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Noble Armada Rulebook

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W riter Introduction 2
Matthew Sprange
The Tur n 5
E ditor
Charlotte Law
Movement Phase 6
Attack Phase 9
L ayout and G raphic D esign
Will Chapman Boarding Phase 14
C over I llustration
End Phase 17
Peter Johnston Special Actions 18
I nterior I llustrations Special Traits 20
Carlos Nunez de Castro Torres Advanced Rules 22
P laytesters Fighters 24
Andy McMillan, Sean Sutton, Joe Cowlishaw, Ron
Purvis, Steve Wilson, Tristan lomas, Jason Coffey, Stellar Debris 27
Paul Eyles, Greg Smith, Nick Robinson and Raymond The Universe 29
Starship Technolog y 42
S pecial T hanks
Chris Wiese, Peter Curzon, Nick Robinson and the The Empire 44
Members of SWAT The Church 45
The Merchant League 49
A Call to Arms ©2011 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Aliens 54
Reproduction of this work by any means without the written permission
of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters, names, Scenarios 57
places,items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing.
Campaigns 74
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom
and of the United States. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to
actual people organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
Weird Situations 86
Fading Suns, Noble Armada and related materials are (c) 2011 Holistic
Fleet Lists 88
Design Inc. Used with permission. Printed in the USA.
Making Stellar Debris 116
w w w. m o n g o o s e p u b l i s h i n g . c o m Product Catalogue 118

Once the suns shone brightly, beacons in the vast night, calling humanity onward

The stars were symbols of humanity’s vast potential, a purpose and destiny revealed in progress, inciting an exodus of unlimited growth to the distant
stars. Once people looked to the heavens with hope and longing in their eyes.

Then the stars began to fade.

It is the year 4998 and history has come to an end. Humanity’s Basic Rules: This section contains everything you need to know
greatest civilisation has failed, leaving ignorance and fear scattered in order to enjoy games of A Call to Arms: Noble Armada.
amongst the ruins of many worlds. A new Dark Age is upon
humanity and few believe anymore in renewal and progress. There Advanced Rules: Once you have mastered the basic rules, start
is only waiting, waiting for a slow death as the age-old stars fade to adding rules from this section in order to get the full Noble
cinders and the souls of the sinful are called to Final Judgement. Armada experience – from wings of fighters to asteroids and other
stellar debris...
Not everyone believes in this destiny. A new leader has arisen, an
Emperor sworn to unite the worlds of Human Space under one
banner, to ignite the fires of hope once more. Battles in Space: Up to now, you will have been playing the basic
A Call to Arms: Noble Armada scenario introduced to you in the
There are enemies everywhere, those who seek to selfishly profit Basic Rules chapter. Now unleash your tactical genius in a wide
from humanity’s demise; vain nobles ruling far-flung worlds, range of scenarios and campaigns!
power hungry priests who seek dominion over the lives of men,
and the greedy merchant guilds growing rich as they barter away Fleets of Noble Armada: The most common ships available in
humanity’s needs and wants. the Fading Suns universe can be found here, allowing you to start
playing immediately.
They are not alone. Others are waiting out there among the
darkening suns, alien races angry at humanity for age-old slavery
and alien empires with agendas too paradoxical to fathom. W hat Y ou W ill N eed
As well as this, there are several other things that you will require
A C all to A rms : in order to play A Call to Arms: Noble Armada properly. A
minimum of two players are required, each with their own fleet of
N oble A rmada ships (you can readily use the counters included in the back of this
A Call to Arms: Noble Armada is the game of space combat in book, though if you have miniatures, keep on reading). You will
the universe of Fading Suns. Throughout humanity’s new Dark also need a flat playing surface – the kitchen table will do, though
Age, the Royal Houses have duelled and fought, even as a new the scenarios included in this book normally assume a playing
Empire is forged among the stars. Now you can play out these surface of around six foot by four foot in size.
confrontations on the tabletop with entire fleets drawn from the
Royal Houses, Imperial Navy, Inquisition or any one of the many In addition to this, you will also need pens, some six-sided dice,
other fleets that range across the galaxy. scrap paper to jot down notes and a measuring device marked in
inches. With all those collected together, you have everything you
From skirmishes involving lone frigates to the clashing of large need to begin fighting in the galaxy of Noble Armada.
fleets against their bitterest rivals, A Call to Arms: Noble Armada is
your ticket to exciting battles that take place in the depth of space.
S cale and M iniatures
A full range of miniatures is available for A Call to Arms: Noble
T he R ules Armada, with full details to be found on Mongoose Publishing’s
This game is divided into several chapters that may seem to web site. Additionally, you can photocopy the counters provided
contain a lot of rules that need to be memorised but, fear not, it is at the back of this book to get playing quickly – you can even mix
far easier than it looks! The core rules of A Call to Arms: Noble and match counters and miniatures!
Armada are detailed in the following sections.

All distances in A Call to Arms: Noble Armada are measured environment is assumed, so ships can pass over one another,
from the stem of a ship’s base or the very centre of the counter (or planets, space stations and so forth.
from the edge of the base/counter in the case of fighters). In this
case, pick one and measure only from that. Every ship in A Call to Arms: Noble Armada has five firing arcs.
These are the areas that various weapons can fire into, as noted in
All distances in A Call to Arms: Noble Armada are measured in inches. their descriptions in the Fleet Lists chapter.

R e -R olls Fore F – 90 degrees forward

Some special situations may call for you re-rolling a dice. This Aft A – 90 degrees back
simply means you may ignore the first failed result that a dice Port P – 90 degrees left
rolled and roll again. You must always accept the result of the Starboard S – 90 degrees right
second roll, even if it was worse than the first – re-rolls can be used Turret T – 360 degrees all round
to get you out of a tricky situation but they are never guaranteed!
S hips in A C all to A rms :
P re -M easuring N oble A rmada
You are allowed to pre-measure distances and ranges at any time
No doubt you have already breathlessly flicked through the last
in A Call to Arms: Noble Armada. Spacecraft have very advanced
section of this book and seen some of the ships available in A Call
sensor systems, allowing their Captains to precisely judge how to
to Arms: Noble Armada – you might even have flicked to the fleet
manoeuvre and when to unleash a devastating salvo.
lists at the back of this book! Every ship in the game is defined by
its entry in the Fleet Lists chapter.
M ovement and F iring
Though A Call to Arms: Noble Armada is played on a flat A ship’s entry looks like this – the example given here is of a
surface and ‘altitude’ rules are not used, a full three dimensional Hornet-class frigate, one of the stalwarts of House Hawkwood.

Hor net-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3

Damage: 18/6

Ramming: 2
Troops: 6
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Light Lasers 24 P 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Ship Name: What a ship is called is up to you but it has been noted in our playtesting that ships with names always
seem to last longer!
Class: This is the actual type (or class) of ship.
Speed: This is the maximum distance in inches a ship can usually move in a single turn.
Turns: As described in the Movement Phase chapter, this reflects how quickly a ship can turn to come about on its
Hull: The higher the value here, the better armoured a ship will be to withstand incoming fire.
Shields: Most ships have strong shields that allow them to resist withering attacks.
Damage: The first figure shows how many points of damage a ship can withstand before being destroyed. The second
marks the point at which the ship becomes Crippled. In the example, once the Hornet takes 12 points of damage,
reducing it to 6 overall, it becomes Crippled.
Ramming: This is the base amount of damage caused to other ships when a collision occurs.
Troops: Whether a few scattered security personnel or dedicated marines, most ships have the ability to conduct
boarding actions.
Craft: A few ships can carry smaller craft on board, normally fighters. The number of craft that can be carried will
be noted here.
Special Traits: Many ships have special rules that allow them to perform actions impossible by others. Special Traits
are detailed on page 20.
Weapons: Any vessel intended for battle will have multiple weapon systems, all of which will be detailed here. Every
weapon is defined by its Range, which Fire Arc it can fire into and the number of Attack Dice it uses. Some weapons
also have Special Traits, as defined on page 21, which further influence their effect in the game.

Void Krakens
There are… things… in space. Things which are seemingly alive in the void, where no life should exist. Never glimpsed
in full and never leaving direct proof, these things have nonetheless left their mark on the hulls of battered starships or
shown themselves in the sea of floating crewmen flooding from ruptured hulls, forming a graveyard of unburied dead
preserved forever in the chill vacuum.

Perhaps as a result of humankind’s re-acquaintance with magic, or perhaps merely as a delayed reaction to the Second
Republic’s vast expansion, these creatures began to appear between the stars in the very void of space soon after
Alexius’ coronation. Monsters came from out of the inky blackness and devoured starships whole, or left little behind
to tell the tale. A new terror descended on humanity; space was no longer safe.

Once the matter had been researched, it was discovered that these mysterious ship destroyers had been around for
a long time. Reports of disappearing ships were common during the Diaspora, but the voices of the few witnesses
claiming to have seen monsters were unheeded, considered but the prattling of insane minds suffering from oxygen
deprivation. The reports soon died down, but they reappeared during the Second Republic’s frontier search and
terraforming craze. Again, the crazed eyewitness accounts were unheeded. Instead, Vau were believed to be the
culprits, using ships of a new, unknown design. Before the matter was ever resolved, the attacks ceased.

But now, in an age of extreme superstition, the new reports travelled among the populace like wildfire, igniting fears
and legends. Some are convinced that these assaults are the work of a mysterious new race from worlds far from
Human Space. Their cyclic activity implies that they either leave for long periods or go into hibernation. Whatever the
reason, they have either returned or are again awake. Vau have been questioned (diplomatically, of course), but they
know no more than humans. It is clear, however, that they have suffered similar assaults throughout history and have
many of the same questions as humanity. The stars lanes are now deadly paths to tread.

The Turn
During each turn of A Call to Arms: Noble Armada, players will select it again that turn and then choose to fire – he must make the
make many tactical decisions, ships will move and then launch decision to attack then and there and not hold back!
devastating attacks upon one another. To make the process of
space combat a lot easier, with the huge range of options and
strategies available, each turn is split into five distinct phases.
B oarding P hase
It is often preferable to capture a valuable and irreplaceable ship
Players will run through each phase together and, when each
than it is to destroy it outright. In this Phase, players will grapple
turn is complete, every ship on each player’s side will have had a
with enemy ships and send over boarding parties to capture their
chance to act and effect the outcome of the battle.
prizes, one section at a time. The Boarding Phase will see the most
vicious fighting in the game, with marines going hand-to-hand in
The five phases are played in order – Initiative Phase, Movement
a desperate bid to overwhelm the defenders of a ship, or fight to
Phase, Attack Phase, Boarding Phase and End Phase. When the
the last man in order to protect the bridge.
End Phase has been completed, the turn ends and the next one
begins with the Initiative Phase.
E nd P hase
I nitiative P hase The End Phase is used to ‘tidy up’ the battlefield and make sure
all players know what is happening. This is the time Damage
The Initiative Phase is used to resolve any actions that do not require
Control and other book-keeping are performed. Once complete,
players to make any choices (such as moving ships that are Running
a new turn begins.
Adrift) and to decide who will have the initiative for the turn – in
other words, who has gained a position of tactical advantage.

At the start of each turn, both players roll for initiative using 2D6.
To this result, each player will modify the total, depending on the The Ar ms Race
race or fleet he is using. Every race or fleet has its own modifier, as It is the basic desire of any admiral to have the finest,
described in the Fleet Lists chapter. Any ties are re-rolled. most powerful and sleekest ships in the galaxy, but the
resources available to any one Royal House are rarely
sufficient to cover every need. While every fleet can
M ovement P hase count on having a good supply of frigates, destroyers
The player who won the Initiative Phase by rolling higher than and cruisers, the more esoteric vessels can be harder
his opponent will now decide whether to move a ship first or force to come by, especially if they require huge amounts of
his opponent to do so. Players then alternate the moving of their money or rare technologies to construct.
ships. First, a player nominates one of his ships and moves it, then
his opponent nominates one of his own and moves that. This The fleets of al Malik and Li Halan are notable for their
continues until all ships have been moved. Note that a particularly lack of dreadnoughts, with both fielding carriers as
large fleet may still have ships to move after its enemy has finished their largest vessels. Both are pursuing the construction
moving all of its own. In this case, the larger fleet will carry on of their first dreadnought class of ship and spies from
moving ships until they have all had a chance to move. other houses have already reported the hull of the first
al Jalil dreadnought has been laid down.
A ttack P hase Houses Decados and al Malik are the only fleets to sport
Once ships have been moved into position, they are allowed to
fire their weapons in an effort to destroy their enemies. Players stealthships, and it is known both Hazat and Li Halan
then alternate the firing of their ships. The player who won the are desperately trying to acquire similar technology.
House Hawkwood, with its close ties to the Empire, is
Initiative Phase nominates one of his ships and then attacks
reported to have an operational squadron of the almost
with it, resolving all damage dealt. His opponent then nominates
mythical Aurora-class stealthships, something the
one of his ships and attacks. This continues until all ships have
nobles of the House strenuously deny.
attacked, or had a chance to attack. Note that it is not compulsory
for a ship to attack, even if it has a viable target. The player may
simply nominate it and choose not to fire. However, he may not

Movement Phase
The ability to manoeuvre a ship into a position of advantage Those are all the rules you will need to know in order to move
is vital. By outwitting your opponent, you will gain the chance your ships and begin attacking with them. However, there are
to keep your ships at optimum range for their weaponry while a range of Special Actions you can attempt instead of moving
keeping out of your opponents most dangerous fire arcs. normally, from forcing an enemy ship to surrender or redirecting
power to engines in order to increase speed. See page 18 for a list
Once it has been determined who has the initiative for the current of these Special Actions.
turn, players then take turns to move their ships. A ship may only
be nominated to move once in every turn and every ship must be
nominated. You are not allowed to skip ships, even if it means that C hanging S peed
you will move into a position of disadvantage if you do so! It is possible, by taking critical hits for example, for a ship’s
Speed to be reduced. A ship’s current Speed is always equal to its
original score, minus any penalties it is currently suffering. So, for
M oving S hips example, a ship that normally has Speed 8 but suffers a –2 penalty
When nominated to move, every ship must be moved a distance to Speed, now has Speed 6 and must move three inches before
in inches between its Speed score and half this amount. All turning, rather than the original four inches.
movement must be in a straight line forward.

Now that you have your ship in motion, you will at some point
want to change the direction of its movement. All ships have a Turn Money
score, which rates how quickly they can turn, giving the number of The basic unit of commerce since Alexius took the
turns they can make during one movement and the maximum angle throne is the “firebird” (so called because it bears his
each turn can be. This will always be one of the following. phoenix crest on one side and his portrait on the other).
This unit is broken into quarters (“wings”) and halves
1/45° (“crests”). Firebirds are minted only on Byzantium
1/90° Secundus using a unique metal called prismium
2/45° requiring Second Republic tech to forge (this tech
2/90° is heavily protected by the Imperial Eye, making it
SM extremely hard to counterfeit). Its value is actually equal
to the coin it represents — one coin holds about one
The first, for example, shows that a ship could make one turn firebird in value in its metal alone.
every time it moves, to a maximum angle of 45°.
There is no central stock exchange for the Known
SM stands for Super Manoeuvrable. Such ships (usually extremely Worlds. The Empire tries to set a fixed firebird rate for
agile craft, such as fighters) do not worry about turns. They are certain items, such as military construction contracts, but
free to move in any direction the player chooses, making as many outside of Byzantium Secundus or Tethys, merchants
turns as he wishes along the way – so long as they are not subject and manufacturers can charge whatever they think they
to other special rules, such as Special Actions or Running Adrift. can get away with.
SM ships are also able to not move at all in a turn, having no
minimum requirement to move at least half their Speed, unlike The advantage the League has over local guilds is that
other ships. they can set their own fixed rates across the Known
Worlds, providing interstellar travellers some stable
All ships (except those rated Super Manoeuvrable) must move at spending base — as long as they trade with League
least two inches forward in a straight line after a turn has been merchants. On certain worlds, they will even lower their
made, before another can be performed. prices somewhat to compete with local prices. However,
since they are interstellar and depend on repeat business,
Ships may never be stacked on top of one another. If your they rely instead on more expensive but dependable
movement ends ‘on top’ of another ship, simply place your ship goods. Travellers cannot be sure what they are buying
as far as it may normally move without being stacked on another. when they buy local.
Fighters (see page 24), however, may be placed on top of ship
counters or bases but never on top of other Fighters.

E xample of M ovement

A Hornet (Speed: 12, Turns: 12/45˚) engages a Mantis from The Hornet must move forward in a straight line at least half its
House Decados. speed -6, in this case.

45˚ Turn 45˚ Turn

The Hornet may now turn 45˚towards the Mantis, It must move The Hornet makes a second turn, It could move further forward
another 2” forward before it can turn again. (it has only travelled 8” so far), but instead stops, as it is already
in a perfect attack posistion!

Attack Phase
Now you have moved your ships, no doubt you will be wanting
to unleash their raw firepower and reduce your opponent’s ships
into chunks of burning metal! From the small gun decks of
Special Traits
Some weapons will be affected by shields in different
frigates to the immensely powerful spinal mounts found on board
ways, ignoring them, or temporarily knocking them down
dreadnoughts, there are dozens of different ways in which you can
so other attacks have an easier time of damaging an
destroy your enemy.
enemy ship. This is covered by the Special Traits that each
weapon system has. These are fully detailed on page 21
As described on page 5, players alternate the firing of their ships,
but to summarise:
calculating all damage and resolving its effects before moving
onto another attacking ship. This, of course, can make gaining the
Burn-out/Double Burn: These weapons are designed
initiative very important in some turns.
to fry shield emitters. A Burn-out weapon striking a
shield will disable it. Shields disabled in this way will
Once a ship has been nominated to fire, the player follows this
automatically regenerate in the End Phase.
Slow: These weapons travel slow enough that they are not
• Nominate targets for each weapon in each fire arc.
affected by shields in any way. They ignore any shields
• Check ranges.
present on the target and roll for damage against the hull
• Resolve firing and damage.
as if they were not there.

E ligible T argets Weak: Whether through a lack of technology or a

For a target to be attacked successfully, two conditions must be declining military budget, some weapons are simply not
met. First, it must lie in the appropriate fire arc of the weapon as powerful as their military-grade counterparts. These
system that will be firing at it, as shown on your ship’s roster. weapons will have no effect on a ship with active shields.
Second, it must be within the range of the weapon, as also shown
on the ship’s roster. You must nominate a target for every weapon
you intend firing from your ship at the same time, before any
attacks are made. the weapon system is fired. Each weapon system may only fire at
one target at a time – you may not split Attack Dice up between
If a target lies on the border between two fire arcs, then the different targets.
attacking player may decide which of the two arcs the target will
be considered to be within. He must choose one fire arc in this way When Attack Dice are rolled, the resulting number on each dice
– he may not attack the target with weapons from both fire arcs. is compared to the target’s Hull score. For every Attack Dice that
equals or beats the Hull score, a hit has been scored. A roll of a 6
Unless your ship is under rules to the contrary, you may fire each is always considered to be a success, while a roll of a 1 is always
weapon system once during every turn. a miss.

Note that ships do not block line of sight in A Call to Arms: Noble Shields
Armada as it is assumed that they are fighting in a full three- Total the number of hits the weapon system has dealt to the
dimensional environment. You may fire ‘through’ any ship, be it enemy ship and then deduct the number of functioning Shields
friendly or enemy. the enemy ship still has in place.

You may never target one of your own ships under any Any hits that are not absorbed by Shields will go through to the
circumstances. hull.

A ttacking Damaging Enemy Ships

Each weapon system listed on a ship’s roster has an Attack Dice For every hit that goes through to the hull after the effects of
(AD) score listed. This is the number of dice rolled every time Shields have been calculated, roll 1D6 on the table overleaf.

Attack Table Critical Hits
1D6 Attack If a critical hit has been scored during an attack, roll 1D6 on the
1 Bulkhead Hit: No damage dealt. following table to determine exactly what has been hit.
2–5 Solid Hit: –1 Damage to target ship.
6 Critical Hit: As Solid Hit but also roll on Systems Table
Systems Table. 1D6 Location Hit
1–2 Engines
T hresholds 3 Reactor
Damage scores have a secondary figure, as noted on each ship’s 4 Weapons
roster. For example, a Hornet has Damage 18/6. This means that 5 Crew
it can take 18 points of Damage but when it has been reduced to 6 6 Shields
points, a threshold has been reached.
Once the location of a critical hit has been determined,
consult the appropriate table.
If the Damage score is brought to this threshold level or below, the
When a location sustains a critical hit, it will gain a Critical
ship is considered to be Crippled. All turns will be reduced to 45
Score equal to the damage caused by the hit. For most
degrees and it will make one fewer turns (to a minimum of one) weapons this will be one, though some weapons with the
during its movement. Super-Manoeuvrable ships will be reduced Devastating trait (see page 21) cause more. Consult the
to Turns 2/45º. In addition, it’s Speed score will be permanently location and its Critical Score and apply the Extra Damage
reduced by half and only one weapon system may be used while and Effects listed for that Critical Score and all others below
attacking. Finally, roll a D6 for every trait the ship possesses – on it to the ship immediately.
the roll of a 4 or more, the trait will be destroyed.
Subsequent critical hits to the same location will add to the
Running Adrift Critical Score.
Some damage effects can cause a ship to be Running Adrift. For
the rest of the game, the ship is moved at half its current speed in So, for example, a Mantis-class frigate receives a critical hit to its engines
a straight line in the End Phase, until it moves off the table. from a Light Slug Gun. It gains a Critical Score of 1 on the engines,
causing an extra point of damage and reducing Speed by –1. If the
Mantis then receives a new critical hit to its engines from a Light Laser,
Stricken Ships then the engine’s Critical Score will go up to 2. It will take an additional
When a ship’s Damage score is reduced to zero, it is considered 3 points of damage and have a total penalty of –2 to its Speed.
to be destroyed but the opposing player must roll 1D6 on the
following chart, adding +1 for every point below zero the damaged If the Mantis then receives a critical hit to its reactor from a Light
ship is taken. Once a ship has rolled on this table, it may not be Meson Gun with the Devastating +1 trait, it will immediately have a
attacked again. Critical Score of 2 on the reactor. It will suffer a total of 4 points of
Extra Damage, be at –1 Speed, –2 Shields, lose a random trait and the
Damage Table reactor location will be subject to the Escalate rule.
1D6 Damage
1–4 Running Adrift: As detailed previously. The special effects of critical hits are cumulative and where several
critical hits affect the same ship in a similar way (such as loss of
5–8 Ship Destroyed: Burned out hulk left
Speed on Engine hits), then the total is applied.
stationary on table.
9–12 Ship Explodes: The ship will Run Adrift and Note: All modifiers to Speed are applied to the ship’s current
then be blasted apart by internal explosions Speed. Thus, if a ship has been crippled and reduced to half
at the end of the next Movement Phase. All Speed, a critical hit will reduce this Speed directly, rather than
targets within 4 inches are attacked by half being applied to the ship’s original Speed and then halved.
the exploding ship’s starting Damage in AD
(maximum 15 AD). Remove the ship after The maximum Critical Score any location can reach is 6. Further
this is done. critical hits to the same location will cause Extra Damage as for a
13+ Ship Explodes: The ship is immediately Critical Score of 6 but further Effects are ignored.
blasted apart by internal explosions. All
targets within 4 inches are attacked by half Escalation
the exploding ship’s starting Damage in AD Some critical hits have the Escalate rule listed under some of their
(maximum 15 AD). Remove the ship after Critical Scores. This means things are bad on board and are likely to
this is done. get worse if the crew do not do something about the damage quickly!

Note that you must roll for all attacks declared on a ship before If a ship has reached a Critical Score that has Escalate listed, roll
rolling on the Damage Table – even if you do not want it to a dice at the end of the End Phase. On a 4 or more, the Critical
explode! Score of that location will increase by +1.

C ritical H it T ables
Critical Score 1 2 3 4 5 6
Extra Damage 1 3 3 D6 D6 2D6
Damage Power Relays Fuel Systems Multiple Fires Thrusters Fuel Systems Engines Disabled
Destroyed Ruptured Damaged Ruptured
Effects –1 Speed –1 Speed Escalate, Crew Ship Adrift Reactor Critical Damage Control
Critical Score +1 Score +1 rolls at –1

Critical Score 1 2 3 4 5 6
Extra Damage 1 3 3 D6 D6 0
Damage Capacitors Power Feedback Shield Failure Reactor Leak Reactor Overload Reactor Breach
Effects –1 Speed, –1 Lose one Shields to 0, no –2 Speed, lose Ship Adrift, make Crew Ship Explodes
Shields random trait, –1 Shield repair in one random Quality check of 9 at end
Shields, Escalate End Phase trait, –1 Troops of every End Phase or

Critical Score 1 2 3 4 5 6
Extra Damage 1 3 3 D6 D6 2D6
Damage Targeting Power Weapons Offline Power Fluctuations Weapons Weapons offline
Systems Disrupted Control
Effects All weapon All weapons One random Make Crew Quality check Must roll 4+ No weapons
systems gain –1 Attack Dice weapon system of 9 at end of every End before firing may fire
Inaccurate cannot fire Phase or +1 Reactor each weapon,
trait. Critical Score Escalate

Critical Score 1 2 3 4 5 6
Extra Damage 1 3 3 D6 D6 2D6
Damage Fire Multiple Fires Localised Secondary Crew Shaken Hull Breach
Decompression Explosions
Effects –1 Troops –2 Troops, All Crew No Special Must roll 4+ –3 Troops, no Damage
Escalate Quality checks Actions, –2 before firing Control, no Special Actions,
at –1 Troops each weapon lose one random trait

Critical Score 1 2 3 4 5 6
Extra Damage 1 3 3 D6 D6 2D6
Damage Shields Fluctuating Power Feedback Shield Emitters Shields Shields Down Shields Offline
Damaged Phasing
Effects Each attacking –1 Shields, make Crew –1 Shields, –2 Shields Shields to 0 Shields to 0
weapon system Quality check of 9 Escalate
ignores shields on a at end of every End
roll of 4+ Phase or +1 Reactor
Critical Score

Slug Guns
Large magnetic rail guns, slug guns lob a large mass of heavy metal
Resolving Random Fire Arcs or explosives at enemy ships, resulting in substantial damage.
Some Critical Hits will stop a ship from firing out of one However, slug guns are slow, short ranged and easily stopped by
random arc. Up to now, we have left this to players to shields. For this reason, most ships armed with slug guns are also
resolve from themselves but we have been using a system equipped with EM pulse guns to take down enemy shields.
in our office campaigns that is eay to use and can quickly
end any disputes. The Vuldrok have developed a slightly different approach, utilising
warheads with explosives that burn out enemy shields. Fleets in
When your ship suffers from one of these critical hits, the Known Worlds have never bothered with these shells because
simply consult your ship’s entry in the fleet lists. From of their extremely short range and erratic targeting procedures.
the top of the weapon descriptions, count down all the
unique fire arcs (Turret and count for this!). Lasers
Like energy shields, the development of lasers efficient enough
Note that some ships may have just one fire arc and so for space combat came from Vautech filtered through Second
will lose all weapons on these Critical Hits – this is an Republic manufacturers. At the height of the Second Republic
intentional and built in weakness! some of these weapons went beyond the Vau’s own levels of
design but that was a long time ago.

Ships adopted laser weaponry after the adoption of shields, since the
energy involved in their discharge burns shields out, knocking them
Weapon Systems in Noble Armada
down to leave a ship vulnerable to more powerful weapons. The
Most human fleets use the same technological basis for their
shipboard weaponry, though different fleet captains will have
different opinions on how it is best used. Alien races, by
comparison, utilise weaponry that often seems strange or even Special Weapons
impossible to human eyes. Gatling lasers and grapple guns are not counted as weapon
systems, and are dealt with elsewhere in these rules (see
All weapons mounted on combat vessels can be graded into a set below). However, they are listed in the weapon descriptions
series of designs, as listed here. The number of actual weapons of ships in the Fleet Lists chapter. This is purely for
and which arc they can fire into will depend on the ship they are convenience and easy reference for determining which fire
mounted upon. arcs they may act within.

Weapon Range Special

Gatling Lasers
Light Slug Gun 12 Accurate, Multihit 2 These are small but high-powered point defence weapons.
Medium Slug Gun 18 Accurate, Multihit 3 Though very short-ranged and lacking the strength to even
Heavy Slug Gun 24 Accurate, Multihit 3 knock down a shield temporarily, they are highly useful
Light Laser 24 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise weapons when targeting fighters, incoming boarders and
Medium Laser 28 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise even grapple lines.
Heavy Laser 36 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit
2, Precise Gatling lasers are automatic defence systems. See page 22
Light Blaster 16 Burn-out, Multihit 2 for more details.
Medium Blaster 24 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Heavy Blaster 32 Burn-out, Multihit 3 G r a pp l e G u n
Light Meson Cannon 15 Devastating +1, Multihit 4 This weapon shoots a strong cable that magnetically clamps
Heavy Meson Cannon 10 Devastating +2, Multihit itself to the target. The cable then immediately retracts;
3D6 drawing the two ships together unless the defending vessel
EM Pulse Gun 24 Double Burn manages to sever the cable with point defence weaponry.
Rocket 20 Inaccurate, Slow The cable itself is attached to an interior bulkhead of the
Missile 28 Guided, Slow firing ship and new cables immediately reload into the gun
Torpedo 32 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow for future use. See page 14 for more details.
Gremlin Gun 12 Disable, Slow

coherent beam of a laser tends to break up as it travels through gas Despite the tremendous power of the meson cannon, it is very
and debris but it remains one of the most versatile weapons available. short-ranged, forcing dreadnought captains to move within easy
boarding range in order to use them.
These weapons generate plasma from fusion energy using a EM Pulse Guns
mysterious transference chamber stolen from Vau weaponry. Only This recently rediscovered technology has yet to see widespread
a few master weaponsmiths understand the operation of blasters, implementation but a few ships sport them as a complement to
revealing their secrets to loyal apprentices only after years of study. slug guns. An ElectroMagnetic pulse gun sacrifices a little of its
damage potential to burn out more shields.
When the gun fires, a force field forms about the plasma and
blasts down the barrel. It begins exploding once it exits the barrel, Gremlin Guns
leaking through the field. Once the discharge hits a physical This strange weapon only affects electrical systems on its target,
object, the field disintegrates, loosing the full force of the plasma. rendering them useless until repaired. Almost every vital system on a
This makes blasters powerful weapons that can burn out shields ship can be affected by this weapon, which bypasses shields, from the
but with a relatively poor range. targeting sensors of weapons to the stations at which the crew work.

Meson Cannon Fighter Weapons

Among the most fearsome weapons of destruction are meson The weapons used on fighters share many technological principles
cannon, hallmarks of humanity’s technological quest to harness as those found on the gun decks of much larger craft. However,
nature’s destructive energies. Only dreadnoughts mount the heavy they lack the energy and hard-hitting power of these weapons.
meson cannon and then only as a spinal mount with the ship The characteristics of fighter weaponry can be found in the
descriptions of fighters in the Fleet Lists chapter.
literally built around the massive weapon.

Boarding Phase
Once you have pounded your enemy into submission and moved in Moving While Grappled
close, it will be time to send your marines across the void of space If one ship has a lower starting Damage score than the ship with
to launch a boarding action! These are vicious close-in fights waged which it is grappled, then it is just along for the ride as the more
by small numbers of highly trained troops through the corridors and powerful vessel drags it through space! However, the larger ship
command centres of enemy ships. The bridge of the enemy ship is the will have its Speed score halved so long as it is grappled.
ultimate prize, as control of this will allow you to eventually take over
the entire vessel and perhaps bring it over to your side in the battle – If the ships have the same starting Damage scores, neither may
expect the enemy to fight ferociously in order to stop you doing this. move while grappled.

In order to conduct a boarding action, a ship must move to within If more than one ship has grappled to an enemy, the enemy may
very short range of an enemy ship and then grapple with it, firing still move (with its Speed halved as normal) if it’s starting Damage
lines to pull the two ships closer together. If this is successful, score is more than that of all the other ships combined.
marines will then be launched to gain entry to the enemy ship,
fight through its interior and, hopefully, take over the bridge. Grappled ships may never move if one or more friendly ships are
involved in the same grapple.
Ships in A Call to Arms: Noble Armada use grapple guns to If one grappled ship is ‘pushed’ off the table by another, then
lock themselves onto an enemy ship in order to provide a stable all ships involved in the grapple will be assumed to have made a
platform from which to launch marines. Tactical Withdrawal (see page 23).

Only a ship with at least one grapple gun may attempt to board Special Actions and Grapples
another ship and it must use the ‘Prepare to Grapple!’ Special While a ship is involved in a grapple, it may not perform any
Action (see page 19) in the Movement Phase in order to do so. Special Actions. There is simply too much chaos for the crew to
co-ordinate themselves.
Grappling an enemy ship uses the following procedure:
Firing While Grappled
• Declare the Prepare to Grapple! Special Action. Until they have been moved into contact in a Boarding Phase,
• Move your ship so at least one of its grapple guns is within 2 ships are free to fire in the Attack Phase as normal – even at a ship
inches and within its fire arc of an enemy ship. You are not that has just fired grapple lines into them.
required to move your ship a minimum distance in order to
do this and can, in effect, launch a grapple ‘mid-move’. Once they have been moved into contact, grappled ships are
• Make a Crew Quality check of 7 in order to successfully still free to make attacks with their weapon systems but they
grapple the enemy ship. A separate Crew Quality check must cannot fire any weapons into a fire arc in which they are
be made for each grapple gun you use and you may only use grappled and nor can they any longer fire upon any ship they
each grapple gun once during a turn. are grappled with.
• If a successful grapple has taken place, move the two ships into
contact with each other at the start of the Boarding Phase.
Ending a Grapple
A successful grapple may stop the enemy ship from moving or A ship that has grappled an enemy must remain grappled for
taking any Special Actions itself if it has not yet moved in the at least one full turn. After that, it may automatically end the
Movement Phase. grapple, allowing both ships to move normally thereafter, in any
End Phase (possibly leaving its Troops behind!).
If a grapple fails, either because you are unable to move your ship
into range and fire arc of your grapple guns, or you fail your Crew Attacking and Defending
Quality check, then you must carry on your movement if you have Throughout a Boarding Phase, the player who initiated the
not already moved your ship’s required minimum distance. Note boarding action is the attacker and his opponent the defender.
that fighters cannot be grappled.

Note that their roles can switch if the defender beats the attacker
and decides to launch a counterattack! See page 16 for more
details on counterattacking.
C r e wm e mb e r s and Boarding Actions
Some ships maintain a lifepod for the officers and nobles but
Boarding Actions the rest of the ship’s complement have less luck. Vacuum
Once two or more ships are grappled, it is time to let loose the suits cost too much for most captains to consider issuing
troops for a vicious boarding action! them and emergencies often leave little time to don them.
The attacker must first decide how many Troops he will send over Instead, most crewmembers will have vacuum bags installed
to board the enemy ship. These Troops should be noted on the at their battle stations. These require little training to use
opposing player’s ship. The attacker is not required to use all of his and protect each crewmember from the effects of explosive
Troops during a boarding action. Indeed, there may be situations decompression and lack of air.
where it is advisable to keep some back just in case another enemy
ship tries to board him while he is boarding the first ship! A vacuum bag consists of an airtight suit with a face mask
and hose connected to a grid of life-support pipes running
The number of Troops the attacker has sent to the enemy ship will throughout the ship. The grid configuration allows the
be the number of Troops Dice he uses in the boarding action. The system to automatically shut down damaged areas and still
defender will get a number of Troops Dice equal to all the Troops provide the vital flow of oxygen to each crewmember. The
he has on board his ship. lightweight bags restrict movement as little as possible and
are designed to be easily repaired or replaced.
Boarding Combat
Both players then roll their Troops Dice. Every roll of a 5 or more A few ships do equip crewmembers with full vacuum suits,
will result in their opponent losing one Troops Dice. allowing them to move around freely and quickly. However,
technicians do not make the best marines and most captains
The player losing Troops Dice may always select which dice he do not feel the suits are worth the extra expense. Indeed,
will lose if he is using different troop types (see page 16). such crewmembers are not renowned for their loyalty,
doing their jobs and getting home safely being their primary
Attacker Wins objectives. They are rarely disappointed to miss out on a
If the defending player loses all of his Troops Dice, then he has boarding action.
lost the boarding action and his ship! The ship is now under the
control of the attacker and can be used as if it were part of his For their part, boarders rarely attack crewmembers, treating
fleet. them as non-combatants. They prefer to force them to
operate the ship when it has been captured and ransom them
The ship’s new Troops score will be the number of Troops Dice after the battle.
the attacker has remaining. However, if the attacker’s ship is still
grappled, he may divide the remaining Troops Dice between
the two ships as he sees fit (either pushing more Troops into the
assault, or pulling some back). The newly captured ship must have
If both players still have Troops Dice remaining, then the boarding
at least one Troop kept on board or control of it will revert back
action has become bogged down as a vicious firefight erupts
to the defender.
throughout the target ship.

Defender Wins If the attacking ship is still grappled, the attacker may withdraw
If the attacking player loses all of his Troops Dice, then he has his Troops from the attack, ending the boarding action.
been seriously beaten back by the frenzied defenders! This will
normally end the boarding action but the defender may be able to Otherwise, the Troops stay locked in combat and will fight again
launch a counterattack (see page 16). in the next Boarding Phase.

Multiple Boarding Actions If there are no grapple guns in that arc, then the original defender
When more than two ships are involved in the same boarding must launch his counterattack with all haste.
action, things can get very chaotic!
Both players must make an opposed Crew check. If the
If two or more ships are boarding one enemy ship, simply combine counterattacker wins, then he may automatically initiate a
all their Troops together in one total. boarding action in the next Boarding Phase, even if the enemy
ship breaks contact and moves away in the coming End Phase
A ship may only elect to board one enemy at a time, so if multiple (though he will have to face any gatling lasers the ship has). If the
ships from different fleets have all grappled on to one another, the opposing player wins, then he may move away as usual in the End
player who won the Initiative in this turn must nominate one of Phase without being boarded.
his ships and declare which enemy it is boarding. His opponent
then does the same and they continue to take turns declaring Note that if the opposing player cannot, for any reason (such
boarding actions until all ships are involved. as critical hits to the engines) move away, then any attempt to
counterattack will be automatically successful.
However, once a ship has been declared as the target of a boarding
action, it may not be nominated to launch its own – it is too busy
defending itself!
T ransferring T roops
If two ships from the same fleet are in contact with one another
and neither has taken a Special Action, they may attempt to dock
In this way, you can break up a huge scrum of ships into smaller, in the Boarding Phase. Neither may fire weapons into the arc
individual boarding actions which can be conducted as normal. occupied by the friendly ship they are trying to dock with.

Troop Types One ship must make a Crew Quality check of 7 in order to dock
Some special, well-armed or well-trained Troops gain special successfully (this is a routine procedure normally but it requires
bonuses during boarding combat. some skill to do quickly under battlefield conditions).

Elite Troops: Gain a +1 bonus to their dice rolls. If successful, Troops can be transferred between the two ships as
Marauders: Gain a +2 bonus to their dice rolls and will lose half the owning player sees fit.
as many Troops Dice (rounding down) when attacked, be it from
boarding, gatling lasers or critical hits. Both ships may move normally next turn, disengaging immediately.

