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cloth afterwards. with holy water every morning.

It is an act of
(6) If a subdeacon or acolyte is present, cross your Christian love to bring a piece of this holy bread to

arms over your chest, and allow the subdeacon to faithful Orthodox who cannot attend the Liturgy due
hold the cloth under your chin. Do not take hold of to sickness. In all cases, the holy andidoron should
the cloth: three sets of hands around the chalice (the be treated with care, and if it is not consumed, all
priest’s, the subdeacon’s, and yours) present more crumbs should be placed outside, in low-traffic
risk of accidents. Instead, allow the subdeacon to areas, for the birds to consume.
wipe your lips.
(7) Many parishes have the practice of the faithful
kissing the chalice following Communion; try to
Many parishes read the Prayers of Thanksgiving
after Communion; if this is not done at the parish,
one should do it alone, either quietly in the church,
follow local practice. or immediately after arriving home. Following
(8) One should not kiss the priest’s hand after Holy Communion, one should be careful to avoid
receiving the Holy Mysteries (whenever you do kiss spitting, chewing gum, having dental work done, or
the hand of a priest, the kiss should be short, with any activity which might cause the Holy Mysteries
closed lips (not a “smooch”, as one priest described to be spilled out of the mouth; this includes being
it). This is a show of reverence for the hand that careful to avoid throwing up (if one is nauseous to
touches the Holy Mysteries, not as a show of respect the point of possibly vomiting, one should avoid
for the seniority of the priest. Other than after Communion that day in any case).
Communion, one should always kiss the hand of the If the Holy Mysteries are for any reason dropped
priest, regardless of whether you like the priest or from the mouth, they should be carefully and
not, whether he is an elder or a newly ordained entirely contained in a cloth, dried, and given to the
young priest. priest for pious and careful disposal according to the
You’ll notice that priests normally and properly canons of the Church.
kiss each other’s hand upon meeting, out of
reverence for Christ’s Body and Blood, which they The Holy Mysteries of Communion are the great
hold at Liturgy. Medicine of the Lord’s Body and Blood, given by
Christ to us for our healing, help, and salvation.

Following Every Orthodox Christian should partake of them

with great regularity, for without them - without
A Guide to Preparation,
Reception, and
Communion Christ - we can really do nothing.
Conduct Following
It is an ancient practice throughout the Orthodox the Holy Mysteries
Church (East and West) to partake of blessed bread
or andidoron following Holy Communion. This DESERT
may be followed by some holy water, regular warm
or cold water, or warm wine (called sapifka in
Slavic tradition, usually offered in cold climates).
WISDOM There are no practical questions more common
The goal of this practice is the clearing of the BOOK ROOM within the Church than those around the Holy
mouth, in order that all the Holy Mysteries would Mystery of Communion. How do I prepare? Should I
be consumed. One should take enough of these to All Saints of North America
receive at all? And how should I conduct myself
accomplish this, leaving the rest for others. Orthodox Church afterwards?
It is also a faithful practice to take blessed bread To approach the Holy Mysteries is to approach the
home, allow it to dry out, and to consume a portion
W Lord Himself. One must do so with fear and awe,
(905) 318-6436 noting Christ’s words that he who receives
unworthily drinks judgement upon himself (1 Cor
11:27) practice of Confession once during each of the four (2) If you are visiting a church that is not in
As we prepare to receive Holy Communion, the fasting periods. This is more an outgrowth of having communion with your bishop (check with your priest
hymns of the Liturgy call us to “lay aside all earthly huge parishes with a single priest, who could not to make sure)
cares”. We do this in several ways. possibly handle monthly confessions from all parish (3) If you have not gone to Confession in a long time
members. If one has more serious sins, such as public (ask the parish priest about this - if it is more than a
heresy, sexual sins, or apostacy from the Orthodox month or two, make an appointment - and go!)

Preparation faith, one should approach Confession immediately

in any case.
(4) Traditionally, one does not approach Holy
Communion when bleeding. This is not an outdated
superstition: the whole Old and New Testament
It should be noted that according to Church canons,
Firstly, we observe a fast before Communion. From anyone who has not partaken of Holy Communion tradition teaches that life is in the blood. Whether one
the evening before (usually from midnight), we have for three weeks (barring health reasons) is out of is going through a menstrual cycle, has an open
nothing to eat or drink (medications are permitted - communion with the Church. Traditionally, this wound, or has a bleeding nose (which even priests
speak with your confessor about how best to meant not being able to partake of other Holy experience!), one should wait until the next Liturgy,
approach this). Along with fasting from food and Mysteries (such as marriage), or to have a Church or until bleeding stops. Of course, like all things in
drink, we also set aside worldly entertainment with a funeral. Today, because of human weakness, this is the Church, economy is exercised, especially in cases
quiet evening free from television, riotous socializing generally relaxed, else some parishes would never of serious health conditions. The final decision is up
and parties, as well as marital relations. Many pious serve a funeral! to the parish priest under the direction of the bishop.
faithful will also abstain from eating meat. Even a priest cannot serve Liturgy alone -
We also prepare ourselves through prayer:
traditionally, faithful people would attend the full
therefore, he cannot take Communion when no one
else is present: it is union with Christ and the Taking
Vigil service, and say several Akathists at home.
Today, most people prepare by simply attending
Vespers, saying the appropriate evening prayers, and
The important thing to remember is this: the
Liturgy is served every Sunday and on feast days
praying the prayers before Holy Communion (read in order to make Holy Communion available to It is important to approach the chalice with care and
aloud in monasteries and some parishes just before the faithful: if this were not the central purpose, a reverence. The following points should be observed:
Holy Communion is given). shorter service called the Typica would be served. (1) Don’t make the Sign of the Cross or move
In some areas, there has arisen a practice of strict Yet, every priest and bishop is called to serve the abruptly anywhere near the priest - this can upset the
fasting from meat and other foods for three days or a Liturgy - because all the faithful are called to chalice. Instead, make the Cross long before you
week. Traditionally, this is the way in which a person receive the Holy Mysteries of Communion. receive, and move gently and carefully.
who is out of Communion with the Church prepares Communion isn’t for holy people: it is intended to (2) Don’t close your eyes. If you can’t see, there is a
for their return; if one has not received Communion make unholy people more like Christ, to help us in tendency to try to move toward the chalice, which
in months, this is appropriate to do. In many areas our struggles, like a spiritual medicine. risks upsetting it.
where people do not receive Communion every (3) Speak your name aloud so the priest can hear it;
To avoid Holy Communion for weeks or months at
Sunday, this has become the norm, but its roots come this way, the priest can prayerfully commune you by
a time is like avoiding medicine that would save our
from Church canon law: when one is away from the name (even if the priest knows you, he may forget in
chalice for three weeks, without reason of health, the midst of the Liturgy!)
according to Church canons, one is excommunicated. (4) Open your mouth - WIDE! This may sound
When one prepares faithfully each week to receive
Holy Communion, such a strict fast is not normally
When should I obvious, but in the process of receiving the Holy
Mysteries it is often forgotten, making it difficult for
We also prepare for Communion through regular
not receive? the Holy Mysteries to be safely delivered to the
mouth of the communicant.
(5) If there is no subdeacon or acolyte to hold the
Confession. A general rule for Confession for those There are several conditions under which someone communion cloth, be sure to hold it wide, right under
who follow the traditional practice of Communion at should not receive Communion: your chin, in order to catch any of the Holy Mysteries
each Liturgy, is to approach for Confession once (1) If you are not an Orthodox Christian; which might accidently fall. Wipe your lips with the
every month. Some parishes follow a minimal

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