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Gorilla Strength Travel

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The key takeaways of the program are that it can be done while traveling with only dumbbells, focuses on full body workouts, and progresses over 4 weeks.

The program includes exercises like push presses, strict presses, floor presses, deadlifts, lunges, thrusters, curls, and more - all using only dumbbells.

Some of the workout routines include circuits, ladder workouts (like the clean and jerk ladder), HIIT sessions like sprints or burpees, and longer conditioning sessions like jogs.

4 Week Dumbbell Program

“I travel, a lot. It’s easy to make excuses about

training when traveling due to gyms, lack of
equipment etc. Most hotels I’ve been to have at
least dumbbells. This program’s purpose is 4
weeks of programming using only dumbbells
and your body weight.”
Day 1 Day 3
WEEK 1 3 rounds 30 Min Jog
:30/:30 push press 50 light and controlled single rep Turkish get ups per side. 1 left reset 1
Pushpress for :30 seconds right and so on
rest with dumbbells over head :30 seconds and right back to work repeat
STANDARD 2 times Day 4
2 min rest and repeat two more times so 3 rounds of 3 sets :30/:30 then 10-1 DB Clean and Jerk ladder 10 C&J Left arm
WARM UP 5x12 10 C&J Right arm
- 10 min cardio at Dumbbell strict press right arm 9 C&J Left arm
conversational Dumbbell strict press left arm 9 C&J Right arm
60 seconds rest between sets and so on until you're at 1 and 1
pace then
- 3x20 Air Squat 21-15-9-6 Day 5
- 3x5 Goblet squat Devils press 5X12
Tuck Jumps Dumbbell Deadlift
with KB/DB 60 sec rest between sets
- 3x10 pushups Day 2 then
5 x12 3x15 per leg
Dumbbell Floor Press Right arm Dumbbell Floor press left arm superset single straight leg deadlift
STANDARD w/ 2 mins rest between sets
COOL DOWN Tricep Kick back right arm Tricep kick back left arm then
- 5 mins light 2 mins rest between sets 3x20 Box step ups with 2x dumbbell
then 2 mins rest between sets
breathing 3x12-15 then
- 10 mins Dumbbell floor flys 1 mile run
stretching superset w/ 20 burpees
standing tricep extension right arm then left arm 20 renegade dumbbell row per arm
whatever body 2 mins rest between sets 20 4 count mountain climbers (1,2,3,4 is 1) 20 4 count flutter kicks
parts were trained then 1 mile run
during work out. 50 mountain climbers - 50 flutter kicks
40 mountain climbers - 40 flutter kicks Day 6
30 mountain climbers - 30 flutter kicks 60 min jog at conversational pace
*Warm Up and 20 mountain climbers - 20 flutter kicks
Cool Down 10 mountain climbers - 10 flutter kicks Day 7 Rest
conducted each
Day 8 Day 11
WEEK 2 5X12 per arm Dumbbell front raise 5x10 each arm Single Arm Dumbbell swings (rotate arms at 10 so 10
60 sec rest between sets each side) 60 seconds rest between sets
then then
3x10 Dumbbell Lateral raise ( both arms same time) 60 sec rest between 3x10 each arm hanging dumbbell snatch
STANDARD sets 60 seconds rest between sets
then then
WARM UP 3x10 21-15-9
- 10 min cardio at T/Y/I Dumbbell pushpress
conversational 60 seconds rest between sets then Triangle pushups
8x400 meter sprints Double dumbbell curl
pace 3 mins rest between sprints
- 3x20 Air Squat Day 12
- 3x5 Goblet squat Day 9 1:1 work to rest ratio ( However long it takes to do every set is however
3x10-12 double hammer curls superset w/ long your break is
with KB/DB 3x10-12 ohearn press 50 burpees
- 3x10 pushups 2 min rest between sets 40 burpees
then 30 burpees
5x20 20 burpees
STANDARD pushups 10 burpees
COOL DOWN super set w/ then
- 5 mins light 5x20 bench or chair dips then 1.5 mile run for time
for time
breathing 100 burpees Day 13
- 10 mins 45-60 min jog at conversational pace
stretching Day 10
30 min Jog at conversational pace 100 situps Day 14 Rest
whatever body 100 Russian twist with dumbbell
parts were trained
during work out.

