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Multiple Choice Questions of Radiology and Imaging

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Multiple Choice Questions

Of Radiology and Imaging

The syllabus followed by the School of Radiology, Medical University serves to satisfy all
necessary requirements for the completion of a bachelor’s degree in radiology and diagnostic
imaging. As far as studies in radiology and diagnostic imaging is concerned, the following
questions (Multiple Choice Questions) below thoroughly cover the syllabus.
This examination will adequately test and qualify any candidate as a radiologist by international
1.CT scan was invented by
(a) Godfrey Hounsfied (b)EncStorz
(c)John Snow (d)Taka ShitaKoba

2.Dye used for bronchography was

(a)Iapanoic acid (b)Sodium diazotuale
(c)MeglumineIodothalamate (d)Dianosil

3.Enteroclysis is syninymous with

(a)Hypotonic duodunography (b)Ba meal follow through
(c)Small bowel enema (d)All of the above

4.Ultrasound waves are produced by means of a crystal

(a)Ferromagnetic (b)Piezoelectric
(c)Ferroelectric (d)Paramagnetic

5.NMR uses gyromagnetic property of

(a)Electron (b)Proton
(c)Positron (d)Neutron

6.Increased density on x-ray film denotes

(a)A black shadow (b)White shadow
(c)Increased radiolucency (d)None of the above

7.The optimum distance used in radiographic exam is

(a)90-100cm (b)150-160cm
(c)180-190cm (d)200-210cm

8.The optimum distance used in radiographic exam is

(a)90-100cm (b)150-160cm
(c)180-190cm (d)200-210cm

9.Amongst the following phases of iodinated contrast medium enhancement,CT scan makes use
(a)Vascular enhancement (b)Tissue opacification
(c)Opacification of urinary tract (d)Any of the above

10.Best investigation in acute cholecystitis is

(a)Technetium scan (b)US
(c)Plain x-ray abd (d)CT

11.Micturating cystourethrogram is not used in

(a)Renal tumours (b)Hydronephrosis
(c)Urinary obstrutor (d)Tecurrent UTI

12.Salt of barium used in Ba studies is

(a)Ba carbonate (b)Ba sulphate
(c)Ba sulphide (d)Ba chloride

13.Maximum radiation exposures is caused by

(a)Sonography (b)CT scan
(c)Chest x-ray (d)MRI

14.The fields is used in MRI in clinical practice is tesla

(a)0.15 to 1.5 (b)1.5 to 2.5 (c)2.5 to 3
15.For congital CNS anomalies,the investigation of choice is
(a)Plain x-ray (b)USG
(c)MR (d)None

16.The substance most widely used in medical ultrasound is Zirconatetitanate

(a)Silver (b)Sodium
(c)Magnesium (d)Lead

17.Ultrasound is not useful in

(a)Neonatal patients (b)Obstetric patients
(c)Obese patients (d)Adult patients

18.Structures seen white on US image are

(a)Calculi (b)Air
(c)Fat (d)All

19.Xeroraiography is mainly used for-cancer

(a)Lung (b)Breast
(c)Thyroid (d)Stomach

20.MRI should be used with caution in patients with

(a)Acute stroke (b)Brainstem lesions
(c)Demyelinating dz. (d)Cardiac pacemaker

21.Least resolution is observed in

(a)Conventional x-ray (b)US
(c)CT (d)MR

22.Sialography term is applied to x-ray demonstration by injection of a radiopaque media of

which of the following
(a)Lymph scan (b)CT scan
(c)Skeletal scan (d)Any of the above

23.Pneumothorax is best demonstrated by taking a radiograph of the patient in

(a)Inspiration (b)Expiration (c)Full inspiration
(d)Prone (e)Supine
24.Hydatid cyst of the lung in a chest x-ray
(a)is seen as a calcified ring shadow
(b)shows speckled calcification
(c)will not calcify
(d)a and b are correct

25.Water lily appearance in chest x-ray is suggestive of

(a)Bronchiectasts (b)Bronchopleural fistula
(c)Hydatid cyst (d)Sequestration cyst of lung

26.Popcorn calcification is seen in

(a)Pulmonary hamartoma (b) Pulmonary hemorrhage
(c) Pulmonary teratoma (d) Pulmonary embolism

