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Module 5 Balancing of Rotating Masses NM Repaired

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Course Contents
Static Balancing
Types of Balancing
Balancing of Several Masses
Rotating in the Same Plane
Dynamic Balancing
Balancing of Several Masses
Rotating in the different
1.7 Balancing Machines
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

 Often an unbalance of forces is produced in rotary or reciprocating machinery due
to the inertia forces associated with the moving masses. Balancing is the process of
designing or modifying machinery so that the unbalance is reduced to an
acceptable level and if possible is eliminated entirely.

Fig. 1.1
 A particle or mass moving in a circular path experiences a centripetal acceleration
and a force is required to produce it. An equal and opposite force acting radially
outwards acts on the axis of rotation and is known as centrifugal force [Fig. 1.1(a)].
This is a disturbing force on the axis of rotation, the magnitude of which is constant
but the direction changes with the rotation of the mass.
 In a revolving rotor, the centrifugal force remains balanced as long as the centre of
the mass of the rotor lies on the axis of the shaft. When the centre of mass does
not lie on the axis or there is an eccentricity, an unbalanced force is produced
[Fig. 1.1(b)]. This type of unbalance is very common. For example, in steam turbine
rotors, engine crankshafts, rotary compressors and centrifugal pumps.
 Most of the serious problems encountered in high-speed machinery are the direct
result of unbalanced forces. These forces exerted on the frame by the moving
machine members are time varying, impart vibratory motion to the frame and
produce noise. Also, there are human discomfort and detrimental effects on the
machine performance and the structural integrity of the machine foundation.
 The most common approach to balancing is by redistributing the mass which may
be accomplished by addition or removal of mass from various machine members.
 There are two basic types of unbalance-rotating unbalance and reciprocating
unbalance – which may occur separately or in combination.

Static Balancing:
 A system of rotating masses is said to be in static balance if the combined mass
centre of the system lies on the axis of rotation.
Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 OSME Keonjhar
Types of Balancing:
There are main two types of balancing conditions
(i) Balancing of rotating masses
(ii) Balancing of reciprocating masses
(i) Balancing of Rotating Masses
Whenever a certain mass is attached to a rotating shaft, it exerts some centrifugal
force, whose effect is to bend the shaft and to produce vibrations in it. In order to
prevent the effect of centrifugal force, another mass is attached to the opposite side of
the shaft, at such a position so as to balance the effect of the centrifugal force of the first
mass. This is done in such a way that the centrifugal forces of both the masses are made
to be equal and opposite. The process of providing the second mass in order to
counteract the effect of the centrifugal force of the first mass is called balancing of
rotating masses.
The following cases are important from the subject point of view:
1. Balancing of a single rotating mass by a single mass rotating in the same plane.
2. Balancing of different masses rotating in the same plane.
3. Balancing of different masses rotating in different planes.
Balancing of Several Masses Rotating in the Same Plane
 Consider any number of masses (say four) of magnitude m1, m2, m3 and m4 at
distances ofr1, r2, r3 and r4 from the axis of the rotating shaft. Let 1, 2, 3 and 4
be the angles of these masses with the horizontal line OX, as shown in Fig. 1.2 (a).
Let these masses rotate about an axis through O and perpendicular to the plane of
paper, with a constant angular velocity of  rad/s.

(a) Space diagram. (b) Vector diagram.

Fig. 1.2 Balancing of several masses rotating in the same plane.
 The magnitude and position of the balancing mass may be found out analytically
or graphically as discussed below:
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

1. Analytical method
 Each mass produces a centrifugal force acting radially outwards from the axis of
rotation. Let F be the vector sum of these forces.
F = m1r1 2 + m2r22 + m3r3 2 + m4r42
 The rotor is said to be statically balanced if the vector sum F is zero.
 If F is not zero, i.e., the rotor is unbalanced, then produce a counterweight
(balance weight) of mass mc, at radius rc to balance the rotor so that
m1r1 2 + m2r2 2 + m3r3 2 + m4r4 2 + mcrc2 = 0
m1r1 + m2r2 + m3r3 + m4r4 + m crc = 0

 The magnitude of either mc or rc may be selected and of other can be calculated.

