

0.2 199.2





195 205 215 225 235 245
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 1.7 (A) The ultraviolet spectrum of AZI dihydrate in methanol. (B) The ultraviolet
spectrum of AZI dihydrate in mobile phase.
14 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.



% Transmittance




50 3496.31
45 1344.14

3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800
Wavenumber (cm-1)
Figure 1.8 Infrared absorption spectrum of azithromycin.

10A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 1.9 Full H NMR spectrum of azithromycin in CDCl3.

by patterns observed in 2D experiments (1H1H COSY and HMQC) or by

analogy to fully interpreted spectra for related compounds.
Azithromycin is shown in Figure 1.9 (full 1H NMR spectrum). The
assignments for the observed bands are provided in Table 1.2.

13 C NMR spectrum [33]
The C NMR spectrum of azithromycin was recorded by broadband pro-
ton spin decoupling at ambient probe temperature using an internal
Azithromycin 15

Table 1.2 Assignments for the resonance bands observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of
azithromycin in CDCl3
See Figure 1.10 reference 33
Chemical shift Number of Multiplicity and coupling
(ppm) protons constant (J) Assignment
9.44 1 (1H, C2dOH)
5.13 1 Doublet (5 Hz) C100 dH
4.74 1 Doublet (6 Hz) C11dOH
4.68 1 Doublet of doublets (10 Hz) C13dH
4.43 1 Doublet (7 Hz) C10 dH
4.29 1 Doublet of doublets C3dH
(5, 2 Hz)
4.08 1 Doublet of quartet C50 dH
(10, 6 Hz)
3.68 1 Doublet (5 Hz) C11dH
3.65 1 Doublet (7 Hz) C5dH
3.55-3.47 1 Multiple C50 dH
3.35 1 Singlet C12dOH
3.34 3 Singlet C30 dOCH3
3.23 1 Doublet of doublets C20 dH
(10, 7 Hz)
3.03 1 app. triplet (10 Hz) C40 dH
2.89 1 Singlet C6dOH
2.782.72 1 Multiple C2dH
2.69 1 Quartet (7 Hz) C10dH
2.52 1 Doublet (10 Hz) C9dH
2.462.41 Multiple C30 dH
2.35 1 Doublet (15 Hz) C20 dH
2.31 3 Singlet C1dH3
2.28 6 Singlet C30 dN(CH3)2
2.15 1 Doublet (11 Hz) C40 dOH
2.071.95 2 Multiple C4dH and
16 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

Table 1.2 Assignments for the resonance bands observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of
azithromycin in CDCl3cont'd
Chemical shift Number of Multiplicity and coupling
(ppm) protons constant (J) Assignment
2.02 1 Doublet (10 Hz) C9dH
1.931.85 1 Multiple C13dCH2dCH3
1.79 1 Doublet (15 Hz) C7dH
1.671.63 1 Multiple C40 dH
1.58 1 Doublet of doublets C200 dH
(15, 5 Hz)
1.511.43 1 Multiple C13dCH2dCH3
1.32 3 Doublet (5 Hz) C500 dCH3
1.31 3 Singlet C6dCH3
1.24 3 Singlet C300 dCH3
1.261.21 2 Multiple C7dH and
C40 dH
1.22 3 Doublet (6 Hz) C50 dCH3
1.19 3 Doublet (7 Hz) C2dCH3
1.08 1 Doublet (7 Hz) C10dCH3
1.08 3 Singlet C12dCH3
1.04 3 Doublet (7 Hz) C4dCH3
0.90 3 Doublet (7 Hz) C8dCH3
0.89 3 Triplet (7 Hz) C13dCH2dCH3

deuterium lock. All chemical shift values are reported in ppm to the
nearest 0.01 ppm. An internal reference of dC 77.0 was used for CDCl3.
Assignments were supported by DEPT editing and determined either on
the basis of unambiguous chemical shift, by patterns observed in 2D exper-
iments (HMQC) or by analogy to fully interpreted spectra for related
Azithromycin is shown in Figure 1.11 (full 13C NMR spectrum). The
assignments for the observed bands are provided in Table 1.3, which are
consistent with the 13 carbon contents of azithromycin.
Azithromycin 17

N 9 7 3
O 1
HO 5
11 5
HO 13 3 OMe
O 1 3
O 1 OH

Figure 1.10 AZI proton assignment.

3.10. Mass spectrometry [34]

The mass spectrum of azithromycin was obtained utilizing A Thermo Sci-
entific TSQ Quantum mass spectrometer systems feature HyperQuad quad-
rupoles. The MS analysis was performed with electro-spray ionization (ESI)
interface in both negative and positive ion modes.
TSQ Quantum Ultra AM Instrument Conditions: Ionization mode and
source: Positive and negative ESI; electrospray voltage: () 3.5 kV, ()
2.5 kV; sheath gas: 1; auxiliary gas: 0; ion transfer tube temperature:
270  C; ion transfer tube offset: 35 V; tube lens offset: 77 V; collision energy:
25 eV (famotidine), 23 eV (azithromycin); collision pressure: 1.2 mTorr; Q1/
Q3 resolution: 0.1 Da FWHM; accurate mass mode: internal; micro scans: 2.
Figure 1.12 shows the detected mass fragmentation pattern of azithromycin.
The major peaks in the spectrum occur at m/z 749, 591, 574, 434, 158.
For protonated azithromycin, elimination of H2O and successive loss of
the two sugar moieties were the major fragmentation pathways. The CID
mass spectrum of the [M  H] of azithromycin was very similar to that
of the protonated species and showed successive loss of the two sugar moi-
eties as the major dissociation pathways as shown in Figure 1.13.

4.1. Compendial methods of analysis
4.1.1 Identification IR spectrum of Azithromycin
The IR spectra of the drug were obtained in the solid state using 90 g/l solu-
tions in methylene chloride [21,34]
200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25
Figure 1.11 Full C NMR spectrum of azithromycin in CDCl.
Azithromycin 19

Table 1.3 Assignments for the resonance bands observed in the 13C NMR spectrum of
Chemical shift (ppm) Assignments Chemical shift (ppm) Assignment
178.9 (C1) 42.3 (2C, C4 and C7)
102.9 (C1 ) 40.3 (C30 dN(CH3)2)
94.5 (C100 ) 36.2 (C1)
83.3 (C5) 34.7 (C200 )
78.1 (C400 ) 28.7 (C40 )
77.6 (C3) 27.6 (C6dCH3)
77.4 (C13) 26.7 (C8)
73.6 (C6) 22.0 (C8dCH3)
73.6 (C11) 21.6 (C300 dCH3)
72.9 (C300 ) 21.3 (C50 dCH3)
70.8 (C20 ) 21.3 (C13dCH2)
70.1 (C9) 18.2 (C500 dCH3)
68.7 (C50 ) 16.2 (C12dCH3)
65.9 (C30 ) 14.6 (C2dCH3)
65.5 (C500 ) 11.2 (C13dCH2dCH3)
62.4 (C10) 9.0 (C4dCH3)
49.4 (C300 -OCH3) 7.3 (C10dCH3)
45.3 (C2) HPLC drug chromatogram

The principal peak in the HPLC drug chromatogram obtained with test
solution was similar in retention time and size to the principal peak in the
chromatogram obtained with reference solution [21,34].

4.1.2 Impurity Analysis [47]

The specified impurities (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, J, L, M, N, O, and P)
of azithromycin were determined using liquid.
20 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

90 747.4300
Relative abundance


50 396.1000 499.6300


100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

[M(d5)-D-DNSO2ND2]+ 751.4675
243.1004 [M(d5)-D-desosamine]-

80 573.2704
Relative abundance


60 [M(d5)-D-desosamine-cladinose]-




100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

Figure 1.12 Negative ion ESI mass spectra of azithromycin (MW 748): CID product ion
spectra (MS/MS) of [M  H] at m/z 747 and the fully exchanged [M(d5)-D] at m/z 751.
Deuteration was achieved by liquid phase H/D exchange method. MS and MS/MS exper-
iments were performed on a TSQ Quantum Ultra AM mass spectrometer.
Azithromycin 21



O O O +
O N (D) HO
N (D) N
(D) (D) desosamine (neutral)
N m/z = 571 (574) 176 (177)
m/z = 747 (751)

OH (D) O
(D) HO
cladinose (neutral) (D)
175 (176)
m/z = 396 (398)

Figure 1.13 Proposed CID fragmentation mechanisms for the major fragment ions from
deprotonated azithromycin at m/z 747 determined from H/D exchange patterns, high-
resolution mass measurements, and MS/MS experiments. Numbers in parentheses refer
to deuterated fragmentations. The proposed site of deprotonation is based on the most
acidic proton of the lactone ring.

(A) R1 OH, R2 R6 H, R3 R4 R5 CH3: 6-

(B) R1 R6 H, R2 R3 R4 R5 CH3: 3-deoxyazithromycin
(azithromycin B),
(C) R1 OH, R2 R3 R5 CH3, R4 R6 H: 300 -O-
demethylazithromycin (azithromycin C),
(D) R1 OH, R2 R3 R4 CH3, R5 CH2OH, R6 H:
14-demethyl-14-(hydroxymethyl)azithromycin (azithromycin F),
(F) R1 OH, R2 R4 R5 CH3, R3 CHO, R6 H: 30 -N-
demethyl-30 -N-formylazithromycin,
(I) R1 OH, R2 R4 R5 CH3, R3 R6 H: 30 -N-
(O) R1 OH, R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 CH3: 2-desethyl-
22 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

(E) 30 -(N,N-didemethyl)azithromycin (aminoazithromycin),

(G) 30 -N-demethyl-30 -N-[(4-methylphenyl)sulphonyl]azithromycin,

(H) 30 -N-[[4-(acetylamino)phenyl]sulphonyl]-30 -N-demethylazithro-


(J) 13-O-decladinosylazithromycin,
Azithromycin 23

(L) azithromycin 30 -N-oxide,

(M) 30 -(N,N-didemethyl)-30 -N-formylazithromycin

(N) 30 -de(dimethylamino)-30 -oxoazithromycin,

(K) C14, 100 -epoxyazithromycin (azithromycin E),

Unknown structure.

4.1.3 Other tests Water [47]
1.86.5%, determined on 0.200 g. Sulphated ash [47]

Maximum 0.2%, determined on 1.0 g.
24 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

4.1.4 Assay method [47] Liquid chromatography
Solution A: Mix 60 volumes of acetonitrile R1 and 40 volumes of a 6.7 g/l
solution of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate R adjusted to pH 8.0 with
phosphoric acid R.
Test solution: Dissolve 53.0 mg of the substance to be examined in 2 ml
of acetonitrile R1 and dilute to 100.0 ml with solution A.
Reference solution (a): Dissolve 53.0 mg of azithromycin CRS in 2 ml
of acetonitrile R1 and dilute to 100.0 ml with solution A.
Reference solution (b): Dissolve 5 mg of the substance to be examined
and 5 mg of azithromycin impurity A CRS in 0.5 ml of acetonitrile R1
and dilute to 10 ml with solution A.
Column size: l 0.25 m, 4.6 mm; stationary phase: octadecylsilyl
vinyl polymer for chromatography R (5 mm); temperature: 40  C.
Mobile phase: Mix 60 volumes of acetonitrile R1 and 40 volumes of a
6.7 g/l solution of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate R adjusted to pH
11.0 with a 560 g/l solution of potassium hydroxide R.
Flow rate, 1.0 ml/min; UV spectrophotometry detection at l 210 nm;
injection, 10 ml; run time, 15 min; retention time of Azithromycin,
10 min; resolution: minimum 3.0 between the peaks of impurity A
and azithromycin.

4.2. Electrochemical methods of analysis

4.2.1 Voltammetry
Studies on the electrochemical oxidation and determination of azithromycin
on glassy carbon and modified glassy carbon electrodes have been frequently
published. The voltammetric determination of azithromycin at a carbon
paste electrode [48], the adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination
of azithromycin at a glassy carbon electrode modified by electrochemical
oxidation [49], and the voltammetric assay of azithromycin in pharmaceu-
tical dosage forms [50] have been published. Also, studies on the electro-
chemical oxidation of azithromycin and its interaction with bovine serum
albumin [51], identification of azithromycin by abrasive stripping
voltammetry [52], and the mathematical modeling of the electrode process
of azithromycin using cyclic voltammetry at a hanging mercury drop elec-
trode [53] can be found in the literature. There is also some data concerning
a validated LC method for in vitro analysis of azithromycin using
Azithromycin 25

electrochemical detection with dual glassy carbon electrodes operating in

the oxidative screen mode [37]. The electro-chemical oxidation of
azithromycin using voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy to obtain
mechanistic information about the overall process on a platinum electrode
in acetonitrile has also been reported [54].
Avramov et al. [55] examined the oxidative properties and assay of
azithromycin at a gold electrode in neutral electrolyte using cyclic linear sweep
voltammetry. The maximum value of the current of the oxidation peak of pure
azithromycin and azithromycin from tablet dosage form (Hemomycin,
Hemofarm, Vrsac, Serbia and Montenegro) at 0.6 V versus SCE in 0.05 M
NaHCO3 and in a mixture methanol0.05 M NaHCO3 (1:1) at a scan rate
of 50 mV s1 is a linear function of the concentration in the range of
0.2350.588 mg/cm3. HPLC analysis of the bulk of electrolyte confirmed
the data obtained by analysis of the values of the current peak concerning
the concentration of antibiotic in the investigated concentration range.
For the determination of the azithromycin concentration, only the first
cycle was recorded, which will be presented later for different concentra-
tions. It is obvious from the cyclic voltammograms of pure azithromycin
in 0.05 M NaHCO3 (Figures 1.14)

4.2.2 Coulometry
A variant of the Karl Fischer water determination was described [25]. By
heating the drug substance, the contained water was transferred into a titra-
tion cell by a carrier gas. The automated system consisted of an oven sample
processor and a coulometer.

4.3. Spectroscopic methods of analysis

4.3.1 Spectrophotometry
Azithromycin was determined in its pharmaceutical dosage forms by the for-
mation of an ion pair between this drug and an inorganic complex of (Mo
(V)-thiocyanate) followed by its extraction with dichloroethane. This ion-
association complex shows an orange color and exhibits a maximum absor-
bance at 469 nm [56].
Su-Ying [57] established a UV spectrophotometry method to determine
the contents of azithromycin tablets quickly and exactly. The concentration
of azithromycin was determined according to related drug dissolubility stan-
dard procedures in pharmacopoeia. Ethanol and 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric
26 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.





1200 800 400 0 400 800 1200

E (mV)
Figure 1.14 Cyclic voltammogram of an Au electrode in 0.05 M NaHCO3 (- - -) and after
the addition of 0.588 mg/cm3 of pure azithromycin dihydrate, 30th sweep (full line),
sweep rate: 50 mV/s.

acid were used as dilute solvents and 75 ! 100 sulfuric acid was used as col-
ored solvent. The samples were analyzed at the wavelength of 482 nm.
Huakan et al. [58] developed a spectrophotometric method for the deter-
mination of azithromycin based on the charge transfer reaction between
azithromycin as donor and alizarin as acceptor in ethanol solution. The com-
position ratio and stability constant of charge transfer complex were 11 and
4.8  103, respectively. The apparent molar absorptivity of complex at
546 nm is 5.79  103 L mol1 cm1.
Suhagia et al. [59] developed a simple and sensitive spectrophotometric
method for the determination of azithromycin in its pharmaceutical dosage
forms. In the method, azithromycin is oxidized with potassium permanga-
nate to liberate formaldehyde, which is determined in situ using acetyl ace-
tone, in the presence of ammonium acetate. An yellow colored chromogen
was obtained, having an absorption maxima at 412 nm. The method is
found to be linear in the concentration range of 1075 mg/ml, with regres-
sion coefficient of 0.9978.
Shu-xia et al. [60] established a method for the determination of
azithromycin tablets dissolution based on chargetransfer reaction with aliz-
arin red. Methods of the dissolution test were conducted, using phosphate
Azithromycin 27

buffer solution as medium, with a stirring speed of 100 rpm/min. The solu-
tion was withdrawn after 45 min. The absorbance of dissolution solutions
was measured at 538 nm. Dissolution limit is 75% of the labeled amount.
Result Good linear correlation was achieved at the range of 50250 mg/ml
azithromycin (r 0.9996).
Paula et al. [61] proposed a new method for simple and fast spectropho-
tometric determination of azithromycin in pharmaceutical formulations.
The method is based on the charge transfer reaction between the azithromycin
and quinalizarin in methanol medium. In order to achieve maximum sensi-
tivity, the effect of some chemical variables such as the type of solvent, reagent
concentration, and reaction time was evaluated. The reaction was character-
ized in terms of stability of the product formed and its stoichiometry, and the
apparent molar absorptivity and association constant were derived. Best con-
ditions for the analytical determination of azithromycin were observed in
methanol medium with a quinalizarin concentration of 50 mg L1. At these
conditions, the radical anion (absorbing species) was formed in the medium
immediately after mixing of the reagents and showed maximum absorption
at 564 nm. The method presented a limit of detection of 0.35 mg L1 and
a limit of quantification of 1.2 mg L1.
Sayed et al. [62] developed two simple, accurate, precise, and rapid spec-
trophotometric and conductometric methods for the estimation of erythro-
mycin thiocyanate(I), clarithromycin (II), and azithromycin dihydrate(III) in
both pure and pharmaceutical dosage forms. The spectrophotometric proce-
dure depends on the reaction of rose Bengal and copper with the cited drugs to
form stable ternary complexes which were extractable with methylene chlo-
ride, and the absorbances were measured at 558, 557, and 560 nm for (I), (II),
and (III), respectively. The conductometric method depends on the forma-
tion of an ion-pair complex between the studied drug and rose Bengal.
Ashour et al. [63] developed and validated new, simple, and rapid spec-
trophotometric for the assay of two macrolide drugs, azithromycin (AZT)
and erythromycin (ERY), in pure and pharmaceutical formulations. The
method was based on the reaction of AZT and ERY with sodium 1,2-
naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate in alkaline medium at 25  C to form an
orange-colored product of maximum absorption peak at 452 nm.

4.3.2 Spectrofluorimetry
El-Rabbat et al. [64] described a simple spectrofluorometric method for the
analysis of four macrolide antibiotics. The method is based on the conden-
sation of 10% (w/v) malonic acid and acetic acid anhydride under
28 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

the catalytic effect of tertiary amine groups of the studied macrolides. The
relative fluorescence intensity of the condensation product was measured at
397/452 nm (excitation/emission) for azithromycin dihydrate and at 392/
445 nm (for clarithromycin, erythromycin ethylsuccinate, and
Almeida et al. [65] proposed a fluorescence method for azithromycin
determination in pharmaceutical formulations. The method is based on
the synchronous fluorescence (Dl 30 nm, 482 nm) produced when
azithromycin is derivatized in strong acidic medium (9.0 mol L1 HCl).
Khashaba [66] analyzed the macrolides (erythromycin, erythromycin
esters, azithromycin dihydrate, clarithromycin, and roxithromycin) by a
simple spectrofluorimetric method based on the oxidation by cerium (VI)
in the presence of sulfuric acid and monitoring the fluorescence of cerium
(III) formed at lex 255 nm and lem 348 nm.

4.3.3 Colorimetry
Hunfeld et al. [67] used a newly developed colorimetric microdilution
method to analyze the activity of 12 antimicrobial agents against nine Borrelia
burgdorferi isolates, including all three genospecies pathogenic for humans. In
addition, in vitro antimicrobial resistance patterns of Borrelia valaisiana and
Borrelia bissettii tick isolates were investigated. The applied test system is
based upon color changes that occur in the presence of phenol red and result
from the accumulation of nonvolatile acid produced by actively metaboliz-
ing spirochetes. After 72 h of incubation, minimal inhibitory concentrations
(MICs) were determined from the decrease of absorbance by software-
assisted calculation of growth curves. MIC values were lowest for azlocillin
(MIC, 0.125 mg/ml), ceftriaxone (MIC range, 0.0150.06 mg/ml), and
azithromycin (MIC range, 0.0150.06 mg/ml). Whereas tobramycin
(MIC range, 864 mg/ml) exhibited little activity, spectinomycin (MIC
range, 0.252 mg/ml) showed in vitro antimicrobial activity against
B. burgdorferi.
Haleem et al. [68] developed a simple, accurate, and rapid spectropho-
tometric method for the estimation of azithromycin by the acidic hydrolysis
of the drug with sulfuric acid and monitoring the absorbance at 482 nm.

4.4. Chromatographic methods of analysis

4.4.1 Electrophoresis
Kumar et al. [69] described the use of AZM as a chiral selector for the enan-
tiomeric separations of five chiral drugs and one amino acid (tryptophan) in
Azithromycin 29

capillary electrophoresis (CE). The enantioseparation is carried out using

polar organic mixtures of acetonitrile (ACN), methanol (MeOH), acetic
acid, and triethylamine as run buffer. The influences of the chiral selector
concentration, ACN/MeOH ratio, applied voltage, and capillary tempera-
ture on enantioseparation are investigated. The results shown that AZM is a
viable chiral selector in CE for the enantioseparation of the type of chiral
drugs investigated.
Lebedeva et al. [70] described successful use of macrolide antibiotic
azithromycin for enantioseparation of tetrahydrozoline. The procedure
was proposed for the analysis of tetrahydrozoline in pharmaceuticals. Line-
arity was achieved in the concentration range 5  102 to 1 mg/ml. The
azithromycin stability in the background electrolyte and the antibiotic
adsorption on the fused-silica capillary were studied. Best enantioseparation
with resolution factor 1.6 was achieved in less than 10 min.

4.4.2 Thin-layer chromatography

Kwiecie n et al. [71] established a thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) method
with densitometric detection for quantification of azithromycin in pharma-
ceutical preparations. Silica gel plates with fluorescence indicator F254 were
used with chloroformethanolammonia 6:14:0.2 (v/v) as mobile phase.
Chromatograms were visualized by spraying with 1:4 (v/v) sulfuric
acidethanol and heating at 120  C for 5 min. Scanning and densitometric
analysis was performed at 483 nm. The RF of azithromycin under these con-
ditions was 0.53. The method was characterized by high sensitivity
(LOD 40 ng/zone and LOQ 80 ng/zone), wide linear range (from
0.08 to 1.2 mg/zone, r 0.9965)
Khedr et al. [72] described a validated stability-indicating TLC method of
the analysis of azithromycin (AZT) in bulk and capsule forms. Both AZT
potential impurity and degradation products can be selectively and accurately
estimated in both raw material and product onto one precoated silica-gel TLC
plate 60F254. The development system used is n-hexaneethyl acetate
diethylamine (75:25:10, v/v/v). The separated bands are detected as brown
to brownish red spots after spraying with modified Dragendorffs solution.
The RF values of AZT, azaerythromycin A, and the three degradation prod-
ucts are 0.54, 0.35, 0.40, 0.20, and 0.12, respectively.

4.4.3 High-performance liquid chromatography

Liquid chromatography with UV detection has been already employed for
the analysis of azithromycin in azithromycin tablets [39], raw material, and
30 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

azithromycin tablets [36,73]. A high-performance liquid chromatography

(HPLC) method with UV detector was developed for the determination
of azithromycin and other related compounds, impurities, degradation
products in raw material as well as in new pharmaceutical formulations:
dry suspension and capsules. Validation of the method was performed
according to the requirements of USP for assay determination, which
included accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity, and range.
An HPLC method was developed that confirmed the photodegradation
of azithromycin in environmental waters, under simulated solar
radiation [74].
A stability-indicating HPLC method has been described for
azithromycin in raw materials, capsules, and suspension [75].
Other HPLC methods for the analysis of AZI in raw material, dosage
forms, and biological samples that have been reported in the literature are
listed in Table 1.4.

4.5. Determination in body fluids and tissues

Azithromycin concentrations versus time profiles in extracellular space of
muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue, also in plasma and white blood cells,
were determined at days 1 and 3 of treatment as well as 2 and 7 days after end
of treatment. Of all compartments, azithromycin concentrations were
highest in white blood cells, attesting for intracellular accumulation. How-
ever, azithromycin concentrations in both soft tissues were markedly lower
than in plasma both during and after treatment. Azithromycin concentra-
tions were measured by subinhibitory at all time points in both soft tissues
and at the large majority of observed time points in plasma [76].

El-Gindy et al. [75] developed a validated stability-indicating HPLC
method for the analysis of azithromycin (AZ) and its related compounds
in raw materials and capsules. The stability of AZ was studied under accel-
erated acidic, alkaline, and oxidative conditions. The major peak detected
from the degradation of AZ in alkaline and acidic conditions was
decladinosylazithromycine, while azithromycin N-oxide was detected from
the oxidative degradation. Long-term stability studies for capsule and oral
suspension were also carried out.
Table 1.4 HPLC methods for the analysis of azithromycin
Column Sample matrix Mobile phase composition Detection References
Gamma-alumina Raw material Phosphate bufferacetonitrile, Amperometric guard: [35]
adjusted to pH 11.0 with potassium 0.70 V screen:
hydroxide 0.85 V
LiChroCART C18, 5 mm Raw material Phosphate bufferacetonitrile UV 215 nm [36]
methanol, adjusted to pH 8.0 with
phosphoric acid
Nova-Pack C18, 4 mm Raw material Ammonium acetateacetonitrile Amperometric guard: [37]
methanol tetrahydrofuran, mobile 0.7 V screen: 0.8 V
phase pH 7.27.4
XTerra RP C18, 5 mm Raw material Phosphate bufferwater UV 215 nm [38]
acetonitrile, adjusted to pH 6.5
with potassium hydroxide
Phenomenex Synergi C18, 4 mm Raw material, dosage Gradient elution, phosphate UV 210 nm [39]
forms bufferacetonitrilemethanol,
adjusted to pH 7.0 with potassium
YMC-Park ODS-AP C18, 5 mm Rats plasma Phosphate bufferacetonitrile, Amperometric detect: [40]
adjusted to pH 7.2 with potassium 0.95 V
Table 1.4 HPLC methods for the analysis of azithromycincont'd
Column Sample matrix Mobile phase composition Detection References
Nova-Pack C18, 4 mm Human tears and Phosphate buffersodium Amperometric guard: [41]
plasma perchlorateacetonitrilemethanol, 0.7 V screen:
adjusted to pH 7.0 with phosphoric 0.85 V
Radial-Pak Resolve Silica Rats blood plasma, Ammonium acetateacetonitrile Coulometric guard: [42]
cartridge, 5 mm serum, and human methanol, adjusted to pH 7.0 with 0.90 V
urine acetic acid
C18 (250 mm  4.6 mm, 5 mm) Azithromycin syrup Acetonitrile 0.067 mol L1 UV 210 nm [43]
K2HPO3 (pH adjusted to 6.5)
ODS-C18 column Eye drops Acetonitrile and 0.1 mol L1 UV 215 nm [44]
(150 mm  4.6 mm, 5 mm) KH2PO4 as the mobile phase
CAPCELL PAK C(18) Azithromycin Acetonitrile phosphate buffer UV 210 nm [45]
MGIIcolumn (250 mm  4.6 mm, capsules (to dissolve dipotassium hydrogen
5 mm) phosphate 8.7 g diluting to 1000 ml
with water, and adjust pH to 8.2
with phosphoric acid) (60:40)
Dikma Technologies Diamonsil Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate UV 210 nm [46]
C18 column (150 mm  4.6 mm, (0.045 M, pH 3.0 adjusted by
5 mm) phosphoric acid):acetonitrile 47:15
Azithromycin 33

Moreno et al. [77] were developed a stability study of azithromycin in

ophthalmic preparations by submission to different types of light, tempera-
ture, and pH, using the biodiffusion assay (cylinder 3  3) for the quantifi-
cations. Bacillus subtilis, ATCC 9372, was used as test organism. The used
concentration range was of 50200 mg/ml.

6.1. An overview
Azithromycin is the member of macrolide antibiotics. It is semisynthetic
derivatives of erythromycin. Azithromycin differs from erythromycin by
the addition of a methyl-substituted nitrogen atom into the lactone ring.
This structural modification improved acid stability and tissue penetration
and broaden the spectrum of activity. Macrolides generally cover a wide
range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial species including intra-
cellular pathogens such as Chlamydia and Legionella. They express their
antibiotic activity by binding to the 50S ribosome subunit and inhibit pro-
tein synthesis [78,79].
Azithromycin pharmacology and therapeutics aspects were given below
in more details.

6.2. Antimicrobial spectrum susceptibility

Azithromycin is less active against Gram-positive bacteria than erythromy-
cin but is considerably more effective against some Gram-negative organ-
isms such as Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis as well as having
activity against some of the Enterobacteriaceae such as Escherichia coli and
Salmonella and Shigella species; Also activity against Legionella pneumophila,
B. burgdorferi, Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Also it is owes enhanced activity
against Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, as well as against some protozoa
(e.g., Cryptosporidium, and Plasmodium species, an excellent action against
Toxoplasma gondii, killing the cysts). Azithromycin more active than eryth-
romycin against Chlamydia trachomatis and Ureaplasma urealyticum, [79,80].

6.3. Mechanism of action

It is a bacteriostatic agent that inhibits protein synthesis by binding reversibly
to 50S ribosomal subunits of sensitive microorganisms. Cells are consider-
ably more permeable to the unionized form of the drug, which probably
explains the increased antimicrobial activity at alkaline pH [79].
34 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

6.4. Resistance to macrolides

Generally, resistance to macrolides results from the following mechanisms:
Drug efflux by an active pump mechanism
Ribosomal protection by inducible or constitutive production of meth-
ylase enzymes, mediated by expression of (ermA), (ermB), and (ermC),
which modify the ribosomal target and decrease drug binding
Hydrolysis by esterases produced by Enterobacteriaceae
Chromosomal mutations that alter a 50S ribosomal subunit protein
(found in B. subtilis, Campylobacter species, mycobacteria, and Gram-
positive cocci) [79].

6.5. Actions other than antimicrobial effects

Studies were indicated the activity of azithromycin as promising medi-
cation for the treatment of gastroparesis and gastrointestinal dysmotility
One study showed that azithromycin may be effective against late-onset
asthma [83].
Azithromycin has been shown to be effective against malaria when used
in combination with artesunate or quinine. Azithromycinartesunate,
even when given only once daily for 3 days, and azithromycinquinine,
given 3 times daily, are safe and efficacious combination treatments for
uncomplicated falciparum malaria, and they deserve additional study in
special patient populations [84].
Ischaemic heart disease: Macrolide antibacterials, including azithromycin,
clarithromycin, and roxithromycin, have been investigated in the preven-
tion of ischaemic heart disease, based on a suggested link between athero-
sclerosis and infection with Chlamydophila pneumoniae (Chlamydia
pneumoniae). Although preliminary results from some pilot studies were
promising, longer-term studies in large numbers of patients were disap-
pointing and none of the three macrolides decreased ischemic events or
provided clinical benefit; indeed, in one study, an unexpected increase in
cardiovascular mortality was seen in those taking clarithromycin [79,86,87].
Gingival hyperplasia: Azithromycin improves cyclosporin-associated gin-
gival hyperplasia, especially when administered early in the process [88].
Cystic fibrosis: Long-term azithromycin is widely used in cystic fibrosis,
with evidence demonstrating a reduction in lung function decline and
exacerbation rate. This immunomodulatory therapy probably disrupts
Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm growth [89].
Azithromycin 35

6.6. Clinical uses and dosing

Clinically, azithromycin used for many as follows: respiratory-tract infec-
tions, otitis media, skin and soft-tissue infections, uncomplicated genital
chlamydial infections and nongonococcal urethritis, mild or moderate
typhoid due to multiple-antibacterial-resistant organisms, prophylaxis of
group A streptococcal infection and as prevention therapy of bacterial endo-
carditis in patients undergoing dental procedures who are at high risk for
endocarditis, pertussis, mycobacterial infections [79,88,90].
Treatment or prophylaxis of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection
in AIDS patients requires higher doses: 600 mg daily in combination
with one or more other agents for treatment, or 1200 mg once weekly
for primary prevention.
Azithromycin is useful in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases,
especially during pregnancy when tetracyclines are contraindicated. The
treatment of uncomplicated nongonococcal urethritis presumed to be
caused by C. trachomatis consists of a single 1-g dose of azithromycin.
This dose also is effective for chancroid [79].
Azithromycin (1 g per week for 3 weeks) is an alternative regimen for the
treatment of granuloma inguinale or lymphogranuloma venereum [79].
Uncomplicated genital chlamydial infections and nongonococcal
urethritis, 1 g as a single dose [90].
Typhoid, 500 mg once daily for 7 days [90].

6.7. ADME profile

Azithromycin administered orally is absorbed rapidly and distributes widely
throughout the body, except to the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Peak
plasma concentrations occur 23 h after an oral dose. A 500-mg loading dose
will produce a peak plasma drug concentration of 0.4 g/ml. When this
loading dose is followed by 250 mg once daily for 4 days, the steady-state
peak drug concentration is 0.24 g/ml. Azithromycin also can be adminis-
tered intravenously, producing plasma concentrations of 34 g/ml after a
1-h infusion of 500 mg. Absorption from capsules, but not tablets or suspen-
sion, is reduced by food. Azithromycins unique pharmacokinetic properties
include extensive tissue distribution and high drug concentrations within
cells (including phagocytes), resulting in much greater concentrations of
drugs in tissue or secretions compared to simultaneous serum concentra-
tions. Tissue fibroblasts act as the natural reservoir for the drug in vivo. Data
from animal studies indicate that azithromycin crosses the placenta. Protein
36 Ahmed H.H. Bakheit et al.

binding is 50% at very low plasma concentrations and less at higher concen-
trations. Azithromycin undergoes some hepatic metabolism (demethylation)
to inactive metabolites, but biliary excretion is the major route of elimina-
tion. Only 12% of drug is excreted unchanged in the urine. The elimination
half-life (t1/2), 4068 h, is prolonged because of extensive tissue sequestra-
tion and binding [79,85].

6.8. Side effects

Anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, convul-
sions, arthralgia, and disturbances in taste and smell; rarely constipation, hep-
atitis, hepatic failure, syncope, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, asthenia,
paraesthesia, hyperactivity, thrombocytopenia, haemolytic anaemia, inter-
stitial nephritis, acute renal failure, photosensitivity, tooth and tongue
discoloration [90].

6.9. Drug interactions

Azithromycin, generally appear to be free of drug interactions. Caution
is advised, nevertheless, when using azithromycin in conjunction with
drugs known to interact with erythromycin [80].
Giving azithromycin with antacids containing aluminum or magnesium
salts can reduce the rate, but not the extent, of its absorption;
azithromycin should be given at least 1 h before or 2 h after the
antacid [85].
Azithromycin serum concentrations are markedly increased when it is
given with nelfinavir [85].
Azithromycin capsules should not be administered with food because it
will result in reduced absorption.
Azithromycin possibly enhances anticoagulant effect of coumarins [90].
Azithromycin possibly increases plasma concentration of theophylline [90].

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Azithromycin 37

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Abdullah A. Al-Badr, Fahad A. Alasseiri
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2457,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1. Description 42
1.1 Nomenclature 42
1.2 Formulae 42
1.3 Elemental analysis 43
1.4 Appearance 43
2. Uses and Applications 43
3. Methods of Preparation 43
4. Physical Characteristics 54
4.1 Ionization constant 54
4.2 Solubility 54
4.3 X-ray powder diffraction 54
4.4 Thermal methods of analysis 54
5. Spectral Properties 55
5.1 Ultraviolet spectroscopy 55
5.2 Vibrational spectroscopy 55
5.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 59
5.4 Mass spectrometry 60
6. Methods of Analysis 60
6.1 Compendial methods 60
6.2 Spectrophotometric methods 92
6.3 Polarographic method 94
6.4 Voltammetric methods 95
6.5 Chromatographic methods 96
7. Pharmacokinetics 102
8. Stability 106
Acknowledgments 108
References 108

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 41
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
42 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

1.1. Nomenclature
1.1.1 Systematic chemical names
3-ethenyl-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid.
cephem-4-carboxylic acid.
5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid 72-(Z)-oxime.
3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid.
3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid.
5-Thia-1-azabicyclo[4,2,0]oct-2-ene-carboxylic acid, 7-[[(2-amino-4-
7b(Z)]]-; [1,2].

1.1.2 Non-proprietary names

Cefdinir, FK 482, BMY-28488

1.1.3 Proprietary names

Omnicef , Cefzon

1.2. Formulae
1.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, and CAS number
C14H13N5O5S2 395.42 91832-40-5

1.2.2 Structural formula


Cefdinir 43

1.3. Elemental analysis

C 42.53%, H 3.31%, N 17.71, O 20.23%, S 16.22%

1.4. Appearance
White to slightly brownish-yellow solid [1].


Cefdinir is a third-generation oral cephalosporin antibiotic similar to
cefixime. It is reported to be much more active in vitro than cefixime against
Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis, but it is less active against
Enterobacteriaceae. It is given by mouth in a usual dose of 600 mg daily as a
single dose or in two divided doses. Children may be given 14 mg/kg
body-weight daily up to a maximum of 600 mg. Doses should be reduced
in patients with renal impairment (with a creatinine clearance of less than
30 mL/min) to 300 mg once daily [27].

Gonzalez et al. [8] described the synthesis of cefdinir which is reported
in the literature [913] as follows.
7-Aminocepalosporanic acid 1 was treated with sodium hydroxide and
was then reacted with phenyl acetyl chloride in acetone, water, and
triethylamine and finally by diphenyldiazomethane to give the diprotected
compound 2. The alcohol 2 was treated with phosphorous tribromide in
tetrahydrofuran and then by triphenyl phosphine in ethyl acetate and finally
by formaldehyde in sodium carbonate and dichloromethane in water to
yield the 3-ethenyl compound 3. Compound 3 was reacted with phospho-
rous pentachloride in pyridine and dichloromethane. The product obtained
was treated with methanol and water to form 4. The amino group in 4 was
acylated with 4-bromoacetoacetyl bromide and methane sulfonic acid in
ethyl acetate, and compound 5 is produced. Compound 5 reacted with
sodium nitrite in acetaldehyde and water to yield 6. The latter compound
6 was cyclized by reaction with thiourea in N,N-dimethylacetamide to pro-
duce 7. Compound 7 reacted with trifluoroacetic acid in anisole to give the
free acid, cefdinir 8, Scheme 2.1.
44 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Gonzalez et al. [8] prepared sodium 2-(2-tritylaminothiazol-4-yl)-(Z)-

2-(tritylhydroximino)acetate 6 as an intermediate compound for the synthe-
sis of cefdinir.
Ethyl aceto acetate 1 was treated with sodium nitrite in acetic acid and
water to give ethyl-2-hydroximino-3-oxobutyrate 2. The oxime 2 was
treated with sulfuryl chloride in acetic acid to yield the 4-chloro derivative
3. Compound 3 was cyclized with thiourea to give 4. The product 4 was
protected with triphenyl methyl chloride, triethylamine in chloroform to
produce 5. Compound 5 was hydrolyzed to give sodium 2-(2-
tritylaminothiazol-4-yl)-(Z)-2-(trityloximino)acetate 6. Compound 6,
was treated with benzhydryl-7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylate

(1) NaOH (1) PBr 3 / THF
H2 N S (2) PhCH 2 COCl NH (2) Ph 3 P/ CH 3 COOC2 H 5
acetone-water/TEA S (3) H 2 CO/ Na 2 CO3
(3) Ph 2 C N 2 CH 2 Cl 2 - H 2 O
1 2

(1) PCl 5 / pyridine O O
NH S CH 2 Cl 2 HCl H 2 N S Br
(2) CH 3 OH Br
N CH 2 (3) H 2 O CH 3 SO3 H/ CH 3 COOC2 H 5
N CH 2


Br Br S
CH 3 COH- H 2 O N CH 3 CON( CH 3 ) 2
N CH 2 OH N CH 2


N CF3 COOH/ anisole N

7 Cefdinir

Scheme 2.1 Synthesis of cefdinir according to the reported methods [913].

Cefdinir 45

hydrochloride 7 in phosphorous oxychloride, dimethylaniline, and dic-

hloromethane to produce 8. Compound 8 was treated with trifluoroacetic
acid, anisole, and formic acid to produce cefdinir 9 (Scheme 2.2).
Gonzalez et al. [8] overcame the drawbacks of using the diketene during
the synthesis of cefdinir by the literature methods [913] as follows.
7-Aminocephalosporanic acid 1 was hydrolyzed by sodium hydroxide
and hydrochloric acid to the alcohol 2. The 7-amino group in compound
2 was protected by treatment with phenylacetic acid, phosphorous
oxychloride, dimethylformamide, tetrahydrofuran, and then by
bistrimethylsilyl acetamide in tetrahydrofuran. The carboxylic acid group
was esterified with diphenyldiazomethane to give the 4-diphenyl methyl
ester 3. Compound 3 was treated with phosphorous tribromide in tetrahy-
drofuran then with triphenylphosphine in ethyl acetate and finally by form-
aldehyde in sodium carbonate, dichloromethane, and water to yield the
3-ethenyl compound 4. Compound 4 was treated with phosphorous pen-
tachloride in pyridine and dichloromethane and in methanol and water to
produce the 7-amine hydrochloride 5. Reaction of 5 with sodium
2-(2-tritylaminothiazol-4-yl)-2-(trityloxyimino)acetate 6 and phosphorous
oxychloride and dimethylaniline in dichloromethane produced 7.

NaNO2 SO2 Cl 2 Cl
H3 C O CH 3 H3 C O CH 3 O CH 3
1 2 3

O Ph 3 CCl H O
H2N Ph 3 C N
( C2 H 5 )3 N, CHCl 3
H2 N NH 2 N N NaOH
O CH 3 O CH 3
N N dioxane/ H 2 O
4 5 CPh 3

HCl.H 2 N S
Ph 3 C N O Ph 3 C N
N Na N
O O O CH( Ph) 2 NH S
N 7 N (1) CF3 COOH/anisole
O CPh3 O N
6 POCl 3 / PhN(CH3)2 (2) HCOOH 90%
CH 2 Cl 2
CHPh 2

H2 N

9 O OH


Scheme 2.2 The modified synthesis of cefdinir [8].

46 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Compound 7 was deprotected by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid in

anisole and then with 90% formic acid to give cefdinir 8 (Scheme 2.3).
Takaya et al. [10] prepared cefdinir according to the following.
7-Amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid ester 1 was acylated with
4-bromo-3-oxobutanoic acid 2 to obtain the acylated product 3. Com-
pound 3 was treated a sodium nitrite to give the oxime 4. Compound 4
was cyclized with thiourea to produce the 2-aminothiazole 5. Cefdinir 6
was obtained from compound 5 after the removal of carboxylic acid
protecting group, Scheme 2.4.
Kamachi et al. [12] described the following method for the preparation of
1 was treated with triphenylphosphine followed by aqueous sodium
hydroxide to produce the yield 2. The Wittig reaction with formaldehyde
was carried out to afford the product 3, which was without isolation,
treated with Girard T reagent to yield 4. Compound 4 was acylated with

H2 N H2 N (1) PhCH 2 COOH

(1) NaOH Bistrimethylsilylacetamide/THF
O (2) HCl O (2) ( Ph) 2 = C = N 2
1 2


(1) PBr 3 / THF
(2) Ph3 P/ CH 3 COOC2 H 5 N CH 2 (1) PCl5/pyridine//CH2Cl2
O (3) H 2 CO/ NaCO3 O (2) CH3OH (3) H2O
CH 2 Cl 2 - H 2 O
3 4

HCl.H 2 N S S
H O (Ph)3C N
Ph 3 C N
N CH 2 N O Na N NH
N O CPh3 N
6 (1) CF3COOH/anisole
O O N CH 2
POCl 3 / Ph- N( CH 3 ) 2 / CH 2 Cl 2 O (2) HCOOH 90%
5 O O

H2 N


Scheme 2.3 Synthesis of cefdinir [8].

Cefdinir 47

Br Br
Br N
2 NaNO2
1 3 4

H2 N S
S N C H2 N
H2N NH 2 Deprotection NH S
5 6

Scheme 2.4 Synthesis of cefdinir [10].


(1) Ph3P S O S
(2) NaOH H C H
O CH 2 Cl O C PPh3 O
O O CHPh 2 O O CHPh 2 O O CHPh 2

1 2 3

O Ph 3 C N
Ph 3 C NH C
H2 N S N S
Girard T 5 3
N CPh 3 N
O 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole O

O O CHPh 2 O O CHPh 2

4 6

H2 N

7 O OH


Scheme 2.5 Synthesis of cefdinir [12].

(Z)-2-(2-tritylaminothiazol-4-yl)-2-trityloxyimino acetic acid 5 by the active

ester method using 1-hydroxybenzotriazole to afford 6. Deblocking of 6 with
formic acidacetic acid yield cefdinir 7, Scheme 2.5.
Lee et al. [14] used the following procedure for the preparation of
48 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Reaction of substituted 2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-trityloxyimino ace-

tyl 1 with 7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid 2 in base, and
N,N-dimethylacetamide and p-toluene sulfonic acid gives 7-[2-(2-amino-
acid salt 3. After removal of the trityl protecting group and hydrolysis,
cefdinir 4 is produced (Scheme 2.6).
Kumar et al. [15] described the following method for the preparation of
Reaction of substituted 2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-trityloxyimino
acetyl 1 with 7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid 2 in base,
N,N-dimethyl acetamide and methyl sulfonic acid gives 7-[2-(2-amino-
acid salt 3. After removal of the trityl protecting group and hydrolysis,
cefdinir 4 is produced (Scheme 2.7).
Moralikrishna et al. [16] reported the following method for preparation
of cefdinir.
(Z)-2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-acetoxyimino acetic acid 1 was treated
with triphenyl phosphine and bis-(benzothiazol-2-yl)disulfide 2 and was
taken in dichloromethane and stirred for h at 1520  C. Triethylamine
was added and reaction was monitored by HPLC and the product 3 was
obtained. Compound 3 was treated with 7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-
4-carboxylic acid 4 and was taken in aqueous tetrahydrofuran and N-methyl
morpholine was added. Ammonium chloride was added and hydrolysis
was carried out by potassium carbonate solution to obtain cefdinir 5,
Scheme 2.8.

H2 N S H2 N
N 2 CPh 3 N
Base / CH3CON(CH3)2
CPh3 p-TsOH
1 O O

S R= S , N
Acid OH O P [OR] 2 , O P [OR] 2
O R = C1C4 alkyl or phenyl with
3-cephem derivative
4 O OH

Scheme 2.6 Synthesis of cefdinir [14].

Cefdinir 49

H2 N S H2N
N 2 N
CPh 3
O (1) Base / CH3CON(CH3)2 O CH 3 SO3 HDMAc
CPh3 (2) CH3SO3H
1 O O

S O R= S , N
H2 N N N
Acid OH O P [OR]2 , O P [OR] 2
O R = C1C4 alkyl or phenyl with
4 3-cephem derivative

Scheme 2.7 Synthesis of cefdinir [15].

H2 N
2 N S 4
Ph3P/CH2Cl2 O (1) THF/water
CH 3 ( C2 H 5 ) 3 N
(2) O N CH 3
CH 3
1 3 (3) NH 4 Cl/ K 2 CO 3
H2 N

Scheme 2.8 Synthesis of cefdinir [16].

Rao et al. [17,18] prepared cefdinir by the condensation of

7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid 1 with 2-(2-aminothiazol-
4-yl)-2-((Z)-acetyloxyimino)-thioacetic acid benzothiazolyl-2-thioester 2
according to Scheme 2.9. The authors isolated and elucidated and charac-
terized three impurities from the bulk of cefdinir namely: the s-oxide I,
the ceph-2-em isomer II, and the 3-methyl analog III of cefdinir 3.
Singh et al. [19] outlined the preparation of cefdinir as follows.
The condensation of 2-(2-aminothiazol-4-yl)-2-((Z)-trityloxyimino)-
thioacetic acid benzothiazolyl-2-thioester 1 with 7-amino-3-vinyl-3-
cepham-4-carboxylic acid 2 by means of tributylamine in N,N-dimethyl
50 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

O H2N NH 4 Cl/ K 2 CO3

1 2

H2 N O
O CH 3

Scheme 2.9 Synthesis of cefdinir [17,18].

acetamide gives the corresponding amide 3 which is diprotected by means of

HCl and formic acid to provide cefdinir 4, Scheme 2.10.
Kawabata et al. [20] described a method for the preparation of cefdinir as
The condensation of benzhydryl-7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-
carboxylate 1 with 4-bromoacetoacetyl bromide 2 by means of
trimethylsilylacetamide in ethyl acetate gives benzhydryl-7-(4-
bromoacetoacetamido)-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylate 3 which by
reaction with sodium nitrite-acetic acid in dichloromethane and then with
urea is converted to benzhydryl-7-(4-bromo-2-(hydroxyimino)-
acetoacetamido)-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylate 4. The cyclization of
4 with thiourea in dimethylacetamide affords benzhydryl-7-[2-
4-carboxylic acid salt 3 which is finally hydrolyzed with trifluoroacetic
acid-anisole to give cefdinir 6, Scheme 2.11.
Sakane and Kazuo [21] prepared cefdinir as described in Spanish patent
ES-2013828 as follows.
Sodium 2-(2-aminothiazol-4-yl)-2-hydroxyimino acetate 1 was
converted to (Z)-2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-acetyloxyimino acetic acid 2
and compound 2 was converted into the corresponding acid chloride hydro-
chloride 3, via reaction with phosphorus pentachloride and 3 was condensed
Cefdinir 51

CPh 3
N H2 N S
( Bu) 3 N
S + N
N O N O CH 3 CON( CH 3 ) 2

H2 N H2N
CPh 3
3 4


Scheme 2.10 Synthesis of cefdinir [19].

O O Br
Br S
N 2 N CH3COOH / CH2Cl2
Si( CH 3 ) 3
H3 C N H2 N NH 2
O O CHPh 2 H O O CHPh 2
CH 3 COOC2 H 5
1 3

Br N
OH H2 N NH 2 N
N OH CF3COOH/anisole
O CH 3 CON( CH 3 ) 2
O O CHPh 2
O O CHPh 2
4 5

H2 N


Scheme 2.11 Synthesis of cefdinir [20].

52 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

with 7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid 4 to yield O-acetyl

derivative 5 which was deprotected to produce cefdinir 6, Scheme 2.12.
Rao et al. [22] synthesized two new compounds namely:
2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-acetyloxyimino acetate 10 and used them
(methods 1 and 2) for the preparation of cefdinir. Compound 3 was prepared
by the reaction of (Z)-2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-trityloxyimino acetic
acid 1 with bis-(5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)disulfide 2. Similarly
compound 10 was prepared by the reaction of (Z)-2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-
2-acetoxyimino acetic acid 9 with bis-(s-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-
disulfide 2. In method 1, 7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid 4
was treated with N-trimethyl silyl acetamide and N,N-dimethylacetamide
and the product obtained 5 was treated with compound 3 to give 6.
Compound 6 was treated with ammonia in dichloromethane and water
and the intermediate compound 7 was produced. After the removal of
In method 2, compound 10 was treated with compound 4 in tetrahydro-
furan, water, and triethylamine to give the intermediate 11 which was
treated with ammonium chloride and sodium carbonate and after hydrolysis
with aqueous sulfuric acid, cefdinir 8 was produced, Scheme 2.13.
Dandala et al. [23] reported the following method for the synthesis of

H2 N H2 N HCl H 2 N
OH O CH 3 CH2Cl2 O CH 3

1 2 3

H2 N
S H2 N
O Hydrolysis
4 OH N
N,O-bistrimethylsilyl O O
acetamide CH 3
H3C OSi(CH3)3
5 6

Scheme 2.12 Synthesis of cefdinir [21].

Cefdinir 53

Method 1

O H2 N O N N
N N N CH 3
N N CH 3
1 OH + H3C S S S
CPh 3 CPh 3

1 2 3
N CH 3 / H 3 C C N( CH 3 ) 2
(1) S S
H2N S O ( CH 3)3 Si NH S N
(CH 3)3 Si HN C CH 3 O
2 N N 3
O CPh 3
H 3 C C N(CH 3)2
O OH O OSi(CH3 ) 3 (2) p-TSAH2O / H 3 C C OC2 H 5

4 5

H2 N S S H2 N S
O H2 N O
S NH 3 / CH 2 Cl 2 / H 2 O S CF3 COOH N S
CPh 3 CPh 3

6 7 8

Method 2

O H2 N
+ H3 C S CH 2 Cl 2
S S S N S CH 3

O CH 3 H3 C O

9 2 10
H2 N S
S H2 N S
H2 N O O
4 O NH 4 Cl / K 2 CO3 OH
THF H2O / TEA H 2 O, H 2 SO 4 O

11 8

Scheme 2.13 Synthesis of cefdinir (methods 1 and 2) [22].

Ethyl (Z)-2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-hydroxyimino acetate 1 is treated

with aqueous sodium hydroxide in ethanol to yield the corresponding
sodium salt 2. Compound 2 was acetylated to yield (Z)-2-(2-
amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-acetyloxyimino acetic acid 3. Condensation of 3 with
bis-(benzothiazol-2-yl) disulfide 4 in the presence of triphenylphosphine
and a base gives 2-mercaptobenzothiazolyl-(Z)-2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-
2-acetyloxyiminoacetate (O-acetyl thioester) 5. Compound 5 when treated
with 7-amino-3-vinyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid 6 in tetrahydrofuran
compound 7 was produced. After the hydrolysis of compound 7, cefdinir
8 was obtained, Scheme 2.14.
54 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

H2N H2 N H2N
N O C2 H 5 N N OH
NaOH Acetic anhydride

1 2 3 O


S S H2 N S H2 N
4 N 6
Ph3P/(C2H5)3N O CH 3 O N
O H3 C O
H2 N
Hydrolysis OH N


Scheme 2.14 Synthesis of cefdinir [23].

4.1. Ionization constant
pKa: 8.70

4.2. Solubility
Slightly soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, sparingly soluble in 0.1 M pH 7
phosphate buffer [2].

4.3. X-ray powder diffraction

The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of cefdinir was performed using
Simmons XRD-5000 diffractometer. Figure 2.1 shows the X-ray powder
diffraction pattern of cefdinir which was obtained on a pure sample of
the drug substance. Table 2.1 shows the values for the scattering angles
(deg, 2y), the interplanar d-spacing (A), and the relative intensities.

4.4. Thermal methods of analysis

4.4.1 Melting point
170  C (dec) [1].
Cefdinir 55

Figure 2.1 The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of cefdinir.

4.4.2 Differential scanning calorimetry

The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies were carried out using
differential scanning calorimeter equipped with anointer cooler (Shimadzu
DSC-60, Shimadzu Corporation, Koyoto, Japan). Indium/zinc standard
were used to calibrate the temperature and enthalpy scale. The samples were
hermetically sealed in an aluminum pans and heated at a constant rate of
l0  C/min over a temperature range of 25300  C. Inert atmosphere was
maintained by purging nitrogen gas at a flow rate of 50 mL/min. The
DSC thermogram is shown in Figure 2.2.

5.1. Ultraviolet spectroscopy
The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of cefdinir in ethanol was recorded
using a Shimadzu ultravioletvisible spectrophotometer 1601 PC. The
ultraviolet spectrum is shown in Figure 2.3 and cefdinir exhibited three
maxima at 200.5, 223.5, and 287 nm.

5.2. Vibrational spectroscopy

The infrared absorption spectrum of cefdinir was obtained in a KBr pellet
using a Perkin Elmer infrared spectrophotometer is presented in
Figure 2.4. The principal peaks and their assignments are listed in Table 2.2.
Table 2.1 The X-ray powder diffraction pattern for cefdinir
Scattering d-Spacing Relative Scattering d-Spacing Relative
angle ( 2u) () intensity (%) angle ( 2u) () intensity (%)
9.00 9.8176 66 38.100 2.3600 1308
11.900 7.4308 140 38.500 2.3364 140
12.700 6.9645 131 39.400 2.2851 31
14.900 5.9407 810 40.400 2.2308 141
16.800 5.2729 189 41.500 2.1741 113
17.400 5.0924 55 42.100 2.1445 108
18.000 4.9240 650 42.700 2.1158 107
19.100 4.6468 277 43.800 2.0652 79
19.800 4.4802 95 44.300 2.0430 643
21.700 4.0920 1645 45.700 1.9836 38
22.200 4.0010 1152 47.000 1.9317 112
23.600 3.7667 497 47.900 1.8975 28
24.600 3.6158 1137 50.100 1.8192 46
25.600 3.4768 301 52.100 1.7540 51
26.500 3.3607 21 54.100 1.6938 25
27.100 3.2877 115 56.600 1.6248 39
27.800 3.2065 212 57.000 1.6143 32
28.300 3.1509 600 58.500 1.5764 33
28.900 3.0869 38 59.500 1.5523 36
29.800 2.9957 239 59.800 1.5452 36
30.800 2.9006 98 61.900 1.4978 23
31.200 2.8644 96 64.500 1.4435 109
32.000 2.7945 213 77.600 1.2293 209
32.900 2.7201 245 81.700 1.1777 106
33.400 2.6805 89 98.200 1.0191 26
33.800 2.6497 31 98.500 1.0168 21
34.900 2.5687 228 110.900 0.9352 65
35.800 2.5061 140 111.400 0.9324 35
36.300 2.4728 273 115.400 0.9113 55
37.200 2.4150 84 115.800 0.9093 34
Cefdinir 57

Figure 2.2 The differential scanning calorimetry thermogram of cefdinir.

Figure 2.3 The ultraviolet spectrum of cefdinir in ethanol.

Figure 2.4 The Infrared spectrum of cefdinir (KBr disc).
Cefdinir 59

Table 2.2 The vibrational assignments of cefdinir infrared absorption bands

Frequency (cm1) Assignment
3302, 3170 NH
2980 CH aliphatic
-Lactam C O

Amide C O

1520 NH
11611, 1429
Acid C O

1350, 1334 NH2

1010 NO

5.3. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of cefdinir were recorded with a Bruker
instrument 200 Spectrometer (200 MHz). Chemical shifts were expressed
in parts per million with respect to the tetramethylsilane (TMS) signal for
H and 13C NMR.

5.3.1 1H NMR spectra

The 1H spectra of cefdinir were recorded with a Bruker 200 spectrometer
(200 MHz). Chemical shifts were expressed in parts per million with respect
to the TMS signal. The corresponding spectral assignment of 1H NMR
spectra of cefdinir is listed in Table 2.3. The 1H NMR spectra of cefdinir
were dissolved in DMSO-d6 and are shown in Figures 2.52.7, and the
COSY spectrum is shown in Figure 2.8.

5.3.2 13C NMR Spectra

The 13C NMR spectra of cefdinir were recorded with a Bruker spectrom-
eter (200 MHz), Chemical shifts were expressed in parts per million with
respect to the TMS signal. The corresponding spectral assignment for the
C NMR spectra of cefdinir is listed in Table 2.4. The 13C NMR spectra
of cefdinir dissolved in DMSO-d6 are shown in Figures 2.9 and 2.10 and
HMBC and HSQC spectra are shown in Figures 2.11 and 2.12, respectively.
60 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Table 2.3 The proton-nuclear magnetic resonance assignments for the spectrum of
S 13 O
H2N 11
N 12 10 NH 6 5 S
N 7
OH N 9
O 2
3 8

O 4 OH

Chemical shift Number of Multiplicity (s, singlet; d, doublet; Assignment

(ppm relative protons dd, double doublet; m, multiplet; (proton at carbon
to TMS) q, quartet) number)
3.56, 3.83 2 ABq 1
5.20 1 d 6
5.32 1 d 9 cis
5.60 1 d 9 trans
5.81 1 dd 5
6.68 1 s 13
6.92 1 dd 8
7.14 2 s NH2
9.50 1 d NHCO
11.34 1 s NOH

5.4. Mass spectrometry

The mass spectrum of cefdinir was carried out using an Agilent 6410 triple
quadruple LC/MS in the negative mode. Figure 2.13 shows the mass frag-
mentation pattern of the drug substance and Table 2.5 lists the assignments of
the mass fragments.

6.1. Compendial methods
6.1.1 Japanese pharmacopeia methods [24] Cefdinir
Cefdinir contains not less than 900 mg (potency) per mg. The potency of
cefdinir is expressed as mass (potency) of cefdinir (C14H13N5O5S2).




7.143 1.00 11.343



1.11 6.916 9.510
6.893 1.05 9.494

0.91 6.682 6.951


2.25 6.893

1.11 6.682
0.91 5.814

1.06 5.798

Figure 2.5 The 1H NMR spectrum of cefdinir.



1.14 5.194

1.14 3.855
3 3.587
5.804 3.551
0.94 2.513

1.06 5.798


1.09 5.575



1.04 5.194

Figure 2.6 The expanded 1H-NMR spectrum of cefdinir (5.07.4 ppm) in DMSO-d6.
5.0 ppm
62 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri



4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.513
2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 ppm



Figure 2.7 The expanded 1H-NMR spectrum of cefdinir (2.44.0 ppm) in DMSO-d6.

Description: Cefdinir occurs as a white to light yellow

crystalline powder.
It is practically insoluble in water, in ethanol (95%), and in diethyl ether.
It dissolves in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0.
(1) Determine the absorption spectra of solutions of Cefdinir and Cefdinir
Reference Standard in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0 (1 in
100,000) as directed under the ultravioletvisible spectrophotometry, in
the general method <2.24>, and compare these spectra: both spectra
exhibit similar intensities of absorption at the same wavelengths.
(2) Determine the infrared absorption spectra of Cefdinir and Cefdinir
Reference Standard as directed in the paste method under the infrared spec-
trophotometry, in the general method < 2.25>, and compare these spectra:
both spectra exhibit similar intensities of absorption at the same wave
(3) Determine the spectrum of a solution of cefdinir in a mixture of
deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide and heavy water for nuclear magnetic reso-
nance spectroscopy (4:1) (1 in 10), using TMS for nuclear magnetic
Figure 2.8 The COSY 1H NMR spectrum of cefdinir in DMSO-d6.

Table 2.4 The 13C nuclear magnetic resonance assignments for the spectrum of cefdinir
S 13 O
H2N 11
N 12 10 NH 6 5 S
N 7
OH N 9
O 2
3 8

O 4 OH

Chemical shift Assignment at Chemical shift Assignment at

(ppm relative to TMS) carbon number (ppm relative to TMS) carbon number
23.22 1 131.98 8
57.86 5 142.84 12
58.76 6 147.38 11
106.82 13 163.23 4
117.20 9 163.77 7
124.22 2 163.91 10
125.40 3 168.20 14



Figure 2.9 The





Figure 2.10 The expanded


148.487 125.531
147.380 125.305

143.575 117.205

210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100



125.531 57.863

C NMR spectrum of cefdinir in DMSO-d6.

125.305 40.028

124.763 39.941

124.227 39.861


30 39.273

C NMR spectrum of cefdinir in DMSO-d6.






Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri
Cefdinir 65

Figure 2.11 The HMBC NMR spectrum of cefdinir in DMSO-d6.

Figure 2.12 The HSQC NMR spectrum of cefdinir in DMSO-d6.

66 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Figure 2.13 The mass spectrum of cefdinir.

Table 2.5 Summary of assignment for the fragmentation ions observed in the mass
spectrum of cefdinir
m/z intensity (%) Formula Ions
395 8 C14H13N5O5S2 S O


271 12 C8H7S2N4O3 S

243 30 C7H7S2N4O2 S O

227 100 C7H7S1N4O3 S

Cefdinir 67

Table 2.5 Summary of assignment for the fragmentation ions observed in the mass
spectrum of cefdinircont'd
m/z intensity (%) Formula Ions
183 6 C5H3N4SO2 S O

170 8 C7H8NSO2 S



152 18 C7H6SNO S


137 13 C6H5SN2 S

126 68 C6H8NO2 O


resonance spectroscopy as an internal reference compound, as directed

under the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, in the general method
<2.21> (1H): it exhibits multiple signals, A at around d5.06.1 ppm
and B at around d6.47.5 ppm. The ratio of integrated intensity of each
signal, A:B is about 2:1.
Absorbance: Carry out this test according to the general method
<2.24> E1% 1cm (287 nm): 570610 (50 mg, 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer
solution, pH 7.0, 5000 mL).
Optical rotation: Carry out this test according to the general method

<2.49> [a]20D : 58 to 66 (0.25 g, 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution,
pH 7.0, 25 mL, 100 mm).
Purity: (1) Heavy metals, carry out this test according to the general
method <1.07>Proceed with 2.0 g of cefdinir according to Method 2
68 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

and perform the test. Prepare the control solution with 2.0 mL of Standard
Lead Solution (not more than 10 ppm).
(2) Related substancesDissolve about 0.1 g of cefdinir in 10 mL of
0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0. Pipet 3 mL of this solution,
add tetramethylammonium hydroxide TS, pH 5.5, to make exactly
20 mL, and use this solution as the sample solution. Perform the test with
10 mL of the sample solution as directed under the liquid chromatography,
in the general method <2.01> according to the following conditions:
determine the areas of each peak by the automatic integration method
and calculate the amounts of their peaks by the area percentage method;
the amount of E-isomer having the relative retention time 1.5 to cefdinir
is not more than 0.8%, and the amount of total peak areas other than cefdinir
is not more than 3.0%.
Operating conditions
Detector: An ultraviolet absorption photometer (wavelength:
254 nm).
Column: A stainless steel column 4.6 mm in inside diameter and
15 cm in length, packed with octadecyl silanized silica gel for liquid
chromatography (5 mm in particle diameter).
Column temperature: A constant temperature of about 40  C.
Mobile phase A: To 1000 mL of tetramethylammonium hydroxide
TS, pH 5.5, add 0.4 mL of 0.1 mol/L disodium dihydrogen eth-
ylenediamine tetraacetate TS.
Mobile phase B: To 500 mL of tetramethylammonium hydroxide
TS, pH 5.5 add 300 mL of acetonitrile for liquid chromatography
and 200 mL of methanol, and add 0.4 mL of 0.1 mol/L disodium
dihydrogen ethylenediamine tetraacetate TS.
Flowing of the mobile phase: Control the gradient by mixing the mobile
A and B as directed in the following table.
Time after injection of the sample Mobile phase A Mobile phase B
(min) (Vol. %) (Vol. %)
02 95 5
222 95 ! 75 5 ! 25
2232 75 ! 50 25 ! 50
3237 50 50
3738 50 ! 95 50 ! 5
3858 95 5
Cefdinir 69

Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min. The retention time of cefdinir is about 22 min
under this condition.
Time span of measurement: About 40 min after injection of the sample
System suitability
Test for required detection: Pipet 1 mL of the sample solution, add
tetramethylammonium hydroxide TS, pH 5.5, to make exactly 100 mL,
and use this solution as the test solution for system suitability. Pipet 1 mL
of the test solution for system suitability, add tetramethylammonium
hydroxide TS, pH 5.5, to make exactly 10 mL. Confirm that the peak area
of cefdinir obtained from 10 mL of this solution is equivalent to 713% of
that obtained from 10 mL of the test solution for system suitability.
System performance: Dissolve 0.03 g of Cefdinir Reference Standard
and 2 mg of cefdinir lactam ring-cleavage lactones in 3 mL of 0.1 mol/L
phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, add tetramethylammonium hydroxide
TS, pH 5.5, to make 20 mL. When the procedure is run with 10 mL of this
solution under the above operating conditions, peak 1 and peak 2 of cefdinir
lactam ring-cleavage lactones separated into four peaks, cefdinir, peak 3, and
peak 4 of remaining cefdinir lactam ring-cleavage lactones are eluted in this
order. Relative retention time of peak 3 of cefdinir lactam ring-cleavage lac-
tone to the retention time of cefdinir is not less than 1.09. The number of
theoretical plates and the symmetry factor of the peak of cefdinir are not less
than 7000 steps and not more than 3.0, respectively.
System repeatability: When the test is repeated 3  with 10 mL of the
test solution for system suitability under the above operating conditions,
the relative standard deviation of the peak areas of cefdinir is not more
than 2.0%.
Water Carry out this test according to the general method <2.48 > not
more than 2.0% (1 g, volumetric titration, direct titration). Use a mixture of
formamide and methanol for water determination (2:1) instead of using
methanol alone for water determination).
Assay Weigh accurately an amount of Cefdinir and Cefdinir
Reference Standard equivalent to about 20 mg (potency), dissolve each in
0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, to make exactly 100 mL,
and use these solutions as the sample solution and the standard solution.
Perform the test with 5 mL of the sample solution and the standard solution
as directed under Liquid Chromatography <2.01 > according to the follo-
wing conditions, and calculate the peak areas, AT and As, of cefdinir of the
70 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Amount mg potencyof cef dinir C14 H13 N5 O5 S2 W s   1000

wS Amount [mg (potency)] of Cefdinir Reference Standard.

Operating conditions
Detector: An ultraviolet absorption photometer (wavelength:
254 nm).
Column: A stainless steel column 4.6 mm in inside diameter and
15 cm in length, packed with octadecylsilanized silica gel for liquid
chromatography (5 mm in particle diameter).
Column temperature: A constant temperature of about 40  C.
Mobile phase: To 1000 mL of tetramethylammonium hydroxide TS,
pH 5.5, add 0.4 mL of 0.1 mol/L disodium dihydrogen ethylen-
ediamine tetraacetate TS. To 900 mL of this solution, add 60 mL
of acetonitrile for liquid chromatography and 40 mL of methanol.
Flow rate: Adjust the flow rate so that the retention time of cefdinir is
about 8 min.

System suitability
System performance: Dissolve 2 mg of Cefdinir Reference Standard and
5 mg of cefdinir lactam ring-cleavage lactones in 10 mL of 0.1 mol/L phos-
phate buffer solution, pH 7.0. When the procedure is run with 5 mL of this
solution under the above operating conditions, peak 1 and peak 2 of cefdinir
lactam ring-cleavage lactones separated into four peaks, cefdinir, peak 3 and
peak 4 of remaining cefdinir lactam ring-cleavage lactones are eluted in this
order. The resolution between the peak 2 of cefdinir lactam ring-cleavage
lactone and that of cefdinir is not less than 1.2. The number of theoretical
plates and the symmetry factor of the peak of cefdinir are not less than 2000
steps and not more than 1.5, respectively.
System repeatability: When the test is repeated 6 with 5 mL of the stan-
dard solution under the above operating conditions, the relative standard
deviation of the peak areas of cefdinir is not more than 1.0%.
Containers and storage: ContainersTight containers. Storage
Light-resistant containers. Cefdinir capsules

Capsules contain not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0% of the
labeled amount of cefdinir (C14H13N5O5S2: 395.41).
Cefdinir 71

Method of preparation: Prepare as directed under capsules, with

Identification: To an amount of the contents of Cefdinir capsules,
equivalent to 10 mg (potency) of cefdinir according to the labeled amount,
add 100 mL of 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, exposure to
ultrasonic waves for 1 min, and filter. To 2 mL of the filtrate, add 0.1 mol/L
phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, to make 20 mL, and determine the
absorption spectrum of this solution as directed under ultravioletvisible
spectrophotometry, in the general method <2.24>: it exhibits maxima
between 221 and 225 nm and between 285 and 289 nm.
Uniformity of dosage unit: Carry out this test according to the general
method <6.02>. It meets the requirement of the Mass variation test.
Dissolution: Carry out this test according to the general method < 6.10>.
Perform the test according to the following method: it meets the requirement.
Perform the test with one capsule of Cefdinir capsules at 50 revolutions
per minute according to the Paddle method using a sinker, using 900 mL of
second fluid for dissolution test as the dissolution medium. Withdraw 20 mL
or more of the dissolution medium 30 min after starting the test for a 50-mg
capsule or 45 min after for a 100-mg capsule and filter through a membrane
filter with pore size of not more than 0.5 mm. Discard the first 10 mL of the
filtrate, pipet V mL of the subsequent filtrate, add second fluid for dissolution
test to make exactly V 0 mL so that each mL contains about 56 mg (potency)
of cefdinir according to the labeled amount, and use this solution as the sam-
ple solution. Separately, weigh accurately about 28 mg (potency) of Cefdinir
Reference Standard and dissolve in second fluid for dissolution test to make
exactly 100 mL. Pipet 4 mL of this solution, add second fluid for dissolution
test to make exactly 20 mL, and use this solution as the standard solution.
Perform the test with exactly 20 mL each of the sample solution and standard
solution as directed under Liquid Chromatography, in the general method
<2.01>, and determine the peak areas, AT and AS, of cefdinir. The disso-
lution rate of a 50-mg capsule in 30 min is not less than 80% and that of a
100-mg capsule in 45 min is not less than 75%.

Dissolution rate % with respect to the labeled amount of cefdinir

C14 H13 N5 O5 S2 W S  AT =AS  V =V  1=C  180

where WS is the amount [mg (potency)] of Cefdinir Reference Standard;

C is the labeled amount [mg (potency)] of cefdinir (C14H13N5O5S2) in
one capsule.
72 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Operating conditions
Proceed as directed in the Assay under Cefdinir.
System suitability
System performance: When the procedure is run with 20 mL of the standard
solution under the above operating conditions, the number of theoretical
plates and the symmetry factor of the peak of cefdinir are not less than
2000 and not more than 2.0, respectively.
System repeatability: When the test is repeated 6  with 20 mL of the
standard solution under the above operating conditions, the relative standard
deviation of the peak area of cefdinir is not more than 1.0%.
Assay Weigh accurately not less than five Cefdinir capsules, take out the
contents, and powder. Wash the empty capsules with a little amount of
diethyl ether, if necessary, allow to stand at a room temperature to vaporize
the adhering diethyl ether, and weigh accurately the mass of the capsules to
calculate the mass of the contents. Weigh accurately an amount of the con-
tents, equivalent to about 0.1 g (potency) of cefdinir according to the labeled
amount, add 70 mL of 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, shake
for 30 min, and add 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, to make
exactly 100 mL. Centrifuge this solution at 3000 revolutions per minute for
10 min, pipet 4 mL of the supernatant liquid, add 0.1 mol/L phosphate
buffer solution, pH 7.0, to make exactly 20 mL, and use this solution as
the sample solution. Separately, weigh accurately an amount of Cefdinir
Reference Standard, equivalent to about 20 mg (potency), dissolved in
0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, to make exactly 100 mL,
and use this solution as the standard solution. Proceed as directed in the Assay
under Cefdinir.

Amount mgpotency of cefdinir C14 H13 N5 O5 S2

W S  AT =AS  5

where WS is the amount [mg (potency)] of Cefdinir Reference Standard.

Containers and storage: ContainersTight containers. Cefdinir fine granules

Cefdinir Fine Granules contain not less than 93.0% and not more than
107.0% of the labeled amount of cefdinir (C14H13N5O5S2: 395.41).
Method of preparation: Prepare to finely granulated form as directed
under Powders, with cefdinir.
Cefdinir 73

Identification: To an amount of Cefdinir Fine Granules, equivalent to

10 mg (potency) of cefdinir according to the labeled amount, add 100 mL of
0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, exposure to ultrasonic waves
for 1 min, and filter. To 2 mL of the filtrate, add 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer
solution, pH 7.0, to make 20 mL, and determine the absorption spectrum of
this solution as directed under ultravioletvisible spectrophotometry, in the
general method <2.24>: it exhibits maxima between 221 and 225 nm and
between 285 and 289 nm.
Uniformity of dosage units: Carry out this test according to the gen-
eral method <6.02>. The granules in single-unit container meet the
requirement of the Mass variation test.
Dissolution: Carry out this test according to the general method
<6.10>. Perform the test according to the following method: it meets
the requirement.
Perform the test with an accurate amount of Cefdinir Fine Granules,
equivalent to about 0.1 g (potency) of cefdinir according to the labeled
amount, at 50 revolutions per minute according to the Paddle method using
900 mL of second fluid for dissolution test as the dissolution medium. With-
draw 20 mL or more of the dissolution medium 30 min after starting the test,
and filter through a membrane filter with a pore size not exceeding 0.5 mm.
Discard the first 10 mL of the filtrate and use the subsequent filtrate as the
sample solution. Separately, weigh accurately about 28 mg (potency) of
Cefdinir Reference Standard and second fluid for dissolution test to make
exactly 50 mL. Pipet 4 mL of this solution, add second fluid for dissolution
test to make exactly 20 mL, and use this solution as the standard solution.
Perform the test with exactly 20 mL each of the sample solution and standard
solution as directed under Liquid Chromatography in the general method
<2.01>, and determine the peak areas, AT and As, of cefdinir. The disso-
lution rate in 30 min is not less than 75%.

Dissolution rate % with respect to the labeled amount of cefdinir

C14 H13 N5 O5 S2 W S =W T  AT =AS  1=C  360

where WS is the amount [mg (potency)] of Cefdinir Reference Standard,

WT is the amount (g) of sample, C is the labeled amount [mg (potency)]
of cefdinir (C14H13N5O5S2) in 1 g.
Operating conditions
Proceed as directed in the Assay under Cefdinir.
74 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

System suitability
System performance: When the procedure is run with 20 mL of the standard
solution under the above operating conditions, the number of theoretical
plates and the symmetry factor of the peak of cefdinir are not less than
2000 and not more than 2.0, respectively.
System repeatability: When the test is repeated 6  with 20 mL of the
standard solution under the above operating conditions, the relative standard
deviation of the peak area of cefdinir is not more than 1.0%.
Particle size Carry out this test according to the general method
<6.03>. It meets the requirement of fine granules of the Powders.
Assay Powder, if necessary, and weigh accurately an amount of Cefdinir
Fine Granules, equivalent to about 0.1 g (potency) of cefdinir according to
the labeled amount, add 70 mL of 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution,
pH 7.0, shake for 30 min, and add 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution,
pH 7.0, to make exactly 100 mL. Centrifuge at 3000 revolutions per minute
for 10 min, pipet 4 mL of the supernatant liquid, add 0.1 mol/L phosphate
buffer solution, pH 7.0, to make 20 mL, and use this solution as the
sample solution. Separately, weigh accurately an amount of Cefdinir Refer-
ence Standard, equivalent to about 20 mg (potency), dissolve in 0.1 mol/L
phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, to make exactly 100 mL, and use this
solution as the standard solution. Proceed as directed in the Assay under
Amount mg potencyof cefdinirC14 H13 N5 O5 S2 W S  AT =AS  5

where WS is the amount [mg (potency)] of Cefdinir Reference Standard.

Containers and storage: ContainersTight containers. Storage
Light-resistant containers.

6.1.2 United States pharmacopeia methods [25] Cefdinir
Cefdinir contains not less than 960 mg/mg and not more than 1020 mg/mg
of C14H13N5O5S2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
Packaging and storage: Preserve in tight, light-resistant containers.
USP Reference standards: <11>USP Cefdinir RS, USP Cefdinir-
Related Compound A RS.
A: Infrared Absorption Carry out the infrared test according to the general
procedure <197M>. The infrared absorption spectrum of a potassium bro-
mide dispersion of it, previously dried, exhibit maxima only as the same
wavelength as that of similar Preparation of USP Cefdinir RS.
Cefdinir 75

B: The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the

Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard
preparation, as obtained in the Assay.
Specific rotation: Carry out this test according to the general method
<781S> between 61 and 67 , at 20 C.
Test solution: 10 mg/mL, in Buffer solution as prepared in the Assay.
Water, Method 1: Carry out this test according to the general method
<921>: not more than 2.0% (anhydrous) or not less than 4.0% and not more
than 8.0% (monohydrate), using a mixture of formamide and methanol (2:1)
as the solvent.
Residue on ignition: Carry out this test according to the general
method <281>: not more than 0.1%.
Heavy metals, Method II: Carry out this test according to the general
method <231>: 0.001%.
Related compounds
Buffer solution, Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution, and 0.1 M Edetate dis-
odium solutionProceed as directed in the Assay.
Solution ATo 1000 mL of Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution, add
0.4 mL of 0.1 M Edetate disodium solution then filter and degas.
Solution BTo 500 mL of Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution, add
300 mL of acetonitrile, 200 mL of methanol, and 0.4 mL of 0.1 M Edetate
disodium solution then filter and degas.
Mobile phaseUse variable mixtures of Solution A and Solution B
as directed for Chromatographic system. Make adjustments if necessary
(see System Suitability under Chromatography, in the general method <621>).
System suitability solution ATransfer 1 mL of the Test solution to a 100-
mL volumetric flask, dilute with Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to
volume, and mix.
System suitability solution BTransfer 1 mL of System suitability solution A
to a 10-mL volumetric flask, dilute with Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solu-
tion to volume, and mix.
System suitability solution CTransfer about 30 mg of USP Cefdinir RS
and 2 mg of USP Cefdinir-Related Compound A RS to a 20-mL volumet-
ric flask, dissolve in 3 mL of Buffer solution, dilute with Tetramethylammonium
hydroxide solution to volume, and mix.
Test solutionTransfer about 100 mg of cefdinir, accurately weighed, to a
10-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute with Buffer solution to volume,
and mix. Transfer 3 mL of this solution to a 20-mL volumetric flask, dilute
with Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to volume, and mix. [Note
Inject this solution immediately.]
76 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Chromatographic system (see Chromatography, in the general method

<621>)The liquid chromatography is equipped with a 254-nm detector
and a 4.6-mm  15-cm column that contains packing L1. The column tem-
perature is maintained at 40 . The flow rate is about 1 mL/min. The chro-
matograph is programmed as follows.
Time (min) Solution A (%) Solution B (%) Elution
02 95 5 Isocratic
222 95 ! 75 5 ! 25 Linear gradient
2232 75 ! 50 25 ! 50 Linear gradient
3237 50 50 Isocratic
3738 50 ! 95 50 ! 5 Linear gradient
3858 95 5 Isocratic

Chromatograph System suitability solution A and System suitability solution

B and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the peak response
of cefdinir in System suitability solution B is about 713% of that obtained from
System suitability solution A. Chromatograph System suitability solution C and
record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: cefdinir-related com-
pound A elutes with four peaks. The relative retention times are not less than
1.1 for the third peak of cefdinir-related compound A and 1.0 for cefdinir;
the column efficiency, determined from the cefdinir peak, is not less than
7000 theoretical plates; the tailing factor for the cefdinir peak is not more
than 3.0; and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections, based
on the cefdinir peak, is not more than 2.0%.
ProcedureInject a volume (about 10 mL) of the Test solution into the
chromatograph, record the chromatogram, and measure all the peak
responses. Continue the chromatogram for 40 min. Calculate the percent-
age of each impurity in the portion of cefdinir taken by the formula:

100ri =rs

in which ri is the peak response for each impurity and rs is the sum of the
responses of all the peaks. The limits for the impurities are specified in
Table 2.6.
Buffer solutionDissolve about 7.1 g of anhydrous dibasic sodium phosphate
in 500 mL of water (Solution A). Dissolve about 6.8 g of monobasic
Cefdinir 77

Table 2.6 The limits for impurities of cefdinir, 1

Impurity retention time Limit (w/w, %)
Impurity Aa 0.10 0.5
Impurity B 0.12 0.5
Impurity C 0.74 0.7
Cefdinir-related compound A 0.85, 0.93, 1.11, 0.7 (total for all
(four peaks)d 1.14 four peaks)
Impurity Ee 1.22 0.5
Impurity F 1.36 0.5
Impurity Gg 1.51 0.7
Impurity H (two peaks) 1.61, 1.64 0.5 (total for both
Individual unknown impurity 0.2
Total impurities 3.0
azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid.
2,4,5,7-tetrahydro-1H-furo[3,4-d]-1,3-thiazin-2-yl acetic acid.
ene-2-carboxylic acid.
azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid.

potassium phosphate in 500 mL of water (Solution B). Add appropriate

amounts of Solution A and Solution B (approximately 2:1 v/v) to obtain a
mixture having a pH of 7.0.
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solutionTo 10 mL of tetramethyl-
ammonium hydroxide (10%), add 990 mL of water and adjust with dilute
phosphoric acid (1 in 10) to a pH of 5.5.
0.1 M Edetate disodium solutionDissolve 37.2 g of edetate disodium in
1000 mL of water and mix.
Mobile phasePrepare a filtered and degassed mixture of
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution, acetonitrile, methanol, and 0.1 M
78 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Edetate disodium solution (900:60:40:0.4). Make adjustments if necessary (see

System Suitability under Chromatography, in the general method <621>).
System suitability solutionDissolve accurately weighed quantities of
USP Cefdinir RS and USP Cefdinir-Related Compound A RS in Buffer
solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about
0.2 mg/mL of USP Cefdinir RS and 0.5 mg/mL of USP Cefdinir-Related
Compound A RS.
Standard preparationDissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP
Cefdinir RS in Buffer solution, dilute quantitatively, and stepwise if necessary,
with Buffer solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of
about 0.2 mg/mL.
Assay preparationTransfer about 20 mg of cefdinir, accurately weighed,
to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute with Buffer solution to
volume, and mix well.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography, in the general method
<621 >)The liquid chromatography is equipped with a 254-nm detector
and a 4.6-mm  15-cm column that contains 5-mm packing L1. The flow
rate is about 1 mL/min. The column temperature is maintained at 40 .
Chromatograph the System suitability solution and record the peak responses
as directed for Procedure: cefdinir-related compound A elutes with four
peaks. The resolution, R, between the second peak of cefdinir-related com-
pound A and cefdinir is not less than 1.2 and the tailing factor for the cefdinir
peak is not more than 1.5. Chromatograph the Standard preparation and
record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the relative standard devi-
ation for replicate injections is not more than 1.0%.
ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 5 mL) of the Standard
preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the chro-
matograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks. Calculate the quan-
tity, in mg, of C14H13N5O5S2 in each mg of cefdinir taken by the formula:
P C S =C U r U =r S
in which P is the purity, in mg/mg, of USP Cefdinir RS; CS is the concen-
tration, in mg/mL, of USP Cefdinir RS in the Standard preparation; CU is the
concentration, in mg/mL, of Cefdinir in the Assay preparation; and rU and rS
are the peak responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard
preparation, respectively. Cefdinir capsules

Cefdinir capsules contain not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0% of
the labeled amount of C14H13N5O5S2.
Cefdinir 79

Packaging and storagePreserve in tight, light-resistant containers, and

store at controlled room temperature.
USP Reference standards: <11>USP Cefdinir RS, USP Cefdinir-
Related Compound A RS, USP Cefdinir-Related Compound B RS.
A: Ultraviolet Absorption: Carry out this test according to the general method
<197U>0.1 M Phosphate buffer solutionPrepare as directed in the Assay.
Blank solution: 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution.
Standard solutionPrepare a solution containing about 0.01 mg/mL of
USP Cefdinir RS in 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution.
Sample solutionPrepare a solution containing an amount equivalent to
about 0.01 mg/mL of cefdinir in 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution, and pass
through a suitable filter.
ProcedureCompare the spectrum obtained from the Sample solution
using a 1-cm cell to that obtained from the Standard solution, using the Blank
solution to zero the instrument: the UV absorption spectrum of the Sample
solution exhibits maxima and minima at the same wavelengths as that of a
Standard solution concomitantly measured.
B: The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the
Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard
preparation, as obtained in the Assay.
Dissolution: Carry out this test according to the general method
Medium: 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, 900 mL.
Apparatus 2: 50 rpm.
Time: 30 min.
Standard solutionDissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Cefdinir
RS in Medium to obtain a solution having a concentration of about
0.33 mg/mL.
Test solutionPass a portion of the solution under test through a Suitable
0.45-mm filter. If necessary, dilute a portion of each filtered sample with
Medium to obtain a solution that has a theoretical concentration of about
0.33 mg/mL of cefdinir, considering complete release of the label claim.
Blank solutionDissolve one empty gelatin capsule shell in 100 mL of
Medium, dilute with Medium to 900 mL, and filter if necessary.
ProcedureDetermine the amount of C14H13N5O5S2 dissolved by UV
absorption at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at 290 nm on por-
tions of the Test solution, in comparison with the Standard solution, using a
1-cm cell and Blank solution as blank. Calculate the percentage of
C14H13N5O5S2 dissolved by the formula:
80 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

AU  C S  D  900  100

in which AU and AS are the absorbances obtained from the Test solution and
the Standard solution, respectively; CS is the concentration, in mg/mL, of the
Standard solution; D is the dilution factor of the Test solution; 900 is the vol-
ume, in mL, of Medium; 100 is the conversion factor to percentage; and L is
the capsule label claim, in mg.
TolerancesNot less than 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of
C14H13N5O5S2 is dissolved in 30 min.
Uniformity of dosage units Carry out this test according to the general
method <905>: meet the requirements.
Related compounds
M Phosphate buffer solution
Solution ADissolve 14.2 g of sodium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous, in
water, and dilute with water to 1000.0 mL.
Solution BDissolve 6.8 g of potassium phosphate, monobasic, in
water, and dilute with water to 500.0 mL.
Solution CCombine 1000 mL of Solution A with 500 mL of Solution
B. Verify the pH of 7.0  0.1, and adjust, if necessary using Solution A or
Solution B.
Dilute phosphoric acid solutionDilute phosphoric acid (1 in 1 0) with
water and mix.
0.1 M Disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate (EDTA)Transfer about 3.
72 g of disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate into a 100-mL volumetric
flask. Dissolve in and dilute with water to volume and mix.
0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solutionDilute 20 mL of
tetramethylammonium hydroxide (10% in water) with water to make
2000 mL and mix. Adjust with Dilute phosphoric acid solution to a pH of
5.5  0.1.
Mobile phase ATransfer 0.4 mL of 0.1 M EDTA to 1000 mL of 0.1%
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution and mix.
Mobile phase BMix 250 mL of 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide
solution, 150 mL of acetonitrile, and 100 mL of methanol. Add 0.2 mL of
0.1 M EDTA and mix.
Mobile phaseUse variable mixtures of Mobile phase A and Mobile phase B
as directed in the Chromatographic system.
Standard solution 1Dissolve an appropriate amount of USP Cefdinir RS
in 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution (Solution C) to obtain a solution having a
Cefdinir 81

known concentration of about 0.75 mg/mL of USP Cefdinir RS. Dilute

with 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution an appropriate amount
of this solution, stepwise, if necessary, to obtain a solution having a known
concentration of about 15 mg/mL.
Standard solution 2Dissolve an appropriate quantity of USP Cefdinir-
Related Compound A RS in 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to
obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.04 mg/mL.
Standard solution 3Dissolve an appropriate quantity of USP Cefdinir-
Related Compound B RS in 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to
obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.04 mg/mL.
Resolution solutionTransfer about 37.5 mg of accurately weighed USP
Cefdinir RS into a 25-mL volumetric flask. Add about 10 mL of 0.1 M Phos-
phate buffer solution. Add 5.0 mL of each of Standard solution 2 and Standard
solution 3 and dilute with 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to
Test solutionTransfer an accurately weighed portion of the contents of
20 opened capsules, equivalent to about 300 mg of cefdinir, into a 200-mL
volumetric flask. Dissolve in 30 mL of 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution
(Solution C) and dilute with 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution
to volume to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about
1.5 mg/mL of cefdinir.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography, in the general method
< 621>)The liquid chromatography is equipped with a 254-nm detector
and a 4.6-mm  150-mm column that contains 5-mm packing L1. The
temperature of the Test solution is maintained at 4  3 , and the column
temperature is maintained at 40  0.5 . The flow rate is about 1 mL/min.
The chromatograph is programmed as follows for a run time of about
60 min.

