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Progressive Dispensationalism DBTS Journal

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The passage discusses the origins and development of progressive dispensationalism as well as debates around its theological differences from traditional dispensationalism.

The roots of progressive dispensationalism as a movement can be traced to the early 1970s if not earlier.

A desire was growing, among some dispensationalists, to find amicable, middle ground in the old theological skirmishes between dispensation- alists and covenant theologians.

DBSJ 9 (2004): 5–32

Roy E. Beacham2


K eeping abreast of the modifications that occur within theological

disciplines is a formidable task. Coming to understand completely
all of the nuances and details of theological constructs that diverge
from one’s own is even more challenging. Further, it is difficult if not
impossible to represent the views of others fairly and accurately. Often,
such a task requires picturing a movement or theological construct as
monolithic when in reality it has multiple facets and significant varia-
tion even among its proponents. Perhaps the gravest danger in summa-
rizing and analyzing opposing viewpoints is not functional but
attitudinal. The penchant for fallen humanity to become rancorous,
even among the redeemed, is so very basic to our humanness that it is
difficult to overcome apart from personal submission to the work of
the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, critical, analytical evaluations are often
necessary and usually beneficial, despite the potential pitfalls.
An attempt is made here to survey and analyze progressive dispen-
sationalism from the perspective of a more traditional dispensational
approach. The survey, to some extent, is abbreviated and superficial.
The analysis is personal; it is the author’s alone. The engagement of
numerous citations is employed in a desire to represent positions as
fairly and accurately as possible. Special care was taken not to cull

1This material was first presented in outline form at the Faculty In-service of
Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis, August 22–23, 1996. Subse-
quently, it was delivered with some revision and updating at the Bible Faculty Leader-
ship Summit, Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Ankeny, IA, July 31–August
2, 1997, and at the Ekklesia Consortium, Huron Baptist Church, Flat Rock, MI, July
28–29, 2003. This published form is presented in honor of Dr. Rolland D. McCune,
professor, mentor, coworker, and friend, in deepest gratitude for his faithful teaching,
unfailing encouragement, and unmerited support. Though all of my professors have
had worthwhile and lasting impact on my life and teaching, none has excelled his.
2Dr. Beacham is Professor of Old Testament at Central Baptist Seminary in Ply-
mouth, MN.
6 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

citations in such a way as to distort the meaning or intent of the au-

thors cited. Any misrepresentation or inaccuracy is unintentional. Any
perception or hint of malice is regrettable. The desire is to be both ac-
curate and affable. On the other hand, the topic is important, the dis-
agreement is substantial, and the implications are extensive. Progressive
dispensationalism has had great impact on the theological landscape of
America, and that impact is a matter of concern to many, not because
the disagreement is personal, but because it is theological, and theology


The roots of progressive dispensationalism as a movement can be
traced to the early 1970s if not earlier. The movement was born in the
spirit of evangelical ecumenicity and theological rapprochement. A
desire was growing, among some dispensationalists, to find amicable,
middle ground in the old theological skirmishes between dispensation-
alists and covenant theologians. With this goal in mind, the dispensa-
tionalists who sought rapprochement began to emphasize the
refinements that occurred within dispensationalism over time. Their
intent was to demonstrate that dispensationalism had been and con-
tinued to be a fluid, non-static approach to Bible interpretation. By
this means, proponents for change within dispensationalism sought to
show that dispensationalism could, in fact, change. At the same time,
these dispensationalists began to deconstruct or deemphasize those
tenets of dispensationalism that were asserted to be distinctive to dis-
pensationalism. The intent was to find more common ground with
other approaches to Bible interpretation, particularly with that of
covenant theology. By this means, proponents for moderation in the
debate between dispensationalism and covenant theology sought to
show that dispensationalism and dispensationalists could be moderate.

The Pursuit of Essential Unity

The overarching desire for essential unity and theological rap-
prochement was an early ensign of the fledgling movement that even-
tually would be labeled “progressive dispensationalism.” Kenneth
Barker, an avowed modified dispensationalist, in his presidential ad-
dress at the 29 December 1981 meeting of the Evangelical Theological
Society, made clear his desire toward these ends.
In my presidential letter to the members of the Evangelical Theo-
logical Society (dated January 15, 1981) I wrote that “I firmly believe in a
truly evangelical ecumenicity and in projects and organizations that foster
that ecumenicity, such as ETS.” One of the purposes of this address is to
further such evangelical ecumenicity by demonstrating that we are closer
in our theological positions than many realize….
Another purpose of this paper, then, is to promote an irenic spirit
Progressive Dispensationalism 7

and thus a greater sense of true brotherhood in Christ. I have been heart-
ened by what Radmacher calls the “growing rapprochement that has been
taking place between covenant and dispensational theologians of ortho-
dox persuasion over the last decade or so.”… Certainly dialogue must
continue between the two theological camps, for it can only result in
greater understanding, which in turn will advance the cause of concilia-
tion. I would like to think that this message also moves in that direction.
Is this not as it should be in the body of Christ? And are we not united
on the issues that matter most?3
A decade later, after the label “progressive dispensationalism” had
been adopted by the leaders of the movement, the original goals re-
mained. In a seminal book designed to serve as a catalyst and forum for
discussion between progressive dispensationalists and covenant theolo-
gians, Darrell Bock and Craig Blaising concluded,
One of the tragedies of the current Christian evangelical scene is the divi-
sive tendencies present in many strands of the community. When the
subtradition is more crucial than the Christian tradition, we fragment the
unity to which God has called us and for which the Lord intercedes
(John 17)…. This is not to deny the value of subtraditions or their con-
tribution to the whole body of Christ, but it is to say that the task before
the Christian community to reflect the love of Christ and evangelize the
world is so vast that no subtradition can do it all by itself…. What we
share with our responders in this book is an honest desire for dialogue
and a pursuit of truth, but not at the expense of a fundamental unity that
we know that God has given to us.4
Robert Saucy, called by some “the father of progressive dispensa-
tionalism,” decisively espoused the fundamental goal of finding theo-
logical middle ground. In his book on progressive dispensationalism,
subtitled The Interface Between Dispensational and Non-Dispensational
Theology, Saucy asserted that there is, in fact, “a mediating position
between non-dispensationalism and traditional dispensationalism that
provides a better understanding of Scripture.”5 In his view, Saucy was
advancing such a position.

3Kenneth Barker, “False Dichotomies Between the Testaments,” Journal of the

Evangelical Theological Society 25 (March 1982): p. 3; also citing E. D. Radmacher,
“The Current Status of Dispensationalism and Its Eschatology,” in Perspectives on
Evangelical Theology, ed. K. S. Kantzer and S. N. Gundry (Grand Rapids: Baker,
1979), p. 163.
4Craig A. Blaising and Darrell L. Bock, “Dispensationalism, Israel and the
Church: Assessment and Dialogue,” in Dispensationalism, Israel, and the Church: The
Search for Definition, ed. Craig Blaising and Darrell Bock (Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
1992), pp. 385–86.
5Robert L. Saucy, The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism (Grand Rapids: Zon-
dervan, 1993), p. 27.
8 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

The Dialogue with Covenant Theology

Dialogue was forwarded as a primary means of attaining the goal
of rapprochement between these divergent schools of Bible interpreta-
tion. The desire was to discuss, amicably, key texts and concepts that
seemed to be in tension between the two interpretational approaches.
One of the three purposes of the book Dispensationalism, Israel and the
Church was “to foster genuine dialogue with nondispensational think-
ers regarding major biblical themes tied to the plan of God.”6 It was
Blaising’s and Bock’s view that
dispensational theology should be a dialogic phenomena [sic] inclusive to
the extent of all who are in Christ. It is aided by an inclusive hermeneutic
that is reflected upon for improvement in its deployment. It is in fact a
hermeneutic that is aware of the communal and dialogic nature of under-
standing…. This work can function as a catalyst to a greater, more inclu-
sive theological dialogue on the history of redemption.7