 In general, if  mr is the vector sum of m1.r1, m2.r2, m3.r3, m4.r4, etc., then
 mr + mcrc = 0
 To solve these equation by mathematically, divide each force into its x and z
components,  mrcos + mcrccosc = 0
and  mrsin + mcrcsinc = 0
mcrccosc = − mrcos …………………………(i)
and mcrcsinc = −  mrsin ............................(ii)
 Squaring and adding (i) and (ii),
mcrc =  𝑚𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ² +  𝑚𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ²

 Dividing (ii) by (i),

− 𝑚𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑛
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐 = 

− 𝑚𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑠
 The signs of the numerator and denominator of this function identify the quadrant
of the angle.
2. Graphical method
 First of all, draw the space diagram with the positions of the several masses, as
shown in Fig. 1.2 (a).
 Find out the centrifugal force (or product of the mass and radius of rotation)
exerted by each mass on the rotating shaft.
 Now draw the vector diagram with the obtained centrifugal forces (or the product
of the masses and their radii of rotation), such that ab represents the centrifugal
force exerted by the mass m1 (or m1.r1) in magnitude and direction to some
suitable scale. Similarly, draw bc, cd and de to represent centrifugal forces of
other masses m2, m3 and m4 (or m2.r2,m3.r3 and m4.r4).
 Now, as per polygon law of forces, the closing side ae represents the resultant
force in magnitude and direction, as shown in Fig. 1.2 (b).
Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 OSME Keonjhar
 The balancing force is, then, equal to resultant force, but in opposite direction.
 Now find out the magnitude of the balancing mass (m) at a given radius of
rotation (r), such that
m.r. 2 = Resultant centrifugal force
or m.r = Resultant of m1.r1, m2.r2, m3.r3 and m4.r4
 (In general for graphical solution, vectors m 1.r1, m2.r2, m3.r3, m4.r4, etc., are added. If
they close in a loop, the system is balanced. Otherwise, the closing vector will be
giving mc.rc. Its direction identifies the angular position of the countermass relative
to the other mass.)
Example 1.1 :A circular disc mounted on a shaft carries three attached masses of 4 kg, 3 kg
and 2.5 kg at radial distances of 75 mm, 85 mm and 50 mm and at the angular positions of
45°, 135° and 240° respectively. The angular positions are measured counterclockwise from
the reference line along the x-axis. Determine the amount of the countermass at a radial
distance of 75 mm required for the static balance.
m1 = 4 kg r1 = 75 mm 1 = 45°
m2 = 3 kg r2= 85 mm 2 = 135°
m3 = 2.5 kg r3 = 50 mm 3 = 240°
m1r1 = 4 x 75 = 300
m2r2 = 3 x 85 = 255
m3r3 = 2.5 x 50 = 125
Analytical Method:
 mr + mcrc = 0
300 cos45°+ 255 cos135° + 125 cos240° + mcrccosc = 0 and
300 sin 45°+ 255 sin 135° + 125 sin 240° + mcrcsinc = 0
Squaring, adding and then solving,

(300 cos45  255 cos 135  125 cos240)2 

mC rC 
 (300 sin45  255 sin 135  125 sin240)2

mC 75  (30.68)2 (284.2)2

= 285.8 
mc = 3.81 kg
mr sin

tan    9.26
mr cos (30.68)

c =  83°50’
c lies in the fourth quadrant (numerator is negative and denominator is positive).
c = 360 83°50’
c = 276°9’
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

Graphical Method:
 The magnitude and the position of the balancing mass may also be found
graphically as discussed below :
 Now draw the vector diagram with the above values, to some suitable scale, as
shown in Fig. 1.3. The closing side of the polygon co represents the resultant force.
By measurement, we find that co = 285.84 kg-mm.

Fig. 1.3 Vector Diagram

 The balancing force is equal to the resultant force. Since the balancing force is
proportional to m.r, therefore
mC × 75 = vector co = 285.84 kg-mm or mC = 285.84/75
mC = 3.81 kg.
 By measurement we also find that the angle of inclination of the balancing mass (m)
from the horizontal or positive X-axis,
θC = 276°.
Example 1.2 :Four masses m1, m2, m3 and m4 are 200 kg, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 kg
respectively. The corresponding radii of rotation are 0.2 m, 0.15 m, 0.25 m and 0.3 m
respectively and the angles between successive masses are 45°, 75° and 135°. Find the
position and magnitude of the balance mass required, if its radius of rotation is 0.2 m.
m1 = 200 kg r1 = 0.2 m 1 = 0°
m2 = 300 kg r2 = 0.15 m 2 = 45°
m3 = 240 kg r3 = 0.25 m 3 = 45° +75° = 120°
m4 = 260 kg r4 = 0.3 m 4 = 120° + 135° = 255°
m1r1 = 200 x 0.2 = 40 rC = 0.2 m
m2r2 = 300 x 0.15 = 45
m3r3 = 240 x 0.25 = 60
m4r4 = 260 x 0.3 = 78
mr + mcrc = 0
40 cos0° + 45cos45°+ 60cos120° + 78cos255° + mcrccosc = 0 and
40 sin 0° + 45 sin 45°+ 60 sin 120° + 78 sin 255°+ mcrcsinc = 0
Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 OSME Keonjhar
Squaring, adding and then solving,

(40cos0  45 cos45  60 cos 120  78 cos255)2 

mC rC 
 (40sin0  45 sin45  60 sin 120  78 sin255)2

mC  0.2  (21.6)2 (8.5)2

= 23.2 
mc = 116 kg 
mr sin 8.5
tan    0.3935
mr cos 21.6

c = 21°28’
c lies in the third quadrant (numerator is negative and denominator is negative).
c = 180 +21°28’
c = 201°28’
Graphical Method:
 For graphical method draw the vector diagram with the above values, to some
suitable scale, as shown in Fig. 1.4. The closing side of the polygon ae represents
the resultant force. By measurement, we find that ae = 23 kg-m.

