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Minutes of National Conferene On Agriculture For Rabi Campaign - 2018-19

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The National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign-2018-19 was held on 18th and 19th

September, 2018 at NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. The Conference was inaugurated by Shri Parshottam

Rupala Hon’ble Minister of State, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in the august presence of Smt. Krishna Raj,

Hon’ble Ministers of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. Secretary, Department of Agriculture,

Cooperation and Farmers Welfare chaired the conference. The Conference was attended by Agriculture

Production Commissioners and Principal Secretaries/Secretaries/Directors of Agriculture, Horticulture and

Agriculture Marketing from State/UT Governments, Senior Scientists from ICAR and Senior officers & officials

from Ministries and States/UTs. List of participants are at Annexure-I.

2. Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW) welcomed all

participants and briefed them about the initiatives taken by the Ministry for achieving the goal of the government

for doubling the income of farmers by the year, 2022. He desired that both Central and State Governments have

to take concerted efforts to ensure higher income to the farmers as well as to take steps for reducing the cost of

farming. He thanked the officials of the State Governments and farmers for achieving the target of highest ever

level of production of foodgrains especially the record increase in the production of pulses which helped in

reducing the import substantially. He impressed that our continued efforts for pulses production and the

production of nutri-cereals & oil seeds should be emphasized and we should also explore the opportunities for

export of sugar and cotton so that farmers could get better return.

He mentioned about recently approved ‘Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan’ by the

Government which aimed at ensuring remunerative prices to the farmers for their produce. He desired that

measures should be taken up for tackling bio-mass burning in states of Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and UP and

further to bring rice fallow under pulses and oilseed production. He underlined the need to tackle/control Army

worm. He also informed regarding launch of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan phase-II from 2nd October, 2018. State

Government representatives were also requested to send proposal for allocation of Rs. 5000 crore under micro

irrigation and seriously follow up the matter so that benefits under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojana should

reach to the farmers. He lauded the efforts for increased horticulture production and urged the states to take up
their priority work under RKVY- RAFTAAR. He also requested the states to take up steps for production of millets

in the National year of Millets celebrated.

3. In her address, Smt. Krishan Raj, Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare appreciated the

role of officials of the Central and State Governments in making the efforts for achieving the vision of the Hon’ble

Prime Minister for ‘Doubling the income of farmers by the year 2022’. She commended the efforts for achieving

self sufficiency in pulses. She emphasized on use of biological and organic manure and impressed states to

take benefits of the scheme viz. organic farming, tree on the bunds and Soil Health Card Scheme. Hon’ble MOS

hoped that initiative taken for establishment of Gramin Haat/E-market would help in removal of involvement of

middle man. She urged the states to make efforts for making farmers self dependent through involvement in

animal husbandry, dairy and fisheries activities promoted by the Government. She emphasized to propagate new

technologies and greater need for involvement of woman self help groups in agriculture and allied activities.

4. In his inaugural address, Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Shri Parsottam

Rupala thanked the officers and officials of Central/State Governments and to the farmers for achieving record

production of food grains. He lauded the initiatives taken by the Government for effectively implementing flagship

schemes of Government on ground level for achieving the goal of doubling the income of farmers. He mentioned

that Soil Health Card scheme and the Pradha Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana are receiving attention even at

international fora. He impressed that besides increasing production, efforts need to be made to pass on the

benefits to the farmers by fetching better prices by exporting their produce. He thanked the officials of the

Ministry for the successful organization of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan. He expressed hope for successful planning for

rabi crops which is dependent on the irrigation facilities so that farmer should get increased income with

increasing production of various rabi crops. He emphasized that state should make concerted efforts for

production of honey and establish micro irrigation facilities. State should be prompt in giving benefits to farmers

in case of natural calamity. He hoped that the deliberation and discussion with the officials of State Government

would be a success.
5. On this occasion, three books namely, Pulses Production, Pulses in India- Retrospect and Prospect and

Farmers Friendly Handbook- 2018-19 were released by Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers’

Welfare Shri Parshottam Rupala.

