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MSC Cs 2nd Mini Project

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Master of Computer Science
REGISTER NO:832000176




NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

Is a bonafide work done

REGISTER NO: 832000176

Of Master of Computer Science during the academic year 2021-2022

-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
MCA., M.Phil., ME., MCA., M.Phil.,
Submitted for the Viva-Voce Examination Held on at Annai Violet Arts and Science College,

------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053


The success and final outcome of the project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many
people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my project. All that I
have done is only due to such supervision and assistance and I would not forget to thank them.

I respect and thank Dr. INITHA LEBANON EBENCY, Principal of Annai Violet Arts and Science
College for providing me an opportunity to do the project and giving as all support and guidance which
made me complete the project duly. I am extremely thankful to her for providing such a nice support.

I wholeheartedly thank Mrs. JAPHIA SOLOMAN, Vice principal of Annai Violet Arts and Science
college for all support and encouragement which motivated us to complete the project successfully.

I would not forget to remember R. GLADIS THANKA ROOBI, MCA., M. Phil HOD incharge of
the Department for her encouragement and more over for their timely support and guidance till the
completion of my project work

I owe my deep gratitude to my project Guide R. CATHERIN IDA SHYLU, MCA.,M.Phil., ME.,
who took interest in my project work and guided me all along, till the completion of my project work
by providing all the necessary information for developing my project work

I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all
Teaching staffs of the computer science department which helped me in successfully completing my
project work.

Also, I would like to extend my sincere esteems to staff in the laboratory for their timely support.

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Abstract 7

1 Introduction 8

Problem Definition 9

About Project 9

2 Project Analysis 10

Existing System 11

Proposed system 11

3 System Requirements 12

Hardware Requirements 13

Software Requirements 13

4 Tools and Technologies Used 14

Introduction to to NetBeans IDE: 15

Introduction to CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) 15

Introduction to HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) 15

JSP Description 16

What is TOMCAT? 16

5 Modules Of Proposed System 18

Admistrative Module 19

Nominee candidate module 19

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User/voter module 20

6 System Design 21

Data Flow Diagram 22

E-R Diagram 23

7 Database Table 25

Admin 26

Voter 26

Candidate 27

Vote count 27

8 Testing and Result 28

Types of testing 29

System Testing 29

Component testing 30

Testing Strategies 30

Unit Testing 30

Validating Testing 30

Output Testing 31

User Acceptance Testing 31

Testing guidelines 32

Test case design 32

Requirements based testing 23

Partition testing 33

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Structural testing 33

9 Conclusion 34

10 Future Enhancements & Scope 36

11 Bibliography 38


The Online Voting System is a web based application. The system has a
centralized database to keep records of all the Voters and Candidates and Final Results. This
Online Voting System is based on SMS sending to voters, to confirmation of Vote. This web
based system is time saving, work load reduced information available at time and it provides
security for the data. During the election, the election commission of India has introduced a new
method of polling by online voting system (OVS). The election commission will maintain this
website. This is a simple, safe and secure method that takes minimum of time.

The word VOTE means to choose from a list, to elect or to determine. The main
goal of voting (in a scenario involving the citizens of a given country) is to come up with leaders
of the people’s choice. Most countries, India not an exception have problems when it comes to
voting. Some of the problems involved include ridging votes during election, insecure or
inaccessible polling stations, inadequate polling materials and also inexperienced personnel.

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1.1 Problem Definition

The existing manual Voting system consumes more time for Vote Casting. Voter has
to wait for vote polling station to vote for a right candidate. The election officers has to be
check the voter , this voter can vote in this booth then check voterID present in voters list of
booth those are information will be present then the voter can vote in that booth. The voter had
to stand in the queue to cast his vote. All the work is done in paper ballot so it is very hard to
locate particular candidate, some voters cast their votes for all candidates. To overcome of all
these problems we have to implement a web application, which is helpful for Voting from

1.2 About Project

The objective of the system is a replacement of the traditional system that is in

existence. This smart system reduces the time for voting and also the system is reliable, and
faster. In this system the voter username and password will be sent through SMS. The voter
cast their vote enters the confirmation OTP sent their mobile number. Database maintained by
this system usually contains the Voters information, Candidate information, the final Result of
total votes.

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2.1 Existing System

The voting system currently being used by the association is a paper based system,
in which the voter simply picks up ballots sheets from electoral officials, tick off who they
would like to vote for, and then cast their votes by merely handing over the ballot sheet back
to electoral official.

The electoral officials gather all the votes being cast into a ballot box. At the end of the
elections, he electoral officials converge and count the votes cast for each candidate and
determine the winner of each election category.

