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Wednesday 3 May   
Royal Albert Hall, London
Postgraduate Graduation 2017


01 President’s welcome Welcome to the Imperial College

London Postgraduate Graduation.
02 Chair’s welcome My colleagues and I are pleased
03 Senior staff at Imperial to be here to celebrate your
accomplishments as our postgraduate
04 About the day degree recipients and honorees
06 Imperial’s past and future and award winners. We hope that
you enjoy the ceremony and the
08 World-leading research celebration as much as we do.
at Imperial
We share the honour of celebrating your achievements
10 Honorary degree with all of those who have supported you on your
journey. We know that pursuing graduate study
12 Imperial College Medals requires dedication and the steadfast support
of family and friends, and we salute them too today.
14 President’s Medals Faculty mentors and doctoral advisors are also
here to celebrate with us. Their guidance has been
19 Regius Professorship pivotal in graduates’ accomplishments and we thank
them for being excellent teachers, academic leaders
20 Outstanding Student and role models.
Achievement Awards
You, our graduates, have worked long and hard
24 Imperial College Business for this distinction. You have followed your passion
and become experts in your chosen fields. You have
School and School of
demonstrated the ability to think rigorously, to explore,
Professional Development to question. We are inspired by the great breadth of
your accomplishments and we know that you all join
38 Faculty of Natural Sciences the ranks of some 190,000 very distinguished alumni
and Faculty of Medicine who bring prestige to Imperial’s name.

58 Faculty of Engineering We are proud of the important work we do at Imperial.

Every day, we make new discoveries, achieve new
72 The Imperial alumni breakthroughs, find new cures, and solve new problems.
Our work brings tremendous value to society throughout
community Professor Alice P. Gast the world.
I hope that we will take away with us today a stronger
sense of exploring the unknown, working across
“You, our graduates, boundaries and across borders, and collaborating as
friends and colleagues. You leave here able to question,
have worked long and discover, explore, take risks, and to be leaders.
hard for this distinction.” I wish you all the very best. Whatever the future holds
and whatever path you choose, I know that Imperial
graduates will always seek new challenges, remain
curious, and forever work to improve the lives of others.
I hope that as we celebrate together, today will live
forever in your fondest memories.

1 2



Professor Alice P. Gast Sir Philip Dilley
Thank you for joining us today
to celebrate the excellence of our PROVOST EXTERNAL MEMBERS
Professor James Stirling Mr Christopher Brinsmead
postgraduate students, to honour Mr Iain Conn
staff and students who have CHIEF FINANCIAL Mr Toby Courtauld
OFFICER Mr John Cullen
made exceptional contributions Mr Muir Sanderson Ms Rachel Lomax
to the College, and to recognise COLLEGE SECRETARY
Ms Sara Murray
Ms Alison Nimmo
colleagues from outside of Imperial AND REGISTRAR Dr Mahnaz Safa
through honorary awards for the Mr John Neilson Professor Jeremy Sanders
Mr Chris Williams
exceptional contribution they have VICE-PRESIDENT
made to their disciplines. Mrs Sarah Waterbury President, Professor
Alice P. Gast
I have fond memories of when I crossed the stage VICE-PRESIDENT Provost, Professor
of the Royal Albert Hall as a graduand of Imperial, (COMMUNICATIONS James Stirling
AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS) Chief Financial Officer,
with my friends and family watching. My degree in Mr Luke Blair Mr Muir Sanderson
Civil Engineering gave me the skills and confidence President of Imperial
to embark on a career that has taken me to VICE-PRESIDENT College Union, Mr Nas
(INNOVATION) Andriopoulos
countries across the globe. I am proud to now Professor David Gann
serve as Chair of the College’s governing Council. SENIOR STAFF
Imperial’s Royal Charter of 1907 gave our university (EDUCATION) Professor Nelson Phillips
a distinct mandate focused on the application Professor Simone Professor Tom Welton
of education, research and scholarship. For Buitendijk Professor Jeff Magee
Professor Gavin Screaton
generations, those with a degree from Imperial VICE-PROVOST
have made their mark in science, technology, (RESEARCH) ELECTED STAFF
engineering, medicine, business and education Professor Nick Jennings MEMBER
to the benefit of society. Imperial graduates are Professor Neil Alford
an illustrious group. BUSINESS SCHOOL THE CLERK TO THE
Professor Nelson Phillips COURT AND COUNCIL
To those graduating today, I would emphasise Mr John Neilson
that this is not the end of a journey, but the DEAN OF THE FACULTY
beginning of a new chapter in your life. You have OF ENGINEERING
tackled advanced topics in your fields, gained Professor Jeff Magee