6. Agriculture Commissioner made a detailed presentation on the Kharif 2018 and prospects for Rabi

2018-19. He explained in detail regarding prepositioning of inputs for timely sowing and better harvesting of

ensuing rabi crop.

7. Presentations were made by Joint Secretaries/other experts of this Department on schemes namely

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-RAFTAAR, DBT in agriculture, E-National Agriculture Market/Rural Haats, Soil

Health Card, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, Micro Irrigation, Pradhan Mantri Aannadata Aay Sanrakshan

Abhiyan (PM-AASHA), MSP for nutria-cereals and Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan. After presentation the issues

raised/clarification sought by representative of states were appropriately replied by the respective Joint


8. To facilitate focused deliberations, following five focused Groups were constituted with the help of the

States on pre-identified topics on the first day:

I. Strategy for sustained production of Rabi Pulses in 2018-19 and increasing area coverage under

oilseeds through inter-cropping expansion in non-traditional and rice fallow areas.

II. Important agroforestry models including agronomics-experience cross sharing States, CAFRI

(including All India Coordinated Research Project) and development of value chain under

restructured National Bamboo Mission.

III To develop & upgrade rural haats as GrAMs- road ahead and implementation of National

Agricultural Market(E-NAM).

IV. Role of FPOs in doubling of Farmers’ Income.

V. Certification, value chain development and marketing of organic products with special reference to

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain Development for

North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) Schemes.

9. On the second day of the Campaign, recommendations of each of the 6 groups were presented in the

plenary, presided by the Secretary (AC&FW). These recommendations were discussed in detail by the

participants in the open house session. The group recommendations are detailed at Annexure-II.

10. The presentations made by Joint Secretary/other experts of this Department as well as presentations

made by group leaders on identified five topics have been uploaded on the website of this Department .

11. Secretary, AC&FW in his concluding remarks thanked the representatives of states Governments for

their participation and suggestions given with seriousness. He desired that follow up action would be taken by

the concerned divisional heads and they would also look into the changes needed in our schemes/interventions

as per the request received from states. He impressed for our continued efforts for increase of production of

pulses and oilseeds with the assistance of State Governments. He further suggested that agroforestry/bamboo

plantation should be taken up for achieving the goal of doubling the income of farmers. Farmers Producers

Organizations (FPOs) should be incentivized for realization of better price by farmers and policy level initiatives

by concerned division need to be taken for the growth of farmers/entrepreneurs. State Government should take

steps for the development of infrastructure for rural haats and further steps should be taken for brand building for

organic farming. He stressed about setting up of laboratories at FPOs. He requested the states to take steps

including provision for punishment for selling of inorganic produce as organic which is not viable. Future of

organic farming is bright. He finally informed the house that Sikkim is going to win international prize for organic

farming at Rome very soon.

The Conference ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


List of Participants in the National Conference on Agriculture

for Rabi Campaign-2018 held on 18th – 19th September, 2018
at Pusa, New Delhi


1. Shri Parshottam Rupala, Hon’ble MoS

2. Smt. Krishna Raj, Hon’ble MoS
3. Sh. Shobhana K. Pattanayak, Secretary (DAC&FW)
4. Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & DG(ICAR)
5. Dr. Ashok Dalwai, CEO (NRAA)


