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1) Grammar Rules Made Simple and Easy

2) 500+ Tips and Tricks
3) 1000 Exercise Question and Answers
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Grammar Rules
English grammar rules Nithra

English Grammar Rules



I Grammar Introduction

II Parts of speech

III Articles

IV Gerunds and Infinitives

V Tenses

VI Active and Passive voice

VII Direct and Indirect speech

VIII Degrees of comparison

IX Sentence Pattern

X Modifiers

XI Phrase

XII Clause

XIII Kinds of Sentence

XIV Question Tags

English grammar rules Nithra

Grammar, rules of a language governing the sounds, words, sentences, and other
elements, as well as their combination and interpretation. The word grammar also denotes the
study of these abstract features or a book presenting these rules. In a restricted sense, the term
refers only to the study of sentence and word structure (syntax and morphology), excluding
vocabulary and pronunciation. “Grammar” refers to the way words are used, classified, and
structured together to form coherent written or spoken communication. Grammar is the way we
arrange words to make proper sentences. Word level grammar covers verbs and tenses, nouns,
adverbs etc. Sentence level grammar covers phrases, clauses, reported speech etc.


There are Eight parts of Speech in English grammar



Nouns names a Person, Place, Things, Animals and Ideas. Sometimes they act as the
subject or object of the sentence.


● He lives in Delhi.
● I Love to play with my cat.

Types of nouns:

Nouns can be classified on the ‘basis of the meaning’ and on the ‘basis of the form’.
According to the basis of the meaning it can be classified as “Proper nouns and common

English grammar rules Nithra

A noun that designates a particular name of a Person, Place or Special names is known
as Proper nouns.


1. My name is Alex.
2. I love Switzerland.

The Common noun that names the Specific living or nonliving things, place or ideas.

1. I am a fan of M.S.Dhoni
2. Arun likes this Restaurant.

Types of Common nouns:

★ Collective Nouns
★ Concrete nouns
★ Abstract nouns

Collective nouns:
The Common noun that denotes a group of persons or objects of the same kind are called
Collective nouns.


1. Our class took a field trip to the park.

2. A flock of birds flying in the sky.

Concrete nouns:
A concrete noun is a word that denotes something concrete that could be tasted, touched,
or seen, something that exists physically.

English grammar rules Nithra


1. The house at the end of the street belongs to me.

2. My dog likes to eat bread.

Abstract noun:

An abstract noun names a quality or an idea. Abstract nouns are nouns that name abstract
concepts, or concepts that cannot be experienced with the senses.


1. Man has both good sides and evil sides.

2. Alex has fear for dogs.

Noun: Number

On the basis of the form, all common nouns are divided into Countable and Uncountable.

Countable noun:
The countable nouns that denote things that can be counted.Countable nouns can be
divided into Singular and plural. Concrete nouns are mainly countable.


Singular countable nouns Plural countable nouns

A student students

A dog dogs

A chair chairs

Uncountable nouns:
The Uncountable nouns that denote things that cannot be counted. Uncountable nouns
have no plural forms and lack singular plural concepts.

English grammar rules Nithra


1. Beauty is truth.
2. Have you got some paper to draw a picture?

Compound nouns:
Compound nouns are nouns that are made up of two or more words. Compound words
can be formed in three ways.

❖ Open form
❖ Closed form
❖ Hyphenated form

Open form - These are kind of compound nouns which function as one unique word but are still
written as two or more words separated by the space between them.


1. Post office
2. Middle class

Closed form - It’s simply two words coming together form a single word without any
Punctuation or spaces.


1. Baseball
2. Keyboard

Hyphenated word - In this the two or more words are connected through the Hyphen and form
a compound word.


