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Assignment On Linear Algebra: Es1101: Computational Data Analysis

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Linear Algebra

SUBMITTED BY: Vinay Yograj Daharwal

Your name (Roll No.)


Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)

JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur

December 2021

1. Introduction :
➢ In this assignment we are using concept of linear Algebra that include formation of matrixes ,
Eigen value and Eigen vector , finding root of characteristics equation , power method , inverse
power method, application eigen vector, And use of python to solve complex question

➢ To study data and interpret the result of data, To use of python to solve real life problem and
To find Rank of teams in real life game

➢ In power method we have start with an approximation , mostly we start with column matrices
of 1 and we multiple it with original and this lead to be a new matrices and we take largest
element of new matrices common that element is the approximate eigen value and left vector
is approximate eigen vector it is iteration 1 and then we multiple left vector with original
matrixes now take common and we get more approximate eigen value and vector this process
continuous till you get very approximation , the more iteration lead to most approximate eigen
value and eigen vector

➢ In this assignment we make a model to solve real life complex question using python
With power method.

➢ We take the data from world chess championship 2018
Source Wikipedia
Link - World Chess Championship 2018 - Wikipedia


➢ We got rank of matrices that are discussed in assignment, we understand how eigen vector is
power full tool to find rank of team

➢ With doing this assignment we understand the use and importance of linear algebra, we also
understand how to work in team and how to collect real life data.
1. Solve the following problem using manual calculation. Suppose that there are four teams in
a league match. At the end of season, the results are as follows
Team 1 beat teams 2 and 3, but lost to team 4.
Team 2 beat team 3, but lost to teams 1 and 4.
Team 3 beat team 4, but lost to teams 1 and 2.
Team 4 beat teams 1 and 2, but lost to team 3.
(a) Form the corresponding matrix A that reflects these results, where 𝑎𝑖𝑗 = { 1 if team i
beats team j 0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒.
(b) How small can the dominant eigenvalue for A be? How large? Explain.
(d) Find out eigen vector corresponding to most dominant eigen value using Power method
and find how the teams can be ranked using eigen vectors


(a) 1 = Team1
2= Team 2
3= Team 3
4= Team 4

1 2 3 4
1 0 1 1 0
2 0 0 1 0
A= [ ]
3 0 0 0 1
4 1 1 0 0


Large dominant is can get from Power Method that is

1.3953369961023712 from 142th iteration from (c) and (d)

Small dominant value can also be find out by using Inverse power method where we have to
convert A to A-1 and rest thing same as Power method And then convert lambda equal to 1 by

−1 1 0 1
1 −1 0 0
A-1 = [ ]
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0

After solving by inverse power method in python

From iteration 25
We get

So small dominant eigen value = 1/⋋=1/2.106919340576228
In [1]:
import numpy as vinay

a=vinay.array([[-1,1,0,1],[1,-1,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0]], dtype=float)




while count<26:,b)

print("Iteration No.", count)


for i in range(4):

if c[i,0]<0:

d[i][0]= (c[i,0])*(-1)




for i in range(4):


print(' Dominant Eigen value of this iteration =',maxi)

print("Eigen vector of this iteration")






Iteration No. 1





Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.0

Eigen vector of this iteration





Iteration No. 2





Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.0

Eigen vector of this iteration





Iteration No. 3

[[ 2.]


[ 1.]

[ 0.]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.0

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.5]

[ 0. ]]

Iteration No. 4


[ 1.5]


[ 0.5]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.5

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 1. ]


[ 0.33333333]]

Iteration No. 5

[[ 2.33333333]

[-2. ]

[ 1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.3333333333333335

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42857143]


Iteration No. 6

[[-2. ]

[ 1.85714286]


[ 0.42857143]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.0

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.92857143]


[ 0.21428571]]

Iteration No. 7

[[ 2.14285714]


[ 0.92857143]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.142857142857143

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]

[-0.9 ]

[ 0.43333333]

[-0.2 ]]

Iteration No. 8

[[-2.1 ]

[ 1.9 ]

[-0.9 ]

[ 0.43333333]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.9047619 ]


[ 0.20634921]]

Iteration No. 9

[[ 2.11111111]

[-1.9047619 ]

[ 0.9047619 ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.111111111111111