1. Sh Jalaj Srivastava, Addl. Secretary

2. Dr. S.K. Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner
3. Dr. B. Rajender, JS(Crops & PP)
4. Dr. Tarsem Chand, JS(GC/PC)
5. Sh. P.K. Swain, JS (Mkt.)
6. Smt. Chhavi Jha, JS(RKVY)
7. Smt. Namita Priyadarshee, JS (PC)
8. Smt. A. Neeraja, JS(INM)
9. Dr. B. Kishore, JS(RFS)
10. Dr. Ashish K. Bhutani, JS(Credit)
11. Dr. Alka Bhargava, JS(NRM)
12. Sh. Dinesh Kumar, JS(MIDH)
13. Sh. Ashwani Kumar, JS(M&T & Seeds)
14. Dr. Ramesh Chand, JD (Extn.)
15. Smt. Bhumika Girdhar
16. Sh. Sukhdev Singh, Technical
17. Sh. Rahul Sachdev
18. Sh. R. Singhal
19. Sh. Ajit Pal, JD (EXtn.)
20. Dr. A.P. Singh, Addl. Commr.
21. Dr. Anupam Barik, Addl. Commissioner(Crops)
22. Dr. S.S. Tomar, ADC(Crops)
23. Sh. M.N.Singh, Dy.Commr.
24. Sh. S. N. Padhy, AD (Crops)
25. Sh. Sidharth, TA(NFSM)
26. Sh. Ashok Kumar Singh, AD (NFSM)
27. Sh. Brijesh Godra, US (Admn.)
28. Dr. Maan Singh, Assistant Commissioner(NRM)
29. Sh. Ranvir Singh, Jt. Director
30. Dr. Ram Sanehi, AC (Crops)
31. Dr. K. K. Dash, Joint Director(crops)
32. Dr. Subhash Chandra Ram, Deputy Commr(RFS)
33. Dr. Y. R. Meena, ADC (EXtn.)
34. Dr. B.L. Saraswat, Director
35. Sh. Sushil Kumar
36. Sh. R.K. Mamgaain, DS (Policy)
37. Sh. Vinit Verma, DC (GC)
38. Sh. Ram Naresh, US(GC)
39. Sh. Harit Kumar Shakya, US(NRM)
40. Sh. Sabak Lal Prasad, US(IC)
41. Sh A. K. Jha, US(Seeds)
42. Sh. Rahul Singh, DD
43. Sh. Sanjeev Singh, SO(GC)
44. Sh. G. L. Madan, SO(PC)
45. Sh. Swarnendu Singha, SO(SP)
46. Sh. Rakesh Kumar, ASO
47. Sh. K. P. Washnik, ADC(Crops)
48. Dr. P.K. Saha, National Consultant(NFSM)
49. Sh. S. K. Dalal, National Consultant (OS)
50. Sh.C.S.Madan, Consultant
51. Sh. Manoj Pandey, PS to JS(GC)
52. Sh. Anoop Kumar, ASO(GC)
53. Smt. Sunita Gularia, ASO(GC)
54. Smt. Niti Sukhija, ASO (GC)
55. Smt. Jasbir Kaur, ASO(PC)
56. Smt. Renu Ogra, ASO(PC)
57. Ms. Preeti Yadav, ASO (E-III)
58. Ms. Akanksha Negi, TA(INM)
59. Ms. Isha Aggarwal, JTO
60. Ms. Parul Mehta, JMO
61. Smt. Vibha Pandey
62. Sh.. Amit Kumar, Accountant
63. Sh. Sushil Mishra, Accountant (INM)
64. Smt. Neerja Joshi, AD (INM)
65. Sh. Rajendra Singh, CTO, DOE
66. Sh. Arvind Kumar, CTO, DEO
67. Dr. Nikunj Tyagi, TA
68. Dr. Avinash Vanam, AD (Crops)
69. Dr. Deepak Yadav, STA (Crops)
70. Sh. Balram Singh, JD, DEO
71. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, AD(Seeds)
72. Sh. Rajnish, PS,
73. Sh. Arun Kumar Singh, Special Commissioner
74. Dr. M Dutta, NC(OS)
75. Sh. Krishan Anand, JD, RKVY
76. Dr. Arvind Nath Singh, Director
77. Sh. Sidharth Bist, TO
78. Sh. Amit Kumar Sharma, SO
79. Sh. Anil Kumar, Marketing Officer
