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PROJECT WORK' 2021: Class 12: Subject: Biology Time To Be Spent ( - Hours Per Day For - Days) : Work Specification

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PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12


Time to be
Spent (___
2 Hours per day for 10 days
Hours per day
for ___ Days):

Project Work and Practical File

One file for Project and another Practical File, provided by the
School, Practical Book, Text Book, Writing & Drawing
Materials /
Internet & Library support, Covering Material, Reference
Newsprints, Photographs and Graphs where applicable.
Select one Project of your choice, in consultation with your teacher, on
any aspect of Biology.
If required, make virtual trips to collect data or material.
Organize your writing material.
Write in your own handwriting in the file; computer print-outs are not
Sub-headings: Title, Acknowledgement, Content page, Introduction,
Actual Presentation / Content, Observations (if applicable), Case studies
(where applicable), Conclusion, Bibliography.
Instructions / Add pictures, photographs, press-release, wherever necessary.
Guideline: Cover the File.
Write the project title, your Name, your Unique ID number and Index
Number, name of the School & year.
Excessive decoration is not required.

Draw, label and write about the following in the practical file.

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Slide Preparation: Only written work from ISC lab skills book
1. T.S. of ovary to show marginal and axile placentation (Pea and
2. T.S. of hydrophyte stem
3. T.S. of Xerophyte leaf
4. L.S. of monocot and dicot seed (Maize and Bean)

1. T.S. of ovary of Mammal.
2. T.S. of testis of Mammal.
3. Germinating pollen grain.
4. T. S. of ovary to show type of placentation (marginal, axile, basal,
5. T.S. of blastula of Mammal
6. Whole mount of Plasmodium sporozoite
7. Whole mount of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
8. Ascaris

Comment on ecological adaptations of plants and animals:

1. Xeric habitat – Plant and Animal (Opuntia and Camel)
2. Aquatic habitat - Plant and Animal (Water Hyacinth and Fish)

Insect and Wind pollinated flower – Hibiscus, Grass and Maize Cob.

Any Other Information:

Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the practical file.
The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment.
Leave a gap of one page between different topics in practical file and project.

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Project Work: Class 12


Time to be Spent (___ Hours per

3hrs for project for ten days
day for ___ Days) :

Chemistry Project.
Specification :

Materials /
Stationary, text book and internet.
Required :

Select the project from your curriculum booklet-Page no 192

and verify the topic with your teacher to proceed.
You can use the topic done in class 11th if approved by your
subject teacher.
You can select any other relevant topic related to chemistry
but verify with teacher.
The project should have:
1.Front page with school name, student name, class and sec,
Instructions / Title of the project
Guidelines : 2. Acknowledgement.
3. Index 4. Introduction 5.Content
6. Analysis/Material aid( Graph, data, structure,pie chart)
7. Presentation should be perfect (no scribbling, overwriting,
untidiness) 8. Conclusion 9.Bibliography
Project carries 10 marks.
Do it only once properly so that later you all can focus on
theory. For any clarity, class on team will be there.

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 21/6/2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12


Time to be
Spent (1 Hours
this includes research and compilation time
per day for 10

Specification: Detailed Project on a topic related to Micro Economics.

Materials / File.
Resources Related data and pictures.
Required: Required Stationery.
1. Select a topic of your choice from micro economics.
2. Prepare a project on the topic, substantiating your observations &
findings with related data and pictures.
3. Copying the chapter from book or from internet will not be treated as
project work.
4. The project has to be your research on a topic. For example:
 analysis of demand and elasticity of demand for a product.
 Analysis of the market structure/ form of product- it could be a
good or a service.
 Supply and elasticity of supply of a product.
 Cost and Revenue analysis of an industry.
Instructions / 5. You may take the content and help from various sources but avoid
Guideline: plagiarism.
6. The research should be adequately supported with statistical findings
and graphical representations.
7. The FORMAT of the project MUST include
 Introduction of the topic- Question/ hypothesis of the Research
 Objective of the research.
 Relevance of choosing the topic.
 Main body of the project – Explanation, statistical findings,
graphs etc.
 An evaluative conclusion

The format prescribed by the Council must be adhered to.