*Warm Up and
Cool Down
conducted each
Day 15 Day 18
WEEK 3 5X12 3x20 squats with dumbbells in front rack position superset with
Dumbbell floor press 1 min chairhold/electric chair on wall
superset with 2 mins rest between sets
5x20 bench or chair dips then
STANDARD 2 mins rest between sets 3x12 lunges and 3 in place per leg w/dumbbell in each hand
then so lunge forward with left leg and 3 lunges in place with left leg then
WARM UP 3x12-15 repeat with right leg
- 10 min cardio at Double dumbbell bent over row 30 secs rest between sets then repeat until 12 interactions are done that’s one set
conversational 5x12-15 Dumbbell floor flys superset w/ 3 mins rest between sets
5x12-15 pushups then
pace 3x20 double dumbbell thrusters
- 3x20 Air Squat Day 16 2 mins rest between sets
- 3x5 Goblet squat 5x12 each arm single dumbbell strict press then
30 seconds rest between sets (after a rotation through each arm) then 3x10 per leg double dumbbell Bulgarian split squats (use bench or chair)
with KB/DB 3x12-15 lateral raises
- 3x10 pushups 30 seconds rest between sets Day 19
then 3x20 double dumbbell curl into push press superset with
3x12-15 double dumbbell front raises 3x20 per arm renegade rows
STANDARD 30 seconds rest in between sets 3 mins rest between sets
COOL DOWN the then
- 5 mins light 12x100 meter sprint 3x12-15 double dumbbell tricep extension super set w/
90 seconds rest between sets 12 diamond pushups
breathing 2 mins rest between sets
- 10 mins Day 17 then
stretching 30 min jog at conversational pace 100 x 4 count flutter kicks 100 devils press for time
100 x Russian twist w/dumbbell
whatever body Day 20
parts were trained 60 min jog at conversational pace
during work out.
Day 21 Rest

*Warm Up and
Cool Down
conducted each
Day 22 Day 25
WEEK 4 3 rounds 5 x15
:30/:30 push press Dumbbell Floor Press Right arm Dumbbell Floor press left arm superset
Pushpress for :30 seconds w/
rest with dumbbells over head :30 seconds and right back to work repeat Tricep Kick back right arm Tricep kick back left arm
STANDARD 2 times 2 mins rest between sets
2 min rest and repeat two more times so 3 rounds of 3 sets :30/:30 then then
WARM UP 3x12 double front dumbbell raise 3x12-15
- 10 min cardio at superset with Dumbbell floor flys
conversational 3x12 double dumbbell lateral raise superset w/
2 mins rest between rounds standing tricep extension right arm then left arm
pace then 2 mins rest between sets
- 3x20 Air Squat 3x12-15 (per arm)seated single arm strict press then
- 3x5 Goblet squat 1 min rest between sets 50 dumbbell burpees
with KB/DB 1.5 mile run for time Day 26
- 3x10 pushups 50 tuck jumps
Day 23 50 dumbbell swings
5X12-15 Dumbbell Deadlift 50 lunges
STANDARD 60 sec rest between sets 50 situps
COOL DOWN then 50 single arm dumbbell pushpress (25 per side) 50 supermans
- 5 mins light 3x15 double dumbbell Romanian deadlift 50 thrusters
2 mins rest between sets 50 pushups
breathing then
- 10 mins 3x20 goblet squat with single dumbbell 1 min rest between sets Day 27
stretching then 60 min jog at conversational pace
3x15 per side
whatever body dumbbell split squats Day 28 Rest
parts were trained 2 mins rest between rounds
during work out. then
300 second plank

*Warm Up and Day 24

Cool Down 30-45 min jog at conversational pace 3x10 bicep curl
30 sec rest between sets
conducted each 100 flutter kicks
day 100 Russian twist w/ dumbbell

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