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Physical Fitness and Wellness: Aerobic Exercises Benefits

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Espinar, Angel S.

BSA – 1C




WEEK : 8

TOPIC OR LESSON : Brief History of Aerobics

SUB-TOPIC/S : Aerobics and Dance Aerobics

Activity 1: List and Describe!

Directions: Aerobic exercise is essential to any fitness regimen; it has a

contribution in achieving the fitness goal of an individual. On the picture
below, list down examples of aerobic exercises and try to describe how
these exercises can help to benefit your body to become healthy.

Aerobic Exercises Benefits

• It is a good all-round activity because

it keeps your heart rate up but takes
1. Swimming some of the impact stress off the
• It builds endurance,
muscle strength and cardiovascular
• It helps maintain a healthy weight,
healthy heart and lungs

It lowers the risk of heart disease and it

improves your blood pressure and blood
sugar levels.
This not only work the aerobic (cardio)
2. Hiking
system but can also be a great workout for
the anaerobic (muscle building) system.

• It helps to build strong bones, as it is a

3. Jogging weight bearing exercise, strengthen
muscles and improve
cardiovascular fitness.
• It can make burn calories, flushes the
bad toxins from your body.
Strengthens muscles.

It helps decrease the risk of osteoporosis,

may help lower blood pressure and
4. Walking control blood sugar.
It can also reduce pain and improve
function in people with arthritis and improve
the quality of life and fitness in people
who've had cancer.

• It's great for the heart and lungs. As a

5. Rowing cardio exercise, rowing strengthens
the cardiovascular system, which
includes the heart, blood vessels, and
• It can increase our stamina, and even
boost your immune system.

Activity 2: Let’s Get Ready!

Aerobics is a system of exercises

combining aerobics with dance steps
and usually done with music. In
Aerobic dancing, you are not just
What can you say about dance
exercising your body but it includes
aerobics? an enjoyment whether in a group or
with yourself.

I want to know more about how

What do you want to know about these aerobic dancing can helps our
dance aerobics? fitness and is there limitations to
perform it in terms of age?

Your breathing and heart rate will

increase during aerobic activities. It
involves any kind of dance put to
music and can include everything
What do you want to learn about from Zumba to hip-hop dancing.
dance aerobics? Workouts like this are high-intensity
exercise that helps in improving our
cardiovascular fitness, lowered
cholesterol and lowers blood sugar
levels and melts belly fat quickly.
Guide Questions:
• How do you find the four types of dance aerobics?
Those four types of dance in aerobics are all dances that are
not just for dancing performance but it improves our body and
health. These are also can be seen in some pageants that
encourage and give lessons regarding to the benefits that it gives.

• Among the four types of dance aerobics, which of them do you find
more interesting to dance? Explain your answer.
I prefer the Zumba dance because it is the highly known
dance when it comes to aerobics and in this time of pandemic it is a
highly recommended exercise that anyone can follow any time and
any places. This also a good aerobic exercise that boosts our heart
health, helps us to overcome stress, improves our coordination and
boost our immune system.

• Do you think you can dance this type of dance? Why?

I think I can dance this type of dance because of these times
that we are always at home and there’s no need to have a wide
space and I can perform it in my leisure time and be able to this with
any members of my family. And there’s no need to hire any tutors,
just open your device and find any youtube zumba dances.
Activity 4: Think and Share!

Directions: Enumerate some of the health benefits we can get from

dance aerobic exercise:

condition of
your heart
and lungs.
Greater self-
and self-
and motor
social skills.
Health fitness.
Benefits of
Gives bones
Gives better
stronger and
reduced risk
agility and
Increases osteoporosis.
and improves
Activity 5: Test your Understanding!

Explain briefly the following statements about dance

Dance aerobics is a good therapy for depression and

anxiety because this involves socializing with other people,
1 give interaction and to avoid from being alone. This also to
forgive any problems because of being busy in dancing.
Studies show that it is very effective at reducing fatigue,
improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing
overall cognitive function. This can be especially helpful
when stress has depleted your energy or ability to
2 Dance aerobics is the best activity to boost up our immune
system. From its disease fighting abilities to its anti-ageing
benefits, dancing is a great way to strengthen your immune
system and encourage wellness. Studies show moderate to
vigorous exercise reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract
infections, including the common cold.
Regular dance sessions have also been shown to lower blood
fat and bad cholesterol.
Dance aerobics increases the functions of the heart, lungs
and blood vessels of the body through proper supply of
oxygen because breathing controls the amount
of oxygen that can make it to the muscles to help them
move. Improves cardiovascular conditioning. Decreases risk
of heart disease. Because of aerobic dances, this made
the heart to pump blood into the circulation more efficiently
as a result of more forceful and efficient myocardial
contractions, increased perfusion of tissues and organs with
blood, and increased oxygen delivery.
4 Dance aerobicshelps us to recover from fatique quickly.
According to Kamaraoff, this help you fall asleep faster at
bedtime, spend more hours in deep sleep, and wake up less
often throughout the night. When you are having
fun, your body will have a residual effect on that will make
you feel more energized. Because you are working
out with aerobic exercise, it will take longer to feel tired,
giving you that feeling of having more energy throughout
daily activity
5 Dance aerobics canhelp us to build up confidence and
physical appearance. Dance allows people to be more
active, socialize and develop creative and physical skills.
Dancing also develops skills that can translate to many non-
dance career paths. The confidence gained through
achievements in dance builds social skills, increases self
esteem and the ability to communicate well in a group.