80. Ms. Sonam Sahu, Technical Support & Training Officer
81. Ms. Rachita Gupta, Social Media & Advocacy
82. Sh. Ajay Kumar
83. Dr. Vindu Ms. DAC & FW
84. Ms. Pallaivi Male, DAC& FW
85. Sh. Samsher Singh, NC
86. Dr. Praveen Vootla, JSO, NCOF
87. Dr. Manish Singh, DAC & FW
88. Sh. Yogesh Arvind, ASCO
89. Sh. K. Prasad, JC
90. Sh. N. K. Saroj, STA
91. Sh. M. Thangaraj, JC
92. Sh. S. K. Singh DD
93. Sh. B. Maharana, M.O
94. Sh. B. Rath, TE(WM)
95. Sh. V. K. Srivastava, US(RKVY)
96. Dr. Naveen Patne, DC (Horti)
97. Sh. Sanjay Kumar DC (Horti)
98. Dr. S.K. Mishra, Director
99. Sh. R. A. S. Patel, AC (RFS)
100. Dr. Y. Mery Chanu, Young Professional
101. Sh. D. N. Sahoo, Deputy Secretary
102. Dr. V. S. Pahil, NC
103. Sh. R. S. Sinha, ADC(NRM)
104. SH. S.K. Tiwari, Dy AMA
105. Sh. Abhishekh Pandy, Business Analyst
106. Sh. Srinivas, e-NAM
107. Sh. Shashikant, e-NAM
108. Sh. Debashis Acharjee, e-NAM
109. Sh. Dushyant Tyagi, Sr. VP, NFCL, e-NAM
110. Dr. Manda Verma, AC
111. Sh. Raj Kumar Baniwal JD (DAHD)
112. Sh. Mohan Singh, To, IASRI
113. Sh. Satyavir Singh, UDC, IASRI
114. Sh. Sudip Dutta, SO
115. Sh. G.P. Singh, NIC
116. Sh. Shailendra Saxena, NIC
117. Sh. R.P. Singh, DoRD
118. Sh. Hansal Project Officer, RD
119. Sh. Gididhakar, DOE
120. Sh. Pushpa Kain, US
121. Sh. F. R. Sarkar, TA
122. Sh. Tony Mallik
123. Sh. S. Selvaraj, Consultant
124. Sh. Samadhan Y. Bagul, Scientist
125. Sh. Shesha Kumar Goroshi
126. Dr. D. Gehlot, Asst. (Agri)
127. Dr. A. K. Diwan, Developer
128. Sh. B. S. Rawat, OS
129. Sh Ajit Pal JD (Exten.)
130. Sh. Yogesh Kumar, UDC
131. Sh. Aneel Kumar, CDC
132. Sh. B.V.N Rao, DC
133. Sh. Anand Zambre, ED
134. Sh. Manoj Sharma, AD (Crops)
135. Sh. Y. Suresh Kumar, AC
136. Sh. S.P. Gupta, AC
137. Dr. Praveen, ASO NCOF
138. Sh. Dharmendra Singh, ASO
139. Sh. Ambanna Panebnavar , STA
140. Sh. R.L. Khare, Directorate of Agri
141. Smt. Raj Kumari Beniwal, JD, AHDF
142. Sh. Gautam M., ACA
143. Sh. B.S. Patil, STA
144. Dr. K. K. Dash (Crops)
145. Dr. Sunil Londhe, Scietist (ICRAF)
146. Smt. Pratibha Lokhande, NIC
147. Sh. T. K. Ghosh, RKVY
148. Sh. R. P. Singh, RD
149. Sh. Hansal Suthar Pr. Officer, RD
150. Dr. R. P. Singh, AD (Crops)
151. Sh. Ranvir Singh, JD
152. Dr. Ramanand, DC
153. Sh. R.J. Vinesh
154. Dr. Brijesh, STO
155. Sh. Prem Singh, STA
156. Sh. Sonu Chaudhary, STA
157. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, DEO (INM)
158. Sh. Prathvi Nath, TO
159. Sh.Pawan Kumar, PA
160. Sh. Ashwani Kumar, PA
161. Sh. Satendra Singh, PA
162. Sh. M.K. Pathak, US
163. Sh. Dushyant Gehlot, AD
164. Sh. Vaibhav Prakash, TA
165. Sh. Satyam Shivam Sundaram


