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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, theoretical framework,

conceptual framework, statement of the problem,

hypothesis, significance of the study,

scope and limitation, and

definition of terms.

Background of the study

Flour is a common ingredient in many foods, including breads, desserts, and

noodles. It is also often used as thickener in sauces and soups. Most products are made

from white or wheat flour. While unproblematic for many, people with celiac disease, non

– celiac gluten sensitivty or those avoiding gluten for other reasons should not consume

these two types of flour. Retrieved from

Flour being the very important ingredient must always be present in the recipe. But

when the day comes by, the price of regular or refined flour is increasing rapidly that is

why the researcher think of some alternative for the regular flour made from wheat and

durum . With less price but with nutritional value and benefits to body, as stated by

Emmarie Joy D. Manigbas (2017).

Nowadays, cassava is one of the root crop that us being ignored, especially by the

youth therefore, the researcher thought of mixing it with the coconut pulp to add flavor to

it. In this way, people will be encouraged to use cassava in different way as well. Coconut

– Cassava Flour will give the researcher the insights to produce product and using the

indigenous raw materials such as cassava and coconut pulp. This product contains,

minerals, vitamins, rich in calories, its also very good source of B-complex such as folates,

riboflavin , niacin , thiamin and pyridoxine. The coconut meat contain good amount of


From the foregoing information the researcher finds interest in making the new

product from the coconut pulp or “Sapal ng Niyog” and cassava. The researcher found out

that the “sapal ng niyog” was being dispose in the market, and used as fertilizer. The

researcher seeks for another option from the existing problem which leads to the

modification of using coconut – cassava flour, thus it will be beneficial to local households

in terms of financial aspect by having an extra income by producing new variety of flour .

Since the flour is the main ingredient in making bread and pastry, the researcher find a way

to use coconut and cassava as flour using abundant supply of raw materials high in

nutrients. Through this product it will help the locality to reuse the “sapal ng niyog” for

producing flour. Adding value and cost to this waste material.

Theoretical Framework

Sun drying is one of mankind’s oldest and most reliable ways to peserve food.

It was use in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It is a slow, gentle process whose benefits

more than compensate for its time intensive nature especially when compared to modern

mechanical drying methods. Sun drying relies on the sum to allow the processed product

to reach optimum moisture and quality levels. A suprising variety of foods can be sun –

dried, especially produce, which should be chosen for top quality, picked over, and wasted

well. Juicy fruits are usually halved or quartered, and vegetables which are low in acid and

spoil more readily cut into small pieces for faster dehydration. Retrieved from

Appoldt and Raihani (2017), according to there study the drying oven, commonly

used for commercial purposes, is the established reference method for loss on drying (LoD)

by TGA. In this procedure, a sample is weighed and subsequently heated to allow for the

release of moisture. Following this, the sample is cooled in the desiccator before

reweighing. Moisture content is calculated by the difference in wet and dry weight. In this

process, measuring accuracy and the resolution of the balance are extremely important.

Careful consideration must also be given to maintain identical conditions, where

temperature and duration are vital for generating precise and reproducible results.

Grinding is a method of food processing where big chunks or particles of food are

cut into fine pieces or bits. It could be done for various reasons. Ground food becomes

more mixable with other ingredients. It is employed to process different varieties of foods.

Grinding can be done with wet or moist food as well as with dry food. Grinding wet or

moist food is called wet-grinding and grinding dry food is called dry grinding. Grinding

can be done using food processor, mixer or a grinder. Popular grinding recipes include

masala or spice mixes, dosa, idli, cake, and bread..

retrieved from: (2019).

Flour is finely ground powder prepared from grain or other starchy plant foods and

used in baking. Although flour can be made from a wide variety of plants. The vast majority

is made from wheat. Dough made from wheat flour wheat is particularly well suited to

baking bread because it contains a large amount of gluten , asubstance composed of strong,

elastic proteins. The gluten forms a network throughout the dough, trapping the gasses

which are formed by yeast, baking powder, or other leavening agents. This causes the

dough to rise, resulting in light soft bread.

Flour has been made since prehistoric times. The earliest method used for

producing flour and involved grinding grain between stones. These method included the

mortar and pestles; the saddlestone and the quern. This devices were all operated by hand.

Retrieved from

The theory stated above is essential for the present experimental study because it

tells about the procedures in making baked product as the main ingredient used for the

present study. And also it may help the researcher to expand their knowledge on other

alternatives that can be used in producing and making flour for other types of pastry. The

researcher take these essential details in considering to produce her own version of flour

for the baked product using the theories of drying the raw materials to produce flour used

in making baked products.

Conceptual Framework

In view of the foregoing discussion, the conceptual model is presented in the form of

paradigm below.


Coconut – Cassava Flour Baked Level of Acceptability of

Products: Coconut – Cassava Flour into

Baked Products in terms of:

 Cupcake  Apperance

 Crust  Aroma

 Square bars  Taste

 Texture
Frame 1 Frame 2

Figure 1 Research Paradigm

Frame 1 consist of independent variable which includes the process making Coconut –

Cassava Flour into Baked Products , Bread, Cookies , Cupcakes and Pie Crust.

Frame 2 consist of dependent variable which consists of the Acceptability of Coconut

– Cassava Flour into Baked – Products in terms of its appearance , aroma , taste , texture.

Statement of the Problem

The goal of this research is to use Coconut – Cassava Flour as an alternative in

making Baked Products Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the process in making baked products using Coconut – Cassava Flour as to:

1.1 Cupcake

1.2 Crust

1.3 Square bars ?


2. What is the level of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour in terms of sensory

qualities as rated by the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Appearance

2.2 Aroma

2.3 Taste

2.4 Texture ?

3. Is there significant difference on the level of acceptability among the Coconut – Cassava

Flour baked products based on sensory qualities as rated by the respondents?


There is no significant difference on the level of acceptability on the different baked

products using Coconut – Cassava Flour in terms of its sensory qualities

Significance of the Study

This study is sincerely made to contribute information and facts to the following:

Housewives. This study will be useful to housewives as this can be healthier alternative to

regular flour. If proven to be a viable alternative this can be a start up business with a main

highlight to a healthier flour.

Consumer .This study will help them to think wise and practical by buying products will

benefit them not only in price but for nutritional content.


Farmers.This study will help the farmers to increase their income by planting and

cultivating coconut and cassava for the greater production of coconut – cassava flour.

Entrepreneurs. This study will be benificial to them by how to produce flour made by

coconut and cassava this take good new ideas to market that lead to probitability and if

possible this research can be the top seller in the future.

Food Technologist. This study will give them new knowledge of discovering something

new innovations from coconut and cassava that are locally available resources and help

them innovate and make progress into developing subtitute ingredients that is healthier and


Professors. This study will serve to them as an additional teaching material on how to

apply raw materials to make variety of nutririous food products that can give ideas to future


Future Researcher. This study will served as the basis for future study; instruction and

reference material to the future researchers, on how they can improved and serve as a basis

for new ideas.

Scope and Limitations of the study

This study focused on the production of Coconut – Cassava Flour in Baked

Products. Later on determines the Level of Acceptability in terms of appearance , taste,

aroma , and texture. The evaluation of Coconut – Cassava Flour; In baked products was

conducted using scorecard and evaluated by forty-two (42) Second Year Food

Technology students from the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) at the Laguna State

Polytechnic University , Sta. Cruz Campus, Sta. Cruz Laguna at the academic year of 2019

– 2020.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the terms use in the study, the following terms are

defined operationally:

Acceptability. It refers to the quality of the product being rated by the respondents

in preparing Coconut – Cassava Flour : Sensory Perception in Bread Making

Appearance. It refers to the appealing characteristics of the Coconut – Cassava

Flour baked products as one of the determining factors to test the level of acceptability.

Aroma. It refers to the aromatic smell of the Coconut – Cassava Flour into baked

products as perceived by the respondents to come up with its level of acceptability.

Baked Products. It refers to the products such as cupcake, square bars and crust

using coconut – cassava flour.

Cupcake. It refers to a small sweet cake that produced by the researcher using

coconut – cassava flour enhance with, butter , eggs, sugar, salt and baking powder.

Crust. It refers to pastry envelope of a tart that produced by the researcher using

coconut – cassava flour added with butter, powder sugar and egg.

Square bars. It refers to a small cake that produces by the researcher using coconut

– cassava flour. Associated with butter, egg and sugar.

Respondents. They are thirty (42) selected second year students of College of

Industrial Technology (CIT) taking up Bachelor of Science major in Food Technology at

Laguna State Polytechnic University Main Campus ,Academic Year 2019-2020 who rated

the experimented product.


Cassava. It refers to a type of crops that used in the study as one of the source of

flour and used for baked products.

Coconut pulp. It is one of the main ingredients in the study as one of the source of

flour and used for baked products.

Coconut – Cassava flour. It is the main ingredient produced out of coconut –

cassava flour in making baked products as to cupcake , crust and square bars.

Taste. It refers to the palatability of Coconut – Cassava Flour in baked products as

perceived by the sensation of the mouth of the respondents as one of the determining factors

to test the level of accepability of the product under study.

Texture. It refers to the fineness of the coconut – cassava flour into baked products,

as one of the factors to determine its level of acceptability.




This chapter presents the review of related literature and the review of related studies

which are found similar or closely related to this study.

They are limited, literature contributed additional

information that serveas guide of the

current study.


The coconut tree ( Cocos nucifera) is a member of the family Arecaceaceae (palm

family) and the only species of yhe genus Cocos. The term coconut can refer to the whole

coconut palm or the seed, or the fruit , which botanically , is a drupe , not a nut. Coconuts

are known for their verasatility , as evidenced by many traditional uses, ranging from food

to cosmetics. Botanically, the coconut fruit is drupe, not a true nut. Like othe fruits, it has

three layers: the exocarp, mesocarp, and the endocarp. The exocarp and mesocarp make up

the “husk” of the coconuts. Coconut sold in the shops of non-tropical countries often have

had the exocarp (outermost layer) removed. The mesocarp i composed of a fiber , called

coir, which has many traditional and commercial uses. The shell has three germination

pores (micropyles) or “eyes” that are clearly visible on its outside surface once the husk

removed .

Coconuts are often called “Tree of Life “ because every part of the drupe and tree

can be used. An ideal sustainable food crop, the roots , trunks, leaves , husks , fiber, fruit,

water, sap , oil ,milk and meat all are useful. The plant not only supplies food for million

of people, but also can be used to make skincare products, households cleaners, toys,

instruments, furniture, housing, bowls, utensils, lighting , fixture, baskets, utility boxes,

gardening planters, mattresses, draperies, upholstery, chicken feed, carbon – based water

filters, and bio diesel fuels. Fifty- five to 65 percent of the saturated fats in coconut oil are

medium – chain fatty acids (MCFAs), also called MCTs. MCTs are small molecules that

are easily digested and quickly used by your liver for energy without the insulin spike

associated with some carbohydrates. MCTs actually boost your metabolism and help your

body use fat for energy instead of storing it, which may help you become leaner.