new knowledge through your projects and research DEAN OF THE FACULTY
and furthered your ability to think critically. You OF MEDICINE
are poised to apply what you have learned and Professor Gavin Screaton
make your mark in your chosen career. DEAN OF THE FACULTY
Sir Philip Dilley You are also now part of the worldwide network OF NATURAL SCIENCES
Professor Tom Welton
of Imperial alumni that is a source of guidance,
support and friendship. I encourage you to be
an active part of this network over the coming
“To those graduating today, years. We alumni are proud of what you have
I would emphasise that this achieved and excited by the promise of your
future achievements.
is not the end of a journey,
Congratulations again to all those graduating
but the beginning of a new and receiving awards and honours today.
chapter in your life.”

3 4
About the day Postgraduate Graduation 2017


Graduations are a highlight of the College year, MUSIC

PLEASE NOTE: Screen visuals featuring metallic colour
swatches will not look like the metallic pantone spec
colour when printed. Refer to a Pantone metallic swatch MASTER COLOUR ARTWORK
book to get an accurate colour match for print.

a time when we welcome back our graduating COLOURS

C0. M0 . Y0. K.100

The orchestra is conducted by Mr Richard
students, together with families and friends, to C100. M70 . Y0. K.0

C0. M100. Y100. K.0

Dickins, Director of Music and the Blyth Centre
celebrate outstanding academic achievement. CMYK Gold
C25. M25 . Y75. K.15 at Imperial. The violin solo is performed by Tudor
Trita, a first year Mathematics student who is
leader of the Imperial College Symphony Orchestra
15thMarch 2016
and has performed with the National Theatre
Orchestra of Mannheim and the Philharmonia
THE COLLEGE COAT OF ARMS Orchestra of Madrid.

The College coat of arms was assigned by Royal

Warrant on 6 June 1908. Coats of arms date back ACADEMIC DRESS
to the twelfth century, and continue to be used by Academic dress has its origins in medieval
well-established and respected corporate bodies Europe, when it identified the rank and profession
as a mark of identification. of the wearer. Today, academic dress denotes
The shield incorporates the royal coat of arms and the graduate’s institution and the level of
a book, representing knowledge. The motto, which degree awarded.
Today, the Royal Albert Hall
reads Scientia imperii decus et tutamen, can be is the historic location for The unifying theme of academic dress at Imperial
translated as ‘Scientific knowledge, the crowning Imperial’s postgraduate is the colour purple. This is an homage to the work
glory and the safeguard of the empire’. and undergraduate
of Royal College of Chemistry alumnus Sir William
graduation ceremonies.
Henry Perkin, who invented mauveine, the world’s
THE IMPERIAL MACE first synthetic purple dye, in 1856.

The Imperial College London Mace was presented Master’s graduands wear black gowns and black
to the College by the Goldsmiths’ Company in 2009 hoods with white and purple lining. The coloured
Graduations for Imperial College London have in recognition of Imperial’s status as a university stripe on the collar of the hood denotes Faculty
taken place in the Royal Albert Hall for over 60 in its own right. The generous gift reflects the livery affiliation. MPhil graduands wear black gowns
years. The Hall, which opened in 1871, was part of company’s longstanding relationship with Imperial and black hoods with purple lining. PhD, DEng,
Above: The exterior of
the Royal Albert Hall, Prince Albert’s grand vision for a cultural, scientific and its predecessor institutions. MD and DSc graduands wear purple hoods and
shown here in the late and artistic quarter in South Kensington. Given purple gowns: the sleeves of PhD, DEng and
nineteenth century, is The intricate design of the Mace incorporates MD graduands are purple, while those of DSc
that Imperial also has its origins in this vision,
built from over 6 million elements of the College’s coat of arms and its
it is fitting that the College should celebrate the graduands are white.
red bricks and 80,000
motto. The helix-shaped stem represents human
blocks of terracotta. accomplishments of its graduates here.
DNA or a chain of atoms in a spiral, providing
The order for the day is: a visual reference to the College’s expertise
10.30: Graduation ceremony for Imperial College in science and medicine.
Business School and the School for Professional The Mace is a focal point of the College’s
Development graduation ceremonies: it heralds the arrival
13.45: Graduation ceremony for the Faculties of the Provost, President and Chair of Council
of Natural Sciences and Medicine during the Procession.

