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Reviews of Related Literature and Studies

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Chapter 2

Reviews of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature

In this paper, According to (Evans and Price) the working definition of the term
information assets include all explicit, codified data and all unstructured information in records,
documents and published content, as well as knowledge in people’s heads (Evans and Price,
2019). The term information asset management refers to the processes and procedures to
deploy information assets to derive meaningful business insights to consumers at the right time
in the right format.

 According to (Iron Mountain Inc. of 2019), “Align your Records and Information
Management and Governance Programs with firm strategic priorities to gain competitive
advantage”. First, is to reduce your Real Estate Footprint. By re-purposing the records space
and moving records offsite, you can: Enhance Efficiencies, mitigate risks and improve records
accessibility and re-purpose space for collaboration areas. Second, is to defensibly destroy legal
records. By defensibly destroying records, you can: drive cost savings, reduce risk and be
compliant. Lastly, is to enable digital transformation. This services enable you to: Improve
agility with better access and use of information, increase efficiency with streamlined processes
and manage information growth and scale on-demand.

Local Literature

According to Princess J. Ayag | Arvin H. Gara | Hanelyn L. Lasquite, Rona Mae

M. Magno who studied engineering at university of the Philippines The Law Office
Management System (SoftwareConnect, 2019)is a system designed specifically for law firms. It
satisfies the most sophisticated financial management, case management, and document
management needs of law firms from all practice areas and of all sizes. All the functions are
fully integrated, interactive, and designed to maximize the efficiency and productivity of the
firm. This system is related to the proponents system because it is organized to be simple to
learn and easy to use just like the proponents system.

An Automated Case Management Information System or the eCourt System

(, 2019) is part of the Philippine Supreme Court’s initiative to increase court
efficiency and transparency by reducing court Staff’s administrative workload and providing
lawyers and litigants easy access to case information. This system speed up court processes,
eliminate possible sources of corruption and ensure greater transparency. As soon as the case
is filed, lawyers and litigants know which court and judge their case has been assigned to. The
system also generates barcodes that allow tracking of case files and progress. So I can say that
this system is related to the proponents system in terms of efficient managing of documents
and in consuming workloads of the lawyers and in terms of easy access of the files needed.

Foreign Studies

According to the study of InekeDeserno, 2021, it provides information on the

implementation of an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) at the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The document discusses the principal features of the
system, integrated management of electronic documents, integration of classification schemes
and records scheduling concerns. The paper also provides EDMS implementation

Paper documents, incoming and outgoing were forwarded to the Archives Department for
registration and filing. As users increasingly work electronically, this was no longer consistently
done. Users filed more and more electronic documents on their personal drives. These
documents were not stored according to the file classification scheme and only accessible by
the individual who created them. Consequently, staff members who were replacing travelling
colleagues could not access their documents, and thus carry out their work.

 Vol. 4 No.1 JPAIR Institutional Research System development for Records Archiving. (Michael P.
Gamba | Magdalena M. Ocbian | Maryjean N. Gamba) (ICT, document archive, web, GUI,
Developmental Reaserch, Sorsogon City, Philippines). The presence of vast communication and
information nowadays necessitates the need for a system to readily access and transfer data.
The study aim to develop records archiving and document repository to overcome the barrier
of server client method of developing the documents from one place to another and easier
data access to its stakeholders. This study overcomes the vulnerability of security by means of
allowing user credentials to login at the private server using a 1024bit Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
(RSA) private/public key exchange and 2056bit Advance Encryption System (AES) encryption
through its virtual private network. Contents of uploaded files were being encrypted at 128bit
to prevent intranet users from sneaking the file content

Local Studies

In the study of Antonella Bilotto who studied law at university of the Immaculate
conception Philippines,  2020,  the central issue related to records management in the
corporate setting is often that neither the company owner nor the employees can agree on
what records must be saved, which items can be shredded and in what order when a company
faces the prospect of being dissolved.

Furthermore, collaborating and receiving buy-in from all parties: records manager, company
owner and employees appear unrealistic. A review of the records management literature
reveals a startling gap in articles analyzing the disposal of records when a company dissolves or
merges with another organization. Matters related to this issue go to the very core of records
management theory and practice: what records should or must be saved and who can records
managers best work with corporations in this process?

There are several different approaches to this query underscored by articles from the past
fifteen years. I divide this literature into three categories for comparative analysis: records
management theory, records management case studies and those case studies that relate
specifically to a company’s dissolve.

From a Philippine perspective, Antonella Bilotto, presents an analysis of records management

history and theory from an Italian perspective in her article “The management of corporate
records in Italy: traditional practice and methods and digital environment.” Authors of three
additional articles offer further theoretical perspectives on records management compliance,
compliance phobias and a risk management model. Mimi Dionne provides important
theoretical background information for e-records management based upon her work
implementing an email management program. Michael Santos uses an ethnographic approach
in his case study analyzing one Philippine construction company’s records management
practices. Sophia Pangilinan analyzes the closure of a government agency and reflects on her
role as records manager. Finally, James Cruz presents five case studies from his experiences as
the head of the acquisitions and curatorial department at the Cordillera Historical Society
working with companies that downsize or outsource their functions.

