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B2+ Test Series (34) : Name: - Score: - /100

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B2+ Test Series (34) Name: ______________________

H.Ngân Score: ______/100

A. Phonemes: Choose the word whose italicised part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. tradition B. transact C. question D. difference
2. A. history B. historian C. historical D. historically
B. Word stress: Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. differ B. publish C. damage D. insist
2. A. tendency B. separate C. unlikely D. superman
3. A. favourable B. intellectual C. volunteering D. photogenic
C. Choose ONE underlined word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.
1. Vietnam is reportedly by far the most computerise country in the region. computerised
2. Being hungry, she rushed downstair and burst into the kitchen. downstairs
3. I regret telling you that I am leaving the company in a couple of weeks. to tell
4. It does not like Philip to be impolite. In other words, Philip is not usually rude. is
5. The most extraordinary thing about Leonardo de Vinci was that he could draw equally well
with both hand. hands
D. Guided Cloze: Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the (1) _____
World. They are believed to have been built by King Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth (2) _____ BC as a
present for his wife, Amytis.
The gardens were (3) _____ in layers – one on top of the other, much like a modern multi-storey car
(4) _____ although a lot more (5) _____ to look at. Each layer was a large terrace (6) _____ with
tropical flowers, plants and trees. The large (7) _____ of water which these plants required was (8)
_____ from the river Euphrates nearby. It is said that Nebuchadnezzar and his wife would sit in the (9)
_____ of the gardens and (10) _____ down on the city of Babylon below.
The gardens’ fame quickly (11) _____, and travellers would come from far and wide to (12) _____
them. Even thousands of years ago, people used to go (13) _____! The city of Babylon itself was also
famous throughout the whole (14) _____ for its beautiful buildings, huge tiled walls and magnificent
gates made of brass.
Sadly, nothing (15) _____ today of the beautiful hanging gardens, and the city of Babylon lies in ruins
in what is modern-day Iraq.
1. A. Antique B. Ancient C. Historical D. Traditional
2. A. decade B. period C. era D. century
3. A. constructed B. assembled C. collected D. invented
4. A. park B. stop C. station D. garage
5. A. good-looking B. attractive C. handsome D. adorable
6. A. included B. contained C. filled D. consisted
7. A. total B. sum C. amount D. number
8. A. dragged B. pulled C. pushed D. pumped
9. A. shadow B. shade C. gloom D. glow
10. A. look B. see C. watch D. observe
11. A. distributed B. spread C. extended D. moved
12. A. approve B. respect C. admire D. assess
13. A. glimpsing B. sightseeing C. glancing D. staring
14. A. planet B. globe C. earth D. world
15. A. remains B. stays C. waits D. continues

Compiled and designed, Nguyễn Vân Anh (M.A. TESOL) ǁ Số 2, ngõ 144, nghách 144/8, phố Quan Nhân ǁ 090 342 1806
E. Prepositions: Fill in each blank with ONE correct preposition.
1. The car has run out of petrol! Why ________________
on earth didn’t you get some petrol yesterday?
2. Don’t tell anyone about our plan – let’s keep it strictly ___________________
between two of us.
3. I feel a bit awkward when I stay there – I can’t really make myself ___________________
at home.
4. I’m going to be more careful about who I trust from now ___________________.
5. You should ___________________
at least say you’re sorry.
6. Once ______________
upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a kind king and his beautiful queen.
7. He simply takes it ___________________
for granted that his meals will be cooked for him.
8. Don’t make ___________________ your mind straight away. Take a few days to think about it.
9. The class was ___________________
in the middle of an interesting discussion when the bell rang.
10. When your alarm clock comes on, do you get up straight ____________________?
F. Grammar: Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. Provided that you _____ the plan, nothing wrong should happen.
A. follow B. will follow C. would follow D. followed
2. The pump has been out of order _____, hasn’t it?
A. in ages B. since ages C. for ages D. during ages
3. What am I supposed to do with all the balloons? You _____ so many of them.
A. didn’t need to B. needn’t have C. needn’t to D. needn’t to have
inflate inflated inflate inflated
4. Nobody else is guilty of the fraud. You are the only one _____.
A. a blame B. as blame C. with blame D. to blame
5. Everyone should take part in the charity collection, shouldn’t _____?
A. they B. she C. it D. one
6. It was good luck that the lighting didn’t hit the boat. They _____ in big trouble.
A. might be B. would be C. had been D. would have been
7. You look pale and your temperature is high. I advise you _____ tonight.
A. to not go out B. not to go out C. not going out D. against not going out
8. Who _____ was asking about me? What was his name?
A. you said B. said you C. did you say D. you did say
9. I’m not going to buy the jacket. It _____ comfortable or warm.
A. isn’t either B. is either C. isn’t neither D. is neither
10. So _____ has been done by the hurricane that it will take months to repair it.
A. plenty of damage B. lots of damage C. a lot of damage D. much damage
G. Vocabulary: Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. I was wrong. I did not _____ your advice.
A. chase B. pursue C. follow D. practise
2. Julia is rather vain. She likes being _____ compliments on her looks.
A. paid B. offered C. served D. said
3. Without _____, it was your brother who I saw kissing Mary in the park.
A. guess B. doubt C. uncertainty D. hesitation
4. I don’t think this young woman will make a good manager. In my opinion, she still _____ experience
and know-how.
A. misses B. fails C. lacks D. avoids
5. She was chosen for the job on the _____ of her qualifications.
A. basis B. foundation C. root D. bottom
6. The annual dinner is a chance to _____ friendship with old friends.
A. recover B. renovate C. reverse D. renew
7. The hijackers finally _____ the hostages free.
A. took B. gave C. set D. did
8. Can one believe what this man says? Is he a reliable _____ of information?
A. supply B. source C. stock D. system
9. Children should be protected against any negative influence that the media may _____ on them.
A. exert B. affect C. provide D. distribute
10. A diet which is _____ in vitamins and minerals can do a lot of harm.
A. incomplete B. insufficient C. inadequate D. deficient
Compiled and designed, Nguyễn Vân Anh (M.A. TESOL) ǁ Số 2, ngõ 144, nghách 144/8, phố Quan Nhân ǁ 090 342 1806
H. Verb Expressions: Fill in each blank with ONE best VERB to complete the expression.
1. This wood is too damp – it will never _________________________
catch fire.
2. Please _________________________
help yourself to some more ice cream.
3. “Can I use your phone?” – “Yes, of course, _________________________
go ahead.”
4. I fell over and _________________________
made a fool of myself in front of the whole school.
5. It’s important that parents _____________________
set a good example for their children.
6. It’s very upsetting when people don’t _________________________
keep their promises.
7. It was pouring with rain so I stopped to _________________________
give Alistair a lift.
8. Next month my dream of visiting America will _________________________
come true!
9. We’d better _________________________
get going if we’re to catch that train.
10. _________________________
Believe it or not, I wrote that whole essay in half an hour!
I. Sentence transformation: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Do not change the word given.
1. She couldn’t decide what to do. (UP)
She couldn’t ....................................................................................................................
make up her mind what to do.