17.00: Graduation ceremony for the Faculty

of Engineering
Celebratory canapé receptions will be held on
campus following each ceremony at locations
indicated on your reception tickets.

Please note that unauthorised video recording
and photography are not permitted in the Royal The Imperial Mace leads
Albert Hall. Professional photographers will be in the procession of the
Provost, President and
the Imperial College Union during the day to take Chair of Council.
portrait photographs of graduands.

5 6
Imperial’s past and future Postgraduate Graduation 2017


The I-HUB is the first building
to open at Imperial's White
City Campus. It facilitates

the co-location of start-ups,
entrepreneurs, spin-out
companies and major
Here are just some of
corporations with the College's the figures who shaped
academic community.
Imperial’s history and
changed the world during
their time at Imperial.


In 1856, while studying at the Royal College of
Chemistry, Perkin discovered the first coal tar
dye, mauveine. His discovery of the synthetic
purple dye revolutionised fabric colouring,
bringing bright colours to the masses for the first
The Queen’s Tower, time, and transformed the science of chemistry.
under construction in
was originally part of the Whiteley joined the Royal College of Science
Imperial Institute. Whilst Since 2007, Imperial College London has as a teaching scholar in the Department
the rest of the Institute consolidated its position as one of the world’s of Chemistry in 1904, and by 1920 had
was demolished from 1957 leading universities in the fields of science, progressed to the role of Assistant Professor.
to 1968, the iconic tower She was the first woman to hold a position
engineering, medicine and business. Imperial’s
was saved by a public on the teaching staff at the College, and was
campaign and is now in strength in these core disciplines has allowed it awarded the OBE in 1920 for the contribution
the custody of Imperial. to push the boundaries of what a university can of her research in the First World War.
do, with the community working together to solve
For over 100 years, Imperial College London has been SIR ALEXANDER FLEMING
major global challenges.
In the course of his research at St Mary’s
at the forefront of scientific discovery and innovation, Academics and students at Imperial are at the Hospital, Fleming discovered the fungal mould
penicillium notarum. His 1928 breakthrough,
a unique institution dedicated to enduring excellence forefront of multidisciplinary research. They are and the subsequent work of Sir Ernst Chain
in research and education. supported by institutes and initiatives that bring and Sir Hugh Florey to isolate and concentrate
researchers from across the College together. penicillin, was recognised in 1945 with a Nobel
Prize for Physiology and Medicine.
These include the Antimicrobial Research
OUR HISTORY Collaborative, the Grantham Institute for Climate SIR DEREK BARTON
Imperial was founded in 1907 with the merger Change and the Environment, the Brevan Howard Barton’s work on the spatial arrangements of
Centre for Financial Analysis, and the Energy organic molecules and reactions mechanisms,
of the Royal School of Mines, the Royal College of was undertaken while he was Professor of
Science and the City and Guilds Central Technical Futures Lab. Collaborations such as the Lee Kong Organic Chemistry between 1957 and 1972.
College. During the latter half of the nineteenth Chian School of Medicine in Singapore, which was His research transformed how chemists think
century, each institution had played a crucial part established in 2010 with Nanyang Technological about molecules in three-dimensional space,
and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for
in establishing science education and research University, have shown how partnerships extend
Chemistry (with Odd Hassel) in 1969.
scientific research in fields including munitions, the impact of Imperial’s work.
in Britain, employing some of the finest minds
aeronautics and medicine. PROFESSOR JOAN WOODWARD
in their respective areas of expertise. Each had As the world changes, so will Imperial’s education. As a lecturer and subsequently professor in
also found a home in South Kensington, an area The post-war period saw unprecedented growth at Building on recent initiatives such as the new Industrial Sociology, Woodward undertook
which, under the patronage of Prince Albert, had Imperial, as science and technology were seen as curriculum developed for the Dyson School pioneering research into organisational
The Molecular Sciences
become a hub for science, culture and education. increasingly critical to facing the challenges of the of Design Engineering, Imperial will embed its structures in technology and production
Research Hub, with systems. Woodward Hall, a College Hall of
twentieth century. New disciplines were introduced, Chemistry research education in a research-led, entrepreneurial
The Royal Charter which formed the Imperial Residence which opened in 2015, was named
including nuclear science and engineering, and facilities at its core, environment and provide a broad range of services in her honour.
College of Science and Technology described will open in 2018.
computing and control. and support for students beyond their studies.
its remit as “giving the highest specialised PROFESSOR DENIS GABOR
instruction, and providing the fullest equipment After a series of mergers between the College Imperial’s newest campus at White City During the 1940s, Gabor began to experiment
for the most advanced training and research and major medical schools, the Imperial College provides the College with the opportunity to with holography, a process which allows the
storage of propagating optical wavefronts for
in various branches of science, especially School of Medicine (now the Faculty of Medicine) develop new partnerships, support new areas later reconstruction. For this research, he was
in its application to industry”. The College was established in 1997. The Business School was of research, diversify revenue streams and awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1971,
swiftly began expanding its presence in South granted a status equivalent to a College faculty in give students entrepreneurial experience. The the first engineer to receive the accolade.
Kensington, constructing an extension to the City 2003, and a year later moved to its current location I-HUB (Translation & Innovation Hub) opened in PROFESSOR RODNEY ROBERT PORTER
and Guilds College, a new building for the Royal with the opening of the College Main Entrance. 2016, providing facilities for close collaboration Porter was Pfizer Professor of Immunology at
School of Mines, and the Beit Buildings. with partner institutions and companies. The St Mary’s Hospital between 1960 and 1967,
Elizabeth the Queen As the College approached its centenary, the
during which time he conducted research
Mother visits the During the two world wars of 1914–18 and decision was made to withdraw from the University Molecular Sciences Research Hub, with Chemistry
into the blood’s immunoglobin. In 1972, he
College on Charter 1939–45, thousands of Imperial students of London, a federation of which Imperial had been research facilities at its core, will open in 2018, was awarded Nobel Prize for Medicine of
Day 1957 to open the
and staff volunteered for service. On the home a part since 1908. The College’s independence was and construction of the Michael Uren Biomedical Physiology with G.M. Edelmen for their work on
Roderick Hill Building. determining the exact structure of an antibody.
front, several of the College buildings were formalised in 2007, and the first students to receive Engineering Research Hub, made possible with
commandeered by the government and military. degrees of Imperial College London began their a generous gift from the foundation of alumnus
Staff and alumni undertook critical war-related degrees later that year. Sir Michael Uren OBE, began earlier this year.