27.Cause of homogenous opacity on a chest x-ray is all except

(a)Pleural effusion (b)Diaphragmatic hernia
(c)Massive consolidation (d)Emphysema

28The most common cause of spontaneous pneumothorax is

(a)TB (b)Ruptured subpleural blebs
(c)Bronchogenic carcinoma (d)Bronchial adenoma

29.Characteristic of benign lesion of lung in chest x-ray is

(a)Size>5cm in diameter (b)Cavitation
(c)Peripheral location (d)Concentric dense calcification

30.Multiple translucent cysts on x-ray are found in the chest in all,except

(a)congenital diaphragmatic hernia
(b)congenital adenomatoid malformation
(c)lobar agenesis
(d)bilateral multiple cysts

31.Best method for bronchiectasis is

(a)X-ray (b)Bronchography
(c)MRI (d)HRCT

32.Dye used for bronchography is

(a)Iopanoic acid (b)Sodium diatizoate
(c)Meglumineiodothalamate (d)Billigrafin (e)Dianosil

33.Egg shell calcification is characteristically seen in

(a)Silicosis (b)Tuberculosis
(c)Aneurysm (d)Histoplasmosis

34.Minimal pleural effusion is best detected by x-ray view

(a)AP (b)PA (c)Lateral (d)Oblique
(e)Lateral decubitus with horizontal beam

35.Obliteration of left heart border in PA chest x-ray is suggestive of

(a)lingular pathology (b)left upper lobe lesion
(c)left hilarlyph nodes (d)left lower lobe lesion
36.The imaging modality for breast,in a patient of 20 years
(a)Mammography (b)Ultrasound
(c)MRI (d)Thermography

37.The advantage of ultrasound

(a)Economical (b)Can differentiate cystic vs solid
(c)No radiation (d)All of the above

1.Calcification in the heart wall is suggestive of

(a)Carcinoid syndrome (b)Scleroderma
(c)Fibroelastosis (d)Endomyocardial fibrosis

38.Following are the radiological changes in tetralogy of fallot,except

(a)Prominent cardiac apex (b)Cardiomegaly
(c)Prominent pulmonary trunk (d)Normal right atrial shadow

39.Isotope used in myocardial perfusion scan is

(a)Technetium (b)Thallium
(c)Stannous pyrophosphate (d)Gallium

40.Left atrial hypertrophy is seen radiologically as

(a)Double cardiac silhouette
(b)Left bronchial elevation
(c)Straightening of left heart border
(d)All of the above

41.Left to right shunt is usually demonstrated in chest x-ray by

(a)Increase in pulmonary venous markings
(b)Increase in size of pulmonary arteries
(c)Increase in no.of pulmonary arteries
(d)Increase in pulmonary vascular markings

42.Hilar dance on fluoroscopy is seen in

(a)ASD (b)TOF (c)VSD (d)TGV

43.The heart can be shifted to the left on the PA radiograph with

(a)Sternal compression (b)VSD
(c)Complete situsinversus (d)Marfan’s syndrome

44.One of the following is a non-invasive investigations in cardiology

(a)Angiocardiography (b)Cardiac catheterisation
(c)Echocardiogram (d)Diagnostic pericardial effusion aspiration

45.Money bag appearance is seen in

(a)Pericardial effusion (b)Pneumothrax
(c)Pulmonary embolism (d)Right heart failure

46.Boot shaped heart is seen in

(a)Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
(b)Tetralogy of fallot
(c)Ebstein’s anomaly
(d)All of the above

47.In TOF which is true

(a)Pulmonary plethora (b)Cardioegaly
(c)Normal or decreased size of heart (d)All of the above

48.Frequency of sound waves used for transabdominal ultrasonography is

(a)2.5-3.5MHz (b)3.5-5.0MHz
(c)5.0-7.5MHz (d)7.5-10.0MHz

49.Chronic Budd-Chiary syndrome is usually associated with

(a)Hypertrophied caudate lobe (b)Right lobe hypertrophy
(c)Caudate lobe atrophy (d)Left lobe hypertrophy

50.Single best answer:which of the following etiologic factors are associated with Budd-Chiary
(a)Hypercogulable state (b)Liver malignancy
(c)Congenital caval webs (d)Idiopathic (e)All of the above

