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CSCEC M&E Works in The Construction Industry (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractor)

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Vol.1 No.1 (2021) 1-01

© CSCEC Publisher Office


Lot E0343, 3rd Floor East Block, Wisma Golden Eagle Realty, 142B, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Technical, CSCEC P-G-01-(Ground Floor) Vista Residences, Genting Permai AVENUE, 69000 Genting Highland, Pahang

Corresponding author: Li Mi (e-mail:

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Received 20 December 2021; Accepted 25 December 2021; Available online January 2022

ABSTRACT: CSCEC build most of the megastructure in the world. This includes all the services such as
architectural works, super structures, infra works and M&E Works. M&E works take part a massive role in CSCEC
project because when M&E works can suit smoothly to the other trade, it will affect others trade concurrently. In the
construction, architectural works, civil works and M&E is like a sibling in family. Every one depends on each other.
In this situation, CSCEC always committed to show to the stakeholders or client the foremost solution. CSCEC
proudly to share with others how the best coordination can be a key point to achieve great timing to finish the job on
time or earlier than expected. Rather than choose small group of workers, CSCEC use an expertise to show to the
world how they appreciate the quality and outstanding works of all trade. Building services is an important subsector
of the World construction industry, accounting for about 40 percent of the total cost of buildings. Most of their job
definitely depend on overall contribution in architectural, civil and M&E works. Unfortunately, cost management
and procurement process of Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) services have not received due attention from the real
expertise, as bills of quantities (BoQ) are still produced in lump sums and provisional sums, making it difficult to get
realistic and functioning cost information from past projects. In the construction world, M&E is the heart of the
building every construction. The propose to manage it well because it will lighten up the building, supply the water,
generate most of the system in the building. This paper reports part of a larger and ongoing research work and its
purpose is to provide a CSCEC journey for M&E works and services. The paper is based on experience managing
M&E works; comprehensive review of literature which includes journal articles; conference papers; text books and
web trawl.


KEYWORDS: M&E preliminaries item, M&E Design Works, Brief M&E Bill of Quantity BoQ, (Engineering
Procurement Construction EPCC Contractor), Design and built, Conventional Project, Infrastructure Works,
International Mechanical Standards (ASME Standards), IEC Electrical Standards

I. INTRODUCTION the M&E person in charge required to entail

CSCEC is the largest investment and construction incorporate architectural and civil works. At the
group in the world. CSCEC is the industry leader in moment that perform coordination drawing, all parties
residential construction, infra utilities work, real estate need to give full commitment especially in major
property and investment, infrastructure and design. structure works. Some of the civil works needs to
CSCEC is one of the most powerful contractors in standby sleeve or hollow section for M&E
China. Its main investment direction is real estate, components. Actually, before concreting, the
property, infrastructure, comprehensive metropolitan coordination drawing so to check by civil consultant.
construction and other fields. The Company They will count the load for tensioning or compressing
strengthens the integration of internal resources and on civil works. During construction works, the M&E
business collaboration to provide all-round, whole- works will be inspected at least three times be
process and all-factor services for metropolitan conditional on the level of hassle of the works.
construction and operation through "four in one"
business model of "planning and design, investment A. INSPECTION WORKS
and development, infrastructure construction, Firstly, check by subcontractors, then CSCEC and
residential construction engineering". The main factor lastly by client or consultant representative. To avoid
why CSCEC becoming one of the best in construction any miss out or mistake during concreting, all the
was quality of works. The quality of M&E works can M&E subcontractors need to standby one person for
divide into so many branches. all concreting works. The standby person will fix it
immediately if there have any defect or snag during
II. INITIAL STAGE concreting. There are several qualities that CSCEC
Let's start from the beginning of the quality in very emphasize.
choosing the contractors for M&E works. After that,
coordination drawing needs to be produced by B. SELECTION OF WORKERS
CSCEC. This thing will take several times depend on First example that CSCEC can show is human factor
how difficult the drawing. For the high-rise residential that manage the project, all the worker will be filtrate
building, the most difficult CSCEC facing is the through numerous processes before proceed to one
lowest floor that connect to all existing utility such as more step of selection. The management team need to
electricity incoming supply, telecommunication be tough mentally and physically to maintain
system, main cold-water system to water reticulation productively. Then it will increase progressively in
piping, data center for Fire Fighting equipment, lift works module concurrently.
system, BMS equipment and SCADA system, facility
room for preventive maintenance services, transfer C. SELECTION OF MANPOWERS
beam for heaviest load structure and tensioning. The Second one is manpower of the project. The
easiest segment for coordination is duplex segment. manpower of the construction normally has numerous
All duplex will divide zone by zone. In the zone, criteria, generally CSCEC will choose depend on the
architect will determine the area as per their workers that can suit site condition. Site condition also
recognition or application by public authority play big role for the worker to works and others are
submission. First floor duplex will be difficult than it site topology and weather condition.
will become common and straightforward
Third is the most important thing that drive to the best
III. COORDINATION STAGE result of the M&E works is quality of the product and
All these coordination need to use whole of creativity material. All the product and material that CSCEC
and commitment to fabricate the best coordination on utilize or maneuvers during construction is excessive
paper trail then will bring at site construction standards follow international M&E standards. For
appropriately. Before proceed to site construction, mechanical standards there are several that CSCEC
these drawing need to review and approve by principal normally use to create a general specification such as
consultant or architect. During this coordination, all The American Society of Mechanical Engineers