1. Eight-pack
2. Brother-in-law

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500+ Grammar
Tips and Tricks
Grammar tips and tricks Nithra


Grammar tips and tricks Nithra


Nouns names a Person, Place, Things, Animals and Ideas. Sometimes

they act as the subject or object of the sentence.
★ If in the end of a Noun there is ‘s’, ‘sh’, ‘ss’, ‘z’ or ‘ch’ then to make it
plural we add ‘es’ in the end of the noun. For example: Ass-Asses ,
★ If a singular noun contains ‘f’ or ‘fe’ in the last of the word, we add
‘ves’. For example:Knife - knives , Leaf - Leaves.
★ If a noun ends with ‘Y’ and before ‘Y’ that contain a consonant then
to make that plural we can remove ‘Y’ with the ‘ies’. For
example:Army - Armies , Lady - Ladies.
★ If a noun contains ‘o’ in the end of the word and before it there is a
consonant then to make that plural we should add ‘es’. For example:
Hero - Heroes , Mango - Mangoes.
★ The noun which is in compound word, they have not hyphenated
between the words then simply we add ‘s’ in the end of the noun. For
example: Cupful - Cupfuls , Handful - Handfuls.

Grammar tips and tricks Nithra

★ Noun which is divided by hyphen, to make that plural we add ‘s’ in

the important parts of the word. For example: Tooth- brush - Tooth -
brushes, Pass- book - Pass - books.
★ If the noun which is formed by compound and that has one portion
is preposition then to make that plural we add ‘s’ which comes
before the preposition. For example: Father-in-law - Fathers - in - law,
Passer- by - Passers – by.
★ If the compound noun has man or woman then to make that plural
we need to add ‘s’ in the whole. For example: Man - servant → Men -
servants, Woman - engineer → Women - engineers.
★ If we use Police then it is a plural noun but if we use man in Police
then it will be known as a singular noun. For example: Police are
corrupt. (But the) Police man is honest.
A Pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase.
❖ Always use the object pronoun after prepositions.
For example:
1. They Send letters to him.
❖ Don’t use a reflexive pronoun unless the noun or pronoun referred to
appears in the same sentence.


Arun bought tickets for Alex and Arun bought tickets for Alex and
himself. myself.
❖ Don’t overuse compound personal pronouns for emphasis. For
example: I myself am personally responsible for the project. (Here
the pronoun “myself” is redundant.)

Grammar tips and tricks Nithra

❖ Don’t get confused with the multiple Subject/object. The individual

sentence should make sense even if they are broken.
For example:
1. Mario and me went to the castle to save the princess.
2. Mario and I went to the castle to save the princess. (correct)
❖ The nominative case should always follow the verb to be, but this rule
is not usually followed.
For example:
1. It’s me at the door. (Incorrect)
2. It’s I at the door. (correct)
❖ Intensive pronouns are identical to reflexive pronouns. They are used
to emphasize the nouns or pronouns and in most cases are found
right next to them.
For example:
1. He himself will do that.

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1000 English Grammar
Exercise Questions !!
1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Grammar rules- (Part 1)

1. The first letter of the first word in a sentence should be_____.
2. The order of a basic positive sentence is____.
3. Every sentence must have a subject and____.
4. A plural subject needs____.
5. When two singular subjects are connected by or, use____.
6. Adjectives usually come_____.
7. If an opinion-adjective and a fact-adjective are used before a noun, which comes
8. In British English, a collective noun is usually treated as____.
9. The terms "its" and "it's" have____ meaning.
10. ______looking good.

1. a capital letter 2. Subject-Verb-Object
3. a verb 4. a plural verb
5. a singular verb 6. before a noun
7. an opinion-adjective 8. plural
9. different 10. You're

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Grammar rules- (Part 2)

11. A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a_____.
12. The part of a sentence contains _____and gives information about the subject.
13. The person or thing affected by the action of the _____.
14. _____ is a word that links a noun, pronoun or noun phrase to some other parts
of a sentence.
15. _____is a word that replaces a noun.
16. An adjective describes, identifies, qualifies or gives more information about a
_____or a pronoun
17. _____are often used with a noun to show location.
18. Common conjunctions are and, but, _____.
19. ____are words used to connect other words, phrases, or clauses.
20. _____ used to express an emotional reaction.