7 8
World-leading research at Imperial Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Graham Peyton and Hamid
Soleimani, PhD students in
Bioengineering and founders
of the start-up Microsonix,
have developed a low-cost
portable medical imaging
device that can connect
Imperial is home to many world leading pioneers in science, engineering, to tablets or smartphones.
business and medicine, and the alma mater to generations of award winners, The technology could bring
life-saving medical imaging
government advisors, business leaders, politicians and entrepreneurs. to countries or regions where
the cost and maintenance
of ultrasound machines
is prohibitive.
Research at the College is multidisciplinary, DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY
with academics working with partners around
the globe to tackle the greatest challenges we By 2020, a boom in the popularity of solar panels
will face in the coming years, from sustainable and electric cars could spark irreversible changes UNRAVELLING DIABETES “We identified a problem
in the energy sector, according to research In 2012 the global RESEARCH AT
healthcare to harnessing the power of the
published by the Grantham Institute – Climate demand for coal was IMPERIAL IN
Researchers at Imperial College London have with current ultrasound
data revolution. Today’s graduates have been found that so-called ‘junk DNA’ could play a
firmly embedded in a vibrant, research-led Change and the Environment. As countries
3501.66 Mtoe. By 2050,
this could reduce to
role in diabetes. Some non-protein coding DNA technology both in its
switch to ‘low-carbon’ technologies to meet their
environment, learning alongside researchers who
commitments to the Paris Agreement on Climate
1833.46 Mtoe
regions in the human genome, which were cost but also its lack of
are experts in their fields. Imperial researchers previously thought to have no function, have
are making new breakthroughs every day. Here Change, and those technologies in turn become been revealed to have an important regulatory scalability. Our supervisor
less expensive for consumers and businesses,
helped us shape our vision
are some of the highlights of the past year. 2 function in the pancreas. Specifically, the regions
global demand for coal and oil could peak and 3
regulate key genes in beta cells, the insulin-
begin to decline. The research, led by Mr Ajay In 2050, solar panels 1st among major producing cells of the pancreas which help to and use our technical
FEATHERS FOR THE FUTURE Gambhir and Dr Tamaryn Napp of the Grantham
Institute with the Carbon Tracker Initiative think
could generate 29%
of the world’s power
UK universities for
research impact in the
balance blood sugar in the body. Professor Jorge expertise to scale it down to
The poultry industry generates thousands Ferrer, Chair in Medicine and Genetics, who led
of tonnes of waste feathers each day. Elena
tank, suggests that energy companies, investors
Research Excellence
Framework (REF) 2014 the team at Imperial, indicates that this research
the size and cost we need.”
and governments should plan for downside
Dieckmann and Ryan Robinson, PhD students could help us understand the development of Hamid Soleimani, PhD student in
demand scenarios. diabetes and human disease more generally.
in Design Engineering and the National 91% Bioengineering and winner of the
Heart and Lung Institute respectively, are Visit 2017 Venture Catalyst Challenge
There could be 1695.64
exploring the potential of this lightweight, unexpected-dashboard/ to delve into the million electric vehicles
91 % of research classed as ACROSS THE BREXIT DIVIDE
strong and insulating product. So far their results and implications of this research. on the road in 2050
‘world leading’ in REF 2014
start-up, Aeropowder, has created Featherfill, In the run-up to the UK referendum on membership
a low-carbon composite insulating material. of the European Union, research from Imperial
The product won the team £20,000 at the 2016 College Business School showed that Twitter users
Mayor of London’s Low Carbon Entrepreneur who engaged with others of opposing political
Challenge competition, and they are now £450 million research views, alongside those of the same viewpoint,
income in 2015–16
exploring how feathers could be used to create were more likely to spread their message further
a water repellent coating that renders any surface online. The research, led by Imperial Business
hydrophobic; a lightweight filler for plastics, and Analytics with KPMG, indicated that Twitter users
a structural fibre to reinforce concrete. who supported Leave were three times more likely
Over 21,000 to engage with people from both sides than those
academic papers who supported Remain. This willingness to break
published in 2015–16
out of the ‘echo chamber’ pattern led to increased
influence in the political debate.

