India: Binding Non-Signatories To An Arbitration - Charting The Shifting Paradigms 27 November 2019
India: Binding Non-Signatories To An Arbitration - Charting The Shifting Paradigms 27 November 2019
India: Binding Non-Signatories To An Arbitration - Charting The Shifting Paradigms 27 November 2019
27 November 2019
Argus Partners
In balancing the interests of all stakeholders there are complications and time
and again roadblocks are encountered when these complex multi-layered
transactions end up before dispute resolution forums (mostly arbitrations in the
present scheme of matters). In such scenarios judges and arbitrators are often
confronted with the task of ensuring that party autonomy is not compromised
while also bringing the entire dispute under one umbrella in keeping with the
original intent of parties.
Against this backdrop this paper traces the journey of the group of
companies/single economic entity doctrine in India and the treatment it has been
meted with by judges and arbitrators alike and analyses the shifting trends in
arbitral proceedings. Where appropriate, references have also been made to
common law principles and precedents to evaluate how the doctrine has evolved
in common law jurisdictions other than India.
The question then arises that what would be a good starting point in the Indian
context, regarding whether a non-signatory can be bound by an arbitration
agreement, and if so, in what circumstances?
The Supreme Court of India, in Sukanya Holdings Pvt. Ltd. v. Jayesh H. Pandya
and Ors.2, had observed that causes of action against different parties cannot be
bifurcated in a single arbitration and that an arbitration agreement will only bind
the parties which have entered into the same.
A few years down the line in a series of judgments starting from Chloro
Controls (I) Pvt. Ltd. v. Severn Trent Water Purification Inc. and Ors.3 to the
recent judgment in Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. v. Canara Bank and Ors.4,
the Supreme Court has gradually clarified and broadened its position in this
regard by adopting the 'Group of Companies' doctrine, and indeed the High
Courts have also passed several important judgments in this regard.
a) Sukanya Holdings- The Supreme Court holds that only signatories are bound
by an arbitration agreement
In Sukanya Holdings (supra), disputes had arisen between several parties in
relation to the same transaction. However, all these parties were not signatories
to the agreement containing the arbitration clause and the Supreme Court stated
that the non-signatory parties could not be referred to a single arbitration, in the
context of Section 8 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 19965 ('the Act'). It
was further held that causes of action cannot be bifurcated in an arbitration and
thus the arbitral proceedings could be restricted only to the parties to the
arbitration agreement. Therefore, any person who was not a party to the
arbitration agreement could not be brought into the arbitration. The Supreme
Court held as follows:
"15. The relevant language used in Section 8 is--"in a matter which is the
subject matter of an arbitration agreement". Court is required to refer the
parties to arbitration. Therefore, the suit should be in respect of 'a matter'
which the parties have agreed to refer and which comes within the ambit of
arbitration agreement. Where, however, a suit is commenced - "as to a matter"
which lies outside the arbitration agreement and is also between some of the
parties who are not parties to the arbitration agreement, there is no question of
application of Section 8. The word 'a matter' indicates entire subject matter of
the suit should be subject to arbitration agreement.
So how have we evolved since the days of Sukanya Holdings (supra)? The year
2013 sees the Supreme Court setting down a landmark precedent in the Chloro
Controls (supra) judgment. Not only does the concept of party autonomy get
diluted significantly but the Apex Court highlights the commercial prudence of
bringing the entire dispute resolution process under one umbrella i.e., an
arbitration proceeding which not only encompasses parties who are signatories
to the arbitration agreement but non-signatories as well.
"66. Though the scope of an arbitration agreement is limited to the parties who
entered into it and those claiming under or through them, the Courts under the
English Law have, in certain cases, also applied the "Group of Companies
Doctrine". This doctrine has developed in the international context, whereby an
arbitration agreement entered into by a company, being one within a group of
companies, can bind its non- signatory affiliates or sister or parent concerns, if
the circumstances demonstrate that the mutual intention of all the parties was to
bind both the signatories and the non-signatory affiliates. This theory has been
applied in a number of arbitrations so as to justify a tribunal taking jurisdiction
over a party who is not a signatory to the contract containing the arbitration
agreement. ['Russell on Arbitration' (Twenty Third Edition)].