1. Dr. A. K. Handa, Pr. Scientist

2. Dr. S. K. Jha, Pr. Scientist


1. Dr. M.K. Srivastav, Director, NRAA

2. Sh. Tarun Maggo, YP(YT)
3. Sh. Eashil Krishna, YP (GM)
4. Dr. Y. Mery Chanue
5. Sh. Pankaj Kumar

1. Smt. Deepa Srivastavam CD( Pre)

2. Sh. Robert H. Touthang, DD(SB)
3. Smt. Pallabi Pakrasi, AD(ICDP)


1. Sh. Kuldeep Singh, Sr.GM(P)

2. Sh. Deepak Rastogi, GM


1. Sh. Loken Das, DGM

2. Sh. Bhupendra Pant, DGM
3. Sh. M. C. Thakkar, Comnr.

1. Sh. Parvinder Singh
2. Sh. Gaurav Singh

1. Sh. B. J. Brahma, Director
2. Sh. Azad Singh

1. Sh. Abhsikta Das, DGM(MKT)

2. Sh. S. M. Khalikav, JD(Extn.)
3. Sh. Pankaj K. Prasad, MD

Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (NFCL)

1. Sh. Dushyant Tyagi

2. Sh. Shashikant
3. Sh. Debashis Acharjee, Proj. Manager
4. Sh.Gunjan Shivhare, Project Mgr.



1. Shri Anong Lego, Director(Agri)

2. Shri Nemjong Rongrang, Asst. Development Officer
3. Sh. Karbom Riram, DD (A)
4. Sh. Okit Palling, ADO(Wet)
5. Sh. S.K. Ram, Asst. Director (Agri)


1. Dr. Krishan Chandra, Director


1. Sh. Samuel Anand, Commn. Agri Marketing (Agri)

2. Dr. B. V. Raman, (FR)
3. Sh. V. S. Gopal, SFS (Agri)
4. Sh. G. Jayalakshmn, DG, NIPHM
5. Sh. Ch. Baln Naik, Dy. Director (Agri)
6. Sh. G. Vinai Chand, Additional Director of Agriculture
7. Sh. NDRK Sarma, Consultant

1. Sh. B. Saihie (Horti)


1. Dr. Jitendra Prasad, Director, BMFTI, Bihar

2. Sh. Dhananjay Tripathi, AD, Agri
3. Sh. Rajendra Kumar Verma, DD Farm(Agri.)
4. Shri Ram Prakash Sahani, Jt. Director(Agri)
5. Smt. Richa Komal, DS (Cooperative Dept.)


1. Sh. V.K. Chaturvedi, JDH (Horti)

2. Sh. M.S. Kerketta, Director, Agri
3. Sh. R. L. Kharay
4. Sh. A. K. Kumdhag, AD(Mandi Board)

1. Sh. Satya Kumar, JD(Agri)

2. Sh. Sunil Bhatt, Demonstrator
3. Sh. Y. S. Pathi, Agronomist


1. Shri Nelson Figueiraedo, Dy. Director(Agri)


1. Sh. A. P. Patel, DD(Horti)

2. Sh. S. J. Solanki, AD(Agri)
3. Sh. P.B. Rathod, JDA (Seed)
4. Sh. M. P. Dudhat, DD( Horti)
5. Dr. D.K. Sharma, APC(F)


1. Sh. Hardeep Singh, Chief Administrator

2. Sh. Anil Kumar Rana, AD(Agri)
3. Dr. MSA Mahalingam, Direcor SAMFTI
4. Sh. Mukesh Kumar Singh, DD(Agri)
5. Sh. Jagraj Dandi, Jt. Director
6. Sh. Prem Singh, HSAMB
7. Sh. Suresh Gehlawat, Addl. Director (Extn)
8. Sh. Dharmender Sharma, Consultant
9. Sh. Rajesh Kahhar, SE (HSAM Board)
10. Sh. Suresh Kumar, Addl. Director (Agri)
11. Sh. Sunil Sharma, MDO (HSAM Board)


1. Dr. R. Dhananjai, District Agri. Officer

2. Dr. C. Bandana, DFO(Research)
3. Sh. Rajender Kumar Verma, Jt. Dir(Agri)
4. Sh. Govind Rai, Controller (F&AC)

1. Sh. Shahnawaj Bokhari, Director (Hori)

2. Sh. H. K. Razdan, Director (Agri)
3. Sh. Ahmed Shah, Soil Analyst
4. Sh. Altaf, Director Agriculture
5. Sh. J.S. Sodhi, (Horti)


