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Astm E329 Pdqv6897

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Designation: E 329 – 00b An American National Standard

Standard Specification for

Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of
Materials Used in Construction1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 329; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope E 4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines7

1.1 This specification defines the minimum requirements for E 543 Practice for Agencies Performing Nondestructive
inspection agency personnel or testing agency laboratory Testing8
personnel, or both, and the minimum technical requirements E 548 Guide for General Criteria Used for Evaluating
for equipment and procedures utilized in the testing and Laboratory Competence9
inspection of materials used in construction. E 994 Guide for Calibration and Testing Laboratory Ac-
1.2 Criteria is provided for evaluating the capability of creditation Systems General Requirements for Operation
agency to properly perform designated tests on construction and Recognition9
materials, and establishes essential characteristics pertaining to 3. Terminology
the organization, personnel, facilities, and quality systems of
the agency. This practice may be supplemented by more 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
specific criteria and requirements for particular projects. 3.1.1 agency—the organization/body, or part thereof, autho-
1.3 This specification can be used as a basis to evaluate an rized by the project sponsor or his duly authorized representa-
agency and is intended for use in qualifying and/or accrediting tive to inspect or test construction materials as required by the
agencies, public or private, engaged in the testing and inspec- project specifications.
tion of construction materials. These materials include con- inspection agency—an agency or testing laboratory
crete, steel, soil, masonry and bituminous materials. that makes visual observations and field measurements of
construction materials. It may collect and submit samples,
2. Referenced Documents identified with respective portions of the construction, for
2.1 ASTM Standards: laboratory evaluation. The inspection agency/body and testing
A 880 Practice for Criteria for Use in Evaluation of Testing agency may be one organization or separate organizations.
Laboratories and Organizations for Examination and In- testing agency—an agency or testing laboratory that
spection of Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys2 measures, examines, tests, or otherwise determines the charac-
C 1077 Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Con- teristics or performance of materials and products.
crete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for 3.1.2 bituminous material and mixes, n—as used in con-
Laboratory Evaluation3 struction, all types of asphalts and tars for pavements.
C 1093 Practice for The Accreditation of Testing Agencies Discussion—Bituminous mixes are bituminous sta-
for Unit Masonry4 bilized soil, base course, binder, leveling, surface course, and
D 3666 Specification for Minimum Requirements for Agen- mastic mixes. Bituminous mixes may contain either tar or
cies Testing and Inspecting Bituminous Paving Materials5 asphalt binder material which, in some cases, may be further
D 3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies modified with other additive materials to produce special
Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock properties.
as Used in Engineering Design and Construction6 3.1.3 concrete, n—as used in construction, all portland
cement concrete used in construction, particularly reinforced
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E36 on 3.1.4 contract—the contractual agreement between the
Conformity Assessment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E36.70 on agency and the project sponsor.
Construction and Building Testing/Inspection Agencies. 3.1.5 documentation, n—unless otherwise specified, the
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2000. Published December 2000. Originally
published as E 329 – 67 T. Last previous edition E 329 – 00a.
term documentation, and related terms such as the verb
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
4 7
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.05. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
5 8
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03.
6 9
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 329
“document,” refer herein to written documentation. 4. Reference Material Discussion—Documentation other than written 4.1 Appropriate references, relevant to the construction
documentation, such as video or audio recordings, shall be being inspected, including project plans and specifications,
used, where appropriate, in addition to written documentation, shall be readily available to the technicians or inspectors at all
if possible. times. The following are particularly essential:
3.1.6 engineer, n—the term “engineer,” when used in com- 4.1.1 Applicable parts of Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