Any Other Information:
Date of submission: First week of June 2021
Rittu Bakshi
Head of the Department (Economics) Head of Shikhar
PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12


Time to be Spent (___ Hours per

1Hours per day for 15 Days
day for ___ Days) :

Work Reading and exploring different forms of literature

Specification : Practicing writing

Materials /
A-4 Size Paper, Pink Color Plastic File, Books, Course Books,
Required :

fo'ks"k %&

1 + vius dk;ZZ ds lkSUn;Z vkSj izLrqfr gsrq lqUnj o Li"V ys[ku esa gh fy[kus dk iz;kl djsAa

fp=ks]a dyk] vkWfM;ks ,oa ohfM;ks lh + Mh + fofHkUu O;fDr;ks]a iqLrdks]a lekpkj i=ksa ikB~;iqLrdksa

,oa eSXt+hu vkfn dh lgk;rk ls dk;Z dh xq.koRrk c<+k ldrs gSaA

2 + ;fn vki fdlh iqLrd ;k bUVjusV ls dksbZ tkudkjh ;k lwpuk ysrs gSa rks mlds ys[kd]

iqLrd vkfn dk uke] i`"B la[;k] osclkbV dk uke vo'; fy[ksAa

3 + fp= LofufeZr vFkok dgha ls dkVdj Hkh layXu dj ldrs gSaA i`"B ds ,d vksj gh fy[ksAa
Instructions /
Guidelines : 4 + vodk'k dk;Z vki lkns A- 4 vkdkj ds dkxt+ ij cuk dj xqykch jax dh IykfLVd

Qkby QksYMj esa gh izLrqr djsa A vodk'k dk;Z ds fy, vad fn, tk,axs tks fd vkids
okf"kZd ijh{kk ifj.kke esa lfEefyr fd, tk,axsA
5 + ifj;kstukRed dk;Z ds izLrqrhdj.k dk Øe bl izdkj gks &

izFke i`"B ( FIRST PAGE)&O;fDrxr ifjp; {Introduction}

¼ 1 +fon~;ky; dk uke] 2 + l=] 3 +Ldwy dk yksxks] 4 +fgUnh ifj;kstuk dk;Z ] 5 +fo|kFkhZ dk

uke] 6 +d{kk ]7 + oxZ ] 8 + f’kf{kdk dk uke ½

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

f}rh; i`"B ( SECOND PAGE)& fo"k; lwph øIndex} ¼Øekad] fo"k;] i`"B Øekad ½

r`rh; i`"B ( THIRD PAGE) & vkHkkj Kkiu {Acknowledgement}

prqFkZ i`"B ( FOURTH PAGE) & lanHkZ lwfpdk {Bibliography} ys[kd] iqLrd
vkfn dk uke ]i`"B la[;k] osclkbV dk uke

iape i`"B ( FIFTH PAGE) & ifj;kstuk dk;Z izkjaHk {Start Project}


➢ नाटक - नाटक आषाढ का दिन के नायक कालििास और नाययका

मल्लिका का चररत्र-चचत्रण करें A
➢ कहानी - कहानी मजबूरी, िासी, सती की मूि संवेिना पर अपने ववचार
➢ ननबंध - क्या यनराश हुआ जाए यनबंध के आधार पर बताइए कक मनष्ु यता
अभी पूरी तरह समाप्त नहीं हुई हैA
➢ कहिता - जाग तुझको िरू जाना आपके अंिर उत्साह और उमंग का संचार
ककस प्रकार करती है ववस्तार से लिखिए A

भाषा और रचनात्मक कौशल

➢ ककनहीं बीस मुहावरों का वाक्य में प्रयोग djsAa

➢ वाक्य शुद्चध – वचन, लिंग, कारक, किया, अव्यय संबंधी िो अशुद्चधयों
का उलिेि करते हुए िो िो वाक्य लिखिएA
➢ हनम्नहलहित ककसी तीन हिषय में हनबंध हलहिए (शब्द सीमा : 400-500)
❖ भारतीय समाज में नारी
❖ घटता पानी -बढ़ती मांग
❖ 21 सिी के सपने
❖ यव
ु ा में भटकाव
❖ महामारी कोववड का प्रकोप और मनुष्य की ल्जजीववषा

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Any Other Information: dk;Z LoPNrk ls rFkk lqUnj ys[k esa gh djsAa
Date of submission: ifj;kstuk dk;Z twu ds çFke lIrkg esa tek djsAa

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2021

SUBJECT : History

Time to be Spent (___ Hours

1 Hour for 5 days
per day for ___ Days) :


“Select a topic of your choice from Indian History.”