51.Which statement is not true regarding hepatic amoebic abscess

(a)Male predominant disorder
(b)Usually multipe lesions seen by imaging
(c)Liver involvement more common than lung or brain
(d)Infection spreads to liver via mesenteric viens

52.Folw direction in portal vein may be determined by

(a)Real time ultrasound (c)Enhanced CT
(b)Spin Echo MRI sequence (d)Arteriography

53.Which of the following is not true regarding pyogentic liver abscess

(a)Solitary in majority of cases
(b)May following bowel surgenry
(c)Usually from gram negative or aerobic bacteria
(d)Most common between 40 and 60 years old

54.Which of the following are not typically considered hypervascular metastases to the liver
(a)Pancreatic adenocarchinoma
(b)Renal cell carcinoma

55.Which of the following is ture concerning imaging of the hepatocellular carcinoma

(a)There is increased uptake on Galliun scans
(b)Hepatocellular carcinoma is hyperintense on T2W MRI scan
(c)HCC is almost always hyperechoic on ultrasound
(d)HCC tends to enhance during portal venous phase of enhancement

56.PTS is helpful in the diagnosis of

(a)Cancer of the liver
(b)Level of obstruction in the biliary tree
(d)Pseudo pancreatic cyst
57.Most useful and safest diagnostic method for amoebic liver abscess is
(a)Needle aspiration (b)Chemotherapeutic trial
(c)Ultrasound (d)Endoscopy

58.A 40 yrs male presents with a painless cystic liver enlargement of four year duration without
fever or jaundice.On ultrasound there is evidence of a multiseptated cyst with floating
membrancs.The most likely diagnosis is
(a)Amoebic liver abscess (b)Hepatoma
(c)Hydatid cyst of liver (d)Choledochal cyst

59.Following are complications of hydatid in the liver,except

(a)Jaundice (b)Suppuration (c)Cirrhosis (d)Rupture

60.Ultrasound is not useful in

(a)CBD stone at the diatal end of the CBS
(b)Breast cyst
(c)Ascites (d)Full bladder

61.Best investigation for diagnosis of ampullary gallstone with obstructive jaundice is

(a)Intravenous (b)OCG
(c)PTC (d)ERCP

62.Investigation of choice in a case of obstructive jaundice is

(a)Ultrasonography (b)ERCP
(c)CT scan (d)Plain x-ray

63.Following are causes of gas in the biliary tree,except

(a)Gallstone fistula (b)Laxed sphincter
(c)Emphysematous cholecystitis (d)Pert ampullary carcinoma of pancreas

64.A patient with obstructive jaundice and PT-30 minutes,which investigation is contraindicated
(a)PTC (b)X-ray
(c)CT scan (d)Ultrasound

65.An ultrasound examination shows dilated intrahepatic biliary channels with a small gall
bladder.The most likely diagnosis is
(a)Gall bladder stone (b)Pancreatic calculus
(c)Common bile duct stone (d)Head of pancreas

66.The method of choice in preliminary evaluation of biliary obstuction with clinical jaundice is
(a)OCG (b)ERCP (c)CT scan
(d)Ultrasonography (e)Intravenous cholangiography

67.The incidence of gallstones is increased in

(a)Diabetes mellitus (b)Ischemic heart disease
(c)Pregnancy (d)Myelofibrosis

68.Emphysematous cholecystitis is found mainly in patients with

(a)Gout (b)Stone impacted in cystic duct
(c)Poorly controlled diabetes (d)Arteriosclerotic disease
69.Which of the following is not associated with cholelithiasis
(a)Sickle cell disease (b)Inflammatory bowel disease
(c)Obesity (d)Colonic neoplastic disease

70.Which of the following statements about cholelithiasis are false

(a)Most calculi of the gall bladder are invisible on plain film
(b)Pigmented gallstones are most likely to be calcified than cholesterol stones
(c)Pigmented stomed are more common than cholesterol stones
(d)Most gall stones are visible on CT

71.Which of the following is false concerning cholangiocarcinoma

(a)Previous thorotrast administration may prediapose
(b)More common in females
(c)Graual onset of painless jaundice is a typical presentation
(d)Adenocarcinoma is the most common cell type

72.Which is not common ultrasound sign of acute cholecystitis

(a)Halo sign (b)Pericholecystic fluid
(c)Gall bladder distension (d)Air in the gall bladder