If you are using several different types of troops in the same

boarding action, use different coloured dice to represent the troops The Fading Suns
or roll for each type separately. It is a true and universally acknowledged fact that
the suns are fading. Even the Vau recognise this.
C ounterattacks But why? There are as many answers as there are
opinions. The Church is undecided, and many
If things go badly for a boarding party, the defenders might see an
opportunity to turn the tables and launch their own assault on the sects battle over interpretation. In general, however,
ship that attacked them, possibly taking it over instead! a consensus emerges: The suns are dying because
history is over. The passion play is coming to an
Once all of an attacker’s Troops Dice have retreated or been end. Man’s time in the universe is nearly done, and
destroyed, the defender can start launching a counterattack. what he has done with it will be tallied at the end
However, he must act quickly, as the attacked, knowing he has and judged for good or ill. Many fear it will add up
failed, is likely casting off the grapple lines in an effort to get away! to more ill than good. Thus, humanity must unite
to save itself, to show a united front of penance —
If the counterattacking ship has any grapple guns in the fire arc hence, the importance of the Universal Church.
in which the enemy ship lies, then the attempt is automatically
successful. The enemy ship will not be able to move away in But different voices whisper other meanings when
the End Phase (as the counterattacker has now used his own the Inquisition’s collective back is turned. Some
grapple guns at point blank range) and the boarding action say the Vau or Symbiots are causing the suns to
begins again in the next Boarding Phase (likely with the fade, and that their secrets should be wrested from
counterattacker successful, unless the target ship has help from them. Others dare to say it is the jumpgates that are
the rest of his fleet). at fault, that with every jump a star loses its vital
energy and begins to die.

End Phase
Once all players have moved and attacked with all their ships, offline, corridors can be flooded with reactor gas and flashbacks
the End Phase is played out to complete the turn. This is used from ammunition stores can cause terrible harm.
to complete any bookkeeping needed for special rules, as well as
providing a vital chance for players to repair any damage their These special effects are the only things Damage Control can
ships have sustained from critical hits. repair – it cannot be used to restore Damage or Troops. A player
may only attempt to repair one location on each of his ships.
You should go through the following procedures, in order, during
every End Phase. To repair a critical hit by Damage Control, select one location that
currently has a Critical Score and roll 1D6, adding the ship’s Crew
• Compulsory Movement Quality score. For every point you roll above 8, the Critical Score
• Damage Control of that location is reduced by one. Any traits lost by a critical hit
• Recover Shields on this location will also be repaired.
• Check for Escalation
If you roll 8 or less, the Critical Score remains unchanged and the
C ompulsory M ovement effects persist, though you may try again in the End Phase of the
Some ships must be moved in a certain way, with no choice on next turn.
the part of the player. These include ships Running Adrift, due to
having taken massive damage. Such ships are always moved in the Locations with a Critical Score of 6 may never be repaired.
End Phase, even if they have already moved in this turn (they will
not get to move in the next Movement Phase and everyone will
know exactly where they will be for the whole of the next turn,
R ecover S hields
Shields that have been knocked down by Burn Out weapons will
until the next End Phase). be recovered and brought back on line in the End Phase.

D amage C ontrol C heck for E scalation

During the End Phase, players can repair their ships through Any critical Hit Location that is subject to the Escalate rule must
Damage Control. The player who won the initiative during the be rolled for right at the end of the End Phase. For each such
turn does this first, for all of his ships that have been damaged. location, simply roll one dice. On a 4 or more, its Critical Score
will increase by +1. Remember to keep rolling for Escalation,
Many critical hits have special effects that further debilitate a ship until and unless the Critical Score drops below the point at which
beyond the raw damage they cause. Weapons systems can go Escalate appears.

Special Actions
Special Actions are a vital part of A Call to Arms: Noble All Hands on Deck!
Armada, as they permit players and their ships to do some Crew Quality Check: Automatic
extraordinary things. Whether it is bracing for impact against Effect: The Captain orders the entire engineering division to
incoming attacks or forcing a damaged enemy vessel to alert. If successful, the ship gains +2 modifier when attempting
surrender, Special Actions greatly increase the tactical options Damage Control and can attempt to repair any number of
available for all players. locations in this End Phase. Only one weapon system may be
fired in this turn.
P erforming S pecial A ctions
When a ship is nominated to move, a player can also choose to All Power to Engines!
perform a Special Action. Some of these are automatic, while Crew Quality Check: Automatic
some require a Crew Quality check for success. Each ship Effect: Diverting all power away from side and station-keeping
may only attempt one Special Action in every turn, though thrusters, the Captain orders his crew to make best speed. The
any number of ships may attempt them every turn. A Special ship adds +50% to its Speed for this turn. During this turn, the
Action must be chosen and attempted before the ship begins ship’s Shields will be reduced by –2 (automatically regained in the
to move. End Phase).

A Crew Quality check is performed by rolling 1D6 and adding All Stop!
the ship’s Crew Quality score. If the total matches or exceeds that Crew Quality Check: Automatic
listed in the Special Action’s description, the action is successful Effect: Once a position of advantage has been gained, the
and will be performed. If failed, the ship moves as normal. Captain may be reluctant to relinquish it. The ship may move
between 0 and half of its Speed but no turns may be attempted.
Some Crew Quality checks are listed as being ‘Opposed’. This If the ship is in a gravity well at the time, another Special Action
means both players roll 1D6 and add the Crew Quality scores may be attempted in the same turn. If the ship also performed ‘All
of their respective ships (as detailed in the Special Action’s Stop!’ in its previous turn, you may also turn the ship on the spot
description). If the player attempting the Special Action beats his by any amount you desire, though you will only be able to fire one
opponent’s total, then once again, the action is successful and will weapon system if you do so.
be performed in this turn. In the case of a tie, the player who won
the initiative in this turn will win. Bring Battle Shields Online!
Crew Quality Check: 8
If you are not using the random crew quality scores on page Effect: Using emergency generators, the crew bolster their
22, assume all your ships have military grade crew, with a crew defences with auxiliary battle shields. Divide the ship’s current
quantity of 4. Damage score by 10, rounding down. For this turn only, the ship
will increase its current Shield score by this amount. However
during this turn, the ship’s Speed will be halved and it may only
If a ship is restricted from performing Special Actions (such as
fire one weapon system.
from some critical hits), then it will also immediately lose any
Special Action it is currently performing, losing all benefits in
the process. Close Blast Doors!
Crew Quality Check: Automatic
The range of Special Actions that may be attempted are described Effect: Securing all bulkheads and bringing online short range
here: defensive systems, the crew prepares to withstand a brutal attack.

If successful, the ship may only fire one weapon system – if the For every full 10 points of damage a ship receives in a ram, it will
ship only has one active weapon system, it may not fire at all. receive one automatic critical hit, with a Critical Score determined
However, for each point of Damage or Troops lost this turn, roll by the roll of a further dice.
one dice. On a 5 or more, the loss is ignored.
If a ramming attempt is failed or if the ramming ship completely
Come About! destroys its target, then the ship will continue moving normally
Crew Quality Check: 9 and may attempt to initiate another ram if it can move into
Effect: Pushing the ship’s thrusters to dangerous levels, the Captain contact with another enemy ship. A large and fast-moving ship
orders his ship to turn hard to gain a position of advantage. The may be able to plough through several smaller vessels if they are
ship can either make one more turn than normal (following the in a tightly packed group!
usual rules for turning on page 6) or may increase one existing
turn by an extra 45o. Ships with the Lumbering trait may only Maximum Fire power!
increase an existing turn by 45o. They may not gain an extra turn. Crew Quality Check: Automatic
Effect: By ordering well practised firing solutions, the
Give Me Ramming Speed! Captain concentrates his ship’s weapons onto a single target,
Crew Quality Check: Opposed with devastating effect. Nominate one enemy target within
Effect: A desperate captain may decide to make the ultimate 12 inches immediately – no other target may be attacked by
sacrifice and order a course that heads straight for an enemy this ship in this turn. The ship increases the number of its
vessel. Pushing the engines beyond their usual limits, he will Attack Dice for all weapon systems by 50% (rounding down).
turn his entire ship into a potent weapon – but may well end up However, it will be unable to cause any critical hits (simply
destroying himself and his crew in the process. treat them as solid hits).

A ship attempting to perform a ram may not make anything more Pre pare to Grapple!
than a single 45 o turn when it moves, nor may it use any weapon Crew Quality Check: 7
systems in the Attack Phase. If its base contacts that of an enemy Effect: The ship readies its grappling guns and organises its
ship at any point in its movement, a ramming attempt can be made. marines for assault – the captain has ordered the boarding of an
enemy ship! See page 14 for the rules on grappling ships. Note
If the opposing player wishes to avoid the ram, both ships must that you must declare this Special Action before your ship moves
make an opposed Crew Quality check. A –1 penalty is imposed as normal but the Crew Quality check is made when you attempt
on ships with the Lumbering trait and a +1 bonus is granted for to grapple an enemy.
ships with the Agile trait. If the ramming player does not beat his
opponent’s check, then the ram has failed and the ship’s movement Run Silent!
continues as normal. Crew Quality Check: 8
Effect: The ship powers down all systems in an effort to avoid
If he does beat his opponent’s check or if his opponent chooses not detection by the enemy. If the Crew Quality check is passed,
to make the check, then the ram is successful. The ramming ship the ship gains the Stealth 3+ trait for this turn only. If your ship
immediately stops its movement as it crashes headlong into the enemy! already has the Stealth trait, it gains a +1 bonus to its Stealth score
(maximum 6+). During this time, it may not fire, move more than
Both ships will take damage during a ram and all damage will half Speed, or turn. If the Crew Quality check is failed, these
ignore Shields just as if it were a weapon with the Slow trait. restrictions still apply – the crew are still trying to run silent, they
The amount of damage a ship takes during a ram is equal to the are just not very good at it.
opposing ship’s Ramming score multiplied by the roll of a dice.

Special Traits
In A Call to Arms: Noble Armada, Special Traits are applied to A fleet carrier may only repair and replenish craft that it could
both ships and weapons. These are special abilities that in some normally carry, so it will be unable to use this special ability on
way alter the core rules of the game. For example, a ship protected craft from allied fleets.
by Interceptors has a chance of avoiding each hit it sustains in
a game, whereas a ship without them will suffer damage as Command +X: A ship with this trait is equipped with
normal. In the same way, there are weapons that are exceptionally advanced communications systems and is usually crewed by
powerful compared to normal guns and others that are markedly high-ranking officers who use it as a flagship, dictating the
less effective. actions of an entire fleet. So long as the ship is on the table
and not Crippled, the owning player gains an extra bonus to his
Traits listed in italics may never be lost for any reason. initiative equal to the Command score. This is not cumulative
and may not be added to the bonus granted by other ships with
S pecial S hips the Command trait.
Ships with Special Traits can affect the game in all kinds of ways,
Dodge X: Some ships (notably fighters) are exceptionally nimble
including movement, firing and the ability to resist damage, as
and can make sudden, violent movements to thwart attack.
well as wholly new effects that can take place outside of normal
Whenever the ship suffers a hit, roll one dice. If the dice equals
combat. Special Traits are one of the ways that vessels from
or exceeds the Dodge score listed for the ship, all effects of the
different fleets distance themselves in the ongoing technological
attack are ignored. The ship has literally dodged the attack. Ships
that are Adrift, or those that cannot or have not moved during
the Movement Phase may not benefit from the Dodge trait. The
Agile: The ship can pull very high-G turns, allowing it to out-
Dodge trait can also be used against the Prepare to Grapple!
manoeuvre other vessels with ease. This ship need only move ¼
Special Action. One Dodge roll can be used to avoid each grapple
of its Speed in a straight line before making turns and need only
gun used, with success meaning the Special Action has failed,
move 1 inch in a straight line before making subsequent turns.
even if the Crew Quality check is made.
Carrier X: This ship has been designed as a fleet carrier and can
Fighter: Though counted as ships for the purposes of most rules
deploy its flights of fighters extremely rapidly. While most ships
in the game, flights of Fighters do not have a Damage score and
are limited to launching just one flight of fighters in a turn, this
are destroyed by the first hit they suffer. Fighters may never take
ship can launch or recover a number of flights equal to its Carrier
any Special Actions.
score. It may also start a game with up to half (rounding down) of
its fighters deployed within 6 inches of the ship.
Lumbering: Either under-powered or simply too massive for the
most advanced engines, this ship is ungainly and turns slowly. It
In addition, so long as the fleet carrier remains on the table, every
may only make a single turn during a Movement Phase and may
fighter flight in the fleet is granted a +1 bonus to its Dogfight score
never make more under any circumstances. In addition, the ship
(this is not cumulative if you have multiple carriers), giving them
may not move forward any further after making this turn.
an edge in combat, as ranks of fighter controllers on board give
them detailed and explicit instructions when engaging the enemy.
Scout: This ship has been designed specifically for gathering
Finally, whenever you remove a fighter flight within 30 inches of intelligence on enemy fleets and relaying it back to friendly ships.
your carrier, roll one dice. On a 5 or 6, the flight was not completely The presence of just one scout ship can therefore make an entire
destroyed and managed to struggle back to the carrier. It will be fleet fight far more effectively. A ship with the Scout trait can
available next turn for launch, completely revitalised and ready perform a number of duties during a battle.
for battle. If an enemy ship (not fighter flight) was within 4 inches
of the counter when it was removed or if it was removed during a If you have more ships with the Scout trait than the enemy fleet,
dogfight, apply a –1 penalty to this dice roll. A +1 bonus to the roll you may re-roll initiative for both setting up and during every
is granted if the flight was within 10 inches of the carrier. If you Initiative Phase, so long as the scenario allows these rolls in the
roll lower than this, the flight is completely destroyed or scattered first place.
and will not reappear.

If the Scout ship is within 36 inches and in line of sight of a ship Devastating +X: When these weapons strike a vital area on an
with the Stealth trait, it may target the enemy ship and make a enemy ship, they can be extremely punishing, sometimes blasting
Crew Quality check at the start of the Attack Phase. If it rolls an 8 entire decks out. Whenever this weapon deals a critical hit, add its
or more, the ship will have its Stealth score reduced by one for the Devastating score to the normal Critical Score of the ship it has
remainder of the turn. hit. So, for example, a Devastating +1 weapon dealing a critical hit
will give a Critical Score of 2 on its first strike upon a location. If
Alternatively, the Scout ship may try to redirect attacks aimed it hits the same location again, the Critical Score will go up to 4.
against an enemy ship within 36 inches and within line of sight.
Make a Crew Quality check. If the result is 8 or more, you may Disable: Created by strange technologies, these weapons are
choose any one weapon system on any ships attacking the enemy used as normal but will ignore all shields and cause no damage to
target. You may re-roll all Attack Dice for those weapon systems be deducted from the target. However, each Disable weapon that
that fail to hit the target. successfully hits its target will cause an automatic critical hit. Do
not roll on the Damage Table, simply roll for a critical hit location
Stealth X: Some ships have superior active stealth systems that and add +1 to its Critical Score.
can render their ships all but invisible to their enemies. After an
attacker has declared any weapon attacks on this ship, a lock-on Double Burn: These weapons are even more efficient at
must be achieved. This is done by rolling a dice and comparing it destroying enemy shields. Deduct two Shields from the target ship
to the target’s Stealth score. for every Double Burn hit it sustains.

The target gains a +1 bonus to its Stealth score if the attacking Guided: This weapon has its own motive systems and sensor
ship is more than 20 inches away and a –1 penalty if the attacking arrays, allowing it to track a target and make corrections to its
ship is within 8 inches. An additional –1 penalty is applied if any trajectory to better guarantee a hit. Whenever this weapon misses
other ship in the same fleet has successfully attacked the target in with any Attack Dice, it may be re-rolled.
the same turn and is still on the table and not Stricken or Running
Adrift. If the Stealth score is equalled or exceeded, the attack Inaccurate: Either using slow moving ammunition or simply
proceeds as normal. If not, the attack is wasted as the firepower is having poor targeting systems, this weapon rarely hits its target.
uselessly expended into empty space (note that One-Shot weapons Apply a –1 penalty to all of this weapon’s Attack Dice.
will not count as having been fired if this roll is failed).
Multihit X: Some weapons are extremely powerful and whether
If a ship with Stealth grapples an enemy, that enemy may fire through raking fire or huge explosions, they can cause immense
freely upon it before they move into contact, without having to amounts of damage. For every successful Attack Dice this weapon
roll against its Stealth. This will count as a successful attack for system has in an attack, it will deal a number of hits equal to its
any other enemy ship that attacks it, thus granting the normal –1 Multihit score.
penalty to Stealth.
One-Shot: Ammunition or payload is limited for this weapon and
Think Machine: Highly advanced ships may have incredibly so once used in an attack, it may not be used again for the rest of
sophisticated flight control systems, to the extent that the ship the game. Note that if a One-Shot weapon targets a ship with the
can almost fly itself. A ship listed as having a Think Machine can Stealth trait and fails to lock on, it will not count as having been
never have a Crew Quality score less than 3. fired.

S pecial W eapons Precise: Using either superior firepower or technologically

advanced targeting systems, these weapons can consistently deal
The Special Traits used for weapon systems typically revolves
around the capabilities of the weapon itself and what it can do Critical Hits to their targets. You may add +1 to all rolls on the
in battle. Some weapons are made vastly more superior by these Attack Table.
traits, while others have their effectiveness reduced.
Slow: These weapons travel slow enough that they are not affected
Accurate: With superior targeting systems or effects that take by shields in any way. Ignore any shields present on the target and
little time to travel the gulf of space, these weapons are very roll for damage against the hull as if they were not there.
accurate and likely to hit their targets. They gain a +1 bonus to all
of their Attack Dice. Weak: Whether through a lack of technology or a declining
military budget, some weapons are simply not as powerful as their
Burn-out: These weapons are designed to fry shield emitters. A military-grade counterparts. These weapons will have no effect on
Burn-out weapon striking a shield will disable it. Deduct a Shield a ship with active shields. In addition, they suffer a –1 penalty on
from the target ship for every Burn-out hit it sustains. the Attack Table.

Advanced Rules
Once you have got the Basic Rules under your belt, it is time to between multiple fighters) that are within range and its fire arc.
expand your games to include the Advanced Rules of A Call to Roll against their Hull score as normal but a gatling laser counts
Arms: Noble Armada. These rules will add a lot more depth to as being Fast-Tracking and will thus ignore any Dodge trait the
your games and allow you to simulate the full action of Noble fighters have.
Armada on your tabletop.
Rockets, Missiles and Torpedoes
C rew Q uality Any rocket, missile or torpedo attack made against the fire arc a
gatling laser defends may be nullified. Roll Attack Dice for the
By default, all ships are considered to have Military-Grade crew
gatling lasers used. On each 5 or 6, one successful Attack Dice
(Crew Quality 4) on board. These rules allow you to have random
of rockets and missiles will be nullified, the projectile vaporised
crews in your fleet in order to reflect a force of green recruits being
before it reaches its target. On each 6, one successful Attack Dice
thrown into the fire of war, or a squadron of battle-hardened
of torpedoes will be nullified.
veterans able to take on several ships with ease.
Grapple Lines
Variant Crew Quality scores are used most often in campaign
If a boarding action is commenced in a gatling laser’s fire arc,
games but are summarised here.
then it may target every grapple line used in the boarding action.
Roll three Attack Dice at the end of the Attack Phase. Every 5
Crew Crew Quality Score or 6 rolled will cut one grapple line in that fire arc. If all grapple
Elite 6 lines are cut in this way, then the boarding action is immediately
Veteran 5 cancelled!
Military-Grade 4
Green 3 If the grapple lines still remain after a gatling laser has fired, it
Civilian 2 may continue shooting as the boarders sail across space to the
ship! Roll three Attack Dice for every gatling laser in the fire arc
G atling L asers in which the boarding action is taking place, when your opponent
declares how many boarders are being used. For every 5 or 6 you
Compared to the larger weaponry found on gun decks of warships,
the gatling laser is much smaller and is unable to damage large roll, one boarder will take a hit.
vessels. Because of this, it is used as a point defence weapon.
Because of this, gatling lasers do not use the normal rules for Note that a gatling laser can defend against all three threats in a
weapon systems. Instead, they come into use automatically under turn, though a player is never required to use a gatling laser. If, for
certain circumstances. example, he welcomes a boarding action, he need not use it!

Gatling lasers will automatically function when one of the M ultiplayer G ames
following threats moves into their fire arc and within 2 inches. When you begin creating your own scenarios, it may cross your
mind to have more than one fleet present in the same battle.
• Enemy fighters. Perhaps Houses Hawkwood, Decados and Li Halan are all
• A rocket, missile or torpedo attack. fighting over the same mineral-rich moon. Maybe House al-
• A boarding action using a grapple gun. Malik decides to aid House Hawkwood against vicious Hazat
oppression. Whatever the reason, you may find it exciting to try a
Whenever a gatling laser reacts to one of these threats, roll three game with three or more players.
Attack Dice for it.
In order to introduce additional players, very few changes to the
Enemy Fighters standard rules are required. During the Initiative Phase, players
At the end of the Movement Phase, a gatling laser will target as roll for initiative as normal, re-rolling any ties. Play can then begin
many enemy fighters as possible (splitting its three Attack Dice in this order, with multiple players simply taking their turn.

For example, suppose in an Initiative Phase the Hawkwood player ranking commanding officer will be issuing all sorts of orders
scored 7 for initiative, the Decados player 6 and the Li Halan and ‘suggestions’ to his lesser captains in an effort to make the
player 12. The Li Halan player has the choice of whether to move squadron operate as efficiently as possible.
first or wait his turn. If he declines, the Hawkwood player then
makes the same choice. If he too declines, the Deacdos player will A ship may leave the squadron during any Movement Phase,
be forced to move first, followed by Hawkwood and then finally simply by you declaring it so. This is especially useful if a ship has
Li Halan. Each moves one ship after the other, before it is the become Crippled or suffered a critical hit to its engines, to avoid
Deacdos player’s turn to nominate another ship to move. slowing the other ships of the squadron down.

Play continues in this pattern. In the previous example, the Tactical Withdrawals
Li Halan player would nominate a ship to attack first, then the Any ship may choose to retreat from the battleground by simply
Hawkwood player and then finally Decados, before the Li Halan moving off a table edge. By doing so, the ship escapes safely but
player gets to choose a second ship to attack. your opponent will receive one quarter of its full Victory Points at
the end of the game (see page 57). Note that some scenarios may
You will find it much easier to create multiplayer scenarios if you have restrictions on which table edges may be exited safely. If one
either have very strongly defined objectives for each fleet or if of these edges is not chosen, then the ship will count as if it has
fleets are allied into two separate forces, with the fleets on each been destroyed and thus give up half its full Victory Points.
side pursuing the same objective. In this way, you will avoid the
natural inclination in most players to instantly ’gang up’ on a
single fleet and thus remove it from the game quickly. Tur n Sequence
As you begin to add more advanced rules to your games, you may
find the turn sequence below easier to follow. Ships moving and
S quadrons fighting do so in the order shown here.
In larger fleet engagements, several ships are often placed together
in the same squadron, in order to concentrate firepower and allow Initiative Phase
tactical objectives to be decided with greater speed. Players may
also find combining ships into squadrons a good way of playing Movement Phase
huge battles involving dozens of vessels on either side. Special Actions declared
Ships moved
You may only place ships in squadrons in games of 2,000 points Fighters moved
or more. Scout trait used
Gatling lasers target fighters
If you use squadrons, you must organise any ships into them Attack Phase
before a scenario begins. Up to three ships may be placed in a Attacks and Dogfights
squadron, though they need not be all of the same type. However, Roll Attack Dice
as you will quickly find, some ships complement each other better Gatling lasers defend against missiles, rockets and torpedoes
than others, so be prepared to experiment! Dodges
Once ships have been placed into a squadron, they must always Roll on Attack Table
remain within 6 inches of at least one other ship in the squadron. Critical Hits
Close Blast Doors rolls
While in the squadron, all ships are moved and fire at the Gatling lasers target grapple lines
same time. In effect, you nominate the entire squadron to Boarding Phase
move or fire, instead of just one of its ships. You are under no Move boarding ships together
restrictions to use the same Special Orders or target the same Decide which Troops will board
enemy ships with the entire squadron – the only requirement Gatling lasers defend against incoming troops
is that you keep all the ships within 6 inches of each other Roll Troops Dice
at all times and make every effort to maintain this formation Check ownership of ships
if they are ever split up. By the same token, enemy ships will End Phase
still choose one ship as a target for their weapons, rather than Compulsory movement
selecting the squadron as a whole. Damage Control performed
Recover shields
All ships use the highest Crew Quality score of all ships within Escalate damage
the squadron for all purposes. It is assumed that the highest Fighters launched

Though space belongs, ultimately, to the warships of the Noble Fighter Attacks
Houses, fighters are highly effective supporting forces. Small one Fighters make their attacks in the Attack Phase, just like ships.
or two man craft, the archetypal fighter is fast, agile and capable When you want to attack with your fighters, simply nominate
of delivering a punishing strike on even the largest warship when
targets for every fighter and then resolve their attacks, just as if
used in co-ordinated flights. Their pilots are intelligent, daring and
you were nominating targets for a ship’s weapon systems against
among the best any House has to offer.
different targets – in effect, all of your fighters act as a single ship
in the Attack Phase, with each fighter being one weapon system.
Using Fighters
A fighter will have the Fighter trait and is treated as a ship for all Fighters attack as normal, though you will usually find their
purposes, unless otherwise mentioned. weapons have a very limited range. You may fire on other fighters,
treating their attacks as if they were ships, as described previously.
All ranges for fighters are measured from the edge of their base or However, you will find fighters are far more effective at destroying
counter, rather than the centre. one another in dogfights.

Note that fighters do not have Crew Quality scores. They also Any number of fighters may attack a single ship in any one Attack
cannot be boarded, rammed or use any kind of Special Action. Phase and you are free to place them on top of a ship’s base,
though you may not stack flights upon each other. Fighters that
De ployment are in contact with a ship’s base will ignore its Stealth trait, if
Unless otherwise stated by the scenario, all ships with the Carrier present.
trait may deploy up to half of their fighters (rounding down)
within 6 inches of the ship before the game begins. Dogfighting
Though larger ships rely heavily on point defence weaponry, such
Movement Phase as gatling lasers, for defence against hordes of fighters, there is
A fleet with fighters moves all its ships in initiative order as only one sure way to effectively clear the skies – send out your own
normal. Once all the ships of all the fleets involved in the battle fighters to destroy the enemy’s, so you are free to attack heavier
have been moved, the player who won the initiative must then warships without interference.
choose whether to move his fighters first or force his opponent
to do so. Once this decision has been made, then all the flights of Once you move into contact with an enemy fighter, you are
fighters in a fleet are moved at the same time. Then the opposing considered to be dogfighting and so follow these rules. Fighters
fleet does the same with their fighters. This is done to reflect the may only conduct dogfights against other fighters, not ships.
relative freedom of movement that small craft have in battles A dogfight starts automatically once two or more fighters are
involving warships and also keeps things quick and easy in battles in contact with one another and no fighter involved may move
featuring many flights of fighters. until the enemy has been destroyed – you will soon find it is very
important to retain the initiative when fielding large numbers of
Attack Phase
Though the bigger guns mounted on warships are designed to hit
Every flight has a Dogfight score, as found in the Fleet Lists
other large vessels and not small fighters, there is always a chance
chapter. This is a reflection of a fighter’s potential to move into
that a flight can be hit and destroyed by these huge discharges of
position and destroy its enemy.
You resolve all dogfights that your fighters are involved in when
A fighter may be attacked in the same way as a ship. Any successful
you nominate your fighters to attack in the Attack Phase. When
hit that equals or exceeds a flight’s Hull score will automatically
two opposing fighters are engaged in a dogfight, both players roll
destroy it but the fighter may use any Dodge trait it possesses as
one dice and add the Dogfight scores of their fighter.

Add +1 to your dice roll for every extra fighter you have in base
contact with the enemy fighter you are dogfighting. A fighter may
support any number of dogfights in this manner but a fighter
You may occasionally come across a situation where
supporting a dogfight may never initiate a dogfight itself. Other
several fighters have all jumped into a mass brawl where
than this, it is up to you how you arrange your dogfights for the
every fighter is touching another. In cases such as this,
best advantage!
working out who is dogfighting who can be confusing!
The player who scores the highest will win the dogfight and
There is an easy way to resolve fights like this. Simply
automatically destroy the enemy fighter that attacked it (it will
remember the following.
not destroy fighters that merely supported). If the scores are equal
then all fighters involved will be locked together and may not
The player who nominated his fighters to attack chooses
move until another dogfight has been fought and won. You may
which of the enemy fighters will be attacked by each of
only destroy one enemy fighter in each dogfight, no matter how
his own fighters and which of his remaining fighters will
many are arrayed against you.
be supporting.
In general, fighters will only dogfight once each turn. However, it
is possible for a fighter to dogfight twice if a player nominates his If the defending player has any fighters not directly
fighters to attack and only gains a draw in a dogfight or is fighting engaged, only then may they support.
against multiple fighters. The fighters will remain locked together
until his opponent declares his fighters to attack, in which case No fighter may both dogfight and support!
another dogfight is fought immediately.
Each separate dogfight will destroy just one enemy fighter,
The Stealth and Shields traits are always ignored during dogfights no matter how many fighters are supporting on each side.
and have no effect.

A fighter may either choose to shoot normally in a turn or

dogfight, never both.

Launching and Recovering Fighters or fighter is moved (though they will be forced to leave its base if
A few ships are able to carry a fighter or two. Other ships act as the ship or fighter travels further than their Speed). Fighters may
full-blown carriers and may have an entire squadron on board. also be placed on the base of a ship before the battle starts.
Fighters act as point defence for larger vessels and are able to
deliver precision attacks that, while light, can still cause a large Versus Enemy Fighters
amount of damage to an enemy. Whenever an enemy fighter attempts to attack the supported ship
or fighter, one or more supporting fighters may be immediately
A ship that has not performed a Special Action may launch one moved in base contact with it, starting a dogfight. Whatever the
fighter. At the end of the End Phase, place the fighter anywhere result of the dogfight, the attacking fighter may not go on to attack
within 3 inches of the ship. In the next turn, the fighter is free to the ship or fighter, even if it destroys all supporting fighters. All
act. defending fighters that survive the dogfight may be returned to the
base of the ship in the End Phase (even if they would normally be
Recovering a fighter also requires a ship to not use any Special locked in a dogfight).
Actions and for fighters to be moved into contact with it. A ship
may recover any friendly fighters, even those belonging to other
ships. However, it may only do so if it has less fighters already on
Versus Enemy Boarders
Whenever enemy boarders attempt to attack a supported ship, one
board than are listed in its Craft score on its roster.
or more supporting fighters may be immediately used to attack
the boarders on the first turn the supported ship is grappled by
Note that a ship can launch or recover fighters in a turn, not both.
the enemy ship only. Using their weapon systems as normal, the
fighters may attack any boarding troops. The Hull of the Troops is
One-Shot Fighter Weapons 5 and any bonuses or penalties the fighters have to their shooting
A ship with the Carrier trait can rearm fighters that use weapons is applied here.
with the One-Shot trait. Simply recover them as normal and
make a Crew Quality check for each fighter in the End Phase. On
an 8 or more, the fighter is reloaded with its One-Shot weapon
Firing into Dogfights
Dogfighting fighters may not be fired upon by either side for fear
once more and is ready for launch. If the Crew Quality check
of hitting their own people. However, in multiplayer games, it is
is not successful, the fighter must stay on board for a full turn
quite possible that two or more sides will be engaged in a dogfight
while rearming continues. Another Crew Quality check may be
and another force will be quite ready to fire into the melee if none
attempted in the next End Phase.
of its own fighters are present. In this case, you must randomise
each Attack Dice used in an attack against the dogfight.
Suppor ting Ships and Fighters
Fighters are also adept at providing close escort for ships and In practice, this can simply be done by rolling the number of
other fighters, protecting them from any sudden attack. Attack Dice you plan to use and then separating the dice. All
dice that score 1–3 will be the Attack Dice used against Fleet
Up to four fighters may be moved onto the base of a friendly ship A, while all those that score 4–6 are the Attack Dice targeted at
and one may be moved in contact with another fighter. When Fleet B. Attacks are then resolved normally against both sides.
this happens, the fighters are automatically considered to be In the unlikely event that three separate fleets are engaged in the
supporting the ship or fighter and will be moved whenever the ship dogfight, the Attack Dice can be split by rolling 1–2 for Fleet A,
3–4 for Fleet B and 5–6 for Fleet C.

Stellar Debris
Space is very large but that is not to say it is always empty. Battles instead roll 1D6 and add 6. If the test is passed, the ship moves
in space may take place light years from the nearest dust cloud through with no problem. If the test is failed, the ship suffers an
or asteroid field but some may take place in the heart of an attack using as many Attack Dice as the distance the ship moved in
over-crowded system, with ships fighting to steer their way past inches in this turn. This attack is counted as having the Accurate,
mountains of floating rocks as much as trying to target the enemy. Multihit 4 and Slow traits.

Stellar debris can take several forms and players can always agree Ships with the Dodge trait may use it as normal. Those that run into
to fight in empty space or scatter debris around the tabletop as an asteroid field while Adrift will automatically suffer an attack.
they see fit. Some of the scenarios from page 59 onwards have
some specific requirements for the placement of stellar debris. If attacked while within an asteroid field, a ship will gain the
Stealth 3+ trait (or a +2 bonus to Stealth, if it already possesses
Unlike other models on the table, stellar debris will block line of the trait), whether attacked from within the field or outside, as the
sight between ships on opposite sides of it. Ships that are inside asteroids interfere with precise target locks.
stellar debris may fire at ships outside and vice versa. They may
also fire at ships within the same stellar debris.
Dust Clouds
The various types of stellar debris are detailed here. Some gas clouds are vast and these are the secret places where the
stars themselves are born. Others are far smaller and simply float
between the stars, waiting to gather with other clouds and so begin
Asteroid Fields the process of stellar renewal.
Many planetary systems have asteroid fields, the wreckage left
from an age of planetary destruction millennia ago. Some asteroid By themselves, dust clouds are not something to be feared
fields form vast rings around stars or planets while others gather in
by ship’s crews and cause little damage other than throwing
localised gravitational clumps.
sensor readings off the scale, disrupting delicate equipment and
An asteroid field may be of any size (indeed, you might like to try sometimes interfering with internal or fleet communications.
your skill at fighting a battle within an asteroid field that covers the Engineering crews are well-versed in the effects of dust clouds on
entire table!) but most will take up an area of around four to six their vessels and can quickly recover from any of these adverse
square inches. They can be represented on the tabletop by counters, a effects. However, dust clouds can be of interest to captains for
scattering of pebbles or you might like to make up your own asteroid their tactical usefulness.
miniatures using painted polystyrene or stones mounted on bases.
We have provided a guide on making asteroids on page 116. A ship may move freely into a dust cloud at any time. While
inside, it will temporarily suffer a –1 penalty to its Crew Quality
Each asteroid field has a density rating, which measures how close score as the efficiency of the ship is impacted by the random
the rocks are together and how quickly they move relative to a glitches common in a dust cloud. At the same time, it will gain the
passing ship. The density rating may be freely chosen or generated
Stealth 2+ trait (or a +1 bonus to Stealth, if it already possesses
randomly on the following table.
the trait) against any weapon system it is attacked by, whether the
weapon was fired from within the cloud or outside, as the dust
Asteroid Density Table cloud interferes with precise target locks.
D6 Density Rating
1–2 6 Finally, a ship attempting the ‘Run Silent!’ action from within the
3 7 cloud will gain a +2 bonus to its Crew Quality check in order to do so.
4 8
5 9 Planets
6 10 The largest stellar bodies used in A Call to Arms: Noble Armada,
planets are immense and most star systems will have several,
A ship may freely enter an asteroid field at any time. However, even if they are lifeless rocks. Planets are best represented on
it must roll 1D6 and add its Crew Quality score, gaining a total the tabletop by round templates of a size relating to the planet,
equal to or greater than the field’s density rating. Fighters will as described on the Planetary Table that follows. Ships that are

Planetar y Table
D6 Planet Size Template Diameter Moons Gravity Well Slingshot
1–3 Lifeless Rock Up to 3” 0 2” 3”
4–5 Earth-like World 4” –9” 1D6-4 6” 5”
6 Gas or Ice Giant 10” or more 1D6-3 12” 8”

Running Adrift when they move onto the planet are automatically This allows a cunning player to change direction very rapidly,
destroyed though other ships may fly ‘over’ it without penalty. A while perhaps taking advantage of Special Actions that require
planet blocks line of sight to enemy ships, as with other stellar him to move in a straight direction.
debris, unless either ship is actually on the planetary template, in
which case line of sight will be clear to any ship within range. Slingshot
There is another way to use a gravity well – to accelerate your
Typically, you will only have one planet on the table at any one time – vessel to great speed. This is called a Slingshot. In order to do this,
planets orbit at great distances from one another and you would need a ship must move towards a planet (in other words, end up closer
a gaming table a mile or so in length to represent these distances!
than when it started) and end its movement within the planet’s
gravity well. In addition, the ship must also keep at least part of the
All planets exhibit their influence on objects around them in the
planet in its Fore fire arc. If it accomplishes these conditions, then
form of a gravity well, the area of space extending away from
the planet’s surface in which the effects of its gravity can still be the ship will automatically be moved an extra distance forward
felt. This is where all orbiting satellites and bases will be found equal to that shown on the Planetary Table. Even ships reduced to
and is where a canny ship’s captain can gain a valuable tactical 0 Speed or Running Adrift (but not those with the Immobile trait)
advantage. In A Call to Arms: Noble Armada, the gravity well may take advantage of this Speed increase if they are within the
extends from the edge of the planet’s template to a distance shown gravity well and the planet is in their Fore arc.
on the Planetary Table, depending on the size of the world.
If you perform the ‘Give me Ramming Speed!’ Special Action
while using a Slingshot, then the damage caused by the ram will
Orbiting be increased by half for both ships.
If a ship begins its movement within the gravity well and parallel
to the planet’s surface as shown in the following example, it may
take advantage of its position. So long as the ship stays at the same
Many planets have large bodies orbiting them and many of these
distance from the planet as it started, it may be moved forward
will be large enough to be counted as moons. The number of moons
around the planet, with the distance moved equal to the arc travelled.
a planet has can be randomly generated using the Planetary Table.
However, for all purposes, it will count as having just moved forward
All moons are counted as Lifeless Rocks and orbit at a distance of
in a straight line as the planet’s gravity keeps it in orbit.
4D6 inches from the edge of the planet’s template.

Planetar y Rings
15” Move Around Planet (Orbiting) Quite often, gas or ice giants will have elaborate planetary rings
surrounding them. To randomly determine whether such a ring
exists around a generated gas or ice giant, roll 1d6. On a 3 or
more, a ring exists, at a distance of 1d6+6 inches away from the
edge of the planet’s template. The ring will typically be 3 inches
wide and will be counted as either a dust cloud or asteroid field
(equal chance of either).

15” Move Generating Stellar Debris

When using the scenarios starting on page 59, you may be asked
Gravity Forward to randomly generate stellar debris to scatter across the battlefield.
Well In order to do so, divide the battlefield up into 12 inch squares. For
each square, roll one dice. On a 6, a random piece of stellar debris
should be placed anywhere within the square. The exact type of
debris should be rolled for on the following table.

D6 Stellar Debris
1–3 Asteroid Field.
4–5 Dust Cloud.
6 Planet – only one planet is permitted on the battlefield.
Re-roll this result if you have already rolled for a planet.

The Universe
The chronicle of humanity’s history among the stars is a long The Children of the Ur are not the only races to have been touched
one, stretching over two millennia. It is not a quiet story. From by these precursors. Their mark is found in every system that bears
the greedy planet-grabbing of early colonists to the bloody battles a jumpgate, not only in the gate itself but on nearly every planet
of the Emperor Wars, humans have rarely slept peacefully in the in the system. While some of their remains may be only survey
void. They have prospered, suffered defeat and dared to hope markers, others are more extant, from small cities to whispers of
again. They have not travelled down the paths of history alone; their behaviour in the mythologies of most sentient races. Indeed,
aliens walk among them, with long histories and destinies of their most races, including humans, believe that they were visited and
own to complete. To understand where humanity now stands, one affected by the Ur at some point early in their development. For
must look to the beginning… what purpose, none can say.