14 Nobel laureates

Staff from 115 countries

Professor Chris Cheeseman

of the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, A visualisation of online
with student entrepreneurs 45 research conversations about
Elena Dieckmann and Ryan students are Brexit in June 2016.
Robinson of the Dyson affiliated with the Messages from Leave
School of Design Engineering Crick Institute, which campaigners are in red,
and the National Heart and opened its doors in Remain in blue, and
Lung Institute respectively. October 2016 unrelated in white.

9 10
Honorary degree Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Imperial College London honorary degrees
are conferred on persons of conspicuous merit
who are outstanding in their fields.

Professor Sir Leszek

Borysiewicz MA PhD

Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz has

been Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Cambridge since 2010, and is also Honorary
Fellow of Wolfson College. In 2016 he became
Chairman of Cancer Research UK.
Sir Leszek joined the University of Wales in
1991 as Professor of Medicine where he led the
first European research team to conduct clinical
trials for a human papillomavirus vaccine to
combat cervical cancer. He moved to Imperial
College London in 2001, where he served as
Principal of the Faculty of Medicine and later
as Deputy Rector. During his time at Imperial,
he was also a Governor of the Wellcome Trust
(2006–2007), Chairman of the UK Clinical
Research Collaboration’s Integrated Academic
Training Awards Panel (2005–2007), and Chair of
the HEFCE RAE Main Panel A Assessment Panel.
From 2007 to 2010, Sir Leszek was Chief Executive
of the UK’s Medical Research Council. His research
on viral immunology, infectious disease, and viral-
induced cancer has fed into his reports for the
World Health Organisation, the Medical Research
Council and the Department of Health, and he
chaired the research advisory group that reviewed
and co-ordinated the human health research
strategy on Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease.
Sir Leszek was knighted in the 2001 New Year’s
Honours List for his contribution to medical
education and research into developing vaccines.
Among his many honours, he holds the Royal
Society of Medicine’s Jephcott Medal, the Royal
College of Physicians’ Moxon Trust Medal and
he is a Fellow of the Royal Society.

