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Quizzes: Module 1 - Formal Systems

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Module 1 – Formal Systems

Question 1: Which statement is true?

1. Knowledge is always tacit, information is always explicit

2. Data is information that has been retained with an understanding of the
significance of that information
3. Formal knowledge is an alternative for Machine Learning in most AI tasks
4. Explicit knowledge allows for predictable inferencing, thus increasing (re)usability
of data

Correct answer: 4.

Question 2: Which of these four principles/proposals of the Semantic Web is incorrect?

1. Give things a name

2. Names are addresses on the Web
3. Information about things is stored in tables
4. Make the meaning of things explicit

Correct answer: 3 is incorrect. It should be: "Relations (triples) form a graph between

Question 2: Consider these two statements:

1. Tacit knowledge is knowledge that someone has in their mind

2. Explicit knowledge is knowledge about how to process data (for example
through Machine Learning)

a) both 1 and 2 are correct

b) 1 is correct; 2 is incorrect

c) 1 is incorrect; 2 is correct

d) both 1 and 2 are incorrect

Correct answer: b).

Question 3: Consider the following formula, which is in Prefix syntax:

→(∨(A ,&(¬(B),C)) , ¬(∨(¬(D) ,¬(E))))

What is an equivalent representation in Infix syntax?

(A v (¬B & C)) → ¬(¬D ∨ ¬E)

(B v (¬A & C)) → ¬(¬A ∨ ¬E)

(A → (B & ¬C)) → ¬(¬D ∨ ¬E)

(A v (¬B → C)) & ¬(¬D ∨ ¬E)

(A & (¬B ∨ C)) → ¬(¬D → ¬E)

Correct answer: The first one.

Question 3: Consider the following formula, which is in Prefix syntax:

¬((A → (¬B ∨ C)) v (¬D v ¬E))

What is an equivalent representation in Infix syntax?

¬(v(→ (A,v(¬(B),C)),v(¬(D),¬(E))))

¬(v(→(v(v(v(¬(¬(¬(A, B,C,D,E))))))


¬(v(→ (E,v(¬(B),D)),v(¬(C),¬(A))))


Correct answer: The first one.

Question 3: Consider the following formula, which is in Infix syntax:

&(∨(A ,v(¬(B),C)) , ¬(&(¬(D) ,¬(E))))

What is an equivalent representation in Prefix syntax?

(A v (¬B v C)) & ¬(¬D & ¬E)

(A & (¬B v C)) v ¬(¬D & ¬E)

(A v (¬B & C)) → ¬(¬D ∨ ¬E)

(A v (B v C)) & ¬(D & E)

Correct answer: The first one.

Question 3: Consider the following formula, which is in Infix syntax:

→(∨(A ,&(¬(B),C)) , ¬(∨(¬(D) ,¬(E))))

What is an equivalent representation in Prefix syntax?

Correct answer: (A v (¬B & C)) → ¬(¬D ∨ ¬E)

Question 4: Consider the following propositional formula: ¬p → (q & ¬r). Which of the
following interpretations is a model?

I(p)=True, I(q)=True, I(r)=True

I(p)=False, I(q)=False, I(r)=True

I(p)=False, I(q)=True, I(r)=True

I(p)=False, I(q)=False, I(R)=False

There is no model.

Correct answer: The first one.

Question 4: Consider the following propositional formula: p → (¬q & r). Which of the
following interpretations is a model?

I(p)=True, I(q)=False, I(r)=True

I(p)=True, I(q)=False, I(r)=False

I(p)=True, I(Q)True, I(R)=True

I(p)=True, I(Q)=True, I(R)=False

There is no model

Correct answer: The first one.

Question 5: Let KB be a knowledge base, and F a formula. Which of the following

answers about entailment is true?

a) F is entailed by KB if, and only, if every model of KB is also a model of F.

b) F is entailed by KB if, and only, if there is a model of KB that is also a model of F.
c) F is entailed if, and only, if every interpretation of KB is also a model of KB and thus
also of F.
d) If F has no model, it is always entailed by KB
e) If the knowledge base has no models, nothing is entailed

Correct answer: a).

Question 6: In Propositional Logic, which of the following formulas is entailed by the

knowledge base containing two formulas p v (¬q & r) and (¬r v q)?

a) p
b) q
c) None of the above
d) r

Correct answer: a).