Time (min) Mobile phase A (%) Mobile phase B (%) Elution

02 95 5 Isocratic
222 95 ! 75 5 ! 25 Linear gradient
2232 75 ! 50 25 ! 50 Linear gradient
3237 50 50 Isocratic
3738 50!95 50 ! 5 Linear gradient
3858 95 5 Isocratic
82 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 10 mL) of the Resolu-

tion solution, Standard solution 1, and the Test solution into the chromatograph,
record the chromatograms, and measure the peak responses: the resolution
between the cefdinir peak and the third peak of cefdinir-related compound
A (lactam ring-cleavage lactones) is not less than 1.5; the tailing factor of
cefdinir-related compound B is not more than 1.5; and the relative standard
deviation for the cefdinir peak response in replicate injections of Standard
solution 1 is not more than 2.0%. The approximate relative retention times
and the relative response factors for each of the related substances compared
to cefdinir are given in Table 2.7. Calculate the percentage of each individ-
ual specified and unspecified impurity in the portion of Capsules taken, using
the formula:
100 CS rU

in which CS is the concentration, in mg/mL, of USP Cefdinir RS in Stan-

dard solution 1; CU is the concentration, in mg/mL, of cefdinir in the Test
solution; rU is the peak response of each impurity obtained from the Test solu-
tion; rS is the peak response of cefdinir obtained from Standard solution 1; and
F is the relative response factor as mentioned in Table 2.7 for each impurity.
The specified and unspecified impurities meet the limits specified in
Table 2.7.
0.1 M Phosphate buffer solutionDissolve 10.65 g of dibasic sodium phos-
phate and 3.40 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in 750 mL of water.
Adjust with phosphoric acid or sodium hydroxide to a pH of 7.0  0.05
and dilute with water to 1000 mL.
Citric acid buffer solutionDissolve 7.0 g of citric acid monohydrate in
1000 mL of water and adjust with phosphoric acid to a pH of 2.0  0.05.
Mobile phaseMix 1000 mL of Citric acid buffer solution with 111 mL of
methanol and 28 mL of tetrahydrofuran. Make adjustments if necessary (see
System Suitability under Chromatography, in the general method <621 >).
Standard preparationAccurately weigh a known amount of USP
Cefdinir RS into a suitable volumetric flask. Dissolve in 0.1 M Phosphate
buffer solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about
0.05 mg/mL of cefdinir.
Assay preparationTransfer an accurately weighed portion of the con-
tents of 20 opened Capsules, equivalent to about 100 mg of cefdinir, into
Cefdinir 83

Table 2.7 The limits for impurities of cefdinir, 2

Approximate Relative Limit of
relative response quantitation Limit
Related substance retention time factor (% of cefdinir) (%)
Impurity VIII 0.10 1.1 0.1 NMT
Impurity IV 0.13 1.1 0.1 NMT
Impurity XIV 0.36 1.0 0.05 NMT
Impurity V 0.46 1.5 0.05 NMT
Impurity Ba 077 1.0 0.05 NMT
Impurity XI 0.75 1.0 0.05 NMT
Cefdinir-related 0.85 1.5 0.1 NMT
compound A 2.5
(Lactam ring-cleavage 0.94 1.5 0.1
Cefdinir-related compound 1.11 1.5 0.1
A (Lactam ring-cleavage
Cefdinir-related compound 1.14 1.5 0.1
A (Lactam ring-cleavage
Impurity VI 1.18 1.1 0.05 NMT
Impurity I 1.23 1.2 0.05 NMT
Cefdinir-related 1.28 1.1 0.05 NMT
compound Bb 0.2
Impurity XIII 1.37 1.4 0.05 NMT
Impurity Ea 1.44 1.0 0.05 NMT
84 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Table 2.7 The limits for impurities of cefdinir, 2cont'd

Approximate Relative Limit of
relative response quantitation Limit
Related substance retention time factor (% of cefdinir) (%)
Impurity XV 1.49 1.0 0.05 NMT
Impurity VII 1.51 1.1 0.05 NMT
Impurity IIIac 1.62 1.3 0.05 NMT
Impurity IIIbc 1.64 1.3 0.05
Impurity D 1.82 1.0 0.05 NMT
Individual unidentified N/A 1.0 N/A NMT
impurities 0.2
Total unidentified N/A N/A N/A NMT
impuritiesd 1.0
Total impurities N/A NIA N/A NMT
Impurity B, Impurity D, and Impurity E are unidentified impurities.
RS II is a mixture of four isomers designated as RS IIa, RS IIb, RS IIc, and RS IId. The sum of all values
is reported and the total limit for all four isomers combined is 2.5%.
RS III is a mixture of two isomers designated as RS IIIa and RS IIIb. The sum of both values is reported
and the total limit for both isomers combined is 1.0%.
The total unidentified impurities limit includes the percentage total of unidentified impurities B, D, and
E and any other individual unidentified impurities.

a suitable volumetric flask. Dissolve in and dilute with 0.1 M Phosphate buffer
solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about
0.05 mg/mL of cefdinir.
Resolution solutionAccurately weigh a known amount of USP Cefdinir
RS and m-hydroxybenzoic acid into a suitable volumetric flask. Dissolve in
0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution to obtain a solution having a known concen-
tration of about 0.05 mg/mL of cefdinir and about 0.175 mg/mL of
m-hydroxybenzoic acid.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography, in the general method
<621 >)The liquid chromatography is equipped with a 254-nm detector
and a 3.9-mm  150-mm column that contains 4-mm packing L1. The flow
rate is maintained at about 1.4 mL/min. Chromatograph the Resolution
Cefdinir 85

solution and record the peak area response as directed for Procedure. The res-
olution between cefdinir and m-hydroxybenzoic acid is greater than 3.0; the
tailing factor of the cefdinir peak is not more than 2.0; and the relative stan-
dard deviation for replicate injections of the Standard preparation is not more
than 1.0%.
ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 15 mL) of the Standard
preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the
chromatograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks. Calculate
the percentage of cefdinir (C14H13N5O5S2) based on the label claim, in
the portion of Capsules taken by the formula:

in which CS is the concentration, in mg/mL, of cefdinir in the Standard solu-

tion; CU is the concentration of cefdinir in the Assay preparation; and rU and rS
are the peak responses of cefdinir in the Assay preparation and the Standard
preparation, respectively. Cefdinir for oral suspension

Cefdinir for Oral Suspension contains not less than 90.0% and not more than
110.0% of the labeled amount of C14H13N5O5S2. It may contain one or
more suitable buffers, flavors, preservatives, stabilizing agents, sweeteners,
and suspending agents.
Packaging and storagePreserve in tight, light-resistant containers,
and store at controlled room temperature.
LabelingThe label specifies the directions for the constitution of the
powder and states the equivalent amount of C14H13N5O5S2 in a given vol-
ume of Oral Suspension after constitution.
USP Reference standards: According to the general method <11>
USP Cefdinir RS, USP Cefdinir-Related Compound A RS, USP Cefdinir-
Related Compound B RS.
A: Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification Test, carry out this test as directed
in the general method <201 >.
0.1 M Phosphate buffer solutionPrepare as directed in the Assay.
Standard solutionTransfer an appropriate amount of USP Cefdinir RS
into a suitable volumetric flask. Dissolve in and dilute with methanol and
86 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution (75:25) to obtain a solution containing a

known amount of about 0.6 mg/mL of USP Cefdinir RS.
Test solutionMix a portion of constituted Oral Suspension equivalent
to about 125 mg of cefdinir in a 100-mL volumetric flask with 50 mL of
0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution and dilute with methanol to volume. Pass a
portion through a suitable 0.45-mm filter. Transfer 5.0 mL of the filtrate
to a 10-mL volumetric flask and dilute with methanol to volume.
ProcedureSeparately apply 10 mL of the Test solution and the Standard
solution to a suitable thin-layer chromatographic plate (see Chromatography,
in the general method <621 >) coated with a 0.25-mm layer of chromato-
graphic silica gel, preconditioned with n-hexane-tetradecane solution
(95:5), and allow the spots to dry. Place the plate in a chamber equilibrated
with a solvent mixture consisting of methanol and water (80:20), and
develop the chromatogram in the same solvent system until the solvent front
has moved about 15 cm. Remove the plate from the developing chamber,
allow the solvent to evaporate, and visually locate the spots under a short-
wavelength UV light: the RF value of the principal spot obtained from the
Test solution corresponds to that obtained from the Standard solution.
B: The retention time of the main peak in the chromatogram of the
Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard
preparation, as obtained in the Assay.
Dissolution: Carry out this test as directed in the general procedure
Medium: 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, 900 mL.
Apparatus 2: 50 rpm.
Time: 30 min.
Standard solutionDissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Cefdinir
RS and dilute with Medium, quantitatively, and stepwise, if necessary, to
obtain a solution having a concentration of about 0.14 mg/mL.
Test solutionTransfer 5 mL, by weight, of the reconstituted Oral Sus-
pension into the vessel. After the appropriate time withdraw a portion of the
solution under test and pass through a suitable 0.45-mm filter. Dilute with
Medium a portion of each filtered sample as necessary to obtain a solution
having a concentration of about 0.14 mg/mL of cefdinir.
ProcedureDetermine the amount of C14H13N5O5S2 dissolved by
employing UV absorption at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at
about 290 nm on portions of the Test solution in comparison with the Stan-
dard solution, using Medium as blank. Calculate the percentage of cefdinir dis-
solved by the formula:
Cefdinir 87

AU  C S  d  D  900  100
AS  W U  L

in which AU and AS are the absorbances obtained from the Test solution and
Standard solution, respectively; CS is the concentration, in mg/mL, of cefdinir
in the Standard solution; d is the density, in mg/mL, of the Oral Suspension
obtained by dividing the weight of Oral Suspension taken by 5 mL; D is the
dissolution factor used, if necessary, to prepare the Test solution; 900 is the
volume, in mL, of Medium; 100 is the conversion factor to percentage;
WU is the weight, in mg, of Oral Suspension taken; and L is the label
claim, in mg.
TolerancesNot less than 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of
C14H13N5O5S2 is dissolved in 30 min.
Uniformity of dosage units: Carry out this test as directed in the gen-
eral method <905>For Oral Suspension packaged in single-unit con-
tainers: meets the requirements.
Deliverable volume: Carry out this test as directed in the general
method <698>For Oral Suspension packaged in multiple-unit con-
tainers: meets the requirements.
pH: When this test is carried out as directed in the general method
<791>Between 3.5 and 4.5.
Loss on drying: This experiment should carried out as directed in the
general method <731>Dry about 1 g of powder over phosphorous pent-
oxide in a vacuum oven not exceeding 5 mm of mercury at 70 for 44.5 h:
it loses not more than 1.0%.
Related compounds
M Phosphate buffer solution
Solution ADissolve in and dilute with water 14.2 g of anhydrous dibasic
sodium phosphate to 1000.0 mL.
Solution BDissolve in and dilute with water 6.8 g of monobasic potas-
sium phosphate to 500.0 mL.
Solution CMix 1000 mL of Solution A with 500 mL of Solution B.
Verify a pH of 7.0  0.1.
Dilute phosphoric acid solutionDilute phosphoric acid with water (1 in
10) and mix.
0.1 M Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA)Transfer about
3.72 g of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate into a 100-mL volumetric
flask. Dissolve in and dilute with water to volume and mix.
88 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solutionDilute 20 mL of

tetramethylammonium hydroxide (10% in water) with water to make
2000 mL and mix. Adjust with Dilute phosphoric acid solution to a pH of
5.5  0.1.
Mobile phase ATransfer 0.4 mL of 0.1 M EDTA to 1000 mL of 0.1%
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution and mix.
Mobile phase BMix 250 mL of 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide
solution, 150 mL of acetonitrile, and 100 mL of methanol. Add 0.2 mL of
0.1 M EDTA and mix.
Mobile phaseUse variable mixtures of Mobile phase A and Mobile phase B
as directed in the Chromatographic system.
Standard solution 1Dissolve an appropriate amount of USP Cefdinir RS
in 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution (Solution C) to obtain a solution having a
known concentration of about 0.75 mg/mL of USP Cefdinir RS. Dilute
with 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution an appropriate amount
of this solution, stepwise, if necessary, to obtain a solution having a known
concentration of about 15 mg/mL.
Standard solution 2Dissolve an appropriate quantity of USP Cefdinir-
Related Compound A RS in 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to
obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.04 mg/mL.
Standard solution 3Dissolve an appropriate quantity of USP Cefdinir-
Related Compound B RS in 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution to obtain a solu-
tion having a known concentration of about 0.04 mg/mL.
Resolution solutionTransfer about 37.5 mg of accurately weighed USP
Cefdinir RS into a 25-mL volumetric flask. Add about 10 mL of 0.1 M Phos-
phate buffer solution. Add 5.0 mL of each of Standard solution 2 and Standard
solution 3 and dilute with 0.1% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to
Test solutionTransfer a volume of constituted Oral Suspension equiv-
alent to about 150 mg of Cefdinir into a 100-mL volumetric flask. Dissolve
in 30 mL of 0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution (Solution C) and dilute with 0.1%
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution to volume.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography, in the general method
<621>)The liquid chromatography is equipped with a 254-nm
detector and a 4.6mm  150-mm column that contains 5-mm packing
L1. The Test solution is maintained at a temperature of 4  3 , and the col-
umn temperature is maintained at 40  0.5 . The flow rate is about
1 mL/min. The chromatograph is programmed as follows for a run time
of about 60 min.
Cefdinir 89

Time (min) Mobile phase A (%) Mobile phase B (%) Elution

0002 95 5 Isocratic
0222 95 ! 75 5 ! 25 Linear gradient
2232 75 ! 50 25 ! 50 Linear gradient
3237 50 50 Isocratic
3738 50 ! 95 50 ! 5 Linear gradient
3858 95 5 Isocratic

ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 10 mL) of the Resolu-

tion solution, Standard solution 1, and the Test solution into the chromatograph,
record the chromatograms, and measure the peak responses: the resolution
between the cefdinir peak and the third peak of cefdinir-related compound
A is greater than 1.5; the tailing factor of cefdinir-related compound B is not
more than 1.5;and the relative standard deviation for the cefdinir peak
response in replicate injections of Standard solution 1 is not more than
2.0%.The approximate relative retention times and the relative response fac-
tors for each of the related compounds compared to cefdinir are given in
Table 2.8. Calculate the percentage of individual specified and unspecified
impurities in the portion of Oral Suspension taken by the formula:

100=F C S =C U r U =r S

in which F is the relative response factor for each impurity, as mentioned in

Table 2.8; CS is the concentration, in mg/mL, of USP Cefdinir RS in Stan-
dard solution 1; CU is the concentration, in mg/mL, of cefdinir in the Test
solution; rU is the peak response of each impurity obtained from the Test solu-
tion; and rS is the peak response of cefdinir obtained from Standard solution 1.
The specified and unspecified impurities meet the limits specified in
Table 2.8.
1 M Phosphate buffer solutionDissolve 10.65 g of anhydrous dibasic sodium
phosphate and 3.40 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in 750 mL of
water. Adjust with phosphoric acid or sodium hydroxide to a pH of
7.0  0.05 and dilute with water to 1000 mL.
Citric acid buffer solutionDissolve 7.0 g of citric acid monohydrate in
1000 mL of water and adjust with phosphoric acid to a pH of 2.0  0.05.
90 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Table 2.8 The limits for impurities of cefdinir, 3

Approximate Relative Limit of
relative retention response quantitation
Related compound time factor (% of cefdinir) Limit (%)
Impurity VIII 0.10 1.1 0.1 NMT 0.5
Impurity IV 0.13 1.1 0.1 NMT 0.6
Impurity XIV 0.36 1.0 0.05 NMT 0.2
Impurity V 0.46 1.5 0.05 NMT 0.3
Impurity B 0.77 1.0 0.05 NMT 0.2
Impurity XI 0.75 1.0 0.05 NMT 0.7
Cefdinir-related 0.85 1.5 0.1 NMT 3.3
compound Ab
(Isomer a)
Cefdinir-related 0.94 1.5 0.1
compound Ab
(Isomer b)
Cefdinir-related 1.11 1.5 0.1
compound Ab
(Isomer c)
Cefdinir-related 1.14 1.5 0.1
compound Ab
(Isomer d)
Impurity VI 1.18 1.1 0.05 NMT 0.2
Impurity I 1.23 1.2 0.05 NMT 0.8
Cefdinir-related 1.28 1.1 0.05 NMT 0.2
compound B
Impurity XIII 1.37 1.4 0.05 NMT 0.5
Impurity E 1.44 1.0 0.05 NMT 0.2
Impurity XV 1.49 1.0 0.05 NMT 0.2
Impurity VII 1.51 1.1 0.05 NMT 1.2
Impurity IIIa 1.62 1.3 0.05 NMT 1.1
Impurity lllbc 1.64 1.3 0.05
Impurity D 1.82 1.0 0.05 NMT 0.2
Cefdinir 91

Table 2.8 The limits for impurities of cefdinir, 3cont'd

Approximate Relative Limit of
relative retention response quantitation
Related compound time factor (% of cefdinir) Limit (%)
Individual N/A 1.0 0.05 NMT 0.2
Total unidentified N/A N/A N/A NMT 0.9
Total impurities N/A N/A N/A NMT 6.2
Impurity B, Impurity D, and Impurity E are unidentified impurities.
Cefdinir-related compound A is a mixture of four isomers designated as lactam ring-cleavage lactones a,
b, c, and d. The sum of all values is reported, and the total limit for all four isomers combined is 3.3%.
Impurity III is a mixture of two isomers designated as Impurity IIIa and Impurity IIIb. The sum of both
values is reported, and the total limit for both isomers combined is 1.5%.
The total unidentified impurities limit includes the percentage total of unidentified impurities B, D, and
E and any other unidentified impurities detected.

Mobile phaseMix 1000 mL of Citric acid buffer solution with 111 mL of

methanol and 28 mL of tetrahydrofuran. Make adjustments if necessary (see
System Suitability under Chromatography, in the general method <621>).
Standard preparationAccurately weigh a known amount of USP
Cefdinir RS into a suitable volumetric flask. Dissolve in 0.1 M Phosphate
buffer solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about
0.05 mg/mL of cefdinir.
Assay preparationQuantitatively transfer the contents of each bottle of
constituted Oral Suspension into a suitable flask and dilute with 0.1 M Phos-
phate buffer solution to obtain a solution having a concentration of about
0.05 mg/mL of cefdinir.
Resolution solutionAccurately weigh known quantities of USP Cefdinir
RS and m-hydroxybenzoic acid into a suitable volumetric flask. Dissolve in
0.1 M Phosphate buffer solution to obtain a solution having a known concen-
tration of about 0.05 mg/mL of cefdinir and about 0.175 mg/mL of
m-hydroxybenzoic acid.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography, in the general method
<621>)The liquid chromatography is equipped with a 254-nm detec-
tor and a 3.9-mm  150-mm column that contains 4-mm packing L1. The
flow rate is maintained at about 1.4 mL/min. Chromatograph the Reso-
lution solution and record the peak response as directed in the Procedure.
The resolution between cefdinir and m-hydroxybenzoicacid is greater
92 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

than 3.0; the tailing factor of the cefdinir peak is not more than 2.0;
and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections of the Standard
preparation is not more than 1.0%.
ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 15 mL) of the Standard
preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the
chromatograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks. Calculate
the percentage of cefdinir (C14H13N5O5S2) in the portion of Oral Suspen-
sion taken by the formula:
100C S =C U r U =r S
in which CS is the concentration, in mg/mL, of cefdinir in the Standard solu-
tion; CU is the concentration of cefdinir in the Assay preparation; and rU and rS
are the peak responses of cefdinir in the Assay preparation and the Standard
preparation, respectively.

6.2. Spectrophotometric methods

Shah and Pundarikakshudu [26] developed two simple and sensitive spectro-
scopic methods in the UV and visible region for the estimation of cefdinir in
pharmaceutical dosage forms. In method A, cefdinir showed absorption
maximum at 287 nm in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7). In method B,
the drug reacted with FolinCiocalteu reagent under alkaline conditions
forming a blue colored chromogen having absorption maximum at
720 nm. The methods obey Beers law in the concentration range of
317 ng/mL and 420 mg/mL, respectively. The methods are statistically
evaluated for accuracy and precision.
Sankar et al. [27] described a simple and sensitive ultraviolet spectropho-
tometric method for the determination of cefdinir in pure drug substance
and in pharmaceutical formulations. The drug exhibits a maximum at
225 nm and the method obeys Beers law at the concentration range of
525 mg/mL. The method was extended to the determination of pharma-
ceutical preparation and there is no interference from any common pharma-
ceutical additives.
Patil and Kasture [28] developed a new spectrophotometric method for
the estimation of cefdinir from capsule formulations. The spectra the drug
showed maximum at 282 nm. The statistical analytical of data indicated
a high level of precision for the method as evidenced by low value of
coefficient of variation (0.017%). The coefficient of correlation was highly
significant (0.999608). The plot clearly showed a straight line passing
Cefdinir 93

through the origin. The assay method was validated by low values of
percent relative standard deviation ranging from 0.57 to 0.91 and standard
error ranging from 0.33 to 0.52, indicating accuracy and precision of the
methods. The accuracy of the method was further proved by excellent
recovery data. The reproducibility of the results confirmed the ruggedness
of the method.
Sankar et al. [29] developed a simple spectrophotometric method for the
determination of cefdinir in pure form and in its pharmaceuticals. It is based
on formation of red complex with ferric chloride and 2,20 -bipyridyl having
absorption maxima at 530 nm. The chromogen obeys Beers law in the con-
centration range of 0.52.5 mg/mL.
Sankar et al. [30] developed two simple and sensitive visible spectropho-
tometric methods (A and B) for the estimation of cefdinir in pure and in
pharmaceutical dosage forms. Method A is based on the oxidation followed
by complexation between the cefdinir and 1,10-phenanthroline in presence
of ferric chloride to form a blood red colored chromogen with lmax at
520 nm. In method B, cefdinir reacts with FolinCiocalteu reagent an alka-
line media to form a blue colored chromogen at lmax at 710 nm. Beers law is
obeyed in the concentration range of 0.32.4 mg/mL and 1.57.5 mg/mL
for methods A and B, respectively. Results obtained are reproducible and
are statistically validated and are suitable for the analysis of cefdinir in bulk
and in pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Singh et al. [31] described a nonextractive spectrophotometric method
for the content assay of cefdinir in formulations. The method is based on
complexation of cefdinir and iron under reducing conditions in a buffered
medium (pH 11) to form a magenta colored donoracceptor complex
(lmax 550 nm; apparent molar absorptivity 3720 L/mol/cm). No other
cephalosporins, penicillins, and common excipients interfere under the test
conditions. The Beers law is followed in the concentrations range
8160 mg/mL.
Narala and Saraswathi [32] described three spectrophotometric methods
(A, B, and C) for the determination of cefdinir. The methods are based on
the oxidation of the drug with Fe(III) and the estimation of the Fe(II) pro-
duced after chelation with either 1,10-phenanthroline or 2,20 -Bipyrdyl or
potassium ferricyanide at 512, 510, and 700 nm. The Beers law was obeyed
in the concentration range of 28, 824, and 412 mg/mL for cefdinir for
the method A, B, and C, respectively. The results of the methods were val-
idated statistically and applied to the determination of cefdinir in bulk and in
pharmaceutical formulations without any interference from excipients.
94 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Gouda et al. [33] developed and validated two spectrophotometric

methods for the determination of cefdinir in bulk drug and in its pharma-
ceutical formulations. The first method is based on the reaction of cefdinir
with 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium (NQS) in an alkaline
medium (pH 11) to form an orange colored product that was measured
at 490 nm. The second method depends on hydrolysis of cefdinir using
0.5 M sodium hydroxide at 100  C and subsequent reaction of the formed
sulfide ion with 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBDCl) to
form a yellow-colored chromogen measured at 390 nm. Different variables
affecting the reactions of cefdinir with both 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic
acid sodium and 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (e.g., sodium
hydroxide concentration hydrolysis time, NQS and NBDCl concentra-
tions, and diluting solvent) were studied and optimized. Under optimum
condition, good linear relationship with good correlation coefficient was
found in the range of 1080 and 530 mg/mL for NQS and NBDCl,
respectively. The limit of the assay detection and quantitation ranged from
1.097 and 0.280 and 3.656 and 0.934 mg/mL for NQS and NBDCL,
respectively. The accuracy and precision of methods were satisfactory.
The method is simple, convenient and was applied for the analysis of cefdinir
in pharmaceutical formulations and the recovery percent ranged from
99.25% to 100.20%.
Suganthi et al. [34] developed a simple, accurate, and sensitive spec-
trofluorimetric procedure for the estimation of cefdinir containing
heterocyctic fused ring structure, in 1 M sodium hydroxide at 95 for
1 h, which shows strong fluorescence having excitation and emission wave-
length 262 and 530 nm, respectively. Linear relationship for fluorescence
intensity was obtained in the range of 0.21 mg/mL. The method was
statistyically validated and applied to the determination of cefdinir in phar-
maceutical dosage form.

6.3. Polarographic method

Jain et al. [35] investigated the electrochemical behavior of cefdinir and two
irreversible well-defined cathodic peaks were observed. From the electro-
chemical response, the main reduction steps were related to the reduction
of the C]N and C]C groups. A fully validated, sensitive, and reprod-
ucible square-wave cathodic absorptive stripping voltammetric procedure
has been developed for the trace determination of the bulk drug, pharma-
ceutical formulation, and in human urine, at the mercury electrode.
Cefdinir 95

The optimal experimental parameters for the drug assay were accumulation
potential 0.3 V (vs. Ag/AgCl, 3 M KCl), accumulation time 15 s,
frequency 120 Hz, pulse amplitude 0.07 V, and scan increment 10 mV
in phosphate buffer pH 2. The first peak current showed a linear dependence
with the drug concentration over the range 1.88  108 to 12  108 M. The
achieved limit of detection and limit of quantification were 5  109 M
(0.2 ng/mL) and 1.7  109 M (0.67 ng/mL), respectively. The procedure
was applied to the assay of the drug in capsules form with mean percentage
recoveries of 99.7. Applicability to assay the drug in urine samples was illus-
trated. The peak current was linear, with the drug concentration in the range
0.080.7 ng/mL of the urine.

6.4. Voltammetric methods

Jain et al. [36] studied the voltammetric behavior of cefdinir in different sur-
factant media; anionic, neutral, and cationic surfactants over the pH range
2.512 in phosphate buffer (0.2 M). Addition of cationic surfactant
(citrimide) to the cefdinir-containing electrolyte enhanced the reduction
current signal while the anionic surfactant (sodium lauryl) and neutral
surfactant (Tween-20) showed an opposite effect. The reduction process
was irreversible over the entire pH range studied (2.512). The mechanism
of reduction has been postulated on the basis of controlled potential
electrolysis, coulometry, and spectral analysis. An analytical method with
adequate precision and accuracy was developed for the determination of
cefdinir in linear concentration range 2  104 to 1  105 mol/L with
detection limit 0.3  106 mol/L. The analysis of cefdinir in its pharma-
ceutical formulation resulted in mean recoveries of 99% and 98% for both
the reduction peaks.
Tao et al. [37] developed an electrochemical method for the determina-
tion of cefdinir by differential pulse voltammetry. Adding cefdinir solution
into 0.2 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution and the degradation products
of cefdinir was determined by differential pulse voltammetry from 0.1
to 1 V. In a supporting electrolyte of 0.05 mol/L sodium hydroxide
solution, a sensitive reductive peak of degradation product was attained
at 0.52 V. A linear relationship was held between the peak current and
the concentration of cefdinir in the range from 4  108 to 4  107 mol/L
and from 4  107 to 4  106 mol/L, and the detection limit was
3  108 mol/L. The method is accurate, reproducible, reliable, and may
be used for the determination of cefdinir.
96 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Dong et al. [38] studied the electrochemical behavior of the degradation

products of cefdinir in a 0.05 mol/L of sodium hydroxide solution by linear
sweep voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry. The results indicate that the
C]N bond in the oxime group was reduced. A saturated adsorption
amount of 1.32  1010 mol/cm2 at mercury electrode was obtained.
The adsorption coefficient b was 1.56  105 L/mol. Gibbs standard energy
of adsorption DG at 25 was 29.63 kJ/mol and the number of electrons
transferred n was 2. A method for the determination of cefdinir by differen-
tial pulse voltammetry was used. The reduction peak currents of the
cefdinirs degradation products were found to be linear in a concentration
range of 4  107 to 4  106 mol/L and that of 4  108 to
4  107 mol/L, respectively. The detection limit was found to be
3  108 mol/L, under the optimized conditions. The applicability of this
approach was illustrated by the determination of cefdinir in capsules. The
mechanism about the degradation of cefdinir in 0.2 mol/L sodium hydrox-
ide was discussed by UV spectrophotometry.

6.5. Chromatographic methods

6.5.1 High-performance liquid chromatographic methods
Okamoto et al. [39] described a validated HPLC method used for the deter-
mination of cefdinir and its related substances. The method which is specific
and stability-indicating provided a linear response with concentration. The
system and method precision, expressed as relative standard deviations, were
not greater than 1%, and the reproducibilities within and between labora-
tories were acceptable for the assay method. The procedure can quantite
related substances greater than approximately 0.05% of the principal
cefdinir peak.
Wang [40] established an HPLC method for the determination of
cefdinir and its related substances. A C18 column (25 cm  4.6 mm,
5 mm) was used. The mobile phase was a mixture of 0.025 mol/L dia-
mmonium hydrogen phosphate adjusted to pH 5 with phosphoric acid
and acetonitrile (89:11). The ultraviolet detection wavelength was
225 nm. The method proved to be selective for the separation of cefdinir,
its byproducts, degradation products, and E-isomer. The method is simple,
selective, and suitable for the determination of cefdinir and its impurities.
Qian et al. [41] established a high-performance liquid chromatographic
method for the determination of cefdinir in capsules. A C18 column
(15 cm  4.6 mm, 5 mm), keeping at temperature of 25  C was used. The
mobile phase was a mixture of 0.029 mol/L diammonium hydrogen
Cefdinir 97

phosphate (adjusted to pH 5 with phosphoric acid) and acetonitrile (86:14)

and a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min with the detection wavelength at 286 nm.
The injection volume was 20 mL. The standard curve was linear over the
range of 10100 mg/mL with the correlation coefficient of 0.9999. The
average recovery was 100.19%.
Hadad et al. [42] developed and validated a simple and reliable liquid
chromatographic method for the determination of cefdinir in human
urine and capsule samples. The chromatographic separation was achieved
on C18 column using mobile phase consisting of potassium dihydrogen
phosphate (10 mM, pH 4.5)acetonitrile (90:10). Quantitation was
achieved with ultraviolet detection at 285 nm, based on peak area with
linear calibration curve at a concentration range of 0.739 mg/mL. The
method was applied for the establishment of an urinary excretion pattern
after oral dose.
Mashelkar and Renapurkar [43] described a stability-indicating HPLC
method for the quantitative determination of cefdinir. The drug was sepa-
rated on a Inertsil C18 HPLC column using mobile phase consisting of a
mixture of 0.02 M ammonium formate buffer pH 4.5 (solvent A) and
organic modifier methanol (solvent B). The method was LCMS compatible
and can be used to identify the degradation products. The mass spectrum
provides the identity of the degradation products formed and proves the
specificity of the method and demonstrates the stability-indicating power
of the method. Degradation studies were performed on the bulk samples
of cefdinir under acidic conditions (using 1 N HCl), basic conditions
(0.05 NaOH), neutral conditions, oxidation (0.1% hydrogen peroxide),
thermal (105  C) and photolytic conditions (UV light at 254 nm). Degrada-
tion was observed under hydrolytic (acidic and basic), oxidative, and pho-
tolytic stress conditions. The method was validated with respect to linearity,
accuracy, precision, and robustness.
Shahed et al. [44] validated a reversed-phase HPLC method with UV
detection to determine cefdinir concentrations in human serum samples
and applied to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of cefdinir in
healthy Bangladeshi male volunteers. The mobile phase is consisting of a
mixture of 0.2 M sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer (pH 3.2  0.05
adjusted with o-phosphoric acid) and methanol at a ratio of 70:30 was
pumped at a flow rate of 1 mL/min through the C18 column at room tem-
perature and the chromatographic separation was monitored at a wavelength
of 254 nm with a sensitivity of 0.0001 AUFS. Cefaclor was used as internal
standard. The method is selective and linear for cefdinir concentrations
98 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

ranging from 0.05 to 5 mg/mL for serum samples. The method is accurate
and precise for pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies of cefdinir.
Snali et al. [45] determined the pKa value of cefdinir precisely in water
and methanolwater binary mixture (20% v/v) using spectrophotometric
titration and high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively. The
chromatographic procedure has been developed for the determination of
cefdinir in drug formulation. This method was validated for specificity, pre-
cision, linearity, range, accuracy, limit of detection, and limit of quantitation
as per the ICH guidelines. The method can be used for routine analysis of the
drug and as an alternative tool for drug quality control laboratories.
Li et al. [46] developed a high-performance liquid chromatography
coupled with online solid-phase extraction (SPE) and ultraviolet detection
for the determination of cefdinir in beagle dog plasma. After simple pre-
treatment for plasma with 6% perchloric acid, a volume of 100 mL upper
layer of the plasma sample was injected into the self-made online SPE extrac-
tion. The analytes were retained on the trap column (Lichrospher C18,
4.6 mm  3.7 cm, 25 mm) and the biological matrix was washed out with
the solvent (20 mM potassium dihydrogen phosphate adjusted to pH 3) at
a flow rate of 2 mL/min. By rotation of the switching valve, the target
analytes could be eluted from trap column to analytical column in the
pack-flush mode by the mobile phase (methanol:acetonitrile:20 mM potas-
sium dihydrogen phosphate adjusted pH 3 (11.25:6.75:82) at a flow rate of
1.5 mL/min), and then separated on the analytical column (Ultimate XB
C18, 5 cm  4.6 mm, 5 mm). The complete cycle of the online SPE
preconcentration, purification, and HPLC separation of the analytes was
4 min. The UV detection was performed at 286 nm. The method showed
good performance in terms of specificity, linearity, detection and quantifi-
cation limits, precision, and accuracy. The method was applied to the anal-
ysis of the drug in beagle dog plasma to support the preclinical
pharmacokinetic trials.
Sankar et al. [47] developed a simple, fast, and precise reversed-phase
high-performance liquid chromatographic method for estimation of the
cefdinir in bulk and in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The analysis was carried
out using a Partisil C18 octadecylsilane column (15 cm  4.6, 5 mm) in
isocratic mode, with mobile phase comprising acetonitrile and water in
the ratio 60:40 (v/v). The flow rate was 1 mL/min and effluents were mon-
itored at 240 nm. The retention time of cefdinir was 1.9 min. The method
produced linear response in the concentration range of 0.550 mg/mL and
the percentage recovery ranged from 98.6 to 100.15. The method was
Cefdinir 99

convenient and reproducible for the analysis of cefdinir in the pharmaceu-

tical dosage form.
Gandhimathi et al. [48] developed a simple, efficient, and reproducible
reversed-phase HPLC method for the determination of cefdinir in capsules.
The eluent was done using a mobile phase consisting of 0.01 N potassium
dihydrogen phosphate, pH 6.9, and methanol (80:20) on Waters Spherisorb
ODS 4.6 mm  15 cm analytical column with flow rate of 1 mL/min with
detection at 285 nm. An external standard calibration method was employed
for quantitation. The eluent time was 2 min. The linearity range was
510 mg/mL for cefdinir.
Mehta et al. [49] developed a stability-indicating reversed-phase liquid
chromatographic method for the determination of cefdinir in its different
dosage forms (capsules and suspensions). The method is optimized by ana-
lyzing the placebo preparation, formulations, and degraded samples of the
drug substance according to the international conference on Harmoniza-
tion. The method can separate the drug from its degradation products
formed under stress conditions along with pharmaceutical ingredients such
as preservatives. The method was used to determine cefdinir in capsules and
Insta-use suspensions. The method was found to be linear for a concentra-
tion range of 614 mg/mL. Average recoveries obtained with the method
were 99.3% and 99.6% for Insta-use suspension and capsules, respectively.
The method is simple, fast, specific, stability-indicating, precise, and robust.
Zhao et al. [50] developed a reversed-phase HPLC method for the deter-
mination of the content of cefdinir in human plasma. Arilin was chosen as
the internal standard and the plasma samples were prepared by protein pre-
cipitating using trichloroacetic acid. Chromatographic separation was
achieved with a Nucleodur C18 reversed-phase column (25 cm  4.6 mm,
5 mm), mobile phase was 0.025 mol/L ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
(pH 3) and acetonitrile (90.5:9.5) and flow rate was 1 mL/min. The detec-
tion wavelength was set at 286 nm. The results showed that the calibration
curve was linear over a concentration range of 0.052 mg/mL. The relative
standard deviation of intra-day was 3.75.9% and for inter-day was
3.55.7%. The recovery of cefdinir was 6572.4%. The method which is
sensitive, accurate, and convenient had low limit of quantitation and well
reproducibility and can be applied to the pharmacokinetic study of cefdinir
in human plasma.
Hamrapurkar et al. [51] developed and validated a stability-indicating
reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the
determination of cefdinir in the presence of its degradation products as
100 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

per International Conference on harmonization guidelines. The analysis was

performed on a Waters RP Spherisorb C18 column (25 cm  4.6 mm,
5 mm). A mobile phase consisting of water (pH adjusted to 3 with
orthophosphoric acid):acetonitrile:methanol (13:5:2) was used. The flow
rate was 1 mL/min. The separation was performed at room temperature.
Detection was carried out at 286 nm, using a photodiode array detector.
The method was statistically validated for linearity accuracy, specificity, limit
of detection, and limit of quantitation. The specificity of the method was
ascertained by forced degradation studies, by acid and alkali degradation,
oxidation, photolysis, and heat of hydrogenation.
Khan et al. [52] developed and validated an isocratic reversed-phase
high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous
determination of cefdinir and cefixime in human plasma, after optimization
of various chromatographic conditions and other experimental parameters.
Sample preparation is based on a simple extraction procedure consisting of
deprotonation and extraction with three parts of 6% trichloroacetic acid
aqueous solution followed by volume make up with the aqueous compo-
nent of the mobile phase obtained best recoveries of the two analytes. Sam-
ples were separated on a Supelco Discovery HS C18 (15 cm  4.6 mm,
5 mm) analytical column protected by a Perkin Elmer C18 (3 cm  4.6 mm,
10 mm) guard cartridge. The mobile phase, methanol:acetonitrile (50:50):
0.05% trifluoroacetic acid (19:81), operated at 50  C column oven temper-
ature was pumped at a flow rate of 2 mL/min and the column eluents were
monitored at a wavelength of 285 nm. The method demonstrated accept-
able values for selectivity, linearity, recovery, precision, sensitivity, stability
of solution, and robustness. The method was applied to a pharmacokinetic
study in healthy volunteers.
Narala and Saraswathi [53] developed two reversed-phase high-
performance liquid chromatographic methods for the determination of
cefdinir in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The methods were carried out
in an isocratic mode using Kromosil C18 column (25 cm  4.6 mm,
5 mm) with mobile phase comprised of methanol and 0.025 M potassium
dihydrogen phosphate buffer (75:25) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min, with efflu-
ent detection at 285 nm for cefdinir. The retention time was found to be
2.97 min for cefdinir. Linearity was obtained in the concentration range
of 20100 mg/mL for cefdinir. The methods are accurate, precise, and suit-
able for the analysis of the drug in pharmaceutical dosage form.
Sakamoto et al. [54] described a microbiological assay and HPLC method
for the determination of cefdinir in biological fluids. The drug was assayed
Cefdinir 101

by paper disk, cup, and agar-well method using Providencia stuartii ATCC
43665 and Providencia stuartii ATCC 43664 (a sensitive mutant of P.
stuartii ATCC 43665) and antibiotic medium Number 1 (Difco). P. stuartii
ATCC 43665 was used for assaying high concentrations of cefdinir
(>0.13 mg/mL) and P. stuartii ATCC 43664 for lower concentrations.
The lowest detectable concentration of cefinir in human plasma was
0.016 mg/mL for the cup-plate and agar-well method and 0.03 mg/mL
for the disc-plate method using P. stuartii ATCC 43664. Plasma and urine
levels of cefdinir in human after oral administration were detected by HPLC.
The detection limits in plasma and urine were 0.4 and 0.5 mg/mL,

6.5.2 High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometric

Chen et al. [55] developed a sensitive and selective liquid chromatography
tandem mass spectrometric method for the analysis of cefdinir in human
plasma. After a simple protein precipitation using trichloroacetic acid, the
posttreatment samples were applied to a prepacked RP-18 Waters Sym-
metryShield column interfaced with a triple quadrupole tandem mass spec-
trometer. Positive electrospray ionization was employed as the ionization
source. The mobile phase consisted of methanolwater-formic acid
(25:75:0.075). The analyte and the internal standard, cofaclor, were both
detected by the use of selected reaction monitoring mode. The method
was linear in the concentration range of 52000 ng/mL. The lower limit
of quantification was 5 ng/mL. The intra- and inter-day relative standard
deviation across three validation runs over the entire concentration range
was less than 4.3%. The accuracy determined at three concentrations (36,
360, and 1800 ng/mL for cefdinir) ranged from 99.6% to 106.7% in terms
of recovery. The chromatographic run time for each plasma sample was less
the 3 min. The method was applied for the evaluation of pharmacokinetic
profiles of Cefdinir capsule in 12 healthy volunteers.
Rao et al. [56] developed a robust and sensitive solid-phase extraction
followed by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization (LC-ESI) mass
spectrometric method for the determination of cefdinir and other antibiotics
in surface waters. The sample recoveries on Oasis HLB cartridge were found
to be >80%. Identification was carried out by LC-ESIMS/MS. The
positive ion ESI mass spectra containing the peaks of quasi molecular ions
[M + H]+ allowed the determination of the molecular masses whereas the
fragment ions obtained by MS/MS of [M + H]+ ions permitted the structural
102 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

assignments. Quantification was carried out by selective ion monitoring

using the quasi molecular ion [M + H]+ of the parent compounds. The
detection and quantification limits were found to be in the range of
0.68.1 and 224 mg/L, respectively. The surface of waters of different lakes
and tanks of Hyderabad, India, were found to contain a few antibiotics.

Cefdinir exhibits broad range in vitro activity against Gram-positive
and Gram-negative aerobes. It is stable to hydrolysis by many of the com-
mon b-lactamases. The pharmacokinetic parameters of the drug in children
are similar to those obtained in adults using similar mg/m2 doses (300,
600 mg in adults 7.14 mg/kg in children, respectively) [57].
The terminal elimination half-life t of cefdinir increases in patients with
chronic renal failure to 11 that of healthy controls. Hemodialysis effec-
tively removes cefdinir and t during hemodialysis decreases to one sixth
of that in tests without dialysis but is still longer than in healthy subjects.
100 Mg of the drug once a day is sufficient dose for hemodialysis
patient [58].
A cefdinir dosage of 25 mg/kg once daily would be ineffective for treat-
ment of acute otitis media caused by penicillin-nonsusceptible Streptococcus
pneumonia strain [59].
Cefdinir is administered orally to patients with chronic renal failure
undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis to investigate changes
in serum concentration, excretion rate into the dialysate and serum protein
binding of cefdinir. The serum concentration level of cefdinir was found to
be dose dependent in patients given the drug for 414 day. Cefdinir
inhibited 90100% of the clinical isolates such as S. aureus, S. epidermidis,
E. coli, and its antibacterial activity was stronger than that of amoxicillin
and cofactor against clinical isolates [60].
The relative bioavailability and bioequivalence of cefdinir dispersible
tablets were studied in healthy volunteers. The pharmacokinetic parameter
of the test and reference dispersible tablets was bioequivalent [61].
The pharmacokinetic interaction between cefdinir and captopril or
quinapril was studied in rats. Captopril and quinapril and/or their metabo-
lites have a major impact on the disposition of cefdinir in rats, probably by
competition at the plasma protein binding level and at the tubular anionic
carrier level. This mechanism also is relevant in humans [62].
Cefdinir 103

The pharmacokinetic and clinical effects of 5% and 10% fine granules of

cefdinir were studied in the pediatric field. The results showed that blood
concentration and urinary excretion of cefdinir in children was studied in
the fasting and the nonfasting state. Data showed that blood concentration
of the drug depended on the dose level. Clinical effects of cefdinir on various
infections were studied in a number of children who were treated with 5%
fine granules of cefdinir and in children with 10% fine granules of cefdinir.
Granules were administered at daily doses of 918 mg/kg in three divided
portions. Clinical efficacy rates in children of the 5% granules and in another
group of the 10% granule group from whom causative bacteria were isolated
were 94.9% and 96.2%, respectively. The appropriate dose levels of cefdinir
for pediatric infection ranged from 9 to 18 mg/kg a day, divided in three
portions [63].
The clinical efficacy and side effects of cefdinir was evaluated in children
treated with cefdinir. The dosage of the drug ranged from 8.1 to
15.9 mg/kg/day with treatment continued for 210 days. Twenty-eight
of children were evaluated for efficacy, 10 patients with tonsillitis, 3 with
scarlet fever, 4 with lower respiratory infections, 2 with otitis media, 2 with
cervical lymphadenitis, 3 with urinary tract infection, 4 with skin and soft
tissue infections and 2 with viral disease. Clinical responses were excellent
in 14 patients, good in 12, fair in 1, and poor in 1 with an efficacy rate of
92.9% [64].
Cefdinir was evaluated for its efficacy and safety is four male children of
age 913 years. The drug was given orally to three of them at a dose of
3 mg/kg. Peak plasma level of 0.71 mg/mL, 0.78 mg/mL, and 0.45 mg/mL
were attained in the three children respectively, at 4 h after dosing. Half-
lives of the drug in serum were 1.78, 1.48, and 2.23 h, respectively. The
12 h urine recovery rates were 17.4%, 28.1%, and 6.2%. When the drug
was given orally to the remaining child at a dose of 6 mg/kg, the peak plasma
level was attained at 4 h after dosing with level of 1.16 mg/mL. T was
1.78 h. The 12 h urinary recovery of rate of cefdinir was 15%. The drug
was given orally to 26 patients of different bacterial infections, the responses
were excellent in 15, good in 8, fair in 1, and poor in 2. The drug is useful for
the treatment of bacterial infections in pediatrics [65].
The pharmacokinetics, bacteriological, and clinical studies of cefdinir
10% fine granules were performed in pediatrics. Plasma concentration
and urinary excretions of the drug 5% and 10% fine granules were investi-
gated on three pediatric patients with ages 513 years administered with a
drug in fasting state at a dose level of 3 mg/kg using a cross over method.
104 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

Average plasma concentrations in a group of patients administered with 5%

fine granules peaked at 3 h after administration with level of
1.05  0.29 mg/mL and decreased to 0.12  0.05 mg/mL at 8 h with a
half-life of 1.48  0.09 h. The overall efficacy rate was 100%. Bacteriological
effects against organisms; S. aureus and S. agalactiae were eradicated and the
overall eradication rate was 90% [66].
The antibacterial activities of cefdinir against S. aureus, S. pyogenes,
S. pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae, Branhamella catterhalis, E. coli, and Kleb-
siella pneumoniae were studied in comparison with those of cefaclor,
cefixime, and amoxicillin. The results showed that the drug has high
antibacterial activities against these organisms. The activity of the drug
against Gram-positive bacteria was similar to those of amoxicillin and was
lower those of cefaclor and cefixime. Absorption and excretion blood con-
centration and urinary excretion rates of cefdinir 5% and 10% granules and
100 mg capsule were determined. The data of 10% granules of cefdinir were
similar to those of cefdinir 5% granules. Urinary recovery rates in the first 8 h
ranged from 6.85% to 39.2% with 3 mg/kg and 6.0825.5% with 6 mg/kg
of the drug [67].
Cefdinir was administered to eight children and concentration of the
drug in plasma and urine and the urinary recovery rates of the drug were
determined. The results obtained are: mean plasma peak levels of the drug
were observed at 2 h after administration in the before-meal group and
45 h after administration in the after-meal group, mean peak value of
0.88 and 0.5 mg/mL, respectively. Mean half-life were 1.61 h in the
before-meal group and 2.54 h in the after-meal group. Mean urinary peak
concentrations of the drug were observed during 24 h after dosing in the
before-meal group and 68 h in after-meal group with values of 93.3 and
44.8 mg/mL. Good clinical effects were obtained with an efficacy of
100% in nine patients with six diseases due to bacterial infection. Good bac-
teriological effects against two strains of S. pyogenes, two strains of E. coli, and
one strain of H. influenzae with an eradication rates of 100% [68].
The antibacterial activities and the oral absorption efficiencies were stud-
ied with regard to cefdinir and other 3-vinyl cephalosporins with various
seven acyl side chains. Cefdinir showed excellent antibacterial activity
and good oral absorption in rats. In vitro and in vivo antibacterial activities,
the affinity for PBPs and the stability of the b-lactamases revealed that
cefdinir had well-balanced antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive
and Gram-negative bacteria and good biological properties. The pharmaco-
kinetics of the drug in the healthy volunteers showed that serum
Cefdinir 105

concentration and half-life were good enough to make cefdinir an effective

drug. The mechanism of the intestinal absorption of the drug and related oral
cephems are discussed and a hypothesis for the molecular recognition by the
carrier protein in the intestine is proposed [69].
The clinical effectiveness and the pharmacokinetics of cefdinir were
examined in pediatric patients. Plasma concentration and urinary excretion
of the drug after administration of 5% fine granules were investigated in four
children at a dose level of 6 mg/kg. Average plasma concentrations peaked at
4 h after administration at 0.99 mg/mL with a half-life of 2.12 h. The first
24-h urinary recovery of the drug in three children averaged 22%. Clinical
effects were excellent in 16, good in 7, and overall efficacy rate of 100%. The
organisms were 12 strains of S. pyogenes, 4 of H. influenza, 5 of
H. parainfluenzae, 1 of E. coli, and 1 of Salmonella. The bacteriological effects
were rated as eradicated for 19 strains and unchanged for 4 with an erad-
ication rate of 82.6%. No side effects were observed. The drug is useful for
the treatment of bacterial infections of pediatrics [70].
Cefdinir is primarily eliminated by the kidney. The drug renal transport
mechanisms were studied in the erythrocyte-free isolated perfused rat kid-
ney. To study cefdinir renal transport mechanisms, inhibition studies were
conducted by copper-fusing cefdinir with inhibitors of the renal organic
anion (Probenecid), organic cation (tetraethylammonium), or dipeptide
(glycylsarcosine) transport system. The drug concentration in biological
samples was determined using RP-HPLC. Difference between treatments
and controls were evaluated using analysis of variance and Dunnetts test.
The excretion ratio for cefdinir was 5.94, a value indicating net renal tubular
secretion. Anionic cationic, and dipeptide transport inhibitors all signifi-
cantly affected cefdinir excretion ratio [71].
Comparison between the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamic proper-
ties of cefdinir and other antibiotics against common bacteria of community
acquired infections and evaluate the recommended regimens was per-
formed. The antibacterial activities of three agents against 238 clinical iso-
lates were determined by standard agar dilution test and the
pharmacokinetics of these antibiotics in male healthy volunteers were con-
ducted in Latin-square manner. The time over MIC of serum antibiotics
concentrations was calculated with pharmacokinetic equation and MIC.
The time over MIC of cefdinir after 100 mg oral administration meets with
the clinical requirement in most infections [72].
Cefdinir was evaluated for its efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics in
13 children. Plasma concentration peaked at 34 h of the administration
106 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

of 3 mg/kg of the drug with Cmax ranging from 0.57 to 0.89 mg/mL except
1 case in which the absorption of the drug was poor. Recovery rates in urine
averaged at 13.4% with a large individual variation. Ten children with
12 bacterial infections were treated with 9 mg/kg/day of cefdinir fine gran-
ules. Clinical responses were good in 10 patients and fair in 1 patient, with an
efficacy rate of 90.9% [73].
Cefdinir is safe and effective for treating skin infections caused by
S. aureus and S. pyogenes and many Gram-negative pathogens. The pharma-
cokinetic, dosing schedule, adverse event profile, and efficacy data for
cefdinir in adults and pediatrics populations in the treatment of the uncom-
plicated skin structure infections [74].
The administration of cefdinir to healthy subjects after high protein diet
and 1-phenylalanine load was studied to explore the induction of intestinal
peptide transporter. Six healthy subjects had normal protein and high pro-
tein diets and L-phenylalanine for 12 days in a randomized three-way cross-
over study. A single dose of cefdinir (100 mg) was given on the 13th day.
Serial plasma samples were collected and measured by HPLC. Urinary urea
nitrogen levels were increased by high protein. Plasma trough Phenylalanine
levels were increased. However, Cmax, Tmax, AUClast in the high protein
and Phenylalanine groups were not different for normal protein group.
Intestinal peptide transporter did not seem to be affected by the high protein
diet and phenylalanine load with the subjects, duration and doses
examined [75].

Payne and Amyes [76] purified fourteen plasmid-encoded extended-
spectrum b-lactamases from Escherichia coli transconjugates of original clinical
isolates. The Vmax Km and Vmax/Km were each determined for cefdinir and
other related antibiotics as substrates with eight of these enzymes and with
the narrow-spectrum b-lactamase TEM-I. The relative rates of hydrolysis of
cefdinir was also determined for the remaining six enzymes. Cefdinir had
Vmax/Km of relative rate of hydrolysis values either equal to or lower than
other related antibiotics for the enzymes tested. Cefdinir was more stable to
the 15 b-lactamases tested than cefixime.
Mimura et al. [77] estimated the grinding effect on the solid-state stability
of cefdinir by use of microcalorimetry. Ground samples of cefdinir were
prepared and microcalorimetry was performed to estimate the effect of
grinding on the solid-state stability of cefdinir. High-performed liquid chro-
matographic analysis was also performed to interpret the microcalorimetric
Cefdinir 107

data. The microcalorimetric study revealed that degradation of solid-state

cefdinir of various crystallinities follows zero-order kinetics below 50  C
but not at the accelerated storage temperature of 70  C. The degradation
mechanism was confirmed by HPLC. The degradation rate constants of
cefdinir were determined by both microcalorimetry at temperatures below
50  C and by HPLC analysis at 50  C. Kinetic parameters evaluated by
microcalorimetry revealed that the solid-state stability of cefdinir decreased
with decreasing crystallinity. The enthalpy change of cefdinir degradation
was 97 Kcal/mol, thereby making possible the prediction of stability of
cefdinir of various crystallinities. Microcalorimetry was confirmed to be very
useful for studying the effect of grinding on the solid-state stability of
Okamoto et al. [78] studied the hydrolytic degradation products of
cefdinir in acidic (pH 1), neutral (pH 6), and basic (pH 9) solutions. Seven
major degradation products were isolated by preparative and/or HPLC and
characterized by ultraviolet, infrared and proton-nuclear magnetic reso-
nance, and mass spectra. To clarify degradation pathways in each pH solu-
tion, kinetic and product analyses during hydrolysis of cefdinir were carried
out along with the follow-up reaction of representative degradation prod-
ucts. Cefdinir was shown to degrade via two major degradation routes;
b-lactam ring-opening and pH-dependent isomerizations (lactonization,
epimerization at C-6 or C-7, synanti isomerization of N-oxime function).
Okamoto et al. [79] reported that the hydrolysis of cefdinir leads to
pH-dependent isomerizations and b-lactam ring opening. Lactam ring
opened gamma lactones were produced as a mixture of four diastereoisomers
based on the lactone methyl, and C-6 isomzerizations in acidic to neutral
solutions. Cefdinir and its 7-epimer were hydrolyzed to clarify the pathway
leading to these lactones and the mechanism of C-6 epimerization with the
aid of chiral separation techniques. Chiral separation using a bovine serum
albumin column was employed to detect the b-lactam ring opened products
of cefdinir and its 7-epimer; the C-6 and C-7 isomerization was observed;
however, it was found to be pH-dependent at pH  9. Optical activity
detection applied to the lactones produced from cefdinir and its 7-epimer
demonstrated that the corresponding peaks of these lactones were enantio-
meric pairs. In addition, the smallest rate constant at pH 4 was observed for
C-6 epimerization of the lactone, and it was found to proceed without
deprotonation at C-6 by proton NMR spectrometry. From the results, a
plausible mechanism for C-6 epimerization has been proposed. It was con-
firmed that two degradation pathways were involved during the hydrolysis
of cefdinir to the lactone.
108 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Fahad A. Alasseiri

The authors wish to thank Mr. Tanvir A. Butt, secretary of the Department of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, for his secretarial
assistance in typing of this profile.

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Maria L.A.D. Lestari, Gunawan Indrayanto
Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya, Indonesia

1. General Information 113
1.1 Solubility 114
1.2 Chemical name 114
1.3 Synonym 114
1.4 CAS number 114
1.5 pKa and coefficient partition 114
1.6 Structural formula 114
1.7 Melting point 116
1.8 Molecular formula and molecular weight 116
2. Stability of Curcumin 116
2.1 Aqueous stability of curcumin 116
2.2 Thermal and photochemical stability of curcumin 117
3. Polymorphism 118
4. Spectroscopy 120
4.1 Ultraviolet/visible and fluorescence 120
4.2 Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy 122
4.3 Mass spectrometry 122
4.4 Nuclear magnetic resonance 131
5. Analysis of Nonbiological Sample 135
5.1 UV fluorometric analysis 135
5.2 Chromatography 138
6. Bioavailability, Metabolite Studies, and Bioanalysis 161
References 198

Curcumin is one of the main substances found in the rhizome of
Curcuma longa (L) and other Curcuma spp. Commercially curcumin contains
about 77% besides two other related compounds, that is, deme-
thoxycurcumin and bis-demethoxycurcumin. These compounds belong
to the group of diarylheptanoids. Together, these three compounds are

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 113
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
114 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

called curcuminoid. Curcumin itself appears as crystalline compound with a

bright orange-yellow color. Curcumin is commonly used as coloring agent
as well as food additive. WHO stated the acceptable daily intake of curcumin
as food additive in the range of 03 mg/kg. Its therapeutic usage has also
been investigated and it is known to have potential usage as anticancer [13].

1.1. Solubility
Curcumin is practically insoluble in water at acidic and neutral pH but sol-
uble in polar and nonpolar organic solvents as well as in alkali or in extremely
acidic solvents such as glacial acetic acid [46].

1.2. Chemical name

[1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione] [7].

1.3. Synonym
Diferuloylmethane [2]

1.4. CAS number

458-37-7 [8]

1.5. pKa and coefficient partition

Curcumin is reported to have three different pKa values. The first and sec-
ond values are from the two phenolic OH groups, and the third value is from
the enolic proton. In a few publications, only two pKa values are reported,
but these values are in the range of the three pKa values [914]. A summary
of the pKa values found for curcumin, as well as the determination method,
is found in Table 3.1.
The octanolwater partition coefficient of curcumin is 3.29 [15].

1.6. Structural formula

The chemical structure of curcumin, as well as demethoxycurcumin and bis-
demethoxycurcumin, are detailed in Figure 3.1. Curcumin exhibits keto-
enol tautomerism dependent on the solution acidity. In acidic and neutral
media the keto-form is dominant, while in alkaline media it exists in the enol
form. The enol form is stabilized by resonance-assisted hydrogen bonding
Curcumin 115

Table 3.1 pKa values of curcumin

Reported pKa
values Method Reference
pKa1 7.757.80 HPLC fluorescence [14]
pKa2 8.55 Solvents: KCl/HCl (pH 13); KH2PO4/NaOH
pKa3 9.05 (pH 69); NaHCO3/NaOH (pH 910). The ionic
strength was 0.100.15 M
pKa1 8.55 UV spectroscopy [11]
pKa2 10.41
pKa1 8.10 UV spectroscopy [13]
pKa2 10.15 Solvent: pH 6.7, 10.0, 13.0
pKa1 8.54 Potentiometric titration [10]
pKa2 9.30 Solvent: water:MeOH 1:1
pKa3 10.69
pKa1 8.38 HCl titration [9]
pKa2 9.88
pKa3 10.51
pKa 8.89.4 Calculation using Density Functional Theory (DFT) [12]
and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory







Figure 3.1 Chemical structure of (A) curcumin, (B) demethoxycurcumin, (C) bis-
116 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

1.7. Melting point

The melting point of curcumin is 183 oC [18].

1.8. Molecular formula and molecular weight

The molecular formula of curcumin is C21H20O6, and its molecular weight
is 368.38 Daltons [8].

2.1. Aqueous stability of curcumin
Aqueous media here refers to the acidic or alkaline and biological media.
The stability of curcumin is pH dependent, which is proven by change of
the color of curcumin solution in various pH values. At pH < 1, curcumin
solutions are red in color due to the presence of the protonated form. At
pH 17, curcumin solutions are yellow with the majority of the molecules
being in the neutral form. At pH values higher than 7.5, curcumin solutions
exhibit a color change to orange red. Furthermore, for the buffer system
being used, curcumin forms complexes with borate, citrate, and phthalate,
while being inert toward KCl, KH2PO4, and NaHCO3 [19].
Kinetic degradation of curcumin was investigated in various buffer sys-
tems at pH 111 at 31.5 oC and in fixed ionic systems. Results showed that
the degradation of curcumin followed second-order kinetics. In addition, at
pH 7.07.8, different concentrations of phosphate buffer did not show sig-
nificant change in the rate of the degradation process. In another study [20],
degradation of curcumin in 0.1 M buffer solutions of pH 310 (using citrate,
phosphate, and carbonate buffers) at 37 oC followed apparent first-order
reaction kinetics at constant ion strength.
In these studies, three degradation products were found: vanillin, ferulic
acid (FA), and feruloyl methane. Vanillin was found to be the major degra-
dation product and the amount increased as the incubation time was
extended. It should also be noted that at pH 710 and a temperature of
31.5 oC, the primary degradation products of curcumin were FA and
feruloylmethane [19].
In biological media such as 0.1 M phosphate buffer or serum-free
medium pH 7.2 (both at 37 oC), 90% of curcumin was rapidly degraded
within 3 h of incubation. The degradation products were found to be van-
illin, FA, and feruloylmethane. This fast degradation is slowed down when
the biological media contains fetal calf serum. Similar results were also found
Curcumin 117

with the use of bovine serum albumin to decrease the degradation of

In phosphate buffered saline at pH 7.4, addition of human serum albu-
min (4% w/v) was found to successfully slow down the degradation of
curcumin. In human blood, degradation of curcumin was slower, being
less than 20% within 1 h. Furthermore, addition of glutathione (1 mM),
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (50 mM) or ascorbic acid (25 mM) into 25 mM of
curcumin in phosphate buffer (at pH 7.4 and 6.5) was able to prevent the
degradation of curcumin. Addition of microsomal protein (0.03 mg pro-
tein/mL) and cytosolic fractions of rat liver (0.01 mg/mL) could also inhibit
the curcumin degradation [2023]. Chemical structures of curcumin degra-
dation products are shown in Figure 3.2.

2.2. Thermal and photochemical stability of curcumin

Tonnesen et al. [24] have reported an intensive study seeking the identifi-
cation of photodegradation products of curcumin as these were formed in
an isopropanol medium. Curcumin was dissolved in isopropanol and
exposed to light (wavelengths of 400510 nm) for 4 h. Degradation prod-
ucts were extracted through preparative TLC and determined using high-
resolution mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance. The
main identified degradation product had the chemical composition of
C12H18O6, with a mass spectrum exhibiting a molecular ion at m/e 366
(indicating that two hydrogen atoms were removed from its structure). This
main product is postulated as being the result of a cyclization process initi-
ated by light irradiation and can be detected after less than 15 min of irradi-
ation. In addition, six minor degradation products were also found and




Figure 3.2 Degradation products of curcumin: (A) vanillin, (B) ferulic acid, (C) feruloyl meth-
ane, (D) vanillic acid, (E) ferulic aldehyde, (F) 4-vinylguaiacol, (G) p-hydroxybenzaldehyde,
(H) p-hydroxybenzoic acid.
118 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

identified as vanillin, vanillic acid (VA), ferulic aldehyde, FA, and

4-vinylguaiacol. The sixth degradation product could not be identified with
available references, but had the empirical formula of C13H8O4.
In another study, exposing methanolic or ethanolic solutions of cur-
cumin for 120 h with sunlight resulted in degradation of curcumin. The
degradation products found were vanillin, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, ferulic
aldehyde, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, VA, and FA. It was also found that cur-
cumin in dried form was more stable against sunlight exposure than in solu-
tion [25]. Chemical structures of the degradation products are shown in
Figure 3.2.
The stability of curcumin against light was also tested in four different
organic solvents: methanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, and acetonitrile.
Wavelengths of the light exposure sources were 400750 nm and
240600 nm. In these tested solvents, photodegradation of curcumin
apparently followed first-order kinetics, in which the half-life of curcumin
in solution followed the order of stability of methanol > ethyl
acetate > chloroform > acetonitrile. The cyclization product of curcumin
was only detected in methanol and chloroform. However, when the solu-
tion of curcumin in each tested solvent was dried as a thin film, its half-life
followed second-order kinetics, with the stability series being
acetonitrile > chloroform > ethyl acetate > methanol. The use of brown
glass or the storage purposes was recommended, since this type of glass only
transmits light having wavelengths above 500 nm, for which curcumin has
no absorption [24].
Curcumin was found to be stable up to 70 oC when exposed for 10 min.
Above this temperature, curcumin starts to decompose, and at 100 oC, its
degradation increases as shown by the reduction of its absorbance value [26].
In addition, boiling curcumin for 10 or 20 min contributed to the loss of
curcumin to 27% and 32%, respectively. Processing turmeric containing
curcumin using a pressure cooker (10 min at 15 psi) resulted in a 53% loss
of curcumin [27].

Tonnesen et al. [28] reported the crystal structure of curcumin which
was obtained via a crystallization process from ethanol at
70 oC. Commercially available curcumin was reported to be characterized
by the monoclinic space group P2/n (Form-1). Similar findings were
Curcumin 119

reported later for curcumin obtained from recrystallization with iso-

propanol. In these reports, no polymorphism of curcumin was found [17].
However, in a recent report by Sanphui et al. [29], curcumin obtained
from other recrystallization processes was reported to have two other poly-
morphic forms, termed Form-2 and Form-3. Form-2 was obtained from
the crystallization of curcumin from dimethyl sulfoxide and also from a satu-
rated solution of curcumin in ethanol maintained for 2 days in refrigerator at
10 oC. Form-2 was reported to have higher dissolution rate than curcumin
Form-1, indicating that Form-2 is metastable with respect to Form-1.
Form-2 crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group, Pca21. Form-3
was obtained from a crystallization process with 4,6-dihydroxy-5-
nitropyrimidine. Form-3 crystallized in the Pbca orthorhombic space group.
In addition, the amorphous form of curcumin was also reported.
An additional polymorph of curcumin was reported by the slow evap-
oration crystallization of curcumin from methanol at room temperature.
This supposedly new polymorph crystal of curcumin was found to crystallize
in the Pca21 orthorhombic space group which is identical with the Form-2,
previously reported by Sanphui et al. [30].
Crystal data for curcumin and two other polymorphs are summarized in
Table 3.2, and the X-ray powder diffraction pattern of curcumin is shown in
Figure 3.3. Hydrogen bonding and molecular packing of three polymorphs
of curcumin are presented in previous publications [29].

Table 3.2 Crystal data of curcumin

Form 1 (commercially curcumin) Form 2
parameter [28] [17] [29] [29] [30] Form 3 [29]
Space P2/n P2/n P2/n Pca21 Pca21 Pbca
a (A) 20.028(3) 12.707(3) 12.5676(11) 35.417(3) 35.5368(8) 12.536(3)
b (A) 7.073(1) 7.2186(14) 7.0425(6) 7.7792(7) 7.7799(2) 7.9916(17)
c (A 12.609(2) 19.880(4) 19.9582(18) 12.6482(11) 12.6796(3) 34.462(7)
a 90 90 90 90 90 90
b 94.94(1) 95.348(4) 94.987(1) 90 90 90
g 90 90 90 90 90 90
120 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 3.3 X-ray powder diffraction pattern of commercially curcumin obtained from
Curcuma longa (turmeric) containing at least 70% of curcumin (Sigma-Aldrich Chemie
GmbH, Germany). Scanning was done from 0.06o to 40o, 2y at a step size of 0.04o and
step time of 0.5 s.

4.1. Ultraviolet/visible and fluorescence
In acetone-bicarbonate buffer (pH 11), curcumin showed an absorption max-
imum at 520 nm [31]. The absorption band is found to exhibit an asymmetric
shape in these nonpolar solvents: chloroform, acetic acid, benzene, toluene,
and carbon tetrachloride. This asymmetric shape indicates a difference in
the solutesolvent interactions relative to those existing in polar solvents
(methanol, acetone, normal amyl methyl ketone, ethanol, tetrahydrofuran,
acetyl acetone, and acetic acid). Beers law was obeyed for curcumin over
the concentration range of 0.112 ppm or 0.115 ppm. Various maximum
wavelengths were observed in different solvent systems, ranging from
408 nm (in carbon tetrachloride) to 430 nm (DMSO). On the average, the
maximum wavelength was found at 418 nm. The absorption maximum of
curcumin in methanol and ethanol was around 420 nm, and the solution
exhibited a bright yellow color owing to its pp* excitation; the np*
transition was observed at 426 nm in methanol [32,33].
Curcumin 121

In more recent investigations, it was found that changing solvent system

only slightly affected the absorption spectrum of curcumin. This was
observed for the curcumin spectrum in toluene, acetonitrile, and ethanol,
which showed that only a small red shift occurred when the solvent system
was changed. Changing the solvent from n-hexane to methanol only
resulted in a small red shift (approximately 020 nm). In toluene, as well
as in Triton X-100 micelles, the absorption spectrum of curcumin contained
some structure. In more polar solvents such as ethanol and acetonitrile, as
well as in SDS and DMF, the absorption spectrum of curcumin contains
a broad featureless band [34].
On the addition of cyclodextrin, the absorption maximum of curcumin
in water (420 nm) was red-shifted to 430 nm; absorption of curcumin
cyclodextrin (10 mM) complex at 430 nm was doubled [13].
Kanhathaisong [35] reported that Cu(II) could decrease the UV absorbance
of curcumin in water at 427 nm; with the addition of Cu(II), a new band at
361 nm of Cu(II)curcumin complex was observed.
While the influence of solvents, water, and pH were minor in UV
absorption, the effects have a more pronounced effect on the fluorescence
properties. Jasim et al. [36] reported the analysis of curcumin in spice and
flavors using a fluorometric method. Acetone was used as a solvent, with
an excitation wavelength of 424 nm and an emission wavelength of
504 nm. Linearity in fluorescence response was observed up to 0.5 ppm
and self-quenching was observed at higher concentrations. Study for the
effect of oxygen as well as temperature influence showed that dissolved oxy-
gen and temperature had no effects on the values of lE and lF (excitation and
emission) of curcumin in acetone, but water (more than 0.1%) had a
quenching effect. The LOD value obtained was 0.34 ppb with percent
recovery of 98.96100%. In addition, measurements can be conducted at
room temperature (2025 oC) and the fluorescence could last for more than
1 month.
In contrast with UV methods, changing solvent polarity from toluene to
alcohol and also SDS micelle resulted in a large spectral shift in fluorescence
maximum of curcumin. In the case of protic solvents (such as ethanol), large
red shifting indicates that the ketone groups of curcumin molecules are
involved in the excited singlet state and that the singlet state must be very
polar. In addition, in line with the previous finding, oxygen has a slight effect
in the formation of singlet oxygen which correlates to the quenching
effect [34].
122 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

Besides solvent and water, pH also influences the fluorescence of cur-

cumin. At pH < 1 and at pH 8.3, the florescence intensity decreases and this
might be due to one or both of these factors: degradation process, consid-
ering that curcumin degrades in alkaline media, and changing properties of
first-excited singlet state. Detailed investigation of the absorption and fluo-
rescence spectra of curcumin and its derivatives in hexane and methanol
have also been done, as summarized in Table 3.3 [4].

4.2. Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy

The few reports available for the IR analysis or the Raman spectroscopy of
curcumin are summarized in Table 3.4. In general, IR spectra were mea-
sured in KBR pellets [37,38] or in Nujol mulls [37]. Kolev et al. [39]
reported the IR measurement of curcumin spectra in solid state as KBr,
CSI, and polyethylene pellets, and also in tetrachloromethane, chloroform,
chloroform-D, and acetonitrile solutions.
Sanphui et al. [29] reported the IR spectra of two polymorphs as well as
the amorphous form of curcumin. The IR spectra of the polymorphs and the
amorphous form showed broadening in the 3400 cm1 OdH functional
group region. Raman spectrophotometry was also conducted for these
polymorphs. Summary of the IR and Raman spectra for the polymorphs
of curcumin is described in Table 3.5. For the Raman spectrophotometric,
the excitation wavelength applied was at 647.10 nm with 50 mW laser
power [39] while in more recent report, excitation wavelength was at
1064 nm with 100 mW laser power [40].

4.3. Mass spectrometry

MS can be used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of curcumin and
its related compounds (demethoxycurcumin and bis-demethoxy curcumin)
for both of nonbiological and biological samples. Table 3.6 describes impor-
tant MS-fragments of the compounds from nonbiological samples using var-
ious MS methods. The applications of LCMS for quantitative purpose of
curcumin and its related compounds in biological samples are described in
Table 3.12. MALDI-TOF mass spectra of curcumin complexes with Al(III)
were reported by Jiang [73].
Kim and Jang [74] identified curcumin (m/z MH: 369.14),
demethoxycurcumin (m/z MH: 339.12) and bis-demethoxy curcumin
Table 3.3 Absorption and fluorescence spectra of curcumin and its derivative
In hexane In methanol
Substitution of
curcumin Chemical name lmaxa  104b lmaxc lmaxa  104b lmaxc
Curcumin ([1,7-bis(4- 409 4.7 444,469,500d 428 4.8 546
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6 heptadiene-
Mono-O- [1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-7-(3,4- 409 4.1 444,469,500d 417 3.7 532
methylated dimethoxyphenyl)-1,6 heptadiene-3,5-dione]
Di-O-methylated [1,7-bis(3,4-dimethoxyyphenyl)-1,6 413 4.0 448,472,504d 420 4.6 538
Tri (mono-4-C and [1,7-bis(3,4-dimethoxyyphenyl)-4-methyl- 358 1.4 452,500d 362 0.9 469.503
di-O) methylated heptadiene-3,5-dione]
Di-O-benzylated [1,7-bis(4-benzyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6 346 2.4 367,385,405d 349 2.5 433,464,510d
Tri-(mono-4-C and [1,7-bis(4-benzyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-4- 350 1.8 470,505 350 1.6 466,500d
di-O) methylated benzyl-1,6 heptadiene-3,5-dione]
Di-O-acetylated [1,7-bis(4-acetoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6 395 5.0 433,458 399 5.0 470,500d
Di-O-benzoylated [1,7-bis(4-benzyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-4- 400 4.7 437,459,500d 400 4.9 470,500d
1,6 heptadiene-3,5-dione]
Tri-(mono-4-C and [1,7-bis(4-benzyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-4- 366 3.3 461, 500d 367 3.3 467,500
di-O)-benzoylated benzoyl-1,6 heptadiene-3,5-dione]
In nm (absorption spectra).
M1, cm1.
In nm (fluorescence spectra).
Modified from Ref. [4].
124 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

Table 3.4 Important IR and Raman peaks of curcumin

Extraction and
FTIR (wave Raman (wave Functional isolation method of
number cm1) number cm1) group curcumin sample Reference
3427 v (OH) Extraction of [37]
curcuminoid: with
hexane, followed by
defatting process
using benzene
Isolation: column
with benzene as
29503000 v (a,b-
aryl CdH
1287 v (CO)
1207 v (CO)
3523 OH Extraction of [38]
EtOH, followed by
precipitation with
petroleum ether
fractionated column
with CHCl3
followed by
1624 Conjugated
1609 (a,b-
C]O str)
1510 Aromatic ring
1268, 1050 ]CdOdCH3
1140 CdOH
3508 v (OH) n/a [39,40]
3293 v (OH)
Curcumin 125

Table 3.4 Important IR and Raman peaks of curcumincont'd

Extraction and
FTIR (wave Raman (wave Functional isolation method of
number cm1) number cm1) group curcumin sample Reference
1626 1626 v (C]C);
1601 1601 v (C]Cring)
1508 v(C]O)
1430 sPhenol CdO
1320 sCdCH
1272 sEnol CdO
1249 sEnol CdC
1184 sCH3, sCdC
1152 sCdCH
1150 sCdCH
1023 sCdOdC
963 sC]O,
959 sBenzoate
811 gCdCH
713 sCH (aromatic)
572 gCdCH
3510.9 OdH n/a [29]
1627.5 C]O
1602.6 Aromatic C]C
1429.0 Phenol CdO
1281.2 Enol CdO
1626.2 C]O
1600.4 Aromatic C]C
1430.2 Phenol C]O
1249.3 Enol CdO
Table 3.5 IR and Raman peaks of curcumin polymorphs
FTIR (wave Raman (wave
number cm1) number cm1) Functional group Polymorph
3510.9 OdH Form 1
1627.5 C]O
1602.6 Aromatic C]C
1429.0 Phenol CdO
1281.2 Enol CdO
3401.2 (broad) OdH Form 2
3254.1 OdH
1651.6 C]O
1626.7 C]O
1601.4 Aromatic C]C
1588.1 Aromatic C]C
1427.3 Phenol CdO
1282.6 Enol CdO
1263.5 Enol CdO
3440.9 (broad) OdH Form 3
1626.8 C]O
1587.3 Aromatic C]C
1416.7 Phenol CdO
1262.1 Enol CdO
3440.6 (broad) OdH Amorphous
1629.9 C]O
1588.4 Aromatic C]C
1428.5 Phenol CdO
1280.7 Enol CdO
1262.8 Enol CdO
1626.2 C]O Form 1
1600.4 Aromatic C]C
1430.2 Phenol CdO
1249.3 Enol CdO
1638.9 C]O Form 2
1602.3 Aromatic C]C
1591.1 Aromatic C]C
1415.6 Phenol CdO
1233.1 Enol CdO
1637.9 C]O Form 3
1591.4 Aromatic C]C
1415.2 Phenol CdO
1234.4 Enol CdO
1630.5 C]O Amorphous
1599.3 Aromatic C]C
1428.8 Phenol CdO
1243.2 Enol CdO
Modified after Ref. [29].
Table 3.6 MS data of curcuminoid analysis of nonbiological sample
Curcumin Demethoxycurcumin Bis-demethoxycurcumin
Elementary Elementary
MS detection Elementary composition composition
method composition of ions m/z of ions m/z of ions m/z Sample Ref.

LCESIMS [MH] 369 [MH] 339 [MH] 309 Fresh turmeric extract [41]
[MNa] 391 [MNa] 361 [MNa] 331

[2MNa] 759 [2MNa] 699 [2MNa] 639
LCESIMS n/a 367 337 307 Tablet, tea, candy [42]
LCESI [MH] 367 [MH] 337 [MH] 307 Pure curcuminoids, [43]
MS/MS turmeric fresh rhizome
HPLCESI Positive ion mode n/a n/a Pure and extract of [44]
MS turmeric rhizome
[MNa] 391.3

[MH] 369.2
[MHC7H7O2] 245.1
Negative ion mode
[MH] 367.1
[MHC9H10O2] 217.0
LCESIMS [MH] 367.1 [MH] 337.1 [MH] 307.1 Foodstuff (fish) [45]
Table 3.6 MS data of curcuminoid analysis of nonbiological samplecont'd
Curcumin Demethoxycurcumin Bis-demethoxycurcumin
Elementary Elementary
MS detection Elementary composition composition
method composition of ions m/z of ions m/z of ions m/z Sample Ref.
HPLCESI [MH] 367 [MH] 337 [MH] 307 Herbal medicine [46]
EIMS MH 369 M1H 339 M2H 309 Crude curcumin sample [47]

[MC3H2O2] 298 [M1C3H2O2] 268

[MC9H9O2] 191 [MC11H11O3] 177 [M1C11H9O3] 147
[M1C8H7O] [M1C10H9O2] [M2C10H9O2]
[MC11H11O3] 177 [M1C11H9O3] 147 n/a 145

[M1C10H9O2] [M2C10H9O2]
[M1C13H11O4] 107
[MC12H11O4] 149 [M1C13H11O4] 107 [M2C12H9O3]
[M1C11H9O3] [M2C12H9O3]
[MC13H11O4] 137

MS/MS of MH 369 M1H 339 M2H 309
[MC11H11O3] 177 [MC11H11O3] 177 [M1C11H9O3] 147

[M1C10H9O2] [M1C10H9O2] [M2C10H9O2]
n/a 145 [M1C11H9O3] 147
n/a 145
HPLC- Positive ion mode [44]
[MNa] 391.3

[MH] 369.2
[MHC7H7O2] 245.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Negative ion mode
[MH] 367.1
[MHC9H10O2] 217.0
UPLCESI Positive ion mode Positive ion mode Positive ion mode Dry ground rhizome, [48]
MS dietary supplement (solid
[MH] 369.1 [MH] 339.1 [MH] 309.1
dosage form)
Negative ion mode 367.1 Negative ion mode Negative ion mode
[MH] [MH] 337.1 [MH] 307.1
Table 3.6 MS data of curcuminoid analysis of nonbiological samplecont'd
MS detection method Elementary composition of ions m/z Sample Reference
PD-MS MH a 369 Crude curcumin sample [47]
M1H b 339
M2H c 309
[MC3H2O2] 298

[M1C3H2O2] 268
[MC9H9O2] 219

[MC10H9O3] 191

[MC11H11O3] 177

[MC12H11O4] 149

[M1C11H11O3] 147
[M  C13H11O4] 137

[M1  C12H9O3]
[M1C13H11O4] 107

Curcumin 131

(m/z MH: 309.11) using direct analysis in real time MS. Hiserodt
et al. [75] optimized two different types of MS, the particle beam EI-mass
spectra and thermospray mass spectra. The thermospray LCMS provided
information for molecular weight but with limited fragmentation, while
particle beam interface was used to obtain EI-mass spectra of nonvolatile
In another study, the fragmentation behavior of curcumin and two other
compounds was observed using ion trap LCMS/MS and confirmed with
sustained off-resonance irradiation fragmentation (Fourier Transform Ion
Cyclotron Resonance (FTICR) SORI-MS/MS) [43].

4.4. Nuclear magnetic resonance

Roughley et al. [76] reported the NMR analysis of curcumin obtained using
benzene from the extraction of the Curcuma longa dried rhizome. cis-Isomers
were not detected and NMR spectra indicated that the diketones were in
the enolic form. Enolic protons were observed in the [2H6] solutions at
90 oC but not in the room temperature solutions.
Payton et al. [77] described that curcumin existed mostly in mixtures of
the keto-enol tautomers in variety of solvents (chloroform, mixture of
DMSO and water, buffered aqueous DMSO solutions pH 39). HMBC
spectra of curcumin (70 mM in DMSO-d6) showed a very low concentra-
tion (less than 1%) of diketone tautomers; but no C-1 methylene (charac-
teristic of diketone tautomers) was observed in DEPT 135 spectrum.
Results of the NMR assay are detailed in Table 3.7.
Goren et al. [79] published the use of NMR for the quantitative analysis
of curcumin using DMSO-d6 as the solvent and 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene
as the internal standard. Measurement was done with a 600 MHz spec-
trometer, averaging 64 scans. Quantitative analysis was done based on
the peak height calculation. Three reference peaks were observed: 7.29
(d, 2H, J 1.8 Hz, H6 and H06), 6.03 (s, 1H, H-1), and 3.81 (OCH3,
6H) in the 1H NMR spectrum of curcumin in DMSO-d6. All the proton
peaks were well separated at 600 MHz. At 9.62 ppm, a sharp single peak
was observed, indicated as the hydroxyl groups of curcumin. However,
this peak was not taken into account due to its dependent intensity and
chemical shift against sample concentration. The LOD and LOQ were
0.002 and 0.02 mg/mL, respectively, with a recovery of 99101%.
Table 3.7 NMR assignment of curcumin
NMR Coupling
assay Chemical shift (ppm) Multiplicity Assignment constant (Hz) Solvent Reference
1H 2.42 d 2H; 4,40 -H2 J 16 Deuterio- [76]
2.70 d 2H; 6,60 -H2 J2
2.84 dd 2H; 10,10 -H2 J 2, J 8
3.14 d 2H; 9,9 -H2 J8
6.09 s 6H; 2  OMe
6.05 s 1H, C1-H DMSO-d6 [78]
6.74 d 2H, 2  C3-H J 16
6.81 d 2H, 2  C9-H J8
7.15 dd 2  C10-H J1 8; J2 2
7.31 s(breit) 2H, C6-H
7.54 d 2H, C4-H J 16
6.61 d 2H, 2  C3-H J 16
6.89 d 2H, 2  C9-H J8
7.16 d 2H, 2  C10-H J8
7.20 s(breit) 2H, C6-H
7.62 d 2H, C4-H J 16
3.89 s 6H, 2 dOCH3 Hexadeutero- [37]
5.88 s 1H, dC(OH)]CHd,
enol form
6.53 d 2H; 2,6-H J 16
0 00
6.87 d 2H; 5 ,5 -H, aromatic
7.04 dd 2H; 60 ,600 -H J 2, J 8
7.07 dd 2H; 60 ,600 -H J 2, J 8
0 00
7.10 d 2H; 2 ,2 -H aromatic J2
7.54 d 2H; 1,7-H J 16
9.25 2H, Ar-OH
9.69 s 3,17-OH Hexadeutero- [38]
7.54 d 7,13-H J78 J1213 16
7.32 d 1,15-H J15 J1519 2
7.15 dd 5,19-H J45 J1819 8
6.82 s 4,18-H J45 J1819 8
6.76 d 8,12-H J78 J1213 16
6.06 s 10-H, enol form
3.83 s 2,16-OCH3
Table 3.7 NMR assignment of curcumincont'd
NMR Coupling
assay Chemical shift (ppm) Multiplicity Assignment constant (Hz) Solvent Reference
13C 55.7 OCH3 DMSO-d6 [78]
101.2 C1
111.5 C6
115.9 C9
121.2 C3
123.1 C10
126.5 C5
140.8 C4
148.1 C7
149.4 C8
183.2 C2
183.7, 149.8, 148.5, 141.2, Hexadeutero- [38]
126.8, 123.6, DMSO
121.6, 116.2, 111.8, 101.3, 56.2
Curcumin 135


5.1. UV fluorometric analysis
UV spectrophotometric methods for determination of curcumin are sum-
marized in Table 3.8. A derivative method was applied for the analysis of
curcumin found in a quaternary mixture with three other colorants. The first
derivative ratio spectra gave better recoveries (close to 100%) compared to
the first derivative spectrophotometry [80,81]. One important point when
applying UV spectrophotometric method for curcumin analysis is the inter-
ference of other compounds in curcuminoid, that is, demethoxycurcumin
and bis-demethoxycurcumin. In the mixture of EtOHwater (85:15) as
solvent, maximum absorbance of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and
bis-demethoxycurcumin were 429, 424, and 419 nm, respectively [85].
Therefore, the use of pure curcumin standard should be considered.
Jasim et al. [36] reported a spectrofluorometric method for the determi-
nation of curcumin in spice and flavor samples. Pure acetone was used as the
solvent since this solvent gave lowest detection limit and longest duration for
the measurement. lexcitation and lemission were 424 and 504 nm, respectively.
The limit of detection was 0.34 ppb, with a percent recovery of
98.96100%. Solutions of curcumin were stable for up to 1 month with stor-
age temperatures of 530oC. However, it should also be noted that above
concentrations of 0.5 ppm, self-quenching occurred.
Diaz et al. [86] reported the spectrofluorometric determination of
curcumin in yogurt and mustard using four different methods of spectroflu-
orometry: normal, synchronous, synchronous first derivative, and synchro-
nous second derivative. The influence of pH was also investigated, for which
at pH < 8, yellow fluorescence appeared. In basic media, the red solution
was not fluorescent. To determine the appropriate solvent to be used, rela-
tive fluorescence intensity values were applied. Four organic solvents, which
gave large values, were 1,4-dioxane, acetone, ethyl acetate, and acetonitrile
(the highest one). Anhydrous acetonitrile was then used as the solvent in this
method. The LOD found for direct and synchronous methods was the same
(0.08 ng/mL), while the LOD values of synchronous first derivative and sec-
ond derivative were 0.16 and 0.11 ng/mL, respectively. Sensitivity values
for each technique were almost similar to each other. Percent recoveries
were 105.19  2.09% and 94.24  1.24% for yogurt and mustard samples,
respectively. The percent recovery for each spectrofluorometric technique
was not reported.
136 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

Table 3.8 UV spectrophotometric method for quantitative analysis of curcumin

Preparation observation, LOD, LOQ,
Sample method % recovery Reference
Colorant in Curcumin is First derivative [80]
synthetic mixture buffered at spectrophotometry,
pH 4.8 with Dl 4 nm:
acetic acid then LOD:
extracted with 393.5 nm: 0.291 mg/L
mixture of acetic 411 nm: 0.510 mg/L
acid/sodium 432 nm: 0.451 mg/L
acetate solution LOQ: n/a
(ionic strength Rec:
0.1), 25% EtOH 393.5 nm:
in water (20 mL) 63.31110.32
and 20 mL 411 nm: 82.9795.95
methyl-isobutyl 432 nm: 88.48102.68
ketone (MIBK) First derivative ratio
spectra, Dl 15 nm:
388 nm: 0.126 mg/L
411 nm: 0.030 mg/L
456 nm: 0.029 mg/L
LOQ: n/a
388 nm: 88.72101.27
411 nm: 94.60104.14
456 nm: 91.46105.48
Colorant in Curcumin is First derivative [81]
synthetic mixture buffered at spectrophotometry,
pH 4.8 with Dl 8 nm:
acetic acid then LOD: n/a
extracted with LOQ: n/a
mixture of acetic Rec:
acid/sodium 404 nm: 8598.6
acetate solution 430 nm: 94.6120
(ionic strength
0.1), 25% EtOH
in water (20 mL)
and 20 mL MIBK
Colorant in Curcumin is First derivative ratio [81]
synthetic mixture buffered at spectra, Dl 16 nm
pH 4.8 with LOD: n/a
acetic acid then
Curcumin 137

Table 3.8 UV spectrophotometric method for quantitative analysis of curcumin

Preparation observation, LOD, LOQ,
Sample method % recovery Reference
extracted with LOQ: n/a
mixture of acetic Rec: 412 nm: 95105.7
acetate solution
(ionic strength
0.1), 25% EtOH
in water (20 mL)
and 20 mL MIBK
Curry and mustard Sample was dried LOD: 0.136 mg/mL [13]
at 100 oC for LOQ: 0.45 mg/mL
24 h, powdered, Rec: 97.28101.81
and extracted l: 431 nm
with ACN
Curcumin in the Mixture of LOD: 0.076 mg/mL [13]
presence of curcumin in LOQ: 0.25 mg/mL
b-cyclodextrin ACN and Rec: n/a
(7.5  103 mol/L) b-cyclodextrin l: 431 nm
was diluted to
volume with
Total curcuminoid Sample extracted LOD: n/a [82]
content in the dried with THF and LOQ: n/a
powder of rhizome the supernatant Rec: n/a
was then diluted l: 420 nm
with MeOH
Rhizome of Sample was LOD: 0.039 mg/mL [83]
C. longa in mixture extracted 3  LOQ: 0.13 mg/mL
with stem bark of with MeOH and Rec: 97.17%
B. aristata added to volume l: 382 nm
with MeOH
Tablet and bulk Standard and LOD: 0.05 mg/mL [84]
drug sample dissolved LOQ: 0.1724 mg/mL
and added to Rec: 99.1101.4
volume with
138 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

5.2. Chromatography
The use of TLC for qualitative analysis of curcumin is described in the Euro-
pean Pharmacopoeia [87]. In this method, fluorescein and thymol are dis-
solved in methanol and used as the reference solution. The test solution is
also dissolved in methanol. The mobile phase is a mixture of glacial acetic
acid and toluene (80:20 v/v). The dry TLC plate is sprayed with 0.4 g/L
dichloroquinonechlorimide in 2-propanol. The plate is then exposed to
ammonia vapor until the bluish-violet zone (for thymol) and yellow zone
in the lower part (for fluorescein) is observed. Two yellowish brown to
brown zones between the thymol and fluorescein zone indicate the presence
of curcumin and demethoxycurcumin.
For quantitative analysis, both TLC and HPTLC methods have been
reported. In the TLC method reported by Pothitirat et al. [82], the peaks
of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and demethoxycurcumin were not well
separated, although those three peaks can be distinguished from each other
based on their retardation factor (Rf). In the HPTLC method, it was found
that use of the LiChrosphere HPTLC plate successfully resolved the prob-
lem of broadness in the spot. The curcumin peak was also well separated, as
shown by its relatively high Rf apart from the peak of demethoxycurcumin
and bis-demethoxycurcumin. However, peaks of demethoxycurcumin
and bis-demethoxycurcumin were not completely separated [88]. Good
separation for the peaks of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bis-
demethoxycurcumin was observed when the silica gel plate was used with
a mobile phase consisting of chloroform and methanol. In this method,
each peak was completely separated from each other [8991]. Similar results
were also obtained, where the combination of chloroform:MeOH 19:1
(v/v) gave the best result in the separation of curcuminoid compounds [92].
A summary of the TLC as well as HPTLC methods is provided in Table 3.9.

