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The text discusses the Anakim, a race of giants who lived in Canaan according to the Old Testament. It also talks about Moses leading the Israelites to the promised land and David defeating Goliath.

They were described as a race of giants, descended from Anak, who lived in the southern part of Canaan near Hebron.

They found a land flowing with milk and honey, but it was occupied by the Anakim giants who ate human flesh. The scouts felt like grasshoppers compared to the Anakim.


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Jason Gabriel Kondrath

Anakim Copyright 2020 Jason Kondrath

Anakim were described as a race of giants, descended from Anak, according to the Old
Testament. They were said to have lived in the southern part of the land of Canaan, near
Hebron (Gen. 23:2; Josh. 15:13). According to Genesis 14:5-6 they inhabited the region later
known as Edom and Moab in the days of Abraham.

Moses who had fled Egypt, after freeing God’s people from slavery, was leading his people to
the land of “Milk and Honey.”

On the way through foreign lands, they encountered strange peoples. So, Moses sent out scouts
or spies, to investigate before leading the entire populace.

After the scouts have explored the land, they bought back samples of the fruit of the land; most
notably a gigantic cluster of grapes which requires two men to carry it on a pole between them.
Most of the people were farmers or herdsman, so they needed to feed the animals who grazed.
Never had they seen a more fertile land.

But this land was said to be cursed and occupied by a race of giants who ate human flesh.

These giants were the descendants of Anak, who had three sons.

Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai.

They wore large heavy chains around their necks, and were known to challenging anyone who
entered their territory, with open threats, "Whose will fight against me or my brothers?

This is recorded in the Talmud (“study” or “learning”) commonly refers to a compilation of

ancient teachings also called the Midrash and was sacred by the Jews from the time it was
compiled until modern times and is regarded as authentic by traditional religious Jews.

Of the size of the Anakim, a Midrash fragment—found by Schechter in a Pentateuch

commentary of the thirteenth century, he relays the following description:

"The daughter of Anak had gone into her father's garden and taken a pomegranate, which she
ate, then cast it aside. The twelve spies came in and upon seeing her were struck with fear and
hid themselves in a cave.

The daughter of Anak was tending the garden when she felt she was being watched. After her
chores, she wanted to bath by the river, but she saw movement in the cave, and told those men
inside to reveal themselves, which they did.

When they came out, they were the size of children in comparison to her height, and she asked
them to which tribe did they belong?
They said they were lost, and hungry and were searching for food, and had stumbled upon the
garden by accident. And out of desperation. She accused them of being spies, and then they ran.

The scouts then report to Moses and the congregation, that "the land indeed is a land flowing
with milk and honey," but ten of the twelve spies discourage the Israelites from even attempting
to possess the land, for they reported that the men were taller and stronger than the Israelites,
and moreover the sons of Anak dwell in the land, and that they felt like grasshoppers in their

"We are not able to go up against these people, for they are stronger than He that is, stronger
than even the Lord Himself!"

Mosses expelled these members from the tribe, for their lack of faith, and said that the current
generation were not worth to inherit the land. So, they continued to wander.

Where ever the Jews settled, even for a short period of time there was always conflict. One
group of people in particular called the Philistines were long standing enemies of the Jews,
(also called the Israelites).

Every morning a giant Philistine named Goliath challenged any Israelite to fight him. Goliath
was bigger and taller than anyone else, and he was fierce. He wore heavy armor and carried a
sword, spear, and large shield.

No one dared to fight him. Goliath was thought to be a decedent of this giant race. (Joshua
11:22), thus the Philistine giants (Goliath) whom David encountered (2 Samuel 21:15-22) was a
descendant of the Anakim.

David was a young shepherd boy who had faith in the Lord. His older brothers were soldiers in
Israel’s army. One day, David took his brothers some food. When he arrived at the army’s
camp, he heard Goliath’s challenge.

King Saul knew of David’s faith, so he asked to see David. David told Saul he was not afraid to
fight Goliath. David explained that once when he was looking after his sheep, he killed a lion
and a bear. The Lord protected him then, and David knew the Lord would protect him now.

Saul was amazed and gave David his armor. But it didn’t fit, so David took it off. He decided to
fight without any armor.

David collected five smooth stones and put them in a bag. He took his sling and shepherd’s
staff and went to face Goliath.

When Goliath saw David, he shouted and made fun of him. Comparing him to a dog. He said a
shepherd boy could not beat him. David shouted back that he trusted the Lord to protect him!
David said he would beat Goliath to show the Lord’s greatness.
David ran toward Goliath. He quickly threw a stone with his sling. The stone hit Goliath in the
forehead, and the giant fell to the ground. The Lord helped David defeat Goliath without a
sword or armor.

When the Philistines saw that Goliath was dead, they ran away in fear. The Israelites won the
battle. David had trusted the Lord, and the Lord protected Israel.

Joshua was also a member of David’s family and he eventually expelled all giants from the
land, but some of these found refuge in the Philistine cities of Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod.

Since then, many skeletons have been unearthed to prove that these giants did indeed once
exist. Some reconstructed were as tall as 35ft. The Nephilim were believed to have gone
underground and live in secluded areas of isolation. There is a huge, underground cavern
system beneath the United Stated and Canada that spans continuously from Mexico to Alaska
and this is where they are said to live.

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