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Part I - Sanitation and Drainage

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 Sewerage systems are sewer networks for the collection of waste water, conveying it via pipes, conduits
and ancillary works from its point of origin to treatment works prior to discharge back into the
 Modern sewerage systems fall under two categories: domestic and industrial sewers and storm sewers.
Sometimes a combined system provides only one network of pipes, mains, and outfall sewers for
all types of sewage and runoff.

 Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from municipal wastewater, containing
mainly household sewage plus some industrial wastewater. Physical, chemical, and biological processes
are used to remove contaminants and produce treated wastewater that is safe enough for release into
the environment.
 Sewage treatment generally involves three stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.
 Soil pipe – 100 mm
 Waste pipe—horizontal – 30 to 50 mm
 Waste pipe—vertical – 75 mm
 Vent pipe – 50 mm
 Rain water pipe – 75 mm
 Anti-Siphonage Pipe:
 (i) Connecting Soil Pipe – 50 mm
 (ii) Connecting waste pipe – 40 mm

 An underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter.
 The sanitary sewer is a system of underground pipes that carries sewage from bathrooms, sinks,
kitchens, and other plumbing components to a wastewater treatment plant where it is filtered, treated
and discharged. The storm sewer is a system designed to carry rainfall runoff and other drainage.
 SEWAGE: The term sewage is used to indicate liquid waste from the community. It is characterized by
volume or rate of flow, physical condition, chemical and toxic constituents, and its bacteriologic status.
Untreated sewage may contain water; nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus); solids (including organic
matter); pathogens (including bacteria, viruses and protozoa); helminthes (intestinal worms and worm-
like parasites); oils and greases; runoff from streets, parking lots and roofs; heavy metals. A system of
sewer pipes (sewers) collects sewage and takes it for treatment or disposal.
 SULLAGE: Domestic waste water other than that which comes from the toilet. The sullage is then treated
by coagulation, filtration and disinfection, and then pumped to the overhead tank and could be supplied
for toilet flushing and gardening, reducing the requirement of fresh water by 60%. The sullage recycle
systems are ideal for residential colonies as well as hotels, hospitals and large institutions. Such systems
would help reduce infrastructural costs on public water supply systems as well as avoid heavy losses of
water through leakages during distribution through public supply pipelines. Thus segregation of waste
stream could reduce the treatment and operating costs.
 Discharge from latrines, urinals, stables, industrial waste water, storm water.
 The sewage thus collected and conveyed is taken to a suitable place for its disposal.
 Common materials used for sewer pipes are concrete, steel, pvc0, clay etc.
 Sewer lines are usuall4 to 6” in dia


 Wastewater (or waste water) is any water that has been contaminated by human use. Wastewater is
"used water from any combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural activities, surface
runoff or storm water, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration".
 In homes, this includes water from sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines and

Types of wastewater
 Types of wastewater. Wastewater comes in three main types namely Blackwater, Greywater and Yellow
water. ...
 Greywater. This is wastewater that originates from non-toilet and food fixtures such as bathroom sinks,
laundry machines, spas, bathtubs and so on. ...
 Yellow water. ...
 Sources of wastewater. ...
 Non-sewage.
 WASTE PIPE: it is the pipe which carries only the liquid waste from sink, washbasins etc. The size used
are 30 t0 50mm initially where it is horizontal and 50 to 75mm where the horizontal pipe joins as a
vertical down pipe.
 It can be narrower than sewer line
 It also doesn’t need the same ventilation system as a sewer line
 Plastic and mainly pvc is the most common material for waste water line


 A rainwater line is used to direct rainwater away from a building, typically from roof guttering to a
drainage system.
 A rainwater downpipe is a pipe that is used to direct rainwater away from a building, typically from roof
guttering to a drainage system. It is sometimes also referred to as a downspout, drain spout, roof drain
pipe or leader. ... Directly connected to a drain discharging into a surface water sewer.
 Rain water pipes should be uv resistant of required capacity.
 Traditionally these pipes were made using cast iron although UPVC systems are increasingly common
due to ease of use.
 They typically have dia ranging from 50-100mm.
 A rain-water pipe shall not discharge into or connect with any soil pipe or its ventilating pipe or any
waste pipe or its ventilating pipe nor shall it discharge into a sewer unless specifically permitted to do
so by the authority in which case such discharge into a sewer shall be intercepted by means of gully
 Rain-water pipes shall be constructed of cast iron. asbestos cement, galvanized sheet or other equally
suitable material and shall be securely fixed.
 Rain-water pipes shall be normally sized on the basis of roof areas. A bell mouth inlet at the roof
surface is found to give better drainage effect provided proper slopes are given to the roof surface.
The spacing of pipes depends on the position of the windows and arch openings but 6 m apart is a
convenient distance. The strainer area shall be I+ to 2 times the area of pipe to which it connects,
 The storm water shall be led off in a suitable open drain to a water course. The open drain, if not of
pucca masonry throughout, shall be constructed in pucca masonry as at least where there is either a
change in direction or gradient.