5.2.2 HPLC
An initial HPLC method for the determination of curcumin using HPLC
was reported by Asakawa et al. [93]. A Nucleosil C18 column was used with
a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile, methanol, and water. However,
this method did not successfully separate curcumin from two other com-
pounds in curcuminoid, and a long running time of 40 min was needed.
Later on, Tonnesen et al. [7] reported a HPLC method which was able to
separate three different components of curcuminoid. Two different
Table 3.9 HPTLC analysis of curcumin
Compound Sample Solvent Chromatographic condition % recovery Reference
Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, Rhizome of MeOH Stationary phase: Precoated silica gel LOD: n/a [82]
bis-demethoxycurcumin C. longa aluminum plate 60F254 LOQ: n/a
Mobile phase: CHCl3:benzene: Rec: n/a
MeOH 80:15:5
l 420 nm
Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, Rhizome of MeOH Stationary phase: LOD: [88]
bis-demethoxycurcumin C. longa LiChrosphere 60F254 C: 40 ng
CHCl3:MeOH 98:2 DC: 40 ng
Temperature: 25  1 oC BDC: 20 ng
RH: 3540% LOQ:
l366 nm C: 100 ng
DC: 100 ng
BDC: 100 ng
C: 99.79
DC: 96.97
BDC: 99.48
Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, Rhizome of MeOH Stationary phase: LOD: n/a [90]
bis-demethoxycurcumin C. longa HPTLC silica gel 60F254 LOQ: n/a
CHCl3:MeOH 48:2 Rec:
Temperature: 25  5 oC C: 97.3
RH: 50% DC: 92.9
l 425 nm BDC: 95.4
Table 3.9 HPTLC analysis of curcumincont'd
Compound Sample Solvent Chromatographic condition % recovery Reference
Curcumin Rhizome of MeOH Stationary phase: LOD: [89]
C. longa Precoated silica gel aluminum 50 ng/spot
plate 60F254 LOQ:
Toluene:CHCl3:MeOH 5:4:1 200 ng/spot
Temperature: 25  2 oC Rec:
RH: 60  5% 98.55100.71
l 430 nm
Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, Gel MeOH Stationary phase: LOD: [91]
bis-demethoxycurcumin Precoated silica gel 60F254 C:
CHCl3:MeOH:glacial acetic 100 ng/spot
acid 7.5:2.0:0.5 DC:
Temperature: n/a 45.0 ng/spot
RH: n/a BDC:
l 430 nm 52.0 ng/spot
250 ng/spot
170 ng/spot
80 ng/spot
C: 100.8
DC: 99.23
BDC: 100.12
Curcumin 141

detectors were used based on UVVis and on fluorescence. The fluores-

cence detector showed sensitivity that was 10-fold higher than the UVVis
detector in detecting three components of curcuminoid (curcumin,
demethoxycurcumin, and bis-demethoxycurcumin). Following this result,
Tonnesen et al. [24] also evaluated the use of different types of stationary
phase on the analysis of curcumin. Five different eluents (combination of
EtOHwater, MeOHwater, and butanol) as well as eight stationary phases
were evaluated. It was found that the 1,3-diketone group in curcuminoids
was adsorbed strongly to the silicic acid column, and hence the analysis was
not reproducible.
In contrast, the use of amino-bonded stationary phases with spherical
particles resulted in good separation of curcumin with other compounds
as well as reproducible analysis of curcumin. Poor separation was shown
when only pure organic solvent was used as the mobile phase system. Fur-
thermore, the amount of water in the system affected the separation of cur-
cumin and the activity of the stationary phase system. At 10% water content
in the mobile phase, loss of curcumin separation was observed, while at 40%
water content, separation of curcumin was completely retarded and irrevers-
ible deactivation of amino column was observed. In addition, a study
conducted by Taylor et al. [94] showed that the separation of curcumin
on the C18 column was pH independent. Addition of 1% citric acid adjusted
to pH 2.84.4 was not successfully separating the three compounds of
In another study, addition of 2% acetic acid into the mobile phase system
was successful in separating curcumin and two other compounds on a C18
column [95]. Additionally, the use of trifluoroacetic acid as an ionization
suppressant in the mobile phase was found to give good separation and
reproducibility of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bis-
demethoxycurcumin. This might be due to the highly electronegative fluo-
rine atoms, which caused partial deactivation of the C18 as stationary
phase [96].
In general, UV and fluorescence detectors are the common detectors
being used for the determination of curcumin and other compounds. How-
ever, applications for other detectors were also reported. Smith et al. [97]
compared the use of a UV detector with an electrochemical detector in
order to improve separation of curcumin with other constituents and
shorten the analysis time. Washing powdered samples with light petroleum
prior to extraction with method reduced the elution time. In addition, phos-
phate buffer at pH 4.4 also worked to suppress ionization as well as being a
142 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

supporting electrolyte for the electrochemical detector. In the optimization

of the eluent, acetonitrile gave better resolution of three peaks contained
in curcuminoid, while methanol could not resolve these peaks. THF was
also a suitable candidate, but was incompatible with the electrochemical
detector. Different eluents also changed the elution order due to the met-
hoxy substitution which might alter intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
Results of this method comparison showed no significant difference
between the use of a UV detector and the use of an electrochemical detector.
However, it should also be noted that higher concentrations applied
(higher than 41.92 mg/L) will inactivate the surface of the electrode in
the electrochemical detector due to the reaction products and result in an
irreproducible response.
The use of a mass spectral detector was also reported in a few publications
for the purpose of fragmentation and identification of curcuminoid
compounds as well as impurities [41,43,44,55,75,98]. In addition,
application of MS was also used for the detection of very small amounts
or traces of curcuminoid (curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bis-
demethoxycurcumin) [42].
With respect to the liquid chromatography method, newer methods
for curcumin determination using ultra-high performance liquid chroma-
tography with UVMS detection were reported [48]. The advantage of
using this method is a faster analysis time, as well as better resolution
compared with conventional HPLC method. In this method, complete
separation of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bis-demethoxycurcumin
was achieved within 6 min of running time. Summary of the HPLC
method for analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samples is detailed in
Table 3.10.

5.2.3 Capillary electrophoresis

The use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) method for analysis of curcumin
has been reported in a few publications using either diode array detector
(DAD) or amperometric detector. In addition, micellar electrokinetic chro-
matography (MEKC) and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography
(MEEKC) method were also reported for separation and detection of
curcuminoid compound. Sun et al. [107] applied amperometric detection
to quantify curcumin in turmeric herbals. Extraction processing was done
with solid phase extraction (SPE), where tributyl phosphate resin was the
adsorbent. For the extraction process, a maximum 0.3 mL volume of eluate
was found to give good recovery (>85%). No correlation was found
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological sample
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Plant of Curcuma longa Standard and sample Column: Nucleosil NH2 LOD: [7]
demethoxycurcumin, L, Curcuma zedoaria, dissolved in MeOH (Chrompack) 5 mm, UV/Vis: all
bis- Roscoe 250  4.6 mm i.d below 20 ng
demethoxycurcumin) Column temperature: Fluorescence:
ambient C: 2  1010 g
Mobile phase: EtOH, DMC:
flow rate: 1.2 mL/min 1.67  1010 g
Detector: BDMC:
UV 254 nm, Vis 420 nm 1  1012 g
Fluorescence: emission: LOQ: n/a
470 nm Rec: n/a
Excitation: 420 nm
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Ground dried Sample was washed with Column: ODS Hypersil LOD: n/a [97]
demethoxycurcumin, turmeric light petroleum and 5 mm, 25 cm  5 mm i.d LOQ: n/a
bis- extracted with MeOH Column temperature: n/a Rec: n/a
demethoxycurcumin) Mobile phase: Phosphate
buffer 0.05 M (pH 4.4):
ACN 40:60, flow rate:
Detector: Coupled UV
(254 nm) and
electrochemical (0.8 V
vs. AgAgCl)
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Dried powder or root Standard and sample Column: LOD: n/a [25]
demethoxycurcumin, of Curcuma longa dissolved in MeOH or (1) PartiSphere-5 NH2, LOQ: n/a
bis- EtOH 25 cm  4.6 mm i.d Rec: n/a
demethoxycurcumin), (2) Whatman
ferulic acid, vanillic acid, PartiSphere-5 WCX,
p-hydroxybenzoic acid, 11 cm  4.6 mm i.d
ferulic aldehyde, three columns
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, connected in series
Internal standard (IS): Column temperature: n/a
nitroaniline Mobile phase:
(1) EtOH:water 96:4,
flow rate: 1 mL/min
(2) Hexane:EtOH:
water 30:30:0.75,
flow rate: 0.4 mL/min

Detector: UV, l 280 nm

Curcuminoid (curcumin, Ethanolic extract of Standard: dissolved in Column: Styrene- LOD: 10.2 ng [94]
demethoxycurcumin, turmeric EtOH divinylbenzene copolymer LOQ: n/a
bis- Sample: Ground material 5 mm, 15  0.49 cm Rec: n/a
demethoxycurcumin) was refluxed for 2.5 h Column temperature:
with EtOH, filtered and ambient
made to volume with Mobile phase: ACN:
EtOH water 55:25, flow rate:
1.0 mL/min
Detector: UV, l 425 nm
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Food colorants Standards and sample Column: Zorbax ODS LOD: [99]
demethoxycurcumin, were dissolved in 50% C18, 25 cm  4.6 mm i.d UV/Vis: 2 ng
bis- THF Column temperature: Fluorometric:
demethoxycurcumin), ambient 0.2 ng
Annatto (bixin, norbixin) Mobile phase: LOQ: n/a
Isocratic: Rec: n/a
Water:THF 58:42, flow
rate: 1.0 mL/min
Equilibrated with 40%
THF then after injection
increased to 58% within
10 min and hold for
10 min then decreased to
40% within 2 min.
Equilibrated 15 min
before next injection.
Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
Detector: UV fluorescence
C: UV/Vis 428 nm,
excitation 433 nm,
emission 511 nm
D: UV/Vis 424 nm,
excitation 428 nm,
emission 505 nm
BDC: UV/Vis 418 nm,
excitation 425 nm,
emission 501 nm
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Turmeric powder Standard: dissolved in Column: Waters LOD: n/a [95]
demethoxycurcumin, MeOH m-Bondapack C18, LOQ: 0.05 mg
bis- Sample: 1.0 g sample 300  4.6 mm i.d. Rec: n/a
demethoxycurcumin) powder extracted with Column temperature:
50 mL hexane using ambient
Soxhlet extractor for Mobile phase:
30 min. The hexane A: MeOH
extract was discarded, and B: 2% HAc
the powder was C: ACN
reextracted with 50 mL of Gradient:
methanol for 2 h. 015 min: 4565% of C in
1 mL of this solution was B
transferred to a 10-mL 1520 min: 6545% C in
volumetric flask, and the B with constant 5% of A
volume was adjusted to Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
10 mL with MeOH. Detector: Vis l 425 nm
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Synthesis results of Standard and sample Column: Discovery HS LOD: n/a [43]
demethoxycurcumin, curcuminoid dissolved in MeOH C18, 3 mm, 15  2.1 mm LOQ: n/a
bis- monoacetate and with guard column Rec: n/a
demethoxycurcumin) diacetate Discovery HS C18,
3 mm, 2 cm  2.1 mm
Column temperature:
40 oC
Mobile phase:
A: buffer 5 mM
ammonium formate and
0.1% formic acid in
redistilled deionized water
02 min: 5% B
257 min: 5100% B
5760 min: 100% B
6065 min: 1005% B
6575 min: 5% B
Flow rate: 0.25 mL/min
Detector: LCESI-
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Turmeric powder 1 g sample powder Column: Vydac RP-18, LOD: [96]
demethoxycurcumin, extracted with 50 mL 5 mm, 250 mm  4.6 mm, C:
bis- hexane (50 mL) using a i.d 27.99 ng/mL
demethoxycurcumin) Soxhlet extractor for 1 h. Column temperature: DMC:
The hexane extract was ambient 31.91 ng/mL
discarded, and the powder Mobile phase: ACN:0.1% BDMC:
was reextracted with trifluoroacetic acid 21.81 ng/mL
50 mL methanol for 2 h. (TFA) 50:50, (adjusted LOQ:
One milliliter of this to pH 3.0 with ammonia), C:
solution was transferred to flow rate: 1.5 mL/min 84.84 ng/mL
a 10-mL volumetric flask, Detector: Vis l 420 nm DMC:
and the volume was 96.72 ng/mL
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
adjusted to 10 mL with BDMC:
MeOH 66.10 ng/mL
MeOH yielding a volume Rec:
of 10.0 mL. A 100-mL C: 98.4100.5%
aliquot of this solution was DMC:
diluted to 10 mL with 99.6101.8%
MeOH and 2.0 mL of this BDMC:
diluted solution was then 98.4101%
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Rhizomes of Curcuma Standard: dissolved in Column: Zorbax Eclipse LOD: [100]
demethoxycurcumin, mangga, C. heyneana, MeOH XDB-C18, 5 mm, C: 0.058 mg
bis- and C. aeruginosa Sample: 5 g of grounded 250  4.6 mm, i.d DMC: 0.048 mg
demethoxycurcumin) (Zingiberaceae), sample was extracted with Column temperature: BDMC:
Curcuma soloensis 150 mL pentane using 25oC 0.044 mg
Soxhlet extractor for 2 h. Mobile phase: MeOH: LOQ:
Extract was then dried and water (containing 0.1% C: 0.58 mg
extracted with MeOH TFA): DMC: 0.48 mg
(150 mL) for 3 h. ACN 39.5:350:468, w/ BDMC:
Methanolic solution was w/w, flow rate: 0.44 mg
concentrated using 0.75 mL/min Rec:
rotavapor and redissolved Detector: Vis l 425 nm C: 99.9%
in MeOH yielding a DMC: 99.8%
volume of 10.0 mL.
A 100 mL aliquot of this BDMC:
solution was diluted to 100.4%
10 mL with MeOH and
2.0 mL of this diluted
solution was then
Curcumin, hyperin, Tablet Standard: dissolved in Column: ZORBAX UVVis HPLC [44]
hesperidin, resveratrol, MeOH Extend C18, 5 mm, LOD: 0.22 mg/
nobiletin, curcumin, Sample: extracted and 250 mm  4.6 mm, i.d mL
emodin, chrysophanol, made to volume with Column temperature: LOQ: 0.87 mg/
physcion MeOH 70% 25 oC mL
A: 0.05% formic acid Rec: 99.8%
adjusted to pH 5.0 with
0 min: B 15%
40 min: B 35%
50 min: B 50%
60 min: B 100% hold for
10 min
Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min
Detector: UV l 346 nm
Column temperature,
mobile phase: same as for
UV method. The formate
buffer was adjusted to
pH 5.0 with ammonia.
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
Curcumin, sinomenine, Capsule Standard and sample were Column: Phenomenex LOD: 0.08 mg/ [101]
paeoniflorin, paeonol dissolved in EtOH 50% ODS column, 5 mm, mL
250 mm  4.6 mm with LOQ: n/a
security guard cartridge Rec: 95.75%
(C18, 4 mm  3.0 mm)
Column temperature:
Mobile phase:
B: aqueous phase 0.1%
phosphoric acid adjusted
with TEA to pH 3.5 0.2
025 min: 820% A
2530 min: 2040% A
3055 min: 4070% A
5560 min: 7090% A
Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
Detector: UV/Vis
l 420 nm
Curcumin and its Curcumin powder, Acid degradation study Column: Hi-Q-Sil C18, LOD: [102]
degradation capsule of curcumin 1 mL of 100 mg/mL 10 mm 4.6 mm  250 mm 0.06  0.01
powder curcumin in Column temperature: mg/mL
MeOH 1 mL of 1 N 25 oC LOQ:
HCl. The flask was sealed Mobile phase: ACN:buffer 0.21  0.045
and placed at 85 oC for sodium acetate 0.04 M mg/mL
2 h. Solution was then (pH 3.0) 60:40, flow Rec:
cooled and neutralized rate: 1.0 mL/min 97.59103.15%
with 1 mL of 1 N NaOH Detector: UV/Vis
and made up to 10 mL 425 nm, 280 nm
with MeOH, filtered and (degradation products)
Base degradation study
1 mL of 100 mg/mL
curcumin in
MeOH 1 mL of 1 N
The flask was sealed and
placed at 85 oC for 2 h.
Solution was then cooled
and neutralized with1 mL
of 1 N HCl and made up
to 10 mL with MeOH,
filtered and injected.
Oxidative degradation
1 mL of 100 mg/mL
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
curcumin in
MeOH 1 mL of H2O2
(30% v/v). The flask was
sealed and placed at 85 oC
for 2 h. Volume was made
up to 10 mL with MeOH,
filtered then injected.
Thermal degradation
1 mL of 100 mg/mL
curcumin in MeOH was
transferred to 10 mL
amber volumetric flask
and added with 2 mL
MeOH. The flask was
sealed and placed at 85  C
for 2 h. Volume was then
made up to 10 mL with
MeOH, filtered then
Photodegradation study
10 mL of 10 mg/mL
curcumin in MeOH was
sealed in a 10 mL
transparent volumetric
flask and exposed to direct
sunlight for 6 h.
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Turmeric extract Column: RP C18 LOD: n/a [103]
demethoxycurcumin, 250  4 mm i.d LOQ: n/a
bis- Column temperature: n/a Rec: n/a
demethoxycurcumin) Mobile phase: MeOH:
acid 20:4:27:48.5, flow
rate 0.5 mL/min
Detector: UVVis
l 420 nm
Curcuminoid (curcumin, Turmeric extract Standard: Stock solution Column: C18, 5 mm LOD: 0.90 mg/ [104]
demethoxycurcumin, was dissolved in ACN 150  4.6 mm mL
bis- then diluted with 50% Column temperature: LOQ: 2.73 mg/
demethoxycurcumin) ACN 33 oC mL
Sample: dissolved in ACN Mobile phase: ACN:2% Rec:
then diluted and made to acetic acid 40:60, flow 99.16101.92%
volume with 50% ACN rate: 2.0 mL/min
Detector: UV/Vis
l 425 nm
Curcumin and piperine Food sample Standard: standard stock Column: C18, 5 mm LOD: [105]
was dissolved in ACN 250  4.6 mm 10 ng/mL
then diluted with mobile Column temperature: n/a LOQ:
phase Mobile phase: 50 mM 30 ng/mL
Sample: extracted with potassium dihydrogen Rec:
MeOH and aliquot was orthophosphate (pH 3.5): 98.18110.20%
dried and reconstituted ACN 40:60, flow rate
with mobile phase 0.8 mL/min
Detector: UV/Vis
l 424 nm
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
Curcumin Nanoparticles of Curcumin standard and Column: LOD: n/a [106]
curcumin sample dissolved in LichroCARTPurospher LOQ: n/a
dissolution medium: STAR, 5 mm Rec: n/a
Buffer pH 1.2 containing 250  4.6 mm i.d
50 mL of 0.2 M KCl, Column temperature:
85 mL of 0.2 M HCl, and 37 oC
65 mL distilled water Mobile phase: Acetic
acid:10 mM phosphate
buffer (pH 2.5):
ACN 1:50:50, flow
rate:0.8 mL/min
Detector: UV l 250 nm
Curcumin, Powdered turmeric Standard, IS, and sample Column: Supelcosil LOD: n/a [75]
demethoxycurcumin, for non LCMS: LC-18, 5 mm LOQ: n/a
bis-demethoxycurcumin dissolved with MeOH 250  4.6 mm i.d Rec: n/a
IS: Naphtalene-d8 (98 Sample for LCMS: Mobile phase: UV
atom %D), 4-fluoro-40 - 150 mg sample 5 mL A: 1% citric acid (pH 3.0)
hydroxybenzophenone water was vortexed and B: ACN
(97%) centrifuged. Water Gradient: 50% B at initial,
decanted and replaced hold for 10 min, increased
with 10 mL MeOH and to 80% B within 30 min
vortexed. 1 mL aliquot of and hold for 10 min.
this extract was diluted LCESI-MS
quantitatively with A: 50 mM NH4OAc5%
1.0 mL 4-fluoro-40 - HOAc
hydroxybenzophenone in B: ACN
MeOH. Gradient: 50% B at initial,
hold for 10 min, increased
to 80% B within 30 min
and hold for 10 min.
Detector: UV,
Curcuminoids and Turmeric extract Standard: dissolved in Column: Waters LOD: n/a [41]
sesquiterpenoids MeOH Symmetry C18, 5 mm, LOQ: n/a
(curcumin, Sample: 1 g powdered 20  3.9 mm with guard Rec: n/a
demethoxycurcumin, extract refluxed with column (C18, 5 mm,
bis-demethoxycurcumin, 20 mL MeOH for 1 h 15  2.1 mm)
ar-turmerone and then filtered and injected Column temperature:
curlone) to HPLC system 48 oC
Mobile phase:
A: water containing 0.25%
017 min: 4060% B
1732 min: 60100% B
3238 min: 100% B
3840 min: 10040% B
Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
Curcumin: 260 nm,
425 nm
Ar-Turmelone and
Curlone: 238 nm
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
Curcumin, Tablet, tea, candy Standard: dissolved in Column: Senshu Pak LOD: [42]
demethoxycurcumin, MeOH Pegasil ODS, 5 mm 1.0 ng/mL
bis-demethoxycurcumin Sample: extracted and 150  2.0 mm LOQ: n/a
made to volume with Column temperature: n/a Rec:
MeOH for low Mobile phase: 92.994.6%
curcuminoid content; A: 0.01% acetic acid in
pretreatment with SPE water
C8 500 mg/3 mL. Sample Gradient:
added with 3 mL water 0 min at 45% B
and eluted with SPE 015 min: increased
column which was linearly 4595% B and
preconditioned with hold at 95% B.
3.0 mL MeOH, Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
continued with 3.0 mL Detector: LCESI-MS
distilled water. SIM mode: m/z 307, 337,
Sample eluted was then 367
washed with 3.0 mL
water and 5.0 mL
MeOH, dried under N2
at 40oC. Residue was
then dissolved with
Curcumin, Turmeric powder Standard: stock dissolved Column: TSK-GEL ODS LOD: n/a [98]
demethoxycurcumin, in MeOH and diluted 80 Ts LOQ: n/a
bis-demethoxycurcumin with 50% MeOH Column temperature: Rec: n/a
(purification of HSCC of samples: 25 mg 40 oC
curcuminoid sample dissolved in each Mobile phase: FIA: 0.1%
compounds) fraction of mixture of formic acid in water:0.1%
n-hexane/ formic acid in
CHCl3/MeOH/ ACN 50:50, flow rate
water 5/10/7.5/2.5 v/ 1.0 mL/min
v. Supernatant was LC/MS/MS:
assayed using FIA for A: 0.1% formic acid in
separation of curcuminoid water
and identified further with B: 0.1% formic acid in
LC/MS/MS method. ACN
0 min: 50% B
15 min: 50% B
15.1 min: 98% B
20 min: 98% B
20.1 min: 50% B
Flow rate 1.0 mL/min
FIA: 405 nm
LC/MS/MS with ESI at
negative ionization mode
Table 3.10 HPLC analysis of curcumin in nonbiological samplecont'd
Compound Sample Preparation method HPLC system recovery Reference
Curcumin Turmeric rhizome Standard dissolved with Column: C18, LOD: n/a [92]
acetone 250  4.6 mm LOQ: n/a
Sample was extracted and Column temperature: n/a Rec: n/a
made to volume with Mobile phase: THF: water
acetone containing 1% citric acid
adjusted to pH 3 with
KOH 40:60, flow rate
1.0 mL/min
UVVis l 420 nm
Curcumin, Rhizome of C. longae, Standard dissolved in Column: UPLC BEH LOD: [48]
demethoxycurcumin, supplement capsule MeOH Shield RP18 column C, DC, BDC:
bis-demethoxycurcumin, Sample: 2550 mg (50 mm  2.1 mm i.d, 0.01 mg/mL
ar-turmerone rhizome or 500 mg 1.7 mm) equipped with LOQ:
capsule content 2.5 mL LC-18 guard column C, DC, BDC:
MeOH, sonicated for (Vanguard 2.1  5.5 mm, 0.03 mg/mL
30 min and centrifuged. Waters, USA) Rec: n/r
Supernatant was then Column temperature:
withdrawn. This process 40 oC sample temperature
was repeated thrice. 25 oC
Mobile phase:
A: 0.05% formic acid in
B: 0.05% formic acid in
Gradient: 0 min: 55%
A within 5 min: 20%
A separation followed by
1 min washing with 100%
B and reequilibrated for
2.5 min
Flow rate: 0.25 mL/min
Strong needle wash: 95/5
Weak needle wash: 10/90
Curcuminoid: 420 nm
Ar-turmerone: 240 nm
Analysis of effluent with
SIR (Selected Ion
Recording) mode:
[M  H]
C: 367
DC: 337
BDC: 307
160 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

between the pH of the eluate and the percent recovery. The only consid-
eration is that higher pH is associated with concentrated NaOH, which led
to the large background noise during detection at 1.20 V.
In another publication, Lechtenberg et al. [108] reported the use of a
DAD for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of curcumin,
demethoxycurcumin, and bis-demethoxycurcumin in rhizome and curry
powder. In their method, a combination of phosphate, b-cyclodextrin
(b-CD) hydrate and sodium hydroxide was applied to obtain an optimal
analysis. In the optimization process, it was observed that increasing concen-
tration of phosphate improved the separation of curcuminoid compounds,
but prolonged the time of analysis. From the use of three different cyclodex-
trins, b-CD hydrate gave better separation with short migration time
(<6 min), and at a concentration of 14 mM, optimum separation was
achieved. Due to its similar chromophore with the curcuminoid com-
pounds, 3,4-dimethoxy-trans-cinnamic acid was chosen as the internal stan-
dard. Standard and sample solutions were found to be stable for at least 2 h.
Addition of methyl-b-CD (100 mg in water/MeOH, 1:1 v/v) to the stan-
dard/sample solution was needed to maintain stability in methanolic
Marakova et al. [109] optimized the combination of complexing buffer,
carrier anion, counter-ion, and pH of the buffer to determine curcuminoid
compounds. Compared to the previous CE-DAD method, the use of (3-
cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid (CAPS) gave better results com-
pared to the use of phosphate as the carrier electrolyte. In addition, more
effective resolution was achieved with the HP-b-CD compared to native
b-CD or ionizable TMA-b-CD. Furthermore, higher HP-b-CD levels
were able to reduce adsorption of curcuminoid onto the capillary wall
and also maintained stability of curcuminoid in the alkaline separation envi-
ronment. In term of pH, higher pH values were preferred due to their ability
to facilitate ionization of curcuminoid, thus increasing separation efficiency
and resolution, as well as shortening analysis time. In addition, coating the
fused-silica capillary tube with hydroxyethylcellulose (molecular weight
30,000) could replace the need to rinse the capillary in order to suppress
electro-osmotic flow. Connection with the DAD also enabled a spectral
purity check of the sample.
For the MEKC method, Watanabe et al. [110] reported the successful
separation of three components of curcuminoid using a butyl acrylatebutyl
methacrylatemethacrylic acid copolymer sodium salt solution containing
50% dimethyl sulfoxide as the running buffer. As comparison, a HPLC
Curcumin 161

method was also used and it was found that analysis with MEKC was faster
than when using HPLC. In the earlier development, 25 mM SDS solution
in 30 mM borate buffer at pH 8.0 was applied, but could not separate
curcuminoid component.
As an alternative to the CE method, Nhujak et al. [111] investigated the
application of MEEKC to analyze curcuminoid compounds. In MEEKC, a
microemulsion is used as the carrier electrolyte. This microemulsion consists
of oil droplets stabilized in aqueous solution by a surfactant to stabilize and to
give negative charge to the microemulsion. The principle of separation is
based on partitioning of the analyte between an aqueous phase and a
pseudo-stationary phase of oil droplets. Since curcumin is unstable in basic
media, an acidic buffer was preferred. The organic cosolvent in the separa-
tion process is needed to partition the analytes in the organic-aqueous phase.
In this research, three organic cosolvents were investigated, acetonitrile,
methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol at concentrations of 030%. Based on
the results obtained, the use of isopropanol at 25% yielded good separation
of the curcuminoid compounds. In the selection of appropriate alcohols, it
was observed that higher number of carbon atoms in the aliphatic chain
resulted in greater retention factor of analytes. The influence of temperature
was also studied, since increasing temperature will reduce the viscosity of the
micelle and enhance faster migration. However, above 25 oC, Joule heating
caused decreasing efficiency (N) or increasing in thermal dispersion (Ht) as
well as slight decrease in a. As a result, the resolution of the compounds
became worse. Therefore, the temperature used for the analysis process
was set at 25 oC.
A summary of the CE as well as MEKC and MEEKC methods is detailed
in Table 3.11.


Most studies on curcuminoid compounds have been performed on
animals (mice, rats, or dogs), and only few publications have reported studies
on humans. Clinical studies showed that curcumin is safe for humans even at
high doses, but unfortunately its bioavailability is very low that its therapeu-
tic use is limited [72]. A high rate of curcumin conjugation via glu-
coronidation and sulfation might explain why the concentration of free
curcumin is very low in blood [58]. Preclinic studies reported that due to
Table 3.11 CE method for analysis of curcumin
Standard and sample LOD, LOQ, and
Analyte(s) Sample preparation Analytical condition recovery Reference
Curcuminoid Dried turmeric Sample: Sample was Capillary type: n/a LOD: [110]
(curcumin, extracted through (36 cm  50 mm i.d) 0.1 mg/mL
demethoxycurcumin, sonication with EtOH Running solution: 1% LOQ: n/r
bis- 99.5%, solvent was butyl acrylatebutyl Rec: n/r
demethoxycurcumin) evaporated and diluted to methacrylate
volume with EtOH 99.5% methacrylic acid
solution in 30 mM
borate buffer contains
50% DMSO at pH 8.0
Applied voltage: 18 kV
Temperature: 20  C
Detection: 425 nm
Curcumin Turmeric Standard: Stock solution of Capillary type: LOD: 3  108 [107]
1 mM curcumin in 0.01 M Uncoated fused-silica mol/L
NaOH, and capillaries (32 cm, LOQ: n/r
5  105 mol/L curcumin 25 mm inner diameter, Rec: 85%
in light petroleum 360 mm outer diameter)
Sample: Extraction was Pretreatment: Washed
done with light petroleum, overnight with 0.1 M
then subjected to SPE NaOH
containing tributyl Between runs: @90 s:
phosphate (TBP) resin double-distilled water,
SPE activation: 2 mL 0.1 M NaOH, double-
0.01 M NaOH followed by distilled water; 180 s
double-distilled water until buffer solution
eluent became neutral. Running solution:
Extracted curcumin in light 15 mM phosphate
petroleum was passed buffer (pH 9.7)
through SPE, being Temperature: n/a
adsorbed for seconds then Detector: amperometric
eluted with diluted NaOH Separation voltage:
(pH 9.5). Eluent was then 16 kV
collected, analyzed directly Injection: 6 s at 9 kV
to the CE. Detection: 1.2 V
Curcuminoid C. xanthorrhizae Standard: Calibration Capillary type: LOD: C, DC, [108]
(curcumin, rhizome, C. longae standard was extracted from Uncoated fused-silica BDC:
demethoxycurcumin, rhizome, curry 2.2 g C. longae rhizome capillaries 0.01 mg/L
bis- powder using MeOH as solvent and (370 mm  50 mm i.d) LOQ: n/r
demethoxycurcumin) isolated using TLC Running solution: Rec:
Internal standard (IS): preparative method 20 mM phosphate, C: 98%
dimethoxy-trans- IS: dissolved in ACN: 14 mM b-CD hydrate DC: n/r
cinnamic acid water 8:2 and 50 mM sodium BDC: n/r
Sample: Dry plant material hydroxide (pH 12.1)
was suspended in ACN: Applied voltage: 20 kV
water 8:2 (v/v), mixed Temperature: 27  C
with ultraturrax at Detection: 258 nm
25,000 rpm, then filtered (with internal standard)
and analyzed and 470 nm for
Table 3.11 CE method for analysis of curcumincont'd
Standard and sample LOD, LOQ, and
Analyte(s) Sample preparation Analytical condition recovery Reference
Curcuminoid Turmeric Standard: Stock solution in Capillary type: LOD [111]
(curcumin, EtOH, diluted with Uncoated fused-silica C:
demethoxycurcumin, microemulsion without capillary 5.5  0.1 ppm
bis- phosphate buffer and (40.2 cm  50 mm i.d) DC:
demethoxycurcumin) organic cosolvent Capillary treatment: 4.7  0.1 ppm
IS: 2,4-dinitrophenyl Sample: Extracted with Pretreatment: @5 min: BDC:
phthalimide EtOH, centrifuged, then EtOH, 0.1 M NaOH, 5.7  0.1 ppm
supernatant diluted with water; 15 min LOQ:
microemulsion component microemulsion buffer C:
After consecutive 13.3  0.1 ppm
analysis: @2 min: D:
EtOH, 0.1 M NaOH, 10.6  0.1 ppm
water; 3 min BDC:
microemulsion buffer 10.7  0.1 ppm
After daily analysis: Rec:
@5 min: EtOH, water; C: 95.0  1.2%
then @10 min 0.1 M DC:
NaOH, water 98.6  1.4%
Microemulsion: 50 mM BDC:
phosphate buffer 96.8  1.9%
pH 2.5, 1.1% (v/v)
n-octane, 180 mM SDS
(surfactant), 890 mM
(cosurfactant), 25%
(v/v) 2-propanol
(organic cosolvent)
Applied voltage:
15 kV
Temperature: 25  C
Detection: 214 nm,
425 nm
Curcuminoid Commercial plant Standard: Curcumin Capillary type: Fused LOD [109]
(curcumin, extract, capsules substance dissolved in silica capillary tube C: 1.59 mg/mL
demethoxycurcumin, MeOH and isolated for the (160 mm  300 mm i.d) DC: 1.37 mg/
bis- C, DC, BDC using TLC coated with mL
demethoxycurcumin) preparative method to hydroxyethylcellulose BDC: 1.86 mg/
obtain stock solution of C, (HEC) 30000 mL
DC, BDC. Each of this Running solution: LOQ
compound was then 50 mM (3- C: 5.30 mg/mL
dissolved in EtOH: cyclohexylamino)-1- DC: 4.57 mg/
water 1:1 propanesulfonic acid mL
Sample: EtOH:water 1:1 (CAPS) adjusted to BDC: 6.20 mg/
pH 10.2 with mL
2-aminoethanol, Rec:
100 mg/mL HP-b-CD C: 94.596.7%
and 2 g/L HEC DC:
Applied voltage: 6 kV 96.898.9%
Temperature: n/a BDC:
Detection: 480 nm 97.898.3%
C, curcumin; DC, demethoxycurcumin; BDC, bis-demethoxycurcumin.
166 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

its extensive metabolism, the concentrations of curcumin in plasma and tar-

get tissue were very low [57].
Yang et al. [55] reported that the oral bioavailability of curcumin in rats
was below 1%. Various methods have been devised to enhance the bioavail-
ability of curcumin. Complexes of curcumin with phospholipids showed
higher serum concentrations relative to those of pure curcumin. This com-
plex also showed better antioxidant activity and hepato-protective activity
[53,54]. Polymeric micellar formulation of curcumin increased the half-life
in rats [56]. Curcumin complexed in liposomes increased the absolute bio-
availability in rats to 2.7% [61]. Complexation with piperine, an inhibitor of
UDP-glucoronosyl transferase, could increase plasma concentrations of cur-
cumin, but unfortunately piperin is toxic in experimental animals [59].
However, in human study, the presence of piperin did increase the bioavail-
ability of curcumin [60].
Kakkar et al. [64] showed that administration of curcumin-loaded solid
lipid nanoparticles significantly improved the bioavailability of curcumin in
rats. In tumor tissue, this solid lipid formulation could improve concentra-
tion of curcumin [66]. Curcumin-loaded PLG nanoparticles increased the
absorption of curcumin in rats, resulting in an oral bioavailability that was
22 times higher than for conventional curcumin [67]. The oral bioavailabil-
ity of curcumin in rats was improved 1.45-fold by administration of amor-
phous curcumin [69]. The curcuminoids curcumin, desmethoxy curcumin
(DeMC), and bis-desmethoxy curcumin (BDeMC) were found to be
metabolized by rats into tetrahydrocurcumin (THC), hexahydrocurcumin
(HHC), curcumin glucoronide (COG), and curcumin sulfate (CS) [57].
Li et al. [66] reported that curcuminoids were mainly found as glucoronides
in mice plasma, while in mice tumor tissues, they were found in their
free forms.
It was reported that after oral consumption of 1012 g curcumin in a sin-
gle dose by humans, COG and CS were found in plasma [58]. Chen
et al. [68] reported that after ingestion of curcumin by healthy subjects,
COG could be detected in plasma, but not curcumin itself. After consuming
breads containing free curcumin, encapsulated curcumin and curcumin plus
piperine, quercetin, and genistein, many metabolites were detected in
human plasma, urine, or fecal samples. The metabolites were DeMC,
BDeMC, COG, HHC, HHC glucoronide, chlorogenic acid, FA, VA,
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, and 3-(4-
hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid [72]. Curcumin metabolites HHC, THC,
and CS had very low activity for inhibition of phorbol ester-induced
Curcumin 167







Figure 3.4 Chemical structure of curcumin metabolites: (A) hexahydrocurcumin (HHC),

(B) tetrahydrocurcumin (THC), (C) curcumin sulfate (CS), (D) dihydrocurcumin (DHC), (E)
curcumin glucoronide (COG).

prostaglandin E2 production in human colonic epithelial cells compared to

the parent compound curcumin [58].
Hassaninasab et al. [112] reported the existence of a curcumin-
converting microorganism that is able to convert curcumin into
dihydrocurcumin and THC by a two-step reduction process. The enzyme
responsible for this transformation is NADPH-dependent curcumin/
tetrahydrocurcumin reductase (CurA). The gene (curA) encoding the
enzyme CurA was also identified, and the chemical structures of the metab-
olites are presented in Figure 3.4.
Most of the reported methods of analysis in biological fluids used an
HPLC system equipped with UV/Vis, fluorescence, or mass spectral detec-
tors. A summary of these reports is presented in Table 3.12.
Gupta et al. [113] described a spectrofluorometric method (excitation
232 nm, emission at 614 nm) for the determination of curcumin in goat
and rat serum. The binding of curcumin with soy protein isolate in water
was quantified by fluorescence spectrophotometry [114], where the
complex was reconstituted in water, simulated gastric fluids, or simulated
intestinal fluids.
Chen et al. [115] reported the determination of curcumin in human
urine by using a resonance light scattering (RLS) technique. Curcumin sam-
ples were added in the form of a CuSO4 (0.01 M) solution and Britton
Robinson buffer solution. RLS spectra were obtained by a synchronous
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolites
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Curcumin Column (HPLC-UV): Pooled b-17-Estradiol Standard: Curcumin Average recovery: [49]
Symmetry Shield C18, human was dissolved in MeOH 96112%
Waters, USA plasma and (200 mg/mL); working RSD interday assay:
(3.9  150 mm; 5 mm); urine solution was prepared Plasma: 6.212.7%
guard column: C18, by mixed 0.5 mL of this Urine: 2.312.2%
Alltech Associates, USA solutions with 9.5 mL
(30  4.6 mm) mobile phase;
Mobile phase: ACN: calibration curve was
MeOH:H2O:acetic prepared by adding this
acid (41:23:36:1, v/v/ working solutions into
v/v/) plasma/urine.
Detection: UV 262 nm IS was prepared in
MeOH (250 mg/mL)

200 mL
sample 80 mL
deionized water then
vortex-mixed for
20 s, then 40 mL IS
solution was added,
vortex-mixed again
for 20 s.
Add 500 mL
extracted solution
MeOH 95:5), then
vortex-mixed 30 s,
centrifuged 5 min
(13,500 rpm).
420 mL of organic
layer was removed,
evaporated, then
dissolved in 200 mL
mobile phase,
injected to HPLC
(20 mL).
Curcumin Column (HPLC-UV): Pig plasma b-Estradiol Extraction by EtOAc Rec: 6678% [50]
Symmetry shield C18, (25250 ng/mL in Intra- and interday
Waters, USA plasma): precision: <15%
(3.9  150 mm; 5 mm);
guard column: C18, 1 mL blank
Pnenomenex, USA plasma 20 mL
(3.0  4 mm) methanolic (range
Mobile phase: 0.1% concentrations:
citric acid pH 3.0 1.2512.5 mL/
(adjusted by 45% mL) 100 mL citrate
KOH): tetrahydrofuran buffer
(50/50, v/v) pH 3.0 2 mL
Detection: UV 280 nm EtOAc, then samples
were shaken,
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
centrifuged 1200  g
(10 min).
1.65 mL EtOAc was
evaporated, then
dissolved in 100 mL
MeOH, 50 mL was

Extraction with CHCl3

(525 ng/mL in
2 mL blank
plasma 40 mL
methanolic (range
0.251.25 mL/mL)
300 mL citrate buffer
pH 3.0 2 mL CHCl3,
then samples were
shaken, centrifuged
1200  g (10 min):
1.7 mL was
evaporated, then
dissolved in 75 mL
MeOH, 50 mL was

Extraction with CHCl3

(2.550 ng/mL in
2 mL blank
plasma 20 mL
methanolic (range
0.255 mL/mL)
20 mL IS in MeOH
(20 mL/mL) 2 mL
CHCl3, then samples
were shaken,
centrifuged 1200  g
(10 min):

Organic layer was

evaporated, then
dissolved in 75 mL
MeOH, 50 mL was
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Tetra-hydrocurcumin Column (HPLC-UV): Pooled- b-17-Estradiol Standard: 5.0 mg of Rec: [51]
(THC) Symmetry Shield C18, human THC in MeOH Plasma: 98100%
Waters, USA plasma and (5 mL); working Urine: 101201.7%
(3.9  150 mm; 5 mm); urine standards were prepared Precision: <8.6%
guard column: C18, (1, 10, and 100 mg/mL)
Alltech Prevail Amide, Samples: Extracting
USA (30  4.6 mm) solvent: EtOAc:
Mobile phase: MeOH (95:5, v/v)
Reagent A: ACN 200 mL
Reagent B: 0.1% sample 1.1 mL
ammonium sulfate deionized water then
(pH 7.8) (adjusted by vortex-mixed for 20 s,
1 M KOH) then 60 mL IS solution
Reagent C: ACN: (20 mg/mL) was added,
deionized water: vortex-mixed again
MeOH:acetic acid
(41:35:23:1, v/v/v/v) Add 700 mL
Gradient: extracted solvent,
Reagent B: 6 min then vortex-mixed,
Reagent C: 10 min centrifuged 5 min
then wash with (11,500 rpm).
Reagent A 8 min. organic layer was
Detection: UV 280 nm removed,
evaporated, then
dissolved in 120 mL
Reagent C, injected
to HPLC (100 mL).
Curcumin Column (HPLC-UV): Dog Berberine Standard solution: Rec.: 98.710 5% [52]
LiChrosphere C18 plasma Curcumin (0.16.4 mg/ RSD precision:
(200  4.6 mm; 5 mm) mL) and IS (25 mg/mL) Intraday: 3.17.3%
Mobile phase: ACN: were dissolved in Interday: 5.76.2%
5% citric acid (52:48) MeOH; calibration was
Detection: UV 425 nm made by addition of
standard in blank

1 mL plasma 20 mL
IS then vortex-
mixed for 10 s.
After vortex-mixing
100 mL. 1 M HCl
was added, mixed,
then 5 mL EtOAc,
vortex-mixed 5 min,
centrifuged 1500  g
for 10 min.
4 mL of organic layer
was taken,
evaporated, then
residue was dissolved
in mobile phase
(100 mL), vortex-
mixed, centrifuged
then 40 mL was
injected into HPLC.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Curcumin, tetra- Column (LCMS/ Rat plasma Salbutamol Standards: Curcumin, Bias: [53]
hydro-curcumin MS): C18 Phenomenex THC, and IS were Curcumin:
(THC); (curcumin Luna (250  4.6 mm) dissolved in MeOH Intraday: 2.01% to
administrated as Mobile phase: (50 mg/mL); calibration 6.00%
curcumin and ACN:0.05% acetic acid standards, QC samples Interday: 2.67% to
curcumin in water (70:30) were prepared by 9.52%
phospholipid complex) Detection: MRM spiking stock solutions THC:
(positive ion mode) into blank plasma Intraday: 1.30% to
Curcumin: m/z Samples: 4.32%
369.3285.1 Interday: 5.05% to
THC: m/z 0.1 mL aliquot 1.48%
373.2137.1 plasma 50 mL RSD precision:
IS: m/z 240.2148.1 phosphate buffer Curcumin:
(pH 6.86, 0.1 M) Intraday: 2.56% to
1000 U 13.52%
b-glucoronidase, Interday: 3.7712%

1 h at THC:
37 C. Intraday: 6.3613.75%
Then 50 mL mobile Interday: 3.9112.47%
phase containing
1 mg/mL IS, vortex-
mixed 30 s, then add
1 mL EtOAc,
vortex-mixed again
for 1 min, and
ultrasonificated for
15 min, centrifuged
6 min (15,000  g).
The organic layer
was taken,
evaporated, then
dissolved in 100 mL
mobile phase, 10 mL
was injected
into HPLC.
Curcumin Column (HPLC-UV/ Rat plasma n/r Standard: Curcumin Rec.: 82.7084.29% [54]
(administrated as Vis): Waters was dissolved in MeOH RSD precision:
phospholipid complex) m-Bondapack C18 (0.1 ppm) Intraday: 2.783.56%
(300  4.6 mm) Samples: Interday: 2.123.24%
Mobile phase:
MeOH:2% acetic acid: 1 mL serum 5 mL
ACN (5:30:65) MeOH, shaken
Detection: UV 425 nm vigorously
2530 min
(7580  C), then
diluted with MeOH
(10 mL).
10 min (5000 rpm),
20 was injected
into HPLC.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Curcumin, dimethoxy- Column (LCMS/ Rat plasma Honokiol Standard: Bias: [55]
curcumin (DC) MS): Zorbax Extend- Curcuminoids and IS Curcumin:
C18 (150  4.6 mm; were dissolved in Intraday: 5% to 12%
5 mm). MeOH (1 mg/mL) Interday: 0.68%
Mobile phase: ACN: Samples: DC:
1 mM HCOOH Intraday: 0.4% to
(70:30, v/v) 150 mL blood 12%
Detection: MRM samples were Interday: 0.816%
(negative ion mode) centrifuged RSD precision:
Curcumin: m/z (3000  g, 5 min). Intraday: 1% to 18%
367217 50 mL plasma IS Interday: 0.519%
DC: m/z 337217 Solution (0.1 mg/ DC:
mL), vortex-mixed Intraday: 0.618%
and centrifuged. Interday: 0.317%
20 mL was injected.
Curcumin (curcumin Column (HPLC-UV/ Rat plasma 4-Hydroxy- Standard: Curcumin Rec: [56]
administrated as Vis): Waters benzophenone and IS were dissolved in 94.997.1%
solubilized curcumin m-Bondapack C18 MeOH (1 mg/mL); RSD precision:
and its micellar (300  3.9 mm) calibrations were Intraday: 2.032. 6%
formulations) Mobile phase: prepared by adding Interday: 4.4312.7%
ACN:1% citric acid stock solutions into
(w/v) pH 3 (adjusted by blank plasma
concentrated NaOH) Samples:
(55:45, v/v)
Detection: UV/Vis: 100 mL
428 and 300 nm plasma 50 mL IS,
mixed then 250 mL
ACN was added,
14,000  g for 5 min,
100 mL supernatant
was injected.
Curcumin and its Column (HPLC-UV, Rat n/r Curcumin and its Quantitative validation [57]
metabolites in rats quantitative): Atlantis plasma, metabolites were data: n/r
dC18 (150  4.6 mm, intestinal extracted using SPE Curcumin,
3 mm), guard column mucosa, (1 mL Oasis HLB desmethoxy curcumin,
(20  3 mm, 3 mm) and liver cartridge, Waters). bis-desmethoxy
Mobile phase: Plasma: curcumin, tetra-
A: 10 mM ammonium hydrocurcumin, hexa
acetate pH 4.5 B: 1 mL plasma was hydrocurcumin,
ACN: Gradient: initial loaded curcumin glucoronide,
95% A, progressing to SPE was washed with and curcumin sulfate
55% A (20 min) and 5% MeOH:H2O:glacial were detected in
A (33 min) acetic acid (25:25:1) plasma, intestinal
Detection: UV 280 nm and eluted with 1 mL mucosa, and liver
Column (LCMS/MS, MeOH containing
identification 2% glacial acetic acid.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Conditions same as Mucosa and liver:
quantitative except
A consisted of 5 mM Suspended and
ammonium acetate homogenized using
pH 4.5 KCl then extracted
Metabolites were with acetone:formic
detected using MRM acid (9:1), then
supernatant was
taken and evaporated
to dryness under
Curcumin, COG, CS Column (HPLC-UV/ Human b-17-Estradiol Extraction curcumin: Rec: [58]
Vis): m-Bondapack C18 plasma acetate Curcumin at 1 mg/mL
(250  4.6 mm, 10 mm) 200 mL was 95.14%
Mobile phase: plasma 80 mL (RSD 2.75)
A: 0.1% acetic acid: water 20 mL IS
MeOH:H2O vortex-mixed.
(0.1:65:35) The solution was
B: MeOH, gradient extracted thrice using
elution 100% A to by vortexing using
100% B in 15 min 1 mL mixture of
Detection: Vis 420 nm EtOAc:MeOH
(95:5) for 3 min.
Sample was
3000 rpm (15 min,
4  C), organic layer
was collected,
evaporated to dryness
then dissolved in
100 mL MeOH.

Hydrolysis of curcumin

Same as above,
samples were then
mixed with
(50 mL, 446 U, in
0.1 M phosphate
buffer pH 6.8) and
sulfatase (45 mL,
52 U, in Na acetate
buffer pH 5), then
incubated for 3.5 h.
Samples were
extracted as
described above.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Curcumin Column (HPLC-UV/ Human n/a Extraction: Validation data: n/r [59]
Vis): plasma
C18 ODS 5 mL blood was
Phenomenex centrifuged 10 min
(250  4.6 mm, 5 mm) (2000  g).
Mobile phase: MeOH 2.5 g plasma was
Detection: UV 420 nm extracted thrice using
EtOAc (3, 2, 2 mL).
Pooled extract was
evaporated to dryness
under N2, then
residue was dissolved
in 2 mL MeOH by
Curcumin, piperin Column (HPLC- Human b-17-Estradiol Standards: Stock Accuracy: [60]
UV/Vis): plasma acetate solutions were prepared Intraday:
Chromolith Speed by dissolving each of Curcumin:
ROD RP-18 (50  4/ the analytes in MeOH 94.5  2.0%
6 mm) (1 mg/mL); calibration Piperin: 98.0  4.8%
Mobile phase: ACN: standards, QC samples Interday:
MeOH: were prepared by Curcumin:
TFA:H2O spiking stock solutions 94.0  2.5%
(17.6:35.3:0.1:47, into blank plasma Piperin: 97.2  5 1%
v/v/v/v) Samples: RSD precision:
Detection: Intraday:
Curcumin: 415 nm 100 mL IS Curcumin: 5.7  2.1%
Piperin: 335 nm (1500 ng/mL) Piperin: 5.4  2.7%
IS: 280 nm 0.5 mL distilled Interday:
water 100 mL Curcumin: 5.9  2.7%
phosphate buffer Piperin: 6.1  3.0%
pH 3.4 6 mL
extraction solvent
propanol 9:1, v/v)
were added to
0.5 mL of samples,
then vortex-mixed,
then shaken well in a
rotating mixer for
15 min, centrifuged
15 min (100  g).
The upper organic
layer was taken,
evaporated then
dissolved in 100 mL
MeOH, and 40 mL
was injected.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Curcumin Column (HPLC- Rat plasma Emodin Standards: Curcumin Accuracy and (RSD [61]
(administrated as PDA): Diamonsil C18 and IS were dissolve in precision)
curcumin liposome) (100  4.6 mm, 5 mm) ACN, at concentrations Intraday:
Mobile phase: ACN: 0.5 and 1.5 mg/mL, 94.15106.23%
5% acetic acid (75:25, respectively. (1.747.51%)
v/v) Calibration standards Interday:
Detection: UV 420 nm and QC samples were 100.92107.05%
prepared by spiking (3.379.24%)
appropriate solutions
into blank plasma

Samples were
prepared in 96-well
format plate (1 mL,
Variant, USA).
90 mL rat blank
plasma 10 mL
standard working
solutions, 100 mL
aliquot plasma
samples and QC
samples were
pipetted into 96-well
Then add 100 mL
ACN containing IS
(0.15 mg/mL),
capped, vortex-
mixed then
centrifuged 2500  g
15 min.
350 mL supernatant
was transferred to the
96-well plates, 50 mL
was injected
into HPLC.
Curcumin, tetra- Column (LCMS/ Mouse Hesperitin Standards: Standard Accuracy (RSD) [62]
hydrocurcumin MS): Beta basic C8 plasma, solutions of curcumin. Intraday:
(THC), 1,7-bis(3,4, (50  2.1 mm, 5 mm) cell THC, TMC, Curcumin:
dimethoxyphenyl)-4,4- with guard column medium DMCHC, and IS were 99.7 (6.22)103.1
dimethyl-1,6 Beta basic C8 javelin prepared in ACN; (14.01)%
heptadiene-3,5 dione (10  2.1 mm, 2 mm) standard solution in the THC: 90.3 (5.64)
(TMC), 1,7-bis(3,4, Mobile phase: 50% range of 109.9 (5.92)%
dimethoxyphenyl)-4- ACN containing 0.1% 1010,000 ng/mL TMC: 86.2 (9.23)
cyclohexyl-1,6 formic acid were prepared by 99.5 (7.87)%
heptadiene-3,5 dione Detection by SRM: dilutions. Calibration DMCHC: 97.9 (9.35)
(DMCHC) Curcumin: m/z standards and QC 101.2 (5.96)%.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
369177 samples were prepared Interday:
THC: m/z 373137 by spiking the solutions Curcumin:
TMC: m/z 425191 into mouse plasma or 92.7 (7.61)98.5
DMCHC: m/z cell medium (5.02)%
465191 Samples: THC: 89.9 (5.36)
IS: m/z 303153 105.5 (7.51)%
200 mL RPMI cell TMC: 88.5 (15.10)
medium, or 100 mL 100.1 (3.99)%
plasma that DMCHC: 95.64
contained IS (9.25)100.5 (5.78)%
(1000 ng/mL) were
extracted with 1 mL
EtOAc for 60 min
mechanical shaking.
After extraction,
samples were
centrifuged 2 min
(11,000  g), and
place on dry ice for
1 min.
Supernatant of
EtOAc were
evaporated to dryness
under nitrogen,
reconstituted in
100 mL ACN 50%,
and centrifuged
2 min (11,000  g);
20 mL supernatant
was used for analysis.
Curcumin Column (LCMS/ Rat plasma Biochanin Standard: Accuracy (RSD [63]
MS): Supelco precision):
Discovery C18 Primary stock 96.33107.67%
(50  4.6 mm; 5 mm) solutions were (0.715.97%)
Mobile phase:0.01 M prepared by
ammonium acetate dissolving 5 mg in
pH 5.5:ACN (10:90) 0.2 mL DMSO and
Detection: MRM appropriate dilutions
(negative ion mode): were made with
Curcumin: m/z MeOH. Calibration
367217 standards and QC
IS: m/z 283268 samples were
prepared by spiking
working solutions
into control pooled
rat plasma.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference


100 mL
plasma 10 mL IS
solution (MeOH,
1 mg/mL), mixed for
15 s.
Add 2 mL mixture of
CH2Cl2:EtOA (1:1,
v/v) then vortex-
mixed 3 min,
centrifuged 5 min
(2000  g).
1.6 mL organic layer
was removed,
evaporated, then
dissolved in 200 mL
mobile phase, 10 mL
was injected into LC.
Curcumin Column (LCMS/ Rat plasma Nimesulide Standard: Curcumin Accuracy (RSD [64]
(administrated as free MS): Chromolith and IS were dissolved in precision):
curcumin and as solid (50  4.6 mm, 5 mm) MeOH (100 mg/mL); Intraday: 102.43105.
lipid nanoparticle) Mobile phase: calibration standard and 67% (23.55%)
ACN:10 mM QC were prepared by Interday:
ammonium acetate spiking the appropriate 105.7108.5%
buffer (80:20, v/v) working solutions into (2.053.55%)
Detection: MRM plasma
(negative): Samples:
Curcumin: m/z
367217 100 mL rat
IS: m/z 307229 plasma 10 mL IS
solution 200 mL
incubate 37  C for
1 h.
Curcumin was
extracted by using
2 mL diethyl ether by
vortexing (1 min)
then cold centrifuged
(4  C, 5 min,
5000 rpm).
Supernatant was
evaporated to dryness
in nitrogen (50  C)
and residue was
dissolved in mobile
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Curcumin, curcumin Column (HPLC-UV/ Rat plasma Emodin Standard: Stock Bias: [65]
di-decanoate (CurDD) Vis): C18 solutions of curcumin Curcumin: 2.77% to
Phenomenex CurDD and IS were 3.15%
(250  4.6 mm, 5 mm) prepared in ACN. CurDD: 6.07% to
Mobile phase: Gradient Working solutions of 8.88%
elution ACN:THF: curcumin and IS were RSD Precision
H20 with 0.1% formic prepared by dilution Intraday:
acid (08 min: with MeOH, while for Curcumin:
35:20:45, 813 min: CurDD, ACN was 5.7111.5%
35:20:4550:40:10, and used. CurDD: 1.649.06%
1321 min: 50:40:10) Calibration standard Interday
Detection: Vis 425 nm and QC were prepared Curcumin:
by spiking the 7.2411.4%
appropriate working CurDD: 3.7718.7%
solutions into plasma
Samples (prepared in
low temperature
08  C)

50 mL
plasma 10 mL IS (so
the concentrations of
IS was 500 ng/mL).
After vortex-mixing
for 10 s, then 50 mL
of 10% sodium
dodecyl sulfate was
added, vortex-mixed
for 15 s.
Add 600 mL of
EtOA, vortex-mixed
90 s then centrifuged
5 min (12,000 rpm).
Supernatant was
taken, evaporated,
the residue was
dissolved in 80%
ACN, 50 mL was
Curcumin, Column (LCMS/ Mice Honokiol Standards: Stock Bias (RSD precision) 66
demethoxycurcumin MS): Metabolite tumor solutions were prepared Intrabatch:
(DMC), bis- identification: by dissolving each Curcumin: 1% to
demethoxycurcumin YMC Pack ODS analyte and IS in 5.5% (5.511.2%)
(BDMC) A C18 (250  4.6 mm, MeOH (500 mg/mL); DMC: 11.7% to
(administrated as 5 mm); guard column: working solutions were 14.3% (4.67.5%)
curcuminoid nano Agilent Zorbax Sb C18 prepared by mixing BDMC: 11.9% to
particle formulation) (12.5  4.6 mm, 5 mm) each of the stock 14.0% (3.34.8%)
Mobile phase: Solvent solutions Interbatch:
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
A: ACN, solvent B: Calibration standards Curcumin: 5.2% to
0.1% aqueous formic and QC samples were 5.1% (11.113.4%)
acid; gradient elution: prepared by spiking the DMC: 10.9% to
0 min: (A:B):5:95,v/v, appropriate working 13.2% (3.86.6%)
30 min linear gradient solutions into the tumor BDMC: 12.8% to
to 45:55, 50 min: 95:5, homogenate 14.1% (3.66.5%)
55 min 95:5 Samples:
Quantitative: Agilent
Zorbax SB C8 330 mL aliquot of
(150  4.6 mm, 5 mm); tumor
guard column: Agilent homogenate 20 mL
Zorbax Sb C18 IS (10 mg/mL)
(12.5  4.6 mm, 5 mm) vortex-mixed 30 s,
Mobile phase: 0 min: then extracted with
(A:B): 50:50, 6 min: 1400 mL ACN, then
85:15, 7 min: 95:5, vortex-mixing 1 min
8 min: 95:5 followed by
Detection: () m/z: ultrasonification 30 s.
Curcumin After centrifugation
(367.3149.2) for 10 min
DMC (337.1119.2) (9500  g), organic
BDMC (307.2119.1) layer was taken,
IS (265.2224.1) evaporated under
nitrogen, and the
residue was dissolved
in 200 mL MeOH
1 min,
30 s), 5 mL was
Curcumin Column (HPLC- Rat 2-(40 - Standard: Stock Accuracy, precision [67]
(administrated as PDA): Eclipse XDB plasma, hydroxy-benzene- solution: Curcumin intra- and interday are
curcumin-loaded Agilent C18 fecal, and azo) benzoic acid was dissolved in ACN within 15%
PLGA nano particle) (150  4.6 mm; 5 mm) urine (500 mg/mL); working
Mobile phase: ACN: solutions were prepared
10 mM monosodium by dilution of stock
phosphate pH 3.5, solution with 50%
adjusted by H3PO3 ACN; IS was dissolved
(40:60, v/v): in ACN (1.5 mg/mL)
Detection: 425 nm Calibration standards
and QC samples were
prepared by spiking
appropriate solutions
into blank plasma/
urine/fecal supernatant
Plasma: 50 mL
plasma 100 mL IS
solution, vortex-mixed
then centrifuged
15 min (12,000  g);
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
20 mL was injected
Fecal: 50 mL fecal
supernatant 100 mL
IS solution, vortex-
mixed then centrifuged
15 min (12,000  g);
20 mL was injected
Urine: 50 mL urine
supernatant was
extracted with 1 mL
EtOAc by vortex-
mixed, then
centrifuged 5 min
(8000 rpm), after
drying with vacuum
centrifugation, the
residue was dissolved
100 mL 50% IS solution,
then 20 mL was injected
Curcumin, Curcumin- Column (LCMS/ Human Hesperitin Samples extraction:Accuracy (% RSD) [68]
O-glucoronide (COG) MS): Beta Basic C8 plasma Intraday:
(50  2.1 mm; 2 mm), 10 mL standard Curcumin: 91.3112%
guard column: Beta C8 solutions of (3.458.32%)
(10  2.1 mm; 2 mm) curcumin and COG COG: 82.7102%
Mobile phase: ACN: (2020,000 ng/mL), (3.129.73%)
H2 containing 0.1% IS (10 mg/mL) were Interday:
formic acid (50:50, v/v) added to 100 mL Curcumin: 99.5101%
Detection MRM: human plasma; (5.1812.7%)
Curcumin: m/z calibrations curve COG: 105109%
369177 containing curcumin (6.0811.3%)
COG: m/z 545369 and COG
IS: m/z 303177 (22000 ng/mL)
while QC samples
2500 ng/mL.
The mixture was
vortex-mixed and
diluted with 0.15 M
phosphate saline
buffer (900 mL) then
extracted with
EtOAc, after the
organic layer was
taken and
evaporated, residue
was dissolve in
100 mL mobile
After centrifuged for
2 min (12,000  g),
25 mL of supernatant
was injected.
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
Curcumin Column (HPLC- Rat plasma Rhoda-mine 6G Standard: n/r n/r [69]
(administrated as Fluorescent): Plasma was extracted
amorphous curcumin) LiChrosphere C18 with ACN
(200  4.6, mm)
Mobile phase: 1% (w/v)
citric acid mono
hydrate pH 3: ACN:
THF (48:32:20)
Fluorescent detector:
lex/lem 420/530 nm
Curcumin Column (HPLC-UV/ Human n/r Standard: n/r n/r [70]
Vis): Shim-Pack CLC serum Extraction method was
C18 (250  4.6 mm; performed using
5 mm) dispersive liquid-liquid
Mobile phase: microextraction in a
THF:0.1% citric acid cold column trapping
pH 3 (60:40) (CCT-DLLME)
Detection: n/r
Curcumin Column (HPLC-UV/ Mice n/r Standard: n/r n/r [71]
(administrated as free Vis): Hypersil ODS blood and Stomach tissue:
C18 (150  4.6 mm,
curcumin and 5 mm) stomach The freeze-dried
nanoencapsulation) Mobile phase: tissue tissue (1020 mg)
MeOH:3.6% aqueous was shaken with
acetic acid (73:27, v/v) 2 mL EtOAc
Detection: UV 425 nm overnight, centrifuge
8000  g (10 min),
filtered and dried
under N2,dissolved
in 1 mL MeOH,
then injected
(20 mL).


200 mL
plasma 500 mL
EtOAc vortex-
mixed for 60 s and
sonicated for 60 s,
filtered and dried
under N2, dissolved
in 1 mL MeOH,
then injected
(20 mL).
Curcumin and Column (LCMS/ Human n/a Quantitative Intra- and interday [72]
metabolites, and MS): Phenomenex 3 m blood, measurements of accuracy and
13 other compounds C18(2) 100 nA urine, and curcumin metabolites precision < 15%
(administrated as (50  2 mm) feces were performed using
Table 3.12 Summary of bioanalysis's method of curcumin, related compounds, and its metabolitescont'd
Validation data
Biological of recovery/accuracy/
Chromatography sample/ Internal standard Preparation of standard, bias, precision,
Analytes (samples) conditions matrices (IS) sample extraction others results Reference
enriched bread; in Mobile phase: calibration curve of
microencapsulated A H2O:ACN:formic curcumin
curcumin) acid (94.9:5:0.1, v/v)
B ACN:formic acid Blood samples
(99.9:0.1, v/v); linear centrifuged
gradient:01 min: 4000 rpm (10 min,
440% B; 13 min: 4  C).
40100% B; 35 min: Urine samples were
100% B; 610 min: 4% treated with 0.005%
B butylated hydroxyl
Detection: MRM toluene (BHT).
(negative ion mode): Feces was diluted
m/zCurcumin: 1:10 (w/v) PBS
367 > 217 10 mM, containing
DeMC:337 > 217 0.005% BHT,
BDeMC: 307 > 217 vortex-mixed and
COG: 543 > 367 centrifuged
Curcumin sulfate: 4000 rpm (15 min,
447 > 367 4  C).
THCG: 547 > 135 Serum, urine and
Hexa hydrocurcumin fecal supernatant
(HHC): 373 > 179 were stored at
HHCG: 549 > 373 40  C before
1 mL serum, 3 mL
urine and fecal were
extracted with 6 and
9 mL EtOAc,
Supernatant were
dried under N2,
residue was dissolved
in 50 mL (MeOH:
H2O 70:30), 20 mL
was injected
into HPLC.
n/r: not reported; n/a: not available.
Desmethoxycurcumin demethoxycurcumin; Bis-desmethoxycurcumin bis-demethoxycurcumin.
198 Maria L.A.D. Lestari and Gunawan Indrayanto

scanning of excitation and emission from 300 to 700 nm; the analytical
wavelength for measurements was 538.5 nm. Recoveries were
97.3104.5% (RSD 1.32.45).
Detection and quantification of curcumin in mouse lung cell cultures by
matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time mass spectrometry
(MALDI-TOFMS) was described by May et al. [116]. Matrices were
prepared using a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA),
trihydroxyacetophenone, and dihydroxybenzoic acid, and it was shown that
CHCA was the superior matrix. MALDI analysis showed that cells take up
712% available curcumin.

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Hesham M. Korashy*, A.F.M. Motiur Rahman,
Mohammed Gabr Kassem
*Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1. Introduction 205
1.1 Nomenclature 206
1.2 Formula 206
1.3 Elemental analysis 207
1.4 Physical properties 207
1.5 Uses and applications 207
2. Methods of Preparation 207
3. Physical Properties 214
3.1 Spectroscopy 214
3.2 Mass spectrum 218
4. Methods of Analysis 220
4.1 Chromatographic methods 220
4.2 Colorimetric methods 228
4.3 UV spectrophotometric methods 229
5. Pharmacology 229
5.1 Pharmacokinetics 229
5.2 Pharmacodynamics 231
5.3 Toxicities 231
Acknowledgment 232
References 232

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are a class of small molecule drugs
that block the intracellular signals which drive proliferation in many malig-
nant cells by specifically inhibiting the kinase function of individual intracel-
lular pathways involved in receptor-mediated growth signaling [1].
Dasatinib (BMS-354825, Sprycel), is a thiazole-based ATP-competitive,

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 205
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
206 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

dual Src/Abl kinase inhibitor [2], approved for the treatment of imatinib-
resistant and imatinib-intolerant patients across all phases of chronic myelog-
enous leukemia (CML) [3].

1.1. Nomenclature
1.1.1 Systematical chemical names
2-methylpyrimidin-4-yl)amino)thiazole-5-carboxamide [4,5]
2-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl]amino]-1,3-thiazole-5-carboxamide [6,7]
2-methylpyrimidin-4-yl}amino)-1,3-thiazole-5-carboxamide [8]

1.1.2 Nonproprietary names

Synonyms: BMS-354825 [911]

1.1.3 Proprietary names

Sprycel [911]

1.2. Formula
1.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, obtained mass
and CAS number
Chemical formula: C22H26ClN7O2S, molecular weight: 488.0055, exact
mass: 487.1557, monoisotopic mass: 487.155721508, m/z: 487.7 [M H]
(obtained), m/z: 488.1635 [M H] [6], CAS no. 302962-49-8 [6,912]

1.2.2 Structural formula

O Cl

1.2.3 SMILES
CC(]N1)N1CCN(CCO)CC1 [13]
Dasatinib 207

1.2.4 InChI
13,31H,6-11H2,1-2H3,(H,28,32)(H,24,25,26,27) [13]

1.3. Elemental analysis

Elemental analysis: C, 54.15%; H, 5.37%; Cl, 7.26%; N, 20.09%; O, 6.56%;
S, 6.57% (calculated); C, 53.90%; H, 5.30%; N, 20.07% [3]; C, 54.17%;
H, 5.38%; N, 20.09% [14].

1.4. Physical properties

1.4.1 Appearance
White powder

1.4.2 Solubility
Water solubility: 0.0128 mg/mL

1.4.3 Melting point

285  C, 280286  C [9], 279280  C [6], 285.25286.28  C [4]

1.4.4 Dissociation constant

pKa: 10.28 [9]

1.4.5 Partition coefficient

(P is the partition coefficient of the molecule in the wateroctanol system)
log P: 1.8 [9]

1.5. Uses and applications

Dasatinib, as protein TKI, works by blocking the action of an abnormal pro-
tein that signals cancer cells to multiply. This helps to stop the spread of can-
cer cells [15].

In most of the reports [2,4,6,16,17], synthesis of dasatinib (1)
involves the reaction of N-(2-chloro-6-methylphenyl)-2-(6-chloro-2-
methylpyrimidin-4-ylamino)-1,3-thiazole-5-carboxamide 2 with 1-(2-
hydroxyethyl) piperazine by heating the mixture at 80  C refluxing in
208 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

dioxane or in presence of base, most likely N,N-Diisopropylethylamine

(DIEA) in tert-butanol at 118  C (Scheme 4.1).
The detailed synthetic procedures have been illustrated below for the
synthesis of dasatinib. In 2006 [16], McIntyre et al. reported that the reaction
of 4,6-dichloro-2-methylpyrimidine 3 with 1-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine
in the presence of DIEA in CH2Cl2 afforded the pyrimidine derivative 4,
which was then condensed with the aminothiazole derivative 5 in the pres-
ence of K2CO3, Pd(AcO)2, and 2,20 -bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,10 -
binaphthyl) BINAP) in toluene at 100  C to obtain dasatinib (Scheme 4.2).
Later, they claimed other procedures [16,18] for the synthesis of dasatinib
1. Treatment of 4-amino-6-chloro-2-methylpyrimidine 6 with 1-(2-
hydroxyethyl) piperazine in the presence of DIEA in CH2Cl2 affords the
pyrimidine derivative 7, which after reaction with benzoyl isothiocyanate
8 in CHCl3 followed by hydrolysis with aqueous NaOH in MeOH provided
the thiourea intermediate 9. Condensation of compound 9 with N,N-
dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal 10 in EtOH at 73  C yields compound
11, which was finally reacted with 2-chloro-N-(2-chloro-6-methylphenyl)
acetamide 14 (prepared by acylation of the aniline derivative 12 with
chloroacetyl chloride 13 in the presence of N-Methylmorpholine in acetone)
in refluxing MeOH to give dasatinib 1 (Scheme 4.3).

Cl Cl
Cl H N H
N H3C Heat N H3C
2 1

Scheme 4.1 Synthesis of dasatinib (1) from carboxamide (2).

Cl Cl HO HO N Cl

H2N S Cl
5 H3C N
K2CO3, Pd(OAc)2, BINAP 1

Scheme 4.2 Synthesis of dasatinib (1) from 4,6-dichloro-2-methylpyrimidine (3) [4,16].

Dasatinib 209

OH 8
CH3 2 7 CH3
N 10 N
CH3 11 HN N CH3
9 S H3C

O Heat
Cl Cl N
Cl O S N
Cl N
13 Cl N N
H2N CH2Cl2, pyridine N H N N
CH3 CH3 CH3 1
12 14 H3C

Scheme 4.3 Synthesis of dasatinib 1 from 4-amino-6-chloro-2-methylpyrimidine 6


Intermediate 2 can be synthesized by several different procedures

[14,16,17,19,20]; protection of ethyl 2-aminothiazole-5-carboxylate 15
with Boc2O and DMAP in THF gives compound 16, which was hydro-
lyzed with NaOH in THF/MeOH to yield the corresponding carboxylic
acid derivative 17. Reaction of compound 17 with oxalyl chloride in
THF affords the acyl chloride 18, which was condensed with
2-chloro-6-methylaniline 12 in the presence of TEA in CH2Cl2 to give
19. Deprotection of compound 19 by TFA gives the 2-aminothiazole deriv-
ative 5, which was finally reacted with 4,6-dichloro-2-methylpyrimidine 3
with strong base NaH in THF to give intermediate 2. This intermediate 2
was then reacted with 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine and dasatinib 1 was
obtained (Scheme 4.4).
Reaction of 2-chlorothiazole 20 with 2-chloro-6-methylphenylisocyanate
21 in presence of n-butyl lithium in THF at 78  C produces 2-chloro-N-(2-
chloro-6-methylphenyl)thiazole-5-carboxamide 22, which was then
N-protected with 4-methoxybenzyl chloride 23 using base (NaH) in THF
to yield compound 24. Reaction of 24 with 4-amino-6-
chloro-2-methylpyrimidine 25 in presence of NaH in THF affords the adduct
26, which was then deprotected using TfOH/TFA in CH2Cl2 to obtain inter-
mediate 2. This intermediate 2 reacted with 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine in
dioxane and gave dasatinib 1 (Scheme 4.5) [2,6,16].
210 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

O Boc2 O O O O
S H H (COCl)2 H
OEt DMAP Boc OEt NaOH Boc OH Boc Cl
15 16 17 18
Cl Cl Cl

Cl Cl N N
H2N 12 O O
H S 3
19 5 H3C

Cl HO Cl
Cl N N
N H3C Heat N H3C
2 1

Scheme 4.4 Synthesis of dasatinib 1 from ethyl 2-aminothiazole-5-carboxylate 15


Cl Cl
O Cl
S N n-BuLi S 23
Cl Cl
N O THF, 78 C H
20 21 22 H3C

Cl N CH3
Cl Cl
Cl S N
25 Cl N TfOH, TFA,
H3C N CH2Cl2
24 CH3 O 26

Cl Cl
Cl N H
2 1
CH3 , Heat CH3

Scheme 4.5 Synthesis of dasatinib 1 from 2-chlorothiazole 20 [2,6,16].

Condensation of 2-chloro-6-methylaniline 12 with 2-ethoxyacryloyl

chloride 27 in pyridine/THF gave the corresponding acrylamide derivative
28, which was cyclized with thiourea in presence of N-bromosuccinimide
(NBS) in hot dioxane to yield 2-amino-N-(2-chloro-6-methylphenyl)
thiazole-5-carboxamide 5. Compound 5 was then condensed with 4,6-
dichloro-2-methylpyrimidine 3 in presence of base (t-BuONa) in THF
to obtain intermediate 2. On the other hand, reaction of 4,6-
dichloro-2-methylpyrimidine 3 with ethyl isothiocyanatoformate 29 in
Dasatinib 211

CH3 H H2N NH2 Cl

CH3 Cl O CH3 O
O 27 S N
pyr Cl 28
Cl 5 H3C

Cl Cl
Cl NH2 SCN O CH3 Cl N NH2 N 3
Cl N CH3
29 N H
N 2 H3C t-BuONa
6 NaOH 30

Cl N
N H Heat

Scheme 4.6 Synthesis of dasatinib 1 from 2-chloro-6-methylaniline 12 [4,16].

THF at refluxing followed by hydrolysis in 1 M NaOH at 50  C yields the

thiourea derivative 30; later, compound 30 was finally cyclized with the
acrylamide 28 in presence of NBS in THF/H2O to give the same interme-
diate 2 [2,5,10]. This intermediate 2 later reacted with 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)
piperazine and gave dasatinib 1 (Scheme 4.6).
Reaction of 2-chloro-6-methylaniline 12 with chloroacetyl chloride 31 in
pyridine/CH2Cl2 gave compound 32, which was reacted with thiourea deriv-
ative 33 in ethanol to yield triphenyl methyl protected 2-amino-N-
(2-chloro-6-methylphenyl)thiazole-5-carboxamide 34 followed by
deprotection using formic acid to obtain 5. Compound 5 was then condensed
with 4,6-dichloro-2-methylpyrimidine 3 in presence of base (t-BuONa) in
THF to obtain intermediate 2. This intermediate 2 later reacted with 1-(2-
hydroxyethyl)piperazine and gave dasatinib 1 (Scheme 4.7) [21].
Reaction of 2-(4-chloro-2-methyl-6-pyrimidinylamino)thiazole-5-
ethylcarboxylate 35 with 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine gave compound
36, which was then hydrolyzed to get acid 37 followed by protection of
37 to obtain 38. The acid 38 was converted to its corresponding acid chlo-
ride 39, subsequently reacted with compound 12 to obtain hydroxy-
protected dasatinib 40. Deprotection of hydroxy group 40 gave dasatinib
1 (Scheme 4.8) [20].
Reaction of 3 with 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine gave compound 4,
which after protection gave 41, which was reacted with 2-amino-
212 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

Cl Cl Cl Ph N N N
Cl O
31 Ph 33
Cl Ph S
CH2Cl2, pyridine H EtOH
12 32
Cl Cl

Cl Cl
O O 3
Ph N N
N H N H NaOBut
34 H3C 5 H3C

Cl H N
2 MW CH3 1

Scheme 4.7 Synthesis of dasatinib 1 from 2-chloro-6-methylaniline 12 [21].

HO N OEt Hydrolysis
Cl OEt N
35 CH3

N OH Protection PgO N OH (COCl)2
N 37 N
N N 12 N N
PgO Cl H3C N H
N Base 40
39 CH3

Deprotection HO N N
N 1

Scheme 4.8 Synthesis of dasatinib 1 from carboxylate 35 [20].

5-methylcarboxylate 42 to obtain 43. Compound 43 was hydrolyzed,

followed by acid chloride formation for the reaction with compound 12
to obtain protected dasatinib 40, which was then deprotected to get
dasatinib 1 (Scheme 4.9) [21].
Dasatinib 213

Cl Cl N Cl
N NH N Protection
3 4

N Cl O N S
N 42 N OMe Hydrolysis
41 43


OH (COCl)2
PgO N Cl 12
44 CH3 45

Cl Cl
N N Deprotection HO N N
N N 1

Scheme 4.9 Synthesis of dasatinib 1 from 4,6-dichloro-2-methylpyrimidine 3 [21].

H Cl
Cl O S Cl O S N
2 CH3 Dioxane, reflux 12 h CH3

Br Cl
O H 18F
Na2CO3, KI, CH3CN, H N
60 C, 4 h N N
CH3 1-18F

Scheme 4.10 Synthesis of fluorine-18 derivative of dasatinib 1 [22].

Darren R. Veach et al. [22] synthesized the 18F derivative of dasatinib from
the intermediate 2. Intermediate 2 was reacted with piperazine in the presence
of DIEPA in dioxane to give N-(2-chloro-6-methylphenyl)-2-(2-methyl-6-
(piperazin-1-yl)pyrimidin-4-ylamino) thiazole-5-carboxamide (46), which
was then reacted with 1-bromo-2-fluoro (18F) ethane to give 18F derivative
of dasatinib 1-18F (Scheme 4.10).
214 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

3.1. Spectroscopy
3.1.1 Ultraviolet spectroscopy
The ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) absorption spectrum of dasatinib was
recorded for selecting the proper maximum absorption peak (lmax). Using
a UV/VIS spectrometer (Varian Cary 50 Conc UV/VIS spectrophotome-
ter), the absorption spectrum of dasatinib in ethanol was scanned from 200 to
400 nm. As shown in Figure 4.1, the lmax of dasatinib is located at 321 nm.

3.1.2 Vibrational spectroscopy IR spectroscopy of dasatinib
The infrared absorption spectrum of dasatinib was obtained in a KBr pellet,
using a Shimadzu infrared spectrophotometer. The IR spectrum is shown in
Figure 4.2. The principal peaks were observed at 3418, 3200, 2946, 2815,
1620, 1582, 1513, 1456, 1391, 1294, 1216, 1194, 1004, 862, 814, 773, and
591 cm1. Assignments for the major infrared absorption band are provided
in Table 4.1.

3.1.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

H and 13C NMR spectra of dasatinib (shown in Figures 4.3 and 4.4, respec-
tively) were obtained using a Bruker 500 MHz NMR spectrometer.

Figure 4.1 UV spectrum of dasatinib (1  104 M solution in ethanol).

Dasatinib 215

Figure 4.2 Infrared spectrum of dasatinib in KBr plate.

Table 4.1 Infrared spectroscopic data for dasatinib in KBr plate

Entry Bond Absorption peaks (lmax) (cm1) Appearance
1 CdCl 773, 591 Strong
2 CdO 1110 Strong
3 dCdH, HC]CH (aryl) 1582, 1513, 1456, 1391 Strong
4 C]O 1620 Strong
5 CH2, CdH (alkyl) 2946 Strong
6 OdH 3200 Broad
7 NdH 3418 Broad

Chemical shifts were expressed in parts per million (ppm) (Table 4.2) with
respect to the tetramethylsilane signal for 1H and 13C NMR. 1H NMR spectrum

H-NMR (DMSO-d6, 500 MHz): d 11.47 (s, 1H, NH), 9.88 (s, 1H, NH),
8.23 (s, 1H), 7.40 (d, J 6.5 Hz, 1H, HAr), 7.29 (d, J 6.0 Hz, 1H, HAr),
7.27 (t, J 7.5 Hz, 1H, HAr), 6.06 (s, 1H), 4.454.36 (m, 1H), 3.52 (s, 4H),
Figure 4.3 1H NMR spectra of dasatinib in DMSO-d6.

Figure 4.4 C NMR spectrum of dasatinib in DMSO-d6.
Dasatinib 217

Table 4.2 Comparative study of 1H NMR spectra for dasatinib (DMSO-d6) with literature
Chemical shift Chemical shift [14] Chemical shift [6]
Entry (500 MHz, DMSO-d6) (500 MHz, DMSO-d6) (400 MHz, DMSO-d6)
1 11.47 (s, 1H, NH) 11.48 (s, lH) 11.67 (br s, 1H)
(D2O exchangeable)
2 10.50 (br s, 1H)
3 9.88 (s, 1H, NH) 9.88 (s, lH) 9.96 (s, 1H)
(D2O exchangeable)
4 8.23 (s, 1H) 8.23 (s, lH) 8.27 (s, 1H)
5 7.40 (d, J 6.5 Hz, 7.257.30 (m, 3H) 7.40 (d, J 7.7 Hz, 1H)
1H, HAr)
6 7.29 (d, J 6.0 Hz, 7.28 (dd, J 6.6, 6.7 Hz, 1H)
1H, HAr)
7 7.27 (t, J 7.5 Hz, 7.25 (d, J 7.7 Hz, 1H)
1H, HAr)
8 6.06 (s, 1H) 6.05 (s, lH) 6.17 (s, 1H)
9 4.454.30 (m, 1H) 4.46 (s, lH) 4.33 (d, J 12.6 Hz, 2H)
10 3.52 (s, 4H) 3.523.56 (q, 6H) 3.79 (dd, J 5.0, 5.5 Hz, 2H)
11 3.453.35 (m, 1H) 3.60 (d, J 11.6 Hz, 2H)
12 2.50 (s, 3H) 2.492.51 (m, 4H) 3.38 (dd, J 12.1, 12.6 Hz, 2H)
13 2.50 (m, 2H) 3.223.19 (m, 2H)
14 2.42 (s, 4H) 2.412.45 (s, 5H) 3.133.07 (m, 2H)
15 2.25 (s, 3H) 2.24 (s, 3H) 2.45 (s, 3H)
16 1.06 (t, J 6.5 Hz, 2.24 (s, 3H)
1H, dOH)

3.453.35 (m, 1H), 2.50 (s, 3H), 2.50 (m, 2H), 2.42 (s, 4H), 2.25 (s, 3H),
and 1.06 (t, J 6.5 Hz, 1H, dOH) ppm.

13 C NMR spectrum
C NMR (DMSO-d6, 125 MHz): d 165.14, 162.56, 162.37, 159.91,
156.91, 140.80, 138.80, 133.51, 132.42, 128.99, 128.13, 126.98, 125.67,
82.59, 60.18, 58.50, 56.01, 52.71, 43.60, 25.55, and 18.28 ppm.
218 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

C NMR (DMSO-d6, 125 MHz): d 165.7, 162.8, 162.1, 160.4, 157.5,
141.2, 139.4, 133.8, 133.0, 129.6, 128.8, 127.6, 126.5, 84.0, 58.1, 55.2,
51.1 (2), 41.2 (2), 25.7, 18.8 [3].
C NMR (DMSO-d6, 125 MHz): d (ppm) 18.756, 26.034, 44.098,
53.186,58.997, 60.658, 83.098, 126.157, 127.458, 128.612, 129.474,
132.910, 134.002, 139.285, 141.286, 157.410, 160.393, 162.964,
165.629 [9].

3.2. Mass spectrum

The mass spectral studies of dasatinib were carried out with an Agilent 6320
Ion Trap LC/MS system by infusion of 2 mg of dasatinib solution in aceto-
nitrile:H2O (1:1) without a column. Source parameters were as follows:
temperature was 350  C, gas flow was 12 L/min, and nebulizer was
60 psi. Figure 4.5 shows the mass spectrum for the parent compound
(m/z 487.3), and Figures 4.6 and 4.7 show the detailed mass fragmentation

Figure 4.5 Dasatinib shows m/z 487.3 [M(35Cl) H] molecular ion peak in
positive mode.

Figure 4.6 MS/MS spectrum of the m/z 487.3 dasatinib fragment in the
positive mode.
Dasatinib 219

Figure 4.7 MS/MS/MS spectrum of the dasatinib m/z 399.8 fragment in the
positive mode.

Cl Exact mass: 487.1557


O Cl

Exact mass: 468.1368 Exact mass: 401.0946 Exact mass: 347.1285

Scheme 4.11 Possible MS/MS fragments of dasatinib for the m/z 487.3 fragment.

pattern interpretation of the drug substance. The reported m/z for dasatinib
(C22H26ClN7O2S) was ESI (M 1): 490.27 [5], 488.1635 [M H] [6],
and the obtained m/z 487.3 [M(35Cl) H], the reported m/z 488.9 is
[M(37Cl) H], while the calculated exact mass is 487.1557.

3.2.1 Fragmentation pattern of dasatinib

The MS/MS scan of the molecular ion peak of dasatinib shows three frag-
ments at m/z 468.9, 399.8, and 345.7 (Figure 4.6; Scheme 4.11).
The MS/MS/MS scan of the m/z 399.8 fragment of dasatinib
(Figure 4.7) yielded a number of peaks, including m/z 382.0, 338.6,
309.8, 296.4, 284.0, 248.5, 226.5, and 172.1. Fragments are shown in
Scheme 4.12.
220 Hesham M. Korashy et al.


O Exact mass: 401.0946
Cl Cl Exact mass: 382.0762 Cl Exact mass: 341.0491

Exact mass: 310.0854 Exact mass: 285.0116

Scheme 4.12 Possible fragments for the MS/MS/MS of dasatinib.

4.1. Chromatographic methods
4.1.1 High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
In recent years, numerous laboratories have reported the use of high-
throughput bioanalytical procedures for the single and simultaneous
quantification of plasma concentrations of antileukemia drugs [2336].
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods for the phar-
macokinetics (PK) of imatinib have been well investigated [2,3749]. Mea-
surement of TKIs plasma concentrations, in fact, is a reliable tool to perform
therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM); however, only the drugs fraction
reaching the intracellular compartment is expected to exert action. Then
a convenient correlation should be done, also, between clinical outcome
and intracellular drug levels reached in treated patients. As variability in drug
PK and inadequate patient compliance, also poor penetration of drugs into
body compartments, particularly in leukocytes or peripheral blood mono-
nuclear cell (PBMC), may contribute to the occurrence of subtherapeutic
drug level, leading to loss of treatment efficacy. The mechanisms by which
TKI drugs accumulate within cells remain generally unknown and very few
data are published to date [2,5052]. DAvolio et al. [53] have described a
new method using HPLC coupled with electrospray mass spectrometry
for the quantification of PBMC concentration of TKIs imatinib, dasatinib,
and nilotinib. A simple PBMC isolation and extraction procedure was
applied on 1014 mL of blood aliquots. Chromatographic separation of
drugs and Internal Standard (quinoxaline) was achieved with a gradient (ace-
tonitrile and water formic acid 0.05%) on a C18 reverse-phase analytical
Dasatinib 221

column with 25 min of analytical run, at a flow rate of 0.25 mL/min. Mean
intra- and interday precision for all compounds were 8.76% and 12.20%,
mean accuracy was 3.86%, and extraction recovery ranged within 79%
and 91%. Calibration curves ranged from 50.0 to 0.25 ng. The limit of quan-
tification was set at 0.25 ng for all the analyzed drugs. This method allows a
specific, sensitive, and reliable simultaneous intracellular determination of
the three TKIs imatinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib in a single chromatographic
run, useful for drugs estimation in PBMC of patients affected by CML.