“Select a topic of your choice from World History.”

Learning objectives:
Specification :
‘The student will analyze, critically appraise, evaluate
and assess the topic. They will also formulate important
historical questions and articulate a persuasive and well-
structured historical argument.’

Materials /
Resources Internet, Libraries, newspaper, magazines and Text book
Required :

Instructions /
Guidelines :

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

4. Acknowledgement:

People who have helped and inspired you in the making of the project.

5. Cover Page

6. Index

7. Introduction:

Brief outline of the topic chosen.

8.Content: 20 pages

9. The project should be handwritten/soft copy .

10. Pictures (to support your content):

To be pasted or drawn neatly.

11. Conclusion:

Your deductions and suggestions

12. Bibliography:

Mention the sources of reference.

Any other Information:


Evaluation Criteria Distribution of Marks

Process 5

Understanding, application of knowledge and 5


Presentation 5

Viva 5

Total 20

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK: 2021-2022: Class 12


Time to be
Spent : Half an Hour per day for ten days.

Project Work- As per the syllabus of ISC 2022, specific projects

from serial no. 1 to 6 will be allocated to each student as Project
-1 by the respective teacher (Rubrics will also be shared).

Device with internet required to prepare project in the soft copy.

Materials /
For hard copy -A-4 Sheets, pencil, black-ink pen, scale, stick-file,
internet, and Business studies book with other relevant

Instructions / Follow the instructions given by the teachers along with the
Guideline: Scope of Syllabus- 2022 in ISC official website.

Any Other Information:

1. Write your name, class, section, topic of the project and subject on the first cover
page along with the logo of the school.
2 . Don’t forget to put conclusion & bibliography at the end.
3. Project – work must not be for less than 15- 20 pages.
4. A s required, paste pictures or blank forms etc.

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ ISC - 2021- 2022: Class 12


Time to be
Spent (½ an
Half an hour for ten days.
Hours per day
for ten Days):

Project Work

Materials /
Resources Accounts Book, Internet connection. (Prepare in soft copy).

Instructions /
Refer Syllabus 2022.

Any Other Information:

Write note on:
1. Partnership.
2. Journal – Meaning and format.
3. Ledger – Meaning and format.
4. Trial Balance – Meaning and format.
5. Trading A/c. – Meaning format & Particulars inside it.
6. Profit & Loss A/c. - Meaning format & Particulars inside it.
7. Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c. - Meaning format & Particulars inside it.
8. Partners’ Capital A/c. – Two methods - Meaning format & Particulars inside it.
9. Balance Sheet- Meaning format & Particulars inside it.
10. Analysis of financial statements – Meaning & methods.
11. Accounting Ratios – Meaning & all formulas (Formulas from Syllabus 2022).

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

12. Develop a case study showing how two or more friends decide to come together and start a
business with a certain amount of capital.
13. Prepare their Partnership Deed including interest on capital, partner’s salary, commission,
interest on drawings, interest on partner’s loan and rent paid to a partner.
14. Write in detail, their transactions during the year: purchases - cash and credit, sales - cash and
credit, expenses, purchase of fixed assets and depreciation charged on them, any outstanding
expenses, prepaid expenses, accrued income, drawing bills of exchange, accepting bills
payable etc.
15. From this case study developed (which should have at least 15 transactions), pass the journal
16. Post them into the ledger,
17. Prepare a Trial Balance.
Date of submission: First week of June 2021.

