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Tourism Development in India Under Gover

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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

Tourism Development in India under Government

Five Year Plans
Mohd Motasim Ali Khan1, Mohammad Athar Noor2 & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan3

The Indian tourism and hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key industries driving growth
of the services sector in India. This paper will review the progress of tourism development in India
under Government Five Year Plans. Tourism development in India has passed through many
phases. Tourism development has always has been an integral part of the country’s five-year plans.
Government has been giving special emphasize on the tourism sector during the each plan period.
The rising significance of tourism in terms of its arrivals and receipts has motivated the government
to increase its budget allocation in its five-year development programs. The Ministry of Tourism,
Government of India has consistently been working on improving India as a prime destination for
world tourists. The Ministry of Tourism designs national policies for the development and
promotion of tourism development and give important place to tourism in the overall development
of the country. Government of India takes several steps time to time for the development of tourism
industry. No appropriate marketing strategies of India’s tourism are available in India as well as
abroad. There is a need to increase the government’s role in promoting India as a brand.

Budget; Development; Five Year Plans; Infrastructure; Tourism

Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, U.P., India.

Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, U.P., India.

Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, U.P., India.

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

particular. There is a harmonious blend of art,

religion and philosophy. Major religions like
Introduction Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism,
The Indian tourism and hospitality Jainism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism etc.
industry has emerged as one of the key have co-existed in India for several thousand
industries driving growth of the services years. India has fascinated people from all
sector in India. Tourism in India has over the world with its secularism and culture
registered significant growth in the recent (
years and the country has tremendous Tourism development in India has
potential to become a major global tourist passed through many phases. The first and
destination. Indian tourism industry is most systematic step to promote tourism in
thriving due to an increase in foreign tourist India after independence was the formation of
arrivals and greater number of Indians a separate Department of Tourism under the
travelling to domestic destinations than Ministry of Transport and Communications in
before. The growth of India Tourism market 1958 (Kumar, 1998). It helps in promoting
is also equally beneficial for the several international and domestic tourism in the
associated industries such as the aviation country. It provides infrastructure,
industry, medical tourism industry and hotel information aimed at promotion of tourists’
industry ( sites in the world market, carries out publicity
The role of Tourism is certainly campaigns and formulates policies and
essential in the economic development of a programmes for the promotion of tourism in
country as it is the second largest foreign the country. It has offices and officers in India
exchange earner in India. The tourism and abroad. The Indian Institute of Tourism
industry employs a large number of people, and Travel Management, the National Council
both skilled and unskilled. Hotels, travel for Hotel management and Catering
agencies, transport including airlines get a lot technology etc. provide professionally trained
of benefits from this industry. Tourism personnel to the industry. The Tourism
promotes national integration and generates Advisory Board recommends measures for
foreign exchange. It promotes socio-cultural promotion of tourists’ traffic in the country. It
activities. Tourism also promotes the reviews the tourist trends and suggests
traditional handicrafts sector. The tourists get appropriate measures
an insight into the rich and diverse cultural (
heritage of India Tourism development has always has
( been an integral part of the country’s five-
India is one of the popular tourist year plans. The Ministry of Tourism,
destinations in Asia and it offers a wide array Government of India has consistently been
of places to see and things to do. The working on improving India as a prime
delighting backwaters, hill stations and destination for world tourists. The Ministry of
landscapes make India a beautiful country. Tourism designs national policies for the
Historical monuments, forts and palaces, development and promotion of tourism. In the
beaches, places of religious interests, hill process, the Ministry consults and
resorts, rich tropical forests, captivating wild collaborates with other stakeholders in the
life, desert safari, lagoon backwaters, diverse sector including various Central
culture, unique hospitality etc. add to the Ministries/Agencies, State Governments,
grandeur of the country. They attract tourists Union Territories and the representatives of
from all over the world in general and Asia in the private sector. Concerted efforts are being