4.1.2 LC/MS/MS methods for simultaneous quantification

of dasatinib and its metabolites
Furlong et al. [54] reported the development, validation, and successful
application of the first liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry
method (LC/MS/MS) assay capable of quantifying dasatinib and two phar-
macologically active metabolites M4 and M5 (Figures 4.8 and 4.9). Valida-
tion of the LC/MS/MS method was carried out in accordance with the
FDA Guidance for IndustryBioanalytical Method Validation [55] and
BristolMyers Squibb Standard Operating Procedures. Accuracy, precision,
and sensitivity were established in three core analytical runs for dasatinib and
M5; a fourth analytical run was included for M4 due to insufficient M4 dilu-
tion quality control (QC) samples (3/6) passing for accuracy in one of the

(A) Dasatinib
Cl Cl
H S 15 13 S
HN N HO N 13C 13 N C
N H N 13C C 15
(B) Metabolite M4 (D) Dasatinib stable-labeled internal standard
Cl Cl
O H S 15 13 S
HO N N HN 13 13 N C
N H N 13C 15 H
(C) Metabolite M5 (E) Metabolite M4 stable-labeled internal standard
Figure 4.8 Chemical structures of analytes and internal standards. The stable-labeled
internal standard for dasatinib was used to quantify dasatinib and M5 [54].
222 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

m/z 401 Cl
(A) Dasatinib

m/z 275 Cl m/z 407 Cl

H S 15 13 S
HN N HO N 13 13 N C
N H N 13C C 15
(B) Metabolite M4 (D) Dasatinib stable-labeled internal standard

m/z 387 Cl
m/z 281O Cl
H S 15 13 S
N 13 13 N C
N N N 13C 15 H

(C) Metabolite M5 (E) Metabolite M4 stable-labeled internal standard
Figure 4.9 Arrows indicate the proposed fragmentation pathways leading to the prod-
uct ions monitored in the assay for dasatinib and its metabolites as well as stable-
labeled internal standard [54].

three core analytical runs. The lower limit of quantitation was evaluated by
spiking the three analytes into six unique human plasma lots at 1.00 ng/mL
followed by extraction and quantification. Specificity was assessed for poten-
tial matrix interferences in six lots of blank human plasma by extraction and
inspection of the resulting chromatograms for interfering peaks at the reten-
tion times of the three analytes and internal standards. Specificity was sim-
ilarly assessed for potential internal standard-derived interferences using six
lots of internal standard-spiked blank plasma. The recovery of dasatinib, M4,
M5, and the internal standards from human plasma during extraction was
determined at 50 and 800 ng/mL by comparing the response ratios in
human plasma samples spiked with the analytes prior to extraction with
those spiked postextraction. The matrix effect was determined at concentra-
tions of 50 and 800 ng/mL for dasatinib, M4, M5, and the internal standards
by dividing the analyte peak area responses in human plasma spiked
postextraction by the analyte responses spiked in reconstitution solution.
Capability of dilution was evaluated using QC samples that were prepared
at a concentration of 5000 ng/mL and subsequently diluted 10-fold with
blank human plasma prior to analysis.
Dasatinib 223

4.1.3 LC/MS/MS methods for metabolic stability study of dasatinib

Kamath et al. [37] described a metabolic stability study for dasatinib, in which
metabolic stability of dasatinib was measured after incubation with liver
microsomes (either NADPH- or UDPGA-fortified) and isolated hepato-
cytes obtained from mouse, rat, dog, monkey, and human. In all cases, sub-
strate depletion over time was measured and appropriate scaling factors were
used to predict in vivo clearance. PKs of dasatinib were determined in mice,
rats, dogs, and monkeys after administration of single intravenous or oral
doses. In addition, the routes of excretion were investigated after adminis-
tration of dasatinib to bile duct cannulated rats. Absorption and first-pass
metabolism were evaluated as possible reasons for the incomplete oral bio-
availability using various in vitro and in vivo models like Caco-2 cells,
P-glycoprotein (P-gp) knockout mice, and intraportal dosing in rats. Sam-
ples from all the PK studies and samples from the protein binding and blood
cell partitioning studies were analyzed by the following LC/MS/MS
method. Plasma or serum samples were treated with two volumes of aceto-
nitrile containing 200 ng/mL of the internal standard (IS, BMS proprietary
compound). After centrifugation to remove precipitated proteins, a 10 mL
portion of the clear supernatant was analyzed by LC/MS/MS. Bile, urine,
and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) samples were first diluted 1:10 in the
corresponding blank plasma, followed by the plasma sample extraction pro-
cedure. The HPLC system consisted of two Shimadzu LC10AD pumps, a
HTS PAL autosampler, and a Hewlett Packard Series 1100 column com-
partment. The column used was a YMC C18-AQ, 2 mm  50 mm,
3-mm particle size, maintained at 60  C with a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min.
The mobile phase consisted of 0.1% formic acid in water (A) and 0.1%
formic acid in acetonitrile (B). Initial mobile phase composition was 85%
solvent A and 15% solvent B. After sample injection, the mobile phase
was changed using a linear gradient to 5% solvent A and 95% solvent
B over 1 min and held at that composition for an additional 1 min. The
mobile phase was then returned to initial conditions and the column
reequilibrated for 1.0 min. The total analysis time was 3 min. The HPLC
was interfaced to either a Micromass Quattro Micro triple quadrupole mass
spectrometer equipped with an electrospray interface or a Sciex API 3000
triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with a turbo ionspray interface. On
Micromass Quattro Micro UHP, nitrogen was used as the nebulizing and
desolvation gas at flow rates of 100 L/h for nebulization and 1000 L/h for
desolvation. The desolvation temperature was 300  C and the source tem-
perature was 150  C. Data acquisition employed selected reaction
224 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

monitoring (SRM). Positively charged ion representing the [M H] for

dasatinib and the IS were selected in MS2 scan and collisionally dissociated
with argon at a pressure of 2  103 Torr to form specific product ions
which were subsequently monitored by MS2. All dwell times were
100 ms. The SRM transitions monitored were m/z 488 ! 01 for dasatinib
and m/z 459 ! 338 for the IS. Cone voltage was optimized at 45 V for
dasatinib and 30 V for the IS, while the collision energy was 30 eV for
dasatinib and 20 eV for the IS. The retention times for dasatinib and the
IS were approximately 1.0 and 1.2 min, respectively. The Sciex API
3000 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer used the turbo ionspray interface
with an ionspray voltage of 4500 V. Gas 1 and gas 2 were set at 8 and 800,
respectively. The turbo ionspray temperature was set at 400  C. The dec-
lustering potential was 41 V for dasatinib and 61 V for the IS. The focusing
potential was 170 V for dasatinib and 100 V for the IS. The collision energy
was 41 and 29 eV for dasatinib and the IS, respectively. The nitrogen col-
lision gas setting was 6. The standard curves ranged from 1 to 20,000 nM.
The standards were analyzed in duplicate. QC samples at concentrations of
80, 800, and 8000 nM were analyzed in duplicate with the analytical set.
Predicted concentrations of more than 80% of the QCs were within 20%
of nominal concentrations, indicating acceptable assay performance. Liver
microsomal samples for determination of metabolic stability were analyzed
using a high-throughput LC/MS assay. Samples from the Caco-2 perme-
ability and glucuronidation studies were analyzed by HPLCUV. The
HPLC system consisted of the 2690 Waters separation module and a Waters
996 photodiode array detector.

4.1.4 LC/MS/MS methods for simultaneous quantification

of dasatinib and other TKIs in human plasma
Several validated LC/MS/MS methods have been described to support
simultaneous quantification of dasatinib and other TKIs in human plasma
[24,26,51,56,57]. Bouchet et al. [24] described an UPLC/MS/MS method
with SPE, adapted to routine application, allowing rapid, specific, and sen-
sitive determination of the nine TKIs. Under the described chromatographic
conditions, all compounds were separated in 3 min, retention time for each
analyte being between 0.76 and 2.51 min. Calibration curves ranged from
10 to 5000 ng/mL for imatinib, its metabolite, nilotinib, lapatinib, erlotinib,
and sorafenib, and from 0.1 to 200 ng/mL for dasatinib, axitinib, gefitinib,
and sunitinib. Peaks of each compound (retention time from 0.76 to
2.51 min) were adequately separated. The mean relative extraction recovery
Dasatinib 225

was in the range of 90.3106.5%, thanks to the use of stable isotopes as inter-
nal standard. There was no significant ion suppression observed at the respec-
tive TKI retention times. SPE was chosen because it allows the use of a single
protocol to quantify several TKIs that have a wide range of chemical prop-
erties: pKa values from 5 to 10, and log D values from 0 to 4.35 at pH 7 or
3.75 to 3.9 at pH 2 (benched using Marvin 5.0.0 software, www. This could not be done with liquid/liquid extraction
because of the different pKa values and thus the need of different steps or
buffers to extract all analytes. The second reason for choosing SPE concerns
the matrix effect because it is considered as the Achilles heel of mass spec-
trometry, Taylor reporting that protein precipitation using an organic solvent
or dilute and shoot are the dirtiest sample preparation techniques and thus
produces the most matrix effects compared to solid phase extraction [58].
SPE coupled to UPLC/MS/MS remains the most effective sample prep-
aration to reduce matrix effect and specifically ion suppression [59]. Further-
more, the recent marketing of the SPE-plates (such as MCX used here)
makes the method presented herein ready-to-use for robotic automation.
This is less time-consuming and more compatible than SPE-cartridges that
often require an evaporation step or protein precipitation that must be
followed by centrifugation. By combining SPE and UPLC/MS/MS, this
method allowed great sensitivity, which is of particular importance for drugs
such as dasatinib and axitinib. These molecules have a short half-life (36 h)
and thus the trough concentration is low. EPARs data show that mean
trough concentration is of 1 ng/mL.
A HPLC method coupled with electrospray mass spectrometry was
described for the quantification of plasma concentration of imatinib,
dasatinib, and nilotinib [26]. A simple protein precipitation extraction pro-
cedure was applied on 250 mL of plasma aliquots. Chromatographic separa-
tion of drugs and IS (quinoxaline) was achieved with a gradient (acetonitrile
and water formic acid 0.05%) on a C18 reverse-phase analytical column
with 20 min of analytical run, at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Mean intra-
and interday precision for all compounds were 4.3% and 11.4%; mean
accuracy was 1.5%; extraction recovery ranged within 95% and 114%.
Calibration curves ranged from 10,000 to 62.5 ng/mL. The limit of quan-
tification was set at 78.1 ng/mL for imatinib and at 62.5 ng/mL for dasatinib
and nilotinib. This novel developed methodology allows a specific, sensi-
tive, and reliable simultaneous determination of the three TKIs imatinib,
dasatinib, and nilotinib in a single chromatographic run, useful for drugs
estimation in plasma of patients affected by CML.
226 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

Roche et al. [51] have developed an assay for the determination of cel-
lular levels of lapatinib and dasatinib based on LLE coupled to LC/MS/MS.
This method had been applied to cancer cell line models and used to exam-
ine potential mechanisms of PK resistance in cancer cell models. There are
significant differences in the overall cellular uptake of lapatinib and dasatinib;
the biological implications of this difference is unclear but clearly this has the
potential to impact efficacy. Cellular samples were extracted with a tert-butyl
methyl ether:acetonitrile (3:1, v/v):1 M ammonium format pH 3.5 (8:1, v/v)
mixture. Separation was achieved on a Hyperclone BDS C18
(150 mm  2.0 mm, 3 mm) column with isocratic elution using a mobile
phase of acetonitirile10 mM ammonium formate, pH 4 (54:46, v/v), at
a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min.
The TKIs were quantified using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
which was operated in multireaction-monitoring mode employing positive
electrospray ionization. The limits of detection and quantification for lapa-
tinib was determined to be 15 and 31 pg on column, respectively, whereas
for dasatinib was 3 and 15 pg on column, respectively.
Haouala et al. [56] described a sensitive LC/MS/MS method for the
simultaneous analysis in a small volume of plasma of the six major TKIs cur-
rently used: imatinib, nilotinib, dasatinib, sunitinib, sorafenib, and lapatinib.
This assay is notably applied for plasma levels monitoring of TKIs in some
specific clinical situations (toxicity, questionable compliance, managing
drug interactions, and less than optimal clinical response) where information
on drug plasma exposure may be useful for optimizing patient treatment
management. They developed a LC/MS/MS method requiring 100 mL
of plasma for the simultaneous determination of the six major TKIs currently
in use. Plasma is purified by protein precipitation and the supernatant is
diluted in ammonium formate 20 mM (pH 4.0) 1:2. Reverse-phase chro-
matographic separation of TKIs is obtained using a gradient elution of
20 mM ammonium formate (pH 2.2) and acetonitrile containing 1% formic
acid, followed by rinsing and reequilibration to the initial solvent composi-
tion up to 20 min. Analyte quantification, using matrix-matched calibration
samples, is performed by electrospray ionizationtriple quadrupole mass
spectrometry by selected reaction-monitoring detection using the positive
mode. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations,
including assessment of extraction yield, matrix effects variability
(<9.6%), overall process efficiency (87.1104.2%), as well as TKIs short-
and long-term stability in plasma. The method is precise (interday CV%:
1.39.4%), accurate (9.2 to 9.9%), and sensitive (lower limits of
Dasatinib 227

quantification comprised between 1 and 10 ng/mL). This is the first broad-

range LC/MS/MS assay covering the major currently in-use TKIs. It is an
improvement over previous methods in terms of convenience (a single
extraction procedure for six major TKIs, reducing significantly the analytical
time), sensitivity, selectivity, and throughput. It may contribute to filling the
current knowledge gaps in the PKs/pharmacodynamics relationships of the
latest TKIs developed after imatinib and better define their therapeutic
ranges in different patient populations in order to evaluate whether a system-
atic TDM-guided dose adjustment of these anticancer drugs could contrib-
ute to minimize the risk of major adverse reactions and to increase the
probability of efficient, long-lasting, therapeutic response.
Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) interfaced with
atmospheric pressure ionization (API) sources and MS/MS were developed
by Hsieh et al. [57] for the simultaneous determination of dasatinib, imatinib,
and nilotinib in mouse plasma samples. The retention profiles of all analytes
on several silica stationary phases under HILIC conditions were explored.
The influences of experimental factors such as the compositions of mobile
phases on the chromatographic performance and the ionization efficiency of
all analytes in positive ion mode were investigated. The applicability of the
proposed HILIC/MS/MS approach following a protein precipitation pro-
cedure for the quantitative determination of dasatinib, imatinib, and
nilotinib at low nanomole levels was examined with respect to assay spec-
ificity and linearity. The analytical results obtained by various HILIC/
MS/MS approaches were found to be in good agreement with those
obtained by reversed-phase liquid chromatography/MS/MS methods in
terms of assay sample throughputs, sensitivity, and accuracy. Furthermore,
the potential of matrix ionization suppression on the proposed HILIC/
MS/MS systems was investigated using the postcolumn infusion technique.

4.1.5 LC/MS/MS methods for pharmacokinetic study of dasatinib

A detailed PK study was conducted in mice to derive the PK variables using
LC/MS/MS method [60]. Following single i.v. administration of 5 mg/kg
dasatinib, plasma samples were collected at different time points and
deproteinized with acetonitrile; the supernatant was analyzed by HPLC/
MS. The HPLC column used was a C18-ODS3 column (2 mm  50 mm,
3 mm particles) at 60  C with a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min, whereas the mobile
phase consisted of 5 mmol/L ammonium formate (pH 3.75) (A) and aceto-
nitrile (B). The initial mobile phase composition was 87.5% A/12.5% B.
After sample injection, the mobile phase was changed to 37.5% A/62.5%
228 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

B over 2 min and was held at that composition for 1.5 min. The HPLC was
interfaced to a Finnigan LCQ Advantage ion-trap mass spectrometer oper-
ated in the positive ion electrospray and full tandem mass spectrometry
mode. The limit of quantitation for the purpose of this assay was 1 ng/mL.

4.1.6 High-performance liquid chromatography/ultraviolet detection Stability indicating HPTLC and LC determination of dasatinib
in pharmaceutical dosage form [61]
Two sensitive and reproducible methods are described by Mhaske et al. [61]
for the quantitative determination of dasatinib in the presence of its degra-
dation products. The first method was based on high-performance thin layer
chromatography (HPTLC) followed by densitometric measurements of
their spots at 280 nm. The separation was on HPTLC aluminum sheets
of silica gel 60 F254 using toluene:chloroform (7.0:3.0, v/v). This system
was found to give compact spots for dasatinib after development (RF value
of 0.23  0.02). The second method was based on HPLC of the drug from its
degradation products on reversed phase, Perfect Sil column [C18 (5 mm,
25 cm  4.6 mm, i.d.)] at ambient temperature using mobile phase con-
sisting of methanol:20 mM ammonium acetate with acetic acid (45:55,
v/v), pH 3.0, and retention time (tR 8.23  0.02 min). Both separation
methods were validated as per the ICH guidelines. No chromatographic
interference from the tablet excipients was found. Dasatinib was subjected
to acidalkali hydrolysis, oxidation, dry heat, wet heat, and
photodegradation. The drug was susceptible to acidalkali hydrolysis and
oxidation. The drug was found to be stable in neutral, wet heat, dry heat,
and photodegradation conditions. As the proposed analytical methods could
effectively separate the drug from its degradation products, they can be
employed as stability indicating.

4.2. Colorimetric methods

A colorimetric method for the routine estimation of dasatinib has been
developed by Vadia et al. [62]. The method is based on the formation of
a blue-colored complex by dasatinib in presence of FolinCiocalteu reagent
and NaOH. The developed colored complex showed lmax at 745 nm.
Beers law in the concentration range of 1080 mg/mL. Results of analysis
were authenticated statistically as well as by recovery studies, which gave
mean recovery between 99% and 100%. The method was successful in
determining dasatinib in physical mixture and in tablet formulation, with
an average recovery of 99% and 100%, respectively. The proposed method
Dasatinib 229

could find application to product development scientists in ongoing research

as well provide an additional tool for routine analysis of dasatinib in academia
and QC laboratory.

4.3. UV spectrophotometric methods

UV spectrophotometric method has been developed by Sankar et al. [63] for
the quantitative estimation of dasatinib in pure form as well as in pharma-
ceutical formulations. The drug exhibits absorption maximum at 330 nm
in 0.1 N HCl and obeys Beers law in the concentration range of
210 mg/mL. The method was extended to pharmaceutical preparations
and there is no interference from any common pharmaceutical additives.

5.1. Pharmacokinetics
5.1.1 Absorption
A phase 1 trial study on 29 patients with advanced solid tumors receiving oral
dasatinib (20 mg/d) for two days showed a Cmax of 14 ng/mL with area
under the curve (AUC) of approximately 71 ng h/mL [64]. Dasatinib is rap-
idly absorbed after oral administration of 1.25, 2.5, or 5 mg/kg with a Tmax
of 1 h for all three oral doses, whereas the Cmax and the (AUC)024 seemed
dose dependent [60]. Oral bioavailability of dasatinib ranged from 14% in
mouse to 34% in the dog [37]. Upon oral administration, solubility of
dasatinib is dependent on pH; therefore, antacids, histamine H2-receptor
antagonists, or proton pump inhibitors such as famotidine or omeprazole
should be avoided. If antacid therapy is needed, it should be given at least
2 h before or 2 h after the dose of dasatinib [65]. In this regard, famotidine,
a H2-receptor antagonists, reduced dasatinib exposure by 61% [66]. In addi-
tion, it has been reported that oral administration of dasatinib with high-fat
containing meal increased the AUC by approximately 14%, which was not
clinically relevant. The maximum concentration of dasatinib is reached
between 0.5 and 6 h.

5.1.2 Distribution
Dasatinib extensively binds to human plasma proteins in vitro by approxi-
mately 96%. In leukemic patient, the calculated apparent volume of distri-
bution for dasatinib was 2502 L, implying that dasatinib is extensively
distributed in the extravascular space and tissues [37]. The elimination
half-life of dasatinib was approximately 35 h [37]. Although the brain
230 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

penetration of dasatinib is poor, with a CSF: plasma ratios ranging from 0.05
to 0.28, dasatinib appears to be more potent against CNS tumors than
imatinib. This could be a result of a much greater potency of dasatinib
and the large fraction of unbound drug [67].

5.1.3 Metabolism
In vitro studies demonstrate that multiple cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms
(e.g., CYP1A1, 1B1, and 3A4) are involved in metabolizing dasatinib [68].
Dasatinib is metabolized in humans markedly by CYP3A4 to active metab-
olites that represent around 5% of the parent compound, which is unlikely to
play a major role in the anticancer effect of dasatinib (Figures 4.8 and
4.9) [69]. Thus, coadministration of dasatinib with enzyme inducers (carba-
mazepine, dexamethasone, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and rifampicin) or
inhibitors (ketoconazole, macrolide antibacterials, HIV-protease inhibitors,
and nefazodone) may reduce or increase blood concentrations of dasatinib,
respectively. For example, it has been reported that coingestion of ketoco-
nazole with dasatinib resulted in a fivefold increase in dasatinib concentra-
tion in healthy volunteers, whereas rifampicin decreased dasatinib exposure
by 82% [70]. On the other hand, flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 and
phase II drug-metabolizing enzymes, such as UDP glucuronosyltransferase,
are also involved in metabolizing dasatinib [71]. Furthermore, in vitro studies
have demonstrated that dasatinib is a substrate of transporters, such as ATP-
Binding Cassette (ABC)B1 and ABCG2, but unlike nilotinib, not a potent
inhibitor of these transporters [72,73], in that, inhibition of ABCB1 trans-
porter by nilotinib increased the intracellular concentration of dasatinib in
CML cells [72]. In Caco-2 cells, the efflux ratio of dasatinib was approxi-
mately twofold, indicating that it may be a substrate for an intestinal efflux
transporter [37]. However, studies on P-gp knockout mice showed no dif-
ference in the amount of dasatinib remaining unabsorbed in the GIT as com-
pared to wild-type mice, suggesting that P-gp may not be responsible for
poor bioavailability of dasatinib [37].

5.1.4 Excretion
Dasatinib is mainly eliminated via the feces (85%), of which relatively small
amount of dasatinib is excreted unchanged as intact drug (19%) [70,74]. Uri-
nary excretion of dasatinib represents only 4%, of which <1% as unchanged
dasatinib. Dasatinib exhibited a biexponential and high clearance exceeding
the hepatic blood flow [60]. Although there are no data on the excretion of
Dasatinib 231

dasatinib into human milk, the manufacturer recommends that women who
are taking dasatinib do not breast-feed.

5.2. Pharmacodynamics
Dasatinib, a second-generation TKI, has been shown to be effective as an
anticancer drug in the treatment of patients with CML or Philadelphia
chromosome-positive (Ph) acute lymphoblastic leukemia who are resis-
tant or intolerant to imatinib. Dasatinib inhibits several multiple tyrosine
kinases, including BCR-ABL and SRC family kinases, which are indicated
for the treatment of adults with newly diagnosed chronic phase of CML.
Dasatinib exerts its anticancer effect through inhibiting several oncogenic
tyrosine kinases such as BCR-ABL, expressed by Ph stem cells, and is
directly involved in the pathogenesis of CML. Importantly, the ability of
dasatinib to inhibit 18 of the 19 BCR-ABL mutants that are resistant to
imatinib makes dasatinib more potent against BCR-ABL than imatinib
in vitro [75,76]. In this regard, dasatinib that is reported as being approxi-
mately 325-fold more active than imatinib in inhibiting wild-type ABL
kinase in vitro is active against a wide variety of imatinib-resistant BCR-
ABL mutants. However, the primary mechanism of resistance to dasatinib
is believed to be attributed to resistance of dasatinib to The T315I, a novel
BCR-ABL mutant clone [77,78]. Four-week treatment with dasatinib has been
shown to reduce BCR-ABL transcript by approximately 32% using real-time
polymerase chain reaction [79]. Dasatinib is also effective against multiple
myeloma cell lines in vitro, at clinically achievable concentrations, through
increased caspase-8 and caspase-12 activation and sensitized primary multi-
ple myeloma cells to other agents that activate caspase-9, such as dexameth-
asone and bortezomib [80]. Furthermore, dasatinib inhibited the viability of
both non-small cell lung cancer and head and neck squamous cell cancer cell
lines in vitro through apoptosis-dependent mechanism [81].

5.3. Toxicities
Most of the adverse effects associated with dasatinib therapy are mild to
moderate in severity and are usually reversible and manageable with appro-
priate intervention. Examples of these common side effects include cardiac
failure, hypertension, and coronary artery disease [10]. Dasatinib has the
potential to prolong the QT interval and thus should be given with caution
to patients with hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia. Pleural effusion is an
another common side effect associated with dasatinib; however, it can be
232 Hesham M. Korashy et al.

effectively managed with prompt delivery of supportive care and dose mod-
ification. Dasatinib also causes thrombocytopenia and bleeding, which may
be additive with antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs [16].

This work was supported by the College of Pharmacy Research Center, King Saud

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A.F.M. Motiur Rahman*, Hesham M. Korashy,
Mohammed Gabr Kassem*
*Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia

1. Introduction 239
1.1 Nomenclature 240
1.2 Formulae 240
1.3 Elemental analysis 241
1.4 Physical properties 241
1.5 Uses and applications 242
2. Methods of Preparation 242
3. Physical Properties 247
3.1 Spectroscopy 247
3.2 Mass spectrum 251
3.3 X-Ray powder diffraction pattern 253
4. Methods of Analysis 253
4.1 Chromatographic methods 253
5. Pharmacology 259
5.1 Pharmacokinetics 260
5.2 Toxicities 261
Acknowledgment 261
References 262

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein tyrosine kinase
is one of the important kinases that play a fundamental role in signal trans-
duction pathways [1]. Many human cancers overexpress EGFR and the
related human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER-2). Compounds,
such as gefitinib (Iressa), that inhibit the kinase activity of EGFR and

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 239
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
240 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

HER-2 after binding of their cognate ligand, have been used as new ther-
apeutic antitumor agents [2,3].
Gefitinib, a potent and selective ATP-competitive inhibitor of EGFR
and HER-2 kinases, is the first EGFR-targeting agent launched as an anti-
cancer drug in Japan, Australia, and the United Sates for the treatment of
chemoresistant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients [4,5]. In pre-
clinical studies, gefitinib has demonstrated antitumor activity against a vari-
ety of human cancer cell lines expressing EGFR, including lung, ovarian,
breast, and colon [68]. In human xenograft models, gefitinib (ZD1839)
in combination with standard cytotoxic agents resulted in both delayed
tumor growth and tumor regression, leading to enhanced survival [9].
Gefitinib is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of patients with
locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC after failure of both platinum-based
and docetaxel chemotherapies.

1.1. Nomenclature
1.1.1 Systematical chemical names
4-ylpropoxy)quina-zolin-4-amine [10].
propoxy]quina-zolin-4-amine [11,12].
4-(30 -Chloro-40 -fluoroanilino)-7-methoxy-6-(3-morpholinopropoxy)
quinazoline [1315].
4-Quinazolinamine, N-(3-chloro-4fluorophenyl)-7-methoxy-6-(3-4-
morpholin) propoxy [16].

1.1.2 Nonproprietary names

Gefitinib [1416]
Synonyms: ZD-1839, ZD1839 [1416]

1.1.3 Proprietary names


1.2. Formulae
1.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, and CAS number
Gefitinib: C22H24ClFN4O3, average: 446.902, monoisotopic: 446.152096566,
CAS number: 184475-35-2 [10,11].
Gefitinib 241

1.2.2 Structural formula




1.2.3 SMILES
(F)C]C1)]NC]N2 [11,17].

1.2.4 InChI
14H,2,5-10H2,1H3,(H,25,26,27) [11].

1.3. Elemental analysis

C, 59.13%; H, 5.41%; N, 12.54% [calculated].
Found: C, 59.17%; H, 5.21%; N, 12.33% [13].

1.4. Physical properties

1.4.1 Appearance
White powder [11,14,16]

1.4.2 Solubility
Gefitinib can be defined as sparingly soluble at pH 1, but is practically insol-
uble above pH 7, with the solubility dropping sharply between pH 4 and
pH 6. In nonaqueous solvents, gefitinib is freely soluble in glacial acetic acid
and dimethyl sulfoxide, soluble in pyridine, sparingly soluble in tetrahydro-
furan, and slightly soluble in methanol, ethanol (99.5%), ethyl acetate, and
propan-2-ol and acetonitrile [16].

1.4.3 Melting point

174175  C [18], 119120  C [12], 193195  C [13].
242 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

1.4.4 Stability Storage and stability
Gefitinib is provided as a solid product and shipped at room temperature.
Store at 20  C. Solid product is stable 1 year at 20  C when properly
stored. Upon resuspension, gefitinib should be aliquoted and stored at
20  C, and one must avoid repeated freezethaw cycles. Resuspended
product is stable for 3 months at 20  C when properly stored. Description
Gefitinib is a selective inhibitor of EGFR, a growth factor that plays a pivotal
role in the control of cell growth, apoptosis, and angiogenesis. EGFR acti-
vation stimulates many complex intracellular signaling pathways, primarily
the mitogen-activated protein kinases/extracellular signal-regulated kinases
and PI3K/AKT pathways [18,19]. Following EGFR activation, Src tyrosine
kinases and signal transducer and activator of transcription downstream sig-
naling have also been well documented. Recent studies demonstrated that
gefitinib can inhibit nucleotide oligomerization domain protein 2 (NOD2)-
induced cytokine release and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activation by
inhibiting receptor-interacting protein 2 tyrosine phosphorylation which is
critical for activation of NOD2 downstream signaling pathways [20].

1.4.5 Dissociation constant

pKa values: 5.4 and 7.2 [16]

1.4.6 Partition coefficient

(P is the partition coefficient of the molecule in the wateroctanol system)
log P: 3.2 [11].

1.5. Uses and applications

Gefitinib (originally coded ZD1839) is a drug used in the treatment of cer-
tain types of cancer. Acting in a similar manner to erlotinib (Tarceva),
gefitinib selectively targets the mutant proteins in malignant cells. It is
marketed by AstraZeneca under the trade name Iressa [11].

Synthesis of gefitinib (1) (Scheme 5.1) has been accomplished starting
from key intermediate 3 [13]. Reduction of the nitro group of compound 3
was carried out in aqueous medium using sodium dithionite at 50  C to
Gefitinib 243

Na2S2O3 / H2O
50 C
O 2 O 3

toluene, 150 C

AcOH, 130 C
1 O 4

Scheme 5.1 Synthesis of gefitinib (1) [13].

obtain compound 4 in 95% yield. Compound 4 was treated with

dimethylformamidedimethylacetal in toluene to produce N,N-dimethyl
formamidine derivative 5. To the formamidine 5 formed without further
purification was added acetic acid and 3-chloro-4-fluoroaniline, and the
mixture was heated to 130  C to produce crude material 1, which was fur-
ther purified by recrystallization to give pure material in 70% yield.
The synthesis of gefitinib (3, Scheme 5.2) also was achieved by
Venkateshappa Chandregowda in 2006 [13] starting with regioselective

O Methansulfonic acid, HO O
L-methionine, reflux pyridine,
5 6 7
F H2N Cl O
NH3/MeOH, . HCl
N i-PrOH O N
H 2O . HCl
9 8

F Cl N
4-(3-Chloropropyl)morpholine N O
10 1 F

Scheme 5.2 Synthesis of gefitinib (1) [2123].

244 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

demethylation of 6,7-dimethoxy-3H-quinazolin-4-one followed by

O-protection in 33% overall yields.
Rao et al. in 2010 as well as Tung in 2011 synthesized gefitinib
(1, Scheme 5.3) [2224] from isovanilin with previously described modified
method [21].
Gilday et al. [25] have designed a novel method (Scheme 5.4) for
synthesizing gefitinib starting from the conversion of 3-hydroxy-
4-methoxybenzaldehyde (11) into the corresponding nitrile, followed by
alkylation, nitration, reduction, nitrile hydrolysis, cyclization, chlorination,
and then the reaction of the chloride with 3-chloro-4-fluoroaniline to afford
gefitinib in eight steps overall. Wang et al. have used this route to produce
the target compound in radiolabeled form in 11% overall yield [26].
Novel synthesis of gefitinib (Scheme 5.5) was established from methyl
3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoate (22). This compound was alkylated with
1-bromo-3-chloropropane to afford the intermediate 23 in 94.7% yield [12].
Nitration of 23 with nitric acid in acetic acid gave compound 24, which was
reduced by powdered iron in acetic acid to give compound 25 in satisfactory
yield (77%). Catalytic hydrogenation using Raney/Ni or 5% Pd/C gave
incomplete conversions even after long reaction times. Cyclization of 25
with formamidine acetate and chlorination with thionyl chloride affords
compound 27. The final product was obtained after two reactions with dif-
ferent amines.

O O O 1. Oxidation
HO HNO3 HO X(CH2)3X X O 2. Reduction

11 12 13

O O Cl
Niementowski POCl3, X O
OH synthesis NH DEA N
14 15 16

Morpholine N F N

17 1

Scheme 5.3 Synthesis of gefitinib (1) [22].


(OHNH3)2SO4; O Base
11 18 19

70%H2SO4, O O KOH,
CH3COOH N O CN Na2S2O4 N O CN t-amyl alcohol

2 3


20 21

H2N Cl
O Cl
17 1

Scheme 5.4 Synthesis of gefitinib (1) [26].

O O Ac2O, AcOH,
HO 1-bromo-3-chloropropane, Cl O HNO3,
K2CO3, 60 C 05 C
22 23

Cl O Fe, AcOH, Cl O Formamidine acetate,
MeOH ethanol, reflux
24 25

O Cl H2N Cl
Cl O Cl O
O N DMF reflux O N K2CO3, DMF

Cl Cl

Cl O N O
28 KI, 50 C 1

Scheme 5.5 Synthesis of gefitinib (1) [12].

246 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

F-gefitinib was prepared in a three-step reaction sequence as depicted
in Scheme 5.6 [27]. Fluorination of 3-chloro-4-trimethyl ammonium-
nitrobenzene triflate provided 3-chloro-4-[18F]fluoro-nitrobenzene, which
was reduced to 3-chloro-4-[18F] fluoroaniline, and coupled to the
quinazoline precursor to yield [18F] gefitinib.
Deprotection of methyl group of gefitinib done for the radiosynthesis of
[ C] gefitinib obtained 31. The radiosynthesis was carried out using an

automated synthesis system for 11C-labeled radiopharmaceuticals. [11C]

Methylation of 31 with 11C-CH3I was performed in the presence of
NaH at 70  C for 5 min. After the reaction, purification, and formulation,
C-gefitinib was obtained with radioactivity incorporation yields of
4162% (Scheme 5.7) [28].

OTf K[18F]F /
18 18
NMe3 K CO -Kryptofix 222 F NaBH4, Pd/C F
2 3

O2N Cl O2N Cl H 2N Cl
40 C, 25 min rt, 7 min 31

O Cl F
17 O N N O
IPA, 120 C, 15 min O N
Scheme 5.6 Synthesis of F-gefitinib (1) [27].

Cl Cl
N O DMF, 140 C, 3h N O
1 31

NaH, 70 C, 5 min N O

Scheme 5.7 Synthesis of 1 [ C] gefitinib ([11C]Iressa) [28].
Gefitinib 247

3.1. Spectroscopy
3.1.1 Ultraviolet spectroscopy
Gefitinib ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS)-absorption spectrum was recorded
for selecting the proper maximum absorption peak (lmax). The absorption
spectrum of gefitinib in ethanol was scanned from 200 to 400 nm, using
UV/VIS spectrometer (Varian Cary 50 Conc UV/VIS spectrophotometer).
As shown in Figure 5.1, the lmax of gefitinib is located at 331 nm.

3.1.2 Vibrational spectroscopy IR Spectroscopy of gefitinib
The infrared absorption spectrum of gefitinib was obtained in a KBr pellet,
using a Shimadzu infrared spectrophotometer. The IR spectrum is shown in
Figure 5.2. The principal peaks were observed at 3400, 2956, 2808, 1625,
1578, 1532, 1500, 1472, 1429, 1398, 1227, 1219, 1110, 1028, 847, and
542 cm1. Assignments for the major infrared absorption band are provided
in Table 5.1.

l max = 278 (1),
O HN CI 280 (2), 291 (3),
N O 331 (4), 345 (5) nm


2 5

300 350
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 5.1 UV spectra of gefitinib (1  104 M solution in ethanol).
248 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.




Figure 5.2 Infrared spectroscopy (IR) spectra of gefitinib in KBr plate.

Table 5.1 Infrared spectroscopic data for gefitinib in KBr plate

Entry Bond Absorption peaks (lmax) (cm1) Appearance
1 CdF 1028 Strong
2 C]C, C]N 1625 Strong
2 CdO 1110 Strong
3 CH2, CdH (alkyl) 2956 Strong
4 HC]CH (aryl) 1500 Strong
5 NdH 3400 Broad

3.1.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of gefitinib were
registered with a Bruker 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Spectrometer. Chem-
ical shifts were expressed in parts per million (ppm) (Table 5.2) with respect
to the tetramethylsilane signal for 1H and 13C NMR (Figures 5.3 and 5.4,
respectively). 1H NMR spectrum

H-NMR (DMSO-d6, 500 MHz): d 9.54 (s, 1H, HAr), 8.50 (s, 1H, HAr),
8.13 (s, 1H, HAr), 7.80 (d, J 5.5 Hz, 2H, HAr), 7.457.42 (m, 1H, HAr),
Gefitinib 249

Table 5.2 Comparative study of 1H spectra for gefitinib with literature

Chemical shifta (gefitinib) Chemical shiftb Chemical shiftc
Entry (500 MHz, DMSO-d6) (200 MHz, DMSO-d6) (200 MHz, CDCl3)
1 9.54 (s, 1H, HAr) 9.51 (s, 1H, HAr) 8.66 (s, 1H)
2 8.50 (s, 1H, HAr) 8.48 (s, 1H, HAr) 7.847.88 (m, 1H)
3 8.13 (s, 1H, HAr) 8.088.13 (m, 1H, 7.507.58 (m, 1H)
4 7.80 (d, J 5.5 Hz, 2H, 7.457.82 (m, 2H, 7.34 (br s, 1H,
HAr) HAr) exchangeable with
5 7.457.42 (m, 1H, HAr) 7.357.45 (m, 1H, 7.26 (s, 1H)
6 7.19 (s, 1H, HAr) 7.16 (s, 1H, HAr) 7.16 (t, J 8.8 Hz, 1H)
7 4.18 (d, J 5.5 Hz, 2H, 4.124.18 (m, 2H, 7.09 (s, 1H)
8 3.94 (s, 3H, OCH3) 3.92 (s, 3H, OCH3) 4.17 (t, J 6.5 Hz, 2H)
9 3.59 (s, 4H, O(CH2)2) 3.543.59 (m, 4H, 3.98 (s, 3H)
10 3.40 (s, 1H, NH) 3.74 (dd, J 4.5 and
4.4 Hz, 4H)
11 2.502.40 (m, 6H, 2.342.51 (m, 6H, 2.462.59 (m, 6H)
N(CH2)3) N(CH3)3)
12 2.00 (m, 2H, 1.932.00 (m, 2H, 2.11 (m, 2H)
1H NMR was taken in DMSO-d6.
Ref. [21].
Ref. [13].

7.19 (s, 1H, HAr.), 4.18 (d, J 5.5 Hz, 2H, ArOCH2), 3.94 (s, 3H, OCH3),
3.59 (s, 4H, O(CH2)2), 3.40 (s, 1H, NH), 2.502.40 (m, 6H, N(CH2)3), and
2.00 (m, 2H, CH2CH2CH2) ppm.

13 C NMR spectrum
Unreported 13C NMR data of gefitinib are given below: 13C-NMR
(DMSO-d6, 125 MHz): d 155.97, 154.48, 153.10 (2JCF 241.25 Hz),
152.56, 148.32, 146.75, 136.80, 123.44, 122.27 (4JCF 6.38 Hz), 118.72
(3JCF 18.25 Hz), 116.45 (3JCF 21.25 Hz), 108.75, 107.26, 102.49,
67.11, 66.15, 55.83, 54.93, 53.41, and 25.85 ppm.
Figure 5.3 1H NMR spectra of gefitinib in DMSO-d6.

Figure 5.4 C NMR Spectra of gefitinib in DMSO-d6.
Gefitinib 251

3.2. Mass spectrum

Mass spectra of gefitinib was carried out with Agilent 6320 Ion Trap LC/MS
system by infusion of 2 mg of gefitinib solution in acetonitrile:H2O (1:1)
without a column. Smart fragmentor and automatic optimization were done
to obtain the spectra and make fragmentation. Source parameters were as
follows: temperature was 350  C, gas flow was 12 L/min, and nebulizer
was 60 psi. Figure 5.5 shows the mass spectrum for the parent compound
(m/z 447.0), Figures 5.6 and 5.7 show the detail mass fragmentation pat-
tern interpretation of the drug substance. The reported m/z was 446
(M) [13].

3.2.1 Fragmentation pattern of gefitinib

The MSMS scan of the molecular ion peak gives four fragments, at m/z
428.3, 348.2, 310.2, and 127.4 (Figure 5.6).
The MSMSMS scan of the m/z 428.3 fragment yielded a number of
peaks, including m/z 410.8, 396.1, 381.7, 353.4, 327.9, 280.5, 245.4, 213.7,
166.4, and 146.2. The major fragments are shown in Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.5 Gefitinib shows a m/z 447.0 molecular ion peak in positive mode.
252 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

Figure 5.6 MSMS spectra for the m/z 447.0 fragment in positive mode.

Figure 5.7 MSMSMS spectrum for the m/z 428.3 fragment in positive mode.
Gefitinib 253

Table 5.3 Crystal and experimental data [29]

Formula: C22H24ClNFN4O3
Formula weight: 446.91
Crystal system: triclinic
Space group: P1 Z 2
a 8.928 (1) A; a 97.12 (1)
b 9.717 (2) A; b 93.31 (1)
c 12.604 (2) A; g 101.47 (1)
V 1059.6 (3) A [30]
Dx 1.401 g/cm [30]
No. of reflections (I > 2.00 s (I)) 2766
ymax 68.25 with Cu Ka
R (I > 2.00 s (I)) 0.053
(D/s)max 0.000
(D/s)max 0.33 eA [30]
(D/s)min  0.29 eA [30]
Measurement: Rigaku RAXIS-RAPID
Program system: CrystalStructure 3.5.1 [31]
Structure determination : SIR92 [30]
Refinement: full-matrix

3.3. X-Ray powder diffraction pattern

Gefitinib crystallizes in the triclinic P1 space group, with cell dimension of
a 8.928 (1), b 9.717 (2), c 12.604 (2) A , a 97.12 (1), and b 93.31

(1), and g 101.47 (1) . The final R value is 0.053 (Table 5.3). The
quinazoline and benzene rings are nearly coplanar [29].

4.1. Chromatographic methods
4.1.1 High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
Several high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
(LC/MS/MS) methods have been reported to determine gefitinib, either
as a single drug or in combination with other tyrosine kinase inhibitors
(TKIs) and/or its metabolite o-desmethyl gefitinib in plasma [31,3539].
Table 5.4 outlines recent methods published for the analysis of gefitinib
LC/MS/MS. Honeywell et al. [32] have reported the use of LC/MS/MS
techniques for the analysis of gefitinib. Utilizing a simple protein precipitation
with acetonitrile, a 20 mL sample volume of biological matrixes can be
254 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

Table 5.4 Comparison of LCMS/MS methods for gefitinib biological matrices

Biological Sample
matrix clean up Run time Sensitivity (LOQ) %Recovery Ref.
Cell culture Protein 5 min 11.2 nM 86107% [32]
Human Protein 3 min 1 ng/mL 81103% [34]
plasma, precipitation (human),
mouse 5 ng/mL (mouse)
plasma, and
Plasma LLE 0.1 ng/mL [33]
Human LLE 5 min 0.5 ng/mL 111124% [35]
Human 3 min 5 ng/mL for both 89.7104.7% for [36]
plasma gefitinib and gefitinib and
O-desmethyl 100.4106.0% for
gefitinib O-desmethyl
Human LLE 5 ng/mL 90110% [37]
Human Solid phase 0.8 min 0.46 ng/mL 90.3106.5% [39]
plasma extraction
Human LLE 0.30 ng/mL 91.097.7% [38]

extracted at 4  C with minimal effort. After centrifugation, the sample extract

is introduced directly onto the LC/MS/MS system without further clean-up
and assayed across a linear range of 14000 ng/mL. Chromatography
was performed using a Dionex Ultimate 3000 with a Phenomenex prodigy
ODS3 (2.0 mm  100 mm, 3 mm) column and eluted at 200 mL/min with
a tertiary mobile phase consisting of 20 mM ammonium acetate:acetoni-
trile:methanol (2.5:6.7:8.3%). Injection volumes varied from 0.1 to 1 mL
depending on the concentration of the drug observed. Samples were observed
to be stable for a maximum of 48 h after extraction when kept at 4  C.
Detection was performed using a turbo-spray ionization source and mass spec-
trometric positive multireaction-monitoring mode (MRM) for gefitinib
(447.1 m/z; 127.9 m/z), erlotinib (393.9 m/z; 278.2 m/z), sunitinib
Gefitinib 255

(399.1 m/z; 283.1 m/z), and sorafenib (465.0 m/z; 251.9 m/z) at an ion voltage
of 3500 V. The accuracy, precision, and limit of quantification (LOQ) from
cell culture medium were as follows: gefitinib: 100.2  3.8%, 11.2 nM;
erlotinib: 101.6  3.7%, 12.7 nM; sunitinib: 100.8  4.3%, 12.6 nM;
sorafenib: 93.9  3.0%, 10.8 nM, respectively. This was reproducible for
plasma, whole blood, and serum. The method was observed to be linear
between the LOQ and 4000 ng/mL for each analyte. Effectiveness of the
method is illustrated with the analysis of samples from a cellular accumulation
investigation and from determination of steady-state concentrations in clini-
cally treated patients.
Zhao et al. [34] described a rapid and sensitive analytical method for the
determination of gefitinib concentrations in human plasma and mouse
plasma and tissue based on LC/MS/MS with electrospray positive ionization
after a single protein precipitation with acetonitrile. Sample preparation
involved a single protein precipitation step by the addition of 0.1 mL of
plasma or a 200 mg/mL tissue homogenate diluted 1/10 in human plasma
with 0.3 mL acetonitrile. Separation of the compounds of interest, including
the internal standard (d8)-gefitinib, was achieved on a Waters X-Terra
C18 (50 mm  2.1 mm i.d., 3.5 mm) analytical column using a mobile phase
consisting of acetonitrilewater (70:30, v/v) containing 0.1% formic acid
and isocratic flow at 0.15 mL/min for 3 min. The analytes were monitored
by tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray positive ionization. Linear
calibration curves were generated over the range of 11000 ng/mL for the
human plasma samples and 51000 ng/mL for mouse plasma and tissue sam-
ples with values for the coefficient of determination of greater than 0.99.
The values for both within- and between-day precision and accuracy were
well within the generally accepted criteria for analytical methods (less than
15%). This method was subsequently used to measure concentrations of
gefitinib in mice following administration of a single dose of 150 mg/kg
I.P. and in cancer patients receiving an oral daily dose of 250 mg.
The development of an on-column focusing gradient capillary LC
method coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (quadrupole-linear ion trap)
for the quantitative determination of gefitinib in blood plasma was described
by Guetens et al. [33]. Plasma samples (0.2 mL) were extracted with methyl
tert-butyl ether. The analytes of interest, ZD1839 and the internal standard
[(2)H8]ZD1839 (ZD1839-d8) were eluted on a 50 mm  1 mm, 5 mm par-
ticle size, capillary ODS Hypersil column using an aqueous ammonium ace-
tate gradient at 40 mL/min. Mass spectrometric detection was performed by
a Q-Trap tandem mass spectrometer with electrospray positive ionization
256 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

and monitored in the multiple reaction monitoring transitions 447 > 128
and 455 > 136, respectively. The LOQ of ZD1839 was 0.1 ng/mL. The
method proved to be robust, allowing quantification of ZD1839 with suf-
ficient precision, accuracy, and sensitivity.
Jones et al. [35] described a method for the quantitative determination of
gefitinib concentrations in treated healthy volunteers and patients with can-
cer that has been developed and validated. Plasma samples (0.5 mL) were
extracted, at basic pH, with methyl-t-butyl ether using deuterated gefitinib
as an internal standard. The extracts were chromatographed on an Inertsil
ODS3 column eluted with acetonitrile/ammonium acetate and gefitinib
and the internal standard quantified by mass spectrometric detection. The
method was validated with respect to linearity, selectivity, precision, accu-
racy, LOQ, recovery, and stability. The precision and accuracy of the assay
were good, and the LOQ was 0.5 ng/mL. The assay has been successfully
applied to a number of clinical and pharmacokinetic studies and been shown
to be robust and reliable during routine use.
A LC/MS/MS method was developed and validated by Wang et al. [36]
for the simultaneous quantification of gefitinib and its predominant metab-
olite, O-desmethyl gefitinib, in human plasma. Chromatographic separation
of analytes was achieved on an Alltima C18 analytical HPLC column
(150 mm  2.1 mm, 5 mm) using an isocratic elution mode with a mobile
phase comprised acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid in water (30:70, v/v).
The flow rate was 300 mL/min. The chromatographic run time was
3 min. The column effluents were detected by API 4000 triple quadrupole
mass spectrometer using electrospray ionization (ESI) in positive mode.
Linearity was demonstrated in the range of 51000 ng/mL for gefitinib
and 5500 ng/mL for O-desmethyl gefitinib. The intra- and interday preci-
sions for gefitinib and O-desmethyl gefitinib were 10.8% and the accuracies
ranged from 89.7% to 104.7% for gefitinib and 100.4% to 106.0% for
O-desmethyl gefitinib. This method was used as a bioanalytical tool in a phase
I clinical trial to investigate the possible effect of hydroxychloroquine on the
pharmacokinetics of gefitinib. The results of this study enabled clinicians to
ascertain the safety of the combination therapy of hydroxychloroquine and
gefitinib in patients with advanced (Stage IIIBIV) NSCLC.
A quantitative LC/MS/MS method was developed and validated for the
tyrosine kinase inhibitors erlotinib, gefitinib, and imatinib in human plasma
by Chahbouni et al. [37]. Pretreatment of the samples was achieved by using
liquidliquid extraction using d8 imatinib as internal standard. Separation
was performed on a Waters Alliance 2795 LC system using an XBridge
Gefitinib 257

RP18 column. The mass spectrometer micromass was equipped with an

ESI probe, operating in the positive mode. The calibration curves in plasma
were linear for erlotinib, gefitinib, and imatinib over the concentration
range of 53000, 53000, and 55000 ng/mL, respectively. The intra-
and interday accuracy ranged from 90% to 110% and the intra- and interday
precision of the method was within 5%. The reported method provided
the necessary linearity, precision, and accuracy to determine tyrosine kinase
inhibitors in clinical research and for therapeutic drug monitoring.
A highly sensitive liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass
spectrometry (LCESIMS/MS) method had been developed by Feng
Bai et al. [38] for the measurement of gefitinib (ZD1839) in human plasma.
The method was validated over a linear range of 0.51000 ng/mL, using
deuterated gefitinib (d8-ZD1839) as the internal standard. Compounds
were extracted from 500 mL of sodium heparin plasma by 6.0 mL butyl
methyl ether liquidliquid extraction. The dried residue was reconstituted
with 250 mL of 20% acetonitrile with 1.0% formic acid and 30 mL injected
onto the LCESIMS/MS system. Chromatographic separation was
achieved on a Phenomenex Synergi 4 m MAX-RP 80 A C12 column
(75  2.0 mm ) with an isocratic mobile phase of acetonitrile1.0% formic

acid (30:70, v/v). The analytes were detected with a PE Sciex API 365 triple
quadrupole mass spectrometer using turbo ionspray source with positive
ionization. Ions monitored in the MRM mode were m/z 447.2 (precursor
ion) to m/z 127.8 (product ion) for gefitinib and m/z 455.2 (precursor ion)
to m/z 136.0 (product ion) for d8-ZD1839. The lower limit of quantitation
of gefitinib was 0.30 ng/mL (S/N  10), and results from a 5-day validation
study demonstrated acceptable within-day and between-day precision (CV
% values  6.0% and 5.2%, respectively) and accuracy (range 91.097.7%).
This method is now used to analyze plasma samples from pediatric pharma-
cokinetic studies of ZD1839, and the wide linear range (approximately 4 log
units) of this method provides a distinct advantage, as shown by the results of
a representative patient.

4.1.2 Ultra-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry

Bouchet et al. [39] described an UPLCMS/MS method with SPE, adapted
to routine application, allowing rapid, specific, and sensitive determination
of the nine tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Under the described chromatographic
conditions, all compounds were separated in 3 min, retention time for each
analyte being between 0.76 and 2.51 min. Calibration curves ranged from
10 to 5000 ng/mL for imatinib, its metabolite, nilotinib, lapatinib, erlotinib
258 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

and sorafenib and from 0.1 to 200 ng/mL for dasatinib, axitinib, gefitinib
and sunitinib. Peaks of each compound (retention time from 0.76 to
2.51 min) were adequately separated. The mean relative extraction recovery
was in the range of 90.3106.5%. There was no significant ion suppression
observed at the respective TKI retention times. SPE was chosen because it
allows the use of a single protocol to quantify several TKIs that have a wide
range of chemical properties: pKa values from 5 to 10, and log D values from
0 to 4.35 at pH 7 or 3.75 to 3.9 at pH 2 (benched using Marvin 5.0.0
software, This could not be done with liquid-liquid
extraction because of the different pKa values and thus the need of different
steps or buffers to extract all analytes. The second reason for choosing SPE
concerns the matrix effect because it is considered as the Achilles heel of
the mass spectrometry, Taylor reporting that protein precipitation using an
organic solvent or dilute and shoot are the dirtiest sample preparation
techniques and thus produce the most matrix effects compared to solid phase
extraction [40].
SPE coupled to UPLC/MSMS remains the most effective sample prep-
aration to reduce matrix effect and specifically ion suppression [41]. Further-
more, the recent marketing of the SPE-plates (such as MCX used here)
makes the method presented herein ready-to use for robotic automation.
This is less time-consuming and more compatible than SPE-cartridges that
often require an evaporation step, or protein precipitation that must be
followed by centrifugation. By combining SPE and UPLC/MSMS, this
method allowed great sensitivity, which is of particular importance for drugs
such as dasatinib and axitinib. These molecules have a short half-life (36 h)
and thus the trough concentration is low. EPARs data show that mean
trough concentration is of 1 ng/mL.

4.1.3 High-performance liquid chromatography/ultraviolet

detection [4244]
Most of the analytical methods for assessing gefitinib, in bulk as well as in
pharmaceutical dosage forms, are based on HPLC methodology. These
methods enable analysis of gefitinib, either as a single compound or in
combination with its degradation products. In the method developed
by Satyanarayana and Murali [42], an Inertsil ODS C-18, 5 mm column
having 250  4.6 mm internal diameter in isocratic mode with mobile phase
containing acetonitrile:methanol:tetrahydrofuran in the ratio of 20:70:10
(v/v/v) was used. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min and effluents were
monitored at 251 nm. The retention time for gefitinib was 4.28 min.
Gefitinib 259

The method was validated for linearity, accuracy, precision, specificity, limit
of detection, LOQ, and robustness. Limit of detection and LOQ were found
to be 0.09 and 0.29 ppm, respectively, and recovery of gefitinib from tablet
formulation was found to be 99.16%.
In another method for the estimation of gefitinib in tablet dosage form
has been developed by Kumar et al. [43]. A Hypersil BDS RP C18,
250  4.6 mm, 5 mm particle size, with mobile phase consisting of 0.02 M
dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate and methanol in the ratio of 10:90
v/v was used. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min and the effluents were mon-
itored at 246 nm. The retention time was 3.7 min. The detector response
was linear in the concentration of 25300 g/mL. The respective linear
regression equation being Y 94342.26x 77672.7. The limit of detection
and LOQ was 0.125 and 0.15 mg/mL respectively. The percentage recovery
of gefitinib was 99.5%.
A degradation pathway for gefitinib is established as per ICH recommen-
dations by validation and stability indicating reverse-phase liquid chromato-
graphic method, which was developed by Madireddy Venkataramanna
et al. [44], gefitinib is subjected to stress conditions of acid, base, oxidation,
thermal, and photolysis. Significant degradation is observed in acid and base
stress conditions. Two impurities are studied, among which one impurity is
found to be the prominent degradant. The stress samples are assayed against a
qualified reference standard, and the mass balance is found close to 99.5%.
Efficient chromatographic separation is achieved on a Agilent make XDB-
C18, 50 4.6 mm with 1.8 mm particles stationary phase with simple mobile
phase combination delivered in gradient mode, and quantification is carried at
250 nm at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. In the developed RPLC method, the
resolution between gefitinib and the potential impurities is found to be greater
than 5.0. Regression analysis shows an r value (correlation coefficient) of
greater than 0.998 for gefitinib and the two potential impurities. This method
is capable to detect the impurities of gefitinib at a level of 0.01% with respect to
test concentration of 0.5 mg/mL for a 4-mL injection volume.

Gefitinib is a small-molecule (446.9 Da) chemotherapeutic agent that
specifically inhibits EGFR-tyrosine kinase for the treatment of NSCLC [45].
Gefitinib competitively and reversibly binds to the ATP-binding sites of
EGFR, causing downregulation of EGFR phosphorylation and subsequent
downstream signaling molecules [45,46]. This in turn strongly increases
260 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

the intracellular concentrations of coadministrated drug molecules that are

transporter substrates. In addition, gefitinib improves progression-free sur-
vival (PFS) versus a platinum doublet regime in patients harboring EGFR
mutations. Although gefitinib is yet to be proven to be effective in other
types of cancer, several studies showed a potential for gefitinib use in the
treatment of EGFR overexpressed-type of cancer [46]. In randomized,
large-scale, double-blinded study comparing gefitinib versus carboplatin/
paclitaxel for treatment of advanced NSCLC showed that progression-free
survival was significantly longer for gefitinib than other chemotherapies in
patients with EGFR mutation positive tumors [45].

5.1. Pharmacokinetics
5.1.1 Absorption
Gefitinib is usually administered as a once-daily oral tablet. After oral admin-
istration, gefitinib is absorbed slowly with a bioavailability of approximately
60% in human [47]. However, this bioavailability is not altered dramatically
by food or any other gastrointestinal factors [48].

5.1.2 Distribution
The relationship between the pharmacokinetics and long-term antitumor
activity of gefitinib in patients with EGFR mutation-positive lung adeno-
carcinoma has been reported. In that, lung cancer patients on gefitinib
who showed partial response exhibited a lower Cmax (278 ng/mL) than that
of patients with stable disease 588 ng/mL) [49]. Conversely, a significant
negative correlation was found between the area under the plasma
concentrationtime curve (AUC)024 of gefitinib and longer survival [49].
After oral administration, gefitinib is widely distributed throughout the
body. Following IV dosing (5 mg/kg) of gefitinib, a plasma elimination
half-life of 714 h was reported in rats and dogs using HPLCMS assay, with
an apparent volume of distribution of 1400 L [50]. Gefitinib is highly bound
to human plasma albumin and a1-acid glycoprotein by 90%. In human, the
maximum elimination half-life reaches 48 h and the steady state plasma
concentrations are achieved within 10 days. Following administration of
[14C]-gefitinib, concentrations of radioactivity in plasma exceeded gefitinib
throughout the profile, indicating the presence of circulating metabo-
lites [51]. In comparison with erlotinib, gefitinib has a longer elimination
half-life and a larger tissue distribution [52].
Gefitinib 261

5.1.3 Metabolism
Gefitinib is metabolized extensively in the liver by cytochrome P450
enzymes, primarily by CYP3A4 and to a lesser extent by CYP3A5 and
CYP2D6 [53]. Five metabolites were identified in human plasma, among
which only O-desmethyl gefitinib has a similar EGFR-TK activity to
gefitinib [51]. Gefitinib has also been implicated as an inhibitor of CYP2C19
and CYP2D6 activity, but weak inhibitor of CYP2C9, CYP3A4, and
CYP1A2. Therefore, gefitinib may inhibit the metabolism of
coadministered drugs that are substrates of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6. At
the highest concentration studied (5000 ng/mL), gefitinib inhibited
CYP2C19 by 24% and CYP2D6 by 43% [53]. After administration of
gefitinib 5 mg/kg to rats and dogs, five metabolites were detected, but at
levels much lower than the parent drug [50]. In clinical studies,
coadministration of gefitinib and rifampicin reduced gefitinib maximum
concentration and AUC by approximately 65% and 83%, respectively.

5.1.4 Excretion
In human, gefitinib is mainly eliminated hepatically, with total plasma clear-
ance of 595 mL/min after intravenous administration, in which the excre-
tion is predominantly via the feces (86%) [47]. However in rats and dogs, the
plasma clearance was reported approximately 25 and 16 mL/min/kg for
both male rats and dogs, respectively [50].

5.2. Toxicities
In phase I clinical trials, gefitinib was found to be well tolerated, with clinical
efficacy observed well below the maximum tolerated dose. Most of the
adverse effects associated with gefitinib therapy are mild to moderate in
severity and are usually reversible and manageable with appropriate inter-
vention. Examples of these common side effects include diarrhea, dry skin,
acneiform rash, and nausea and vomiting [54]. Rare cases (about 1%) of
interstitial lung disease such as pneumonia or inflammation were also
reported. Serious side effects have been reported with the use of gefitinib
including: allergic reactions, difficulty of breathing, swelling of the lips,
tongue, and elevated liver enzymes [55].

This work was supported by the College of Pharmacy Research Center, King Saud
262 A.F.M. Motiur Rahman et al.

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Imatinib Mesylate
Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya*, Ahmed H.H. Bakheit*,
Ahmed A. Abd-Elgalil
*Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Research Center, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1. Background 266
2. Description 266
2.1 Nomenclature 266
2.2 Formulae 267
2.3 Elemental analysis 267
2.4 Appearance 267
3. Methods of Preparation of Imatinib 267
4. Physical Characteristics 270
4.1 Optical activity 270
4.2 Ionization constant 270
4.3 Solubility characteristics 271
4.4 Particle morphology 271
4.5 Crystallographic properties 271
4.6 Hygroscopicity 272
4.7 Thermal methods of analysis 272
4.8 Spectroscopy 275
4.9 Mass spectrometry 277
5. Methods of Analysis 279
5.1 Compendial methods of analysis 279
5.2 Electrochemical methods of analysis 282
5.3 Spectroscopic methods of analysis 283
5.4 Chromatographic methods of analysis 286
5.5 Determination in body fluids and tissues 288
6. Stability 288
7. Clinical Applications 291
7.1 Pharmacodynamics (an overview) 291
7.2 Mechanism of action 291
7.3 Clinical uses 291
7.4 Mechanisms of drug resistance 292
7.5 Pharmacokinetics 293
7.6 Toxicity 294
References 294

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 265
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
266 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Imatinib was developed in the late 1990s by biochemist Nicholas
Lydon, a former researcher for Novartis, and oncologist Brian Druker of
Oregon Health & Science University. Other major contributions to
imatinib development were made by Carlo Gambacorti-Passerini, a physi-
cian scientist and hematologist at University of MilanoBicocca, Italy, John
Goldman at Hammersmith Hospital in London, UK, and later on by Charles
Sawyers of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Druker led the clin-
ical trials confirming its efficacy in myelogenous leukemia (CML) [1].
Imatinib was developed by rational drug design. After the Philadelphia
chromosome mutation and hyperactive bcrabl protein were discovered,
the investigators screened chemical libraries to find a drug that would
inhibit that protein. With high-throughput screening, they identified
2-phenylaminopyrimidine. This lead compound was then tested and mod-
ified by the introduction of methyl and benzamide groups to give it
enhanced binding properties, resulting in imatinib [2].
Gleevec received FDA approval in May 2001. Druker, Lydon, and Saw-
yers received the Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award in
2009 for converting a fatal cancer into a manageable chronic condition.
Gleevec also holds the record for the drug with the fastest approval time by
the FDA. Novartis filed international patent applications, was the manufac-
turer of the drug and marketed it under the name Gleevec.

2.1. Nomenclature
2.1.1 Systematic chemical names
a-(4-Methyl-1-piperazinyl)-30 -{[4-(3-pyridyl)-2-pyrimidinyl]amino}-
p-tolu-p-toluidide methanesulfonate [3].
N-(4-methyl-3-{[4-(pyridin-3-yl) pyrimidin-2-yl] amino} phenyl)
4-[(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methyl]benzamide [4].
pyrimidin-2-yl]amino]phenyl]benzamide [5].

2.1.2 Nonproprietary names

Generic: Imatinib (Imatinib Mesylate) [5].
Imatinib Mesylate 267

Synonyms: CGP-57-148B; Imatinib, Mesilated; Imatinib Mesylate

(USAN); Imatinibi Mesilas; Mesilatode imatinib; STI571; Imatinib
Methanesulfonate [3].

2.1.3 Proprietary names

GLEEVEC, Glivec [5,6].

2.2. Formulae [5,6]

2.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, and CAS number
Empirical formula M. weight CAS number
Imatinib C13H8Cl2N2O4 493.6027 152459-95-5
Imatinib mesylate C29H31N7O.CH4O3S 589.7 220127-57-1

2.2.2 Structural formula




2.3. Elemental analysis

C: 61.05%, H: 05.94%, N: 16.62%, O: 10.85%, S: 05.43%.

2.4. Appearance
White-to-off-white, odorless, crystalline powder [7,8].


Imatinib was first synthesized by Zimmermann in 1993 (Scheme 6.1)
[9]. Accordingly, 2-methyl-5-nitro-aniline (2) was reacted with cyanamide
and nitric acid in ethanol as solvent at reflux temperatures to give [N-
(2-methyl-5-nitro-phenyl) carbamimidoyl] ammonium nitrate (4). Con-
densation of 4 with 3-dimethylamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-2-propen-1-one
268 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

HNO3, ethanol, cyanamide H
reflux, 21 h
NO2 NO2 HNO3 Isopropanol, NaOH N

2 O 4 O reflux, 12 h NO2
(1) Na, toluene, methanol
0 C, 75 C, 45 min N

(2) 3-Acetylpyridine, ethyl formate N N 6
toluene, 25 C, 16 h
3 (3) Dimethylamine, toluene 5 N
acetic acid, 1 h

Pd/C, H2, tetrahydrofuran N Pyridine N

r.t., 21 h NH2 N r.t., 24 h HN
7 8 N O

Scheme 6.1 Zimmermann's route for the preparation of imatinib base.

(5) in presence of sodium hydroxide as base in isopropanol as solvent at ele-

vated temperature resulted into N-(2-methyl-5-nitro-phenyl)-4-(3-pyridyl)
pyrimidin-2-amine (6). Compound (6) was then hydrogenated in presence
of 10% palladium on carbon catalyst in ethyl acetate as solvent at ambient
temperature resulted in 4-methyl-N-3-[4-(3-pyridyl)pyrimidin-2-yl]
benzene-1,3-diamine (7). The final step involves condensation of (7) with
4-(4-methylpiperazinomethyl)-benzoyl chloride (8) in pyridine at base and
solvent at ambient temperature to afford 4-[(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)
methyl]-N-[4-methyl-3-[[4-(3-pyridyl) pyrimidin-2-yl] amino] phenyl]
benzamide (1), also called imatinib.
Loiseleur et al. [10] described a process for the preparation of
imatinib base (Scheme 6.2), in which compound (10) was prepared by
the reductive amination of aldehyde 4-acetyl-benzoic acid methyl ester
(9) using Pt/C-catalyzed hydrogenation. Compound (10) reacts with
3-bromo-4-methyl-phenylamine (11) in presence of trimethylaluminum,
toluene, and argon at 40  C for 30 min; the result is N-(-3-
(12). The final step involves condensation of 12 with 4-pyridin-3-yl-
pyrimidin-2-ylamine (13) in presence of Pd2(dba)3CHCl3-catalyzed CN
coupling reaction with the use of organophosphorus reagent rac-BINAP
as ligand to give 4-[(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl) methyl]-N-[4-methyl-3-[[4-
(3-pyridyl) pyrimidin-2-yl] amino] phenyl] benzamide or imatinib (1).
Subsequently, Kompella et al. [11] and Szakacs et al. [12] also, respectively,
provided an improved process based on Loiseleurs method. However, the
Imatinib Mesylate 269

methanol Br
Pt/C, 5 bar, H2
80 C, 20 h Trimethylaluminum
COOMe 70% COOMe toluene, Ar
10 HN
+ 40 C, 30 min
75% O 12
Br +

Sodium tert.-butylate, rac-BINAP, Pd2(dba)3CHCl3
Ar, xylene, reflux, 5 h
72% N N N



Scheme 6.2 Loiseleur's route for the preparation of imatinib base.

insufficiencies of these approaches are (i) the use of a toxic, hazardous

reagent cyanamide and (ii) using high-cost palladium as catalyst for CN
coupling reaction. Therefore, these approaches cannot be used in large-scale
industrial applications.
An improved method [13] for the preparation of imatinib is described in
Scheme 6.3. In this protocol, the reaction of enaminone (5) with guanidine
nitrate gave pyrimidinyl amine (13), and the coupling reaction of
2-bromo-1-methyl-4-nitrobenzene (15) with compound (13) was
processed in the presence of CuI and N,N0 -dimethylethylenediamine
(DMEDA) ligand to give the key intermediate (6) in 82% yield. Intermedi-
ate (6) was reduced by N2H4H2O/FeCl3/C system in water solvent.
Sequentially, compound (7) was acylated with the corresponding acid chlo-
rides to give the amide (18). The aminating reaction of benzyl chloride on
the amide (18) molecule with 1-methylpiperazine finally yielded
imatinib base.
270 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.


O Xylene Guanidine nitrate

(CH3)2NCH(OCH3)2 NaOH, n-butanol

reflux, 20 h reflux, 12 h
92.6% 85.5%
a b 13
3 5 Br dioxane, 100 C, 20 h
Br2, Fe, 80 C, 1.5 h

14 c 15


N2H4.H2O/FeCl3 N
CH3OH, reflux, 68 h NH2 N N
NO2 83.8% Cl
N 6 7 THF, TEA
0 C, 3 h
OH Cl 93.0%
SOCl2, CH2Cl2 18
reflux, 5 h
87.2% 1-Methylpiperazine reflux, 3 h
COCl 91.4%
O OH f
16 17 h




Scheme 6.3 Schematic synthetic procedure of imatinib and its analogues.

4.1. Optical activity
Imatinib mesylate does not have chiral centers, and it is not optically

4.2. Ionization constant

pKa 13.45 (imatinib mesylate).
Imatinib Mesylate 271

4.3. Solubility characteristics

Imatinib-free base is practically insoluble in water (0.001 g/100 mL) [3].
However, the mesylate salt is very soluble in water at pH values <5.5,
but is poorly soluble or insoluble at neutral and alkaline pH. The compound
is freely soluble to very slightly soluble in DMSO, methanol, and ethanol,
but is insoluble in n-octanol, acetone, and acetonitrile [7,14].

4.4. Particle morphology

Sandhu et al. [15] used chitosan and HPMC K100 as release-retarding agents
to formulate sustained release microspheres of imatinib mesylate. They used
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy to image the
shape and surface morphology of imatinib mesylate microspheres, and a rep-
resentative SEM photomicrograph is shown in Figure 6.1. The obtained
microcapsules are round to sphere in shape.
Jenkins and Liversidge [16] directed the invention to nanoparticulate
compositions of imatinib mesylate, or a salt or derivative thereof, having
improved pharmacokinetic profiles and reduced fedfasted variability. They
found that the nanoparticulate imatinib mesylate particles of composition
have an effective average particle size of less than about 2000 nm and are
useful in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, gastrointestinal stromal
tumors, and related diseases.

4.5. Crystallographic properties

4.5.1 X-ray powder diffraction pattern
The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of imatinib mesylate has been mea-
sured using a Bruker AXS D8 advance X-ray powder diffractometer having

Figure 6.1 Scanning electron microscope of optimized formulation.

272 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Figure 6.2 X-ray powder diffraction pattern of imatinib mesylate.

a copper Ka radiation. The pattern obtained is shown in Figure 6.2, and the
data of scattering angle (degrees 2y) and the relative intensities (I/Imax) were
displayed in Table 6.1 [17,18].

4.6. Hygroscopicity
The compound is nonhygroscopic [19].

4.7. Thermal methods of analysis

4.7.1 Melting behavior
The melting range of imatinib mesylate is from 225.41 to 226  C [20].

4.7.2 Differential scanning calorimetry

The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermogram of imatinib was
obtained using a DSC 822e Mettler Toledo scanning calorimeter. The curve
shown in Figure 6.3 was collected from 20 to 250  C using a heating rate of
10  C/min under nitrogen atmosphere. It was found that the compound
melted at 226  C.

4.7.3 Thermogravimetric analysis

See Figure 6.4 [54].
Imatinib Mesylate 273

Table 6.1 An a2 crystalline form of imatinib mesylate which has the XRPD
characteristics given below
Angle (2u) D value () Intensity (%)
4.841 18.24057 33.6
10.410 8.49070 100.0
11.194 7.89775 14.2
11.856 7.45827 19.9
12.881 6.86709 6.8
13.819 6.40328 12.9
14.860 5.95663 67.
16.439 5.38788 32.4
17.049 5.19665 5.6
17.623 5.02870 58.6
18.052 4.9100 61.6
18.567 4.77491 98.8
19.032 4.65925 70.2
19.772 4.48657 15.3
21.236 4.18055 60.8
21.582 4.11431 59.4
22.594 3.93217 19.7
23.137 3.84112 21.8
23.696 3.75172 25.0
24.851 3.57993 58.6
26.250 3.39226 9.1
27.341 3.25932 18.7
28.475 3.13204 42.4
31.896 2.80347 9.0
32.533 2.75005 6.6
43.447 2.08117 6.4
274 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Figure 6.3 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermogram of imatinib.

Figure 6.4 TGA curve of amorphous imatinib mesylate.

4.7.4 Boiling point, enthalpy of vapor, flash point, and vapor pressure
The calculated value of the boiling point of imatinib mesylate under a pressure of
760 mmHg was 754.9  C. The calculated value of enthalpy of vapor was
115.42 kJ/mol. The calculated value of flash point was found to be 410.3  C,
andthevaporpressurewascalculatedtobe6.03  1024 mmHgat25  C[21,22].
Imatinib Mesylate 275

4.8. Spectroscopy
4.8.1 UV/vis spectroscopy
The UV absorption spectra of imatinib mesylate in different solvent systems,
buffer phases (pH 113), are shown in Figure 6.5. The figures were recorded
using a V-570 double beam UVvis spectrophotometer (Jasco, Japan) in
10 mm matched quartz cells. Data acquisition and analysis were performed
using Spectramanager workstation (Jasco, Japan). Absorption spectra were
recorded from 190 to 800 nm at a speed of 400 nm/min with 0.2 nm data
interval, using medium response and 1 nm bandwidth. The formulation
matrix has shown a UV absorbance spectrum with minimum change at



200 250 300 350 400
Wavelength (nm)

190 400 600 800
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 6.5 (A) UVvisible absorption spectrum of imatinib mesylate (A) in 50:50 v/v
methanol:phosphate buffer solution (PBS) (125 mg/mL) and (B) in buffer and
unbuffered media (pH 113).
276 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Figure 6.6 UVvis absorption spectrum of ImM (b-form).

285 nm (Figure 6.5A and B) [23]. The UV spectrum of imatinib mesylate in

distilled water showed lmax at 256 nm [24].
The UVvis absorption spectrum of ImM (b-form) recorded in metha-
nol solvent is presented in Figure 6.6. There are no changes observed in the
spectra of both the forms in the solution. It shows two strong transitions at
238 and 277 nm. The solvent effect has been calculated using TD-DFT
method [25,26] and IEF-PCM model [2729] employing 6-31G basis.
The computed results state that the first excited state originates from the
HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) to LUMO (lowest unoccu-
pied molecular orbital) transition that corresponds to the lmax absorption
band in the UVvis spectrum [30].

4.8.2 Vibrational spectroscopy

The infrared absorption spectrum of imatinib was recorded neat as a thin
film (in KBr pellet) on a Perkin-Elmer Spectrum One FTIR spectrometer
using Universal ATR sampling accessories. The spectrum was shown in
Figure 6.7. The principal peaks were noted at 1038, 1260, 1280, 1308,
1441, 1499, 1579, 1639, and 3275 cm1. The broad band at 3275 cm1
is due to the NH stretching vibration absorption for open-chain amides
in the imatinib solid state [31].

4.8.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 1H NMR spectrum
The 1H NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra of imatinib were
recorded on a Bruker Avance DRX-600 or DPX-400 spectrometer with
Imatinib Mesylate 277

Figure 6.7 Infrared absorption spectrum of imatinib.

residual dH (d6-DMSO, 600 MHz) as the internal reference (DMSO

dH 2.50 ppm). COSY and HMQC experiments were used to aid in the
assignment of signals in the 1H and 13C NMR spectra.
The chemical shift of the proton (Table 6.2) is highly dependent upon

temperature and as the spectrum was run at 100 C, the resonance of
imatinib might occur almost anywhere over the usual 1000 Hz range
(11.4 ppm) [32] (Figure 6.8).
13 C NMR spectrum
C NMR spectra were obtained using the same spectrometers with the
central peak of CDCl3 as the internal reference (CDCl3 dC 77.2 ppm,
150 MHz). DEPT 135 experiments were used to aid in the assignment of
signals in the 13C NMR spectra (Table 6.3; Figure 6.9).

4.9. Mass spectrometry

The mass spectrum of imatinib was obtained utilizing an Agilent HP1100
(Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, USA) mass spectrometer using
electrospray ionization (ESI) sources of the TSQ-MS or the LTQ-MS,
respectively, monitored by the Xcalibur software (Thermo Corporation,
San Jose, USA), also using an AEI single focusing mass spectrometer
model MS12 with VG micromass 2S8, using an ion source temperature
of 100300  C, an electron energy of 70 eV, and with a trap current
of 100 mA.
278 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Table 6.2 Assignments for the resonance bands observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of
(m) (h) (e) (d)
(l) (b)
CH C H3C C (c)
(i) (o) (f) (e) (d)
(p) (q) (b) (b)
(k) CH2 N

Chemical shift Number

(ppm) of protons Multiplicity and coupling constant (J) Assignment
2.13 3 Singlet Ha
2.2 3 Singlet Ho
2.22.5 8 Multiple (2.7 Hz) Hb
3.51 2 Singlet Hc
7.18 1 Doublet of doublets (8.3 Hz) Hp
7.407.42 3 Multiple Hm , H d
7.46 1 Doublet of doublets (8.3 and 1.5 Hz) Hq
7.5 1 Doublet of doublets (7.9 and 4.8 Hz) Hj
7.89 2 Doublet (8.1 Hz) He
8.06 1 Doublet (1.5 Hz) Hg
8.46 1 Doublet of doublets of doublets (7.9, Hi
1.5, and 1.2 Hz)
8.49 1 Doublet (5.1 Hz) Hn
8.66 1 Doublet of doublets (4.8 and 1.2 Hz) Hk
8.95 1 Singlet Hh
9.26 1 Doublet (1.5 Hz) Hl
10.14 1 Singlet Hf
Imatinib Mesylate 279

Figure 6.8 Full 1H NMR spectrum of imatinib in d6-DMSO.

Product ion spectra of imatinib with the TSQ-MS and the LTQ-MS are
shown in Figures 6.10 and 6.11, respectively. The major peaks in the spec-
trum occur at m/z 394, 379, 377, 351, 290, 264, 247, and 222. The base
peak appeared at m/z 394. The first steps of imatinib fragmentation are
drawn in Figure 6.4 and are single-bond cleavages. But only one major frag-
ment at m/z 394, which corresponds to the neutral loss of methylpiperazine,
is observed [33].
Proposed structures of fragment ions formed by collision-induced disso-
ciation of the imatinib ion, [M H] at m/z 494, with ESIC-TSQ-MS2 and
ESIC-TQ-MS23 product scan acquisitions were given in the Figure 6.13AC.
Fragment ions of imatinib-d8 (d8, m/z 502) are also given where

5.1. Compendial methods of analysis
5.1.1 Identification [8]
Imatinib mesylate was determined by infrared absorption spectrophotome-
try. The spectrum was compared with that of imatinib mesylate RS, or with
a qualified reference spectrum of imatinib mesylate.
280 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Table 6.3 Assignments for the resonance bands observed in the 13C NMR spectrum of

(g) (i) (j) (k)

(f) (g) (z) NH

(b) (c) (m) (p) (q)
(v) N
e(e) (f) (x) (n) (o)
(a) N N N (r)
(d) (w)
(b) (c) (u) (t) (s)

Chemical shift (ppm) Assignment Chemical shift (ppm) Assignment

17.65 Cx 132.66 Ch
45.98 Ca 133.88 Co
53.1 Cc 134.92 Cp
55.07 Cb 136.6 Cj
62.49 Cd 137.77 Ce
108.32 Ck 142.52 Cl
113.19 Ct 148.48 Cr
115.35 Cz 151.44 Cs
123.71 Cq 158.99 Cu
124.23 Cv 160.57 Cn
127 Cg 162.72 Ci
129.28 Cf 165.42 Cm
130.75 Cx

5.1.2 Other tests Water [8]
Not more than 1.0%, determined on 1.0 g. Sulfated ash

Not more than 0.2% [8]. Heavy metals [8]

1.0 g complies with limit test for heavy metal, method B (20 ppm).
Imatinib Mesylate 281

Figure 6.9 Full 13C NMR spectrum of imatinib in CDCl3.




Relative abundance


50 222 247
174 379
30 185
189 264
119 364
20 111 194 366 494
105 204 217 290 351
10 99 131 158 238
58 70 274 Loss of water:476
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Figure 6.10 MS product ion spectrum of [M H] imatinib ion (m/z 494) with
ESI-TSQ-MS (triple stage quadrupole MS).
282 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.


90 100 394
Relative abundance

222 351
70 50 494
Precursor ion
Relative abundance

60 476 (1%) 379

217 (3%) 264
50 0
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
40 290

no 217 247
20 Precursor ion
105 = Low mass cut-off
10 of linear ion trap MS 204
185199 367
131 237
274 394
120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400
Figure 6.11 MS/MS (A, insert) and MS3 (B) product ion spectra of [M H] imatinib ion:
m/z 494 ! product ions and m/z 494 ! 394 ! productions, respectively, on the ESIC-
LTQ-MS (linear ion trap MS). MS2 product ion at m/z 394 is the base peak and corre-
sponds to imatinib with the loss of methylpiperazine (100 amu). A product ion with
the methylpiperazine ring is observed at m/z 217 (A) (see also Figure 6.12).

5.1.3 Assay method [8]

Determined by liquid chromatography by comparing the test solution with
the reference solution under the following chromatographic system
A stainless steel column 25 cm  4.6 mm, packed with octadecysilane
bonded to porous silica (5 mm),
Mobile phase: a mixture of 40 volumes of 1% w/v solution of ammo-
nium acetate and 60 volumes of acetonitrile,
Flow rate: 0.7 mL/min,
Spectrophotometer set at 254 nm,
Injection volume: 20 mL.

5.2. Electrochemical methods of analysis

5.2.1 Voltammetry
A simple, rapid voltammetric method for the quantitative determination of
imatinib was described by Hammam et al. on the basis of square-wave
voltammetric technique [34]. A well-defined irreversible oxidation peak
Imatinib Mesylate 283

Figure 6.12 First step of imatinib fragmentation. Proposed mechanism and MS frag-
ment structures of imatinib obtained in LTQ-MS spectra. Single-bond cleavage with
charge migration is drawn and is dependent on the initial HC positions in the imatinib

current was obtained at 1.00 V. The detection limit was found to be

6.2  105 M for albendazole.
The voltammetric behavior of imatinib and its main metabolite
(N-demethylated piperazine derivative) was studied employing square-wave
techniques [35]. The method was rapid and sensitive, with limits of detec-
tion for square wave and stripping square wave were 5.55  109 and
5.19  109 M, respectively, and also it is clinically applicable to real
patients. The voltammograms and cyclic voltammograms were obtained
with models 384B and 264A polarographic analyzers, and analyzer/stripping
voltammeter combined with mercury drop electrodes using Ag/AgCl ref-
erence electrodes.

5.3. Spectroscopic methods of analysis

5.3.1 Spectrophotometry
Bende et al. [23] developed a new, simple and sensitive UV-spectrophotometric
method for the determination of imatinib mesylate in bulk and pharmaceutical
formulations (tablets and nanoparticles). The method has demonstrated excel-
lent linearity over the range of 2.525 mg/mL.
284 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

189 N N N N N N
See below H H
+ HN
364 C23 H18N5 N 378 C23 H18N6 N

+ N
476 C29H30N7, (1.3%) LTQ/TSQ
d8 = 484 C29H22D8N7
189 C12 H17N2, (0.5%) LTQ, (5%) TSQ
d8 = 197 C12H9D8N2



[Imatinib + H]+ MW 494 C29H32N7O

[Imatinib-d8+ H]+ MW 502 C29H24D8N7O




[Imatinib + H]+ MW 494 C29H32N7O

[Imatinib-d8+ H]+ MW 502 C29H24D8N7O
N +
HN or + + 99 C5H11N2, (13%) TSQ
N N 106 C5H4D7N2
131 C8H7N2, (15%) TSQ
217 C13 H17N2O, (3%) LTQ, (7%) TSQ
225 C13H9D8N2O +

70 C4H8N
O N +
75 C4H3D5N, 74 C4H4D4N

202 C12H14N2O 189 C12H17N2 174 C11H12NO NH
210 C12H6D8N2O 197 C12H9D8N2 180 C11H6D6NO
58 C3H8N
62 C3H4D4N, 61 C3H5D3N
N + +
+ CH2 CH2

135 C8H11N2 111 C6H11N2 109 C6H9N2

140 C8H6D5N2 117 C6H5D6N2 113 C6H5D4N2

Figure 6.13cont'd
Imatinib Mesylate 285




[Imatinib + H]+ MW 494 C29H32N7O

[Imatinib-d8+ H]+ MW 502 C29H24D8N7O


+ H H
394 C24H20N5O, (100%) LTQ/TSQ

N N N +
+ N
379 C23H17N5O 290 C16H12N5O

+ H
+ N N
264 C15H14N5
378 C23H16N5O

+ N N
247 C15H11N4

222 C13H10N4

+ or + N
N H N H2C +
158 C9H8N3 N
185 C10H9N4
CH +
+ HC
or +

105 C6H5N2 N N
104 C7H6N
131 C8H7N2

Figure 6.13 Proposed structures of fragment ions formed by collision-induced dissoci-

ation of the imatinib ion, [M H] at m/z 502, with ESIC-TSQ-MS and ESIC-TQ-MS prod-
uct scan acquisitions.
286 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

5.4. Chromatographic methods of analysis

5.4.1 Electrophoresis
A validated, new, simple and fast electrophoretic method for imatinib deter-
mination in human plasma was reported by Ajimura et al. [36]. The analysis
was performed using a 50 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer pH 2.5, as
BGE; hydrodynamic injection time of 20 s (50 mbar); voltage of 30 kV; cap-
illary temperature of 35 C; and detection at 200 nm. The method was linear
from 0.125 to 5.00 mg/mL. Furthermore, the application of the method was
performed in the analysis of plasma samples from CML patients undergoing
treatment with imatinib.
Analyses were performed on an Agilent Technologies CE system
(Waldbronn, Germany) model G1600A consisting of an analyzer, an auto-
matic sampler, and a diode array detector operating at 200 nm. Agilent
ChemStation Software was used for data acquisition. A fused-silica uncoated
capillary (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) of 50 mm i.d.,
46.5 cm total length, and 38.0 cm effective length was used (Figure 6.14).
A capillary zone electrophoretic method was investigated for the deter-
mination of Gleevec and its main metabolite (N-demethylated piperazine
derivative) in human urine using a fused-silica capillary (75 mm i.d.,
360 cm total length, 10 cm effective length). The separation was performed
with a hydrodynamic injection time of 10 s (0.5 p.s.i.), a voltage of 25 kV,
a capillary temperature of 25 C, and a 100 mM phosphoric acid adjusted to
pH 2 with the addition of triethanolamine. Under these conditions, the

Figure 6.14 Electropherograms of human plasma spiked with 1.00 mg/mL of IMAT and
1.25 mg/mL of LID (IS) (A) and human blank plasma (B). (1) IMAT and (2) LID (IS). Elec-
trophoretic conditions: uncoated fused-silica capillary, 46.5 cm total length, 38.0 cm
effective length, 50 mm i.d., 30 kV of voltage, 351  C capillary temperature, detection
at 200 nm, hydrodynamic injection at a pressure of 50 mbar for 20 s.
Imatinib Mesylate 287

analysis takes about 5 min. A linear response over the 0.430.0 mg/L con-
centration range was investigated for two compounds. A dilution of the sam-
ple was the only step necessary before the electrophoresis analysis. Detection
limits of 0.1 mg/L for Gleevec and its metabolite (S/N 3) were obtained.
The developed method is easy, rapid, and sensitive and has been applied to
determine Gleevec and its main metabolite in clinical urine samples [37].

5.4.2 Thin layer chromatography

A simple, selective, precise and stability-indicating high-performance thin
layer chromatographic method of analysis of imatinib mesylate both as a bulk
drug and in formulations was reported by Vadera et al. [38]. The method
employed high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) alumi-
num plates precoated with silica gel 60F-254 as the stationary phase. The
solvent system consisted of chloroform/methanol (6:4, v/v). The system
was found to give compact spot for imatinib mesylate (Rf value of
0.53  0.02). Densitometric analysis of imatinib mesylate was carried
out in the absorbance mode at 276 nm. The linear regression analysis
data for the calibration plots showed good linear relationship with
r2 0.9966  0.0013 with respect to peak area in the concentration range
1001000 ng per spot. The slope and intercept were 164.85  0.72 and
1168.3  8.26 with respect to peak area. The method was validated for pre-
cision, recovery, and robustness. The limits of detection and quantitation
were 10 and 30 ng per spot, respectively. Imatinib mesylate was subjected
to acid and alkali hydrolysis, oxidation, and thermal degradation. The drug
undergoes degradation under acidic, basic, oxidation, and heat conditions.
This indicates that the drug is susceptible to acid, base hydrolysis, oxidation,
and heat. Statistical analysis proves that the method is repeatable, selective,
and accurate for the estimation of said drug. The proposed developed
HPTLC method can be applied for identification and quantitative determi-
nation of imatinib mesylate in bulk drug and dosage forms [38] (Figure 6.15).

5.4.3 High-performance liquid chromatography

Several high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedures
for the determination of imatinib and its N-[4-methyl-3-(4-pyridin-
(N-demethyl-imatinib or N-desmethyl-imatinib [35], N-demethyl-
metabolite [33]) have been reported in the literature. For the simultaneous
quantification of imatinib and its N-desmethyl-metabolite, in human or
monkey plasma, methods using liquid chromatography coupled with
288 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Figure 6.15 HPTL chromatogram of imatinib.

tandem mass spectrometry were worked out [32,39]. Rapid and sensitive
HPLC methods were developed to estimate imatinib in human plasma using
UV detectors [40]. Ivanovic et al. [41] have reported the HPLC method for
simultaneous determination of imatinib and its main metabolite
N-desmethyl-imatinib in pharmaceutical dosage forms (Table 6.4).

5.5. Determination in body fluids and tissues

Imatinib concentration was measured in plasma, liver, brain, spleen, and
kidney by an optimized HPLC method for quantification in tissues [46].
Imatinib tissue concentrations were six- to eightfold higher than
plasma, except brain, where the ratio decreased from 0.24 to 0.08 suggesting
limited brain penetration, likely due to bloodbrain barrier efflux trans-
porters. The extensive distribution supports the expansion of therapeutic
applications [46].

A literature survey revealed few stability-indicating analytical methods
for the quantification of imatinib based on HPLC [47], reverse phase (RP)
ultra-performance liquid chromatography [48], and HPTLC [38]. There
have been some RP-HPLC methods for the estimation of imatinib and
its impurities in Glivec capsules [41,49].
Preliminary investigations have established the main degradation path-
ways, namely, oxidation to N-oxide under oxidative stress conditions. Deg-
radation was not observed after storage at high temperatures (100 C).
Imatinib Mesylate 289

Table 6.4 HPLC methods for the analysis of imatinib mesylate

Mobile phase (flow
Material Column rate) Detector References
Human plasma Nucleosil 100-5m 50% Methanol and UV- [42]
C18 AB column water containing diode
both 0.05% array
ammonium acetate detection
Bulk and in Develosil column NaH2PO4, pH At [43]
pharmaceutical C18 (150  4.6 mm adjusted to 8.0 with 240 nm
formulations i.d., 5 mm particle triethylamine:
size) column methanol:
acetonitrile in the
ratio of 55:27:18
(% v/v/v)
Human plasma CAPCELL PAK (0.5% KH2PO4 At [44]
C18 MGII column (pH 3.5): 265 nm
(250  4.6 mm) acetonitrile:
Tablet dosage Hypersil BDS C18 (Ammonium At [45]
form column (length: phosphate buffer: 250 nm
250 nm, diameter: acetonitrile)
4.6 nm, particle (40:60 v/v)
size: 5 mm)

Stability study was carried out for the formulation by exposing it to dif-
ferent temperatures, 0  C, ambient temperature, and 40  C for 3 months.
The sample was analyzed for drug content at the regular intervals. No
remarkable change was found in the drug content of formulation. This indi-
cates that the drug was stable at the above optimized formulation [15].
Stability studies have been performed under The International Confer-
ence on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH Q1A) conditions and other experi-
mental conditions have been reported. No apparent change of the drug sub-
stance quality was observed in these studies. A retest period of 2 years at
25 C is proposed when the substance is stored in tight packing protected
from light.
Szczepek et al. [50] studied the decomposition of imatinib mesylate
(ImM) under hydrolytic (neutral, acidic, alkaline), oxidative, and photolytic
conditions. They were found that the imatinib mesylate is effectively
290 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

photostable and stable under neutral conditions. The main degradation

products under acidic and alkaline conditions are compounds:
4-methyl-N-[[4-pyridin-3-yl-pyrimidyn-2-yl]-benzene-1,3-diamine (2)
and 4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-ylmethyl)-benzoic acid (3). The main degrada-
tion products under oxidation conditions, that is, 4-[[4-methyl-4-
2-ylamino)-phenyl]-enzamide (6), 4-[(4-methyl-1-oxido-piperazin-1-yl)-
benzamide (7), and 4-[(4-methyl-1,4-dioxido-piperazin-1-yl)-methyl]-
N-[4-methyl-3-(4-pyridin-3-yl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino)-phenyl]-enzamide (8),
were isolated from the reaction mixtures and identified by the HPLC,1H
NMR, and MS techniques (Figures 6.16 and 6.17).

2 3 4


Figure 6.16 Structure of compound 2,3-N-desmethyl metabolite (main metabolite,

CGP-74588) 4 and expected impurity 5.