Analysis: Rapprochement, Shifting Paradigms, and Departure

Insofar as rapprochement is concerned, progressive dispensational-
ism does seem to be achieving the goal of creating greater harmony
between progressive dispensationalists and non-dispensationalists. Of
course the question is: at what cost? The creation of harmony by find-
ing middle ground assumes that the final “ground” is, in fact, in the
“middle”; that is to say, movement should be seen on the part of both
parties involved in the discourse. There is concern as to whether or not
such bilateral change is occurring. It seems obvious that the propo-
nents of progressive dispensationalism are not only fundamentally
prone, but also tangibly exercised toward positional compromise. It
could be argued that the proponents of covenant theology seem far less
prone or exercised. The paradigm shift appears to be significantly lop-
The degree to which progressive dispensationalism makes systemic
concession to the approach of covenant theology determines the degree
of tension that is created with traditional forms of dispensationalism.
The further that proponents of progressive dispensationalism move
toward harmony and unity with their non-dispensational friends, the
greater the disjunction with their more traditional dispensational
brethren. In their haste to assuage their former antagonists, it appears
that progressive dispensational scholars have readily detached them-
selves from their traditional roots. This disassociation has not gone

6Blaising and Bock, Dispensationalism, Israel and the Church, back cover.
7Blaising and Bock, “Assessment and Dialogue,” pp. 384–85.
Progressive Dispensationalism 9

unnoticed even by non-dispensationalists. In his response to the mod-

erated views of progressive dispensational authors, Bruce Waltke ob-
serves, “significantly, these younger dispensationalists cite older
dispensationalists mostly to distance themselves from them.”8 Walter
Elwell, in his evaluation of the situation, makes a similar observation.
Saucy…goes out of [his] way to avoid quoting the dispensationalist “old
guard,” while quoting at length from standard New Testament scholars.
In 96 exhaustive footnotes, dispensational heavyweights Lewis Sperry
Chafer and John Walvoord do not appear once, whereas Ridderbos,
Ladd, Perrin, Cranfield, Barrett, and even O. T. Allis are extensively—
and favorably—quoted.9
Beyond the question of the apparent unevenness of movement in
the course of this dialogue and the growing distance between progres-
sive dispensationalism and earlier forms of the tradition, other more
troubling concerns are apparent. At what point, for example, does “de-
velopment” become “departure”? Does one best arrive at the truth of
Scripture by means of dialogue in quest of middle ground? Should the
pursuit of truth be restricted by the expense of unity, or should degrees
of unity be expendable for the sake of truth? A close reading of John
17 seems to demonstrate that God’s Word and its truth is the essential
ingredient of unity. The closer we draw to biblical truth, the more
united we become, not vice versa. Certainly truth should be spoken in
love. Animosity has no place in our treatment of brothers in Christ
with whom we might disagree on the finer points of theology and Bi-
ble interpretation. Nonetheless, truth is a non-expendable and non-
negotiable commodity.10

8Bruce Waltke, “A Response,” in Dispensationalism, Israel, and the Church: The

Search for Definition, ed. Craig Blaising and Darrell Bock (Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
1992), p. 350.
9Walter A. Elwell, “Dispensationalisms of the Third Kind,” review of The Case
for Progressive Dispensationalism, by Robert L. Saucy, Christianity Today, 12 September
1994, p. 28.
10Later in their conclusion, Blaising and Bock return to the themes of “truth”
and “unity.” They say, “Commitment to unity does not mean that the church is ab-
solved of its responsibility to pursue and believe the truth. But dialogue on disagree-
ments should be pursued with a sense of humility, recognizing that none of us and
none of our traditions is infallible.” There is no disagreement with that statement, in
so far as it goes. However, the further assertion that “dialogue must move across tradi-
tions, not just within them, lest we deny by our practice the unity into which God has
placed us in Christ” is opened to debate, particularly if the ultimate goal is theological
middle ground (“Assessment and Dialogue,” p. 388).
10 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal


In the early history of progressive dispensationalism, it was sug-
gested that the ensuing debate in the dialogue between dispensational-
ists and non-dispensationalists should be conducted at the level of
individual biblical texts.11 It could be argued that the growing distance
between the proponents of progressive dispensationalism and their
more traditionally inclined dispensational brethren does not lie fun-
damentally at the level of individual texts, but rather at the level of the
presuppositions that are brought to bear on interpreting those texts.
The chief issue seems to center on hermeneutical preunderstandings
and methodology. In progressive dispensationalism, those presupposi-
tions and interpretational approaches have undergone significant

An Inclusive Hermeneutical Method

One of the changes occurring in dispensationalism, a change born
out of the rise of progressive dispensationalism, is that of hermeneuti-
cal method. It is asserted by the proponents of progressive dispensa-
tionalism that the hermeneutical playing field has been leveled. In their
view, the debate between a “literal” versus “spiritual” approach to Bible
interpretation is obsolete.

Grammatical-Historical Interpretation
Saucy says that the non-dispensationalists’ theological system “is
the result of their interpretation of the New Testament using the same
grammatico-historical hermeneutic as that of dispensationalists.”12 Ac-
cording to Saucy, “the basic hermeneutical procedure…is essentially
the same for both dispensational and nondispensational scholars. Both
affirm a historical-grammatical hermeneutic.”13 Craig Blaising concurs:
Evangelicals today, including dispensationalists, affirm historical gram-
matical interpretation as the proper hermeneutical method…. As evan-
gelicals have worked together exploring these developments, the old
divisions of spiritual versus literal interpretation have been left behind….
The issues are more complex, but the evangelical community is working
inclusively on these matters. It is a matter not of an exclusive hermeneu-
tic but of a skillful application of a method we all profess…. There is no

11David L. Turner, “The Continuity of Scripture and Eschatology: Key Herme-

neutical Issues” Grace Theological Journal 6 (Fall 1986): pp. 275–87.
12Saucy, Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 20.
13Ibid., pp. 29–30.
Progressive Dispensationalism 11

exclusive hermeneutic here.14

The Sophistication of Hermeneutical Methodology

The proponents of dispensationalism have long been reviled as un-
scholarly and their hermeneutical method frequently deemed unso-
phisticated. In the late 1950s, covenant theologian George E. Ladd
analyzed Alva J. McClain’s dispensational approach to kingdom stud-
ies as follows:
McClain, like most dispensationalists, has lost contact with the world of
theological thought. Dispensationalism has never thrived upon dialogue
with other theological points of view; it flourishes only in the hothouse of
its own exclusive system. Most of the literature, exegetical and theologi-
cal, cited to give support to his interpretation is about two generations
old. Alford, Lange, H. A. W. Meyer, Ellicot, and Godet are his chief
New Testament authorities. Almost no modern literature on the king-
dom of God is used. Certainly a theology designed to meet the needs of
the twentieth century should be relevant to the issues of the hour.15
Thirty years later, Vern Poythress chided classical dispensational-
ists for their Baconian inductivism, their plain-meaning approach to
Scripture, and their flat interpretation of the text, not to mention their
separatism and prejudicial presuppositionalism. Of Darby and Scofield
he said,
It must be remembered that their strong point was in logical harmony
and contemporary application rather than in grammatical-historical in-
terpretation. Darby’s negative attitude to the institutional church virtu-
ally cut him off from the fruits of scholarly reflection and interpretation
in previous generations of church history…. The attempts at interpreta-
tion within classic dispensationalism are often still too dominated by the
presupposition and mind-set of the overall system…. Grammatical-
historical interpretation remains a weak point in classic dispensational-
That which has brought about the leveling of the hermeneutical

14Craig Blaising, “Dispensationalism: The Search for Definition,” in Dispensa-

tionalism, Israel, and the Church: The Search for Definition, ed. Craig Blaising and Dar-
rell Bock (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1992), pp. 32, 34.
15George. E. Ladd, review of The Greatness of the Kingdom, by Alva J. McClain,
Christianity Today 12 October 1959, p. 40.
16Vern S. Poythress, Understanding Dispensationalists (Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
1987), p. 57. Blaising forwards a similar evaluation of the hermeneutical method of
traditional dispensationalism (“Search for Definition,” pp. 18–19). Of course,
Poythress’s criticism is an oblique assertion that non-dispensational covenant theology
and the newer, more sophisticated hermeneutical approach is free of presuppositional
prejudice and systemic circularism. That assertion is highly debatable.
12 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

playing field, according to proponents of progressive dispensational-

ism, is the growing scholarly sophistication of hermeneutical method-
ology in contrast to the simplistic approach of previous
dispensationalists. Most notable, in their view, are the advancements in
literary interpretation.
Hermeneutics has become much more complex today than when Charles
Ryrie affirmed literal interpretation as the “clear, plain, normal” method
of interpretation…. Even at the time this was published, evangelical bib-
lical scholars were beginning to move toward a more consistent gram-
matical-historical interpretation, but it was a grammatical-historical
interpretation which was developing in sophistication beyond that which
was predicted by classical dispensationalists or even early revised dispen-
sationalists…. Literary interpretation has developed so that some things
which earlier interpreters thought they “clearly” saw in Scripture, are not
“clearly” seen today at all. This raises a question both about the meaning
of “literal” interpretation and the claim that its consistent practice is the
essence of dispensationalism…. Traditional interpretation must always be
tested by ongoing historical-literary interpretation as that interpretation
develops in its understanding, methods, and procedures.17