Coconuts are highly nutritious and rich in fibre, vitamins C, E< B1, B3, B5 and B6

and Minerals including Iron, Selenium , Sodium , Calcium, Magnesium and Phosporous.

Unlike cow’s milk, coconut milk is lactose free so can be used as a milk subtitute by those

with lactose intolerance. Retrieved from (2019)

Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) is a very healthy ingredient that can be used safely as

food. There are no reported allergic reactions of any sot notified so far following its

consumption. Its sweet delicious kernel is not only cherished in healthy but considered safe

and nutririous in pregnancy, infants as well as in sickness conditions. Retrieved from

Coconut flour is a gluten – free flour made solely from coconuts. Rich in fiber and

MTC’s, it may promote stable blood sugar, good digestion, and heart health. It may also

boost weight loss and fight some infections. Additionally, coconut flour boasts small

amounts of soluble and other fermentable fibers, which feed the beneficial bacteria in your

gut. Coconut flour has a diverse nutrient profile and may offer a range of health benefits.

That said, few studies have directly examined coconut flour. Its potential benefits are based

on research on its nutrients or beneficial compounds. Retrieved from

Made from fresh organic coconut meat. The meat is dried and defatted and then

finely ground into a powder very similar in consistency to wheat flour.

Coconut Flour, the new low-carb, high-fiber, gluten-free alternative to wheat flour

for baking and cooking. It is a good source of protein. It has as much protein as wheat flour

but it has none of the specific protein in wheat called "gluten". This is an advantage for a

growing percentage of the population that have developed an allergy to gluten or a wheat


This cited literatures are related to the present study because coconut flour is one

of the main ingredients of Coconut – Cassava Flour.

According to Food Business (2016). Cassava is the third largest source of income

in the world. Among crop plants the cassava plant provides the highest yield of food a

recent study conducted in the Philippines one of the countries where cassava is an

important crop and good source of income but cassava is limited in the market that cause

of lower increase of supply and farmers focus in the field of rice.


There are various methods of preservation of foods one of this fermentation is sun-

drying os the one of uses before from now to dry a foods and become long live foods and

oven dried is the secondary for sun dried because used in machine to make dry foods.

Cassava is a root vegetable. It is the underground part of cassava shrub, which has

the Latin name “Manihot esculenta”. Cassava is a rich, affordable source of carbohydrates.

Like potatoes and yams, it is a tuber crop. Cassava also rich , and affordable source of

carbohydrates. It can provide more calories per acre of the crop than other cereals, which

makes it a very useful crop.

Mercola (2016). As stated to his study about Cassava (Manihot esculenta) , also

known as manioc or yuca , belong to the spurge family of plants called Euphorbiaceous. It

most likely originated in South American forest regions, but it’s also grown very

inexpensively in parts of Asia, Africa and the Southern U.S. For centuries, it’s been a food

mainstay for millions.

While cassava roots are close to what we know as white potatoe, cassava comtains

almost twice the calories ,and may be the highest – calorie tuber known. One cup of boiled

cassava contains 330 calories , 78 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of protein and 4 grams

each of fiber and sugar. Being naturally gluten – free , cassava is extremely useful for celiac

patients and others trying to avoid gluten. One aspect of cassava is that it’s one several root

foods defined by the Philippines Department of Science and Technology as having a low

glycemic index (GI) and therefore good for diabetics.

Riddock (2018), according to her cassava is a tropical plant that bears an energy-

packed, tuberous root that’s rich in carbohydrates and is used in both sweet and savory

dishes. The root is a staple food item in many South American and African countries, and

is often referred to as yuca or manioc. The cassava tuber is dried and ground to produce

cassava flour.

She also added that Finely ground, the flour has a very smooth, almost powdery,

consistency that’s ideal for baking traditionally more dense treats, such as brownies or

cookies. The root is mildly flavored with a faint nutty taste—however, it tends to have a

more neutral flavor compared to other alternative flours like almond flour or coconut flour.

It is also one of the few gluten-free flours that has a near 1:1 substitution ratio with all-

purpose wheat flour in most baked good recipes that do not require significant rising. Being

that cassava flour does not rise well when mixed with yeast (because of its lack of gluten),

it is not the best substitute when it comes to yeasted baked goods.

Cassava flour and tapioca flour are sometimes used interchangeably, however,

they’re not the same product. Tapioca flour is actually the bleached and extracted starch

from the cassava tuber. Tapioca flour is typically used as a thickener because of its high

starch content, while cassava flour contains the fiber from the root that makes it ideal for

preparing more structured dishes. Tapioca flour is better suited for achieving smooth, rich

mousses, sauces, puddings and gravies.

There are a few best practices to keep in mind when you venture into baking or

cooking with cassava flour. First, be sure to sift it or use a whisk to remove any lumps prior

to mixing cassava flour with wet ingredients. You may need a bit less flour than what a

recipe calls for if you’re substituting cassava in for all-purpose flour, because even though

it’s very lightweight, it absorbs more liquid than wheat flour. (Alternatively, if the recipe

is somewhat flexible, you can add more liquid as needed.) You can also mix and match

cassava flours with other gluten-free flours to create the best baking mix for you. Retrieved


The literatures cited are helpful to the present study because they tackled one of the

main ingredients for producing new variety of flour which is Coconut – Cassava Flour. The

discussions disclose the versatility and usability of there flour which is relevant to the

present study in producing more products out of these raw materials.


Alfaro (2019), he stated that Wheat flour is the most common flour used in baking.

There are different types of wheat flour, and they're distinguished by the amount

of gluten they contain. He also discussed in his study the different kind of flour such as:

Wheat Flour Basics

Gluten is the wheat's natural protein, and it's what gives baked goods their structure.

When the dough is kneaded, these glutens develop and become elastic. Flours made from

hard, high-protein varieties of wheat are called strong flours. They have a higher gluten

content. Flours made from softer, low-protein wheat are called weak flours and are lower in


All-Purpose Flour

All-purpose flour is formulated to have a medium gluten content of around 12 percent

or so. This makes it a good middle-of-the-road flour that can be used for a whole range of

baking, from crusty bread to cookies to fine cakes and pastries. Even though all-purpose flour

is a good general flour, most professional bakers don't use all-purpose flour. Most

professional bakers use either bread flour, cake flour, or pastry flour, depending on what they

are baking.

Bread Flour

Bread flour is a strong flour, meaning that it has a relatively high gluten content—

usually around 13 to 14 percent. A handful of bread flour will feel coarse and will look

slightly off-white. Bread flour is used for making crusty bread and rolls, pizza doughs, and

similar products.

Cake Flour

Cake flour is made from soft wheat and has a lower gluten content—around 7.5 to 9

percent. Its grains are visibly finer than bread flour, and it is much whiter in color. Its fine,

soft texture makes it preferable for tender cakes and pastries.

Pastry Flour

Pastry flour is slightly stronger than cake flour, at around 9 to 10 percent gluten. It can

be used for biscuits, muffins, cookies, pie doughs, and softer yeast doughs. It has a slightly

more off-white color than cake flour.

Self-Rising Flour

Self-rising flour is peculiar. It's ordinary all-purpose flour that has baking powder and

salt added to it. Intended as a convenience, it's anything but—the main problem is that there's

no way to control how much baking powder it contains. Also, when stored in your pantry,

the baking powder in the flour will quickly lose its effectiveness as a rising agent. Unless

you have no other options, this type of flour is probably best avoided.

Whole Wheat Flour

Whole wheat flour comes in two varieties: 100 percent whole wheat flour and white

whole wheat flour. One hundred percent whole wheat flour is made from hulled red wheat

grain. It provides more fiber and other nutrients than all-purpose flour. Generally speaking,

it makes for heavier bread and baked goods and has a shorter shelf life than all-purpose flour.

Whole wheat flour is often mixed with all-purpose flour for a lighter texture and better rising.

While whole wheat flour is made from hulled white spring wheat, it has a milder taste and

lighter color compared to 100 percent whole wheat flour.

The cited literatures are relevant to the present study as this discussed the different

types of flour which gave the researcher the knowledge what flour she will be producing

with Coconut-Cassava Flour- which is Gluten - Free Flour.


Torres (2015) she stated that her cookies is what dreams are made of. It was truly

perfect. They have nothing bad to say about it. They do think that it could have used slightly

more of the dark brown sugar because it was so light in color, and some brown butter

because they believe that all chocolate chip cookies are better with brown butter, but

other than that, this is the ideal cookie.


Betten (2019) , in her study she said that it has beautiful in appearance and had

impeccable flavor, but the best part of the cookie was the texture. The edges were crisp,

but it was extra soft in the center, and the outer layer of the cookie was slightly crackly.

These weren’t too thin and weren’t too thick, either — they struck the perfect balance.

Really, these cookies were all-around incredible. Five out of nine taste testers said this one

was their favorite.

The first thing she think they all notice about cupcakes before they eat them is

their appearance. When people bake cupcakes, some kids have to look over all of them

before they pick one. They usually take their time before they get the one they want and go

on their way. They want the biggest, prettiest, and the one with the most icing on top.

Banana bread soft, tender, subtly sweet, and loaded with banana flavour,

they’d never be able to tell that this banana bread is made without butter or oil.

Instead, it’s got Greek yogurt to keep it moist, with an extra egg and a small amount

of brown sugar to help out.

They’d be fine leaving out the brown sugar and only using a 1/4 cup of maple

syrup as a sweetener, especially if they were planning on tossing in some chocolate

chips. They like banana bread without any add-ins, so I passed on the chocolate

and played around with the sweetness instead. Both versions were delicious — it

really depends on how sweet you like it. Retrieved from

Foster (2019), as reported her deep-dish crust was thick and sturdy, with nicely

crimped edges. It baked up with a beautiful golden color that reminded me of homemade.

Testing Method she was curious to see how well these frozen crusts measured up

to a buttery, flaky homemade crust. So in addition to the seven store-bought crusts, she

also included a homemade crust as the control. It’s the best way to see how the store-

bought crusts really measure up, she also included one vegan and one whole-wheat crust

to cover more bases, and see how they stacked up in the mix.

She also added that the best way to really test pie crust is to bake a pie, or in her

case, eight pies. So she baked eight pumpkin pies, using canned pumpkin pie filling,

baking each one according to the instructions on the can (the baking instructions for each

of the frozen crusts prompts you to refer to the recipe bake time).