N N +

6 7
- -
N + N +
+ +

N - N O
O -

8 8a
Figure 6.17 Structure of degradation products obtained under oxidation conditions
(compounds 6, 7, 8, and 8a).
Imatinib Mesylate 291

7.1. Pharmacodynamics (an overview)
Imatinib was identified through high-throughput screening against the
Breakpoint cluster regionAbelson proto-oncogene kinase (BCRABL)
kinase, then it considered as a potent and selective inhibitor of the protein
tyrosine kinase BcrAbl, platelet-derived growth factor receptors
(PDGFRa and PDGFRb), and KIT. The lead compound of this series, a
2-phenylaminopyrimidine, had low potency and poor specificity, inhibiting
both serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases. The addition of a 30 -pyridyl
group at the 30 position of the pyrimidine enhanced its potency. Imatinib
mesylate was the first molecularly targeted protein kinase inhibitor to receive
FDA approval. It targets the BCRABL tyrosine kinase, which underlies
CML. A single molecular event, in this case the 9:22 translocation, leads
to expression of the ABL fused to BCR, yielding a constitutively activated
protein kinase, BCRABL, and then the malignant phenotype.
Imatinib clinical and molecular remissions were found in more than 90%
of CML patients in the chronic phase of disease. Imatinib effectively treats
other tumors that carry related tyrosine kinase mutations, including GI stro-
mal tumors (driven by protein encoded by kit gene (c-KIT) mutation), and
hypereosinophilia syndrome, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, and
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (all driven by mutations that activate
the PDGFR) [51].

7.2. Mechanism of action

Crystallographic and mutagenesis studies indicate that imatinib binds to a
segment of the kinase domain that fixes the enzyme in a closed or non-
functional state, in which the protein is unable to bind its substrate/phos-
phate donor, adenosine triphosphate {(IC50) 100 nM} [51].

7.3. Clinical uses

These protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors have efficacy in diseases in which
the ABL, kit, or PDGFR have dominant roles in driving the proliferation
of the tumor, reflecting the presence of a mutation that results in consti-
tutive activation of the kinase, either by fusion with another protein or
via point mutations. Thus, imatinib shows remarkable therapeutic benefits
in patients with:
292 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

Chronic-phase CML (BCRABL)

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor GIST (kit mutation positive)
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (EVT6-PDGFR translocation)
Hypereosinophilia syndrome (FIP1L1-PDGFR)
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (constitutive production of the ligand
for PDGFR).
The currently recommended dose of imatinib is 400600 mg/day.

7.4. Mechanisms of drug resistance

Resistance to the tyrosine kinase inhibitors arises from point mutations in
three separate segments of the kinase domain. The contact points between
imatinib and the enzyme become sites of mutations in drug-resistant leuke-
mic cells; these mutations prevent tight binding of the drug and lock the
enzyme in its open configuration, in which it has access to substrate. Most
such mutations hold the enzyme in its open and enzymatically active con-
firmation. The most common resistance mutations affect amino acids 255
and 315, both of which serve as contact points for imatinib; these mutations
confer high-level resistance to imatinib is unaffected by mutation at 255 but
is ineffective in the presence of mutation at 315.
Other mutations affect the phosphate-binding region and the activation
loop of the domain with varying degrees of associated resistance. Some
mutations, such as at amino acids 351 and 355, confer low levels of resistance
to imatinib. This finding may explain the clinical response of some resistant
patients to dose escalation of imatinib. Molecular studies of circulating
tumor cells have detected resistance-mediating kinase mutations prior to ini-
tiation of therapy, particularly in patients with Ph acute lymphoblastic leu-
kemia or CML in blastic crisis. This finding strongly supports the hypothesis
that drug-resistant cells arise through spontaneous mutation and expand
under the selective pressure of drug exposure. Mutations may become
detectable in the peripheral blood of patients receiving imatinib in the accel-
erated phase and in the late (>4 years from diagnosis) chronic phase of CML,
heralding the onset of drug resistance. Mechanisms other than BCRABL
kinase mutation play a minor role in resistance to imatinib. Amplification of
the wild-type kinase gene, leading to overexpression of the enzyme, has
been identified in tumor samples from patients resistant to treatment. The
multidrug resistant gene, which codes for a drug efflux protein, confers resis-
tance experimentally but has not been implicated in clinical resistance.
Imatinib Mesylate 293

Finally, Philadelphia chromosome-negative clones lacking the BCR

ABL translocation and displaying the karyotype of myelodysplastic cells
may emerge in patients receiving imatinib for CML and may progress to
myelodysplasia and to acute myelocytic leukemia. Their origin is
unclear [51].

7.5. Pharmacokinetics
Imatinib is well absorbed after oral administration and reaches maximal
plasma concentrations within 24 h. The elimination t1/2 of imatinib and
that of its major active metabolite, the N-desmethyl derivative, are
18 and 40 h, respectively. Mean imatinib area under the curve (AUC)
increases proportionally with increasing dose in the range 251000 mg.
Food does not change the pharmacokinetic profile of imatinib. Doses more
than 300 mg/day achieve trough levels of 1 mM, which correspond to in vitro
levels required to kill BCRABL-expressing cells. Inhibition of the BCR
ABL tyrosine kinase in white blood cells from patients with CML reaches a
maximum in the dose range of 250750 mg/day. Nonrandomized studies
suggest that response may be restored in a minority of resistant patients with
doses of 600 or 800 mg/day, as opposed to the standard 400 mg/day. In the
treatment of GIST, higher doses (600 mg/day) may improve response
rates [51].
Imatinib is approximately 95% bound to human plasma proteins, mainly
albumin and a1-acid glycoprotein. The drug is eliminated predominantly
via the bile in the form of metabolites, one of which (CGP 74588) shows
comparable pharmacological activity to the parent drug. The fecal to urinary
excretion ratio is approximately 5:1 [52].
Imatinib is metabolized mainly by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 or
CYP3A5; enzymes CYPs 1A2, 2D6, 2C9, and 2C19 play minor roles in its
metabolism. Accordingly, imatinib can competitively inhibit the metabo-
lism of drugs that are CYP3A4 or CYP3A5 substrates. Interactions may
occur between imatinib and inhibitors or inducers of these enzymes, lead-
ing to changes in the plasma concentration of imatinib as well as
coadministered drugs [52]. As examples of such interactions, single dose
of ketoconazole, an inhibitor of CYP3A4, increases the maximal imatinib
concentration in plasma and its plasma AUC by 26% and 40%, respectively.
Coadministration of imatinib and rifampin, an inducer of CYP3A4, lowers
the plasma imatinib AUC by 70%. Likewise, imatinib, as a competitive
294 Badraddin M.H. Al-Hadiya et al.

CYP3A4 substrate, inhibits the metabolism of simvastatin and increases its

plasma AUC by 3.5-fold [51].
Hepatic and renal dysfunction, and the presence of liver metastases may
result in more variable and increased exposure to the drug, although typi-
cally not necessitating dosage adjustment. Age (range 1870 years), race,
sex, and bodyweight do not appreciably impact the pharmacokinetics of
imatinib [52].

7.6. Toxicity
Imatinib causes GI distress (diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting), but these symp-
toms usually are easily controlled; also the drug promotes fluid retention,
which may lead to dependent edema and periorbital swelling. Significant
myelosuppression occurs infrequently but may require transfusion support,
dose reduction, or discontinuation of the drug. Drug intake can be associ-
ated with hepatotoxicity. Most nonhematological adverse reactions are self-
limited and respond to dose adjustments. After the adverse reactions, such as
edema, myelosuppression, or GI symptoms, have resolved, the drug may be
reinitiated and titrated back to effective doses [53].

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Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride
Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari*, Deema S. Jaafari*, Khaldoun A. Al-Souod,
Adnan A. Badwan*
*The Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., PO Box 94, Naor, Jordan

Department of Chemistry, Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan

1. Description 300
1.1 Nomenclature 300
1.2 Formulae 301
1.3 Elemental analysis 301
1.4 Appearance 302
2. Methods of Preparation 302
2.1 Method I 302
2.2 Method II 303
2.3 Method III 304
2.4 Method IV 305
2.5 Method V 307
2.6 Method VI 309
2.7 Method VII 309
2.8 Method VIII 309
2.9 Method IX 309
2.10 Method X 310
2.11 Method XI 311
2.12 Method XII 312
2.13 Method XIII 313
3. Physical Characteristics 316
3.1 Ionization constants 316
3.2 Solubility characteristics 316
3.3 Partition coefficients 318
3.4 Optical activity 318
3.5 Polymorphism 319
3.6 Particle morphology 325
3.7 Hygroscopicity 325
3.8 X-ray powder diffraction pattern 327
3.9 Thermal analysis 329
3.10 Spectroscopy 332
3.11 Mass spectrometry 340

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 299
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
300 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

4. Methods of Analysis 345

4.1 Compendial methods 345
4.2 Titrimetric methods 375
4.3 Electrochemical methods 375
4.4 Spectroscopic methods 377
4.5 Chromatographic methods 383
4.6 Biological methods 396
5. Stability 398
5.1 Solid-state stability 398
5.2 Solution-phase stability 404
5.3 Stability in biological fluids 412
5.4 Interaction with metals 414
6. Pharmacology 415
6.1 Uses, applications, and pertinent history 415
6.2 Absorption 416
6.3 Distribution 417
6.4 Metabolism 418
6.5 Elimination 418
6.6 Pharmacological Effects 419
References 420

1.1. Nomenclature
1.1.1 Systematic chemical names
acid hydrochloride [1].
monohydrochloride [2].
[-octahydro-6H-pyrrolo [3,4-b] pyridin-6-yl]-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic
monohydrochloride [2].
methoxy-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid hydrochloride [3].
6-fluoro-8-methoxy-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid [4].
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 301

1.1.2 Nonproprietary names [5]

Recommended international nonproprietary name (INN): Moxifloxacin.
Compendial name (USAN): Moxifloxacin hydrochloride.
Synonyms: BAY 12-8039.

1.1.3 Proprietary names

Actimax (Sankyo), Actira (Bayer), Avelox (Bayer), Moxeza (Alcon),
Octegra (Bayer), Proflox (Esteve), Vigamox (Alcon) [46].

1.2. Formulae
1.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, CAS number [2,5]
Moxifloxacin C21H24FN3O4 401.4 [151 09609-2]
Moxifloxacin HCl C21H25ClFN3O4 437.9 [186826-86-8]

1.2.2 Structural formula

Moxifloxacin HCl differs from other quinolones in that it has a methoxy
function at the 8-position, and an S,S configurated diazabicyclononyl ring
moiety at the 7-position [3].
. HCl


1.3. Elemental analysis

The experimental values of moxifloxacin elemental analysis (C, H, N)
agree well with the theoretical values (Table 7.1) [7]. However, the exper-
imental values corresponding to the hydrate form of moxifloxacin HCl [8]
differ to some extent from the theoretical values due to a variation in water
302 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.1 The theoretical elemental compositions of moxifloxacin, anhydrous, and

monohydrate forms of moxifloxacin HCl
Compound Molecular formula C H Cl F N O
Moxifloxacin C21H24FN3O4 62.83 6.03 4.73 10.47 16.00
(62.78) (5.98) (10.46)
Moxifloxacin C21H25ClFN3O4 57.60 5.75 8.10 4.34 9.60 14.61
HCl (anhydrous)
Moxifloxacin C21H25ClFN3O4. 55.33 5.97 7.78 4.17 9.22 17.55
HCl (hydrate) H2O (55.84) (5.76) (9.29)
Values between brackets represent the experimental data.

1.4. Appearance
Light yellow or yellow powder or crystals, slightly hygroscopic [1].
Slightly yellow to yellow powder or crystals [9].

2.1. Method I [1012]
carboxylic acid (I) is condensed with cis [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-
ane (II) under reflux in a mixture of acetonitrile and dimethylformamide in
the presence of 1,4-diazabicyclo [2.2.2]octane (DABCO) as a catalyst to
get moxifloxacin base. The later compound is dissolved in HCl solution
by means of heat, then concentrated, cooled, and precipitated by ethanol
to give moxifloxacin HCl (Scheme 7.1). For further purification, it is dis-
solved in hot water, HCl is added, cooled and the crystalline product is
filtered, washed well with ethanol, and then dried.
To prepare compound (I), 3,4,6-trifluoro-5-methoxybenzoyl chloride (1)
is reacted with diethyl malonate (2) in a mixture of absolute ethanol and tol-
uene in the presence of magnesium ethoxide as a base to give diethyl (3,4,6-
trifluoro-5-methoxybenzoyl)-malonate as a crude product, followed by
partial hydrolysis and decarboxylation with aqueous p-toluenesulphonic
acid to give ethyl (3,4,6-trifluoro-5-methoxybenzoyl)-acetate (3). The later
compound is heated under reflux with triethyl orthoformate in acetic
anhydride to produce ethyl 2-(3,4,6-trifluoro-5-methoxybenzoyl)-3-
ethoxy-acrylate (4) as an oil, which is further condensed with cyclopropylamine
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 303

+ NH


I II Moxifloxacin base



N N . HCl


Moxifloxacin base Moxifloxacin HCl

Scheme 7.1 Preparation of moxifloxacin HCl.

(5) in ethanol to produce ethyl 2-(3,4,6-trifluoro-5-methoxybenzoyl)-

3-cyclopropylamino-acrylate (6). The later is refluxed in DMF in the
presence of potassium carbonate, followed by hydrolysis in acidic media to pro-
duce ethyl 1-cyclopropyl-6,7-difluoro-8-methoxy-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-3-
quinoIinecarboxylate (I) (Scheme 7.2).
Compound (II) is prepared by reacting N-benzylmaleinimide (1) with
2-propenal-dimethylhydrazone (2) in acetonitrile to produce l,4-
dihydropyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid N-benzylimide (3), followed by
hydrogenation in tetrahydrofuran over palladium on active charcoal to pro-
duce crude hexahydropyridine-2,3,-dicarboxylic acid N-benzylimide (4).
Further hydrogenation of compound (4) by lithium aluminum hydride in
absolute tetrahydrofuran produces cis 8-benzyl-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-
ane (5) as a racemic mixture. L-()- and D-()-tartaric acids were used to
separate the enantiomers in DMF by crystallization, recrystallization, and
base libration to produce enantiomerically pure [S,S]-8-benzyl-2,8-
diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (6). Finally, [S,S]-8-benzyl-2,8-diazabicyclo
[4.3.0] nonane is hydrogenated over palladium on active charcoal in meth-
anol to produce compound (II) (Scheme 7.3).

2.2. Method II [13]

The preparation of [S,S]-8-benzyl-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (6) in
Scheme 7.3 as a pure enantiomer was reported. A mixture of [S,S]-8-ben-
zyl-2,8-diazabicyclo [4.3.0]nonane and [R,R]-8-benzyl-2,8-diazabicyclo
[4.3.0]nonane is converted to tartarate salt by reacting with L-()-tartaric
acid in a solvent mixture of alcohol and water, followed by reaction with
304 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.


Cl (1) Mg(OC2H5)2 OC2H5
+ +
O O (2) H /H2O

1 2 3


OC2H5 Ac2O OC2H5
+ CH(OC2H5)3


3 4

4 5 6


OC2H5 (1) K2CO3, DMF OH
(2) H


6 I

Scheme 7.2 Preparation of l-cyclopropyl-6,7-difluoro-8-methoxy-l,4-dihydro-4-oxo-3-

quinolinecarboxylic acid (I).

a base to produce [S,S]-8-benzyl-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane. The

obtained compound is useful to prepare [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-
ane (II), which is used for preparing moxifloxacin.

2.3. Method III [14]

dihydro-4-oxo-3 quinolinecarboxylic acid (1), prepared using the proce-
dure reported earlier [10,11], is reacted with 1 equiv of potassium
tert-butoxide (or tert-amylate) in a mixture of THF and methanol. The
moxifloxacin HCl is precipitated by adding the reaction solution to a mix-
ture of water and HCl and concurrently by seeding with crystals of
moxifloxacin (Bayer 12-8039). For purification, ethanol and water mixture
is used for crystallization leading to moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate
(Scheme 7.4).
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 305

N-CH2-C6H5 + N-CH2-C6H5

1 2 3

H2/Ru-C or Pd-C
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5

3 4
LiAlH4 or NaBH4/BF3.(C2H5)2O
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5

4 5 (Racemic)
(1) L-(+)-tartaric acid
H (2) Crystalization/recrystallize/NaOH, H H
N or mother liquor/NaOH/D-()-tartaric acid N
(3) NaOH
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5

5 (Racemic) 6


6 II
Scheme 7.3 Preparation of cis [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (II).

2.4. Method IV [15]

This preparation deals with a condensation of a novel quinoline carbox-
amide with an N-substituted diazabicyclononane. A mixture of
carboxamide or its N,N-dialkyl derivatives (1) is condensed with cis
[S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane or its N-substituted derivatives
(2) in acetonitrile in the presence of diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene
(DBU) to produce the amide compound (3), followed by hydrolysis
in a mixture of water, NaOH, and ethylene glycol to produce
moxifloxacin base. The HCl salt of moxifloxacin as monohydrate is pre-
pared in a mixture of water and methanol by adjusting the pH of solution
to 1.6 using HCl (Scheme 7.5).
306 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.


F (CH3)3COK or F


1 Moxifloxacin base
H H OH (1) HCl/H2O H H OH
(2) Cryst H2O/C2H5OH . HCl . H O


Moxifloxacin base Moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate

Scheme 7.4 Preparation of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate.

O O R2 O O
F N R2 F


1 2 3

R2 F F



3 Moxifloxacin base

N N . HCl . H O
N N 2


Moxifloxacin base Moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate

Scheme 7.5 Preparation of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate. Where R and R1 are hydro-
gen or selected from C1 to C5 linear or branches chain alkyl group, R2 is hydrogen, trityl,
silyl, or COOR3 group, where R3 is phenyl, ethyl, or butyl analogs.

The quinoline carboxamide (1) in Scheme 7.5 can be prepared by the

conventional methods as illustrated in Scheme 7.6. While, the
N-substituted diazabicyclononane (2), can be prepared by the reaction of
[S,S]-2-benzyl-2,8-diazabicyclo-[4.3.0]nonane (1) with, for example, trityl
chloride (R2 Ph3C) in dichloromethane and triethylamine, followed by
hydrogenation with Pd/C in 2-butanol (Scheme 7.7).
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 307





2 H+ 3



F N (1) Triethylorthoformate/Ac2O
or SOCl2/RR1NH (2) Cyclopropylamine
1 (3) K2CO3





4 5

Scheme 7.6 Preparation of quinoline carboxamide (1).

H CPh3
(1) Ph3CCl, (C2H5)3N, CH2Cl2
(2) H2/Pd-C
1 2
Scheme 7.7 Preparation of N-substituted diazabicyclononane (2).

2.5. Method V [16]

In this preparation, a novel intermediate, [4aS-cis]-(l-cyclopropyl-7-(2,8-
quinoline carboxylic acid-O3,O4)bis(acyloxy-O)borate, is used. Ethyl-1-
cyclopropyl-6,7-difluoro-8-methoxy-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-3-quinoline car-
boxylate (1) is reacted with boron acetate (prepared from boric acid and acetic
anhydride) to produce (l-cyclopropyl-6,7-difluoro-8-methoxy-4-oxo-1,4-
dihydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-O3,O4)bis(acyloxy-O)borate (2).
The boron acetate complex (2) is condensed with [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo
308 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

[4.3.0]nonane (3) in acetonitrile in the presence of triethylamine as a catalyst to

produce [4aS-cis]-(1-cyclopropyl-7-(2,8-diazabicyclo [4.3.0]non-8-yl)-6-
fluoro-8-methoxy-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-3-quinoline carboxylic
acid-O3,O4)bis(acyloxy-O)borate (4). The intermediate (4) is reacted with
HCl (pH 0.5) in ethanol to produce moxifloxacin HCl pseudohydrate with
water content of 0.64%. The pseudohydrate form is recrystallized from a mix-
ture of ethanol and HCl to produce moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate
(Scheme 7.8).





1 2
O (C2H5)3N H H O
+ NH N
2 3 4


HCl . HCl


4 Moxifloxacin HCl (pseudohydrate)


. HCl HCl . HCl. H O
N N N N 2


Moxifloxacin HCl pseudohydrate Moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate

Scheme 7.8 Preparation of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate.

Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 309

2.6. Method VI [17]

The same procedure of Method V is followed herein, but using propionic
anhydride instead of acetic anhydride to form the chelating agent and with-
out using any basic catalyst to obtain the boron complex. Moreover,
n-butanol and methanol are used instead of acetonitrile and ethanol in
the condensation and salt formation steps, respectively. Using such modifi-
cations, the industrial processing to produce moxifloxacin HCl becomes
simple, safe, and cost effective with high product yield and quality.

2.7. Method VII [18]

1-cyclopropyl-6,7-difluoro-8-methoxy-4-quinolone-3-carboxylic acid
difluoro borate complex (1) is condensed with [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo
[4.3.0]nonane derivative (2) in organic solvent (methanol, ethanol, iso-
propanol, ethylether and/or acetonitrile) in the presence of triethylamine
to obtain quinolone carboxylic acid complex (3), followed by refluxing
in organic solvent to obtain quinolone carboxylic acid derivative (4) and
finally by salification in HCl solution to obtain moxifloxacin HCl. Such
method has advantages of good reaction selectivity, simple process, mild
conditions, and suitability for industrial production (Scheme 7.9).

2.8. Method VIII [19]

This method is similar to Method V, but using the free acid of ethyl-1-
cyclopropyl-6,7-difluoro-8-methoxy-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-3-quinoline car-
boxylate (1). The main advantages of this method are demonstrated by its
mild condition, simple operation, simple posttreatment, high yield, and
its suitability for commercial production.

2.9. Method IX [20]

The reaction of ethyl 1-cyclopropyl-6,7-difluoro-8-methoxy-4-oxo-1,4-
dihydro-3-quinolinecarboxylate ester (1) with the chelating agent
B(OCOCF3)3 (prepared from reaction of boric anhydride with
trifluoroacetic anhydride) to produce the boron triflouroacetate complex
(2), followed by condensation with [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane
(3) to produce the boron trifluoracetate complex (4), then hydrolysis in
the presence of a base, and finally the addition of an acid to give
moxifloxacin base (Scheme 7.10). The main advantages of this method
310 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

O O Boc O O
N Boc F
O (C2H5)3N H O
+ NH N
F Organic solvent
1 2 3

Boc F Boc F
H O Reflux H OH


3 4

Boc F F
. HCl


4 Moxifloxacin HCl

Scheme 7.9 Preparation of moxifloxacin HCl. Where Boc is ter-butoxycarbonyl group.

are demonstrated by its simple procedures, high product yield and purity,
low cost, high selectivity, and mild reaction conditions.

2.10. Method X [21]

acid (1), is reacted with magnesium methoxide in DMF to produce the mag-
nesium complex (2). The complex is condensed with [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo
[4.3.0]nonane (2) in the presence of tetrabutylannnonium chloride (TBAC)
to produce the magnesium complex (4), followed by reaction with HCl to
produce moxifloxacin HCl (Scheme 7.11). An additional procedure was
further reported using magnesium hydroxide and N-methyl pyrrolidone
(NMP) instead of magnesium methoxide and DMF, respectively.
The proposed process offers a more region-selective reaction with mag-
nesium salt, thereby contamination is avoided by positional isomer, resulting
in high yields without using toxic reactants such as BF3.
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 311



OC2H5 B2O3 O


1 2
+ NH N
2 3 4


H H O (1) NaOH H H OH


4 Moxifloxacin base

Scheme 7.10 Preparation of moxifloxacin.

2.11. Method XI [22]

This method provides a stereoselective preparation of cis [S,S]-2,8
diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (II) in Scheme 7.1 using enzymic resolution as
a key step, which can then be used to prepare moxifloxacin. Pyridine-
2,3-dicarboxylic acid (1) is converted to its methyl ester, that is,
dimethyl-pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylate (2), by HCl in anhydrous methanol.
The obtained methyl ester is hydrogenated with Pd/C (anhydrous) to pro-
duce compound (3), followed by reaction with acetic anhydride in toluene
in the presence of triethylamine, and dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP),
followed by methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) used as a crystallization solvent
to obtain compound (4) as a white crystal with a trans diastereoisomer of
about 0.02% as a contaminant. Compound (4), is treated with
CALB-T2-150 Chiralvision, batch 48107227 (enzyme CAL-B covalently
immobilized on polyacrylic matrix beads) in phosphate buffer at pH 6,
followed by extraction with ethylacetate to obtain the diester (2S,3R
312 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.



OH Mg(OCH3)2, 30 C O


1 2
Mg Mg
O 4550 C, 16 h H H O
+ NH N

2 3 4

H H O HClaq. H H OH
. HCl


4 Moxifloxacin HCl

Scheme 7.11 Preparation of moxifloxacin HCl.

enantiomer, compound (5), in the organic phase, while the monoacid

(2R,3S enantiomer, compound (6), remains in the aqueous phase. Com-
pound (5) is refluxed in HCl solution to produce compound (7), which
is then reacted with acetic anhydride to produce compound (8). The
obtained compound (8) is reacted with benzylamine to produce the desired
product (9) as oil. The later compound (9) is heated in HCl solution to pro-
duce compound (10). Compound (10) is hydrogenated with LiAIH4 in
THF to produce compound (11). Furthermore compound (11) is hydroge-
nated with Pd/C in methanol to produce compound (II) (Scheme 7.12). To
prepare moxifloxacin HCl, compound (II) is condensed with the particular
fluoroquinolone using the same procedures of Methods I and III [1012,14].

2.12. Method XII [23]

This method provides a stereoselective preparation of cis [S,S]-2,8 diazabicyclo
[4.3.0]nonane (II) in Scheme 7.1 by the highly efficient racemisation process,
which then can be used to prepare moxifloxacin. [1R,6S]-8-benzyl-7,
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 313


1 2 3
TEA, DMAP; 25 C OCH3 25 C OCH3 + OH

3 4 5 6
Ac2O, C7H8
OCH3 HCl, Reflux OH

5 7 8
Benzylamine, C7H8 HCl, Reflux
O N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5

8 9 10
LiAlH4, THF (1) Pd/C, H2;
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5 NH
(2) Distillation
10 11 II
Scheme 7.12 Preparation of cis [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (II).

9-dioxo-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (1) is N-chlorinated by sodium

dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC), dehydrochlorinated by triethylamine
(TEA), followed by hydrogenation to produce rac-cis-8-benzyl-7,9-
dioxo-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0.]nonane intermediate (4) (Scheme 7.13). The
resulting trans-free cis racemate is recycled into the resolution process to yield
[1S,6R]-8-benzyl-7,9-dioxo-2,8-diazabicyclo [4.3.0]nonane (5).

2.13. Method XIII [24]

This method provides an enantioselective preparation of cis [S,S]-2,8
diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (II) in Scheme 7.1 by using [R]-2-amino-
2-phenyl-ethanol (1) as a chiral starting material, which can be then used
to prepare moxifloxacin. [R]-2-amino-2-phenyl-ethanol (1) by subsequent
reaction with dimethyl acetylene dicarboxylate (2) in methanol to
314 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

O Cl O
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5
S C7H8, H2O, 20 C

1 2
Cl O
TEA, 20 C
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5

3 (95.4%)
Pd/C, H2, 50 C
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5
Butyl acetate
3 4 (99%)

Resolution S
N-CH2-C6H5 N-CH2-C6H5

4 5

Scheme 7.13 Preparation of [1S,6R]-8-benzyl-7,9-dioxo-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0] nonane.

produce [R]-3-methoxycarbonylmethlene-5-phenyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-
1,4-oxazin-2-one (3), followed by reaction with acryloyl chloride in THF
to give [4S]-1,6-dioxo-4-phenyl-1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydropyrido-[2,1-c][1,4]
oxazine-9-carboxylic acid methyl ester (4). The later lactam (4) is hydrogenated
with Pd/C in a mixture of ethanol and ethylacetate (10:1) to give
[4S-4a,9a,9aa]-1,6-dioxo-4-phenyloctahydropyrido [2,1-c][1,4] oxazine-9-
carboxylic acid methyl ester (5). Amidation of compound (5) with benzyl
amine in toluene produces [2R,3S]-methyl-2-(benzylcarbamoyl)-1-([R]-2-
hydroxy-1-phenylethyl)-6-oxopiperidine-3-carboxylate (6), which is then
hydrolyzed by NaOH in methanol, and then acidified with HCl to produce
compound (7). The later compound is reacted with acetic anhydride in the pre-
sence of lithium acetate to produce [R]-2-([4aR,7aS]-6-benzyl-2,5,7-tri-
oxooctahydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,4-b] pyridin-1-yl)-2-phenylethyl acetate (8),
followed by hydrogenation with lithium aluminum hydride in THF to produce
compound (9). Further hydrogenation with PD/C in methanol is carried out to
yield cis [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (II) (Scheme 7.14).
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 315

O O Cl O O
+ THF/Reflux CO2CH3
Ph N Ph N
1 2 3 4
Pd/C, H2 H BnNH2
Ph N EtOH/EtOAc Ph N C7H8/TEA Ph N

4 5 6
Bn Bn
(1) NaOH/MeOH Ac2O/LiAc
Ph N (2) HCl Ph N 100 C Ph N
6 7 8

LiAlH4 Pd/C, H2

8 9 II

Scheme 7.14 Preparation of cis [S,S]-2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane (II). Where BnNH2:

benzyl amine.

The effect of different parameters on the yield and purity of moxifloxacin

HCl prepared based on Method I (Scheme 7.1) was examined [25]. The
reaction pathway through the nucleophilic substitution was identified using
the Dynochem software. The effect of base used, concentration of reactants,
and time of reaction on the yield and impurities formation was investigated.
It was found that using diisopropylethylamine instead of pyridine as a base in
acetonitrile offers the best yield (80%) with minimum amount of impurities
formed by demethylation of compound (I) and moxifloxacin.
Various sulphonamide derivatives of moxifloxacin linked at the second-
ary alkyl amine were prepared by reacting moxifloxacin with chloro deriv-
ative of various sulphonamides in pyridine or triethylamine [26]. The
prepared compounds were found to exhibit moderate to good antibacterial
activity with no toxicity at the oral dose of 2000 mg/kg. Furthermore, the
compounds showed higher in vitro and in vivo efficiency against various
gram-positive strains, which are recognized as the challenging microbes
against various leading antibiotics.
316 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

3.1. Ionization constants
Moxifloxacin is an amphoteric compound, which contains a secondary alkyl
amine, two tertiary arylamines, and a carboxylic acid (Figure 7.1).
The ionization constants (pKa1 and pKa2) were measured by means of
potentiometry and spectrophotometry [27]. The obtained two pKa values
were 6.25 and 9.29 for carboxylic acid and secondary amine, respectively.
The low acidic character of moxifloxacin was explained by the formation
of intramolecular hydrogen bond between the carboxyl and keto groups
in the quinoline ring. Nearly similar values (pKa1 6.4 and pKa2 9.5) were
also reported [28].

3.2. Solubility characteristics

Moxifloxacin HCl is soluble in 0.1 N NaOH; sparingly soluble in water and
in methanol; slightly soluble in 0.1 N HCl, in dimethylformamide, and in
alcohol; practically insoluble in methylene chloride, in acetone, in ethyl ace-
tate, and in toluene; in addition it is insoluble in tert-butyl methyl ether and
n-heptane [1,9].
As shown in Figure 7.2, moxifloxacin HCl exhibits high solubility in
water in comparison with the other organic solvents. The foregoing was
attributed to the ionization of this compound in water leading to the forma-
tion of ionic species (MoxifloxacinH and Cl), thus promoting enhance-
ment in solubility [29]. Furthermore, moxifloxacin HCls solubility is
solvent polarity and temperature dependent (i.e., solubility increases with
polarity and temperature).

Tertiary amine
Secondary amine (weak base)
(basic; pKa2 = 9.5)




Carboxylic acid
(acidic; pKa1 = 6.4)

Figure 7.1 The chemical structure of moxifloxacin showing the various functional
groups with their ionization constants (pKas).
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 317

35 5
30 Ethanol
2-Propoanol 4
25 Acetone
Solubility (mg/ml)

Solubility (mg/ml)



0 0
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Temperature (C)
Figure 7.2 The solubility of moxifloxacin HCl in water and different organic solvents as a
function of temperature, left y-axis corresponds to water.



Solubility (mg/ml)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 7.3 The pH solubility of moxifloxacin HCl in 0.05 M phosphate buffer at 30  C

(pH 1.2 corresponds to 0.1 N HCl solution).

On the other hand, the solubility of moxifloxacin HCl is pH dependent

(Figure 7.3), it increases with pH (above 6) due to the ionization of the car-
boxylate group (pKa1 6.4). The significant reduction in the solubility
below pH 2 is due to the common-ion effect by chloride ions [30].
318 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

According to the WHO, EMA, and USFDA guidelines [3133],

moxifloxacin HCl can be considered as a highly soluble drug based on
the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS). The drug exhibits a
dose/solubility (D/S) of <250 ml over the pH range 1.26.8 (Table 7.2).

3.3. Partition coefficients

The apparent partition coefficients of moxifloxacin (log Papp) in 1-octanol/
buffer systems were measured at different pH values (5.98.7) and at room
temperature using the shake-flask technique [27]. Results are summarized in
Table 7.3.
The true partition coefficient (log P) value was calculated using the
apparent partition coefficients and the micro-ionization constants and was
found to have a value of 0.832. According to this finding and the high abso-
lute bioavailability (well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with
approximately 90%) [3], moxifloxacin HCl can be considered a highly
permeable drug [27,32,33].
Based upon the high drug solubility and high permeability, moxifloxacin
HCl can be classified as BCS Class I drug [32,33].

3.4. Optical activity

Moxifloxacin HCl has two chiral centers, located at the diazabicyclononyl
moiety, leading to possible formation of four different isomers
(Figure 7.4) [34].

Table 7.2 The pH solubility (S) data of moxifloxacin HCl and the calculated
dose/solubility (D/S)
pHeq S (mg/ml) D/S (ml)
1.2 6.8 59
2.1 31.3 13
3.0 31.0 13
3.9 31.3 13
5.4 26.0 15
6.4 37.6 11
6.9 58.0 7
The highest single dose (D) is 400 mg.
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 319

Table 7.3 The apparent partition coefficient (log

Papp) values of moxifloxacin at different pH values
at room temperature
pH log Papp
5.9 0.689
6.4 0.508
7.4 0.280
8.0 0.237
8.7 0.352
9.3 0.550

N . HCl N . HCl


S,S moxifloxacin R,R enantiomer


N . HCl N N . HCl


R,S diastereomer S,R diastereomer

Figure 7.4 The chemical structures of S,S-moxifloxacin HCl and its potential isomers.

The specific optical rotation range required by official compendia is

between 125 and 138 at 20  C, determined in a 10-mg/ml solution
of water and acetonitrile (1:1) mixture [1,2].

3.5. Polymorphism
Moxifloxacin HCl exists in different forms as shown in Table 7.4. The anhy-
drous form can be converted to the monohydrate when exposed to water, a
mixture of water, and ethanol [35] or a controlled humidification environ-
ment at 60% or 80% RH [36].
The amorphous form can be prepared by dissolving crystalline
moxifloxacin HCl in a solvent (e.g., methanol) and then spray dried [37].
Table 7.4 The list of different forms of moxifloxacin HCl with their preparations and methods of characterization
Form Preparation Characterization Reference
Form I (anhydrous Moxifloxacin hydrochloride or/and its hydrates are suspended XRPD, FT-IR, DSC, [15]
crystalline form of in a suitable polar solvent, the pH is adjusted to 78 with microscope
moxifloxacin base) NaOH or NH4OH at 2530  C, the reaction mixture is
extracted with suitable chloro or ester solvents, the solvent is
completely distilled under reduced pressure at below 60  C,
the reaction mixture is cooled to 2535  C, the crude is
treated with a suitable organic solvent like keto solvent, the
product is isolated by filtration and optionally washed with
water, and then dried to get the form
Form I (anhydrous The anhydrous form is the only crystal modification known in XRPD, DSC, TGA, 13C [35]
crystalline) the prior art [1012] NMR, Raman, FT-IR,
Form II (monohydrate The anhydrous form is suspended and stirred in aqueous media
crystalline) until hydration or dissolved in ethanol either with or without
water and distilled off and dried under humid condition to get
prism and needle crystals
Hydrated crystalline Crystalline anhydrous or monohydrate forms of moxifioxacin XRPD [36]
HCl, or mixtures is placed into a controlled humidification
environment at 60% or 80% RH and 30  C for 18 and 16 h,
Amorphous Crystalline moxifloxacin HCl is dissolved in a solvent (e.g., XRPD, FT-IR [37]
methanol), subjected to spray drying and further dried
Form A (crystalline) Moxifloxacin is suspended in organic solvents (e.g., XRPD, FT-IR, DSC [38]
methanol), treated with dry hydrogen chloride, dried under
control conditions to get the crystalline Form A of
moxifloxacin HCl with moisture content below 2%
Form X (anhydrous Moxifloxacin HCl is azeotropically refluxed in hydrocarbon XRPD [39]
crystalline) solvents, cooled, filtered, and dried
Form Y (anhydrous Moxifloxacin is dissolved in alcoholic solvents by heat and
crystalline) adjusting the pH to 7.58.5 using with aqueous alkaline
solution. The pH is adjusted to below 0.5 with aqueous HCl at
<15  C and the reaction mass is maintained for 3060 min at
<15  C, followed by drying
Form III (anhydrous Moxifloxacin HCl is azeotropically refluxed in lower XRPD, 13C NMR, FT-IR, [40]
crystalline) branched or chained acid esters or an aliphatic hydrocarbon TGA, DSC
solvent or aromatic hydrocarbons. The reaction mixture is
cooled with stirring till the solid mass crystallizes, followed by
New crystalline form Moxifloxacin HCl is dissolved in a mixture of methanol/water XRPD, FT-IR [41]
by heating at the reflux temperature; acetone is added and the
solution is heated at 4045  C, cooled to 1525  C, filtered,
and dried
Table 7.4 The list of different forms of moxifloxacin HCl with their preparations and methods of characterizationcont'd
Form Preparation Characterization Reference
Crystalline form of Moxifloxacin or it HCl salt is suspended in water and pH XRPD, 13C NMR, FT-IR, [42]
moxifloxacin base was adjusted to >11 with NaOH. The basified solution is TGA, DSC
washed with toluene and then pH adjusted to 8.08.2 with
HCl. The reaction mixture is extracted with methylene
chloride and the organic layer is dried under reduced pressure.
The solid thus obtained is recrystallized from acetonitrile
Form A (hydrated Moxifloxacin HCl (anhydrous or monohydrate) is suspended XRPD, 13C NMR, FT-IR, [43]
crystalline) in a solvent selected from alcohols and polyols or mixtures, in TGA, DSC
which the resulting mixture has an overall water content of
between 0.01% and 2.5% by weight, refluxed, cooled, and
then the form is isolated
Form B (anhydrous The same procedure of Form A, but the isolated form is
crystalline) reslurried at reflux in a solvent selected from alcohols and
polyols or mixtures, in which the resulting mixture has an
overall water content of between 0.01% and 2.5% by weight
and then the form is isolated
Form IV (anhydrous Moxifloxacin base is dissolved (or its HCl salt is suspended) in XRPD, C NMR, FT-IR [44]
crystalline) an organic solvent, cooled, saturated with HCl (not required
in case of the HCl salt), maintained for 2 h, the solvent is
removed under vacuum and the residue is resuspended in the
same solvent, cooled to a temperature to 0 and 10  C for
13 h, the formed crystals are separated by filtration, wash and
dry the obtained product until a constant weight
Form a1 (hydrated Moxifloxacin HCl is suspended in a mixture of water and 37% XRPD, DSC [45]
crystalline) HCl, dissolved by heating at 100  C, cooled to 20  C and the
attained solid material was filtered, washed with water, and
dried under reduced pressure at 95  C to afford the form
having a water content of 3.64%
Form a2 (hydrated Moxifloxacin HCl is suspended in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone
crystalline) and water, heated to 130  C, cooled to 20  C. The
obtained solid is filtered, washed with acetone, and dried
under reduced pressure at 60  C to afford the form having a
water content of 4.02%
Form IV (monohydrate Moxifloxacin HCl is suspended in methanol and water and the XRPD [46]
crystalline) pH is adjusted to 1.02.0 with concentrated HCl at 25  C, and
cooled to 5  C. The solid obtained is collected by filtration
and the solid is dried at 6065  C
Form b (monohydrate Moxifloxacin base is suspended in methanol and water. HCl and XRPD, DSC [47]
crystalline) EDTA are added, heated to 3438  C for 1 h, cooled to 05  C
for 1 h, filtered, and washed with chilled methanol. The solid
Form g (anhydrous
again is heated in methanol and water to 55  C to get a clear
solution, cooled slowly to 4045  C (2025  C for Form g) and
HCl is added (not required for Form g), cooled slowly to 05  C
and maintained for 1 h, filtered, washed with chilled methanol,
and water thrice (only methanol for Form g) and dried at
5055  C for 2 h (8085  C for 12 h for Form g), sieved, and
dried further under vacuum at 4555  C for 30 h (8085  C for
36 h for Form g)
Table 7.4 The list of different forms of moxifloxacin HCl with their preparations and methods of characterizationcont'd
Form Preparation Characterization Reference
Form F (anhydrous Moxifloxacin HCl is suspended in water and ethanol, heated XRPD, FT-IR, DSC, TGA [48]
crystalline) at 7585  C under stirring, filtered, and washed with
ethanol. Ethanol is added dropwise at 7080  C to the solid,
cooled slowly to 2030  C, and crystallized for 120 min,
filtered and washed with absolute ethanol. Absolute ethanol
and HCl are added to the wet crystal, stirred at 4050  C for
1.52 h, cooled to 1020  C, stirred for 23 h, washed
with absolute ethanol, and dried under vacuum to water
content 1.0%
Hydrate crystalline Anhydrous moxifloxacin or/and moxifloxacin hydrate is XRPD [49]
dissolved in organic solventwater mixture by heat at
50150  C, the pH is adjusted with HCl to pH 12, stirred for
560 min, and cooled for crystallization. The organic solvent is
one or more of acetone, dioxane, and ethyl acetate
Form C (crystalline) Moxifloxacin HCl is stirred with methanol and triethyl amine at XRPD, FT-IR, DSC, [50]
2530  C. The reaction mass is concentrated partially. Raman
Further methanol is added and the pH is adjusted to 1.02.0 using
HCl gas dissolved in methanol at 2025  C. The content is
cooled to 05  C and maintained at 05  C for 2 h. The
resulting solid is filtered, washed with chilled methanol, and
dried under vacuum at 8090  C
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 325

Different forms of moxifloxacin HCl hydrate and its anhydrous form can
be obtained from different aqueous and organic solvents under controlled
experimental conditions (Table 7.4). They are characterized by distinctive
X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) patterns, 13C-nuclear magnetic reso-
nance (13C NMR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier trans-
form infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis
(TGA), and microscope.

3.6. Particle morphology

Moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate may exist in different shapes depending
upon the solvent used for crystallization. The prism shape (Figure 7.5A)
is obtained when the anhydrous form is treated with a solvent mixture con-
taining water at a percentage content of 10% maximum to obtain the
monohydrate form, while the needle shape (Figure 7.5B) is obtained when
the water content exceeds 10%. Drying is carried out under a relative
humidity (RH) of not less than 30% to avoid the formation of the anhy-
drous form [35]. The oval shape (Figure 7.5C) is obtained when
moxifloxacin HCl is recrystallized from a mixture of alcohol and chloro
solvent [15].

3.7. Hygroscopicity
Anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl is hygroscopic and absorbs water under
adverse storage conditions and handling [35].


Figure 7.5 The photographs of microscopic moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (A) prism,
(B) needle, and (C) oval shapes.
326 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

The extent of water uptake by anhydrous form of moxifloxacin

HCl was studied [30]. Samples obtained from a particular supplier were
incubated at different storage conditions of heat and humidity (25  C/
25% RH, 25  C/52% RH, 25  C/95% RH and 40  C/75% RH) for dif-
ferent periods of time and then tested using Mettler DSC-25 instrument
with a heating rate of 10  C/min. The DSC thermograms show that the
endotherm peaks corresponding to the unbounded water appear below
80  C when the sample is exposed to a RH above 25% (Figure 7.6c
and d). The presence of broad endotherm peak in the range of
60100  C at 40  C/75% RH (Figure 7.6e) indicates that the bounded
water starts to form beside the unbounded water. However, the DSC
thermogram of the Ph. Euro reference material of the monohydrate form
(Figure 7.6f ) shows a broad endotherm peak corresponding to bounded
water centered at about 110  C similar to that of Bayer Form II [35].
All the samples tested show almost the same endotherm melting peak
at about 252  C.
The effect of different environmental conditions on the extent of
water uptake by hydrate form was also investigated [30]. Moxifloxacin
HCl monohydrate obtained from a particular supplier was incubated in
an open container at 25  C/60% RH, 30  C/65% RH, and 40  C/75%
RH for different periods of time and its water content was measured.

Figure 7.6 The DSC thermograms of anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl after incubation at (a)
initial, (b) 25  C/25% RH/12 h, (c) 25  C/52% RH/1 h, (d) 25  C/95% RH/1 h, (e) 40  C/75%
RH/3 weeks, and (f ) Ph. Euro. RS.
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 327

The maximum water uptake (<0.1%) was attained after 3 days of incubation
at 40  C/75% RH.

3.8. X-ray powder diffraction pattern

The XRPD of anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) and its monohydrate
form (Form II) were recorded with a STOE transmission powder diffrac-
tometer and are shown in Figure 7.7 [35]. The crystallographic data

Figure 7.7 The XRPD patterns of (A) anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I), (B)
moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II), and (C) amorphous moxifloxacin HCl.
328 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.5 The crystallographic results from the X-ray powder diffraction patterns of
anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) and moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II)
Anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) Moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II)
Relative Relative
Scattering angle intensity intensity
(degrees 2u) d-Spacing () (%) (degrees 2u) d-Spacing () (%)
5.8 15.2373 53.8 5.8 15.2373 23.5
8.6 10.2816 71.2 8.5 10.4023 39.2
10.3 8.5881 50.0 10.1 8.7577 37.3
11.6 7.6284 9.6 13.4 6.6075 33.3
13.6 6.5108 42.3 14.5 6.1086 80.4
14.5 6.1086 100.0 14.8 5.9855 7.8
15.0 5.9061 7.7 15.6 5.6803 39.2
15.8 5.6088 32.7 17.0 5.2155 9.8
17.3 5.1257 17.3 17.4 5.0965 21.6
17.5 5.0676 34.6 17.5 5.0676 9.8
18.3 4.8478 9.6 17.9 4.9552 15.7
18.9 4.6953 5.8 18.6 4.7703 15.7
19.3 4.5988 5.8 19.6 4.5291 9.8
19.6 4.5291 11.5 20.4 4.3533 31.4
20.6 4.3115 25.0 17.4 5.0965 21.6
21.5 4.1330 3.8 22.7 3.9171 3.9
24.2 3.6776 17.3 23.0 3.8667 2.0
24.7 3.6043 15.4 23.6 3.7698 21.6
25.0 3.5617 19.2 24.1 3.6927 21.6
26.3 3.3886 5.8 24.5 3.6333 3.9
27.0 3.3023 61.5 26.5 3.3634 7.8
27.4 3.2550 59.6 26.7 3.3387 94.1
27.8 3.2090 44.2 27.0 3.3023 5.9
29.4 3.0379 38.5 27.3 3.2667 49.0
29.7 3.0079 3.8 27.5 3.2434 100.0
30.0 2.9785 5.8 27.8 3.2090 3.9
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 329

Table 7.5 The crystallographic results from the X-ray powder diffraction patterns of
anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) and moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate
(Form II)cont'd
Anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) Moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II)
Relative Relative
Scattering angle intensity intensity
(degrees 2u) d-Spacing () (%) (degrees 2u) d-Spacing () (%)
30.3 2.9497 3.8 22.7 3.9171 3.9
31.3 2.8577 7.7 28.9 3.0893 3.9
31.8 2.8139 5.8 29.2 3.0583 45.1
29.7 3.0079 11.8
31.4 2.8488 9.8
28.9 3.0893 3.9
34.2 2.6217 3.9
35.1 2.5566 3.9

generated from the XRPD patterns of both forms are listed in Table 7.5. The
interplaner d-spacing is calculated from Bragg equation (2dsin y nl),
where l (1.5418 A ) is the wavelength of the X-ray (Cu Ka radiator).
In this study, the monohydrate form (Form II) is characterized with a band
at 2y 26.7 (Figure 7.7B).
The XRPD pattern of the amorphous form of moxifloxacin HCl pre-
pared by spray drying technique is shown in Figure 7.7C [37]. The plain
halo shape of the pattern proves the amorphous nature when the drug is
spray dried.
In addition to these three forms and as mentioned previously in
Section 3.5, there are other crystalline forms of anhydrous and hydrate
moxifloxacin HCl that can be clearly characterized using this technique.

3.9. Thermal analysis

3.9.1 Melting behavior
The melting point was measured using the Buchi B-450 device by the cap-
illary technique [51]. Results, as shown in Table 7.6, indicate that the melt-
ing point of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate increases with the heating
rate. The significant difference between data of Merck Index [52] with
the aforementioned results and the DSC data (Table 7.7) cannot be justified
Table 7.6 The melting point of moxifloxacin and moxifloxacin HCl
Compound Melting point ( C) Heating rate (K min1) Reference
Moxifloxacin HCl 238242 NA [4]
Moxifloxacin HCl 242.0247.4 3 [51]
248.0252.0 5
255.1258.2 10
Moxifloxacin 203208 (decomp.) NA [52]
Moxifloxacin HCl 324325 (decomp.) NA
NA, not available.

on the basis of differences in experimental conditions (e.g., heating rate)

and in the purities of the tested samples, unlike to what was claimed [51].

3.9.2 Differential scanning calorimetry

The DSC thermograms of the anhydrous form of moxifloxacin HCl (Form
I) and its monohydrate form (Form II) were recorded using the Perkin-
Elmer DSC-7 thermoanalyser [35]. Figure 7.8 shows that both forms have
an endotherm melting peak at about 255  C. The broadness of the endo-
therm peak, centered at approximately 110  C, for the monohydrate form
is due to the rearrangement of the crystal lattice, the dissociation of
moxifloxacin HCl and water, and the enthalpy of vaporization of the release
of water of crystallization [35].
Different forms of anhydrous and hydrate moxifloxacin HCl were thor-
oughly investigated by the DSC technique and the summary data are listed
in Table 7.7.
Regardless of the form type, the results in Table 7.7 show that the melt-
ing points of the free base of moxifloxacin and its hydrochloride salt are in
the range of 210218 and 242255  C, respectively. It should be noted that
a salt usually exhibits a higher melting point than the free base. Furthermore,
the results indicate that there are two types of water, unbounded and
bounded water molecules, which are demonstrated by the two endotherm
peaks at 6575 and 100110  C, respectively.
It is worth mentioning that the endotherm peaks of the different forms
are almost the same (e.g., Form II, Form a2, and Form b). Consequently,
the other supportive techniques such as XRPD and FT-IR are of significant
importance to prove the existence of different forms (Table 7.4). However,
there is lack of information on experimental conditions (atmosphere,
heating rate) and on the purity of the tested forms. These parameters have
to be considered for comparison purposes.
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 331

Figure 7.8 The DSC thermograms of (A) anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) and (B)
moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II).

3.9.3 Thermogravimetric analysis

The TGA thermograms of the anhydrous form of moxifloxacin HCl (Form I)
and its monohydrate form (Form II) were recorded using the Perkin-Elmer
DSC-7 thermoanalyser [35]. Form I exhibits no loss in weight until heated
beyond the temperature of its thermal decomposition (Figure 7.9A), whereas
Form II shows a weight loss in two steps. The first step begins gradually to reach
complete loss of 1 mol equiv of water (3.9% w/w) at around 150  C. The sec-
ond loss was recorded above 250  C and it corresponds to thermal decompo-
sition (Figure 7.9B). The obtained value of water loss is in good agreement with
the theoretical loss and the transition temperatures of the DSC data.
332 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.7 The DSC data of different forms of moxifloxacin HCl

Form Endotherm melting peak ( C) Reference
Form I (anhydrous of moxifloxacin base) 211 [15]
Form I (anhydrous) 255 [35]
Form II (monohydrate) 255
110 (loss of water)
Form A 242 [38]
65 (loss of water)
Form III (anhydrous) 246 [40]
Crystalline form of moxifloxacin base 210218 [42]
150165 (weak peak)
Form A (hydrated) 244 [43]
73 (loss of water)
Form B (anhydrous) 244
Form a1 (hydrated) 250 [45]
75 (loss of water)
Form a2 (hydrated) 253
100 (loss of water)
Form b (monohydrate) 252 [47]
100 (loss of water)
Form g (anhydrous) 254
Form F (anhydrous) 243 [48]
Form C (anhydrous) 253 [50]

3.10. Spectroscopy
3.10.1 UV/VIS spectroscopy
The UV/VIS absorption spectra of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate in dif-
ferent solvents were recorded using the Beckman Coulter DU-650 spectro-
photometer [30]. Figure 7.10 shows the UV/VIS absorption spectrum of
moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (0.0043 mg/ml as anhydrous) in methanol.
The two maxima, recorded at 232 and 295 nm, are apparently due to the
p ! p* electronic transitions in the aromatic ring. The longest wavelength
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 333

Figure 7.9 The TGA thermograms of (A) anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) and (B)
moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II).

maximum, recorded between 320 and 380 nm, is due to an n ! p* elec-

tronic transition [53].
The UV/VIS absorption summary data including solvent type, lmax, and
the intensity of absorption (A [1%, 1 cm]) are listed in Table 7.8.

3.10.2 Vibrational spectroscopy FT-IR spectroscopy
The FT-IR absorption spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl from Sigma was
recorded using the JASCO FTIR 460 PLUS (KBr disc) in the range of
4000400 cm1 [7]. The FT-IR spectrum is shown in Figure 7.11 and its
corresponding assignments are given in Table 7.9. As mentioned in
334 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.







220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 7.10 The UV/VIS absorption spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl (0.0043 mg/ml as
anhydrous) in methanol.

Table 7.8 The UV/VIS absorption data of moxifloxacin HCl in different solvents
Solvent lmax (nm) A (1%, 1 cm) (gm/100 ml)1cm1
Methanol 232 255
295 1100
334 280
358 250
358 250
Water 245 300
288 995
338 385
0.1 N HCl 217 340
295 1050
335 260
360 235
0.1 N NaOH 242 305
291 1055
339 335
355 285
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 335

Figure 7.11 The FT-IR absorption spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (KBr disc).

Table 7.9 The assignments of the FT-IR absorption bands of moxifloxacin HCl
Wavenumber (cm1) Assignment
35303472 n(OdH); H2O; COOH
31563056 n(CdH); aromatic
29762800 n(CdH); aliphatic
27332422 n(NH2 )
1709 n(C]O); COOH
16201520 n(C]O); phenyl breathing
14541358 dCH; deformations of CH2
13231256 db(dCH2)
1184 n(CdO)
1166 n(CdN)
1111 n(CdC)
1049 dr(dCH2)
991802 dCH-bend; phenyl
772721 db(COO)
691424 Ring deformation
n, stretching; db, bending.
336 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Figure 7.12 The FT-IR absorption spectrum of (A) anhydrous (Form I) and (B) mono-
hydrate (Form II) of moxifloxacin HCl (KBr disc).

Section 3.5, FT-IR technique can be used to distinguish between different

forms of anhydrous and hydrate moxifloxacin HCl. For example,
moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II) has characteristic IR bands in
the region of 36003100 cm1 (OH valency vibrations) corresponding
to water of crystallization (Figure 7.12). Such bands are already absent in
the anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) [35]. Furthermore, moxifloxacin
HCl monohydrate (Form II) differs from Form I in the other frequency
ranges proving different arrangement of the molecules in the crystal lattices
of the two forms.
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 337

Figure 7.13 The Raman absorption spectrum of (A) anhydrous (Form I) and (B) mono-
hydrate (Form II) of moxifloxacin HCl. Raman spectroscopy

The Raman absorption spectra of anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I)
and moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II) were recorded using the
BRUKER Fourier-IR spectrometer IFS 88 [35]. The Raman spectra of
the aforementioned drug forms are shown in Figure 7.13 and the assign-
ments of part of distinctive Raman bands are given in Table 7.10. As shown
in Figure 7.13, the differences in the spectra of the two forms are minimal in
the range 32002800 cm1. The fact that the spectra of the different forms
of moxifloxacin HCl obtained by different workers are almost similar
[35,50,53], therefore this technique was not widely used to distinguish
between the different forms.
338 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.10 The assignments of some of the Raman absorption bands of moxifloxacin
HCl monohydrate
Wavenumber (cm1) Assignment
31503050 n(OdH, NdH)
3120 n(](CdH))
30002800 n(CdH)
1711 n(C]O)
1619 n(C]C)
1433 db(CH2)
13761352 n(Quinolone ring)
n, stretching; db, bending.

Figure 7.14 The 1H NMR spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl in DMSO-d6.

3.10.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 1H NMR spectrum
The 1H NMR spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl (water content 22.5%) was
obtained using the BRUKER-AV-500 spectrometer [54]. The sample was
dissolved in DMSO-d6 and all resonance bands were referenced to the tet-
ramethylsilane (TMS) internal standard. The 1H NMR and COSY 1H
NMR spectra of moxifloxacin HCl are shown in Figures 7.14 and 7.15,
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 339

Figure 7.15 The COSY 1H NMR spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl in DMSO-d6.

respectively. In Figure 7.14, the presence of broad signals at 15.09, 10.26,

and 9.03 ppm is due to the exchangeable (OH and NH) protons. The
assignments of the resonance bands are given in Table 7.11.

13 C NMR spectrum
The 13C NMR spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl (water content 22.5%) was
obtained using the BRUKER-AV-500 spectrometer [54]. The sample was
dissolved in DMSO-d6 and all resonance bands were referenced to the tetra-
methylsilane (TMS) internal standard. The 13C NMR, DEPT, HMQC, and
HMBC spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl are shown in Figures 7.167.19. Their
corresponding assignments are given in Table 7.12.

13 Solid C NMR spectrum
The solid C NMR spectra of anhydrous moxifloxacin HCl (Form I) and
moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate (Form II) were recorded using the BRUKER
SML300spectrometer[35].Thesolid 13CNMRspectraareshowninFigure7.20
and the assignments of the solid 13C NMR bands are given in Table 7.13. The 13C
NMR spectra show the significant difference between the two forms due to the
presence of a sharp peak at 168.1 ppm for the monohydrate form (Form II) in the
range180160 ppm(Figure7.20).Suchdifferenceinthespectramaybeattributed
to existing inter-hydrogen bonding between water and the carboxylic group.
340 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.11 The 1H NMR spectral assignments for moxifloxacin HCl


H2 H1 F
K1 N N H C . HCl
O1 H
K2 H
H H H3 C E1 F1
H H O2 D
L1 M2 H H
L2 M1 E2 F2

Chemical shift
(ppm) Number of proton Multiplicity Assignment H1H COSY
15.11 1a s C /
10.28 1a s, br P /
9.07 1 s, br J /
8.65 1 s B /
7.63 1 d A /
4.16 1 m G GE, GF
4.08, 3.65 2 dd H1, H2 H1I, H2I
3.91, 3.76 2 m O O1N, O2N
3.88 1 m I IH, IN
3.61 3 s D /
3.18, 2.92 2 m K1 , K 2 K1L, K2L
2.67 1 m N NI
1.84, 1.70 2 m M1, M2 M1N, M2N
1.751.80 2 m L1, L2 L1K, L2K
1.021.14 2 m F1, F2 F1G, F2G
0.89, 1.21 2 m E1, E2 E1G, E2GE1G, E2G
Disappear by increase of water content.
d, doublet; s; singlet; m, multiplet; dd, doublet doublet; br, broad.

3.11. Mass spectrometry

The mass spectra of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate was carried out using
the quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry (QITM) [55] and Fourier trans-
form ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICRMS) [56]
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 341

Figure 7.16 The 13C NMR spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl in DMSO-d6.

Figure 7.17 The DEPT spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl in DMSO-d6.

analyseres, both equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source.

Figure 7.21 shows the full mass fragmentation pattern and Table 7.14 shows
its corresponding mass fragments.
It was suggested that the fragment ions at m/z 181 and 169 are formed
by cleavage of a benzene ring attributed to the stability of the product ions,
342 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Figure 7.18 The HMQC spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl in DMSO-d6.

Figure 7.19 The HMBC spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl in DMSO-d6.

Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 343

Table 7.12 The 13C NMR spectral assignments for moxifloxacin HCl
F 2 8 6
H H 7 10 OH
N 15
16 . HCl
N 3 9 N 5
18 20 4

19 21 OCH3 12
H 11
14 13

Chemical shift (ppm) Assignment HMQC HMBC

175.85 7 / 7-C A, 7-C B
165.71 10 / /
153.41, 151.42 2 / 2-C A
150.13 5 B /
140.33 4 / 4-C A, 4-C B, 4-C D
136.56 3 / 3-C A
134.39 9 / 9-C A, 9-C B
117.22 8 / 8-C A, 8-C B
106.49 1 A 1-C B
106.32 6 / 6-C B
61.83 11 D /
54.24 15 H1, H2 15-C I
53.93 16 I 16-C H, 16-C K, 16-C L, 16-C O
51.97 21 O1, O2 21-C H, 21-C L, 21-C M
41.32 17 K1 , K 2 17-C L
40.52 12 G 12-C E, 12-C F, 12-C B
34.51 20 N 20-C H, 20-C L, 20-C O
20.51 19 M1, M2 19-C K, 19-C I
17.48 18 L1, L2 18-C M, 18-C K
9.45 13 E1, E2 13-C G, 13-C F
9.33 14 F1, F2 14-CE, 14-C G
344 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Figure 7.20 The solid 13C NMR spectrum of moxifloxacin (A) anhydrous (Form I) and (B)
monohydrate (Form II) of moxifloxacin HCl.

while the fragment ion at m/z 145 is probably formed by the migration of
a fluorine atom to nitrogen followed by cleavage of the NdC bond.
The driving force for such migration appears to be due to the loss of a
stable neutral molecule with a triple bond in the aromatic ring (substituted
benzyne). The mechanism involving loss of benzyne is expected to be
initiated with the abstraction of orthohydrogen to the fluorine by the
nitrogen atom [55]. Furthermore, fragment ion at m/z 364 is formed by
loss of HF leading to the formation of the four-membered ring
azetidine [56].
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 345

Table 7.13 The solid 13C NMR spectral assignments for moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate
F 2 8 6
H H 7 10 OH
N 15
16 . HCl
N 3 9 N 5
18 20 4

19 21 OCH3 12
H 11
14 13

Chemical shift (ppm) Assignment

175.5 7
168.1 10
150.9, 149.3 2, 5
143.5, 140.8 4
137.4, 136.1, 135.2 3, 9
117.4 8
107.1, 105.0 1, 6
6764 11
6045 15, 16, 21
40.2 12, 17
34.9 20
22.9, 19.8, 18.2 18, 19
12.1, 9.0 13, 14

4.1. Compendial methods
4.1.1 Moxifloxacin HCl drug substance
Moxifloxacin HCl is a drug substance listed in the European pharmacopeia
(Ph. Euro.) [1], United States pharmacopeia-national formulary (USP-NF)
[2] and United States pharmacopeia-medicines compendium (USP-MC)
[57]. Table 7.15 shows its summary of specifications and methods of analysis.
346 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

1.2 384.1721

Counts 10-3

0.8 293.0937 345.1248

332.1773 358.1921
108.0449 145.1131 181.1338
0.4 374.1880
232.0769 276.0663 321.1589
0.2 110.0615 249.1037

80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400
Figure 7.21 The mass spectrum of moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate.

In addition to the mentioned Reference Procedure (Table 7.15), the

USP-MC monograph includes the criteria-based procedures necessary
to demonstrate that an Acceptable Procedure is equivalent to the Ref-
erence Procedure based upon Performance-Based Monograph concept.
The procedure should be validated as described in the USP-MC general
chapter Assessing Validation Parameters for Reference and Acceptable
Procedures <10> and should meet the requirements of precision, accu-
racy, specificity, and range criteria. This approach is applied for all
the USP-MC monographs of moxifloxacin HCl and its different phar-
maceutical preparation (ophthalmic, solution, injection, and tablets)
mentioned below.
In addition to the specifications mentioned in Table 7.15, the Ph. Euro
states that production method of moxifloxacin HCl is validated to demon-
strate the satisfactory enantiomeric purity of the final product.

4.1.2 Moxifloxacin HCl ophthalmic solution

Moxifloxacin HCl ophthalmic solution is listed in the USP-NF [58] and the
USP-MC [59]. Table 7.16 shows a summary of its specifications and
methods of analysis.

4.1.3 Moxifloxacin injection

Moxifloxacin injection is listed the USP-MC [60]. Table 7.17 shows a sum-
mary of its specifications and methods of analysis.
Table 7.14 The mass spectral fragmentation for moxifloxacin HCl monohydrate
m/z Relative abundance (%) Formula Structure

402.18 11.4 [C21H25FN3O4] H+


384.17 100.0 [C21H25FN3O4][H2O] O O+



374.19 17.7 [C21H25FN3O4][CO] H+



Table 7.14 The mass spectral fragmentation for moxifloxacin HCl monohydratecont'd
m/z Relative abundance (%) Formula Structure

364.16 6.3 [C21H25FN3O4] [H2O HF] O O+



358.19 36.7 [C21H25FN3O4][CO2] H+





345.12 59.5 [C21H25FN3O4][C3H7N] O H+


341.17 10.1 [C21H25FN3O4][CO2 NH3] H+



332.17 38.0 [C21H25FN3O4][CO2 C2H2] F O H+

[C21H25FN3O4][C3H2O2] H



321.16 26.6 [C21H25FN3O4][CO2 NH3 HF] O H+




Table 7.14 The mass spectral fragmentation for moxifloxacin HCl monohydratecont'd
m/z Relative abundance (%) Formula Structure

301.14 10.1 [C21H25FN3O4] [CO2 C3H7N] O H+



293.09 60.8 [C21H25FN3O4][C3H7N C4H4] H+




276.07 27.8 [C21H25FN3O4][C7H14N2] O O


249.10 15.2 [C21H25FN3O4][CO2 C3H7NC4H4] O H+


232.08 26.6 [C21H25FN3O4][CO2 C3H7NC4H4NH3] O



181.13 24.0 [C10H17N2O] H+



169.11 68.4 [C9H14FN2] F H+


Table 7.14 The mass spectral fragmentation for moxifloxacin HCl monohydratecont'd
m/z Relative abundance (%) Formula Structure

145.11 31.6 [C7H14FN2] H H H+


110.06 11.4 [C6H8NO] O H+

108.04 34.2 [C6H6NO] +

Table 7.15 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HCl
Test Eur. Ph. USP-NF USP-MC
Definition 1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-8-methoxy-7-[(4aS,7aS)-octahydro-6H-pyrrolo[3,4-b]
pyridine-6-yl]-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid hydrochloride
dihydro-8-methoxy-7-(octahydro-6H-pyrrolo [3,4-b]
pyridin-6-yl)-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid,
Moxifloxacin HCl contains NLT 98.0% and NMT 102.0% of moxifloxacin HCl
(C21H24FN3O4 HCl), calculated on the anhydrous basis.
Characters Light yellow or yellow powder Slightly yellow to yellow powder Slightly yellow to yellow,
or crystals, slightly hygroscopic. or crystals. Soluble in 0.1 N crystalline powder
Sparingly soluble in water, NaOH, sparingly soluble in
slightly soluble in ethanol (96%), water, and in methanol; slightly
practically insoluble in acetone soluble in 0.1 N HCl, in
dimethylformamide, and in
alcohol; practically insoluble in
methylene chloride, in acetone,
in ethyl acetate, and in toluene;
insoluble in tert-butyl methyl
ether and n-heptane
Identification A Specific optical rotation (see Test IR Absorption <197K >
Table 7.15 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HClcont'd
Test Eur. Ph. USP-NF USP-MC
Identification B IR absorption The RT of the major peak in the Identification testsgeneral,
spectrophotometry (2.2.24) chromatogram of the assay chloride < 191 >
preparation corresponds to that
in the chromatogram of the
standard preparation, as obtained
in the assay
Identification C To 10 mg/ml in H2O, add 1 ml To a solution (1 in 160), add
of dilute HNO3, mix, stand for diluted HNO3, and filter. The
5 min and filter. The filtrate gives filtrate meets the requirements of
reaction (a) of chlorides (2.3.1) the tests for Chloride <191 >
Appearance of solution Not more opalescent than RS II
(2.2.1) and not more intensely
colored than RS GY2 (2.2.2,
Method II). If intended for use in
the manufacture of parenteral
preparations, the solution is clear
(2.2.1) and not more intensely
colored than RS GY2 (2.2.2,
Method II). 50 mg/ml in dilute
NaOH solution
pH 3.94.6, 2 mg/ml in CO2-free H2O [(2.2.3) and <791 >]
Specific optical rotation  125 to 138 (anhydrous substance), 10 mg/ml in CAN:H2O
(1:1 v/v) [(2.2.7) and <781S >]
Related substance/related compounds/organic impurities (protect solutions from light) [(2.2.29) and < 621 >]
Diluent 0.50 g of TBAHSO4 and 1.0 g 0.50 g of TBAHSO4 and 1.0 g MeOH
KH2PO4 in about 500 ml of KH2PO4 in H2O, add 2 ml of
H2O. Add 2 ml of H3PO4 and H3PO4 and 20 mg of anhydrous
50 mg of anhydrous Na2SO3, Na2SO3, then dilute to
then dilute to 1000.0 ml with 1000.0 ml with H2O
Mobile phase (v/v) MeOH:A solution containing MeOH:A solution containing MeOH: A solution A: 0.1% DEA
0.5 g/l TBAHSO4, 1.0 g/l 0.5 g/l TBAHSO4, 1.0 g/l in H2O, pH of 2.3 with TFA
KH2PO4 and 3.4 g/l H3PO4 KH2PO4 and 2 ml/l H3PO4 (40:60).
(28:72) (7:18)
Test solution (a) 1.0 mg/ml in diluent 0.1 mg/ml in diluents, prepare 1.0 mg/ml in MeOH
from stock solution (5 mg/ml)
Test solution (b) 0.1 mg/ml in diluent, prepare 0.1 mg/ml in MeOH, prepare
from test solution (a) from test solution (a)
Reference solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in 0.1 mg/ml of moxifloxacin HCl
diluent in MeOH
Reference solution (a) 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in 0.002 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin
diluent in diluent HCl, impurities A, B, C, D, and
E in MeOH
Table 7.15 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HClcont'd
Test Eur. Ph. USP-NF USP-MC
Reference solution (b) 1 mg/ml moxifloxacin for peak 0.1 mg/ml and 0.001 mg/ml of 1 mg/ml of moxifloxacin HCl
identification CRS (containing moxifloxacin HCl and impurity and impurity A in MeOH
impurities A, B, C, D, and E) in A in diluent, respectively
Reference solution (c) 0.001 mg/ml in diluent, prepare 0.05 mg/ml [Note: Store the
from test solution (b) solution under refrigeration and
protected from light], prepare
from reference solution (a).
Column End-capped phenylsilyl silica gel Packing L11 (5 mm, Packing L11 (5 mm,
for chromatography R (5 mm, 250  4.0 mm) 150  4.6 mm)
250  4.6 mm)
Detection UV: 293 nm 200700 nm [calculations should
be made at an isobestic point of
moxifloxacin and impurity
spectra or at 293 nm if an
isobestic point is not available]
MS source: ES scan ( and ),
source temperature: 90  C,
desolvation temperature: 400  C
Injection (ml) 10 25 10
Flow rate (ml/min.) 1.3 0.9 1.0
Temperature ( C) 45 Oven: 40, autosampler: 5
Run time 2.5  the RT of moxifloxacin 2  the RT of moxifloxacin
Identification of impurities Reference to moxifloxacin Reference to moxifloxacin
(rRT) Impurity A: about 1.1 Impurity A: about 1.15
Impurity B about 1.3 Impurity B about 1.32
Impurity C about 1.4 Impurity C about 1.48
Impurity D about 1.6 Impurity D about 1.71
Impurity E about 1.7 Impurity E about 1.83
System suitability Resolution:  1.5 between Resolution:  1.5 between Resolution:  1.5 between
moxifloxacin and impurity A; moxifloxacin and impurity A, moxifloxacin and impurity A,
The chromatogram obtained is use reference solution (b) use reference solution (b)
similar to the chromatogram Column efficiency: 4000 Relative standard deviation:
supplied with moxifloxacin for theoretical plates 1.0%, use reference solution
peak identification CRS, use Tailing factor: 2.0
reference solution (b) Relative standard deviation:
2.0%, use reference solution (a)
Signal-to-noise ratio:  10,
use reference solution (c)
Limits Correction factors: for the Correction factors: for the Any individual impurity: 0.1%
calculation of content, multiply calculation of content, multiply Total: 2.0%
the peak areas of the following the peak areas of the following
impurities by the corresponding impurities by the corresponding
correction factor: impurity correction factor: impurity
B 1.4; impurity E 3.5. B 0.71; impurity E 0.29.
Table 7.15 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HClcont'd
Test Eur. Ph. USP-NF USP-MC
Impurities A, B, C, D, E: 0.1% Impurities A, B, C, D, E: 0.1%
(each) (each)
Unspecified impurities: 0.10% Unspecified impurities: 0.1%
Total: 0.3% Total: 0.5%
Disregard limit: 0.05%
Assay As described in the test for related As described in the test for related As described in the test for related
substances with the following substances with the following substances with the following
modification: modification: modification:
Injection: Test solution (b) Injection: Test solution (a) and Injection: Test solution (a) and
and reference solution (a). reference solution reference solution, detector: at
293 nm
To confirm the absence of
co-eluting known and unknown
impurity, substitute the Detector
under related substances
List of impurities Specified impurities: A, B, C, D, O O
E. R
Impurity A (6,8-difluro): H H OH
R R0 F
Impurity B (6,8-dimethoxy): N N
R R0 OCH3 R'
Impurity C (8-ethoxy): R F,
R0 OC2H5
Impurity D (6-
methoxy-8-fluoro): R OCH3,
R0 F
Impurity E (8-hydroxy): R F,
Water 4.5%, use 0.200 g [(2.5.12) and <921 >], method Ia
Anhydrous:  0.5%.
Monohydrate: 4.0%
[<921 >, method I]
Sulfated ash  0.1%, use 1.0 g in a platinum crucible [(2.4.14) and <281 >]
Sulfate A 0.6-g portion shows no more
sulfate than corresponds to
0.25 ml of 0.020 N sulfuric acid
(0.04%) [<221 >]
Elemental impurities Proceed as directed in the general
chapter.[< 232 >]
Residual solvents Proceed as directed in the general
chapter [< 467 >]
Microbial enumeration tests The total aerobic microbial
and Tests for specified count:  1000 cfu/g
microorganisms The total combined molds and
yeasts count: 100 cfu/g [<61 >
and < 62 >]
Table 7.15 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HClcont'd
Test Eur. Ph. USP-NF USP-MC
Storage In an airtight container, In tight, light-resistant
protected from light containers. Store at room
Labeling The label states, where
applicable, that the substance is
suitable for use in the
manufacture of parenteral
Use the chromatogram supplied with moxifloxacin for peak identification CRS and the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (b) to identify the peaks due to
impurities A, B, C, D, and E.
ACN, acetonitrile; TBA, tetrabutylammonium; RT, retention time; rRT, relative retention time; DEA, diethylamine; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid.
Table 7.16 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HCl ophthalmic solution

Definition Moxifloxacin ophthalmic solution is a sterile, self-preserved aqueous solution of Moxifloxacin Moxifloxacin ophthalmic solution
HCl. It contains NLT 90.0% and NMT110.0% of the labeled amount of moxifloxacin contains an amount of
(C21H24FN3O4) moxifloxacin HCl equivalent to
NLT 95.0% and NMT 105.0% of
the labeled amount of
moxifloxacin (C21H24FN3O4)
Identification The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the assay preparation corresponds to The response of moxifloxacin
that in the chromatogram of the standard preparation, as obtained in the Assay from the sample solution
corresponds to that of the standard
solution, as obtained in the assay
Uniformity of dosage units Meets the requirements [<905 >]
Sterility It meets the requirements when tested as directed for Membrane Filtration under Test for Sterility of the product to be examined
[< 71>]
pH 6.37.3 [<791 >]
Osmolality 260320 mOsmol/kg [<785 >]
Related compounds/Organic impurities [< 621 >]
Test 1: Early-eluting related compounds (relative retention time less than 1.8) [protect solutions
from light. Analyze the Test solution immediately after preparation]
Buffer solution/Blank 0.5 g of TBAHSO4 and 1.0 g of KH2PO4 in 1000 ml of H2O, add 2 ml of H3PO4
Table 7.16 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HCl ophthalmic solutioncont'd

Mobile phase (v/v)/Flow Time (min) Flow rate (ml/ Buffer solution MeOH Elution MeOH: A solution A: 0.1% DEA
rate (ml/min) min) in H2O, pH of 2.3 with TFA
030 0.5 69 31 Isocratic
3031 0.5 69 ! 60 31 ! 40 Linear
3136 0.9 60 40 Isocratic
3136 0.9 60 40 Isocratic
3637 0.9 60 ! 69 40 ! 31 Linear
3742 0.5 69 31 Equilibration
Resolution solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl and 0.001 mg/ml impurity A in buffer solution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin
HCl and impurity A in MeOH
Reference solution 0.002 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in buffer solution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin
HCl, impurity A, impurity B,
impurity C, impurity D, and
impurity E in MeOH
Sensitivity solution 0.05 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl, prepared from reference solution [store under refrigeration and
protected from light]
Test solution A volume of solution equivalent to 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in buffer solution A volume of solution equivalent
to 1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 250  4.0 mm) Packing L11 (5 mm,
150  4.6 mm)
Detection UV: 293 nm 200700 nm [calculations should
be made at an isobestic point of
moxifloxacin and impurity spectra
or at 293 nm if an isobestic point is
not available]
MS source: ES scan ( and ),
source temperature: 90  C,
desolvation temperature: 400  C
Temperature ( C) 45 Column oven: 40, autosampler: 5
System suitability Resolution:  2.0 between moxifloxacin and impurity A, use resolution solution Resolution: 1.5 between
Column efficiency: 4000 theoretical plates moxifloxacin and impurity A, use
Tailing factor: 2.0 resolution solution
Relative standard deviation: 2.0%, use reference solution Relative standard deviation:
Signal-to-noise ratio:  10, use sensitivity solution 1.0%, use reference solution
Limits Related compound F rRT Limit (%) Any individual impurity: 0.20%
Specified unknown 1.0 0.3 0.2
impurity #1
Decarboxy 0.13 0.4 0.3
Specified unknown 1.0 0.9 0.3
impurity #2
Any specified and identified 1.0 1.0
Other single impurities 1.0 0.1
Impurity A 1.1
8-Hydroxy (impurity E)
Table 7.16 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HCl ophthalmic solutioncont'd

Related compounds [<621 >]

Test 2: Late-eluting related compounds (relative retention time equal to more than 1.8) [protect solutions from light. Analyze the
Test solution immediately after preparation]
Buffer solution/Black 0.5 g of TBAHSO4 and 1.0 g of KH2PO4 in 1000 ml of H2O, add 2 ml of H3PO4
Mobile phase (v/v) MeOH:Buffer solution (40:60)
Reference solution 0.002 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in buffer solution
Sensitivity solution 0.05 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl, prepared from reference solution [Note: Store the sensitivity
solution under refrigeration and protected from light]
Test solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in buffer solution
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 250  4.0 mm)

Temperature ( C) 45
Detection (nm) UV: 293
Flow rate (ml/min) 0.9
Injection volume (ml) 25
System suitability Column efficiency: 2000 theoretical plates
Tailing factor: 2.0
Signal-to-noise ratio:  10, use sensitivity solution
Limits Related compound F rRT Limit (%)
8-Hydroxy 0.29 1.8 0.2
Specified unknown 1.0 3.4 0.2
impurity #3
Specified impurity #4 0.42 3.9 0.2
Other single impurities 1.0 0.1
Total impurities (Test 1 and 1.5
Test 2)
List of impurities O O O O O

Specified impurities: A, B, C, D, E. 7-Amino-1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-8-
Impurity A: R R0 F methoxy-7-[(4aS,7aS)-
Impurity B: R R0 OCH3 octahydro-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-
3-carboxylic acid (specified impurity #4)
Impurity C: R F, R0 OC2H5 6-yl]-1H-quinolin-4-one
Impurity D: R OCH3, R0 F (decarboxy)
Impurity E (8-hydroxy): R F, R0 OH
Table 7.16 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin HCl ophthalmic solutioncont'd

Elemental impurities Proceed as directed in the chapter

[<232 >]
Residual solvents Proceed as directed in the chapter
[< 467 >]
Assay [<621 >]
Buffer solution/Blank 0.5 g of TBAHSO4 and 1.0 g of KH2PO4 in 1000 ml of H2O, add 2 ml of H3PO4
Mobile phase (v/v)/Flow Time (min) Flow rate Buffer solution MeOH Elution
rate (ml/min) (ml/min)
030 0.5 69 31 Isocratic
3031 0.5 69 ! 60 31 ! 40 Linear
3136 0.9 60 40 Isocratic
3637 0.9 60 ! 69 40 ! 31 Linear
3742 0.5 69 31 Equilibration
Resolution solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl and 0.001 mg/ml impurity A in buffer solution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin
HCl and impurity A in MeOH
Reference solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in buffer solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in
Test solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in buffer solution, prepare from test solution obtained from organic 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in
impurities test MeOH, prepare from test solution
obtained from organic impurities
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 250  4.0 mm) Packing L11 (5 mm,
150  4.6 mm)
Temperature ( C) 45 Column oven: 40  C,
autosampler: 5  C
Detection (nm) UV: 293 UV: 293 [to confirm the absence
of co-eluting known and
unknown impurity peaks,
substitute the detector from the
test for organic impurities].
Injection volume (ml) 25 10
System suitability Resolution:  2.0 between moxifloxacin and impurity A, use resolution solution Resolution: 1.5 between
Column efficiency: 4000 theoretical plates moxifloxacin and impurity A, use
Tailing factor: 2.0 resolution solution
Relative standard deviation: 2.0%, use reference solution Relative standard deviation:
1.0%, use reference solution
Limits 90.0110.0% (as moxifloxacin) 95.0105.0% (as moxifloxacin)

Storage Preserve in tight containers. Store between 2 and 25 C
Disregard this peak because this is a process impurity controlled for the drug substance.
disregard this peak because it is quantitated using Test 2.
TBA, tetrabutylammonium; DEA, diethylamine; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid; F, correction factor; rRT, relative retention time.
368 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.17 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin injection

Definition Moxifloxacin injection contains an amount of moxifloxacin HCl
equivalent to NLT 95.0% and NMT 105.0% of the labeled amount
of moxifloxacin (C21H24FN3O4).
Identification The response of moxifloxacin from the sample solution corresponds
to that of the standard solution, as obtained in the assay
Uniformity Meets the requirements [<905 >]
of dosage
Bacterial Proceed as directed in the chapter [< 85 >]
Sterility Proceed as directed in the chapter [< 71 >]
Organic impurities (protect solutions from light) [< 621 >]
Mobile phase MeOH: A solution A: 0.1% DEA in H2O, pH of 2.3 with TFA
(v/v) (40:60).
Resolution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin HCl and impurity A in MeOH
Reference 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin HCl, impurity A, impurity B,
solution impurity C, impurity D, and impurity E in MeOH
Test solution A volume of injection equivalent to 1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 150  4.6 mm)
Detection 200700 nm [calculations should be made at an isobestic point of
moxifloxacin and impurity spectra or at 293 nm if an isobestic point
is not available].
MS source: ES scan ( and ), source temperature: 90  C,
desolvation temperature: 400  C
Temperature Column oven: 40, autosampler: 5
( C)
flow rate (ml/ 1.0
System Resolution:  1.5 between moxifloxacin and impurity A, use
suitability resolution solution
Relative standard deviation: 1.0%, use reference solution
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 369

Table 7.17 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin injectioncont'd

Limits Any individual impurity: 0.20
List of Specified impurities: A, O O
impurities B, C, D, E. R
Impurity A (6,8-difluro): H H OH
R R0 F
Impurity B (6,8- N N
dimethoxy): R'

Impurity C (8-ethoxy):
R F, R0 OC2H5
Impurity D (6-
R OCH3, R0 F
Impurity E (8-hydroxy):
R F, R0 OH
Elemental Proceed as directed in the chapter [<232 >]
Residual Proceed as directed in the chapter [< 467 >]
Assay [< 621 >]
Mobile phase MeOH: A solution A: 0.1% DEA in H2O, pH of 2.3 with TFA
(v/v) (40:60).
Resolution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin HCl and impurity A in MeOH
Reference 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in MeOH
Test solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in MeOH, prepare from test solution
obtained from organic impurities test
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 150  4.6 mm)
Temperature Column oven: 40  C, autosampler: 5  C
( C)
flow rate 1.0
Detection UV: 293 [to confirm the absence of co-eluting known and
(nm) unknown impurity peaks, substitute the detector from the test for
Organic Impurities].
370 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.17 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin injectioncont'd

Injection 10
volume (ml)
System Resolution:  1.5 between moxifloxacin and impurity A, use
suitability resolution solution
Relative standard deviation: 1.0%, use reference solution
Limits 95.0105.0% (as moxifloxacin)
DEA, diethylamine; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid.

Table 7.18 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin tablets

(Reference Procedures)
Definition Moxifloxacin tablets contain an amount of moxifloxacin HCl
equivalent to NLT 95.0% and NMT 105.0% of the labeled amount
of moxifloxacin (C21H24FN3O4).
Identification The response of moxifloxacin from the sample solution
corresponds to that of the standard solution, as obtained in the assay
Uniformity of Meets the requirements [<905 >]
dosage units
Water  6.0% [<921 >, method I]
Organic impurities (protect solution from light) [< 621 >]
Mobile phase MeOH: A solution A: 0.1% DEA in H2O, pH of 2.3 with TFA
(v/v) (40:60).
Resolution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin HCl and impurity A in MeOH
Reference 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin HCl, impurity A, impurity B,
solution impurity C, impurity D, and impurity E in MeOH
Test solution A portion of powdered tablets equivalent to 1 mg/ml moxifloxacin
in MeOH. Sonicate for 15 min, cool, and filter
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 150  4.6 mm)
Detection 200700 nm (calculations should be made at an isobestic point of
moxifloxacin and impurity spectra or at 293 nm if an isobestic point
is not available)
MS source: ES scan ( and ), source temperature: 90  C,
desolvation temperature: 400  C
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 371

Table 7.18 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin tablets

(Reference Procedures)cont'd
Temperature Column oven: 40, autosampler: 5
( C)
Flow rate 1.0
System Resolution:  1.5 between moxifloxacin and impurity A, use
suitability resolution solution
Relative standard deviation: 1.0%, use reference solution
Limits Any individual impurity: 0.20%
List of Specified impurities: A, O O
impurities B, C, D, E. R
Impurity A (6,8-difluro): H H OH
R R0 F
Impurity B (6,8- N N
dimethoxy): R'

Impurity C (8-ethoxy):
R F, R0 OC2H5
Impurity D (6-
R OCH3, R0 F
Impurity E (8-hydroxy):
R F, R0 OH
Elemental Proceed as directed in the chapter [<232 >]
Residual Proceed as directed in the chapter [< 467 >]
Assay [< 621 >]
Mobile phase MeOH: A solution A: 0.1% DEA in H2O, pH of 2.3 with TFA
(v/v) (40:60).
Resolution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin HCl and impurity A in MeOH
Reference 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in MeOH
Test solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin in MeOH, prepare from test solution
obtained from organic impurities test.
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 150  4.6 mm)
372 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.18 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin tablets

(Reference Procedures)cont'd
Temperature Column oven: 40  C, autosampler: 5  C
( C)
Flow rate 1.0
Detection UV: 293 [to confirm the absence of co-eluting known and
(nm) unknown impurity peaks, substitute the detector from the test for
Organic Impurities].
Injection 10
volume (ml)
System Resolution:  1.5 between moxifloxacin and impurity A, use
suitability resolution solution
Relative standard deviation: 1.0%, use reference solution
Limits 95.0105.0% (as moxifloxacin)
Dissolution See USP-MC general chapter [Assessing Drug Product
[<711 >] Performance Quality < 12 >]
DEA, diethylamine; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid.

Table 7.19 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin tablets

(Acceptable Procedures)
Organic impurities (protect solutions from light) [<621 >]
Diluent 0.5 g/l of TBAHSO4 and 1.0 g/l KH2PO4 in 0.3 M H3PO4
Mobile phase (v/v) MeOH: A solution containing 0.5 g/l TBAHSO4, 1.0 g/l
KH2PO4 and 3.4 g/l H3PO4 (7:18)
Resolution 1 mg/ml each of moxifloxacin HCl and impurity A in diluent
Reference solution 2.2 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in diluent
Test solution A portion of powdered tablets equivalent to 1 mg/ml
moxifloxacin in diluent. Sonicate for 15 min, cool, and filter
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 250  4.6 mm)
Detection UV: 293 nm

Temperature ( C) 45
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 373

Table 7.19 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin tablets

(Acceptable Procedures)cont'd
flow rate (ml/min) 1.5
Injection volume 10
Run time (min) 2 the retention time of moxifloxacin
System suitability Resolution:  1.2 between moxifloxacin and impurity A, use
resolution solution
Tailing factor: 2.0, use reference solution
Relative standard deviation: 5.0%, use reference solution
Identification of Compound rRT F
impurities name
Moxifloxacin 1.0
impurity A 1.1 1.0
Impurity B 1.4 0.71
Impurity C 1.5 1.0
Impurity D 1.5 1.0
Impurity E 1.8 0.29
Limits Any individual impurity: 0.2%
List of impurities Specified impurities: O O
A, B, C, D, E. R
Impurity A (6,8- H H OH
difluro): R R0 F
Impurity B (6,8- N N
dimethoxy): R'

Impurity C (8-
ethoxy): R F,
R0 OC2H5
Impurity D (6-
R OCH3, R0 F
Impurity E (8-
hydroxy): R F,
Assay (protect solutions from light) [<621 >]
Diluent 0.5 g/l of TBAHSO4 and 1.0 g/l KH2PO4 in 0.3 M H3PO4
374 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.19 The summary of the compendial methods of moxifloxacin tablets

(Acceptable Procedures)cont'd
Mobile phase (v/v) MeOH: A solution containing 0.5 g/l TBAHSO4, 1.0 g/l
KH2PO4 and 3.4 g/l H3PO4 (7:18)
Reference solution 0.1 mg/ml moxifloxacin HCl in diluent
Test solution 0.1 mg/ml in diluent, prepare from the test solution obtained
from organic impurities test
Column Packing L11 (5 mm, 250  4.6 mm)
Detection UV: 293 nm

Temperature ( C) 45
flow rate (ml/min) 1.3
Injection volume 10
Run time (min) 1.5  the retention time of moxifloxacin
System suitability Tailing factor:  2.0, use reference solution
Relative standard deviation: 2.0%, use reference solution
Limits 95.0105.0% (as moxifloxacin)
Dissolution <711 >
Medium 0.1 N HCl; 900 ml
Time: 45 min.
Dissolution 2, 50 rpm
Reference stock 0.5 mg/ml of moxifloxacin HCl in MeOH
Reference solution Dilute the standard stock solution with medium to obtain a
final concentration of about (L/100,000) mg/ml, where L is
the label claim in mg/tablet
Test solution Pass a portion of the solution through a suitable filter. Dilute
with medium, if necessary, to obtain a final concentration
similar to that of the standard solution
Analysis By UV spectroscopy at 293 nm, pathlength: 1 cm, blank: medium
Tolerance  75% (Q)
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 375

4.1.4 Moxifloxacin tablets

Moxifloxacin tablets are listed in the USP-MC [61]. Tables 7.18 and 7.19
demonstrate a summary of its specifications and methods of analysis using
the Reference Procedures and Acceptable Procedures, respectively.
Table 7.19 shows detailed description of procedures that may be used for
the evaluation of the material under test. These procedures meet the
requirements of the Performance-Based Monograph mentioned earlier
(Section 4.1.1). Validation data were provided to demonstrate the acceptability,
and therefore equivalence, of these procedures and the Reference Procedures.
Users must demonstrate that the procedure will give acceptable results on
their drug substance before using Acceptable Procedures. This is carried
out by meeting the requirements of the criteria-based procedures presented
in the Performance-Based Monograph (Section 4.1.1).

4.2. Titrimetric methods

4.2.1 Aqueous titration
About 400 mg of moxifloxacin HCl, accurately weighed, are dissolved in
50 ml of water. The sample is potentiometrically titrated with 0.1 N NaOH
VS. Each ml of 0.1 N NaOH is equivalent to 40.14 mg of C21H24FN3O4 [30].