P rehistory The Anunnaki’s only seeming legacy is their technology. The

jumpgates opened space for humans, the Children of the Ur and
Humans know little of interstellar history before they reached
the Vau. But they also left a mystery behind. People still gaze in
space. What they do know comes from the histories of the Ur-
wonder at the enigmatic Gargoyles jutting from ancient ruins or
Obun, Ur-Ukar and amphibian Oro’ym alien races, along with
from the edge of jumpgates.
theories suggested by Second Republic archaeologists and a
smattering of phrases from the enigmatic Vau, who may know
much they are not telling. These tales and the evidence cobbled T he F irst R epublic
from terraforming digs shows that there were once at least one, Humanity’s dream of a united, one-world government was finally
although possible two, now extinct alien races of incredibly high realised by the beginning of the 22nd century. Decades of strife
advancement. One of these presumed races left the jumpgates and war by extremist but minority political factions left the mass
behind. Little is known about them. Gargoyle-like figures – both of world citizenry desperate for peace. The price of this peace
demonic and angelic in appearance – can be found in many was freedom and the people, exhausted after years of global
ancient ruins and on the jumpgates. violence, gladly paid it. The First Republic, also called the Human
Combine Age by Second Republic historians, was created by a
Together, these two races are called the Anunnaki, or the conglomeration of mercantile leaders, ardent capitalists made
Preadamites. They are also known as the Ur (proto-race), which rich from years of war who had come to realise that overt war
is also a prefix used to identify their relics. Scholars believe one of (and increasing anarchy) was hurting profits and growth. Banding
these races – those presumed to have built the jumpgates – is older together to back a world government initiative begun by the United
than the other. This race is called by various names: Jumpmasters, Nations, these ‘zaibatsu’ soon ruled the Republic. Representatives,
Gatekeepers, Inceptors, Architects and many more. The presumed originally elected by UN member nations, were nothing more than
younger race is known as the Successors, or Marauders. This latter shills for the most powerful zaibatsu, international corporations
name comes from alien legends, for their myths speak of two races whose money kept these troubled nations alive.
of gods or elder beings that often warred against each other. One
race protected mortals, while the other harassed them. Scholars Eventually, even the illusion of elected representation was
believe that these ‘gods’ were not mere metaphors but memories dissolved and the duly enfranchised leaders of the Republic were
of the Ur. overtly made of up of corporate heads. Corporate policy became
government policy. The hallmark of united and stable government
The idea of a mythical pre-historical war between elder races has was built on a foundation of vast police powers and conditional
some physical evidence to support it. Different digs have revealed civil rights. Nonetheless, the First Republic took humanity to the
ruins of extreme age with architectural motifs resembling stars. Certain visionaries within the government recognised that a
those found on certain jumpgates. These ruins were not simply new frontier was required to channel the energies and aggressions
abandoned; they were destroyed in a war. Planetary cataclysms of the populace and to garner new resources to make up for the
and upheavals cannot explain the devastation clearly wrought dwindling resources of the overdeveloped Earth. Corporations
by high-tech weaponry, perhaps fusion guns and bombs. This turned their eyes to space. The first project was the moon and a
great war was surely the cause for the disappearance of these moonbase was quickly established.
two races, who leave the stage of history, abandoning their
caretaking or harassment of the Children of the Ur some time Next came Mars. After initial disasters, humanity finally landed
around 100 AD. on the red planet and found it relatively hospitable. Colonisation

followed, along with massive resource extraction industries. The other side, the memories again faded but their afterglow remained.
rest of the solar system followed in the following centuries. A religion was born, named after the word left on the lips of all the
astronauts: Sathra.
The lure of yet more distant stars initiated an ambitious long-term
program: the launching of ‘slow ships’. These starships travelled The new world had no sentient life and was ripe for colonisation.
below the speed of light and would take generations to reach even It was called Sathra’s Boon (since renamed Sutek). Soon, the
the closest star system but people lined up anyway to volunteer for exodus – and the conflicts – began. Internal, covert war ignited
these expeditions outward to new horizons. There were two types among the zaibatsu, as corporations fought for control of space’s
of slow ships, the Generation Ships (where the crew lives awake new riches. Most citizens were unaware of the conflicts exploding
for their journey, sealed inside a Dyson sphere) and Deep Sleep in the corridors of power on Earth, Mars and on Sathra’s Boon.
Ships (where the crew is frozen to be thawed on arrival). Relatives
bid their loved ones goodbye, knowing they would probably never The First Republic found the religion of Sathraism to be an
see them again but hopeful that their descendants would one day annoyance. Pilots who had ‘found God’ were harder to control.
meet on distant worlds. The ships were sealed and launched, In addition, the pilots sought to undergo more jumps than were
beginning their journey through the void toward distant lights. necessary, risking their health (and thus their ships). Sathraism
Then, soon after the turn of the 24th century, the jumpgate was was outlawed but to little effect. Only when the Republic managed
discovered. Floating at the edge of the solar system, past Pluto, to design a force field buffer preventing the Sathra experience did
was an amazing alien artefact from a race long gone. the religion suffer a serious setback. Ships were built with integral
buffers; any attempt to dismantle the buffer disabled the engines.
T he J umpgate The mystical visions were over; without communion, many pilots
could not maintain their zeal and lapsed from their mystical
The jumpgate was a monumental curiosity. It was the first sign of
convictions, so easily forgotten anyway, like a dim dream. Many
alien life and technology encountered by humanity (excepting the
Sathraists tried to build their own ships and still received their
controversial remains left on Mars, long covered up and unknown
visions for many years. But the Republic was ruthless in hunting
to the public). It was baffling. Long ‘powered down’, the gate
down rogue ships and destroying them. Within a matter of years,
showed no sign of activity. Its function was hotly debated. Finally,
Sathraism was forgotten, an underground religion with few
a team of scientists working long shifts triggered the power and
converts (although it would briefly surface again in the coming
activated the gate. The space inside the hoop of the gate warped
age of exodus).
as light was bent in an inward spiral – and then opened onto alien
vistas, a view of a distant star system.
Progress and expansion pushed on. Further study of the jumpgate
revealed new routes to yet more worlds. The wagon train was on.
This was the first sure sign that humanity had of the Anunnaki
With people spreading so far so fast and with the zaibatsu busy
and their works. The realisation that humans were not the only
attacking and defending their own, the discontents and idealists
race to reach the stars was a humbling experience but one which
slipped away into the night and seized the stars for themselves.
many frontier-minded humans quickly got over. The zaibatsu saw
The First Republic’s New Frontier had become the means to its
opportunity where others saw awe.
own end. The Diaspora and the fall of the First Republic, had
Data was quickly retrieved from the powered-up gate and
translation began. Soon, enough theoretical knowledge about the
gate’s technology existed to allow manufacture of a proto-jump D iaspora
engine. It was bulky and huge. Attached to an unmanned probe, The first colonists were mainly workers from the many
the Republic prepared to launch it into the new infinity. This was corporations involved in resource extraction but among them
a major unifying event, bringing people all over the world together were those seeking escape from the corporate control and
in rapt expectation as the probe’s retros fired and sent it hurtling centralisation, which had so long strangled Earth. The First
into the gate. In a flash, it was gone. Now, the waiting commenced. Republic had become an oppressive institution serving the best
interests of a top elite, deaf to the pleas of the common man. But
Three months later, the gate activated and the probe floated back once the jumpgate allowed entry to other worlds, each with new
into Earth’s solar system, transmitting its image data collected in jumproutes leading to a staggering array of still other worlds, the
Unknown Space. A solar system waited, with a habitable planet First Republic could no longer control their citizenry. They were
similar to Earth. It was not long before the First Republic had free among the stars.
volunteers lining up across the globe to be the first to see another
world. A crew was selected, trained over long months and finally An age of Balkanisation and independence began, as tight-knit
readied for launch. special interest communities took off on ships of their own (the
jumpgate engine technology was ‘leaked’ by a cabal of anarchists).
Again, the world gathered to see it. The intrepid crew took off, Many of the worlds they landed on saw new experiments in
shooting through the fiery glow of the alien jumpgate – and no government; the early homogeneity of these colony worlds
one expected what came next. Each astronaut experienced a ensured that some of these experiments worked. Where hostile
sublime moment of ecstasy and profound remembering of some conditions or hostile colonists would not allow it, worlds fell into
deep truth once known and since lost. When they arrived on the survivalist barbarism, as the First Republic refused their pleas for

T im e l i n e
Date Event
BC 40,000 Date for oldest known Anunnaki ruin.
AD 100 Anunnaki disappear from history as they abandon the Ur-Obun and Ur-Ukar.
1800 Vau reach space.
2100 First Republic, solar system developed.
2305 Humans discover the jumpgates.
2500 First Republic collapses, nobility rises up.
2500-3500 Diaspora.
2700 First Contact with the Shantor.
2723 Prophet sees Holy Flame; Age of Miracles.
2730 Shantor Revolt leads to creation of alien reservation system.
2845 First Contact with the Vau.
2849 Death of the Prophet; Age of Miracles ends.
2855 Ukar War. The Church unites humanity against invading Ur-Ukar. Merchant interests combine forces to
create Second Republic with capital at New Istanbul (later Byzantium Secundus), massive terraforming.
4000 Mass unemployment, intensified by fading suns phenomenon and increased religious millennialism,
leads to collapse of Second Republic. Nobility leaps in, seizes Byzantium Secundus, and ensures that the
Republic cannot be saved.
4000-4986 Dark Ages.
4525 Barbarian Invasions. Human star-nations unaligned to nobles, Church or League ally to plunder Known
Worlds and are beaten back after many casualties on both sides.
4540 Vladimir begins uniting stars through his campaign against the
4550 Vladimir I is crowned emperor and is assassinated. A regent, elected
every 10 years by electors (composed of major houses, the Church and
the League), stands in the emperor’s stead.
4900 Symbiot Wars begin. Symbiots attack outlying worlds. Parasitic forces convert many planets, forcing the
human populations to evacuate. They are halted at Stigmata.
4956-4995 The Emperor Wars.
4992 Kurga Conflict on Hazat border begins.
4993 Alexius Hawkwood crowned emperor.
4995 All five Royal Houses finally concede victory to Emperor Alexius.
4999 Noble Armada begins…

aid, too busy itself fighting to maintain control over Earth’s solar
system. On many of these worlds, governments grew up around
T he P rophet and H is
strong individualist leaders who left the reins of power with their C hurch
progeny, creating royal lineages. These noble houses become the Amid this exuberant chaos, the Prophet began his sermons.
main means of the zaibatsu’s downfall, as they began small wars, Travelling from world to world, this powerful religious figure
seizing First Republic resources here and there, whittling down single-handedly created a new monotheism.
the dwindling Republic.
The discovery of greatly advanced alien races (the Ur jumpgate
The untrammelled richness of some of the worlds allowed the makers) changed everything humanity had ever assumed about
colonists to create mini-mercantile empires of their own, while its own origins and spiritual destiny – humans were no longer
unique for their intelligence and tool-using capability. In light of
other places saw colonists fight bitter and violent wars for poor
irrevocable proof of intelligent life in outer space, the leaders of
resources. But everyone wanted a piece of the action, a world they
the major religions of Earth were too backward looking to advance
could call their own.
their churches into the new era of space travel. As humans left for
the stars, they left their gods behind to search for new ones.

During the Diaspora, human colonies fractured their ties to to them. There was actually an eighth disciple, an Ur-Obun, but
central government, society and religion. Ancient Earth religions she has been ignored by the Church and is recognised by only
long dead, many of them polytheist and pagan, were resurrected a few, although she created an Ur-Obun sect of the Church,
by colonists desperate to escape the materialistic technocracy that which still thrives on Obun. During the Prophet’s time, Sathraism
they believed was strangling their destiny. A new age of spiritual experienced a silent resurgence as engineers dismantled the field
diversity began, bringing with it tribalism, dogma and fanaticism. buffers, which prevented jump ecstasy. With no Republic to stop
But old religions and archaic forms of worship rang hollow amid them, pilots again began their communions. But the Prophet stood
the stars. Something new was required. Something which would against them, opposing the hallucinatory ecstasy of unfettered
address both hope and grief, as did all the great religions. Into this jumps. As the Universal Church gained power, Sathraism again
void of belief came the Prophet. went into decline. Soon, ship owners, often devout Church
members, forbade anyone to shut down the Sathra dampers on
Much has been said or written about him since and many divergent their ships. Eventually, all ships were again fitted with dampers
beliefs are professed by different peoples as gospel, as is the way from their factories and Sathraism was dead.
with all true prophets.
The Prophet died in a jumpgate accident while trying to plead for
His name was Zebulon, a Catholic or Orthodox Christian priest peace with the Vau, who were enacting punishment for violation
(argument continues as to which) fascinated with the new potential of their space. His Church blamed the Vau for years, although
opened up by the jumpgates. He went to the stars in search of many have realised that the Prophet’s final mission to them was
more evidence of their makers. He found something greater by for peace and have since sought conciliation. The symbol of the
far. All lay members know the litany: ‘In 2723, the Prophet saw Church is still a modified jumpgate, the sign of the Prophet’s
the Holy Flame’. On a frontier world (lost now amid the fading death and his message of questing.
stars), Zebulon was gifted by God with a mystical vision of the
Holy Flame residing in the Empyrean. God gave the Prophet new The exceptionally long life of the Prophet is a source of awe for the
words for his children, to take them into the new age of space faithful, who attribute his near-immortality to faith, while others
exploration. believe it a testament to longevity drugs. Regardless, the years of
his life are seen as an Age of Miracles by post-Fall humanity, a
But he was also given a vision of hell, revealing that demons lurked time when any person of faith could work wonders. It is said that
in the ‘dark between the stars’, seeking to snuff the Holy Flame. the first theurgic rituals were codified then, although their practice
Church heads say that the suns grow cold as the demons and the waned during the Second Republic such that the existence of
sins they awaken in humanity block the light of the Holy Flame such magic was considered a hoax by some. Its return in the Dark
from the universe. Zebulon began to preach his vision throughout Ages, however, has renewed the simple folks’ faith in miracles.
the frontier, creating a new religious movement. He spoke of evil After the Prophet’s death, his core teachings were collected into
hidden among the stars, demons whose shadows blocked the light one book titled the Omega Gospels. Church theologians argue
of the Holy Flame. He spoke of the need to expand outward and that there are two phases to his teachings, the early Omega
explore, gathering the marvels that were found into cathedrals. He Gospels, teaching about warding evil and cultivating the virtues
spoke out against the soullessness of machines and the nihilistic and the later Compassionate Truths, mystical teachings about
effect they had on humanity, in defiance of the reigning techno- understanding and love. Over the millennia since the Prophet
fetishism among Diasporans. walked the stars, the Church has grown and developed its own
answers to theological questions raised in the Prophet’s teachings.
Zebulon searched holy texts and teachings from Earth and By the time of Emperor Alexius, theology is a thorny and many-
elsewhere for wisdom, realising that only by uniting all of sided issue argued over by many different sects and orders.
humankind’s wisdom could humanity’s faith thrive under
the pressures of their star sojourn. As the Prophet revised his The Universal Church was formalised after the Prophet’s death
teachings, he introduced ideas from a variety of religions. He by one of the Prophet’s followers, Palamedes, a son of House
called God the Pancreator and revealed that this was the same Alecto. Palamedes gathered the disparate faithful together against
God spoken of in all religions and that only now, once humans the threat of the Vau and the Ur-Ukar, cementing the burgeoning
had reached the stars, could the creator of the universe – of all religion into a political force. It was Palamedes’ place in Church
the worlds and creatures therein – reveal him/her/itself in full history that later helped Vladimir I gain the Church’s help in his
glory. The suns were not only potent symbols of the Pancreator’s bid for empire. The creation of the Church was by no means
divine light; they were material manifestations of divine spirit, of sudden and clear. Other followers of the Prophet went off in their
the Holy Flame which quickens all life. own directions with their own ideas for a Church. But in the end,
Palamedes’ religion won out, although with certain exceptions
The Prophet gathered many faithful under his banner but there (the sects and orders). Palamedes declared himself patriarch, the
were seven special disciples honoured by the Prophet above others. spiritual and temporal head of the Church and set forth guidelines
These have become saint-like figures by the time of Emperor on how future patriarchs were to be chosen (by a college of
Alexius, with many legendary parables and powers attributed archbishops). Since then, the Church has been led by a long list

of venerable men and women (women can hold the office of degree of technology, they soon came under human rule. While
patriarch and may elect to be called matriarch if they wish). The some live in peaceful coexistence with humans, such as the Ur-
Church guided humanity through the Fall (although they aided Obun, Vorox and Gannok, others resisted human encroachment
in engineering its start) and now holds a steady front against evil bitterly. The programs of forced relocation and land grabbing
from within and without. were to cause centuries of bad relations with the most advanced
power in the known universe: the Vau.
F irst C ontact : T he S hantor
Amid the territorial struggles of the Diaspora, humanity T he V au
encountered its first sentient race. The Shantor of Shaprut were an A newly discovered jumpgate delivered humanity onto a small
equine-like race who had achieved a degree of civilisation despite but lush world they called New Monaco (now called Apshai). It
their limited tool-using capabilities. Living on the vast grass was the home of the G’nesh, a quiet, insectoid alien race who
plains of Shaprut, they celebrated a culture that valued strong spent most of their time making elaborate and beautiful plant
family ties and romantic relationships, although this also enforced and tree sculptures linked by organic webbing. They ignored
a fierce tribalism, which often led to conflicts with other tribes. the new colonists at first but when the colonists forced some
Indeed, clan warfare was common and good soldiers were the G’nesh from their gardens and claimed the land for themselves,
most honoured members of a tribe. However, no soldier was long the G’nesh became quite indignant. All they would say was, ‘It is
respected if he did not revere his family or play out the elaborate not allowed. Please leave.’ Of course, the colonists scoffed. These
rites of courtship with his spouse. The Shantor also practised a weak gardeners offered no threat to them.
religion akin to sun worship.
But their patrons did.
But their world was rich in minerals and their indigenous cultures
stood in the way of extraction. In the Diaspora, interplanetary A massive starship appeared through the jumpgate, a ship whose
supremacy depended on resources. The feeling of the Shaprut like had never been seen before. Harnessing a great ball of raging
colonists was that if they did not take the bounty, someone else plasma energy, this dreadnought destroyed the human fleet placed
would. In addition, the Shantor could not communicate with around New Monaco. Small ships disengaged from its hull and
humans without technical assistance, such as computer voice went hurtling to the planet below, there dropping off vicious cargo:
boxes. All too often, they were viewed as little more than smart Vau soldiers. These soldiers systematically began wiping out all the
animals. For these reasons, most humans did not feel responsible human colonists encountered. The minor house officials in charge
for displacing the Shantor. They even saw themselves as a necessary of the planet desperately tried to surrender before the greater and
civilising influence on the horse-like race, providing them with technologically superior forces but their cries went unheeded. The
jobs in the mines, although with often gruelling, laborious tasks. Vau killed everyone.

Many Shantor revolted. Those who still lived on the plains Afterwards, they boarded their ships and left. The G’nesh went
led assaults on colony mining operations. The large and clever back to gardening. The only thing the Vau left behind was a
Shantor are dangerous when riled and the loss of life and property message: ‘Leave this planet alone. It is the property of the Vau
they caused summoned the wrath of the colony leaders. Armies Hegemony. Do not follow the jumproads from this gate further.’
descended onto Shaprut to put the unruly rebels down. A guerrilla
war ensued but the result was never in question. The broken Of course, humanity did go further, seeking retribution for their
Shantor rebels were herded up and shipped off-world, scattered loss. What they found were more Vau worlds, worlds of vastly
onto reservations throughout human space, sometimes onto superior technology. Few returned to tell the tale; those that did
worlds hostile to their way of life. Families were separated, their were ‘allowed’ to return. Finally, the Vau accepted a human
members never to see each other again. diplomat, Benjamin Verden of House Justinian.

The great shame of humanity’s first contact has haunted many Benjamin returned from his first sojourn overwhelmed by the
humans for centuries. The Prophet was only beginning his questing superiority of the Vau. He was thankful for one thing he had
as the Shantor’s culture was dismantled but he spoke out against become convinced of on his trip: The Vau were non-expansionist.
the tragedy. However, he had too few followers then and no power Their very political structure sought and upheld stability over all
to change the course of history as yet. Restitution has yet to be other virtues. Their empire and way of life had changed little in
made to the surviving Shantor. Certain people believe that if the the last few centuries, following the dictates of their first space
Prophet had not met such an untimely death in Vau Space, the emperor.
fate of the Shantor and other sentients to follow them might have
been different. But Palamedes, first Patriarch of the formalised Benjamin discovered that the G’nesh were a conquered race. The
Universal Church of Celestial Sun, concerned himself little with Vau dealt with their subjects in very different ways than humans.
the injustices committed against politically impotent alien races. The G’nesh put up a valiant fight against the invading Vau. Upon
surrender, the general of the G’nesh, having learned Vau culture
So the fate of most sentient races encountered by humanity well, demanded the Vau give him ‘face’ before he could stop the
followed that of the Shantor. Regardless of their tenacity and war. This is an important concept to the Vau: Honour and dignity

come before life itself. For the general to willingly suffer such a nearly a quarter of the Shantor were killed before the remainder
shame as defeat the Vau had to also sacrifice something: They surrendered. When it was discovered that Ukari psionics had
gave the G’nesh long life and peace in return for submission. In been responsible, Patriarch Palamedes raised the fist of the newly
other words, the G’nesh live under a socialised retirement granted formed Universal Church.
by their conquerors, all because their general had understood the
Vau social system. Psychic powers had developed strongly in humanity after the
first sojourn through the jumpgate and the practice slowly grew,
This insight was to help humanity well in dealing with the Vau in with new powers being developed as the years and generations
centuries to come but for now, the Vau made it clear that they had passed. With the suppression of Sathraism, the advent of new
no interest in the ‘pollutant’ that was humanity. Relations were psychic powers slowed. Rarely during any of this time, however,
distant and formal for centuries. It was clear that, while the Vau were psychics viewed as particularly dangerous. Rather, humanity
did not want foreign ideas to infect their society, they also did not was fascinated with the new potentials revealed. All that changed
want humanity to get too close a look at their technology. when the Ukari arrived.

The encounter with the Vau bolstered the power of the Church, The Ukari were advanced psychics from birth but they had little
especially after the death of the Prophet in a jumpgate accident compunction governing the use of their powers. When they
in Vau Space. Humanity trembled before the threat of a employed mind tricks against the Shantor, humans began to fear
technologically superior (though non-expansionist) alien race. them and no longer sought a peaceful
Palamedes’ Church drew them together and bolstered their end to the Criticorum conflict. Humanity could not rest until
confidence. Humanity was, after all, chosen for the stars. It was these mind controllers were in chains.
its destiny. To turn back now would be to fail the Pancreator. The
urgings of the priests gave humanity a unifying creed, a universal Patriarch Palamedes used these assaults to preach against alien
doctrine of excellence with which to move forward in the face dangers and the need for humans to unite. The words of the
of defeat. It is ironic that it was the Church that gave humans Prophet seemed eerily designed for such effect, with their talk of
the prod to reach so high; the same Church, which centuries later demons and evil among the stars. The presence of an Ur-Obun
would admonish them for such a sin. among the disciples was conveniently overlooked. New converts
to the Church grew every day, especially after each Ukar terrorist
The event that would finally cement the power of the burgeoning manoeuvre. Finally, Palamedes gathered together the leaders of
Church arrived before word of the Prophet’s death had spread to those worlds harmed by the Ukari and sent them to take retribution
all the worlds. from the Ukari first-hand.

T he U kar W ar Using information gathered from some unknown source,

Palamedes sent the fleet to the Ukari homeworld of Kordeth,
The Ur-Ukar had struggled through centuries of internal conflict
whose location had been previously unknown. Spiralling out
on their hostile and subterranean world of Kordeth before finally
of the jumpgate, the fleet split up and began hitting any ship
reaching the stars. They colonised three planets near their system,
they came across. The surprised the Ukari – the ill-prepared
Okh’cha and Kradle (later called Aylon and Istakhr) and Ustar
system defenders retreated and formed a phalanx around their
(now a Lost World) and were ready to expand still further when
homeworld. A stand-off began.
they encountered humans on Criticorum. It was hate at first sight.
The vain Ukari saw a world for conquering and a race to enthral.
On the planet below, panic broke out and old Ukari clan
They attacked with little warning and took the main capital
rivalries ignited. Kept in check by the powerful Overlord and his
on Criticorum. Human response was swift. Noble families on
expansionist campaign, enemies of the ruling family rose up and
Shaprut and New Istanbul formed a fleet to retake the planet. A
sabotaged the planetary defence. Pilots loyal to the minor clans
long and bitter war ensued, taking place on almost every planet or
heeded the calls and broke off from the phalanx, leaving the
moon in the system.
planet defenceless against the assault. The human fleet rushed in
and began bombing the surface of the planet, unaware that most
The revolt spread as Ukari slipped onto other planets and began
Ukar cities were deep underground.
guerrilla assaults. Soon, humans on nearly a dozen worlds had
suffered from the aliens. The Ur-Obun, who had been encountered
The fleet sent in a landing party to seize the surface capital, home
soon after the Shantor, quickly recognised their ancient brethren
of the Overlord. The Overlord surrendered while his rivals hid
and spoke out against them, joining the humans in condemnation
in the caverns below, knowing that they would inherit the planet
of the Ukari tactics. The Obun’s anti-Ukar speeches helped gain
once the humans had gone. Their plan did not go as well as they
them the greater sovereignty status they still enjoy in Emperor
had wished. The humans did not leave but only came in greater
Alexius’ time.
numbers until all Ukari resistance was squashed. Nobles and
merchant leaders of numerous worlds came to ensure that the
Then, an Ukar on Shaprut used his psychic powers to force the
Ukari would not rise again. Ukari colony worlds were seized and
Shantor to revolt. The Shantor broke from their reservation and
eventually sold to noble families, while Kordeth itself was sold to
stormed across the villages and towns, which sat on the Shantor’s
powerful mercantile consortiums.
once-open plains. The retribution was fierce and decisive;

In the later times of the Second Republic, the Ukari would sue human races. A time when terraforming was all the rage, when
for greater freedom from the domination they suffered for their almost every world in humanspace was ‘fixed’ to be more
mistaken acts and they would be given such freedom but for now, Earthlike, to make better homes for humanity (wiping out native
they were a kept people. Palamedes’ victory ensured the safety ecosystems in the process, along with the natural habitats of many
of Human Space, or so the Church preached. The bold event alien races). A time when the threat of physical danger was a myth
was trumpeted to people on worlds far from Kordeth who had and accidental death a nearly-forgotten idea. Sports of extreme
suffered little from the war but it still had an effect. The fear of danger were practised readily, for a personal energy shield or
alien invasion was imminent everywhere and a Church that had MedPac was always around to protect or revive the victim of even
proven itself effective against such enemies was a beacon shining fatal accidents.
in the night.
The citizenry soon forgot the traumas and triumphs that had
O rder F rom C haos forged their way of life. Existing in an unbroken bubble of
prosperity, they forgot what it was to be human, to strive, to love
New technology progressed quickly, as scientists made amazing
and to sacrifice. And to hate.
discoveries by observing phenomena on other worlds, or by
taking lore from alien races (occasionally sharing it). Incredible
The bubble soon burst from within. The Republic had grown too
advances were made but they were not spread equally among
far and too fast in technological mastery. Many of its wonders
the commonwealth of humanity. There was no central unity by
were introduced with no consideration for their effect on the wider
which the whole of humanity could prosper from the work of
populace. Most technology displaced workers and soon there
the many worlds.
was no need for work. But the economy did not keep up with
these changes and people still needed money to live. But where
As some worlds prospered (most often those with strong,
to get it? The welfare system of the Republic was grand but not
hereditary leadership: the nobles), they subsumed others under
built to uphold the sheer number of citizens displaced from their
them and soon many star-faring, interplanetary governments
livelihoods by technology (or cheap alien labour). As this reality
flourished. The heart of all these operations, however, was
was sinking in, unknown terrorists managed to sabotage the central
commerce. Some planets had certain resources in abundance
computer net controlling welfare information. Anarchy ensued on
while lacking others. Trade was necessary for the betterment of
many worlds as citizens were denied money. Riots began.
life everywhere. The greedy, overarching attitude of the zaibatsu
and the new royalty could not long maintain a foothold in the
new sprawl of worlds, where another choice always existed. D ivestiture
Eventually, the worlds did come together again. A new mercantile The nobility of many worlds, though weak, saw their chance.
alliance was formed with great democratic ideals, temporarily They began orchestrating deals with the overextended central
silencing the resentful royalty by strength of numbers. The Republic government for more local power to crush riots in return
Second Republic was born. for increased tax revenues, all the while refusing to pay out welfare
money. This begins a period later historians term Divestiture, for
It is again ironic that it was the Church’s teachings of a humane as the Republic ceded out power, it lost more and more control
and ethical philosophy that gave rise to an institution that was to over the bureaucratic beast the government had become. Finally,
eclipse the Church’s role. Indeed, under the Republic, humanity’s massive corruption in the central government, along with the
yearning for spiritual answers was drowned by the array of increased tax burden, caused outlying worlds to secede.
material comfort and sensual stimuli available to every citizen.
The Church would soon revise its previous philosophy and adapt These Rogue Worlds, typically under the power of noble families,
one much harsher to human luxury. were too powerful to put down; the Republic was forced to deal
with them on their own terms.
S econd R epublic Then the stars began to darken. Only after three suns with
Some thinkers at the close of the 20th century believed that liberal
populated planets noticeably dimmed did people begin to realise
democracies were the ultimate progression of government that,
that the fading suns phenomenon was not going away. But what
after such a form of governing becomes universal, no further
was causing it? Many disgruntled and discontented people
progress is possible. Perfection of governance will have been
had their own answers: ‘The Republic is to blame; some damn
achieved. Many citizens of the Empire believe these thinkers were
experiment gone wrong!’ ‘The scientists are responsible; their
right. But hindsight, as they say, is 20/20.
technology’s doing this!’ ‘It’s the aliens’ fault, some sort of cruel
Humanity reached its pinnacle in the form of the Second Republic,
a time of quick progress and amazing changes. The standard of
The Universal Church began to preach, explaining why the
living for the average citizen was raised on all worlds. Technology
suns were fading: Humans were sinful and had, in their pride,
knew no limits. With the vast resources of other worlds and a
overreached, claiming the powers of the Pancreator for themselves.
unity of purpose, nothing was impossible. All was to be achieved.
The Pancreator chose to take their power from them by taking the
very light of the worlds away. This message hit the right nerves
It was a time of genetic engineering, curing many diseases and
and a vicious millennialism was born. People needed reasons to
deformities but often leading to the creation of freakish, near-

hate and a target to direct it toward. While the Church fathers on Byzantium Secundus, which might defuse the new power of
were genuinely concerned with the souls of a largely unspiritual the Orthodoxy. The Church moved quickly to stamp its doctrine
populace, they could not help falling into old habits. They took on all it could. Its main tenet was that technology was evil. It had
humanity’s discontent and directed it at the Republic, the source caused the downfall of humanity and so humans must not respect
of the Church’s own problems. or practice it. The noble houses agreed, seeing a method by which
their new populace could be kept in line.
In an attempt to recapture support, the Republican president
made a deal with the Orthodox sect of the Church. In return for They, of course, sought an exception to the anti-technology
the Church’s open acceptance of the Republic’s secular authority, creed. The Church resisted and thus began decades of squabbling
the Republic would declare Orthodoxy the official and only between the noble houses and the Church. The Church would
recognised sect of the Church. This ignited religious wars as excommunicate a house member for technological practice, while
breakaway sects – and religions wholly unaligned to the Universal a house would seize a Church world, destroying a cathedral as a
Church – fought for their rights. It is during this time that the ‘casualty of war.’
legendary Saint Rasmussen spoke his famous lament: ‘Oh that my
head were water and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might Both sides finally came to a necessary agreement. The Church
weep day and night for lost humanity! Tremble, ye sinners, for the needed some measure of tech for itself and had to concede some
long night is upon us and the suns themselves are seen to fade. to the houses. So, the nobility was conceived to be in a form of
Repent, and know salvation. Repent, or die!’ He was torn apart by ‘extreme penance,’ ‘to compassionately take on sinful tasks to
a rioting crowd of zealots as the words left his lips. save the common man from such stain.’ Thus, use of technology
(and the powers of rulership) was seen as a necessary evil and
The nadir of this conflict came when certain Rogue Worlds, with nobles were martyrs seeking to save humanity from again staining
the support of alien races, arrived through Byzantium Secundus’ itself (sins for the few, saving grace for the masses). The Church
jumpgate to seize control of the government. This surprise also claimed a saintly role in this, decreeing it to be the duty of
assault took the Republic off-guard and Byzantium fell to the priests to guard the commoners from tech. For this purpose, the
rebels. As word spread to the worlds of the Republic, utter chaos priests must be knowledgeable in recognising tech but if they were
ensued. The major noble houses knew their chance had come at penitent enough, their souls would remain pure on Judgment Day.
last, that all they had worked toward over the years had finally
come to fruition. Ten houses banded together and sent a fleet to But this sharing of power between the two forces was not
retake Byzantium Secundus. With their now-vast military might, complete. The guildsmen who possessed what technological
gathered through the years of Divestiture, they retook the capital knowledge remained made their bid for power. They formed
with little resistance. As the smoke in the presidential palace the Merchant League from the remaining Republic senators and
cleared, the Ten Houses raised their own banner. corporate heads and refused to hand down their knowledge of
technology. Without them, starships could not long run; military
The Fall of the Second Republic was complete. Progress died. battle armour and weapons could not long operate. And Church
History worked its way toward a peak and then reversed itself. As communications would be cut. The houses began a reign of
the Church proclaimed, humanity now suffered the humiliation terror, hunting down and imprisoning anyone who claimed to
of reliving its past failures over again, in a grand lesson of hubris be a guildsman. The Church began excommunicating the leaders
for a fallen race. of the League, forcing the loyal to refuse them succour. To no
avail. The League had too many starships and worlds of its own.
But many remember the humanism and ideals of the Republic and And they had trade. Without their jumpmaps and know-how, the
hold them close to their hearts. The Merchant League refuses to supply of many necessary materials to Church and house worlds
relinquish them, even in the face of Inquisitorial censure from the would be cut off. Indeed, many worlds had already purposefully
Church or military might from the houses. An ideal is not reality, sealed their jumpgates and disappeared into the long night of
however, but a guiding light. Many have been lost in the darkness history. The priests and nobility were forced to give the League a
even while standing in the light. So it was with the citizenry of the cut of the action.
Second Republic. The lights were dimmed. The New Dark Ages
had begun. And so formed the triune government of the Dark Ages; an uneasy
and fractured alliance which often broke out into open conflict
T he N ew D ark A ges between the parties, causing much suffering among the common
human and alien. The 10 elected one among them as council leader
The 10 triumphant noble houses soon gained the backing of the
but these leaders always had enemies and rarely ruled for long. In
Church, for they supported (for political purposes) the Republic’s
addition, membership among the 10 was fluid; houses rose and
recognition of Orthodoxy. They also officially accepted the tenet
fell over the years, with only the strongest or craftiest maintaining
that humanity was sinful and that the Church had righteous power
their positions for long. The Church patriarch continually tried
over the lives of the sinful. In return, the Orthodox patriarch
to cement political power in the hopes of building a theocracy to
backed the houses, finding many lines in scripture to prove the
replace the sorry government that ruled in place of the Second
nobles’ case against the godless Republican senators. Besides,
Republic but there were always too many heresies and sectarian
the Rogue World rebels had many sectarian leaders among
conflicts to squash instead. The guilds of the League sought to
them; they could not be allowed to build a new government
claim restless worlds or recapture the Rogue Worlds but they were

often outmanoeuvred by the nobles. Into this fractious universe Delphi, House Hawkwood’s homeworld, suffered the worst of
came the barbarians. these assaults. House Hawkwood was able to gather troops with
the aid of its minor house allies and after a bloody battle, fended
off the assaults to their homeworld. However, it was no major
B arbarian I nvasions military victory, for the bulk of the barbarian army had already
After the Fall, the borders of the Known Worlds shrank. Some
left with its loot. The 10 knew that the raiders’ success would
worlds deliberately cut themselves off from jumptravel by
soon cause more barbarians to break through. But its internal
blockading their gates and attacking anyone who tried to enter
squabbling prevented it from forming a united front against the
their systems. Others lost their ability to reach space as civil wars
destroyed starships and the factories to repair them. Most worlds
were too busy to aid the small backworlds and, after years of
The barbarians, as expected, did return and this time in greater
dealing with their own struggles, they often forgot about these
numbers. Two large star-nations united to lay claim to outlying
worlds or had lost the jump co-ordinates to reach them in the
worlds. They succeeded. Years of simmering battle began,
massive data purges of the Church Inquisitors.
whereby the noble houses would reclaim their worlds for a few
months and the barbarians would seize them yet again.
Certain worlds ‘sealed’ their jumpgates, cutting themselves off
from the madness going on around them for an unknown amount
A disunited, selfish nation cannot long survive such outside
of time. Those with the technical knowhow and a detailed
pressure. One person was needed to unite it and send its enemies
understanding of jumpgates can seal a gate – that is, shut down all
travel from one or more directions. However, once this is done, no
one can control when the gate to those directions can be opened
again. The seal may last a week or it may last for centuries; no V ladimir U nites the S tars
one knows. The problem of a united front against the barbarians was keenly
felt by Vladimir Alecto, the recently elected leader of the 10.
The time is governed by an internal mechanism in the gate, Vladimir saw that the far-flung and fractured commonwealth of
which is too arcane to be understood. Some of the worlds, humanity would soon crumble before the might of its enemies
which sealed themselves off during the Fall, have yet to reappear. if someone did not act to bring the Known Worlds together. His
Untold numbers of planets were cut off from humanity’s central primary aim, of course, was power. The welfare of humanity may
civilisation, some to be rediscovered later, others to disappear have been secondary but important nonetheless, for it was the fuel
from history forever. Who knows how many lost planets in the that drove him (or so he told himself).
depths of space still support human life? In addition to the worlds
of the Second Republic – worlds reached only by jumpgate – Pledging to lead the Known Worlds to victory and reclaim the
there are thousands of star systems without jumpgates, with embattled worlds, Vladimir began gathering allies. A military
unknown residents. Some of these stars – those nearest to Earth genius, he had a strong following among all the minor noble houses
in light years – were the targets of First Republic slow ships. But and five of the 10 (the 10 at that time were Alecto, Justinian, Gesar,
these generation ships were forgotten after the jumpgates were Van Gelder, Windsor, the Hazat, al-Malik, Li Halan, Hawkwood
discovered and none has ever reached the Known Worlds. Indeed, and the 10th, the Decados). He also gained the support of the
few people in the Empire pay attention to stellar distances such as Church and the League. He won these allies easily, for commerce
light years; such details became unnecessary after the jumpgates, was threatened by the barbarians, souls were in danger and he
as travel across vast distances became possible in the blink of an promised the owners of the worlds that he would return the planets
eye. to their power rather than claiming them for himself.

In this environment of fractured roadways, not all worlds were After years of battle, the barbarian invaders were broken and
claimed by the houses, Church or League. Many forgotten forced back to their own worlds. The jumproads connecting entry
planets began independent governments of their own. Most of into the Known Worlds were often sealed or hidden to prevent
these governments remained hostile to their neighbours, fighting future sorties. But Vladimir did not keep his promises in full. For
centuries-long feuds and some looked upon the riches of the those major houses who had not fully supported him, he claimed
Known Worlds and lusted for them. Cut off from the centre of the their worlds for himself. Civil war erupted.
Republic, many of these worlds slowly lost technology, devolving
into Diaspora-level conditions or worse. The Gesar, Windsors, Van Gelder, Decados and certain minor
houses were turned against him, along with many sects and
A few leaders of such forlorn worlds who still had starships were guilds. But the rest of the Known Worlds were behind him. The
able to form a coalition and raid the Known Worlds, targeting war was bloody. Years after it had begun, Vladimir accepted the
those worlds that they could sweep onto, pillage and escape from surrender of the rebel houses and declared himself Emperor. He
before aid could arrive. The barbarians were no longer at the gate introduced the Great Charter, instituting the office of the electors,
– they were through it and plundering. those who could vote on his successor. Each elector was given a

sceptre – a vote rod – as proof of office and Vladimir distributed native to Chernobog. After gathering strength and practising their
these sceptres to all his allies in the houses, Church and League. newfound powers, they assaulted the human capital with fury.
Unable to withstand – or even comprehend – the weaponry of
A great coronation ceremony was held on Byzantium Secundus the Symbiots, the Second Republic retreated from Chernobog
when Vladimir arrived to take the throne. But as he placed the and sealed the jumpgate so that no one could get onto or off the
crown upon his head, fire erupted from his eyes and he fell dead to contaminated world. The Republic then worked to hide news of
the floor. Years of hard-won victory ended in seconds. The assassin the event from the citizenry; the last thing they wanted was an
behind the deed has never been revealed and many whisper that alien threat to cause more chaos (those who argued that such a
demons were at work. Vladimir had no blood successor. A race threat was exactly what was needed to unify the fractious Republic
was on to claim the throne after him. House Alecto, weak from were laughed at). They managed to hide the secret so well that
the expenditure of its resources during Vladimir’s campaigns, the planet of Chernobog and its alien residents were entirely
fell to the status of a minor house. Unfortunate deaths and forgotten. The Known Worlds entered the Dark Ages blissfully
assassinations soon destroyed the remainder of its royal line and unaware of the terrible threat waiting
the house became extinct 10 years after Vladimir’s death. beyond their borders.