11 12
Imperial College Medals Postgraduate Graduation 2017

The Imperial College Medal is awarded for
meritorious or praiseworthy service to the
College or for having otherwise enhanced
its reputation, mission and objectives.

Professor Professor Sara

Ms Gail Hallissey Geoff Maitland Rankin

Ms Gail Hallissey is the Facilities Co-ordinator Professor Geoff Maitland is Professor Professor Sara Rankin is Professor of
at Imperial College Business School, ensuring of Energy Engineering at Imperial College Leukocyte and Stem Cell Biology, Senior
the smooth running of all areas for staff, London and a past President of the Institution tutor for fourth year medical students and
students and visitors. of Chemical Engineers (2014–15). head of Outreach and Public Engagement
for the National Heart and Lung Institute
She first joined Imperial College 29 years ago His career has spanned academia and
(NHLI) at Imperial College London.
in the catering department where she ran the industry, spending 20 years in oil and gas with
Business School’s coffee shop. Gail’s warm, Schlumberger and over 20 years at Imperial, as Her research focuses on understanding the
helpful manner and strong commitment to all a lecturer from 1974 and then from 2005 in his impact of the bone marrow in inflammatory
aspects of her work made her an ideal Facilities current post. His work is centred on how we can diseases, and explaining the molecular
Co-ordinator for the Business School. Since continue to use fossil fuels for most of this century mechanisms that regulate the exit of leukocytes
her appointment there she has excelled in without causing catastrophic climate change. and stem cells from the bone marrow and
all areas of the role; as the friendly face of the Professor Maitland was awarded the Hutchison developing drugs to promote tissue regeneration.
School, a mobile reception desk, and a creative Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers Professor Rankin leads outreach for the NHLI
problem solver. Gail knows the answer to in 1998 and served as President of the British and has pioneered a variety of innovative public
almost any query and is an indispensable, Society of Rheology from 2002–2005. In 2006 engagement activities to take the Institute’s
highly valued member of staff to all those he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy research into the real world.
in the Business School. of Engineering. He was awarded the IChemE
Professor Rankin has been awarded grants
Chemical Engineering Envoy Award in 2010 for
for her work from the Wellcome Trust, the
his media work explaining the engineering issues
European Commission, the British Heart
involved in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. He chaired
Foundation, the Medical Research Council, the
the post-Macondo review of the UK Offshore Oil
Royal British Legion and industrial collaborators.
and Gas Regulatory Regime in 2011 (‘The Maitland
She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology.
Report’) and in 2012 received the Rideal Lecture
Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
He is the Founding Director of the Imperial-based
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research
Centre, a $70 million, 10 year programme funded
by Qatar Petroleum, Shell and Qatar Science and
Technology Park, and is currently Director of the
Shell-Imperial Digital Rocks Lab.

13 14
President’s Medals Postgraduate Graduation 2017


The President’s Medals are awarded to recognise staff

members who have made outstanding contributions
to research, external engagement, innovation, and
research support or supervision.