4.2.2 Nonaqueous titration

About 400 mg of moxifloxacin HCl, accurately weighed, are dissolved in
50 ml of anhydrous glacial acetic acid. 10 ml of 6% mercuric acetate solution
(in acetic acid) is added. The sample is potentiometrically titrated with 0.1 N
perchloric acid VS. Each ml of 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to
40.14 mg of C21H24FN3O4 [30].

4.3. Electrochemical methods

4.3.1 Voltammetry
Cyclic voltammetry study was carried out using a glassy carbon electrode to
understand the electrochemical behavior of moxifloxacin [62]. Britton
Robinson buffer (acetic acidboric acidphosphoric acid), acetate buffer,
and phosphate buffer were tested as supporting electrolytes. Britton
Robinson buffer gave well-defined voltammogram with high sensitivity.
The highest peak current was obtained with 0.04 M BrittonRobinson
buffer at pH 6.0. Using such method, moxifloxacin was tested by differential
pulse voltammetry, Osteryoung square-wave voltammetry, and high-
performance liquid chromatography. The proposed methods were found
to be of high precision and accuracy, showing recoveries in the range of
376 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

97.5101.3% (RSDs: 0.641.03%) and 97.5100.3% (RSDs: 0.620.87%)

for spiked human plasma and tablets analysis, respectively.
Interaction of moxifloxacin with Cu (II) ion was studied using a hanging
mercury drop electrode [63]. A well-defined reduction peak at 0.21 V
versus Ag/AgCl in 0.04 M phosphate buffer at pH 8.0 was observed for
the complex moxifloxacin-Cu (II) using square-wave voltammetry. The
proposed method showed good sensitivity with detection and quantitation
limits of 3.60  108 M and 1.20  107 M, respectively. The assay result of
Avelox tablets (102.08%) with RSD of 1.00% (n 5) proves the accuracy
and precision of the proposed method.
Adsorptive voltammetric behavior of moxifloxacin was investigated [64].
In a supporting electrolyte of 0.25 M phosphate buffer at pH 6.38, a reduc-
tion peak of moxifloxacin with a potential of 1.24 V versus Ag/AgCl.
Adsorptive characteristics are observed by linear sweep voltammetry at mer-
cury electrode. The adsorbed species are most probably the neutral mole-
cules of moxifloxacin. The saturated adsorption amount of
4.31  1011 mol cm2 and an area occupied by each molecule of
2.12 nm2 at mercury electrode for moxifloxacin are obtained. On the sur-
face of the hanging mercury drop electrode, the adsorption obeys Langmuir
adsorption isotherm. Base upon this investigation, a method for the assay of
moxifloxacin is proposed by adsorptive stripping voltammetry. The detec-
tion limit of the method is 2.0  108 M under the optimized conditions.
A highly sensitive electroanalytical method for the determination of
moxifloxacin HCl using differential pulse voltammetry was further investi-
gated [65]. The electrochemical behavior of moxifloxacin HCl was investi-
gated in BrittonRobinson buffer at the pH range of 2.011.0 using
chloranil modified carbon paste electrode. The anodic peak currents increased
linearly with concentration in the range of 4.0  107 to 3.6  106 M. Limits
of detection and quantification were 6.74 108 and 2.25  107 M, respec-
tively. The relative standard deviation was found to lie in the following range:
0.570.97%. Moreover, the percentage recovery was found to lie in the fol-
lowing range: 99.28100.60%. The method was successfully applied to the
determination of moxifloxacin HCl in tablets without previous separation.

4.3.2 Polarography
Differential pulse polarographic (DPP) method for moxifloxacin HCl determi-
nation was developed and validated [66]. This method was applied for the
determination of trace amounts of moxifloxacin in pharmaceutics, serum,
and urine. Moxifloxacin showed a well-defined irreversible cathodic peak at
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 377

1.61 V versus a saturated calomel electrode in BrittonRobinson buffer

(pH 10). In this method, the current was characterized as being diffusion-
controlled process whereby the diffusion current constant was 1.48 0.12
and the current versus concentration plot was rectilinear over the range from
5  107 to 1  104 M (r 0.995, n 10).
Polarographic reduction of Co (II) in the presence of moxifloxacin using
DDP was also studied [67]. The investigation revealed the presence of an
additional adsorption peak corresponding to the reduction of Co (II)-
moxifloxacin complex on the mercury drop electrode at 1.17 V. The
new peak is applicable to Co (II) determination with linearity proportional
to the Co (II) concentration in the range of 4.93  1076.90  105 M
attributed to adsorption-controlled process with an irreversible reduction.
Without using moxifloxacin, the polarographic determination of
2.50  106 M Co (II) is impossible under the aforementioned conditions
due to the very poor sensitivity at 1.38 V. The proposed method showed
good precision and accuracy with a relative standard deviation of 3.01% and
a relative error of 6.40% for the determination of 2.50  106 M Co (II) in
the presence of 5.0  106 M of Zn (II), Ni (II), and Cd (II). The accuracy of
the method was also checked by the determination of Co(II) spiked to tap
water and certified sea water, the percentage recoveries were 97.5% and
96.7%, respectively (n 4 at 95% confidence interval).
Electrochemical behavior of moxifloxacin HCl was studied in aqueous
medium using direct current polarography and cyclic voltammetry [68]. In
this method, moxifloxacin exhibits single well-defined cathodic peak in all
buffers; for example, acetate buffer, phosphate buffer, and Britton
Robinson buffer. The characteristics of the resulted peak were examined
at different concentrations, pH, and scan rates. This behavior is suggested
to be attributed to the reduction of the C]O double bond of the reactant
species in acidic and basic media. The experimental result shows that the
reduction is irreversible and diffusion controlled.

4.4. Spectroscopic methods

4.4.1 Spectrophotometry
Direct measurements of moxifloxacin as a bulk material and in its different
pharmaceutical formulations by UV/visible spectrophotometric methods
were reported (Table 7.20). The determination is based on the use of dif-
ferent absorption modes including zero, first- and second-derivatives
methods, and of aqueous media of different pHs in most studies.
It was reported that the presence of Al (III) can enhance the appear-
ance of UV characteristic of moxifloxacin [86]. The reaction conditions of
378 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.20 The UV/visible parameters of the methods used for the determination of
Material Mode l (nm) Solvent Reference
Tablets and bulk First derivative 280.4 0.3 N HCl [69]
material in the 303.4
presence of its acid
Human plasma Second Peak to peak Citrate-PO4 [70]
derivative amplitude in buffer
Peak to peak a l range (pH 7.2) and
amplitude in a 335345 SDS
wavelength (12.0 mN)
range 335345
Bulk material, tablets, Zero order 296 0.1 N HCl [71]
i.v. infusions, eye 289 PO4 buffer
drops, and polymeric (pH 7.4)
Tablets Zero order 296 0.1 N HCl [72]
Bulk material and Zero order 295 0.1 N HCl [73]
Tablets Zero order 295 H2O [74]
Bulk material and Zero order 294.4 0.01 N HCl [75]
Bulk material and AUC zero 279.0296.4 H2O [76]
ophthalmic solution order 289.4305.6
AUC first
Bulk material, tablets, Zero order 293 H2O [77]
and eye drops First derivative 282 (max.)
First derivative 302 (min.)
Tablets (combination Zero order 286 and 295 0.1 N HCl [78]
with cefixime) (simultaneous 279 and 295
Zero order
Eye drops Zero order 265 and 294 Methanolic [79]
(combination with (simultaneous 276.66 and 0.1 N HCl
bromefenac Na) equation) 301.71
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 379

Table 7.20 The UV/visible parameters of the methods used for the determination of
Material Mode l (nm) Solvent Reference
Zero order 293.22 and
(ratio-Q 301.71
First derivative
Eye drops Zero order 268 and 289 H2O [80]
(combination with (simultaneous
bromefenac Na) equation)
Pharmaceutical First derivative 283 (max.) H3PO4 [81]
formulations First derivative 304 (min.)
Ophthalmic solution First derivative 243.30 and H2O [82]
(combination with Second 261.90
dexamethasone Na derivative 266 and 241
Eye drops First derivative 247 and 288 H2O/MeOH [83]
(combination with (ratio-Q
prednisolone acetate) analysis)
Tablets (combination Zero order 287.0 and H2O [84]
with cefixime) First derivative 317.9
(ratio-Q 269.6 and
analysis) 359.3
Tablets (combination Zero order 275 and 295 0.1 N HCl [85]
with cefixime) (ratio-Q
AUC, area under curve; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate.

Al (III)-moxifloxcain system were investigated in detail. The linear range was

1.8215.68 mg/ml and the regression equation was A 0.02573 0.1060C
(mg/ml) (r 0.9991). The average recovery of moxifloxacin was 97.70%
with RSD of 2.68%. The proposed method is simple, accurate, rapid, and
can be used to determine moxifloxacin in tablet.
Moreover the effect of different surfactants on the UV intensity of Al (III)-
moxifloxacin system was studied. It was found that Cetyltrimethylammonium
bromide can increase the UV intensity of the system. The proposed method is
simple, rapid, and sensitive in the determination of moxifloxacin in tablets [87].

4.4.2 Colorimetry
Three different methods (AC) were used for the determination of
moxifloxacin in tablets based upon the formation of its complexes with alkaloidal
380 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

precipitants [88]. Aqueous iodine, ammonium molybdate, or phosphomolybdic

acid were used as precipitants in methods A, B, and C, respectively. Then color
was developed with either unreacted precipitant of the filtrate (in I2) or released
precipitant from the molecular complex (in ammonium molybdate or pho-
sphomolybdic acid) with chromogenic reagent such as p-N-methyl amino phe-
nol sulfate-sulphanilic acid (for I2), potassium thiocyanate (for ammonium
molybdate), cobalt nitrate-disodium salt of ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
complex (for phosphomolybdic acid). The lmax for methods A, B, and
C were 520, 480, and 840 nm, respectively.
The accurate, rapid, and simple colorimetric method was developed for
the determination of moxifloxacin and other fluoroquinolones in tab-
lets [89]. The proposed methods depend upon the reaction of ammonium
reineckate (ammonium tetrathiocyanotodiamminochromate (III) mono-
hydrate) with the drug to form stable precipitate of ion-pair complexes,
which was dissolved in acetone. The pink colored complex was determined
calorimetrically at lmax of 525 nm.
A simple and sensitive visible spectrophotometric method based upon
the formation of yellow colored complex of moxifloxacin with sodium
nitroprusside and hydroxylamine hydrochloride in alkaline medium was
reported [90]. The quantitative measurements were made at lmax 361 nm.
Such method was adopted successfully to determine moxifloxacin in tablets.
Two simple spectrophotometric methods were developed and validated
for the determination of moxifloxacin HCl in pure form and in tablets [91].
Method A is a kinetic method based upon the oxidation of moxifloxacin HCl
by Fe (III) ions in the presence of 1,10 o-phenanthroline, while method B is
based on the ability of moxifloxacin to reduce Fe (III) to Fe (II), which is rap-
idly converted to the corresponding stable colored complex when reacted
with 2,20 bipyridyl. The absorbance of the tris complex formed in both
methods A and B was measured at lmax of 510 and 520 nm, respectively.
The reaction between moxifloxacin HCl and Fe (III) in slightly acidic
medium was used to determine moxifloxacin HCl as a bulk material or
in blood samples. The reaction gives brown color complex with lmax of
407 nm [92].

4.4.3 Fluorimetry
Determination of moxifloxacin by fluorimetric technique was reported by
different workers (Table 7.21). The methods were based on the use of fluo-
rescence enhancer (e.g., sodium dodecyl sulfate), Eu (III) with sodium
dodecyl benzene sulfonate as enhancer or derivative formation with
4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan. The extent of the linear range and detection
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 381

Table 7.21 The fluorimetric parameters of the method used for the determination of
Fluorescence lexc lem Range DL
Material agent Solvent (nm) (nm) (ng/ml) (ng/ml) Reference
Tablets None PO4 287 465 30300 10 [93]
(pH 8.3)
Human SDS AC 294 503 30300 15
serum and enhancer buffer
urine (pH 4.0)
Tablets NBD-Cl EAC 464 537 33.51000 10 [94]
Tablets, i.v. SDS H2 O 294 494 1320 0.5 [95]
infusions, enhancer
eye drops,
urine, and
Tablets, Eu (III) with Tri 373 614 0.027.3 0.003 [96]
human SDBS HCl
serum and buffer
urine (pH 9.2)
DL, detection limit; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; NBD-Cl, 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan; SDBS,
sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate; AC, acetate; EAC, ethylacetate.

limit depends upon the fluorescence probe formed, pH of solution, and sol-
vent type. The use of Eu (III) with sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate as
fluorescence enhancer gave the highest sensitivity in comparison with the
other methods (Table 7.21).
It was found that the presence of Y (III) enhances intensity of fluores-
cence of moxifloxacin [97]. As a result, a novel method for the determina-
tion of moxifloxacin in urine was developed. The linearity range and
detection limit were reported to lie within 4.0400 and 0.34 ng/ml,
In a BrittonRobinson buffer medium of pH 6.50, an indirect method
for the determination of moxifloxacin in tablets by the fluorescence
quenching of rhodamine B-acridine system in the presence of sodium dode-
cyl sulfate was proposed [98]. The method was found to be linear in the
range of 1.0010.0 mg/ml with a detection limit of 0.039 mg/ml. Further-
more, it was found that the effective energy transfer could occur between
congo red and calcein in the BrittonRobinson buffer (pH 6), which
quenched the fluorescence of calcein. The fluorescence of calcein
382 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

reappeared with the addition of moxifloxacin. Therefore, a novel fluores-

cence method was developed for indirect determination of moxifloxacin
in tablets and urine [99].

4.4.4 Chemiluminometry
Determination of moxifloxacin in tablets by a flow injection method includ-
ing chemiluminescence detection was reported [100]. The proposed
method is based on the luminescent properties of the system Ce (IV)
sulphitemoxifloxacin and the addition of Eu (III), a trivalent lanthanide
ion, as emission sensitizer. The effect of acidity of Eu (III) and Ce (IV) solu-
tions, concentration of Ce (IV) and sulfate, and the flow rate on the chemi-
luminescence emission were considered to attain the optimal experiment
variables. The linearity range and detection limit are 0.22.0 and
0.035 mg/ml, respectively.
A batch type chemiluminescence method was used to determine
moxifloxacin [101]. The method is based on the enhancement of chemilu-
minescence emission of tris(2,2-bipyridyl) Ru (II)Ce(IV) system. Under
the optimum experimental conditions, the linear range and detection limit
are 0.440.0 and 0.12 mg/ml, respectively. The same tris(2,2-bipyridyl)
ruthenium(II)Ce(IV) system was studied by flow injection method
[102]. The concentration of moxifloxacin was held in the range of
0.0440.0 mg/ml with a detection limit of 0.012 mg/ml. The influence of
potential interfering substances was also studied. The proposed method
was successfully applied for the determination of moxifloxacin in pharma-
ceutical preparations.

4.4.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy

Direct and indirect atomic absorption spectroscopic methods for the deter-
mination of moxifloxacin as a bulk material and in its tablets were
reported [91]. The method is based on the formation of ion- pair associated
between moxifloxacin and Bi (III) tetraiodide in acidic medium to form
orangered ion-pair associate. This associate can be quantitatively deter-
mined by two different procedures. The formed precipitate is either filtered
off and the residual unreacted metal complex in the filtrate is determined
through its Bi content using indirect atomic absorption spectrometric
method, or the decomposed by HCl, and the Bi content is determined
by direct atomic absorption spectrometric. The proposed indirect and direct
methods are linear in the range of 1672 and 1696 mg/ml, respectively with
a limit of detection of 1.4 mg/ml. The proposed methods were successfully
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 383

applied to determine the drug in its pharmaceutical formulations without

interference from the common excipients.

4.5. Chromatographic methods

4.5.1 High performance thin layer chromatography
Different HPTLC methods were reported for the determination of
moxifloxacin as a bulk material in the presence of its degrades and in differ-
ent doasage forms (Table 7.22). The detection of moxifloxacin was esti-
mated at the wavelength range of 260298 nm by densitometry using
silica gel G60F254 as a stationary phase and using different basic mixtures
as mobile phases.

Table 7.22 The HPTLC parameters of the method used for the determination of
Linearity DL
l range (mg/
Material Mobile phase (v/v) (nm) (mg/spot) spot) Reference
Tablets and bulk 0.3 M 290 0.11.4 [69]
material in the presence NH4AC:25%
of its acid degrades NH3:n-PrOH
(decarboxylated) (1:1:8)
Tablets n-BuOH:MeOH: 295 0.4001.0 0.01 [103]
NH3 (4:4:2)
Polymeric n-PrOH: 298 0.10.8 0.004 [104]
nanoparticles and bulk EtOH:6 M NH3
material in the presence (4:1:2)
of its degrades
Tablets MC:MeOH: 25% 292 0.0090.054 [105]
Tablets and bulk MC:EtOH: 294 0.061.5 0.012 [106]
material in the presence toluene:n-BuOH:
of its acid degrades 25% NH3:H2O
Eye drops with MC:ACN: 260 0.64.2 [107]
bromfenac sodium MeOH:NH3
Stationary phase used: Precoated silica gel G60F254. DL, detection limit; AC, acetate; MC, methylene
chloride; ACN, acetonitrile.
384 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

4.5.2 High performance liquid chromatography

Various HPLC methods were reported for the determination of
moxifloxacin as a bulk material, in pharmaceutical formulations and in bio-
logical fluids. HPLC systems with ultraviolet, fluorimetric, or mass spectro-
metric detection were applied for the determination of moxifloxacin. These
HPLC methods with their full parameters and applications are listed in
Table 7.23.
Different fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, gatifloxacin, levo-
floxacin, lomefloxacin, moxifloxacin, norfloxacin, pazufloxacin, and
tosufoxacin) were determined by HPLC/fluorescent detection. The
method was claimed to be useful for PK/PD analysis [157].
The effect of different parameters (methanol content in mobile phase,
pH and buffer concentration, column types) on the chromatographic behav-
ior of levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin was investigated [158].
As a result, a simple and rapid HPLC method/UV detection at 293 nm was
developed for the separation of the three drugs. BDS Hypersil C18
(100  4.6 mm, 2.4 mm) column was used with an isocratic mobile phase
consisting of MeOH/0.025 M phosphate buffer 28/72 (v/v) at pH 3 and
flow rate 1 ml min1.
An HPLC method with UV detection at 290 nm was developed to
determine moxifloxacin in humans serum, urine, and displacement liquid
with pulse high volume hemofiltration (PHVHF) [159]. Yilite Hypersil
ODS-BP column (5 mm, 150  4.6 mm) was used with a flow rate of
1.0 ml/min. The method is linear in the range of 0.110.0 mg/ml with
recovery values of 98.7101.0% (serum), 85.795.7% (displacement liquid),
and 97.4101.7% (urine).
Photostability of moxifloxacin was monitored after UV-A irradiation in
solution and solid phase without and with presence of Cu (II), Zn (II), Al
(III), and Fe (III) by TLC-densitometric and LCMS/MS methods [160].

4.5.3 Ultra performance liquid chromatography

Recently, a novel approach in chromatographic separation technology was
developed and is currently known as the ultra-performance liquid chroma-
tography (UPLC). Columns packed with sub-2 m particles are used, which
enable elution of sample components in much narrower, more concentrated
bands, resulting in better chromatographic resolution, increased peak capac-
ity, and reduced chromatographic runs. Different UPLC methods were
reported to determine the moxifloxacin in tablets, environmental samples,
aquatic products and in pharmacokinetic analysis (Table 7.24).
Table 7.23 The HPLC parameters of the method used for the determination of moxifloxacin
(ml/ Linearity
Material Stationary phase Mobile phase (v/v) Detection min) range (mg/ml) Reference
Metabolites identification Kromasil C18 column (A) 0.1% HCOOH and MS 0.5 [55]
(5 mm, (B) ACN (50:50)
100  4.6 mm)
Bulk material, identification of Zorbax XDB-C18 Gradient system: (A) UV: 293 1.0 [56]
impurities (5 mm, 0.2% HCOOH and (B) FTICRMS
250  4.6 mm) MeOH
Spiked human plasma and tablets Supelcosil C18 (5 mm, EtOH:ACN (50:50) UV: 270 1.0 1.620.0 [62]
150  4.6 mm)
Moxifloxacin in the presence of Waters XBridge C18 Gradient system: (A) MS 0.06 [106]
its acid degrades (separation) ACN-0.01% HCOOH
and (B) H2O-0.01%
Eye drops with bromfenac ACE C18 (5 mm, 0.01 M PO4 buffer, UV: 265 1.0 10.0100.0 [107]
sodium 150  4.6 mm) pH 7.0: ACN (72:28)
Human plasma, saliva, and urine Nucleosil 100 C18 Gradient system: (A) Fluorescence: 1.1 0.00251.0 [108]
(5 mm, 0.01 M TBASO4 and lex 296, (urine)
250  4.6 mm) 0.05 M NaH2PO4, lem 504 0.0051.5
pH 3.0 and (B) ACN (plasma)
Spiked serum Spherisorb S5 C8 0.16% H3PO4, pH 3 by Fluorescence: 1.5 0.54.0 [109]
(5 mm, TBAOH:ACN (95:5) lex 290,
100  4.6 mm) lem 500
Table 7.23 The HPLC parameters of the method used for the determination of moxifloxacincont'd
(ml/ Linearity
Material Stationary phase Mobile phase (v/v) Detection min) range (mg/ml) Reference
Human plasma Nucleosil 100 C18 Gradient system: (A) Fluorescence: 0.00255.0 [110]
(5 mm, 0.01 M TBAHSO4, lex 296,
250  4.6 mm) pH 2.0 and (B) CAN lem 504
Purospher C18e Gradient system: (A) MS
(5 mm, 125  4 mm) 0.01 M NH4AC, pH 2.0
and (B) CAN
Human and other mammalian Nucleosil C18 (5 mm, Gradient system: (A) 1% Fluorescence: 1.0 0.0051.0 [111]
species 250  4.6 mm) TBAHSO4 and (B) lex 296,
ACN lem 504
Plasma and lung tissue Supelcosil ACN: 0.01 M KH2PO4 UV: 296 1.25 0.0253.2 [112]
ABZ Plus (5 mm, buffer (18:82), pH 4 by (plasma)
15  4.6 mm) H3PO4 0.2516.0
(lung tissue)
Mueller-Hinton Broth growth Supelcosil Switching system: (A) Fluorescence: 1.0 0.053.2 [113]
media ABZ Plus (5 mm, 0.01 M K2HPO4, lex 296, (A)
150  4.6 mm) pH 5.4 with H3PO4: lem 550 1.25
MeOH (97:3) and (B) (B)
0.01 M KH2 PO4,
pH 2.5 by H3PO4
containing 0.02 M
TBABr:ACN (85:15)
Human plasma BDS Hypersil C18 0.15 HCOOH:ACN MS 1.0 0.0011.0 [114]
(5 mm, (60:40)
100  4.6 mm)
Pharmaceutical preparations Inertsil C18-2 (5 mm, 1% TEA, pH 4.5 by UV: 296 1.0 0.43.0 [115]
250  4.6 mm) H3PO4:ACN (84:16)
Human plasma with levofloxacin Supelcosil Switching system: (A) Fluorescence: 1.0 0.1254.0 [116]
and gatifloxacin ABZ Plus (5 mm, 0.01 M K2HPO4, lex 296, (A)
150  4.6 mm) pH 5.4 by H3PO4:ACN lem 504 1.2
(98:2) and (B) 0.01 M (B)
KH2PO4, pH 2.5
containing 0.002 M
TBABr:ACN (88:12)
5%LHB CAMHB (cation- Alltech Nucleosil 100 PO4 buffer (TEA: Fluorescence: 1.3 1.050.0 [117]
adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth C18 H3PO4:H2O) lex 295,
with 5% lysed horse blood) (0.37:0.30:99.3): lem 418
Impurities of moxifloxacin ACE 5 C18 (5 mm, Gradient system: (A) UV: 295 1.0 - [118]
(identification) 250  4.0 mm) H3PO4:TFA:H2O
(10:1:989), pH 2.2 by
TEA:MeOH (85:15) and
(B) MeOH:H2O (80:20)
Table 7.23 The HPLC parameters of the method used for the determination of moxifloxacincont'd
(ml/ Linearity
Material Stationary phase Mobile phase (v/v) Detection min) range (mg/ml) Reference
Human urine with cefepime, LiChrospher 100 C18 Gradient system: (A), UV: 294 1.0 4.080.0 [119]
garenoxacin, and levofloxacin (5 mm, ACN and (B) 0.1 M PO4
250  4.0 mm) buffer, pH 3.0 and (C)
0.01 M n-octylamine,
pH 3.0 by H3PO4
Tablets Shim-pack CLC-C18 (A) 0.17% H3PO4 with UV: 294 1.0 12.042.0 [120]
(5 mm, 0.05 M TMAOH and
250  4.6 mm) ACN (95:5) and (B)
MeOH (55:45), pH 3.0
Residues in food and other YMC-Pack Pro C18 Gradient system: (A) Fluorescence: 0.8 0.00252.0 [121]
matrices with other (3 mm, 0.05 M HCOOH, (B) lex 290, 0.2
fluoroquinolones 250  4.6 mm) MeOH, and (C) H2O lem 500
Human plasma Supelco LC-Hisep ACN:0.25 M Na3PO4 Fluorescence: 1.0 0.0031.3 [122]
shielded hydrophobic (pH 3) (5:95) lex 290,
phase lem 500
Human plasma with levofloxacin Nucleosil 100-5C18 Gradient system: (A): Fluorescence: 1.5 0.27.0 [123]
Nautilus (5 mm, ACN:0.01 M lex 295,
125  4 mm) NaH2PO4, pH 2.7 lem 440
(3:97) and (B)
ACN:0.01 M
NaH2PO4, pH 2.7
Human plasma and tonsillar Nucleosil 100 C18 Gradient system: (A) Fluorescence: 1.0 0.0051.5 [124]
tissue (5 mm, 0.1% TBASO4, pH 3.0 lex 296,
250  4.6 mm) and (B) TBASO4:ACN lem 504
Human and rabbit aqueous and Waters AccQ Tag Gradient system: (A) Fluorescence: 1.0 0.01100.0 [125]
vitreous humor with ofloxacin amino acid analysis ACN:MeOH:0.05 M lex 290,
(4 mm, TBACl:TFA, pH 3.0 lem 500
150  3.9 mm) (37.5:12.5:949:1) and
(B) ACN:
MeOH:0.05 M TBACl:
TFA, pH 3.0
Nasal drops with ephedrine HCl Shim-pack VP-C18 PO4 buffer soln. (0.02 M UV: 214 1.0 0.10.8 [126]
(5 mm, NaH2PO4 and 0.3%
150  4.6 mm) TEA, pH to 3.0 by
H3PO4):MeOH (60:40)
Human serum Gemini C18 MeOH:H2O:TEA UV: 289 1.0 0.310.0 [127]
Human plasma, its derivate with Phenomenex C18 ACN:0.01 M H3PO4, Fluorescence: 1.2 0.0152.7 [128]
4-chloro-7-nitrobenzodioxazole (5 mm, pH 2.5 (80:20) lex 464,
250  4.6 mm) lem 537
Human plasma with gatifloxacin Kromasil C18 PO4 buffer, pH 2.5: 1.0 1.010.0 [129]
and sparfloxacin ACN (80:20)
Table 7.23 The HPLC parameters of the method used for the determination of moxifloxacincont'd
(ml/ Linearity
Material Stationary phase Mobile phase (v/v) Detection min) range (mg/ml) Reference
Bulk material, Identification of Shiseido capcell MG 1% TEA, pH 2.5 with PDA: 1.0 - [130]
impurities C18 (5 mm, H3PO4:MeOH (70:30) 200500 0.6
250  4.6 mm) PO4 buffer (1 g of MS
Sumipax C18 A-212 KH2PO4 and 10 mmol
(5 mm, 150  6 mm) TBASO4 in 1000 ml of
Alltech Alltima C18 H2O, pH 2.5 with
(5 mm, H3PO4):ACN (85:15)
250  4.6 mm) ACN:H2O (50:50)
Aquatic environment Nertsil ODS-3VC18 Gradient system: (A) PDA: 280 1.0 0.0015.0 [131]
(5 mm, 0.1% TFA and (B) ACN MS
250  4.6 mm)
Impurities of moxifloxacin in Waters XTerra C18 2% TEA, pH 6.0 by UV: 290 1.5 0.22.0 [132]
tablets and i.v. infusion and its (5 mm, 50  4.6 mm) H3PO4:ACN (90:10)
Human plasma with ofloxacin Waters XBridge C18 Gradient system: (A) Fluorescence: 0.25 0.027.5 [133]
and ciprofloxacin (3.5 mm, ACN:MeOH:0.025 M lex 290,
150  2.1 mm) TBACl:TFA lem 500
(75:25:899:1) and (B)
same with
(150:50:799:1), pH 3.5
Extemporaneously prepared Spherisorb phenyl PO4 buffer (0.094 M UV: 296 1.0 - [134]
moxifloxacin oral suspension (5 mm, KH2PO4):ACN:MeOH
150  4.6 mm) (80:15:5) with 3 ml/l
Human plasma Cloversil-C18 (5 mm, ACN:0.05% TFA MS - 0.00050.1 [135]
150  3.0 mm) (25:75)
Ear drops with dexamethasone Shim-pack VP-C18 PO4 buffer (0.02 M UV: 241 1.0 0.32.4 [136]
acetate (5 mm, NaH2PO4 and 0.3%
150  4.6 mm) TEA):MeOH (40:60),
pH 3.0 by H3PO4
Human plasma Lichrospher 100 C18e 0.05 M PO4 buffer, Fluorescence: 1.5 0.12510.0 [137]
(5 mm, pH 2.6 with 1 N HCl: lex 290,
150  4.6 mm) ACN (80:20) lem 460
Bulk material, tablets, human Merck Purospher Star MeOH:ACN:H2O UV: 290 1.0 0.3925.0 [138]
serum, and in presence of metals C18 (5 mm, (85:5:10), pH 2.75 by
250  4.6 mm) and H3PO4
Supelco Discovery
C18 (5 mm,
250  4.6 mm)
Human plasma, plasma Thermo Electron (A) 1% NH4AC, MS 0.3 0.055.0 [139]
ultrafiltrate, and cerebrospinal HyPurity C18 (5 mm, 0.0035% acetic acid, and
fluid 50  2.1 mm) 0.002% TFA anhydride
(B) H2O and (C) ACN
Table 7.23 The HPLC parameters of the method used for the determination of moxifloxacincont'd
(ml/ Linearity
Material Stationary phase Mobile phase (v/v) Detection min) range (mg/ml) Reference
Tablets Luna C18 (5 mm, PO4 buffer (0.2% UV: 293 1.0 20.060.0 [140]
250  4.6 mm) H3PO4, pH 2.5 by
TEA):MeOH (55:45)
Human plasma Kromasil C8 (5 mm, ACN:MeOH:0.02 M UV: 296 1.0 0.055.0 [141]
250  4.6 mm) KH2PO4 buffer
(containing 1% TEA,
pH 3.0 with H3PO4)
Ocular tissue with gatifloxacin LiChrospher C18 20% ACN, in 0.1% TFA UV: 295 0.5 0.0110.0 [142]
(5 mm, 125  4 mm) (pH 3.0) with 30 mM Fluorescence:
TBACl lex 345,
lem 470
Tablets, bioequivalence and Shim-Pak ODS MeO:H2O:ACN UV: 295 1.0 0.02100 [143]
stability (5 mm, (45:30:25)
250  4.6 mm)
Rat plasma Zorbax Edipse XDB H2O:0.1% TFA:ACN UV: 296 1.0 0.0510.0 [144]
C8 (5 mm, (40:35:25)
150  4.6 mm)
Human saliva Lichrospher 100 C18e 0.05 M PO4 buffer, Fluorescence: 1.5 0.2510.0 [145]
(5 mm, pH 2.6 with 1 N HCl: lex 290,
150  4.6 mm) ACN (80:20) lem 460
Eye drops Grace C18 (5 mm, 0.01 M PO4 buffer: UV: 294 1.0 10.0100.0 [146]
250  4.6 mm) MeOH (60:40, pH 4.4
with H3PO4)
Bulk material with cimetidine, Purospher STAR C18 MeOH:H2O:ACN UV: 236, 270, 1.0 0.0785.0 [147]
famotidine and ranitidine, and (5 mm, (60:45:5, pH 2.7 with 310
tablets 250  4.6 mm) H3PO4)
Human plasma Diamonsil C18 (5 mm, ACN:H2O (containing UV: 290 1.0 0.055.0 [148]
150  4.6 mm) 0.04 M H3PO4 and 0.4%
Aqueous, photolysis Luna C18 (3 mm, ACN:H2O (0.1% UV: 296 [149]
150  3.0 mm) HCOOH) (14:86)
Bulk material, R-isomer Daicel Chiralpack n-hexane:iso-PrOH: UV: 293 1.0 0.545.4 [150]
determination (5 mm, DEA:acetic acid
250  4.6 mm) (85:15:0.2:0.1)
Cheap plasma after i.v. Supelco C18 (5 mm, 1% TBAHSO4:ACN Fluorescence: 1.0 0.02520.0 [151]
administration 150  4.6 mm) (80:20) lex 296,
lem 504
Untreated river water under Supelco Ascentis 25 mM H3PO4:ACN Fluorescence: 1.0 [152]
natural sunlight RPAmide (5 mm, (80:20) lex 290,
250  4.6 mm) lem 500
Aqueous with artificial light Waters Symmetry H2O (pH 2.5 with 37% UV: 275 1.2
source, photolysis monitor (5 mm, HCl):ACN (85:15)
150  4.6 mm)
Aqueous with artificial light Luna C18 (5 mm, H2O (HCOOH 0.5%): MS 1.0
source, photoproducts 150  4.6 mm) ACN (85:15)
Table 7.23 The HPLC parameters of the method used for the determination of moxifloxacincont'd
(ml/ Linearity
Material Stationary phase Mobile phase (v/v) Detection min) range (mg/ml) Reference
Bulk material with ornidazole Phenomenex C18 PO4 buffer:ACN, UV: 294 1.5 10.050.0 [153]
(5 mm, pH 4.3 with H3PO4
250  4.6 mm) (68:32)
Tablets with cefixime Phenomix C18 (5 mm, ACN:0.08 M KH2PO4, UV: 290 1.0 20.080.0 [154]
250  4.6 mm) pH 8 with NaOH
Mouse plasma and brain tissue Lichrospher C18 ACN:MeOH:citrate Fluorescence: 1.0 0.0050.25 [155]
(5 mm, buffer (0.025 M citric lex 290, (plasma)
250  4.6 mm) acid, 0.010 M SDS and lem 550 0.12.5 mg/g
0.01 M TBABr in (tissue)
500 ml H2O; pH 3.5
with 0.1 M NaOH)
Eye drops with ketorelac BDS Hypersil C8 MeOH: PO4 buffer UV: 243 0.7 20.0140.0 [156]
tromethamine (5 mm, (2.72 g of KH2PO4 in
250  4.6 mm) 1000 ml H2O, 1 ml
TEA, pH 3.0 with
H3PO4) (55:45)
TBA, tetrabutylammonium; ACN, acetonitrile; TMA, tetramethylammonium; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid, AC, acetate, TEA, triethylamine, DEA, diethylamine, SDS,
sodium dodecyl sulfate; PDA, photo diode array.
Table 7.24 The UPLC parameters of the method used for the determination of moxifloxacin
Flow rate range
Material Stationary phase Mobile phase (v/v) Detection (ml/min) (mg/ml) Reference
Surface and wastewater Acquity BEH C18 Gradient system: (A) H2O with QTOF- 0.3 0.0012.5 [161]
screening with other (1.7 mm, 0.01% HCOOH and (B) MeOH. MS
antibiotics 50  2.1 mm)
Rabbit aqueous humor Acquity BEH C18 Gradient system: (A) 0.1% TFA UV: 296 0.4 0.011.0 [162]
(1.7 mm, and (B) ACN
50  2.1 mm)
Tablets HSS C18 (1.8 mm, 0.34% KH2PO4, pH 1.8 with UV: 296 0.3 40.0160.0 [163]
100  2.1 mm) H3PO4:MeOH:ACN
Aquatic products with Acquity BEH C18 Gradient system: (A) ACN and MS - Within 0.1 [164]
gatifloxacin and levofloxacin (1.7 mm, (B) 0.005 M NH4AC
50  2.1 mm)
Rabbit aqueous humor Acquity BEH C18 0.1% HCOOH QTOF- 0.25 0.00010.2 [165]
(1.7 mm, MS
50  2.1 mm)
MS, mass spectroscopy; ACN, acetonitrile; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid; AC, acetate.
396 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

4.5.4 Capillary electrophoresis

A capillary electrophoresis method with laser-induced fluorescence was
developed to determine moxifloxacin in human plasma and microdialysate
[166]. The separation was carried out at 20  C in a 50 mm  27 cm fused-
silica capillary with applied voltages of 18 and 20 kV for microdialysate
and plasma, respectively. The electrophoresis buffers were 0.06 M H3PO4
at a pH 2.2 and 0.08 M H3PO4 at a pH of 2.0 (triethylamine was used to
adjust the pH) for plasma and microdialysate, respectively. The fluorescence
detector was set at an excitation wavelength of 325 nm and an emission
wavelength of 520 nm. The method is linear in a concentration range of
0.00255.0 for plasma and 0.0055.0 mg/ml for microdialysate. The quan-
titation limit is 0.0025 for plasma and 0.005 mg/ml for microdialysate.
Determination of the enantiomeric purity of moxifloxacin as a bulk
material and in the ophthalmic/otic drug product was carried out by a cap-
illary electrophoresis technique connected to a UV detector set at
295 nm [34]. The separation of moxifloxacin (S,S enatiomer) from its
potential enatiomers (R,R enantiomer, R,S diastereomer, and S,R diaste-
reomer) was carried out at 20  C in a 50 mm  40 cm fused-silica capillary
with an applied voltage of 13 kV using a 0.0125-M triethylamine-phosphate
buffer (pH 2.5) containing 5% highly sulfated gamma-cyclodextrin and 6%
acetonitrile. The linearity range and quantitation limit for all potential impu-
rities are 0.055.0 and 0.055 mg/ml, respectively.
Determination of moxifloxacin, rufloxacin, and enoxacin in chicken tis-
sue using a capillary electrophoresis-potential gradient detection method
was reported [167]. The separation was carried out in a 75 mm  16 cm
fused-silica capillary with an applied voltage of 6 kV using a 0.05-M acetic
acid and 0.006 M KOH at pH 3.7. The linearity range and quantitation limit
for moxifloxacin are 0.22 and 0.079 mg/g, respectively.
Determination of moxifloxacin, rufloxacin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin,
and gatifloxacin in chicken tissue by capillary electrophoresis with contactless
conductivity detection technique was reported [168]. The separation was
carried out in a fused-silica capillary 50 mm  42 cm with an applied voltage
of 13 kV using a buffer composed of 0.01 M tartaric acid, 0.014 M sodium
acetate and 15% (v/v) methanol at pH 3.8. The linearity range and detection
limit for moxifloxacin are 2.040 and 0.33 mg/ml, respectively.

4.6. Biological methods

Determination of moxifloxacin in human body fluids by a conventional
cup-plate agar diffusion method with Bacillus subtilis as indicator organism
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 397

was reported [108,169]. The method was used as a reference to a proposed

HPLC method with fluorescence detection. The excellent correlation
between results of both methods (slope 1.05) was found. The linearity range
and quantitation limit are 0.062.0 (urine and plasma) and 0.06 mg/ml,
In vitro activity of moxifloxacin against Legionella species and the effect of
medium on susceptibility test results were investigated using an ager dilution
method with buffered charcoal yeast extract agar containing a-ketoglutarate
[170]. A spore suspension of Bacillus subtilis was used as the indicator organ-
ism and the medium was Iso-Sensitest agar. The study revealed that charcoal
has inhibitory effect on the test media, as a result the MIC was corrected to
the charcoal-bound fraction of the drug.
Escherichia coli (NCTC 10418) was used as indicator organism in studying
in vitro phramacodynamic activity of moxifloxacin for Staphylococcus aureus
and Streptococci of Lancefield Group A and G [171]. The method showed
a detection limit of 0.03 mg/ml. Results of this study revealed that
moxifloxacin has significant bactericidal action against Staphylococcus aureus
with MICs 0.14 mg/l but may be less bactericidal against b-haemolytic
A disk diffusion microbioassay with Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) was
used to evaluate the bactericidal effectiveness and the pharmacodynamic
profile of moxifloxacin in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and to compare the bac-
tericidal activity with that of ceftriaxone and meropenem therapy [172].
Calibration curves were constructed using concentration ranges of
0.210 and 0.16 mg/ml for plasma and CSF samples, respectively. The
detection limit was 0.2 for plasma and 0.1 mg/ml for CSF specimens.
A parallel-line bioassay was used to investigate the antimicrobial activity
of moxifloxacin photodegradation products [173]. A continuous flow pho-
tochemical reaction unit (Beam-Boost) was used to partially photodegrade
the drug (3083%, as confirmed by HPLC). These results were compared by
parallel-line bioassays using Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, and Klebsiella
oxytoca. The estimated relative potencies (ERP; the ratio of the matched
control solution concentration to that of the irradiated solution concentra-
tion) for irradiated versus control solutions showed no significant difference
after 30% or 54% photodegradation with any of the indicator organisms, nor
after 83% photodegradation with Escherichia coli and Klebsiella oxytoca. The
ERPs were significantly different for 83% photodegradation using
Enterobacter cloacae.
Bioassay was used in studying the activities of mutant prevention
concentration-targeted moxifloxacin and levofloxacin against Streptococcus
398 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

pneumoniae in an in vitro pharmacodynamic model [174]. The concentration

of moxifloxacin and levofloxacin were determined using tryptic soy agar
supplemented with 5% sheep blood as the medium and Klebsiella pneumoniae
(ATCC 33495) as the indicator organism. The detection limit was
0.31 mg/ml.
Bioassay was used for evaluation using moxifloxacin in pleural empyema,
a serious complication of pneumonia, therapy [175]. Moxifloxacin concen-
trations in serum and pleural fluid were measured microbiologically using
Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) on trypticase soy agar pH 9.0. Concentration
range and the detection limit were 0.1520.0 and 0.15 mg/ml, respectively.

5.1. Solid-state stability
Forced degradation of moxifloxacin HCl in solid state was investigated by
using densitometric TLC method [104]. It was found that heating
moxifloxacin HCl at 100  C for 8 h leads to a decrease in percentage recov-
ery to 91% with the detection of three degrades.
Stability of moxifloxacin HCl in its tablet dosage form after incubation at
40  C/75% RH and 50  C/75% RH for 6 months was investigated using
HPLC/UV detection [143]. The stability data for two products (Avelox
and Staxin) proved that the drug is stable without any significant decrease
in percentage assay after 6 months of incubation (percentage assay range:
99.8100.0% at 40  C/75% RH).
Forced degradation of moxifloxacin HCl in the solid state was monitored
by HPLC/UV detection [146]. It was found that the drug is stable when
exposed to daylight and to thermal stress at 60  C for 30 days.
Following the photodegradation by UPLC/MS detection, moxifloxacin
HCl in its solid state was found to be not stable when exposed to a UV lamp
(365 nm) in a watch glass for 48 h as one photodegrade was detected [165].
The effect of heat, humidity, and light on the racemization of
moxifloxacin HCl in its solid state was studied by capillary electrophore-
sis [34]. Stress degradation studies were carried out at 40  C/75% RH,
60  C for 12 weeks, and in a stability light chamber (provides ICH-required
illumination levels with 4-week exposure) at 25  C/40% RH. Results rev-
ealed that racemization was not a significant degradation pathway of the drug
under the investigated conditions.
The effect of heat, humidity, and light on the stability of moxifloxacin
HCl in its pure solid state was investigated by HPLC/UV detection
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 399

[176]. No any degradation products were observed when it was subjected to

thermal degradation at 100  C and to photodegradation according to option
2 of Q1B of the ICH guidelines for 5 and 11 days, respectively. The accel-
erated (40  C/75% RH) and long-term (30  C/65% RH) stability testing
was conducted for 6 and 12 months, respectively. Results indicated that
moxifloxacin HCl was stable under long-term and accelerated storage con-
ditions with percentage assay ranging from 99.7% to 100.1% and total impu-
rities of <0.1%.
Compatibility of moxifloxacin HCl with some directly compressible dil-
uents in 1:1 (w/w) ratio mixtures was investigated by DSC [177]. Data was
supported by isothermal stability studies (IST) carried out at 30  C and at
50  C for the period of 6 months. Stability of the drug in solution state
in the presence of diluents and the influence of pH were also investigated
by UV spectrophotometric method. DSC results revealed incompatibility
of drug with sorbitol powder (Neosorb), dextrose anhydrous, and mannitol
(Pearlitol) on the basis of enthalpy loss and absence of melting endotherm of
the drug. Compatibility was predicted with microcrystalline cellulose
(PH101 and PH102), dibasic calcium phosphate dehydrate (Emcompress),
dibasic calcium phosphate anhydrous (Anhydrous Emcompress), partially
pregelatinized maize starch (Lycatab), lactose monohydrate (Lactochem fine
powder) and lactose monohydrate (Lactopress spray dried) on the basis of
DSC analysis. Results of stability study in liquid state indicate that there
was no significant adsorption, absorption, or degradation of the drug in pres-
ence of the aforementioned diluents. For the case of emcompress and anhy-
drous emcompress diluents, which are alkaline, there was a change in pH
from 1.4 to 3.6, which might be one of the probable cause for the apparent
discoloration of powder mixtures of moxifloxacin HCl with these diluents.
Different formulations of moxifloxacin HCl control ocular inserts were
prepared by an aqueous dispersion of drug, sodium alginate, polyvinyl alco-
hol, and dibutyl phthalate by the film casting method. The effect of cross
linking with CaCl2 and different grades of Eudragit polymer were also inves-
tigated [178]. The polymers used were Eudragit S-100, Eudragit RL-100,
Eudragit RS-100, Eudragit E-100, and Eudragit L-100. Stability studies
were carried out on ocular insert formulations packed in Al foils at
40  C/75% RH and at room temperature for 6 months. The stability study
revealed that formulations containing CaCl2 and Eudragit RL-100 have the
lowest degradation and maximum shelf life.
Chemical and physical stability of moxifloxacin HCl against form trans-
formation was investigated by HPLC and XRPD techniques [30]. Stability
400 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

of moxifloxacin HCl in the presence of different pharmaceutical excipients

in tables at 40  C/75% RH for 3 months was studied. The tablets were pre-
pared by roll compaction using different formulation excipients and stored
in close containers (Table 7.25). Tablets during stability were tested
according to moxifloxacin tablets monograph in USP-MC (Section 4.1.4;
Table 7.19). The obtained stability data as shown in Table 7.26 indicate that
moxifloxacin HCl is highly stable when compressed in the presence of dif-
ferent excipients where the assay and organic impurities results are within
the acceptable limits. As shown in Figure 7.22, both reference product
(Avelox) and formula 4 (F-4) initially have almost the same dissolution pro-
file, while the other formulas (F-1, F-2, and F-3) show slow release in com-
parison with Avelox. Moreover, Avelox and F-4 did not show any
significant decrease in their dissolution profiles upon storage at 40  C/
75% RH for 3 months. It is worth mentioning that the Avelox tablets have
the same composition of formula 1 (F-1) but using most probably form II of
moxifloxacin HCl and using a wet granulation technique in
processing [179].

Table 7.25 The list of different tablet formulations of moxifloxacin HCl

Item F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4
Form Form Z (anhydrous form obtained from drug supplier)
Excipients Microcrystalline cellulose
Magnesium stearate
LactoseH2O Spray dried Spray dried Spray dried
mannitol mannitol mannitol
Croscarmellose Croscarmellose Croscarmellose Sodium starch
sodium Sodium Sodium glycolate
Compretol 888 Compretol 888
anhydrous silica
Granulation Dry (roll compaction)
Storage 40  C/75% RH in Al/Al
Compretol 888 ATO: Glyceryl behenate.
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 401

Table 7.26 The stability data for different tablet formulations of moxifloxacin HCl at
40  C/75% RH in close container
Assay Organic impurities
95.0105.0% Any individual 0.2%
Month Month
Formula 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
F-1 101.9 101.8 101.7 0.03 0.02 0.02
F-2 102.9 103.7 103.5 0.03 0.02 0.02
F-3 102.2 102.9 103.4 0.03 0.02 0.02
F-4 102.9 99.3 100.1 101.3 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04

Figure 7.22 Comparative dissolution profiles for different formulations with Avelox
tablets (Bayer product).

By monitoring form transformation of moxifloxacin HCl using XRPD,

it was found that Form W (hydrate form obtained from drug supplier) con-
verts to Form II (Bayer hydrate form) by time after incubation at 40  C/75%
RH in open container (Figure 7.23). The intensities of the bands at 2y 7.3
and 17.4 corresponding to Form W (Figure 7.23B) decrease dramatically
after 2 months of incubation, the intensities of the two bands at around
2y 27 and 28 were enhanced (Figure 7.23D). However, Form W was
found to be stable without any significant transformation when protected
from humidity.
402 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Figure 7.23 XRPD of moxifloxacin HCl (A) Form II, (B) Form W, and (C) and (D) Form
W incubated at 40  C/75% RH for 1 and 2 months, respectively, in open container. Form
II (Bayer hydrate form prepared by recrystallization from water/ethanol system).
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 403

In tablet formulations, it was noticed that the types of moxifloxacin HCl

form can be easily distinguished by XRPD [30]. For example, Forms Z and
W have a distinguishable band at 2y 7.3, while it is absent in Form II
(Bayer form) (Figure 7.24). Forms Z and W were found to be stable without
any significant form transformations when protected from humidity.

Figure 7.24 XRPD of (A) moxifloxacin HCl Form II (Bayer form), (B) Avelox tablets, and
(C) formula 4 (F-4) after grinding. Form II (Bayer hydrate form prepared by recrystalliza-
tion from water/ethanol system).
404 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Table 7.27 The list of different tablet formulations of moxifloxacin HCl

Item Avelox Formula 5 (F-5)
Form Form II (Bayer form)
Excipients Microcrystalline cellulose
Magnesium stearate
LactoseH2O Spray dried mannitol
Croscarmellose sodium Sodium starch glycolate
Colloidal anhydrous silica
Coat Hypromellose, polyethylene Hypromellose, polyethylene glycol,
glycol, titanium dioxide, red titanium dioxide, lactose H2O,
iron oxide triacetin, red Iron oxide, FD&C
Blue #2 aluminum lake, black Iron
Granulation Wet Dry (roll compaction)
Package Al/Al, PP/Al Al/Al, PVDC/Al
Storage 40  C/75% RH
PP, polypropylene; PVDC, polyvinylidene chloride.

Furthermore, stability of moxifloxacin HCl in tables was investi-

gated [30]. Two different formulations (Table 7.27) with different excipi-
ents, manufacturing processes, and packaging materials were included in
this investigation.
As shown in Table 7.28, the drug is highly stable regardless the type of
excipients, manufacturing process, and packaging materials.

5.2. Solution-phase stability

As a member of fluorinated quinolones, moxifloxacin HCl was expected to
decompose into its decarboxylated degrade when refluxed in acidic solution
(2 N HCl) away from light [69]. Subsequently, measurement of
moxifloxacin HCl in the presence of such degrade was achieved by densi-
tometric TLC and spectrophotometric methods.
Stability of moxifloxacin HCl in solution was studied using densitomet-
ric TLC [104]. The drug was found to be unstable under acidic (1 N HCl),
basic (1 N NaOH) and oxidation (30% H2O2) stress conditions at 80  C for
3 h. The drug recoveries were 36.91%, 63.42%, and 79.19%, respectively.
On the other hand, methanolic solution of moxifloxacin HCl did not show
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 405

Table 7.28 The stability data for different tablet formulations of moxifloxacin HCl at
40  C/75% RH packed in different packaging materials
Assay Organic impurities
95.0105.0% Any individual 0.2%
Month Month
Product 0 3 6 0 3 6

Avelox (Al/Al) 103.0 98.1 0.02 0.04
Avelox (PP/Al) 101.0 101.3 0.00 0.00
F-5 (Al/Al) 98.8 98.7 99.0 0.00 0.01 0.01
F-5 (PVDC/Al) 98.8 100.8 101.2 0.00 0.00 0.02
F, formula; PP, polypropylene, PVDC, polyvinylidene chloride.

any significant decrease in its potency (% recovery 99.18%) when exposed to

the same stress condition. The photostability in methanol showed that the
drug is less stable to daylight exposure (% recovery 86.76%) than UV
(254 nm) irradiation (% recovery of 95.32%).
The effect of pH on the stability of moxifloxacin HCl in 0.05 M buffer
solutions was studied at 50 and 80  C for 1 and 3 days, respectively [30]. The
samples and buffer solutions were prepared following the same procedure
reported earlier [104]. Analysis was carried out using the HPLC method
with UV detection [2]. From Figure 7.25, it can be concluded that the drug
is relatively stable under the investigated conditions. It is worth mentioning
that precipitates were formed in samples prepared in phthalate buffers
(pH 2.25.0), which is most probable due to the formation of moxifloxacin
phthalate salt with limited solubility (low Ksp). This finding is in contradic-
tion with that reported [104]. The later showed that moxifloxacin HCl is
extremely degraded at 40  C over the pH range of 1.210.8, where the
half-life time (t1/2) is ranging from 8.3 to 15.6 h depending on the pH value.
The effect of different metal ions on the stability of moxifloxacin HCl in
acidic media was investigated using different techniques including TLC/
densitometry, HPLC/UV, HPLC/MS, and 1H NMR [106]. The stability
studies in acidic condition (1.3 N HCl) were carried out in the absence and
presence of Cu (II), Zn (II), Fe (III), and Al (III) ions at 90 and 110  C for
72 h away from light. After 72 h of heating at 90  C, the decomposition of
the drug in the absence of metal ions did not exceed 10%. On the other
hand, the decomposition was higher in the presence of metal ions (Cu
(II) 41.92%, Fe (III) 13.61%, Zn (II) 12.8%, and Al (III) 11.25%). At
406 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

Figure 7.25 pH stability profile of moxifloxacin HCl at 50 and 80  C for 1 and 3 days,

110  C, the decomposition was found to be faster and followed the order at
48 h: Cu (II) (79.35%) > Fe (III) (63.97%) > Al (III) (62.42%) > Zn (II)
(58.62%) > Drug alone (52.04%). Moxifloxacin HCl was found to undergo
thermal degradation through the loss of the functional carboxyl (decarbox-
ylation) and hydrolysis of 2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-8-yl groups
(Figure 7.26).
Stability of moxifloxacin HCl in solution was investigated by HPLC/
fluorescence detection [108]. It was found that the drug in organic solvent
stored at room temperature and at 37  C for 22 days is stable when protected
from light (brown glass or in dark). The obtained percentage recoveries were
97.1% and 99.3%, respectively. For the case of exposure to daylight in a
white glass at room temperature, the drug showed a significant decrease
in percentage recovery to 39.8%.
Photodegradation of moxifloxacin HCl in water by sunlight was mon-
itored by HPLC/MS detection as a function of time [121]. Samples were
kept under environmental conditions (open air, protected from rain). After
136 h, the drug content decreased by at least 50% of the initial concentra-
tion. Moxifloxacin N-oxide, formed by photooxidation of the alicyclic ring,
was detected by MS analysis.
The degradation of moxifloxacin was studied by HPLC/UV detection
under different stress conditions (0.1 N HCl, water, and 0.1 N NaOH) at
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 407







Decarboxylation and hydrolysis of 2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-8-yl group


Figure 7.26 Acid degradation pathways of moxifloxacin HCl at 110  C in the presence
of Cu (II) ions.

50  C for 3 h. Oxidation stress was performed in 3% H2O2 solution for 6 h

at room temperature, while photolytic stress was carried out inside a light
chamber equipped with lamp bank with two Osram UV lamps. A total
of 840 Wh/m2 irradiation units for 3 h were used [132]. Two degradation
products were detected in acid and basic hydrolysis with a total percentage of
about 0.3%. No degrades were apparent under photolytic or oxidative
Short-term stability of extemporaneously compounded suspensions of
moxifloxacin 20 mg/ml in a 1:1 mixture of Ora-Plus and Ora-Sweet or
Ora-Sweet SF prepared from the commercially available tablets
(Avelox) was studied using HPLC/UV detection at room temperature
[134]. Results indicate that the suspensions are stable for at least 90 days
when stored in 2-oz amber plastic bottles at room temperature. To prove
408 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

the suitability of the HPLC method as a stability indicating technique,

decomposition of the drug was forced by standing different prepared suspen-
sions in direct sunlight for 90 days after adding 3% H2O2, adjusting the pH to
12 with 1 N NaOH or to 2 with 1 N HCl. Then all solutions were heated to
60  C for 2 h. About 35% degradation of the drug was measured in the
acidic solution and about 20% with H2O2; however, no appreciable change
was recorded in basic media.
Forced degradation of moxifloxacin in solution was monitored by
HPLC/UV detection [146]. Keeping the drug in mobile phase (phosphate
buffer and methanol (60:40 v/v) of pH 4.4) at room temperature for 30 h
did not affect its stability. The drug was found to be stable under acidic
(0.1 N HCl/6 h), neutral (water/6 h) and oxidation (3% H2O2/2 h) stress
conditions at 80  C. The drug was degraded up to 70% in 0.1 N NaOH after
heating at 80  C for 6 h showing one major degradation product.
UV-A and UV-C induced photolysis and TiO2-P25 mediated hetero-
geneous photocatalysis were investigated as advanced oxidation technolo-
gies for the removal of fluoroquinolones in aqueous solution [149]. The
photolytic and TiO2 mediated heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation
of the drug are measured at pHs 3, 7, and 10, under UV-A and UV-C irra-
diation at different intervals of time using HPLC/UV detection. Results
revealed that the photolysis and photocatalysis with TiO2-P25 techniques
are both capable of degrading the drug in an aqueous solution with the most
promising results obtained with heterogeneous photocatalysis under UV-C
irradiation at pH 7.
Photolytic and photocatalysis with TiO2 of fluoroquinolones in
untreated river water (pH 7.7) under natural sunlight were investigated
[152]. The photodegradation rate is 5  faster in the presence of TiO2 sus-
pension as indicated by HPLC/fluorescence detection. To identify the pho-
toproducts, the aqueous solution (deionized water) of the drug in the
absence and presence of TiO2 was exposed to low pressure mercury arcs
with emission maximum centered at 310 nm. The irradiated samples were
immediately analyzed by HPLC/UV prior HPLC/ESI-MS/MS analysis. As
shown in Figure 7.27, photodegradation behavior patterns pass through
(i) photosubstitution of fluorine on carbon 6 of the aromatic moiety by a
hydroxyl group, (ii) reductive dehalogenation, and (iii) bimolecular reac-
tions where the excited state of the drug or of some impurity attacks the drug
causing electron or hydrogen transfer from the electron-rich moiety present,
viz. the amino side-chain. The photolysis of moxifloxacin in aqueous solu-
tion gave six products resulting from OH/F substitution (M3WT and M1WT,
Figure 7.27 Degradation pathways and by products in the photolysis (W) and photocatalysis (T) of moxifloxacin HCl.
410 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

M2WT by further oxidation), reductive dehalogenation combined with

side-chain oxidation (M6W and M5W) and side-chain oxidation (M4WT)
in roughly equivalent amounts. On the other hand, photocatalysis gave tiny
amounts of M3WT and its degradation products (M10T, M2WT, and M1WT)
while the main products resulted from primary oxidative degradation of the
amine side-chain M4WT (along with M9T, M8T, M7T, and M11T).
Forced degradation of moxifloxacin with cefixime in solution was mon-
itored by HPLC/UV detection [154]. Keeping the drug in mixture of phos-
phate buffer and acetonitrile (60:40 v/v) of pH 8.0 at room temperature for
24 h and in 1 N NaOH for 1 h did not affect its stability, while it was
degraded in acidic (2 M HCl/1 h) and by oxidation (6% H2O2/1 h) at 80  C.
Forced degradation of moxifloxacin with ketorolac tromethamine in
solution was monitored by HPLC/UV detection [156]. Keeping the drug
in methanol and phosphate buffer (55:45 v/v) of pH 3.0 at different temper-
ature (25  C/19 h, 40  C/1 h, and 160  C on a hot plate/1 h) did not affect
its stability. While exposing this solution to sunlight for 1 h showed a signif-
icant decrease in the content of the drug (% recovery of 84.2%). The drug
was found to be stable in 1 N and 5 N NaOH, 1 N and 5 N HCl and by
oxidation (6% H2O2) at 40  C for 1 h (% recoveries were >99%). However,
exposing these solutions to more stress condition by heating at 160  C on a
hot plate for 1 h affected the stability of the drug (% recoveries were 84.4%,
91.6%, and 94.6% for 5 N HCl, 6% H2O2, and 5 N NaOH, respectively).
Photodegradation of moxifloxacin by UV-A irradiation in solutions and
solid phase in the presence and absence of Cu (II), Zn (II), Al (III), and Fe (III)
was investigated [160]. It was found that presence of a metal ion enhanced the
photodegradation of the drug in solutions, and the influence of Cu (II) and Fe
(III) ions was higher than that of Zn (II) and Al (III) ions as measured by TLC/
densitometry. On the other hand, all metal ions decreased the
photodegradation in solid phase; however, the influence of Al (III) and
Zn (II) ions was weaker than that of Cu (II) and Fe (III) ions. Moxifloxacin
HCl was found to undergo photodegradation through the oxidation and
hydrolysis of 2,8-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-8-yl group (Figure 7.28).
From the forced degradation study by UPLC/MS detection,
moxifloxacin was found to be not stable under oxidative (6% H2O2), alkaline
(0.02 N NaOH), and acidic (2 N HCl) stress conditions at 60  C for 48 h.
Various unknown degrades were detected in the investigated solutions [165].
Racemization of moxifloxacin in solution under acidic, neutral, basic,
and oxidizing conditions was investigated by capillary electrophoresis [34].
Samples were prepared in citrate buffer (pH 4.0); phosphate buffer (pH 7.0),
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 411










Figure 7.28 Photodegradation pathways of moxifloxacin HCl after UV-A irradiation.

borate buffer (pH 9.0) and in water (unbuffered) sparged with O2 for 20 min
and stored at 50  C for 12 weeks. The unbuffered sample in water was stored
in a stability light chamber at 25  C/40% RH for 12 weeks. Results revealed
that racemization was not a significant degradation pathway of the drug sub-
stance in solution.
Moreover, moxifloxacin HCl in aqueous solution showed instability
when exposed to 245 nm UV lamp [173]. The extent of photodegradation
(30%, 54%, or 83%) was achieved using various flow rate and retention coil
lengths of the photochemical reaction unit and monitoring by HPLC/fluo-
rescence detection.
Forced degradation of moxifloxacin in 0.5 N HCl and 0.5 N NaOH at
70  C for 5 days and in 3% H2O2 at ambient temperature for 3 days was
studied by HPLC/UV detection [176]. Significant degradation was
observed by oxidative stress (83.4%) and by basic (94.6%) conditions; no
degradation was observed under acidic (99.2%) condition.
412 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

The stability of moxifloxacin injection (2%) in dialysis peritoneal solu-

tion bags at two glucose concentrations (Dianeal PD1 1.36% and Dianeal
PD1 3.86%) at 4, 25, and 37  C was investigated by HPLC/fluorescence
detection [180]. In Dianeal PD1 1.36% solution, the drug concentration
remained 90% of the initial concentration for 14, 7, and 3 days at 4,
25, and 37  C, respectively. In Dianeal PD1 3.86%, the drug concentra-
tions remained 90% for 14, 3 days, 12 h at 4, 25, and 37  C, respectively.
In addition, the drug did not show any precipitation (i.e., chelating with Ca
and Mg cations) suggesting that moxifloxacin does not produce complexes
with the metals. Accordingly, moxifloxacin injected into PD bags shows suf-
ficient stability and may be used for treating peritonitis in PD patients.

5.3. Stability in biological fluids

Stability of moxifloxacin HCl in human body fluids was investigated by
HPLC/fluorescence detection [108]. For short-term stability, it was found
that moxifloxacin HCl in whole blood and plasma is stable when kept at
room temperature away from daylight (brown glass) for 4 and 75 h with per-
centage recoveries of 100.0% and 98.0%, respectively. For plasma sample
kept in a white glass, there was a significant decrease in moxifloxacin
HCl content when exposed to daylight (% recovery 90%). Long-term sta-
bility at 20  C over 12 months did not show any significant loss in
moxifloxacin HCl content, where percentage recoveries were in the range
of 96104% regardless the type of container material used (glass, polystyrene,
or polypropylene). The stability study covered up to five freeze-thaw cycles.
Moxifloxacin HCl was found to be stable in human plasma when stored
at 20  C for 2 months and at room temperature for 24 h using HPLC/
fluorescence detection technique [128]. The freeze-thaw stability was
assessed in the moxifloxacin HCl spiked plasma samples storage
at 20  C for 2 months. In the short-term stability study, moxifloxacin-
4-chloro-7-nitrobenzodioxazole derivative was stable for 1 week at 4  C
and at room temperature for 24 h. In the long-term stability study, the
plasma samples spiked with moxifloxacin HCl were stored for 2 months
at 20  C and after three freeze-thaw cycles.
Short-term stability of moxifloxacin HCl in plasma was studied by
HPLC/fluorescence detection under two experimental conditions: after
storage in autosampler (20  C) for 15 h and after three freeze-thaw cycles
[133]. Results revealed that moxifloxacin HCl at a concentration level of
1.5 mg/ml, is stable and consequently, extracted samples could be left in
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 413

the autosampler (at 20  C) for 15 h prior to analysis. In three freeze-thaw

cycles, moxifloxacin HCl was stable in plasma, indicating no significant sub-
stance loss during repeated thawing and freezing at the low (0.06 mg/ml) and
the middle (1.20 mg/ml) concentration. However, QC samples at the high
(7.20 mg/ml) concentration level showed a statistically significant difference
in mean after three freeze-thaw cycles for moxifloxacin HCl, but it lies
within 15% of its respective nominal value, complying with the internation-
ally accepted criteria. Thus it may be considered stable in plasma at the high
concentration level after three freeze-thaw cycles.
Stability study of moxifloxacin HCl in plasma and CSF was investigated
by HPLC/MS detection [139]. All stability tests were performed at low
(0.5 mg/ml) and high (4.9 mg/ml) concentration levels. Stability is defined
as a change in concentration and should be 15%. After three freeze-thaw
cycles, the stability of moxifloxacin HCl was not affected. Storage in the
refrigerator for 120 h, storage at refrigerator (4  C), at room temperature,
and after sample preparation in the autosampler (20  C) did not affect the
stability either (low or high). Exposure to light had no significant effect
on stability of moxifloxacin HCl for 120 h.
Stability of moxifloxacin HCl in plasma under different conditions was
evaluated at three concentration levels (0.1, 1.6, and 5.0 mg/ml) by
HPLC/UV detection [141]. Freeze-thaw stability was determined by fol-
lowing three freeze-thaw cycles from 20  C to room temperature for
every 24 h. The long-term and short-term stability of plasma samples were
evaluated at 20  C for 1, 2, 4, 12 weeks and at room temperature for 2, 4,
8, 12 h, respectively. The stability of extracted plasma samples was evaluated
by keeping samples at room temperature for 2, 4, 6, 12 h. Regardless the
level of concentration, moxifloxacin in human plasma sample was stable
during the storage, freeze-thaw cycles, processing and analysis (% recovery
range: 96.6102.1%).
Long-term stability of moxifloxacin HCl at 20  C, 80  C, three
freeze-thaw cycles, and 18 h in the autosampler at three levels of concentra-
tions (20, 125, and 225 mg/ml for plasma, 0.2, 1.25, and 2.25 mg/mg for
cerebral tissue) was studied by HPLC/fluorescence detection [155]. The drug
was found stable over three freeze-thaw cycles (CV <11% for plasma and
<10% for brain, and recovery ranged from 99% to 103% for plasma and from
100% to 105% for brain). It also remained stable 18 h after sample treatment
(CV <5%, recovery between 98105% for plasma and 99106% for brain).
As determined by UPLC/UV detection, moxifloxacin was found to be
stable in aqueous humor at 20  C for at least 24 h and at 4  C for 2 days with
414 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

average recovery of 95.7% and 97.6%, respectively [162]. The freeze-thaw

data indicated that three cycles can be tolerated without losses greater
than 10%.
Stability of moxifloxacin in aqueous humor at 4  C, room temperature,
and after freeze-thaw cycles was determined by UPLC/MS detection [165].
The drug was found to be stable at the temperature used in the stability
studies. The average recovery was 96.5%, 97.2%, and 93.9% at room tem-
perature, 4  C and freeze-thaw at a concentration level of 10 ng/ml,
From the above stability studies, it can be summarized that moxifloxacin
HCl is relatively stable drug in solid state and in solution under moderate
conditions of heat. In solution, moxifloxacin HCl is liable to degrade upon
exposure to high temperature (above 80  C), to light or to oxidizing agent.
It is worth mentioning that the differences in stability behavior of
moxifloxacin HCl (e.g., extent, pathway) in these studies may be attributed
to the differences in the experimental conditions (e.g., drug and reagent
concentrations, temperature, exposure time, light source, etc.).

5.4. Interaction with metals

Fluoroquinolones containing pyridine and carboxylate oxygen atoms are
liable to form complexes with metal ions. Such complexes formation was
suggested to play an important role in the biological activities. For examples,
the complexes formed between moxifloxacin and different metal ions
(V (IV), Zr (IV), and U (VI)) showed good antibacterial effect to some bac-
terial strains as compared to the free drug [7]. Mg (II) was shown to modulate
the quinolone-DNA binding through the formation of a ternary complex
involving the drug, the metal ion, and the DNA [181].
It was reported that the simultaneous presence of antacid containing Mg
(II) and Al (III) has noticeable effect on the dissolution rate of moxifloxacin
tablets [182].
Complexation of Gd (III) with moxifloxacin in solution was fully inves-
tigated by [183]. The effect of moxifloxacin, and for comparison purpose,
diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) on Gd (III) plasma speciation
was evaluated by computer simulation. The study revealed that the stable tris
complex Gd(HMOXI)3 formed between Gd (III) ion and moxifloxacin is
stable enough to exhaust the normal gadolinium concentration in plasma
upon oral intake of one 400 mg dose of moxifloxacin, at low Gd (III) con-
centration (106105 mM). However, at higher Gd (III) concentrations,
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 415

moxifloxacin is not competitive chelator with regard to MRI agents (such

as DTPA).
It was reported that the complex formation between Mg (II) and
moxifloxacin intermediate prevents the formation of isomer impurity in
moxifloxacin preparation [21]. This facilitates the nucleophilic substitution
of fluoride in position 7 rather than the substitution of the fluoride in posi-
tion 6 (Scheme 7.11).
Interaction of some metal ions with moxifloxacin is widely used for
analysis of pharmaceutical and biological samples [63,67,86,87,91,
92,96,97,100]. These studies are fully discussed earlier in method of analysis
Some ternary complexes consisting of moxifloxacin, 1,10-
phenenthroline, and metal ion (Co (II), Ni (II), or Cu (II)) were prepared
and characterized [184]. These prepared ternary complexes were found to
have appreciable antimicrobial activity against different bacterial and fungal

6.1. Uses, applications, and pertinent history
6.1.1 Systemic use
Moxifloxacin HCl is a fluoroquinolone antibacterial indicated for treating
infections in adults caused by designated, susceptible bacteria. It was initially
approved in a tablet form by the EMA in June 1999 [185] and by the
USFDA in December 1999 [186].
Moxifloxacin HCl tablets and intravenous are indicated in patients aged
18 years and older for the treatment of the following bacterial infections if
they are caused by bacteria susceptible to moxifloxacin:
 Acute bacterial sinusitis
 Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis.
 Community-acquired pneumonia [187,188].
 Uncomplicated and complicated skin and skin structure infections.
 Complicated intraabdominal infections, including polymicrobial infec-
tions such as abscess. [188].
The intravenous administration is recommended when it offers a route of
administration advantageous to the patient (e.g., severe infection or the
patient cannot tolerate the oral dosage form) [3,188].
Moxifloxacin HCl tablets are also indicated for the treatment of mild to
moderate pelvic inflammatory disease (i.e., infections of the female upper
416 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

genital tract, including salpingitis and endometritis), without an associated

tubo-ovarian or pelvic abscess. It should be given in combination with
another appropriate antibacterial agent (e.g., a cephalosporin) due to increas-
ing moxifloxacin resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, unless moxifloxacin-
resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae can be excluded [187].

6.1.2 Topical use

Moxifloxacin HCl ophthalmic solution was approved by the FDA in April
2003 for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis caused by designated
susceptible organisms [189]. Suceptable organisms include Corynebacterium
species, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus warneri, Strepto-
coccus pneumoniae, Streptococcus viridans group, Acinetobacter lwoffii, Haemophilus
influenzae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Chlamydia trachomatis [190].

6.2. Absorption
6.2.1 Oral
Moxifloxacin is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral
administration. It is not subject to significant presystemic biotransformation
(first-pass effect). In consequence, the absolute bioavailability is almost
complete (
90%) [191].
Peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) and area under the plasma
concentrationtime curve (AUC) increased linearly with dose after admin-
istration of single oral moxifloxacin doses of 50800 mg. After the
recommended dose of 40 0 mg, a mean Cmax of 2.5 mg/l was reached in
1.5 h (tmax) and AUC was 26.9 mg/l h [192].
Moxifloxacin has no clinically relevant interactions with food [191].
Concomitant intake of dairy products slightly delayed the rate, but not
the extent, of absorption of the drug [192] Changes in gastric pH by pre-
treatment with ranitidine had no influence on absorption. In common with
the fluoroquinolones, moxifloxacin is likely to form nonabsorbable com-
plexes in the presence of multivalent cations. Accordingly, its absorption
is impaired by the concomitant administration of Maalox and iron
supplements [191].
Moxifloxacin pharmacokinetics are linear and dose-proportional with
repeated oral doses of up to 600 mg once daily over 10 days. Plasma con-
centrations rose readily after oral doses, achieving and maintaining appropri-
ately high levels over 24 h. Stable steady-state conditions are reached within
23 days with no indication of clinically relevant accumulation [193].
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 417

Repeated administration of moxifloxacin 400 mg/day orally for 10 days to

healthy volunteers (n 10) resulted in a Cmax of 4.52 mg/l [192]. The area
accumulation ratios (AUC24, day 10/AUC1, day 1) of 100131% and 120%
after repeated doses of 400 and 600 mg once daily, and 95% and 107% after
repeated doses of 100 and 200 mg twice daily indicate absence of clinically
relevant accumulation [193].

6.2.2 Intravenous
Moxifloxacin pharmacokinetics are linear and dose-proportional in the
range of 100400 mg single dose [193]. Intravenous administration of
moxifloxacin 400 mg produced a Cmax of 3.62 mg/l and AUC of
34.6 mg h/l [192].

6.2.3 Topical
Following the administration of bilateral topical ocular doses of
moxifloxacin 0.5% ophthalmic solution 3  a day in healthy subjects, mean
steady-state Cmax (2.7 ng/ml) and estimated daily exposure AUC
(45 ng h/ml) values were 1600 and 1000 lower than the respective values
reported after therapeutic 400 mg doses of moxifloxacin [190].
Conjunctival tissue levels of moxifloxacin rose to peak levels within
1530 min after topical administration of moxifloxacin 0.5% ophthalmic
solution. Conjunctival tissues Cmax was 24.1 mg/g. The AUC03 was
27.1 (mg h)/g [194].

6.3. Distribution
Moxifloxacin is approximately 3050% bound to serum proteins, indepen-
dent of drug concentration. The volume of distribution ranges from 1.7 to
2.7 l/kg. It is widely distributed throughout the body, with tissue concen-
trations often exceeding plasma concentrations. The rates of elimination of
moxifloxacin from tissues generally parallel the elimination from plasma
[188]. Moxifloxacin reaches higher concentrations in saliva, capillary blood
[195], skin blister fluid, epithelial lining fluid, bronchial biopsies, and max-
illary sinus mucosa than in plasma. Similar results were noted in anterior
ethmoid mucosa and nasal polyp tissue [192]. Free drug concentrations
in subcutaneous tissue and skeletal muscle are comparable to those of
the unbound drug in plasma. Very high concentrations are achieved in
the alveolar macrophages and bronchial mucosa [195]. Moxifloxacin was
also detected in nasal and bronchial secretions and abdominal tissues and
fluids following oral or intravenous administration of 400 mg [188]. The
418 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

high volume of distribution, low protein binding, and rapid early distribu-
tion phase into target tissues are indicative of optimal distribution proper-
ties allowing for effective treatment of the indicated infections [195]. In
animal studies, orally administered moxifloxacin penetrated across the pla-
cental barrier and into breast milk in rats, and achieved good penetration
into CSF in rabbits, particularly in those with experimental
meningitis [192].

6.4. Metabolism
Moxifloxacin does not appear to be metabolized by the cytochrome P-450
pathway. It is metabolized to inactive metabolites via conjugation to a sulfo-
(M1) and a glucuronide (M2) derivative in principal (Figure 7.29)

6.5. Elimination
Up to 96% and 98%, respectively, of the oral and intravenous dose of
moxifloxacin was recovered as either parent compound (
45%), metabolite
M1 (
38%), or metabolite M2 (
14%). About 20% of the administered
dose is recovered unchanged in urine. Urinary excretion is independent
of the dose and route of administration. Renal clearance is lower than



Moxifloxacin base
Urine: 1922%
Faeces: 26%



Sulfo-compound Acyl-glucuronide
Urine: 2.5% Urine: 14%
Faeces: 35% Faeces: 0%

Figure 7.29 The metabolic pattern of the main metabolites of moxifloxacin with their
recovery in humans.
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride 419

creatinine clearance suggesting tubular reabsorption. Of the administered

dose, about 25% is excreted unchanged via feces and up to 50% is recovered
indirectly via conjugates excreted in urine and feces. In rats, 68% of a
radiolabeled intravenous dose of moxifloxacin was excreted in the bile.
Excessive accumulation of moxifloxacin is unlikely in the event of impaired
renal or hepatic function since its elimination (biotransformation and excre-
tion) pathways are balanced. They do not rely exclusively on either renal or
hepatic function [196].
The reported mean plasma elimination half-life (t1/2b) of oral
moxifloxacin 50800 mg ranges from 8 to 16 h. Plasma clearance ranges
from 9 to 15 l/h and occurs primarily by nonrenal mechanisms, with renal
clearance being approximately 1.33 l/h [197].
The plasma half-life of moxifloxacin was estimated to be 13 h following
the administration of bilateral topical ocular doses of 0.5% moxifloxacin
ophthalmic solution 3  a day in healthy subjects [190].

6.6. Pharmacological Effects

Moxifloxacin is a fluorinated 4-quinolone. In common with quinolone
antibiotics, the bactericidal action of moxifloxacin results from inhibition
of the topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) and topoisomerase IV required for
bacterial DNA replication, transcription, repair, and recombination. Topo-
isomerase IV is the primary activity inhibited for many gram-positive
bacteria whereas DNA gyrase is the primary quinolone target in many
gram-negative microbes. The C8 methoxy group in moxifloxacin markedly
reduces the propensity for drug resistance [188,198].
Moxifloxacin was shown to be active against most isolates of the follow-
ing bacteria, both in vitro and in clinical infections:
Gram-positive bacteria: Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Strepto-
coccus anginosus, Streptococcus constellatus, Streptococcus pneumoniae (including
multidrug resistant isolates [MDRSP]) and Streptococcus pyogenes.
Gram-negative bacteria: Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus
influenza, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Klebsiella pneumonia, Moraxella
catarrhalis, and Proteus mirabilis.
Anaerobic bacteria: Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Clostrid-
ium perfringens, and Peptostreptococcus species.
Other microorganisms: Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma
pneumonia [188].
420 Mahmoud M.H. Al Omari et al.

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Pravastatin Sodium
Abdullah A. Al-Badr, Gamal A.E. Mostafa
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2457,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1. Description 434
1.1 Nomenclature 434
1.2 Formulae 435
1.3 Elemental analysis 435
1.4 Solubility 435
1.5 Appearance 436
1.6 Partition coefficient 436
2. Uses and Applications 436
3. Methods of Preparation 436
4. Physical Characteristics 447
4.1 X-ray powder diffraction 447
4.2 Thermal methods of analysis 448
4.3 Ultraviolet spectroscopy 448
4.4 Vibrational spectroscopy 448
4.5 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 452
4.6 Mass spectrometry 454
5. Methods of Analysis 456
5.1 Compendial methods 456
5.2 Spectrophotometric methods 474
5.3 Electrochemical methods 476
5.4 Chromatographic methods 477
5.5 Immunoassay methods 497
6. Pharmacokinetics 499
7. Metabolism 501
8. Stability 505
9. Reviews 506
Acknowledgments 506
References 506

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 433
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
434 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

1.1. Nomenclature
1.1.1 Systematic chemical names
3b-Hydroxycompactin sodium.
methyl-8-[(2S)-2-methyl-1-oxobutoxy]-1-naphthaleneheptanoic acid.
Sodium (+)-(3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[(1S,2S,6S,8S,8aR)-6-hydroxy-
1-Naphthalene heptanoic acid, 1,2,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-b,d,6-trihydroxy-
2-methyl-8-(2-methyl-1-oxobutoxy)-, monosodium salt, [1S-[1a(bS*,-
trihydroxy-2-methyl-8-(2-methyl,1-oxobutoxy)-1-naphthalene heptanoic
acid monosodium salt.
Sodium (+)-(3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-{(10 S,20 S,60 S,80 S,80 aR)-60 -
hydroxy-20 -methyl-80 -[(S)-2-methylbutyryloxy]-10 ,20 -60 -70 -80 ,80 a-
hexahydro-10 -naphthyl}heptanoate.
Sodium (+)(bR,dR,1S,2S,6S,8S,8aR)-1,2,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-b,d,6,8-
tetrahydroxy-2-methyl-1-naphthalene heptanoate, 8[(2S)-2-
1-naphthyl)-3,5-dihydroxynaphthoate [13].

1.1.2 Nonproprietary names

Pravastatin sodium; Pravastatina; Pravastatine; Pravastatinum; Eptastatin
sodium, CS 514, SQ-31000 [13].

1.1.3 Proprietary names

Aplactin, Bristacol, Compactin, Elisor, Lipemol, Liplat, Lipostat, Liprevil,
Mevalotin, Mevastatin, Mevinolin, Oliprevin, Pralidon, Praredut, Prasterol,
Pravastatin Sodium 435

Prava, Pravachol, Pravacol, Pravaselect, Pravasin, Pravasine, Sanaprav,

Selectin, Selectine, Selipran, Vasten [13].

1.2. Formulae
1.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, CAS-number [1]
C23H36O7 425.5 [81093-37-0]
Pravastatin sodium
C23H35O7 Na 446.52 [81131-70-6]

1.2.2 Structural formula [1]





Pravastatin Pravastatin sodium

1.3. Elemental analysis

Pravastatin [1]
C 65.07 % H 8.55% O 26.38%
Pravastatin sodium [1]
C 61.87% H 7.90% O 25.08% Na 5.15%

1.4. Solubility
Pravastatin is freely soluble in water and methanol, relatively insoluble in
chloroform, ether, acetone and acetonitrile [13].
436 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

1.5. Appearance
Pravastatin sodium is a hygroscopic white to off-white crystalline powder.
Pravastatin lactone is colorless plate-like crystal [13].

1.6. Partition coefficient

Log P (octanol/water), 0.23 (pravastatin sodium) [3].


Pravastatin, 3-hydoxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA)
reductase inhibitor (a statin), is a lipid-regulating drug with actions on
plasma lipids similar to those of simvastatin. Pravastatin is used in the
treatment of hypercholesterolemia, particularly in the types IIa and IIb hyp-
erlipoproteinemias. It is also given prophylactically in hypercholesterolemic
patients for both primary and secondary prevention of ischemic heart dis-
ease. It is also used in patients with a previous myocardial infarction to
reduce the risk of stroke. Pravastatin is given by mouth as the sodium salt
in usual doses of 1040 mg once daily at bedtime. The dose may be adjusted
at intervals of not less than 4 weeks [2].