 A soil pipe is a pipe through which human excreta flows. Usually a minimum of 100 mm diameter pipes
are used as soil pipes for which is also of the same diameter as the main down pipe.



•Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of a surface's water and sub-surface water from an area
with excess of water. The internal drainage of most agricultural soils is good enough to prevent severe
waterlogging, but many soils need artificial drainage to improve production or to manage water supplies.
 House Drainage should be preferable laid by side of the building to facilitate easy repair and better
 House sewer joints should be leek proof because leakage if any shall create an odour problem and leaked
wastewater shall infiltrate in the ground and shall reduce bearing capacity of soil below foundation,
which is not desirable.
 The sewage or sullage should flow under the force of gravity.
 The house sewer should always be straight.
 The entire system should be well ventilated from start to the end.
 The house sewer should be connected to the manhole such that the invert level is sufficiently higher to
avoid back flow of sewage in house sewer.
 Where ever there is change in direction of sewer line in the premises, provide inspection chamber at the
 Rain water from roofs or open courtyards should not be allowed to flow through the house sewers.
 Siphonage action can never be permitted and therefore adequate ventilation systems should be
 Location of lavatory box should be one above the another so that it requires minimum drainage line.
 Sharp bends and junctions should be avoided.
 Slope of drains should provide self-cleansing velocity.
 Size of drain should be sufficient to avoid flooding while handling maximum discharge.
 Enough number of traps.
 Outfall of the house sewer should be higher than the water level in the public sewer to avoid backflow
 Enough traps should be provided at suitable points for efficient functioning and avoid evolution of fouls
 Intercepting/Disconnecting trap should be provided before connecting to the public sewer so as not to
allow foul gases from the public sewer.
 It is a renewable form of energy on the planet Earth and a readily available form of energy. Since ancient
days’ people have been using solar energy. For example, the use of magnifying glass to produce fire, to
generate electricity through solar energy, installation of Photovoltaic cells is required. These cells absorb
energy from the sun and convert it to electricity.

IMPORTANT USES OF SOLAR ENERGY: Solar energy is a renewable, inexhaustible and affordable form of energy.
There exist two types of solar devices: active and passive. Using solar energy, environmental pollution can be
reduced to some extent. One of the cleanest and purest forms of energy. Some of the applications are heating,
indoor and outdoor lights, transportation etc. Below are some of the other uses:

 Uses of solar energy in India

1. Solar energy for battery charging
2. Solar energy for cooking
3. Solar energy for houses
4. Solar water heater
5. Solar ventilation
6. Solar lighting
7. Solar transportation
8. Solar charging.
9. Solar heating

Traps are the fittings placed at the ends of the Soil
pipes as well as waste pipes to prevent the entry of
foul gases from the drains into the interior of the
houses or buildings. This is made possible because a
trap essentially consists of a U-tube which always
remains full of water and thus maintains a water seal.
As shown in Fig. 20.2 the vertical distance between
the crown and the dip of the trap is known as the
depth of water seal.
The depth of water seal represents the strength or
effectiveness of the trap. The strength of trap is the
ability of the water seal to resist the passage of air or
gas through it and is determined by the vertical
height to which water in the trap can rise above the
dip to resist this passage. Thus greater is the depth of
water seal more effective is the trap. In practice the
depth of water seal varies from 25 to 75 mm, with 50
mm being quite common.
((I) Floor Trap:
 A floor trap is used to collect wash water from floors, kitchens and bath
rooms and admit the same into the drain.
 It forms the starting point of the sewage flow. It is made of cast iron with a
grating at the top to exclude entry of coarse solid matter into the drain to
avoid its blocking.
 The grating can be removed to do frequent cleaning of the trap.
 The floor trap has a small water seal. A form of floor trap commonly
used in practice is known as Nahni trap.
(ii) Gully Trap:
 A gully trap is provided at the junction of a drain carrying sullage from
baths, kitchens, wash basins, etc., and the drains carrying rain water
from roofs and courtyards as well as room washings.
 The foul sullage from baths, kitchens, wash basins, etc., will enter
through the side inlet called back inlet, and the unfoul room washings
and rain water from roofs and courtyards will enter from the top.
 A gully trap may be made of either stone-ware or cast iron. Stone-ware
gully traps are of square section at the top on which cast iron grating is
 stone-ware gully trap along with its variations.
 It is also provided with a grating at the top. A gully trap is usually
provided with a water seal of depth about 50 to 75 mm and it may have
either S-trap or P-trap.
(iii) Intercepting Trap or Interceptor:

 An intercepting trap or interceptor is provided at the junction of house drain and house sewer, so as to
prevent the entry of foul gases of the municipal sewer into the house drainage system. It is provided
with a deep water seal of depth about 100 mm.the trap has an opening at the top called the cleaning
eye or rodding arm having a tight fitting plug. This enables the trap to be periodically cleaned of any
obstruction present inside.
 It is desirable to use intercepting traps where drains
are old and faulty, or where drains pass under
buildings and are constructed other than in cast iron
and where drains empty into a cesspool such that
foul matter remains therein for months together
before being removed for disposal.

 However, where the drainage system

consists entirely of cast iron drains and fittings,
and where foul matter is constantly discharged
into municipal sewers, intercepting traps may
not serve much purpose and may be dispensed
 When the intercepting trap is used, it is
located at the extreme end of the house drain
adjoining the boundary of the house and it is
provided in a chamber with fresh air inlet on
the upstream side of the trap. Such a chamber
is called the intercepting chamber.
 The fresh air dilutes the drain air
rendering it less harmful in the event of its
escape, and the heavy cold air which fills the chamber and the drain at the lowest end gradually pushes
the warm air out through the house soil vent pipe.
 The bottle trap is an essential element of the basin's plumbing that keeps the bathroom hygienic and
odour-free. When we use the basin, the used water goes down the basin waste, into the drainage pipe,
and then into the sewer, where a lot of other waste and dirt is accumulating.

HOTELS _ Grease Trap

• These type of traps is used in large hotels
restaurants or industries where large
quantity of oils waste is generated. If the
oily or greasy matter is not separated it will
stick to the building drainage system
resulting in formation of scum and
consequent hindrance in aeration.

• A grease trap is either a masonry or cast iron chamber with a bent pipe or Tee pipe at the outlet.
• There is sudden increase in area of flow at
the inlet and hence the velocity of flow is
reduced which results in separation of oil
and grease from wastewater. The oil and
grease floats on the surface and should be
removed periodically.
• A separate outlet pipe for oil and grease
trap can be installed with a valve to stop the
flow after complete removal of oil or grease
from the top surface.


 Inspection chambers are access points to underground

pipework which allow maintenance and the removal of
blockages. When installing any type of underground
drainage there’s a very high chance that you’ll need to
install an inspection chamber. Inspection chambers and
manholes are similar in use except that manholes allow
physical entrance and inspection chambers are for
cameras and equipment only.
 Inspection chambers should be installed whenever a
branch pipe meets a main run of drainage. This will give
easy access to continual runs of drainage without needing to use excessive amounts of drain rods. It also
keeps the distance that any inspection cameras will need to travel manageable. When a drain pipe
changes direction by more than 30 degrees, or when a straight drain pipe run is in excess of 20m, you
should install another inspection chamber in that location.
 A general rule of thumb to work by is that you should install enough inspection chambers throughout
the drainage system so that every part is accessible with a drain rod.
 In general, manholes or inspection chambers should be provided in the following situations: 1. At all
changes of direction on drains (except for drains where the change in direction is not too great for
cleaning). 2. At all changes of gradient on drains (except for drains where the change in gradient is not
too great for cleaning). 3. At all drain junctions where cleaning is not otherwise possible. 4. On a drain
within 12m from a junction between that drain and another drain. unless there is an inspection chamber
situated at that junction. 5. At the head of each length of drain. 6. At all changes in pipe diameter.
 450mm chambers provide good access for rodding and cleaning, but because they are large enough for
a child to fall into the maximum permitted installation depth when using a standard chamber cover is
 Typically, there are three parts to an inspection chamber – the cover, the riser and the base. The cover,
as described above in the manhole section, is used to protect the inspection chamber from unwanted
tampering and for safety purposes.