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

made to promote new forms of tourism such Ports and lighthouses, shipping, Inland water
as rural, cruise, medical and eco-tourism. The transport, Civil aviation, Tourism etc. Table 1
Ministry also maintains the Incredible India gives Government Allocation for tourism
campaign ( development in India under Five Year Plans.
From 1966 to 1969 no five year plan
could be launched because of an Indo-Pak
conflict. The conflict in combination with the
Tourism Development in drought resulted in the devaluation of the
India under Different Plans currency and a general rise in prices. This
erosion of resources disrupted the planning
Five Year Plans form an important
process. These years were treated in three
portion of the planning process in India.
annual plans between 1966 and 1969.
These are formulated, executed and monitored
The five year planning process was
by the Planning Commission of India, which
again disturbed in 1978 for two years and
is an institution in the Government of India,
thereafter again in 1990 for two more years.
headed by the Prime Minister. The tourism
On both these occasions there was a political
sector is dealt under the composite division of
disturbance at the centre (Fazili and Ashraf,
transport which has many subdivisions
including Railways, Road Transport, Roads,

Table 1: Government Allocation for Tourism Development in India under Five Year Plans
Five Year Plan Time Period Plan Allocation (in Rs.)
1 st 1951-1956 0.00
2 nd 1956-1961 336.38 Lakhs
3 1961-1966 800 Lakhs
1966-1967* 58.50 Lakhs
1967-1968* 87.65 Lakhs
1968-1969* 183.81 Lakhs
4th 1969-1974 36 Crores
5th 1974-1979 133 Crores
6 1980-1985 187.46 Crores
7th 1985-1990 326.16 Crores
1990-1991 83 Crores
1991-1992 90 Crores
8th 1992-1997 773.62 Crores
9 1997-2002 793.75 Crores
10th 2002-2007** 2900 Crores
11th 2007-2012*** 3112.71 Crores
Revised**** 5156 Crores
Source: Five Year Plans, Government of India; *Indian Tourism: Economic Planning & Statistics; **Annual Report,
2002-2003, Department of Tourism, Government of India; ***Annual Report, 2011-2012, Department of Tourism,
Government of India; ****Report of the Working Group on Tourism, 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017), Ministry of
Tourism, Government of India.
priority areas for development differed a great
First Five Year Plan deal from what they are today. During those
In the first five year plan from 1951 to times tourism had not yet established itself as
1956 there was no provision for tourism. India a separate entity. The subject of tourism was
had just earned her independence and the looked after by the Ministry of transport,

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

under a separate division formed in 1949. The sponsored by the state governments and were
allocations made for transport included the executed through state departments only (Five
investments to be made for tourism as well. Year Plans, GOI).
The provisions for tourism development in the
1 st five year plan included the production of Third Five Year Plan
publicity material with an emphasis on By the time third five year plan was
participation in exhibitions and screening of launched the potential of tourism as an
films. The provisions also included the instrument of growth and development had
opening up of tourist offices both in the been realized. The number of foreign tourists
country and abroad. The promotional visiting India had shown an increase that
activities were also to be taken in amounted to about six times over the decade.
collaboration with travel agencies and tour From a meager number of 17,000 tourists in
operators (Five Year Plans, GOI). 1951 the number had risen to 1, 23,000 in
1960. Similarly there was an increase in the
Second Five Year Plan estimated foreign exchange earnings from Rs.
The second five year plan provided an 4 crore in 1950 to Rs. 20 crore in 1960.
outlay of Rs. 336.38 lakhs for tourism. It was In the third plan the total allocation for
for the first time that the funds were set aside tourism was Rs.800 lakhs. As in the second
separately for tourism. There were separate plan the allocations were divided into three
allocations for the state and center plans. The parts. The priorities for development of
main emphasis was on the development of tourism in the 3rd plan remained unchanged
transportation and accommodation facilities at from what they were in the 2 nd five year plan.
major tourist centers. The idea was to increase There were provisions of development for
and improve recreational facilities at such accommodation, transport and roads. The
centers. For this purpose the plan allocation development plans for foreign tourists were to
was divided into three schemes of part I, II be carried out by the centre and those for the
and 111. domestic tourists at places were foreigners
Part I schemes were intended to create were also expected were jointly to be carried
facilities for foreign tourists. These schemes out by the respective state governments and
were directly dealt by the center and were the center. The development and
carried out through the Central Public Works improvement of facilities at local tourist
Department with cent percent financing from centers was the sole responsibility of the state
the center. government. The plan document contained
Part II schemes were intended to separate provisions for the development of
develop infrastructure for domestic tourists at winter sports complex at Gulmarg in Jammu
places which were important for foreign & Kashmir. Moreover measures were under
tourists as well. These schemes were jointly consideration for assisting the hotel industry
sponsored by the center and state with loans for the construction of new hotels
governments. The schemes were carried out and improvement or expansion of the existing
through state Public Works Departments; ones.
however the schemes were treated as centrally The third five year plan was followed
sponsored schemes. by three annual plans of 1966-67, 1967-68,
Part III schemes were intended to and 1968-69. In these annual plans the
develop infrastructure at places which were of allocation for tourism was divided into two
local importance. These places mainly parts only. There was allocation in the central
included pilgrimage centers, gardens and and state sectors with no joint ventures.
picnic spots. The schemes were fully