In addition to taste, she also assessed texture and appearance of the crust, and how

well each crust held up with pumpkin filling after baking and cooling. She wanted to see

which brand had the most tender and flaky crust, which one looked the best, and which one

baked up well without getting a soggy bottom once filling was added.

The appearance of pie tarts and crust Rough, blistered surface with no large air

bubbles, golden brown edges the center of bottom and top crust are light in color not

shrunken, attractively shaped edges and uniform thickness

The peanut butter cookie dough is a bit dense, so pressing down on them helps to

flatten them bit so they bake more evenly. And,since this is a traditional characteristics of

peanut butter cookies, you’ll always be able to spot them on a cookie tray without having

to ask what kind of cookie it is.

Shortening keeps the cookies from spreading too much, keeps them from being

crumbly, and ensures that they are nice and soft. Replacing it with butter would

sifnificantly alter the texture of the cookies. They do now make butter-flavored shortening

that I’ved used from time to time if you’re worried about the flavor. Retrieved from (2019).

The foregoing literature is relevant in the present study because it tackled the

important things to consider in making baked products and to know the level of

acceptability in terms of appearance. Which will be used as one of the determining factors

to test the acceptable characteristics of the product under the study.


Creamy Chocolate Cupcake Scent by Nature’s Garden is a fragrance that begins

with amazing top notes of creamy bittersweet chocolate and buttercream, that are followed

with wonderful warm middle notes of amaretto and corn syrup. This scent is well rounded

with great base notes of warm dark cocoa, vanilla sugar, malt, and espresso powder. This

scent is actually a Nature’s Garden original fragrance

Creamy Chocolate Cupcake Scent is sure to leave your mouth watering wanting

the taste of a delicious creamy chocolatey cupcake. It is a fragrance that you will definitely

not be able be resist! For all the candle makers out there, this scent is exactly what you’ve

been looking for. This fragrance performs perfectly in joy wax and wow wax, as well as

working nice and strong in soy wax. You can easily fill your home with this tantalizing

aroma by using it to create some nice and strong homemade aroma beads. For all the

incense and potpourri makers out there, our Creamy Chocolate Cupcake scent has a

maximum usage rate of 50%. Retrieved from

This scent recalls the sweet decadence of just baked chocolate chip

cookies rising in the oven and releasing the indulgent aromas of chocolate,

butterscotch and brown sugar throughout the kitchen. Retrieved from (2017)

Red Velvet Cupcakes Fragrance Oil - Moist and delicious- our red velvet cupcake

oil contains notes of cocoa powder, chocolate, red currant and strawberry syrup laid on top

of notes of pure cane sugar, buttermilk and vanilla extract.

This super concentrated manufacturers grade fragrance oil can be used in candles,

soaps, lotions, reed diffuser oils, bath salts, bath bombs, lamp rings, incense, sachets, oil

warmers, potpourri, to scent dryer ball, to scent clay jewelry, to freshen up candles and

more. Retrieved from

Fragrance-Oil.htm (2019)

Hot Baked Apple Pie Fragrance Oil is a scrumptious bakery scent by Natures

Garden.This aroma is a delectable concoction of fresh and tart granny smith apples and

buttery pie crust scents with notes of creamy and cinnamon spice toppings. It is no wonder

why this delicious fragrance oil is one of our best sellers! In fact, a few of customers have

reported back to us that this scent smells just like a fresh out of the oven, homemade apple


This scent is the perfect aroma to make your room mouth wateringly irresistible.

Just be ready to deal with the aftermath of your guests realizing there are no yummy pies

to be had. Retrieved from


Viva naturals Coconut Flour uses the aromatic and butter-like kernel of organic

tropical coconuts , hand – picked fresh from the Philippines. When virgin coconut oil is

pressed from fully matured coconuts, the result is a fibrous yield known as coocnut flour.

Our rich pulp is slowly dried at low temperatures and finely milled into a soft , mildly

sweet powder, preserving its gull-bodied nutrient potential. Retaining characteristics

coconut aroma and flavor, our grained-free and gluten – free coconut flour turns ordinary

recipes into flavorful and exotic culinary delights, free from any bleaching agents or


Certified organic or non- GMO , Viva Ntaurals’ coocnut flour is sourced directly

from farmers in compliance with fair trade practices. Coconut flour is a delicious gluten –

free alternative to traditional grain flours, with a mild coconut flavor and subtle swetness.

As a source of vital nutrients such as iron , manganese , fiber and protein, Viva naturals

Organic Coconut Flour contributes to the maintennace of good health and helps to fulfill

dietary requirements. Low in calories and carbohydrates, our coconut flour is suitable for

all diets including vegan, vegetarian, Paleo , gluten- free, low – carb and many more. Use

coconut flour to make delicious bread, cookies, and muffins without the guilty after – feel

of refined baked goods. Retrieved from

flour (2019)

The cited literatures are significant in the present study because it confers one of

the sensory qualities of Coconut – Cassava Flour which is aroma . These literatures may

help the researcher to know the Level of Acceptability of the baked products aftermath of

the sequence of testing through the sense of smell of the product under study.


Taste buds are found in small elevations, called papillae, on the surface of the tongue.

The actual taste sensations are produced when bitter, salty, sweet, or acid substances in a

solution contact taste receptors in the taste pure leading to the taste bud. A message is sent

to the brain from the taste cells. The olfactory center is found at the top of the nasal cavity.

To stimulate the olfactory center, substances must be in gaseous form. The gaseous

molecules enter the nose as food is placed in the mouth and are drawn toward toward the

olfactory center where they stimulate nerve endings.

Taste is a perception that results from stimulation of a gustatory nerve. Taste

belongings to the chemical sensing system. Tasting begins when molecules stimulate

special cells in the mouth or throat. These special cells transmit messages through nerves

to the brain, where the specific tastes are identified. Gustatory, or taste, cells react to food

and beverages. The taste cells are clustered in the taste buds of the mouth and throat. Many

of the small bumps that can be seen on the tongue contains taste buds. Smell contributes to

the sense of taste, as does another chemosensory mechanism, called the common chemical

sense. In this system, thousands of nerve endings’ especially on the moist surfaces of the

eyes, nose, mouth, and throat , give rise to sensations such as sting of ammonia, the

coolness of menthol, and the irritation of chili peppers.

People can commonly identify four basic taste sensations: sweet , sour , bitter , and

salty. In the mouth, these taste, along with texture, temperature, and the sensations from

the common chemical sense, combine with odors to produce the perception of flavor.

Flavors are recognized mainly through the sense of smell. If a person holds his or her nose

while eating chocolate, for example the person will have trouble identifying the chocolate

flavor’ even though he or she can distinguish the food’s sweetness or bitterness. That is

because the familiar flavor of chocolate is sensed largely by odor. Retrieved from

Taste is crucial for the sensory evaluation of food. This sense allows the detection of

essential nutrients and toxic compounds. Human beings are able to discriminate five

primary different taste qualities: sweet , umami (the taste of amino acids), bitter, salty, and

sour. Tasting compounds are remarkably diverse chemically. They active specialized

detectors expressed in the oral cavity. The tongue can detect four basic tastes: sweet, sour

, salt, and bitter. Taste may be described by association with a particular food, egg meaty,

minty or fruity. The intensity can also be recorded. Retrieved from:

Taste is a powerful and complex thing. It’s not just about flavour, or about sweet,

salty, bitter or sour. It’s a multi-sensory human experience – a layered effect of appearance,

sound, touch, basic tastes, mouthfeel and aroma – all influenced by our cultures, life stages,

individual preferences and mindset.

At Kerry, dig deep into our food heritage and work closely with sensory scientists

across the globe to understand how the consumer processes the total taste experience. Then

apply our food technology know-how, advanced culinary knowledge, applications

expertise and market insights to help our customers create food and beverage products that

consumers enjoy and feel better about.


Today, consumers are looking for great-tasting products created from trusted,

authentic and wholesome foods and flavours. And Kerry is in a prime position to deliver

on these core attributes. Retrieved from


Cupcakes are always in fashion and they are truly the perfect dessert. When you're

craving something sweet but don't want to eat an entire sheet cake (or you know that you

could but figure you probably shouldn't), a cupcake hits the spot. Thankfully, there are so

many flavors to choose from these days, and people are getting so creative it's tough to

pick even five favorite flavors. There are also some classic flavors that will always be worth


Between the moist cake and the sweet icing, it's impossible to decide which part of the

cupcake is better. Of course, if you're a frosting person and tend to eat that part first (or

you prefer to save the best for last), then you'll always say that the icing is the most

important aspect of a cupcake. Retrieved from


Laseter (April 2018), she stated If you’d tasted the onions after you caramelized

them, you probably would have let them cook longer. And if you’d actually tasted your

soup at all, you’d have realized that you didn't add enough salt. You might have even

garnished it with additional fresh herbs to give it extra zing.

We all make mistakes, especially when it comes to cooking. But tasting a dish

throughout its various stages—and making adjustments as needed—can help you save any

dish before it reaches the dinner table.


With practice, a little patience, and a basic understanding of how flavors work in

general, you’ll be on your way to tasting food like a pro and tweaking your dishes to

perfection. Our handy guide has everything you need to get started, including a breakdown

of different types of flavors and how to fix food that’s too salty, sweet, sour, bitter, or bland.

When tasting your food, consider the five basic tastes: salty, sweet, sour, bitter,

and umami. Every food or beverage you consume relies on one—or a combination—of

these tastes. For example, a pineapple tastes sweet, while arugula tastes bitter. On the other

hand, pickles are salty-sweet, dark chocolate is bittersweet, and olives are bitter-salty.

To better explain these basic flavors, let’s look at common ingredients that

characterize them. Some are more obvious than others—and you’ll want to keep at least

several ingredients from each category on hand so you can easily craft a perfectly-balanced,

delicious meal.

Salty: Salt (Kosher salt, sea salt, Maldon salt

Sweet: Sugar, honey, maple syrup, bananas, berries, pineapples, mangoes, dates, figs,

sweet potatoes, carrots, bell peppers, caramelized onions, sugar snap peas, corn, basil,


Sour: Fresh lemon or lime juice, red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, buttermilk, pickles,

tart apples, blackberries, cranberries

Bitter: Kale, arugula, broccoli rabe, Brussels sprouts, eggplant, coffee, citrus zest,

turmeric, walnuts

Umami (a blend of savory and salty): Anchovies, cheese, mushrooms, sweet potatoes,

potatoes, truffles, nuts, olives, beef, pork, bacon, chicken, animal and vegetable stock,

oysters, nori (dried seaweed), tomato sauce, fish sauce, miso paste

On top of these basic tastes, there are other sensations that can enhance your food

such as spicy (anything from fiery chiles to nose-clearing

horseradish), crunchy (breadcrumbs, toasted nuts, and croutons), and even temperature

(whether an ingredient is hot or cold). Fresh herbs and spices, on the other hand, are a bit

more complex—mint is cooling and sweet, fresh ginger is spicy and a touch sour, while

rosemary is earthy and pungent. Retrieved from


The above stated literatures are relevant to the present study because the ideas and

information were discussed with regards to the taste of the product. The taste by mouth

were depended on the main ingredients used in the baked products to determine the level

of Acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour.