67. This evolves the principle that a non-signatory party could be subjected to
arbitration provided these transactions were with group of companies and there
was a clear intention of the parties to bind both, the signatory as well as the
non-signatory parties. In other words, 'intention of the parties' is a very
significant feature which must be established before the scope of arbitration can
be said to include the signatory as well as the non-signatory parties."(emphasis
Since the judgment in Chloro Controls (supra) was passed in the context of
Section 45 of the Act, and Sukanya Holdings (supra) held the field when it
came to non-signatory parties being referred to an arbitration in the domestic
scenario, it might seem like an automatic presumption that non-signatory parties
could never be bound by an arbitration agreement in a reference under Section 8
of the Act. However, even prior to the amendment of the Act in 2015, Indian
courts had alluded to their power (it is debatable whether correctly or not) to
apply the ratio in Chloro Controls (supra) to a domestic arbitration. In an
application under Section 9 of the Act where certain pre-arbitration reliefs were
prayed for against non-signatory parties also, the Division Bench of the Bombay
High Court, though deciding the matter on the facts of that case and the wide
import of the arbitration clause, referred to the ratio in Chloro Controls (supra)
and the power of the courts to refer non-signatory parties to arbitration, even
though the disputes here were between domestic parties7.
Major amendments were carried out to the Act through the Arbitration and
Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 ('the Amendment Act'), including to
Section 8 therein, whereby the words 'a party to the arbitration agreement or any
person claiming through or under him' were included to replace the word
d) Does that necessarily imply that the ratio in Chloro Controls (supra) can now
be applied to domestic arbitrations?
Our evaluation shows that this has been a mixed bag across the spectrum with
no clear trend emerging. In Duro Felguera, S.A. v. Gangavaram Port Ltd.9, the
fact situation involved multiple contracts entered into by and between
Gangavaram Port Ltd. ('GPL') and a Spanish company as well as FGI, the
Spanish company's subsidiary. GPL argued that a composite reference to
arbitration should be made for all the companies, following the ratio in Chloro
Controls (supra). However, the Supreme Court held that the ratio in Chloro
Controls (supra) will be inapplicable in this case since there were multiple
contracts between GPL and the Spanish company as well as GPL and FGI, each
having separate arbitration clauses, whereas in Chloro Controls (supra) all the
agreements were part of a composite transaction which emanated from the
principal agreement, which contained the arbitration clause. Further, the Court
also pointed out that while the agreements between GPL and the Spanish
company contemplated international arbitrations between them, those between
GPL and FGI contemplated domestic arbitrations, and therefore if the award (in
case a composite reference was made) came to be challenged before an Indian
court, there would be no clarity regarding applicability of Section 34 of the Act
to such award. In such scenario, a reference to a single arbitration for all the
agreements could not be possibly made.