2.2 Proposed System

Here we are proposing an web application for voting process that is Online Voting
System through SMS. The online voting system will manages the voter’s deatils, Candidate
details. The main feature of the project includes voters information and candidate
information, voter can login and use his/her voting rights. The system can manage the
information data very efficiently. The proposed system is more reliable, faster, accurate and
easy to handle compared to existing manual system. It helps to computerize everything and
reducing the errors as compare to manual voting system

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3.1 Hardware Requirements

 Processor: Pentium

 RAM: 4GB

 Hard Disk: 1TB

 Speed: 1.1GHz

3.2 Software Requirements

 Operating System: Windows

 Scripting Language: JSP

 Back-End: MYSQL .

 Front-End: HTML5 and CSS3

 Supporting Tools: NetBeans IDE, JQUERY

 Type: Web Application.

 Server: TOMCAT 8.0(cross platform, Apache, MYSQL, JSP)

 Java Version : J2SDSK1.5

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4.1 Introduction to NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE is a free, open source, integrated development environment (IDE) that
enables you to develop desktop, mobile and web applications. The IDE supports application
development in various languages, including Java, HTML5, PHP and C++. The IDE provides
integrated support for the complete development cycle, from project creation through debugging,
profiling and deployment. The IDE runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and other UNIX-based

4.2 Introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document
written in a markup language While most often used to style web pages and interfaces written in
HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any kind of XML document. One of the
favored features is its ability to allow the sorting of document content written in markup
languages (like HTML) from document presentation written in CSS. Here are more advantages of
CSS in website design:

1. Search Engine Optimization And Appearance

2. Maintainability and Browser Compatibility

4.3 Introduction to HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)

HTML refers to the Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is used to create web pages. It
uses many tags to make a webpage. So it is a tag based language. The tags of HTML are
surrounded by angular bracket. It can use wide ranges of colors, objects and layouts .Very useful
for beginners in web designing field.

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Advantages of HTML

1. First advantage it is widely used.

2. Every browser supports HTML language.

3. Easy to learn and use.

4. It is by default in every window so you don't need to purchase extra software.

4.4 JSP Description

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology for developing Web pages that supports dynamic
content. This helps developers insert java code in HTML pages by making use of special JSP
tags, most of which start with <% and end with %>.

A JavaServer Pages component is a type of Java servlet that is designed to fulfill the role of
a user interface for a Java web application. Web developers write JSPs as text files that combine
HTML or XHTML code, XML elements, and embedded JSP actions and commands.
In JSP there are three types of scripting elements:

 JSP Expressions: It is a small java code which you can include into a JSP page. The
syntax is “<%= some java code %>”
 JSP Scriptlet: The syntax for a scriptlet is “<% some java code %>”. You can add 1 to
many lines of Java code in here.
 JSP Declaration: The syntax for declaration is “<%! Variable or method declaration
%>”, in here you can declare a variable or a method for use later in the code.

4.5 What is TOMCAT

Apache Tomcat is a long-lived, open source Java servlet container that implements several
core Java enterprise specs, namely the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), and WebSockets

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

An Apache Software Foundation project, Tomcat was first released in 1998, just four years after
Java itself. Tomcat started as a reference implementation for the first Java Servlet API and the
JSP spec. While it's no longer the reference implementation for either of these technologies,
Tomcat remains the most widely used Java server, boasting a well-tested and proven core engine
with good extensibility.

What kind of server is Tomcat

The Java ecosystem supports several kinds of application server, so let's disambiguate
them and see where Tomcat fits in:

 A servlet container is an implementation of the Java Servlet specification, used

primarily for hosting Java servlets.
 A web server is a server designed to serve files from the local system, like Apache.
 A Java enterprise application server is a full-blown implementation of the Java EE
(now Jakarta EE) specification.

Tomcat consists of the three main things that you need to know when starting web
development.They are:

 Apache Web Server


Apache Web Server: It is a web server that allows you to host your websites or any other content
for that matter. Apache is available for UNIX as well as WINDOWS. Some of the most common
server-side languages supported by Apache are - JSP, Python and Perl. It is free of charge.
JSP: JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology for developing Webpages that supports dynamic
content. This helps developers insert java code in HTML pages by making use of special JSP
tags, most of which start with <% and end with %>.
MYSQL: It is the world's most popular open source database. It is a Relational Database

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

Management System (RDBMS) - data and it's relationships are stored in the form of tables that can
be accessed by the use of MYSQL queries in almost any format that the user wants


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This proposed system consists of 3 main modules, which are listed below.


Online Voting is a voting system by which any Voter can use his\her voting rights
from anywhere in India. Online voting for association contains-:

 Voter’s information in database.

 Voter’s Names with ID.

 Voter’s vote in a database.

 Calculation of total number of votes

Various operational works that are done in the system are:-

 Recording information of the Voter in Voter database.

 Checking of information filled by voter.