According to Joachim & Schloss(2019) Depending on its ratio to other ingredients

in the dough, flour makes cookies chewy or crisp or crumbly. In dry cookie dough, like

shortbread, a high proportion of flour to the small amount of liquid in the butter produces

a tender, crumbly texture. Cookies that need to hold their shape during baking, like biscotti

or pinwheel cookies, also have a high ratio of flour. In fluid-batter cookies like brownies,

a lower proportion of flour to the amount of liquid or egg results in a cakey or chewy

texture. Drop cookies tend to fall in the middle, with the exact ratio depending on whether

the cookie is to be thick or thin, chewy or crumbly, or soft or crisp.


Aside from adding sweetness, granulated white sugar makes cookies browner (by

caramelizing) and crisper (by absorbing moisture in the dough). It also encourages

spreading as the sugar melts. The proportion of sugar in most cookie dough recipes is so

high that only about half of the sugar dissolves during mixing. During baking more of the

sugar dissolves, which causes the dough to soften and spread. For the best results, use pure

cane sugar because products that contain both beet and cane sugars tend to be less

consistent in quality.

Shortening and butter make cookies tender. When mixed into flour, fat coats some

of the flour and protects it from the liquid in some recipes. This prevents gluten from

developing, making the cookies more tender and less chewy.

These are a major source of moisture and protein in cookie dough. The liquid in

eggs gives a cookie structure by bonding with the starch and protein in the flour, and their

protein helps to make cookies chewy. Most cookie recipes call for large eggs. If you want

to substitute a different size, note that the weight difference between each size is only about

1/4 ounce per egg. This isn’t enough to make a big difference unless you’re using more

than six eggs in a recipe, so for most recipes you can use egg sizes interchangeably.

In most baked goods, baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) acts as a rising agent, but

in cookies it’s much more important for encouraging browning. It does so by neutralizing

acidic ingredients in dough, such as brown sugar, honey, vanilla, and butter, which would

normally inhibit browning.


Philips (2019), in her study flaky and Crisp Pie Dough (flaky) crusts are made from

short dough containing few ingredients, being flour, fat, salt and water. The fat is cut or

rubbed into the flour until their particles resemble the size of peas.

The ingredients should be kept cold and mixed only until combined. Overmixing

creates a crust that is hard to work with and that is tough instead of flaky and tender. The

flakiness of the pie crust depends on the flour-to-fat-ratio, too; the more flour used, the

harder the baked crust. Little or no flour should be used when it is rolled out.

According to Arias(2010) , Mint Chocolate Cupcakes are ultra moist and easy to

make with tons of refreshing chocolate peppermint goodness. The cupcake is super duper

moist while the frosting is lusciously smooth. The cupcake batter is very simple to whip

up, as is the frosting. She think the hardest part was waiting for the cupcakes to cool so she

could frost.

The physical properties of foods, including texture, consistency , and shape, involve

the sense of touch or feeling, also called the tactile sense. When food is contacted, pressure

and movement receptors on the skin and muscles of the mouth and tongue are stimulated.

Sensations of smoothness, stickiness, graininess, brittleness, fibrous qualities, or lumpy

characteristics may be delete. Texture is the term used to describe the characteristics of a

finished food product. The order in which the ingredients are added, the way of mixing and

the method of cooking affect the resulting products.

A good cook should not only be able to distinguish between on texture and another

bul also be able to produce what he or she wants. Only buy observation, experience and

preserverant will a person will able to know what the correct texture of a particular product

should be. A brief description of some commonly found textures and their correct found

texture and their occurence is given below, but it must be borne in mind that the difference

between one texture and another is very fine. Retrieved from: https://food.tvfacts/4111-


Sugar affects the texture of most bakery products. Adding sugar/syrup affects the

crumb by increasing its porosity, giving a more even structure and a somewhat larger

volume. The sugar remaining in the dough after the rising process adds crispness to the


In dough where fat and sugar are mixed, small air bubbles are incorporated into the

dough. The crystal structure of the sugar affects the result. In biscuits, the sugar content

affects the pastry's ability to spread on the baking tray, and thus also the surface and

crispness of the end product.

In meringues, the egg-white proteins are stabilised by sugar. Different crystal structures

in the sugar result in different structures in the meringues. Retrieved from


The foregoing literature were related to the present study for the reason they tackled

important information about the texture of different products. The only difference between

the stated literature and the present study is the main ingredients to used. And the process

how the product will be developed. This factor was used to determine its acceptability as

rated by the respondents who will rate and evaluate.



Manigbas (2017) in this study, weighted mean and standard deviation were used in

the purpose of the study, which was to determine the acceptability of the product as to its

appearance , aroma, and texture.

Based on the research made in Banana Stalk Flour and the gathered data on

scorecard the findings were the following: The process of preparing , chopping, soaking ,

sun- drying , powdering and packaging. The level of acceptability of Banana Stalk Flour

as to it’s appearance was rated as “very appealing” with an average mean of 4.42.

Canoy (2017) her study entitled “Banana Peel Pasta” aimed to determine and

discovered the method if the Banana Peel can made into Pasta. This main purpose of the

study was to determine the acceptability of Banana Pasta.

The preparation of Banana Peel Pasta. It reveals the step – by – step procedure such

as: prepairing , scrapping, drying, grinding, mixing, kneading, resting, flattening, slicing

and packaging to produce the finish product. The level of acceptability of Banana Peel

Pasta in terms of Appearance was rated by Bachelor of Science and Technology in

Indeustrial Technology III – A Food Technology as “Very Appealing” as reflected by the

weighted mean of 4.73.

Coronado (2018). This feasibility study entitled “Rice Tart” is an innovative

product with the use of Rice. The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility of

Rice Tart in the households of Municipality of Nagcarlan , Laguna. The survey questions

were used to know if the product id feasible in the market.


Krejcie and Morgan is used by the researcher to know the total respondents of the

area. The researcher provides a free taste and a questionnaire for the selected 377

households in the Municipality og Nagcarlan , Laguna to answer the questions. Based on

the information gathered trough survey, the physical appearance of the product is the

highest rated and “very acceptable” in the market.

Millar (2015) ,her study titled “Coconut Sprout Macaroons” is an experiment

that used descriptive score card evaluation checklist and was assessed by 30 evaluators

consisting of food experts from Laguna State Polytechnic University Main Campus,

housewives and Children from A. Luna St. Majayjay Laguna, and entrepreneurs from Sta.

Cruz, Laguna.

The Coconut Sprout Macaroons were baked preparation of the ingredients ,tools

and equipment, squeezing , grating , blending , frying, mixing and baking. The finished

products appearance was found “Very Appealing”.

Velasco (March 2013), her study entitled “Carrot Cookies” the main goal of this

study is to find out if carrot can be made into cookies. The experimental method was used

to determine the acceptability of the product in terms of its sensory qualities.

Ten (10) housewives of Brgy. Ilaya del Sur, Paete Laguna, five (5) students from

BSIE third year students , and 5 LSPU Facultty members A.Y. 2012-2013 evaluated the

qualities of Carrot Cookies in terms of sensory qualities. The methods followed in

preparing Carrot Cookies included preparing, selecting, creaming, adding , mixing,

dropping, baking and cooling. The 20 respondents rated the appearance eighteen (18) or

ninety percent (90%) with “highly accepted” and 2 or ten percent (10%) rated with

“Moderately Accepted”.

Calasicas & Modina (2014) , they conducted a study on Sensory Evaluation of

“Banana (Musa Sapientum) Peel Cupcake” the methods used in making Banana Peel

Cupcake using Saba and Bungulan are preparing , measuring , grinding, mixing, pouring ,

baking icing mixing, and topping.The level of acceptability of banana Peel using Saba Peel

in terms of its appearance was rated by the respondents as “Very Appetizing”.

Tantoco (2014-2015), he conducted a study on sensory qualities of “Pansit –

Pansitan (Peperomie Pellucida Linn) Cookies” the proces in preparing Pansit-pansitan

cookies are preparing , chopping , mixing , and baking. The level of acceptability of Pansit

– Pansitan Cookies using medical Plant Pansit – Pansitan. The level of acceptability of

Pansit – pansitan Cookies in terms of appearance was rated by the respondents as “Very

Acceptable “ because of its pleasing appearance.

Garcia & Minerva (2013), study entitled “Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Pearl

Cookies”, the researchers used an experimental method for the preparation of coconut

pearl flour. The laboratory analysis was conducted at the Philippine Flour Mills, Brgy

Hondagua Lopez, Quezon an the microbial analysis was conducted analysis was conducted

at the Standard and Testing Division, Department of Science and Technology , Bicutan

Taguig City. The researchers made the preparation of the Coconut Pearl Flour without any

basis on the standard process of making flour, the study gathered all information through

the suggestions on the evaluation sheet gathered from the sensory evaluation.

The 57 respondents were selected in random manner. The weighted mean formula

was used in determining the general acceptability of the coconut pearl flour from the

sensory evaluation which was conducted at the Food Technology Laboratory, College of

Industrial Technology , Southern Luzon State University , Lucban Quezon. To create

applicable baked products that will best suit to the overall characteristics of coocnut Pearl

Flour such as cookies. The weighted mean for the general acceptability is 3.30 ; in general

, statistics showed that coocnut pearl flour is “Acceptable”. In overall aspects, it showed

that all the sensory attributes of Coconut Pearl Flour were acceptable and a shown from

tables and validated by statistical descriptive rating.

The cited studies are related to the present study because it discussed the appearance

of different finished baked products produced with different ingredients in order to be

physically accepted by the respondendents.


Sultan (2015). The main purpose of his study is aimed to determine the

acceptability of “Saba Banana Flour into Baked Products”. As for the research design,

this study used experimental method, a kind of research design that involves manipulating

one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable. The

research product was evaluated using scorecard by the fifteen (15) students of BSIT- II A

Food Technology from Laguna State Polytechnic University Main Campus during the

academic year 2014- 2015.

