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Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Eating Disorders

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5

Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Eating Disorders
Health – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 5: Eating Disorders
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Vergel B. Prado
Editors: Orly A. Orsos,Josefina V. Templanza, Ma. Rubynita T. Del
Rosario, Raizza Marie R. Buñag, Elizabeth T. Delas Alas,
Ferdinand J. Gotoy, Maria Salvacion P. Villanueva
Reviewer: Laarni G. Palasigue, Marivel V. Aguda
Illustrator: Danne Robin M. Ramos
Layout Artist: Ma. Rubynita T. Del Rosario, Mark Angelo A. Dacayanan
Management Team: Benjamin D. Paragas
Miraflor B. Musa
Melbert S. Brogueza
Danilo C. Padilla
Raquel P. Girao
Elizabeth T. Delas Alas
Ferdinand J. Gotoy

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What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
understand eating disorders.

This module focuses on this lesson:

Lesson 5- Eating disorders, their characteristics, signs and symptoms as well

as the ways and means to prevent them.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. explain the characteristics, signs and symptoms of eating disorders;
2. discuss ways of preventing and controlling eating disorders.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
What I Know

Part I: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer in your activity

1. What eating disorder is characterized by compulsive eating?

A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
C. Bulimia
D. Obesity

2. What eating disorder is being characterized by self-imposed starvation leading

to excessive weight loss?
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
C. Bulimia
D. Obesity

3. Which disorder is characterized by the clearing of the digestive tract that

follows cycles of overeating?
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
C. Bulimia
D. Obesity

4. Which of the following is NOT a warning sign and symptom of anorexia?

A. Dry skin
B. Loss of body heat
C. Lack of control once one begins to eat
D. Wasting away of muscle tissue

5. Which is NOT a sign and symptom of binge eating disorder?

A. Grief
B. Fainting
C. Anxiety
D. Depression

6. Which of the following practices is NOT healthful to do?

A. Eat fruits and vegetables daily
B. Limit the intake of sugar and salt
C. Increase consumption of fatty foods
D. Eat breakfast high in fiber like oatmeal

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
7. How are you going to help an anorexic classmate?
A. Encourage her to skip lunch.
B. Accompany her to the gym every day.
C. Discourage her from going to the cafeteria.
D. Accompany her to a health care provider.

8. Which of the following is a sign and symptom of bulimia disorder?

A. Loss of body fat.
B. Disgust or self-hatred about eating behaviors.
C. Damaged heart due to starvation.
D. Irregular heartbeat.

9. Which of the following is NOT an eating disorder?

A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Obesity
C. Bulimia
D. Binge eating disorder

10. To whom is the fear of being overweight very strong?

A. Anemic people
B. Anorexic people
C. Compulsive eaters
D. People with iodine deficiency

Part II: True or False

Directions: True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
wrong. Write your answer in your notebook.

_____11. A bulimic person has dry skin, brittle hair and lost body fat.
_____12. People who indulge in compulsive eating consume a small amount of food
at one time, then purge.
_____13. Eating disorders are common among adolescent girls.
_____14. Bulimic persons are too much concerned with their weight.
_____15. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by compulsive eating.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5

1 Nutrition: Eating Disorders

Eating disorders typically develop during adolescence stage because

adolescents are choosy about the foods they eat. They are concern about their body
weight and shape. They develop irregular eating habits because of their desire to lose

What’s In

In your previous lesson, you learned signs and symptoms of malnutrition and
the different micronutrient deficiencies. You also learned ways and means to prevent
and control these deficiencies.

Activity 1: That's the Deficiency!

In this activity, you will be assessed if you still remember the common
micronutrient deficiencies.
Directions: Complete the table below with the needed information. Choose your
answer from the choices in the box below. Write your answer in your activity

Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD)

Anemia and Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD)

Eat foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, red
meat and iron-fortified food products.
Eat foods such as breads, iodized table salt, cheese,
saltwater fish, seaweed, shellfish, soy milk, eggs, frozen
yogurt and soy sauce.
Eat foods such as animal products, orange and yellow fruits,
dark green leafy vegetables, and palm oil.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
What’s New

Activity 1: Let’s Analyze

This activity will give you an overall background and will introduce you to the
lesson in this module.