 Discard the false information.

 Each information is maintained by admin.

5.2 Nominee Candidate Module

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

The Nominee details will be updated by the admin for the post of board of director
and manager. The candidate will submit their own details and the admin maintain all of
background details of the particular nominee and uploaded their information in correct
procedure. In order to, the user or voter can view the nominee details.


The user after their registration only can login for voting. The user will view
nominee details with their image before they can vote. After knowing the nominee
details the user can login for voting. They should vote for board of director and the
manager in the association. The count will taken for each voting. After voting the
particular person/user cannot logon to vote again

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6.1 Data Flow Diagram

The data flow diagram(DFD) is a graphical tool used for expressing system
requirements in a graphical form. The DFD also known as the “bubble chart” as the
purpose of clarification system requirements and identification major transformation
that will become program in system design. Thus DFD can be stated as the starting
point of the design phase that functionality decomposes the requirements specification
down to the lowest level of details. The DFD consists of series of bubble joined by
lines. The bubble represents data transformation and the lines represents the data flows
in the system. A DFD describes what data flow is does not to construct a Data Flow
Diagram, we use

 Arrow: An arrow identifies the data flow in motion. It is a pipeline through which
information is flow like the rectangle in the flowchart.
 Circle: A circle stands for process that converts data into information

 Open End Box: An open ended box represents a data store, data at rest or a temporary
repository of data.
 Squares: A square defines a source or destination of system.

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Level 0

Admin Data Store Voter


Total Votes(final result) Candidate Information


Voter Information
Level 1

Delete Update voter

Add voter

Database Database Databasee

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E-R Diagram

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7.1 AdminTable

Name Type Key Description

admin Varchar(20) Primary key Login id for Admin
Password Varchar(20) Foreign key Password for Login

7.2 Voter Table

Name Type Key Description

Vid varchar(10) Primary key Login id for Voter
Dob date Foreign key Date of Birth
Age int(3) Foreign key Age
Vlog varchar(10) Foreign key Voter ID
Pass varchar(6) Foreign key Password
Vname varchar(25) Foreign key Voter name
Father name varchar(25) Foreign key Father name
Gender varchar(20) Foreign key Gender of the voter
Address varchar(50) Foreign key Address
City varchar(25) Foreign key City
Mobile int(10) Foreign key Mobile number
Email varchar(50) Foreign key E-mail address

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

7.3 Candidate Table

Name Type Key Description

Slno int(5) Primary key Serial number of
Cname varchar(30) Foreign key Candidate name
Fname varchar(30) Foreign key Father name
Gender varchar(10) Foreign key Gender
Address varchar(50) Foreign key Address
City varchar(30) Foreign key City
Mobile int(10) Foreign key Mobile number
Partyname varchar(30) Foreign key Party name
partsymbol varchar(30) Foreign key Party symbol
Age int(3) Foreign key Age
Voterid varchar(10) Foreign key Voter ID
Date Date Foreign key Date of Birth
Caimg varchar(50) Foreign key Candidate image
Email varchar(50) Foreign key+ E-mail

7.4 Vote count table

Name Type Key Description

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

Voterid varchar(10) Foreign key voter Id of the
time1 timestamp Foreign key Time
Candslno int(5) Primary key Candidate serial no


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8.1 Types Of Testing

8.1.1 System Testing:

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate review of specification, design, and coding. The user tests the developed system and
changes are made according to their needs. The testing phase involves the testing developed
system using various kinds of data.

System is the stage of implementation that is aimed at assuring at the system works
accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is vital to the success of the
system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all the parts of the system are correct,
the goal will be successfully achieved. The candidate system is subject to a variety of tests such as
recover, security and usability tests. A series of testing is performed for the proposed system
before the system is ready for the user acceptance testing.

Implementation ends with formal tests. The test data are very crucial to this process. They
must be realistic and cover extreme conditions are well. Ideally, vary alternative path through the
program should be exercised at least once beyond the test data. The system test must involve all
the elements that compose the system including program validation checking, files, and forms and
triggers procedures.

8.1.2 Component testing

 Testing of individual program components i.e. the each module is tested

 Usually the responsibility of the component developer (except sometimes for critical
 Tests are derived from the developer’s experience.

 Component or unit testing is the process of testing individual components in isolation.

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

 It is a defect testing process.

Components may be:

 Individual functions or methods within an object;

 Object classes with several attributes and methods; Composite components with
defined interfaces used to access their functionality

8.2 Testing Strategies

Following are few of the testing strategies used for the testing purpose:

 Unit testing.

 Validation testing.

 Output testing.

 User acceptance testing.

8.2.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses effort on the smallest unit of software design of the module. This is
also known as ‘Module Testing’. The module of FSA system is tested separately. This testing was
carried out during programming stage itself in this testing each module is found to be working
satisfactorily with regards to the expected output from the module.