In this study weighted mean, standard deviation and f- test were used to determine the

acceptability of the products as to its appearance , aroma, taste and the texture. Based on

the research made on the study of Saba Banana Flour into Baked Products and the gathered

data on the study. The mean acceptability of the product in terms of aroma ass “Very

Aromatic” with an weighted mean of 4.47.

Verdera (2015). This study entitled “Ampalaya Pandesal” was made to determine

the acceptability of the experimental product. Experimental method used in the study

because it also involve manipulating the variable in the order to determine the effect of the

independent variables.

In this study the respondent where composed of two (2) groups of respondents

which is composed of fifteen (15) selected students of the College of Industrial Technology

from Laguna State Polytechnic University Main Campus, Sta. Cruz Laguna, fifteen (15)

instructorsof the College of Industrial Technology in the same University Academic Year

2014-2015. Based on the research made on the acceptability of Ampalaya Pandesal.

The evaluation on aroma of 2 tablespoons got a 4.16 and interpreted as “Very Pleasant”,

the evaluation on aroma of 4 tablespons got a 4.48 and interpreted as “ Very Pleasant”, the

evaluation on aroma of 6 tablespoon got an 4.3 and interpreted as “Very Pleasant”,

evaluation on aroma of 8 tablespoon got an 4.13 and interpreted as “Very Pleasant” , the

evaluation on aroma of 12 tablespoon got an 4.16 and interpreted as “Very Pleasant”.

Virey (2015), her research study was conducted to determine the acceptability of

“Ampalaya Cookies”. As of the research design, this study used experimental method.

And the research product was evaluated using scorecard by ten (10) housewives randomly

selected from in A. Mabini St. Nagcarlan , Laguna; ten (10) students randomly selected

from Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Technology; and ten

(10) faculty members of College of Industrial Technology at the Laguna State Polytechnic

University Main Campus , Sta. Cruz, Laguna during the Academic Year 2014-2015.

The respondents used scorecards to evaluate the acceptability of Ampalaya Cookies.

Out of this data gathering instruments, the data gathered were statiscally treated using

weighed mean, standard deviation and T-test. Based on the research made in Ampalaya

Cookies with content of 1/8 teaspoon and the gathered data on the scorecard the findings

in terms of aroma was rated as “very pleasant”with the average mean of 4.4; the mean level

of acceptability of Ampalaya Cookies with ¼ teaspoon of amplaya juice content aroma

as rated as “very pleasant” with the weighed average of 4.3; on ½ teaspoon of ampalaya

juice content was rated as “pleasant” with the average weighed mean of 4.1.

Violanta(2011). The study aims to use Alugbati as an ingredient in making muffin.

Experimental method of research was used in this study to determine if Alugbati can be

made into muffin and find out its acceptability in terms of sensory qualities. Alugabati

Muffin underwent a series of evaluation and taste test using scorecard by (10) third year

food technology students;, five (5) food technology instructors of Laguna State Polytechnic

University, Main Campus, Santa Cruz, Laguna during the Academic Year 2010- 2011 and

five (5) housewives from Brgy. Mojon Liliw, Laguna.

After the evaluation, data were tallied and tabulated and statistically treated using the

weighed mean, standard deviation and chi- squared method in order to achieve the final

result. The results were analyzed and interpreted to determine the acceptability of the

Alugbati Muffin. Based on the research made on the experimental study Alugbati Muffin,

the level of Acceptability based on the sensory qualities. The aroma of Alugbati Muffin

got an average mean of 4.6 interpreted as “Very Agreeable”.


Calasicas & Modina (2014). This study generally aimed to make “Banana Peel

Cupcake” utilizing Saba and Bungulan Peel. The method used in this study was

experimental study. It involves manipulating the variables in the order to determine the

effect of independent variables to the dependent variables. This study has undergone series

of evaluation using a scorecard distributed to 25 CIT students specifically At – II B Food

Technology students of Laguna State Polytechnic University Main Campus Sta. Cruz,

Laguna during the Academic Year 2013-2014.

Weighed mean , standard deviation and T-test were used o treat the gathered data

after evaluating the acceptability of Banana Peel Cupcake using Saba and Bungulan in

terms of its sensory qualities. Based on the data gathered on the product , the level of

Acceptability of Banana Peel Cupcake in terms of Aroma was rated by the respondents as

“very aromatic” with an average weighed mean 4.52

Tantoco (2014-2015), he conducted a study on sensory qualities of “Pansit –

Pansitan (Peperomie Pellucida Linn) Cookies” the proces in preparing Pansit-pansitan

cookies are preparing , chopping , mixing , and baking. The level of acceptability of Pansit

– Pansitan Cookies using medical Plant Pansit – Pansitan. The level of acceptability of

Pansit – pansitan Cookies in terms of aroma was rated by the respondents as “Very

Aromatic” because of its pleasing aroma.

The studies discussed are connected on the preceding study because past

respondents of previous studies above said that the aroma of the product is important to the

consumer’s preference in choosing a product. The preference of the consumers should

always be considered when you’re producing new variety of baked products. Also taste is

one of the important sensory qualities to determine the level of acceptability of Coconut –

Cassava Flour Baked Products.


Adriano (February 2015), her study entitled “Ashitaba (Angelica Keiskei

Koidzumi) Cupcake” Ashitaba can be made as one of the ingredients in making Cupcake.

The steps in making Ashitaba Cupcake with fresh leaves were preparing ,washing,

chopping, sifting, measuring, mixing, baking, and cooling while the stepd in making

ashitaba Cupcake with roasted Leaves were preparing, washing, roasting, sifting,

measuring, mixing, baking and cooling.

In this study based on the scorecard was used evaluated the sensory qualities of the

product in terms of appearance , aroma , taste , and texture. The mean level of acceptability

as rated by the students as well as to determine if there is signififcant difference on the

acceptability of ashitaba cupcake as rated by the respondents. In this study the a number of

selected persons were invited to evaluated the product. The product was evaluated by

twenty (20) Students from the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food

Technology of the Laguna State Polytechnic University Main Campus , Santa Cruz Laguna

for A.Y. 2014-2015. Ashitaba Cupcake with fresh leaves rated with an averaged 4.35 in

taste as “Very Sweet” and Ashitaba Cupcake with Roasted Leaves the respondents rated

with an averaged 4.4 in taste as “Very Sweet”.

Virey (February2015) , her study entitled “Ampalaya Momordica Charantia)

Cookies”. It stated that the product was evaluated by ten (10) housewives in A.Mabini St.

Nagcarlan , Laguna ; ten (10) instructor of College of Industrial Technology ; Ten (10)

students from the Bachelor of Science major in Food Technology during the Academic

Year 2014-2015.

The respondents used scorecards to evaluate the acceptability of Ampalaya Cookies

such as appearance, aroma, taste, and texture . out of this data gathering instruments, the

data gathered were statistically treated using weighted mean, standard deviation, and t-

gtest. After which result were tabulated , analyzed and interpreted.

Based on the study of Ampalaya Cookies, the following findings were obtained the

process of preparing ampalaya cookies with 1/8 teaspoon, ¼ teaspoon and ½ teaspoon of

varied ampalaya juice content; preparing, measuring, creaming, adding, mixing, dropping

and baking.

The respondents evaluation on Ampalaya Cookies the taste got a computed weighted

mean of 4.3 rank 3 and standard deviation of 0.9 verbally interpreted as “very delicious”.

Villegas (2017), her study entitled “ Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Noodles” the

research study conducted to determine the acceptability of Cassava Noodles. The

experimental method used to determine the general acceptability of Cassava Noodles .

score card was used to evaluate the sensory qualities such as aroma, taste and texture. The

level of acceptability is rated by housewives. In this study, the formula used was Weigted

mean , standard deviation, and t-test, since the purpose of the study is to determine the

equivalent proportion of acceptability of Cassava Noodles as to its aroma, taste and texture.

Based on the study of Cassava Noodle the following were obtained. The steps in

making Cassava Noodles were preparing, shredding, sun drying, sifting, mixing, kneading,

flattening, slicing, boiling, blanching, and packaging.the level of acceptability of Cassava


Noodles in terms of taste is rated as “Very Tasty” with an average of 4.60 and standard

deviation of 0.52.

Eugenio (2018). This study aims to produce “Cassava (Manihotesculenta)

Kropek”. The method used in this study is experimental mehod. It was used to determine

the level of acceptability of Cassava (Manihotsculenta) Kropek in terms of sensory

qualities such as appearance, taste and texture.

Research product underwent a series of evaluation using a scorecard which is

distrubuted to 35 housewives of Purok 3 Barangay Sta. Lucia Nagcarlan, Laguna. In this

study weighted mean and standard deviation were used in the purpose of the study to

determine the acceptability of the product as to its appearance, taste and texture. Based on

the research made in Cassava Kropek and gathered data on scorecard the findings of Taste

was rated as “very Savory” with an average mean of 4.57 and standard deviation of 0.50

as rated by the respondents.

Conte (2016-2017), this study entitled “ Cassava Tops – Tomato Fettucine” was

made to find out the acceptability of the experimetal product. The adopted research

instrument in this study is in the form of acorecard. Scorecard was used to evaluate the

sensory qualities. In this study, the weighted mean and standard deviation were used to

determine the acceptabiliy of the product as to its sensory qualities.

Based on the research made in Cassava Tops – Tomato Fettucine and the gathered

data on the scorecard the findings of the level of acceptability in terms of taste was rated

as “very acceptable” with an average mean of 4.55.


The cited studies were relevant and helpful to the present study because the

researcher considers taste as one of the sensory qualities to determine the level of

acceptability, the rating of every respondents and also in the sense that the idea and

information are being discussed about the taste will be beneficial in making Coconut –

Cassava Flour Baked products.


Millar (2015), her study entitled “Coconut Sprout Macaroons” is an experiment

that used descriptive scorecard evaluation checklist and was assessed by 30 evaluators

consisting of food experts from Laguna State Polytechnic University , housewives and

Children from A. Luna St. Majayjay Laguna, and entrepreneurs from Sta. Cruz, Laguna.

The coconut sprout macaroons were baked preparation of the ingredients , tools and

equipment , squeezing, grating,blending, frying, mixing, and baking. Based on the gathered

data, the findings in the level of acceptability of coconut Sprout Macaroons in terms of

texture as rated by the (4) groups of respondents was “Highly Acceptable” with a computed

total weighted mean of 4.86 respectively and the standard deviation of 0.08964.

Abrantes (2016). This research study entitled “Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) Cupcake”.

The experimental method of research was used in this study to determine the level of

acceptability of dragon fruit cupcake in terms of its sensory qualities. The questionnaire is

composed of twenty (20) questions that consists of the sensory qualities. Each of the

variables has five (5) questions.

