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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the period the students should be able to:

1. Follow instructions by utilizing listening and reading comprehension skills;

2. Perform different tasks by correctly following instructions; and
3. Show realization of the importance of following instructions.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Following Instructions

Theme: Linking with the World
Domain: Oral Language and Fluency
Reading Comprehension
Competency: EN7OL-IV-a 3: Observe and use the appropriate oral language, stance and
behavior when giving instructions.
Reference: Grade 7 English Teachers Module for Fourth Quarter, page 3
Materials: Visual aids, ball of yarn, multimedia tools, colored metacards

III. Learning Activities:

Routine Activities:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


 Greeting
“Good morning, class.” “Good morning, Ms. Gaynilo”

 Prayer

“Justine, kindly lead the prayer please.” (The student will lead the prayer.)
(Students will pray.)

“Before you take your seats, kindly pick all the (The students will pick up the pieces of trash
pieces of paper under your chairs and arrange your and will arrange the chairs properly.)
chairs accordingly.”

 Attendance Checking
“Denver, is there any absent today?” “Ma’am, nobody is absent today.”

“Okay, very good Starling.”

“Yesterday, we have discussed Predicting

Outcomes and different expressions used in order
to tell prediction. Again, what are those?”
(Students will raise their hands)
“Yes, (name of student),”
“Predicting outcome means that you are able to
foretell or logically speculate what will happen

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in the future. We can use the expressions I
think…, I assume…, I guess…, Maybe…, I
believe… and Probably….in order to tell

“Very good. It seems that you’ve learned a lot


A. Activity

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Motivation
“Class, look at our white screen. Do you know this “Yes ma’am.”

“Who is he?” (Students will raise their hands.)

“Yes, (name of student).” ‘’He is James Reid.”

“Yes, that is correct! He is known for his character

as Clark on a successful TV series entitled ‘On the
Wings of Love’. Today he will be very gracious
to play with us. Remember to follow his rules.”

“Here are the rules. I will pass this ball of yarn to (Student will listen.)
someone and you will do what James will say.
After your turn, hold the end of the yarn and pass
it to any of your classmates. Then it’s your
classmate’s turn to do what James will say. After
the length of the yarn has reached the last person,
let us see what will be formed.”

“Do you have any questions about the rules of the “None, ma’am.”

“Let’s start.”

(The teacher will throw the ball of yarn to a (Students will perform the activity)
student. The teacher will begin to flash the
multimedia presentation of “James Says”.)

(After 5 minutes)

“Great job everyone! Class, give yourselves a (Students will clap.)

warm round of applause!”

B. Analysis

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Did you have fun with our activity?” “Yes, ma’am.”

“How do you find the activity? Is it easy? (Students will raise their hands.)
Challenging? Very challenging?

“Yes, (name of student)”. “Ma’am I find the activity challenging.”

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“What are the challenges that you have (Students will raise their hands)
encountered in following James’ orders?”

“Ma’am, one of the challenges that I have observed

“Yes, (name of student).” is the ability to understand the orders of James
well. If we do not listen to his exact orders, we will
fail to finish the task.”

“Yes, very good (name of student)! So we need (Students will raise their hands.)
to listen carefully to orders given to us.” What

“Yes, (name of student). “Sometimes there are confusing tasks given by

James so we really need to focus on the orders.”

“That is correct, (name of student). We need to (Students will raise their hands.)
really focus to understand. So, class what do
you call those orders given by James in our

“What do you call them, (name of student)?” “Ma’am, those are called instructions.”

“Yes, that is right, (name of student).What (Student will raise their hands.)
therefore are instructions?”

“Instructions are step by step guides explaining

“Yes, (name of student).” how to make or do something.”

“Superb, (name of student). Step by step guide.

Other answers? Yes, (name of student). “Instructions tell us what to do or how to do tasks

“You are correct, (name of student). They help

us to things correctly.

C. Abstraction

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Remember that instructions must be followed

properly and accordingly to make sure that
tasks are done correctly.”

(The teacher will make use of multimedia tools

to present the lesson)

“Everyone, please read.” (Students will read)

“Instructions are step by step guide explaining how

to make or do something. They can be in drawn or
illustrated, spoken and written.”

“Great. Now here are some of the illustrated

instructions. So pictures play crucial role in
following this type of instructions.”

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(Teacher will present the multimedia

(Students will raise hands)

“Can you give other examples of illustrated

“Ma’am, no parking.”
“Yes, (name of student).

(Students will raise hands)

“Wonderful, (name of student). What else?”
“Ma’am, pedestrian’s crossing.”
“Yes, (name of student).”

“(Name of student), excellent!”

(Students will raise their hands)
“One more.”
“Ma’am, no smoking.”
“Yes, (name of student).”

“Yes, very good (name of student!).” There are

a lot of these instructions and we find them
every day.”

”Okay, for oral or spoken instructions, here are

the examples.”
(Students will listen.)
(Examples will be given by the teacher.)

“Turn on the lights.”

“Pick all the trash.”
“Arrange your chairs.”
“Get one whole sheet of paper.”
(Students will raise their hands.)
“Now, can you cite an example of oral
“Give me a paper.”
“Yes, (name of student).

“Good, (name of student).

(Students will raise their hands)
“What else?”
“Write your name on the paper.”
“Yes, (name of student).

“Yes, correct (name of student).