Fig. 1.4 Vector Diagram

 The balancing force is equal to the resultant force.Since the balancing force is
proportional to m.r, therefore
m× 0.2 = vector ea= 23 kg-m or mC = 23/0.2
mC = 115 kg.
 By measurement we also find that the angle of inclination of the balancing mass (m)
from the horizontal or positive X-axis,
θC = 201°.
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

Dynamic Balancing
 When several masses rotate in different planes, the centrifugal forces, in addition
to being out of balance, also form couples. A system of rotating masses is in
dynamic balance when there does not exist any resultant centrifugal force as well
as resultant couple.
 In the work that follows, the products of mr and mrl (instead of mr2 and mrl2),
usually, have been referred as force and couple respectively as it is more
convenient to draw force and couple polygons with these quantities.

Fig. 1.5
 If m1, and m2 are two masses (Fig. 1.5) revolving diametrically opposite to each
other in different planes such that m1r1 = m2r2, the centrifugal forces are balanced,
but an unbalanced couple of magnitude m1r1l (= m2r2l) is introduced. The couple
acts in a plane that contains the axis of rotation and the two masses. Thus, the
couple is of constant magnitude but variable direction.
Balancing of Several Masses Rotating in the different Planes

 Let there be a rotor revolving with a uniform angular velocity . m1, m2and m3 are
the masses attached to the rotor at radii r1, r2 and r3respectively.The masses m1,
m2 and m3 rotate in planes1, 2 and 3 respectively. Choose a reference plane at O
so that the distances of the planes 1, 2 and 3 from O are l1, l2 and l3 respectively.
 Transference of each unbalanced force to the reference plane introduces the like
number of forces and couples.
 The unbalanced forces in the reference plane are m1r12, m2r22 and m3r32 acting
radially outwards.
 The unbalanced couples in the reference plane are m1r12l1, m 2r22l2 and m3r32l3
which may be represented by vectors parallel to the respective force vectors, i.e.,
parallel to the respective radii of m1, m2 and m3.
 For complete balancing of the rotor, the resultant force and resultant couple both
should be zero, i.e., m1r12 + m2r22 + m3r32 = 0 ................................... (a)
and m1r1 2l1 + m2r2 2l2 + m3r32l3 = 0 .......................... (b)
 If the Eqs (a) and (b) are not satisfied, then there are unbalanced forces and
couples. A mass placed in the reference plane may satisfy the force equation but
Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 OSME Keonjhar
the couple equation is satisfied only by two equal forces in different transverse
 Thus in general, two planes are needed to balance a system of rotating masses.
 Therefore, in order to satisfy Eqs (a) and (b), introduce two counter-masses mC1
and mC2 at radii rC1 and rC2 respectively. Then Eq. (a) may be written as
m1r12 + m2r2 2 + m3r32 + mC1rC1 2 + mC2rC2 2 = 0
m1r1 + m2r2 + m3r3 + mC1rC1 + mC2rC2 = 0
 mr + mC1rC1 + mC2rC2 = 0........................................ (c)
 Let the two countermasses be placed in transverse planes at axial locations O and
Q, i.e., the countermassmC1 be placed in the reference plane and the distance of
the plane of mC2 be lC2 from the reference plane. Equation (b) modifies to (taking
moments about O)
m1r1 2l1 + m2r2 2l2 + m3r32l3 + mC2rC2 2lC2 = 0
m1r1l1 + m 2r2l2 + m3r3l3 + mC2rC2lC2 = 0
 mrl + mC2rC2lC2 = 0 .................................... (d)
 Thus, Eqs (c) and (d) are the necessary conditions for dynamic balancing of rotor.
Again the equations can be solved mathematically or graphically.
Dividing Eq. (d) into component form
 mrlcos + mC2rC2lC2 cosC2 = 0
 mrl sin + mC2rC2lC2 sinC2 = 0
mC2rC2lC2cosC2 = − mrlcos(i)
mC2rC2lC2sinC2 = − mrl sin(ii)