11. punctuation mark 12. verb
13. subject 14. preposition
15. pronoun 16. noun
17. Prepositions 18. or
19. Conjunctions 20.exclamation

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Grammar Rules - Part 3

21. Are there __________ apples in the kitchen?
22. That is __________ interesting book.
23. I went __________ the movies last Sunday.
24. I __________ a new car last month.
25. I get up __________ seven o'clock every day.
26. What _________ in your free time?
27. My father __________ in a bank.
28. I __________ drive a car.
29. She __________ to the store yesterday.
30. I live in __________.

21.any 24.bought you do 28.can
29.went 30.Italy

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Grammar Rules - Part 4

31. Today is __________ than yesterday.
32. There are __________ books on the table.
33. I would like __________ rice.
34. I went to Paris three years __________.
35. He speaks English __________.
36. What __________! Look at that mess!
37. He enjoys __________ football.
38. Paris is __________ city I have ever visited.
39. I'm going home __________ it's late.
40. __________ you ever been to Japan?

31.hotter 32.some
33.some 34.ago
35.well 36.are you doing
37.playing 38.the most beautiful
39.because 40.Have

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Grammar Rules – Part 5

41. She works_____Saturday.(at/on)
42. I stay at home_____the morning. (in/on)
43. How do you get to work? _____ (By car/In car)
44. Do you like classical music?______ (Yes, I like/Yes, I do)
45. Where is Mary? She______over there. (is standing/standing)
46. I am hungry. _____something to eat, please. (I'd want/I'd like)
47. He_____ born in 1963 in America. (is/was)
48. Switzerland is_____than Britain. (smallest/smaller)
49. Motor racing is the_____sport in the world. (more expensive/most expensive)
50. He passed his English exam very_____. (easily/easy)

41. on 42. in
43. By car 44. Yes, I do
45. is standing 46. I'd like
47. was 48. smaller
49. most expensive 50.easily

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Grammar Rules – Part 6

51. Grammatical category is related to _______. (word indication / word
52. Only _____ can be affected by the grammatical category known as "number".
(nouns / adjectives)
53. Possessive is a value of the grammatical category called ______. (number /
54. Modern English uses _____ gender. (grammatical / natural)
55. The grammatical category "person" is a property of pronouns and has _____
values. (two / three)
56. "Tense" is a grammatical category that applies to ______. (verbs / adverbs)
57. Continuous and perfect are examples of the grammatical category known as
______. (tense / aspect)
58. The subjunctive "mood" expresses _______. (a statement of fact / something
59. "Voice" is a grammatical category affecting _______. (transitive verbs /
intransitive verbs)
60. _______ can be affected by the grammatical category known as "degree".
(Gradable adverbs / Non-gradable adverbs)

51. word agreement 52. nouns
53. case 54. natural
55. three 56. verbs
57. aspect 58. something desired
59. transitive verbs 60.Gradable adverbs

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Grammar Rules – Part 7

61. Which sentence is in the active voice? (John wrote the song / The song was
written by John)
62. In the active voice, the action is done by _______. (the subject before the verb
/ the object after the verb)
63. Adjectives are words that describe ________. (verbs or adverbs / nouns or
64. In which sentence, is "fast" an adjective? (He's a fast runner / He can run fast)
65. An adverb is a word that can modify _______. (nouns / verbs)
66. In which sentence, is "fast" an adverb? (He's got a fast car / He drives fast)
67. Which of these articles is an indefinite article? (a / the)
68. Which sentence contains a definite article? (We saw a movie / the movie was
69. An auxiliary verb is used with ______. (a proper noun / a main verb)
70. In the question "Did you win?” which is the auxiliary verb? (Did / win)

61. John wrote the song 62. the subject before the verb
63. nouns or pronouns 64. He's a fast runner
65. verbs 66. He drives fast
67. a 68. The movie was great
69. a main verb 70. Did