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK ISC- 2021 - 2022: Class 12


Time to be
Spent (½ an
Half an hour for ten days.
Hours per day
for ten Days):

Project Work

Materials /
Resources As needed.

Instructions / Refer Syllabus 2022.


Any Other Information:

1. Write note on SWOT Analysis.
2. Select any business undertaking – Name with LOGO.
3. Study the selected business in terms of ownership,
a. Capital and
b. Profitability.
4. Make a S.W.O.T. analysis of the selected company (as above) in detail.
5. Present the above detailed SWOT Analysis in a tabular form.

Date of submission: First week of June 2021.

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12

SUBJECT: Computer Science

Time to be
Spent (___
1 hour per day for 20 days
Hours per day
for ___ Days):

15 Lab assignments to be completed in the Lab Manual

Materials /
Resources Computer with Bluej and JDK
Complete 15 Assignments from the assignment bank shared
with you on your class teams. Ensure to write Algorithm,
code, comments, VDT and prepare sample Input Output
Screen for each of the assignments. You need to complete
assignments as per the minimum number specified below for
each topic:
Instructions /
Number Problem -3
2D Matrix – 3
Date -2
Recursion- 2
String -3
Call by reference- 2

Any Other Information: Submit your file in Softcopy.

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12

SUBJECT: English Language

Time to be
Spent (__ Hour
45 minutes for a week.
per day for ___

A piece of written work of about 500 words must be produced.

List of suggested assignments for Project Work:

1. The text of a brochure

2. A product description

3. A process description (e.g. instruction to operate a device, a recipe, a

scientific experiment)
Specification: 4. Description of a sporting event

5. An autobiographical experience

6. Review of a television serial

Materials /
Resources Books and internet.

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

While writing the above topic, keep in mind the following:
*Use Appropriate Language:
Instructions / It should be concrete and specific not vague and abstract. It should
Guideline: include descriptions which can create tangible images for the readers
to visualize.
Write short and simple sentences which are straightforward and to-the
Always use correct spellings, grammar and syntax.

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12


Time to be
Spent (___
1 Hour per day for 10 Days or 1 month at the NGO if possible.
Hours per day
for ___ Days):

Number of PROJECT to be completed - 01

(For further details on project topics refer to ISC syllabus/Rules
and Regulation booklet)

Materials / Transparent file, sheets, print out material, photographs,

Resources statistics, graphs, cutouts, tables etc.
General guidelines for completing project and case studies


Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Any Other Information: Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the
project file.
The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment.

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12

SUBJECT: Mathematics

Time to be
Spent (___ 10 hours per project.
Hours per day Time 1 hr for 20 days
for ___ Days):

Work Two projects.

Specification: One from section A & other from either section B OR section C

Materials /
Resources Internet, text book

Instructions / Please detail detail instructions regarding expectations & evaluation are
Guideline: shared by teachers.

Any Other Information:

Mr. Rahman 9893959792
Mr. K Soni 9424583838

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar


(i) Candidates will be expected to have completed two projects.
Project 1- from Section A
Project 2- from either Section B or Section C.
(ii) The project work will be assessed by the subject teacher and a Visiting Examiner appointed
locally and approved by the Council.

(iii) Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]:

Overall format 1 mark

Content 4 marks
Findings 2 marks
Viva-voce based on the Project 3 marks
Total 10 marks

(iv) Sample table for evaluation.


Identificati MARK
on A B C D E F G H I J S
Number Teacher Visiting Average Marks Viva-Voce Total Teacher Visiting Average VivaVoc Total (E + J)
(Unique Exami (A + B ÷ 2) by Marks Exa Marks e by Marks
ID) of the ner Visiting (C + D) mine (F + G ÷ 2) Visiting (H + I)
candidate Examine r Examiner
7 7 7 Marks 3 Marks 10 7 7 7 Marks 3 Marks 10 20
Marks* Marks Mark Marks Mar Mark Marks
* s * ks* s

(v) Last date of submission -31st August 2021

(though it is recommended that students do it within first week of June as these are summer

(vi) Mode of submissions: Assignment may be hand written or may be done in soft form using
computers & finally printed. (Both forms are accepted).