In Ameet Lalchand Shah and Ors. v. Rishabh Enterprises and Ors. 10, the
Supreme Court was faced with the question whether, post the amendment of the
Act (and Section 8 thereof), non-signatory parties could be referred to a single
composite domestic arbitration, when such parties had entered into several
contracts with each other (not all of which contained arbitration clauses also) in
connection with the execution of the same project. The Supreme Court analysed
the amendments to Section 8 of the Act as well as the 246th Report of the Law
Commission and observed as follows:
"28. "Principally four amendments to Section 8(1) have been introduced by the
2015 Amendments — (i) the relevant "party" that is entitled to apply seeking
reference to arbitration has been clarified/amplified to include persons
claiming "through or under" such a party to the arbitration agreement; (ii)
scope of examination by the judicial authority is restricted to a finding whether
"no valid arbitration agreement exists" and the nature of examination by the
judicial authority is clarified to be on a "prima facie" basis; (iii) the cut-off date
by which an application under Section 8 is to be presented has been defined to
mean "the date of" submitting the first statement on the substance of the
dispute; and (iv) the amendments are expressed to apply notwithstanding any
prior judicial precedent. The proviso to Section 8(2) has been added to allow a
party that does not possess the original or certified copy of the arbitration
agreement on account of it being retained by the other party, to nevertheless
apply under Section 8 seeking reference, and call upon the other party to
produce the same." (Ref.: Justice R.S. Bachawat's Law of Arbitration and
Conciliation, Sixth Edn., Vol. I (Sections 1 to 34) at p. 695 published by
29. Amendment to Section 8 by the 2015 Act, are to be seen in the background
of the recommendations set out in the 246th Law Commission Report. In its
246th Report, Law Commission, while recommending the amendment to Section
8, made the following observation/comment:
LC Comment:
"The words "such of the parties ... to the arbitration agreement" and proviso (i)
of the amendment have been proposed in the context of the decision of the
Supreme Court in Sukanya Holdings (P) Ltd. v. Jayesh H. Pandya [Sukanya
Holdings (P) Ltd. v. Jayesh H. Pandya, (2003) 5 SCC 531] in cases where all
the parties to the dispute are not parties to the arbitration agreement, the
reference is to be rejected only where such parties are necessary [Ed.:
Emphasis in original.] parties to the action — and not if they are only proper
parties, or are otherwise legal strangers to the action and have been added only
to circumvent the arbitration agreement. Proviso (ii) of the amendment
contemplates a two-step process to be adopted by a judicial authority when
considering an application seeking the reference of a pending action to
arbitration. The amendment envisages that the judicial authority shall not refer
the parties to arbitration only if it finds that there does not exist an arbitration
agreement or that it is null and void. If the judicial authority is of the opinion
that prima facie the arbitration agreement exists, then it shall refer the dispute
to arbitration, and leave the existence of the arbitration agreement to be finally
determined by the Arbitral Tribunal. However, if the judicial authority
concludes that the agreement does not exist, then the conclusion will be final
and not prima facie. The amendment also envisages that there shall be a
conclusive determination as to whether the arbitration agreement is null and
This judgment is pathbreaking for two reasons- (i) The Court applied the
rationale adopted in Chloro Controls (supra), though not expressly so, to a fact
situation within the ambit of Section 8 of the Act, though that judgment was
passed in the context of Section 45 of the Act; and (ii) by referring to the
language of the amended Act, particularly Section 8 thereof as well as the 246th
Report of the Law Commission of India, the Hon'ble Supreme Court has diluted
the applicability of Sukanya Holdings (supra) in a Section 8 scenario to a large
extent. The introduction of the phrases 'party to the arbitration agreement or any
person claiming through or under him' (which is similar to that used in Section
45 of the Act) and 'notwithstanding any judgment, decree or order of the
Supreme Court or any Court' to the amended Section 8 of the Act has been
interpreted by the Hon'ble Supreme Court to refer parties who have executed
agreements forming part of the same transaction to a composite arbitration, even
if all of those agreements do not contain arbitration clauses. Therefore, Sukanya
Holdings (supra), though not overruled, may have very limited applicability in
similar fact scenario, and may only be used to test whether all the parties sought
to be referred to a composite arbitration are necessary parties, or whether the
arbitration agreement itself is bad in law11. This wide interpretation has been
adopted by the Supreme Court in recent cases, as will be seen hereinbelow.
One of the biggest concerns of contracting parties globally has been the ability
to effectively enforce arbitration awards in India. Against this backdrop, the
observations of the Supreme Court in a recent judgment (discussed below) is of
considerable interest inasmuch as it aims to bring non-signatories to arbitration
agreements within the ambit of execution proceedings in an appropriate case.
Whether this opens up a pandora's box or ends up being an effective tool in the
hands of a genuine litigant is to be seen in the days that follow but the
endeavour at some level seems to point towards greater recognition and
acceptance of the Group of Companies doctrine.