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42857143]


Iteration No. 10


[ 1.90225564]


[ 0.42857143]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1052631578947367

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90357143]


[ 0.20357143]]

Iteration No. 11

[[ 2.10714286]


[ 0.90357143]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.107142857142857

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42881356]


Iteration No. 12


[ 1.90338983]


[ 0.42881356]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.106779661016949

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90345937]


[ 0.20353982]]

Iteration No. 13

[[ 2.1069992 ]


[ 0.90345937]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1069991954947707

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42878961]


Iteration No. 14


[ 1.90339824]


[ 0.42878961]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.106911034746086

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90340703]


[ 0.20351577]]

Iteration No. 15

[[ 2.1069228 ]


[ 0.90340703]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.106922798115259

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42878032]


Iteration No. 16


[ 1.90340616]


[ 0.42878032]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1069155341476002

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90340886]


[ 0.20351092]]

Iteration No. 17

[[ 2.10691978]


[ 0.90340886]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.106919779546846

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.4287818 ]


Iteration No. 18


[ 1.90340832]


[ 0.4287818 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.106919335774768

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90340825]


[ 0.20351126]]

Iteration No. 19

[[ 2.10691951]


[ 0.90340825]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1069195114773396

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42878157]


Iteration No. 20


[ 1.90340815]


[ 0.42878157]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.106919309640416

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90340818]


[ 0.20351115]]

Iteration No. 21

[[ 2.10691933]


[ 0.90340818]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1069193334866405

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42878157]


Iteration No. 22


[ 1.90340819]


[ 0.42878157]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1069193336027556

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90340819]


[ 0.20351115]]

Iteration No. 23

[[ 2.10691934]


[ 0.90340819]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1069193426293147

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42878158]


Iteration No. 24


[ 1.90340819]


[ 0.42878158]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.1069193409552347

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[-1. ]

[ 0.90340819]


[ 0.20351115]]

Iteration No. 25

[[ 2.10691934]


[ 0.90340819]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.106919340576228

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[ 1. ]


[ 0.42878157]


In [ ]:

(c) let assume lambda is k

−𝑘 1 1 0
0 −𝑘 1 0
[ ]
0 0 −𝑘 1
1 1 0 −𝑘
K4-2k-1 =0

After solving equation using calculator

We got for real k ,k1= -0.4746266176

And k2=1.395336995

So ,


So dominant eigenvalue is k2 that is equal to 1.395336995

(d) Eigenvalue and eigenvector using Power method:

first ten iteration in copy

Rest all in python

For iteration 142 most approximate in 8 decimal place.

Eigen vector = [ ]
Eigen value = 1.3953369961023712
In [1]:

import numpy as vinay

a=vinay.array([[0,1,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1],[1,1,0,0]], dtype=float)
while count<143:,b)
print("Iteration No.", count)
for i in range(4):
print(' Dominant Eigen value of this iteration =',maxi)
print("Eigen vector of this iteration")

Iteration No. 1





Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 2.0

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 2

[[1. ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.5

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 3

[[1. ]


[1. ]

[1. ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.0

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]


[1. ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 4


[1. ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.6666666666666665

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 5



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.6

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.75 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 6

[[1. ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.1250000000000002

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 7



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.4444444444444442

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 8



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.6153846153846154

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 9



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.2380952380952381

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 10



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3461538461538463

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.6 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 11



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.5714285714285714

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 12



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3272727272727272

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 13



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3150684931506849

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.9375 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 14



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.510416666666667

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 15



[1. ]

[1.3862069 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.386206896551724

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 16



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3184079601990049

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 17



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.4566037735849058

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.6865285 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 18


[0.6865285 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.417098445595855

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 19



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3363802559414988

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 20



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.418604651162791

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8997107 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 21



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.4271938283510124

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 22



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3574324324324325

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5161772 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 23



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.396217023394724

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8973262 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 24



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.424955436720142

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 25

[[1.2044033 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3755316487365528

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 26



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3857766460531105

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 27



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.4173776086100534

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 28

[[1.2146495 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3883692934530978

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 29



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3830454211965584

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 30



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.4089988425925923

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 31



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3959338741143856

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 32



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3844550692656614

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 33



[1. ]

[1.4021075 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.4021075002213759