The Hermeneutic of Inaugurated Eschatology

The method that has most influenced progressive dispensational-
ism is the hermeneutic of inaugurated eschatology. This approach ad-
vocates that Christ, with his first advent, inaugurated the kingdom of
God, though some aspects of that kingdom remain to be fulfilled in

17Craig Blaising and Darrell Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism (Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 1993), p. 36. Because it adopted more compliant and more agreeable
hermeneutical theories, progressive dispensationalism was, early on, touted by non-
dispensationalists as a new breach into scholarship on the part of dispensational theo-
logians. Walter Elwell evaluated this new form of dispensationalism as follows: “Saucy,
Blaising, and Bock are thoroughly conversant with the writings of the major biblical
scholars of today.... Saucy’s is as good a summary on the kingdom as one will find and
is in the ‘already/not-yet’ mold of Werner Kummel” (Elwell, “Dispensationalisms of
the Third Kind,” p. 28). Gerry Breshears, in his analysis of the book Progressive Dis-
pensationalism, wrote: “Finally—a coherent statement of current dispensational think-
ing which leaves the zealous mistakes of Scofield and the Allis-Ladd-Walvoord wars far
behind. It presents hermeneutics grounded in authorial intent rather than naive literal-
ism” (Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, pre-title page). James McHann
seemed to concur: “This is the most scholarly and insightful work yet in print on dis-
pensational theology” (Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, pre-title page).
According to Craig Blomberg, “Blaising and Bock have produced the most important
advance in dispensationalist theology since Ryrie’s Dispensationalism Today nearly
thirty years ago. Progressive dispensationalism has now positioned its movement
within the mainstream of biblical scholarship, as it offers a defensible exegesis of each
of the Scriptures it treats” (Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, back dust-
jacket). Of course, these kinds of accolades, together with the criticisms of men like
Ladd and Poythress, beg the question of the true definition of “scholarship.”
Progressive Dispensationalism 13

the future.

The History of This Hermeneutic18

In reaction to Johannes Weiss’s and Albert Schweitzer’s view that
the kingdom of God was wholly apocalyptic and eschatological (Con-
sistent Eschatology), and C. H. Dodd’s counter-claim that the king-
dom would find fulfillment not at the end of history but within history
(Realized Eschatology), the proponents of inaugurated eschatology
suggested a “both/and” rather than an “either/or” understanding of
kingdom fulfillment. They proposed that, although first century Jews
viewed the kingdom as futuristic and eschatological in culmination of
earth history, Jesus came announcing that the eschaton, the future, had
invaded history, the present. If the eschaton had, indeed, dawned with
the first advent of Christ, then the kingdom could now be viewed both
in its present (“already”) and its future (“not yet”) aspects. The New
Testament should be interpreted with a view that the kingdom has
already arrived in a new, formerly hidden form, even though some
kingdom fulfillment awaits future realization.

Recent American Proponents of This Hermeneutic

Within historic premillennialism. By the early 1950s George E.
Ladd had embarked on a journey from his roots in dispensationalism
to what came to be called historic, classical, or covenant premillennial-
ism. The hermeneutic that he had embraced was that of inaugurated
eschatology. Over the course of time, Ladd became the chief spokes-
man for this view and was highly instrumental in popularizing it.19
Within amillennialism. The hermeneutic of inaugurated eschatol-
ogy has also been embraced by some theologians within amillennial-
ism. Anthony Hoekema, in his book The Bible and the Future,
presented amillennialism from the viewpoint of inaugurated eschatol-
ogy: “There are three major positions in the study of last things, each
with a different perspective on the coming of the kingdom of God:
The kingdom is either here in the present, in the future, or in both
present and future. The last-named position, the thesis of this book, is

18For an overview of the development of hermeneutical approaches to eschatol-

ogy see G. Ladd, The Presence of the Future (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974), pp. 17–
41. Note also Anthony A. Hoekema, The Bible and the Future (Grand Rapids: Eerd-
mans, 1979), p. 17, n. 5, where Florovsky is credited with first suggesting the term
“inaugurated eschatology.” For an exhaustive examination and history of the various
hermeneutical approaches to eschatology, particularly as they relate to the kingdom of
God, see Mark Saucy, The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus in 20th Century
Theology (Dallas: Word, 1997).
19See Mark Saucy, Kingdom of God, p. 187, n. 104, for an overview of Ladd’s de-
veloping viewpoint and published works.
14 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

best explained by recognizing a distinction between the ‘already’—the

present state of the kingdom as inaugurated by Christ—and the ‘not
yet’—the final establishment of the kingdom at Christ’s second com-
ing.”20 Part I of the book is entitled “Inaugurated Eschatology,” and in
his first paragraph Hoekema states unequivocally that “full-orbed bib-
lical eschatology must include both what we might call ‘inaugurated’
and ‘future’ eschatology.”21
Within dispensationalism. It is not insignificant that the proponents
of progressive dispensationalism have embraced the hermeneutical ap-
proach of inaugurated eschatology. In fact, it is this specific feature of
progressive dispensationalism that gives impetus to the movement’s
divergence from more traditional views within dispensationalism.
Bruce Waltke, who like George Ladd left dispensationalism and em-
braced inaugurated eschatology, responds to the book Dispensational-
ism, Israel and the Church: A Search for Definition with this
observation: “This book signals a significant restructuring of dispensa-
tionalism within the frame-work of inaugurated eschatology…. Recon-
structed dispensationalism essentially believes that Christ inaugurated
the fulfillment of Israel’s covenants and promises and that the church
actualizes them. It denies that the church is a parenthesis within God’s
program for Israel.”22
Of course, those within progressive dispensationalism have no rea-
son to deny the fact or equivocate on the issue of their adoption of
inaugurated eschatology. They believe it to be the best approach to
Bible interpretation, particularly to interpreting the New Testament.
Kenneth Barker says,
I am a moderate dispensationalist: (1) I see no need to speak of more
than two major dispensations—the old covenant era and the new cove-
nant era; (2) I believe that several passages that other dispensationalists
relegate solely to the future received a literal fulfillment in the NT period
or are receiving such a fulfillment in the continuing Church age—in ad-
dition to a final, complete fulfillment in the future in the case of some of
those passages; (3) I prefer to think in terms of an inaugurated eschatol-
ogy rather than an exclusively futurist eschatology.23
Robert Saucy says,
The historical plan of God, therefore, is one unified plan. Contrary to
traditional dispensationalism, it does not entail separate programs for the

20Hoekema, Bible and the Future, front dust jacket.

21Ibid., p. 1.
22Waltke, “A Response,” p. 347.
23Barker, “False Dichotomies,” p. 4.
Progressive Dispensationalism 15

church and Israel that are somehow ultimately unified only in the display
of God’s glory or in eternity. The present age is not a historical parenthe-
sis unrelated to the history that precedes and follows it; rather, it is an in-
tegrated phase in the development of the mediatorial kingdom. It is the
beginning of the fulfillment of the eschatological promises. Thus the church
today has its place and function in the same mediatorial messianic king-
dom program that Israel was called to serve.24
Craig Blaising and Darrell Bock say,
The biblical characteristic of viewing events from a variety of perspectives
shows us that one can make points from a “both-and” perspective with-
out denying either side of the present-future relationship. It is possible to
get fulfillment “now” in some texts, while noting that “not yet” fulfill-
ment exists in other passages. In fact, in some texts fulfillment can be ini-
tial or partial, as opposed to being final and total. As a result, one can
speak of inaugurated eschatology without denying either what the Old
Testament indicates about a future, earthly kingdom or what the New
Testament asserts about the arrival of the kingdom as part of fulfillment
in the first coming of Jesus.25

New Testament Priority in the Progress of Revelation

Another feature of progressive dispensationalism is its affinity for
New Testament priority in the interpretation of the canon. The ques-
tion, though oversimplified, might be framed as follows: does the pro-
gress of biblical revelation imply that the New Testament simply
builds upon, corroborates, supplements, and clarifies the univocal
meaning of Old Testament Scriptures, or does it imply that the New
Testament revises, reinterprets, or resignifies Old Testament meaning?
In the later view, where meaning supposedly differs between the New
and the Old Testaments, the New Testament must take precedence
over the Old. Certainly a great deal of debate has centered on this
question and its ramifications. However, it is apparent that progressive
dispensationalism has favored the view of New Testament priority in
canonical interpretation.