 Squaring and adding (i) and (ii)

mC2rC2lC2 =  𝑚𝑟𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ² +  𝑚𝑟𝑙 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ²
 Dividing (ii) by (i),
− 𝑚𝑟𝑙 𝑠𝑖𝑛
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝐶2 = 

− 𝑚𝑟𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠

 After obtaining the values of mC2 andC2 from the above equations, solve Eq. (c) by
taking its components,

 mrcos +mC1rC1cosC1+ mC2rC2cosC2 = 0

 mrsin +mC1rC1 sinC1+ mC2rC2 sinC2 = 0
mC1rC1cosC1 = −(  mrcos  + mC2rC2cosC2)
mC1rC1 sinC1 =−(  mrsin + mC2rC2 sinC2)
mC1rC1=  𝑚𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑠 + 𝑚𝐶2𝑟𝐶2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐶2 ² +  𝑚𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑛 + 𝑚𝐶2𝑟 𝐶2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐶2 ²
−  𝑚𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑛 + 𝑚𝐶2𝑟𝐶2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐶2
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝐶1 = 
−  𝑚𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑠 + 𝑚 𝐶2𝑟𝐶2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐶2
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

Example 1.3 : A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D of magnitude 200 kg, 300 kg,
400 kg and 200 kg respectively and revolving at radii 80 mm, 70 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm in
planes measured from A at 300 mm, 400 mm and 700 mm. The angles between the
cranks measured anticlockwise are A to B 45°, B to C 70° and C to D 120°. The balancing
masses are to be placed in planes X and Y. The distance between the planes A and X is 100
mm, between X and Y is 400 mm and between Y and D is 200 mm. If the balancing masses
revolve at a radius of 100 mm, find their magnitudes and angular positions.

mA = 200 kg rA = 80 mm A = 0° lA = -100 mm
mB = 300 kg rB= 70 mm B = 45° lB = 200 mm
mC = 400 kg rC = 60 mm C = 45° +70° = 115° lC = 300 mm
mD = 200 kg rD = 80 mm D = 115° + 120° = 235° lD = 600 mm
rX = rY = 100 mm lY = 400 mm

Let mX = Balancing mass placed in plane X, and

mY = Balancing mass placed in plane Y.
The position of planes and angular position of the masses (assuming the mass A as
horizontal) are shown in Fig. 1.5 (a) and (b) respectively.
Assume the plane X as the reference plane (R.P.). The distances of the planes to the right of
plane X are taken as + ve while the distances of the planes to the left of plane X are taken
as –ve.

(a) Position of planes. (b) Angular position of masses.

Fig. 1.6

mArAlA = 200 x 0.08 x (-0.1) = -1.6 kg.m2 mArA = 200 x 0.08 = 16 kg.m
mBrBlB = 300 x 0.07 x 0.2 = 4.2 kg.m2 mBrB = 300 x 0.07 = 21 kg.m
mCrClC = 400 x 0.06 x 0.3 = 7.2 kg.m2 mCrC = 400 x 0.06 = 24 kg.m
mDrDlD = 200 x 0.08 x 0.6 = 9.6 kg.m2 mDrD = 200 x 0.08 = 16 kg.m
Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 OSME Keonjhar
Analytical Method:
For unbalanced couple
mrl + mYrYlY = 0

mY rY lY  (mrl cos)2 (mrl sin)2

(1.6cos0  4.2cos45  7.2cos115  9.6cos235)2 
mY rY lY 
(1.6sin0  4.2sin45  7.2sin115  9.6sin235)2

mY rY lY  (7.179)2 (1.63)2
mY  0.1 0.4  7.36
mY = 184 kg.
mrl sin 1.63
tan    0.227
mrl cos (7.179)

Y =  12°47’
Y lies in the fourth quadrant (numerator is negative and denominator is positive).
Y = 360  12°47’
Y = 347°12’
For unbalanced centrifugal force
mr +mXrX+ mYrY = 0

mX rX  (mr cos  mY Yr cosY ) 2 (mr sin  mY rY sinY )2

(16cos0  21cos45  24cos115  16cos235  18.4cos34712')2 
mX rX 
(16sin0  21sin45  24sin115  16sin235  18.4sin34712')2

mX rX  (29.47)2 (19.42)2
mX  0.1  35.29
mX = 353 kg.
mr sin 19.42
tan    0.6589
mr cos 29.47

X = 33°22’
X lies in the third quadrant (numerator is negative and denominator is negative).
X = 180 +33°22’
X = 213°22’

Graphical Method:
The balancing masses and their angular positions may be determined graphically as
discussed below :
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