 The concept of sanitation broadly includes liquid and solid waste disposal, personal and food related
hygiene and domestic as well as environmental hygiene
 The Central Rural Sanitation Programme, which was started in 1986, was one of India’s first efforts to
provide safe sanitation in rural areas. This programme focussed mainly on providing subsidies to people
to construct sanitation facilities. However, a study done by the government in 1996-97 showed that it
was more important to raise awareness about sanitation as a whole rather than to just provide subsidies
for construction.
 This understanding marked the first shift in the programme. In 1999, a restructured Total Sanitation
Campaign (TSC) was initiated to create supply-led sanitation by promoting local sanitary marts and a
range of technological options.
 The rural sanitation campaign has the following as its objectives:
 Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas.
 Generate a push from the people to get facilities rather than expect the Government to do it (demand-
led promotion).
 Focus on intensive education and awareness campaigns to ensure that people understand the need for
safe sanitation.
 Take the scheme beyond rural households to rural schools and nursery schools. Here again, the emphasis
was placed on promoting good hygiene practices.
 Promote cost-effective and appropriate technologies.

 Through all the above, improve the health and quality of life in rural areas.
 The last modification of the scheme happened in 2012.
 It was restructured and renamed as the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan.
 With an intent to transform India to "Nirmal Bharat", the scheme's revised target for reaching total
sanitation was changed from 2012 to 2022.


The following sanitary fitting are commonly used in buildings, for efficient collection and removal to the
house drain
1. Wash basins
2. Sinks
3. Bath tubs
4. Water closets
5. Faucet
6. Urinals
7. Flushing cisterns


 A wash basin is usually made of pottery or white glazed

earth ware or enamelled iron, etc. Sometimes, they are
also made of pressed steel or plastic.
 There are two types of wash basins - the flat back and
the angle back.
 Standard sizes for flat back wash basins are 630 x 450 mm 550 x 400 mm 450 x 300 mm Standard
sizes for angle back wash basins are 600 x 480 mm 400 x 400 mm
 An ordinary Wash Basin is mounted on brackets fixed on wall. While a pedestal type basin is
mounted on pedestal rising from wall.
 The type of Wash Basin normally used in a house has an oval shaped bowl with an overflow slot
at top.
 The flat back Wash Basin have provision for making holes for installing taps. Normally two pillar
taps are provided one for cold and the other for hot water.
 It has a circular waste hole for draining out waste water from the basin.
 A metallic strainer is provided in the waste hole which is connected to a waste pipe either
directly or through a bottle trap for discharge of waste water into the floor trap.
 The top of Wash Basin should be kept at a height of 75 to 80 cm from the floor.
 Placement of Wash Basin • Wall mounted • Table mounted • Pedestal


 A sink is a rectangular basin used in kitchen or laboratory for cleaning utensils, and glassware.
These may be made of glazed earth ware, stainless steel or enamelled pressed steel.
 The sink has an outlet usually of about 40 mm diameter.
 The outlet pipe discharges water over a floor trap or Nahni trap.
 The mouth of outlet pipe is provided with grating of bras or nickel so that the entry of coarse
solid substances is prevented.
 Common sizes of kitchen sinks: 600 x 400 x 150 mm 600 x 450 x 250 mm 750 x 450 x 250 mm
Common sizes for laboratory sinks: 400 x 250 x 150 mm 450 x 300 x 150 mm 600 x 400 x 200
 Types of sink • Top mount • Under mount • Farmhouse or apron • Double bowl • Single bowl •
Corner sink.


 A Bathtub is a large or small container for holding water in which a person can bathe.
 Bath tubs are usually made of iron or steel coated with enamel, enamelled porcelain or of plastic.
They may be parallel sides or with tapering sides.
 There are two types of bathtub: - Eastern style and Western style.
 Eastern style bathtub • In this the bather lies down and these bathtubs are typically shallow and
 Western style bathtub • In this the bather sits up and are typically short and deep.
 The usual dimensions of bath tub are: length: 1.7 to 1.85 m width: 0.70 to 0.75 m depth: 0.6 m.
 Classification of bathtubs • free standing bathtubs • claw feet bathtubs • drop in bathtubs •
whirlpool bathtubs • walk in bathtubs