Within Non-dispensationalism
There is nothing new about this viewpoint or this debate. Inaugu-
rated eschatology has long been wedded to New Testament priority. In
George Ladd’s review of Alva McClain’s Greatness of the Kingdom,
Ladd scolds McClain for McClain’s failure to prioritize the New Tes-

24Saucy, Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 28 (emphasis added).

25Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, pp. 97–98.
16 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

McClain achieves this [no present/only future kingdom] structure not

from an inductive exegesis of the New Testament but from the Old Tes-
tament. The prophets picture an earthly Kingdom with Israel as the fa-
vored nation under a Davidic King. This Old Testament concept
McClain takes as the basic idea of the Kingdom, and the New Testament
data are interpreted in light of the Old Testament pattern. This brings us
to the fundamental dispensational hermeneutic in contrast with that of
classical theology. Classical theology recognizes progressive revelation and
insists that the final meaning of the Old Testament is to be discovered as
it is reinterpreted by the New Testament….
We must conclude that dispensationalism can be no substitute for
classic theology because its false hermeneutic prohibits it from recogniz-
ing the true character of the kingdom of God as set forth in the New
Testament. Dispensationalism is an Old Testament theology which is
unable to fit New Testament theology into its system.26
Bruce Waltke, who seems practically to extend New Testament
priority to its limit, makes the position explicit: “If there is any tension
in one’s interpretation between the Old Testament and the New, pri-
ority must be given to the New.”27 In the New Testament, according
to Waltke, the transitory images of the old dispensation are resignified
to refer to the spiritual realities of the new, present age.28

Within Dispensationalism
What is new is the growing espousal of some degree of New Tes-
tament priority within the framework of dispensationalism. Saucy,
agreeing in principle though not necessarily in extent with Ladd and
Waltke, has the unenviable task of defending adherence to the original
meaning of most Old Testament predictive prophecy at the same time
that he asserts the possibility of New Testament reinterpretation of
some Old Testament predictive prophecy: “Recognizing that the Old
Testament prophecies speak of eschatological times and events,…these
eschatological elements should be understood in their Old Testament
meaning unless later revelation indicates a reinterpretation.”29 Saucy
elaborates, “The lack of detail about the Old Testament prophecies in
the New Testament does not necessarily mean that they are invalid or
superseded…. We should consider the prophecies valid unless there is

26Ladd, review of The Greatness of the Kingdom, pp. 38, 40.

27Waltke, “A Response,” p. 353. For an extended argumentation of this point see
his article “Kingdom Promises as Spiritual,” in Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspec-
tives on the Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments: Essays in Honor of S.
Lewis Johnson, Jr., ed. John S. Feinberg (Westchester, IL: Crossway, 1988).
28Waltke, “A Response,” p. 353.
29Saucy, Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 30 (emphasis added).
Progressive Dispensationalism 17

explicit teaching to the contrary.... These promises retain their Old Tes-
tament meaning unless otherwise stated.”30
Blaising and Bock also recognize the principle of New Testament
priority and value its impact on biblical interpretation.
Whether or not certain features of the eschatological kingdom (whether
spiritual or political) will be enacted or revealed prior to the full estab-
lishment of that kingdom is not to be determined by reasoning from full-
orbed descriptions of Old Testament prophets alone. Rather, it is a mat-
ter of the Father’s will for this and any intervening dispensation, a matter
which is discerned through New Testament revelation. The New Testa-
ment clarifies how the kingdom predicted by the Old Testament proph-
ets is being revealed today.31

Typological Interpretation of Prophecy

Inseparably bound to the question of New Testament priority is
the issue of interpreting predictive prophecy in the Bible. Here, again,
progressive dispensationalism diverges from more traditional forms of
the method. The question might be stated as follows: should Old Tes-
tament predictive prophecy, by presupposition, be interpreted in ac-
cordance with, and only in accordance with, a literal, grammatical,
historical, and contextual evaluation of the Old Testament prophetic
text itself (expecting, then, a literal, future fulfillment of the Old Tes-
tament prediction), or is it acceptable if not better to presuppose that
the New Testament might reinterpret, resignify, or expand Old Tes-
tament predictions (resulting in a meaning and/or fulfillment different
than the exclusively literal signification of the Old Testament predic-
tion)? In the end, in contrast to traditional forms of dispensationalism,
many interpreters end up with a dual hermeneutic when it comes to
predictive prophecy. These interpreters believe that some Old Testa-
ment prophetic predictions do involve singular, literal interpretation
and fulfillment (a fact impossible to deny), while other Old Testament
prophecies may or should be interpreted in a non-literalistic fashion.

Within Non-dispensationalism
Among non-dispensationalists, a dual hermeneutic has long been
espoused in interpreting Old Testament predictive prophecy. Vern
Poythress, in his evaluation of dispensationalism, makes this herme-
neutical bifurcation explicit. Beginning with the perspective of the Old
Testament prophets themselves, Poythress says,
In the near future, the organized political and social community of Israel

30Ibid., p. 35 (emphasis added).

31Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 54.
18 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

continues in more or less a straight line. Predictions, even when they use
symbolic and allusive language, can expect to find fulfillment on the
symbolic level on which Israel then exists [i.e., on the level of a literal,
historical, socio-political, earthly kingdom]. But fulfillment in the “latter
days” (eschatological fulfillment in the broad sense of eschatology) is a
different matter. There the symbol is superseded by the reality, and hence
straight-line reckoning about fulfillments is no longer possible. Pre-
eschatological prophetic fulfillments have a hermeneutically different
character than do eschatological fulfillments.32
Bruce Waltke similarly holds to a dual method of interpreting Old
Testament predictive prophecy. In his response to the new dispensa-
tionalism he says, “I argued in ‘Kingdom Promises as Spiritual’ that
prophecies finding fulfillment up to the ascension of Christ, such as his
birth in Bethlehem, will have an earthly, visible fulfillment, and those
pertaining to the church formed with the coming of the Spirit at Pen-
tecost from Christ’s heavenly Davidic throne will have an invisible,
spiritual fulfillment.”33 This dual hermeneutic arises directly out of a
theological, interpretational proclivity for New Testament priority. As
Carnell states in his evaluation of dispensationalism, “the degree to
which prophecy is typical or literal is decided by the theology of the
New Testament.”34 This stance is in essential if not in full agreement,
then, with Ladd as cited above, who sees the dual interpretation of Old
Testament prophecy based on New Testament priority as the funda-
mental hermeneutical distinction between dispensationalism and non-
dispensational theology.

Within Dispensationalism
It is not surprising to find a dual approach to interpreting Old
Testament predictive prophecy among non-dispensationalists. This
hermeneutical method has long been espoused in covenant theology.
Now, to some degree, this approach has been imported into dispensa-
tionalism by those who label themselves progressive dispensationalists.
Blaising and Bock, in discussing the New Testament’s use of the Old
Testament, state that Old Testament prophecy may “not always [be] a
matter of exclusively direct prophetic texts, where the Old Testament
passage refers only to one event or person in one setting…. Such
prophecy [may be] both prophetic and typological.”35 They conclude,

32Poythress, Understanding Dispensationalists, pp. 104–5.

33Waltke, “A Response,” p. 355.
34E. J. Carnell, The Case for Orthodox Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster Press,
1959), p. 55.
35Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 102. In further analyzing
Progressive Dispensationalism 19

Given the variety of possible ways the Old Testament can be cited
within the New, the relationship between the Testaments on given
themes must be handled on a case-by-case basis. Rules that apply in every
case before each text is examined preempt the discussion and ignore the
variety of possibilities.36 In this area, one size does not fit all cases….