73.Which statement is true ragarding acute cholecystitis

(a)Peak age is <40 years
(b)Empyema of gallbladder in a complication
(c)More common in males
(d)Gall bladder is visualized with hepatobiliaryscintigraphy

74.The investigation of choice to diagnose annular pancrease is

(a)US (b)CT (c)ERCP (d)PTC

75.Inverted 3 sign of frostberg is seen in all except

(a)Acute pancreatitis (b)Pancreatic carcinoma
(c)Pseudocyst pancreas (d)Duodenal carcinoma

76.Double duct sign is seen in

(a)Acute pancreatitis (b)Chronic pancreatitis
(c)Carcinoma pancreas (d)Pancreatic trauma

77.Invested 3 or epsilon appearance of duodenal loop in lesions of head of pancreas is known as

(a)Frostberg’ sign (b)Pseudo kidney sign
(c)Uleuscallorum (d)Handek’s niche

78.Absence of gas on an abdominal radiograph is sign of

(a)Psoas abscess (b)Chest infection
(c)Acute pancreatitis (d)Mid gut volvolus

79.In cystic fibrosis

(a)Majority of the patients present with meconium ileus
(b)A micro gall bladder is often present
(c)Pancreatic calcification presents in 50% of patients
(d)Rectal prolapse occurs

80.Barium meal picture in a pseudocyst of pancreas shows

(a)Filling defect in stomach
(b)A ball like radiopaque shadow in the abdomen
(c)Stomach displaces forwards
(d)Contracted stomach

81.Organ that appears most dense on a CT noncontrast scan is

(a)Pancreas (b)Kidney (c)Liver (d)Gall bladder

10.Diagnosis of early lesion of chronic pancreatitis is

(a)Barium meal (b)Ultrasound (c)CT scan (d)Duodenoscopy

82.Pathgnomic x-ray feature of chronic pancreatitis is

(a)Air under diaphragm (b)Sentinel loop
(c)Widening of C loop of duodenum
(d)Calcification of pancreas

83.Radiological features of acute pancreatitis include all except

(a)Reverse figure 3 sign
(b)Left pleural effusion
(c)Local or generalised a dynamic ileus
(d)Swelling confined to pancreatic head

84.Calcification in the pancreas may occur in

(a)Hypoparathyroidism (b)Mumps
(c)Malnutrition (d)Filariasis

85.Chain of lakes appearance is seen in

(a)Chronivcholecystitis (b)Chronic pancreatitis
(c)Acute appendicitis (d)Ulcerative colitis

86.Commonest cause of calcified splenic cyst is

(a)Parasitic infestation (b)Subcapsularhaematoma
(c)Bacterial infection (d)Splenic infarct

87.Following are associated with focal abscent activity on splenic scintigraphy except
(a)Cyanotic heart disease (b)Trauma
(c)Sarciodosis (d)Thalassemia

88.In a patient with infiltration of spleen by lymphoma or leukemia the spleen scan shows
(a)Normal splenic sequestration
(b)Increased splenic sequestration
(c)Decreased splenic sequestration
(d)None of the above

89.Which of the following shows curvilinear splenic calcification

(a)Hydatid cyst (b)Brucellosis
(c)Tuberculosis (d)Sickle cell anemia

90.Radio pharmaceutical used for scanning of spleen in

(a)99mTc-DTPA (b)99mTc-sulphur colloid
(c)Cr labelled RBC (d)Gallium citrate
91.Diliated jejunal loops on plain x-ray abdomen are identified by
(a)Haustrations (b)Valvulaeconniventes
(c)Characterless bowel (d)Air fluid level

92.X-ray findings suggestive of achalasia cardiac are all,except

(a)Megaesophagus (b)Toruous esophagus
(c)Fluid levels in esophagus (d)Diverticulum in esophagus

93.Minimal ascites can be best detected by

(a)X-ray (b)CT (c)USG (d)MRI

94.Following are associated with gas within colonic wall,except

(a)Pneumatosis coli (b)Necrotizing enterocolitis
(c)Hirschprung disease (d)COPD

95.X-ray findings characteristic of small intestinal Malabsorption syndrome are all,except

(a)Flocculation of barium (b)Dilatation of bowl
(c)Increased transit time (d)Mucosal atrophy