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 34



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.399355816597196

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 35



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3874822858277596

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 36

[[1.235774 ]


[1. ]

[1.3974238 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3974238037927331

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 37



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.4000791415469847

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 38

[[1.2253611 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3906079589285238

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 39



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3947902643842789

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 40



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3993794197059959

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8807634 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 41



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3931002715936556

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8807258 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 42



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3936841901619625

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 43



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3981684267512668

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 44



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.394753218879278

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 45



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3935299673304864

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 46



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.396984428750808

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 47



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3956528250005942

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 48

[[1.2294086 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3938527670324747

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5140504 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 49



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.396072253744359

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.7162953 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 50


[0.7162953 ]

[1. ]

[1.3960038 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3960038040940521

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 51



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3943275528013612

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 52



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3954862824506766

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 53



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.396021854474298

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 54

[[1.2296341 ]


[1. ]

[1.3947696 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3947696013059767

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5135767 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 55



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3951804405049155

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 56



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3958805788479376

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 57



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3950998330396898

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 58



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3950720264796284

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 59



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3956958633643723

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 60



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953057388907646

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8815801 ]


[0.7166888 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 61


[0.7166888 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395079362916363

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.7168051 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 62


[0.7168051 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3955312688592487

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 63



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3954086363230869

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 64



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3951390830896722

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 65



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.39541203745614

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 66



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3954409841239848

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 67



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3952101899814129

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 68



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953400231198563

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5136654 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 69



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3954333481410766

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 70



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3952710713658782

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 71



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953057701543725

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 72



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3954087285424606

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 73



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953138786677965

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 74



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3952966161106528

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5136432 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 75



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953815671235197

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 76



[1. ]

[1.3953389 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953388996232339

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 77



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953011701207663

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 78



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395359156116149

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8817253 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 79



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395350155272499

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8817043 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 80



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953111233545852

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 81



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953438588124019

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8817257 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 82



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953525297152585

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 83



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395321420111046

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 84



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953352229062932

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 85



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395350242293159

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 86



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395329626923163

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 87

[[1.2302942 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953315816254261

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 88



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953462800951573

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5136184 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 89



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395335065329621

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 90



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953310659625475

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 91



[1. ]

[1.3953424 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953424025494354

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.881718 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 92



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953380238300426

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 93



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953321210179692

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 94

[[1.2302965 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953394118880431

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 95



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953391789562581

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 96



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953336782104064

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 97

[[1.2302947 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953374885127168

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.7166725 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 98


[0.7166725 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953392404048262

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.7166716 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 99


[0.7166716 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953351293348049

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 100

[[1.2302934 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395336483332902

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5136207 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 101



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953387782464717

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 102



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953362138557008

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 103



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953361261406365

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.7166732 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 104


[0.7166732 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953381728358785

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 105



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953368903550158

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.7166728 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 106


[0.7166728 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953361492803475

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 107



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953376329065188

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 108



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953372286800916

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 109



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395336344779805

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 110



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953372415178538

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 111

[[1.2302926 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953373353171417

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 112



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953365779573823

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 113



[1. ]

[1.395337 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953370049534963

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 114



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395337310572393

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 115

[[1.2302923 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395336777752887

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8817171 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 116



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953368923096212

Eigen vector of this iteration



[0.7166728 ]

[1. ]]

Iteration No. 117


[0.7166728 ]

[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953372299484998

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 118



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369183134885

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 119



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395336862088941

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 120



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953371408775594

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 121

[[1.2302925 ]


[1. ]

[1.395337 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395337000524455

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8817171 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 122



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953368769212768

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[0.8817172 ]



[1. ]]

Iteration No. 123



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395337067331631

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 124



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395337037550349

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 125



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369095284538

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 126



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953370171003616

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 127



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.39533704540681

Eigen vector of this iteration


[0.5136198 ]


[1. ]]

Iteration No. 128



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369433013112

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 129



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369887223177

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 130

[[1.2302926 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395337037939418

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 131



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395336970237285

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 132



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369767400137

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 133

[[1.2302926 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953370249556851

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 134



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369880974682

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 135



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395336975024559

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 136

[[1.2302926 ]


[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395337012236134

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 137



[1. ]