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

In the annual plan of 1966-67 the total future development of tourism the 5 th plan
allocation for tourism was Rs.58.50 lakhs and laid down the investment priorities on:
in the annual plan of 1967-68 the total (1) Increased accommodation and
allocation for tourism was Rs.87.65 lakhs and transportation facilities so as to meet the
in the annual plan of 1968-69 the total demands of ever increasing international
allocation for tourism was Rs.183.81 lakhs tourism.
(Five Year Plans, GOI). (2) Integrated development of selected areas
with a view to spread traffic as far away as
Fourth Five Year Plan possible covering different regions of the
The fourth plan document recognizes country.
tourism as an important means of earning (3) Tourism promotion abroad
foreign exchange, with an ample scope for Based on above guidelines the areas
employment generation. It further elaborates selected for development were Kovalam, Goa,
the role of tourism in international relations Gulmarg, Kullu-Manali, certain archeological
and accepts it as an important tool for centers of tourist importance and wildlife
international contacts and understanding with sanctuaries. Provisions were also laid for
an emphasis on development. loans to private hotel projects and tourist
The 4 th plan envisaged the transport operators. Funds were also
development of destinational traffic, rather earmarked for publicity and promotion
than transitional traffic. On this account it was abroad.
suggested that areas will be selected and The total allocations for tourism sector
developed as destinations for tourism. in the 5 th plan were Rs. 133 crores. Out of this
Expansion and improvement of tourist Rs.78 crores were for central sectors and Rs.
facilities was to be taken in a way so as to 55 crores were for states and union territories
develop new destinations. Charter flights were (Five Year Plans, GOI).
to be encouraged. The main emphasis was to
be laid on provisions of accommodation, Sixth Five Year Plan
transport and recreational facilities. Efforts The sixth five year plan was launched
were to be concentrated in areas where there in 1980. By this time both international and
was an identified large flow of tourist traffic. domestic tourism had come to be seen as an
During the 4 th plan period the activity with a number of economic and social
allocations for tourism were increased to Rs. benefits. As part of the sixth five year plan it
36 crores from Rs. 8 crore in the 3rd plan. Out was decided that this imparity in the numbers
of this Rs. 25 crores were meant for central will he abridged through development of
programs and Rs. 11 crore for states and proper infrastructure.
Union Territories (Five Year Plans, GOI). The emphasis in the sixth plan
Fifth Five Year Plan document was to ensure investments in the
By the time 5th five year plan was accommodation sector so as to increase the
launched tourism had established itself as an bed capacity in the country. While taking
important means for development. World over steps towards the development of tourism in
the phenomenon was gaining momentum and the country it was to be ensured that the
had received recognition among the top most development will take place on a sustainable
developing industries. With the advancements basis and as such there will be no adverse
in technology the transport system received a effects on the environment or for that matter
boost and an increased traffic resulted in cultural ethos of the place concerned. All
reduced international airfares. With a view on developmental schemes will be carried out in
close coordination with state and central