1. Sh. Vinay Kumar Mishra, DFO (Agri)

2. Dr. Kaushal Verma, Head (FPU)


1. Smt. Anita, APC

2. Sh. B.Y. Srinivas, Director (Agri)
3. Sh. Jagadeesha, Commissioner Agriculture
4. Smt. Vandita Sharma, ACS (Agri)
5. Sh. M. M. Rao, Secy
6. Sh. Anup, JD(Agri)
7. Sh. H.S Devaraj, JD (Agri)
8. Sh. Jayaswamy, JDA
9. Smt. Chandra Prabha

1. Smt. V. Mallika, AD (Agri)
2. Sh. Shisley Philip, AD (Agri)
3. Sh. D. K. Singh, APC (Agri)


1. Sh. Vijay Agrawal, DD ( Horti& Food Processing)

2. Sh. Ashwani Tikle, Tech. Assistant
3. Sh. Kamal Singh Yadav, DDA (Agri)
4. Sh. P. D. Sharma Yadav, DDA (Agri)
5. Dr. A. K. Shivhare, AD (Agri)
6. Sh. Sanjay Kumar, SI
7. Sh. Satyanand, Commissioner (Hort.)
8. Sh. Rajeev Chaudhary, Director (Agri)
9. Sh. M. S. Kerkette, Director (Agri)

1. Sh. Sachindra P. Singh, Commissioner (Agri)

2. Sh. Vijay Ghawate, Director(Extn.)
3. Sh. Anil Bansode, Director (ATMA)
4. Sh. P. D. Siqedar, DDA
5. Sh. H. P. Babtiwale, DDA
6. Sh. B. S. Dhumal, Nodal Officer
7. Sh. Mahendra Lokhande, AGM(IT)


1. Sh. Anoop Singh, Technical

2. Sh. K. Debadutta Sharma, PDMO(Mission Organic)
3. Smt. L. Rima Devi, Managing Director (Rima Foods)
4. Sh. Paul Longsaela, Naga Spice and Herbs
5. Sh. Saumyadipth Roy, Naga Spice and Herbs


1. Sh. N. J. S. Malki Evolution Officer (Soil & Water Conservation Officer)

2. Sh. L. R. Khar, Agri Marketing Officer, (Horti)


1. Sh. Lalengzami Haolai, Deputy Director (Agri)


1. Sh. Wqnuzo Nienu, DD (Directorate)

2. Sh. L. Hoshito Chophi, DD (Directorate)
3. Sh. Pradip Ch., SMS (Agri)
4. Sh. Lalhingmana, SMS (Agri)
5. Sh. K. R. Lohia, JD (Directorate)
6. Sh. Khriesesolie Kire, DD, (Agri)

1. Dr. S. K., JD(Soil)

2. Sh. S. P. Mohopatra, Project Director(Bamboo Dev. Agency)
3. Sh. S. N. Singh, Manager (Agri)
4. Sh. R. Sahu, (Directorate of Horti.)
5. Sh. Satyanarayan, Director (Image)
6. Sh. Debaraj , Biochemist
7. Sh. Suvash Ch. Panda, APO(Agri)
8. Sh. Rabinarayan Mohapatra, DDA (Pulse)
9. Sh. P. K. Sharma, Agriculturist
10. Sh. Saurabh Garg, Pr. Secy.
11. Dr. L. Kumar, Director, (Agri)
12. Sh. Suresh Chandra Pal, JDA (SP&C)
13. Dr. Akshay Kumar NMS(Plan)
14. Sh. Sukhpust Sekhar, Manager (DAFE)
15. Sh. B.K. Upadhyaya, Director (Horti)
16. Sh. T. Pradhan, RCS, Odisha