Old Testament prophecy, Blaising and Bock make the following identifications. There
are “exclusively direct prophetic” texts which are, apparently, non-typological in nature
and fulfillment, i.e., more singularly literalistic in their prediction and their outcome.
This kind of prophecy, in their words “refers only to one event or person in one set-
ting.” This type of prophecy seems to accord with what Poythress calls “straight line”
prophecy, or Waltke’s “literal” fulfillment. In the ensuing paragraph (p. 102), Blaising
and Bock forward an example of such a non-typological, “directly prophetic” proph-
ecy. The example is Daniel 7:14, where the Son of Man returns to the earth in judg-
ment. They assert that this kind of “directly prophetic” prophecy will find fulfillment
in one referent at one time, explicitly and singularly as predicted. Such a “directly
prophetic” prophecy is distinguishable from a “typological” prophecy, which presuma-
bly may find fulfillment in more than one event, person, or setting. As has been noted,
they suggest that some “prophecy” can be “both prophetic and typological.” It is sig-
nificant that their discussion mixes explicit, literary, prophetic predictions together
with more oblique, non-predictive, promissory, analogical, and typological Old Tes-
tament forms under the rubric of “prophecy.” This admixture of explicit Old Testa-
ment prophetic predictions with other Old Testament literary forms, and the ensuing
definitive interpretational cross-analysis of these forms greatly confuses the issue of the
literal versus non-literal interpretation of explicit, Old Testament prophetic predic-
tions. In other words, the fact that there may be types and analogies in the Bible (e.g.,
Davidic kingship as typical of messianic kingship, or the Sabbath ‘rest’ as analogical
with the Christian ‘rest’)—types and analogies that can and should be interpreted as
typological and analogical—that fact alone does not prove that predictive prophecy can
or should be interpreted in a non-literalistic manner. In any case, it seems obvious that
Blaising and Bock espouse more than one method of interpreting prophecy, including
explicit, predictive prophecy. In their view, some explicit predictive prophecies may be
“directly” and only “directly” fulfilled, while other explicit predictive prophecies may
also be “typologically” fulfilled. The determining factor is the New Testament.
36In other words, the more historic hermeneutical assumption by dispensational-
ists that all Old Testament predictive prophecy will be fulfilled in a singular, exclu-
sively literalistic way is too restrictive a view for Blaising and Bock. Such a perspective
does not allow for fuller, more expansive, non-literalistic fulfillments (or pre-
fulfillments) as assumed or even demanded by their approach, along with the approach
of many interpreters who read the New Testament with these broader hermeneutical
presuppositions. According to progressive dispensationalism, there are no hermeneuti-
cal pre-understandings or “rules” that should be brought to bear on every New Testa-
ment citation of Old Testament predictive prophecy, especially not the rule of
singular, literalistic interpretation. This stance within progressive dispensationalism
creates its own set of problems for the progressivist construct. The assertion that no
presupposed, universally applied rules should be brought to bear on every New Testa-
ment citation of Old Testament predictions is, itself, a presupposed, universally ap-
plied rule. Further, in their assertion that the rule of singular, literalistic interpretation
of all Old Testament predictive prophecy is invalid, they have created a rule that New
Testament citations of predictive prophecy may indeed be interpreted by some other
means. The hermeneutical approach of progressive dispensationalism should certainly
not be viewed as a more textually objective, less presuppositional approach to Bible
interpretation than that of traditional forms of dispensationalism. Progressive
20 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

Fulfillment can be “already-not yet,” that is, partial and then full. To sort
out whether fulfillment is inaugurated, realized, or still anticipated, one
must study each passage with sensitivity to the various aspects that con-
tribute to the textual message: historical, grammatical, literary, and theo-
logical. Each passage should be allowed to speak on its own terms and
should be studied with sensitivity to the various angles from which the
text can be read.37
Blaising and Bock summarize the various approaches to Bible in-
The final issue on the table is hermeneutical. The issue is not a distinct
hermeneutic but debate about how to apply the hermeneutic that we share.
The question most simply put is, How does “new” revelation impact
“old” revelation and expression? There are three approaches to this ques-
First, does new revelation repeat old revelation or add to it in such a
way that the original revelation is not affected at all? This appears to be
the answer of older dispensationalism…. One defines Old Testament
terms that reappear in the New Testament simply by going back to the
Old Testament and looking for the “literal” meaning.
Second, does the New Testament unveil “unconscious symbolism”?
Waltke believes that Old Testament revelation is resignified by New Tes-
tament revelation, and the effect is a change in its interpretation.
Third, does the New Testament complement Old Testament revela-
tion? According to this approach, the New Testament does introduce
change and advance; it does not merely repeat Old Testament revelation.
In making complementary additions, however, it does not jettison old
promises. The enhancement is not at the expense of the original prom-

dispensationalism simply has different presuppositions, not fewer presuppositions. The

question is whether or not their hermeneutical presuppositions are better, more accu-
rate, and more defensible.
37Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 104. By “on their own
terms,” it appears that Blaising and Bock mean that the Old Testament text is to be
interpreted exclusively on Old Testament terms and the New Testament use of an Old
Testament text is to be interpreted exclusively on New Testament terms. In this view,
even when dealing with Old Testament predictive prophecy, the interpreter should
not impose the literal, historical, grammatical, contextual Old Testament meaning of
the prophetic text on the interpretation of the New Testament citation. The New
Testament citation should be analyzed “on its own terms,” thus allowing for alteration,
resignification, expansion, etc.
38Blaising and Bock, “Assessment and Dialogue,” pp. 392–93. Still open to de-
bate is the question as to whether or not the progressivist system will, in fact, allow for
all, currently unfulfilled Old Testament predictive prophecies to find ultimate, literal
fulfillment in the eschaton. Given the manner in which progressive dispensationalism
permanently unites and equalizes Israel and the church in the eschaton (see the follow-
ing discussion), it is highly doubtful that progressive dispensationalism will be able to
Progressive Dispensationalism 21

The third position is the position of progressive dispensationalism.

Although the issues are highly complex and are only superficially
treated here, there can be no doubt that progressive dispensationalism
employs a hermeneutic distinct from that of traditional forms of dis-
pensationalism. Progressive dispensationalism abandons a singular,
literalistic approach to interpreting all Old Testament predictive
prophecy and engages a construct which allows for an alternate
method of interpreting some Old Testament predictions.

Analysis: Inclusive Hermeneutics, Inaugurated Eschatology,

New Testament Priority, and Typological Interpretation
Do we all—dispensationalists, non-dispensationalists, and progres-
sive dispensationalists—share a common hermeneutic? It is possible
that the mechanics of historical-grammatical interpretation might be
shared by those who adhere to these various approaches in Bible inter-
pretation. However, the presuppositions which are brought to bear on
those mechanics remain significantly different. Though non-
dispensationalists and progressive dispensationalists may share the pre-
suppositional construct of inaugurated eschatology, those who hold to
traditional forms of dispensationalism do not accept this approach.
Inaugurated eschatology has been imported into dispensationalism by
progressive dispensationalists. Though non-dispensationalists and pro-
gressive dispensationalists may share, to some degree, the model of
New Testament priority and the non-literal or typological interpreta-
tion of some predictive prophecies, those who adhere to traditional
forms of dispensationalism do not accept these tenets. New Testament
priority and the non-literalistic interpretation of predictive prophecy
has been imported into dispensationalism by progressive dispensation-
Certainly any hermeneutical construct should be opened to critical
evaluation, credible updating, and further refinement, not only meth-
odologically but also presuppositionally. That openness should charac-
terize traditional dispensationalism, conventional covenantism, and
progressive dispensationalism. But honest openness does not necessarily
mean that all interpreters must seek and find middle hermeneutical
ground, much less conform to the trends of current theory or the con-
ventions of alleged scholarship. Highly sophisticated hermeneutical
methods that place informed and accurate Bible interpretation solely
in the hands of current literary scholars seem, themselves, open to sus-
picion as a point of view; and of course, the very definition of

integrate, consistently and literally, many Old Testament predictions that await ful-
fillment for national Israel in the future. This question merits close attention in the
ongoing analysis of the movement.
22 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

“scholarship” may be prejudicially skewed by those who favor one po-

sition above another. There is still much room for debate on these
hermeneutical issues.
Did Christ inaugurate a new, resignified, or expanded form of the
Old Testament prophetic kingdom at his first advent? Can or should
New Testament citations of Old Testament predictive prophecy be
studied on their own terms, independently of Old Testament contexts
and content? Can or does the New Testament suggest meanings to
Old Testament predictions which are different than the Old Testa-
ment meanings themselves? Can or should some predictive prophecy be
interpreted by a method different from that which governs other pre-
dictive prophecy? Though there may be much in common between
non-dispensationalists and progressive dispensationalists in answer to
these hermeneutical questions, there is little if any commonality with
traditional forms of dispensationalism. The hermeneutical issue is not
dead, if progressive dispensationalists still care to dialogue with their
non-progressivist, dispensationalist brethren.