(vii) Penalty on Plagiarism- Main advantages of project work is a real life learning therefore, it is
expected that your projects are creative and original in all respect. There would be heavy penalty
if your work contains plagiarized content/copied/ having someone else's ideas.

(viii) What a good project must have? How many pages?

• A good project should have 12-20 pages ( bound together).

• Cover page must contain name, class & section, ID of student, Topic of assignment& subject.
• Introduction( 1 page): what is the topic, why did you choose this topic, areas of interest in topic,
what objectives you wish to accomplish by doing this assignment.
• Main content ( 8-18 pages)- Explore the topic in detail, discuss various examples, enrich it with
graphs, discuss the nature & significance. ( use of computers, GeoGebra or other soft wares will be
• Conclusion(1-2pages) – what did you learn by doing these assignments, your findings, their
• Students must put personal thought & understanding while doing the assignments.
(ix) Topics for Project Work:
Section A

1. Using graph to demonstrate a function which is invertible function.

2. Explore the principal value of the function sin-1 x (or any other inverse trigonometric function) using a unit
3. Explain the concepts of increasing and decreasing functions, using geometrical significance of .
Illustrate with proper examples.
4. For a dependent system (non-homogeneous) of three linear equations of three variables, identify infinite
number of solutions.
5. Illustrate the concept of definite integral ∫a f(x) dx, expressing as the limit of a sum and verify it by actual
6. Explain the conditional probability, the theorem of total probability and the concept of Bayes’ theorem with
suitable examples.
Section B

7. Using vector algebra, find the area of a parallelogram/triangle. Also, derive the area analytically and verify
the same.
8. Find the image of a line with respect to a given plane.
9. Find the area bounded by a parabola and an oblique line.
(Any other pair of curves which are specified in the syllabus may also be taken.)

Section C
10. Draw a rough sketch of Cost (C), Average Cost (AC) and Marginal Cost (MC)
Revenue (R), Average Revenue (AR) and Marginal Revenue (MR).
11. For a given data, find regression equations by the method of least squares.
12. Using any suitable data, find the Optimum cost by formulating a linear programming problem (LPP)

(x) Some useful links and suggestions

Section A/ Assignment 1
Using graph to demonstrate a function which is invertible function
• In this assignment we must discuss • What is a function? Its Domain & Range.
• Vertical line test for function.
• • What is its inverse? Its domain & range.
• Condition of invertibility ( Bijection i.e. one-one onto)
• Using Horizontal Line test for checking invertibility for various types of functions e.g. linear, quadratic,
trigonometric, exponential , logarithmic etc.
• Graph of a function & its inverse are symmetric about the line y = x.

Section C/ Assignment 2
Using suitable data, find the optimum cost, by formulating, a linear programming problem.
• Choose some interesting problems on LPP.
• Identify what is x & what is y
• Formulate the cost in terms of x & y ( that is to be optimized/ minimized)
• Write inequalities, as per the given constraints.
• On a graph, draw lines & shade required portions in accordance with the inequalities.
• Identify common shaded portion/ region.
• Locate corner points of the common shaded region.
• Investigate / find cost at all the corner points.
• Find minimum cost.
• Write solution of the problem
• In my view at-least THREE such problems should be solved.
• Some suggested problems are listed below.
• You are at liberty to choose any other problems.
Problem 1
• Two tailors A and B earn Rs. 150 and Rs. 200 per day, respectively. A can stitch 6 shirts and 4
pants per day, while B can stitch 10 shirts and 4 pants per day. How many days shall each work,
if it is desired to produce at least 60 shirts and 32 pants at a minimum labour cost? Make it as an
LPP and solve the problem graphically.
• Check your Answer: The minimum labour cost is Rs. 1350, when tailor A works for 5 days and
tailor B works for 3 days.
Problem 2
A firm has to transport at least 1200 packages daily using large vans which carry 200 packages
each and small vans which can take 80 packages each.
The cost for engaging each large van is Rs 400 and each small van is Rs 200.Not more than
Rs.3,000 is to be spent daily on the job and the number of large vans cannot exceed the number
of small vans. Formulate this problem as a LPP given that the objective is to minimize cost.
Problem 3

