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Liquid Dielectric Constant Meter: Model 871

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Liquid Dielectric PROBE

probe has an open structure
to clean.
and is easy

Model 871

■ Features
● Measurement of the dielectric constant
from water to non-polar solvents
Range 1~20, Range 1~200
● Very useful for the Mixtures
● Improvement for the calculation of
Zeta Potential
● High accuracy: ±2%
● Simple to use
● Simple to clean with open structure of
With the new Model 871 the measurement of the probe
dielectric constants has been very easy. ● Calibration with a liquid of known
Insert the probe in the liquid to been dielectric constant
measured, adjust the two controls on the
front panel and read the dielectric constant It is constructed from two precision cylinders,
from the display. The Model 871 can machined from type 316 stainless steel. The
accurately measure in low and high cylinder spacing is maintained by six nylon
dielectric solvents, including mixtures. screws. If the probe is used primarily with
low-dielectric constant hydrocarbon fluids,
PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION we recommend cleaning by agitation in
The Model 871 has two ranges: 1~20 and acetone or ethyl alcohol, followed by gentle
1~200. Absolute accuracy is ±2%, drying with clean compressed air. Any
repeatability and linearity are better than residue of the liquid left in the probe may
±0.2%. affect measurement accuracy. If the probe is
The measurement signal applied to the outer used to measure fluids with a particulate
cylinder of the probe is a low-distortion sine component, it is important that it be cleaned
wave at a frequency of 10 kHz. The before any residue dries on the cylinders. We
amplitude is approximately 7 volts rms on have found that the most efficient way to
the 1~20 range, and 0.7 volts on the 1~200. remove particulate matter is to immerse the
The frequency is crystal-controlled, and is probe in an ultrasonic cleaner with an
therefore stable to approximately 1 part in appropriate solvent. Since the probe is
105. The dielectric constant of the liquid made of stainless steel, nylon and teflon, it
sample is measured by measuring the may be cleaned in almost any solvent.
current between the outer cylinder and the It is important that the probe not be
inner cylinder of the probe. With a stable disassembled for cleaning.
voltage source and precisely known probe The accuracy of measurement is strongly
parameters, it is possible to display the dependent upon maintaining the geometry
dielectric constant directly. Calibration is of the probe, which will unavoidably change
simple using the back panel adjustment with with disassembly and reassembly.
a liquid of known dielectric constant.

Nihon Rufuto Co.,Ltd.

■ Measurement for Common Liquid
● Pure liquid
Measured Tempe- Published *2
rature Difference
Material Dielectric Dielectric
(℃) (% )
Constant Constant
82.9 16.3 81.50 1.7
Distilled Water 79.2 20.4 80.01 -1.0
77.2 25.2 78.28 -1.4
34.7 16.1 34.11 1.7
Methanol 33.8 21.3 33.21 1.8
32.8 26.1 32.44 1.1
2.05 17.8 2.03 1.1
Cyclohexane 2.05 20.6 2.02 1.3
2.04 25.0 2.02 1.2
2.43 15.2 2.40 1.3
Toluene 2.42 20.2 2.39 1.4
2.40 24.0 2.38 1.0

● Mixtures
(Methanol:Distilled Water)
1:1 61.3 25.9 N/A …
1:2 67.9 23.2 N/A …
1:3 71.4 23.6 N/A …
1:1 2.21 25.5 N/A …
* 1:CRC H andbo o k o f Che mistry and Physics
* 2:Diffe re nce (% )=((Me asure d - Publishe d)/Publishe d)×100

■ Specifications
● Full Scale Sensitivity:1~20 and 1~200 ● Measurement Signal:Low-distortion 10 kHz
● Accuracy:±2% sine wave, about 7 volts rms
● Repeatability:±0.2% ● Display:LED
● Linearity:±0.2% ● Probe Materials:Stainless steel and teflon
● Maximum Conductivity of Sample: ● Output:Analog recorder.
Range 1~ 20:1μS/cm Full scale reading=1.999 volts
Range 1~200:10μS/cm ● Power:110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz, 10 watts
(<0.05 mM 1:1 electrolyte) ● Size:197(W)×250(D)×85(H) mm
● Sample Volume:42 mL
● Operating Temperature:22~58℃

Specifications and descriptions in this brochure

subject to change without notice.

Nihon Rufuto Co.,Ltd.
Uenofuji Bldg. 5-1-8 Higashiueno,
Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015, JAPAN
TEL: 81-3-3847-6880
FAX: 81-3-3847-6890

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