Question 6: In Propositional Logic, which of the following formulas is entailed by the

knowledge base containing two formulas p → (¬q & r) and (¬r v q)?

a) neither p nor q are entailed

b) p
c) q
d) both p and q are entailed

Correct answer: a).

Question 6: In Propositional Logic, which of the following formulas is entailed by the
knowledge base containing two formulas q v (¬p & r) and (¬q → p)?

a) q
b) p
c) both p and q are entailed
d) neither p nor q are entailed

Correct answer: a).

Question 7: In Propositional Logics check whether the following entailment holds:

p v (¬r & q) ⊨ (q v ¬r) → p

a) No
b) Yes
c) Cannot be decided
d) It’s a tautology

Correct answer: a).

Question 7: In Propositional Logics check whether the following entailment holds:

p → (q → r) ⊨ p → (r → q)

a) Yes
b) No
c) Entailment is not defined for Propositional Logic
d) Not enough information available

Correct answer: b).

Question 8: In Propositional Logics, which of the following entailments is true, and which
is false?

(a) p → (q → r) ⊨ p → (r → q)

(b) p → (¬q ∨ r), ¬r ⊨ ¬q → ¬p

(c) q ⊨ p → q

1) (a) is false, (b) is true and (c) is true

2) (a) is true, (b) is true and (c) is true
3) (a) is false, (b) is false and (c) is true
4) (a) is true, (b) is false and (c) is true
5) (a) is false, (b) is false and (c) is false

Correct answer: 3). The most difficult one was (b). Here p = T, q = F and r = F is a
counterexample, so the entailment is not true.

Module 2 – Linked Data, RDF and SPARQL

Question 1: Give the different reasons why data and knowledge reuse on the Web is
a) Publishers use different syntaxes, such as XML, csv, tsf, etc,
b) There are no shared identifiers between datasets
c) There is too much data to be stored on one machine, so data can never be reused
d) There is no protocol to access data from remote servers
e) Information may mean different things in different contexts
f) People may disagree, causing inconsistencies
g) Not all data is in XML

Correct answers: a), b), e), f).

Question 2: Modeling a DB as a graph, Part 1: Instances, Relations and Objects

Consider the following relational databases with tables Players:

And Clubs

The ultimate goal is to represent (some of) the information as a knowledge graph as
faithfully as possible. In order to do so, first determine what you want to model as
resources, literals, and properties. The following lists are not complete, but which of
them are correct:

a) Resources: p1, c1, "RB Leibzig", Netherland, 21

b) Resources: p1, c1, Netherlands, Competition, Club
c) Resources: p1, c1, Spain, Club, 26
d) Literals: c1, "FC Liverpool", 26, England
e) Literals: "FC Liverpool", "Ajax Amsterdam", 26, "Frenkie de Jong"
f) Literals: "FC Liverpool", Netherlands, c1, p2
g) Properties: a, hasAge, playsInCompetition, hasLabel
h) Properties: a, hasAge, Player, 26
i) Properties: Club, hasAge, playsInCompetition, Netherlands

Correct answers: b), e), g).

Question 3: Modeling a DB as a graph, Part 2: Relational Data as a Graph

Consider the relational database from the previous question. Which of the following
triples are faithful representations of the information in the database as a Knowledge
Graph? At least 4 triples are correct, but there could be more.

a) (c4 label "Ajax Amsterdam")

b) (p4 label "Frenkie de Jong" hasAge 21)
c) (p4 playsAtClub c4)
d) (p4 "Club" c4)
e) (p4 born_In Netherlands)
f) (p4 a Player)
g) ("c4 label Ajax Amsterdam")
h) ("Ajax Amsterdam" playsIn "Netherlands")
i) (c4 playsInCountry Netherlands)
j) (Virgil_vav_Dijk playsAtClub FC_Liverpool)

Correct answers: a), e), f), i).

Question 5: Is the following RDF turtle file syntactically correct or not?

a) Yes, this turtle file is syntactically correct

b) No, the prefixes declarations are not well-formed
c) No, the semicolon after "people:victor" should be a comma
d) No, the indentation is incorrect

Correct answer: c).