Table 1.1
Mass (m) Radius Cent.force ÷ ω 2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω 2
Plane Angle
kg (r)m (mr) kg-m Ref. Plane (l) m (mrl) kg-m2
A 0° 200 0.08 160 – 0.1 –1.6
X (R.P.) X mX 0.1 0.1 mX 0 0
B 45° 300 0.07 21 0.2 4.2
C 115° 400 0.06 24 0.3 7.2
Y Y mY 0.1 0.1 mY 0.4 0.04 mY
D 235° 200 0.08 16 0.6 9.6

 First of all, draw the couple polygon from the data given in Table 1.1 (column 7)
as shown in Fig. 1.7 (a) to some suitable scale. The vector d′o′ represents the
balanced couple. Since the balanced couple is proportional to 0.04 mY, therefore by
measurement, 0.04mY = vector d′o′ = 73 kg-m2
or mY = 182.5 kg
 The angular position of the mass mY is obtained by drawing OmY in Fig. 1.6 (b),
parallel to vector d′o′. By measurement, the angular position of mY is θY = 12° in the
clockwise direction from mass mA (i.e. 200 kg), so θY = 360– 12° = 348.

(a) Couple Polygon (b) Force Polygon

Fig. 1.7
 Now draw the force polygon from the data given in Table 1.1 (column 5) as shown
in Fig. 1.7 (b). The vector eo represents the balanced force. Since the balanced
force is proportional to 0.1 mX, therefore by measurement,
0.1mX = vector eo = 35.5 kg-m
or mX = 355 kg.
 The angular position of the mass mX is obtained by drawing OmX in Fig. 1.6 (b),
parallel to vector eo. By measurement, the angular position of mX is θ X = 145° in the
clockwise direction from mass mA (i.e. 200 kg), so θX = 360– 145° = 215.

Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering

1 OSME Keonjhar
Example 1.4: Four masses A, B, C and D carried by a rotating shaft are at radii 100, 140,
210 and 160 mm respectively. The planes in which the masses revolve are spaced 600
mm apart and the masses of B, C and D are 16 kg, 10 kg and 8 kg respectively. Find the
required mass A and the relative angular positions of the four masses so that shaft is
in complete balance.
mA = ? rA = 100mm
mB = 16 kg rB = 140mm lB = 600 mm
mC = 10 kg rC = 210mm lC = 1200 mm
mD = 8 kg rD = 160 mm lD = 1800 mm
Table 1.2
Mass (m) Radius Cent.force ÷ ω 2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω 2
Plane Angle
kg (r) m (mr) kg-m Ref. Plane (l) m (mrl) kg-m2
A (R.P.) A mA 0.1 0.1mA 0 0
B 0° 16 0.14 2.24 0.6 1.34
C C 10 0.21 2.1 1.2 2.52
D D 8 0.16 1.28 1.8 2.3
 First of all, draw the couple polygon from the data given in Table 1.2 (column 7)
as shown in Fig. 1.8 (a) to some suitable scale. By measurement, the angular
position of mC is θC = 115° in the anticlockwise direction from mass mB and the
angular position of mD is θD = 263° in the anticlockwise direction from mass mB.

(a) Couple Polygon (b) Force Polygon

Fig. 1.8
 Now draw the force polygon from the data given in Table 1.2 (column 5) as shown
in Fig. 1.8 (b). The vector co represents the balanced force. Since the balanced
force is proportional to 0.1 mA, therefore by measurement,
0.1mA = vectorco = 1.36 kg-m
Or mA = 13.6 kg.
 By measurement, the angular position of mA is θ A = 208° in the anticlockwise
direction from mass mB (i.e. 16 kg).
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

Example 1.5 :Four masses 150 kg, 200 kg, 100 kg and 250 kg are attached to a shaft
revolving at radii 150 mm, 200 mm, 100 mm and 250 mm; in planes A, B, C and D
respectively. The planes B, C and D are at distances 350 mm, 500 mm and 800 mm from
plane A. The masses in planes B, C and D are at an angle 105°, 200° and 300° measured
anticlockwise from mass in plane A. It is required to balance the system by placing the
balancing masses in the planes P and Q which are midway between the planes A and B, and
between C and D respectively. If the balancing masses revolve at radius 180 mm, find the
magnitude and angular positions of the balance masses.
mA = 150 kg rA = 150mm A = 0°
mB = 200 kg rB= 200mm B = 105°
mC = 100 kg rC = 100mm C = 200°
mD = 250 kg rD = 250 mm D = 300°
rX = rY = 180 mm

Fig. 1.9
Table 1.3
Mass (m) Radius Cent.force ÷ ω 2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω 2
Plane Angle
kg (r) m (mr) kg-m Ref. Plane (l) m (mrl) kg-m2
A (R.P.) 0° 150 0.15 22.5 –0.175 –3.94
P P mP 0.18 0.18 mP 0 0
B 105° 200 0.2 40 0.175 7
C 200° 100 0.1 10 0.325 3.25
Q Q mQ 0.18 0.18 mQ 0.475 0.0855 mQ
D 300° 250 0.25 62.5 0.625 39.06