Progressive dispensationalism also seems to differ from traditional
forms of dispensationalism in some of the details of soteriology. Two
particular areas of emphasis are noteworthy. One is the view of pro-
gressive dispensationalism with regard to redemptive history. The sec-
ond is the view of progressive dispensationalism with reference to
holistic redemption. The positions set forward by the proponents of
progressive dispensationalism in these areas have substantial impact
upon their understanding of eschatology. The theological corollaries
that attend this approach to Bible interpretation are far-reaching when
compared to more traditional views within dispensationalism.

Salvation History and the Single People of God

Progressive dispensationalism focuses intensely on the singular na-
ture of salvation history.39 This focus leads those within the movement
to make much of the continuity between Israel and the church, par-
ticularly in the present and the future. Saucy says, “The changes in
dispensationalism have been largely in the direction of a greater

39In tandem with this emphasis, much could be said about the old debate be-
tween dispensationalists and non-dispensationalists concerning the purpose of God in
history (i.e., a doxological vs. soteriological purpose). Although this debate has essen-
tially been pronounced dead by those who adhere to progressive dispensationalism, a
case could be made that there is still some substantial room for differing on this point.
Progressive Dispensationalism 23

continuity within God’s program of historical salvation.”40 Saucy at-

tributes this change to “the rise of the discipline of biblical theol-
ogy…[which] has contributed to a greater appreciation of the
development within the historical redemptive plan.”41 In Saucy’s
words, progressive dispensationalism places a “greater emphasis on the
progressive working of God throughout salvation history.”42 Blaising
and Bock lay the groundwork for their view of God’s present and fu-
ture dealings with Israel and the church by tying their position securely
to the theological framework of salvation history.
Salvation history or history of redemption are terms used by theologians
today to refer to the history of God’s interventions on behalf of His peo-
ple to deliver or save them…. Salvation history specifically refers to the
history of God’s relationships with human beings as recorded in the Bi-
ble. It is one of the major categories of biblical theology…. To under-
stand the theology of the Bible, a person needs to recognize and grasp
this structure of salvation history.43
Along with their emphasis on the history of redemption, propo-
nents of progressive dispensationalism also focus on the soteriological
work of Christ as the “climax of salvation history.”44 In this way, pro-
gressive dispensationalism begins to distance itself from the traditional
dispensational emphasis on the distinctive relationships of Israel and
the church in the present and future plan of God. Progressive dispen-
sationalism proceeds, rather, to blend Israel and the church as the sin-
gle, unified people of God under the new covenant.
[Christ] fulfills the promises of the old dispensation. He inaugurates the
present dispensation, that of the eschatological Spirit, through his
atonement, resurrection, and enthronement. He is the one who will
come to complete the restoration of all things. The dispensationalism of
this book distinguishes itself from the immediately preceding dispensa-
tionalism and Scofieldism by the fact that instead of being anthropologi-
cally centered on two peoples, it is Christologically centered [on one
people]. The movement from the past to the present and then to future
dispensations is not due to a plan for two different kinds of people but
rather is due to the history of Christ’s fulfilling the plan of holistic re-
demption in progressive phases (dispensations). The previous dispensa-
tion anticipated and then witnessed him. After his ascension to the
Father’s right hand, Christ inaugurated the present dispensation of his

40Saucy, Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 9.

41Ibid., p. 13.
42Ibid., p. 16.
43Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 112.
24 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

earnest, the gift of the Holy Spirit. The future dispensation is the dispen-
sation of his return and consummative rule.45

Holistic Redemption
Having established these three premises, (1) the history of redemp-
tion as a fundamental theological construct, (2) the death, burial, and
enthronement of Christ as the climax of salvation history, and (3) the
baptism of the Holy Spirit as the universal bond of all believers (Jew
and Gentile) under the new covenant, the proponents of progressive
dispensationalism assert that this redemptive, climactic, Spirit-
endowed union in Christ becomes God’s template of soteriology not
only in the age of the church, but also in all of the ensuing eras: the
Tribulation, the millennial kingdom, and the eternal state. In other
words, once redemptive history has climaxed in Christ, the redemptive
structures never again change in kind. From the time of the church on
through the Millennium and into the eternal state, there is one saving
work of Christ, one new covenant ministry of the Sprit, and one uni-
fied, redeemed people of God.46
First, progressive dispensationalism specifically links the era of the
church and the ensuing millennial age in redemptive status. In summa-
rizing their book, Blaising and Bock say,
In the new dispensation that emerged through the Christ event [i.e., the
present church age], Ware, Bock, Hoch, Saucy, and Burns all speak of
the new state of things in which Gentiles are included with equal stand-
ing alongside the remnant of Israel. Both receive blessings from the inau-
gurated new covenant, blessings that are emphasized as new in biblical
theology, being differentiated as an advance over the old covenant….
These studies [also] uniformly assert that the New Testament teaches a

45Blaising and Bock, “Assessment and Dialogue,” pp. 382–83.

46Dispensationalists in general, contrary to the assertion of some, have long held
that salvation is received by the same means and agency in every dispensation, i.e., by
God’s grace through the recipient’s faith in the revelation of God (See R. Beacham,
“Faith, Saved By,” in Dictionary of Premillennial Theology, ed. Mal Couch, [Grand
Rapids: Kregel, 1996], pp. 115–17). In that sense, the singular or contiguous nature of
the salvation of mankind throughout history is not at issue here. Traditional forms of
dispensationalism, however, also espouse significant discontinuity in God’s soteriologi-
cal work by distinguishing the benefits and the outworking of salvation in various eras.
Of import to this discussion is the baptism of the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ.
Dispensationalism prior to progressivism viewed the baptism of the Holy Sprit into
the body of Christ as unique to the church age, beginning with the outpouring of the
Spirit on the day of Pentecost and concluding with the resurrection and Rapture of all
church age saints before the Tribulation period. According to traditional forms of
dispensationalism, those who come to faith after the Rapture of the church will no
longer be baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ, even though they are saved by
grace through faith. Progressive dispensationalism abandons this distinction.
Progressive Dispensationalism 25

strong continuity between the present dispensation of the church and the
future [millennial] dispensation in which all things in heaven and earth
will be united in Christ…. We can see in this [present] dispensation the
basis for the integration of all the covenants in the redemption inaugu-
rated in this dispensation and fulfilled in the future.47
Having equated the redemptive status of those believers in the era
of the church with those believers in the era of the Millennium, pro-
gressive dispensationalism proceeds to link (if not unite) the millennial
age with the eternal state in terms of unified redemption.
This new dispensationalism sees a greater continuity between the Millen-
nium and the eternal kingdom than was the case in some forms of essen-
tialist dispensationalism. Turner notes that the difference between the
Millennium and the new earth is one of degree, not kind. The transition
from the former to the latter is not the change from the material to the
spiritual, the substantial to the ethereal, but the completion of the re-
demption (not annihilation) of the whole created order. The continuity
is such that Barker, for example, sees them together as one dispensa-

The Corollaries of These Tenets

The corollaries of these tenets of progressive dispensationalism are
significant in their distinction from previous dispensational positions.
According to the theological construct of progressive dispensational-
ism, all believers are united through the new covenant baptism of the
Holy Spirit into the body of Christ, from the time of Pentecost on past
the Rapture of the church into the tribulational period, the millennial
age, and the eternal state.49

47Blaising and Bock, “Assessment and Dialogue,” pp. 380–82.