Directions: Study and analyze the illustration below then answer the questions that
follow. Do this in your activity notebook.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
What is It

Based on the illustration, answer the following questions:

1. Describe what you see in the illustration.
2. What conclusion can you draw based on the photo?

The activity “What Do You See” introduces you to the topic EATING
DISORDERS. These refer to psychological illnesses defined by abnormal eating
habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake that may affect or
cause damage to an individual’s physical and mental health.
Some common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge
eating disorder.

What’s More

Activity 1: A Closer Look to Eating Disorders

This activity will introduce you to the different eating disorders and their
characteristics. Enjoy answering this activity.
Directions: Read the comic strips below and answer the given questions. Write your
answer in your activity notebook.

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating

disorder characterized by severe
restriction to take foods because of fear of
gaining weight and become obese.
It is a psychological disorder that
affect both physical and emotional
aspects of an individual.
The characteristics of people who
tend to develop anorexia nervosa are
outside pressures, high expectations, the
need to achieve, and the need to be
People with anorexia nervosa
become malnourished and may cause
death in severe stage if not treated earlier.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Bulimia is a psychological
disorder characterized by consuming a
large quantity of foods in a short period
of time.

People with bulimia disorder are

very concerned with their weight and
shape of their body.

To avoid gaining weight, people

with this disorder take laxatives, induce
vomiting, go on dieting, or do excessive
exercises to get rid of the food

Binge Eating disorder is

characterized by compulsive eating. People
with this disorder loss control over eating
large amount of foods in one sitting but
they do not eliminate it.

This eating disorder may be an

indicator that the person uses foods to
eliminate unwanted emotions, to cope
depression, and fight stress

Many people with binge eating

disorder are overweight and obese.

1. What is anorexia nervosa?
2. Give the characteristics of people who tend to develop anorexia nervosa?
3. What is bulimia?
4. Enumerate the characteristics of people with bulimia disorder?
5. What is binge eating disorder?
6. List down the characteristics of people with binge eating disorder?

You have learned about the different eating disorders. These eating disorders
are extreme and unsafe that may cause serious illness or that may even result in
Some behaviors that can also be observed from those with Anorexia nervosa
are exercising excessively, wearing bulky or loose clothing, making excuses during
meal time, and shifting the food around on their plate just to pretend they are eating.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Activity 2: Who Am I?
This activity “Who Am I?” will familiarize you on the different eating disorders.
Enjoy answering the activity.
Directions: Identify the kind of eating disorder based on the description given. Choose
your answer from the choices in the box below. Write your answer in your activity

Anorexia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder

1. 2.


CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Activity 3: These are the Signs and Symptoms!
This activity will introduce you to the different signs and symptoms of eating

Directions: Study the illustrations below.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Based on the illustration, identify the following signs and symptoms of an
eating disorder. Write AN if the sign and symptom belong to Anorexia Nervosa, B if
it belong to bulimia and BED if the given sign and symptom belong to Binge Eating
Disorder. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
1. damaged kidney due to laxative abuse
2. anxiety
3. depression
4. loss of body fat
5. enlarged stomach
6. self-hatred about eating behaviors
7. fainting
8. shame
9. irregular heartbeat
10. damaged heart due to starvation
11. grief
12. wasting away of muscle tissue
13. lack of control once one begins to eat
14. dry skin
15. dehydration
16. serious malnutrition
17. brittle hair
18. throats are often red
19. tooth enamel injury
20. loss of menstruation

Congratulations! You finished answering the activity. You have learned the
warning signs and symptoms of different eating disorders.

Note to the Learner

Knowing these signs and symptoms will help increase

the chance of recovery of one suffering from such eating
disorders because of earlier detection.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Activity 4: Copy Cut!
The next activity “Copy Cut” will introduce you to different practices that
contribute to the prevention and intervention to avoid eating disorders.