 A water closet is a sanitary fitting which is designed to receive human excreta directly and
convey to the septic tank or underground sewer through a trap.
 It is usually connected to a flushing cistern to flush the closet and discharge the human excrete
to the soil pipe.
 W.C. is usually made of glazed earthen ware, fire clay or white vitreous chinaware.
 The water closets are of three type: 1) Indian type 2) European type 3) Anglo- Indian type.
 Indian or Squatting type • This type of W.C. is used in squatting position. • The W.C. consists of
two pieces, i.e. porcelain pan and a P or S trap. • The W.C. pan along with the trap is fixed flush
with the floor. • Footrest are provided on sides of the pan and the pan has an inbuilt flushing
rim having a number of holes through which the flushing water from the cistern is discharged. •
The content of the pan is removed by the gravity flush of water.
 European type W.C. • Tis type of W.C. is used in sitting position over a plastic seat hinged to the
appliance. • This is a pedestal type of appliance with a pan and a trap in a single piece. • The
flushing rim of pan is connected to the cistern which may be of a high level type or low level
type (30 cm above the W.C. or resting on the W.C.) for getting flushing water. • Types of
European W.C.: - Wash down type and siphonic type.
 Wall hung W.C. Pedestal W.C.
 Wash down type • This is the most commonly used pattern in which the content is removed by
the gravity flush of water discharges into the pan through the flushing rim of the pan. • Usually
for ground floor the WC having S trap (outlet pointing vertically down) is used. • Whereas for
installation on upper floor WC ending up with P trap is preferred
 Siphonic type • In this type, the content of the pan is removed by siphonic action when the
cistern is flushed and water passes through the pan. • It has a special type of trap inbuilt within
the pan is so shaped as to set up siphonic action when the water passes over the pan. • Due to
siphonic action the entire water along with waste get emptied from the pan into the soil pipe. •
The W.C. has small after flush chamber inbuilt in the appliance, water from which re-seals the
trap. • It may have one trap or two traps.
 Anglo Indian W.C. • This type of W.C. can be used both in squatting as well as in sitting position.
• It is pedestal type and has an inbuilt trap. • The top of W.C. is provided for footrest to permit
it to be used in squatting position. • To use it as a European Type W.C. the plastic seat is hinged
on to the top of the pan to use it in sitting position. • In this design the fouling area of pan is less
and the waste falls in water of trap and is flushed out as in European W.C.
 A small diameter, directly or indirectly, manually or automatically operated valve from which
water is drawn.

 Types of faucet 1. Ball faucet 2. Disc faucet 3. Cartridge faucet 4. Compression faucet The first
three are type of washer less faucets since they do not use rubber or neoprene washer. And the
latter is very much basic washer faucet.


 A urinal is a sanitary plumbing fixture for urination only. Urinals are often provided in public toilets for
male users in Western countries (less so in Muslim countries).
 They are usually used in a standing position.
 Urinals can be with manual flushing, automatic flushing, or without flushing, as is the case for waterless
 They can be arranged as single sanitary fixtures (with or without privacy walls) or in a trough design
without privacy walls.
 The Urinal has an overall height of 54.6 cm width of 33.8 cm and depth of (35.6 cm).


 It is used for storage and discharge of water for flushing of W.C. or urinals. •
 It is made of cast iron vitreous china or pressed steel plates or plastic.
 The capacity varies from 10 to 15 liters.
 When the cistern is fixed at a height of 1.8 to 2 m from floor it is termed as high level cistern made of
cast iron.
 The European W.C. is generally provided with low level cistern made up of porcelain and it operated at
a height of not more than 30 cm between top of pan and underside of cistern.
 Types of Flushing Cisterns 1. Valve less siphonic type or bell type. 2. Valve fitted type or piston type. 3.
Automatic flushing type.


Conservancy system:

• This is old system in which various types of wastes, such as night soil, garbage etc. are collected separately in
a vessels or deposited in a pools or pits and then removed periodically at least once in 24 hours.

• The conservancy system is highly unhygienic and causes insanitary condition.

• Transportation of night soil takes place in open carts through street and other crowded localities, this is highly

• The working of the system entirely depends on the mercy of labour if they go on strike at least one-day foul
matter start creating smell which highly unhygienic.

• In present day world, when men have progressed much it is highly humiliating to ask human being to transport
night soil in pails on their head.

Water carriage system:

• In this system, collection and conveyance and disposal of various wastes re carried out with the help of water.

• Thus water is used as a medium to convey the waste from its point of production to point of final disposal.

• Sufficient quantity of water is required to be mixed with waste so that dilution ratio is so great that the mixture
may flow just like water.

• This system is very hygienic as night soil and other waste carried out through closed conduit which is not
directly exposed to atmosphere.

• There is no chance of outbreak of epidemic because files & other insect does not have direct access to the

• The labour required for the operation and maintenance is extremely small.

• Initial cost of installation of this system is very high, the running cost are very small.