Terahara et al. [4,5] isolated pravastatin as a metabolite of compactin
through enzymatic hydroxylation by means of microorganisms.
Daniewski et al. [6] described the following total synthesis of pravastatin:
1-Methyl-4-methylenecyclohexane 1 reacted with methyl glyoxylate 2
to form an inseparable mixture of two diastereomers 3 and 4 in 68:32 ratio in
72% yield. Without separation, the mixture 3 and 4 was carried through
benzylation of the hydroxyl group (80%), hydrolysis and iodolactonization
to 5 and 6 (82% yield) followed by dehydroiodination with 1,4-diazabicyclo
[2,2,2]-octane (DABCO) in DMSO (99%) to give 7 and 8 as a chromato-
graphically separable mixture. The lactone 7 was reduced to the lactol 9
followed by Wittig methylenation to give 10 (75% yield for the two steps).
Heating compound 10 with the dimethyl acetal of N,N-dimethylacetamide
produced the amide 11 in 92% yield. Hydroboration and oxidation
provided the aldehyde 12. While the intramolecular ene reaction of 12 with
dimethyl aluminum chloride produced the desired ene product 13
Pravastatin Sodium 437

regioselectively and stereospecifically, it was accompanied by substantial

amount of simple methyl addition to the aldehyde. Silylation of 1314
followed by the simultaneous benzyl group cleavage and amide reduction
with lithium in liquid ammonia produced hydroxy aldehyde 15 (64%).
The one-carbon extension was accomplished by methoxy methylenation
of the aldehyde 15, and the subsequent conversions under standard
conditions 1619 to give the required acetoxy aldehyde 19 in good
overall yield.
The reaction of 19 with the diene 20 catalyzed with TiCl4 produced,
after acidity workup, the desired enone 21 in 62% yield accompanied by
its diastereomer in 92:8 ratio. Without separation, this mixture 21 was
allowed to undergo the 1,4 addition of methanol in the presence of
trimethylamine and gave, after purification, acetal 22 in 66% yield.
Stereoselective reduction with tri-sec-butylborohydride gave alcohol 23
(86%), which after removal of the acetate groups 23a and regioselective dis-
ilylation provided alcohol 24. The stereospecific hydroxyl-assisted epoxida-
tion of alcohol 24 provided, as required for the diene formation epoxide 25
which was esterified directly with (S)-2-methylbutyric anhydride to give 26
in excellent overall yield. Hydrolysis and concomitant oxidation of the acetal
26, accomplished in one operation with chromium trioxide in methylene
chloride/aqueous acetic acid, afforded lactone 27.
The epoxide to diene transformation was effected smoothly by two-stage
protocol involving elimination of the epoxide to the allylic alcohol 28 with
trimethylsilyl triflate followed by dehydration with Burgess reagent to give
the silylated pravastatin derivative 29. Final desilylation of this acid-sensitive
diene ether with buffered tetrabutylammonium fluoride produced prava-
statin 30.
H3C O C C H DABCO O reduction
1 3 OBn 5
OBn 7
+ + +
OBn OBn 8
4 6


9 10
438 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

CH3 CH3 Cl
CH3 CH3 Al
11 11a 12

(CH3)3Si (CH3)3Si
silyation Li in
liq. NH3
13 14 15


16 17 18

H (CH3)3 Si H3C O
H3C C O TiCl4
19 O


O 22 O 23



disilylation epoxidation

HO tBuPh2Si O
23a 24

tBuPh2Si O OCH3 tBuPh2Si O OCH3

CH3 CH3 hydrolysis/
CH3 CH3 oxidation
tBuPh2Si O tBuPh2Si O
25 26
Pravastatin Sodium 439

tBuPh2Si O O tBuPh2Si O O

CH3 F3C S O Si(CH3)3 CH3
O dehydration
tBuPh2Si O tBuPh2Si O
27 28


tBuPh2Si O O HO

C Bu
H Bu N Bu F H
Burgess CH3 CH3
tBuPh2Si O HO

29 30

Wallace et al. [7] outlined a method for the synthesis of [14C]-labeled

pravastatin. Reaction of propyl magnesium bromide 1 with 14CO2 gives
[14C]-butyric acid sodium salt 2, which was converted to the corresponding
acyl chloride 3 by reaction with oxalyl chloride. The condensation of
compound 3 with 4(S)-benzyloxazolidin-2-one 4 in THF yields the
corresponding acylation product 5, which is methylated with sodium
hexamethyldisilazide (NaHMDS) and methyl iodide to afford a mixture
of tautomeric N-4(S)-benzyl-3-[2-(R and S)-methylbutyryl]oxazolidin-
2-ones, which are separated by preparative high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) to obtain the optically pure diastereomer 6.
The oxidative cleavage of compound 6 with H2O2 and LiOH, followed
by acidification and treatment with sodium hydroxide, yields sodium 2(S)
methylbutyrate 7, which is treated with oxalyl chloride to afford the
corresponding acyl chloride 8. The condensation of compound 8 with
6,7,8,8a(R)-hexahydronaphth-1(S)-yl]ethyl]-tetrahydropyran-2-one 9 by
means of 4-dimethylamino-pyridine (DMAP) in methylene dichloride give
the esterified compound 10, which is deprotected with tetrabutylammonium
fluoride (TBAF) in acetic acid, yielding the hydroxylated pyrone 11. Finally,
this compound is submitted to an asymmetric hydroxylation with a culture
broth of Mucor hiemalis MF-5021. The final product 12 is extracted from the
culture broth and purified by preparative HPLC to give a final radiochemical
purity of 95% of [14C]-pravastatin.
440 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Li N O

CO2 (COCl)2
CH3 CH2 CH2 MgBr CH3 CH2 CH2 C O Na CH3 CH2 CH2 C Cl +
14 14

1 2 3 4


CH3 CH2 CH2 14
N O CH3 CH 14
CH2 CH2 1. LiOH/H2O2 O
THF (1) NaHMDS 2. HCl C
O Na
LiCl (2) CH3I 3. NaOH

5 6 7


H3 C C Si O O H3 C C Si O O
CH3 CH3 O CH 3 CH3 O

O OH 14 O
14 Cl +
CH2 Cl 2 Acetic acid

8 9 10


NH 4

CH3 14 O CH 3 14 O
CH3 CH3 Mucor CH3 CH3
11 12
[ C]-Pravastatin

Matsuoka et al. [8] used cytochrome P450 enzymes for preparing

pravastatin and other related hydroxylated compounds from ML-236B
Emonds [9] used a novel and versatile approach to the total asymmetric
total synthesis of pravastatin. The method is based on the annulation of
Pravastatin Sodium 441

CH 3 CH 3
Cytochrome + Isomer
P450 HO

ML-236B sodium Pravastatin sodium

chiral cyclohexenones. Both 5-(trimethylsilyl)cyclohex-2-en-1-one and

5-(dimethylphenylsilyl)cyclohex-2-en-1-one could be stereospecifically
annulated. 5-(Dimethylphenylsilyl)cyclohex2-en-1-one is the new cyclo-
hexanone synthon specifically developed for this study. The four-step annu-
lation methods, consisting of a conjugate addition of a (tributylstannyl)vinyl
cuprate, side-chain extension via a Stille coupling, cyclopropanation, and
cyclization, led to the production of bicyclo[4,4.0]decene systems, which
were ideally set up for further elaboration in the mevinic acids. The one chi-
ral center of the cyclohexenone directed the four additional chiral centers
with essentially complete diastereoselectivity. Variations in the structure
of the cyclization precursor and in the amount of the fluoride used to induce
cyclization caused wide and reproducible variation in the type and amounts
of product formed. One annulation product was transformed in a single step
into an extremely versatile enone synthon to be used to synthesize a wide
variety of mevinic analogs. As a demonstration of the usefulness of this meth-
odology, the enone synthon was transformed into a known precursor of a
dihydroprovastatin analog.
Narula et al. [10] prepared the sodium salt of pravastatin from its lactone
form according to the following procedure: Five grams of the lactone form
of pravastatin, isolated as a crude product from fermentation broth of a spe-
cies of Streptomyces, is suspended in 15 ml of methanol:water (1:2) mixture
containing about 3% (w/v) sodium hydroxide. The reaction mixture is
warmed to 35  C and stirred for 4060 min until the hydrolysis is complete.
The pH of the solution is adjusted to pH 4 using concentrated hydrochloric
acid. The hydroxy acid form of pravastatin is extracted in ethyl acetate by
stirring for 2030 min and dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. Stoichio-
metric quantity of sodium 2-ethyl hexanoate is added to the ethyl acetate
layer and stirred gently at room temperature for 2 h until the precipitate
of sodium salt of pravastatin appears. The slurry is cooled to 510  C, further
442 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

stirred for 60 min, and the product is filtered, washed, and dried to afford
about 2.8 g of pravastatin sodium salt as a dry powder.
Lee et al. [11] prepared pravastatin from new saccharothrix isolates by
fermentation of saccharothrix (1848 h) under the presence of compactin
(12 g). The process of production of pravastatin using saccharothrix isolates
is provided.
Abe [12] provided a DNA sequence of a gene cluster from Penicillium
citrinum. The gene cluster can be used for the biosynthesis of pravastatin pre-
cursor, compactin.
Kumar et al. [13] prepared pure pravastatin by microbial hydroxylation of
compactin. The microorganism is species of the genus Streptomyces, such as
Streptomyces carbophilus. The conditions capable of converting compactin to
pravastatin include the fermentation production medium containing glucose
at a concentration level of about 1525 g/l, Soya bean meal, cotton seed
meal, corn steep liquor, sodium chloride, and calcium carbonate at a certain
concentration levels. The conditions also include the maintenance of tem-
perature at about 1850  C and pH from 5 to 10.
Jekkel et al. [14] used a new microbial process: Mortierella maculata for the
preparation of pravastatin sodium from compactin sodium.
Mei et al. [15] used Micropolyspora roseoalba for preparation of pravastatin.
M. roseoalba is useful for manufacturing pravastatin sodium at low cost.
The physiological and morphological characteristics of M. roseoalba
were given.
Keri and Melczer [16] described a method for synthesizing and purifying
pravastatin. This work encompasses methods of synthesizing pravastation
comprising less than about 0.1% by weight pravastation C comprising
(a) purification of compactin containing compactin C until the amount of
compactin C is less than about 0.16% by weight, and (b) synthesizing prav-
astatin using compactin from (a). The work also encompasses compactin
prepared according to the crystallization process and the pharmaceutical for-
mulations comprising thereof.
Klaassen et al. [17] used Recombinant Escherichia coli cells and compactin
hydrolases for preparation of the pharmaceutically active b-variant of
pravastatin. Amycolatopsis orientalis is capable of converting compactin into
pravastatin with 100% efficiency. The gene (cmpH) encoding the cyto-
chrome P450 enzyme capable of hydroxylating compactin to pravastatin
was isolated from A. orientalis gene library and cloned into E. coli.
A number of synthetic genes encoding derivatives of compactin hydroxylase
were tested in E. coli and shown to improve the compactin into pravastatin
Pravastatin Sodium 443

conversion. This method produces pravastatin with a 9095%: 510% ratio

of b-variant to the a-variant.
A process [18] for the preparation of pravastatin or its salts is disclosed.
A mutant strain of S. carbophilus FERM BP 1145 capable of converting
compactin or its salt into pravastatin or its salts is also disclosed.
Mei et al. [19] produced pravastatin sodium from mevastatin or mevastatin
salt by hydroxylation in microorganism known as M. roseoalba CGMCC0624.
Sato and Kawasaki [20] described an efficient method for preparation of
pravastatin its salt or lactone with cytochrome P450 3A by converting
compactin salt or lactone. The microsomal fraction of cells producing cyto-
chrome P450 3A is used. Transgenic cells producing both cytochromes
P450 3A and NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase are preferred. Trans-
genic human or insect cells expressing cytochrome b5 gene in addition to
cytochrome P450 3A gene and NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase gene
gave a better conversion rate.
Hagiwara et al. [21] described the following total synthesis of (+)-compactin
from which pravastatin is prepared by enzymatic hydroxylation [4,5,820].
Treatment of the vinyl ether 1 with 2-ethyl-2-methyl-1,3-dioxolane
with chlorosulfonic acid in ethylene glycol followed by reduction with
sodium borohydride and cerium chloride in methanol gives the alcohol
2. Alcohol 2 is converted to the (R)-cyclohexenol acetate 3 using Lipase
Amano AK, with vinyl acetate in hexane. The acetate 3 was treated with
potassium carbonate in methanol to produce the alcohol 4 which was
refluxed with p-toluene sulfonic acid (PTSAH2O) in aqueous acetone to
give 5. The alcohol 5 was treated with tert-butyldimethyl silyl chloride
(TBDMSC) and dimethylamino-pyridine (DMAP) in DMF to produce
6. The ketone 6 was reduced with lithium diisopropyl amide (LDA) in tet-
rahydrofuran at 78  C and was then treated with trimethyl silyl chloride
(TMSC) from 78 to 0  C and gave 7. Treatment of compound 7 with
methyl lithium and methyl crotonate in the presence of two equivalent of
hexamethyl phosphoric triamide (HMPA) afforded a mixture of cis-
decalone and trans-decalone 80 and 8. The mixture of isomers was converted
to trans-decalone by refluxing with sodium methoxide in methanol for 2 h
to yield trans-decalone 8. trans-Decalone 8 was reduced with sodium boro-
hydride at 0  C to produce the axial alcohol 9 which was converted to the
xanthate 10 by treatment with butyl lithium, carbon disulfide, and methyl
iodide in tetrahydrofuran. Deprotection of the tert-butyl dimethyl silyl
group gives 11 which was subjected to Swern oxidation afforded the ketone
12. Reduction of ketone 12 with sodium borohydride at 60  C gave a
444 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

mixture of hydroxy ester and lactone 13. Lactone 13 was heated at 210  C
with 1-methylnaphthalene to introduce the double bond 14. The resulting
olefinic lactone 14 was reduced with lithium aluminum hydride to give the
diol 15. The primary alcohol of the diol 15 was protected as the pivalate ester
to afford 16 and the secondary alcohol as the triisopropyl silane (TIPS) ether
to produce the silyl ether 17. Removal of the pivaloyl group with lithium
aluminum hydride gives 18 and treatment of 18 with Swern oxidation gave
the aldehyde 19.
Treatment of the aldehyde 19 with potassium carbonate in methanol pro-
vided an equilibrium mixture of isomeric aldehyde 20 along with the recov-
ered aldehyde 19. These two aldehydes 19 and 20 were separated by medium
pressure liquid chromatography enabling easy recycling. Elongation of the
two carbon atom unit from the aldehyde 20 was performed by Horner
Emmons reaction leading to the ab-unsaturated ester 21. The double bond
of 21 was reduced with magnesium in methanol to give the methyl ester 22
which was reduced with lithium aluminum hydride to the alcohol 23.
Deprotection of tert-butyldimethylsilyl group of the alcohol 23 gives the diol
24 quantitatively. The diene moiety was introduced by bromination
dehydrobromination sequence. The diol 24 was treated with a solution of
bromine in chloroform to give the dibromide 25. After selective protection
of the primary alcohol of the dibromide 25, the silyl ether 26 was produced.
Treatment of 26 with diazabicycloundecene (DBU) furnished the diene 27.
Esterification of 27 with (S)-2-methyl butanoic anhydride provided the ester
28 which was deprotected to give hydroxy ester 29 quantitatively. Swern oxi-
dation of 29 proceeded to give the aldehyde 30. Aldol condensation of the
dianion of methyl acetoacetate proceeded to give the aldol product 31 which
were an inseparable mixture of epimers. The carbonyl group in 31 was
reduced by sodium borohydride in the presence of diethyl methoxy borane
to afford the diol 32 quantitatively. Treatment of the diol 32 with HF
pyridine complex in acetonitrile gave the desired product, compactin 33.
Enzymatic hydroxylation of (+)-compactin (ML-236B) afforded pravastatin
lactone 34 which is finally converted to pravastatin.
O , Lipase Amano AK. K2CO3,
ClSO3H, (CH2OH)2 Vinyl acetate/hexane CH3OH
(2) NaBH4, CeCl3,
1 2 3
Pravastatin Sodium 445


(1) LDA, THF

(2) TMSC
4 5 6


8 15 NaBH 4 ,
(1) CH3 Li 9
+ 11a CH3 OH
(2) Methyl 0C
crotonate, H H O
7 8 8


BuLi, CS2 TBAF, THF (C 2 H 5 ) 3 N,

9 S S
10 11

O CO2 Me O O
NaBH 4 , 1-Methylna-
15 15
CH 3 OH phthalene, LiAlH4
60 C 10
210 C 10

12 S 13 S 14

Pivalayl CH3
chloride, TIPSOTf
10 pyridine (C2 H 5 ) 3 N, CH 2 Cl 2
15 16

LiAlH 4 / (COCl) 2 , DMSO
ether (C 2 H 5 )3 N, CH2Cl2
17 18

H H H 3 CO O
8 K 2 CO3 , 8 P
CH 3 OH H 3 CO CH2 COOCH 3 Mg, CH3 OH,
19 20 21
446 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa



LiAlH4 , aq. HF, Br 2 ,

ether CH3 CN CHCl 3
22 23 24


2,6-dimethyl- DBU, HMPA,
pyridine, CH 2 Cl 2 60 C
H Br Br
H Br

25 26


anhydride, DMAP, TBAF,
CH2 Cl 2 THF
27 28

O O BuLi, NaH,

(COCl) 2 , DMSO, THF, 0 C
(C2 H 5 )3 N, CH 2 Cl 2

29 30



(C2 H 5 ) 2 BOCH3 HFpyridine
NaBH 4 , CH3OH complex,
78 C CH 3 CN

31 32
Pravastatin Sodium 447




hydroxylation HO

33 34
(+)-Compactin Pravastatin
ML-236B lactone






4.1. X-ray powder diffraction
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) pattern of pravastatin sodium was per-
formed using a Simmon XRD-5000 diffractometer (Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1 The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of pravastatin sodium.

448 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Table 8.1 shows the values for the scattering angles ( 2y), the interplanar
d-spacing (A), and the relative intensities (%) observed for the major diffrac-
tion peaks of the pure sample of pravastatin sodium drug substance.
Keri et al. [22] prepared a new crystalline form of pravastatin sodium and
studied the X-ray powder diffraction data, the differential scanning calorim-
etry and thermogravimetric analysis, and other experiments for the
drug form.

4.2. Thermal methods of analysis

4.2.1 Melting range
140142  C.

4.2.2 Differential scanning calorimetry

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies were carried out using
differential scanning calorimeter equipped with an intercooler (Shimadzu
DSC-60, Shimadzu Corporation, Koyoto, Japan). Indium/zinc standards
were used to calibrate the temperature and enthalpy scale. The samples
were hermetically sealed in an aluminum pans and heated at a constant
rate of 10  C/min over a temperature range of 25300  C. Inert atmosphere
was maintained by purging nitrogen gas at a flow rate of 50 ml/min
(Figure 8.2).

4.3. Ultraviolet spectroscopy

The ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectrum of pravastatin sodium in aqueous
ethanol, shown in Figure 8.3, was recorded using a Shimadzu UVVis spec-
trophotometer 1601 PC. Pravastatin exhibited three maxima at 230, 238,
and 246 nm.
Clark [3] reported the following for pravastatin sodium: methanol: 230,
237, and 245 nm; aqueous acid: 238 nm; basic: 238 nm; lactone in metha-
nol: 230, 237, and 245 nm.

4.4. Vibrational spectroscopy

The infrared (IR) absorption spectrum of pravastatin sodium, shown in
Figure 8.4, was obtained in a KBr pellet using a PerkinElmer IR spectro-
photometer. The assignments of principal peaks of the IR major absorption
bands are listed in Table 8.2.
Table 8.1 Data deduced from X-ray powder diffraction pattern of pravastatin
(Figure 8.1)
Diffraction Diffraction
Peak no. angel (2u) d-Value I/Io Peak no. angel (2u) d-Value I/Io
1 4.100 21.5333 76 31 24.900 3.5729 10
2 4.700 18.7856 62 32 25.500 3.4902 16
3 5.900 14.9672 16 33 26.200 3.3985 24
4 6.500 13.5869 47 34 26.800 3.3238 3
5 7.400 11.9364 72 35 27.300 3.2640 3
6 8.400 10.5175 52 36 28.100 3.1729 23
7 8.800 10.0403 78 37 29.300 3.0456 11
8 9.400 9.4007 49 38 30.400 2.9379 3
9 10.300 8.5812 88 39 30.900 2.8915 3
10 10.900 8.1102 37 40 31.400 2.8466 6
11 11.900 7.4308 89 41 31.900 2.8031 3
12 12.200 7.2487 72 42 32.200 2.7776 3
13 12.700 6.9645 32 43 32.600 2.7445 2
14 13.300 6.6516 8 44 33.900 2.6421 3
15 14.100 6.2759 40 45 34.700 2.5830 5
16 14.700 6.0211 10 46 36.400 2.4662 5
17 15.400 5.7490 16 47 37.000 2.4276 6
18 16.300 5.4335 100 48 37.500 2.3963 2
19 17.500 5.0635 85 49 38.700 2.3248 3
20 18.100 4.8970 50 50 39.000 2.3076 4
21 18.800 4.7162 27 51 39.900 2.2576 5
22 19.200 4.6189 20 52 40.600 2.2202 4
23 20.100 4.4140 99 53 41.400 2.1792 3
24 20.500 4.3288 17 54 41.800 2.1592 3
25 21.000 4.2268 11 55 42.400 2.1301 3
26 21.600 4.1108 27 56 42.900 2.1064 3
27 22.900 3.8803 15 57 43.300 2.0878 3
28 23.500 3.7825 12 58 44.000 2.0562 2
29 24.100 3.6897 20 59 45.500 1.9919 4
30 24.400 3.6450 25 60 48.200 1.8864 3
450 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Figure 8.2 The differential scanning calorimetry thermogram of pravastatin sodium.

Figure 8.3 The UV absorption spectrum of pravastatin sodium in aqueous ethanol.

Figure 8.4 The infrared absorption spectrum of pravastatin sodium (KBr disk).
452 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Table 8.2 Vibrational assignments for pravastatin sodium infrared absorption bands
Frequency (cm1) Assignments
3352 OdH stretch
2965, 2881 CH3 and CH2 stretch
1725 C]O stretch
1578 C]C stretch
1400, 1329 CH2 bending
1187 CH bending
1015 CdO stretch
865 CH bending

Clarke [3] reported the following: Pravastatin sodium salt (KBr disk).
Principal peaks at wavenumbers 1727, 1579, and 1187 cm1.

4.5. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

4.5.1 1H NMR spectrum
The proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectra of pravastatin
sodium were obtained using a Bruker Instrument Operating at 300, 400,
or 500 MHz. Standard Bruker software was used to execute the recording
of DEPT, COSY, and HETCOR spectra. The sample was dissolved in
CD3OD and all resonance bands were referenced to tetramethylsilane
(TMS) as internal standard. The 1H NMR spectra of pravastatin sodium
are shown in Figures 8.58.7 and the COSY 1H NMR is shown in
Figure 8.8. The assignments for the pravastatin sodium are listed in
Table 8.3.

4.5.2 13C NMR spectrum

The 13C NMR spectra of pravastatin sodium were obtained using a Bruker
Instrument Operating at 75, 100, and 125 MHz. The sample was dissolved
in CD3OD and TMS was added to function as the internal standard. The
C NMR spectra are shown in Figure 8.9 and the DEPT 90 and DEPT
135 are shown in Figures 8.10 and 8.11, respectively. The HSQC and
the HMBC NMR are shown in Figures 8.12 and 8.13, respectively. The
assignments of the observed resonance bands associated with the various car-
bons are listed in Table 8.4.


0.99 5.910

1.00 5.534

1.02 5.390





4.324 5.534

4.094 4.324


3.718 3.711
3.711 3.703

0.98 3.703 2.520
2.520 2.506
2.506 2.494


2.494 0.99 2.443
0.25 2.443 1.00 2.421
2.421 1.02 2.388

2.388 2.379
2.379 2.374

2.374 0.98 2.358
2.358 0.97 4 2.349
2.349 0.98 2.292
2.292 0.25 2.276
2.276 2.262

4.92 2.262

1.712 4.92 1.704
1.704 1.00 1.689

1.00 1.689 5.94 1.684

1.684 2.96 1.669
1.669 1.05 1.654


1.654 2.97 1.641

1.641 5.95 1.626
1.626 1.616
Figure 8.5 The 1H NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.


1.616 1.611
1.611 1.591

2.96 1.591 1.580
1.580 1.571

1.05 1.571 1.562

1.562 1.553
2.97 1.553 1.483

1.483 1.481


Figure 8.6 The expanded 1H NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

5.95 1.481 1.469
1.469 1.454

1.454 1.423
1.423 1.407
1.407 1.393

454 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

2 .520
2 .506
2 .494
2 .443
2 .421
2 .388
2 .379
2 .374
2 .358
2 .349
2 .292
2 .276
2 .262


2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 ppm







Figure 8.7 The expanded 1H NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

Bacher et al. [23] reported the complete assignments of the 1H and 13C
NMR data of pravastatin derivatives.

4.6. Mass spectrometry

The mass spectrum of pravastatin sodium was obtained using an Agilent
6410 triple quadruple LC/MS in the negative mode. Figure 8.14 shows
the mass fragmentation pattern of the drug substance, and Table 8.5 lists
the assignments of the mass fragments.
Lateef [24] separated the in process impurities in pravastatin using Agilent
6410 tripe quadruple LC/MS in the negative ion mode.
Kocijan et al. [25] identified an impurity in pravastatin by application of
collision-activated decomposition mass spectra. Pravastatin is produced by
two-step fermentation. Mevastatin and 6-epi-pravastatin are the main
Pravastatin Sodium 455

Figure 8.8 The COSY 1H NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

impurities in the fermentation broth as well as in final product. An unknown

impurity with m/z 437 for (MH) was detected in analysis of pravastatin
sodium sample by reversed phase HPLC-MS. CAD spectrum of the impu-
rity was obtained using HPLC-MS/MS equipped with negative APCI. The
collision-activated decomposition mass spectra of impurity were similar
with collision-activated decomposition mass spectra of statins. The structure
of an impurity was finally determined on the basis of proposed fragmentation
mechanisms for statins.
456 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Table 8.3 Proton NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD

O O Na
HO 16

HO 14
O 13
2 C 12
4 1 O 11
5 9 CH 3
2 1 10 8
5 7
HO 4 6
Assignment hydrogen
Chemical shift d (ppm) Multiplicity Number of protons at carbon number
0.920.95 m 6H 40 , 18 2 CH3
1.14 d J7 3H 50 CH3
1.251.26 m 1H 8
1.391.42 m 2H 11
1.451.48 m 1H 9
1.551.75 m 6H 12, 14, 17
2.262.29 m 1H 10
2.352.44 m 4H 2, 30
2.492.52 m 1H 20
3.703.72 m 1H 13
4.09 m 1H 15
4.32 s 1H 3
5.39 s 1H 1
5.53 s 1H 4
5.895.92 m 1H 7
6.01 d J 9.9 1H 6

5.1. Compendial methods
5.1.1 British pharmacopoeia methods [26]
A. Specific optical rotation, this test should be carried out as described in
the general procedure (2.2.7) (see Tests).
Pravastatin Sodium 457



210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ppm

Figure 8.9 The 13C NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

B. Infrared absorption spectrophotometry: Carry out this test according to

the general procedure (2.2.24) and compare with a Ph. Eur. reference
spectrum of pravastatin sodium.
C. 1 ml of solution S gives reaction (a) of sodium according to the general
procedure (2.3.1) (see Tests)
Solution S
Dissolve 1 g in carbon dioxide free water R and dilute to 20 ml with the
same solvent.
Appearance of solution
When the test is carried out according to the general procedure
(2.2.1), the solution is clear and not more intensely colored than ref-
erence solution BY6 which was carried out according to the general
test (2.2.2, Method II).
Dilute 2 ml of solution S to 10 ml with water R.
pH Carry out the test according to the general procedure (2.2.3).
7.29.0 for solution S.
458 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Specific optical rotation This test should be carried out

according to the general procedure (2.2.7).
+153 to +159 (anhydrous and ethanol-free substance).
Dilute 2 ml of solution S to 20 ml with water R.
Related substances

Liquid Carry out this test according to the general procedure (2.2.29).
Solvent mixture Mix 9 volumes of methanol R with 11 volumes of water R.
Test solution (a) Dissolve 0.1 g of pravastatin sodium in the solvent mixture and
dilute to 100 ml with the solvent mixture.
Test solution (b) Dilute 10 ml of test solution (a) to 100 ml with the solvent
Reference solution Dissolve 5 mg of pravastatin sodium and 5 mg of pravastatin
(a) impurity A CRS in the solvent mixture and dilute to 50 ml with
the solvent mixture.
Reference solution Dilute 2 ml of test solution (a) to 100 ml with the solvent
(b) mixture. Dilute 1.010 ml of the solvent mixture.
Reference solution Dissolve 12.4 mg of pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine
(c) CRS in the solvent mixture and dilute to 100 ml with the
solvent mixture.
size: l 0.15 m, 4.6 mm
stationary Octadecylsilyl silica gel for chromatography R (5 mm)
temperature: 25  C
Mobile phase: Glacial acetic acid R, triethylamine R, methanol R, water R
(1:1:450:550 V/V/V/V).
Flow rate: 1.3 ml/min.
Detection: Spectrophotometer at 238 nm.
Injection: 10 ml; inject test solution (a) and reference solutions (a) and (b).
Run time: 2.5 times the retention time of pravastatin.
Relative retention with reference to pravastatin (retention time about 21 min):
impurity B about 0.2; impurity A about 0.6; impurity C about 2.1.
Pravastatin Sodium 459

System Reference solution (a):


Resolution: minimum 7 between the peaks due to impurity A and to

impurity A: not more than 1.5 times the area of the principal peak in
the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (b)
any impurity: not more than the area of the principal peak in the chro-
matogram obtained with reference solution (b) (0.2%),
total: not more than 3 times the area of the principal peak in the
chromatogram obtained with reference solution (b)
disregard limit: 0.25 times the area of the principal peak in the chromato-
gram obtained with reference solution (b) (0.05%).
Ethanol Carry out this test according to the general procedure (2.4.24,
System A).
Maximum 3% m/m.
Heavy metals Carry out this test according to the general procedure (2.4.8).
Maximum 20 ppm.
Dissolve 2 g of pravastatin sodium in a mixture of 15 volumes of water R and
85 volumes of methanol R and dilute to 20 ml with the same mixture of solvents.
12 ml of this solution complies with limit test B. Prepare the standard using lead
standard solution (2 ppm Pb) prepared by diluting lead standard solution (100 ppm Pb)
R with a mixture of 15 volumes of water R and 85 volumes of methanol R.
Water Carry out this test according to the general procedure (2.5.12).
Maximum 4%, determined on 0.5 g.

Liquid chromatography Carry out this test according to the general
procedure (2.2.29) as described in the test for related substances.
Injection: Test solution (b) and reference solution (c).
Calculate the percentage content of C23H35Na07 using the chromato-
gram obtained with reference solution (c) and the declared content of
pravastatin in pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine CRS.
460 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa




200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm

Figure 8.10 The DEPT 90 C NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

1 mg of pravastatin is equivalent to 1.052 mg of pravastatin sodium.

In an airtight container.

Pravastatin Sodium 461


200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm
Figure 8.11 The DEPT 135 C NMR spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

A. (3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[(1S,2S,6R,8S,8aR)-6-hydroxy-2-methyl-8-
heptanoic acid. (60 -epipravastatin),

H 3C O
Figure 8.12 The HSQC NMR experiment of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

Figure 8.13 The HMBC NMR experiment of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD.

Pravastatin Sodium 463

Table 8.4 Carbon-13 spectrum of pravastatin sodium in CD3OD

O O Na
HO 16

HO 14
O 13
2 C 12
4 1 O 11
5 9
CH 3
2 1 10 8
5 7
HO 4 6
Chemical shift d (ppm) Assignment Chemical shift d (ppm) Assignment
12.27 C4 45.52 C16
13.94 C18 65.39 C3
17.40 C5 69.29 C1
25.35 C11 71.04 C15
27.88 C30 71.65 C13
32.29 C8 127.4 C4
35.63 C12 128.64 C6
37.07 C2 136.51 C5
38.34 C9 136.79 C7
38.83 C10 177.99 C10
43.00 C20 180.54 C17
45.18 C14

Figure 8.14 Electrospray mass spectrum of pravastatin sodium.

464 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Table 8.5 Assignments of fragmentation ions observed in the mass spectrum of

pravastatin sodium
m/z Relative intensity (%) Formula Structure
101.1 20 C5H9O2 O

303.4 32 C18H35O4 HO


322.3 42 C18H26O5 HO



423.5 100 C23H35O7 O O





B. (3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[(1S,2S,6S,8S,8aR)-6-hydroxy-8-[[(2S,3R)-
hexahydronaphthalen-l-yl]heptanoic acid. (300 -hydroxy pravastatin),
H3 C
H3 C H H H

Pravastatin Sodium 465

C. (3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[(1S,2S,6S,8S,8aR)-6-hydroxy-2-methyl-
yl]heptanoic acid.

CH 3 CH 3

Pravastatin lactone

D. (1S,3S,7S,8S,8aR)-3-hydroxy-8-[2-[(2R,4R)-4-hydroxy-6-oxotetra-
thalen-l-yl (2S)-2-methylbutanoate (pravastatin lactone).

5.1.2 United States Pharmacopoeia methods [27] Pravastatin sodium
Pravastatin sodium contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102% of
C23H35NaO7, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
Packaging and storagePreserve in tight containers. Store as per
labeling instructions. Possible storage conditions could include the follow-
ing, in the presence of stability data supporting the condition: Store under
nitrogen in a cold place. Store at room temperature.
USP Reference standardsSee the general procedure h11i the USP
reference standards are USP Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS,
USP Pravastatin Sodium RS, and USP Pravastatin-Related Compound A RS.
A: Infrared absorption When this test is carried out according to the general
procedure h197Ki. The infrared absorption spectrum of a KBr dispersion of
pravastatin sodium previously dried exhibits maxima only at the same wave-
length as that of similar preparation USP Pravastatin Sodium RS.
B: It meets the requirements of the pyroantimonate precipitation test for
Sodium as described in the general procedure h191i.
Specific rotation Carry out this test according to the general proce-
dure h781i: between +150 and +160 (at 20 ), calculated on the anhydrous
and solvent-free basis.
466 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Test solution: 5 mg/ml in water.

pH Carry out this test according to the general procedure h791i:
between 7.2 and 9.0, in a solution (1 in 20).
Water, Method I Carry out this test according to the general procedure
h921i: not more than 4.0%.
Heavy metals Carry out this test according to the general procedure
Method II h231i: 0.002%.
Limit of alcohol (if present)
Test solutionTransfer about 0.2 g of pravastatin sodium, accurately
weighed, to a 20-ml volumetric flask, dilute with water to volume, and
mix. Pipet 5 ml of this solution into a vial fitted with a septum and a crimp
cap, add 1 ml of water, seal the vial, and mix. Heat the sealed vial at 80 for
60 min.
Standard solutionPipet 2 ml of dehydrated alcohol into a 100-ml
volumetric flask, dilute with water to volume, and mix. Pipet 10 ml of this
solution into a 100-ml volumetric flask, dilute with water to volume, and
mix. Pipet 1 ml of this solution into a vial fitted with a septum and a crimp
cap, and calculate the amount of alcohol, WA, added, in g, the specific grav-
ity of dehydrated alcohol being 0.79 g/ml. Add 5 ml of the Test solution to
the same vial, seal the vial, and mix. Heat the sealed vial at 80  C for 60 min.
Blank solutionPipet 6 ml of water into a vial fitted with a septum and a
crimp cap, and seal the vial. Heat the sealed vial at 80  C for 60 min.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography, in the general procedure
h621i)The gas chromatograph is equipped with a flame-ionization detec-
tor and a 0.53-mm  30-m fused-silica capillary column coated with a 3-mm
film of stationary phase G43. The carrier gas is helium, with a split ratio of
1:5, and flowing with a linear velocity of about 35 cm per second. The chro-
matograph is programmed as follows. The column temperature is
maintained at 40  C for 20 min, and then the temperature is increased at
a rate of 10  C per minute to 240  C and maintained at 240  C for
20 min. The transfer line temperature is maintained at 85  C, the injection
port temperature is maintained at 140  C, and the detector is maintained at
250  C. Chromatograph the Blank solution and record the peak responses as
directed for Procedure: no interfering peaks are observed.
ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 1 ml) of headspace gas
of the Standard solution and the Test solution into the chromatograph, record
the chromatograms, and measure the area responses for the major peaks.
Pravastatin Sodium 467

Calculate the percentage (w/w) of alcohol in the portion of pravastatin

sodium taken by the formula:

100 WA =W V =5rU =rs  rU 

in which WA is the amount of the alcohol added in g; W is the weight, in g,

of pravastatin sodium taken to prepare the Test solution; V is the volume, in
ml, of the Test solution; 5 is the volume, in ml, of the Test solution taken; and
rU and rs are the peak area responses of alcohol obtained from the Test solution
and the Standard solution, respectively: not more than 3% is found.
Chromatographic purity[Note: The Standard solution and the Test
solution are maintained at 15  C until injected into the chromatograph.]
DiluentPrepare a mixture of methanol and water (1:1).
Buffer pH 7Prepare a 0.08 M phosphoric acid solution, adjust with
triethylamine to a pH of 7, and mix.
Solution APrepare a filtered and degassed mixture of water, Buffer pH 7,
and acetonitrile (52:30:18).
Solution BPrepare a filtered and degassed mixture of acetonitrile, Buffer
pH 7, and water (60:30:10).
Mobile phaseUse variable mixtures of Solution A and Solution B as
directed for Chromatographic system. Make adjustments if necessary (see Sys-
tem Suitability under Chromatography h621i).
Standard solutionDissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Prav-
astatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS in Diluent, and dilute quantita-
tively, and stepwise if necessary, with Diluent to obtain a solution having a
known concentration of about 1.25 mg of pravastatin 1,1,3,3-
tetramethylbutylamine per ml.
System suitability solutionDissolve accurately weighed quantities of
USP Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS and USP
Pravastatin-Related Compound A RS in Diluent to obtain a solution
containing about 0.6 mg of USP Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine
RS and 0.001 mg of USP Pravastatin-Related Compound A RS per ml.
[Note: USP Pravastatin-Related Compound A RS is a sodium salt of
3a-hydroxyisocompactin acid.]
Test solutionTransfer about 50 mg of pravastatin sodium, accurately
weighed, to a 100-ml volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute with Diluent
to volume, and mix.
468 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Chromatographic system (see Chromatography in the general procedure

h621i)The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 238-nm detector
and a 4.6-mm  7.5-cm column that contains 3.5-mm packing L1. Alterna-
tively, a 4-mm  10-cm column that contains 3-mm packing L1 can be used.
The flow rate is about 1 ml/min. The chromatograph is programmed as
Time (min) Solution A (%) Solution B (%) Elution
03 100 0 Isocratic
326.5 100 ! 0 0 ! 100 Linear gradient
26.526.6 0 ! 100 100 ! 0 Linear gradient
26.630 100 0 Reequilibration

Chromatograph the System suitability solution and record the peak

responses as directed for Procedure: the relative retention times are about 1
for pravastatin and 1.1 for pravastatin-related compound A; and the resolu-
tion, R, between pravastatin and pravastatin-related compound A is not less
than 2. Chromatograph the Standard solution and record the peak responses as
directed for Procedure: the relative standard deviation for replicate injections
is not more than 10%.
ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 10 ml) of the Standard
solution and the Test solution into the chromatograph, record the chromato-
grams, identify the impurities listed in Table 8.6, and measure the peak

Table 8.6 The limits of impurities of pravastatin, 1

Name Relative retention time Limit (%)
3 -Hydroxy pravastatin 0.33 0.2
6 -Epipravastatin 0.92 0.3
3a-Hydroxyisocompactina 1.1 0.2
Pentanoyl impurity 1.2 0.2
Pravastatin lactone 1.8 0.2
Compactin 3.1 0.2
Sodium (3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[(1S,2S,3S,8S,8aR)-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-8-[[(2S)-2-methylbuta-
noyl]oxy]-1,2,3,7,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalen-1-yl]heptanoate (pravastatin-related compound A).
y]-1,2,6,7,8,8a-hexahdronaphthalen-1-yl]heptanoic acid.
Pravastatin Sodium 469

responses. Calculate the percentage of each impurity in the portion of prav-

astatin sodium taken by the formula:

100  446:51=553:78C V =W ri =rs

in which 446.51 and 553.78 are the molecular weights of pravastatin sodium
and pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine, respectively; C is the con-
centration, in mg/ml, of pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine in the
Standard solution; V is the volume, in ml, of the Test solution; W is the weight,
in mg, of pravastatin sodium taken to prepare the Test solution; ri is the peak
response for each impurity obtained from the Test solution; and rs is the prav-
astatin peak response obtained from the Standard solution, in addition to not
exceeding the limits for each impurity specified in Table 8.6 not more than
0.1% of any other individual impurity is found, and not more than 0.6% of
total impurities is found.
Solution APrepare a 0.08 M phosphoric acid solution, adjust with a 25%
sodium hydroxide solution to a pH of 5, mix, filter, and degas.
Solution BUse acetonitrile.
Mobile phaseUse variable mixtures of Solution A and Solution B as
directed for Chromatographic system. Make adjustments if necessary (see Sys-
tem Suitability under Chromatography h621i).
Standard preparationDissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP
Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS in methanol, and dilute
quantitatively, and stepwise if necessary, with methanol to obtain a solution
having a known concentration of about 0.25 mg of pravastatin 1,1,3,3-
tetramethylbutylamine per ml.
System suitability preparationDissolve accurately weighed quantities
of USP Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS and USP
Pravastatin-Related Compound A RS in methanol to obtain a solution con-
taining about 0.25 mg of USP Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine
RS and 0.001 mg of USP Pravastatin-Related Compound A RS per ml.
Assay preparationTransfer about 20 mg of pravastatin sodium, accu-
rately weighed, to a 100-ml volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute with
methanol to volume, and mix.
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography h621i)The liquid chro-
matograph is equipped with a 238-nm detector and a 4-mm  10-cm col-
umn that contains 3-mm packing L1. The flow rate is about 1 ml/min. The
chromatograph is programmed as follows.
470 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Time (min) Solution A (%) Solution B (%) Elution

07 80 ! 72 20 ! 28 Linear gradient
710 72 ! 50 28 ! 50 Linear gradient
1017 50 50 Isocratic
1717.1 50 ! 80 50 ! 20 Linear gradient
17.120 80 20 Reequilibration

Chromatograph the System suitability preparation and record the peak

responses as directed for Procedure: the relative retention times are about 1
for pravastatin and 1.2 for pravastatin-related compound A; the resolution,
R, between pravastatin and pravastatin-related compound A is not less than
1.2; and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections for the
pravastatin peak is not more than 2%.
ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 10 ml) of the Standard
preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the
chromatograms, and measure the responses for the pravastatin peaks. Calcu-
late the quantity, in mg, of C23H35NaO7 in the portion of pravastatin
sodium taken by the formula:
446:51=553:78VC rU =rs
in which 446.51 and 553.78 are the molecular weights of pravastatin sodium
and pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine, respectively; V is the vol-
ume, in ml, of the Assay preparation; C is the concentration, in mg/ml, of
pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine in the Standard preparation; and
rU and rs are the responses of the pravastatin peak obtained from the Assay
preparation; and the Standard preparation, respectively. Pravastatin sodium tablets

Pravastatin sodium contains not less than 90% and not more than 110% of
the labeled amount of pravastatin sodium (C23H35NaO7).
Packaging and storagePreserve in tight containers. Protect from
moisture and light. Store at controlled room temperature.
USP Reference standards: See the general procedure, USP Reference
standard are h11iUSP Pravastatin-Related Compound B RS, USP Pravastatin
Sodium RS, and USP Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS.
Pravastatin Sodium 471

A: The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the
Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard
preparation, as obtained in the Assay.
B: Ultraviolet Absorption Carry out this test as directed in the general
procedure h197UiFinely powder a number of tablets and extract with
water a portion equivalent to about 10 mg of pravastatin sodium. The
UV absorption spectrum of a solution of pravastatin sodium in water
containing about 10 mg/ml exhibits maxima at the same wavelength
as that of a similar solution of USP Pravastatin Sodium RS, concomi-
tantly measured between 220 and 340 nm.
Dissolution Carry out this test as directed in the general procedure h711i
Medium: water; 900 ml.
Apparatus 2: 50 rpm.
Time: 30 min.
ProcedureDetermine the amount of C23H35NaO7 dissolved by employing
UV absorption at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at about 238 nm
on filtered portions of the solution under test, suitably diluted with Medium,
if necessary, in comparison with Standard solution having a known concen-
tration of USP Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS in the same
Medium. [Note: To express the concentration of the Standard solution as
pravastatin sodium, use the conversion factor of (446.51/553.78), in which
446.51 and 553.78 are the molecular weights of pravastatin sodium and
pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine, respectively.]
TolerancesNot less than 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of
C23H35NaO7 is dissolved in 30 min.
Uniformity of dosage units Carry the test as directed in the general
procedure h905i: meet the requirements.
Related compounds
Mobile Phase and Chromatographic systemProceed as directed in the Assay.
Test solutionUse the Assay preparation, prepared as directed in the Assay.
[Note: Use this solution within 24 h of preparation.]
ProcedureInject a volume (about 20 ml) of the Test solution into the
chromatograph, record the chromatograms for up to 4 times the retention
time of the pravastatin peak, identify the impurities listed in Table 8.7, and
measure the peak responses. Calculate the percentage of each impurity in the
portion of tablets taken by the formula:

100ri =rs
472 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Table 8.7 The limits of impurities of pravastatin, 2

Name Relative retention time Limit (%)
Oxidation impurity 0.5 1
Pravastatin sodium 1.0 n/a
Specified unknown impurity 1 1.6 0.2
Specified unknown impurity 2 1.8 0.2
Pravastatin lactone 2.1 2
Specified unknown impurity 3 2.8 0.2
Specified unknown impurity 4 3.2 0.2
Specified unknown impurity 5 3.8 0.2
Sodium (3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-((1S,2S)-6-hydroxy-2-methyl-l,2-dihydronaphthalen-1-yl)heptanoate.

in which ri is the peak response of the individual impurity, and rs is the sum of
the responses of all the peaks obtained from the Test solution. In addition to
not exceeding the limits of each impurity in Table 8.7, not more than 0.2%
of any unspecified individual impurity is found and not more than 3% of
total impurities are found. Disregard the peak due to pravastatin-related
compound B that elutes at the relative retention time of about 0.7 and
the peak due to 300 -hydroxy pravastatin at the relative retention time of
about 0.3, as these impurities are controlled in the drug substance mono-
graph. Disregard any impurity that is less than 0.05%.
Assay[Note: The Standard preparation, Assay stock preparation, and
Assay preparation can be stored for up to 7 days at room temperature.]
Mobile phasePrepare a filtered and degassed mixture of methanol,
water, glacial acetic acid, and triethylamine (500:500:1:1). Make adjust-
ments if necessary (see System Suitability under Chromatography h621i).
Diluent 1Transfer 16.4 g of anhydrous sodium acetate into a 2000-ml
volumetric flask. Add 1600 ml of water, adjust with glacial acetic acid to a
pH of 5.6, dilute with water to volume, and mix.
Diluent 2Prepare a mixture of Diluent 1 and methanol (80:20).
Standard preparationTransfer an accurately weighed quantity of USP
Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutylamine RS to a suitable volumetric flask
and dissolve in Diluent 1 using sonication to obtain a solution having a
known concentration of about 0.6 mg of pravastatin 1,1,3,3-
tetramethylbutylamine per ml. Dilute 5.0 ml of this solution with Diluent
2 to 25 ml and mix.
Pravastatin Sodium 473

Assay stock preparationTransfer not fewer than five tablets to a suitable

volumetric flask with at least a NL  2 ml capacity, N being the number of
tablets transferred, and L being the label claim per tablet, filled to at least 80%
capacity with Diluent 1. [Note: It is necessary to fill the flask to 80% capacity
to maintain the correct pH throughout the preparation.] Shake for at least
1 h and sonicate for at least 15 min with periodic shaking of the flask by
hand, until the tablets have completely disintegrated. Allow to cool, and
dilute with Diluent 1 to volume. Centrifuge a portion of the solution for
15 min at 2000 rpm or filter.
Assay preparationDilute approximately 5 ml of the Assay stock prepara-
tion with Diluent 2 to obtain a solution having an expected concentration of
about 0.1 mg/ml, based on the label claim.
Resolution solutionTransfer about 2 mg of USP Pravastatin-Related
Compound B RS to a 10-ml volumetric flask. Dissolve in and dilute with
methanol to volume. Transfer 0.1 ml of this solution and 1 ml of the Standard
preparation to a small tube and mix. [Note: Pravastatin-related compound B is
the 60 -epipravastatin sodium.]
Chromatographic system (see Chromatography h621i)The liquid
chromatograph is equipped with a 238-nm detector and a 4.6-mm  5-cm
column that contains end-capped packing L1. Alternatively, a
3.9-mm  7.5-cm column containing end-capped packing L1 can be used.
The flow rate is about 1 ml/min. Chromatograph the Resolution solution and
record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the relative retention
times are about 0.7 for pravastatin-related compound B and 1 for pravastatin;
the resolution, R, between the pravastatin-related compound B and the
pravastatin peaks is not less than 3. Chromatograph the Standard preparation
and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the relative standard
deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2%.
ProcedureSeparately inject equal volumes (about 20 ml) of the Standard
preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the
chromatograms, and measure the peak response for pravastatin. Calculate
the percentage of pravastatin sodium (C23H35NaO7) in the portion of tablets
taken by the formula:

100446:51=553:78CVD=NL rU =rs

in which 100 is the conversion factor to percentage; 446.51 and 553.78 are
the molecular weights of pravastatin sodium and pravastatin 1,1,3,3-
tetramethylbutylamine, respectively; C is the concentration, in mg/ml, of
474 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine in the Standard preparation; V is

the volume, in ml, of the Assay stock preparation; D is the dilution factor
of the Assay preparation; N is the number of tablets taken to prepare the Assay
stock preparation; L is the label claim, in mg of pravastatin sodium per tablet;
and rU and rs are the pravastatin peak responses obtained from the Assay
preparation and the Standard preparation, respectively.

5.2. Spectrophotometric methods

Rao et al. [28] developed a simple and reproducible spectrophotometric
method for the estimation of pravastatin sodium. The method is based on
the reaction of the drug with ferric chloride and potassium ferricyanide
which form a green chromogen exhibiting absorption maxima at 737 nm.
Lotfy et al. [29] developed two spectrophotometric methods for the
determination of pravastatin in the presence of its degradation products.
The first method depends on derivative spectrophotometry (1D and 2D)
by measuring the peak amplitude of the first derivative curve of pravastatin
at 249 nm. This method determined pravastatin in the concentration range
(321 mg/ml) with mean percentage recovery of 100.90% for first derivative
spectrophotometry and 100.30% for second derivative spectrophotometry.
The second method depended on the quantitative densitometric evaluation
of the thin-layer chromatography of pravastatin in the presence of its
degradation products without any interference. Toluene:methanol:ethyl
acetate:acetic acid (68:40:28:0.7) were used as the mobile phase for prava-
statin and the chromatograms were scanned at 238 nm. This method
detected pravastatin in the concentration range of 110 ng/spot with mean
percentage recovery of 100.20%.
Balaji and Khatteboina [30] developed and validated a novel, simple, and
rapid UV spectrophotometric method for the determination of pravastatin
sodium in tablets. The method shows the maximum absorbance at
240 nm. Beers law was obeyed in the concentration range of 218 mg/ml.
The method was validated in terms of linearity, precision, accuracy, and spec-
ificity. The method is precise, accurate, sensitive, and reproducible and can be
used for routine quality control (QC) testing of marketed formulations.
Kalvikkarasi et al. [31] developed two spectrophotometric methods for
estimation of pravastatin sodium in pure and in pharmaceutical formulations.
Method A is based on the reduction of ferric to ferrous ions followed by
complexation with 2,20 -pipyridyl to produce an orange-red chromogen
at 522 nm, and Method B is based on the reduction of ferric to ferrous ions
Pravastatin Sodium 475

followed by complexation with 1,10-phenanthrolene to produce an orange-

red chromogen at 510 nm and both obeyed Beers linearity in the concen-
tration range of 50250 mg/ml for method A and 20100 mg/ml for Method
B. Both methods were extended to pharmaceutical formulation.
Farouk et al. [32] presented an accurate, precise, rapid, and reproducible
spectrophotometric method for determination of pravastatin in the presence
of its acid degradates by third derivative spectrophotometry, first derivative
of ratio spectra, and first derivative of pH-induced difference spectropho-
tometry. The methods were validated according to the ICH guidelines
and were applied for the determination of the drug in pure form, in labo-
ratory prepared mixtures, and in pharmaceutical formulations.
Ashour et al. [33] described a new, accurate, and reliable spectrophoto-
metric method for the assay of pravastatin sodium in pure form and pharma-
ceutical formulations. The method involves the oxidative coupling reaction
of pravastatin with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydrochlo-
ride monohydrate (MBTH) in the presence of Ce(IV) in an acidic medium
to form colored products at 664 nm. Beers law was obeyed in the ranges of
7.030.0 mg/ml for pravastatinMBTH. Molar absorptivities for the above
three methods were found to be 0.68  104 l/mol/cm. Statistical treatment
of the experimental results indicates that the method is precise and accurate.
The method has been applied to the determination of the components
in commercial forms with no interference from the excipients.
A comparative study between the suggested procedure and the official
method for these compounds in the commercial forms showed no signifi-
cant difference between the two methods.
Ashour and Khateeb [34] described a simple and sensitive kinetic
spectrophotometric method for the quantitative analysis of pravastatin
sodium in pure and in pharmaceutical formulations. The method is based
on the formation of colored products between pravastatin and 4-chloro-
7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole in acetone medium at 55  2  C. The reac-
tion was followed spectrophotometrically by measuring the increase in
absorbance at 462 nm as a function of time. The initial rate and fixed-time
methods were adopted for constructing the calibration curves. The linearity
ranges were 1550 and 1070 mg/ml for initial rate and fixed-time methods,
respectively. The limit of detection for initial rate and fixed-time methods
was 0.029 and 0.08 mg/ml, respectively. Both methods were applied for
the estimation of pravastatin in commercial dosage forms with no interfer-
ence from excipients. The results are compared with the HPLC
pharmacopoeial method.
476 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Frag et al. [35] described a sensitive extractive spectrophotometric

method for the determination of pravastatin in pharmaceutical formulations.
The method involves the formation of colored ion pairs between the drug
and the Mo(V)-thiocyanate binary complex followed by their extraction
with 1,2-dichlorethane and quantitative determination at 470 nm. The
experimental conditions were optimized to obtain the maximum color
intensity. The method permits the analysis of pravastatin over a concentra-
tion range of 10150 mg/ml with a detection limit of 0.26 mg/ml.

5.3. Electrochemical methods

5.3.1 Polarographic methods
Coskun et al. [36] used a differential pulse polarographic method for the
determination of pravastatin sodium in tablets. Ground pravachol tablets
were extracted with methanol by shaking for 30 min, the filtered extract
was mixed with 1 M tetramethylammonium bromide and diluted with
water, and the solution was deaerated with nitrogen before differential pulse
polarography between 1.6 and 2.6 V versus Ag/AgCl. The height of the
peak at 2.1 V was measured and referred to a calibration graph for the
range of 80240 mM pravastatin sodium. The relative standard deviation
for 10 mg of the drug in tablets was 1.61%. The results agreed with those
obtained by UV spectrophotometry.

5.3.2 Voltammetric methods

Nigovic [37] studied the electrochemical reduction and adsorptive
voltammetric behavior of pravastatin by means of cyclic and square-wave
voltammetry at a hanging mercury-drop electrode in electrolytes of different
pH. Within the entire pH range (29) in BrittonRobenson buffer, prava-
statin gave rise to a single voltammetric peak in the potential interval from
1.22 to 1.44 V, depending on pravastatin concentration. It was found
that the reduction of pravastatin proceeds via a relatively stable intermediate,
which is transformed to the final electroinactive product by a coupled chem-
ical reaction or can be reoxidized back to pravastatin. The rate of chemical
transformation is controlled by the proton concentration. The electrode
mechanism has the properties of a surface redox reaction. A sensitive ana-
lytical method for trace analysis of pravastatin based on the adsorptive strip-
ping technique has been developed. The calibration plot was linear in the
range of 8  1085  107 mol/l. Application of the square-wave
voltammetric method to the determination of pravastatin in a
Pravastatin Sodium 477

pharmaceutical dosage form, without sample pretreatment, resulted in

acceptable deviation from the stated concentration.
Neves et al. [38] studied the electro-oxidative behavior of pravastatin in
aqueous media by square-wave voltammetry at a glassy-carbon electrode
and at a screen-printed carbon electrode. Maximum peak current intensities
in a pH 5 buffer were obtained at +1.3 V versus AgCl/Ag and +1 V versus
Ag for the glassy-carbon electrode and the screen-printed carbon electrode
surface, respectively. Validation of the developed methodologies revealed
good performance characteristics and confirmed their applicability to the
quantitation of pravastatin in pharmaceutical products without significant
sample pretreatment.

5.4. Chromatographic methods

5.4.1 Thin-layer chromatographic methods
Chaudhari et al. [39] developed a high-performance thin-layer chromato-
graphic method for the separation and quantitation of pravastatin sodium
and two other statins in tablet dosage forms. The stationary phase was
precoated silica gel 60 F254. The mobile phase was a mixture of chloro-
formmethanoltoluene (6:2:2). The method has been validated and proved
to be rugged. Calibration curves were linear over the studied ranges with
correlation coefficient greater than 0.999. The drugs were extracted from
tablets using methanol. The percentage recoveries ranged from 98 to 101
for pravastatin. The limit of detection for pravastatin was 8 ng/spot and
the limit of quantitation was 100 ng/spot for pravastatin. The method is use-
ful in the QC of the bulk manufacturing and tablet dosage forms.
Ahmed et al. [40] established and validated a stability-indicating
high-performance thin-layer chromatographic method for the simultaneous
analysis of pravastatin and mevastatin in fermentation broth. Compounds
were separated on aluminum foil TLC plates precoated with silica gel
60 F254. The mobile phase was tolueneethyl acetateformic acid 3:2:1,
which gave compact bands of pravastatin and mevastatin (Rf 0.31  0.02
and 0.48  0.02, respectively). Detection at 237 nm resulted in r 0.995
and 0.994 for pravastatin and r 0.992 and 0.995 for mevastatin, for peak
height and peak area, respectively. The limit of detection and quantification
for pravastatin 19.2 and 58.3 ng/band and 20.1 and 60.8 ng/band for
mevastatin. The method enabled effective quantification of both drug in
the fermentation broth of Actinomadura macra and can be used as a
stability-indicating method for routine analysis of these compounds during
478 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

5.4.2 Gas chromatography/mass spectrometric methods

Funke et al. [41] determined pravastatin sodium and its major metabolites in
human serum and plasma by capillary gas chromatographynegative-ion
chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Serum or plasma samples (1 ml) plus
tetrahydropravastatin and the dihydrotriol metabolite of pravastatin sodium
as internal standards was applied to a Bond Elut C18 extraction column
preactivated by passage of methanol, dil. phosphate buffer of pH 7, and hep-
tane. The adsorbed compounds were eluted with acetone (5 ml) and the sol-
vent was evaporated under nitrogen at 50  C. The compounds were
derivatized with pentafluorobenzyl bromide at 40  C and, after adding
propionic acid to remove surplus pentafluorobenzyl bromide, with
bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide. The derivatives were determined with
a Hewlett-Packard 5985 B GCMS apparatus with a fused-silica column
(5.5 m  0.23 mm) of CP SIL 19CB bonded phase (0.12 mm). Temperature
programmed from 210 (held for 1 min) to 290  C at 30  C/min and ammo-
nia as reagent gas. Pravastatin sodium and its major 3-hydroxy- and triol
metabolites could be determined down to 0.3 ng/ml in serum.
Pan et al. [42] investigated the oral bioavailability of pravastatin and lov-
astatin. Serum specimens were assayed by gas chromatography/mass spec-
trometry for pravastatin or lovastatin acid and by bioassay for active
inhibitor concentration and, after hydrolysis of the lactones, for total inhib-
itor concentration. The systemic bioavailabilities of the total inhibitors of the
two drugs were different, with the mean AUC value for lovastatin being
50% higher than that for pravastatin (mean  SEM) AUC 024 values of
285  25 and 189  13 ng equiv. h/ml, respectively. Pravastatin, which is
administered as the monosodium salt, is present in the systemic circulation
as the open acid; lovastatin, which is administered as the lactone, is present as
both the open acid active metabolites (62%) and closed-ring lactone metab-
olites (38%), which are potentially active. Based on mean AUC values, prav-
astatin accounted for 75% of the active inhibitors from a pravastatin dose.
Kawabata et al. [43] quantified pravastatin and its metabolites in human
biological fluids using automated gas chromatographic/mass spectrometry.
The method was applied to pharmacokinetic studies in volunteers and
patients. The method relies upon a simple extraction and purification of
the sample on a C8 solid-phase extraction column, and derivatization with
diazomethane ester, and pentafluorobenzyl ester, followed by an automated
gas chromatography/electron impact negative ion chemical ionization mass
spectrometric quantitative analysis. The method was used in human phar-
macokinetic studies.
Pravastatin Sodium 479

Morris et al. [44] determined pravastatin in plasma by gas chromatography

chemical ionization mass spectrometric method. Pravastatin present in
human plasma as hydroxylactone and the corresponding free hydroxyacid
were extracted as the corresponding potassium salts and derivatized with
pentafluorobenzyl bromide in N,N-diisopropylethylamide and with
N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide. The derivatized material was
dissolved in 20 ml tetradecane. 60 -beta-Hydroxymethylsimastatin (5 ng in ace-
tonitrile) was used as an internal standard. Samples (1 ml) were analyzed in the
splitless mode on a Hewlett-Packard (HP) 5890A GC with an HP 7673A
autoinjector at 280  C and an Ultra 2 column (12 m  0.2 mm) of methyl
5% phenyl (011 mm) with temperature programming from 210 (held for
1 min) to 300  C at 10  C/min and chemical ionization mass spectrometry.
Calibration graphs were rectilinear from 1 to 50 ng/ml of pravastatin.
Cai et al. [45] described a gas chromatographymass spectrometry
method for the quantitative determination of pravastatin in plasma. Plasma
(1 ml) was mixed well with 0.5 ml sodium chloride and 0.2 M phosphate
buffer of pH < 4 for 20 min and the mixture was extracted with 4 ml ethyl
acetate for 5 min and centrifuged for 15 min. The supernatant solution was
evaporated to dryness, the residue was methylated and silanized, and the
excess solvents were evaporated. The residue was dissolved in diethyl ether,
and portions were analyzed for pravastatin TMS methyl ester by GC on a
column (12 m  0.2 mm i.d.) coated with HP-1 (0.32 mm) operated with
temperature programming from 18 (held for 0.5 min) to 300  C (held for
10 min) at 20  C/min and 70 eV electron impact mass spectrometry detec-
tion operating with selective-ion monitoring at m/z 462. The calibration
graph was linear from 1 to 60 ng/ml of pravastatin and the detection limit
was 0.015 ng. Recoveries were 90% with relative standard deviation
(n 5) of <7.7%. No interference was observed.

5.4.3 High-performance liquid chromatographic methods

Whigan et al. [46] determined pravastatin sodium and its isomeric metabolite
in human urine by HPLC with UV detection. Urine ( 0.5 ml), treated
with 1 mg of 9-fluoro-11b-hydroxy-16a,17a-(1-methylethylidenedioxy)-
3-oxoandrosta-1,4-diene-17-carboxylic acid (internal standard), was
applied to a Bond Elut cyclohexyl cartridge. Elution was with acetone
(3 ml) and the eluate was evaporated to dryness at 50  C under nitrogen.
The residue was dissolved in 1 ml of mobile phase (pH > 3). Separation
was achieved on a column (25 cm  4.6 mm) of alkylphenyl (5 mm) with
a precolumn of silica gel (3753 mm) and aq. 0.1 M acetic acid buffer
480 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

(pH 3)acetonitrilepropan-2-ol (31:15:4) as the mobile phase (0.8 ml/min)

at 15  C, with detection at 239 nm. The calibration graph was rectilinear
up to 1.5 mg/ml of pravastatin sodium and its isomeric metabolite, with a
detection limit of 0.1 mg/ml in urine for both. Recoveries were quantitative.
Intra- and interday coefficients of variation were 10.0% for pravastatin
sodium and its metabolite.
Muramatsu et al. [47] developed a highly sensitive method by using
immobilized antibody column extraction followed by HPLC for the deter-
mination of pravastatin sodium in plasma. The analyte was monitored by a
laser-induced fluorescence detector after fluorogenic derivatization with
dansyl ethylenediamine.
Iacona et al. [48] developed a HPLC method for determination of prav-
astatin in plasma. Plasma (1 ml) was mixed with 1 ml of 0.1 M potassium
dihydrogen phosphate of pH 7.2 and applied to a C2 Bond Elut extraction
column which was washed with 2 ml of water before elution was effected
with 500 ml of aq. 25% acetonitrile. The eluate was vacuum-dried and the
residue was dissolved in 80 ml of internal standard solution [2 ml of
methanolic simavastatin b-hydroxyacid solution (0.1 mg/ml) mixed with
1 ml of methanol and 1 ml of aq. 0.1 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate
of pH 5]. A 50 ml portion of the resulting solution was analyzed on a column
(5 cm  4.6 mm i.d.) of 3 mm LC-18 equipped with a 2 cm long Supelguard
LC-18 precolumn and operated at 50  C with 0.05 M ammonium phos-
phate of pH 3.5/acetonitrile (37:13) as the mobile phase (1.6 ml/min)
and detection at 238 nm. The calibration graph was linear for 5200 ng/ml
of pravastatin with a detection limit of 2 ng/ml. The relative standard devi-
ation was 10% and the recovery was 75%.
Dumousseaux et al. [49] tested a highly sensitive and specific method for
the determination of pravastatin sodium in plasma by HPLC with laser-
induced fluorescence detection after immobilized antibody extraction.
Plasma (1 ml) was applied to an immobilized antibody column and washed
with 2  4 ml water, 4 ml phosphate buffer saline, and 2  4 ml water. Elu-
tion was effected with 4 ml methanol and the eluate was treated with 0.1 ml
aqueous internal standard solution (R-416; 100 ng/ml) and evaporated to
dryness. The residue was dissolved in 100 ml DMF and derivatized with
100 ml each of triethylamine (47.7 ml/ml in dioxane), diethyl pho-
sphorocyanidate (51.8 ml/ml in dioxane), and N-dansylethylenediamine
(100 mg/ml in dioxane). The mixture was stirred for 10 min and then
allowed to stand for 10 min. A 10 ml portion of the mixture was analyzed
by column-switching HPLC on a 300-C4 column (15 cm  4.6 mm i.d.)
Pravastatin Sodium 481

with 10 mM citric acid of pH 2.4/acetonitrile (7:3) as the mobile phase

(1 ml/min) and a second column of 5C18-AR (15 cm  6 mm i.d.) with
5 mM citric acid of pH 2.6/acetonitrile (1:1) as the mobile phase (1 ml/min)
with laser-induced fluorescence at 325 nm. The separation time was 20 min
with an introduction time from the first to the second column of
7.510 min. The calibration range was 0.5100 ng/ml with detection and
quantitation limits of 2 and 100 pg/ml, respectively; relative standard devi-
ation was <8%.
Otter and Mignat [50] developed an HPLC with ultraviolet detection for
the determination of pravastatin in human plasma. A 100 ml sample of prav-
astatin (I) and triamcinolone acetonide (internal standard) in methanol,
extracted from plasma by solid-phase extraction, was analyzed by HPLC
on a Purospher RP-18 (5 mm) end-capped column (25 cm  4 mm i.d.).
Analytes were eluted (1 ml/min) with 20 mM potassium dihydrogen phos-
phate buffer containing 1 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate/acetonitrile (7:13)
and detection at 239 nm. The calibration graph was linear from 2 to
200 ng/ml of pravastatin with a detection limit of 4 ng and quantitation limit
of 2 ng/ml. Intra- and interday relative standard deviations (n 6) were <6
and <17%, respectively, over the calibration range with a mean recovery of
69.2  6.7% for pravastatin from plasma.
Siekmeier et al. [51] developed a simple and reliable HPLC method for
the determination of pravastatin plasma concentrations under clinical rou-
tine conditions. Samples were prepared by solid-phase extraction on
cyclohexyl Bond Elut Cartridge. Chromatography was carried out on an
octyl matrix. Triamcinolone acetonide was used as the internal standard.
The method was linear within the range of 5200 mg/l pravastatin. The
coefficient of variation depended on the concentration of the drug, but
was less than 10% throughout. The pharmacokinetics of the drug were
determined in healthy individuals. Peak plasma concentration of pravastatin
was found between 60 and 120 min after oral administration of 60 mg and
reached values between 37 and 126 mg/l.
Wang [52] determined pravastatin and compactin in fermentation liquor
by reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) at 237 nm on Spherisorb C18 column
with methanol: 0.2 M ammonium acetate (53:47) as the mobile phase. The
results showed that the method was convenient, rapid, and effective and may
be used for online monitoring fermentation process.
Bastarda et al. [53] developed a fast HPLC method to separate and quantify
the products of the isomerization. Hypersil ODS, 3 mm (15 cm  4.6 mm)
column with a mobile phase consisted of 2.5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7:
482 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

acetonitrile (80:20) and 2.5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7:acetonitrile (20:80).

Flow rate was 1.5 ml/min and UV detection at 235 nm.
Bauer et al. [54] estimated pravastatin in human plasma and urine sample
by HPLC. The preparation of samples was performed by automated solid-
phase extraction using clonazepam as the internal standard. The compounds
were separated by isocratic RP-HPLC (C18) and detected at 239 nm. The
method was linear up to concentrations of 200 ng/ml in plasma and
2000 ng/ml in urine. The intra-assay variability for pravastatin in plasma
ranged from 0.9% to 3.5% and from 2.5% to 5.3% in urine. The interassay
variability ranged from 9.1% to 10.2% in plasma and from 3.9% to 7.5% in
urine. The validated limits of quantification were 1.9 ng/ml for plasma and
125 ng/ml for urine estimation. The method characteristics allowed the
determination of the pharmacokinetic parameters of pravastatin after
administration of therapeutic doses.
Kawabata et al. [55] developed and validated a liquid chromatography
mass spectrometric method for rapid and sensitive analysis of pravastatin and
R-416, the main metabolite of pravastatin, in human plasma. The analytes
were extracted from plasma samples by a solid-phase extraction method
using a Bond Elut C8. The method involved the use of liquid chromatog-
raphy coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and
selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. A pravastatin analog,
R-122798, was used as the internal standard (IS). Separation of pravastatin,
R-416, and the IS was accomplished using an RP column (C18). The com-
ponents eluted were ionized by the APCI source (negative ion) and subse-
quently detected by a highly selective triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in
the SRM mode. Linear standard curves were obtained from 0.1 ng/ml
(lower limit of quantification, LLOQ) to 100 ng/ml. The intra-assay preci-
sions (coefficient of variation) for the samples at the LLOQ were 1.8% for
pravastatin and 1.6% for R-416. The intra-assay accuracy values were
95.8107.6% for pravastatin and 92.6109.0% for R-416, respectively. Pre-
cision and accuracy of QC samples were determined at concentrations of
0.5, 10, and 80 ng/ml for all analytes. The intra- and interassay precisions
calculated from QC samples were within 10% for pravastatin and within
11% for R-416. The overall recoveries for pravastatin and R-416 were
75.782.1% and 68.674.3%, respectively. Pravastatin and R-416 were
stable in human plasma for 3 weeks at 20  C in a freezer, up to 6 h at
room temperature, and up to 48 h at 6  C. This assay method was used
to evaluate the pravastatin and R-416 levels in healthy volunteers following
oral administration of Mevalotin.
Pravastatin Sodium 483

Kocijan et al. [56] developed an HPLC and capillary electrophoresis

methods for the determination of pravastatin in production media. The ana-
lyses were performed on particle column, monolithic column, and silica cap-
illary filled with borate buffer, pH 9.3, containing 20 mM sodium dodecyl
sulfate. All three methods successfully separate pravastatin from interfering
compounds (matrix, mevastatin, and 6-epipravastatin) and runtimes are less
than 1 min. Solvent consumptions for methods using small particle column,
monolith column, and MECK were 132, 510, and 1.5 ml/h. The most
sensitive was the method using particle column (LOD was about
105 mg/ml) followed by the system using monolith column (LOD was
2  104 mg/ml) and the MECK method (LOD was about 0.02 mg/ml).
Rani and Reddy [57] developed an HPLC method for estimation of
pravastatin sodium in tablets. Chromatography was carried out on an
ODS column using a mixture of acetonitrile and water (50:50) as the mobile
phase at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Nimesulide was used as the internal stan-
dard and detection was carried out at 230 nm. The retention time of the
drug was 2.16 min. The method produced linear responses in the concen-
tration range of 0.540 mg/ml of pravastatin sodium. The method was appli-
cable for determination of the drug in tablets.
Pasha et al. [58] developed and validated a specific, accurate, precise, and
reproducible HPLC method for the simultaneous quantitation of prava-
statin, and other statin, in pharmaceutical formulations and extended the
application to in vitro metabolism studies of these statins. Ternary gradient
elution at a flow rate of 1 ml/min was employed on an Intertisl ODS 3V
column (4.6  250 mm, 5 mm) at ambient temperature. The mobile phase
consisted of 0.01 m ammonium acetate (pH 5), acetonitrile, and methanol.
Theophylline was used as an internal standard (IS). The drugs and their
metabolites were monitored at a wavelength of 237 nm. Drugs were found
to be 89.6105.6% of their labels claim in the pharmaceutical formulations.
For in vitro metabolism studies, the reaction mixtures were extracted with
simple liquidliquid extraction using ethyl acetate. Baseline separation of
statins and their metabolites along with IS free from endogenous interfer-
ences was achieved. Nominal retention times of IS were 7.5 min. The
method is simple, selective, and could be applicable for routine analysis of
the statins in pharmaceutical preparations as well as in vitro metabolism
Onal and Sagirli [59] developed and validated a stability-indicating
HPLC method for pravastatin sodium in tablets. The separation was
achieved isocratically on a C18 column (15 cm  4.6 mm) using
484 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

methanol-phosphate buffer (pH 7, 0.02 M) (57:43) as a mobile phase at a

flow rate of 1 ml/min with UV detection at 238 nm. A linear response
was observed in the range of 15 mg/ml. The method showed good recov-
ery (100.5%) and the relative standard deviation for intra- and interday was
1.4%. The method can be used for QC assay of the drug in tablets and for
stability studies as the method separates pravastatin from its degradation
products and tablet excipients.
Campos-Lara et al. [60] developed an HPLC method for the estimation
of pravastatin in human serum samples to monitor the dyslipidemic patients.
The validation parameters were linearity 10200 ng/ml, correlation coeffi-
cient 0.99, mean recovery 0.73, quantification limit 10 ng/ml, and the limit
of detection 5 ng/ml. The method was applied for pravastatin determination
in human serum from Mexican dyslipidemic patients. Pravastatin values
found for three studied patients were 73, 57, and 10 ng/ml, indicating
the importance of the monitoring, due to the metabolic variability of the
Xie [61] used an HPLC method for the determination of dissolution of
pravastatin sodium capsule. The drug was analyzed using Diamonsil C18
(5 mm, 20 cm  4.6 mm) and a mobile phase of methanolphosphate buffer
solution (60:40), pH 3.5  0.05, at a flow rate of 1 ml/min and detection at
238 nm. The linear range of pravastatin sodium was 312 mg/ml. The aver-
age recovery of pravastatin sodium was 99.86%.
Ashour et al. [62] described an HPLC formulation assay method for prav-
astatin. Separation was achieved using a Tecknokroma C8 (5 mm,
25 cm  4.6 mm) column and a mobile phase consisting of 10 mM ammo-
nium acetate:methanol:triethylamine (40:60:0.17) with a flow rate of
1 ml/min. Pravastatin was detected at 239 nm and was eluted 2.15 min after
injection. Linearity range for pravastatin was 0.41000 mg/ml. The deter-
mination of intra- and interday precision was less than 2.94% and 2.97% at all
concentration levels. The method was applied to the determination of the
component in commercial tablets with no interference for the excipient.
Brain-Isasi et al. [63] developed and applied an HPLC stability-indicating
method to study the hydrolytic behavior of pravastatin in different pHs and
temperature. From the system suitability test, the selected chromatographic
conditions were a C18 column, acetonitrile30 mmol/l phosphate buffer
solution pH 2 (28.72) as the mobile phase, 40  C temperature column, a
flux of 1 ml/min, and 239 nm as wavelength detection. The method
exhibited an adequate repeatability and reproducibility and a recovery
higher than 98%.
Pravastatin Sodium 485

Campos-Lara and Mendoza-Espinoza [64] developed a selective extrac-

tion method for pravastatin quantification in tablets using HPLC with ultra-
violet detection. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile and phosphate
buffer (7:3), pH 2, and was delivered at the rate of 1 ml/min and detected at
238 nm. Retention time was 7.3 min and this peak was analyzed with mass
spectroscopy. The method was fully validated and validation parameters
were linearity 10200 ng/ml, correlation coefficient 0.999, mean recovery
99%, limit of quantitation 5 ng/ml, and limit of detection 5 ng/ml. The
method can be used for QC assay.
Gomes et al. [65] developed and validated an HPLC method for the
determination of pravastatin sodium in pharmaceuticals. Two stability-
indicating HPLC methods were developed with a small change (10%) in
the composition of the organic modifier in the mobile phase. An RP-18 col-
umn was used with mobile phases consisting of methanolwater 60:40 for
pravastatin. The pH of the mobile phase was adjusted to 3 with
orthophosphoric acid and the flow rate was 1 ml/min.
He et al. [66] developed an HPLC-UV with solid-phase extraction
method for the determination of pravastatin and relative bioavailability in
plasma. Sample separation was based on solid-phase extraction. The com-
pounds were separated on a Hypersil Gold C18 column (4.6 mm  15 cm,
5 mm) with a mixture of acetonitrile (solvent A) and 20 mmol/l sodium
dihydrogen phosphate1 mmol/l sodium dodecyl sulfate (pH: 2.45) (solvent
B) as the mobile phase at a 0.8 ml/min. The gradient elution program was A:
B 29:71 (011 min), A:B 40:60 (1115 min), and A:B 29:71
(1518 min), and the detection wavelength was 239 nm. The plasma sam-
ples were obtained and determined by the HPLC method, and the pharma-
cokinetic and bioavailability was studied. The calibration curve for
pravastatin was linear at 2256 ng/ml, with limit of quantity of 2 ng/ml
and recoveries were 102.5108.6%. The method is sensitive, selective,
and rapid.
Sparidans et al. [67] developed and validated a bioanalytical assay method
for pravastatin and two isomeric metabolites, 30 a-isopravastatin and
60 -epipravastatin. Mouse plasma and tissue homogenates from liver, kidney,
brain, and heart were pretreated using protein precipitation with acetonitrile
containing deuterated internal standards of the analytes. The extract was
diluted with water and injected into the chromatographic system. This sys-
tem consisted of a polar-embedded octadecyl silica column using isocratic
elution with formic acid in a water:acetonitrile mixture. The eluate was
transferred to an electrospray interface using negative ionization, and the
486 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

analytes were detected and quantified with the selected reaction monitoring
mode of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The assay was validated in a
3.47100 ng/ml concentration range for pravastatin, 1.32200 ng/ml for
30 a-isopravastatin, and 0.5215 ng/ml for 60 -epipravastatin using only
plasma for calibration. For plasma samples, subjected to full validation,
within- and between-day precisions were 17% (918% at the lower limit
of quantitation level) and accuracies were between 91% and 103%. For tissue
homogenates, subjected to partial validation, within- and between-day pre-
cisions were 212% (619% at the lower limit of quantitation level) and
accuracies were between 87% and 113% (81% and 113% at the lower limit
of quantitation level). Drug and metabolites were shown to be chemically
stable under most relevant analytical conditions. Finally, the assay was
applied for a pilot study in mice. After intravenous administration of the
drug, all isomeric compounds were found in plasma; however, in liver
and kidney homogenate, only the parent drug showed levels exceeding
the lower limit of quantitation.
Abdullah [68] developed an RP-HPLC method for the determination of
pravastatin and two other statins. The method involves the use of a
15 cm  4.6 mm of Zorbax Extend C18 column (5 mm) and different chro-
matographic conditions for the separation of the drugs. Linearity range was
1060 mg/ml for pravastatin. The method was used for the determination of
the drugs in spiked human plasma samples.
Sultana et al. [69] developed a validated RP-HPLC method for the
simultaneous determination of pravastatin, lisinopril, and other statins in
active pharmaceutical ingredients, formulations, and human serum.
A Purospher star C18 (5 mm, 25 cm  4.6 mm) column was used with
mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile:water (60:40, pH 3) with flow rate
of 1 ml/min, and the quantitative evaluation was performed at 225 nm.
The retention time was 2 min for lisinopril and 3.1 min for pravastatin. Suit-
ability of this method for the quantitative determination of the drugs was
proved by validation in accordance with the requirements laid down by
International Conference on Harmonization guidelines. The method was
applied to the determination of the drugs in active pharmaceutical ingredi-
ents and in pharmaceutical preparations, with high percentage of recovery,
good accuracy, and precision.
Sampath et al. [70] developed and validated an ultra-flow liquid
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the estimation of
pravastatin in human plasma. Pravastatin and omeprazole (internal standard)
were extracted from human plasma using a solid-phase extraction procedure
Pravastatin Sodium 487

with Strata X cartridge. Samples were chromatographed on Hypurity

Advance C18, 5 cm  4.6 mm, 5 mm column using a mobile phase consisting
of (80:20) acetonitrile and 2 mm ammonium formate. Pravastatin and
omeprazole (IS) were ionized using the electrospray interface operating in
the negative ion mode. The characteristic ion dissociation transitions m/z
423.1 ! 321.2 and m/z 344 ! 193.8 were monitored for pravastatin and
omeprazole (IS), respectively. The assay was robust, sensitive, and highly
specific with no interference from human plasma. The method is suitable
for supporting clinical studies and applied to the analysis of samples from
a bioequivalence study.
Huang et al. [71] developed a single in vitro dissolution method for a
combination trilayer tablet formulation of pravastatin and clopidogrel.
A robust and discriminating HPLC method for the analysis of the two drugs
simultaneously in dissolution samples was developed and validated. The
RP-HPLC method utilizes a Phenomenex Synergi Hydro-RP column
(4 mm, 5 cm  4.6 mm) maintained at 30  C with a mobile phase of
watermethanoltrifluoro acetic acid (45:55:0.025), a flow rate of
1 ml/min, and UV detection at 238 nm.
Harisa et al. [72] developed and used a reversed-phase ultra performance
liquid chromatographic method for the assay of pravastatin. The mobile
phase consists of acetonitrile and water (35:65), the flow rate was
0.5 ml/min. The analyte separation was carried out using C18 column under
temperature 40  C using ultraviolet detector at 237 nm.
Kadikar and Shah [73] developed and validated an RP-HPLC method
for the simultaneous estimation of pravastatin and coenzyme Q10 in pure
and formulated dosage form. The quantification was carried out using sym-
metry C18 column, (25 cm  4 mm, 5 mm) column, in isocratic mode, with
mobile phase compressing acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran (80:20). The
flow rate was 1 ml/min and the detection by UV at 254 nm. Retention
times were 6.45 and 3.64 for coenzyme Q10 and pravastatin, respectively.
Silva et al. [74] developed and validated a simple and fast RP-HPLC
method in the linear range of 2852 mg/ml for the determination of prav-
astatin in bulk drug or dosage form. The drug was determined using C8
end-capped column (25 cm  4 mm, 5 mm) column, isocratic mobile phase
of acetonitrile and 0.1% phosphoric acid (65:35), 30  C, ultraviolet diode
array detection at 238 nm, and 1 ml/min flow rate for pravastatin sodium.
The method shows appropriate linearity, accuracy, precision, and selectivity
toward placebo and/or degradation products in very similar chromato-
graphic conditions for the drug.
488 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

5.4.4 High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometric

Kawabata et al. [75] described an automated method for the simultaneous
determination of pravastatin and its main metabolite in human plasma by
HPLCatmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry.
Plasma (1 ml), spiked with 100 ml R 1437 (800 ng/ml, internal standard),
was adjusted to pH 6 with phosphate buffer of pH 4, and the mixture
was applied to a preconditioned Bond Elut C8 solid-phase extraction car-
tridge. Pravastatin and its main metabolite R-416 were eluted with
1.5 ml propan-2-ol, and the eluate was evaporated at 40  C under reduced
pressure. The residue was dissolved in 300 ml mobile phase, and portions
were analyzed by HPLC on a 5-mm Inertsil ODS-2 column
(15 cm  4.6 mm i.d.) with acetonitrile/0.01 M ammonium acetate (3:2),
containing 0.2% anhydrous acetic acid and 0.06% triethylamine, as the
mobile phase (1 ml/min) and atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization
mass spectrometric detection. The mass spectrometer was operated in
selected-ion monitoring mode at m/z 423 and 466, respectively, for
pravastatin and R-416. Optimization of the MS interface is described.
The calibration graph was linear up to 80 ng/ml for each drug. Intra-assay
relative standard deviations (n 5) were 0.49.7% and 16.819.7%, respec-
tively, for 1.258 and 0.625 ng/ml of pravastatin and R-416. Inter-assay rel-
ative standard deviations (n 5) were 0.48.3%. Results correlated well
0.969) with those by GCMS.
Zhu and Neirinck [76] developed an HPLC/ion electrospray (negative
ion) MS for the determination of pravastatin in human plasma. Plasma sam-
ples were prepared by a solid-phase extraction on C18 Bond Elut cartridge.
Chromatography was carried out with a Zorbax C8 column. Simple
isocratic chromatography conditions were used. The method has been val-
idated in a linear range of 0.25300 ng/ml with a coefficient of variation of
0.63.4%. The overall recovery was 90.5% for pravastatin and 90.8% for the
internal standard b-hydroxylovastatin. The method is simple and reliable
with a total run time of less than 2 min.
Deng et al. [77] determined both pravastatin and its main metabolite,
30 a-isopravastatin in human plasma by HPLC-MS method. After addition
of mycophenolic acid (internal standard), the analytes in plasma samples
were extracted with solid-phase extraction and then separated on a Discov-
ery C18 (5 mm, 15 cm  4.6 mm) column with a mobile phase of methanol
acetonitrile6 mmol/l ammonium acetate solution (20:30:50) at a flow rate
of 0.4 ml/min. HPLC-ESI-MS was performed in the selected-ion
Pravastatin Sodium 489

monitoring mode using target ions at m/z 423.4 (pravastatin and 30 a-iso-
pravastatin) and m/z 319.2 (internal standard). The blank plasma did not
interfere with the determination of the analytes. The linear concentration
ranges of the calibration curves for pravastatin and 30 a-isopravastatin were
both 1.25200 ng/ml. The limits of quantitation of pravastatin and 30 a-
isopravastatin were both 1.25 ng/ml. The extraction recovery was more
than 80%. The method is suitable for pharmacokinetics study of the drug
and its main metabolite.
Vlckova et al. [78] reported a simple and reproducible ultra HPLC-
tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of pravastatin
and its lactone in rat plasma and urine using deuterium-labeled internal
standard for the quantification. Separation of the analytes was performed
on BEH C18 analytical column (5 cm  2.1 mm, 1.7 mm) using gradient
elution by mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and 1 mM ammonium
acetate at pH 4. Run time was 2 min. Quantification of the analytes was
performed using the selected reaction monitoring experiment in
electrospray ionization negative ion mode for pravastatin and in electrospray
ionization positive-ion mode for pravastatin lactone. Sample treatment con-
sisted of a protein precipitation by acetonitrile and microextraction by
packed sorbent for rat plasma. Simple microextraction by packed sorbent
procedure was sufficient for rat urine. Microextraction by packed sorbent
was implemented using the C8 sorbent inserted into a microvolume syringe,
an eVol hand-held automated analytical syringe, and a small volume of sam-
ple (50 ml). The analytes were eluted by 100 ml of the mixture of acet-
onitrile:0.01 M ammonium acetate, pH 4.5 (90:10). The method was
validated and demonstrated good linearity in the range of 5500 nmol/l
for plasma and urine samples. Recovery was within 97109% for plasma
samples and 92101% for urine samples. The method was applied for the
measurement of pharmacokinetic plots of pravastatin and its lactone in rat
plasma and urine samples.
Li et al. [79] determined pravastatin in rat muscle by RP-HPLC. Prav-
astatin was extracted from muscle homogenate with solid-phase extraction
and analyzed by RP-HPLC with a UV detector. The lowest detection limit
of the drug was 0.4 ng and the quantitation limit was 5 ng/g of muscles. The
linearity range was 5100 ng/g of muscle and the solid-phase extraction
recovery was 52.66%. The precision of the method was 61.8%. The method
is sensitive with good precision to assay pravastatin in rat muscle.
A pharmacokinetic application to determine the drug in muscle has been
490 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Li et al. [80] established an RP-HPLC method for the analysis of prav-

astatin in rat liver. An aliquot of 5 g liver homogenate, spiked with triam-
cinolone acetonide (internal standard), was extracted by solid-phase
extraction with Bond Elut C18 column. Chromatography was performed
using a C18 reversed-phase column with mobile phase of disodium hydro-
gen phosphate buffer solution (0.035 mmol/l, pH 3)acetonitrile (155:42).
The linear equation was Y 0.1843, X 4.238  103 (g 0.9934) in the
range of 0.0510 mg/g liver. The limit of detection for pravastatin was
13 ng/ml and the limit of quantification for pravastatin in liver homogenate
was 50 ng/g liver. The average extraction recovery of the drug from liver at
different concentrations was 80.8% and the average interday precision was
11%. This procedure was applied to the assay of pravastatin in rat liver,
which was collected from Lewis rats at different times after administration
of pravastatin (i.e. 20 mg/kg). The method was sensitive and feasible for
pharmacokinetic and distribution study of the drug.
Li et al. [81] determined pravastatin in rat plasma by solid-phase extrac-
tion and RP-HPLC. The drug in an aliquot of 1 ml plasma, spiked with
internal standard, was extracted by solid-phase extraction with Bond
Elut C18 column and determined by HPLC. Chromatography employed
a Purospher RP-C18 reversed-phase column (5 mm, 25 cm  4 mm), a
Lichrospher 100 RP-C18 precolumn (5 mm, 4 mm  4 mm) as the analyt-
ical column, and the mixture of phosphate buffer (0.035 mmol/l disodium
hydrogen phosphate, pH adjusted to 3 with phosphoric acid)acetonitrile
(13:7) as the mobile phase with a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Pravastatin was
detected with a UV detector at 239 nm. The column temperature was
set at 40  C. The linearity range was 10400 ng/ml with limits of detection
and quantitation being 2 and 10 ng/ml, respectively. The average extrac-
tion recovery of pravastatin at different concentrations was 71.48%. Aver-
age intra- and interday precisions were 13% and 19%, respectively. The
method was applied to the determination of pravastatin in rat plasma.
The method is practical and can be used for pharmacokinetic study of
the drug.
Delhi-Raj et al. [82] used a simple RP-HPLC method for the determi-
nation of pravastatin in tablet dosage form. The method used pheno-
mendex Luna 5 mm C18 (15 cm  4.6 mm) column and a mobile phase
consisting of acetonitrile:potassium dehydrogen orthophosphate (0.02 M)
(30:70) adjusted to pH 3 with orthophosphoric acid, a flow rate of
1.5 ml/min with ultraviolet detection at 240 nm. The correlation coeffi-
cient for calibration curves within the detection range of 35.2265.4 ml/ml
Pravastatin Sodium 491

is 0.9993. The within- and between-day precisions were determined for

both retention time and peak area.
Sultana et al. [83] developed and validated an RP-HPLC method for the
estimation of pravastatin in the presence of ceftriaxone in formulation and
human serum. The separation was conducted on prepacked Purospher star
C18 (5 mm, 25 cm  4.6 mm) column at room temperature using methanol:
water:acetonitrile (70:15:20) as the mobile phase, pH adjusted at 2.8 with
orthophosphoric acid, and at a flow rate of 1 ml/min, while UV detection
was performed at 240 nm. The results obtained showed a good agreement
with the declared content. The method may be used for the quantitative
analysis of pravastatin alone or in combination with ceftriaxone from
raw material and dosage formulations and in serum. The method is rapid,
accurate, selective, sensitive, and reproducible.

5.4.5 Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometric methods

Matsushima et al. [84] developed a liquid chromatography/APCI mass spec-
trometric method, to study the pharmacokinetics of the drug. The method is
highly sensitive and good for quantitation and can be used for determination
of plasma samples automatically. The method was validated and compared
with a quantitation method for pravastatin using automated gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Jemal et al. [85] developed a high-flow HPLC coupled with positive and
negative ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry for quantitative
bioanalysis via direct injection of the plasma/serum samples of pravastatin.
Plasma or serum was mixed with an internal standard and injected onto a
column (5 cm  1 mm i.d.) packed with 30 mm OASIS particles, and matrix
components were eluted with an aqueous mobile phase (34 ml/min). After
the cleanup stage was complete, the mobile phase was switched to an organic
one with a flow rate of 0.50.8 ml/min, to elute the analytes, and the col-
umn effluent was directed to a mass spectrometer. The method was applied
to rat plasma containing compound 1 and human serum containing prava-
statin and SQ-31906. Rat plasma (50 ml) was mixed 1:1 with water con-
taining internal standard prior to analysis; the column temperature was
40  C. The first mobile phase was 20 mM formic acid (4 ml/min; 1 min)
and the second was acetonitrile (0.8 ml/min; 2 min). The calibration graph
was linear from 1 to 1000 ng/ml compound I. Human serum (200 ml) was
mixed 4:1 with water containing internal standard; the column temperature
was 40  C, the first mobile phase was 1 mM formic acid (3 ml/min;
1.1 min), and the second was acetonitrile/1 mM formic acid (0.5 ml/min;
492 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

2.8 min). The column was coupled with a 5 mm C18 column

(5 cm  3.9 mm i.d.) during the second stage. The calibration graph was
linear from 0.5 to 100 ng/ml pravastatin and SQ-31906. For both methods,
the analysis time was 5 min/sample and relative standard deviation
was <10%.
Mulvana et al. [86] developed and validated a turbo ion spray
LC-MS/MS method for the quantitative determination of pravastatin and
its biotransformation products in human serum. Serum samples (0.5 ml)
were acidified and extracted by a solid-phase extraction procedure to isolate
all five analytes from human serum. Sample extracts were reconstituted and
analyzed by turbo ion spray LC-MS/MS in the positive-ion mode. The total
run time was 9 min between injections. The assay demonstrated a lower
limit of quantitation of 0.5 ng/ml for all five analytes. The calibration curves
were linear from 0.5 to 100 ng/ml for all five analytes. The coefficients of
determination of all calibration curves were >0.999. Precision and accuracy
QC samples were prepared at concentrations of 2, 30, 80, and 500 ng/ml for
all analytes. The intra- and interassay precisions calculated from QC samples
were within 8% for all analytes. The interassay accuracy calculated from QC
samples was within 8% for all analytes. The extraction recoveries were <90%
for all analytes. Bench-top stability experiments in an ice-water bath
( 10  C) demonstrated that over time, pravastatin lactone hydrolyzes to
pravastatin in serum. Pravastatin and pravastatin-d5 and SQ-31906 and
SQ-31906-d5 were stable under these conditions for up to 24 h. Hydrolysis
was minimized by buffering the serum to pH 4.5 and maintaining the serum
sample in an ice-water bath. All analytes were stable after three freeze/thaw
cycles and in reconstitution solution after 1 week at 4  C. Stability of all
analytes in human serum was demonstrated after storage at 70  C for
77 days. The bench-top ( 10  C) stability of pooled study samples was also
investigated, and the results were comparable to those obtained from serum
QC samples.
Miao and Metcalfe [87] determined pravastatin and three other statins
using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spec-
trometry with methylammonium acetate as an additive in the mobile phase.
Protonated atorvastatin, methylammonium-adducted lovastatin, prava-
statin, and simavastatin were selected as precursor ions, and product ions
were detected by selected reaction monitoring in positive-ion mode. The
instrumental detection limits of atorvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, and sim-
avastatin are 0.7, 0.7, 8.2, and 0.9 pg, respectively. A solid-phase extraction
method was developed to enrich the analytes from aqueous samples. All of
Pravastatin Sodium 493

the statins were detected in an untreated sewage sample at 4117 ng/l and in
a treated sewage sample at 159 ng/l.
Kawabata and Urasaki [88] developed a liquid chromatography-APCI
tandem mass spectrometric method for the quantitative determination of
pravastatin and its main metabolite (R-416) in human plasma with a fully
automated online solid-phase extraction system. The method employed
the direct online injection of human plasma into the Prospekt-2 system
for extraction of the analytes followed by column-switching introduction
of analytes to the LC/APCI-MS/MS system. The use of online solid-phase
extraction system resulted in reducing the sample preparation time and
decreasing endogenous interfering substances in the extract. The lower limit
of quantification for the assay was 0.1 ng/ml for pravastatin and its metab-
olite R-416 on a 100 ml plasma sample. The calibration curves were linear
for concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 ng/ml for both analytes. The
intra- and interassay precision was less than 4%. The method provided an
automated sample analysis in a total cycle time of 6 min, allowing analysis
of many plasma samples to be conducted with increased throughput and
improved robustness.
Jain et al. [89] described a rapid, specific, and sensitive LC-MS/MS assay
method using solid-phase extraction for the determination of pravastatin, in
human plasma. The plasma filtrate obtained after solid-phase extraction,
using a polymer base, a hydrophiliclipophilic balance cartridge, was sub-
mitted directly to short-column liquid chromatography-tandem mass spec-
trometric (LC-MS/MS) assay, with negligible matrix effect on the analysis.
For validation of the method, the recovery of the free analytes was compared
with that from an optimized extraction method, and the analyte stability was
examined under conditions mimicking the sample storage, handling, and
analysis procedures. The extraction procedure yielded extremely clean
extracts with a recovery of 107.44% and 98.93% for pravastatin and internal
standard, respectively. The intra- and interassay precisions for the samples at
the lower limit of quantitation were 3.30% and 7.31%, respectively. The cal-
ibration curves were linear for the dynamic range 0.5200 ng/ml with cor-
relation coefficient r
0.9988. The intra- and interassay accuracy ranged
from 95.87% to 112.40%. The method is simple and reliable with a total
run time of 3 min. This validated method was applied to the pharmacoki-
netic study in human volunteers receiving a single oral dose of 40 mg imme-
diate release formulation.
Deng et al. [90] developed a liquid chromatography and tandem mass
spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for determining pravastatin or
494 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

pitavastatin in plasma. Pravastatin, pitavastatin, and the internal standard

fluvastatin were extracted from plasma with solid-phase extraction columns
and eluted with methanol. After drying the organic layer, the residue was
reconstituted in mobile phase (acetonitrile:water, 90:10, v/v) and injected
onto an RP-C18 column. The isocratic mobile phase was eluted at
0.2 ml/min. The ion transitions recorded in multiple reaction monitoring
mode were m/z 423 ! 101, 420 ! 290, and 410 ! 348 for pravastatin,
pitavastatin, and fluvastatin, respectively. The coefficient of variation of
the assay precision was less than 12.4%, and the accuracy exceeded 89%.
The limit of detection was 1 ng/ml for all analytes. This method was used
to measure the plasma concentration of pitavastatin or pravastatin from
healthy subjects after a single 4 mg oral dose of pitavastatin or 40 mg oral
dose of pravastatin. The method is a simple, sensitive, and accurate and
can be used to determine the pharmacokinetic profiles of pitavastatin or
Wang and Wang [91] developed and validated a high-throughput
bioanalytical method for simultaneous quantitation of pravastatin and its
metabolite in human serum. Online extraction following liquid
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used. The online extrac-
tion was accomplished by direct injection of a 50 ml serum sample, mixed
4:1 with an aqueous internal standard solution, into one of the extraction
columns with aqueous 1 mM formic acid at flow rate of 3 ml/min. The sep-
aration and analysis were achieved by back eluting the analytes from the
extraction column and the analytical column to the mass spectrometer with
an isocratic mobile phase consisting of 62% aqueous 1 mM formic acid and
38% acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. The second extraction column
was being equilibrated, while the first column was being used for the analysis
and vice versa. The standard curve range was 0.5100 ng/ml for pravastatin
and metabolite.
Mertens et al. [92] developed a liquid chromatography combined with
diode array and tandem mass spectrometry LC-DAD-MS/MS detection
for the simultaneous quantitative determination of pravastatin, its main
metabolite, and fenofibric acid in human plasma. An automated solid-phase
extraction on disposable extraction cartridge is used to isolate compounds
from the biological matrix and to prepare a cleaner sample before injection
and analysis in the LC-DAD-MS/MS system. Online LC-DAD-MS/MS
system using an atmospheric pressure ionization (TurbolonSpray) was devel-
oped for the simultaneous determination of pravastatin, 3-hydroxy isomeric
metabolite, pravalactone, and fenofibric acid. The separation was obtained
Pravastatin Sodium 495

on an end-capped dodecyl silica-based stationary phase using a mobile phase

consisting of a mixture of acetonitrile, methanol, and 5 mM ammonium
acetate solution (30:30:40). Sulindac and triamcinolone were used as
internal standards. The detection of fenofibric acid and sulindac was
achieved by means of a DAD system. The MS/MS ion transitions monitored
were m/z 442.2 ! 269.1, 442.2 ! 269.1, 424.3 ! 183, and 435.2 ! 397.2
for pravastatin, 3-hydroxy metabolite, pravalactone, and triamcinolone,
respectively. The method was validated for stability, selectivity, extraction
efficiency, response function, trueness, precision lower limit of quantitation,
and matrix effect.
Tan et al. [93] described an LC-MS/MS method for the determination of
pravastatin in human plasma. After the addition of rosuvastatin as an internal
standard, pravastatin in plasma samples was extracted with solid-phase
extraction column. The analysis involved a Hypurity C18 (15 cm  2.1 mm,
5 mm) column. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile:water (1000 ml
water added 2 ml formic acid) (85:15), the flow rate was 0.2 ml/min, the
column temperature was 40  C. ESI+ was performed in the MRM mode
using target ions at m/z 447 ! 327 (pravastatin) and m/z 482 ! 272
(rosuvastatin). The peak area of pravastatin in plasma showed good linearity
within the range between 2.52 and 660 mg/l. The lower limit of quantita-
tion in plasma was 2.52 mg/l. The extracted recovery was 70% and the rel-
ative recovery was 98102%. The intra- and interday relative standard
deviation was 15%. The method is simple, sensitive with good recovery,
and can be used in analyzing the drug in biological samples.
Zhang et al. [94] established an LC-MS/MS method for the determina-
tion of pravastatin in human plasma. After the addition of rosuvastatin as an
internal standard with liquidliquid extraction, the analysis involved an
Inertsil ODS-3 (2.1 mm  50 mm, 5 mm) column. The mobile phase
consisted of acetonitrile:1 mmol/l ammonium formate water solution
(include 0.1% formic acid) (60:40) at a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min, and the
column temperature was set at 40  C. ESI+ was performed in the MRM
mode using target ions at 448 ! 327.7 (pravastatin) and m/z 483.2258.6
(rosuvastatin). The peak area of pravastatin in plasma showed good linearity
in the range of 0.957510 ng/ml, and the lower limit of quantitation
of pravastatin in plasma was 0.957 ng/ml. The extracted recovery was
75%, the relative recovery was 80120%, and the intra- and interday relative
standard deviation was 15%. The method can be used for the determina-
tion of pravastatin sodium tablets plasma concentration and its
pharmacokinetic study.
496 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

Pilli et al. [95] developed and validated a simple, rapid, and sensitive liq-
uid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantita-
tion of pravastatin in human plasma. Topiramate was used as the internal
standard. The analytes were extracted from human plasma samples by liq-
uidliquid extraction. The reconstituted samples were chromatographed
on a C18 column by using a 90:10 mixture of acetonitrile and 5 mM ammo-
nium acetate as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The method is
applicable to clinical studies.