bination with the terms “registered,” “licensed,” or “profes- 4.1.2 Applicable Parts of AISC Manual of Steel Construc-
sional” are to be considered interchangeable for the purposes of tion,
clarification. 4.1.3 Applicable Parts of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Discussion—Geographical areas differ in the title, Code,
but the definition and intent are the same. 4.1.4 Applicable building codes,
3.1.7 inspection, n—examination of a product, product 4.1.5 AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code, Steel,
design, service, process or plant, and determination of confor- 4.1.6 AWS B1.11 Guide for the Visual Inspection of Welds,
mity with specific or, on the basis of professional judgment, 4.1.7 AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code,
general requirements, the results of which may be used to 4.1.8 AWS D1.4 Structural Welding Code—Reinforcing,
support certification. and Discussion—Inspection of processes includes per- 4.1.9 Steel Joist Institute (SJI) Recommended Code of
sonnel, facilities, technology and methodology. Standard Practice for Steel Joists and Joist Girders.
3.1.8 masonry, n—as used in construction, masonry units, 5. Significance and Use
brick, mortar and grout used in construction. 5.1 The testing and inspection of construction materials is Discussion—The masonry construction may be load an important element in obtaining quality construction. A
bearing or non-load bearing. testing and inspection agency must be selected with care after
3.1.9 nondestructive testing, n—procedures for testing a comprehensive evaluation of its competency to perform the
products as used in construction. work properly. Discussion—Nondestructive testing includes all test 5.2 This standard provides basic minimum criteria for use in
methods that do not impair the serviceability of the material, evaluating the qualifications of technically oriented testing or
part, or assembly under test. Nondestructive tests are specific. inspection agencies, or both. The criteria may be supplemented
They usually reveal only the specific kinds of defects and by more specific criteria and requirements for particular classes
conditions for whose detection they were designed. Conse- of testing or types of inspection agencies. An individual user
quently, they must be selected in accordance with the specific can also use it to judge the competency of an agency. The
materials, the specific conditions to be detected, and the existence of a formal accrediting authority such as a federal,
specific job to be done. state, or independent agency is not necessary for the use of this
3.1.10 owner, n—the owner’s officer, the engineer, or the practice, but the practice can be used as a basis for accredita-
architect responsible for the work, or his duly recognized or tion, if desired.
authorized representative. 5.3 The intent of this standard is to provide a consensus
3.1.11 project sponsor, n—the organization that retains the system standardized basis for requirements for a technically
agency, and normally, the owner of record when the project is oriented testing or inspection agency, with respect to the
complete. agency’s capability to objectively and competently provide the
3.1.12 qualified accreditation authority, n—an organization specific services needed by the user without prejudice.
recognized throughout the country, with the capability to assess 5.4 Typically, evaluating an agency involves the following
and monitor the professional and technical activities of an three essential sequential phases:
inspection or testing agency, or both. 5.4.1 Submittal of basic information in accordance with the
3.1.13 soil, n—as used in construction, subgrade, subbase, criteria of this practice to the evaluator by an agency desiring
base, select fill and other similar types of granular and to be qualified to this standard,
non-granular soils used in construction regardless of whether it 5.4.2 Evaluation of the agency-submitted information, and
is considered as a structural element in the project or general 5.4.3 On-site verification of the agency-submitted informa-
fill not supporting structural elements. tion by the user or a qualified national authority.
3.1.14 steel, n—as used in construction, structural steel 6. Organization and Management
plates and shapes used wholly or in part for structures 6.1 The agency shall be legally identifiable. It shall be
including reinforcing steel used in concrete. organized and shall operate in such a way that its permanent, Discussion—It is not intended to include steels temporary, and mobile facilities meet the requirements of this
used in conjunction with mechanical, electrical, heating or standard.
air-conditioning equipment except for the supporting struc- 6.2 The agency shall:
tures. 6.2.1 Have managerial staff with the authority and resources
3.1.15 technician, n—an employee of the inspection and needed to discharge their duties.
testing agency assigned to perform the actual operations of 6.2.2 Have arrangements to ensure that its personnel are free
inspection or testing. from any commercial, financial, and other pressures that might