ASME standards. For the electrical standards mostly LI MI was born in Changchun, Jilin,
duplicate from The International Electrotechnical CHINA. He received the B.S. degrees in
Civil engineering from the University of
Commission IEC Standards such as IEC 60364 for
Nottingham, UK in 2016. He is the Chief
building electrical installation, then IEC 62035 for Engineer of Grandhill Plot5 Project in
lightning protection standard. Genting Highland, Malaysia and also the
target technique manager of CSCEC East
E. LATEST STANDARD China Oversea Group.
Most project for M&E works usually CSCEC will
From 2016 to 2021, he was involved
accompany the latest standard from local standard or different type of construction projects, including Steel Bridge,
if not in local standards, then will follow international shopping mall, Residentials, high-rise building, warehouse factory
standards. In the construction works, M&E is the heart etc. He has gone through 6 projects in 4 countries and experiences
of construction. When make a review of all the item, popular contract types, such as FIDIC, PAM and Standard Contract.
the most important thing is how the material will last
LI MI got a membership in CIOB UK, and several industry
long for its utilization. certificates such as from Board of Engineers Malaysia.

Cost is interconnected to the quality. In M&E works,
Nik Mohamad Haslarizal, received the
cost for every single of the material not only upon on Bachelor Engineering. degree in electrical
what kind of material but also depend on how the engineering from Universiti Teknologi
quality of the material itself during manufacturing at Malaysia, Johore, Malaysia, in 2008. He is
factory. During manufacturing of the material, a currently teaching part time for high
certain amount of the material still get failure when it voltage technology, system of procedure
high voltage and high voltage safety at
comes to quality fault. Be subject to on how big its
Politeknik Ungku Omar, Ipoh, Perak. He
fault. Some faulty can consider insignificant, can still also teaching various subject related to
improve at factory during testing before deliver to site. construction industry such as electrical installation, cost saving
analysis, manage the construction in efficient method.
From 2008 to 2010, he was a supervisor with the construction
In the course of the material safely arrive at site
company. His research interest includes the development of surface
construction, there have solitary team undertake processing and biological/medical treatment techniques using
inspection for all the material before that material nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasmas, fundamental study of
using for construction works. Yes, it takes time but in plasma sources, and fabrication of micro- or nanostructured
CSCEC the satisfaction of the customers is priority in surfaces.
every situation include minor components of M&E
Mr. Nik Mohamad Haslarizal,17609, (Member of Board Engineer
item. In here, quality for M&E works were checking Malaysia), Member of Insitute of Engineers Malaysia, 75271,
and inspect from commencing stage until entrust to (IEM), teaching permit from Jabatan Laut Malaysia, 091/2018
client or stakeholder. It takes extensive journey in (JLM).
every construction works but it will give a satisfactory
branding when it comes to the client hand.

[1] Project Management Institute, “A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge Book”, 6th ed. Newtown
Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3299 USA, 2017, sec. 1, pp. 30-

[2] Yu TAO President CEO CSCEC,
conference-successfully-held/, “4TH CSCEC ME Technical
Conference”, Shanghai, China from 9th January to 10th
January 2021, Events 10X

[3] Joseph B. Wujek, Frank R. Dagostino, “Building Science”, in

the Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Architectural,
Engineering and Construction Book, 5th ed, Pearson,
Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2010, ch. 3, pp 30-50

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