The method observed in preparing Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) Cupcake includes of the

ingredient preparation of the tool and equipment and difference processes preparing,

washing, peeling, chopping, mashing , measuring, mixing and baking. The findings in the

level of acceptability in terms of Texture was “Highly Acceptable” with the weighted mean

of 3.75 and standard deviation of 0.26.

Manigbas, EJ. D. (2017) in her study weighted mean and standard deviation were

used in the purpose of the study, which was to determine the acceptability of the product

as to its appearance , aroma, and texture.

Based on the research made in Banana Stalk Flour and the gathered data on

scorecard the findings were the following: The process of preparing , chopping, soaking ,

sun- drying , powdering and packaging. The level of acceptability of Banana Stalk Flour

as to it’s texture was rated as “highly acceptable”.

Somoza (June 2018), her study entitled “Cassava Squash Enriched Noodles” was

made to determine the acceptability of the experimental product. As for the research design,

this study used exerimental method. And the research product was evaluated using

scorecard by the 35 selected students of College of Industrial Technology at the Laguna

State Polytechnic University Sta. Cruz, Laguna at the Academic Year of 2017- 2018.

In this study , weighed mean and standard deviation were used to determine the

acceptability of the product as its appearance, taste and texture.based on the research made

in Cassava Squash Enriched Noodles and the gathered data on scorecard. The level of

acceptability of Cassava Squash Enriched Noodles in terms of sensory qualities . Texture

was rated as “Very Soft” with an average weighed mean of 4.3.

Adriano (2015). This study entitled “Ashitaba (Angelica Keikie Koidzumi)

Cupcake” was done to identify and to determine the acceptability of the product. For the

design od this research , the study used experimental method and was evaluated using

scorecard. By 20 respondents from the students of Bachelor of Science in Industrial

Technology major in Food Technology at the Laguna State Polytechnic University Main

Campus Academic Year 2014 – 2015.

In this study, mean , standard deviation and T- test eres used in the purpose of the

study to determine the acceptability of the products as to its aroma, appearance , taste and

texture. Based on the research made in Ashitaba ( Angelica Keishei Koidzumi) cupcake

and the gathered data on scorecard. The level of acceptability of Ashitaba Cupcake using

fresh leaves as to its texture was rated as “Very Fluffy” with an average mean of 4.55. the

level of acceptability of Ashitaba cupcake using roasted leaves as to its texture was rated

as “Very Fluffy” with an average mean of 4.55.

The above studies were relevant and useful to the present study as texture is one of

the sensory qualities being considered to determine the level of acceptability of Coconut –

Cassava Flour Baked products. They only differ based on how the researcher produced

new variety of finish products.



This chapter consists of the study design , selection of respondents,

instruments and procedure, data collection

and analysis.

Research Design

The experimental method of research was used to determine the acceptability

Coconut– Cassava Flour : Sensory Perception in Bread Making in terms of the sensory

qualities such as appearance , aroma , taste, and texture with nutritive value as rated by the


Harland, according to him experimental research is a study that strictly adheres to

a scientific research design. It includes a hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated by

the researcher, and variables that can be measured , Calculated and compared. Most

importantly, experimental research is completed in a controlled in a environment. The

researcher collects data and results with either support or reject the hypothesis. This method

of research is reffered to a hypothesis testing or a deductive research method.

The purpose of experimental research seeks to determine a relationship between

two (2) variables – the dependent and the independent variable. After completing an

experimental research study, a correlation between a specific aspect of entity and the

variable being studied is either supported or rejected. And lastly data in experimental

research must be able quantified , or measured.


Subject of the Study

In this experimental study, Coconut – Cassava Flour was used as the ingredients of

the different baked products such as bread, square bars , supcake and crust.

Figure 2


In conducting this experiment the respondents were composed of forty- two (42)

students from Second Year Food Technology students from Laguna State Polytechnic

University during the academic year 2019-2020 who were randomly selected.

Sampling Technique

The researcher used Simple Random Sampling technique to answer the scorecard

and determine the Level of Acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour in terms of sensory

qualities such as appearance, aroma, taste and texture. As cited in

( Simple Random Sampling each individual is chosen entirely by

chance and each member of the population has an equal chance, or probability, of being


Supplies and Materials

Table 1 shows the ingredients used in making the Coconut – Cassava Flour into

Cupcake: 1 2/3 cups of Coconut – Cassava flour is amounted to twelve pesos (Php 12.00)

; 1 cup of white sugar is amounted seven pesos and fifty centavos (Php 7.50); ¼ teaspoon

of baking soda is amounted fifty centavos (Php 0.50); 1 teaspoon of baking powder is

amounted of one pesos(Php 1.13); ¾ cup of unsalted butter is amounted of twenty eight

pesos and fifty centavos (Php 28.50); ½ cup of evaporated milk is amounted of seven pesos

(Php 7.00); 3 eggs is amounted of fifteen pesos (Php 15.00).

The total cost of the ingredients in making Coconut – Cassava Flour into Cupcake

is seventy one pesos and sixty three centavos (Php71.63).

Table 1. Ingredients of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Cupcake

Quantity Unit Description Unit Cost Total Cost
1 2/3 Cups Coconut – Php 8.00/ cup Php 12.00
Cassava Flour
1 Cups White sugar Php 15.00/ 250g Php 7.50
¾ Cups Unsalted butter Php 38.00/ 225g Php 28.50
½ Cups Evaporated milk Php 11.00 / 325g Php 7.00
3 Pieces Eggs Php 5.00 / per piece Php 15.00

¼ Teaspoons Baking soda Php 21.00/ per 125g Php 0.50

1 qwa Teaspoons Baking powder Php 11.00/ per 50g Php1.13
TOTAL: Php 71.63
Yield: 19 pieces Php 3.77/piece
Table 2 shows the following ingredients used in making Coconut – Cassava Flour into

Square Bars: 2 Cups of coconut – cassava flour is amounted sixteen pesos (php 16.00) ; 2

cups brown sugar is amounted thirteen pesos (php13.00); 2 large eggs is amounted ten

pesos (Php 10.00); ½ cup softened butter is amounted ninteen pesos (php19.00); 2

teaspoons baking powder is amounted one pesos (Php 2.25); ½ teaspoon salt is amountes

twenty five centavos (Php 0.25); 2 teaspoon vanilla is amounted fifty centavos (Php 1.00).

The total cost of the ingredients in making Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square

Bars ia amounted seventy three and fifty centavos (Php73.50).


Table 2. Ingredients of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars

Quantity Unit Description Unit Cost Total Cost
2 Cups Coconut – Cassava Php 8.oo/ cup Php 16.00
2 Cups Brown sugar Php 13.00/ 250g Php 13.00
½ Cups Unsalted butter Php 38.00/ 225g Php 19.00
½ Cups Evaporated milk Php 11.00 / 325g Php 7.00
2 Pieces Eggs Php 5.00 / per Php 15.00
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Php 5.00/ per 5 Php 1.00
2 Teaspoons Baking powder Php 11.00 / per Php 2.25
½ Teaspoons Salt Php 0.25 Php 0.25
TOTAL: Php 73.50
Yield : 24 square bars Php 3.06/piece
Table 3 shows the following ingredients used for making pie crust out of Coconut

– cassava flour: 1 ¼ cups of Coconut – cassava flour amounted to ten pesos (Php 10.00);

½ cup powdered sugar amounted to six pesos and ninety four centavos (Php 6.94); ¼

teaspoon salt thirteen centavos (Php 0.13); ½ cup salted butter amounted to nineteen pesos

(Php 19.00); 1 egg amounted to five pesos (Php 5.00).

The total cost of the ingredients used in preparing Coconut – Cassava Flour into

Pie Crust is fourty one and seven centavos (Php 41.07).

Table 3. Ingredients of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Pie Crust

Quantity Unit Description Unit Cost Total Cost
1¼ Cups Coconut – Cassava Php 8.oo/ cup Php 10.00
½ Cups Powdered sugar Php 50.oo/ 450g Php 6.94
½ Cups Unsalted butter Php 38.00/ 225g Php 19.00
¼ Teaspoons Salt Php 1.00/ per tbsp. Php 0.13
1 Piece Egg Php 5.00 / per Php5.00
TOTAL: Php 41.07
Yield: 8 pcs per 35 grams Php 5.13/ piece

Cost of Production

To find out whether the experimental research product of economic value, cost of

production was made as shown in table 4, 5 and 6 where particular supplies are computed

according to their retail price in the public market of Pila, Laguna.

Table 4. Cost of Production Using Coconut – Cassava Flour into Cupcake

Description Cost

Ingredients of cupcake Php 71.63

Labor Php 43.75

Miscellaneous Php 30.00

Total Php 145.38

The sub – divided cost of production using Coconut – Cassava Flour into cupcakes

as shown in table 4 as follows: ingredients were seventy one pesos and sixty three centavos

(Php 71.63); labor is forty three and seventy five centavos and (Php 43.75) ;miscellaneous

include thirty pesos (Php 30.00) for the use of electricity for the oven twenty pesos (Php

20.00) ten pesos(Php 10.00) for the transportation fee for a total of one hundred forty five

and thirty eight centavos (Php 145.38). Yield is 19 pieces per 40 grams.

Table 5. Cost of Production Using Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars
Description Cost

Ingredients of square bars Php 73.50

Labor Php 32.81

Miscellaneous Php 15.00

Total Php 121.31


The sub – divided cost of production using Coconut – Cassava Flour into square

bars as shown in table 5 as follows: ingredients were seventy three and fifty centavos (Php

73.50); labor is thirty two and eighty one centavos (Php 32.81);miscellaneous include

fifteen pesos (Php 15.00) for the use of electricity for the total of one hundred seventeen

and thirty one centavos (Php 117.31). Yield is 21pieces per 20 grams.

Table 6. Cost of Production Using Coconut – Cassava Flour into Pie Crust
Description Cost

Ingredients of pie crust Php 41.07

Labor Php 25.88

Miscellaneous Php 30.00

Total Php 96.95

The sub – divided cost of production using Coconut – Cassava Flour into pie crust

as shown in table 6 as follows: ingredients were forty one and seven centavos (Php 41.07);

labor is twenty five and eighty eight centavos (Php 25.88) ;miscellaneous include thirty

pesos (Php 30.00) for the use of electricity for oven and refrigeration for the total of ninety

six and ninety five centavos (Php 96.95). yield is 8 pieces per 35 grams.