Question 5: Is the following RDF turtle file syntactically correct or not?

a) Yes, this turtle file is syntactically correct

b) No, the empty prefix declaration is not correct
c) No, ":me" should be a blank node
d) No, there should me more triples for ":me"

Correct answer: a)

Question 5: Is the following RDF turtle file syntactically correct or not?

a) Yes, this turtle file is syntactically correct
b) No, dc:title is not a correct property
c) No, "Nachtwacht" should not have a language tag
d) No, the blank node should use { } instead of [ ] brackets

Correct answer: a).

Question 6: Let KG={(a,p,b),(a,q,a)} be a knowledge graph.

Which of the following interpretations is a model of KG?

(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=1,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(1,1)}

(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=1,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,2)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,2)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,1)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=1, I(p)={(2,1)}, I(q)={(1,2)}

Correct answer: The first one.

Question 6: Let KG={(a,p,a),(b,q,a)} be a knowledge graph.

Which of the following interpretations is a model of KG?

(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=1,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,1)}, I(q)={(2,1)}

(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=1,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,2)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,2)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,1)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=1, I(p)={(2,1)}, I(q)={(1,2)}

Correct answer: The first one.

Question 6: Let KG={(a,p,b),(b,q,a)} be a knowledge graph.

Which of the following interpretations is a model of KG?

(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=1,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(1,1)}

(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=1,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,2)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,2)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=2, I(p)={(1,2)}, I(q)={(2,1)}
(U,I) with U={1,2}, I(a)=2,I(b)=1, I(p)={(2,1)}, I(q)={(1,2)}

Correct answer: The last one.

Question 7: Let KG =

Which of the following knowledge graphs is entailed by KG in RDF?

a) {(klaas,isa,student),(carl,isa,teacher),(kad,isa,course)}
b) {(stefan,teaches,kad),(stefan,isa,teacher)}
d) {(carl,particpartes,course)}
e) {(stefan,teaches,course),(klaas,isa,student),(kad,isa,course),(carl,participates,course)}

Correct answer: a).

Question 8: Why is it useful to use HTTP URIs, instead of other identifiers, such as Apples
App ID, or the Social Security Number of a person?

a) HTTP URIs can be dereferenced, ie they can be accessed via http, and provide useful
information about a resource.
b) HTTP is the only way to access data from a triple-store, so it is critical that your URIs
are HTTP addresses
c) Chances are very high that HTTP URIs are unique, whereas other identifiers can be the
d) HTTP is the only way to provide information about resources that is human readable.
e) HTTP uses hypertext, and is therefore far more secure than standard identifiers
f) It is illegal to use Social Security Numbers, as they are protected under US laws.
g) HTTP URIs are more elegant, as they force people to write human readable identifiers,
which is socially desired.
h) HTTP URIs can easily be merged, which is crucial when merging datasets
i) HTTP URIs are unique, as one has to buy them using a domain service provider (DSP).
j) HTTP URIs encode the graph structure of a knowledge graph, and thus allow for more
efficient retrieval

Correct answers: a), c).

Question 9: Consider the small knowledge graph:

What would the following SPARQL query return?

a) 14 2 "Novels from Rome"
b) "Novels from Rome" 14 2
c) "Sparql Introduction" 10 3
d) "Sparql Introduction"
e) "Lost in Space" 5 0
f) 10 3 "SPARQL Introduction"

Correct answers: a), f).

Question 10: Consider the following RDF graph:

Which of the queries below produces the following result:

a) PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?name ?mbox ?hpage

?x foaf:name ?name .
OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:mbox ?mbox } .
OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:homepage ?hpage }

b) PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?name ?mbox ?hpage

?x foaf:name ?name .
?x foaf:mbox ?mbox .
OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:homepage ?hpage }

c) PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?name ?mbox ?hpage

?x foaf:name ?name .
OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:mbox ?mbox } .
?x foaf:homepage ?hpage
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?name ?mbox ?hpage

OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:name ?name } .
OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:mbox ?mbox } .
OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:homepage ?hpage }

Correct answer: a).

Module 3 – Inferencing, RDFS & Triplestores

Question 1: Given the following RDF in Turtle format:

If I run an RDFS reasoner on this, what statement(s) should it infer?

a) ex:a rdf:type ex:B .

b) rdfs:domain rdf:type rdf:Property .
c) ex:c owl:differentFrom ex:b .
d) rdf:type rdf:type rdf:Property .
e) ex:p rdf:type rdf:Property .
f) ex:p rdfs:domain ex:B .
g) rdf:Property rdf:type rdfs:Class .
h) ex:C rdfs:subClassOf ex:B .
i) Nothing, the ontology contains a contradiction.