"As the law has evolved, it has recognised that modern business transactions
are often effectuated through multiple layers and agreements. There may be
transactions within a group of companies. The circumstances in which they
have entered into them may reflect an intention to bind both signatory and non-
signatory entities within the same group. In holding a non-signatory bound by
an arbitration agreement, the Court approaches the matter by attributing to the
transactions a meaning consistent with the business sense which was intended
to be ascribed to them. Therefore, factors such as the relationship of a non-
signatory to a party which is a signatory to the agreement, the commonality of
subject matter and the composite nature of the transaction weigh in the balance.
The group of companies doctrine is essentially intended to facilitate the
fulfilment of a mutually held intent between the parties, where the
circumstances indicate that the intent was to bind both signatories and non-
signatories. The effort is to find the true essence of the business arrangement
and to unravel from a layered structure of commercial arrangements, an intent
to bind someone who is not formally a signatory but has assumed the obligation
to be bound by the actions of a signatory." (emphasis supplied)
The tenets in Cheran Properties (supra) have, however, been adopted with
caution and the Supreme Court has broadly espoused that the facts and
circumstances of each case must be evaluated in context before foisting a
principle of law. In Reckitt Benckiser (India) Private Limited vs. Reynders
Label Printing India Private Limited and Ors.14 the Supreme Court in keeping
with the aforementioned espousal in Cheran (supra), has observed that unless
the non-signatory's intention to be bound by the arbitration agreement can be
established, such non-signatory cannot be referred to arbitration. In this case,
the petitioner had sought to implead the respondent (with which it had entered
into an agreement) as well as a group company of the respondent (which was
not a signatory to such agreement) in the arbitration proceeding by invoking the
'group of companies' doctrine. However, even though a clause in the said
agreement mentioned that the non-signatory group company would indemnify
the petitioner in case of breach by the respondent, it was not found to be
involved in any other way towards the negotiations or the execution of the said
agreement. It was held by the Court as follows:
"...If the main plank of the applicant, that Mr. Frederik Reynders was acting for
and on behalf of respondent No.2 and had the authority of respondent No.2,
collapses, then it must necessarily follow that respondent No.2 was not a party
to the stated agreement nor had it given assent to the arbitration agreement
and, in absence thereof, even if respondent No.2 happens to be a constituent of
the group of companies of which respondent No.1 is also a constituent, that will
be of no avail. For, the burden is on the applicant to establish that respondent
No.2 had an intention to consent to the arbitration agreement and be party
thereto, maybe for the limited purpose of enforcing the indemnity clause 9 in the
agreement, which refers to respondent No.1 and the supplier group against any
claim of loss, damages and expenses, howsoever incurred or suffered by the
applicant and arising out of or in connection with matters specified therein.
That burden has not been discharged by the applicant at all. On this finding, it
must necessarily follow that respondent No.2 cannot be subjected to the
proposed arbitration proceedings. Considering the averments in the application
under consideration, it is not necessary for us to enquire into the fact as to
which other constituent of the group of companies, of which the respondents
form a part, had participated in the negotiation process." (emphasis supplied)
g) Most recent trends
The Supreme Court in Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. v. Canara Bank and
Ors.15, while allowing the impleadment of a non-signatory party to single
composite arbitration by invoking the 'Group of Companies' doctrine, clearly
laid down the circumstances in which such doctrine can be invoked by the
courts. After referring to the ICC award in Dow Chemicals (supra), the Court
observed as follows:
"The 'Group of Companies' doctrine has been invoked by courts and tribunals
in arbitrations, where an arbitration agreement is entered into by one of the
companies in the group; and the non-signatory affiliate, or sister, or parent
concern, is held to be bound by the arbitration agreement, if the facts and
circumstances of the case demonstrate that it was the mutual intention of all
parties to bind both the signatories and the non-signatory affiliates in the
10.5. The Group of Companies Doctrine has also been invoked in cases where
there is a tight group structure with strong organizational and financial links,
so as to constitute a single economic unit, or a single economic reality. In such
a situation, signatory and non-signatories have been bound together under the
arbitration agreement. This will apply in particular when the funds of one
company are used to financially support or re-structure other members of the
group." (emphasis supplied)
The Supreme Court also noted that the 'Group of Companies' doctrine has now
been applied to domestic arbitrations in the Ameet Lalchand Shah (supra)
judgment. Following the aforementioned observation in Mahanagar Telephone
Nigam (supra) as well as the principles laid down in Dow Chemicals (supra), it
may be stated that the courts may ordinarily invoke the 'Group of Companies'
doctrine and refer non-signatory group companies to a single composite
arbitration if the following conditions are met:-
i It is established that it was the intention of all the parties to bind the signatory
as well as the non-signatory group companies to the arbitration agreement;
iii The non-signatory signatory has a direct relationship with the signatory party
or the parties are involved in the execution of a composite transaction, i.e. a
transaction with a common or shared business objective which would not be
possible without the participation of the non-signatory party.