The Gesar and Windsors also became extinct, too weak from Nearly a millennium after the Fall, the Symbiots returned.
their recent surrender to carry on. They had all lost too many Sometime in the intervening years, they had attained jump
sons and daughters to Vladimir’s war and soon lost those few capability in their organic ships, although even now no human
who remained. Van Gelder held onto their power and became understands how this is possible. Unable at first to break through
a minor house only by allying with the Decados. With this the sealed jumpgate to Stigmata, the Symbiots had expanded
extra power, the weak Decados, using blackmail to influence out and away from the Known Worlds. The Imperial Eye is still
other minor houses and even the League, maintained its royal unsure how many worlds they hold in the space past Chernobog.
status and entered the race for the Imperial Throne. The 10 now
became the Five, composed of Hawkwood, Decados, the Hazat, It was only a matter of time until they came back to their point of
Li Halan and al-Malik. origin. A Symbiot ship passed through the jumpgate at Absolution
and landed in an outlying city. Its crew began slaughtering the
But the electors could come to no accord. Instead of an Emperor, residents without warning. The Symbiot’s organic tech was
they elected a temporary regent to rule for 10 years until an astonishing – living ships, battle armour and even guns. The very
Emperor was chosen. The office of regent lasted longer than thought of these things repulsed the human defenders even as they
anybody had planned, for when the 10 years had passed, a new died fighting against them. The Symbiots did not capture the world
regent was elected. And 10 years later, yet another one. It would – that was never their intent. But they left the resource extraction
be centuries until a new Emperor would again ascend the throne. industry in shambles and the human population decimated. The
attack was a warning. More would follow.
S ymbiot W ars Daishan and Stigmata, other worlds on the borders of Human
The Second Republic had its secrets and at least one of these came
Space, became wary and ready for attack. But the Symbiot forces
back to haunt the Known Worlds. Not all citizens of the Republic
did not arrive in fleets. They moved in mysterious ways, attacking
appreciated the massive terraforming program whereby all worlds
through the least expected avenue: the very flora and fauna of the
were slowly transformed into human (Earthlike) environments,
planets turned on the human ‘colonists’. The Symbiots planned
with the subsequent upheaval of native alien races and the
their assaults for years, having finally broken the jumpcodes to
disappearance of unique flora and fauna. The Republic suffered
these worlds earlier. They secretly converted whole ecosystems
its share of ecoactivists and terrorists.
under the very noses of the ignorant colonists. Humans found
it hard to fight off whole forests or herds of predatory beasts
One such cabal of ecoterrorists eked out a precarious existence
working in teams to devour scout units.
in the jungles of Chernobog, harassing the Second Republic
terraforming engineers. After a particularly successful sabotage
The humans, as expected, resorted to firebombing and eco-
of machinery, they retreated into unexplored jungle to avoid the
destruction to eliminate their opposition. But even this did not
authorities’ intensive search. There, they disturbed a previously
destroy the Symbiots; their seeds lay deep in the organic structure
unknown alien race. The Xolotl awakened from hibernation and
of their chosen planets. The new growth over the charred forests
began parasitically infesting the humans in an attempt to breed.
strangely grew more quickly than it should have and this time
Two of the terrorists had occult powers (psi and theurgy) and
stronger, more resilient to fire damage. The Symbiot planet forces
the result was explosive: A new race of beings, neither Xolotl or
learned from their failures and grew defences against them. The
human but something unique – a Symbiot.
colonists of Daishan were forced to evacuate the planet, giving it
over entirely to the Symbiots.
Transformed in body and mind, infused with an almost instinctual
hate for humans, the two quickly bred, creating Symbiot progeny
It was clear that the Symbiots were masters of guerrilla warfare
from their non-psychic fellows and from the plant and animals
against a technologically superior force. While they could not

immediately seize the worlds for themselves, they could ensure the operate openly, with agendas in conflict with the powers that be.
humans a costly defence and an eventual route. But not without a Individuals seeking power turned to forbidden paths, asking aid
final gesture – the human fleet defending the retreat bombed the of invisible entities whose names were whispered in occult circles.
planet from orbit with all its might, leaving the world a scorched, These Antinomists risked their souls and those of their fellow
uninhabitable rock. The regent moved quickly to defend Stigmata, humans in their bids for power and not the least of them were
the system the Symbiots would have to pass through to reach the members of the Five Houses who sought imperishable power
rest of the Known Worlds. The Imperial Fleet was dispatched and against their enemies.
the battles began. Things did not go well for the Imperial forces.
While they had more advanced weaponry than the Symbiots, the
parasites were tenacious. While the Symbiots made few advances
T he E mperor W ars
The office of regent could not last forever without some challenge.
neither could they be easily beaten back. The regent formed a new
While individuals had tried short-lived bids for the title of Emperor
office to handle what was turning into a long-term situation, that
at various times during the Dark Ages, none had come close to
of the Stigmata Garrison Commander, in charge of a vast amount
of Imperial military resources.
Fifty years after the Symbiot Wars had calmed, leaving a tense
Finally, in one area, surprisingly and for no apparent reason,
and fearful populace waiting for the next alien expansion, House
the tide was turned and the Symbiot forces pushed back. Upon
Hawkwood made its bid for power. Darius Erik Hawkwood made
investigation, it was discovered that two people were largely
overt offers to the Church and League electors for increased power
responsible: Friar Berthold of the then-heretical Eskatonic Order
in return for their votes. This set off a flurry of counter-offers
and Damiana, a Charioteer trader. These two were unusual in that
from the other houses, each fighting to gain sceptres. Decades
they were both practising occultists: Berthold was a theurgist and
of political, military and social struggle began, a struggle which
Damiana a powerful psychic.
oftentimes threatened the borders of the Empire.
They were residents of the planet before the Symbiots had arrived,
The houses were not the only forces seeking the Imperial Throne.
joined together in a secret coven. They had gathered other local
The patriarch, fearful of giving the nobility too much power,
residents together to mount a guerrilla defence against the Symbiot
moved to gain worlds of his own, pursuing the Church’s ancient
invaders, a rebellion which went on unnoticed by the Imperial
desire for a theocracy. He was largely unsuccessful but powerful
fleet. The friar’s litanies and Damiana’s psionics succeeded where
enough to force certain noble houses in the race to recognise the
military might failed. They had discovered the key to fighting the
superiority of the Church. The Merchant League sought a chance
Symbiots on something close to even terms. However, psychic
for increased power amid the chaos. Years of war among the
powers, once the high science of the Republic, were outlawed by
nobility had turned the populace against the families. The League
the Church. Covert deals had to be made before occult powers
sought to use this hatred to kick the royals out. They sought to
would be accepted. The Church had to be brought in and given
gain enough worlds to secede and declare a Third Republic. They,
credit for the affair. The Eskatonic Order had to be accepted into
like the Church, were unsuccessful, for a popular figure arose to
the fold. It would later become one of the major sects vying with
appease all the quarrelling forces.
the Orthodoxy for control of Church resources.
A master diplomat and military tactician, Alexius of House
Once all was agreed upon, the Church unleashed other Eskatonic
Hawkwood had taken up where Darius, his uncle, had left off. He
Order priests and rogue psychics (promised absolution for their
eventually claimed enough hold on a number of worlds to meet the
service) onto Stigmata. They were contracted Inquisitors given the
final challenge. With the grudging backing of the patriarch (who
power to cleanse the taint in any way they saw fit. It worked. Where
finally saw which way the wind was blowing) and the hesitant
science could not clean out the parasites, psychics and theurgists
backing of the Leaguemeister, Alexius Hawkwood claimed the
did. From then on, the Eskatonic Order heralded theurgy as the
Imperial Throne. A short, quick battle broke out at the Imperial
replacement of science. Only here could man look to see wonders,
Palace on Byzantium Secundus but Alexius was prepared. Hidden
they claimed, but only the holiest and most penitent of priests
Hawkwood forces and mercenary fleets moved in and stifled all
could work such magic.
opposition. The opposing houses were forced to retreat. On that
very day, Alexius was crowned Emperor of the Known Worlds
Centuries after it had begun, the Symbiot War was brought to
and no assassin’s trick could stop him.
an uneasy standstill. The Symbiots still held some territory but
gained little new ground. The long, protracted guerrilla battle on
At first, only House Hawkwood, the Li Halan and the al-Malik
the frontier was at an end and an uneasy silence descended upon
conceded (the latter were Alexius’ main allies in the war; the
the front.
Church and the League respectively, had already recognised the
Emperor and they could do little but follow) but the Decados and
Magic had gained a foothold on human consciousness again,
the Hazat both refused to recognise the claim. Years of fighting
one which the houses, Church and League soon found hard to
ensued, this time more vicious than before.
control. Covens, underground organisations of psychics, began to

The Decados gave in sooner than anyone expected, surprising all persist of high-level contact between supposedly sentient Symbiot
and causing people to wonder whether they had seen the writing leaders and Imperial Eye agents hinting at peace initiatives but
on the wall or were plotting some as-yet-unrevealed scheme. A most doubt such fables. How can there be peace with mindless
barbarian border war on the Hazat’s borders weakened that animals?
family’s forces enough that, following the Decados’ recognition
of Alexius’ claim, it was also forced to capitulate. It claims that it And what of the Vau? Distant and aloof for years, their requests for
willingly recognised Alexius in return for his aid in the war and his diplomatic visits have increased of late, although their dialogues
recognition of their claim to the barbarian world. are seemingly meaningless, consisting of elaborate discussions
of the weather or gardening tips. Some pundits whisper that the
The Emperor Wars were finally at an end, although they had lasted enigmatic aliens are sizing the Empire up, prepared either for a
far too long. Almost two generations of open conflict had taken its new expansion or new trade.
toll on the Empire. Planets were ravaged and many starships lost
beyond repair. While the borders remained steady (at great cost), But border conflicts and high-level intrigues matter little to the
the lives of Imperial citizens were the worse for wear. But where common man. Most people are once again proud. Under Alexius,
there was conflict, there is now stability. An Emperor sits upon their destiny again seems assured. The jumproutes have opened to
the throne and what he decrees is so. No more arguing, no more an unprecedented degree, reuniting worlds long sundered by war
stalling. Maybe now, say the citizens, things will get done. and factionalism. Interstellar trade is strong again and with it an
increasing network of news and gossip. Even here the Emperor
C onsolidation has displayed power, using guilds of canny marketers to carefully
control his image Alexius has declared a new age of discovery and
Six years after his coronation, Alexius is the undisputed
offers rich rewards or even peerages (or more powerful titles) to
Emperor of the Known Worlds. He has done an astonishing
those who can reopen the paths to the Lost Worlds and riches of
job of consolidating power under his rule and has brought a
the Second Republic. He has instituted the Order of the Phoenix
stability to the Empire unknown for centuries. While his work is
– the Questing Knights – to spread word of his rule and law to
not complete, for many factions still vie against him in hidden,
outlying regions and even into barbarian space. Their ranks are
shadowy ways – and some even openly – most recognise that even
swelling, causing grumbling among the elite of the houses as
death may not topple his throne. Although he has no heir as yet,
second and younger sons and daughters – fearing to inherit little
should he produce one, that son or daughter will surely assume
glory and wealth from their own families – seek to win it from the
his rule (especially with the five vote sceptres set aside for him or
Emperor through adventure.
her — as many as the noble houses combined).
In addition, Alexius has opened the ranks to the guilds and sects,
Nonetheless, his popularity – while stronger than it was even three
creating the role of Imperial Cohort, aide and companion to his
years ago – is not universal. The wars still haunt many who lived
knights. Cohorts are promised a share in the spoils of Imperial
through them. The bloody battle for the throne left many people
adventures – the chance for wealth and fame or the ability to
landless or without families; they bear deep grudges against the
spread the good word. This gesture to the League and Church
man they consider to be a tyrant. And peace is not fully assured
is yet more proof to many that Alexius understands the multi-
yet – new conflicts constantly threaten.
faceted nature of power in the Known Worlds.
The Hazat fight a war against the barbarian Kurga Caliphate over
The Church, however, frowns on Alexius’ emphasis on questing
ownership of a Lost World called Hira, a war that threatens to
and rediscovery of the past’s riches, seeing once again the march
draw in more factions if the Hazat are successful in petitioning
of humanity’s folly. The Orthodoxy suspects that the Questing
the patriarch to declare their cause a Holy War. The Kurgans are
Knights’ true mission into barbarian space is an elaborate land-
alleged to follow a heretical version of the Prophet’s teachings,
grab for the Empire, a way to give Alexius more worlds than the
scripture which the Orthodoxy does not want tainting the souls of
other houses combined. Of course, no crusade against barbarian
Known Worlders.
powers could succeed without noble and Church support but the
question of fair division of spoils already worries the patriarch.
The barbarian Vuldrok Star-Nation has increased its raiding
of Hawkwood worlds of late and seems to be itching for a
The Merchant League, however, sees opportunity in the opening
confrontation with Alexius – whether to test his mettle and resolve
of new jumproutes and the consolidation of existing routes
or to provoke a full-fledged war is unknown. The Symbiots,
(and even the hope of deposing Alexius and declaring the
however, seem to have retreated from the frontlines on Stigmata.
Third Republic on top of his reforms). Never since the Fall has
They have withdrawn into their territories for now, although
there been such opportunity for advancement and power by the
the meaning of this move – uncharacteristic for the chaotic
common man. Rarely has human destiny stood in such balance:
shapeshifters – is hotly debated. Are they building their strength
to fall back or go forward.
for a greater assault? Or have they recognised defeat? Rumours

Life Among the Fading Suns The loss of a scientific method or point-of-view among the
The average person born in the Known Worlds is a peasant or common populace has helped to keep technology in decline,
yeoman. Unfortunate enough to have been birthed after the Fall creating a scavenger mentality for the things of the glorious past.
In addition, the nobles want the commoners to stay in their place;
of the Second Republic – the pinnacle of human civilisation
to question is to invite revolt. The Church blames technology and
– all that is left to her are the crumbs of previous progress.
science for humanity’s predicament and thus represses the very
Her world is in decline, not just technologically but spiritually. basis of science: questioning.
Regardless of the rise to power of a Universal Church, the
energetic and invigorating spirit of questing and questioning And the Merchant League wishes to keep what secrets it has for itself,
which marks healthy spirituality is largely absent. Instead, there sharing only with those willing to give their money or their service to
exists a concern that the soul be ‘in order,’ ready for judgement the guilds. These forces together help to keep civilisation from rising.
(and probably found wanting). There is no place for risk-taking; While the rebirth of civilisation is sought by many, civilisation in and
all things belong in their place and to overreach is folly, risking of itself is not valuable. It is what people do with it that makes it
not only an individual soul but the entire commonwealth of worthwhile. A false civilisation’s ‘worth’ can be seen in the weary
lost humanity. eyes of the enslaved and subjugated alien races, whose cultures have
been outlawed and dismantled by the empire of humanity.

Starship Technology
Starships are built to last and many of the ships plying the Ships are rated by the number of shields they have available at
jumpgates in Alexius’s time were actually built during the Second various speeds. In general, all are available whenever a ship is at
Republic – or even during the Diaspora in some cases. It takes a full stop but as it begins accelerating, more and more banks are
a core of dedicated technicians to keep them running but since activated by debris and are thus unable to protect against weapons
League trade, noble power and Church influence all rely on space fire.
travel, these techies are well-paid.

If they were to slack off on their jobs, vital information may not
T hink M achines
Computers were once so commonplace even a child could use
make it to its destination in time or important shipments may
one. This is no longer the case. These high technology machines
arrive too late to be of use. Most important shipboard positions
are largely proscribed by the Church, although they are allowed
are taken by hired guildsmembers; freemen or serfs make up the
in approved libraries and for necessary uses, such as plotting
bulk of the crew complement.
jump co-ordinates. Nowadays, those who use computers – called
think machines by most people – must be ever-watchful for roving
The technical details of most starships are unknown to most
people; all Known Worlders usually know about ships is that
they go up and out through a jumpgate and sometimes come
All starships have think machines as a necessity and some
back again. More advanced knowledge is usually confined to
advanced computers store their data through coherent light or
specialities: a ship pilot may know little about the engine or its
sound, rather than magnetic scribblings. These advanced methods
needs and a captain may not know how to fly the thing if the pilot
require advanced understanding of their workings – one of the
has a seizure.
many reasons data from the Second Republic is so hard to retrieve.
Once a light or sound think machine has broken down or been
What is known by all is that these things can be broken fairly
corrupted, many do not know how to retrieve the raw data that
easily – a stray shot from a slug gun or blaster could foul up the
may still be stored within the machine or on disks. Most think
life support system or blow a hole in a bulkhead. No matter how
machines store removable data on laser disks (or crystals), which
good the technician, it may take days to fix such problems, by
come in a variety of sizes and require a variety of media to read
which time all on board could be dead. Everyone is expected to be
on their best behaviour on a starship.
Some think machines can link up with other machines to share
S hields data or programs. Such networking is rare in modern times but
Space is not a complete void – it is full of dust and other particles, is known, especially among the Engineers or Reeves. Usually,
some larger and harder than others. Starships are protected from models produced by the same guild will network with each other
space debris (and enemy weapons) by energy shields – industrial but not necessarily with the machines of a competing guild.
versions of the personal energy shield. While all hulls have a Almost all Second Republic computers can network with other
degree of armour, it cannot easily withstand weaponry or asteroid computers of the same era.
collisions (and boarding marines have torches to cut through it).
Shields, however, can stand up to all sorts of beatings. Ar tificial Gravity
Using a variation of stolen Vau repulsor technology, artificial
Like personal shields, shipboard shields activate their fields upon gravity is a standard feature in most ships. This does not mean that
sensing impact with kinetic energy or matter. The problem is that, it works on all ships though, as the crews of poorly maintained
the faster the ship goes, the more debris it encounters and thus the ships often find themselves floating about after a severe shock to
more shields it needs to protect against this onslaught. The larger the ship. Artificial gravity is normally maintained by repulsor pads
the ship, the greater the area needing protection. Larger ships in the ceiling of the ships, exerting a constant downward pressure
tend to move more slowly when engaged in combat than smaller on the passengers, just enough to mimic a comfortable level of
ships, since their shields cannot protect them at high speeds. Ships gravity. This force can be altered for the preference of different
that travel faster than their shields can protect against will begin races.
tearing apart, pounded by debris.

Horror stories abound about crews who were crushed by gravity The Known Worlds are formed by the jumpweb – the known routes
systems. However, this is not usually possible, as most systems are between jumpgates in systems. If one of these routes were to be
normally designed to go no higher than 2Gs. Some captains modify lost or a system’s gate sealed, that world would be cut off from
their ships, allowing them to raise gravity levels in some sections the rest of space-faring civilisation. Most worlds host multiple
in retaliation for a boarding action but these can malfunction and jumproutes (Byzantium Secundus has nine from its jumpgate)
slay the ship’s crew. Some ancient ships have no artificial gravity but some have only one known route (Nowhere), making them
and instead use forces of acceleration on long voyages to simulate vulnerable to jumproute loss. When a ship approaches a jumpgate,
gravity. In combat situations, these ships become very dangerous the jumpkey to the desired location is inserted into a computer
as quick manoeuvres throw floating crew members into nearby panel, which relays the information to the jumpgate in a series
walls. of light transmissions. If the coordinates are correct, the gate
opens. The singular nature of each jumpkey makes them valued
M arines commodities. The measure of a Charioteer is often the number of
jumpkeys she carries. Jumpkeys are a favourite booty of pirates,
Ships often have a number of marines aboard to repel invaders or
always seeking new jumproads to plunder. Only the Charioteers
to board enemy ships. Usually, only military ships or escorts have
know how to make these keys and they guard the tech fanatically.
marines, although luxury liners may have a small complement.
A ‘Chauki stride’ in the vacuum of space (i.e., being thrown out of
an airlock) is the usual fate of those who try to bootleg jumpkeys,
Ships attempting boarding combat fly close to their target ship and
threatening Charioteer hegemony over the jumproads.
fire grapple guns. Once these hit, they retract and draw the two
ships together. Then, marines are released into space along the
tether lines to cut their way into the enemy hull (or enter a hole Jumpgate Reset
created by weapons fire). Once in the enemy ship, they are usually Using a jumpgate to leave a system is called an active jump; arriving
met by defending marines and must fight sword to sword to gain in another system is called a passive jump. It takes a jumpgate a
the bridge, where they can force the captain’s surrender. varying time to reset itself after an active jump. No active jumps
can be made while the gate resets itself (a process usually taking
Some ships carry marauders, specially trained and equipped 10–20 minutes, though some may take up to a week), although
boarders. Marauders wear jet-propelled, powered armour ships can exit from the jumpgate at anytime (passive jumps).
spacesuits that allow them to propel through space to another ship For this reason, fleets tend to jump together, synchronised to go
without needing a grapple cable to slide along. Marauders use a through the gate at once, rather than spread out in a long line.
variety of weapons but favour blaster-axes.
The Second Republic engineers solved the problem of gate
resetting but it requires a special key in addition to the destination
J umpgates jumpkey. These keys are especially rare and held only by a few.
Jumpgates are giant, hoop-shaped artefacts in space, most of Certain Charioteers or Engineers travel from system-to-system
them as large or larger than a moon. They are the devices that selling the use of their reset keys and most ships of the Imperial
allow travel between the stars. A starship must have a jumpdrive Fleet have them. Some Inquisitors also have them, to the dismay
to use them and the workings of these complex engines is a of those trying to escape their fury.
closely guarded secret by the guilds. Each system in the Known
Worlds has one working jumpgate through which all traffic must
pass. A ship preparing to jump sends system co-ordinates to Tractor Beams
the gate, which opens a passage in space to that system. The Certain large ships still bear a wonder of Second Republic technology:
ship then enters the hoop and exits from another jumpgate in a tractor beam. These repulsor rays can latch onto another ship and
the desired system. Making a jump requires a jumpkey, a small force that ship to slow its speed to match that of the beam emitter or
metal cylinder invented during the Second Republic which holds halt the ship entirely (usually for a boarding action).
complex, pre-programmed co-ordinates. Each key usually holds
co-ordinates for one destination, although keys with multiple The known tractor beams are Second Republic relics and few of
jumproutes are known. Without the proper co-ordinates, a them can fit into a ship smaller than a frigate. Most beams were
jumpgate will not open; anyone passing through its hoop will destroyed during the Fall of the Second Republic. The Emperor
not leave the system. Wars left the Emperor and the Church with the lion’s share of the
surviving snares. They are favourites of the Inquisition.

The Empire
The most powerful individual in the Known Worlds is Emperor attracted his old allies in his family but some members of other
Alexius, once the head of House Hawkwood. While he still houses have come on board as well. A few members of minor
maintains strong ties with his house, he has renounced its houses have also shown up, hoping for the chance to rebuild their
leadership in order to establish the role of emperor free and clear own dynasties under his banner. There is an underground group
of past entanglements. Alexius’s critics say he is merely trying of mystics, soldiers and citizens of all classes who see Emperor
to establish two powerful forces to ensure his rule, one being the Alexius as their God-Emperor, their saviour and the one who will
armies of the Emperor and the other being his loyal house legions. re-ignite the dying stars. The emperor is silent on the matter but the
Church has made it clear that such views are heresy; Inquisitors
Alexius now makes his home on Byzantium Secundus, the are searching for the leaders of this cult.
historic centre of interstellar politics. While he officially rules
fewer planets than do any of the houses, his actual powers are
exceptional. The most obvious manifestation of this might is the
T he I mperial E ye
Before his assassination, Emperor Vladimir established a fact-
Imperial Guard, some of the best-trained and equipped troops in
finding and intelligence-gathering organisation called the Imperial
human history. His other strengths are more subtle – and more
Eye. He brought in nobles from a number of royal and minor
houses, gave them extensive budgets to establish the agency and
then died. The Eye lived on, however, serving the stewards and
Emperor Alexius officially controls the empire’s tax collection
regents who took over after Vladimir’s death and before Alexius’
network, its army of scholars and historians busily trying to
reconstruct old technologies, its many law enforcement and
espionage agencies and the largest collection of Philosophers
Officially this organisation serves Alexius by gathering and
Stones (powerful Ur artefacts) in the Known Worlds. All of the
analysing information. It maps out new jumproutes, tracks
Royal Houses have pledged their loyalty and are obligated to
economic development on the recovering worlds and has one
provide him with assistance whenever he requests it. What form
department dedicated to discovering why the stars are fading.
this assistance may take, however, has not been determined.
During the chaos and confusion of the Emperor Wars, however,
the Eye found itself accused of activities outside the scope of its
Alexius is still defining his role as emperor. He has announced
original charter.
plans to consolidate more power in his position and has been
laying the groundwork for war against the barbarians – a war he
Accusations of activities like spying, smuggling and even
would lead and whose troops would be beholden to him. The
assassination rarely came to anything and when an agent was tried,
Royal Houses have no intention of giving him permanent control
the agency always managed to show that he was acting outside
of their troops, so no one knows exactly what will happen. The
the bounds of the Eye. No evidence ever appeared that the Eye
events of the next few years will have a powerful impact on the
had actually tried to make one of its own patriarch. The leaders
balance of power for years to come.
of the Eye hold themselves up as selfless servers of humanity. Its
detractors (usually the Emperor’s enemies) denounce them as self-
To aid him in this endeavour, the Emperor has put out a call
serving manipulators who plot and scheme against everybody.
for landless nobles to join him, implying that they may find
Whatever the case, the Eye has a reputation among the common
new territory on unexplored planets. So far his call has mainly
folk as an organisation to avoid second only to the Inquisition.

The Church
T he U niversal C hurch of and even educate them (although they do not seek commoner
emancipation). Through these good works, they have nearly 75
the C elestial S un percent of the Known Worlds populace behind them. The fact
No single institution has as much impact on day-to-day life in the that this populace has no legal power does little to quell the noble’s
Known Worlds than does the Church. Despite the Church’s many fear of riots and uprisings, thus everyone heeds the Orthodoxy’s
factions and sects, the average peasant sees it as a giant monolith, desires.
dedicated to saving humanity from the evil inherent in the universe.
As far as commoners can tell, all priests, bishops, archbishops and Membership in the Orthodox Church is open to all, although
patriarchs work toward the same goal, hand-in-hand, fighting evil applicants for priesthood must undergo years of training in ritual
together. Never mind the fact that they call one another heretics; and doctrine.
the Church itself is good. The peasants’ view only changes when
someone tries to replace the sect of their ancestors with a new one.
B rother B attle
Throughout history, monastic battle orders have existed within
The Universal Church is not so universal; it is deeply
organised religion: the Knights Templar, Hospitalers, Shaolin
divided by sectarian conflicts. It would have fractured
priests, Jannisaries and others. In the Known Worlds, there are
into multiple churches long ago were it not for a string of
the Brothers Battle, said to be the most elite combat corps in
extremely strong Orthodox patriarchs who held it together
history. Fanatically dedicated to defending the Prophet’s faith
– that and a need for unity against the nobility and the
with might and force of arms, the Brothers of this exclusive order
merchants. There are five major sects and dozens of minor
are respected – and feared – by most Known Worlders.
ones. Some get along; most do not. A lot of the minor
sects are branches from the major ones but others have
The order began early in the New Dark Ages, when the need
alien, local or even historical roots.
for hard-line and able defenders of the faith was greatest. They
personally defended the life of the patriarch from an assassination
U rth O rthodox attempt on Holy Terra. In return for their service, the patriarch
Orthodox priests represent the old, authoritarian guard of the ordained the order, giving it special powers within and without
Church, maintaining stability while fighting off heresies. They the Church, conceded to by the noble houses, who were trying
are also those most concerned with temporal power. Traditionally to cover up their role in the assassination attempt. Since then,
(with few exceptions), the patriarch has been Orthodox. the order has grown in skill and influence, building upon martial
techniques created by previous Brothers. These techniques are
They believe, following key bulls set out in the New Dark Ages, kept secret.
that grace is achieved through working within the structure set
forth by the patriarchs, who follow in the footsteps of the Prophet. Those who have been ousted from the order are not allowed
The Pancreator works not through inner visions but through real to teach them; if they are caught revealing them to others, the
works, duties performed in the material world. He shows his will penalty is death.
through sacramental forms: rituals, artefacts, stations of office
and so forth. Wavering from time-tested doctrine in this time of Brothers adhere to strict discipline and suffer harsh penalties for
darkening light is dangerous and foolhardy. One fool can hurt breaking their vows. Oathbreakers must undertake dangerous
many good people; all must walk the proper path and follow the penance quests that many do not survive. There is a strong support
correct guidelines. network from Brother to Brother, although monks are often sent
on individual missions across the Known Worlds, spreading their
Those who do not may damn us all. network thin.

Despite their political bent, they are nonetheless fervent believers The order does not work well with other units in the secular
and moral guardians. They aim to give succour and comfort to military chain of command. Brothers will not take orders from
all who need it, including serfs. The Orthodoxy is the only large any but their superiors within the order, so they are rarely used
organisation in the Known Worlds that cares enough about as common soldiers, instead being employed as commandos and
the livelihood of the commoners to aid them, live among them special tactics units.

Membership requirements are strict. Only youths under 10 years Eskatonic magi proved to be one of the few effective weapons
old are accepted, although the order adopts many orphans. There against the Symbiots when they attempted to move past Stigmata.
have been very few exceptions to this rule throughout the order’s The patriarch had to ordain them or risk losing more worlds to
history, although the handful of older individuals who have been the parasitic invasion. Since then, the Eskatonics have been very
accepted provide hope for many petitioners. New members are careful to behave (or at least hide their excesses well) lest they
sent to the monastery on De Moley, there to spend the next 10 suffer official censure and be forced underground again. But the
or more years of their lives in rigorous training and spiritual common populace often fears them and they are constantly at risk
contemplation. Local peasant mothers on De Moley often leave for Inquisitorial searches and heresy declarations.
their newborn children on the monastery’s doorstep, hopeful
that their offspring will be taken in and be given a better life and Rank within the order is built around the slow dissemination
opportunity than a peasant’s son or daughter would otherwise of secrets and occult techniques. The order’s fathers created a
have. However, the order does not accept every child left on its carefully wrought system of study, whereby a student would only
stoop. Many are left to survive or die outside the gates. be exposed to lore he was capable of understanding. Rank is
awarded only to those who have proven themselves mentally and
Those who live longer than expected are often accepted. The spiritually worthy of it. Then, the secrets of that rank are taught
Brother Battle order wields much power, and many Orthodox slowly and, once mastered, the student is ready for the next rank.
patriarchs have felt threatened by their strength. Their piety and Humility is all-important during training and ordination.
military might are needed by the emperor on the Symbiot and
Barbarian fronts and while they have rarely used the political No priest is allowed to rise in rank without first confessing and
power gained through this, the Orthodoxy anticipates the day those priests who do not undergo confession on a monthly basis
they must clash, fearing that Brother Battle will win out. Thus, the are shamed until they learn to do so. The practice of flagellation,
order is under increased scrutiny for heresy and any other slip-up the wearing of hair-shirts and other self-inflicted tortures are
that could lead to their dissolution. also encouraged. The order believes that these extreme measures
prevent hubris, for the history of the order tells of priests whose
Despite the name, women may join, although it is rare. pride grew and whose sins caused whole worlds to perish. While
they have managed to keep the truth behind these dead worlds
E skatonic O rder from the populace and the Church at large, there is good reason
these magi are feared.
An extremely mystical and occult order, the Eskatonics seek to
guard the light of the Holy Flame from the impending eschaton,
or apocalypse. They are engaged in a personal and individual Temple Avesti (Avestites)
pursuit of the holy. Unlike the Orthodox Church, they believe Inquisitors. The fanatic and disciplined Avestites are the hard-liner
there is a spark of the Holy Flame in each person and that it is the arm of the Church, often too regressive for even the patriarch’s
duty of the enlightened (those fully conscious of the Holy Flame tastes, although he is often thankful for the power to unleash
within them, made aware through a personal vision) to cultivate them on victims. While not all Inquisitors come from this sect,
this flame and fan it into a fire. Their main means to this end is most do (the Avestites long ago gained most of the chairs on the
theurgy. Inquisitorial Synod).

Their exclusive entry requirements, however, ensure that they Temple Avesti began as a breakaway movement from the
have the smallest membership of any order and thus the smallest Orthodoxy, composed of puritans who felt that the Church
support network. But their occult practice tempers each member was not stern or strong enough in punishing the excesses of its
into a powerful and noteworthy priest. They emphasise inner members (to the Avestites, everyone is a member of the Church
mysteries and philosophy, with perhaps too little attention to whether they like it or not). These extremists built their temple
outer reality. They are doomsayers, believing the worst about in the burning desert on the planet Pyre. Pledged to punish
humankind’s fate. In their view, only a few will recognise the sinners lest they corrupt the faithful, the Avestites embarked
light and escape the Final Darkness. They claim to have personal from Pyre on expeditions to cleanse other worlds. Their violent
experience with certain vile demon sultans who they say are to and unannounced terrorist attacks on ‘sinners’ angered the often-
blame for the dimming stars, and believe that only the order’s powerful victims of these attacks: nobles and rich merchants. After
wisdom and magic can avert the final doom (they also claim too many incidents with no response from the Orthodox Church,
detailed knowledge of the ‘bodiless powers of the Empyrean’, or royal fleets arrived off Pyre to destroy these uncontrollable zealots.
angels). But the patriarch’s fleet also arrived and ordered the nobles to halt
their assault. The Archbishop of Urth went to Temple Avesti and
They claim direct lineage from some of the Prophet’s disciples, explained to the sect leader the terms of the sect’s surrender to
to whom the Prophet gave secret lore, wisdom which the early patriarchal authority. If they did not submit, the Church would
Eskatonics were given the responsibility of safeguarding. They depart and leave them to their fate before the royal fleet. After
were an underground, secret society of Church priests until the short consideration, the temple master relented and threw himself
Symbiot Wars, where they were allowed to operate openly only by on the mercy of the Church.
grace of their own theurgy.

Since then, the Avestites are considered penitents, owing duty to in the end, the Universal Church appealed more to people’s need
the patriarch and his bishops. While they can act on their own, for authority, power, guilt and redemption. However, the Eternal
they must also heed the call of the Orthodox priests when they Sanctuary, or Sanctuary Aeon as it eventually became, still had a
require it. However, the extremes to which Avestites take any task strong following, especially in the aftermath of harsh wars. The
often tempers the frequency of their use by the bishops. They are Sanctuary was eventually incorporated into the Church and today
called on official business only when all other methods have failed. stands as a strong voice for mercy and compassion before the
patriarch’s often stern bulls.
Hopeful Avestites must petition for membership into the sect
and only those who can prove that they are sinless, or extremely The order’s head monastery is on Artemis and all initiates must go
repentant, are given entry. Only the ignorant or unlearned are there for their initial training in healing bodies, minds and spirits.
allowed, for education is seen as a burden on the soul that is hard The planet is flooded with the sick and injured who can afford the
to extinguish. Thus, their membership comes from the poorest journey but there are never enough Amaltheans to help them all.
peasants, the lowest classes who often seek revenge for their lack Once ordained, priests are expected to return to their homeworlds
of empowerment. Most members never again leave the temple and bring their skills to bear in relieving suffering there. Otherwise,
on Pyre; they spend their lives in prayer or hard labour for the they can choose to stay on Artemis or travel as mendicant healers.
temple. Those who prove their prowess in sniffing out sinners
are promoted as pilgrims, those who will deliver punishment to Some are sent by the order to aid on the war fronts, never as
sinners across the Known Worlds. The best pilgrims are granted soldiers but as healers or even diplomats. Because their numbers
Inquisitorial seals and eventually become ordained Inquisitors. are small, they demand penance from those they aid, asking
for them to perform tasks to relieve other suffering souls, thus
Avestites are often bigoted and anti-alien but can likewise be increasing compassionate acts tenfold more than their order
pillars of nobility and kindness – to those deserving of it. Aliens could perform alone. While Amaltheans will aid others without
are allowed in the sect if they can prove their faith like all other a promise of a penance task, they are bid by the order’s leaders to
applicants. To the sinless, Avestites are perfect gentlemen, having enact this promise whenever possible. The nature of the promise
learned the lesson of temperance from the sect’s humble downfall. is up to the healer enacting it and there is no set guideline for the
To those they deem sinners, however, no amount of cruelty is difficulty of the task compared to the healing. An Amalthean will
enough. They take the Prophet’s words about sinners and burning generally ask for what she feels is the promiser can achieve but she
quite literally and their heavy flame-retardant robes and cowls is free to enact a harsh task if she feels the sufferer needs it.
are instantly recognisable. Their high priests even prefer to carry
flameguns to enact a literal punishment on sinners. The Amaltheans are a rare voice in the Church, preaching the
rights of all living beings, sentient or not. They admonish those
Their symbol, the flame, is borne on pendants which, with the flick who seek their aid to never harm an animal or sentient creature
of a switch, become searing brands with which they mark sinners’ even if it threatens them in return; they can defend themselves but
foreheads. Those peasants who bear this brand (which takes must avoid killing.
months to heal for those who cannot afford tissue regenerative
serums) are shunned by their fellows, although the upper classes Mendicant Monks (Hesychasts)
unfortunate enough to suffer such humiliation often receive pity Some faithful do not involve themselves with the hierarchical
and commiseration from their friends, though not publicly. orders within the Church and instead become monks, retreating
as hermits to the wilderness, as cenobites to the monastery or as
Sanctuar y Aeon (Amaltheans) mendicant, wandering friars.
Sanctuary Aeon is a healing order, seeking to bring grace and
mercy to all. While its membership is open to anyone, few people While these monks do not answer to any direct authority, neither
volunteer for this selfless duty. The priests of Sanctuary Aeon do they partake of the full benefits of a sect or order. They have
may be few in number but they are beloved by all. The love the exchanged the restrictions of ordained membership for freedom to
common folk bear them for their selfless sacrifices have provided seek the Pancreator in whatever way they will – as long as it does
them practically ironclad protection from Inquisitors and heresy not smack of heresy.
police: When Sister Vermidian was accused before a crowd of
peasants on Criticorum of consorting with demons, the peasants Distanced as they are from the centre of the Church, they rarely
rose up and tried to hang the Inquisitor as the heretic. have any input or effect on theological or doctrinal issues. But
the occasional mystic has come from the wilderness to impress
The order was begun by Amalthea, a physician who became all with his insight, causing a stir and a genuine revival within
one of the Prophet’s disciples. After the Prophet’s death, she the Church. But this rarely lasts more than a generation or so,
tried to forge his sayings into a Church different from that which as the Church hierarchy again takes precedence over subjective
Palamedes Alecto was forming. Her Temple of Eternal Sanctuary viewpoints. Some mystics, if popular enough, are enshrined as
was almost as popular as Palamedes new Universal Church. But saints after death, allowing the Church to claim that it is a living
tradition open to new insights from the Pancreator or his chosen

prophets. Hermits usually stake out a territory in the wilderness of is in the back of everyone’s minds and those who can most readily
a distant planet, one far from Empire and Church politics. address this fear – with more fear and guilt or by compassion and
understanding – benefit the most.
They often become the protectors of these wilds, disturbed
only rarely by a local peasant seeking a cure for warts or a love
philter. Monastery monks rarely leave their chosen abode, instead
T he I nquisition
The Inquisition is perhaps the most feared organisation in the
spending their lives in contemplation or performing scriptorial
Known Worlds. Even the Emperor’s mighty legions, as deadly as
duties, copying Church documents for posterity. The recent
they are, do not stir the fears of the populace as much as a single
Emperor Wars took a toll on certain monasteries, leaving some in
Inquisitor knocking at the door. The Inquisition is empowered to
ruins with monks left to wander in search of a new retreat.
scour the universe for anything which might pose a danger to the
souls of humanity, as decided upon by the Church. Such things
Mendicant friars are those who have taken the word of the Prophet
include proscribed technology, demon-worship, psychic powers,
on the road, to deliver it to the places furthest from Holy Terra
pagan cults, strange alien goings-on, and people who pose a
and bring salvation to the ignorant souls who dwell there. Being
political danger to the Church.
near penniless, as scripture requires of most monks, they must
rely on the kindness of others to get where they are going. This
Yet despite what peasants and sinners believe, the Inquisition is
often involves making deals with League merchants for passage
not everywhere. It takes a special meeting of the Inquisitorial
in exchange for prayer services, or wheedling into a noble’s
Synod (council of priests) to award an Inquisitorial Seal to a priest
entourage in exchange for confessional services (although not all
(or group of priests) and each seal usually has a specific mission
monks are necessarily ordained to give confession). Friars tend to
attached to it; the performance of unassociated missions does not
be resourceful types and know that scripture must sometimes be
necessarily have the backing of the Church. With Church backing,
placed aside toward the greater good of getting the word out to
Inquisitors are nigh immune to punishment for any action they
the people.
undertake while inquisiting. Without such backing, disgruntled or
insulted nobles or merchants can handle the transgressor however
S ectarian C onflicts they see fit – within the limits of the law, of course.
The Church was very involved in the Emperor Wars. The patriarch
tried to institute a theocracy to replace the Empire, but he received A seal can be stripped from its bearer by the synod, the patriarch
too little support. After long negotiations with the five Royal or the council of archbishops. If a seal was awarded by a lesser
Houses, he eventually declared the Church’s support for Alexius synod (a meeting of local synod members, not comprising the
Hawkwood, giving him much needed popular approval in his bid full council), it can be nullified by the planet’s archbishop. Such
for the seat of the Empire. lesser synods are often convened to try local affairs not important
enough to summon the whole council. Calling the full synod
However, the political struggles the bishops and priests involved together takes time, for the members must travel from their various
themselves in caused a backlash of disillusionment against the worlds to the synod chambers at Holy Terra. Only grave and long-
Church among the populace at large. People looked to new sects term threats suffer from full synod scrutiny.
or orders and turned away from their traditional (sometimes
many generations-long) allegiances to their previous sects. The Inquisitorial seals can be awarded to anyone the synod deems
Orthodoxy suffered a decline in membership as other sects swelled, worthy, not only priests but nobles or any freeman. However, such
setting the stage for a behind-the-scenes conflict throughout all privilege and power is rarely handed to those who have not proven
levels of the Church, from the grand cathedrals to tiny shrines themselves loyal to whatever political cause the synod pursues.
in backworld hamlets – the struggle to save the souls of Human Then there are full-time Inquisitors, those who have been given
Space has heated up. broad seals with lifetime durations. These dangerous enforcers
have an extreme degree of power, able to cruise the universe
But this cross-sectarian shift is caused not only by the bishops’ at will dispensing justice however they see fit. While they are
nasty political dealings: growing apocalyptic fear has caused many officially immune from any but Church prosecution, some of the
to desert the past and throw their lot in with any who can promise more overzealous or impolitic Inquisitors have suffered tragic but
instant salvation before the suns die out. Fear of final judgement unexplained ‘accidents’.