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

sectors. Specific areas were to be selected in (4) Resources were to be pooled with a
order to form travel circuits. coordinated and combined effort of various
The total outlay for tourism in the agencies involved so as to work towards a
sixth plan was Rs. 187.46 crores Out of which National Image Building and Marketing Plan.
a total of Rs. 115.46 crores was to be spent by It was supposed that the marketing campaign
the state sectors and Rs. 72 crore by the will target the world’s biggest tourist
central sector. As part of this plan provisions generating markets.
were made to increase the carrying capacity (5) Provisions for the development of budget
of Indian Airlines and at the same time accommodation at places of tourist interest
enhancement of airport infrastructure was to were to be taken in a big way. In this regard
be prioritized so that more flights can be new Yatrikas, Dharmshalas and
accommodated (Five Year Plans, GOI). Musafirkhanas were to be constructed at
places of pilgrimage interest. The construction
Seventh Five Year Plan of Yatrikas was to be carried out through
The objectives for the development of Bharatiya Yatri Vikas Samiti, a registered
tourism in the seventh plan were: society set up by the Department of Tourism
(1) Faster development of tourism so as to for this purpose. The funding for this purpose
achieve an annual growth of 7%. was to be made available through central
(2) Acquire the status of an industry for grants and local donations. Moreover
tourism. provisions were also laid down for
(3) Re-defining the role of public and private construction of Yatri Niwases at places of
sectors to ensure that the private sector tourist interest. It was supposed that such
investment is encouraged in developing accommodation units will cater to both
tourism and public sector investment is domestic and international tourists.
focused on development of support (6) Public sector organizations in the tourism
infrastructure. sector were asked to consolidate and improve
(4) Exploiting tourism potential to support their operations with no room for expansions.
local handicrafts and other creative arts to However it was emphasized that new
promote national integration. properties can come in collaboration with
In the seventh plan areas marked for state governments. The plan document also
tourism development in the country were: stressed the need for a close coordination
(1) Development of tourism was to be taken between ITDC and HCI.
in the selected areas which were most popular (7) Improvement & streamlining of
with the tourists facilitation procedures at Airports to reduce
(2) Diversification of the tourism product the time factor.
from cultural tourism to other forms of (8) Development of Human Resource
tourism keeping in view the aesthetic, Management in the tourism sector was to be
environmental and socio-cultural implications given a top priority. In this regard it was said
of such projects. This was aimed at Wildlife, that IITTM will be developed as a model
Adventure tourism, Winter sports and Beach institute for professionally trained manpower.
Resort tourism. Moreover it was proposed that five food craft
(3) Restoration and development of national institutes will be upgraded to diploma level
heritage products with a view to exploit their and 15 new FCI’s will be opened.
tourism potential on a sustainable basis. This (9) Encouragement of private sector in the
way tourism will be utilized as a major force investment process was highlighted. In this
that will support in the conservation of our regard, role of private sector in the
national heritage. accommodation sector will be looked into and

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

all efforts will be made to make them invest of tourism should therefore come through
in the sector. private participation. The state can contribute
(10) With the status of an industry to tourism, by regulating the industry and at the same
efforts will be made to create right climate time can work as a catalyst for private
and environment in which the industry can participants by lobbying for their cause and
flourish and earn so as to generate adequate providing them incentives and loans.
internal resources for its long lasting (2) The development of tourism should take
development. place on a selective basis. The strategy for
Against the provision of Rs.187.46 development should be based on the principle
crores in the sixth plan an outlay of Rs.326.16 of low cost economy, higher productivity and
crore was provided in the 7th plan (Five Year efficient use of infrastructure. For this
Plans, GOI). purpose certain specific areas with a high
Due to certain political disturbances at tourism potential will be identified. These
the centre, the 8th five year plan could not be areas will be provided with full-fledged
launched on time. In between 7th and 8th five infrastructure accordingly.
year plans there were two annual plans for (3) A “Tourism Development Fund” will be
1990-91, 1991-92. created to provide, financial assistance in
The total outlay for tourism in the these special tourism areas. Simultaneously
annual plan for 1990-91 was Rs.83 crore. Out there will be the launch of an “Equity
of a total outlay of Rs.83 crore, Rs.58.00 crore Scheme” under which the government will
were meant for Department of Tourism, contribute to the equity capital of tourism
Rs.15.50 crore for ITDC and Rs.12.50 crore ventures.
for HRD. (4) Tourism marketing and publicity wilt be
The total outlay for tourism in the taken in a big way through coordination of all
annual plan for 1991-92 was Rs.90 crore. Out the organizations involved. The target markets
of a total outlay of Rs.90 crore, Rs.64.05 crore will be those of high spending tourists
were meant for Department of Tourism, (Europe, U.S.A. and Japan) whose number
Rs.16.00 crore for ITDC and Rs.9.95 crore for has considerably gone down over the years.
HRD (Five Year Plans, GOI). (5) The technological developments in the
field of communications and computers will
Eighth Five Year Plan be fully made use off and there will be efforts
By the time of eight five year plan, to create an effective update information
tourism had emerged as one of the major system.
segments of Indian economy. 15 States and 3 (6) Efforts and investments will be made by
Union Territories had accorded the status of the state for development of hygienic and
an industry to tourism. The eight plan inexpensive accommodation.
document suggested the following roadmap (7) Anti-poverty and rural development
for the development of tourism in the country programs will be linked with tourism
(Fazili and Ashraf, 2006). development programs.
(1) The role of public sector enterprises in the (8) Role of transport in the development of
development of tourism was duly recognized tourism needs to be recognized. In this
and it was said that over the last decades it is connection Airline capacity on Indian routes
the public sector only that has contributed to is to be increased. Air charters will be
the development of tourist infrastructure in encouraged. Role of private operators in the
the country. As a result the industry is now surface transport will be encouraged in the
well equipped with the structure and is posed form of loans and tax benefits. There will be
for self-sufficient growth. The future growth relief in excise duty for such players if