E 329
adversely affect the quality of their work. This person shall be able to demonstrate either by oral or
6.2.3 Be organized in such a way that confidence in its written examination, or both, their ability to perform the tests
independence of judgment and integrity is maintained at all normally required in the manner stipulated under ASTM or
times. other governing test procedures and shall be capable of
6.2.4 Specify and document the responsibility, authority, evaluating the test results in terms of specification compliance.
qualifications, and interrelation of all personnel who manage, Certification by ACI (American Concrete Institute) Grade II or
perform, or verify work affecting the quality of inspections or NICET (National Institute for Certification of Engineering
tests, or both. Technicians) Level III or higher, or certification by other
6.2.5 Provide supervision by persons qualified to perform qualified national authorities as appropriate to the work, shall
the inspections and tests and to implement relevant procedures. be considered as one means of evidence of competency.
They should also be qualified to evaluate the objective of the 7.2.3 A field supervisor shall have at least five years
inspections or tests and the results. The ratio of supervisory to inspection experience in the type of work being supervised.
non-supervisory personnel shall be such as to ensure adequate This person shall be able to demonstrate, either by oral or
supervision. written examination, or both, their ability to perform correctly
6.2.6 Have a technical manager (however named) who has the required duties and shall be capable of evaluating the
overall responsibility for the technical operations. inspection or test results in terms of specification compliance.
6.2.7 Have a quality manager (however named) who has the Certification by ACI (Level II), NICET (Level III or higher),
responsibility for the quality system and its implementation. ASNT (Level II or III), AWS (CWI), or certification by other
The quality manager shall have direct access to the highest qualified national authorities as appropriate to the work, shall
level of management at which decisions are made on agency be considered as one means of evidence of competency.
policy or resources, and to the technical manager. In some 7.2.4 Inspector or Technician—This person shall have suf-
agencies, the quality manager may also be the technical ficient education and on-the-job training or trade school
manager or deputy technical manager. training to properly perform the test or inspection to which the
6.2.8 Nominate deputies in case of absence of the technical person is assigned. This person must be able to demonstrate
or quality manager. competence for the test or inspection which is being conducted
6.2.9 Where relevant, have documented policy and proce- either by oral or written examination, or both. Certification by
dures to ensure the protection of clients’ confidential informa- ACI (American Concrete Institute), AWS (American Welding
tion and proprietary rights. Society), ASNT (American Society for Nondestructive Test-
6.2.10 Where appropriate, as determined by the agency’s ing), NICET (National Institute for Certification of Engineer-
quality manual, participate in interlaboratory comparisons and ing Technicians), ICC (International Code Council), ICBO
proficiency testing programs. (International Council of Building Officials), BOCA (Building
Officials Code Administration), as appropriate for the work
7. Personnel being performed, or certification by other qualified national
7.1 The agency shall have sufficient personnel having the authorities as appropriate to the work; shall be considered as
necessary education, training, technical knowledge, certifica- one means of documenting competency. The Inspector or
tion as appropriate, and experience for their assigned functions. Technician shall work under the direct supervision of personnel
7.1.1 The agency shall ensure that the training of its meeting the requirements of 7.2.2 or 7.2.3 (see Appendix X1).
personnel is kept up-to-date.
7.1.2 Records of relevant certification, qualifications, train- 8. Equipment
ing, skills, and experience of the technical personnel shall be 8.1 The agency shall furnish all items of equipment, includ-
maintained by the agency. ing reference materials, required for the correct performance of
7.2 The following personnel requirements must be satisfied inspections and tests. In those cases where the agency needs to
by the agency when services are being provided for construc- use equipment outside its permanent control, it shall ensure
tion: that the relevant requirements of this standard are met.
7.2.1 The testing and inspection services of the agency, that 8.2 All equipment shall be properly maintained. Mainte-
provides the quality control or quality assurance program, or nance procedures shall be documented and shall include a
both, as related to construction practices or materials, or both, schedule for future maintenance.
shall be under the direction of a person charged with engineer- 8.2.1 Any equipment that has been subjected to overloading
ing managerial responsibility. The person shall be a licensed or mishandling, or that gives suspect results, or has been shown
professional/registered engineer and a full-time employee of by verification or otherwise to be defective, shall be taken out
that agency. The person shall have at least five years engineer- of service, clearly identified, and wherever possible, stored at a
ing experience in testing and inspection of construction mate- specified place until it has been repaired and shown by
rials. The organization may consist of one or more separate calibration, verification, or test to perform satisfactorily.
facilities providing inspection or testing services or both. A The agency shall examine the effect of this defect on
licensed professional/registered engineer may have engineer- previous inspections or tests.
ing managerial responsibility for one or more facilities within 8.3 Each item of equipment including reference materials
the organization. shall, when appropriate, be labeled, marked or otherwise
7.2.2 A laboratory supervisor shall have at least five years identified to indicate its calibration status.
experience performing tests on relevant construction materials. 8.4 Records shall be maintained for each item of equipment