The Merchant League
All that remains of the massive conglomerates that once ruled the when they talk about the guilds. Most common merchants are
Second Republic are the merchant guilds, grudgingly united in the members of this guild or its subsidiaries. They are the most well-
Merchant League. Five guilds have risen to prominence but none known traders and their travelling ‘medicine shows’ and bazaars
of them has enough authority alone to control the entire League. are a popular seasonal feature on many worlds. The Charioteers
In fact, despite their prestige, even if they worked together (an began as a star pilots guild. Many Second Republic citizens owned
unlikely event) they would have a hard time forcing the League to and flew their own ships and began their own trading businesses
do anything if all the lesser guilds were united against them. between the worlds (one of the more popular start-ups at the
time); many of them sought entry into the guild. This transformed
The five leading guilds are the Charioteers, the Engineers, the the Charioteers into a more active merchant’s guild.
Scravers, the Muster and the Reeves. They have each established
their own specialities and defend them vigorously. However, The leadership of the guild is perhaps the most active in the Known
none of them hold a complete monopoly in any of their areas. Worlds. Even its oldest deans continue to cruise the trade routes,
All guild members understand that their success lasts as long as buying low and selling high. Most people have seen at least one
they can make it last and not a moment longer. Guild members of its members, dressed in clothes, which could only have been
constantly seek out ways to expand their reach and if that means designed to attract as much attention as possible, standing in a
undermining their brothers and sisters, then so be it. town square, making the guild’s clarion call, ‘You want it, I got it!’

The main guilds have carved out their own hegemonies, be People friendly with the Charioteers can buy almost anything
they in territory, product or service. On some planets a number from them and its guild members have access to one of the
of different guilds get along fine, each catering to their own greatest information networks in existence, allowing them to sell
customers and engaging in friendly rivalries. On other planets, the knowledge as well as goods. However, its members are renowned
same guilds fight it out tooth and nail, using every weapon in their for giving lip service to whatever religion will get them the most
arsenal to destroy the competition. Still, no matter how fiercely sales that day and often attract unwanted attention from the clergy.
they compete with one another, they all understand that they have
common enemies. Some nobles seem to believe that the Charioteers support the
creation of the Third Republic and are secretly building it. While
Should nobles or Church leaders attempt to take advantage of no evidence has yet been uncovered, merchants of the Charioteers
the League’s internal squabbling, the guilds will do their best to are often watched carefully. On the other hand, commerce between
put up a united front. By the same token, if a League member is the stars would stop completely if anything happened to this guild.
being unjustly threatened by outsiders, other guild members may They own far more ships than any other single group and while
act to protect her. Of course, if they feel they have nothing to gain they may not have as many warships as the Hawkwoods or the
and everything to lose, they will abandon her without a second Decados, their small merchant vessels are sometimes surprisingly
thought and only slight regret. well-armed.

Guild leaders, called deans, try to maintain some sort of order

within the league but trying to get this many strong-minded
T he S upreme
and competing individuals to agree on anything is a task. Each O rder of E ngineers
Leaguemeister, the official head of all the guilds, comes to power High technology is at a premium in the Known Worlds, for those
with a pledge to lead all the guilds in harmony but somehow this who understand it are few. Many of them are members of this
never seems to work out. guild. When a starship needs to be constructed or repaired, when
a personal shield has burnt out and needs fixing, when an arm has
been blown off and needs replacing, an Engineer is the only one
C harioteers to summon.
The Charioteers hold the most prominent position among the
guilds because they control the roads to the stars. Any citizen This is one of the least-known guilds, for it makes no effort to sell
who wants passage on a ship must go through the Charioteers (or product to the peasantry. Instead it has concentrated its efforts on
Travellers Guild, as they are also called). They own most of the developing new technologies and ensuring that no one else makes
jumproutes and maps; woe be to those who muscle in on their the same discoveries. Its hidden labs and concealed factories
territory. The Charioteers are what most common folk think of

have churned out extraordinary innovations in cybernetics, Most citizens do not really link the scavengers to the mob, since
genetic engineering, explosives, space flight, medicine and other high-profile crime trials have cleared the scavengers guild of
areas. The Engineers have in turn made the results of these wrongdoing (sure, there are always stories about rigged trials but
breakthroughs available to the rich and powerful, for only the most peasants trust the law because they are medieval innocents,
wealthiest can afford them. Additionally, the Engineers have not post-modern deconstructionists). The Scravers have their
gone to great lengths to ensure that their customers do not try to hands in most of the usual guild businesses but they continue to
duplicate the technical innovations. specialise in repairing and reselling old and (usually) abandoned
equipment. Buying from a Scraver means paying a cheap price but
For this reason, there are many who refuse to deal with the getting what you pay for.
Engineers – or at least that’s what they say. Others note that
the Engineers appear to be their own best customers and that is Scravers also have strong investments in gambling facilities
extremely unnerving to many. It is rare to meet an Engineer who and some of their largest rehabilitated ships have become their
has not used his own body altering technology on himself, giving interstellar casinos. In space they escape the scrutiny of the
himself cybernetic implants, physical modifications or strange antigambling sects and this also allows them to pick up high
cosmetic additions. A first meeting with an Engineer is guaranteed rollers from every planet. Of course, their gambling ties also mean
to be at least unnerving, if not downright petrifying. that they are constantly accused of having ties to every organised
crime figure in the Known Worlds; a charge they only half-
An additionally upsetting aspect of the Supreme Order of heartedly deny.
Engineers is its connection to the Church. No one, either in the
Church or in the order, will deny that almost 1,000 years ago the The Scravers are made up of many small local groups paying fealty
Engineers were once either a holy order or part of a holy order. to deans but each claiming a lot of autonomy. They must pledge
Whatever happened in those ancient times remains a mystery their loyalty to their local organisation but also to the umbrella
today but Church leaders have done little to either discipline this group. This is a blood oath; joining one branch is for life and a
group or bring it back into the flock. Some guild members worry hidden tattoo is required as a mark of loyalty. Thus Scravers can
that the Engineers have maintained their ties to the Church. Some find welcome everywhere, albeit a suspicious one.
Church officials worry about the same thing and whisper that the
holy order the Engineers broke away from still exists in secret. The Muster (Chainers)
Their worries are heightened by the fact that the Supreme Order While most guilds make their money from goods and services,
of Engineers is also one of the most secretive guilds. Getting the Chainers make theirs off living beings. Their ships ferry
information from the Engineers is next to impossible and even mercenaries, technicians, animals, foodstuffs and, some say,
other League members find it difficult to communicate with them. slaves to their many customers. People who buy from them find
The Engineers have structured their guild in such a way that new themselves constantly able to acquire skilled help for almost any
members know almost nothing and discretion is a key component situation. They may also find themselves shanghaied or facing the
to advancement. wrath of those who miss the skilled help.

S cravers The Muster is the freeperson’s labour guild, providing trained (but
Scravers hide behind a veneer of ‘respectability’ in the form of union-regulated) labour for freepersons to various contractors.
a scavengers guild. They make their mark by recovering and Since skilled and trained talent is not easy to find since the Fall,
refitting derelict spacecraft, patching together Second Republic if you want a job done right, you must go through the Muster.
artefacts everyone else deemed beyond redemption and by finding The guild was begun long ago as a soldier’s rights group for
artefacts where no one thought any could be. But this is only one mercenaries; in the centuries since the Fall, it has become the
part of their interstellar enterprise. Anything the Charioteers union for all labourers.
or Engineers cannot sell legitimately somehow ends up in
the Scravers’ hands and passes through their vast network with However, this does not mean they are liberal watchdogs looking
no questions asked. When casinos appear on a planet, they are out for human rights; the only rights sacred to them are those
probably owned by the Scravers. If a brothel appears protected of guild members (only freepersons can apply). It is one of the
from both the law and the Church, it probably belongs to the hardest guilds in which to gain membership, because members
Scravers. If peasants begin organising and demanding better (skilled labour) get good benefits and security for the rest of their
wages, nobles blame the Scravers. The Scravers have mastered the lives. The Muster drives hard bargains for its skills.
art of finding income everyone else has passed on.
For most Muster contracts, the work force is made up of ‘temps’
They tend to hide behind the cover of various sub-guilds and are hired by the guild, with the sweet, managerial positions going to
master spies. They have dirt on just about every major political Muster guildmembers. This is usually a good place for characters
figure imaginable and are ready to use it if the nobles, priest and to find a job when all else fails. However, the Muster prefers not
so forth, try to squash them. The occasional crime clean-up effort to pay its labour base at all and for that reason it acquires slaves.
is allowed but no real attempt to destroy this guild is tolerated. This has given it the nickname ‘Chainers’. Slaves rarely provide
They operate an underground network of spies and assassins for more than grunt labour but there is a lot of that needed in the
hire to the royal houses. wide universe.

Chainers are well-known among the peasantry for kidnapping leaders into fits of indignation, is that the earliest Reeves made
people on small worlds and shipping them off far away where their money as pirates and their first loans were in fact ransoms.
they will never be recognised. The Church frowns on this and No one can prove that this was the case but neither can the Reeves
punishes it when discovered. Chainers tend to wear armour and disprove that ships under their protection are the least likely to be
armour-like clothing and most carry weapons wherever they go attacked by corsairs.
(even today, the high-ups in the guild are usually ex-mercenaries).
They often travel in packs and rarely pass up an opportunity to
raid for slaves. They are also thought to dabble in psychological
T he L esser G uilds
Nobody knows just how many guilds exist throughout the Known
conditioning, and to have modified their merchandise accordingly.
Worlds. At least 200 are part of the League and many more have
no official sanction. Many of these only exist on one planet and
The Reeves (Gray Faces) often only in one city on that planet. Still, any activity a freeman
The Reeves hold the reins of commerce and economy. They are might want to engage in probably has a guild to support him.
the Known World’s bankers. They also govern higher learning
and education, producing lawyers and philosophers. Many non- Some of the better known of these lesser guilds cater to artists
papal courts require a Reeve to preside. In addition, the current and entertainers. Musicians and troubadours have two extremely
Leaguemeister is a Reeve (as was the last one). influential alliances, the Masque and the Carnivalers, allegations
of psychic training not withstanding. They, and several other
The Reeves also provide some of the most talented advocates for guilds, have forced the renowned League Academy to provide
helping decide important matters. Church leaders will usually facilities for its members. Even the court jesters have a small but
accept a Reeve to defend a heretic when they would accept no one venerable guild and one of its finest members is on the Academy
else. Nobles caught up in disputes with one another are happy to faculty. Lesser guilds have made their mark on the League in a
have a Reeve hear their disagreement but would prefer to have one number of ways. For instance, a printers’ guild has done much
on their side. Of course, in a League dispute, any guild would like to preserve non-religious books, though it has been careful not
to have a Reeve advocate on its side. to disseminate anything of which the Church might disapprove
(Church criticism, information on technological developments
The Reeves do not engage in trade nearly as extensively as the or accurate histories). Not all of the printers’ work is in print,
other families do but they are recognised as one of the leading however. They have also begun transcribing old documents kept
guilds primarily for their incredibly extensive money-lending in an electronic format.
operations. Long ago their ancestors crafted special agreements
between themselves and some of the Royal Houses to ensure Some of these guilds provide a wide variety of functions but
that the houses would borrow from no one but them. While most limit their activities to a small area. For instance, the Morticus
of these houses have since faded to irrelevance, the Reeves have Guild of Tethys originally began as a family bakery several
grown in prominence, often ending up with most of the houses’ hundred years ago. Its members became wealthy enough (and
possessions when they fail to pay off their loans. Those allied with their liege impoverished enough) that they were able to buy
the Reeves do not receive much in the way of trade benefits but their freedom. Now they control a number of different trades on
they get their loans at extremely low rates. However, the Reeves are Tethys, including labour on new buildings, hauling goods between
very quick to mobilise the League Fleets or other enforcers at the its two main cities, providing workers for artefact recovery and
first sign of someone going into default. Of course, money is not overseeing all transactions between the planet’s human and native
the only thing Reeves demand in exchange for their loans. They alien populations.
have been known to delay or even cancel required payments but
then get the debtor to do certain favours for them. These favours A few guilds limit their activities to Leagueheim itself. Since
have ranged from simple labour to obtaining party invitations to Leagueheim’s population is made up primarily of freemen,
attacking enemies to obtaining noble titles to, as the story goes, most of its people have joined guilds. Thus the Courtesan Guild,
influencing the vote that made Alexius emperor. Ancient Society of Sacred Alchemists and the Purloiners Guild
may have branches elsewhere but they usually deny it. They can
Publicly the Reeve leaders appear to be the most conservative be found on Leagueheim, however, displaying their goods and
of the League leaders but more than one has gotten into trouble services proudly.
with the various sects for acts considered extremely unorthodox.
Usually the Reeves manage to get these incidents covered up and
do their best to maintain a staid and discreet appearance. Never I ndependents
expect a Gray Face to wear the gaudy cloaks of the Charioteers or Not all freemen belong to a guild. Some have either lost their guild
the ominous robes of the Engineers. affiliation or never had one to begin with. These independent
agents often work for the guilds but sacrifice the protection and
By the same token, the Reeves have gone to great lengths to stability such an organisation offers for freedom and autonomy.
suppress stories that would cast doubt on their legitimacy. The one They cannot call on back up when they are in trouble but they
which gains the greatest credence and which seems to drive Reeve also do not have to submit to someone else’s commands. This

arrangement is far from the norm in the Fading Suns, for almost made it clear that they would do no such thing, the Engineers
everyone is beholden to someone else. Independent agents are the offered them a Philosophers Stone. When that did not work, a
only people without a liege of some kind (though even they must number of Manitou’s power plants malfunctioned and exploded.
profess allegiance to the emperor). Only one was nuclear, but it took out the main laboratory complex
and the neighbouring city of 100,000 people. The Li Halan have
While the guilds provide these independent agents with most of made no further study of Lypee-55.
their work, they are not the only customers who take advantage of
these unique arrangements. Nobles will seek them out, especially Additionally, individual guilds often battle each other, both
when they do not want the guilds to become aware of certain tasks militarily and financially. Alliances within the League seem to
or if they want to be able to deny any involvement. The Church shift with the solar winds and today’s ally becomes tomorrow’s
supports the feudal order even more fiercely than the nobles do, stepping stone. While most of the guilds have staked out the
but it uses free agents in its fight against heresy. After all, better area they claim as their own, providing a variety of goods and
that someone living on the outskirts of society risks her soul than services within that region, the boundaries are rarely fixed. It is
someone at its heart. not uncommon for a Royal House to ‘request’ that a guild set
up shop in territory previously controlled by another guild. This
A player interested in taking on the role of an independent agent creates competition within that territory, driving down prices and
should determine not only what skills his character has developed stimulating the local economy. It can also have the unintended
but why he has become an independent agent. If one of the guilds effect of creating violent competition, wrecking the local economy
kicked him out, then does he maintain any ties to the League? and killing scores of innocent bystanders.
If a noble recently made him a freeman, then why, and what
obligations does he still have to that noble? If the character ran The guilds usually hire outside agents to handle these matters,
away from his previous obligations, be they to a noble or to the preferring to keep their most loyal forces engaged against non-
Church, then does his previous master still pursue him? merchant opponents. Freelancers can earn a great deal raiding
enemy guild warehouses, stealing their secrets and assassinating
An independent agent takes a great deal of risk in making his key people. These same freelancers are often the first ones
way through the Known Worlds. These characters are best sacrificed when the guilds make up or need to cover their tracks.
suited for life on the outskirts of civilisation, perhaps near the
barbarian worlds or on newly rediscovered planets. The closer an
independent gets to the heart of civilisation, the more pressures he
A cademy I nteratta
Despite the incessant battles between the guilds, when they have
will feel to commit to a master.
worked together they have accomplished some incredible feats.
One of these is the mighty League Starfleet. Another, and perhaps
G uild T erritoriality more important, achievement is the Academy Interatta, the
While most people know better than to trust a trader, few only major educational facility not under the Church’s control.
understand just how deep the League’s involvement throughout Located on Leagueheim, the Academy is the one place where
the Empire goes. Most people only see guildmembers visiting a guildmembers can meet peacefully, getting to know each other
planet, setting up a small shop and selling their wares. The guilds before learning how to stab one another in the back.
actively try to maintain this view of their operations, concealing
their massive installations and armies of mercenaries. While this is the view most people have of the Academy Interatta,
Those in the know believe the Merchant League has others tell a darker story. No research is forbidden at the Academy,
committed itself to bringing about a new republic. Others they say, and its teachers and students have delved into the darkest
point to guild involvement in sabotaging technical research areas of knowledge. Of course, the guild dismisses such stories as
and restricting planetary production as signs of a more Church propaganda but the legends persist. Tales of researchers
sinister goal. whose hair turned white overnight, professors who went mad
after viewing vile videotexts in its famous library and students
Most of the guilds have a monopoly on at least one resource sacrificed to dark gods abound.
or device. They guard these areas zealously, going to extremes
to ensure their continued mastery. For instance, the Engineers Other people say that these reports grew out of the constant politics
have long been the sole provider of Lypee-55, a key ingredient that go on between and within the Academy’s many departments.
in longevity serums. Rumour has it that at one point House Li Professors and department heads have accused each other of
Halan began synthesising the liquid in their labs on Manitou. The everything from body odour to plagiarism to pederasty to murder to
Engineers uncovered what the house was up to and offered the genocide. Sometimes the accusations are true; usually they are just
Li Halan a huge sum of money for it to stop. When the Li Halan additional weapons in the battle for Academy funding and prestige.

While the politicking within the Academy is usually related to the publicised attacks on freelance pirates, the guilds seem to prefer
different departments and not the different guilds, individual guilds paying ransoms to mounting pirate-hunting expeditions. This
certainly make their presence felt. The Muster has ensured that does nothing to quell tales of guild-financed pirates or ambushes
the Academy fund a military affairs department with ties to the carried out by one guild on an enemy within the League.
League Starfleet. The Engineers influence much of the technical
research carried out at the Academy. Even the Courtesans Guild Of course, everybody tries to pass the blame off on barbarians
had amazingly little difficulty in adding one of its members to the and aliens. In fact, both barbarians and aliens have been captured
faculty. raiding merchant vessels. Some of the most extreme alien-
independence organisations have even attempted to license
The Academy itself is a sprawling entity, with classes and research privateers or raid shipping on their own. These have raised an
taking place all over Leagueheim and even at a few locations off immediate hue and cry from the nobles and guilds, who combined
planet. Students and guilds pay the professors directly and the forces to drive these pirates from the stars.
professors pool much of their income in order to maintain and
upgrade the facilities. Much of the Academy’s best features have Contrary to popular belief, the pirates’ general strategy is not to
been donated directly by one guild or another. attack a merchant ship with blaster cannons blazing. This creates
far too much risk of losing valuable cargo. Pirates infinitely prefer
Indeed, the entire League backs the Academy Interatta to an fast ships to heavily armed ones and they close with their targets
extreme degree. Many League leaders spent at least some time as as quickly as possible, broadcasting threats of what they will do to
students at the Academy and most of these have fond memories of anyone who resists them.
their time there. They also recognise its need as a central storehouse
for knowledge. One of the Academy’s strongest departments, as Most ships have only minimal crews anyway, most of whom have
well as the one which appears most free of guild meddling, is the little to lose if pirates take the ship. Pirates rarely kill ship crews,
Reclamation Department. This agency is dedicated to finding only punishing them if they resist. Most crew members prefer to
and recovering lost wisdom and it receives incredible amounts of surrender at once or after putting up only a token resistance. The
funding for this purpose. While it usually pays for lost data, it has pirates’ board at will, take the cargo (and the ship if they have
been known to send heavily armed mercenary teams to recover enough men) and set the crew adrift in lifecraft.
ancient records and old spaceship logs. Since these operations
tend to upset priests and nobles wherever the mercenaries go, the There are exceptions to this rule. Mad Carnegie Jones gained
Reclamation Department only resorts to such efforts when it feels a reputation for torturing and killing the crews of the ships he
the need is greatest, or when it can get away with it. captured, jettisoning their bodies off into space. His career ended
shortly before the Emperor Wars when a merchant ship resisted
P iracy and ended up ramming his craft. The attack destroyed both ships,
and Jones was left to die in space.
None of the major powers officially condones piracy but it
continues nonetheless. Nobles blame the guilds, the guilds blame
Searching out space pirates is especially difficult. Since merchants
the nobles and everyone casts a worried eye at some of the more
tend to fly certain predetermined routes designed to make space
fervent sects. No one can deny that the problem grew during the
travel as fast and inexpensive as possible, pirates have little problem
Emperor Wars and continues at high levels. The Emperor has
ambushing a suitable target. Additionally, pirates who operate in
said he will bring it under control but has committed most of his
certain areas seem to have excellent contacts in the nearby space
resources to his new efforts against the barbarians. What little he
ports. These can tell them about tempting targets as well as possible
has sent against the pirates has not met with much success.
threats. Pirate hunters rarely have these luxuries. They have to try
to discover where pirates make their bases, disguise themselves
The League would seem to have the most to lose from the pirates
and sail the trade routes, or capture space port informants. Then
but has done little more than the Emperor. Aside from some highly
they have to defeat the pirates in battle.

There are a number of sentient races living in the Known Worlds. Worlds can most clearly be seen in the cousin races, the Obun and
Almost all of them have suffered some indignity at the hands of the Ukar. These young races are called the Children of the Ur, or
humans. For most, it was the claiming of their homeworld by more simply, the Ur-Obun and the Ur-Ukar.
human colonists and the resulting terraforming that completely
altered their ancestral home. While these Ur Children know very little of the Anunnaki, their
myths and legends tell of godlike beings who shaped their cultures,
Many of these races became homeless refugees, herded onto weaving the fates of Obun and Ukar alike for good or ill in a sort
reservations a mere fraction of the size of their previous homes of cosmic chess match.
or, worse still, onto different worlds entirely. For others, it was the
wars which decimated their populations, leaving the survivors to One pantheon of gods is believed to have won out over their rivals,
eke out a living from human charity, carefully watched for any with the result that the rivals’ pawns were removed from their
sign of rebellion. Most of these poor souls yearn to escape Human homeworld and placed in a vicious, adversarial environment to
Space, even if it means leaving their natural environments behind rebuild their tattered and displaced culture: the Ukar. The Obun,
and aliens are in the forefront of new space exploration. pawns of the victorious gods, enjoyed a golden age of peace,
learning and spiritual study.
Not all are unhappy, however. There are more than a few cases
in which aliens have benefited from human intervention. The Then, the gods withdrew from the lives of mortals, leaving the
Etyri of Grail were in danger of dying out due to the predation Obun and the Ukar to develop on their own. That was many
of vicious beasts before they could develop sufficient tech to save millennia ago and the two races have travelled down radically
themselves from their hunters. But humans arrived, recognised different paths since. During this time, the Obun fell back into
the Etyri’s sentience, and built safe reservations for them, also barbarism but regained their civilisation through a renewal in
providing weapons that more than evened the odds against their spiritual doctrines and discipline. The Ukari have had a warlike
predators. The fact that their predators might also have been and aggressive culture ever since the gods betrayed them.
sentient did nothing to stop humans from aiding their extinction.
Regardless of the vast amount of time that passed during their
Three other major races claim some political, economic or military separation, the Obun and Ukar language has remained similar
power and are granted certain concessions from the Empire, giving enough that fluent speakers of one tongue can sometimes
them more rights and freedoms on their homeworlds than most understand the other. The appearance and design of their tech
aliens enjoy. While they have all been under human rule since the shows obvious Ur influence but is rarely more advanced than
Diaspora (Second Republic at the latest), they accept this for the current Known Worlds standards.
most part, although there are those individuals who chaff under
such ‘bondage’. These three races are detailed here.
U r -O bun
The Obun had not explored beyond their solar system before the
T he C hildren of the Ur Second Republic arrived to usher them into the commonwealth
The Ur races (also known as the Anunnaki) are the oldest of Known Space. They were treated better than most alien races
known races. They disappeared before humans reached the stars, due to their obvious link to the Ur but they were no longer the
leaving behind many powerful artefacts, including the jumpgates masters of their own destiny. One of the first Obun to explore
which make star travel possible. Their purpose is a mystery, as the stars was Ven Lohji, who became one of the Prophet’s eight
is the nature of their legacy: What happened to them? Did they disciples and returned to Obun after the Prophet’s death to preach
intentionally leave the jumpgates for the younger races to use? Too her message, creating what would become the Obun sect of the
many questions remain unanswered. Universal Church (Voavenlohji in the Obun language). However,
an unfortunate incident during the Dark Ages involving an Ur-
The Ur are known to have interfered with certain races before Obun priest and a Church bishop resulted in a religious war
these races achieved solar system or star travel and many believe which wiped out a large part of the Ur-Obun population. Most
that they directly helped the Vau to reach the stars. Humans argue of them still live on their homeworld of Velisimil, under the
about their secret influence in ancient human affairs, although watchful auspices of House Hawkwood.
there is no definitive proof of this. Their influence in the Known

Obun have few strictly defined family units. They honour their
mother and father but the task of raising a child is taken up by
V orox
Multi-limbed monstrosities. The ultimate predators on their
every Obun. An uncle or aunt will often take charge of a child’s
homeworld, the Vorox should never have achieved sentience. All
schooling but all Obun have a responsibility to the child. When
the known rules about natural selection deny it. But they did and
an Obun goes bad (becomes a criminal or murderer), those Obun
with seemingly no coaxing from without. Certainly, it is a crude
involved in his upbringing blame themselves and usually retreat
and unsophisticated sentience but this may simply be due to the
from their worldly duties for spiritual contemplation or pilgrimage,
limitations of their crude culture. Critics debate: Are Vorox the
pondering what they did wrong.
equal of human intelligence?
The Obun have a government composed of an elected Ruling
Evidence suggests not, but those few who have escaped the
Council called the Umo’rin. Candidates must volunteer for public
bonds of their violent culture have proven otherwise. They have
duty and must pass the ‘Ordeal’: a rigorous test of the applicant’s
coloured fur and are immune to many poisons (a by-product of
physical, mental and spiritual capabilities. Once the candidate has
their very toxic, nasty evolutionary environment) and they cannot
passed this test (most do not), his or her seat on the council is
eat vegetables. They can walk on two legs (leaving four arms free),
rarely contested. They are one of the very few races in the Known
four legs (leaving two free), or six legs for the best speed.
Worlds who do not have a noble, although there are levels of rank
in the Ruling Council which are somewhat equivalent.
There are two types of Vorox: feral and civilised. Feral Vorox
are not unintelligent; they simply do not have the benefits of a
U r -U kar technological society. They are not allowed off-planet, for they
The Ur-Ukar obviously did not belong on the planet from which are considered brutal and dangerous. Civilised Vorox are those
they began their star-faring. The surface of Kordeth is hostile who have had their claws cut, and are thus ‘tamed.’ This cutting
to life and the Ukari are forced to live beneath the surface in a usually takes place at puberty and the Vorox is then educated in
network of tunnels circling the globe. Their legends speak of a what culture and learning exists in their crude society. Civilised
great wrong done by one of their kind in ‘heaven’ and they were Vorox are allowed offworld and perform a variety of functions
banished by the gods to this hell in retribution. for Known World governments. The de-clawing ceremony began
as a ritual imposed on Vorox culture by humans but eventually
The Ukar achieved space travel before their cousins, the Obun, became a source of pride for the civilised Vorox, a sign that they
but were blocked by the Second Republic after colonising only had evolved past their brutal cousins of the jungle. They have an
three other systems. A blockade war against the Ukari homeworld odd religion (although no theurgy) which guarantees a soul only
lasted for decades, with the Ukari finally suing for peace and to those Vorox who have accepted civilisation, the rest are believed
accepting reservations on their claimed worlds while the Republic to be feral animals trapped in a cycle of meaningless eating and
took over the governance of these planets. being eaten.

Traditional natives of the Ukari homeworld live the first five years The royal caste of Vorox are allowed to keep one claw, which
of their lives in near or total darkness. At age six, they are ‘brought secretes a poison deadly to humans and Vorox. This potent symbol
to the light,’ or slowly acclimated to light and surface living. Due of their rule has often gotten them in trouble off-world.
to their lightless beginnings, touch is more important to them
than sight, although their sight has never become atrophied. They
carve their bodies with raised tattoos or carvings (called baa’mon)
B eyond the B orders
There are two major alien races outside of Human Space: the Vau
spelling out their names (on their faces) and their deeds (on their
and the Symbiots. The Vau are the oldest and most advanced race
chests, arms and legs). Ukarish as a written language is a sort of
yet encountered (the Ur are older but a living Ur has never been
short-form Braille, meant to be ‘read’ off someone’s skin (although
met and nobody even knows what they looked like). The Symbiots
the language has been adopted for books).
are the newest star-faring race, born from a melding of human and
Xolotl (a parasitic entity), although they have ‘converted’ other
Ukar from reservations on other worlds have similar traditions but
races since their genesis and seem intent on claiming many worlds
they often live in light since birth and usually do not read Ukar
within humanspace.
tattoos as easily. There is often a low-level but mutual disdain
between homeworlders and ‘rez’ Ukari. They come from strong
family clans and wage feuds against rival clans. These feuds began T he V au
when the early Ukari fought over limited resources but resentment Pronounced Vow, heavily nasal at the end.
has been handed down generationally even in times of abundant
resources. The Vau are an ancient race who first achieved star travel in the
1800s (human time). Very little is known about their ways and
Certain clans hold leadership positions over other clans because they purposefully keep it that way. The Vau actively guard their
they were able to convince human noble houses to recognise them borders against human intrusion but they rarely enter Human
over other clans, although they do not seem well-liked by the Space themselves. They seem to view Known Worlders as
‘lesser’ clans. unwelcome children, although they are rarely overtly hostile to

them. The philosophy seems to be, ‘As long as they stay on their The Symbiots claim to perceive a ‘lifeweb’ stretching across
side of the fence, we’ll get along fine.’ space, knitting and weaving deeply into planets and across the
stars. They are apparently out to claim supreme hunting rights
They have a caste society, with a peasant class on the bottom, a over their food chain, or are protecting it from harm. Each
soldier class above, an artisan class above that and a mandarin Symbiot is a unique creature and finds it hard to confederate with
class (including priests) at the top. Little detail of the intricacies fellow Symbiots. Nonetheless, tribes or clans have developed
of Vau culture is understood, for few humans have been firsthand among them but nothing is known by humans about these family
witness to it. The mandarins are not the leaders but they are the groups. They breed among themselves, creating bloodlines by
only diplomats humans are allowed to meet. They seem to be selecting strong genetic traits but also by parasitically ‘converting’
bureaucrats for the most part, ferrying messages back and forth other races (human, Ur-Obun or Ukar, Vorox). They claim the
from the true Vau leaders, who have yet to be encountered. conversion is voluntary once the target has seen the Lifeweb
but Known Worlders do not believe this claim for a moment;
There are three worlds along the borders of Known Space where they have seen firsthand what happens when friends and family
Vau maintain some form of presence, although humans are rarely have been converted: they turn into bestial killing machines or
allowed to see too deeply into their activities there. The fact that seductive parasites.
the Vau eventually allowed humans to colonise these worlds
caused many to believe that the Vau were finally beginning to Symbiots have a ‘motherform,’ the base shape that they are most in
accept humans, but more cynical people (the colonists among tune with and this is usually tied to a particular species of flora or
them) claim that colonies were only allowed because the Vau want fauna, such as an oak or a bear. They are molecularly amorphous
to scrutinise humans for weaknesses. (shapeshifters) and claim to have a special, mystical relationship
with the universe. Some claim that they have awakened their
The Vau are tall (averaging seven feet in height) and thin. Their cellular consciousness and exist in more than one dimension.
skin is somewhat wrinkled, and they have nostrils in place of
protruding noses. Their eyes are pupil-less, although they vary The Xolotl, the race which co-created the Symbiots, are believed
in colour, unlike those of the Children of the Ur. They dress to be extinct; those encountered on Chernobog are thought to have
in different fashions depending on their caste status: Soldiers been the remnants of a previously extant star-faring race, or the
invariably wear segmented and lacquered armour with an energy ‘pets’ of an extinct star-faring race who seeded them throughout
pike while mandarins wear long and ornate robes with elegant many worlds (fossil remnants have been discovered). No Xolotl
shoulder and headpieces. has been encountered since the initial Symbiot conversion,
although the Imperial Eye is said to be desperate to find one that
Vautech is elegant and aesthetic, with graceful curving lines and they can study, hoping to glean a weakness with which to attack
seductive sigils. Most devices involve energy of some sort, even the Symbiots.
simple tools. Their technology was superior to humanity’s during
the Diaspora but the Second Republic exceeded it in some areas. A Symbiot’s motherform is an organic blend of human/animal
However, since the fall of the Republic, the Vau are again in the or human/plant, with a definite emphasis on the human side. A
lead. They do not have a progressive society and their technology human Symbiot can pass among other humans as long as no one
has changed little since before the Second Republic. The basis of gets a real good look at him but he will often be revealed if seen
their tech, like their religion, medicine and culture, is energy. They naked in full light. Some feature always betrays his true race, be
are masters of forces. Energy shields were created from stolen it fur, carapace, fangs, claws, cat-eyes, leaves and branches, horns,
Vautech; if you want a first-class shield, a Vau engineer is where tail, etc. But they are shapeshifters, and can take on different
you go to get it. However, since the Vau are forbidden to trade shapes as needed. Alien Symbiots, such as Ur-Obun or Vorox,
technology to humans, this is a secretive black market. look like representatives of their race with animal or plant feature
S ymbiots Symbiot technology is organic and alive: living guns and bullets,
Shapeshifters. Parasites. Godless beasts who turn friends into foes.
swords and Krinth-flesh armour, acid-spitting Shexeez snakes
These are some of the various facts and/or beliefs humans have
and so on. They grow this non-sentient equipment from plants or
about Symbiots but little is really understood about this new race
raise them as animals. Each tribe has its own methods and special
and great threat to human hegemony over the Known Worlds.
organic technology. Even their spaceships are organic.

Rarely do two fleets happen to meet in the depths of space and Each scenario has a number of entries that describe how players
then begin taking pot shots at one another. More likely, each will should approach the battle.
have their own tactical or strategic objective to meet, handed down
to them from their commanders. Fighting a battle in A Call to Fleets: Some scenarios impose limitations on one or both fleets.
Arms: Noble Armada is about far more than simply annihilating For example, a scenario may require a fleet to be a certain number
the enemy. You have to be cunning, cautious and able to keep your of points or use a certain Conflict Intensity level, while another
own objectives in mind even as the enemy accomplishes his. may specify specific ships to take.

Using Scenarios Pre-Battle Preparation: This entry covers everything players

These objectives are why we use scenarios in A Call to Arms: need to do before the game begins, including how to set up the
Noble Armada. It is a relatively simply matter to set up two fleets battlefield and where fleets should be deployed.
on opposite sides of the table and watch them pound one another.
Once you factor in tactical objectives, such as sweeping an enemy Scenario Rules: Any special rules used by the scenario will be
out of an area of space or protecting a merchant convoy, however, recorded here.
things can get quite interesting!
Game Length: Most scenarios are played until one side gains
Conflict Intensity victory, though some have strict time limits.
Games of A Call to Arms: Noble Armada are graded for their
Conflict Intensity, a measure of how large and wide-ranging each Victory and Defeat: A list of the conditions required for either
fight is. With this system, you can play a small encounter across a player to win the scenario. Check for these conditions at the end
border, or a full scale battle that could affect the fate of an entire of every End Phase.
Victor y Points
The Conflict Intensity of a game is decided by players before they Many scenarios have specific objectives that have to be achieved
build their forces and affects the number of points they can spend in order for a player to be victorious. Others, however, use Victory
on their fleets and the minimum size of the battlefield. Points as a measure of how well a player performed. The player
who accrues the most Victory Points during a game will be the
Conflict Intensity Points Limit Minimum Table Size winner.
Patrol 500 or less 4 ft. x 4 ft. or less
Skirmish 500-1,000 4 ft. x 4 ft. In such scenarios, Victory Points are earned for the following
Raid 1,000-1,500 6 ft. x 4 ft. actions.
Battle 1,500-2,000 6 ft. x 4 ft.
War 2,000 or more 6 ft. x 4 ft. or more Destroying an Enemy Ship: Gain Victory Points equal to half its
points value.
A 500 point Patrol level battle will take you 30-40 minutes to play,
once you have become used to the rules and fleets, while a 2,000 Capturing an Enemy Ship: Gain Victory Points equal to its points
point Battle could take an entire evening! value.