96.In pseudomembranous enterocolitis all are seen,except

(a)Thumb printing (b)Thick haustra
(c)Pneumatosisintestinalis (d)Mucosal irregularity

97.Abdominal organ best suited for CT scanning

(a)Liver (b)Gall bladder (c)Pancreas (d)Kidney

98.Pipe stem appearance in barium enemas seen in

(a)Crohn’s disease (b)Ulcerative colitis
(c)Schistosomiasis (d)Carcinoma colon

99.Incidence of GI malignancy is increased in

(a)Turcot syndrome (b)Peutz-Jeghar syndrome
(c)Acanthosisnigricans (d)Erythema retinaculum

100.Motility in upper third of esophagus is decreased in all,except

(a)Pseudobulbar palsy (b)Chagas’disease
(c)Myasthenia gravis (d)Scleroderma

101.Inverted U-shaped grossly dilated gas filled loop of colon in straight x-ray abdomen is seen
(a)Volvulus of colon (b)Intussusception
(c)Fulminant ulcerative colitis (d)All of the above

102.Best view to visualise minimum pneunoperitoneum is

(a)AP view of abdomen (b)Erect film
(c)Right lateral decubitus with horizontal beam
(d)Left lateral decubitus with horizontal beam

103.Radiological examination of infant should be done in case of imperforate anus after

(a)Immediately after birth (b)6-10 hours after birth
(c)12-18 hours after birth (d)Not before 24 hrs
104.Coffee bean sign indicates
(a)Toxic megacolon (b)volvulus of colon
(c)Strangulation of incompletely obstructed loop of small bowel
(d)Mesenteric artery embolism

105.Absence of gas on abdominal radiograph suggests

(a)Proximal small bowel obstruction
(b)Psoas abscess
(c)Chest infection
(d)Are rarely demonstrated in small bowel meal

106.Double bubble sign is seen in

(a)Duodenal atresia (b)Pyloric stenosis
(c)Ileal atresia (d)All of the above

107.Reside of barium meal is seen in stomach after 6 hrs. This could be due to
(a)Pyloric stenosis (b)Hypotonia
(c)Pylorospasm (d)Any of the above

108.Thickened mucosal folds in stomach seen in all,except

(a)Lymphoma (b)Menetrier’s disease
(c)Chronic atrophic gastritis (d)Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

109.Not true about necrotisingenterocolitis

(a)Is first detected by gas in the bowel wall on plain radiography
(b)Occurs after umbilical catheterization
(c)Is associated with respiratory distress syndrome
(d)Is usually caused by viruses

110.In cystic fibrosis

(a)Majority of the patient presents with meconium ileus
(b)Scrotal calcification can on a radiograph of neonate
(c)Pancreatic calcification is present in 50%
(d)Rectal prolapse occurs

112.Ileum in barium looks like

(a)Characteristic (b)Irregular dilation
(c)Characterless (d)None

113.Colon is identified on x-ray by

(a)Haustra (b)Valvaconniventis
(c)Characterless (d)None

114.Thumb printing sign on barium meal is seen in

(a)Diverticulitis (b)Ischaemic colitis
(c)Ulcerative colitis (d)Carcinoma colon

115.When an individual is frightened or emotionally disturbed the stomach tend to be

(a)Not affected (b)Contracts irregularity
(c)Hypertonic (d)Hypotonic

116.Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is best diagnosed by

(a)Appendix calculi (b)Widening of peritoneal fat line
(c)Mass indenting the caecum (d)Gas in appendix

117.String sign is seen in

(a)Crohn’s disease (b)Idiopathic hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
(c)TB of ileocaecalragion (d)All of the above

118.Following are the conditions simulating pneumoperitoneum,except

(a)Subphrenic abscess
(b)Curvilinear supradiaphragmatic pulmonary callapse
(c)Hydatid cyst
(d)Subdiaphragmatic fat

119.Contrast media of choice in investigating a suspected case of ileal perforation:

(a)Barium sulphate (b)Gastrograffin
(c)Dionosul viscous (d)Lipoidol

120.Ureters have physiological constriction at all,except

(a)PUJ (b)Pelvic brim (c)Mid ureter (d)UVJ

121.Length of male urethra is

(a)10 cm (b)10-15 cm (c)15-20 cm (d)20-25 cm

122.Intravenous urography is contraindicated in all,except

(a)Pregnancy (b)Renal insufficiency
(c)Renal trauma (d)Multiple myeloma

123.Micturating cystourethrography is investigation of choice in

(a)Bladder injuries (b)Vesicoureteric reflux
(c)Bladder tumours (d)Hydronephrosis