 There are different ways to dispose of sewage. Whichever method is used; it is important to make sure
that it does not: • cause dangerous conditions which allow people to come into contact with disease-
causing germs • cause pollution of a water supply • allow the breeding of insects such as mosquitoes or
cockroaches which can carry disease-causing germs inside or on their bodies as a result of eating or
walking in sewage • produce bad smells
1. Disposal by dilution
 Suitable for the areas situated near large rivers or sea.
 Disposal of sewage by discharging into water courses such as streams, rivers or water bodies etc.
 The sewage to be disposed of, may be raw or partially treated.
 While discharging sewage in water body, it should be ascertained that water is not polluted to such an
extent that it becomes unfit for any other use.
 The sewage, in due course of time, gets purified automatically by the self-purification capacity of water
 Diluting waters are not become a source of water supply for at least some distance from the point of
2. Land treatment
 Raw sewage or partly treated sewage is evenly spread on the surface of land.
 Water in the sewage percolates in the ground and suspended solids remains at the surface of the
 Adds manure to the ground.
 Increases fertility of land.
 Water pollution is reduced.
 Disadvantages
 Additional land is required.
 If land is made up of heavy, sticky and fine grained soils, its voids get chocked and may create
 Sanitary reasons may not permit growing of crops on sewage farms.
 Treatment plants
 Municipal sewage systems feed directly into sewage treatment plants.
 The plants remove the bacteria from the sewage in multiple treatment sessions, removing harmful
microbes from the substance.
 Sewage lagoons
 Sewage lagoons are exactly what they sound like. Wastewater flows from the home into a lagoon of
standing water. Wind and sunlight allow the right bacteria to grow and subject the sewage to a
natural treatment.
 On-site systems
 in an on-site disposal system, wastewater empties into a septic tank, which keeps the sludge and
sends the water through a drain. The septic tank must be pumped regularly to ensure the sludge
does not accumulate.
 All the liquid waste from the toilet, bathroom, laundry and sink goes into pipes which carry it to a
septic tank. • The effluent from the tank is then disposed of through effluent disposal drains often
referred to as leach or French drains. • In these systems, the effluent is soaked into the surrounding
soil. Some soils don't allow good soakage such as clay or similar soils Plan view of an on-site sewage
disposal system
 Off-site systems

 An off-site sewage system receives sewage from surrounding homes and buildings and treats the
water for bacteria. It then redirects all wastewater to a community “water collection” before
dumping extra water into a nearby water source (river, creek, etc.).
 Full sewage systems
 Full sewage systems use blades inside of pipes to separate solid waste from water. Once everything
has been reduced, the pipes redirect it to a lagoon or a treatment plant.
 All the sewage from the toilet, shower, laundry and other areas enters waste and sewer pipes
directly and is pumped to a lagoon. • There are three types of full sewage system: • The sewage
enters the lagoon without treatment • The sewage goes through a series of cutting blades which
help break up the solid matter before it enters the lagoon. These blades are called macerators. •
The sewage may be treated in a large septic tank just before it enters the lagoon. Plan view of full
sewage system and macerators Plan view of a full sewage system with a large septic tank
 Leach drains
 A leach drain is a tube-like structure which is made of concrete or plastic and buried in the ground.
There are holes in the sides. • Its width can vary and its length depends upon the size of the leach
drain being used, the amount of liquid waste to be disposed of, the type of soil (dirt) around it, and
how it is built. Septic tanks and brick leach drain • The liquid waste enters the leach drain at one end
then slowly seeps down through the open base and out the sides through holes into the surrounding
soil. Concrete segment leach drain
 French (rubble) drains
 The French drain is also used to dispose of the liquid waste coming from the septic tank. • It is a pipe
with holes or slits cut in it, laid on a bed of round rocks. The holes or slits in the pipe face downwards.
• It is usually about 20 m long but the length depends upon the amount of effluent to be disposed
of and the soil type around the drain. • The drain is covered with plastic or some similar material
and is then covered with a protective layer of sand or gravel. • This helps prevent the pipe holes or
the gaps between the rocks from blocking up with the protective sand or gravel. French drain
(Rubble drain)
 Effluent (wastewater) disposal system
 In this method the effluent from the community is carried by large pipes to the lagoon. • These pipes
serve all the houses and other buildings in the community. • The sewage may be either be treated
in septic tanks at the houses or buildings or at the lagoon • There are no leach or French Drains Plan
view of a wastewater disposal system
 The septic tank
 A household septic tank usually consists of two round concrete tanks with lids placed close to each
other. They are connected by a pipe. A round septic tank system • A septic tank can also be a single
rectangular concrete tank with a dividing wall in it. A rectangular septic tank is designed to be used
by more than 10 people and is often used for sewage treatment at a lagoon. • The tank is
constructed on the site where it is to be used. A rectangular septic tank system.