Once the Conflict Intensity and points value have been decided Note that if you capture an enemy ship and the opposing player
and you know which scenario you are playing, you can start later destroys it, then you only receive the Victory Points for its
building a fleet to use. Details on how to do this can be found on destruction. The opposing player receives no Victory Points for
page 88. this, but has at least denied you the extra points!

For each Enemy Ship or Fighter Making a Tactical Withdrawal: one fleet gaining Victory Points for leaving the table.
Gain Victory Points equal to one quarter of its points value. This will
include fighters on board a ship that makes a Tactical Withdrawal. For Destroying a Fighter: Gain Victory Points equal to its points
For each Enemy Ship that is Crippled: Gain Victory Points equal
to one quarter its points value. Note that you will only earn this for permanently destroying a
fighter. If a fighter is destroyed and then recovered by a ship with
Note that you can only gain Victory Points from a ship once, the Carrier trait, you get no Victory Points for it!
though you always gain the highest possible Victory Points. If, for
example, you Cripple an enemy ship and then capture it, you will
gain its value in Victory Points, not its value plus a quarter, or any Attacking and Defending
other combination. Many scenarios require the players to decide who is the attacker
and who is the defender. If you do not want to decide between
For Holding Ground: If you have at least one ship on the table yourselves, roll one dice each and add your fleet’s Initiative
at the end of the game but your opponent does not, gain 100 score, re-rolling ties. The highest scoring player will be the
Victory Points. This does not apply to any scenarios that feature attacker.

A mbush
A small fleet has laid a trap for a much larger enemy. Using stealth, guile and surprise, it will launch a devastating attack and then quickly
withdraw, leaving the enemy scattered, confused and unable to respond. That is, at least in theory, the plan. In reality, the ambushing fleet
must use all its skill to avoid simply flying into the waiting guns of the enemy.

Fleets: The attacker has half the points of the defender available for his fleet.

Pre-Battle Preparation: The defending fleet is placed in the central deployment area marked on the map, with all ships pointing towards
one short table edge. The attacker picks one of the deployment areas that run alongside the long table edges. He may place stellar debris
as he wishes in this deployment area – all other stellar debris is generated randomly. He then places his ships in this deployment area.

Scenario Rules: The attacker automatically wins Initiative in the first turn. The defending player may only act normally with his ships if
they first pass a Crew Quality check (target number 10). If a ship fails this check, it must move six inches (or up to its maximum Speed
if less than six) in a straight line with no Special Actions and will not be able to act in the Attack Phase.

Game Length: Eight turns, or until the attacker has withdrawn, or until one side has no ships on the table (Running Adrift and destroyed
ships do not count as viable ships), whichever happens first.

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. However, the defending player does not gain
Victory Points for enemy ships that tactically withdraw.

A nnihilation
For those safe on the worlds of the Royal Houses, wars in space are slow, studied affairs, a far cry from the terror and unleashing of
mighty energies that make a typical battle. There have been times in history, however, when the raw emotion of the fight has worked its
way up to the highest levels. During these times of total war, it is not enough that a strategically important objective be taken. Nothing
less than the total and utter destruction of the enemy will do, to wipe their fleets from the map and boil their planets with weapons of
mass destruction.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative – the losing fleet will be forced to set up first. The fleets are deployed anywhere within their
own deployment zones as shown on the scenario map. Stellar debris is generated randomly.

Scenario Rules: None.

Game Length: Until the victory conditions have been met.

Victory and Defeat: For the fleets involved in this battle, damage sustained by their own ships is of little importance so long as the enemy
suffers more. This battle will continue until all the ships on one side have been destroyed or captured. The winner is the fleet with at least
one ship remaining on the table.

A ssassination
War can get personal very quickly and the Royal Houses may begin taking an interest in particular personalities on the other side. Very
often, in the midst of battle, fleets may be ordered to do everything they can to destroy a specific vessel. This may be a ship thought to
be carrying an important personage, perhaps a military genius, or it may be home to an ace crew who have been dealing damage to the
allied side out of all proportion to their normal tactical worth. Whatever the reason, orders have been given that under no account can
this ship be permitted to live.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: The defender deploys his fleet first. The defender selects a ship of the highest points value or, in Patrol level
games, selects any one ship of his choice. This ship is the attacker’s target, the one marked for assassination. Stellar debris is generated

Scenario Rules: None.

Game Length: Eight turns, or until one fleet withdraws or either side has no ships on the table (Running Adrift, destroyed and surrendered
ships do not count as viable ships).

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. However, the attacker will earn +100 bonus
Victory Points if he destroys his target ship (boarding does not count – the attacker wants to absolutely destroy his enemy!). If the target
ship is still on the table at the end of the game, the defender receives +100 bonus Victory Points.

B lockade
Rather than take the time and trouble to bring the enemy to battle, a large fleet will often simply blockade a system or other strategically
important target. Forcing the enemy to run through this blockade, the fleet will have the chance of destroying its enemy piecemeal. For
their part, the blockade runners have the chance of defeating the blockade and making their way through without engaging the larger
fleet in a full-scale battle.

Fleets: The attacker (the blockade-runner) has half the points of the defender (the blockader) available for his fleet.

Pre-Battle Preparation: The blockading player deploys his fleet first. The blockade-runner will move all his ships on from anywhere
along his table edge in the first turn.

Scenario Rules: None.

Game Length: Eight turns, or until the victory conditions have been met.

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. The blockading player scores Victory Points
normally. The blockade-running player only scores Victory Points for moving ships off the blockader’s long table edge. He gains the
full Victory Point value of every ship moved off the table in this way, regardless of its condition. The blockader’s long table edge and
the two short table edges belong to the blockader for the purposes of tactical withdrawal. The opposite long table edge belongs to the

C all to A rms
Every war has its first shots fired. In space, this often happens when two fleets have been put on high alert and hostilities are expected.
Many patrols are sent out to gain intelligence on the enemy and when two opposing patrols meet, neither are likely to ask questions. The
war begins with the small clash of these patrolling ships.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative – the losing fleet will be forced to set up first. The fleets are deployed anywhere in their own
deployment zones as shown on the scenario map. This clash takes place in deep space and so no stellar debris or planets are required
unless both players agree to their use.

Scenario Rules: None.

Game Length: Eight turns, or until either side has no ships on the table (Running Adrift and destroyed ships do not count as viable

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins.

C arrier C rash
Carrier ships are some of the most valued components in a fleet. Forming carrier groups with several escorting vessels, their captains are
expected to be able to win entire battles by themselves. To become the captain of a carrier is to gain a position of immeasurable trust and
responsibility and only the most well connected or tactically astute can ever hope to be rewarded in this way. When two carrier groups
meet in battle, observers will be treated to some of the most exciting action possible in space combat.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level. Both fleets must have one ship with at least two flights of auxiliary craft. All other ships
in the fleet must be of an equal or lower points value than this ship.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative as normal – the losing fleet will be forced to set up first. The fleets are deployed anywhere in
their own deployment zones as shown on the scenario map. Stellar debris is generated randomly.

Scenario Rules: None.

Game Length: Eight turns, or until either side has no ships on the table (Running Adrift and destroyed ships do not count as viable

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. The short table edges are considered to belong to
the player who has his deployment zone there for the purposes of tactical withdrawal. The long table edges are considered to be neutral.

R econ R un
Information is critical in war and a lack of it can get people killed quicker than a neutron laser. Small squadrons of ships will often
undertake breathtakingly dangerous missions just to gain a little knowledge of their enemy, making high speed passes while scanners
probe targets for the slightest hint as to their true capabilities. Few ships on recon runs may return but if just one finds its way back to
base, the information it carries may prove critical to the war effort.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level. The attacker has half the points of the defender.

Pre-Battle Preparation: The defending fleet is placed in the deployment area marked on the map. The attacker will move his ships on
from any one table edge he chooses in the first turn of the game. Stellar debris is generated randomly.

Scenario Rules: The objective of this scenario is for the attacker to successfully scan as many enemy ships as possible. To do this, he must
move a ship within 12 inches of an enemy ship and then roll 1d6, adding his Crew Quality score. On an eight or more, he successfully
scans the enemy. Each attacking ship can scan one defending ship per turn. However, they may not perform any Special Actions while
doing so. Fighters cannot scan ships.

Game Length: Eight turns, or until the end of the turn in which every defending ship has been scanned and at least one attacking ship
has left the table.

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. However, the attacker gains an enemy ship’s
Victory Point value whenever he successfully scans it. Each enemy ship may only be scanned once.

R escue
A ship or probe damaged in neutral territory has fleets racing to snatch its contents. These may be important personnel, critical
reconnaissance data or a new, experimental weapon. Neither fleet can afford to see the target destroyed but nor can it be allowed to fall
into the enemy’s hands.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative as normal – the losing fleet will be forced to set up first. The fleets are deployed anywhere in
their own deployment zones as shown on the scenario map. Stellar debris is generated randomly. The objective ship is motionless for the
entire battle and cannot be boarded or fired upon.

Scenario Rules: None.

Game Length: Eight turns.

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. The side that has a ship within six inches of the
objective ship at the end of the game will gain +100 bonus Victory Points. If both sides have ships within six inches, then the side with
the highest points costing ship will gain the bonus Victory Points. Neither side will gain the bonus Victory Points if both have ships of
equal points within six inches.

S pace S uperiority
Once open war has been declared, opposing fleets will begin fighting for strategically important areas of each star system. In some cases,
space itself may be possessed by a victorious fleet and this can be vital to the fleets of supply ships that will be required to keep the
warships operational. These battles of space superiority can be vicious and may in themselves ultimately decide the winner of the war.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative as normal – the losing fleet will be forced to set up first. The fleets are deployed anywhere in
their own deployment zones as shown on the scenario map. Stellar debris is generated randomly.

Scenario Rules: None.

Game Length: Eight turns.

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. However, divide the battlefield up into a grid,
where each grid square is 24 inches squared. If a player has at least one ship (fighter flights do not count) in a square and no enemy
ships, then he gains +50 bonus Victory Points. Crippled ships and those Running Adrift may not claim a square in this manner. For the
purposes of tactical withdrawal, each short edge is considered to belong to the player who deployed along its length. Long table edges
are considered neutral.

B order D ispute
Not all nobles feel secure in the current order. Many keep a close eye on their rivals, regularly sending small squadrons of ships to one
another’s borders to ensure merchant shipping passes unmolested and to reconnoitre growing fleets. These patrols are always quickly met
by a rapidly reacting defence force and crews often tried to psyche one another out by engaging full weapon lock-ons upon their opposite
numbers. Most such mock engagements end with one side disengaging from an obviously superior force but, if tensions are running high,
fleets might actually open fire upon each other.

Fleets: The Conflict Intensity level is set at Patrol and players choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative before deployment. The loser deploys his entire fleet first. The winner then deploys his entire
fleet. Only fighters bought as separate wings may be deployed at the start of the battle.

Scenario Rules: No actual weapons will be fired during the initial phases of this battle. Instead, a ship may target another that is in range
as if it were about to fire. It will automatically deal one point of Damage for every AD it can place on a target (multiplied as normal for
Multihit weapons). However, this is not actual Damage and no Critical Hits are dealt – it is strictly a measure of the strength of a ship’s
position in the mock battle and the lock-ons it achieves. If a ship is reduced to 0 Damage in this way, it must make a Tactical Withdrawal
as soon as possible. No boarding actions may be attempted.

Game Length: 10 turns.

Victory and Defeat: The battle continues until one fleet has been forced to make a Tactical Withdrawal. The victor is the fleet that gains
the most Victory Points. However, either fleet may choose to make this a real battle at any point. Instead of simply mock reducing a
target’s Damage score by the number of AD that can be placed upon it, real shots may be fired instead by rolling to hit as normal. When
this happens, every ship that has taken mock Damage automatically has its Damage score restored to normal. Every attack from now on
is made as normal, rolling dice and calculating actual damage. In addition, boarding actions may be attempted. The winner will be the
fleet that accrues the most Victory Points from both the mock battle and the real one.

G ravity W ell
A recent battle saw the loss of the flagship for one fleet but distress signals have been picked up from the admiral’s lifeboat. The signals
are being transmitted from within an asteroid that encircles are dangerously volatile star. A rescue attempt is launched immediately but it
soon becomes clear that the enemy have picked up the signals too, and are interested in having a little ‘chat’ with the admiral.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative as normal – the losing fleet will be forced to set up first. The fleets are deployed anywhere in
their own deployment zones as shown on the scenario map.

Scenario Rules: The asteroid field is Density 7. Any ship (not fighter flight) that is within the asteroid field during the End Phase and did
not perform any Special Actions in that turn may search for the admiral by rolling one dice – a bonus of +1 is added to this roll if any
friendly fighter flights are within six inches of the ship and are also within the asteroid field. On the roll of a six, the admiral’s lifeboat
has been found, and he will be immediately transported to the ship. If a ship carrying the admiral is boarded by the enemy and its Troops
completely wiped out, then the admiral may be immediately placed on board any ship friendly to the boarders that is within six inches.
In this way, the admiral may change hands several times during the battle!

In addition, fighting this close to an unstable star will cause its own problems for the fleet. The star’s immense gravity field will cause
every ship to be moved 1D6 inches (roll separately for each) directly towards the star’s table edge before the start of every Movement
Phase. Any ship that is within 18 inches of the star’s table edge in an End Phase will be forced to weather terrible radiation bursts and
solar flares. It will automatically suffer 1D3 critical hits.

Game Length: Until victory conditions are met.

Victory and Defeat: If a ship finds the admiral and leaves the table by any edge other than the star’s, its player may claim victory. If the
ship carrying the admiral is destroyed (or if he is never found!), then the battle is a draw.

I nvasion
A surprise attack is launched on a far-flung colony and the defending fleet has been caught completely unprepared. Utterly doomed and
unable to flee, the defenders must fight to the bitter end, hoping for reinforcements or just the slim chance that every minute they buy
means another civilian transport can escape.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely. The attacking player has half the points of the defending
player but receives a quarter of the defending player’s points value as reinforcements every turn after the first.

Pre-Battle Preparation: The defending fleet sets up first and is deployed anywhere in its deployment zone as shown on the scenario map.
The attacking fleet moves in from its table edge on the first turn. Stellar debris is generated randomly.

Scenario Rules: The attacking fleet receives a quarter of the defending player’s points as reinforcements at the start of every turn after the
first. These ships move in from the attacker’s table edge. The defending player may not perform any Tactical Withdrawals.

Game Length: Eight turns.

Victory and Defeat: The attacker wins if he can wipe out the defender’s fleet. The defender claims (a moral) victory if he has at least one
ship (not fighter) still on the table that is not Crippled.

K ing of the J ump G ate
A system far into unexplored space has gained the interest of many governments. Scouts and prospectors ran a full analysis on every
planet, and found the motherlode – the remains of an ancient but dead civilisation possessing fantastic technologies and mineral resources
of such wealth they would put the Emperor to shame. Instantly contesting the neutrality of the system, many factions dispatch their
nearest military forces in an effort to claim ownership. A massive battle between rival fleets is about to split space apart.

Fleets: Each player has 300 points to spend on a fleet.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Up to eight players may take part in this scenario. Fleets do not deploy on the table, instead moving on from
each player’s entry point in their first turn. The first player should start from entry point one, the second from entry point two, and so on.
This means that, for example, entry points seven and eight will not be used if just six players are playing.

Scenario Rules: Players roll Initiative as normal, and move their fleets in the order of the lowest roll upwards, re-rolling any ties. Each
player’s entire fleet will be moved at the same time, rather than just one ship. Otherwise, play as normal.

Game Length: 10 turns or until all remaining players on the table have achieved their victory conditions, whichever comes first.

Victory and Defeat: The victory conditions for each fleet is randomised on the following table – players are under no obligation to let
their opponents know what their victory conditions are until the end of the game. They simply need to let the other players know when
they have achieved their objectives. Otherwise, any player can claim victory simply by having the last ship on the table.

D6 Victory Condition
1 Let no one Through!: Destroy the jump gate at the earliest opportunity. It has Hull 6+ and Damage 80.
2 Prove your strength!: Personally deliver the killing blow to at least two enemy ships.
3 Take the jump gate!: Move within 8” of the jump gate and be there at the end of the game.
4 Old enemy!: Pick one enemy ship of a points value at least as high as the highest in your own fleet. This ship must be destroyed.
5 Grab technology!: Board and capture at least one enemy ship.
6 Form an alliance!: Convince at least two other players not to fire on your fleet.

On the B ack F oot
The war has been going on for months now, and both fleets believe they have the measure of the other. Tactical surprises are becoming
rare and battles are turning into slugfests of attrition. Seeking to turn the odds and bring the war to a quick end, one side launches a major
offensive, which immediately catches the enemy off guard. Suddenly fighting for its very survival, a small battle fleet desperately tries to
hold out while reinforcements speed towards them.

Fleets: The attacker has 800 points. The defender starts with 500 points and receives another 500 points as reinforcements.

Pre-Battle Preparation: The defending fleet is deployed first, anywhere within its deployment zone, as shown on the map. The attacking
fleet is split into two forces. Each will move onto the table in the first turn from opposite short table edges. Stellar debris is generated

Scenario Rules: The attacking fleets move in from the short table edges during the first turn. The defender’s reinforcement fleet moves
in from his long table edge at the start of the fifth turn.

Game Length: 12 turns.

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins. Note that the defender must minimise his losses
during the first part of the game, or he risks the attacker earning more Victory Points than it is possible for him to claim himself!

T owering I nferno
Two fleets have moved into a disputed system and have spent several days carefully manoeuvring their forces, seeking weak points in
their enemy’s defences while looking for the huge battle that will see them claim victory. However, the opening shots are started by roving
patrols in the far reaches of the system and when the battle starts, neither side is completely prepared. Racing reinforcements into the area
as quickly as possible, each side is desperate to gain an early advantage.

Fleets: Players select a Conflict Intensity level and choose their fleets freely.

Pre-Battle Preparation: Roll for Initiative as normal – the losing fleet will be forced to set up first. The fleets are deployed anywhere in
their own deployment zones as shown on the scenario map. Each player may only deploy one ship of their choosing. Stellar debris is
generated randomly.

Scenario Rules: At the start of every turn after the first, each player must roll one dice for each of his ships yet to appear. On the roll of a
six, the ship will move on to the table from a random table edge during the Movement Phase. Use the scenario map to determine which
table edge a ship enters from.

Game Length: 12 turns.

Victory and Defeat: This scenario uses Victory Points in order to determine who wins.

Optional: For a longer battle, consider removing the turn limit, and play to last ship standing!

By now, you should be familiar with all the rules used in A Call to Each Strategic Target must then be generated using the following
Arms: Noble Armada and will have played through many of the table. Rolling on this table defines what category the Strategic
scenarios presented in this book. You will now be ready to embark Target falls under, after which you need to refer to the category
on an entire campaign, a set of scenarios that depict the entire war table to see precisely what is present in the system. The first
for one star system, where every battle can have a profound effect Strategic Target will always be a Settled World in every campaign.
upon the next and heroes can be created among your own crews.
2d6 Strategic Target Category
There is little more exciting in A Call to Arms: Noble Armada 2–3 Space Installation
than playing through an entire campaign. You will find it far more 4 Space Debris
engaging than a single scenario as you will always be aware that 5 Gas Giant
a defeat in your current game could spell disaster down the road.
6 Settled World
In addition, you will have a chance to watch your ships and crews
7 Dead World
grow with battle-hardened experience, yank desperate victories
8–9 Uninhabited World
from the jaws of utter defeat and have the satisfaction of booting
your enemy clean out of the system! 10 Outpost
11–12 Inner System Comet

B eginning the C ampaign As well as the wide variety of different Strategic Targets that may
Before you begin a campaign, you need to do several things. First be available in a campaign, a particular system may also have
off, you will need at least two players with complete fleets, though a number of Unusual Features. These can vary from unusually
the campaign system here can support many more – you could get high densities of space debris around some strategic targets to the
your entire club involved in a galaxy-sweeping campaign! leftovers of past wars still littering the void. Occasionally even
more bizarre phenomena have been recorded, perhaps resulting
Every player should have at least 1,500 points worth of ships. from unusual solar activity or more esoteric origins.
Ideally, every fleet should be different, so you can represent
Hawkwood, Decados, al-Malik and so on but it is okay to have Roll on the following table to see how many Unusual Features are
the same type of fleet on differing sides, with one representing a present when a system is generated. Roll on the Unusual Features
rogue faction of their government, perhaps. category table for each one to see precisely what anomalies and
phenomena are present. Each Unusual Feature is randomly
You then need to create the campaign map, which will show the assigned to a Strategic Target and it affects only that Strategic
star system all the players are attempting to control. This comprises Target.
of a number of Strategic Targets, all of which are considered
important by the invading fleets. The number of Strategic Targets 1d6 Number of Unusual Features
present in the system is random and rolled for on the following 1–3 0
4–5 1
6 2
2d6 No. of Strategic Targets
2–4 6 The categories and effects of each Strategic Target and
5–8 7 Unusual Feature are detailed at the end of this chapter.
9–12 8
Unlike other games, the campaign system in A Call to Arms:
This table assumes that two players will be taking part in the Noble Armada does not use a map for its game play, with each
campaign. For every additional player that is taking part, add one Strategic Target linked to one or more others. Fleets are highly
more Strategic Target to the total. In addition to the number of manoeuvrable in A Call To Arms: Noble Armada and, given time,
Strategic Targets generated, there will always be one additional have the ability to strike almost anywhere within a star system.
Strategic Target in every system, the Trade Route. In theory, you could just list the available Strategic Targets in a

system on a scrap piece of paper, playing an entire campaign using Each Campaign Turn consists of the following phases.
nothing more elaborate. However, players like to see what they are
fighting for, so a few minutes sketching out the star and relative 1. Initiative
positions of the Strategic Targets will be time well spent. Players 2. Select Targets
will enjoy crossing off their enemy’s name from a target when 3. Generate Scenarios
they win a battle, replacing it with their own. They will also get 4. Fight Battle
the feeling that they have accomplished something, taken some 5. Ship Experience
ground, with each target they acquire in battle. 6. Repairs and Reinforcements

Star ting Fleets Once every player has performed the Reinforcements phase, a new
Every player takes a fleet roster and creates a fleet. To begin with, Campaign Turn begins, with players ready to fight a new round of
fleets of 1,500 points each will make for a fairly quick campaign. battles in an attempt to dominate the star system.
Once you have become used to the system, you can increase the
points available to each player. 3,000 point fleets will make for a Initiative
good campaign you can get your teeth into, with much tugging As with the main game, Initiative is rolled for by using 2d6 and
back and forth between targets. Fleets of 6,000 or 10,000 points applying the player’s fleet modifier, as detailed in the Fleet Lists
are true armadas in every sense, capable of creating a grand, chapter. Re-roll all ties. A –1 penalty is applied to a player’s Initiative
sweeping campaign that will be the subject of much discussion roll for every Strategic Target he currently holds. Possessing a
for years to come! Strategic Target brings all sorts of benefits but also requires the fleet
dedicates a certain portion of its resources to maintaining patrols
A fleet commander can never be sure exactly what he is getting and security watches on the facilities, which in turn makes it less
when he requisitions vessels from his high command and the flexible in responding to the actions of the enemy.
worth of many fleets is not in their ships but in their crew. To this
end, players must randomly roll for the Crew Quality of every ship Select Targets
in their fleet on the following table. The player who won the Initiative phase selects any one Strategic Target
that he does not currently possess. If this target belongs to another player,
2d6 Crew Crew Quality Score he will fight a battle with that player’s fleet in the next phase.
2 Civilian 2
3–4 Green 3 If it is currently unoccupied, the next player in the Initiative order
5–8 Military-Grade 4 may decide to also occupy it, in which case, they both fight a battle
9–10 Veteran 5 in the next phase. If this player chooses not to, the choice falls to
11–12 Elite 6 the next player in the Initiative order and so on. If the attacking
player is not challenged in this way, he gains the Strategic Target
Players are allowed to swap Crew Quality scores between automatically without a fight!
two of their ships – this allows them to have a decent crew
on whatever they will regard as their flagship. Other than this, Once it has been decided what the player who won the Initiative is
you will be stuck with the crew you roll for, though they will doing, the next player in Initiative order chooses a Strategic Target
have a chance to improve during the campaign. All on board and follows the same process. He may not choose a Strategic Target
squadrons have the same Crew Quality score as their parent that has already been nominated by previous player in this turn.
In this way, a Campaign Turn may be fairly light in combat if
Once the players are gathered, the fleets ready and the most players choose to occupy spare Strategic Targets and do not
campaign map sketched out, it is time to start the campaign. challenge one another much. On the other hand, a player may
find himself having to fight multiple battles in the same turn if the
The Campaign Tur n other players all turn against him and launch attacks on several
Just as with normal games in A Call to Arms, campaigns have Strategic targets he possesses!
turns that are divided up into phases, each of which must be played
out before the next can begin. By the end of each campaign turn, Before you start planning your star-spanning offensive, however,
every player will have fought a battle (sometimes more than one!) there is one golden rule to bear in mind. Every ship on your fleet
and several Strategic Targets are likely to have changed hands. roster may only take part in one battle during every Campaign
Turn. Once you have used it in one battle it may not be used in

another during this same turn. This means as the campaign draws All scenarios in a campaign turn must be determined before any
on and your casualties increase, you will have to be very careful battles are fought.
about who you fight and with what.
Fight the Good Fight!
Generate Scenario Once it has been decided who is fighting who and which scenarios
Once it has been determined that two players will fight, the player are being used, it is time to hit the tabletop and begin playing A
who nominated the Strategic Target to be fought over must roll Call to Arms: Noble Armada. If you find that you are waiting for
on the following table to determine which scenario will be played. a battle because your opponent is currently fighting someone else,
During this scenario, he will be regarded as the attacker. take the opportunity for a break and a quick snack or, alternatively,
start heckling him as he plays! Your turn to fight will come soon
2d6 Scenario enough. . .
2 Ambush
3 Recon Run The victor of the battle will either retain or gain the Strategic
4 Convoy Duty Target over which he and his opponent were fighting. This is
immediately added to his fleet roster and may be used in later
5 Assassination
phases of the same turn. If a battle ends in a draw, the Strategic
6 Space Superiority
Target remains in the possession of the player who possessed it
7 Call to Arms
originally (or remains unoccupied if no player had it on his fleet
8 Annihilation roster).
9 Towering Inferno
10 On the Back Foot Any ships destroyed during the battle are crossed off the fleet
11 Blockade roster. All existing damage (including effects of critical hits) are
12 Carrier Clash * noted on the fleet roster.

* This scenario may only be used if both fleets have ships capable Players should collaborate to form a strong narrative for the
of acting as carriers. Otherwise, re-roll this result. campaign – it is all very well rolling up scenarios and Strategic
Targets randomly but it is much more fun devising reasons why
The points level of the scenario is also randomly decided, using the fleets are fighting at any one particular time. For example, a Hazat
following table. However, both players may influence the result of fleet may have decided to attack a Hawkwood-held agrarian
this roll if they wish. Before rolling, each may secretly mark down world. Generating a scenario results in a 750 point Blockade.
a modifier from –3 to +3 on a scrap piece of paper. Once the dice After a brief discussion, the two players may decide the Hazat are
is rolled, both players reveal their modifier and apply it to the dice attempting to stop all food supplies to the fleet from this world
roll for a final result. and it is vital that several Hawkwood warships, loaded with food
stuffs, break through the blockade and to enable the rest of the
2d6 Points Value fleet to continue eating well. If they fail, the rest of the fleet will
4 or less 250 go onto standard rations and the agrarian world will have to be
5–6 500 relinquished to the Hazat as an alternative supply post must be
7–8 750 found. Once you get into the swing of the campaign, you will find
9–10 1,000 it relatively easy to continually come up with reasons for fleets to
11 or more 1,500 fight, no matter what scenarios are generated.

This is the base points value of the fleets being used in the scenario Once all battles have been fought and won, it is time for the victor
generated. Players choose ships from their fleet roster to use in the to enjoy the spoils and for the loser to count the cost.
scenario but may not take a fleet that has a greater value than the
total rolled for. Ship Experience
Battle is a crucible through which crews learn or die and the
You should also be warned that if you are fighting multiple battles greenest crew may become battle-hardened veterans before the
in a turn or have a battered fleet after several losses, you may not campaign is through.
be able to field a large enough force to use all your points. In this
case, you will be taking a smaller fleet to the battle and will have to During every battle, ships will acquire Experience Point (XP) Dice
fight that much harder! You are never required to field a fleet that for various actions they successfully perform. These actions are
uses all of your points, even if your opponent does. summarised in the table overleaf.

Action XP Dice Gained
Destroys enemy ship of same or lower points value than your ship. 1
Destroys enemy ship of up to twice the points value of your ship. 2
Destroys enemy ship of up to three times the points value of your ship. 3
Destroys enemy ship of up to four times the points value of your ship. 4
Destroys enemy ship of up to five times or more the points value of your ship. 5
Successfully board and capture an enemy ship Double XP Dice earned for destroying it
Cripple an enemy ship. Half XP Dice for destroying it (round down)
Being on the winning side in the battle. 2
Being on the losing or drawing side in the battle. 1
Being Crippled. –2 (and lose 1 point of Crew Quality)

To count as destroying an enemy ship, your ship must deliver Refitting

the killing blow – the attack that actually destroyed the enemy An experienced crew instinctively knows how to get the best
vessel. By the same token, to gain XP Dice for crippling an enemy performance out of their ship, how to requisition the best
ship, your ship must have delivered the attack that caused this to materials and how to improve upon a basic design. For every two
happen. XP Dice you expend, you may roll once on the Refit table. This
may be done any number of times, so long as you have enough XP
A ship may not earn XP Dice for both crippling and destroying Dice. Effects are not cumulative (so, you cannot apply Additional
the enemy ship. In this case, only the XP Dice for destroying the Weapons Fitted to the same weapon system twice, though you
ship are gained. However, it is perfectly possible for one ship to can apply it twice to two different weapon systems). If any results
gain XP Dice for crippling an enemy ship and another gain the full cannot be applied to your ship for any reason, re-roll them.
XP Dice reward for destroying it in a later attack.
Other Duties
A ship may never be reduced to less than zero XP Dice. Fighters An experienced crew can usually be assured of getting the best
may never earn XP Dice, nor is their destruction worth XP Dice. missions when not in battle, ‘sweet’ or ‘plum’ assignments, as they
are called. For every two XP Dice you expend, you may roll once on
XP Dice may be saved for future Campaign Turns or they may be the Other Duties table. This may be done any number of times, so
spent immediately as shown. A ship may only benefit from its XP long as you have enough XP Dice. Effects are not cumulative. If any
Dice and the effects may never be applied to another ship. results cannot be applied to your ship for any reason, re-roll them.

Increase Crew Quality Re pairs and Reinforcements

You may spend one XP Die in an attempt to improve the Crew Even after just one battle, players are likely to have several badly
Quality of your ship. Roll the XP Dice. If you score higher than damaged, maybe even crippled warships in their fleet. After a few
your current Crew Quality score, it will be raised by one point. more campaign turns, the fleet is going to begin looking more like
You may only attempt this once every Campaign Turn for each a spaceship junkyard!
ship on your fleet roster.
This, of course, will never do and players will be interested in
Re pair Ship keeping their ships as battle worthy as possible. They will also
Any number of XP Dice may be expended in trying to makeshift look to reinforce their position in the campaign by bringing in
repair a ship, making it battle worthy once more. Roll any number entirely new ships and, potentially, expanding their fleet beyond
of XP Dice and multiply the result by two. This is how many its original size.
Damage points you can recover on the ship. Note that you cannot
increase your ship’s Damage points to above their original number. During this phase, every player will automatically receive ten
Ships which have been Crippled may not use XP Dice in this way Repair and Reinforcement (RR) points, which will be used to
and must await full-scale repairs, as detailed. repair damaged ships, replace lost crew and call for reinforcements
from high command. The total number of RR points each player
will receive is modified by the events listed.
Tactical Judgement
Any number of XP Dice may be kept aside, ready for use in
future battles. Each XP Die spent allows you to re-roll one die that Event RR Points
directly affects the ship. This may be an Attack Dice (either fired Player captured a new Strategic Target this turn. +10
by or at the ship), a Damage roll, a Crew Quality check – anything Player lost a Strategic Target this turn. -15
that may directly affect the ship expending the XP Dice. For every battle won this turn. +5

2d6 Refit
2 Experimental Stealth Technology: The ship benefits from advanced stealth technology, retroactively installed within its hull. It
immediately gains the Stealth 2+ trait. Ships that already have the Stealth trait must re-roll this result.
3 Advanced Detection Systems: The ship gains the Scout trait. If it already has the Scout trait, re-roll this result.
4 Command Ship: A well-respected captain takes command of the ship, one well-versed in fleet tactics. The ship gains the
Command +1 trait, or adds +1 to the Command trait if it already possesses it.
5 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempt it makes to target an enemy with the Stealth trait. This may
only be applied once.
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However, when using this extra
range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system. It gains an additional Attack Dice. This may only be applied once per
weapon system.
8 Enhanced Battle Shields: The ship gains 1 extra Shield. This may only be applied once.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains the capacity to carry a fighter (or an extra one if it already possesses fighters). Add
+1 to its Craft score.
12 Think Machine: The ship gains the Think Machine trait if it did not have it before.

Other Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to another power has paid off well. You may immediately add one ship of 100 points
or less from a fleet list not in use by any player in the campaign to your fleet roster.
3 New Captain: A new Captain takes command of the vessel – a highly decorated, even legendary Captain. Once per battle,
the ship may attempt to take two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all
effects of both Special Actions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning)
with the Come About! action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neither
invalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.
4 Now You See Me…: This ship has been conducting scouting exercises all over the system, forcing other fleets to chase it as
it gathers crucial information. You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.
5 Psychic: The crew’s dedication to duty has been rewarded with a resident psychic being made at home on board. Whenever
the ship is boarded, enemy Troops will suffer a –1 penalty on their Troops Dice.
6 Theurgist: A Theurgist is deployed on board, gifted with healing hulls and salving systems. In every End Phase, this ship
may automatically regain 1 point of Damage.
7 Time in Orbit: The crew find time to give their ship a distinctive paint job, visible even across the gulf of space. This allows
you to re-roll all of your Troops Dice during a boarding action once per battle. Yes, you should paint this on your model if
you are using miniatures!
8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering officers of another ship have volunteered to serve aboard this vessel. Add a +1
bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Elite Psychic: Your crew is joined by an elite psychic trained in fleet combat. He is able to bend his mind to annihilate troops
on board enemy ships. In the Attack Phase, select an enemy ship within 6”. It will immediately lose 1 Troop (Marauders lose
their ability to ignore the first hit against this psychic power).
10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships away from
his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have 100 points less available.
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless. Immediately
generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your control.
12 Re-commissioned: A previously mothballed ship comes into your hands. Add a ship of 100 points or less to your fleet
roster, from the fleet list you are currently using.

Additionally, all players receive RR points equal to the RR score of Captured Ships
each Strategic Target they now hold. For example, a player with an Clever players will have boarded and captured enemy ships in their
Industrial World (10 RR) and a Construction Yard (3 RR) would battles. Not only does this deny the enemy of a valuable warship
gain an additional 13 RR points. Each Strategic Target type has its but it also provides you with a great deal of wealth.
RR score listed in its entry.
Ships from other fleets are difficult to integrate into your own –
These RR may be spent in the following ways. It is not compulsory they will have different types of weapons and systems on board
for you to spend all your RR points every turn, and they may be that may not be compatible with what your crews are used to.
saved for spending in future turns.
If you wish to include a captured enemy ship in your fleet roster
Re pairs (and, to be honest, the bragging rights alone are often worth it),
Each RR point may be expended to replace five lost Damage points then you must spend half the number of RR points your opponent
from any ship in the fleet. A ship that has been Crippled must have would normally spend to buy the ship outright as a reinforcement.
an additional 5 RR points spent on it before any repairing may be The ship retains its Crew Quality, XP Dice and any benefits it
performed. gained from Refitting and Other Duties.

2 RR points may be spent to reduce the Critical Score of a location However, you can simply break the ship down and use its parts to
by one. help service your own fleet. In this case, cross the captured sheet
off of your roster. You will immediately receive a number of RR
points equal to half that your opponent would normally spend if
In addition, you may voluntarily send a ship back to high
buying the ship as a reinforcement.
command for complete repairs, no matter what its condition. You
will not be able to use the ship for a full two Campaign Turns but
Finally, you can ransom the ship back to its owning player (or
after this period, it will be returned to your fleet roster as normal,
any player, really – feel free to have an auction!). The terms of the
fully repaired of any damage, with no cost to your RR points.
trade are for you and your opponent to agree upon.

Recr uiting Avoiding Battle

Each RR point may be expended to replace up to five lost Troops
For many reasons, a player may decide not to fight when he realises
from any ship in the fleet.
he may not have a good chance for victory (or that even victory may
cost him too much). A player may refuse to fight when attacked
Reinforcements but he will automatically lose the Strategic Target and will lose RR
You may purchase new ships for your fleet roster. Each RR point points as normal. The enemy will gain RR points as if he defeated
is worth 10 points on the fleet lists – so, if you want to buy a 100 the player. Neither will gain XP Dice for their ships.
point frigate, you will need to expend 10 RR points. You may only
purchase ships from the same fleet list that you originally selected
for your fleet.
Victor y and Defeat
After many battles have been fought and won, it will be time for
one fleet to claim victory over all others.
Fighters may also be purchased as reinforcements, as replacements
for carriers that have suffered losses among their fighter craft.
The winner of the campaign is the player who can capture all
available Strategic Targets first. He can lord it over his fellow
You may also transfer Fighters between ships. Do this during the
players and claim to do twice as well in the next campaign. A
repairs and reinforcements phase by noting down the reduced
player automatically loses the campaign if every ship on his fleet
number of Fighters on one ship and adding them to your chosen
roster is captured or destroyed. We suggest he just slinks away and
recipient. A ship receiving Fighters must be capable of carrying
hopes no one notices him. . .
them in the normal manner and you must not exceed the carrier
capacity for any ship in transferring Fighters. Other than this,
you are free to transfer Fighters as you wish, even leaving a ship Strategic Targets and Unusual
completely without Fighters in order to re-stock a preferred vessel Features
in the fleet. Each Strategic Target in a campaign has its own effect on the
fleet that manages to successfully capture it. Listed here are the
Ships with the Carrier trait may automatically replenish up to two different Strategic Target categories and their special rules, as well
lost Fighters in the Repairs and Reinforcements phase each turn. as the rules for Unusual Features.
This is done freely and does not cost any RR points. A ship may
never have more Fighters than it started with, nor may it pass ‘spare’ Unexplored Worlds: Some types of Strategic Target are designated
Fighters onto another ship. You are still permitted to move Fighters as unexplored. The first time that an unexplored Strategic Target is
between ships after each has received these free Fighters. captured, the capturing player may roll once on the following table:

2d6 Exploration 1d6 Space Installation
2 Ancient Ruins 1 Construction Yard
3 Crashed Spacecraft 2 Diplomatic Station
4–5 Resource Cache 3 Military Installation
6–8 Nothing 4 Scrap Yard
9–10 Hidden Resources 5 Space Docks
11 Raiders 6 Trade Station
12 Lost Outpost
Spacedocks (1 RR)
As soon as an unexplored target has been captured it is explored. Spacedocks are space installations designed to berth capital ships
No more rolls for exploration are made if other players capture it for the purposes of maintenance and resupply. They provide only
in the future. a minimum of income for the controlling power but they also serve
as extremely useful facilities for repairing damaged warships.
Ancient Ruins: Discovering the ruins of an ancient civilisation
that once existed here, the explorers unearth a cache of advanced A player who controls a spacedocks ignores the 5 RR point
technology. The discovering player may make a free refit roll for a premium required for repairing Crippled ships.
single ship in their fleet.
Trade Station (3 RR)
Crashed Spacecraft: A crashed spacecraft and its grateful crew A trade station is a gathering point for merchants and traders
are discovered and rescued. The discovering player may add a across the system. Usually, this kind of space installation has
single of less than 100 points, from any fleet list, to their own for extensive docking facilities for freighters and cargo ships, as well
no cost. as providing accommodation and entertainment for the dealers
and corporate emissaries that constantly pass through the station
Hidden Resources: Whether a hidden ecosystem or a hitherto- to hammer out commerce and trade arrangements. Those in
undiscovered abundance of mineral deposits, it turns out that this control of such a station are able to tap into the wealth flowing
planet is of far more value than previously thought. The Strategic through their property, through taxes or favourable deals.
Target permanently produces one additional RR per turn.
A player who controls a trade station increases the income they
Lost Outpost: It turns out that there is an isolated outpost here gain from the trade route strategic target by 3 RR.
that has remained out of contact with the rest of the galaxy for
years or even decades. Replace this Strategic Target with a random
Diplomatic Station (1 RR)
Much like a trade station, a diplomatic station usually boasts
extensive facilities for the accommodation and entertainment
Nothing: The Strategic Target is exactly as it appears to be.
of its visitors. The main difference is that those travelling to a
space installation of this kind are doing so because it is a hub of
Raiders: The discovering player stirs up a hornet’s nest as it turns
diplomacy and political interaction. Here, deals are brokered not
out that raiders are using this Strategic Target as a hidden base of
for the exchange of goods and merchandise but for the writing of
operations! This results in temporarily increased piracy for one
peace treaties and the sealing of alliances.
turn before they are driven off, reducing the RR income of all
players by one dice each.
During the Initiative phase of the campaign turn, after Initiative has
been rolled, a player who controls a diplomatic station may pay 3
Resource Cache: The planet turns out to house a one-off cache of
RR to target any player lower in the initiative order than themselves
resources, whether a hidden military stockpile or a lone deposit of
for a ceasefire. By designating a single strategic target in the system,
valuable minerals. It can be quickly exploited for a one-off bonus
the chosen player may not attack that target this turn.
of one dice’s worth of RR points for the discovering player.