Activity 6: Watch and Learn!

After watching the video clip explaining what aerobic exercise is,
answer the following guide questions:

1. What is aerobic exercise?

Aerobic Exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning. It
can include activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling. It is
a cardio exercise but the term aerobic, this means with oxygen that helps
our breathing and heart rate will increase during the performance of
these activities.

2. Why is aerobic exercise specifically more beneficial to us than

the normal exercise? Justify your answer.
Aerobic exercise specifically more beneficial to us than the normal
exercise reduces the risk of many conditions, including obesity, heart
disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke
and certain types of cancer. Weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as
walking, help decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Aerobic Exercise
is essential for keeping the heart, lungs, and blood vessels healthy.
3. How can aerobic exercises help us to strengthen our heart and
lungs or improve the utilization of oxygen to our body or? Give example
situation as basis to your answer.
Aerobic exercise trains the heart to become more efficient. It is also
a conditioning exercise, such as running and swimming that trains
the heart and lungs to pump blood more efficiently, allowing more
oxygen to get to muscles and organs. This also uses by those people who
experience the disease corona virus. In some cases, they experience
difficulty in breathing so they advise to do some exercises and the most
suggested activity is Zumba which is one of the types of Aerobic dance
because it helps to boost our immune system that helps us to fight from
infections brought by the virus.

4. Explain the following statement: “Exercises is a miracle drug!”

“Exercise is a miracle drug!” because it makes blood vessels bigger
and keeps them functioning smoothly, which makes them less likely to
plug up and cause a heart attack or stroke. There have been hints that
this may also mean more blood flow to the brain, which could help
prevent cognitive decline.

Activity 7: Self-Responsibility Check!

Directions: Put a checkmark (✔) on the item which corresponds to your

objectives in doing aerobic exercises.

I want to do aerobic exercises because I want to …………..

✔ 1. release tensions and pressures

✔ 2. build up my confidence and physical appearance
✔ 3. avoid vices such as smoking and drinking alcoholic
✔ 4. show that I am good at it
✔ 5. stay fit and healthy
✔ 6. achieve my desired level of fitness
✔ 7. have my own personal fitness program
✔ 8. spend time for my self
✔ 9. give importance to my fitness level
✔ 10. boost my immune system

Activity 8: Let’s Identify!

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if the statement is

wrong, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.

TRUE 1. Dance aerobics is enjoyable to all age group.

TRUE 2. Any kind of aerobic activities or exercises are good to strengthen
the heart and lungs.
Aerobic 3. Anaerobic exercise is the one that involves the use of oxygen
to produce energy.
Short 4. Aerobic exercise requires the person to have high endurance
since most of its exercises require a long period of time.
Freedom 5. Dance aerobics provides no freedom to enhance and
change dance moves.
Don’t Need 6. Dance aerobics is one of the cheapest kinds of exercise
because you needed more expensive machines.
TRUE 7. Aerobic exercise concentrates on muscle strengthening.
TRUE 8. There are no other exercises that can beat an aerobic exercise in
burning calories and fats.
Lose 9. Dance aerobics is a great activity to tone the muscles of the body
as well as helping in gaining body weight.
TRUE 10. Aerobic exercise uses large group muscles especially in the arms
and legs.

Activity 9: Time to Reflect!

Directions: Complete the following statements to help you to reflect
and assess your own learning about the topic or lesson on this module:

1. I learned that Aerobic dances is not only for performing and

enjoyment it also helps us to enhance and to gain more self confidence
and this made me brand in mind that it is true to that prevent is better than
cure. There’s a lot o things that we can get in maintaining our body with
the aerobic exercises.
2. I want to learn more about I want to know more about how
these aerobic dancing can helps our fitness and is there limitations to
perform it in terms of age because I also want to help my niece to
overcome his asthma with the help of Aerobic dances.
3. I find this lesson interesting because this helps a lot of people
experience health problems.

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