124.Radionuclide used for assessment of differentiae renal function is

(a)99mTc DTPA (b)Gadolinium DTPA
(c)99mTc DMSA (d)Gallium citrate

125.Renal medullary calcification is seen in all,except

(a)Hyperparathyroidism (b)Renal tubular acidosis
(c)Medullary sponge kidney (d)Acute cortical necrosis

126.Following renal calculi are radiopaque,except

(a)Uric acid (b)Calcium oxalate
(c)Triple phosphate (d)Staghorn calculus

127.Central stellate scar on imaging is seen in

(a)Renal cell carcinoma (b)Mesoblasticnephroma
(c)Wilm’stumour (d)Oncocytoma

128.Imaging modality of choice to diagnose early urinary bladder carcinoma is

(a)CT scan (b)IVU
(c)Cystography (d)Endoluminal ultrasound

129.Most common site for metastases in carcinoma prostate is

(a)Lung (b)Liver (c)Bone (d)Brain

130.All are congenital renal anomalies ,except

(a)Horse shoe kidney
(b)Cross fused renal ectopia
(c)Polycystic kidney
(d)Multicystic dysplastic kidney

131.Rental function may be absent in all,except

(a)Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
(b)Multiicystic dysplastic kidey
(c)Chronic pyelonephriitis
(d)Choronic renal failure

132.Increasing dense nephrogram is seen in

(a)Acute pyelonephritis
(b)Acute glomerulonephritis
(c)Acute ureteric obstruction
(d)Acute renal artery obstruction

133.Rental size may be increased in all,except

(a)Acute ranal vein thrombosis
(c)Acute glomeronephritis

134.Polycystic kidney is not associated with cysis in

(a)Liver (b)Pancreas (c)Brain (d)Lungs

135.Renal artery stenosis is not characterised by

(a)Hypertension (b)Large kidney
(c)Bruit over the area (d)Delay excretion

136.In nephrogram contrast mainly lies in

(a)Renal capillaries (b)Renal pelvis
(c)Only renal cortex (d)Renal tubules

137.In a child filling defect in the bladder at IVU can be due to all,except
(c)Ectopic ureterocele
(d)Posterior urethral valves

138.Simplest diagnostic aid in differentiating solid from cystic renal mass is

(a)USG (b)CT scan (c)MRI (d)Plain x-ray

139.In contrast to USG which adrenal is better visualized on CT scan

(a)Left (b)Right
(c)Both are equally visualized (d)None of the above

140. yrs.old child presents with abdominal mass and on CT shows multiple calcifications in the
mass.The most likely diagnosis is
(a)Nephroblastoma (b)Neuroblastoma
(c)Distended gall bladder (d)Hemangioma

141.Adrenal calcification is seen in

(a)Neuroblastoma (b)Addison’s desease
(c)Carcinoma (d)All of the above

142.Zonal anatomy of the prostate is best visualised with

(a)Transabdominal US (b)Endorectal US
(c)CT (d)MR

143.The best modality to detect intratesticular lesion is

(a)X-ray (b)US (c)CT (d)MR

144.The modality of choice for confirming the diagnosis is

(a)X-ray (b)US (c)Colour Doppler (d)CT

145.All are feature of backpressure changes secondary to BHP except

(a)Trabeculated and thick walled bladder
(b)Vesicoureteric reflux
(c)Parenchymal thinning of the renal parenchyma
(d)Dilated posterior urethra

146.The safest period to do HSG examination in a femal of reproductive age group after the last
data of LMP is
(a)Within 7 days (b)10-16 days
(c)17-24 days (d)25-30 days

147.The preliminary investigation of choice in an infertile fimale is

(a)Transabdominal US (b)Endovaginal US
(c)CT scan (d)MRM

148.All of the following show calcification except

(a)Uterine fibroid (b)Ovarian dermoid
(c)Ovarian fibroma (d)Chocolate cyst of ovary

149.HSG helps to evaluate all except

(a)Uterine cavity (b)Tubal configuration
(c)Tubal patency (d)Overian size and volume