Military Training Installation (1 RR)

Space Installation Military training installations are created to give cadets a taste
This category covers fully operational space installations. Space of life in space and zero-g conditions to prepare them for service
installations are rarely completely autonomous, usually placed in onboard capital ships. Such an installation can provide a steady
orbit of or close proximity to a planet or other Strategic Target. flow of well-trained crew for a fleet.
They can cover a wide variety of roles, from serving as a nexus of
trade and diplomacy for a region, to providing shipyards for the A player who controls a military training installation may re-roll
repair and maintenance of a fleet. one XP die being used to try and increase the Crew Quality of a
ship, once per campaign turn.

Construction Yard (3 RR) Any battle that takes place for the possession of an asteroid belt
Construction yards are substantial space installations created for has an additional D3 asteroid fields generated on the battlefield
the purpose of assembling new spacecraft. A construction yard in addition to normal stellar debris. These asteroid fields are
is usually in close proximity to a planet or mining outpost from generated even if the scenario does not normally permit stellar
which raw materials can be shipped over to it and processed into debris.
spacecraft parts. A construction yard on the scale of one of these
strategic targets is a great prize indeed; instead of having to bring Rich Dust Cloud (3 RR)
in reinforcements from other systems, the owner can churn a Great clouds of dust particles and tiny fragments are left in the wake
steady flow of new craft out of the installation and straight into of a star system’s birth. Some of these dust clouds are particularly
the thick of battle. rich in minerals and elements that are deemed valuable by the
sentient races of the galaxy, attracting cloud miners to harvest this
A player who controls a construction yard gains an additional 5 abundance of resources. Factory-ships trawl the dust, sifting out
RR on top of the normal 3 RR that this strategic target produces. the particles they want and processing the raw materials for later
The bonus 5 RR can only be spent on the purchase of new ships transport to industrial facilities and planets.
and is lost at the end of the turn if it has not been used.
Any battle that takes place for the possession of a rich dust cloud
Scrap Yard (1 RR) has an additional D3 dust clouds generated on the battlefield in
A ‘scrap yard’ is an industrial space installation that processes addition to normal stellar debris. These dust clouds are generated
raw materials and recycles the debris and free-floating scrap that even if the scenario does not normally permit stellar debris.
tends to be left in the aftermath of battles between spacecraft.
Armour plating and damaged components are rendered down Ship Graveyard (d6 RR)
and manufactured into entirely new parts while salvageable A ‘ship graveyard’ is made up of shattered hulks, twisted pieces of
components are repaired and reused in the construction of more scrap metal and mangled infrastructures floating in close proximity
ships. or sometimes clumped together in great conglomerations of
debris. A graveyard may be the marker of some ancient space war
A player who controls a scrap yard gains an additional 1 RR from times now long past, or it may be the accumulated debris of
point for every ship that they control which is destroyed in a game more recent battles and conflicts; either way, it is a treasure trove
which they win. for those willing to risk its dangers.

Space Debris A ship graveyard does not generate a fixed RR total in the normal
This category covers various kinds of free-floating debris and manner, instead generating D6 RR each turn for the controlling
detritus formations, both natural and artificial. Most formations player.
of space debris are remnants from the formation of the system’s
star and planets but some may have more recent origins. Any battle that takes place for the possession of a ship graveyard has an
additional D6 asteroid fields generated on the battlefield in addition to
normal stellar debris. Unlike normal asteroids, these are not shards of
1d6 Space Debris
rock or ice but the twisted, mangled remnants of destroyed spaceships.
1–3 Asteroid Belt
This is a perfect opportunity for exercising modelling skills and creating
4 Planetary Ring
some more unusual pieces of stellar debris!
5 Rich Dustcloud
6 Ship Graveyard
Planetary Ring (0 RR)
A planetary ring is similar in nature to a normal asteroid belt
Asteroid Belt (0 RR) except that it orbits a planet or moon instead of the system’s
An asteroid belt consists of an orbiting band of rock, ice and star. This can make it a particularly advantageous location from
minerals. This form of stellar debris may be composed of asteroids which to defend the planet in question, as the power in control of
of mere inches across to vast mountains with a span measured this strategic location can launch surprise assaults with ease and
in miles. Though dangerous to try and navigate through for an quickly retreat back to the safety of the ring. This also makes it a
inexperienced captain, the mineral deposits often draw small fine staging point for an invader from which to attack the planet.
groups of miners willing to take the risks and the natural hazards
are sometimes exploited by raiders and military organisations A planetary ring is assigned to a specific planet in the system when
to provide a hiding place for damaged vessels. Most would-be it is created.
pursuers are wary of entering an asteroid belt, let alone actually
capable of tracking down their prey in the shifting maze of rock A player who controls both the planetary ring and its planet gains
and ice. a +1 Initiative bonus in any battles fought defending the planet.

A player who controls an asteroid belt may multiply the dice rolled A player who controls the planetary ring gains a +1 Initiative
by four instead of two when spending XP Dice to make repairs. bonus in any battles fought attacking the planet.

Any battle that takes place for the possession of a planetary ring will benefit from a significant enhancement to its capability to
has an additional D3 asteroid fields generated on the battlefield maintain armed forces.
in addition to normal stellar debris. These asteroid fields are
generated even if the scenario does not normally permit stellar A player who controls an industrial world may replace ten lost
debris. Troops for every RR spent on recruiting.

Inner System Comet Agrarian World (5 RR)

This category covers comets, stellar bodies that move through This type of strategic target is a planet whose primary function is
a system on elongated orbits around the star. Distinctive for the as a producer of natural resources, usually in the form of crops
‘tail’ of dust and gas that they seem to shed behind them as they and food. Running the gamut from worlds covered by endless
move, most comets in a system are not in a position of strategic fields to subterranean settlements farming hydroponic gardens
importance but a rare few can prove of use to battling opponents. and nutrient vats, agrarian worlds are valuable both for providing
supplies to military forces and as recruiting grounds to draw fresh
1d6 Inner System Comet troops from.
1–4 Ice-Rock Composite Comet
A player who controls an agrarian world may replace 10 lost
5–6 Mineral-Rich Comet
Troops for every RR spent on recruiting.
Ice-Rock Composite Comet (0 RR)
This is a normal inner system comet, composed of the usual Primitive World (2 RR)
mixture of debris and frozen gases. Its primary strategic use is to Primitive and low-tech worlds are often inhabited by cultures that
shield the arrival of reinforcements from the eyes of the enemy. have simply not advanced past early stages of civilisation yet, let
alone acquiring the capacity for space travel. As ‘primitive’ is a
A player who controls an ice-rock composite comet may reduce relative term, this does not necessarily mean that they are axe-
the cost of all reinforcements by 10%, rounding up. This reduction wielding savages but their capacity to process raw materials and
may be not combined with that given for another Inner System manufacture goods will fall far below those of more developed
Comet. agrarian and industrial worlds. Some low-tech worlds exist not
as a result of a primitive society but of a desire on the part of the
inhabitants to live simple lives close to nature, rejecting the rigours
Mineral-Rich Comet (1 RR) of industrialisation and expansion.
A rare form of comet, this strategic target contains an unusually
high level of valuable minerals that can be extracted and processed.
A player who controls a primitive or low-tech world may replace
Much like a normal inner system comet, it also helps conceal
ten lost Troops points for every RR spent on recruiting.
reinforcements as they arrive in the system.

A player who controls a mineral-rich comet may reduce the cost Commerce World (6 RR)
of all reinforcements by 10%, rounding up. This reduction may be The primary function of a commerce or trade world is not the
not combined with that given for another Inner System Comet. production of materials or goods but rather their distribution and
administration. Often highly developed and with a good standard
of living, a commerce world may well be the central hub or
Settled World homeworld of an empire or alliance, the heart of an infrastructure
This category covers all manner of worlds that have been that can rely on its colonies to provide all the resources that it
colonised by sentient races. Most systems will contain a number needs. Some commerce worlds gain their status simply by being
of planetary bodies and while only a very few of these will be in the right part of space, in particular where the borders of
particularly hospitable to life, the lure of rich resource deposits several territories meet and representatives of many races come
can result in the settlement of even the harshest planets. together to barter. Control of a settled world of this type grants
some powerful advantages to the possessor, primarily due to the
2d6 Settled World considerable revenue that it will generate.
2–3 Leisure World
4–5 Primitive World A player who controls a commerce world may replace 10 lost
6–8 Industrial World Troops for every RR spent on recruiting.
9–10 Agrarian World
11–2 Commerce World For every other settled world that the controlling player possesses,
the commerce world generates an additional 2 RR every turn.
Industrial World (10 RR)
Varying from heavily-populated worlds where the inhabitants Leisure World (3 RR)
continually labour to manufacture goods and products to almost Leisure or ‘resort’ worlds are extremely rare but, while highly
entirely automated factory complexes with a skeleton shift of valued by most governments, are often overlooked by military
overseers, an industrial world is a great prize indeed. Any power commanders who fail to see them as of any particular strategic
that can turn the planet’s extensive resources to serve its war effort importance. A leisure world is a planet with particularly popular

features for one or more races, whether it be a balmy climate, Dead World
beautiful beaches or excellent leisure facilities, so that as a result This category covers worlds that have been designated as
the planet’s primary income is from tourism and the entertainment either uninhabitable or lacking any sort of assets to make
industry. While it produces few resources of use to a military their colonisation worthwhile. Some have such inhospitable
campaign, possession of such a world can be a great boon to the environments that to try and inhabit them is unthinkable, while
morale of ship crews during their periods of R&R. others are bereft of natural resources. Nonetheless, even barren
dustballs can prove of strategic use for the movement and
A player who controls a leisure world may replace 10 lost Troops regrouping of spacefaring fleets.
for every RR spent on recruiting.
All dead worlds are considered unexplored at the beginning of
A player who controls a leisure world may re-roll the dice of a the campaign.
single Other Duties roll once per campaign turn. If this option is
chosen, the player must accept the second roll and may not chose 1d6 Dead World
to use the results of the first roll instead.
1–2 Barren World
3–4 Ice World
Uninhabited World 5 Molten World
This category covers habitable worlds that have not yet been 6 Toxic World
colonised. Such worlds are not innately hostile to life and indeed
often flourish with indigenous flora and fauna. Some worlds of Barren World (0 RR)
this kind are specifically set aside and protected from settlement, Many dead worlds are literally just barren and sterile. They lack the
sometimes due to outstanding natural beauty, a delicate ecosystem basic requirements for life, sometimes entirely bereft of an atmosphere
or native and sentient races in the very earliest stages of civilisation or without a drop of water anywhere on their surface. The scars of
that would not likely survive the culture shock of meeting ancient wars and civilisations can be seen on some barren worlds but
spacefaring societies. Others have only just been discovered, or others have never been visited by any form of sentient life, as there is
the resources to colonise them have not yet become available. nothing noteworthy to attract any attention to them.
All uninhabited worlds are considered as unexplored at the
beginning of the campaign. Ice World (0 RR)
Ice worlds usually exist on the outer fringes of a system, water
worlds so far from the warmth and light of a star that they have
1d6 Uninhabited World
simply frozen over. Their ice-covered surface is usually marred by
1–2 Temperate Planet cracks and crevasses and if they have an atmosphere it will be
3–4 Verdant Planet bitterly cold, making for a decidedly inhospitable environment.
5–6 Water World Nonetheless, some ice worlds have oceans and warm vents deep
below the frozen crust and potentially even ecosystems. Reaching
Water World (1 RR) such resources is a process rarely worth the effort.
Some planets have their surfaces mostly or entirely covered by
water. Generally, planets with less than 10% of their surface area Molten World (1 RR)
as land will fall into this category. The vast oceans of such a world The opposite of ice worlds, any water on the surface of a molten
can teem with life and a wealth of resources but they can be hard or volcanic world will have long since boiled away into space.
to begin colonisation of, as there may be little or no solid land on Usually notable for extremely close proximity to a star, a molten
which to build initial outposts. world’s surface is lethally hot and rife with extreme volcanic
activity. The crust of such a planet is generally very unstable, with
Temperate Planet (1 RR) earthquakes and fresh eruptions as regular events. Despite the very
Planets of this type are usually very similar to earth in terms of hostile environment, molten worlds can sometimes be of worth
climate and geography. Some basic assets can be acquired from to would-be conquerors of a system, as the minerals and metals
such a planet but until full-scale colonisation occurs, the wealth vomited forth onto the surface on a daily basis can be harvested
of resources that a temperate world holds cannot be tapped into and often contain deposits of extremely rare elements and
efficiently. compounds. Acquiring them is, of course, extremely dangerous
and unpredictable and molten worlds rarely acquire more than
Verdant Planet (2 RR) very small mining operations attached to them.
Some uninhabited planets are possessed of an incredible natural
fertility and an abundance of life. In some cases an entire planet Toxic World (0 RR)
can be swathed in thick vegetation. The natural resources of such Toxic worlds may sometimes appear from a distance as quite
a planet are so easily available that they can be harvested even hospitable or even welcoming locations. They usually sport an
without the development of a proper colonial infrastructure. atmosphere, seas and even life. All this masks the truth that they

are uninhabitable for almost any known sentient species in the Religious Community (1 RR)
galaxy. The weather drives acidic rain and clouds of choking gases Religious communities are sometimes to be found inhabiting small
across the surface, lakes and oceans boil with noxious chemicals outposts, often on the fringes of a system or near a location of
and any creature that has survived and flourished on a planet like religious significance. Such communities often choose to live in an
this is unlikely to see visitors as anything other than prey. outpost in order to be isolated from the world and to have peace,
quiet and solitude. Others have beliefs that are incompatible with
Outpost the rest of their people and so use such outposts as sanctuaries and
This category of strategic target covers minor facilities that are hiding places. A community of this kind is rarely of much direct
usually located on moons or large asteroids. The population of use to a military commander due to small populations and low
an outpost is generally very small, or even the minimum for the levels of material and goods production.
continued operation of the facility. Nonetheless, they are often of
strategic importance due to either their position or the resources Gas Giant
that they have access to. This category covers gas giants, the huge spheres of gas that
are common to most systems. Although a gas giant cannot be
1d6 Outpost colonised and inhabited in the same way as other planets, they are
1–3 Mining Outpost nonetheless often valuable sources of many gases and elements
4 Observation Outpost that can be sifted from their upper layers and processed for use
5 Religious Outpost elsewhere. Space installations are often located in orbit around a
6 Scientific Outpost gas giant, as the installation can be easily supplied with fuel and
materials harvested from the gas giant.
Mining Outpost (10 RR)
An outpost of this kind is a facility set up to mine raw materials 1d6 Gas Giant
from a moon or asteroid where there is no justification for any 1–3 Medium-Yield Gas Giant
larger-scale settlement to occur. Large sections of the outpost 4 Low-Yield Gas Giant
are likely to be automated. Mining outposts are valuable to any 5 High-Yield Gas Giant
warring faction for the sheer amount of resources that they can 6 Hidden Outpost
provide and does not even require the large garrison that can be
needed to keep a planetary population in line. Low-Yield Gas Giant (1 RR)
A gas giant of this kind has virtually no constituent gases or
Scientific Outpost (3 RR) elements of any use, or any such substances are only to be found
Scientific outposts tend to be located in odd positions around a so deep within the giant as to be unreachable for the purposes of
system, to suit the specific requirements of the research conducted harvesting significant amounts. A few small harvesting facilities
there. In some cases it is just to ensure that if things go horribly will be able to provide some resources but there is little point in
wrong, the facility is well away from any populated areas, developing any holdings further.
while in others the outpost is ideally placed to study an unusual
phenomenon or to conduct experiments in zero-g conditions. Medium-Yield Gas Giant (3 RR)
Control of a scientific outpost can give access to the benefits of the Most gas giants are considered medium-yield, as useful levels of
research carried out there and even the occasional ground-breaking
raw material can be harvested from their atmospheres. Many end
discovery to give a fleet an extra edge over their opponents.
up with dozens or hundreds of orbiting facilities in their upper
atmosphere, sifting out the desired elements.
A player who controls a scientific outpost may re-roll the dice of a
single Refits roll once per campaign turn. The player must accept the
second roll and may not chose to use the results of the first roll instead. High-Yield Gas Giant (5 RR)
Some gas giants have an abundance of valuable gases that are
Observation Outpost (1 RR) easily accessible for harvesting facilities. Some of these planets
Usually military in nature, observation outposts provide even end up with extensive colonisation in the form of orbiting
detailed coverage of much of the system with some of the most space stations and habitats, all supported by the produce of the
sophisticated scanning technology available. Control of one of gaseous world below.
these facilities grants a faction much greater information on the
fleet movements and activities of any opponents, allowing them Hidden Outpost (1 RR)
to better plan their own actions. A gas giant can provide an excellent hiding place for a hidden
outpost to be located, with the swirling clouds of the upper
A player who controls a scientific outpost may increase or atmosphere and the vast surface area of such a planet. A gas
decrease the number they rolled for campaign turn Initiative by up giant with few useful elements to be harvested is unlikely to draw
to two, after all players have rolled their Initiative. Alternatively, much attention to itself, so a small facility in its orbit is likely
the controlling player may pay 5 RR to swap Initiative results with to go unnoticed by most cursory surveys and even from more
one other player. determined searches by military spacecraft.

Whenever a hidden outpost would be captured, the victorious Heavy Dust Clouds
player must pay 5 RR or the Strategic Target remains with its The area around this Strategic Target is thick with dust and minor
current owner (or without an owner if as yet unclaimed). space debris, literally cloying the entire region with heavy clouds.
This may be a result of unusual solar activity resulting in the
Jump Gate ejection of vast amounts of gas and matter into the region, perhaps
This category of Strategic Target has unique qualities. Jump Gates forming a planetary nebula or simply blanketing an area of space.
are not randomly generated like other types of strategic target;
instead, every system always has one jump gate. Any battle fought for control of the Strategic Target count as
having the entire battlefield as a dust cloud, even if the scenario
Additionally, a jump gate is not held from turn to turn by a does not normally permit stellar debris. The area covered by these
controlling player. dust clouds can be vast, extending far beyond the boundaries of
the strategic target.
By choosing the jump gate as a target during the campaign turn, a
player is effectively attempting to exert control over the commerce, Minefield
merchants and shipping routes of the system. A player targeting Relics from a past conflict, minefields can still be in place long after
the jump gate can be intercepted just as with any other Strategic the war that prompted their deployment has ended. Sometimes
Target. they are simply forgotten, other times there is no-one left to
deactivate them or the region is no longer deemed strategically
Should a player who chose the jump gate successfully win control significant. They can present a serious hazard for anyone
attempting to assert control over a strategic target in their vicinity,
of it, it grants an income of 5 RR points in addition to the usual
attacking any interlopers regardless of affiliation or intent.
benefits for acquiring a new Strategic Target. Furthermore, the
income of all other players for that turn is reduced by 2 RR.
Any battle fought for control of the Strategic Target must take the
mines littered around into account. Ships moving at or under half
Should a player successfully intercept an attempt to take control their current speed are able to scan the local area for any dormant
of the jump gate, they do not gain control of it. Instead, they gain mines and avoid or destroy them. Whenever a ship moves over
a flat bonus of 10 RR. half its current speed, it triggers a mine on a roll of a six. This is
resolved with 2 Attack Dice on the ship, with the Devastating 2,
At the end of the turn, the jump gate returns to neutral status, Multihit 3 and Slow traits.
uncontrolled by any player. Keeping control of the jump gates of
the system requires a great deal of effort and allocation of forces
on a continual basis.
Electromagnetic Distor tion
This Strategic Target is situated in an area of space affected by
heavy electromagnetic distortion and interference. Ship systems
Unusual Features and sensors work unreliably and it is easy for ships to slip past
1d6 Unusual Feature undetected. Perhaps the result of unusual solar activity, planetary
2–5 Heavy Dust Clouds core anomalies or just an inexplicable oddity, phenomena such as
6–7 Electromagnetic Distortion this can give rise to superstitions and fears as ships drop off sensors
8–9 Minefield and then never emerge from the region, though this often has far
more to do with the bands of raiders and smugglers making such
10–12 Heavy Asteroid Density
areas their base of operations.

Heavy Asteroid Density Any battle fought for control of the strategic target will be
An unusually heavy density of asteroids and other sizeable pieces affected by this electromagnetic distortion. All ships gain +1 to
of space debris litter the vicinity of this strategic target. These their Stealth score (to a maximum of 5+) or the Stealth 2+ trait
might be the evidence of the destructive forces of nature at work, if they did not have it before. This is only for the duration of the
or perhaps are the debris left over from past conflict – the torn and battle; they do not keep the trait afterwards, as it is a result of the
unsalvageable hulls of alien ships or the shattered remnants of a local environment.
moon outpost.
Any battle fought for control of the Strategic Target has an If you are defending a Strategic Target in your possession, you are
additional D3 asteroid fields generated on the battlefield in free to ignore the limit on the number of fighters and the necessity
addition to normal stellar debris. These asteroid fields are of having a carrier as stated in the Fleet Lists chapter. There is
generated even if the scenario does not normally permit stellar instead no maximum limit (other than the number of fighters on
debris (yes, this does mean that a battle fought for control of an your fleet roster), as it is assumed there will be plenty of bases
asteroid belt with an unusually heavy asteroid density could end and outposts for your fighters to launch from. You can even draw
up with a table near-full of asteroid fields!). fighters from carriers that are not taking part in the battle, having
them donate their fighters for the coming defence.

Weird Situations
It happens in most miniatures games. You are playing quite I boarded an enemy ship earlier but he then re-captured it. I
happily and then something ‘odd’ takes place that the rules do not have now boarded it again, but he is bringing up a Galliot to
seem to cover. get it back. Do we both get loads of Victory Points for this?
No. All that matters is what state the ship is in at the end of the
Here, we have tried listing some of the weirder situations that game. If it is in your hands, then you get the normal Victory
cropped up during the playtesting of this game, in order to show Points for capturing a ship. If it is in your opponent’s possession,
you how we resolved them. you will get nothing!

My opponent grappled my ship a couple of turns ago but I I just received a critical hit that makes my weapons Inaccurate.
think he will cut the ship loose and speed away soon. Can I use Umm, some of them already were…
my grapple guns to hold him in place? Inaccurate weapons retain their Inaccurate trait – they do not get
No. Once two ships have been grappled they are too close for more inaccurate. Ignore this effect for those weapons only.
either to use their grapple guns further.
And now I have taken the same critical hit on my Accurate
What happens if two ships are grappled and the larger ship weapons!
pushes the smaller one into an asteroid field? Accurate and Inaccurate will cancel one another out. The weapon will
We like your thinking! In this case, both ships will be affected no longer get a bonus on its Attack Dice but nor will it receive a penalty.
by the asteroid field (you do not get to push someone into a
pile of rocks without getting showered yourself !). However, An enemy ship has grappled one of my vessels. I want to ram it
because both ships are somewhat handicapped, neither may with a second ship. Can I do this?
make a Crew Quality check to avoid damage – the rocks You are evil. Yes, you can and as the enemy vessel is clinging on
automatically hit! to the side of one of your ships (or, potentially, is held in place by
a ship you are boarding with – though quite why you would also
If I steam forward with my galliot and miss with the front- want to ram it is beyond us), there is no need to make opposed
facing grapple gun, I have to continue my move. Can I then Crew Quality checks. You will automatically hit it. However, it
use my port or starboard grapple guns as I move past the ship is still a tricky manoeuvre, going at ramming speed while trying
I was targeting in the first place? to hit one ship and avoid another, so you can only attempt this if
Yes! your ramming ship has a lower starting Damage score than both
of the ships involved in the grapple.

The Minor Houses
A number of other houses have risen and fallen through the years, some never expanding beyond one planet, while
others almost named one of their own Emperor before fading away. Most of these still have descendants in positions
of power, though some, such as the Alecto, Gesar and Windsors, are believed to be completely extinct.

In fact, almost all the Known Worlds had their own unique ruling family at one point or another. Some of these
families managed to extend their reach, taking over one or two other planets, marrying into other families and getting
planets through dowries and inheritance, or allying with another family to share a planet. Others never left their
homeworld and have slowly become less and less a factor. Almost every planet has several minor houses with interests
and representatives on it.

Some of the minor houses that still exist, like the Sacrananka, have descended to the point of complete insignificance,
their last survivors living in squalor or reverting to serfdom. Others, like the Keddah of Grail, remain the primary
power on their own planet, above and beyond the Royal Houses or the Emperor.

Despite their subservient role, the minor houses play an important part in the Known Worlds. The Royal Houses
do not have enough members to oversee every part of their domains, and the minor houses still appear to rule in a
number of places. On other planets they often own much of the land and industry, and house members are both the
cultural and civic leaders.

Indeed, were all the minor houses to unite, they might very well be able to overthrow the Royal Houses. The likelihood
of this is infinitesimally small, but it does provide extra impetus for the Royal Houses to keep the minor ones in their
collective place. While members of some of the minor houses have managed to make names for themselves, the Royal
Houses have prevented the complete resurrection of any of the minor ones. As long as the minor houses are busy
carrying out the Royal Houses’ wishes, they will never be free to plan their own rise. What follow are some of the
more prominent minor houses.

Minor Houses
Juandaastas (long-standing ties to alien races, especially the Ur-Obun)
Justinian (once major, lost badly when Vladimir died)
Keddah (rulers of the planet Grail, bound to Decados by treaty, warring with al-Malik)
Masseri (conquered by Decados and on decline)
Shelit (newly discovered house with odd technological ties)
Thana (supported psychic research many years ago)
Torenson (strong proponents of rigid rules of etiquette)
Trusnikron (renowned beast tamers, strict adherents to their own code of honour)
Van Gelder (once major, now allied to Decados for survival)
Xanthippes (an ancient matriarchy with strict control over its own territory)

Extinct Houses
Alecto (Vladimir I’s house, lost last sons in first Emperor War, a number died in odd accidents)
Chauki (overthrown by the Hazat)
Gesar (allied to Vladimir, lost last sons in first Emperor War)
Windsors (allied to Vladimir, lost last sons in first Emperor War)

Fleet Lists
This chapter details all the ships available to the various fleets Advanced Options
of the galaxy, as well as the fleet lists by which players can Some fleets have the potential to upgrade their ships or otherwise
pick fair and balanced forces for the scenarios on page 57. influence the course of battles by taking a few advanced options.
Though you are not restricted to using these fleet lists for your These are all described after the main ship descriptions.
own games, when using them you can be reasonably certain
that every fleet in a game should have a reasonable chance of
Before Battle
defeating any other.
Once the points costs for a scenario have been decided, you
can start choosing ships from the relevant sections of your fleet
Points Costs list. When choosing ships, you should make sure that you can
Every ship detailed in this chapter has a points cost, which is represent each one properly on the tabletop, whether you are
derived from how powerful the ship is. This allows you to build using counters or miniatures. There is nothing worse than finding
fleets that, under normal circumstances, should be fairly balanced out that the Deacdos frigate you were about to attack is, in fact,
against one another. supposed to be an Anikrunta dreadnought...

The Fleet Lists Crew Quality

Every fleet presented in this book comprises the following sections. The fleet lists included in this book assume that all ships have a
Military-Grade crew – that is, a Crew Quality score of 4. However,
Advanced Rules you might like to experiment with random Crew Quality scores,
Some fleets have radically different rules that serve to make them as detailed on page 22. This will lead to far more realistic battles
unique in the galaxy. In each case, the special rules for the fleets and should be the natural choice of all advanced players.
are given here.
Fleet Lists Once you have chosen your fleet for the upcoming scenario, you may
This is a short but comprehensive list of every ship available to the be able to organise two or more of your ships into squadrons. Using
fleet and a guide to what their Firebird cost is. This allows you to squadrons allows you to move large numbers of ships quickly and it
construct your fleets by using a single page once you have begun tends to concentrate firepower in specific parts of the battlefield. The
to learn the capabilities of different ships. full rules for using squadrons are covered on page 23.

Ship Descriptions Fighters

Every ship in the fleet is detailed here, including both its description You may only take fighters if they are carried on board a ship
and characteristics. with the Carrier trait. You may not take more fighters than your
Carrier ships can carry.

House Hawkwood
In its earliest days, House Hawkwood was the leading house but a consortium of other houses, led by Decados, brought
it crashing down, almost to the point of extinction. One member managed to revive its fortunes and within generations
it once again became one of the greatest houses, until the first barbarian invasion broke through at Delphi and devastated
Hawkwood’s holdings. Other catastrophes have come and gone, but House Hawkwood endures…

House Hawkwood has had its former leader, Alexius, ascend to become Emperor, but he is now distancing himself from
his house, going out of his way to deny its leaders the rewards of empire. This has caused great consternation among the
wealthiest nobles but, at the same time, many of Hawkwood’s landless nobles have found a place among the Emperor’s
Questing Knights, helping to administer the Empire, explore its darkest reaches and bring back important news.

When a new Hawkwood is born, the House surrounds him with evidence of inevitable destiny and by the time the child is
five, he can recount the deeds of leading Hawkwoods from centuries past. By the time the child reaches 12, he will realise
just how important House Hawkwood has been in humanity’s progress, and at 16, he will have no doubt that every action
he takes will have critical importance to everyone in the Known Worlds.

While certain Hawkwoods have gone bad in the past, they are easily dismissed by those who remain. Real Hawkwoods can
deal with anything. Real Hawkwoods never doubt themselves. Real Hawkwoods know that their bloodline allows them to
face any enemy and overcome any obstacle. Failure of any kind is not accepted. This background makes Hawkwoods vain,
headstrong and bigoted – but at the same time they can be courageous, charitable and progressive. Hawkwood nobles are
extremely conscious of both their personal honour and that of their House, and duelling is a favourite method of resolving
such conflicts.

H ouse H awkwood F leet L ist
The following forms the entire fleet list for House Hawkwood.

Fitzhugh-class Fighter 10 points Kestrel-class Torpedo Bomber 20 points

Wayfarer-class Explorer 50 points Hornet-class Frigate 100 points
Darius-class Galliot 120 points Griffin-class Destroyer 180 points
Malcolm-class Light Carrier 150 points Vladimir-class Cruiser 400 points
Maestekulos-class Dreadnought 600 points Osprey-class Heavy Carrier 490 points

Marauders- Any Hawkwood ship may replace any of its Troops with Marauders for +5 points per Troop.

House Hawkwood Initiative: +0

Fitzhugh-class Fighter 10 Points

Speed: 20
Turn: SM

Hull: 4
Shields: 0
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: +1
Traits: Dodge 2+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Point Slug Gun 2 T 1 Weak

Kestrel-class Tor pedo Bomber 20 Points

heavy bomber
Speed: 10
Turn: SM
Hull: 4

Shields: 1
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: -1
Traits: Dodge 4+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Micro-Torpedoes 4 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, One-Shot, Slow

Wayfarer-class Explorer 50 Points

Speed: 16
Turn: 2/90o

Hull: 3

Shields: 2
Damage: 9/3
Ramming: 1
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Traits: Agile, Scout
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Light Laser 24 T 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Hor net-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3

Damage: 18/6
Ramming: 2

Troops: 6
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Light Lasers 24 P 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Darius-class Galliot 120 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 21/7
Ramming: 3
Troops: 10

Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Light Lasers 24 P 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

Griffin-class Destroyer 180 Points
Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10

Ramming: 5
Troops: 8
Craft: None

Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Light Lasers 24 P 7 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 7 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Malcolm-class Light Car rier 150 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o

light carrier
Hull: 4
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10
Ramming: 4
Troops: 6

Craft: 8
Traits: Carrier 2
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Light Lasers 24 P 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Vladimir-class Cr uiser 400 Points

Speed: 4
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 42/14
Ramming: 6
Troops: 11 *
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Blaster 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blaster 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Light Lasers 24 P 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Heavy Lasers 36 P 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 2, Precise
Heavy Lasers 36 S 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 2, Precise
Gatling Lasers P
Gatling Lasers S
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

* The Vladimir’s Troops comprise 8 Marines and 3 Marauders.

Maestekulos-class Dreadnought 600 Points

Speed: 4
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 6
Damage: 75/25
Ramming: 9
Troops: 16*
Craft: None
Traits: Command +2, Lumbering, Think Machine
Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3

Medium Lasers 28 P 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 S 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Heavy Lasers 36 P 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit
2, Precise
Heavy Lasers 36 S 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit
2, Precise
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S
Gatling Lasers P
Gatling Lasers S
Heavy Meson Cannon 10 F 1 Devastating +2, Multihit 3D6

* The Maestekulos’ Troops comprise 10 Marines and 6 Marauders.

Osprey-class Heavy Car rier 490 Points

Speed: 4
Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 4
Shields: 6
Damage: 75/18
Ramming: 8
Troops: 12
Craft: 18
Traits: Carrier 6, Command +2, Lumbering, Think Machine
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
heavy carrier

Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3

Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Medium Lasers 28 P 2 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 S 2 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Heavy Lasers 36 P 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 2, Precise
Heavy Lasers 36 S 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 2, Precise
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S
Gatling Lasers P
Gatling Lasers S

House Decados
Though House Decados was the last of the Royal Houses to join the alliance against the Republic (they were the tenth
of the Ten), its nobles claim it is actually one of the oldest Houses, long existing incognito. Descent has been claimed
from the Russian czars through Princess Anastasia, but only after several generations of interbreeding could most of the
Decados legitimately claim to be related to one another. This interbreeding has continued throughout the years, and the
nobles of House Decados have been noted as being a little… odd.

Nonetheless, House Decados is one of the most influential, if least trusted, of the Royal Houses, and it remains an
insurmountable barrier to anyone with democratic ideals. Its spies and assassins roam the Known Worlds, and Decados
leaders have an uncanny ability to discover the darkest secrets of their enemies. The Decados have mastered the arts of
body manipulation and alteration, and their Jakovian spies are said to be able to pass as anyone they desire, even changing
their appearance while on assignment.

Decados are assumed to be two-faced during negotiations and are rarely trusted. They enjoy duelling, much like the
Hawkwoods, but tend to cheat. Poisoned stilettos, fencing foils that project false images of where they are, shield dampers,
psychic attacks – if a Decados can get it into the duelling arena, he will use it. This kind of deceit is often employed in
war and fleet actions.

H ouse D ecados F leet L ist
The following forms the entire fleet list for House Decados.

Subiaco-class Fighter 10 points Rodrigo-class Heavy Fighter 20 points

Reaper-class Raider 60 points Mantis-class Frigate 100 points
Lucretzia-class Galliot 120 points Nightwing-class Stealthship 160 points
Tupok’ta-class Destroyer 180 points Hyram-class Light Carrier 150 points
Grigori-class Cruiser 400 points Anikrunta-class Dreadnought 600 points

Marauders - Any Decados ship may replace any of its Troops with Marauders for +5 points per Troop.

House Decados Initiative: +1

Subiaco-class Fighter 10 Points

Speed: 16
Turn: SM
Hull: 4
Shields: 0

Damage: 1

Ramming: 0
Dogfight: +1
Traits: Dodge 3+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Point Slug Gun 2 T 2 Weak

Rodrigo-class Heavy Fighter 20 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: SM
Hull: 5

heavy fighter
Shields: 1

Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: -1
Traits: Dodge 5+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Meson Tubes 2 T 2 Devastating +1, Multihit 2, One-Shot

Reaper-class Raider 60 Points
Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 12/4
Ramming: 2
Troops: 2

Craft: None

Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Light Laser 24 F 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Laser 24 T 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Grapple Gun P
Grapple Gun S
Light Laser 24 P 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Laser 24 S 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Mantis-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 18/6
Ramming: 2


Troops: 6
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Medium Blasters 24 T 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 P 4 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 S 4 Burn-out, Multihit 2

Lucretzia-class Galliot 120 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 21/7
Ramming: 3
Troops: 10
Craft: None

Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Light Blasters 16 P 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 S 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S
EM Pulse Gun 24 T 1 Double Burn

Nightwing-class Stealthship 160 Points
Speed: 12
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 3
Shields: 3


Damage: 21/7
Ramming: 2
Troops: 12
Craft: None
Traits: Stealth 4+
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Medium Blasters 24 T 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 P 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 S 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

Tupok’ta-class Destroyer 180 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10


Ramming: 5
Troops: 8
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
EM Pulse Guns 24 T 2 Double Burn
EM Pulse Guns 24 T 2 Double Burn
Medium Slug Guns 18 P 6 Accurate, Multihit 3
Medium Slug Guns 18 S 6 Accurate, Multihit 3

Hyram-class Light Car rier 150 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 4
light carrier

Damage: 30/10
Ramming: 4
Troops: 6
Craft: 8

Traits: Carrier 2, Lumbering

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Gremlin Guns 12 T 2 Disable, Slow
Light Blasters 16 P 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 S 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 P 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 S 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2

Grigori-class Cr uiser 400 Points
Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 42/14
Ramming: 6
Troops: 10
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special


Light Meson Cannon 15 T 3 Devastating +1, Multihit 4
Light Meson Cannon 15 T 3 Devastating +1, Multihit 4
Light Lasers 24 P 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Blasters 24 P 3 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 S 3 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Gatling Lasers x3 P
Gatling Lasers x3 S
Grapple Gun F

Anikr unta-class Dreadnought 600 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 6
Damage: 75/25
Ramming: 9
Troops: 16*
Craft: None
Traits: Command +1, Lumbering, Think Machine
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Light Meson Cannon 15 T 3 Devastating +1,
Multihit 4
Light Meson Cannon 15 T 3 Devastating +1,
Multihit 4
Light Meson Cannon 15 T 3 Devastating +1,

Multihit 4
Gremlin Gun 12 P 1 Disable, Slow
Gremlin Gun 12 S 1 Disable, Slow
Medium Lasers 28 P 3 Accurate, Burn-out
Medium Lasers 28 S 3 Accurate, Burn-out
Heavy Blasters 32 P 4 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 S 4 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S
Gatling Lasers x2 P
Gatling Lasers x2 S
Heavy Meson Cannon 10 F 1 Devastating +2,
Multihit 3D6

* The Anikrunta’s Troops comprise 10 Marines and 6 Marauders.