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

indigenous vehicles are purchased. Similarly the 9th plan period was lined on following
ship cruises will be encouraged and above all points of reference (Fazili and Ashraf, 2006):
role of railways in the development of tourism (1) Product Development: The objective in
will be given due consideration. For this the 9th plan was to create a tourism product
purpose new rail tourism projects on the lines that has an appeal and is economically viable.
of “Palace on Wheels” will be encouraged. (2) Coordination: The emphasis was to
(9) Adequate attention will be paid towards establish an effective coordination with all the
the development of various forms of tourism. relevant agencies involved so as to achieve
Steps will be initiated for the preservation of synergy in the development of tourism. For
cultural heritage. For this purpose master this purpose the establishment of National
plans will be formulated for all states. This Tourism Advisory council was suggested
will ensure that economic activities are so (NTAC).
planned that they facilitate tourism (3) Diversification: The 9 th plan found it
development and avoid overlapping. There imperative to diversify India’s tourism
will be integrated developmental plans for the product. In this regard following forms of
heritage centers with focus on forts, palaces tourism were identified.
and old havelis with due concern for town (a) Indigenous & Natural Health Tourism
planning. (b) Rural & Village Tourism
(10) Due attention will be paid for human (c) Pilgrimage Tourism
resource development in tourism. In this (d) Heritage Tourism
regard universities will be encouraged to (e) Adventure Tourism
introduce courses on Travel and Tourism. (f) Youth & Senior Citizen’s Tourism
(11) As part of the plan, external assistance (4) Infrastructural Development: It was
will be sought for the development of “Agra emphasized that the funding for the
Heritage Project” and Buddhist places of development of tourism infrastructure will
interest in UP and Bihar. continue to flow from the government. In this
The total outlay for tourism in the regard equity schemes will continue except in
eighth plan was Rs.272 crore for the central North Eastern states and selected hill stations.
sector and Rs.501.62 crore for the States and (5) Peoples Participation: It was suggested
Union Territories. that Peoples participation in tourism
development will be encouraged. This was to
Ninth Five Year Plan be achieved through entrepreneurship
With a view on expenditure incurred development and promotion of self-
on tourism projects in the 8th plan and the employment opportunities in tourism.
ever increasing rate of the phenomenon of (6) Promotion & Marketing: Promotion and
tourism, the working group on tourism set up Marketing schemes were to be continued in
by the planning commission asserted a the 9th plan period, with the inclusion of
requirement of Rs. 6397 crores during the 9th diversity as part of the program. Use of
plan period for tourism. However Department Internet as a marketing tool was to be
of tourism proposed Rs. 5370 crores for 9th encouraged. In this regard a website of the
Plan allocations. The planning commission ministry of tourism was launched in 1999.
initially approved a sum of Rs. 511.32 crores (7) Enhanced Tourist Facilitation &
which was later reduced to Rs. 485.75 crores. Computerization: It was proposed that tourist
A support of Rs. 308 crores was also facilitation should be improved through
suggested from IEBR (Five Year Plans, GOI). involvement of technology in the field of
The policy framework and strategy for communication. Computerization of different
development of tourism in the country during systems facilitating tourists should be taken