Apart from the conceptual difficulties I had with the doctrine as stated above, I
was also not persuaded by the case law that the single economic entity concept
was recognised under the common law, or at any rate under Singapore law."
(emphasis supplied)
"Last but not least, I should mention that as far as I could tell, the single
economic entity concept has not received endorsement under US corporate law
(see Virginia Harper Ho, "Theories of Corporate Groups: Corporate Identity
Reconceived" (2012) Seton Hall L Rev 879 at pp 880–881). A sprinkling of
cases mention (with approval) a similar doctrine loosely described as
"enterprise liability", but on the whole, my assessment of the cases in the US
was that the single economic entity concept in the context of company law was
not clearly settled.
Apart from the Dow Chemical arbitration case which I mentioned in passing
above (see [72] and [73] above), I found that the single economic entity concept
had very little traction in the international arbitration community, especially
outside jurisdictional issues (such as whether a company within the group is
part of the group for the purposes of jurisdiction). I found particularly helpful
the tribunal's summary in the investment treaty arbitration case of CME Czech
Republic BV v The Czech Republic (Final Award, dated 14 March 2003 at para
For all the foregoing reasons, I was not persuaded, on balance, that the single
economic entity concept was recognised at law in Singapore nor was there a
good legal basis to support its recognition." (emphasis supplied)
Concluding Remarks
A lot of water has flown beneath the bridge since the days of Sukanya Holdings
(supra). The bias towards party autonomy has been considerably diluted as
observed from landmark precedents of the Indian Supreme Court and High
Courts across the country.
In its endeavour to highlight the importance and sanctity of the Group of
Companies Doctrine the Indian Courts have been in favour of extending
references to non-signatories of an arbitration agreement subject to certain
thresholds being met. The Courts have broadened their approach, no doubt
aided by the amendments effected to the Act in 2015 and the 246th report of the
Law Commission of India, to extend the principles first expounded in Chloro
Controls (supra) in the scenario of international arbitrations to domestic
arbitrations also. With the adoption of such position in Ameet Lalchand Shah
(supra) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (supra), no doubt the law laid down
in Sukanya Holdings (supra), while not being overruled, has been substantially
weakened. Further, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (supra), has provided much
needed clarity on the circumstances in which the 'Group of Companies' doctrine
can be invoked. However, as we have seen, the courts in the UK and Singapore
have viewed the doctrines of 'Group of Companies' or 'single economic reality'
with suspicion and rejected their applicability in such legal regimes.
That leads us to end on a note of caution. The Indian courts must not adopt an
overzealous approach in every matter where multiple contracts between
multiple parties are involved and impleadment of non-signatories to a single,
composite arbitration is sought. A detailed examination of the facts of each case
on their own merits must be made and the same should be tested against the
criteria as laid down in Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (supra), as elaborated
hereinabove. In absence of the same, even non-signatories whom the parties
never intended to be bound by the arbitration agreement or who had no or
minimal role to play in a transaction between the signatories would also be
subjected to the same arbitration, which could not have been the intention of the
legislators while carrying out the amendments to the Act.
2 Sukanya Holdings Pvt. Ltd. v. Jayesh H. Pandya and Ors., (2003) 5 SCC 351.
3 Chloro Controls (I) Pvt. Ltd. v. Severn Trent Water Purification Inc. and Ors.,
(2013) 1 SCC 641.