8.2.2 Validating Testing

At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a

package, interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected and final series of software test
begins. Validation testing can be defined in many ways, but a simple definition is that validation
succeeds when the software function in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the

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After validation test has been conducted, one of the two possible conditions exists, the
functions are performance characteristics confirm to specification and are accepted or a deviation
from specification is uncovered and deficiency list is created. Proposed system under consideration
has been tested using validation testing and found to be working satisfactorily.

8.2.3 Output Testing

After performing the validation testing the next test is output testing of the
proposed system since no system could be useful if it does not produce the required output in
the specified format. Asking the user about the format required by them tests the outputs
generated or displayed by the system under consideration. Here, the output format is
considered in two ways. One on-screen and other is printed format. The output format on the
screen is found to be correct as the format was designed in the system phase according to the
user’s needs. Hence, output testing does not result in any correction in the system.

8.2.4 User Acceptance Testing

User acceptance of a system is the key factory for the success of any system. The
system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch
with the perspective system. Users at time of developing can make changes wherever

This is done in regards to the following points:

 Input screen design.

 Output Screen design.

 Menu driven system.

 Format of reports and other outputs

Taking various kinds of test data does the above tests. Preparation of the test data

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

places a vital role in system testing. After preparing the test data the system under study is
tested using the same. While testing the system by using the test, errors are uncovered. They
are then corrected and noted down for future use.

8.3 Testing Guidelines

Testing guidelines are hints for the testing team to help them choose tests that will
reveal defects in the system.

• Choose inputs that force the system to generate all error messages;

• Design inputs that cause buffers to overflow;

• Repeat the same input or input series several times;

• Force invalid outputs to be generated;

• Force computation results to be too large or too small.

8.4 Test Case Design

 Involves designing the test cases (inputs and outputs) used to test the system.

 The goal of test case design is to create a set of tests that are effective in validation and
defect testing.
 Design approaches:

a. Requirements-based testing;

b. Partition testing;

c. Structural testing.
8.4.1 Requirements based testing

NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

 A general principle of requirements engineering is that requirements should be testable.

 Requirements-based testing is a validation testing technique where you consider each

requirement and derive a set of tests for that requirement.

8.4.2 Partition testing

 Input data and output results often fall into different classes where all members of a
class are related.
 Each of these classes is an equivalence partition or domain where the program behaves
in an equivalent way for each class member.
 Test cases should be chosen from each partition.

8.4.3 Structural testing

 Sometime called white-box testing.

 Derivation of test cases according to program structure. Knowledge of the program is

used to identify additional test cases.
 Objective is to exercise all program statements (not all path combination)

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NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053

This online Voting system will manage the Voter’s information by which voter
can login and use his voting rights. The system will incorporate all features of voting
system. It provides the tools for maintaining voter’s vote to every party and it count total
no. of every party. There is a DATABASE which is maintained by the ELECTION
COMMISION OF INDIA in which all the names of voter with complete information is

In this user who is above 18years’s register his/her information on the database
and when he/she want to vote he/she has to login by his id and password and can vote to
any party only single time. Voting detail store in database and the result is displayed by
calculation. By online voting system percentage of voting is increases. It decreases the cost
and time of voting process. It is very easy to use and it is very less time consuming. It is
very easy to debug.

The traditional method of manual voting system has few drawbacks. This method
is obviously not efficient as it wastes the voter’s energy and quite slow in term of
completion. This smart system involves the voter’s can cast their vote easily, and can be
implemented to the entire India.

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Data can be managed on cloud so that it will be secured and managed

efficiently. We have developed the online system for only one particular booth , this
should be extended to all the polling booths in India .

Alternatively, it is possible to store or combine all ballots together to obtain

candidate ranking. Storing ballots means that if a candidate is out of the election, their
votes will be transferred to the next candidate according to the stored ballot. This process
continues until either the ballot has no more candidate transfer information or, the
candidate has been selected. The combination of ballots leads to the concept of potential
transfers. This creates a vote state for each of the votes on the ballot.


As this website provides better way of election between voter and political
parties: hence we suppose that this project as a greater scope and is important requirement
is to provide a compact stable system of voting with a facility through online.

The Online Voting System platform can be made more secure by using the
following methods : Password Changing Fingerprinting Cornea Detection The
password used by the user to vote is provided by the administrator. In the future the user
can be given the privilege of changing the password. So it helps to increase the security of
the system. The other two methods that can be used are cornea detection and
fingerprinting. But here the problem is that it decreases the scope of the platform because
these systems need some electronic components to implement. So it will avoid the users
privilege to cast the votes at their fingertips. But it can guarantee that fake voting will be

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