 storm water, is water that originates from rain, including snow and ice melt. Storm water can soak into
the soil, be stored on the land surface in ponds and puddles, evaporate, or contribute to surface runoff.
 In natural landscapes, such as forests, soil absorbs much of the stormwater.
 Plants also reduce stormwater by improving infiltration, intercepting precipitation as it falls, and by
taking up water through their roots. In developed environments, unmanaged stormwater can create
two major issues: one related to the volume and timing of runoff (flooding) and the other related to
potential contaminants the water is carrying (water pollution).
 Stormwater is also an important resource as human population and demand for water grow, particularly
in arid and drought-prone climates. Stormwater harvesting techniques and purification could potentially
make some urban environments self-sustaining in terms of water.
 Sub soil water: Water which has accumulated in the stratum of earth immediately below the
surface soil.

Storm Water Drainage - The object of the storm water drainage is to collect and carry, for suitable disposal, the
rain water collected within the premises of the building.
Subsoil Water Drainage

 General - Subsoil water is that portion of the rainfall which is absorbed into the ground and the drainage
of subsoil water may be necessary for the following reasons: a) To increase the stability of the surface;
b) To avoid surface flooding; c) To alleviate or to avoid causing dampness in the building, especially in
the cellars; d) To reduce the humidity in the immediate vicinity of the building; and e) To increase the
workability of soil.
 Depth of Water Table - The standing level of the subsoil water will vary with the season, the amount of
rainfall and the proximity and level of drainage channels. Information shall be obtained regarding this
level by means of boreholes or trial pits preferably the latter. It is desirable though not always practicable
to ascertain the level of the standing water over a considerable period so as to enable the seasonal
variation to be recorded and in particular the high water level.
 Precaution’s - Subsoil drains shall be sited so as not to endanger the stability of the buildings or
earthwork. In some portions of the drain, it may be necessary to use non-porous jointed pipes.
 No field pipe shall be laid in such a manner or in such a position as to communicate directly with any
drain constructed or adapted to be cased for conveying sewage except where absolutely unavoidable
and in that case a suitable efficient trap shall be provided between subsoil drain and such sewer.
 Systems of Subsoil Drainage
 Field drain - Clay or concrete porous pipes may be used and shall be laid in one of the following ways: 4
b) 4 Natural - The pipes are laid to follow the natural depressions or valleys of the site, branches
discharging into the main as tributaries into a river.
SEPARATE SYSTEM OF SEWERAGE: In this system two sets of sewers are laid. The sanitary sewage is carried
through sanitary sewers while the storm sewage is carried through storm sewers. The sewage is carried to the
treatment plant and storm water is disposed of to the river.

 Size of the sewers are small

 Sewage load on treatment unit is less
 Rivers are not polluted
 Storm water can be discharged to rivers without treatment.

 Sewerage being small, difficulty in cleaning them
 Frequent choking problem will be them
 System proves costly as it involves two sets of sewer
 The use of storm sewer is only partial because in dry season the will be converted in to dumping places
and may get clogged.
When only one set of sewers are used to carry both sanitary sewage and surface water. This system is called
combined system. Sewage and storm water both are carried to the treatment plant through combined sewers
 Size of the sewers being large, chocking problems are less and easy to clean.
 It proves economical as 1 set of sewers are laid.
 Because of dilution of sanitary sewage with storm water nuisance potential is reduced
 Size of the sewers being large, difficulty in handling and transportation.
 Load on treatment plant is unnecessarily increased
 It is uneconomical if pumping is needed because of large amount of combined flow.
 Unnecessarily storm water is polluted

A portion of storm water during rain is allowed to enter sanitary sewer to treatment plants while the remaining
storm water is carried through open drains to the point of disposal.

Advantages: -
 The sizes of sewers are not very large as some portion of storm water is carried through open drains.
 Combines the advantages of both the previous systems. Silting problem is completely eliminated.
Disadvantages: -
 During dry weather, the velocity of flow may be low.
 The storm water is unnecessary put load on to the treatment plants to extend.
 Pumping of storm water in unnecessary over-load on the pumps.