E 329
and all reference materials significant to the inspections or tests 9.2.13 Reference to procedures for calibration, verification
performed. The records shall include: and maintenance of equipment,
8.4.1 The name of the item of equipment, 9.2.14 Procedures to be followed for feedback and correc-
8.4.2 The manufacturer’s name, type identification, and tive action whenever testing discrepancies are detected, or
serial number or other unique identification, departures from documented policies and procedures occur,
8.4.3 Date received and date placed in service, 9.2.15 The agency management arrangements for excep-
8.4.4 Condition when received (for example, new, used, tionally permitting departures from documented policies and
reconditioned, and so forth), procedures or from standard specifications,
8.4.5 Copy of the manufacturer’s instructions, where avail- 9.2.16 Procedures for dealing with complaints,
able, condition when received (for example, new, used, recon- 9.2.17 Procedures for protecting confidentiality and propri-
ditioned, and so forth), etary rights, and
8.4.6 Details of maintenance carried out to date, 9.2.18 Procedures for audit and review.
8.4.7 Dates and results of calibrations or verifications, or 9.3 The agency shall arrange for audits or inspections of its
both, and date of next calibration or verification, or both, activities at appropriate intervals to verify that its operations
8.4.8 History of any damage, malfunction, or repair, and continue to comply with the requirements of the quality
8.4.9 Current location. system. Such audits shall be carried out by qualified staff who
are independent of the activity to be audited.
9. Quality System, Audit and Review 9.3.1 Where the audit findings cast doubt on the correctness
9.1 The agency shall establish and maintain a quality system or validity of the agency’s inspections or test results, the
appropriate to the type, range, and volume of inspections and agency shall take immediate corrective action and shall imme-
testing activities it undertakes. The elements of this system diately notify, in writing, any client whose work may have been
shall be documented. The quality documentation shall be affected.
available for use by the agency’s personnel. 9.4 The quality system adopted to satisfy the requirements
9.1.1 The agency shall define and document its policies and of this standard shall be reviewed at least once a year by the
objectives for, and its commitment to good practice and quality management to ensure its continuing suitability and effective-
of, inspection or testing services. ness and to introduce any necessary changes or improvements.
9.1.2 The agency management shall ensure that these poli- 9.5 All audit and review findings, external and internal, and
cies and objectives are documented in a quality manual and any corrective actions that arise from them shall be docu-
communicated to, and understood and implemented by all mented. The person responsible for quality shall ensure that
personnel concerned. The quality manual shall be maintained these actions are discharged within the agreed timescale.
current under the responsibility of the quality manager. 9.6 In addition to periodic audits, the agency shall ensure
9.2 The quality manual, and related quality documentation, the quality of results provided to clients by implementing
shall state the agency’s policies and operational procedures checks. These checks shall be reviewed and shall include, as
established in order to meet the requirements of this standard. appropriate, but are not limited to:
The quality manual and related quality documentation shall 9.6.1 Internal quality control schemes using, whenever pos-
also contain: sible, statistical techniques,
9.2.1 A quality policy statement, including objectives and 9.6.2 Participation in proficiency testing or peer reviews,
commitments, by top management, 9.6.3 Regular use of certified reference materials or in-
9.2.2 The organization and management structure of the house quality control using secondary reference materials, or
agency, its place in any parent organization and relevant both,
organizational charts, 9.6.4 Replicate inspections or testing using the same or
9.2.3 The relations between management, technical opera- different methods,
tions, support services and the quality system, 9.6.5 Re-inspection or re-testing of retained items, and
9.2.4 Procedures for control and maintenance of documen- 9.6.6 Correlation of results for different characteristics of an
tation, item.
9.2.5 Job descriptions of key staff and reference to the job
descriptions of other staff, 10. Responsibilities and Duties
9.2.6 Identification of the agency’s approved signatories 10.1 It shall be the responsibility of the agency to ensure
(where this concept is appropriate), that it performs only tests and inspections, or both, for which
9.2.7 The agency’s procedures for achieving traceability of it is adequately equipped and staffed, and that its employees
measurements, perform only tests and inspections, or both, for which they are
9.2.8 The agency’s scope of inspections or tests, or both, adequately trained.
9.2.9 Arrangements for the agency to review all new work 10.2 The following duties are those usually performed by
to ensure that it has the appropriate facilities and resources the agency:
before commencing such work, 10.2.1 Obtain representative samples of those materials
9.2.10 Reference to the test procedures used, required by project specifications, and authorized by contract,
9.2.11 Procedures for handling inspection and test items, to be tested and evaluated.
9.2.12 Reference to the equipment and reference measure- 10.2.2 When samples are collected by the agency, the
ment standards used, agency must ensure that there is proper protection, handling,