Analytical Method:
Table 1.4
mrlcos mrl sin mrcos mr sin
( HC ) ( VC) ( HF ) (VF )
–3.94 0 22.5 0
0 0 0.18 mPcosP 0.18 mP sinP
–1.81 6.76 –10.35 38.64
–3.05 –1.11 -9.4 –3.42
0.0855 mQcosQ 0.0855 mQ sinQ 0.18 mQcosQ 0.18 mQ sinQ
19.53 –33.83 31.25 –54.13

Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering

1 OSME Keonjhar
 HC = 0
–3.94 + 0 – 1.81 – 3.05 + 0.0855 mQ cosQ + 19.53 = 0
0.0855 mQcosQ = – 10.73
mQcosQ = – 125.497 ....................... (i)

 VC = 0
0 + 0 + 6.76 – 1.11 + 0.0855 mQ sinQ – 33.83 = 0
0.0855 mQ sinQ = 28.18
mQ sinQ = 329.59 ......................(ii)

mQ  (125.497)2 (329.59)2
mQ = 352.67 kg.

mQ sinQ 329.59
m cos  125.497

tanQ = – 2.626
Q = – 69.15
Q = 180 – 69.15
Q = 110.84°

 HF = 0
22.5 + 0.18 mPcosP – 10.35 – 9.4 + 0.18 mQ cosQ + 31.25 = 0
22.5 + 0.18 mPcosP – 10.35 – 9.4 + 0.18 (352.67) cos 110.84° + 31.25 = 0
0.18 mPcosP = – 11.416
mPcosP = – 63.42

 VF = 0
0 + 0.18 mP sinP + 38.64 – 3.42 + 0.18 mQ sinQ – 54.13 = 0
0 + 0.18 mP sinP + 38.64 – 3.42 + 0.18 (352.67) sin 110.84° – 54.13 = 0
0.18 mP sinP = – 40.417
mP sinP = – 224.54

mP  (63.42)2 (224.54)2
mP = 233.32 kg.
mP sin P 224.54
m cos  63.42

tanP = 3.54
P = 74.23
P = 180 + 74.23
P = 254.23°
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

Graphical Method :

(a) Couple Polygon (b) Force Polygon

Fig. 1.10
 First of all, draw the couple polygon from the data given in Table 1.4 (column 7)
as shown in Fig. 1.10 (a) to some suitable scale. The vector do represents the
balanced couple. Since the balanced couple is proportional to 0.0855 mQ, therefore
by measurement,
0.0855 mQ = vector do = 30.15 kg-m2
or mQ = 352.63 kg.
 By measurement, the angular position of mQ is Q = 111° in the anticlockwise
direction from mass mA (i.e. 150 kg).
 Now draw the force polygon from the data given in Table 1.4 (column 5) as shown
in Fig. 1.10 (b). The vector eo represents the balanced force. Since the balanced
force is proportional to 0.18 mP, therefore by measurement,
0.18 mP = vector eo = 41.5 kg-m
Or mP = 230.5 kg.
 By measurement, the angular position of mP is θP = 256° in the anticlockwise
direction from mass mA (i.e. 150kg).
Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 OSME Keonjhar
Example 1.6 : A shaft carries four masses in parallel planes A, B, C and D in this order along
its length. The masses at B and C are 18 kg and 12.5 kg respectively, and each has an
eccentricity of 60 mm. The masses at A and D have an eccentricity of 80 mm. The angle
between the masses at B and C is 100° and that between the masses at B and A is 190°, both
being measured in the same direction. The axial distance between the planes A and B is 100
mm and that between B and C is 200 mm. If the shaft is in complete dynamic balance,
determine: 1. The magnitude of the masses at A and D;
2. The distance between planes A and D; and
3. The angular position of the mass at D.
mA = ? rA = 80 mm A = 190°
mB = 18 kg rB= 60 mm B = 0°
mC = 12.5 kg rC = 60 mm C = 100°
mD = ? rD = 80 mm D = ?
X= Distance between planes A and D.

(a) Position of planes. (b) Angular position of masses.