4 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. v. Canara Bank and Ors., 2019 SCC
OnLine SC 995.
(2) The application referred to in sub-section (1) shall not be entertained unless
it is accompanied by the original arbitration agreement or a duly certified copy
(3) Notwithstanding that an application has been made under sub-section (1)
and that the issue is pending before the judicial authority, an arbitration may be
commenced or continued and an arbitral award made."
7 Rakesh S. Kathotia & Anr v. Milton Global Ltd. & Ors, 2014 SCC OnLine
Bom 1119.
(2) The application referred to in sub-section (1) shall not be entertained unless
it is accompanied by the original arbitration agreement or a duly certified copy
(3) Notwithstanding that an application has been made under subsection (1)
and that the issue is pending before the judicial authority, an arbitration may be
commenced or continued and an arbitral award made."
10 Ameet Lalchand Shah and Ors. v. Rishabh Enterprises and Ors., (2018) 15
SCC 678.
11 The Hon'ble Supreme Court itself, in its judgment in Emaar MGF Land
Limited v. Aftab Singh, 2018 SCC Online SC 2771, observed this diluting down
of the position in Sukanya Holdings (supra) in the following words:
12 Cheran Properties Ltd. v. Kasuri and Sons Ltd. & Ors., (2018) 16 SCC 413.
14 Reckitt Benckiser (India) Private Limited vs. Reynders Label Printing India
Private Limited and Ors., (2019) 7 SCC 62.
15 Supra at 3.
19 Manuchar Steel Hong Kong Ltd. v. Star Pacific Line Pvt. Ltd., [2014] SGHC
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject
matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
Juhi Gupta
Please refer to this post as: Juhi Gupta, ‘India’s Affair with the ‘Group of
Companies’ Doctrine Continues’, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, October 31 2019,
In a previous post, I had surmised whether the Indian courts’ tryst with the
group of companies doctrine (“Doctrine”) in the arbitration context is a
harbinger or aberration. If the Indian Supreme Court (“SC”) decisions
in Reckitt Benckiser v. Reynders Label Printing, decided on 1 July 2019
(“Reynders Label”), and MTNL v. Canara Bank, decided on 8 August 2019
(“MTNL”) are any indication, it appears that the tryst is steadily evolving into
an affair. The decisions reinforce India’s pro-arbitration outlook and at the same
time clarify the parameters to employ the Doctrine to bind non-signatories to
The SC held that the second respondent was not a party to the Agreement and,
consequently, the arbitration agreement:
Although this made the arbitration a domestic arbitration for which the SC did
not have jurisdiction to appoint an arbitrator, the SC appointed the arbitrator
since the first respondent had no objection to this. It is pertinent to note that the
SC dismissed the review petition filed by the petitioner against this decision.
“It will be a futile effort to decide the disputes only between MTNL and Canara
Bank, in the absence of CANFINA, since undisputedly, the original transaction
emanated from a transaction between MTNL and CANFINA – the original
purchaser of the Bonds. […] There is a clear and direct nexus between the
issuance of the Bonds, its subsequent transfer by CANFINA to Canara Bank,
and the cancellation by MTNL, which has led to disputes between the three
parties. Therefore, CANFINA is undoubtedly a necessary and proper party to
the arbitration proceedings. Given the tri-partite nature of the transaction,
there can be a final resolution of the disputes, only if all three parties are joined
in the arbitration proceedings […]”. (paragraph 10.9, emphasis supplied)
In addition, the SC noted that (i) a Committee of Disputes had referred all three
parties to arbitration, pursuant to which a sole arbitrator was appointed; (ii)
Canara Bank itself had circulated a draft arbitration agreement in which it had
mentioned itself and CANFINA on one side and MTNL on the other side; and
(iii) CANFINA had participated in all proceedings thus far and was represented
by separate counsel. Accordingly, the SC concluded that CANFINA had given
implied or tacit consent to being impleaded in the arbitral proceedings, which
was evident from the parties’ conduct.