• In order to supplement daily diet, a person wishes to take some X and some Y tablets. The
contents of iron, calcium and vitamins in X and Y (in milligram per tablet) are given as below:

Tablets Iron Calcium Vitamin

X 6 2 3
Y 3 2 4

The person needs at least 18 milligram of iron, 21 milligram of calcium and 16 milligrams of
vitamins. The price of each tablet of X and Y is Rs 2 and Re 1 respectively. How many tablets of
each should the person take in order to satisfy the above requirement at the minimum cost?
Check your answer: the person should take 1 unit of X tablet and 6 unit of Y tablets to satisfy the
given requirements and at the minimum cost of Rs 8.
Summer Vacation, 2021-22


Time to be Spent (___ Hours per

1 hour per day for 10 days
day for ___ Days) :

Work Project work on ANY ONE topic (field view) out of the list of suggested
Specification : projects given in your syllabus.

File, Ruled coloured papers, colors, markers, fevicol, internet, reference

books, magazines, newspapers etc.
Required :

Following instructions need to be followed while making the Project;

1. Write the projects in your own handwriting.

2. Add pictures, photographs, press release wherever necessary.
3. Numbering should be done on each page.
4. The following sequence must be followed:
 Title page- Topic of the Project, Subject, Student’s name
and Class.
Instructions /  Acknowledgement.
Guidelines :  Index
 Statement of purpose.
 Hypothesis
 Choice of technique
 Collection and Analysis of data
 Limitation
 Conclusion
 Bibliography.

Date of submission: 10/6/2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12


Time to be Spent
Half an hour to 1 hour per day.
(An Hour per day):
Time to be Spent
1 Hour per day for 15 Days.
(An Hours per day for 15 Days):

Work Do fitness exercise for your physical efficiency and for being
Specification: physically fit.
Specification (15 Project work.

Materials / One file/spiral notebook for Project, Textbook, Writing & Drawing
Resources Materials, Internet & Library support, Covering Material, Reference
Required: Books, Photographs, where applicable.
Make a project on Volleyabll, in consultation with your teacher.
Organize your writing material.
Write in your own handwriting in the file; computer printouts are
not allowed.
Instructions / Sub-headings: Title, Acknowledgement, Index, Content (if
Guideline: Write History, all the rules and regulations of the game, cups,
trophies, tournaments and famous player’s name.
Cover the File.
Write the project title, your name, Name of the School & year – no
excessive decoration is required.

Any Other Information: Neatness and cleanliness should be maintained while

organizing the practical file.
The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment.

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK’ 2021: Class 12


Time to be
Spent (_1-2__
(1 hour per day for 10 days)
Hours per day
for _10__ Days):

Project work

Materials / One Project file, Text Book, Writing & Drawing Materials,
Resources Internet & Library support, Covering Material, Reference
Required: Books, Newsprints, Photographs, Graphs, where applicable.
You are required to prepare a technical report formally hand written,
including an abstract, some theoretical discussion, experimental set up,
observation and data collected, analysis and discussion of the result,
conclusion e.t.c the project can be a theoretical one as well on any of the
topic related to physics. You can paste only computer printout of
diagrams or pictures. You will be assessed on:
a) Conceptual clarity /understanding
b) Computations (if any)
c) Presentation (No extra credit shall be given for type-written
material / Cover page innovation. etc.
You can work on any topic of your choice from the list given below or
any topic related to physics syllabi of XI & XII.
Instructions /
1. To find working of fiber optics and application in modern life.
Guideline: 2. To find current by measuring voltage across a given resistance.
3. To compare the Young’s modulus of elasticity of different
specimens of rubber and also draw their elastic hysteresis curve.
4. Applications of lens.
5. Examine the energy involved in SHM and verify principle of
conservation of energy.
6. To measure resistance, voltage, current and check continuity of a
given circuit using multimeter.
7. To find current by measuring voltage across a given resistance.
8. Examine the energy involved in SHM and verify principle of
conservation of energy.