Correct answers: a), b), d), e), f), g).

Question 1: Given the following RDF in Turtle format:

If I run an RDFS reasoner on this, what statement(s) should it infer?

a) rdfs:domain rdf:type rdf:Property .

b) rdf:type rdf:type rdf:Property .
c) ex:c owl:differentFrom ex:b .
d) Nothing, the ontology contains a contradiction.
e) ex:s rdf:type ex:T .
f) ex:r rdf:type rdf:Property .
g) ex:O rdfs:subClassOf ex:T .
h) rdf:Property rdf:type rdfs:Class .

Correct answer: a), b), e), f), h)

Question 2: What is the function of vocabularies such as foaf, dublin core or skos?
(multiple correct answers possible, select them all)

a) These vocabularies, foaf, skos and dc, come with strict formal semantics that allow for
rich inferencing.
b) There is no need to use dublin core and foaf vocabularies, as they are already included
in RDFS.
c) While they do not provide a lot of formal semantics (and are thus not very powerful in
inferencing new facts) vocabularies are crucial to the Linked Data initiative, as one
cannot publish valid RDF without using these vocabularies.
d) While they do not provide a lot of formal semantics (and are thus not very powerful in
inferencing new facts) these vocabularies help people share the same terms when
talking about things. They provide some kind of social semantics to a formal language.
e) It is illegal to use RDFS and foaf in one document, as the uncertainty and
underspecification of semantics of foaf would destroy the formal semantics of RDFS.
f) While they do not provide a lot of formal semantics (and are thus not very powerful in
inferencing new facts) vocabularies help because people are forced to use the same
terms for domains in order to adhere to Tim Berners Lees 5-Star principle.
g) It is highly recommended to use extra vocabularies in RDF and RDFS documents in
order to make reuse of the data easier.

Correct answers: d), g).

Question 3: This question is about the role of an index in a database, more specifically in
TripleStores. Which of the following statements are correct, and which are not?

a) A triple-store can only be indexed by the subject of the triples

b) Triplestores use indices to answer queries faster.
c) Triplestores use indices to reduce memory space
d) There is a single way of indexing a database
e) There are several ways of indexing data in a triple-store, by subject, by object and even
first by subject and then by predicate.

Correct answers: b), e).

Question 4: What happens when you send a query

SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10

to the following adress via Yasgui:

a) Yasgui has a local copy of DBPedia, ready downloaded and indexed for efficient
processing. It returns the first 10 triples in the database.
b) Yasgui will attempt to send a query to a database, but there
will be an error message, as it is not a valid http address
c) Yasqui sends an http GET request to the URL which denotes a SPARQL API. The
specified query is running against the DBPedia triple store, and the first 10 triples in that
store are returned to Yasgui, which renders it nicely.
d) Yasgui runs an instance of a triple store server, which it calls
"". This instance returns the first 10 triples it has indexed and
Yasgui renders them nicely.

Correct answer: c)

Question 5: Suppose (only) the following rule is given.

and an RDFS graph: { (ex:A rdfs:subClassOf ex:D), (ex:B rdfs:subClassOf ex:C),(ex:B

rdfs:subClassOf ex:D), (ex:i1 rdf:type ex:A), (ex:i2 rdf:type ex:B)}

Which of the following (sets of) triples can be derived?

There might be other triples that are entailed beyond those listed.

(ex:i1 rdf:type ex:D) and

(ex:i2 rdf:type ex:D)

(ex:i1 rdf:type ex:C)
(ex:i2 rdf:type ex:C)

(ex:i1 rdf:type ex:C)

(ex:i2 rdf:type ex:D)

(ex:i2 rdf:type ex:A)

(ex:i1 rdf:type ex:D)

Correct answer: a)

Question 5: Suppose (only) the following rule is given.

and an RDFS graph: { (ex:C rdfs:subClassOf ex:A), (ex:B rdfs:subClassOf ex:C),(ex:A

rdfs:subClassOf ex:D), (ex:i1 rdf:type ex:A), (ex:i2 rdf:type ex:B)}

Which of the following (sets of) triples can be derived?