E 329
and storing of the samples to ensure that they remain repre- within its responsibility (including sampling, handling, trans-
sentative of the material being used at the time of sampling. port and storage, and preparation of items, estimation of
10.2.3 When the agency is responsible for collecting uncertainty of measurement, and analysis of inspection data or
samples, the samples must be identified with the respective test data, or both). They shall be consistent with the accuracy
portions of the work in which the material represented was or required, and with any standard specifications relevant to the
will be used. inspections, or tests concerned.
10.2.4 Perform all testing and inspection operations in 11.3 Where test methods are not specified, the agency shall,
accordance with appropriate standards as referenced in the whenever possible, select test methods that have been pub-
contract. lished as international or national standards, those published by
10.2.5 Call to the attention of the project sponsor any reputable technical organizations or in relevant scientific texts
irregularities or deficiencies in the construction materials or or journals.
processes, or both, as related to construction materials, that the 11.4 Where it is necessary to employ test methods that have
contract specifically states the agency is responsible for in- not been established as standards, these shall be subject to
specting. agreement with the client, be fully documented and validated,
10.2.6 Submit promptly to the project sponsor and distribute and be available to the client and other recipients of the
as specified in the contract formal reports of all tests and relevant reports.
inspections which indicate compliance or noncompliance with 11.5 Where sampling is carried out as part of the test
the specifications. The reports shall be complete and factual, method, the agency shall use documented procedures and
citing the methods used in obtaining samples, the tests per- appropriate statistical techniques to select samples.
formed, the specified values for the measured characteristics, 11.6 Calculations and data transfers shall be subject to
the values obtained, the parts of the structure involved, and appropriate checks.
similar pertinent data. The agency shall be prepared to sub- 11.7 Where computers or automated equipment are used for
stantiate its reports to the extent necessary. the capture, processing, manipulation, recording, reporting,
10.3 Unless specifically authorized, the agency does not storage, or retrieval of inspection or test data, the agency shall
have the right of rejection. ensure that:
10.4 The agency shall have its laboratory procedures and 11.7.1 All requirements of this standard are complied with,
equipment inspected at intervals of not more than three years 11.7.2 Computer software is documented and adequate for
by a qualified national authority as evidence of its competence use,
to perform the required tests. 11.7.3 Procedures are established and implemented for pro-
10.4.1 The agency shall demonstrate evidence of meeting tecting the integrity of data; such procedures shall include, but
the requirements of Specification E 329 through accreditation are not limited to: the integrity of data entry or capture, data
in the field of its operations by a recognized qualified accredi- storage, data transmission and data processing,
tation authority. Specification E 994 can be used to evaluate the 11.7.4 Computer and automated equipment is maintained to
credentials, qualifications, and operation of the accreditation ensure proper functioning and provided with the environmental
authority. and operating conditions necessary to maintain the integrity of
NOTE 1—Organizations that offer accreditation services in some or all inspection and test data, and
of the fields covered by Specification E 329 include: The American 11.7.5 Appropriate procedures for the maintenance of secu-
Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), The AASHTO Ac- rity of data including the prevention of unauthorized access to,
creditation Program (AAP), Construction Materials Engineering Council and unauthorized amendment of, computer records are estab-
(CMEC), and The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program lished and implemented.
11.8 Documented procedures shall exist for the purchase,
10.5 The testing agency or inspecting agency, or both, shall reception and storage of consumable materials used for the
supply the qualified accreditation authority with the qualifica- technical operations of the agency.
tion of its Human Resources as listed in Section 7. At a
minimum each person shall be re-evaluated internally or 12. Records
externally, at least every three years for each test and/or
12.1 The inspection body shall maintain a record system to
inspection the person is authorized to perform.
suit its particular circumstances and to comply with applicable
11. Inspections and Test Methods regulations.
11.1 The agency shall have documented instructions on the 12.2 The records shall include sufficient information to
use and operations of all relevant equipment, on the handling permit satisfactory recapitulation of the inspection.
and preparation of items, and for inspection, calibration, or 12.3 All records shall be safely stored for a specified period,
testing, or a combination thereof, where the absence of such minimum 3 years, held secure and in confidence to the client,
instructions could jeopardize the inspections or tests. All unless otherwise required by law or other governing specifi-
instruction, standards, manuals and reference data relevant to cations.
the work of the agency shall be maintained up-to-date and be
readily available to the staff and external auditors. 13. Report
11.2 The agency shall use appropriate test methods and 13.1 The work carried out by the agency shall be covered by
procedures for all inspections, and tests and related activities a retrievable report or certificate, or both, as appropriate.