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

on a priority basis. In this regard research may the development of tourism in the North-East.
be carried out so as to come out with effective In this regard it was said that the immense
and efficient facilitation mechanisms. tourist potential available in the region will be
(8) Environmental Protection & Preservation: meticulously exploited with emphasis on eco
It was emphasized that tourism development and adventure forms of tourism. Further it
should take place on a sustainable basis. Due was suggested that the infrastructural needs in
care was supposed to become order of the day the region will be meant in close coordination
so as to avoid exploitative use of scarce local with the state governments. Involvement of
resources. Ecology of the hills was to be local residents was to be encouraged with
preserved at any cost and moreover the special emphasis on tourist broachers and
development process should involve local other publicity material for speedy
people so that the benefits are reaped by the development of tourism in the region.
local population to the maximum extent.
Location specific code of conduct for tourism Tenth Five Year Plan
was to be evolved so as to maintain a clean The commencement of 10 th plan has
and disease free surroundings, protect local coincided with the National Tourism Policy
ecology, and respect local traditions, culture 2002. The approach in the 10th plan towards
and heritage. tourism signifies a distinct shift from the
(9) Export House Status for Tourism: In order approach adopted in the earlier plans. The
to give boost to foreign exchange earnings, approach takes a good look towards global
employment and income generation through status and trends in tourism, followed by their
tourism activities it was suggested that comparison in the Indian context.
tourism units should be given the export Recognizing India’s vast potential for tourism
house status. This status will entitle these as against a very thin global presence, the
tourism units to a number of benefits that are plan envisages cutting across all barriers and
available to recognized export houses. positioning India among the top achievers. To
(10) Strengthening of Organizations: The achieve this, plan articulates to look and
ninth plan emphasized the need to strengthen develop the new trends in the global tourism.
the national tourism organizations in all its These trends include long haul travel,
perspectives and manifestations. In this regard neighboring country travel, rural and ethnic
there were no expansion plans for ITDC. It tourism, wellness and health holidays, Senior
was said that the emphasis will be on Citizen’s Tourism, Spiritualism, Eco tourism,
consolidation through restructuring of existing Sports and Adventure tourism (Fazili and
properties and improving the quality of Ashraf, 2006).
service. While identifying all the barriers that hinder
(11) Human Resource Development: In the the growth and development of tourism in the
field of Manpower Development for tourism, country, the 10 th plan attempts to
during the 9th plan, it was said that the • Position tourism as a major engine of
government will consider the setting up of economic growth.
new institutes only at places where the • Harness the direct and multiplier effects of
demand for trained manpower far exceeds the tourism for employment generation, economic
availability and the private sector is not and rural development.
interested, or cannot be motivated in • Provide a major thrust to domestic tourism
providing adequate training facilities to fill which will act as a spring board for growth
the gap. and expansion of international tourism.
(12) Tourism Promotion in North East: The • Position India as a global brand to take
9th plan document emphasized the need for advantage of the burgeoning travel trade with