150.The modality of choice for follicular monitoring is

(a)US (b)CT (c)MR (d)Radionuclide studies
151.The investigation of chioce for the evaluation of the uterine anomalies
(a)US (b)CT (c)MR (d)Scintigraphy

152.The preferred inaging modality for tubal patency

(a)Hysterosalpingography (b)Sonosalinggography
(c)CT (d)MRI

153.The imaging modalities of choice for evaluation of ovarian malignancy include

(a)X-ray + US (b)US + CT
(c)CT + MR (d)US + MR
154.Endometrial carcinoma is best evaluated with
(a)Transabdominal US (b)CT
(c)MR (d)Scintigraphy

155.The imaging modality that is most specific for differentiating benign from malignant ovarian
(a)Transabdominal US (b)Endovaginal US
(c)Colour Doppler (d)CT

156.Early epiphyseal fusion occurs in

(a)Homocystinuria (b)Turner’s syndrome
(c)Phenylketonuria (d)Fanconi’s syndrome

157.Candle wax appearance is seen in

(a)Osteogenesisimperfecta (b)Melorheostosis
(c)Diaphyseal dysplasia (d)Exostosis

158.Commonest site of spina bifida is

(a)Cervical spine (b)Dorsal spine
(c)Lumbar spine (d)Sacrum

159.In nail patella syndrome,all are true,except

(a)Renal function is normal
(b)Iliac horns are present
(c)Hypoplastic patella
(d)Inheritance is autosomal dominant

160.Which of the following is not a feature of osteogenesisimperfecta

(a)Thin and fragile bone (b)Bule sclera
(c)Otosclerosis (d)Metaphyseal fracture

161.All are featuring achondroplasia,except

(a)Short and wide bones (b)Lumbar canal stenosis
(c)Square shaped iliac wings (d)Flattening of vertebral body

162Commonest foetal skeletal dysplasia of newborn is

(a)Osteogenesisimperfecta (b)Thanatophoric dwarfism
(c)Camptomelic dwarfism (d)Homozygous from of achondroplasia

163.All the following statements are true about congenital dislocation of hip,except
(a)Usually unilateral
(b)Left side is more commonly affected than right
(c)Males are more commonly affected
(d)Occurs more commonly in posterior direction

164.Commonest site of fracture in osteogenesisimperfecta is

(a)Epiphysis (b)Metaphysis
(c)Diaphysis (d)All of the above

165.Congenital pseudoarthrosis is seen in

(a)Tibia fibula (b)Femur
(c)Femur tibia (d)Hip joint

166.Spnengel’s deformity of the scapula is

(a)Undescended/elevated scapula
(b)Undescended neck of scapula
(c)Exostosis scapula
(d)None of the above

167.Trident hand is seen in

(a)Mucopolysaccharidosis (b)Achondroplasia
(c)Diaphyseal achalasia (d)Chondrodysplasia

168.In which of the following syndrome is polydactyiy common

(a)Ellis-von Creveld syndrome (b)TAR syndrome
(c)Fing’s syndrome (d)Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome

169.Marble bone appearance is characteristic of

(a)Osteopetrosis (b)Osteogenesisimperfecta
(c)Fluorosis (d)Achondroplasia

170.Tram track appearance on skull radiographs is characteristic of

(a)Tuberous sclerosis
(b)Sturge-Weber syndrome

171.Punched out lytic lesion in the skull are charatersitic of

(a)Multiple myeloma
(d)None of the above

172.Feature of meningioma include all except

(a)Hyperostosis of the adjacent bones
(b)Hyperdensetumour on noncontrast CT
(c)No enhancement on postcontrast images
(d)Cerebral convexities are the common sites

173.During carotid angiography,the vessels catheterized include

(a)Bilater internal and external caroid
(b) Bilater internal carotid and one vertebral artery
(c)Bilater external carotid and one vertebral artery
(d)Bilater external and internal carotid and vertebral artery

174.Sutural diastasis is seen in

(a)Raised intracranial tension in children
(b)Raised intracranial tension in adults
(c)Both of the above
(d)None of the above

175.All are features of acromegaly except

(a)Obtuse mandibular angle and prognathism
(b)Enlarged sella an sinuses
(d)Delayed osteoarthritis