48Ibid., p. 383.
49The question of the timing of the Rapture is, to some extent, left opened for
discussion in progressive dispensationalism. Blaising and Bock, in an endnote regard-
ing 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5, say, “Dispensationalists have traditionally advocated
pretribulationism…. The deliverance at the inception of the Day of the Lord in
1 Thessalonians 5…would appear to be pretribulational” (Progressive Dispensational-
ism, p. 317, n. 15). Later, in a brief synopsis of the views of progressive dispensational-
ism, Bock suggests that, according to the new dispensationalism, “looking for the
‘blessed hope’ of Christ’s return is still a motivating feature for the believer’s walk with
God, but some would be less confident about the ability to lay out a detailed scenario
for its contemporary fulfillment” (Darrell Bock, “Charting Dispensationalism,” Chris-
tianity Today, 12 September 1994, p. 29). In fact, it is rather common in this move-
ment to minimize the interpreter’s ability to correlate prophetic texts sufficiently
enough to construe any structured, eschatological schematic of end-time events with
which the interpreter can be very confident.
26 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

The Baptism of the Spirit into the Body of Christ

Is Not Temporally Unique
In the view of progressive dispensationalism, the Holy Spirit’s
ministry of baptism into the body of Christ is not unique to the pre-
sent dispensation. Robert Saucy says,
The baptism with the Spirit is therefore not some unique ministry only
for the people of the present church age, from Pentecost to the Rapture,
but rather is the sharing by members of the church in the Spirit’s minis-
try of the new covenant. The baptism is at the heart of the messianic sal-
vation that has already begun in the revelation of the mysteries that
pertain to present-day believers.50
When we consider the primary truths of the body figure, it is evident
that they are vitally related to the spiritual truths of the new covenant.
The vital union of Christ and his people comes through the indwelling
Spirit. The indwelling Spirit likewise forms the members of the body into
a union with one another…. If this view of what the body metaphor is
teaching is correct—namely, that it is fundamentally an elaboration of
new covenant realities—then it is difficult to conclude that these same
realities belong only to believers living during this church age. Surely the
continuation of the new covenant salvation means that other believers
will be indwelt by the Spirit. Since, as we saw earlier, the indwelling
Spirit involves also the indwelling Christ, it must be concluded that all
new covenant believers will be “in Christ” and vitally sharing his life.51
Blaising and Bock concur. In their view, the new, internalization
of the Holy Spirit through new covenant, Spirit baptism and indwell-
ing as inaugurated in the church, will be common to all saints of all
ensuing dispensations. This ministry is not exclusive to the current era.
Progressive dispensationalism advocates a holistic and unified view of
eternal salvation. God will save humankind in its ethnic and national
plurality. But, He will bless it with the same salvation given to all without
distinction; the same, not only in justification and regeneration, but also
in sanctification by the indwelling Holy Spirit. These blessings will come
to all without distinction through Jesus Christ, the King of Israel and of
all the nations of redeemed humanity.52

The Church Itself Is Not Soteriologically Unique in Kind

Because the new covenant, baptizing ministry of the Holy Spirit is
common to all saints from Pentecost on, the church itself is not differ-
ent in kind from the future people of God in the view of progressive

50Saucy, Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 183.

51Ibid., pp. 185–86.
52Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, pp. 47–48.
Progressive Dispensationalism 27

There is a significant change taking place in dispensationalism today….
This is what we have called progressive dispensationalism…. Its major
distinctive is found in its conception of the progressive accomplishment
and revelation of a holistic and unified redemption.53
While the New Testament proclaims the relationship between Christ and
the church…as a revelation of the eschatological kingdom, it also predicts
the future coming of that kingdom in all its fullness…. The spiritual
blessings which were displayed in the previous dispensation in the life of
the eschatological community, the church, will be extended in this [fu-
ture] stage of the kingdom through national and political dimensions of
human life as well.54
Progressive dispensationalists believe that the church is a vital part of this
very same plan of redemption. The appearance of the church does not sig-
nal a secondary redemption plan, either to be fulfilled in heaven apart
from the new earth or in an elite class of Jews and Gentiles who are for-
ever distinguished from the rest of redeemed humanity. Instead, the
church today is a revelation of spiritual blessings which all the redeemed
will share in spite of their ethnic and national differences.55
One of the striking differences between progressive and earlier dispensa-
tionalists, is that progressives do not view the church as an anthropologi-
cal category in the same class as terms like Israel, Gentile nations, Jews,
and Gentile people. The church is neither a separate race of human-
ity…nor a competing nation,…nor is it a group of angelic-like humans
destined for the heavens in contrast to the rest of redeemed humanity on
the earth. The church is precisely redeemed humanity itself.56
In this view, then, resurrected and glorified Old Testament saints,
resurrected and glorified saints from the present dispensation, and res-
urrected and glorified tribulational saints will live together among the
nations of non-glorified humanity (both the regenerate and unregener-
ate), and will experience the fulfillment of the earthly and spiritual
blessings of the biblical covenants during the millennial kingdom. All
of the redeemed, both glorified and non-glorified, will be united in the
53Ibid., p. 56.
54Ibid., pp. 281–83.
55Ibid., p. 47.
56Ibid., pp. 49–50. In conjunction with their view that the church is not distinct
in kind in this dispensation, those who hold to progressive dispensationalism also gen-
erally understand the term “mystery,” as it relates to Jewish/Gentile unity in the
church, not to refer to truth that was unrevealed in the Old Testament and only later
made known in the New. Rather, in their view this “mystery” involved truth that was
previously revealed, but only later actualized or accomplished. See especially Saucy,
Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, pp. 143–73.
28 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

body of Christ through the new covenant baptism of the Holy Spirit as
a single people of God. In the case of the Jews, Old Testament Jewish
believers and Jewish believers of the present age, having been glorified
through resurrection, will live among mortal, non-glorified, national
Israelites who survive the Tribulation, and will receive the national,
physical, and spiritual blessings of the covenants promised to Israel. In
fact, all believers of all national, ethnic descent and historic eras will be
equal in their experience of these blessings.
According to Blaising and Bock,
Ephesians 2 is clear that the barrier between Jew and Gentile is removed
for all time. This is one of the transdispensational features of Christ’s
work. Millennial saints will be Christians, and their identity in Christ
will transcend their racial distinctions, just as it should be in the current
era of the church.57
The prophetic promises envision Christ ruling forever over the na-
tions of the redeemed. The church is not another “people-group” in that
picture. Those Jews and Gentiles who compose the church prior to
Christ’s coming join the redeemed Jews and Gentiles of earlier dispensa-
tions to share equally in resurrection glory. Those who during their dis-
pensation had certain blessings only in promise [OT saints] or in an
inaugurated form [the church] will all be brought to the same level of
complete fulfillment when they are raised together from the dead. Re-
deemed Jews and Gentiles will share equally in the completed blessings of
the Spirit.
We can illustrate this progressive dispensational view of the church
in the case of Jewish Christians. A Jew who becomes a Christian today
does not lose his or her relationship to Israel’s future promises. Jewish
Christians will join the Old Testament remnant of faith in the inheri-
tance of Israel. Gentile Christians will be joined by saved Gentiles of ear-
lier dispensations. All together, Jews and Gentiles, will share the same
blessings of the Spirit, as testified to by the relationship of Jew and Gen-
tile in the church of this dispensation. The result will be that all peoples
will be reconciled in peace, their ethnic and national differences being no
cause for hostility. Earlier forms of dispensationalism, for all their empha-
sis on the future for Israel, excluded Jewish Christians from that future,
postulating the church as a different people-group from Israel and Gen-

57Blaising and Bock, “Assessment and Dialogue,” p. 387.

58Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 50. For Blaising’s and
Bock’s view that non-glorified humans in mortal bodies, both regenerate and unregen-
erate, will indeed inhabit this millennial kingdom see pp. 272–76. That those who are
redeemed among these mortal, millennial kingdom citizens will partake of the very
same spiritual blessings in kind with those enjoyed by the present church, see pp. 281–
Progressive Dispensationalism 29

Analysis: Salvation History, Holistic Redemption,

the Single People of God, and the Eschaton
Progressive dispensationalism, in its view of salvation history, ho-
listic redemption, and the single people of God, has moved signifi-
cantly away from the position of traditional forms of dispensationalism
and much closer to the position of covenant premillennialism with
regard to the nature and makeup of the church. If, as Blaising and
Bock say, “the category church refers to union by the Holy Spirit to
Christ through which his fullness of life and righteousness manifests
itself in the new humanity,”59 and if the new covenant baptism of the
Holy Spirit into union with Christ continues beyond the Rapture into
the Tribulation, Millennium, and eternal state, then the “church” as a
category is certainly not unique to this present dispensation. The only
thing that makes the “church” distinct in this era, according to pro-
gressive dispensationalism, is the extent of salvation blessings: the pre-
sent church is unable to receive all of the blessing of the covenants
since kingdom blessings have only been inaugurated with Christ’s first
Certainly, to the proponents of progressive dispensationalism,
there is some form of a future for national Israel in the eschaton. In
fact, it is that very tenet of the new dispensationalists—God’s future
plan for Israel—that, in their view, plants them still in the camp of
dispensationalism. However, that future for Israel seems to look much
more New Testament-like (i.e., church-like) and much less Old Tes-
tament-like (i.e., Israel-like), as it works itself out practically in the es-
chatological scheme of progressive dispensationalism.
In contrast, according to those who hold more traditional ap-
proaches to dispensationalism, God’s future for national Israel will be
fulfilled when the mortal, physical Jews who survive the Tribulation
and the discriminating judgment of Christ at his Second Advent

59Blaising and Bock, “Assessment and Dialogue,” p. 384.

60As to this distinction only in extent not kind, Blaising and Bock say, “earlier
dispensationalists viewed the church as a completely different kind of redemption from
that which had been revealed before or would be revealed in the future. The church
then had its own future separate from the redemption promised to Jews and Gentiles
in the past and future dispensations. Progressive dispensationalists, however,…believe
that this grace is precisely in keeping with the promises of the Old Testament, particu-
larly the promises of the new covenant…. The fact that these blessings have been inau-
gurated in the church distinguishes the church from Jews and Gentiles of the past
dispensation. But, only some of those blessings have been inaugurated. Consequently,
the church should be distinguished from the next dispensation in which all of the
blessings will not just be inaugurated, but completely fulfilled (which fulfillment will
be granted to the saints of all dispensations through the resurrection of the dead)”
(Progressive Dispensationalism, p. 49).
30 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

demonstrate their repentance and faith by swearing to the terms of the

new covenant in ratification of the treaty with their God (Ezek 34:11–
31; 37:21–28; Hos 2:14–21; et al.). Those Jewish survivors, in ratify-
ing the new covenant, will experience the restoration of national Israel
to all of her former theocratic rights and privileges over the Gentile
nations (Mic 4:6–8; cf. Acts 1:6 et al.). Certainly, according to tradi-
tional dispensationalism, the resurrected and glorified saints of the Old
Testament, the church age, and the Tribulation will experience that
restored theocratic kingdom, but they will do so in glorified bodies,
ruling and reigning with Christ, not as mortals but as immortal.
There is no doubt that the way in which some earlier dispensa-
tionalists framed Israel’s future and pictured the outworking of the
distinctions between the mortal participants of the millennial kingdom
and the glorified participants of the millennial kingdom begged for
modification and refinement. There is no doubt that refinement was,
and continues to be necessary in other areas of dispensational soteriol-
ogy and eschatology. On the other hand, if some of the older positions
taken by dispensationalists in their presentation of these theological
categories seem unsatisfying to some Bible interpreters and theologi-
ans, the soteriological and eschatological modifications of progressive
dispensationalism seem equally if not more unsatisfying to others.
The newly imported focus on salvation history, holistic redemp-
tion, and the single people of God is a foundational shift that, to
many, seems incompatible with the superstructure of dispensational-
ism. The interpretations that derive from these tenets are, to many,
greatly skewed. Is God’s purpose in history fundamentally soteriologi-
cal? Was Christ’s death a salvatory event that leveled the status and
benefits of all believers in all ensuing ages? Was the giving of the Holy
Spirit at Pentecost a fulfillment of the new covenant that distinguishes
all future believers only in degree not kind? Are believers in the Tribu-
lation and millennial period baptized into Christ’s body? To blend all
of the saints from Pentecost to the eternal state into one people of
God, equal in Christ through the new covenant baptism of the Holy
Spirit, creates major interpretational and theological tensions of its
own—tensions already found in covenant premillennialism.

There is no doubt that progressive dispensationalism made its
theological mark on the twentieth century, and there is growing evi-
dence that its impact will continue to flourish in the twenty-first.
However, numerous important questions remain in the minds of some
who hold to more historic forms of dispensationalism. Is the goal of
the new dispensationalism—unity through rapprochement—both bib-
lically and methodologically sound? Are the presuppositions of pro-
gressive dispensationalism truly superior to those of traditional forms
Progressive Dispensationalism 31

of dispensationalism? Will the adoption of a hermeneutical method

similar if not equal to that long held by non-dispensationalists lead to a
superior form of dispensationalism? Do the former, fundamental tenets
of dispensationalism lead to interpretations of Scripture that are wholly
impossible, completely indefensible, and/or thoroughly inadequate
understandings of the biblical text? Do the new, fundamental tenets of
progressive dispensationalism lead to interpretations that are indubita-
bly superior? Does the proposed single remaining basic tenet of dispen-
sationalism in progressive dispensationalism—the eschatological future
of Israel—really distinguish the movement as dispensational, especially
when Israel’s future is framed in terms of church-like equality? Will the
second and third generation of progressive dispensationalists retain this
final, tenuous connection with their dispensational roots? Is the escha-
tology of progressive dispensationalism truly distinct from that of
covenant premillennialism? In fact, does progressive dispensationalism
really offer new, medial propositions and interpretations of Scripture
different from those posited by non-dispensationalists since the 1950s?
These kinds of questions are not being asked only by more tradi-
tional dispensationalists. Progressive dispensationalism, with its new
hermeneutical method, its inaugurated eschatology, its emphasis on
redemptive history, holistic salvation, and the single redeemed people
of God in the present and future ages, displays so much similarity with
the position of covenant premillennialism that non-dispensationalists
also search for uniqueness in this movement. They even conjecture
about the viability of progressive dispensationalism’s future. Elwell
The newer dispensationalism looks so much like nondispensationalist
premillennialism that one struggles to see any real difference. One also
wonders, in the light of dispensationalism’s acknowledged three-stage de-
velopment from classical to revised to progressive, if there will be a stage
four and what it will look like. Will progressive dispensationalism simply
turn into historic premillennialism? That is hard to say. Still, progressive
dispensationalism itself is evidence that a pilgrimage is taking place.61
Bruce Waltke, having made the pilgrimage himself, muses,
This new perestroika within dispensationalism augurs well for the future
of dispensational schools, especially for Dallas Theological Seminary,
with which most of them (as well as myself) are related as former students
and/or faculty members…. Older dispensationalists in that institution,
who had no firm pedagogical heritage from historic Christian Doctrine,
were convinced that accurate exegesis would bear out their system. These
younger dispensationalists, having come under the impact of realized es-
chatology, especially in renowned universities, know that careful exegesis

61Elwell, “Dispensationalisms of the Third Kind,” p. 28.

32 Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

must lead at the least to this restructuring of the historic model. Without
that openness, honesty, and careful exegesis, dispensational schools would
betray their commitment to inspired Scriptures rightly interpreted above
uninspired confessions and would fail to attract bright, young minds and
to raise up theologians to lead them….
If the [new Dispensationalism] augurs well for the future of dispensa-
tional schools, it does not augur well for the future of dispensationalism.
What remains distinctive to dispensationalism pertains to the “not-yet” as-
pect of the kingdom…. At issue is whether or not God has two “true peo-
ples” (true Israel and the church) and whether true Israel has a future role in
redemptive history different from the church…. If ethnic Israel’s role is only
its remnant status on a permanent equality with the Gentiles in the one true
people of God with no distinctive role in the land beyond the Parousia, then
the term dispensationalism is misleading and ought to be dropped.62
Modification and refinement can, has, and continues to go for-
ward within more traditional forms of dispensationalism, and does so
without jettisoning the basic hermeneutical method and theological
construct that lies at the very foundation of the system. The proposals
of progressive dispensationalism, on the other hand, change the her-
meneutical and theological construct at its very core. It could be ar-
gued that in progressive dispensationalism it is not the superstructure
that is undergoing renovation. Rather, the building itself has been
razed and a new and vastly different foundation laid, one not unlike
that formerly fashioned by non-dispensational theologians. The future
of the movement is unforeseeable, but the path taken seems already
worn, and end of the way appears hardly to be surprising, particularly
to those who have walked it before.

62Waltke, “A Response,” pp. 350, 354.

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