[1.395337 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395336997820862

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 138



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369784732623

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 139



[1. ]

[1.395337 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.395337002419522

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 140



[1. ]

[1.395337 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953370016236875

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 141



[1. ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369835772622

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

Iteration No. 142



[1. ]

[1.395337 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 1.3953369961023712

Eigen vector of this iteration




[1. ]]

From iteration 142 we got eigen vector

[ ]
So, Rank 1 : Team 4

Rank 2: Team 1

Rank 3 : Team 3

Rank 4: Team 2

Q2. Identify one from the following categories based on discussion within your team:

a) Sports tournaments (select any one sport and tournament)

b) Economics

c) Entertainment

d) Politics or Policies

e) Sustainable Development Goals (select one among 17 SDGs defined by UN)


(a) World chess championship 2018

Source = Wikipedia

Q3.Collect real data of the tournaments in which one team played or can be compared with all other
teams based on the defined parameter.

FC 1 1 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2
SM 1 1 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1 1
SK 1.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1 1.5 1
DL 1 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 2
0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1.5 1
0.5 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 1.5
WS [0 1 1 1 0 1 0.5 1 ]

FC=Fabiano Caruana

SM=Shakhriyar Mamedyarov

SK= Sergey kharjakin

DL=Ding Liren

VK= Vladimir Kramnik

AG=Alexander Grischuk

WS= Wesley So

LA= Levon Aronian

4. Define the rank of teams. You should be able to use Python for Mathematical calculation,
wherever needed.

Solution : from iteration 12 we get

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.7810844092280504

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]
[0.9052184 ]

So, Rank 1 = Fabiano Caruana

Rank 2 = Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
Rank 3 = Sergey kharjakin

Rank 4= Ding Liren

Rank 5= Alexander Grischuk

Rank 6 = Vladimir Kramnik

Rank 7= Wesley So

Rank 8= Levon Aronian

In [2]:
import numpy as vinay




while count<14:,b)

print("Iteration No.", count)



for i in range(8):


print(' Dominant Eigen value of this iteration =',maxi)

print("Eigen vector of this iteration")






[[1. 1. 0.5 1. 1.5 1.5 1.5 2. ]

[1. 1. 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1. 1. ]
[1.5 0.5 1. 1. 1.5 1. 1.5 1. ]
[1. 1.5 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. ]
[0.5 0.5 0.5 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. ]
[0.5 0.5 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.5 1. ]
[0.5 1. 0.5 1. 1. 0.5 1. 1.5]
[0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 1. 0.5 1. ]]

Iteration No. 1

[[10. ]

[ 9. ]

[ 9. ]

[ 8.5]

[ 7.5]

[ 7.5]

[ 7. ]

[ 5.5]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 10.0

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]

[0.9 ]

[0.9 ]




[0.7 ]


Iteration No. 2

[[7.6 ]



[6.85 ]

[5.55 ]

[5.8 ]

[5.35 ]

[4.3 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.6000000000000005

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]








Iteration No. 3









Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.745065789473684

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]

[0.9452113 ]







Iteration No. 4


[7.3449777 ]

[7.325653 ]

[7.0506477 ]



[5.5125292 ]


Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.787322149076237

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]



[0.9054008 ]


[0.7652609 ]



Iteration No. 5



[7.32173 ]





[4.4852879 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.782372751939571

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]








Iteration No. 6









Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.780865046507595

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]








Iteration No. 7






[5.9542318 ]


[4.4847215 ]]

Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.781032083324232

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]






[0.7077573 ]


Iteration No. 8



[7.3209472 ]



[5.954269 ]



Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.781092083382461

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]







[0.5763658 ]]

Iteration No. 9









Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.78108657024502

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]


[0.9408638 ]


[0.7333576 ]


[0.7077576 ]


Iteration No. 10









Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.7810841366711685

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]


[0.9408639 ]






Iteration No. 11


[7.3390951 ]

[7.3209413 ]






Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.781084310674611

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]


[0.9408639 ]

[0.9052184 ]





Iteration No. 12





[5.706317 ]




Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.7810844092280504

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]



[0.9052184 ]





Iteration No. 13

[[7.7810844 ]








Dominant Eigen value of this iteration = 7.781084404123449

Eigen vector of this iteration

[[1. ]



[0.9052184 ]





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