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Parts of speech – Part 1

71. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. (preposition / adjective)
72. What did she ask you to do? (conjunction / pronoun)
73. I left my shoes under the kitchen table. (preposition / pronoun)
74. If we finish our work quickly we can go to the movies. (adverb / verb)
75. On Saturdays I work from nine to five. (verb / preposition)
76. I want to go to a university in the United States. (adjective / noun)
77. I'm sure I've met your girlfriend before. (verb / interjection)
78. Well, I don't think I'll be home before 6 p.m (interjection / preposition)
79. Andy knocked on the door but nobody answered. (adjective / conjunction)
80. After lunch let's go out for a coffee. (pronoun / preposition)

71. adjective 72. pronoun
73. preposition 74. adverb
75. verb 76. noun
77. verb 78. interjection
79. conjunction 80.preposition

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Parts of Speech – Part 2

81. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall.
82. What did she ask you to do?
83. I left my shoes under the kitchen table.
84. If we finish our work quickly we can go to the movies.
85. On Saturdays, I work from nine to five.
86. I want to go to university in the United States.
87. I'm sure I've met your girlfriend before.
88. Well, I don't think I'll be home before 6.
89. Andy knocked on the door but nobody answered.
90. After lunch let's go out for a coffee.

81. adjective 82. pronoun
83. preposition 84. adverb
85. verb 86. noun
87. verb 88. interjection
89. conjunction 90. preposition

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Parts of Speech – Part 3

(Adjectives and Adverbs)
91. Come ___ or we will miss our bus. (quick)
92. You appear so ___ that something great must have happened. (happy)
93. I have never been ___ sure of anything in my life. (more)
94. Ella was the ___ of the two sisters at gymnastics. (good)
95. You did that somersault so ___. (well)
96. Rochelle felt bad about ___ Devin's birthday. (forget)
97. This is the worst oil spill I have ever seen. (worse)
98. The jasmine has bloomed and ___ very sweet. (smells)
99. You ___ angry. What did I do? (look)
100. She looked ___ at the man wearing the trench coat. (suspicious)

91. quickly 92. happy
93. more 94. better
95. well 96. forgetting
97. worst 98. smells
99. look 100. suspicious

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Parts of Speech – Part 4 (Adjective Order)

101. Andrea had a ________ in her hair yesterday. (nice yellow bow / yellow nice
102. She lost a ________. (small white cat / white small cat)
103. I bought ________ oranges. (big great some / some great big)
104. We met ________ people at the conference. (very smart two / two very
105. The clown was wearing a ________ hat. (big green-yellow / big green and
106. The cookies that you ________. (smell delicious baked/baked smell delicious)
107. Is it ________? (cold getting outside / getting cold outside)
108. The course you are ________. (taking sounds interesting/interesting sounds
109. My uncle wore a ________ to the wedding. (silk blue tie / blue silk tie)
110. Have you met that _____ next door? (cute new boy / new boy cute)

101. nice yellow bow 102. small white cat
103. some great big 104. two very smart
105. big green and yellow 106. baked smell delicious
107. getting cold outside 108. taking sounds interesting
109. blue silk tie 110.cute new boy

1000 Grammar Questions with Answers Nithra

Nouns - Part 1
111. The simple definition of a noun is a person, place or _______. (pronoun /
112. To decide if a word is a noun, look at its ending, position and _______.
(function / first letter)
113. A word is almost certainly a noun if it ends with ______. (-ness / -est)
114. Which is a noun? (govern / government)
115. In which sentence does a noun follow a determiner? (The food's delicious /
It's delicious food)
116. In which sentence does a noun follow an adjective? (Their team played well /
It's a good, strong team)
117. Nouns often come after one or more ________. (adjectives / adverbs)
118. Nouns often function as the subject and/or object of ________. (an adjective
/ a verb)
119. "She plays guitar." The noun "guitar" is the _______. (the subject of the
verb/object of the verb)
120. In which sentence, is the subject a pronoun? (England is cold now / You'll
need warm clothes)

111. thing 112. function
113. –ness 114. government
115. The food's delicious 116. It's a good, strong team
117. adjectives 118. a verb
119. the object of the verb 120. You'll need warm clothes


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