Utensils and Equipment

Table 7. Utensils used in the production of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Baked
Unit Quantity Description

1 Set Measuring cup

1 Set Measuring spoon

1 Piece Mixing bowl

3 Pieces Small bowl

1 Piece Rolling pin

1 Piece Wooden spoon

1 Piece Wire whisk

1 Piece Ice cream scoop

1 Piece Sifter

1 Piece Cookie sheet

1 Piece Tray

1 Piece Muffin Pan

1 Piece Pie Plate

Electric oven

The following utensils and equipment used in making Coconut – Cassava Flour

into Baked Products are shown in table 7. Measuring cup was used to measure all the dry

ingredients. Measuring spoon was used to measure small quantity of liquid and dry

ingredients. Mixing bowl was used to mix all the dry and liquid ingredients. Small bowl

used to seperate liquid and dry ingredients. Rolling pin used to flat the dough. Wooden

spoon was used to to mix all the ingredients. Wire whisk was used to mix the batter mixture.

Ice cream scoop was used to scoop the equal amount of batter. Sifter was use to sift all the

dry ingredients. Cookie sheet was used for baking cookies. Muffin pan was used for baking

cupcakes and muffins. Pie plate was use for baking Pie Crust. Electric oven was used for

baking all baked products.

Production Procedure


1. Prepare all the ingredients , materials , and utensils needed.

2. Preheat oven to 180 degree celcius.

3. Whisk together flour , sugar , baking soda , and baking powder in a large bowl.

4. Add butter, egg whites , vanilla and milk mix o medium speed just until smooth.

Do not over mix.

5. Fill cupcake liners a little more than half way.

6. Bake 18-20 minutes

7. Allow to cool for 1-2 minutes, then remove to cooling rack to finish cooling.

Square Bars

1. Prepare all the ingredients , materials , and utensils needed.

2. Preheat the oven to 359 degrees celcius

3. In a medium – size bowl, cream together the butter sugar.

4. Add the vanilla and eggs . mix well.

5. Add the coconut – cassava flour , baking powder and salt.

6. Mix well

7. Spread the batter in a well – greased 9x13 pan.


8. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the bars are set in the middle.

9. Cut while the bars are still warm.

Pie Crust
1. Prepare all the ingredients , materials , and utensils needed.

2. Put flour, sugar , and salt in the mixing bowl and mix it until combined. Add

butter and resembles coarse crumbs, add egg keep resembles until the dough is

no longer dry and starts to clump together.

3. Turn dough to a lighly floured surface and form into a ball. Flatten ball slightly

with your hands to form a thick disc. Wrap tin the plastic wrap and fermented

and refrigerate for atleast 1 hour.

4. Take the dough out of fridge and let sit on the counter for a few minutes to

soften slightly floured, roll the dough out into an 9 inch pie plate.

5. Preheat the oven to 375F/ 190C and place the rack in the center.

6. Bake crust for 20 minutes , until foil no longer sticks to the dough.

7. To partially bake the crust bake for 5 minutes longer .

8. To fully bake the crust bake for about 10 minutes longer unil golden brown and

dry. Tranfer to a wire rack and let cool completely.

Try – outs and Revisions

In preparing the baked product using Coconut – Cassava Flour, the researcher

encountered some difficulties and defects. Try – outs and revisions were done to obtain

favorable and better results of the product.

Table 8. Try – outs and revisions of Coconut – Cassava Flour into cupcake

Trial Defect Revision

1st Trial The cupcake is too sweet. Reduce 2 tablespoons of

Based on table 8, in the first trial cupcake is too sweet; to solve the problem the

revisions was done is to reduce about 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Table 9. Try – outs and revisions of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars
Trial Defect Revision
1 Trial Crumble when they are Cut while the bars are
cut. still warm

Based on table 9, in the first trial of Square Bars is crumble when they are cut; to

settle the problem the researcher try to cut while the bars are still warm.

Table 10 Try – outs and revisions of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Pie Crust
Trial Defect Revision
1 Trial Too dry Alternately add 1 table
spoon of water

Based on table 10, in the first trial of Pie Crust is too dry; to resolve the defects the

researcher thinks that altenately add water will fix the pie crust.

Production Time Frame

Figure 3 Production Time Frame in Preparing Cassava Flour

Sun drying

Preparing of Sapal ng Niyog
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Figure 3 shows the production time frame of Cassava Flour; determining the

minutes in making Cassava Flour. In Preparing of Cassava, it consumed fifteen (15)

minutes; cutting of cassava consumed fifteen (15) minutes; Washing of Cassava consumed

ten (10) minutes; Sundrying of Cassava consumed one thousand four hundred forty (1440)

minutes; Grinding of Cassava consumed thirty (30) minutes; Sifting of Cassava fifteen

(15) minutes.

Figure 4 Production Time Frame in Preparing Coconut Flour

Sifting 35

Grinding 60
Sundrying 1920
Preparing Sapal ng Niyog 15
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Figure 4 shows the production time frame of Coconut Flour; determining the

minutes in making Coconut Flour. In Preparing of Sapal ng Niyog , it consumed fifteen

(15) minutes; Sundrying consumed one thousand nine hundred twenty (1920) minutes;

Grinding consumed sixty (60) minutes; Sifting consumed thirty five (35) minutes.

Figure 5. Production Time Frame in Preparing Coconut – Cassava Flour

into Cupcake
Cooling 2
Baking 20

Mixing 5
Measuring 15
Preparing of Ingredients 10
Preparing of Utensils 10
0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 5 shows the production time frame of Coconut –Cassava Flour into Cupcake,

determining the minutes in making Cupcakes. In Preparing the Utensils consumed ten (10)

minutes; Preparing of Ingredients consumed ten (10) minutes; measuring consumed fifteen

(15) minutes ; mixing consumed five (5) minutes; baking consumed twenty (20)minutes ;

and Cooling of Cupcakes in muffin pan consumed two (2) minutes, then remove to cooling

rack to finish cooling.

Figure 6. Production Time Frame of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars
Cooling 10
Cutting 2
Baking 35

Mixing 8
Measuring 10
preparing of Ingredients 10
Preparing Of Utensils 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6 shows the Production Time Frame of Coconut – Cassava Flour into

Squares Bars, determining the minutes in making Square Bars. In Preparing of utensils

consumed ten (10) minutes; Preparing of ingredients consumed ten (10) minutes;

measuring consumed ten (10) minutes; mixing consumed eight (8) minutes; baking

consumed thirty five (35) minutes; cutting consumed two (2) minutes and Cooling

consumed ten (10) minutes.

Figure 7. Production Time Frame in Preparing of Coconut – Cassava Flour

into Pie Crust

cooling 10
Fully Bake 15
Par- bake 25
Procedure Rolling 15
Chilling 720
kneading 10
Mixing 5
Measuring 10
Preparing of Ingredients 10
Preparing of Utensils 10
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


Figure 7 shows the Production Time Frame of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Pie

Crust, determining the minutes in making Pie Crust. In Preparing of utensils consumed ten

(10) minutes; Preparing of ingredients consumed ten (10) minutes; measuring consumed

ten (10) minutes; mixing consumed five (5) minutes; kneading consumed ten (10) minutes;

chilling consumed seven hundred twenty (720) minutes;rolling consumed fifteen (15)

minutes; par-baking consumed twenty - five (25) minutes; fully baked consumed fifteen

(15) minutes and Cooling consumed ten (10) minutes.

Research Instrument

Table 11 Likert Scale of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Baked Products.

Scale Appearance Taste Aroma Texture
5 Very Powdery Very Flavorful Very Aromatic Very Soluble
4 Powdery Flavorful Aromatic Soluble
3 Moderately Moderately Moderately Moderately
Powdery Flavorful Aromatic Soluble
2 Fairly Powdery Less Flavorful Less Aromatic Less Soluble
1 Not Powdery Not Flavorful Not Aromatic Not Soluble

The scorecard was used as the research instrument in the study. The sensory

qualities used in the present study such appearance, taste , aroma and texture will be scaled

from 5-1. Whereas, 5 pertains to Very Acceptable. 4 pertains to Acceptable. 3 refers to


Moderately Acceptable. 2 refers to Less Acceptable. Lastly, 1 pertains to Not Acceptable

and each of which is rated and interpreted as shown in table 15.

Statistical Treatment

Weighted mean, standard deviations and Anova was used to determine the level

and mean acceptability of of Coconut – Cssava Flour : Sensory Perception in Making

Baked Products in terms of its sensory qualities such as appearance,aroma, taste and


The formula of weighted mean:

𝑊𝑥̅ =


𝑊𝑥̅ = weighted mean

f = class frequency

s = class midpoint

n = sum of frequency

the formula of SD is:

∈(𝑥−𝑥̅ )2
𝑆𝐷 = √


SD = standard deviation

x = sample

€ = sum of samples

n= sample size

The formula of Anova is:




k ; Number of samples (or levels)

(∑ 𝑥)
𝐶𝐹 = ; Correction factor

SS Total = Sx2 – CF ; Total sum of squares

(∑ 𝑥)2
SSB = ∑ − 𝐶𝐹 ; Between samples sum of squares

SSw = SST – SSB ; Within samples sum of squares

MST = ; Total mean squares

MSB = ; Between samples mean squares

MSW = ; Within samples mean squares

Formula of Degrees of Freedom

Between Groups

DF = k-1

Within Groups

DF = (N-1) – (k-1)

Table 12. Weighted Mean Range Interpretation

Range Appearance Taste Aroma Texture Acceptability
4.20- Very Very Very Very Very
5.00 Powdery Flavorful Aromatic Soluble Acceptable
3.40- Powdery Flavorful Aromatic Soluble Acceptable
2.60- Moderately Moderately Moderately Moderately Moderately
3.39 Powdery Flavorful Aromatic Soluble Acceptable
1.80- Fairly Less Less Less Less
2.59 Powdery Flavorful Aromatic Soluble Acceptable
1.0- Not Powdery Not Not Not Soluble Not
1.79 Flavorful Aromatic Acceptable

Table 12 interprets the computed weighted mean as a result of evaluation on each

criterion in determining the acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into cupcake, square

bars and pie crust. Likewise, it also used the to determine the overall acceptability of the

Coconut – Cassava Flour into baked products.


Chapter 4


This chapter involves the presentation , analysis and interpretation of data n the level of

acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour: Sensory Perception

in Making Baked Products in terms of appearance,

aroma , taste and texture.

Methods of Preparation

The methods of preparation of the study are depicted in Figure 8, 9, and 10 below

using flowcharts.