E 329
13.2 The results of each inspection, test or series of inspec- include some or all of the following: sampling and testing of
tions, or tests carried out by the agency shall be reported ingredients, mix design, checking of production equipment and
accurately, clearly, unambiguously and objectively, in accor- procedures, inspection of placement and curing, and laboratory
dance with any instructions in the inspection, or test methods. testing of hardened specimens.
The results shall normally be documented in a referenced 14.2 The agency shall comply with the most recent edition
inspection report, test report or test certificate, and should of Practice C 1077 and to the other requirements specified in
reference or include: Sections 6-13 of this specification.
13.2.1 A title, for example, “Inspection Report,”“ Certificate 14.2.1 Section 7 shall apply, except that the minimum
of Compliance,” “Test Report” or “Test Certificate,” experience for the supervising laboratory technician and the
13.2.2 Name and address of the agency and location where supervising field technician shall be three years.
the inspection or test was carried out,
13.2.3 Unique identification of the certificate or report (such SOIL AND ROCK INSPECTION AND TESTING
as report number), and of each page and the total number of 15. General
15.1 Soil and rock inspection and testing services will
13.2.4 Name and address of client, where appropriate,
normally include some or all of the following: sampling and
13.2.5 Description of the characterization and condition,
testing of in-situ materials, sampling and testing of materials
and unambiguous identification of the item inspected or tested,
being processed, sampling and testing of processed materials,
13.2.6 Date of receipt of inspection request or test item and
inspection and testing of soil and rock placement procedures,
date of performance of inspection, calibration or test, where
and sampling and testing of in-place constructed components.
15.2 The agency shall comply with the most recent edition
13.2.7 Identification of the inspection, or test method used,
of Practice D 3740 and to the other requirements specified in
or unambiguous description of any non-standard test method
Sections 6-13 of this specification.
13.2.8 Reference to sampling procedure, where relevant, STEEL INSPECTION AND TESTING
13.2.9 Any deviations from, additions to, or exclusions
from, the inspection or test method, any other information 16. General
relevant to a specific inspection, or test, such as environmental 16.1 Steel inspection and testing services will normally
conditions, include one or more of the following general functions:
13.2.10 Measurements, examinations and derived result, inspection at source of base material (the steel mill), inspection
supported by tables, graphs, sketches and photographs, as at fabrication shop, inspection at erection site, laboratory
appropriate, and any failures identified, testing to determine physical and chemical properties of steel,
13.2.11 A signature and title, or an equivalent identification laboratory tests of paints for use on steel structures, qualifica-
of the person(s) accepting responsibility for the content of the tion of welding procedures and personnel, nondestructive
certificate of report (however produced), and date of issue, testing (radiographic, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, ultra-
13.2.12 Where relevant, a statement to the effect that the sonic, etc.), and inspection of cutting and bending of reinforc-
results relate only to the items inspected or tested, ing bars and testing of same.
13.2.13 A statement that the certificate or report shall not be
reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the 17. Equipment for Steel Inspection and Testing
laboratory, and 17.1 The testing agency or inspection agency shall be
13.2.14 Reports or certificates, or both, shall be signed or equipped to meet the needs of the procedures required to fulfill
otherwise approved by authorized staff members only. the contract with the project sponsor. If the agency subcon-
13.3 Material corrections or additions to a report or certifi- tracts work to other agencies, these agencies shall be properly
cate, or both, after issue shall be made only in the form of a equipped.
further document, or data transfer including the statement 17.2 The agency will comply with the requirements of
“Supplement to Inspection Report” (or 8Revised Test Report’ Practice A 880 in addition to the other requirements specified
or as appropriate), report number (or as otherwise uniquely below.
identified), or equivalent wording. Such amendments or 17.3 Laboratory Equipment—The testing agency respon-
supplements shall meet all the relevant requirements of 13.2 of sible for testing steel shall be equipped with at least the
this standard. following:
13.4 The agency shall ensure that, where clients require 17.3.1 Suitable facilities for preparing test specimens.
transmission of inspection or test results by telephone, telex, 17.3.2 A screw or hydraulic type of testing machine of
fax or other electronic means, staff will follow documented sufficient capacity to test any specimen which may be involved
procedures that ensure that the requirements of this standard (normally a multiple-range machine with at least 200 000-lb
are met and that confidentiality is preserved. (91 000-kg) capacity). The machine shall be equipped with
suitable gripping and bending tools and with variable speed
CONCRETE INSPECTION AND TESTING control. It shall be verified annually in accordance with a
procedure specified by Practices E 4 and shall meet the
14. General accuracy requirement of these procedures. A report giving
14.1 Concrete inspection and testing services will normally detail of the verification shall be readily available.