Directions: For each item, write COPY if the given practice helps prevent eating
disorders and write CUT if it doesn’t help prevent eating disorder. Write your answer
in your activity notebook.

______1. Avoid skipping meals.

______2. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
______3. Eat regularly-timed meals consisting of a variety of foods in
enough quantity.
______4. Eat more high-fiber foods.
______5. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
______6. Avoid finger foods.
______7. Eat more salty foods.
______8. Not drinking enough water.
______9. Eat everything without knowing what you eat.
______10. Do some exercises.
______11. Note the food you eat.
______12. Learn to manage your stress the healthy way.
______13. Take three regular meals and choose healthy snacks.
______14. Have enough sleep.
______15. Know your body.
______16. Avoid dullness/boredom.
______17. Stop dieting.
______18. Get help.
______19. Starving yourself.
______20. Drink more alcohol.

Items 1-6 are ways to prevent and control bulimia disorder while items 10-18
are the ways to prevent binge eating disorder.

There is no known way to prevent anorexia nervosa. Early treatment may be

the best way to prevent the disorder from progressing. Knowing the early signs and
seeking treatment right away can help prevent complications of anorexia.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Activity 5: Key to Prevent and Avoid Eating Disorders
This activity will measure your ability to choose the appropriate ways
to prevent and avoid eating disorders.

Directions: Choose the appropriate way to prevent and avoid eating disorders from
the box below. Write your answer in your activity notebook. (Do this in the separate
photocopied material given by your teacher.)

Eat fresh fruits Avoid finger foods Have Enough Sleep

Drink enough water Consume more alcohol Do some exercises
Skipping breakfast Avoid skipping meals
Eat more high-fiber foods

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Activity 6: My Eating Behavior
This activity will assess your eating behavior and will help you change your
eating practices to avoid eating disorders.

Directions: Below is a survey questionnaire that reveals your personal eating

behavior. Accomplish it by putting a check mark () corresponding to your response
in each item. Do this in your activity notebook.

Questions YES NO
1. I eat secretly inside my room.
2. I feel out of control when eating.
3. I usually eat a lot of food hurriedly.
4. When I see food, I eat even I am full.
5. I feel ashamed and disgusted after eating.
6. I hide and stock food to eat later in secret.
7. I feel relieved from stress or tension when eating.
8. I never feel satisfied, no matter how much I eat.
9. I eat normally with others but over-eat when alone.
10. I eat continuously throughout the day, with no
planned mealtimes.

Answer the following questions:

1. How many items did you answer YES?
2. If you answered YES to all or most of the items above, reflect on your eating
behavior. You might need to change your eating practice.

Note to Learners

All eating disorders need immediate attention since these are

serious health problems. Discuss the problem with a responsible adult
who can help. Better yet, consult a health professional.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
What I Have Learned

Activity 7: Complete Me
This activity will help you summarize the important concepts about the
lessons in this module.
Directions: Choose the appropriate word(s) from the box that will complete the
thought of the sentence. Do this in your activity notebook.

eating disorders
weight loss

1. _____________are psychological illnesses defined by abnormal eating habits

that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake that may affect an
individual’s physical and mental health.
2. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed
starvation leading to excessive ___________. It is a _______________disorder with
physical and emotional consequences.
3. Bulimia is a disorder which the clearing of ___________ tract follows cycles of
overeating. People with this disorder are too concerned with _________. They
will eat a large quantity of food in a ______ period of time. After eating, they
will take ________ to rid the body of the food to avoid gaining weight.
4. Binge eating disorder is characterized by _________ eating. This disorder may
be an ___________ that the person uses food to cope with depression or strong
5. Binge eating disorder is different from normal appetite increase or overeating
during holidays. Those with a binge eating problem eat large amounts of food
on a _________ basis. They eat quickly or most often do something while eating.

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
What I Can Do

Activity 8: what’s This Disorder?

This next activity will help you assess the nutritional problems of adolescents
and apply your knowledge about eating disorders.

Directions: Read the situation below, then answer the questions that follow. Write
your answer in your activity notebook.