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

emphasis on the vast untapped potential of destinations, cleanliness at the tourism sites,
India as a destination. projects in backward areas, etc. are given due
• Acknowledge the critical role of private emphasis.
sector with government working as an active To ensure the contribution of tourism
facilitator and catalyst. in the development of remote and backward
• Create and develop integrated tourism areas in the country, 2.5% of total plan outlay
circuits based on India’s unique civilization, of Ministry of Tourism will be earmarked for
heritage and culture in partnership with states, tourism development in tribal areas from
private sector and other agencies. 2011-12 (Annual Report, 2010-2011).
• Ensure that the tourist to India feels “India During 11th Plan, Ministry of Tourism
within him” by making him physically was sanctioned a Plan outlay of Rs 5156 cr.
invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally Against this outlay, allocation during the first
enriched and spiritually elevated. four years of the Plan period was Rs 4003 cr.
To achieve all these objectives the 10th plan Ministry has been able to utilize 99.23 % of
has suggested a five point strategy. These the allocation during the first four years of the
strategic objectives are Plan (Report of the Working Group on
(1) Positioning tourism as a National priority. Tourism, 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017),
(2) Enhancing India’s competitiveness as a MOT, GOI).
tourist destination. Though the Working Group on
(3) Improving and expanding product Tourism for Eleventh Five Year Plan has
development. recommended a target of 10 million
(4) Creation of world class infrastructure. international tourist arrivals by 2011, the
(5) Effective marketing plans and programs. Vision Document presently being drafted by
The working group setup by the planning MoT envisages achievement of this target by
commission had asserted a requirement of 2010. As per this strategy, target for the year
Rs.5586 crores during the 10th plan for 2011 will be 10.25 million. This target is
development and promotion of tourism in the proposed to be achieved through
country. However Department of Tourism diversification of principal source markets,
requested for an allocation of Rs.5500 crore improving the infrastructural facilities such as
from the planning commission and in turn got airports, roads, civic amenities at the tourist
an outlay of Rs.2900 crore for the sector (Five destinations, increasing the air seat capacity
Year Plans, GOI). and connectivity, vigorous publicity, etc. For
domestic tourism, the target to be achieved in
2010 and 2011 will be 725 million and 812
Eleventh Five Year Plan million respectively assuming an annual
During the 11th Five Year Plan, (as on growth rate of about 12% over the level of
31.12.2010) Ministry of Tourism has 461 million domestic tourist visits in 2006.
sanctioned an amount of Rs.3112.71 crore for New forms of tourism like rural tourism,
991 tourism infrastructure projects, including cultural tourism, adventure tourism, cruise
rural tourism and human Resource tourism, MICE tourism, and medical tourism
development projects. need to be taken up with renewed zeal and
Ministry of Tourism holds efforts (Five Year Plans, GOI).
Prioritization Meetings with the States/UTs to To achieve the above goals, suitable measures
identify, for funding the tourism projects. would be taken for:
While prioritizing, projects involving • Positioning and maintaining tourism
construction and upkeep of wayside amenities development as a national priority activity.
along Highways/Roads leading to tourist

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

• Enhancing and maintaining the private both) are formed and approved, which
competitiveness of India as a tourist cooperate and helped the tourism industry in
destination. growing and development. Indian government
• Improving India’s existing tourism products is not playing a great role in promoting India
further and expanding these to meet new as a brand and also no appropriate marketing
market requirements. strategies of India’s tourism is available in
• Creation of world-class infrastructure. India as well as abroad.
• Developing strategies for sustained and
effective marketing plans and programmes.
• Developing human resources and capacity
building of service providers. Suggestions
There is a need to increase the
government’s role in promoting India as a
brand. Just like exports and other sectors,
Conclusion tourism will grow only if the India brand is
Tourism development in India has established in the global market. Hence, we
passed through many phases. After reviewing must have an open mind on alliances with
the tourism development of India under the other countries, which might help in adopting
government economic plans and we can better promotion strategies, marketing,
conclude that India is taking interest in services and packaging. Only overall growth
tourism development and made plans and can help in improving revenue generation,
policies in favour of tourism development and which needs to grow in line with the
give important place to tourism in the overall additional capacity being set up by the
development of the country. Government of hospitality industry. Enhancing security,
India takes several steps time to time for the stepping up investment and boosting (world
development of tourism industry. Many class) infrastructural activities should be on
national tourism policies are drafted, the top of the agenda. Service quality – in
committees are formed and actions plans are hotels, Airports, railway stations, etc. – needs
adopted in this regard. A number of travel and to be upgraded.
tourism organizations (Government and

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-3, April 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

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[2] Annual Report (2010-2011). Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
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[9] accessed on 03/05/2014.
[10] accessed on 05/11/2013.
in-india.html: accessed on 03/05/2014.

Tourism Development in India under Government Five Year Plans: Mohd Motasim Ali Khan, Mohammad
Athar Noor & Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan

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