Fig. 1.11
 The position of the planes and angular position of the masses is shown in Fig. 1.11 (a)
and (b) respectively. The position of mass B is assumed in the horizontal direction,
i.e. along OB. Taking the plane of mass A as the reference plane, the data may be
tabulated as below:
Table 1.5
Mass (m) Radius Cent.force ÷ ω 2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω 2
Plane Angle
kg (r) m (mr) kg-m Ref. Plane (l) m (mrl) kg-m2
A (R.P.) 190° mA 0.08 0.08mA 0 0
B 0° 18 0.06 1.08 0.1 0.108
C 100° 12.5 0.06 0.75 0.3 0.225
D D mD 0.08 0.08 mD X 0.08 mDX
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

 First of all, draw the couple polygon from the data given in Table 1.5 (column 7)
as shown in Fig. 1.12 (a) to some suitable scale. The closing side of the polygon
(vector c′o′) is proportional to 0.08 mD.X, therefore by measurement,
0.08 m X = vector c’o’ = 0.235 kg-m2 ....................... (i)

 By measurement, the angular position of mD is D = 251° in the anticlockwise

direction from mass mB (i.e. 18 kg).

(a) Couple Polygon (b) Force Polygon

Fig. 1.12

 Now draw the force polygon, to some suitable scale, as shown in Fig. 1.11 (b), from
the data given in Table 1.5 (column 5), as discussed below :
i. Draw vector ob parallel to OB and equal to 1.08 kg-m.
ii. From point b, draw vector bc parallel to OC and equal to 0.75 kg-m.
iii. For the shaft to be in complete dynamic balance, the force polygon must be a
closed. Therefore from point c, draw vector cd parallel to OA and from point o
draw vector od parallel to OD. The vectors cd and od intersect at d. Since the
vector cd is proportional to 0.08 mA , therefore by measurement
0.08 mA = vector cd = 0.77 kg-m
or mA = 9.625 kg.
 and vector do is proportional to 0.08 mD, therefore by measurement,
0.08 mD = vector do = 0.65 kg-m
or mD = 8.125 kg.
 Distance between planes A and D
From equation (i),
0.08 mD.X = 0.235 kg-m2
0.08 × 8.125 × X = 0.235 kg-m2
X = 0.3615 m
= 361.5 mm

Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering

1 OSME Keonjhar
Example 1.7 : A rotating shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D which are radially attached
to it. The mass centers are 30 mm, 40 mm, 35 mm and 38 mm respectively from the axis of
rotation. The masses A, C and D are 7.5 kg, 5 kg and 4 kg respectively. The axial distances
between the planes of rotation of A and B is 400 mm and between B and C is 500 mm. The
masses A and C are at right angles to each other. Find for a complete balance,
(i) the angles between the masses B and D from mass A,
(ii) the axial distance between the planes of rotation of C and D, and
(iii) the magnitude of mass B.

Fig. 1.13 Position of planes

Table 1.6
Mass (m) Radius Cent.force ÷ ω 2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω 2
Plane Angle
kg (r) m (mr) kg-m Ref. Plane (l) m (mrl) kg-m2
A 0° 7.5 0.03 0.225 – 0.4 –0.09
B(R.P.) B mB 0.04 0.04mB 0 0
C 90° 5 0.035 0.175 0.5 0.0875
D D 4 0.038 0.152 X 0.152X

(a) Couple Polygon (b) Force Polygon

Fig. 1.14
 First of all, draw the couple polygon from the data given in Table 1.6 (column 7)
as shown in Fig. 1.14 (a) to some suitable scale. The vector bo represents the
balanced couple. Since the balanced couple is proportional to 0.152X, therefore by
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

0.152X = vector bo
= 0.13 kg-m2
or X = 0.855 m.
The axial distance between the planes of rotation of C and D = 855 – 500 = 355 mm
 By measurement, the angular position of mD is D = 360° – 44° = 316° in the
anticlockwise direction from mass mA (i.e. 7.5 kg).

 Now draw the force polygon from the data given in Table 1.6 (column 5) as shown
in Fig. 1.14 (b). The vector co represents the balanced force. Since the balanced
force is proportional to 0.04 mB, therefore by measurement,
mB = vector co
= 0.34 kg-m
or mB = 8.5 kg.

 By measurement, the angular position of mB is θ B = 180° + 12° = 192° in the

anticlockwise direction from mass mA (i.e. 7.5 kg).

Example 1.8: The four masses A, B, C and D revolve at equal radii are equally spaces along
the shaft. The mass B is 7 kg and radii of C and D makes an angle of 90° and 240°
respectively (counterclockwise) with radius of B, which is horizontal. Find the magnitude of
A, C and D and angular position of A so that the system may be completely balance. Solve
problem by analytically.
Table 1.7
Mass (m) Radius Cent.force ÷ ω 2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω 2
Plane Angle
kg (r) m (mr) kg-m Ref. Plane (l) m (mrl) kg-m2
A (R.P.) A mA X mA 0 0
B 0° 7 X 7 Y 7Y
C 90° mC X mC 2Y 2mCY
D 240° mD X mD 3Y 3mDY

mrlcos mrl sin mrcos mr sin

( HC ) ( VC) ( HF ) (VF )
0 0 mAcosA mAsinA
7Y 0 7 0
0 2mCY 0 mC
–1.5mDY –2.59mDY –0.5mD –0.866mD