The arguments Pangilinan and Cruz present underscore that collaboration between records
managers and company staff remains an achievable goal for practitioners. As the field of
records management continues to evolve and as the electronic records management literature
becomes infused with practice as well as theoretical approaches to collaboration issues, the gap
between theory and practice will continue to close.

This body of literature supports the conclusion that providing company staff with the
opportunity and the encouragement to participate the process buy in results in a positive
experience for both records managers and employees.
Synthesis of the Study

With the aforementioned reviews of related literature and studies, the

researchers are convinced to develop a system capable of recording appointments.

and the use of the reviewed literature and studies as the advantage and guidelines.

The reviewed studies and literature are all related in terms of the advantages of

the web-based online Law Appointment and Document Management

System user around the world. It conceptualizes that the effects of technologies in

communication all over the world is controversial. The elements and wide

implementation of online Law Appointment and Document Management were used for

improvement and the positive outcome of the application web based is one of the

aspects that the researchers want to be done. As a result, the researchers have found

out the importance of every statement on the following literatures and studies from

foreign to local. There are a lot of application platforms used but it was intended to

simplify a main goal, to serve as backbone of new achievement in the computer

innovation field of study with the use of modern technology.

By means of this act, the researchers have found out the most significant terms,

details, and idea to consider in order to develop a well précised voice recognition email

application for the visually impaired persons.

Chapter 3

Research Project Design

The researchers used descriptive research design in the project. Descriptive

research design is being used by the proponents to describe the characteristics of a

population or phenomenon of the idea to make a website for the law firm to manage and

make it easier for clients to have their appointments online being studied. Descriptive

research is mainly done because the researchers wants to gain a better understanding

for a topic. It focuses on providing information that is useful in the development. The

research is based on mixed method focused in producing such informative outcomes

that can be used. Mixed method research is more specific that includes the mixing of

qualitative and quantitative data, methods, and methodologies and paradigm in a

research study or set of related studies.

Data flow Diagram




Main Page

New Message



/ INCOMING & Delivered Messages

Deleted Messages

End Session

Project Development

The proponents followed the process of developing a good project with the

facility of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling the resources to accomplish

goals. The process takes a transportation improvement from concept through

construction. It has six phases; initiation, definition, design, development,

implementation and follow-up phases.


The researchers initiate the resources as well as planning before the project starts.


The researchers define the objectives and the factors to be considered to make

the project successful.


The researchers designed a possible project to meet the objectives of the



The researchers undergo documentation and undertake work to deliver the

outcome of the project.


The researchers took necessary measures, so that the operation of the project

runs smoothly, to make sure that the project is thoroughly controlled and validated.
Follow-up phases

The researchers evaluate the project to identify mistakes and errors and take

necessary steps to avoid them in the future projects.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study were the visually impaired persons who can able

to speak and hear to be able to verify all the important information on his/her email

account and use the voice recognition application properly.

Sampling Technique

Population sampling is the process of taking a subset of subjects that is

representative of the entire population. The sample must have sufficient size to warrant

statistical analysis. Sampling is done usually because it is impossible to test every

single individual in the population. It is also done to save time, money and effort while

conducting the research.

Still, every researcher must keep in mind that the ideal scenario is to test all the

individuals to obtain reliable, valid and accurate results. If testing all the individuals is

impossible, that is the only time we rely on sampling techniques. Performing population

sampling must be conducted correctly since errors can lead to inaccurate and

misleading data.
Data Gathering Procedure


The data gathering that the researchers made started up with the interviews on

the respondents which are some of the clients or in law firm persons who uses desktop

computer, a clients person who is engaged in office works who has problems in using a

Law firm Appointment and Document management system, a client who also has

experiences in using technology AI like Siri. From the interviews, the problem of this

clients reflects on how they reacts on the proponent’s idea of developing a Law firm

appointment and Document Management System is very helpful for them. The data

gathered during the interview serves as a tool to really work for this study.

Survey Questionnaire

After the interviews, the researchers conducted a simple survey to determine the

types of technologies preferred by client users. Surveying is used to assess thoughts,

opinions, and feelings and extract specific data from a particular group of people. The

survey serves a guidelines of the researchers to check or evaluate if the proposed

project will succeed or not.


Based on the gathered information during the interviews, the researchers had

analyzed different aspects in communication that affects the condition of the

respondents. To the concern of the visually impaired users who engaged in office works

and even those who are still hoping to use realistic Law firm appointment and Document

Management System, the researchers conducted a survey in order to know the

preferred technology the respondents wants.

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