“For written instructions here are some of the


(Multimedia presentation will be shown)

“Without these instructions it is difficult for us

to accomplish a given task. It is also important
if we not only read or listen to the instructions
but also comprehend and focus to the

“Imagine yourself if you do not follow

instructions. What if your mother asks you to
buy something from the store and look for a

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specific brand that she wants. However, you
did not follow what you were told.”
(Students will raise their hands)
What do you think will be the reaction of your
“Ma’am I think my mother will get mad.”
“Yes, (name of student).”

“Yes, correct (name of student).”

(Students will raise their hands)
“I will show you a video clip to give you more
ideas on the importance of following
instructions. But before that, can you give me
the difference between instructions and
“Ma’am I think they are the same.”
“Yes, (name of student).”

“Yes, excellent (name of student).”

“They are the same or they are synonymous.

Instructions or directions tell us what to do or
how to do something.” (Students will watch the video)

(The teacher will play the video clip using the

multimedia presentation for 3 minutes)

D. Application

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Now, let’s have our final activity. I want you
to look under your chair. On each chair there is
a colored metacard attached. This will be a
group activity. The color of your metacard (Student will listen.)
determines the group you will belong to.”

“Begin looking for those metacards now.” (Students will look for the metacards)

“Are you able to find the metacards under your “Yes, ma’am.”

“Who has no metacard found?” None, ma’am.

“Who got the red metacards?” (The students will raise their hands)
“You will be part of the Red team. Form a
circle and sit here in front right side.”

“Who got the yellow metacards?” (The students will raise their hands)
“You will be part the Yellow team. Form a
circle and sit here in front left side.”

“Who got the blue metacards?” (The students will raise their hands)
“You will be part of the Blue team. Form a
circle and sit there in the middle side.”

“Who got the green metacards?” (The students will raise their hands)
“You will be part of the Green team. Form a
circle and sit there at the back right side.”

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“Lastly, who got the orange metacards?” (The students will raise their hands)
“You will be part of the Orange team. Form a
circle and sit there at the back left side.”

“Write your names in a 1 whole sheet of paper

and you have to solve a puzzle that I will show
you. Write your answers on your 1 whole.”
(Student will listen.)
(The teacher will post the visual aid on the

“Just to give you a trivia, in the psychology of

colors, the color red means prohibitions,
yellow means warning and green means safe

“Going back, you have to read the first half of

the phrase and follow the directions given to
make it a complete sentence. You have ten
minutes to complete the puzzle and your ten
minutes start now.”
(The students will answer.)
An eagle soars on the wind

Ex. 1. Change the word “wind” to “high”.

An eagle soars on the high
2. Remove the first “e”, “g” and “l” from
the word “eagle”.
3. Move the word “the” and make it the
third word.
4. Remove the word “An”.
5. Place the letters “bov” in between the
“a” and “e” of the first word.
6. Change the letters “so” in the word
“soars” to the letter “E”.
7. Make the last word the first word and
remove the word “on”.
8. Change the letter “s” in the word “Ears”
to the letters “th.”

(The students will raise their hands.)

“What is the final answer? Will you please read
the complete sentence?”
An eagle soars on the wind high above the Earth.
“Yes, (name of student).”

“Yes, very good (name of student)!”

(The students will raise their hands.)

“How do you find the activity?”
“Ma’am I find the activity challenging but fun.”
“Yes, (name of student).”

“Okay, thank you (name of student).

(The students will raise their hands.)
“How about the others?”
It is easy ma’am because I understand the
“Yes, (name of student).” instructions.

“Yes, correct (name of student)! We will

succeed in any given task if we know how to

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follow instructions and if we understand the

IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(The teacher will present multimedia

“Very good class. It seems now that you have (Students will get a paper.)
learned a lot about following instructions. Let’s
have a short quiz regarding our topic for today. (Students will answer the seatwork.)
Class, get ½ crosswise sheet of paper.”

“On your paper, write a short paragraph with a

minimum of 5 sentences showing the
importance of following instructions in our day
to day life. I will give you 5 minutes for this.
This is worth 15 points and will be graded and
recorded. Be reminded of our criteria for

Rubrics in Paragraph Writing

Rubrics Scoring
Content (7pts.) The idea or focus of Expresses strong Shows idea but Presents view but
your paragraph. and convincing needs more needs to improve
This reflects your idea about your sentences for by providing more
strong view in topic. better details relevant to
expressing our expression. the topic.
topic 7 pts.
5 pts. 3 pts.
Coherence (5pts.) This includes your The writing style The paragraph The ideas need to
style in presenting shows excellent reflects be arranged in a
your paragraph. It logical coherence but manner where
shows how presentation. needs a little sentences are
logical you present improvement closely related.
your ideas. 5 pts in logical
4 pts 3pts
Comprehensiveness Proper presentation The main idea is Main idea is Main idea is not
(3pts) of the main idea and evident with the given with the supported by
supporting details. help of strong help of proper details.
It also includes supporting supporting Several errors in
spelling, grammar, details. Excellent details. One or spelling, grammar
and punctuation spelling, grammar two mistakes in and punctuation
marks. More than 5 and punctuation spelling, marks. Less than 5
sentences are marks. Five grammar and sentences are
presented. sentences are punctuation presented
presented marks.
3 pts 2 pts. 1 pt.

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V. Assignment

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Ok class, get your notebooks. For your (Students will listen and write the assignment on
assignment, list down the instructions on what their notebooks.)
we should do before a typhoon and after the
typhoon on your notebook.”

Prepared by: Submitted to:


BSEd/Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

Subject Coordinator

MTI - English

Approved by:


Principal III

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