There might be other triples that are entailed beyond those listed.

a) (ex:i1 rdf:type ex:B)

(ex:i2 rdf:type ex:D)

b) (ex:i2 rdf:type ex:C)

(ex:i1 rdf:type ex:C)

c) (ex:i2 rdf:type ex:A)

(ex:i1 rdf:type ex:C)}

d) (ex:i1 rdf:type ex:D)


Correct answer: d).

Question 6: Now consider the RDFS graph { (ex:1 rdfs:subClassOf ex:2), (ex:2
rdfs:subClassOf ex:3),(ex:3 rdfs:subClassOf ex:4), (ex:a rdf:type ex:1), (ex:b rdf:type ex:2)},
but now only the rule

Which triple(s) can be derived with this rule?

a) (ex:1 rdfs:subClassOf ex:3) and (ex:a rdf:type ex:3)

b) (ex:3 rdfs:subClassOf ex:1) and (ex:4 rdfs:subClassOf ex:1) and (ex:4 rdfs:subClassOf ex:2)
c) (ex:a rdf:type ex:3) and (ex:a rdf:type ex:4)}
d) (ex:1 rdfs:subClassOf ex:3) and (ex:1 rdfs:subClassOf ex:4) and (ex:2 rdfs:subClassOf ex:4)

Correct answer: d)

Question 7: Consider the rules for domain and range:

Given a Knowledge Graph {(ex:x ex:y ex:z), (ex:y rdfs:range ex:w), (rdfs:range rdfs:range
rdfs:Class), (ex:u a ex:v)}.

Which triple(s) can be derived?

a) Solution: (ex:x a ex:w) and (ex:w a rdfs:Class)

b) Solution: (ex:z a ex:w) and (ex:w a rdfs:Class)
c) Solution: (ex:x a ex:w) and (ex:w a rdfs:Class)
d) Solution: (ex:z a ex:v) and (ex:u a rdfs:Class)

Correct answer: b).

Question 7: Consider the rules for domain and range:

Given a Knowledge Graph {(ex:s ex:p ex:o), (ex:p rdfs:range ex:C), (rdfs:range rdfs:range
rdfs:Class), (ex:q a ex:B)}.

Which triple(s) can be derived?

a) Solution: (ex:s a rdfs:Class) and (ex:C a rdfs:Class)

b) Solution: (ex:s a ex:C) and (ex:C a rdfs:Class)
c) Solution: (ex:o a ex:C) and (ex:C a rdfs:Class)
d) Solution: (ex:o a ex:B) and (ex:q a rdfs:Class)

Correct answer: c).

Question 8: Consider the knowledge graph: {(ex:Peter ex:likes ex:John), (ex:likes

rdfs:domain ex:Human), (ex:likes rdfs:range ex:Human),(ex:Peter ex:likes ex:Chocolate)}.

There is one triple you can derive which is undesirable. Which one?

a) ex:Chocolate rdf:type ex:Human .

b) ex:Human ex:likes ex:Chocolate .
c) ex:Chocolate ex:likes ex:Human .
d) ex:John ex:likes ex:Chocolate .

Correct answer: a).

Question 8: Consider the knowledge graph: {(ex:Stefan ex:livesIn ex:Diemen), (ex:livesIn

rdfs:domain ex:Person), (ex:livesIn rdfs:range ex:City),(ex:Stefan ex:livesIn

There is one triple you can derive which is undesirable. Which one?

a) ex:Netherlands rdf:type ex:City .

b) ex:City rdfs:subClassOf ex:Person .
c) ex:Diemen rdf:type ex:Person .
d) ex:Netherlands rdf:type ex:Stefan .

Correct answer: a).

Question 9: Take the following graph

Which triples are not explicitly stated in the graph, but can be inferred by the rdf and
rdfs inference rules.

a) ex:Movie rdf:type rdfs:Class .

b) ex:RobbertPattinson ex:actsIn ex:Movie.

c) ex:RobbertPattinson ex:performsIn ex:TheLighthouse .

d) ex:RobbertPattinson rdfs:range ex:Movie .

e) ex:RobbertPattinson rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person .

f) ex:RobbertPattinson rdf:type foaf:Person .

g) ex:TheLightHouse rdf:type ex:Performer .

Correct answers: a), c), f).