A grade seven student wants to be popular and attractive to everyone. She is

not happy with her weight, so she tries to go on diet but she fails. Mad at herself,
she eats everything she wants. After eating, she goes to the bathroom to induce

1. What eating disorder does the freshman student have?
2. What can you suggest to her to overcome this problem?
3. What are the dangers if this problem is not corrected?


Part I: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer in your activity

1. What eating disorder is characterized by compulsive eating?

A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
C. Bulimia
D. Obesity

2. What eating disorder is being characterized by self-imposed starvation leading

to excessive weight loss?
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
C. Bulimia
D. Obesity

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
3. Which disorder is characterized by the clearing of the digestive tract that
follows cycles of overeating?
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
C. Bulimia
D. Obesity

4. Which of the following is NOT a warning sign and symptom of anorexia?

A. Dry skin
B. Loss of body heat
C. Lack of control once one begins to eat
D. Wasting away of muscle tissue

5. Which is NOT a sign and symptom of binge eating disorder?

A. Grief
B. Fainting
C. Anxiety
D. Depression

6. Which of the following practices is NOT healthful to do?

A. Eat fruits and vegetables daily
B. Limit the intake of sugar and salt
C. Increase consumption of fatty foods
D. Eat breakfast high in fiber like oatmeal

7. How are you going to help an anorexic classmate?

A. Encourage her to skip lunch.
B. Accompany her to the gym every day.
C. Discourage her from going to the cafeteria.
D. Accompany her to a health care provider.

8. Which of the following is a sign and symptom of bulimia disorder?

A. Loss of body fat.
B. Disgust or self-hatred about eating behaviors.
C. Damaged heart due to starvation.
D. Irregular heartbeat.

9. Which of the following is NOT an eating disorder?

A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Obesity
C. Bulimia
D. Binge eating disorder

10. To whom is the fear of being overweight very strong?

A. Anemic people
B. Anorexic people
C. Compulsive eaters
D. People with iodine deficiency

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Part II: True or False
Directions: True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
wrong. Write your answer in your notebook.

_____11. A bulimic person has dry skin, brittle hair and lost body fat.
_____12. People who indulge in compulsive eating consume a small amount of food
at one time, then purge.
_____13. Eating disorders are common among adolescent girls.
_____14. Bulimic persons are too much concerned with their weight.
_____15. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by compulsive eating.

Additional Activities

Activity 9: Cut and Create!

This activity will enhance your creativity and reasoning skills. You will apply
what you have learned in this module to explain the health condition of the image
you created.
Directions: Cut pictures of a healthy and unhealthy person from the magazines,
newspapers, brochures, and other available materials and paste them on your
activity notebook and write a short explanation why they achieved that kind of health

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
Activity 1: Complete Me! Activity 4: Copy Cut
Activity 5: Key to Prevent
1. eating disorder and Avoid Eating Disorders 1. COPY
2. weight loss, 2. COPY
psychological  Eating fresh fruits 3. COPY
3. digestive  Drink enough water 4. COPY
weight  Have enough sleep 5. COPY
short  Avoid finger foods 6. COPY
4. compulsive  Avoid skipping 7. CUT
indicator meals 8. CUT
5. regular  Do some exercises 9. CUT
 Eat more high-fiber 10. COPY
foods 11. COPY
12. COPY
13. COPY
14. COPY
15. COPY
16. COPY
17. COPY
18. COPY
19. CUT
20. CUT
Activity 2: Who Am I? What I know/ Assessment
Activity 3: These are the
Signs and Symptoms! 1. Binge Eating 1. B
Disorder 2. A
1. B 2. Anorexia nervosa 3. C
2. BED 3. Bulimia 4. C
3. BED 5. B
4. A 6. C
5. B 7. D
6. BED 8. C
7. A 9. B
8. BED 10. B
9. A 11. False
10. B 12. False
11. BED 13. True
12. A 14. True
13. BED 15. False
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. A
Answer Key
Department of Education, Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material Grade
7.Pasig City: Department of Education,2017

Department of Education, Physical Education and Health Teaching Guide Grade

7.Pasig City: Department of Education,2017

CO_Q2_Health 7_ Module 5
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Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

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