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

9. Use of multimeter to identify base of transistor, distinguish
between npn and pnp transistors and verify that there is a
unidirectional flow of current in diode and LED.
10. Mobile phone network.
11. Production and uses of X rays.
12. Use of magnetic resonance as an imaging technique.
13. Comparing emf of cells using potentiometer.
Any other topics relating to Grade XII or Xi physics as per your choice.

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 7th June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2021

SUBJECT : Political Science

Time to be Spent (___ Hours

1 Hour for 5 days
per day for ___ Days) :


Candidates will be required to undertake one project which may

be any one of the following:

(i) A case study

(ii) Research based project with in-depth analysis
(iii) Local/ national/ global political issue

The project must not be based primarily on the syllabus; students

Work must be encouraged to produce original, creative and insightful
Specification : perspectives on an allied aspect of the topic.
For example, if the theme is Fundamental Rights, the project could
deal with violation, protection, court verdicts, Public Interest
Litigations (PILs), etc. related to socially relevant issues.

Learning objectives:

Candidates should be able to: Explain issues and themes clearly

and in context. Interpret, analyse and evaluate critically a range of
evidence to present reasoned, substantiated arguments/
(i) the process of doing the project is as important as the final

(ii) In the usage of the internet sites care must be taken in

Important selecting, using and citing these sites.

(iii) Plagiarism is unacceptable and projects must be the original

work of the student.

Materials /
Resources Suitable Websites, Books, Journals, Newspapers, Magazines
Required :

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Each Project should have the following

 Cover Page: Topic Name: Who is it submitted to? Your Name,

School Name (1 Page) Choice of Topic is completely the discretion
of the students. Please weigh the choice in favor of an issue/case
study that you feel strongly about and would work

 Contents: (1 Page)

 Acknowledgement: People you would like to thank for the

completion of project (1 Page)

 Introduction of the Topic: Brief outline of the topic with the

background (2-3 Pages). It should include all the details regarding
the topic, background and explanation of the events, key
concepts etc. Expand the topic in the form in which you would
Instructions / like to present.
Guidelines :
 Reason for the selection of the Topic: Justify the reasons why this
particular topic is of interest to you? (1 Page)

 Framing Research Question: Objective of the Study: It should

include a lot of WHY? and HOW? And WHAT? of the topic under
consideration(2 Page)

 Hypothesis(1 Page) The points that you would like to prove

through the research or the causal relations that you would like
to establish through the research

 Methodology(1 Page)

 Collection of Data (If the research is a case study) (1 Page)

 Elaboration of the Topic(6-7 Pages) Include lots of pictures and

diagrams include the studies and findings of other
researchers/authors etc

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

 Analysis of the various aspects of the topic(6-7Pages)

 Establish the cause and effect relationship between your research

propositions(3-4 Pages)

 Derivatives or conclusion(3 Pages)

 Bibliography ( All Sources to be included)

A sample project will be shared on the class group

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

PROJECT WORK 2021-2022: Class 12

SUBJECT: Psychology

Time to be
Spent (___
One hour per day
Hours per day
for ___ Days):

Project work/Notes/Preparation of class teaching

Materials /
Resources Psychology books/Internet

Instructions /
As explained in the class/As written below

Any Other Information:

1) Project work - Attitudes

Area Topic given on Attitude

Testing object –

To make a comparative study, on attitudinal differences regarding life style,

marriage, work among students/workers (of class x, xi, xii) or others as assigned.

Sample Size - 20 students

Tools - Self made checklist (five point scale)

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Project will be based on a written report which should cover –

(I) Aim

(II) Basic concept: Definition of concepts used and related theory.

(lll) Method-

(i) Sample of the Study

(ii) Procedure followed (data-collection, nature of raw data)

(iii) Statistical Treatment of Data

(iv) Results & Discussion

(v) Conclusion

Analysis- Attitudinal differences and the effects that occurs with the most to the
least frequency and explain each (in term of statistic) as discussed in the class.

2) Class teaching- Prepare one class teaching on the given topic.

3) Notes &answers- Make notes and write answers on the topics/questions given
in class.

Date of submission: First week of June 2021

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

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