Question 9: Take the following graph

Which triples are not explicitly stated in the graph, but can be inferred by the rdf and
rdfs inference rules?

a) ex:Amsterdam rdf:type ex:Location.

b) ex:Amsterdam rdfs:domain ex:City .

c) ex:NL rdf:type ex:Location .

d) ex:City rdf:type rdfs:Class .

e) ex:Amsterdam ex:locatedIn ex:NL .

f) ex:Amsterdam rdfs:subClassOf ex:Location .

g) ex:Amsterdam ex:locatedIn ex:Country .

Correct answers: a), d), e).

Question 9: Take the following graph

Which triples are not explicitly stated in the graph, but can be inferred by the rdf and
rdfs inference rules?
a) ex:TruffelTheCat ex:isOwnedBy ex:Victor.
b) ex:TruffelTheCat ex:isOwnedBy ex:Person .
c) ex:TruffelTheCat rdfs:subClassOf ex:Animal .
d) ex:TruffelTheCat rdf:type: ex:Animal .
e) ex:TruffelTheCat rdfs:domain ex:Cat .
f) ex:Cat rdf:type rdfs:Class .
g) ex:Victor rdf:type ex:Animal .

Correct answer: a), d), f).

Module 4 – OWL and expressive reasoning

Question 1: Which one of the following statements is true?

OWL is a description logic

OWL is a less expressive subset of propositional logic
RDFS is more expressive than OWL, everything that can be said in OWL can also be said

Question 2: What is true about punning in OWL(2)?

Punning is the process of deriving implicit facts from explicit statements

Punning allows one to define a concept as both a class and an instance
Punning classes defined as subclass of owl:Nothing
Punning is used to relate sets to classes

Question 3: Which of the statements can be made in OWL, but not in RDFS? (multiple
answers possible)

That a property always points to an object of a certain class.

That a property is symmetric
That two objects are the same
That a property is more specific than another
That something is a Class
That there is exactly one object in a relation with a certain property for a certain class
That something is the empty Class
That all objects of a class, are also objects of another class

Question 4: Which of the following statements about the Unique Name Assumption are
correct (one or more)?

OWL has the Unique Naming Assumption because in OWL nothing is assumed true or
false unless it is explicitly specified.

OWL does not have the Unique Naming Assumption, as one URI can have multiple

OWL has the Unique Naming Assumption as everything is uniquely determined to be

true or false

OWL does not have the Unique Naming assumption as the same thing can be denoted
by different URIs.

Question 5: Consider the following OWL ontology (assuming the correct namespaces are
Which of the following statements (one or more) can be derived by an RDF(S) and OWL

ex:x owl:differentFrom ex:z .

ex:y owl:differentFrom ex:z.
ex:y rdf:type ex:X .
ex:x rdf:type ex:Y .
ex:x owl:differentFrom ex:y.
ex:x rdf:type ex:Z

Question 6: Which of the following relations is both symmetric and irreflexive?

(cousinOf also works, from exam prep)

Question 7: Consider the following OWL ontology:

Which of the following facts can be derived (one or more can be correct)?

ex:x owl:sameAs ex:y.

ex:x owl:sameAs ex:z .
ex:p rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:r
ex:y owl:sameAs ex:z .

Question 8: Suppose you want to model the relation fatherInLaw in OWL as a property
chain. Which properties would you concatenate?

fatherOf and sisterOf

fatherOf and sonOf
marriedTo and fatherOf
fatherOf and husbandOf

Question 9: Suppose there was only the following OWL entailment rule:
and a small ontology:

Which statements can you derive?

None of the other answers

ex:7 owl:sameAs ex:5
ex:5 owl:sameAs ex:2
ex:2 owl:sameAs ex:7

Question 10: Consider the following OWL ontology:

Which statement can be derived?

ex:john rdf:type ex:Sportsman .

ex:john rdf:type ex:FootballMatch .
ex:john rdf:type ex:Footballer .
None of the other answers

Comments: Using subClassOf we can define necessary conditions. Combining that with
someValuesFrom, we can derive propertyvalues for relations that have instances of that
class as a subject. In this case, we already know that match123 is of type footballmatch.
because it is only a necessary condition, we cannot derive type relations for john.

Question 11: Consider the following ontology:

Which of the following statements can be derived?

ex:maria rdf:type ex:NiceFood.

Nothing, as the ontology is inconsistent.
None of the other answers
ex:john rdf:type ex:NiceFoodLover
Using equivalentClass we can define necessary and sufficient conditions. Combining
that with allValuesFrom, we can determine that: for all members of that class, the object
of the property on which the restriction is defined, must be of class NiceFood.