5.4.6 Capillary electrophoresis methods

Kircali et al. [96] described a capillary electrophoretic method for the deter-
mination of pravastatin in pharmaceutical tablet formulations. Pravastatin
and lansoprazole (internal standard) were well migrated in the background
electrolyte of 10 mM borate buffer (pH 8.5) and 10% acetonitrile using a
fused-silica capillary. Separation was achieved by applying 27.5 kV,
detecting at 200 nm, and injecting the sample for 0.5 s and with an average
migration time for pravastatin and internal standard of 4.7 and 3.9 min,
respectively, at ambient temperature. The results were precise and repeat-
able. The method was applied to the determination of pravastatin in the
pharmaceutical tablets.
Nigovic and Vegar [97] developed and validated a capillary zone electro-
phoresis method for the determination of pravastatin. Rapid migration of
negatively charged pravastatin molecule was obtained in alkaline buffer
by the application of electric field of 30 kV. The influence of pH value
and ionic strength of running buffer, applied voltage, and capillary temper-
ature on mobility and sensitivity was evaluated. Detection wavelength was
set to 237 nm. The method was applied to the determination of the drug in
pharmaceutical dosage form. Pravastatin is a d-hydroxy acid which is prone
to lactonize and epimerize in a pH-dependent manner. Micellar electroki-
netic chromatographic approach was chosen to develop a method able to
separate pravastatin and its degradation products in acid media. The method
allows baseline separation of hydroxy acid and neutral lactone forms of the
drug that appear as interconversion products depending on the pH value.
Damic and Nigovic [98] introduced a universal micellar electrokinetic
capillary chromatographic method with diode array detection for the simul-
taneous and short-time analysis of pravastatin and five other statins. Opti-
mized conditions were found to be a 25 mM borate buffer pH 9.5 with
25 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate and 10% methanol added as an organic mod-
ifier, an applied voltage of 23 kV, and a separation temperature of 30  C.
Pravastatin Sodium 497

Ketoprofen was used as an internal standard. The linearity of the detector

response for each statin was within the concentration range from 10 to
100 mg/ml with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.9994. Analysis of
pravastatin and the other statins in pharmaceutical samples were carried
out in only 5 min. Recovery values were in the range of 98.04100.8%,
and the interference of the tablet sample matrix was not observed.

5.5. Immunoassay methods

Wang-Iverson and Cohen [99] used bioanalytical approaches, including
quantitative mass spectrometry, for pravastatin and two other statins.
Radioenzyme assay measured the inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase
in vitro. Serum samples containing pravastatin were added to rat liver micro-
somes, various cofactors, and 14C-HMG-CoA as reductase. The amount of
C-mevalomolactone generated served as a measure of the reductase activ-
ity, the standard curve being linearized; the lower limit of quantitation was
3 ng/ml for the drug, with a range up to 200 ng/ml. Radioimmunoassay
measured pravastatin and its 6-hydroxy major metabolite, SQ-31906. This
method has a very high sample throughout and proved to be very rugged.
Gas chromatographynegative ion chemical ionizationmass spectrometry
(GCNICIMS) required sample preparation, particularly solid-phase
extraction of the serum, and pentafluorobenzyl derivatization. The lower
limit of quantitation was 0.5 ng/ml and linearity was up to 120 ng/ml.
The advantage of the GCNICIMS technique over REA and RIA was
its ability to measure the analyte of interest.
Muramatsu et al. [100] used an enzyme immune assay method for prav-
astatin in blood. The determination pravastatin in blood involves, reacting
test pravastatin in the sample using a standard curve. The detection range was
600 pg to 200 ng/ml. The competitive enzyme immune assay is simple and
specific. Preparation of 5-dehydroxy pravastatinbovine serum albumin
complex for antibody production is described.
Muramatsu et al. [101] developed and validated an enzyme immunoassay
(EIA) for the determination of pravastatin sodium (I) in human plasma sam-
ples. Microtiter plates were coated with goat anti-rabbit IgG (IgG fraction),
blocked with human serum albumin (HSA), and washed with phosphate
buffer saline containing 0.05% Tween 20 (buffer A). Rabbit antiserum
(50 ml) to pravastatin diluted in phosphate buffer saline containing 0.1%
HSA, 50 ml horseradish peroxidase-labeled antigen diluted to 2001000
or 100500 ng/ml for methods A and B, respectively, and sample (50 ml)
498 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

were incubated in the wells at 4  C for 2024 h. After washing with buffer
A, 200 ml 0.01% tetramethylbenzidine in 50 mM acetate/citrate buffer of
pH 5.5 containing 3% DMSO and 0.002% hydrogen peroxide was added
for 30 min, followed by 0.05 M sulfuric acid, and the absorbance was mea-
sured at 450 nm. The antisera were obtained using bovine serum albumin
conjugates of the b-alanine derivative of pravastatin (for method A) or
the S-deoxy derivative of pravastatin for method B. At optimal antise-
rum/labeled antigen dilutions, pravastatin could be determined in the range
of 5500 pg/well with an IC50 of 36130 pg/well. The detection limit for
method A was 500 pg/ml pravastatin, and the relative standard deviation at
5 ng/ml was 4.5%.
Darwish et al. [102] developed and validated a new highly sensitive EIA
for the determination of pravastatin in human plasma samples. Pravastatin
was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin and bovine serum albumin via
its terminal carboxylic acid group by carbodiimide reagent. Pravastatin
keyhole limpet hemocyanin conjugate was used as an immunogen for raising
anti-pravastatin polyclonal antibody in rabbits. The generated anti-
pravastatin antibody recognized pravastatin with high affinity and selectivity.
Pravastatinbovine serum albumin conjugate was immobilized onto
microwell plates and used as a solid phase. The assay involved a competitive
binding reaction between pravastatin, in plasma sample, and the
immobilized pravastatinbovine serum albumin for the binding sites on a
limited amount of the anti-pravastatin antibody. The anti-pravastatin anti-
body bound to the plate wells was quantified with horseradish peroxidase-
labeled anti-immunoglobulin second anti-rabbit IgG antibody and 3,30 ,5,
50 -tetramethylbenzidine as a substrate for the peroxidase enzyme. The con-
centration of pravastatin in the sample was quantified by its ability to inhibit
the binding of the anti-pravastatin antibody to the immobilized pravastatin
bovine serum albumin and subsequently the color development in the assay
wells. The conditions of the enzyme immune assay method were investi-
gated, and the optimum conditions were employed in the determination
of pravastatin in plasma samples. The assay limit of detection was 0.2 ng/ml,
and the effective working range at relative standard deviation of 5% was
0.520 ng/ml. The mean analytical recovery of pravastatin from spiked
plasma was 100.9  2.98%. The precision of the assay was satisfactory; rel-
ative standard deviation was 2.613.70% and 3.964.17% for intra- and
interassay precision, respectively. The analytical procedure is convenient,
and one can analyze approximately 200 samples per working day, facilitating
the processing of large-number batch of samples. The enzyme immune assay
Pravastatin Sodium 499

method has a great value in the routine analysis of pravastatin in plasma sam-
ples for its therapeutic monitoring and pharmacokinetic studies.

In a two-way crossover study, eight healthy male subjects each
received an intravenous and an oral dose of [14C]-pravastatin sodium.
The oral absorption of [14C] activity from pravastatin sodium was about
34%, and the oral bioavailability was about 18%, suggesting first-pass metab-
olism of the drug. After intravenous dose, the recovery of radioactivity aver-
aged 60% and 34% in urine and feces, respectively. Corresponding values
were 20% (urine) and 71% (feces) for oral dose [103].
Biotransformation profile of pravastatin in pooled human urine, plasma,
and feces from healthy male volunteers given single oral dose or single intra-
venous doses of [14C]-pravastatin were determined by HPLC. The drug-
related component in urine, plasma, and feces corresponds to the intact prav-
astatin in the pooled urine samples. Pravastatin constituted 29% and 69% of
the radioactivity after the oral and the intravenous doses, respectively [104].
The disposition and metabolism of pravastatin sodium in rats, dogs, and
monkeys have been studied using [14C]-labeled compound. Absorption was
about 70% in rat and 50% in dogs. Tissue distribution examined by both
whole-body autoradiography, and radiography measurement demonstrated
that the drug was selectively taken up by the liver and excreted via bile
mainly in unchanged form [105].
The effect of oral contraceptive steroids on the pharmacokinetics of
pravastatin in young women was evaluated. Normal healthy male and female
were subjected to receive a single dose of pravastatin after an overnight fast.
The pharmacokinetic profiles of pravastatin and SQ-31906 in young and
elderly subjects of men and women differed little. Concomitant administra-
tion of oral contraceptives in young women did not affect the pharmacoki-
netics of pravastatin and SQ-31906. No difference was detected between the
disposition of the parent drug or its metabolite in men and women [106].
Pravastatin differs from other statins because of its greater hydrophilicity
due to the hydroxy group attached to its decalin ring. The hydrophilic
nature of pravastatin accounts or its minimal penetration into the intracel-
lular space of nonhepatic tissues, including an apparent inability to cross the
bloodbrain barrier. The drug is well tolerated and is rapidly absorbed and
excreted. Pravastatin does not accumulate in plasma even with repeated
administration. The drug is taken up into the liver by an active transport
500 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

carrier system. The hepatic excretion ratio is high (0.66). Pravastatin and
metabolites are cleared through both hepatic and renal routes. The drug
is 50% protein bound [107].
The single dose and steady-state pharmacokinetics of pravastatin and its
two metabolites, SQ-31906 and SQ-31945, were evaluated in hemodialysis
patients. No statistical differences in the pharmacokinetics of pravastatin or
SQ-31906 were evident when comparing the first and last days of oral dos-
ing with pravastatin. The pharmacokinetic parameters of pravastatin and
SQ-31906 were similar to those of healthy volunteers. SQ-31945, the inac-
tive polar metabolite, accumulated in dialysis patients. Pravastatin can be
administered in the usual dosages to subjects with renal failure on hemodi-
alysis and no change of dosing is necessary [108].
Many of the in vivo and in vitro human and animal studies suggest that an
active transport mechanism is involved in the pharmacokinetics of prava-
statin. The drug is rapidly absorbed from the upper part of the small intestine,
via proton-coupled carrier-mediated transport, and then taken up by the
liver by a sodium-independent bile acid transporter [109].
Co-administration of pravastatin with gemfibrozil leads to the inhibition
of human organic anion transporter 3-mediated pravastatin transport and the
metabolites in humans. It causes a decrease in renal clearance of the drug by
about 40% in healthy volunteers. An uptake study was undertaken of prav-
astatin using human organic anion transporter-expressing S2 cells. Human
organic anion transporter 3 and human organic anion transporter 4 trans-
ported pravastatin in a saturatable manner with MichaelisMenten constant
of 27.7 and 257 mM, respectively. Human organic anion transporters 1 and 2
did not transport pravastatin [110].
Pharmacokinetic properties of pravastatin in Mexicans were studied in
health adult volunteers. To evaluate the pharmacokinetic properties of prava-
statin in healthy Mexican mestizos volunteers and to compare them with those
in white and Japanese populations described in the literature. Twenty-four sub-
jects (15 women, 9 men; mean age, 30.6 years) participated in the study. The
mean (SD) Cmax was 9.5 (2.4) ng/ml; Tmax, 0.8 (0.3) h; AUC01, 35.7 (19.7)
ng/ml; tl/2, 2.7 (1.1) h; and mean residence time, 3.1 (1.1) h. One volunteer
(4%) had an AUC value that differed substantially from the rest of the study
population, producing a bimodal distribution of the pharmacokinetic param-
eters. No adverse events were observed or reported during the trial [111].
Studies compared the multiple-dose pharmacokinetic interaction pro-
files of pravastatin when co-administered with four inhibitors of cytochrome
P450-3A4 isoenzymes in healthy subjects was studied. Compared with
Pravastatin Sodium 501

pravastatin alone, co-administration of verapamil, mibefradil, or

itraconazole with pravastatin was associated with no significant changes in
pravastatin pharmacokinetics. Pravastatin has a neutral drug interaction pro-
file relative to cytochrome P450-3A4 inhibitors [112].

Iwabuchi et al. [113] reported that, in rat, pravastatin was metabolized
to two metabolites. After incubation of one of the metabolites with rat hepa-
tocytes, a glutathione conjugate was found. Metabolic pathways for prava-
statin were proposed.
Everett et al. [104] studied the biotranformation profiles pravastatin in
pooled urine, plasma, and feces from healthy males given single 19.2 mg oral
or 9.9 mg intravenous doses of [14C]-pravastatin and determined them by
HPLC. The main drug-related component in urine, plasma, and feces cor-
responded to intact pravastatin. Twelve metabolites were isolated and iden-
tified as unchanged pravastatin 1, 3a-iso-pravastatin 2, 6-epi-pravastatin 3,
desacyl pravastatin 4, pravastatin glucuronide 5, 5,6-epoxy 3a-iso-
pravastatin 6, 30 (S)-OH-pravastatin 7, unknown conjugate of metabolite
9, tetranor of 30 (S)-OH-pravastatin 8, tetranor analog of 30 (S)-
OH-pravastatin 9, 3-keto-5,6-dihydroxy derivative of pravastatin 10,
7-OH-3a-iso-pravastatin 11, and triol metabolite of pravastatin 12.
Figure 8.15 shows the biotransformation pathways of pravastatin in human.
Muramatsu et al. [114] studied the metabolic fate of pravastatin sodium in
isolated rat hepatocytes. Two polar metabolites were isolated and identified
as a glutathione conjugate and a dehydrodiol. Both metabolites were formed
via an epoxide which has been identified as the 40 b,50 b epoxide on the
decalin moiety. Formation of the glutathione conjugate was enzymic, while
the dehydrodiol was formed by nonenzymic hydrolysis of the epoxide
accompanied by the intramolecular migration of the double bond.
Nakamura et al. [115] determined the structures, including stereochem-
istry, of the two major metabolites of pravastatin sodium in an isolated rat
hepatocyte system, 4-a-glutathione conjugates, and 30 ,50 -dehydroiol by
one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The structures of two syn-
thetic pravastatin epoxides, possible precursors of the metabolites, were
established. One of the synthetic epoxides, 40 a beta, 50 beta epoxide, was
converted to the pravastatin metabolite, 40 a-glutathione conjugate by a
rat liver cytosol system, and is proposed as the common metabolic interme-
diate between pravastatin sodium and the two metabolites.
HO CO2- Na+ HO CO2- Na+ HO CO2- Na+ HO CO2- Na+

H3 C O
H3 C O H3C O
oxidation oxidation HO

Desacyl-PV (4) 5,6-epoxy-3- 3 -iso-PV (2) 7-OH-3-iso-PV (11)
iso-PV (6)

Ox I som erizat ion

H ma H H
HO CO2- Na+ tiza HO CO2- Na+ HO CO2- Na+
H3 C O H3 C O H3 C O
-1 oxidation Isomerization
Pravastatin sodium (1) Ox 6-epi-PV (3)
3(S)-OH-PV (7) ida
b- da n dra
O tio
xi tio
tio Gluruconidation n H
O a

da CO2- Na+
1 xid

t io HO
w- -O


HO CO2- Na+ O H H
Ox HO CO2- Na+
OH H3 C O ida
OH O CO2- Na+ O H H tio
CH3 CH3 n OH
H3 C O H3 C O
Conjugate of 3(S)- O OH CH3 CH3
OH-PV Tetranor (8)
Triol (12)
Tetranor (9)

PV-Glucuronide (5) 3-Keto-5,6-diol (10)

Figure 8.15 Biotransformation pathways for pravastatin in humans [104].

Pravastatin Sodium 503

Komai et al. [105] studied the disposition and the metabolism of prava-
statin in rat, dogs and monkeys using [14C]-labeled compound. The extent
of absorption was approximately 70% in rats and 50% in dogs. Tissue distri-
bution examined by both whole-body autoradiography and radioactivity
measurement demonstrated that the drug was selectively taken up by the
liver, a target organ of the drug, and excreted via bile mainly in unchanged
form. Since pravastatin excreted by the bile was reabsorbed, the inter-
ohepatic circulation maintained the presence of unchanged pravastatin in
the target organ. The profiles of metabolites of pravastatin were studied
in various tissues and excreta, and the main metabolic pathway of pravastatin
sodium is shown in Figure 8.16.
Kitazawa et al. [116] stated that a major metabolite R-416 of pravastatin
sodium and a minor metabolite R-418 were produced in rat liver cytosol in
the presence of adenosine-30 -phosphate-50 -phosphosulfate as a cofactor.
The reactions were inhibited by the inhibitors for sulfotransferase, and
OH was introduced to the 30 -a and 60 -a positions of R-416 and
R-418, respectively, by incubation with H18 2 O. Pravastatin was, therefore,
metabolically activated by sulfation at the 60 -b-hydroxy group by sul-
fotransferase, followed by nucleophilic attack of hydroxy anions at 3-a or
6-a positions, to give R-416 or R-418, respectively (Figure 8.17).
Muramatsu et al. [117] studied the metabolism of pravastatin sodium by
3a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. When incubated with isolated rat hepa-
tocytes, pravastatin sodium yields a small amount of a metabolite in addition
to two metabolites. The metabolite was found to be formed by at first being
enzymatically dehydrogenated to 60 -keto intermediate (R-195) through
spontaneous deesterification with accompanying aromatization. The
pravastatin-60 -b-hydroxydehydrogenase activity was localized in cytosolic
fraction and required NADP, preferentially over NAD, as a cofactor.
The formation of R-195 by rat liver cytosol was strongly inhibited by indo-
methacin. The results and high substrate specificity of purified pravastatin-
60 -b-hydroxy dehydrogenase toward 3a-hydroxysteroids suggested that the
enzyme is identical to 3a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
Jacobsen et al. [118] compared the intestinal metabolism of lovastatin and
pravastatin in vitro. Incubation of pravastatin with human small intestinal
microsomes resulted in the generation of 30 a,50 b,60 b-trihydroxy pravastatin
and hydroxy pravastatin, as in the liver, pravastatin was metabolized in the
small intestine by sulfation and subsequent degradation to its main metabo-
lite 30 a-iso-pravastatin.
504 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

H3 C O H3 C O


M-1 (R-416) M-1 (R-418)


H3 C O H H
CH3 CH3 H3 C O H3 C O
HO -Oxidation Lactonization
Pravastatin sodium M-3 (R-414)

CH3 Oxidation

M-8 OH
H3 C O
Major pathway HO

Minor pathway

Conjugation Hydration
Proposed metabolite

H3 C O H3 C O

Cys . Conj. Cys . Gly . Conj.

SG SG: glutathione

M-7 M-6 M-5 (R-101) M-4 (R-155)


Figure 8.16 Main metabolic pathway of pravastatin sodium [105].

Jacobsen et al. [119] also compared the in vivo cytochrome P450

3A-dependent metabolism and drug interaction of lovastatin and prava-
statin. Incubation of pravastatin with human liver microsomes resulted
in the generation of 30 a,5b,6b-trihydroxy pravastatin and hydroxy
Pravastatin Sodium 505


3 sulfotransterases
sodium (I)

CH3 CH3 +
R-416 R-418

Figure 8.17 Plausible metabolic pathway of pravastatin sodium to R-416 and R-418

Deng et al. [120] found that pravastatin was unstable under the simu-
lated stomach conditions. Brain-Isasi et al. [63] reported that degradation of
pravastatin is dramatically influenced on both pH and temperature and that
stability of pravastatin increases with the increase of pH. Lotfy et al. [121]
studied the stability of pravastatin sodium under acidic hydrolytic condi-
tions. Polagani et al. [122] conducted a stability test to evaluate analyte sta-
bility in stock solutions and in plasma samples under different conditions.
Stock solutions were found to be stable for 23 days at 28  C. Pilli
et al. [95] studied the stability of pravastatin in human plasma and found that
the drug is stable for 30 days at 28  C. Bastarda et al. [53] studied the chem-
ical stability of pravastatin in aqueous media at pH between 1 and 7. Due to
the presence of a highly sensitive diene alcohol and 3-hydroxy-8-lactone,
pravastatin showed very characteristic chemical behavior. In the acidic
media of pH 13, pravastatin undergoes isomerization of 6a-hydroxy group
in the hexahydronaphthalone ring forming a mixture of 6a-, 6b-, 3a-, and
3b-hydroxyl isomers. Each isomer may also undergo lactonization of the
hydroxy acid chain to form the corresponding lactone. Thus in acidic media
pravastatin sodium could convert to the following seven different
506 Abdullah A. Al-Badr and Gamal A.E. Mostafa

compounds: Pravastatin lactone, 3-b-OH-pravastatin lactone, 3-a-

OH-pravastatin lactone, 6-a-OH-pravastatin lactone, 3-a-OH-pravastatin
sodium, 3-b-OH-pravastatin sodium, and 6-a-OH-pravastatin sodium.

Serizawa [123] presented a review on two-stage manufacturing prav-
astatin by fermentation. It comprises the manufacturing of (+)-compactin,
ML-236B, fermentation of pravastatin with microorganisms, and future
Arai et al. [124] presented a review on the production, chemistry,
enzyme inhibition, and animal studies, metabolic studies, of pravastatin.
Erturk et al. [125] presented a review on the analytical methods for the
quantitative determinations of pravastatin and four other statins in biological
fluids. Almost all the assays reviewed are based on HPLC or gas chromatog-
raphy. Some purification steps (liquidliquid extraction, solid-phase extrac-
tion, etc.) have been used before they are submitted to separation of
chromatographic procedures and are detected by various detection method
such as ultraviolet, fluorescence, and mass spectrometry. The review showed
that most methods may be used for quantitative determination of statin in
plasma and are suitable for therapeutic monitoring of these drugs.
Nirogi et al. [126] presented a review on chromatographymass spec-
trometry methods for the quantitation of pravastatin and six other statins
in biological samples. HPLC in combination with tandem mass spectrom-
etry is the analytical technique of choice for the quantification of these com-
pounds in biological samples. This review envisages that most of the
methods used for quantification of pravastatin and the other statins are in
plasma and they are suitable for therapeutic drug monitoring of these drugs.

The authors wish to thank Mr. Tanvir Ahmed Butt, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department,
College of Pharmacy, King Saud University for his secretarial assistance in preparing this

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Vardenafil Dihydrochloride
Abdelkader E. Ashour*, A.F.M. Motiur Rahman,
Mohammed G. Kassem
*Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1. Introduction 515
1.1 Nomenclature 516
1.2 Formula 516
1.3 Physical properties 517
2. Methods of Preparation 518
3. Physical Properties 522
3.1 Spectroscopy 522
3.2 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 523
3.3 Mass spectrum 526
4. Methods of Analysis 528
4.1 Chromatographic methods 528
4.2 Voltammetric method 535
4.3 Immunoassay methods 535
5. Pharmacology of Vardenafil 536
5.1 Pharmacodynamics 536
5.2 Pharmacokinetics 539
Acknowledgment 540
References 540

Vardenafil (Levitra) is a potent and highly selective inhibitor of
cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5), the most prominent
PDE in the penile corpus cavernosum. It has been proven to be safe and
effective treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). This action can result in
smooth muscle relaxation that is needed for a penile erection [1]. Vardenafil
is 510 times more potent than sildenafil, the classic PDE-5 inhibitor [2].
The drug is generally well tolerated, with a favorable safety profile. Its use

Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 39 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. 515
ISSN 1871-5125 All rights reserved.
516 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

is associated with few treatment-related side effects, most notably headache,

flushing, indigestion and nasal congestion [3,4]. Vardenafil has a rapid onset
of action, and ED patients can gain erections sufficiently rigid for eventual
intercourse completion as early as 1015 min after drug intake [5,6]. It is
hepatically metabolized into more than 14 metabolites, the most important
of which is N-desethyl vardenafil (M1). Interestingly, this metabolite is
pharmacologically active [7,8].

1.1. Nomenclature
1.1.1 Systematical chemical names
7-propylimidazo[5,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-4(1H)-one (free base) [8].
propyl-1H,4H-imidazo[4,3-f][1,2,4]triazin-4-one (IUPAC, free base) [9].
propylimidazo[5,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-4(1H)-one (free base) [10].
propylimidazo[5,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-4(1H)-one dihydrochloride (ACD/
IUPAC name) [11].
propylimidazo[5,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-4(1H)-one dihydrochloride [11].

1.1.2 Nonproprietary names

Synonyms: VDN (free base) [12].

1.1.3 Proprietary names

Levitra [11], Staxyn , Staxyn ODT, Vivanza.

1.2. Formula
1.2.1 Empirical formula, molecular weight, obtained mass,
and CAS number
Chemical formula: C23H32N6O4S.2HCl; C23H34Cl2N6O4S
Molecular weight: 561.53
Monoisotopic mass: 560.17395 Da, molecular weight: 488.60, mon-
oisotopic mass: 488.220581 Da (free base), exact mass: 488.22, exact mass:
488.22, m/z 488.9 [M H] (obtained),
CAS number 224789-15-5, CAS number 224785-90-4 (free base) [9,12].
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 517

1.2.2 Structural formula

S N . 2HCl

Vardenafil dihydrochloride (1) [12]

1.2.3 SMILES
N4CCN(CC)CC4 [11].
S(]O)(]O)N1CCN(CC)CC1 (free base) [13].

1.2.4 InChI
12-14-28;/h9-10,15H,5-8,11-14H2,1-4H3,(H,25,26,30);2*1H [11].
h9-10,15H,5-8,11-14H2,1-4H3,(H,25,26,30) (free base) [13].

1.3. Physical properties

1.3.1 Appearance
White crystalline powder

1.3.2 Solubility
Water solubility: 0.11 mg/mL (HCl salt) [13].

1.3.3 Melting point

241  C, 192  C (free base) [3], 214216  C [9], 224239  C [14].

1.3.4 Stability
30  C/75% relative humidity [15].

1.3.5 Dissociation constant

pKa1 4.72; pKa2 6.21 (tertiary amine)/estimated (free base) [16].
518 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

1.3.6 Partition coefficient

P is the partition coefficient of the molecule in the wateroctanol system
log P: 2.65 [11].
log P: 1.4 (free base) [13].

Vardenafil dihydrochloride (1) was first synthesized by Ulrich
Niewohner et al. [17], then Mao et al. [18], and recently Nowakowski
et al. [19]. Alkylation of 2-hydrozybenzonitrile with ethyl bromide,
followed by addition of ammonia to the nitrile functionality using
AlMeClNH2, generated in situ by addition of ammonium chloride with
trimethyl-aluminum, to give amidine 3. On the other hand, D,L-alanine
was acylated with butyryl chloride to provide 7, which underwent a
DakinWest reaction with ethyl oxalyl chloride to furnish the intermediate
a-oxoamino ester 9 (Scheme 9.1).

OH 1) EtBr, K2CO3 OEt NH OEt NH

Acetone, reflux .HCl
97 % NH2 N
2) AlMe3, NH4Cl EtOH, RT
2 Toluene, 080 C 4
76 % EtOH

O 70 C
NH2 Et3N, TMSCl Cl
OH 040 C O 8
O H3C Pyridine, DMAP
5 O THF, reflux
Pr Cl 6 7 9
10 C to RT
71 %

ClCH2CH2Cl 0 C to RT O
O CH3 reflux 91 %
10 28 % 11 12

.2HCl O
N 3 eq N
NH N O N 1M HCl in Et2O O HN
CH2Cl2, 0 C to RT Et2O, CH2Cl2, O
66 % O 99 % O
13 1
Vardenafil dihydrochloride
Scheme 9.1 Synthesis of vardenafil dihydrochloride [17,20,21].
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 519

A solution of crude 9 in ethanol was added to carboximidohydrazide 4,

formed in situ by addition of hydrazine hydrate to amidine 3 in ethanol, and

the mixture was heated at 70 C for 4 h to give the condensation product 10.
Intermediate 10 was cyclized to the imidazotriazinone 11 using phospho-
rous oxychloride. Compound 11 was formed in 28% yield from 3 and 7,
when intermediates 4, 9, and 10 were taken to the next step without puri-
fication. Reaction of 11 with chlorosulfonic acid provided the sulfonyl chlo-
ride 12, which was treated with N-ethylpiperazine to obtain vardenafil (13)
followed by salt formation using hydrochloric acid in ether furnished
vardenafil dihydrochloride (1). A modified synthesis of vardenafil
dihydrochloride (1) on a multikilogram scale has recently been reported
by the same authors [22] (Scheme 9.2). Benzamide 3 was prepared in a dif-
ferent manner than what is described in Scheme 9.1, because it is difficult
to use triethyl-aluminum on a large scale. Thus, 2-ethoxybenzamide (14)
was dehydrated with thionyl chloride to give 2-ethoxybenonitrile (15),
which was treated with hydroxyl amine hydrochloride to afford the
N-hydroxybenzamidine (16).
Catalytic hydrogenation of 16 provided benzamidine 3. Intermediate 9
was condensed with the imidohydrazide intermediate 4 in a similar manner
as that described in Scheme 9.1 to give 10. Compound 10 was cyclized using
phosphorous oxychloride or acetyl chloride to deliver 11. Compound 11
was sulfonated with H2SO4 to furnish the sulfonic acid 17. Treatment of
17 with thionyl chloride and DMF provided the sulfonyl chloride, which


OEt N .HCl
SOCl2 CN NH2NH2.HCl H2, Pd/C
Toluene Et3N, i -PrOH acetic acid
14 8590 C 15 16 5060 C 3

POCl3 N conc. H2SO4 HO3S N
or 80 %
11 17

.2HCl O
N Conc. HCl
1) SOCl2, DMF HN N
N O N Acetone, H2O O HN
S N 89 % N N
2) O
13 1
Vardenafil dihydrochloride
Scheme 9.2 Large scale synthesis of vardenafil dihydrochloride.
520 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

was reacted with N-ethylpiperazine in the same pot to give vardenafil (13) in
93 % yield. The vardenafil dihydrochloride (1) salt of vardenafil (13) was
prepared using concentrated HCl in acetone and water.
Recently, in 2009, Yongjun Mao et al. [18] presented an improved
synthetic route (Scheme 9.3) for the synthesis of vardenafil (13). In this
scheme, compound 5 was treated with chlorosulfonic acid to obtain sul-
fonyl chloride substituted product 18, which was then treated with
1-ethylpiperazine to provide 19, followed by POCl3 treatment to give
the benzonitrile 20.
The benzamidine 21 was afforded by the reaction of 20 with
lithium hexamethyldisilazane. Then benzamidine 21 was treated with
hydrazine hydrate in ethanol to convert the benzamidine 21 to the
benzamidrazone 22. Compound 22 [19] was then reacted with 9 to afford
the intermediate 23 which was directly transformed into the title
vardenafil (13).
For the synthesis of vardenafil (13), imidazole 26 was prepared according
to the reported procedure [2325]. Aminolysis of imidazole 26, followed by

CH2Cl2, < 20 C RT, 86 % S O 8090 C, 85 %
14 N
SO2Cl 18 O
N 19


N2H4 H2O, H
S O THF, rt, S O EtOH, rt, 88% S O
N O 83%; N N
O O 22
N N 21 N

N N POCl3, N N
O 9 S N H S N
EtOH, reflux 70 C
O 84% O
23 13
Scheme 9.3 Improved synthetic route for the synthesis of vardenafil
dihydrochloride [21].
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 521

EtI, 14C AlMe3, NH2. HCl
I 14C 14C

24 2 (14C) 25 (14C) 3 (14C)

14C H3C OEt 14C
14C N POCl3 N
NH 9 N O N

4 (14C) 10 (14C) 11 (14C)

i) N
14C N N 14C N
ClSO3H N EtiPr2N N .2HCl
O ii) HCl O
12 (14C) 1 (14C)
Vardenafil dihydrochloride (14C)
Scheme 9.4 Synthesis of [14C]-labeled vardenafil hydrochloride [27].

N-amination produced aminoimidazole carboxamide 28 (Scheme 9.4).

Aminoimidazole carboxamide 28 was then acylated with
2-ethoxybenzoyl chloride (14) and provided the 3-(2-ethoxy-
benzoylamino)-imidazole 29 [26]. Compound 31 was cyclized in presence
of potassium tert-butoxide in tert-butyl alcohol in a sealed tube at 160  C and
produced compound 11. Compound 11 was then preceded to next steps as
explained in Scheme 9.1 and produced vardenafil (13).
[14C]-labeled vardenafil hydrochloride was synthesized as depicted
in Scheme 9.4. Starting [14C]-labeled 2-hydrozybenzonitrile 2(14C)
was synthesized from 2-hydroxy iodobenzene (24) using [14C]-labeled
KCN in presence of copper iodide (CuI). Next steps were perf-
ormed according to the literature procedure as explained earlier in
Scheme 9.1.
In Scheme 9.5, [3H]-labeled vardenafil dihydrochloride was synthesized
using [3H]-labeled lithium aluminum hydride isotope. 2-[2-Ethoxy-5-(4-
f][1,2,4]triazin-4-one (28) was synthesized from known sulfonic acid 17 in
522 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

HO3S N ClO2S N 27 NH

17 26
BuLi + H2 3H
O 3H O
2) AlBr3 O HN
N LiAl3H4 N

28 1 (3H)
Vardenafil dihydrochloride (3H)
Scheme 9.5 Synthesis of [ H]-labeled vardenafil dihydrochloride [28].

two steps. In the first step, sulfonic acid 17 was treated with thionyl chloride
to obtain 26. Compound 26 was then treated with N-acetylpiperazine (27)
and gave 28. Reduction of carbonyl group of compound 28 was then per-
formed using [3H]-labeled lithium aluminum hydride to obtain [3H]-labeled
vardenafil dihydrochloride (1[3H]).

3.1. Spectroscopy
3.1.1 Ultraviolet spectroscopy
The ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) absorption spectrum of vardenafil
dihydrochloride was recorded for selecting the proper maximum absorption
peak (lmax). The absorption spectrum of the compound in ethanol was
scanned from 200 to 800 nm, using a UV/VIS spectrometer (Varian Cary
50 UV/VIS spectrophotometer). As shown in Figure 9.1, the lmax of
vardenafil dihydrochloride is located at 270 nm.

3.1.2 Vibrational spectroscopy of vardenafil dihydrochloride IR Spectroscopy of vardenafil dihydrochloride
The IR absorption spectrum of vardenafil dihydrochloride was obtained in
KBr plate, using a Shimadzu infrared spectrophotometer. The IR spectrum
is shown in Figure 9.2. The principal peaks were observed at 3420.88,
2969.94, 2451.95, 1724.33, 1654.07, 1599.99, 1491.25, 1333086,
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 523

0.4 N
l max S N : 2HCl
Abs N
270 nm O

Wavelength (nm)
Figure 9.1 UV spectrum of vardenafil dihydrochloride (5.8  105 M solution in ethanol).

Figure 9.2 Infrared spectroscopy (IR) spectra of vardenafil dihydrochloride in KBr pellet.

1281.50, 1156.50, 950.28, 719.82, and 583.54 cm1. Assignments for the
major IR absorption bands are provided in Table 9.1.

3.2. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of vardenafil
dihydrochloride were obtained using a Bruker 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic
Spectrometer. Chemical shifts were expressed in parts per million (ppm)
(Table 9.2) with respect to the tetramethylsilane signal for 1H and 13C
NMR (Figures 9.39.5, respectively).
524 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

Table 9.1 Infrared spectroscopic data for vardenafil dihydrochloride in KBr plate
Entry Bond Absorption peaks (lmax) (cm1) Appearance
1 CdN 719 Strong
2 CdO 1156 Strong
3 dCdH, HC]CH (aryl) 1600, 1491, 1333 Strong
4 C]O 1724 Strong
5 CH2, CdH (alkyl) 2970 Strong
6 NdH 3421 Broad

Table 9.2 Comparative study of 1H NMR spectra of vardenafil dihydrochloride with

Entry Chemical shift Chemical shifta Chemical shiftb
(500 MHz, CD3OD) (500 MHz, CDCl3) (200 MHz, DMSO-d6)
1 12.45 (s, 1H, dNH)
9.52 (s, 1H, dNH) 11.42 (s, 1H, dNH)
2 8.09 (s, 1H) 8.48 (d, 1H, J 2.1 Hz)
3 8.06 (d, J 9 Hz) 7.88 (dd,1H, J 9.0, 7.95 (m, 2H)
2.1 Hz)
4 7.48 (d, J 8.0 Hz, 1H) 7.15 (d, 1H, J 9.0 Hz) 7.48 (d, 1H)
5 4.34 (d, J 6.0 Hz, 2H) 4.32 (q, 2H, J 6.9 Hz) 4.25 (q, 2H)
6 3.96 (d, J 12.0 Hz, 2H) 3.15 (br, 4H) 3.70 (m, 2H)
7 3.68 (d, J 11.5 Hz, 2H) 2.99 (t, 2H, 3.50 (m, 2H),
J 7.2 Hz),
8 3.283.23 (m, 6H) 2.64 (s, 3H) 3.08 (m, 6H)
9 2.95 (t, J 11.5 Hz, 2H) 2.54 (br, 4H) 2.88 (m, 2H)
10 2.78 (s, 3H) 2.49 (q, 2H, J 7.2 Hz) 2.61 (s, 3H)
11 1.94 (d, J 6.5 Hz, 2H) 1.86 (m, 2H) 1.81 (sextet, 2H)
12 1.48 (t, 3H) 1.58 (t, 3H, J 6.9 Hz) 1.36 (t, 3H)
13 1.39 (t, 3H) 1.08 (t, 3H, J 7.2 Hz) 1.22 (t, 3H)
14 1.1 (t, 3H) 1.0 (t, 3H, J 7.2 Hz) 0.99 (t, 3H)
Free base [21].
HCl salt [16].
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 525

3.2.1 1H NMR spectrum of vardenafil dihydrochloride

8 . 056
7 . 490
7 . 474

4 . 907
4 . 346
4 . 334
3 . 970
3 . 946
3 . 697
3 . 674
3 . 333
3 . 266
3 . 244
3 . 228
2 . 974
2 . 951
2 . 928
2 . 783
1 . 950
1 . 937
1 . 485
1 . 474
1 . 399
1 . 387
1 . 103
1 . 090
8 . 090
8 . 074

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 ppm
2 . 00

1 . 00

2 . 08
1 . 99
2 . 03
6 . 45
2 . 06
3 . 03

1 . 99
5 . 98
3 . 07

Figure 9.3 1H NMR spectra of vardenafil dihydrochloride in CD3OD.

Figure 9.4 Expanded 1H NMR spectra of vardenafil dihydrochloride in CD3OD.

3.2.2 1H NMR of vardenafil dihydrochloride in CD3OD

H NMR (CD3OD, 500 MHz): d 8.09 (s, 1H), 8.06 (d, J 9 Hz), 7.48
(d, J 8.0 Hz, 1H), 4.34 (d, J 6.0 Hz, 2H), 3.96 (d, J 12.0 Hz, 2H), 3.68
(d, J 11.5 Hz, 2H), 3.283.23 (m, 6H), 2.95 (t, J 11.5 Hz, 2H), 2.78
(s, 3H), 1.94 (d, J 6.5 Hz, 2H), 1.48 (t, 3H), 1.39 (t, 3H), 1.1 (t, 3H) ppm.
526 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

3.2.3 C NMR spectrum of vardenafil dihydrochloride

155 . 160
152 . 667

144 . 266

134 . 738
132 . 327
131 . 765
128 . 326
121 . 174
117 . 243
114 . 856
162 . 443

66 . 933
53 . 249
51 . 899
49 . 561
49 . 390
49 . 220
49 . 050
48 . 879
48 . 709
48 . 539
44 . 631
26 . 758
21 . 154
14 . 748
13 . 929
10 . 758
9 . 507

210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Figure 9.5 C NMR spectra of vardenafil dihydrochloride in CD3OD.

3.2.4 13C NMR of vardenafil dihydrochloride in CD3OD

C NMR (CD3OD, 125 MHz): d 162.44, 155.16, 152.67, 144.27, 134.74,
132.33, 131.76, 128.33, 121.17, 117.24, 114.86, 66.93, 53.25, 51.90, 44.63,
26.76, 21.15, 14.75, 13.93, 10.76, and 9.51 ppm.

3.3. Mass spectrum

Mass spectral studies of vardenafil dihydrochloride were carried out with an
Agilent 6320 Ion Trap LC/MS system by infusion of 1 mg of vardenafil
dihydrochloride solution in MeOH:H2O (1:1) without a column. Smart
fragmentor and automatic optimization were performed to obtain the spectra
and make fragmentation. The source parameters were as follows: temperature
was 350 C, gas flow was 10 L/min, and nebulizer was 50 psi. Figure 9.6 shows
the mass spectrum for the parent compound (m/z 488.9), Figures 9.7 and 9.8
detail mass fragmentation pattern interpretation of the drug substance. The
reported m/z for vardenafil dihydrochloride is 489 [29].
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 527

Figure 9.6 Vardenafil dihydrochloride shows a m/z 88.9 [M H] molecular ion peak
in positive mode.

Figure 9.7 MS/MS spectrum for m/z 488.9 in positive mode.

Figure 9.8 MS/MS/MS spectra for m/z 399.9 in positive mode.

3.3.1 Fragmentation pattern of vardenafil dihydrochloride

The MS/MS scan of the molecular ion peak gave fragments at m/z values of
461.9, 419.7, 377.7, 339.7, 329.7, 312.8, 298.6, 283.6, 228.5, and 168.7
(Figure 9.7; Scheme 9.6).
528 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

Exact mass: 488.2206
m/z 388.9


m/z 461.9 m/z 419.7 m/z 377.7

m/z 339.7 m/z 329.7 m/z 312.8

m/z 298.6 m/z 283.6 m/z 228.5 m/z 168.7

Scheme 9.6 MS2 scan for the vardenafil dihydrochloride at m/z 488.9.

The MS/MS/MS scan of the fragment m/z 377.9 gave number of peaks
including m/z 350.9, 312.7, 398.7, 280.6, 268.5, and 209.7. The fragments
are shown in Scheme 9.7.

4.1. Chromatographic methods
Literature surveys have revealed several chromatographic methods for de-
termination of vardenafil in bulk drug and biological samples published
by Kumar et al. [30], Subba Rao et al. [31], Carlucci et al. [32]
Zhang et al. [33], Gratz et al. [34], Zou et al. [35], Di et al. [36] Bartosova
et al. [37], Cheng et al. [38], Ku et al. [39], Lake et al. [40], Zhu
et al. [41], Zhang et al. [42], and Man et al. [43].
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 529

m/z 377.7




m/z 350.9 m/z 312.8 m/z 298.7

m/z 209.7
m/z 280.6 m/z 268.5

Scheme 9.7 Possible fragments for the MS/MS/MS scan of vardenafil dihydrochloride.

4.1.1 High-performance liquid chromatography High-performance liquid chromatography/ultraviolet detection
A stability indicating RP-LC method has been developed by Kumar
et al. [30] for the quantitative determination of vardenafil and its related
impurities in both bulk drugs and pharmaceutical dosage forms. Effective
chromatographic separation was achieved on a C18 stationary phase with
a simple mobile phase combination delivered in a simple gradient program,
and quantitation was accomplished by UV detection at 210 nm. The mobile
phase consisted of a buffer and acetonitrile delivered at a flow rate
0.25 ml/min. The buffer consisted of 20 mM ammonium bicarbonate,
where the pH was adjusted to 5.0 using orthophosphoric acid. In the devel-
oped UPLC method, the resolution between vardenafil and its four potential
impurities was found to be greater than 2.0. Regression analysis showed a
correlation coefficient greater than 0.999 for vardenafil and its four impuri-
ties. This method was capable of detecting all four impurities of vardenafil at
a level of 0.25 mg/mL with respect to a test concentration of 500 mg/mL for
a 2 mL injection volume. The inter- and intraday precision values for all four
impurities and for vardenafil were found to be within 2.0%. The method
showed good and consistent recoveries for vardenafil in bulk drugs
(98.8100.9%), pharmaceutical dosage forms (100.5101.5%), and its all
530 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

four impurities (99.8102.5%). The test solutions were found to be stable in

acetonitrile for 48 h.
The drug was subjected to stress conditions of hydrolysis, oxidation,
photolysis, and thermal degradation. Considerable degradation was found
to occur in peroxide hydrolysis. The stress samples were assayed against a
qualified reference standard and the mass balance was found close to
99.9%. The developed RP-LC method was validated with respect to line-
arity, accuracy, precision, and robustness.
Another stability indicating LC method for vardenafil HCl has been
developed by Subba Rao et al. [31] and Carlucci et al. [32] for the quanti-
tative determination of vardenafil HCl in bulk drug and in pharmaceutical
dosage forms used to treat ED. The developed method is also applicable for
the determination of related substances. Efficient chromatographic separa-
tion was achieved on a C18 stationary phase with simple mobile phase com-
bination delivered in a gradient mode, and quantification was carried out
using UV detection at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. In the developed LC
method, the resolution between vardenafil and its four potential impurities
was found to be greater than 3.0. Regression analysis showed a correlation
coefficient greater than 0.99 for vardenafil and its four impurities. This
method was capable of detecting all four impurities of vardenafil at a level
of 0.009% with respect to test concentration of 1.0 mg/mL for a 10 mL
injection volume. The method has shown good and consistent recoveries
for vardenafil (98.4100.6%) and its four impurities (93.5106.2%). The test
solution was found to be stable in the diluent for 48 h. Mass balance was
found close to 99.4%.
A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method
with photometric detection was described by Giuseppe Carlucci
et al. [32] for the determination of vardenafil hydrochloride in human
plasma. Chromatographic separation of the analyte and internal standard
was achieved on an analytical 250  4.6 mm i.d. reversed-phase Kromasil
KR 100 C18 (5-mm particle size) column using a mobile phase of acetoni-
trilepotassium dihydrogen phosphate (30:70 v/v). The run time was less
than 15 min. Column eluate was monitored at 230 nm. The linearity over
the concentration range of 101500 ng/mL for vardenafil was obtained and
the limit of quantification (LOQ) was 10 ng/mL. This method has been
applied to analysis of vardenafil concentrations for application in pharmaco-
kinetic studies.
HPLC coupled with liquidliquidliquid microextraction was devel-
oped by Zhaohui Zhang et al. [33] for the simultaneous determination of
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 531

sildenafil and vardenafil in human plasma. The effects of extraction solvent,

the volume of organic solvent, drop size of acceptor phase, stirring rate, and
extraction time on the enrichment factors of analytes were investigated. The
optimized experimental conditions included 300 mL toluene as the organic
phase, 2 mL of 0.2 mol/L HCl as the acceptor phase, a centrifugation speed
of 600 r/min, and an extraction time of 40 min. Under these conditions,
high enrichment factors were obtained. The linear range of studied analytes
ranged from 5 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L. The relative standard deviation (RSD) was
lower than 5%. The limits of detection were 1 mg/L for sildenafil and
0.5 mg/L for vardenafil at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. This method with little
solvent consumption may provide high analyte preconcentration and excel-
lent sample clean-up. It was also a sensitive and suitable method for simul-
taneous determination of the two substances in human plasma. High-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection

and electrospray ionizationmass spectrometry method
A liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionizationmass spectrometry (LC
ESIMS) method was developed by Gratz et al. [34] to screen for the pres-
ence of synthetic PDE-5 inhibitors including sildenafil, tadalafil, and
vardenafil. The method was applied to the analysis of dietary supplements
and bulk herbal materials. Bulk powders or composites of tablets, capsules,
or liquids were prepared, and an extraction of PDE-5 inhibitors was per-
formed using a mixture of acetonitrile and water with sonication. Identifi-
cation of sildenafil, vardenafil, or tadalafil was accomplished using a single
quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to a liquid chromatograph with an
electrospray interface. Positive ion detection in the full scan mode was used
while in-source collision-induced dissociation provided several structurally
significant fragment ions to aid in the mass spectral identification. Approx-
imately, half of the 40 botanical products analyzed were found to contain
undeclared synthetic PDE-5 inhibitors. For products found to contain
one of these three compounds by LCMS, HPLC with UV detection
was used for quantitation. High-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection and

liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionizationtandem mass
spectrometry method
A high-performance liquid chromatographydiode array detection (HPLC
DAD) method and a liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionization
tandem mass spectrometry (LCESIMS/MS) method were developed
532 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

by Zou et al. [35] to screen for the presence of synthetic PDE-5 inhibitors,
including sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil, homosildenafil, acetildenafil, and
hydroxyhomosildenafil. The methods were applied to premarket samples
submitted to the Health Sciences Authority of Singapore for testing. One
sample was in the form of capsules while six other samples were premixed
bulk powder samples for dietary supplements to be repackaged or formu-
lated into the final dosage forms (usually capsules). Identification of
PDE-5 inhibitors was achieved by comparing individual peak retention
times (tR), UV spectra, and mass spectra with those of reference standards.
The seven samples were found to contain at least one of the following com-
pounds: sildenafil, vardenafil, hydroxyhomosildenafil, homosildenafil, and
acetildenafil. The five compounds were simultaneously determined by
LCESIMS/MS in multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) scan mode.
The method has been validated for accuracy, precision, linearity, and
sensitivity. High-performance liquid chromatography:

Chemiluminescence method
Di et al. [36] developed a flow method of HPLC separation and chemilu-
minescence (CL) detection for sensitive vardenafil analysis in dietary supple-
ments. The vardenafil separation was achieved on a C18 column at 30  C
using ethanolH3PO4 and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt
(Na2EDTA) aqueous solution (25:75, v/v%) as a mobile phase. The
followed continuous CL detection was conducted based on the strong
CL enhancement by the presence of vardenafil to luminolK3Fe(CN)6 reac-
tion in alkaline medium. At the flow rate of 0.8 mL/min, the vardenafil tR
was 6.4 min. Factors that affected the HPLC resolution and CL detection
were studied and optimized. The calibration curve obtained for vardenafil
standard was linear in concentration range of 8.0  107 to
1.0  104 mol/L. The RSDs of intra- and interday precision were less
than 3.5%. The proposed method was applied to the vardenafil determina-
tion in oral liquid, wine, and capsule samples. High-performance liquid chromatographic method with amperometric

An HPLC method with electrochemical detection employing a boron-
doped diamond electrode for the determination of sildenafil, vardenafil,
and their main metabolites, N-desmethyl sildenafil and N-desethyl
vardenafil in human plasma was described by Bartosova et al. [37]. The assay
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 533

involved drug extraction by tert-butyl methyl ether and isocratic reversed-

phase liquid chromatography with amperometric detection. Complete
separation of all analytes was achieved within 12 min. The mobile
phase consisted of 20 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate with 40 mM
sodium perchlorate/acetonitrile (70:30, v/v), pH 3.5. The electrode working
potential was 1520 mV (vs. Pd/H2). Calibration curves were linear over the
concentration range of 10400 ng/mL. Phloretin was used as an internal
standard. The limit of detection (LOD) and LOQ for the studied analytes
were within the range of 24 ng/mL and 7.013.4 ng/mL, respectively.
The developed method was applied to human plasma samples spiked with
analytes at therapeutic concentrations. The study confirms the methods
suitability for both pharmacokinetic studies and therapeutic monitoring. HPLC/fluorescence detection

An HPLC method with fluorescence detection was developed and validated
by Cheng et al. [38] for the determination of vardenafil in small volumes of
rat plasma and bile. The absorbance and fluorescence characteristics of
vardenafil were studied and factors that affect the HPLC resolution and fluo-
rescence intensity were examined and optimized. Vardenafil and the internal
standard cisapride were extracted using acetonitrile. The separation was
achieved on a C18 column at 35 C using acetonitrile50 mM ammonium
acetate aqueous solution (pH 6.8) (40:60) as mobile phase. At a flow rate of
1 mL/min, the total run time was 18 min. Fluorescence was measured with
excitation at 280 nm, and the emission was monitored at 470 nm. The cal-
ibration curves were linear from 10 to 1000 ng/mL and 0.2100 mg/mL for
plasma and bile samples, respectively. The intra- and interday imprecision
did not exceed 10.8%, and the accuracy was within 9.6% deviation of the
nominal concentration. The method was used successfully to investigate
the disposition and biliary excretion of vardenafil in rats. High-performance liquid chromatographic with tandem mass

spectrometry methods
LCMS/MS has been used to identify vardenafil and the other PDE-5
inhibitors sildenafil and tadalafil in dietary supplements and bulk herbal
materials. Gratz et al.[34], Zou et al. [35], Zhu et al. [41], and Ku
et al. [39] published validated LCMS/MS methods for the analysis of
vardenafil and its metabolite, N-desethylvardenafil, in human plasma.
A lower limit of quantitation of 0.5 ng/mL from 0.25 mL of plasma was
reported, utilizing sildenafil as the internal standard. However, the biological
534 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

activity of the N-desethyl metabolite, as a percentage of the total pharma-

cological activity of vardenafil, was relatively low (estimated at approxi-
mately 7%).
An HPLCMS/MS assay has been developed by Lake et al. [40] for the
quantitative analysis of vardenafil in human plasma. Vardenafil and the inter-
nal standard, alprazolam, were extracted from 0.2 mL aliquots of alkalinized
plasma by a single solvent extraction into hexane:dichloromethane.
Reversed-phase chromatographic separation was affected by gradient elu-
tion with mobile phases consisting of 10 mM ammonium formate (pH
7.0) (solvent A) and methanol (100%, solvent B), delivered at a flow rate
of 0.4 mL/min. The analytes were detected by an electrospray ion source
on a 4000 QTrap triple quadrupole mass spectrometer operating in positive
ionization mode. The mass transitions were m/z 489.3 ! 312.2 for
vardenafil and m/z 309.2 ! 281.0 for alprazolam. The assay was linear over
the concentration range of 0.2100 ng/mL, with correlation coefficients
 0.995. The intra- and interday precision was less than 5.4% in terms of
relative standard deviation, and the accuracy was within 12.7% in terms
of relative error. The lower limit of quantitation was found to be 0.2 ng/mL.
The high sensitivity and acceptable performance of the assay allowed its
application to the analysis of plasma samples obtained following the oral
administration of vardenafil to healthy male volunteers in a
pharmacokinetic study.
An HPLC method coupled with UV detection and electrospray ionization
mass spectrometry was developed by Zhu et al. [41] for simultaneous determi-
nation of banned additives (i.e., sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil) in dietary
supplements for male sexual potency. The separation was achieved on a C18
column with acetonitrile and aqueous solution (20 mmol ammonium acetate,
0.2% formic acid) as a mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 mL/min with a linear
gradient program. UV detection was at 292 nm. Identification of drugs was
accomplished using ESIMS. Good linearity between response (peak area)
and concentration was found over a concentration range of 0.880 mg/mL
for sildenafil, 2.25225 mg/mL for vardenafil, and 1.1110 mg/mL for tadalafil,
with regression coefficients better than 0.999. The recovery of the method
ranged from 93.3% to 106.1%, and the relative standard deviation varied
from 2.0% to 5.6% (n 6). The method has been successfully applied to the anal-
ysis of practical samples of natural dietary supplements.
A simple and sensitive HPLCMS/MS method was developed by
Y. Zhang et al. [42] for determination of illegal adulterants (yohimbine, sil-
denafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil) in dietary supplements. The separation was
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 535

achieved on a C18 column with the mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile

and 0.1% acetic acid aqueous solution with a gradient elution at a flow rate of
0.5 mL/min. The analytes were quantified and identified by two character-
istic transitions using the MRM mode. The recoveries of the analytes ranged
from 77.5% to 109.3% with the RSD less than 8.1% (n 6). The method has
been successfully applied to screen illegal adulterations of natural dietary
4.1.2 Gas chromatographmass spectrometer assay
Some dietary supplements, herbal preparations, and food products which
have been claimed to enhance male sexual function have been found to
be adulterated with PDE-5 inhibitors. A gas chromatographmass spec-
trometer (GCMS) assay was developed by Man et al. [43] for identification
of the drugs. In addition to good and short chromatographic separation that
can be achieved within 6 min by using a short 10 m capillary column, the
method does not require prior sample clean-up before GCMS analysis, thus
making this assay a cost-saving and rapid method. Furthermore, the assay is
specific as the identification of sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil was per-
formed by detection of molecular ions; m/z 474, 389, and 488 [corrected],
respectively, and several other characteristic ions resulted from the mass frag-
mentation of individual molecules. Using currently developed assay, silden-
afil and its analogues were successfully identified in food and herbal matrices.

4.2. Voltammetric method

The voltammetric behavior of vardenafil was studied by Uslu et al. [44] on
glassy carbon electrode using cyclic, differential pulse, and Osteryoung
square-wave voltammetric techniques. Vardenafil exhibited irreversible
anodic waves over the pH range of 1.0012.00 in different supporting elec-
trolytes. The currentconcentration plot was rectilinear over the range from
4  107 to 2  105 M with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. The wave
was characterized as being irreversible and diffusion controlled. The devel-
oped procedure was successfully applied to the determination of vardenafil
in tablets and in spiked human serum. Furthermore, results obtained by the
proposed method have been compared with an HPLC method.

4.3. Immunoassay methods

1. To screen vardenafil and its analogues in herbal matrix rapidly, an immu-
noassay based on a group-specific monoclonal antibody (McAb) was
developed by Carlucci et al. [32] and Guo et al. [45].
536 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

2. Glutaraldehyde was used to link vardenafil to immunogen and coating-

antigen, respectively. Through the assessment of the structural specificity
of eight anti-vardenafil McAbs, the McAb 4B9 was characterized as
being specific to the common structure of vardenafil and its analogues.
An indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ic-ELISA) was established based on this McAb, the LOD of vardenafil
was 5.0 ng/mL, the calibration curve was linear from 5.0 to 40 ng/mL
(R 0.952) with an IC50 value of 18.2 ng/mL. In the extracts of 20 Chi-
nese traditional drugs, the detection capability (CCbeta) of vardenafil
was 0.08 mg/g, the recoveries were 76116%, and the coefficients of
variation were 9.716.2%. The ic-ELISA was in a good agreement with
LCUV for detection of herbal products containing vardenafil and its
analogues. The method was a suitable tool for screening vardenafil
and its analogues as illegal additives in herbal products.

5.1. Pharmacodynamics
5.1.1 An overview
Vardenafil (VAR) is a safe and well-tolerated treatment of men with ED. It is
a highly potent and selective inhibitor of PDE-5, the most prevalent phos-
phodiesterase in the human penile corpus cavernosum, and thus increases
intracellular cGMP levels in the cavernosum tissue of the penis [7]. It was
the first second-generation PDE-5 inhibitor that received marketing
approval in the United States. Unlike the other PDE-5 inhibitors, sildenafil
and tadalafil, VAR was developed from the outset specifically for use as an
erectogenic agent [46]. It is 510 times more potent than sildenafil, the clas-
sic PDE-5 inhibitor [2]. VAR has been shown to be efficacious in the treat-
ment of ED in the doses of 10 and 20 mg taken on demand, prior to
intercourse [47]. For most patients, the recommended starting dose is
10 mg, which according to US labeling information should be taken
approximately 60 min prior to sexual activity [46]. Adverse effects associated
with VAR are not severe, mostly dose dependent and tend to decrease with
time. These include headache, flushing, dyspepsia, and rhinitis [8,48].

5.1.2 Mechanism of action

VAR increases penile rigidity and tumescence via a mechanism of action
similar to that of the other PDE-5 inhibitors, sildenafil and tadalafil. It facil-
itates penile erection by the inhibition of cGMP-specific PDE-5, the most
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 537

active PDE involved in the termination of cGMP signaling in the penile cor-
pus cavernosum, the erectile tissue in the penis. This, in turn, potentiates
endogenous increases in cGMP levels in the corpus cavernosum and the ves-
sels supplying it, thus increasing dilatation of the corporeal sinusoids all-
owing more blood flow, which induces an erection. Interestingly, this
occurs only in the presence of nitric oxide release with sexual arousal. Sexual
stimulation causes the release of nitric oxide (NO) from neurons and endo-
thelial cells in the corpus cavernosum. NO, in turn, activates the enzyme
guanylyl cyclase, with the resultant conversion of guanosine triphosphate
to cGMP. This results in activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase,
phosphorylation of several proteins and reduction of intracellular calcium
levels, and a consequent smooth muscle relaxation and an increased arterial
blood flow leading to enlargement of the corpus cavernosum. Because of the
increased tumescence, veins are compressed between the corpus
cavernosum and the tunica albuginea, leading to an erection [8,4953].
Notably, VAR has no effect on NO release and is, thus, ineffective in caus-
ing erection in the absence of sexual arousal [54].

5.1.3 Efficacy and safety of VAR for the treatment of erectile dysfunction Efficacy of VAR for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
VAR has been reported to be highly effective in the treatment of ED in the
broad population at doses of 10 and 20 mg taken in an on-demand fash-
ion [55]. Efficacy and tolerability of VAR have been frequently reported.
Rosen et al. [56] have reported that VAR was clearly efficacious in treating
patients with mixed ED etiologies, achieving a high response rate with sig-
nificant improvement in the scores measuring sexual function and satisfac-
tion. The same study has also shown that VAR was safe and well tolerated
with few patients reporting adverse events. These data have been supported
by the recent findings of Tan et al. [57], Rosen et al. [58], and Porst et al. [59]
who demonstrated that VAR was a highly effective and very well-tolerated
treatment for patients with ED. Several clinical studies have shown that
VAR is effective in men with ED originating from various underlying
organic causes and severities, including traditionally difficult-to-treat men
with diabetes or a history of radical prostatectomy [6062]. Further, Porst
et al. [60] have confirmed the efficacy of VAR in ED regardless of organic,
psychogenic, or mixed causes, the baseline severity of the condition and
patient age.
With regard to potency, VAR has been shown to be the most potent and
specific of the commercially available PDE-5 inhibitors [54]. Potency can be
538 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

determined by measuring the concentration of a particular PDE-5 inhibitor

in vitro that inhibits PDE-5 activity by 50% and is known as IC50. Assuming
all other factors are equal, the higher the potency of a PDE-5 inhibitor for
PDE-5, the lower the expected dose of the inhibitor that will be needed [63].
In vitro studies have demonstrated that IC50 of VAR is 0.7 nM, which is
much lower than that of sildenafil (3.9 nM) and tadalafil (5 nM) [64]. In
addition, Blount et al. [65] have reported that VAR binds more rapidly to
PDE-5 and has a slower dissociation from the enzyme than sildenafil and
tadalafil, and that the VARPDE-5 complex is more stable than the complex
formed between PDE-5 and the other PDE-5 inhibitors. This is confirmed
by the reported rapid onset of action of VAR (as early as 10 min after dosing)
[5] and the extended duration of action (812 h) [66]. Safety of VAR in the treatment of erectile dysfunction

VAR is generally well tolerated, with a favorable safety profile and few
treatment-related side effects. Most side effects are related to the vasodilatory
properties of VAR. The accompanying headache, flushing, rhinitis, and
indigestion are usually mild and transient in nature [3,4]. Stief et al. [67] have
reported that the frequency of such side effects was numerically greater in
patients treated with 20 mg VAR compared with those receiving 10 mg
VAR. Similar to other PDE-5 inhibitors, drug-related side effects have been
reported to be greatest during the first weeks of therapy and to rapidly
decrease during long-term use of VAR with no cardiovascular safety con-
cerns [67]. Stief et al. also have shown that few patients reported drug-related
abnormal vision. Importantly, in this 2-year study, assessment of vital signs
and ECG recordings revealed no cardiovascular safety concerns with VAR.
In a prospective clinical trial, VAR significantly improved erectile function
in patients with ED and arterial hypertension treated with multiple antihy-
pertensives and was well tolerated and did not significantly affect blood
pressure [68].
In a double-blind, crossover study involving men with reproducible sta-
ble exertional angina due to ischemic coronary artery disease (CAD), VAR
10 mg had no effect on ECG, exercise tolerance, or time to onset of angina,
while increasing the time to ischemic threshold compared with placebo [69].
These findings supported the conclusion that in men with CAD, VAR did
not exacerbate myocardial ischemia in response to exercise at a level similar
to that of sexual intercourse. In addition, the observed increase in the time to
ischemic threshold on exercise tolerance testing in the previous study might
suggest that VAR has a beneficial effect in terms of cardiovascular risk.
Vardenafil Dihydrochloride 539

Nitrate preparations are commonly prescribed for the prevention and treat-
ment of angina pectoris, and the actions of these drugs are terminated by
cGMP hydrolysis in blood vessels [64]. Thus, PDE-5 inhibitors, including
VAR, could increase the effects of the nitrates, and this may result in severe
vasodilatation and hypotension. In fact, the patient information sheet for
VAR states that in 18 healthy subjects pretreated with VAR 20 mg, there
was an additional reduction in blood pressure and increase in heart rate with
nitroglycerin administration, and it is recommended that nitrate preparations
not be taken until at least 24 h after VAR, due to significant, potentially life-
threatening hypotension [64,70,71]. Due to its effect on Q-T interval, VAR
is also not recommended in patients taking type 1A (such as quinidine and
procainamide) or type 3 antiarrhythmics (such as amiodarone and sotalol) or
in patients with congenitally prolonged Q-T syndrome [70,72]. In addition,
a-adrenergic receptor blockers, such as doxazosin, should only be combined
with PDE-5 inhibitors, including VAR, with special caution and close mon-
itoring of blood pressure [71].

5.2. Pharmacokinetics
5.2.1 An overview
In addition to pharmacodynamic properties discussed above, pharmacoki-
netic properties of VAR (ingestion/food interaction, movement in the cir-
culation, tissue uptake, elimination) have great impact on efficacy. In this
context, Klotz et al. [73] have studied the pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
dynamic properties of VAR in 21 ED patients. The results showed that sin-
gle doses of 10 and 20 mg VAR led to a rapid rise in the plasma
concentrations of VAR, with a tmax (the time required to achieve maximum
plasma concentration) of 0.9 and 0.7 h and a mean Cmax (the maximum
plasma concentration) of 9.1 and 20.9 ng/mL, respectively. In the post-
absorptive phase, the concentrations declined with an average half-life of
4.2 and 3.9 h, respectively. VAR is extensively metabolized by CYP3A4
and to a small extent by CYP3A5 and CYP2C isoforms into more than
14 metabolites. The major metabolite, N-desethyl VAR (M1), is pharma-
cologically active. It has 28% of VARs potency for PDE-5 inhibition
and its contribution to the overall VAR activity is 7%. The elimination
half-life of VAR and its major metabolite M1 is about 45 h and indepen-
dent of the dose. VAR is primarily excreted as metabolites in the feces and to
a small extent in urine. Only 1% of the administered VAR dose is excreted
into urine in an unchanged form [8,46].
540 Abdelkader E. Ashour et al.

5.2.2 Comparison of VAR with other PDE-5 inhibitors from

the pharmacokinetic perspective
Even though VAR shares the same mechanism of action and selectivity for
PDE-5 with sildenafil and tadalafil, there are noted pharmacokinetic dispar-
ities that largely affect the efficacy profiles of the three drugs [74]. The three
PDE-5 inhibitors are rapidly absorbed after oral administration and have a
rapid onset of action. However, the absolute bioavailability for VAR and
sildenafil is limited to only 15% and 40%, respectively, because of extensive
presystemic metabolism in the gut wall and liver via CYP3A4 and/or
CYP3A5 pathways. The absolute bioavailability of tadalafil has not been
reported to date [64,72]. The half-life of tadalafil is 17.5 h, compared to
3.9 h for VAR, and 3.8 h for sildenafil [64]. Consequently, the duration
of action of VAR and sildenafil is found to be about 812 h [6,75], whereas
that of tadalafil is about 36 h [76]. The Cmax of VAR (20.9 ng/mL) is sig-
nificantly lower than that for sildenafil (450 ng/mL) and tadalafil
(378 ng/mL), which might be expected based on its lower bioavailabil-
ity [55]. VAR and sildenafil have broadly similar tmax of about 0.8 h which
predicts a similar time of onset of action, whereas tadalafil has a tmax of about
2 h [77]. A high-fat meal has been found to have no significant effect on the
rate and extent of tadalafil absorption, but delayed the absorption of VAR
and sildenafil, possibly affecting the onset of action [72,78]. Consequently,
sildenafil and VAR package inserts state that efficacy may be delayed follow-
ing a high-fat meal, independently from the type of formulation, while
tadalafil can be administered independently of food intake [72].

This work was supported by a grant from the National Plan of Science, Technology, and
Innovation (Grant No. 10-MED1188-02) King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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Bold numerals refer to volume numbers.

A Benazepril hydrochloride, 31, 117

Acebutolol, 19, 1 Bendroflumethiazide, 5, 1; 6, 597
Acetaminophen, 3, 1; 14, 551 Benperidol, 14, 245
Acetazolamide, 22, 1 Benzocaine, 12, 73
Acetohexamide, 1, 1; 2, 573; 21, 1 Benzoic acid, 26, 1
Acetylcholine chloride, 31, 3, 21 Benzyl benzoate, 10, 55
Acyclovir, 30, 1 Betamethasone diproprionate, 6, 43
Adenosine, 25, 1 Bretylium tosylate, 9, 71
Alendronate sodium, 38, 1 Brinzolamide, 26, 47
Allopurinol, 7, 1 Bromazepam, 16, 1
Amantadine, 12, 1 Bromcriptine methanesulfonate, 8, 47
Amikacin sulfate, 12, 37 Buclizine, 36, 1
Amiloride hydrochloride, 15, 1 Bumetanide, 22, 107
Aminobenzoic acid, 22, 33 Bupivacaine, 19, 59
Aminoglutethimide, 15, 35 Busulphan, 16, 53
Aminophylline, 11, 1 Butyl methoxy dibenzoylmethane, 38, 87
Aminosalicylic acid, 10, 1
Amiodarone, 20, 1
Amitriptyline hydrochloride, 3, 127
Caffeine, 15, 71
Amlodipine besylate, 37, 31
Calcitriol, 8, 83
Amobarbital, 19, 27
Camphor, 13, 27
Amodiaquine hydrochloride, 21, 43
Candesartan cilexetil, 37, 79
Amoxicillin, 7, 19; 23, 1
Captopril, 11, 79
Amphotericin B, 6, 1; 7, 502
Carbamazepine, 9, 87
Ampicillin, 2, 1; 4, 518
Carbenoxolone sodium, 24, 1
Apomorphine hydrochloride, 20, 121
Carvedilol, 38, 113
Arginine, 27, 1
Cefaclor, 9, 107
Aripiprazole, 38, 35
Cefamandole nafate, 9, 125; 10, 729
Ascorbic acid, 11, 45
Cefazolin, 4, 1
Aspartame, 29, 7
Cefdinir, 39, 41
Aspirin, 8, 1
Cefixime, 25, 39
Astemizole, 20, 173
Cefotaxime, 11, 139
Atenolol, 13, 1
Cefoxitin sodium, 11, 169
Atorvastatin calcium, 35, 1
Ceftazidime, 19, 95
Atropine, 14, 325
Ceftriaxone sodium, 30, 21
Azathioprine, 10, 29
Cefuroxime sodium, 20, 209
Azintamide, 18, 1
Celiprolol hydrochloride, 20, 237
Azithromycin, 39, 1
Cephalexin, 4, 21
Aztreonam, 17, 1
Cephalothin sodium, 1, 319
Cephradine, 5, 21
B Chitin, 36, 35
Bacitracin, 9, 1 Chloral hydrate, 2, 85
Baclofen, 14, 527 Chlorambucil, 16, 85
546 Cumulative Index

Chloramphenicol, 4, 47; 15, 701 Cyclosporine, 16, 145

Chlordiazepoxide, 1, 15 Cyclothiazide, 1, 65
Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride, 1, 39; Cypropheptadine, 9, 155
4, 518 Cytarabine, 34, 37
Chloropheniramine maleate, 7, 43
Chloroquine, 13, 95 D
Chloroquine phosphate, 5, 61 Dapsone, 5, 87
Chlorothiazide, 18, 33 Dasatinib, 39, 205
Chlorpromazine, 26, 97 Dexamethasone, 2, 163; 4, 519
Chlorprothixene, 2, 63 Diatrizoic acid, 4, 137; 5, 556
Chlortetracycline hydrochloride, 8, 101 Diazepam, 1, 79; 4, 518
Chlorthalidone, 14, 1 Dibenzepin hydrochloride, 9, 181
Chlorzoxazone, 16, 119 Dibucaine, 12, 105
Cholecalciferol, 13, 655 Dibucaine hydrochloride, 12, 105
Cimetidine, 13, 127; 17, 797 Diclofenac sodium, 19, 123
Ciprofloxacin, 31, 163, 179, 209 Didanosine, 22, 185
Cisplatin, 14, 77; 15, 796 Diethylstilbestrol, 19, 145
Citric Acid, 28, 1 Diflunisal, 14, 491
Clarithromycin, 24, 45 Digitoxin, 3, 149; 9, 207
Clidinium bromide, 2, 145 Dihydroergotoxine methanesulfonate, 7, 81
Clindamycin hydrochloride, 10, 75 Diloxanide furoate, 26, 247
Clioquinol, 18, 57 Diltiazem hydrochloride, 23, 53
Clofazimine, 18, 91; 21, 75 Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, 2, 199;
Clomiphene citrate, 25, 85 12, 713
Clonazepam, 6, 61 Diosgenin, 23, 101
Clonfibrate, 11, 197 Diperodon, 6, 99
Clonidine hydrochloride, 21, 109 Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, 3, 173
Clopidogrel bisulfate, 35, 71 Diphenoxylate hydrochloride, 7, 149
Clorazepate dipotassium, 4, 91 Dipivefrin hydrochloride, 22, 229
Clotrimazole, 11, 225 Dipyridamole, 31, 215
Cloxacillin sodium, 4, 113 Disopyramide phosphate, 13, 183
Clozapine, 22, 145 Direct Crystallization of Enantiomers and
Cocaine hydrochloride, 15, 151 Dissociable Diastereomers, 36, 331
Cocrystal Systems of Pharmaceutical Disulfiram, 4, 168
Interest: 20072008, 35, 373 Dobutamine hydrochloride, 8, 139
Cocrystal Systems of Pharmaceutical Donepezil, 35, 117
Interest: 2009, 36, 361 Dopamine hydrochloride, 11, 257
Codeine phosphate, 10, 93 Dorzolamide hydrochloride, 26, 283;
Colchicine, 10, 139 27, 377
Cortisone acetate, 26, 167 Doxorubicine, 9, 245
Creatine monohydrate, 34, 1 Droperidol, 7, 171
Crospovidone, 24, 87
Curcumin, 39, 113 E
Cyanocobalamin, 10, 183 Echothiophate iodide, 3, 233
Cyclandelate, 21, 149 Econazole nitrate, 23, 127
Cyclizine, 6, 83; 7, 502 Edetic Acid (EDTA), 29, 57
Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride, 17, 41 Emetine hydrochloride, 10, 289
Cycloserine, 1, 53; 18, 567 Enalapril maleate, 16, 207
Cumulative Index 547

Ephedrine hydrochloride, 15, 233 Glibenclamide, 10, 337

Epinephrine, 7, 193 Glimepiride, 36, 169
Ergonovine maleate, 11, 273 Gluthethimide, 5, 139
Ergotamine tartrate, 6, 113 Gramicidin, 8, 179
Erthromycin, 8, 159 Griseofulvin, 8, 219; 9, 583
Erthromycin estolate, 1, 101; 2, 573 Guaifenesin, 25, 121
Estradiol, 15, 283 Guanabenz acetate, 15, 319
Estradiol valerate, 4, 192 Guar gum, 24, 243
Estrone, 12, 135
Ethambutol hydrochloride, 7, 231 H
Ethynodiol diacetate, 3, 253 Halcinonide, 8, 251
Etodolac, 29, 105 Haloperidol, 9, 341
Etomidate, 12, 191 Halothane, 1, 119; 2, 573; 14, 597
Etopside, 18, 121 Heparin sodium, 12, 215
Eugenol, 29, 149 Heroin, 10, 357
Ezetimibe, 36, 103 Hexestrol, 11, 347
Hexetidine, 7, 277
F Histamine, 27, 159
Famotidine, 34, 115 Homatropine hydrobromide, 16,
Fenoprofen calcium, 6, 161 245
Fenoterol hydrobromide, 27, 33 Hydralazine hydrochloride, 8, 283
Flavoxoate hydrochloride, 28, 77 Hydrochlorothiazide, 10, 405
Fexofenadine hydrochloride, 34, 153 Hydrocortisone, 12, 277
Flecainide, 21, 169 Hydroflumethaizide, 7, 297
Fluconazole, 27, 67 Hydroxyprogesterone caproate, 4, 209
Flucytosine, 5, 115 Hydroxyzine dihydrochloride, 7, 319
Fludrocortisone acetate, 3, 281 Hyoscyamine, 23, 155
Flufenamic acid, 11, 313
Fluorouracil, 2, 221; 18, 599 I
Fluoxetine, 19, 193 Ibuprofen, 27, 265
Fluoxymesterone, 7, 251 Imatinib mesylate, 39, 265
Fluphenazine decanoate, 9, 275; 10, 730 Imipramine hydrochloride, 14, 37
Fluphenazine enanthate, 2, 245; 4, 524 Impenem, 17, 73
Fluphenazine hydrochloride, 2, 263; 4, 519 Indapamide, 23, 233
Flurazepam hydrochloride, 3, 307 Indinivar sulfate, 26, 319
Flurbiprofen, 37, 113 Indomethacin, 13, 211
Flutamide, 27, 115 Iodamide, 15, 337
Fluvoxamine maleate, 24, 165 Iodipamide, 2, 333
Folic acid, 19, 221 Iodoxamic acid, 20, 303
Furosemide, 18, 153 Iopamidol, 17, 115
Iopanoic acid, 14, 181
G Ipratropium bromide, 30, 59
Gadoteridol, 24, 209 Iproniazid phosphate, 20, 337
Gatifloxacin, 37, 183 Isocarboxazid, 2, 295
Gefitinib, 39, 239 Isoniazide, 6, 183
Gemifloxacin, 36, 151 Isopropamide, 2, 315; 12, 721
Gentamicin sulfate, 9, 295; 10, 731 Isoproterenol, 14, 391
Glafenine, 21, 197 Isosorbide dinitrate, 4, 225; 5, 556
548 Cumulative Index

Isosuprine hydrochloride, 26, 359 Melphalan, 13, 265

Itraconazole, 34, 193 Menadione, 38, 227
Ivermectin, 17, 155 Meperidine hydrochloride, 1, 175
Meprobamate, 1, 207; 4, 520; 11, 587
K Mercaptopurine, 7, 343
Kanamycin sulfate, 6, 259 Mesalamine, 25, 209; 27, 379
Ketamine, 6, 297 Mestranol, 11, 375
Ketoprofen, 10, 443 Metformin hydrochloride, 25, 243
Ketotifen, 13, 239 Methadone hydrochloride, 3, 365; 4, 520;
Khellin, 9, 371 9, 601
Methaqualone, 4, 245
Methimazole, 8, 351
L Methixen hydrochloride, 22, 317
Lactic acid, 22, 263 Methocarbamol, 23, 377
Lactose, anhydrous, 20, 369 Methotrexate, 5, 283
Lamotrigine, 37, 245 Methoxamine hydrochloride, 20, 399
Lansoprazole, 28, 117 Methoxsalen, 9, 427
Leucovorin calcium, 8, 315 Methylclothiazide, 5, 307
Levallorphan tartrate, 2, 339 Methylphenidate hydrochloride, 10, 473
Levarterenol bitartrate, 1, 149; 2, 573; Methyprylon, 2, 363
11, 555 Metipranolol, 19, 367
Levodopa, 5, 189 Metoclopramide hydrochloride, 16, 327
Levothyroxine sodium, 5, 225 Metoprolol tartrate, 12, 325
Lidocaine, 14, 207; 15, 761 Metronidazole, 5, 327
Lidocaine hydrochloride, 14, 207; 15, 761 Mexiletine hydrochloride, 20, 433
Lincomycin, 23, 275 Miconazole nitrate, 32, 3
Lisinopril, 21, 233 Minocycline, 6, 323
Lithium carbonate, 15, 367 Minoxidil, 17, 185
Lobeline hydrochloride, 19, 261 Mitomycin C, 16, 361
Lomefloxacin, 23, 327 Mitoxanthrone hydrochloride, 17, 221
Lomustine, 19, 315 Morphine, 17, 259
Loperamide hydrochloride, 19, 341 Moxalactam disodium, 13, 305
Lorazepam, 9, 397 Moxidectin, analytical profile, 38, 315
Lornoxicam, 36, 205 Moxifloxacin hydrochloride, 39, 299
Lovastatin, 21, 277
M Nabilone, 10, 499
Mafenide acetate, 24, 277 Nadolol, 9, 455; 10, 732
Malic Acid, 28, 153 Nalidixic acid, 8, 371
Magnesium Silicate, 36, 241 Nalmefene hydrochloride, 24, 351
Maltodextrin, 24, 307 Nalorphine hydrobromide, 18, 195
Mandelic Acid, 29, 179 Naloxone hydrochloride, 14, 453
Maprotiline hydrochloride, 15, 393 Naphazoline hydrochloride, 21, 307
Mebendazole, 16, 291 Naproxen, 21, 345
Mebeverine hydrochloride, 25, 165 Natamycin, 10, 513; 23, 405
Mefenamic acid, 31, 281 Neomycin, 8, 399
Mefloquine hydrochloride, 14, 157 Neostigmine, 16, 403
Melatonin: comprehensive profile, 38, 159 Niclosamide, 32, 67
Cumulative Index 549

Nicotinamide, 20, 475 Phenoxymethyl penicillin potassium,

Nifedipine, 18, 221 1, 249
Nimesulide, 28, 197 Phenylbutazone, 11, 483
Nimodipine, 31, 337, 355, 371 Phenylephrine hydrochloride, 3, 483
Nitrazepam, 9, 487 Phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride, 12,
Nitrofurantoin, 5, 345 357; 13, 767
Nitroglycerin, 9, 519 Phenytoin, 13, 417
Nizatidine, 19, 397 Physostigmine salicylate, 18, 289
Norethindrone, 4, 268 Phytonadione, 17, 449
Norfloxacin, 20, 557 Pilocarpine, 12, 385
Norgestrel, 4, 294 Pimozide, 37, 287
Nortriptyline hydrochloride, 1, 233; Piperazine estrone sulfate, 5, 375
2, 573 Pirenzepine dihydrochloride, 16, 445
Noscapine, 11, 407 Piroxicam, 15, 509
Nystatin, 6, 341 Polymorphism 2004, 32, 263
Polythiazide, 20, 665
O Polyvinyl alcohol, 24, 397
Ofloxacin, 34, 265 Polyvinylpyrollidone, 22, 555
Omeprazole, 35, 151 Povidone, 22, 555
Ondansetron hydrochloride, 27, 301 Povidone-Iodine, 25, 341
Ornidazole, 30, 123 Pralidoxine chloride, 17, 533
Oxamniquine, 20, 601 Pravastatin sodium, 39, 433
Oxazepam, 3, 441 Praziquantel, 25, 463
Oxyphenbutazone, 13, 333 Prazosin hydrochloride, 18, 351
Oxytetracycline, 32, 97 Prednisolone, 21, 415
Oxytocin, 10, 563 Primaquine diphosphate, 32, 153
Primidone, 2, 409; 17, 749
P Probenecid, 10, 639
Paclitaxel, 34, 299 Procainamide hydrochloride, 4, 333;
Pantoprazole, 29, 213 28, 251
Papaverine hydrochloride, 17, 367 Procaine hydrochloride, 26, 395
Parbendazole, 35, 263 Procarbazine hydrochloride, 5, 403
Particle Size Distribution, 31, 379 Promethazine hydrochloride, 5, 429
Paroxetine hydrochloride, 38, 367 Proparacaine hydrochloride, 6, 423
Paroxetine hydrochloride: polymorphs Propiomazine hydrochloride, 2, 439
and solvatomorphs, 38, 407 Propoxyphene hydrochloride, 1, 301;
Penicillamine, 10, 601; 32, 119, 131, 149 4, 520; 6, 598
Penicillin-G, benzothine, 11, 463 Propyl paraben, 30, 235
Penicillin-G, potassium, 15, 427 Propylthiouracil, 6, 457
Penicillin-V, 1, 249; 17, 677 Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, 8, 489
Pentazocine, 13, 361 Pyrazinamide, 12, 433
Pentoxifylline, 25, 295 Pyridoxine hydrochloride, 13, 447
Pergolide Mesylate, 21, 375 Pyrimethamine, 12, 463
Phenazopyridine hydrochloride, 3, 465
Phenelzine sulfate, 2, 383
Phenformin hydrochloride, 4, 319; 5, 429 Q
Phenobarbital, 7, 359 Quinidine sulfate, 12, 483
Phenolphthalein, 20, 627 Quinine hydrochloride, 12, 547
550 Cumulative Index

Ranitidine, 15, 533 Tadalafil, 36, 287
Reserpine, 4, 384; 5, 557; 13, 737 Talc, 23, 517
Riboflavin, 19, 429 Teniposide, 19, 575
Rifampin, 5, 467 Tenoxicam, 22, 431
Risperidone, 37, 313 Terazosin, 20, 693
Rocuronium bromide, 35, 285 Terbutaline sulfate, 19, 601
Rutin, 12, 623 Terfenadine, 19, 627
Terpin hydrate, 14, 273
Testolactone, 5, 533
S Testosterone enanthate, 4, 452
Saccharin, 13, 487 Tetracaine hydrochloride, 18, 379
Salbutamol, 10, 665 Tetracycline hydrochloride, 13, 597
Salicylamide, 13, 521 Theophylline, 4, 466
Salicylic acid, 23, 427 Thiabendazole, 16, 611
Scopolamine hydrobromide, 19, 477 Thiamine hydrochloride, 18, 413
Secobarbital sodium, 1, 343 Thiamphenicol, 22, 461
Sertraline hydrochloride, 24, 443 Thiopental sodium, 21, 535
Sertraline lactate, 30, 185 Thioridazine, 18, 459
Sildenafil citrate, 27, 339 Thioridazine hydrochloride, 18, 459
Silver sulfadiazine, 13, 553 Thiostrepton, 7, 423
Simvastatin, 22, 359 Thiothixene, 18, 527
Sodium nitroprusside, 6, 487; 15, 781 Ticlopidine hydrochloride, 21, 573
Sodium valproate, 32, 209 Timolol maleate, 16, 641
Solasodine, 24, 487 Titanium dioxide, 21, 659
Sorbitol, 26, 459 Tobramycin, 24, 579
Sotalol, 21, 501 a-Tocopheryl acetate, 3, 111
Spironolactone, 4, 431; 29, 261 Tolazamide, 22, 489
Starch, 24, 523 Tolbutamide, 3, 513; 5, 557; 13, 719
Streptomycin, 16, 507 Tolnaftate, 23, 549
Strychnine, 15, 563 Tramadol hydrochloride, 38, 463
Succinycholine chloride, 10, 691 Tranylcypromine sulfate, 25, 501
Sucralose, 38, 423 Trazodone hydrochloride, 16, 693
Sulfacetamide, 23, 477 Triamcinolone, 1, 367; 2, 571; 4, 521;
Sulfadiazine, 11, 523 11, 593
Sulfadoxine, 17, 571 Triamcinolone acetonide, 1, 397; 2, 571;
Sulfamethazine, 7, 401 4, 521; 7, 501; 11, 615
Sulfamethoxazole, 2, 467; 4, 521 Triamcinolone diacetate, 1, 423;
Sulfasalazine, 5, 515 11, 651
Sulfathiazole, 22, 389 Triamcinolone hexacetonide, 6, 579
Sulfisoxazole, 2, 487 Triamterene, 23, 579
Sulfoxone sodium, 19, 553 Triclobisonium chloride, 2, 507
Sulindac, 13, 573 Trifluoperazine hydrochloride, 9, 543
Sulphamerazine, 6, 515 Triflupromazine hydrochloride, 2, 523;
Sulpiride, 17, 607 4, 521; 5, 557
Sunitinib malate, 37, 363 Trimethaphan camsylate, 3, 545
Cumulative Index 551

Trimethobenzamide hydrochloride, Vigabatrin, 35, 309

2, 551 Vinblastine sulfate, 1, 443; 21, 611
Trimethoprim, 7, 445 Vincristine sulfate, 1, 463; 22, 517
Trimipramine maleate, 12, 683 Vitamin D3, 13, 655
Trioxsalen, 10, 705
Tripelennamine hydrochloride, 14, 107 W
Triprolidine hydrochloride, 8, 509 Warfarin, 14, 423
Tropicamide, 3, 565
Tubocurarine chloride, 7, 477 X
Tybamate, 4, 494 X-Ray Diffraction, 30, 271
Xylometazoline hydrochloride, 14, 135
Validation, Analytical Methods,
37, 439 Y
Validation, Chromatographic Methods, Yohimbine, 16, 731
32, 243
Valproate sodium, 8, 529 Z
Valproic acid, 8, 529; 32, 209 Zaleplon, 35, 347
Vardenafil dihydrochloride, 39, 515 Zidovudine, 20, 729
Varenicline, 37, 389 Zileuton, 25, 535
Verapamil, 17, 643 Zolpidem tartrate, 37, 413
Vidarabine, 15, 647 Zomepirac sodium, 15, 673

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