176.All are true about intracranial hematomas except

(a)Acute hematoma appear hyperdense on CT
(b)Extradural hematoma appear as a lenticular shaped extra-axial collection
(c)Acute subdural hemorrhage appears as hyperdensity in the sulcal spaces and basal cisterns
(d)The commonest site for hypertensive bleed is basal ganglia

177.On FLAIR images,CSF appears

(a)Hyperintense to the gray matter
(b)Isointense to the gray matter
(c)Hypointense to the gray matter
(d)None of the above

178.Modality of choice for detecting hyperacuteinflarct

(a)Noncontrast CT
(b)Constrast enhanced CT
(c)Constrast enhanced MR
(d)Diffusion MR

179.Modality of choice for diagnosing acute subarachnoid hemorrhage

(a)Noncontrast Ct
(b)Constrast enhanced CT
(c)Constrast enhanced MR
(d)Diffusion MR

180Commonly used contrast media in myelography

(a)Myodil (b)Urografin (c)Biligrafin (d)Iohexol

181.Investigation of choice for multiple sclerosis

(a)CT (b)MR (c)Angiography (d)Myelography

182.Bracket shaped calcification on skull radiograph is characteristic of

(a)Callosallipoma (b)Craniopharyngioma
(c)Meningioma (d)Glioma

183.Commonest cause of physiological intracranial calcification

(a)Lens calcification (b)Pineal calcification
(c)Falcine calcification (d)Tumoural calcification

184.Which of the following paranasal sinus is not present at birth

(a)Frontal (b)Spheonid
(c)Maxillary (d)Ethmoid

185.Commonest cause of acute of acute sinusitis is

(a)Dental inflections (b)Nasal tumous
(c)Acute rhinitis (d)Swimming

186.Three statements ragarding radiological finding of ameloblastoma is

(a)Multilocular lesion
(b)Causes marked expansion in axial plane
(c)Characteristically reaches alveolar margin and erodes teeth

187.Criteria for foetal growth are all,except

(a)Weight of uterus (b)US measurement of BPD
(c)Maternal weight gain (d)US measurement of foetal AC

188.In child bearing period in female,the abdomen x-ray should be taken

(a)10 days after LMP (b)Last 10 days of cycle
(c)Within 10 days of LMP (d)Middle of the cycle

189.Hypertrophy of prostate manifests itself as

(a)Cystitis (b)Vesical diverticula
(c)Elongation of post-urethra (d)All are true

190.Psammomatus like calcification seen in suprapubicragion of a male pelvis may ba seen in

presence of
(a)Calculus (b)Bladder diverticulum
(c)Bladder neoplasm (d)Tuberculous seminal vesicle

191.Gestational age in third trimester is assessed by USG of the following

(a)Length of femur (b)Length of foetus
(c)Biparietal (d)Size of placenta

192.Estimation of foetal maturity by BPD sonic measurement is accurate on within

(a)3-7 days (b)7-10 days (c)10-15 days (d)14-20 days

193.The following can cause soft tissue calcification on a plain radiography of the peivis,except
(a)SchistosomaMansoni infection
(b)Senous cyst adenoma of ovary
(c)Papilloma of bladder
(e)Colloid CA of the colon

194.Finding of a beaded appearance of vas deferens during a vesiculogram indicates

(a)Gonorrhoea (b)Tuberculosis
(c)Non-specific infection (d)Bilharaziasia

195.Average scrotal wall thickness is ________ mm

(a)3-6 (b)9-15 (c)18-25 (d)25-35

196.Radiopaque shadow is seen in the following ovarian tumout

(a)Simple serous cyst (b)Epithelioid cell tumour
(c)Dermoid (d)Mucinous cystadenoma

197.9 month old child with three episodes UTI immunization not to be done is
(a)Cystoscopy (b)Viodingurethrogram
(c)Ultrasound (d)Radionuclide scan

198.Gestational sac diameter grows ________ mm/day

(a)0.31 (b)0.61 (c)1.13 (d)1.95
199.US is useful in detecting
(a)Placenta previa (b)IUGR
(c)Foetus associated with ascites (d)All

200.The congenital malformation which can be diagnosed by US at the earliest

(a)Hydrocephalus (b)Limb aplasia
(c)Anencephaly (d)Renal agenesis

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