E 329
17.3.3 Hardness measuring device (Rockwell or Brinell). mally include some or all of the following services:
17.3.4 Appropriate measuring equipment such as microme- 19.1.1 Sampling of the bituminous material at the refinery,
ters, rules, dividers. terminal, mix plant, or project site,
17.3.5 Access to a chemical laboratory suitably equipped 19.1.2 Testing of bituminous materials and mixtures in the
for the analysis of constituents and alloying elements of laboratory,
structural steels, and for analysis of paints to applicable 19.1.3 Investigation of aggregate at source for compliance
specification. with the specification requirements,
17.3.6 AWS standard guided-bend test jig.
19.1.4 Preparation of mix design with or without stability
17.3.7 Bend test jig for reinforcing steel.
determinations such as Marshall, Hubbard-Field, Hveem, or
17.4 Field Equipment (Mill, Fabrication, and Erection)—
The inspection agency should be equipped with the following
items of equipment appropriate to the service to be rendered: 19.1.5 Inspection of proportioning and mixing at the plant
17.4.1 Steel tape, rule, calipers, and other appropriate mea- or project site,
suring equipment. 19.1.6 Determination of percent bitumen and grading of
17.4.2 Weld dimension gage. aggregates in plant mix,
17.4.3 Weld viewing shield. 19.1.7 Determination of stability in plant mix,
17.4.4 Hammer for weld testing. 19.1.8 Inspection of spreading and rolling,
17.4.5 Battery operated hand light. 19.1.9 Determination of thickness of compacted mix, and
17.4.6 Paint thickness gage. 19.1.10 Determination of density of samples from com-
17.4.7 Thermometer (or temperature-measuring crayons).10 pacted surface.
17.4.8 Inspector’s identification stamp or tags. 19.2 The agency shall comply with the most recent edition
17.4.9 Inspection wrench (a torque wrench used per AISC of Practice D 3666 and to the other requirements specified in
requirements) for high strength bolts. Sections 6-13 of this specification.
17.4.10 Tension measuring device11 for verifying slip criti-
cal bolt installation/inspection procedures. The accuracy of the
tension measuring device shall be confirmed through calibra-
tion by an approved testing agency at least annually. Three of
20. General
the AISC approved methods for installing pretension bolts in
slip critical connections do not rely on any torque measure- 20.1 Masonry inspection and testing services will normally
ments at all. The turn-of-nut method (favored by AISC), the include some or all of the following services:
alternate design fastener method, and direct tension indicator 20.1.1 sampling and inspecting the raw materials used in the
method do not rely on torque measurements, but rather on manufacture of masonry units,
observing nut rotation, the snap off of a mandrel, or deforma- 20.1.2 inspecting the manufacture of masonry units,
tion of tension indicators; these methods require initial verifi- 20.1.3 sampling and testing masonry units,
cation using a tension measuring device. 20.1.4 preparing grout and mortar mix design,
17.5 Qualifications for Nondestructive Testing Agencies—
When nondestructive testing is required, the agency perform- 20.1.5 inspecting and testing the production and placement
ing the testing shall meet in their entirety the requirements of of grout and mortar, and
Practice E 543. 20.1.6 inspecting and testing the reinforcing steel used in
masonry construction.
18. Human Resources 20.2 The agency shall comply with the most recent edition
18.1 Personnel performing visual inspection of structural of Practice C 1093 and to the other requirements specified in
steel or piping shall be familiar with the quality requirements Sections 6-13 of this specification.
of the particular project and the governing codes or standards.
Visual weld inspection shall be performed by an AWS Certified 21. Nondestructive Testing Agencies
Welding Inspector (AWS-QC-1) except as otherwise allowed 21.1 Nondestructive Testing will usually include tests per-
by contract. The inspection of welds shall be supervised or formed by the following methods: Radiographic Testing (RT),
overseen by an AWS Certified Welding Inspector or by a Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Liquid Penetrant Testing (LT) and
Licensed Professional Engineer. Magnetic Particle Testing (MT).
BITUMINOUS INSPECTION AND TESTING 21.2 The agency shall comply with the most recent edition
of Practice E 543 and to the other requirements specified in
19. General Sections 6-13 of Specification E 329.
19.1 Bituminous inspection and testing services will nor-
22. Keywords
10 22.1 accreditation; competency; construction materials;
Tempilstiks, available from Tempil Corp., 132 W. 22 St., New York, NY, have
been found satisfactory for this purpose. evaluating; inspection agencies; personnel qualifications; test-
Skidmore-Wilhelm or equivalent. ing agencies; verification