Module 5 – OWL and expressive reasoning

Question 1: An ontology is an explicit specification of a shared conceptualization that

holds in a particular context. Which of the following statements are true? (one or more)

Ontologies have to be modelled in OWL to be able to derive new knowledge

Ontologies have to be modelled in some kind of formal system, so that they are machine

Ontologies have to be formalized so that all ontologies share a common context

Ontologies need to conform to a universal ontology, to make them reusable

Ontologies model a consensus of concepts, relations and instances that can be reused

Question 2: Which of the following statements are true? (one or more)

A taxonomy contains terms that are organized in a hierarchical structure

A thesaurus is more expressive than an ontology

An ontology is more expressive than a taxonomy

Thesauri are well suited to express complex semantic restrictions

Question 3: Given the four following terms: goat, goat_milk, farm, and mammal

Which of the following statements are true? (one or more)

Note that skos:narrower is the inverse of skos:broader:

If (ex:A skos:broader ex:B) then (ex:B skos:narrower ex:A)

ex:goat skos:broader ex:goat_milk

ex:mammal skos:narrower ex:goat

ex:goat_milk rdfs:subClassOf ex:goat

ex:goat skos:broader ex:farm

ex:goat rdfs:subClassOf ex:mammal

ex:goat rdf:type ex:farm

Question 4: Given the following hierarchy:

• Job types
o Cat breeder
• Biology
o Animal
§ Cat
§ Dog

What is a good relation type for ALL the hierarchy relations in a formalized version of


Question 5: In Ontology Engineering, what is true about competency questions?

They are human-understandable questions that describe requirements for the ontology.

They are SPARQL queries used to evaluate the efficiency of a triple store.

They are statements specified in OWL that determine alignment restrictions.

Nouns extracted from these questions will become Classes and Properties in the

Question 6: Given that we have two (parts of) knowledge graphs:




If I want to establish an alignment between the "ex" and "foaf" ontologies, what would
be good alignment triples (more than one answer possible)?

ex:VUPerson rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person

ex:worksWith rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:knows .

ex:worksWith owl:equivalentProperty foaf:knows .

ex:VUEmployee owl:equivalentClass foaf:Person

ex:worksWith skos:related foaf:Person .

Not this one above, skos:related is defined between two concepts, not between property
and a class.

ex:worksWith owl:disjointProperty foaf:knows.

Question 7: Given the following ontology with data from the dbpedia, geonames, sumo
and cyc ontologies:

and SPARQL query:

Which of the following statements is true (one or more)?

With RDF and RDFS reasoning only, the complete result is dbpedia:Saarland.

With RDF, RDFS and OWL reasoning, the complete result is dbpedia:Saarland and

With RDF, RDFS and OWL reasoning, the complete result is dbpedia:Saarland,
sumo:Germany, cyc:Europe

With RDF and RDFS reasoning only, the complete result is dbpedia:Saarland and

With RDF, RDFS and OWL reasoning, the complete result is dbpedia:Saarland only

Question 8: We would like to know the top 3 presidents of the United States, with the
most number of children.

Given the following WHERE clause of a SPARQL query, fill in the 4 empty lines (#1, #2, #3,
and #4) with the necessary values to answer the above question.

#1 SELECT ?name (COUNT(?child) AS ?N)

#1 SELECT ?child (COUNT(?name) AS ?N)

#1 SELECT ?name ?child

#2 GROUP BY ?child
#2 GROUP BY ?name

#2 (leave this line empty)

#3 ORDER BY (?N)

#3 ORDER BY (?child)


#3 ORDER BY DESC (?child)

#4 FILTER(TOP(?child, 3))

#4 TOP 3

#4 LIMIT 3

#4 (leave this line empty)

Question 9: What statements are true about the following SPARQL query (executed
against a local triplestore running at localhost:7200)

The SERVICE keyword allows you to do a federated query, retrieving information from a
second SPARQL endpoint (in this case DBPedia)

The SERVICE keyword denotes a new named graph with URI

<> where local results are gathered from

This query combines information from two datasets, using explicit semantic alignment

This query combines information from two datasets, using the matching labels

General questions (from exam prep)

2, 3 and 6 are correct!

None of the above. There can be several people with the same name, last name, and
birth date.

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