1. Sh. Jayanta Kumar Roy, ARC

2. Sh. Anbararu, DC (Agri)


1. Sh. Jasbir Singh Bains, Director (Agri)

2. Sh. E. Manmohan Kaliya, Joint Director (Agri)


1. Smt. Neel Kamal Darbari, ACS(Agri )

2. Dr. Om Prakash, PD (Agri)
3. Sh. Kuldeep Bhardwaj, DD (RKVY)
4. Sh. M. S. Sharma, DD (Agri)
5. Sh. R. K. Khandelwal, DD (Agri)
6. Dr. Keshar Singh, Deputy Director (Agri Marktg)
7. Sh. M Ram Chander, AD(Agri)
8. Sh. B. S. Rathor, JD (Agri)
9. Sh. B.L. Sharma, Dy. Dir (Agri)

1. Sh. C. Mohanty, SIMFED

2. Sh. S R Bhutia, AD(FS&ADD)
3. Sh. S. K. Tamang, Addl. Director


1. Sh. Gagandeep Singh Bedi, APC/PS (Agri)

2. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Jagenia, Consorvator of Forest (Forest
Extension )
3. Sh. Ravi Chandan, Agriculturist
4. Sh. Selvarajan, JD (Agri)
5. Sh. S Sankarasubramaniam, Asst, Secy (Agri)
6. Sh. M. Asokan, Addl. Dir(Agri)
7. Sh. P. Venkatachalapathy, Asst. Dir(Agri)


1. Sh. Rahul Bojja, Commissioner (Agri)

2. Sh. B. Babu, DD (Horti)
3. Smt. Timshi Kumari, Manager Strategy & DPS
4. Ms. G. Laxmi Bai, Director, Mktg


1. Dr. Y. Venkatraman, ACS (AGM)

2. Dr. D.P. Sarkar, Director (Agri)
3. Sh. R. Deb Barua, Dy. Director


1. Sh. Rakesh Kumar, JDA

2. Sh. S. Dubey, SMS(Agro Forestry)
3. Sh. Ramakant Pandey, Director
4. Sh. S.R. Kaushal, Director (A)
5. Sh. A. K. Srivastav, SMS
6. Dr. K. Tomar, PCCF( Planning)
7. Sh. R. K. Pandey, Director (Mkt)
8. Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, JD (Agri)

1. Sh. S. C. Singh, JD(Agri)

2. Sh. Amit Srivastava, Sr. Proggramme Manager
3. Sh. A K Upadhyay, JD (Agri)
4. Sh. Digvijay, SEC (Mandi)
5. Sh. Avnish Kumar Mishra, DG


1. Sh. P. L Mazumdar, Advisor(Agri)

2. Sh. Naveen Prakash, ACS
3. Sh. R. K. Singh, JD (Extn.)
4. Sh. Ranjan Kr. Das, JDA(WBP)

1. Smt. Sharda, DD
2. Smt. Monalisha, DD Kisan
3. Sh. R. C. Shukla, PIB
4. Sh. Nishant Kaushik, Stenographer (PIB)
5. Sh. Pramod Gupta, ABP News
6. Sh. Saurabh Katkurwa, Reporter


Recommendations made by groups in the National Conference

on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign, 2018-19.

Group -1: Strategy for sustained production of Rabi Pulses in 2018-19 and increasing area coverage

under oilseeds through inter-cropping expansion in non-traditional and rice fallow areas

 Relaxation of age of variety of seeds under pulses (upto 15 years) for cluster demonstration and seed

distribution need to be considered.

 Community fencing provision under NFSM, BGREI and TRFA should be included to sustain

spring/summer pulses/ oilseeds area.

 MSP should be declared before sowing of crops and timely procurement should be ensured under PSS.

 Umbrella MOU between SAUs and State Government should be entered to sustain the seed-hubs of

oilseeds and pulses.

 Mass awareness of PM-AASHA Scheme should be given for remunerative prices to the farmer.

 Seeds of inter crops should also be supplied alongwith main crops under seed minikit programme of

pulses and oilseeds.

 Policy decision for cultivation of lathyrus of low ODAP varieties, be communicated to all the States.

 TRFA Scheme be extended to MP, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Karnataka.

