PS 6 Sol
PS 6 Sol
PS 6 Sol
M AT H − 241
Engineering M athematics I
P roblem Set − 7
where b11 = a211 + a12 a21 and b22 = a222 + a12 a21 . Then
1 tr(A) 1 1
det(A) = = ((a11 + a22 )2 − (a211 + a12 a21 + a222 + a12 a21 ))
2 tr(A2 ) tr(A) 2
= ((a11 + a22 )2 − (a211 + 2a12 a21 + a222 ))
1 2
= ((a + 2a11 a22 + a222 ) − (a211 + 2a12 a21 + a222 ))
2 11
= (2a11 a22 − 2a12 a21 ) = a11 a22 − a12 a21 = det(A).
Question 2. What is the maximum number of zeros that a 3 × 3 matrix can have without
having a zero determinant? Explain your reasoning.
Question 2-Ans. - For a square matrix which has a column or row of zeros, then deter-
minant of the matrix is zero. Therefore, for a 3 × 3 matrix we need at least 3 nonzero
- For a triangular matrix, its determinant is the multiplication of its diagonal entries.
- A diagonal matrix is a triangular matrix. (Both upper and lower triangular.)
- For A = [aij ]3×3 diagonal matrix determinant
can be written
a11 0 0
det(A3×3 ) = 0 a22 0 = a11 a22 a33 .
0 0 a33
- Therefore, number of possible zeros for a non-zero 3 × 3 matrix determinant is 6.
Question 3. Prove that (x1 , y1 ), (x2 ,y2 ), (x3 , y3 ) are collinear points if and only if
x1 y 1 1
x2 y2 1 = 0.
x3 y3 1
Question 3-Ans. (⇒) If the points (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ) are collinear, they should be
lying on the same line. For a line equation ax + by + c = 0 all of the points should satisfy
this equation. Then we can obtain the following linear
of equations that:
x1 y 1 1 a 0
x2 y2 1 b = 0
x3 y 3 1 c 0
Augmented matrix of the linear system can be written as:
x1 y 1 1 0 x1 y1 1 0 R2 x1 y1 1 0
R2 −R1 x2 −x1 y −y
x2 y2 1 0 − −−−→ x2 − x1 y2 − y1 0 0 −− −→ 1 x22 −x11 0 0
x3 y 3 1 0 − R3 −R1
−−−→ x3 − x1 y3 − y1 0 0 x3 −x1
1 xy33 −x 1
0 0
Then, xy22 −x 1
= xy33 −y
which is the gradient of the line. Then second and third rows are the
same resulting with zero determinant.
Question 4. Prove that the equation of the line through the distinct points (a1 , b1 ) and
(a2 , b2 ) can be written as:
x y 1
a1 b1 1 = 0.
a2 b2 1
Question 4-Ans. The equation of the line through the distinct points (a1 , b1 ) and (a2 , b2 )
can be written as;
a2 −a1
= by−b 1
2 −b1
which can be also written as;
a2 −a1
= by−b 1
2 −b1
⇒ (a1 − x)(b2 − b1 ) − (a2 − a1 )(b1 − y) = 0.
This line equation can be written as a 2 × 2 matrix determinant or a cofactor of a 3 × 3
matrix determinant defined as;
x y 1
a1 − x b1 − y 0 = 0.
a2 − a1 b2 − b1 0
By applying
elementary row
operations we can obtain the following:
x y 1 x y 1 x y 1
a1 − x b1 − y 0 = 0 R +R a1 b 1 1 = 0 R +R a1 b1 1 = 0.
2 1 3 2
a2 − a1 b2 − b1 0
−−−−→ a − a b − b 0 −−−−→ a b 1
2 1 2 1 2 2
which is the desired determinant of the line through the distinct points (a1 , b1 ) and (a2 , b2 ).
Question 5. In the below figure, the area of the triangle ABC can be expressed as:
area(ABC) = area(ADEC) + area(CEF B) − area(ADF B).
Use this and the fact that area of a trapezoid equals 12 the altitude times the sum of the
parallel sides to show that:
x1 y1 1
area(ABC) = 21 x2 y2 1.
x3 y3 1
( Note : In the definition of this formula, the vertices are labeled such that the triangle
is traced counter-clockwise proceeding from (x1 , y1 ) to (x2 , y2 ) to (x3 , y3 ). For a clockwise
orientation, the determinant above yields the negative of the area. )
Question 5-Ans. Lets calculate the area(ABC) by using trapezoid area formulation:
area(ABC) = area(ADEC) + area(CEF B) − area(ADF B)
1 1 1
= (y1 + y3 )(x3 − x1 ) + (y3 + y2 )(x2 − x3 ) − (y1 + y2 )(x2 − x1 )
2 2 2
= (y1 x3 − y1 x1 + y3 x3 − y3 x1 + y3 x2 − y3 x3 + y2 x2 − y2 x3
− y 1 x2 + y 1 x1 − y 2 x 2 + y 2 x1 )
= (y1 x3 − y3 x1 + y3 x2 − y2 x3 − y1 x2 + y2 x1 )
= ((1)(x2 y3 − x3 y2 ) + (−1)(x1 y3 − x3 y1 ) + (1)(x1 y2 − x2 y1 ))
x1 y1 1
= x2 y2 1 .
x3 y3 1
Question 6-Ans. If A is invertible n × n matrix, then A−1 exists and can be written as
A−1 = adj(A)
⇒ adj(A) = det(A)A−1 .
if we multiply both sides with A, we obtain:
A.adj(A) = det(A).I.
if we take the determinant of both sides, we obtain:
det(A.adj(A)) = det(det(A).I) ⇒ det(A)det(adj(A)) = det(A)n det(I)
which will result with the following: n
det(adj(A)) = det(A)
= det(A)n−1 = det(An−1 ).