Preparing Measuring Mixing Baking

Figure 8 . Flowchart in Making Coconut – Cassava Flour into Cupcake

Preparing Measuring Mixing Kneading Freezing Molding BAking

Figure 9. Flowchart in Making Coconut Cassava Flour into Crust


Preparing Measuring Mixing Baking Cutting Cooling

Figure 10. Flowchart in Making Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars

Level of Acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour: Sensory Perception in Making

Baked Products in terms of Sensory Qualities
Table 13. Level of Acceptability of Level of Acceptability of Coconut – Cassava
Flour: Sensory Perception in Making Baked Products in terms of
Sensory Qualities
Coconut - Cassava Flour into Cupcake
Indicator Wx Stdev Rank Analysis
Appearance 4.12 1.06 1 Powdery
Aroma 4.29 0.86 3 Very Aromatic
Taste 4.38 0.76 4 Very Flavorful
Texture 4.17 0.93 2 Soluble
Total Ave. Wx 4.24

Coconut- Cassava Flour into Crust

Indicator Wx Stdev Rank Analysis
Appearance 4.48 0.83 2.5 Very Powdery
Aroma 4.52 0.77 3 Very Aromatic
Taste 4.43 0.83 2.5 Very Flavorful
Texture 4.29 0.94 1 Very Soluble
Total Ave Wx 4.43

Coconut - Cassava Flour into Square Bars

Indicator Wx Stdev Rank Analysis
Appearance 4.48 0.78 1 Very Powdery
Aroma 4.62 0.57 4 Very Aromatic
Taste 4.71 0.58 3 Very Flavorful
Texture 4.48 0.62 2 Very Soluble
Total Ave. Wx 4.57

As shown in theble 13, the acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into

Cupcake in terms of Appearance got weighed mean of 4.12, standard deviation of 1.06,

rank 1 and verbally interpreted as powdery, aroma got the weighed mean of 4.29 , standard

deviation of 0.86, rank 3 and and verbally interpreted as very aromatic, taste got weighed

mean of 4.38 , standard deviation of 0.76 , rank 4 and verbally interpreted as very flavorful,

texture got weighed mean of 4.17, standard deviation of 0.93, rank 2 and verbally

interpreted as soluble.

In the acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Crust in terms of

appearance got weighed mean of 4.48, standard deviation of 0.83, rank 2.5 and verbally

interpreted as very powdery, aroma got the weighed mean of 4.52 , standard deviation of

0.77, rank 3 and and verbally interpreted as very aromatic, taste got weighed mean of

4.43, standard deviation of 0.83 , rank 2.5 and verbally interpreted as very flavorful,

texture got weighed mean of 4.29, standard deviation of 0.94, rank 1 and verbally

interpreted as very soluble.

In the acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars in terms of

appearance got weighed mean of 4.48, standard deviation of 0.78, rank 1 and verbally

interpreted as very powdery, aroma got the weighed mean of 4.62 , standard deviation of

0.57, rank 4 and and verbally interpreted as very aromatic, taste got weighed mean of

4.71, standard deviation of 0.58 , rank 3 and verbally interpreted as very flavorful, texture

got weighed mean of 4.48, standard deviation of 0.62, rank 2 and verbally interpreted as

very soluble.

Test of Significant Difference on the Acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour:

Sensory Perception in Making Baked Products

Table 14. Analysis of Variance on the of Coconut – Cassava Flour: Sensory

Perception in Making Baked Products
Sensory Qualities F- value P-value Analysis
Apperance 2.17 0.12 Not Significant
Aroma 2.21 0.11 Not Significant
Taste 2.51 0.09 Not Significant
Texture 1.42 0.25 Not Significant
P >0.05 not significant

As shown in table 14, the respondents, evaluation on the Acceptability of Coconut

– Cassava Flour: Sensory Perception in Making Baked Products in terms of appearance got

the F- value of 2.17 and P- value of 0.12, aroma got the F- value of 2.21 and P- value of

0.12, Taste got the F- value of 2.51 and P- value of 0.09, texture got the F- value of 1.42

and P- value of 0.25. The P- value in terms of appearance , aroma, taste and texture are all

greater that 0.05 which concludes that there is no significant difference on the ratings

given by the respondents, on the accepatability of Coconut – Cassava Flour: Sensory

Perception in Making Baked Product.


Chapter 5


This chapter discusses the summary,

findings, conclusiona and


of the study.


The main objective of the research study is to determine the Level of Acceptability

of Coconut – Cassava Flour: Sensory Perception in Making Baked Product. Generally, it

aimed to answer the following questions: What are the process in making baked products

using Coconut – Cassava Flour? What is the level and mean of acceptability of Coconut –

Cassava Flour into Cupcake in terms terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture ? What

is the level and mean of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Crust in terms terms

of appearance, aroma, taste and texture ? What is the level and mean of acceptability of

Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars in terms terms of appearance, aroma, taste and

texture ? Is there significant difference on the level of acceptability among the Coconut –

cassava Flour baked products based on sensory qualities as rated by the respondents?

As for the research design, this study used experimental method, a kind of research

design that strictly adheres to a scientiifc research design. It includes a hypothesis, a

variable that can be manipulated by the researcher, and variables that can be measured ,

Calculated and compared. The research product was evaluated using scorecard by 42

students from Second Year Food Technology students from Laguna State Polytechnic

University during the academic year 2019-2020 who were randomly selected.

In this study weighted mean, standard deviation, and Anova were used to determine

the level og acceptability of the product as to its appearance, aroma, taste and texture.


Based on the research made on the study of Coconut- Cassav Flour into Baked

Products and the data gathered on the given data the findings are the following:

1. The baked products that Coconut – Cassava Flour can be used as an alternative on

producing cupcakes, crust and square bars.

2. The mean and level of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Cupcakes in

terms of its:

2.1 Apperance got weighed mean of 4.12 and verbally interpreted as powdery.

2.2 Aroma got the weighed mean of 4.29 and verbally interpreted as very


2.3 Taste got weighed mean of 4.38 and verbally interpreted as very flavorful,

2.4 Texture got weighed mean of 4.1 and verbally interpreted as soluble.

3. The mean and level of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Crust in terms

of its:

3.1 A pearance got weighed mean of 4.48 and verbally interpreted as very


3.2 Aroma got the weighed mean of 4.52 and verbally interpreted as very


3.3 Taste got weighed mean of 4.43 and verbally interpreted as very flavorful.

3.4 Texture got weighed mean of 4.29 and verbally interpreted as very soluble.

4. The mean and level of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square Bars

in terms of its:

4.1 Appearance got weighed mean of 4.48 and verbally interpreted as very


4.2 Aroma got the weighed mean of 4. and and verbally interpreted as very


4.3 Taste got weighed mean of 4.71 and verbally interpreted as very flavorful.

4.4 Texture got weighed mean of 4.48 and verbally interpreted as very soluble.

5. The respondents’ evaluation on the acceptability of Coconut – Cssava Flour :

Sensory Perception in Making Baked Products in terms of appearance got the F-

computed value of 2.17 and P- computed value of 0.12, aroma got the F- computed

value of 2.21 and P- computed value of 0.11, taste got got F- computed value of

2.51 and P- computed value of 0.09, texture got f- computed value of 1.41 and P-

computed value of 0.25. The P- computed value in terms of appearance, aroma,

taste and texture are all greather that 0.05 which concludes that there is no

significant different on the ratings given by the respondents’ on the acceptability

of Coconut – Cssava Flour : Sensory Perception in Making Baked Products.


Based on the findings of the research study, the following conclusions are the


1. The baked products that Coconut – Cassava Flour can be used as an alternative

on producing cupcakes, crust and square bars.

2. The mean and level of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Cupcakes

in terms of its appearance was rated powdery; aroma got the was rated very

aromatic; taste was rated very flavorful; texturewas rated soluble, and the

mean level of acceptability as rated by the respondents was Highly Acceptable

3. The mean and level of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Crust in

terms of its appearance rated as very powdery; aroma rated as very aromatic;

taste rates as very flavorful; Texture rated as very soluble and the mean level

of acceptability as rated by the respondents was Highly Acceptable

4. The mean and level of acceptability of Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square

Bars in terms of its appearance rated as very powdery; aroma rated as very

aromatic; taste rates as very flavorful; texture rated as very soluble and the

mean level of acceptability as rated by the respondents was Highly Acceptable

5. The respondents’ evaluation on the acceptability of Coconut – Cssava Flour :

Sensory Perception in Making Baked Products in terms of appearance got the

F- computed value of 2.17 and P- computed value of 0.12, aroma got the F-

computed value of 2.21 and P- computed value of 0.11, taste got got F-

computed value of 2.51 and P- computed value of 0.09, texture got f- computed

value of 1.41 and P- computed value of 0.25. The P- computed value in terms

of appearance, aroma, taste and texture are all greather that 0.05 which

concludes that there is no significant difference on the ratings given by the


respondents’ on the acceptability of Coconut – Cssava Flour : Sensory

Perception in Making Baked Products.


Based on the conclusions and the findings of the study, the following are


1. Further research and development on using coconut pulp.

2. For the future researchers use bleaching for finely ground of coconut flour.

3. Further study on the shelf – life of the flour is highly recommended.



A. Unpublished Materials
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Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

Colege of Industrial Technology

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major in Food Technology


Dean, CIT

As an essential requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Industrial Technology, the author is conducting a research study entitled Coconut

(Cocos Nucifera) Cassava (Manihot Esculenta) Flour : Sensory Perception in Bread

Products. In line with this, the undersign is asking for your kind approval for the

conduct of taste test to BSIT II A&B FBSPM on March 11, 2020.

Rest assured that the product mentioned underwent laboratory test and safe for oral

testing and do not contain any harmful ingredients. Attached is the result of Laboratory

Test for your perusal Sir.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration . God bless!

Very truly yours,

Noted by:

ROWENA A. NAGA, Ph.D Researcher
Name: Approved by:
Thesis Adviser


Dean , CIT

Name :___________________________ Date:___________

Respondent Category: Male :___ Female :____
Please evalute the Coconut - Cassava Flour : Sensory Perception in Making
Baked Products according to its sensory qualities such as appearance , aroma , taste ,
texture. Using the table below, put check (√ ) in the appropriate column that best
described the product.
Scale Appearance Aroma Taste Texture
5 Very Powdery Very Aromatic Very Flavorful Very Soluble
4 Powdery Aromatic Flavorful Soluble
3 Moderately Moderately Moderately Moderately
Powdery Aromatic Flavorful Soluble
2 Fairly Less Aromatic Less Flavorful Less Soluble
1 Not Powdery Not Aromatic Not Flavorful Not Soluble

Coconut – Cassava Flour into Cupcake

Qualities 5 4 3 2 1

Coconut – Cassava Flour into Crust

Qualities 5 4 3 2 1

Coconut – Cassava Flour into Square bars

Qualities 5 4 3 2 1

Comments / Suggestions

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