E 329


(Nonmandatory Information)

X1. Additional Information

X1.1 The following is a listing of germane certifications for Work being Performed Appropriate Certification
the listed types of inspections and/or tests. Additional certifi-
cations by a nationally or regionally recognized certification G) Soil Density or Lab Testing: NICET in 8Construction Materials Test-
ing Soils’; Supervisors should have
body may be added to this listing. NICET 8Engineering Technician’ or
Work being Performed Appropriate Certification higher.

A) Concrete Field Testing: ACI 8Concrete Field Technician’ – or H) Structural Steel, Welding and a) AWS 8Certified Welding Inspector
NICET 8Construction Materials Testing- Bolting Inspection (CWI), or
Concrete’ b) ICC (ICBO) 8Structural Steel and
Welding Inspector’
B) Concrete Lab Testing: ACI 8Concrete Lab I or II Technician’; c) Supervisors: AWS 8Senior Certified
or Concrete Strength Testing Techni- Welding Inspector’ (SCWI).
cian (for strength testing only) or
NICET 8Construction Materials Testing I) Nondestructive Testing (NDT) a) ASNT Level II in appropriate fields,
– Concrete’ or
b) AWS 8NDT Inspector’
C) Aggregate Testing(only): ACI 8Aggregate Testing Technician’ or c) Supervisors should be ASNT Level
NICET–8Construction Materials Testing III, Nationally Certified by ASNT di-
Concrete, Asphalt or Soils’ rectly.

D) Concrete Reinforcing and/or a) ACI 8Concrete Construction Inspec- J) Spray-on Fireproofing: ICC (ICBO) 8Spray-on Fireproofing In-
Placement Inspection tor’ (CCI). (Certificates and program spector’
expire by 9/2003); or
b) ICC (BOCA, ICBO, SBCCI) 8Rein- K) Masonry Lab Testing: NCMA 8Concrete Masonry Testing
forced Concrete Special Inspector’ (re- Technician’
places ACI 8CCI’ programs as of 9/98);
or L) Masonry Inspection: ICC (ICBO, SBCCI) 8Structural Ma-
c) ACI 8Concrete Transportation Con- sonry Inspector’
struction Inspector (CTCI); or
d) NICET 8Associate Engineering Tech- M) Bituminous and Hot Mix a) State, nation or regional recognized
nician’ in the field of 8Construction Ma- Materials: 8QC/QA’, or;
terials – Concrete’. b) NICET – 8Construction Materials
Testing Asphalt’. Supervisors should be
E) Precast Concrete Testing: ACI 8Concrete Field Technician’; or PCI NICET- 8Engineering Technician’ or
8Level I’ or NICET in 8Construction Ma- higher.
terials Testing – Concrete’

F) Precast Inspection including PCI Level II or Level III as appropriate,

Prestressed and post tensioned: or
ICC (ICBO, BOCA) 8Prestressed Con-
crete Inspector’

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (

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