 Convergence of NRLM, MGNREGS with agriculture for development of ponds and common fencing

should be explored.

 Seed availability of oilseeds and pulses need to be communicated by NSC to all the states before the

start of every Kharif/Rabi season.

 Scope of area expansion through inter-cropping in UP, MP, Maharashtra and Chhatisgarh should be

Group-2: Important agroforestry models including agronomics-experience cross sharing States,
CAFRI (including All India Coordinated Research Project) and development of value
chain under restructured National Bamboo Mission

 Cost norms of SMAF should be enhanced and equated to existing agroforestry schemes in the states.

 Ratio of funding should be considered as 50:25:25 instead of 40:20:20:20.

 Synergies should be made between PMKSY and PDMC.

 There is a need for extension workers and demo plots for agroforestry development.

 There is need to involve KVK, ATMA, ICAR and research units of States in agroforestry.

 There is need to rationalize plantation categories.

 Coverage of agro forestry under PMFBY should be explored.

 Loan facilities should be provided for agroforestry development.

Group-3: To develop & upgrade rural haats as GrAMs- road ahead and implementation of

National Agricultural Market(E-NAM).

• States may prioritize the aspirational districts and tribal districts first for identifying the rural Haats to

develop into the GrAMs.

• DAC & FW may formulate comprehensive operational guidelines to include the issues relating the

institutional arrangements, management of GrAMs, Levi of charges, etc.

• States should keep all types of GrAMs outside the ambit of APMC Regulation.

• Collection centers in Haryana & Punjab located in rural area & behaving as periodic markets be treated

as Rural Haats for the purpose of development and up gradation under MGNREGS

• Farmer- consumer markets located in rural areas may also be considered as rural Haats for

development and up gradation under MGNREGS

Group-4 : Role of FPOs in doubling of Farmers’ Income.

 Build ownership & cooperative spirit of members through a systematic mobilization, training and

convergence of resources should be taken up.

 Need to enable higher frequency of interactions among members by optimizing the cluster size of

 FPOs should be engaged in multiple activities (inputs, product and services, etc..) to ensure regular

incomes to members and increase interactions among members.

 There is need to reduce Market transaction costs by optimising market distance; thereby increase net

income to producers/farmers.

 Sufficient provisions for systematic social capital formation along with adequate support for financial

capital formation should be made.

 Convergence and Coordination among Ministries/Departments of Agriculture, Panchayati Raj and Rural

Development (NRLM) should be explored.

 There is a need to develop a Comprehensive & Flexible FPO Policy

Group-5: Certification, value chain development and marketing of organic products with special
reference to Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain
Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) Schemes

 State should focus on close cluster formulation and commodity wise clusters to ensure market surplus.

 NCOF/APEDA should emphasis on capacity building of clusters/RCs, service providers.

 NSC/SSC should focus on certified organic seed production.

 NAC of PKVY should consider to reduce the number of regional councils for quality services.

 ICAR should develop scientific validity of organic farming systems.

 MOVCDNER-NEDFI should engage local entrepreneurs for development of post harvest infrastructure.

 Emphasis may be laid down on building marketing linkages- RCs/ service providers.

 Detailed study should be made on organic farming.

 Publicity should be given for farmers, entrepreneurs and consumers.

 20% higher MSP should be given for traditional products and minimum 10% of procurement for organic

produce/products should be ensured.

 E-voucher or swipe card should be used for DBT to farmers/farmers groups in Sikkim.

 Arrangements for Geotagging of organic areas may be made in Arunachal Pradesh.

 Development of strong marketing linkages to FPOs – as in Manipur should

be replicated in other States.

 Annual Action Plan should be submitted incomponent-wise.

 Regulations and procedures for the organic products were in NPOP & PGS standards should be


 Under MOVCDNER, export should be promoted in South-east Asian market.

 Organic certified seeds regulation/Act is required.

 Fund allocation for setting up of pesticides residue testing laboratories in each district or at –least in

major cities on PPP mode (50%) & should be included in NMSA Scheme through NABARD. (Assistance

to State is 100%).


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