 As the name implies, a sludge pump processes and moves waste fluids with high-solid content.
 Sludge Pumps is a type of Positive Displacement Pumps that are designed to handle the flow of
combination of waste water liquids or different types of sludge with solid concentration. Due to their
use in difficult applications, these kinds of pumps are built with strong and robust materials. After all,
sludge is not only heavy, but it can also contain corrosive or volatile content.
 more horsepower a pump requires. Using centrifugal force that a rotating impeller generates to produce
kinetic energy offers superior performance and efficiency.
 There are two major categories of sludge pumps: centrifugal (dynamic) pumps where continuous energy
increases the flow velocity of the fluid, which is later converted to lift or pressure; and positive
displacement pumps in which periodically added energy directly increases pressure or lift.
 Centrifugal pumps are commonly used to pump effluent. They are equipped with a revolving impeller
that converts electric energy from the motor into kinetic energy. The volute (stationary component)
transforms kinetic energy into pressure energy, creating flow.
 Positive displacement pumps are either reciprocating (piston and-diaphragm or piston-and-cylinder
design (plunger or piston) with inlet and outlet poppet valves) or rotary (progressing-cavity pump,
rotary-vane vacuum pumps and lobe pumps). They generate much higher pressures than centrifugal
pumps but their flow rate range is limited from 50 to 1000 L/s, due to their large physical sizes.

 A wash basin is a bowl shaped plumbing unit which is basically used for washing hands. generally, have
tap (faucets) that supply hot or cold water according. They must also provide with a proper drainage
system. Wash basin are generally come in 2 varieties: Porcelain Plastic or Resin Glass
 Porcelain is a ceramic type of material made by heating a type of clay in a temp. about 1200c to 2000c.
It has supreme qualities of elasticity, strength, toughness and transparency gives it an enlighten look.
Porcelain wash basins are classified into the following types according to area, design and purpose
 Types of Bathroom Basin:
 Full Pedestal Basins: The basin is attached to the wall with these basins and the pedestal is only there
for cosmetic reasons to hide the pipework.
 Semi Pedestal Basins: Another popular basin type, semi pedestal basins attach to the wall with a pedestal
to hide the plumbing.
 Wall Hung Basins: Wall-mounted basins are usually fitted with either a chrome-plated bottle trap
underneath, or with a matching white ceramic semi-pedestal.
 Countertop Basins: Also known as vessel basins or sit-on bowls, countertop basins are often the choice
of the contemporary or minimalistic bathroom design. It usually sits on top of a worktop or shelf and is
paired with a tall basin tap or wall mounted basin taps.
 Washstand Basins: With a frame that doubles as a place to hang your towels, they will help you create
an elegant, minimalist bathroom. As the plumbing is exposed on this basin type, you will need to
purchase a bottle trap.
 Corner Basins: Just as the name suggests, the corner basin has been designed to fit into a right angle
corner in almost any room. They are ideal for cloakrooms or smaller bathrooms where the only available
space is in the corner of the room. Available in both wall-mounted and floor standing forms
 Semi Recessed Basins: Semi-recessed basins are crafted for use with ledges, shelves or with coordinating
bathroom furniture. The front of the basin usually has a smooth and rounded edge with the reverse
specifically cut to fit easily into where it’s needed to sit. The end result is that the basin looks like a
seamless part of the furniture.
 Cloakroom Basins: Usually consisting of a 1 or 2 tap hole basin and a half pedestal or chrome bottle trap,
the cloakroom basin is a perfect choice if you’re a bit short for space.


 Types of urinals: • Corner urinal • Flat back urinal • Stall Urinal • Sensor urinal • Squatting urinal •
Portable urinal • Handicap urinal • Trough style urinal • Child Urinal
 Corner urinal: •Actually it is a type of Flat back urinal but it is designed to fit in the corner of the wall.
•It saves place. This type of urinal can be used only in the corner of wall, not ever else.
 Flat back urinal: •This is a urinal designed to fix in the wall with a screw. •These urinals are low in
weight and small in shape.
 Stall Urinal: • Stall Urinal is a type of urinal which is supported by flange or floor. • They are two
types Stall Urinals available. 1.) Half Stall Urinal 2.) Full Stall Urinal. • Half Stall Urinal are supported
by flange &Full Stall Urinal are supported by floor.
o Half stall urinal:
o Full stall urinal:
 Sensor urinal: • This kind of urinals can be seen in multiplex, airports, shopping malls, etc. • This is
an automatic water flushing urinal. • There is a sensor attached to the urinal which will detect human
 Squatting urinal: •This urinal is basically designed for women’s. •It is mounted on floor.
 Portable urinal: • This kind of urinal is commonly made in steel or plastic and is mainly used for sick
people. • This portable urinal is also known as bedside urinal. • It is manufactured for both male and
 Trough style urinal: •This type of urinal can be found in public places. Because of the big size, it is
made using stainless steel material not with ceramic materials. •Privacy of the urinal is very low.
 Child Urinal: •These child urinals are not different than normal urinals, but these are designed for
children to use urinals. •This is just a small size of urinal mainly made of plastic.


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