House Hazat
Once advisors to the now extinct House Chauki, the Hazat overthrew their masters and helped engineer the Fall. Since then,
the Hazat have repeatedly tried to extend their influence, but have been blocked every time.

The Hazat have rarely been subtle and rely on force of arms to achieve their goals. They turned the army against House
Chauki but in turn found themselves beholden to the military, who have found their influence among the Hazat grow over
time. House Hazat can now not curtail their military build up, even if they wanted to. Almost all young Hazat go through
military training throughout their childhood, and are prepared for positions of command – it is not unusual to find a 12 year
old Hazat knight leading forces of hardened veterans.

There are many jokes made at the expense of Hazat intelligence and common sense, but they go to great extremes to prove
their courage and ability. The presence of a Hazat on the field of battle can have great influence over the soldiers under
his command. They have great empathy with their soldiers, and retired military personnel occupy a place of honour, even
being able to veto actions by local Hazat rulers. Distinguished service by freemen within the military is often rewarded with
money and land, and even a serf can become a freeman.

Members of the Hazat pride themselves on their honour and ability, forgiving no slight to either, a trait that other Houses
can often play on. However, they do not duel in the same fashion as other Houses, deriding those who hide behind shields.
The Hazat idea of a duel involves no shields and much heavier weaponry.

H ouse H azat F leet L ist
The following forms the entire fleet list for House Hazat.

Dagger-class Fighter 10 points Harpy-class Torpedo Bomber 20 points

Stalker-class Explorer 60 points Scorpion-class Frigate 100 points
Xerses-class Galliot 150 points Manticore-class Destroyer 180 points
Trafalgar-class Carrier 320 points Canai-class Cruiser 400 points
Adonais-class Dreadnought 600 points

Elite Marines - Any Hazat ship may replace all of its Troops (not Marauders) with Elite Marines for +2 points per Troop. Any Hazat
ship may replace any of its Troops with Marauders for +5 points per Troop.

House Hazat Initiative: +1

Dagger-class Fighter 10 Points

Speed: 18
Turn: SM
Hull: 3

Shields: 0

Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: +1
Traits: Dodge 2+, Fighter
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Point Slug Gun 2 T 2 Weak

Har py-class Tor pedo Bomber 20 Points

torpedo bomber
Speed: 12
Turn: SM
Hull: 5
Shields: 1
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: -1
Traits: Dodge 4+, Fighter
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Micro-Torpedoes 4 T 2 Guided, Multihit 2, One-Shot, Slow

Stalker-class Explorer 60 Points
Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 3
Shields: 2

Damage: 9/3
Ramming: 1

Troops: 2
Craft: None
Traits: Agile, Scout
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Light Laser 24 F 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Laser 24 T 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Scor pion-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 18/6
Ramming: 2

Troops: 9
Craft: None

Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Medium Blasters 24 T 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Lasers 24 P 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Grapple Gun P
Grapple Gun S

Xerxes-class Galliot 150 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 21/7
Ramming: 3
Troops: 10*
Craft: None

Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Light Blasters 16 P 6 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 S 6 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

* The Xerses’ Troops comprise 7 Marines and 3 Marauders.

Manticore-class Destroyer 180 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10

Ramming: 4
Troops: 10

Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Medium Blasters 24 T 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 T 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 P 6 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 S 6 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Grapple Gun P
Grapple Gun S

Trafalgar-class Car rier 320 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 4
Damage: 42/14
Ramming: 5
Troops: 10
Craft: 12
Traits: Carrier 3, Lumbering
Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 P 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 S 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Gatling Lasers P
Gatling Lasers S
Grapple Gun P
Grapple Gun S

Canai-class Cr uiser 400 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 42/14
Ramming: 6
Troops: 12
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3

Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3

Light Blasters 16 P 9 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 S 9 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Gatling Lasers P
Gatling Lasers S
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

* The Canai’s Troops comprise 6 Marines and 6 Marauders.

Adonais-class Dreadnought 600 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 6
Damage: 75/25
Troops: 18*
Craft: None
Traits: Command +1, Lumbering,Think Machine
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out,
Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out,
Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out,
Multihit 3
Medium Blasters 24 P 4 Burn-out, Adonais
Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 S 4 Burn-out,
Multihit 2
Heavy Blasters 32 P 3 Burn-out,
Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 S 3 Burn-out,
Multihit 3
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S
Gatling Lasers P
Gatling Lasers S
Heavy Meson Cannon 10 F 1 Devastating +2,
Multihit 3D6

* The Adonais’ Troops comprise 8 Marines and 10 Marauders.

House al-Malik
Living apart from the people they rule, the nobles of al-Marik are the least accessible and most rarely encountered of all the
Houses. They keep an air of distance about them and speak in elegant metaphors that only other al-Marik can understand.

House al-Marik maintains strong ties with the Merchant League, and there are rumours that it bought its position as a
Royal House from its banking and trade interests. Nonetheless, House al-Marik can usually count on League support in
its ventures, and their mansions are filled with technological wonders. Some even carry personal think machines, which
they cryptically call ‘computers’.

This connection has attracted no small amount of interest from the Inquisition, and the House has been the subject of
many investigations. However, aside from a few reprimands aimed at low-level nobles, no official accusation has ever been
made, and there are dark rumours of House al-Marik paying its tithe directly to the Inquisition.

Nobles of House al-Marik tend to be passionate and flashy in disposition, owning priceless technological devices and
throwing wild parties. They are extensively educated, though lacking in the raw combat skills of other Houses. They tend
to harken to latter day Second Republic socialist philosophies, though they are also ardent capitalists, and it is said they are
working toward a better world, the Utopian Third Republic – utter heresy, but rumours persist of this goal being advanced
by the League.

H ouse al -M alik F leet L ist
The following forms the entire fleet list for House al-Malik.

Zubayr-class Fighter 10 points Mumit-class Torpedo Bomber 20 points

Odyssey-class Explorer 50 points Spider-class Frigate 100 points
Rahimat-class Galliot 120 points Matachin-class Stealthship 160 points
Efreet-class Destroyer 180 points Asim-class Light Carrier 150 points
Moriah-class Cruiser 400 points

House al-Malik Initiative: -1

Zubayr-class Fighter 10 Points

Speed: 24
Turn: SM

Hull: 2

Shields: 0
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: +2
Traits: Dodge 2+, Fighter
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Point Slug Gun 2 T 1 Weak

Mumit-class Tor pedo Bomber 20 Points

Speed: 8

torpedo bomber
Turn: SM
Hull: 3
Shields: 1
Damage: 1

Ramming: 0
Dogfight: -2
Traits: Dodge 5+, Fighter
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Micro-Torpedoes 4 T 4 Guided, Multihit 2, One-Shot, Slow

Odyssey-class Explorer 50 Points

Speed: 16
Turn: 2/90o
Hull: 3

Shields: 2
Damage: 9/3
Ramming: 1
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Traits: Agile, Scout
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Light Laser 24 F 1 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Spider-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 18/6

Ramming: 2
Troops: 6

Craft: None
Traits: Agile
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 P 8 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 8 Inaccurate, Slow

Rahimat-class Galliot 120 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/90o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3

Damage: 21/7

Ramming: 3
Troops: 10
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Rocket Launchers 20 P 6 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 6 Inaccurate, Slow
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

Matachin-class Stealthship 160 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 3
Shields: 3

Damage: 21/7
Ramming: 2
Troops: 12
Craft: None
Traits: Stealth 4+, Think Machine
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 P 4 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 4 Inaccurate, Slow
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

Efreet-class Destroyer 180 Points
Speed: 8
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10

Ramming: 4

Troops: 8
Craft: None
Traits: Agile, Think Machine
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 P 14 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 14 Inaccurate, Slow

Asim-class Light Car rier 150 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4

light carrier
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10
Ramming: 4
Troops: 6
Craft: 8
Traits: Carrier 2, Command +1, Think Machine

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 P 6 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 6 Inaccurate, Slow

Moriah-class Cr uiser 400 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 42/14
Ramming: 6
Troops: 10*
Craft: None
Traits: Think Machine


Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Torpedo Launchers 32 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Torpedo Launchers 32 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 P 18 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 18 Inaccurate, Slow
Gatling Lasers P
Gatling Lasers S
Grapple Gun x2 P
Grapple Gun x2 S

* The Moriah’s Troops comprise 6 Marines and 4 Marauders.

House Li-Halan
Buried in a sordid past, renowned for debauchery among nobles and cruelty towards subjects, House Li Halan could have
once put Decados to shame. However, during the Barbarian Invasions, House Li Halan found the Pancreator and the
entire family converted overnight, with several prominent family members dispatched to monasteries, never to be seen
again. Since then, the family has been at the height of orthodoxy, battling heresy and even blocking attempts at change
within the Church itself.

This orthodoxy carries over into all aspects of life within House Li Halan. They are the strictest adherents to the nobles’
code of etiquette, and the House itself is rigidly structured, with each member being in no doubt as to what their place is.
Serfs find it almost impossible to become freemen, while freemen find it hard to gain land, to the point where Li Halan
society has begun to resemble an extremely rigid caste system. Children perform the same work their parents did, and
few marry outside of their place and occupation.

Li Halan nobles maintain firm beliefs, but they are not necessarily dogmatic to the point of stupidity. Most do not
approve of duelling, and many have started to explore the mystical teachings of the Prophet and delve into theurgy.

H ouse L i H alan F leet L ist
The following forms the entire fleet list for House Li Halan.

Mishima-class Fighter 10 points Peregrine-class Heavy Fighter 20 points

Slayer-class Raider 60 points Iskati-class Frigate 100 points
Cardano-class Galliot 120 points Dragon-class Destroyer 180 points
Ijiri-class Light Carrier 150 points Maru-class Cruiser 400 points

Elite Marines - Any Li Halan ship may replace all of its Troops (not Marauders) with Elite Marines for +2 points per Troop.
House Li Halan Initiative: +1

Mishima-class Fighter 10 Points

Speed: 24

Turn: SM

Hull: 2
Shields: 0
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: +0
Traits: Dodge 3+, Fighter
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Point Slug Gun 2 T 3 Weak

Pereg rine-class Heavy Fighter 20 Points

Speed: 12

heavy fighter
Turn: SM
Hull: 3
Shields: 1
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: -2
Traits: Dodge 4+, Fighter
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Meson Tubes 2 T 2 Devastating +1, Multihit 2, One-Shot

Slayer-class Raider 60 Points

Speed: 16
Turn: 2/90o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 12/4

Ramming: 2

Troops: 2
Craft: None
Traits: Agile
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Light Lasers 24 P 2 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 2 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Grapple Gun P
Grapple Gun S

Iskati-class Frigate 100 Points
Speed: 12
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 18/6

Ramming: 2
Troops: 6

Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Medium Lasers 28 P 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 S 5 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Cardano-class Galliot 120 Points

Speed: 16
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 21/7
Ramming: 3

Troops: 9

Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grapple Gun F
Medium Lasers 28 P 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 S 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Grapple Guns x2 P
Grapple Guns x2 S

Dragon-class Destroyer 180 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10
Ramming: 5
Troops: 8
Craft: None

Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun F
Medium Lasers 28 T 2 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 P 7 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 S 7 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Ijiri-class Light Car rier 150 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4

light carrier
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10
Ramming: 4
Troops: 6
Craft: 8
Traits: Carrier 2, Command +1
Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun F
Medium Lasers 28 T 2 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 P 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Medium Lasers 28 S 3 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise

Mar u-class Cr uiser 400 Points

Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 37/9
Ramming: 5
Troops: 10*
Craft: None
Traits: None
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
EM Pulse Guns 24 T 3 Double Burn
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out,
Multihit 3
Heavy Lasers 36 P 6 Accurate, Burn-

out, Multihit 2,

Heavy Lasers 36 S 6 Accurate, Burn-
out, Multihit 2,
Gatling Lasers x2 P
Gatling Lasers x2 S
Grapple Guns x2 P
Grapple Guns x2 S

* The Maru’s Troops comprise 4 Marines and 6 Marauders.

Hazat Trafalgar Car rier
House Hazat takes a different approach to fighter support
than other fleets. While most concentrate their efforts
on a larger number of light carriers, Hazat prefers to
use a smaller number of larger carriers, reasoning that
the concentration of a larger number of craft is always
advantageous. Loaded, as with all Hazat warships, with an
inordinate number of troops, the Trafalgar is fully capable
of taking on any smaller vessel and winning, not always
an obvious trait with carriers.

Al Malik Rahimat Galliot

An oddity in a fleet that normally prefers to pound
enemies from as distance, the Rahimat is swift and agile
enough to rapidly break formation from the rest of the
al Malik fleet, to dive upon an approaching enemy and
launch a boarding action.

Al Malik Asim Light Car rier

The Asim fulfils a similar role in the al Malik fleet as does
the Ijiri for Li Halan – both are intended to be fleet control
vessels as much as light carriers. Lacking the speed of
the Ijiri, the Asim instead relies on being able to burrow
its way into the al Malik fleet as a whole, appearing as
just another ship that is contributing to the constant
bombardment of rockets, missiles and torpedoes.

Decados Nightwing Stealthship

One of only two fleets that can support Stealthships,
Deacdos uses these vessels to silently creep up on an
enemy fleet and launch a vicious boarding action before
target ships are even aware there is a danger. While not as
agile as al Malik’s ship, the Nightwing more than makes
up for this with its heavier firepower.

Decados Mantis Frigate

With its distinctive crescent shape, the Mantis lacks the speed
and agility of many of its rivals but more than makes up
for it with its gun decks and turret packed with blasters. A
squadron of these ships will prove to be more than a match
for many ships much larger in size. The Mantis retains the
ability to act as a general purpose ship of a Decados fleet,
able to attack, board and run gauntlets as demanded.

Li Halan Mar u Cr uiser
The largest ship currently fielded by Li Halan, the Maru
Cruiser is designed to wreck havoc on enemy shields
before delivering a killing blow. This is accomplished by
turret mounted EM pulse guns that strip shields, heavy
blasters that smash hulls asunder, and lasers that pinpoint
the weakest areas of an enemy.If that were not enough,
the Maru also carries an over-sized complement of
Marauders on board, ensuring any enemy wanting to win
a boarding action must heavily outnumber the defenders if
he is to have any chance of success.

Li Halan Dragon Destroyer

The perfect counterpoint to the Ijiri light carrier, the
Dragon destroyer is a fast ship, mounting rows of medium
lasers down its flank. This gives it a deadly accurate attack
that will burn out shields or savage an unprotected hull
with equal ease. It is generally accounted forbeing one of
the finest destroyers in space.

Hawkwood Darius Galliot

Based on a larger hull than the Hornet frigate, the Darius
mounts less weaponry overall but carries a complement
of fearsome marines into battle. Built to engage enemy
ships directly and board them, the Darius is capable of
overwhelming even a destroyer with its troops. A wise
admiral will keep his Darius squadrons in reserve or
within stellar debris until the time to strike is right.

Hawkwood Vladimir Cr uiser

Sleek and deadly, the Vladimir Cruiser features a lethal
array of lasers and blasters to rip enemies apart, and car-
ries a contingent of the awesome Marauders for boarding.
Cruisers are powerful line ships A Call to Arms: Noble
Armada, capable of hammering the enemy or launching
boarding actions as required.

Hawkwood Griffin Destroyer

The Griffin destroyer builds upon the Hawkwood ethos of
turret-mounted missiles to soften an enemy up in the early
stages of battle, combined with withering laser fire to strip
armour off hulls.A capable warship, the Griffin is the pride
of any captain chosen to command it. Whether it is part of a
fleet or engaged in a lone action where a frigate just won’t do,
the Griffin has a reputation for performing superbly.

House Hazat launches
an attack against
a convoy of the
Merchant League.

The pride of House

Hawkwood r uns
into an Anikr unta

A Li Halan ambush
goes badly wrong
and an Adonais
dreadnought gives

Pre pare to receive
boarders! A Li Halan
convoy pre pares to be
salvaged by Decados
frigates and galliots.

Having weathered a
blizzard of rockets
and missiles, Li Halan
ships close range with
Al Malik.

Clash of the titans

- two dradnoughts
pound one another
as House Decados
seeks an oppor tunity
to launch a boarding

Making Stellar Debris
Making your own Stellar Debris takes just a few moments, and really makes a difference on the table. As well as looking alot more
aesthetically pleasing than empty space, Stellar Debris vastly increase your tactical options.

You can download planetary templates for free from the Mongoose website ( Once you have the planets
you desire, simply follow this easy process.

1. Find an old CD

2. Print the planet off and cut it out.

3. Now glue the planet to the back of the CD. You are now the creator of worlds.

Astero i ds

1. Finding the right 2. Drill holes for 3. Base the asteroids

stones stands
Easily done. Using a ball-joint stand is
It is not difficult to find small stones/ Use a pin vice or a hand drill. At this not necessary but can be preferable for
pieces of rubble to use as asteroids. The point you will come to realise all small larger asteroids, since it makes it less
only real issue is whether a particular stones are not equal. Pieces of cement likely they will break. It also makes them
stone ‘looks like’ an asteroid. A piece of or concrete are easier to drill than most easier to transport.
brick with lots of right angles or lettering stones and bricks, which are usually much
does not usually work, neither would a harder materials.
small fossil! Give them a quick wash to
get rid of any dirt or sand which may
cause problems later on.

4. Undercoat. 5. Begin to paint. 6. Finish.

A black spray paint here. Be sure to cover Grey asteroids are easy to paint on an Add the last layer of drybrushing and
all the nooks and crannies as having a undercoat. Just slowly build up the shade spray on any varnish you wish to use
light patch in some recess looks wrong. by drybrushing. Brown asteroids look to protect the model. You now have the
especially good on the table, though, and beginnings of an asteroid field!
you can use different browns to create all
sorts of variation in colour.

Product Catalogue

Al Malik Al Malik Al Malik

Spider Frigate Efreet Destroyer Odyssey Explorer
Squadron Squadron Squadron
MGP 3589 MGP 3592 MGP 3588
£9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99

Decados Decados Decados

Mantis Frigate Reaper Explorer Lucrezia Galliot
Squadron Squadron Squadron
MGP 3572 MGP 3571 MGP 3573
£9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99

For the full a n d c o n s t a n t ly ex p a n d i n g r a n ge, v i s i t o u r we b s i t e :

Hawkwood Hawkwood Hawkwood
Wayfarer Explorer Darius Galliot Malcolm Light Car rier
Squadron Squadron Squadron
MGP 3562 MGP 3564 MGP 3566
£9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99

Hazat Hazat Hazat

Manticore Destroyer Stalker Explorer Xerxes Galliot
Squadron Squadron Squadron
MGP 3583 MGP 3580 MGP 3582
£9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99

Li Halan Li Halan Li Halan

Cardano Galliot Iriji Light Car rier Slayer Explorer
Squadron Squadron Squadron
MGP 3599 MGP 3601 MGP 3597
£9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99 £9.99 / $14.99

w w w . m o n g o o s e p u b l i s h i n g . c o m
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After the fall of the Second Republic, many of the worlds of Human troop types, throw martyr fighters into the fray and reinforce your
Space were lost behind sealed jumpgates. Only in the Known Worlds squadrons with a range of new vessels, such as the mighty Hazat
has civilisation maintained a tenuous hold against a plunge into Shamshir strike cruiser and the Li Halan Naga grand cruiser. We also
barbarism – or so the nobles and Church would have others believe. In introduce psychics and theurgy, harnessing the power of the occult to
truth, other star-faring nations exist in fractured jumpwebs throughout bring a whole new dimension to the game.
space and some of these distant kingdoms are no longer content to
stay put. The riches of the Known Worlds lure them – just as the Fleets of the Fading Suns also introduces four new fleets including the
Empire reaches out for more planets to rule. dominating Church, as well as three from further afield – the ‘barbaric’
Kurgan and Vuldrock, and the alien Vau.
F LEETS OF THE F ADING S UNS Every new fleet plays in a very different manner to those of the Noble
Fleets of the Fading Suns is designed to expand your games, allow
Houses and comes with a range of new rules and ships to reflect their
you to meet new and interesting fleets and hammer them with noble
zeal! style of war. Fleets of the Fading Suns expands A Call to Arms: Noble
Armada in a host of new directions, allowing you to span the galaxy as
The book starts with a range of new rules and ships to expand the you dominate your foes and reap the rewards.
fleets of the Noble Houses, permitting your ships to carry specialised
Though true technological breakthroughs or discoveries are rare fighters and shipboard troops, or recruit psychics and theurgists
in the universe of the Fading Suns, there is little that will stop one into its ranks.
Noble House trying to gain an edge over a rival. Each fleet will Use such tools to surpass your opponents, take the advantage
strain its resources to acquire new and unique ships, enhance its and lead your fleet to victory.

Aurora-class Stealth Fighter 25 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: SM
Hull: 3
Shields: 1
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: –2
Traits: Dodge 4+, Fighter, Stealth 4+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Micro-Torpedoes 4 T 2 Guided, Multihit 2, One-Shot, Slow

Sawf ly-class Command Frigate 150 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 3
Damage: 18/6
Ramming: 2
Troops: 4
Craft: None
Traits: Command +1

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Light Lasers 24 P 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Light Lasers 24 S 4 Accurate, Burn-out, Precise
Donatello-class Gunship 25 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: SM
Hull: 5
Shields: 2
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: –2
Traits: Dodge 5+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Meson Tubes 2 T 2 Devastating, Multihit 2, One-Shot
Micro-Torpedo 4 T 1 Guided, Multihit 2, One-Shot, Slow

Leonardo-class Monitor 75 Points

Speed: 10
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 2
Damage: 18/6
Ramming: 2
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Meson Cannon 15 F 1 Devastating +1, Multihit 4
Medium Blasters 24 P 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Medium Blasters 24 S 2 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Immor tal-class Boarding Shuttle 15 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: SM
Hull: 5
Shields: 1
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: –2
Traits: Dodge 4+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Point Slug Gun 2 T 1 Weak

Troops: The Immortal carries 2 Troops at the beginning of the battle (which may be upgraded as normal) and may ‘rearm’
by taking new Troops from a carrier.
Boarding: The Immortal will make a boarding action as soon as it moves on to an enemy ship. Gatling Lasers may be used
against the Immortal itself but not against the troops on board. No grapple needs to be made and the Troops will be able
to attack the defenders in the Boarding Phase.

Allat-class Escor t 80 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 2
Damage: 18/6
Ramming: 2
Troops: 6
Craft: None
Traits: Escort

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Light Blasters 16 P 3 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 S 3 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Gatling Laser — T — —
Gatling Lasers x 3 — P — —
Gatling Lasers x 3 — S — —
Shamshir-class Strike Cr uiser 380 Points

Speed: 10
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 42/14
Ramming: 6
Troops: 10
Craft: 2
Traits: Carrier 2

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Light Blasters 16 P 6 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Light Blasters 16 S 6 Burn-out, Multihit 2
Gatling Lasers — P — —
Gatling Lasers — S — —
Grapple Gun — P — —
Grapple Gun — S — —

* The Shamshir’s Troops comprise 6 Marines and 4 Marauders.

Naga-class Grand Cr uiser 500 Points

Speed: 5
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 5
Damage: 54/18
Ramming: 7
Troops: 12*
Craft: None
Traits: Lumbering

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

EM Pulse Guns 24 T 3 Double Burn
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Heavy Blasters 32 T 3 Burn-out, Multihit 3
Light Meson Cannon 15 F 2 Devastating +1, Multihit 4
Heavy Lasers 36 P 6 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 2, Precise
Heavy Lasers 36 S 6 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 2, Precise
Gatling Lasers x2 — P — —
Gatling Lasers x2 — S — —
Grapple Guns x2 — P — —
Grapple Guns x2 — S — —

* The Naga’s Troops comprise 6 Marines and 6 Marauders.


Wraith-class Stealth Destroyer 220 Points

Speed: 10
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 3
Shields: 4
Damage: 30/10
Ramming: 3
Troops: 12
Craft: None
Traits: Stealth 4+, Think Machine

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Torpedo Launchers 32 F 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 P 10 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 10 Inaccurate, Slow
Grapple Gun — P — —
Grapple Gun — S — —

Rashid-class Escor t Car rier 100 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/90o
Hull: 3
Shields: 3
Damage: 21/7
Ramming: 2
Troops: 4
Craft: 4
Traits: Carrier 1, Think Machine

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Missile Launchers 28 T 2 Guided, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 P 4 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 4 Inaccurate, Slow
Grapple Gun — F — —
W EAPON T RAITS were actually mounted upon it. They may be used to defend
against fighters, grapple lines and boarders as normal but may still
Heat Blaster: Against a target with active Shields, a Heat Blaster
will have the Inaccurate trait. However, it also counts as a Slow only be used once per turn for each type of defence.
weapon. In addition, if a Heat Blaster causes any Critical Hits, it
will automatically raise the Critical Score of the Crew location by Suicide Fighter: A craft with this trait is treated as though it
+1 as well. had the Fighter trait in all respects. However, it is packed full of
explosives and may intentionally ram other ships. To ram another
Tractor: All Tractor weapons ignore Shields. A Tractor weapon ship (or Fighter) simply move the Suicide Fighter into base contact
that has successfully hit a target will temporarily suffer –1 penalty with it. The enemy ship may use its Dodge trait if it has one but
to its Speed. In addition, if a Tractor weapon hits the same target otherwise immediately roll the Suicide Fighter’s bomb Attack Dice
in the next Attack Phase, this penalty increases by a further –1. against the target. Remove the Suicide Fighter as a casualty, unless
So long as at least one Tractor weapon successfully hits the same the target successfully dodged it. A Suicide Fighter that rams an
target every turn, its Speed will eventually be reduced to 0. enemy ship yields Victory Points as normal for a destroyed fighter
and may not be recovered by a ship with the Carrier trait.
A target’s Speed immediately returns to normal at the end of any
Attack Phase in which a Tractor weapon fails to hit it. Multiple W EAPONRY
Tractor weapons hitting the same target will have no additional Weapon Range Special
effect – a ship will not have its Speed reduced any further or Light Heat Blaster 15 Heat Blaster
Medium Heat Blaster 20 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Heavy Heat Blaster 30 Heat Blaster, Multihit 3
S HIP T RAITS Light Slug Gun – Shell 8 Accurate, Burn-out,
Escort: This ship is designed with advanced systems and focussed Medium Slug Gun – Shell 12 Accurate, Burn-out,
gatling lasers that are designed to protect other ships in the fleet. Multihit 2
Any gatling lasers that have a friendly ship within 4 inches and Heavy Slug Gun - Shell 16 Accurate, Burn-out,
within their arc of fire may be used to protect that ship as if they Multihit 3
Tractor Beam 10 Tractor
A traveller from the Empire of Alexius Hawkwood will be struck
by the dazzling contrasts found among the worlds of the Kurga
Elite Marines: Any Kurgan ship may replace all of its Troops
with Elite Marines for +2 points per Troop. This may be combined
Caliphate. Breathtaking luxury lives alongside abject poverty; with Cyber Troops.
plump, perfumed hedonists take counsel with skeletal ascetics; Grimsons: Any Kurgan ship may replace any of its Troops with
refinement, piety and civility mark every social interaction, while Grimsons for +5 points per Troop.
crimes are punished with gut-wrenching brutality. To Known Occult School of El-Din: One ship for every 1,000 points or part
Worlders, Kurgan space is a lawless, barbarous region, devoid of in the fleet may purchase a Psychic Crew at a cost of +20 points
of any guidance from the Royal Houses or inspiration from the per level (maximum of 6).
Universal Church, where even the Merchant League hesitates to
The peoples of the Caliphate, however, look upon the Known
Worlds with similar feelings. In their view, Kurgan society is the Attakhan-class Fighter 10 points
most perfected of all cultures, the last bastion of enlightenment in Bogatyr-class Multi-role Fighter 15 points
a chaotic universe. Everybody occupies a place in the well-ordered Khangard-class Martyr Fighter 15 points
social system, directed by the wise and beneficent Caliph who Mujahidin -class Raider 60 points
rules in the name of the Maker of Stars. Qawwas-class Frigate 100 points
Sheerkhur-class Galliot 120 points
Options and Upgrades Khabir-class Light Carrier 125 points
The following are optional upgrades available to the Kurgan: Yildugh-class Destroyer 150 points
Arigaba-class Carrier 300 points
Juhangiz-class Cruiser 380 points
Kublai-class Dreadnought 550 points

Attakhan-class Fighter 10 Points

Speed: 20
Turn: SM
Hull: 3
Shields: 0
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: +2
Traits: Dodge 2+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Point Slug Gun 2 T 1 Weak

Bogatyr-class Multi-role Fighter 15 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: SM
Hull: 4
Shields: 0
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: +1
Traits: Dodge 3+, Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Point Slug Gun 2 T 2 Weak
Micro-Torpedoes 4 T 1 Guided, Multihit 2, One-Shot, Slow
Khangard-class Mar tyr Fighter 15 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: SM
Hull: 4
Shields: 0
Damage: 1
Ramming: 0
Dogfight: -2
Traits: Dodge 4+, Suicide Fighter

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Bomb — — 1 Accurate, Devastating +1, Guided, Multihit D6,
One-Shot, Slow

Mujahidin -class Raider 60 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 15/4
Ramming: 2
Troops: 2
Craft: None
Traits: Raider

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Light Heat Blaster 15 T 1 Heat Blaster
Light Heat Blasters 15 P 2 Heat Blaster
Light Heat Blasters 15 S 2 Heat Blaster

Qawwas-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 22/6
Ramming: 2
Troops: 8
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Medium Heat Blasters 20 T 2 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Rocket Launchers 20 P 10 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 10 Inaccurate, Slow
Grapple Gun — P — —
Grapple Gun — S — —
Sheerkhur-class Galliot 120 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 26/7
Ramming: 3
Troops: 10*
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Rocket Launchers 20 P 5 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 5 Inaccurate, Slow
Grapple Gun x2 — P — —
Grapple Gun x2 — S — —

* The Sheerkhur’s Troops comprise 6 Marines and 4 Grimsons.

Khabir-class Light Car rier 125 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 4
Damage: 36/10
Ramming: 4
Troops: 10
Craft: 8
Traits: Carrier 2, Command +1

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Medium Heat Blasters 20 T 2 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Medium Heat Blasters 20 P 3 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Medium Heat Blasters 20 S 3 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Yildugh-class Destroyer 150 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 36/10
Ramming: 5
Troops: 9
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Medium Heat Blasters 20 T 2 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Medium Heat Blasters 20 T 2 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Rocket Launchers 20 P 12 Inaccurate, Slow
Rocket Launchers 20 S 12 Inaccurate, Slow
Grapple Gun — P — —
Grapple Gun — S — —

Arigaba-class Car rier 300 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 4
Damage: 51/14
Ramming: 5
Troops: 8
Craft: 16
Traits: Carrier 4, Command +1,

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Heat Blasters 30 T 3 Heat Blaster, Multihit 3
Medium Heat Blasters 20 P 3 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Medium Heat Blasters 20 S 3 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Gatling Lasers — P — —
Gatling Lasers — S — —
Grapple Gun — P — —
Grapple Gun — S — —
Juhangiz-class Cr uiser 380 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Damage: 51/14
Ramming: 6
Troops: 12
Craft: None
Traits: Lumbering

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Torpedo Launchers 32 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Torpedo Launchers 32 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Missile Launchers 28 P 3 Guided, Slow
Missile Launchers 28 S 3 Guided, Slow
Medium Heat Blasters 20 P 4 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Medium Heat Blasters 20 S 4 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Gatling Lasers — P — —
Gatling Lasers — S — —
Grapple Guns x2 — P — —
Grapple Guns x2 — S — —

Kublai-class Dreadnought 550 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Shields: 6
Damage: 90/25
Ramming: 9
Troops: 18 *
Craft: 4
Traits: Carrier 2, Lumbering

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Torpedo Launchers 32 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Torpedo Launchers 32 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Torpedo Launchers 32 T 3 Guided, Multihit 2, Slow
Medium Heat Blasters 20 P 5 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Medium Heat Blasters 20 S 5 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Heavy Heat Blasters 30 P 4 Heat Blaster, Multihit 3
Heavy Heat Blasters 30 S 4 Heat Blaster, Multihit 3
Grapple Guns x2 — P — —
Grapple Guns x2 — S — —
Gatling Lasers x2 — P — —
Gatling Lasers x2 — S — —

* The Kublai’s Troops comprise 12 Marines and 6 Grimsons.

The Vuldrok Star-Nation is composed of the fierce warrior decide whether to fire solid shot (using the characteristics given in
peoples of Fingisvold, Frost, Hargard, Raven and Wolf ’s Lament, the ship description) or explosive shot, using the characteristics that
and Vuldrok conquerors have founded colonies on Gwynneth, follow. The Arc and Attack Dice of the slug gun will remain the same.
Leminkainen and Antioch. The title of Star-Nation, however, is
something of a misnomer, for the Vuldrok are hardly a united Runecasters: Runecasters use the same rules as for Psychic Crews
power and the Vuldrok themselves are not one people. Their and Theurgic Crews, except the ship will have the Runecaster
worlds are a fusion of many peoples and nations, loosely united X trait. For every level of Runecaster, the ship may take one of
by language and culture. Lacking centralised power, the Vuldrok the following runes. Runes follow all the rules for Psychic and
war with each other as much as they raid the rich trade routes Theurgic Powers.
of the Known Worlds and Kurgan Caliphate. Their origins are
known only dimly, through oral legends, the truth of which is lost Concealing Rune: The ship gains the Stealth 4+ trait for this turn.
in that time of darkness between the Fall of the Second Republic
and the rise of the Kurgan Caliphate. Knowing Rune: The player can either move one other ship at the
same time as this one, or force his opponent to move one ship of
Special Rules his choice at any point during the Movement Phase, out of the
The following special rules apply to the Vuldrok fleet. normal initiative sequence.

Armour: The Vuldrok have few shipyards capable of building Making Rune: The ship either reduces the Critical Score of one
vessels with shield technology and, in any case, generally prefer to location by 1, or repairs D6 Damage points.
board their enemies than trade fire. Instead, their ships are heavily
reinforced with armour. Revealing Rune: The ship gains the Scout trait for this turn. If the
ship already has the Scout trait, it gains a +1 bonus to all Crew
A Vuldrok ship will count any roll on the Attack Table equal to Quality checks made when using Scout that turn. Either way, the
or less than its Armour score as a Bulkhead hit, and will then ship does not need line of sight in order to use its Scout trait.
take no damage.
Shielding Rune: Can automatically negate one Psychic or
For example, the Froljir galliot has an Armour score of 3. If a Light
Theurgic Power used against it this turn.
Laser (a precise weapon) hits the galliot, causing a roll on the Attack
Table, a roll of a 1 or a 2 will result in no damage taken at all (normaly
Travelling Rune: The ship can either move through Stellar Debris
it would be a roll of a 1,2 or 3, but the Precise trait of the light laser adds
with no negative effects (will not suffer damage in an asteroid
one to the roll).
field, for example), or it can teleport this turn instead of moving
normally. Treat it as Turns SM but its Speed will be halved.
In addition Vuldrok ships ignore damage on a 4 or more when
using the Close Blast Doors! Special Action.
Shaping Rune: The ship gains +1 Troops for this turn.
If an armoured ship uses the All Power To Engines! Special
Unmaking Rune: Choose one enemy ship within 12 inches. The
Action, roll a dice. On a 5 or more its Armour score will be
Hull of the enemy ship is reduced by –1 this turn. In addition, all
reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) as it is worn down by impacts
Burn-Out weapons fired against will be treated as Double Burn
from micro-meteorites and other debris.
weapons instead.
Any Critical Hits rolled against Shields on a Vuldrok ship will be
Options and Upgrades
The following are optional upgrades available to the Vuldrok:

Vuldrok ships cannot use the Bring Battle Shields Online! Special Elite Marines: Any Vuldrok ship may replace all of its Troops
Action and ignore all references to Shields in other critical Hit with Elite Marines for +2 points per Troop.
Locations. Weak weapons cannot affect a Vuldrok ship.
Runecaster: One ship in every 1,000 points or part of may include
Slug Guns: The Vuldrok tend to use their slug guns in a different a Runecaster. The Runecaster trait will cost +30 points per level of
fashion than fleets form the Known Worlds. They have access to Runecaster, up to a maximum of 5.
specially designed explosive shell charges that are capable of burning
out shields. Whenever a Vuldrok ship fires a slug gun, its player may

Myrkwyrm-class Explorer 30 points Weapon Range Special

Darraor-class Frigate 75 points Light Slug Gun – Shell 8 Accurate, Burn-out,
Hadruk-class Frigate 100 points Medium Slug Gun – Shell 12 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 2
Froljir-class Galliot 120 points
Heavy Slug Gun - Shell 16 Accurate, Burn-out, Multihit 3
Langskip-class Destroyer 180 points
Slatra Konungr-class Dreadnought 750 points

Myrkwyr m-class Explorer 40 Points

Speed: 16
Turn: 2/90o
Hull: 3
Armour: 2
Damage: 9/2
Ramming: 2
Troops: 2 (3)*
Craft: None
Traits: Agile

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun x 2 — T — —

* The Vuldrok Captain joins all boarding parties. While he does this, the
Ship suffers a –1 penalty to all Crew Quality checks until the Captain
rejoins the ship. The Captain counts as an Elite Troop.

Dar raor-class Frigate 75 Points

Speed: 14
Turn: 2/90o
Hull: 3
Armour: 1
Damage: 16/5
Ramming: 3
Troops: 8
Craft: None
Traits: Agile

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Light Slug Guns 12 P 5 Accurate, Multihit 2
Light Slug Guns 12 S 5 Accurate, Multihit 2
Hadr uk-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 4
Armour: 2
Damage: 18/5
Ramming: 4
Troops: 8
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Light Slug Guns 12 P 5 Accurate, Multihit 2
Light Slug Guns 12 S 5 Accurate, Multihit 2
Grapple Gun — P — —
Grapple Gun — S — —

Froljir-class Galliot 120 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/90o
Hull: 4
Armour: 3
Damage: 21/6
Ramming: 5
Troops: 12
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Light Slug Guns 12 P 2 Accurate, Multihit 2
Light Slug Guns 12 S 2 Accurate, Multihit 2
Grapple Guns x3 — P — —
Grapple Guns x3 — S — —
Langskip-class Destroyer 180 Points

Speed: 12
Turn: 2/45o
Hull: 5
Armour: 3
Damage: 30/8
Ramming: 7
Troops: 12
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Medium Slug Guns 18 T 4 Accurate, Multihit 3
Medium Slug Guns 18 P 3 Accurate, Multihit 3
Medium Slug Guns 18 S 3 Accurate, Multihit 3
Grapple Guns x2 — P — —
Grapple Guns x2 — S — —

Slatra Konung r-class Dreadnought 550 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 5
Armour: 3
Damage: 75/20
Ramming: 12
Troops: 20
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Guns x3 — F — —
Heavy Slug Guns 24 T 3 Accurate, Multihit 3
Heavy Slug Guns 24 T 3 Accurate, Multihit 3
Heavy Slug Guns 24 T 3 Accurate, Multihit 3
Medium Slug Guns 18 P 10 Accurate, Multihit 3
Medium Slug Guns 18 S 10 Accurate, Multihit 3
Gatling Laser — P — —
Gatling Laser — S — —
Grapple Guns x3 — P — —
Grapple Guns x3 — S — —
No single institution has as much impact on day-to-day life toward the same goal, hand-in-hand, fighting evil together.
in the Known Worlds than does the Church. Despite the Never mind the fact that they call one another heretics; the
Church’s many factions and sects, the average peasant sees Church itself is good. The peasants’ view only changes
it as a giant monolith, dedicated to saving humanity from when someone tries to replace the sect of their ancestors
the evil inherent in the universe. As far as commoners can with a new one.
tell, all priests, bishops, archbishops and patriarchs work

The Rack-class Frigate 100 Points

Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45o
Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Damage: 18/6
Ramming: 2
Troops: 4
Craft: None
Traits: None

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Grapple Gun — F — —
Gremlin Guns 12 T 2 Disable, Slow
Medium Heat Blasters 20 P 4 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2
Medium Heat Blasters 20 S 4 Heat Blaster, Multihit 2

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