 HC = 0
0 + 7Y + 0 – 1.5mDY = 0
mD = 7/1.5
mD = 4.67 kg

Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering

1 OSME Keonjhar
 VC = 0
0 + 0 + 2mCY – 2.59mDY = 0
mC = 6.047 kg

 HF = 0
mAcosA + 7 + 0 – 0.5mD = 0
mAcosA = – 4.665

 VF = 0
mAsinA + 0 + mC – 0.866mD = 0
mAsinA = – 2.00278

mA  (4.665)2 (2.00278)2
mA = 5.076 kg

mA sin A 2.00278
tan A    0.43
m cos 4.665

θA = 23.23°
θA = 180° + 23.23°
θA = 203.23°

Balancing Machines
 A balancing machine is able to indicate whether a part is in balance or not and if it is
not, then it measures the unbalance by indicating its magnitude and location.
Static Balancing Machines
 Static balancing machines are helpful for parts of small axial dimensions such as fans,
gears and impellers, etc., in which the mass lies practically in a single plane.
 There are two machine which are used as static balancing machine: Pendulum type
balancing machine and Cradle type balancing machine.
(i) Pendulum type balancing machine
 Pendulum type balancing machine as shown in Figure 1.15 is a simple kind of static
balancing machine. The machine is of the form of a weighing machine.
 One arm of the machine has a mandrel to support the part to be balanced and the
other arm supports a suspended deadweight to make the beam approximately
 The mandrel is then rotated slowly either by hand or by a motor. As the mandrel is
rotated, the beam will oscillate depending upon the unbalance of the part.
 If the unbalance is represented by a mass m at radius r, the apparent weight is
greatest when m is at the position I and least when it is at B as the lengths of the
arms in the two cases will be maximum and minimum.
Module 5 Balancing of rotating masses Theory of machine(4th sem)

 A calibrated scale along with the pointer can also be used to measure the amount of
unbalance. Obviously, the pointer remains stationary in case the body is statically

Fig. 1.15
(ii) Cradle type balancing machine
 Cradle type balancing machine as shown in fig. 1.16 is more sensitive machine than
the pendulum type balancing machine.
 It consists of a cradle supported on two pivots P-P parallel to the axis of rotation of
the part and held in position by two springs S-S.
 The part to be tested is mounted on the cradle and is flexibly coupled to an electric
motor. The motor is started and the speed of rotation is adjusted so that it coincides
with the natural frequency of the system.
 Thus, the condition of resonance is obtained under which even a small amount of
unbalance generates large amplitude of the cradle.
 The moment due to unbalance = (mrω 2 cos θ).l where ω is the angular velocity of
rotation. Its maximum value is mrω 2l. If the part is in static balance but dynamic
unbalance, no oscillation of the cradle will be there as the pivots are parallel to the
axis of rotation.

Fig. 1.16

Prepared By: Dr Niharika Mohanta Department of Mechanical Engineering

1 OSME Keonjhar
Dynamic Balancing Machines
 For dynamic balancing of a rotor, two balancing or countermasses are required to be
used in any two convenient planes. This implies that the complete unbalance of any
rotor system can be represented by two unbalances in those two planes.
 Balancing is achieved by addition or removal of masses in these two planes,
whichever is convenient. The following is a common type of dynamic balancing
Pivoted-cradle Balancing Machine
 Fig 1.17 shows a pivot cradle type dynamic balancing machine. Here, part which is
required to be balanced is to be mounted on cradle supported by supported rollers
and it is connected to drive motor through universal coupling.
 Two planes are selected for dynamic balancing as shown in fig. 1.17 where pivots are
provided about which the cradle is allowed to oscillate.
 As shown in fig 1.17, right pivot is released condition and left pivot is in locked
position so as to allow the cradle and part to oscillate about the pivot.
 At the both ends of the cradle, the spring and dampers are attached such that the
natural frequency can be adjusted and made equal to the motor speed. Two
amplitude indicators are attached at each end of the cradle.
 The permanent magnet is mounted on the cradle which moves relative to stationary
coil and generates a voltage which is directly proportional to the unbalanced couple.
This voltage is amplified and read from the calibrated voltmeter and gives output in
terms of kg-m.
 When left pivot is locked, the unbalanced in the right correction plane will cause
vibration whose amplitude is measured by the right amplitude indicator.
 After that right pivot is locked and another set of measurement is made for left hand
correction plane using the amplitude indicator of the left hand side.

Fig. 1.17

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