2. I’m pretty sure that she’s driving home – her car isn’t here. (BE)
She ..........................................................................................................
must be driving home – her car isn’t here.

3. Please watch him until he is familiar with the job. (EYE)

keep an eye on him
Please ............................................................................................. until he is familiar with the job.

4. It’s such a pity that only a few people turned up for the lecture. (MORE)
I wish ..........................................................................................................................
more people had turned up for the lecture.

5. Graham was robbed of his wallet in the car park. (HAD)

Graham ......................................................................................................................
had his wallet stolen in the car park.

J. Word forms: Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the word in the right column.
1. Her ________________________________________
suffering is over and she’s finally at peace. SUFFER
2. Please take care on the roads today – it’s very ________________________________.
icy ICE
3. I found her ____________________________
broken English quite difficult to understand. BREAK
4. You’re not going to wear that in public, are you? You look _______________________.
ridiculous RIDICULE
5. Schulz is a famous _____________________________________.
cartoonist CARTOON
6. Get ____________________________,
undressed put your pajamas on and go to bed. DRESS
7. An ____________________________
acquaintance of mine works at the stadium. ACQUAINT
8. Put down the ____________________________
receiver and dial the number again. RECEIVE
9. This watch is of great ____________________________
sentimental value to me. SENTIMENT
10. I find it hard to _____________________________
memorize long passages for homework. MEMORY
11. Although the sentence is _______________________
grammatically correct, it doesn’t sound natural. GRAMMAR
12. The twin brothers are so good at doubles that they are virtually ___________________.
unbeatable BEAT
13. Jemima is used to travelling long _____________________________.
distances DISTANT
14. Without ___________________________,
sponsorship our racing team will face financial difficulties. SPONSOR
15. Why did he react so ______________________________
aggressively when I mentioned my project? AGGRESSION

Compiled and designed, Nguyễn Vân Anh (M.A. TESOL) ǁ Số 2, ngõ 144, nghách 144/8, phố Quan Nhân ǁ 090 342 1806
K. Open Cloze: Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the passage.
Culture Shock
Culture shock is the name given to describe the range (1) ______________________
of reactions
and emotions we experience when we find ourselves in a new and unfamiliar environment. People
sometimes choose to (2) ______________________
leave their homeland to work or study in another
country, but the important differences in lifestyles in the new country can be confusing.
The new customs challenge your ideas of normal standards of behaviour. The (3)
most common areas of difference are language, food and eating habits, climate,
and hours of working, eating and sleeping. Initially, (4) ______________________
there is a lot of excitement
about moving to and living (5) ______________________
in a new country. People look (6)
forward to meeting new people, seeing new places and having new experiences.
Unfortunately, the very newness of everything can lead (7) ______________________
to culture shock.
What (8) ______________________ looked exciting can soon look frightening, and people start to feel
lonely, homesick, and over-react to trivial events. Generally, they think that they would (9)
______________________ have stayed in (10) ______________________
their own country.
It is important to remember that although things might be different, they are not necessarily wrong
or worse (11) ______________________ what you are used to. Gradually, people start to settle into
their new life and find that not only are they enjoying it, (12) ______________________
but it is
broadening their horizons, too. Strangely enough, people returning to their home country from abroad
often have very similar difficulties getting (13) ______________________
used to a new lifestyle. Their
happiness at being in familiar surroundings and seeing (14) ______________________
their family again
soon wears off, and they start to wish they (15) ______________________
had stayed where they were.

Compiled and designed, Nguyễn Vân Anh (M.A. TESOL) ǁ Số 2, ngõ 144, nghách 144/8, phố Quan Nhân ǁ 090 342 1806

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