The Imperial College Centre for Engagement
and Simulation Science (ICCESS) is a diverse
team of clinicians, computer scientists,
engineers and experts from domains outside
medicine. It is led by Professor Roger
Kneebone, Professor of Surgical Education
and Engagement Science, and Dr Fernando
Dr Fernando Bello Bello, Reader in Surgical Computing and Mr Paul Brown Ms Sue Feller
Simulation Science.
perspectives of clinicians, bioscientists, TO EXCELLENCE IN PASTORAL CARE
patients and publics. Established in 2015, Mr Paul Brown is the Mechanical
the Centre uses simulation as a means to Instrumentation Workshop Manager Ms Sue Feller is the MSc Cluster
educate, engage and explore new technologies in the Department of Physics at Imperial Administrator for the Geotechnics Section
or scientific discoveries in the healthcare domain, College London. within the Civil and Environmental
designing bespoke experiences for researchers Engineering Department at Imperial
He joined the Department of Physics in 1990
to showcase and experiment ongoing work to College London.
as a Junior Technician and later became the
gain public feedback. From immersive theatre to manager of the Opto-Mechanical workshop. He A member of the Geotechnics MSc Cluster team
Professor Roger television appearances, the team are responsible was made Workshop Manager of the Mechanical since 1994, Ms Feller provides organisational,
Kneebone for over 120 innovative engagement activities, Instrumentation Facility in 2005 and led its major secretarial and pastoral support to postgraduates
featuring at the Big Bang Fair and Science refurbishment between 2007 and 2008. He has and staff. She deals efficiently and effectively with
Museum Lates, the Royal Institution, Jamie’s manufactured numerous pieces of equipment students, researchers, academics and industrial
Dream School, the BBC’s Operation Ouch! and upon which major international programmes rely, sponsors, making a significant impact on the
Channel 4 Stand Up To Cancer telethon. including laser systems and detectors vital for section’s smooth running and its relationships
They provide a focal point for collaboration the artificial guide star generation experiments with the Department, College and wider industry.
with Imperial’s neighbours, including the in association with the European Southern Ms Feller has also been instrumental in the
Royal College of Music, Royal College of Art, Observatory. He played a pivotal role in launching implementation of the Industrial Bursary Scheme,
the Science Museum and the V&A Museum. the College’s Technical Apprenticeship Scheme including the organisation of events that have
ICCESS members have won numerous and was invited to attend a national event at directly led to employment for many MSc students.
awards and their work is widely known through Buckingham Palace in recognition of this. The care she shows to students often begins
their social media profile. In 2011, Professor before they arrive at the College and she has a
Kneebone received a Higher Education Academy strong instinct for the needs of individuals, who
National Teaching Fellowship Award and he she deals with compassionately and tactfully.
has been a Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellow Ms Feller is well-known amongst staff and students
since 2012. Dr Bello is recognised for his work for having a calming presence in a very busy
at the intersection of medicine, education and environment, with her door always open and a
technology, pioneering advanced patient friendly approach to all who need her support.
specific simulation of surgical procedures,
as well as innovative approaches to
contextualised simulation.

15 16
President’s Medals Postgraduate Graduation 2017


Jianguo Lin Mr Shaun Power The Stevens Group
led by Professor
Molly Stevens
Professor Jianguo Lin is RAEng/Tata Steel
Research Chair and Head of Mechanics of The Stevens Group comprises postdoctoral
Materials Division at Imperial College London. researchers and postgraduate students
from bioengineering, material science,
His research spans materials and process
chemistry, surgery and biology. Professor
modelling, as well as solid and computational
Molly Stevens is Professor of Biomedical
mechanics, which includes micro-mechanics
Materials and Regenerative Medicine, and
modelling and its application in creep-damage, Mr John Booth the Research Director for Biomedical Material
cyclic-plasticity, viscoplasticity and advanced
Sciences in the Institute of Biomedical
metal forming technologies.
Engineering at Imperial College London.
During his time at Imperial, Professor Lin has
RESEARCH SUPPORT EXCELLENCE The Stevens Group and Professor Stevens
established the Metal Forming and Materials
Mr Shaun Power is Research Services use a multidisciplinary approach to research
Modelling Group, a new group which has received
Manager and Mr John Booth is Research and develop transformative bioengineering
external engagement, funding and support from
Proposal Manager, both in the research for applications in regenerative medicine
a range of partners. His ideas have been picked
services team of the Faculty of Engineering and biosensing. Since its inception in 2004,
up across a wide range of industries, including
at Imperial College London. The Stevens Group has rapidly become
steel, railway, aerospace and automotive. He
a world-leading hub of talent achieving real
has worked closely with Beijing Aeronautical Mr Power is responsible for the administration clinical impact and publishing frequently in top
Manufacturing Technology Research Institute of the Faculty of Engineering’s research funding tier journals such as Science and the Nature
and First Aircraft Institute to form new research and the overall management of the Faculty family journals. They are extremely active in
centres in the Department of Mechanical Research Services Team. Mr Booth is responsible dissemination and public outreach with the
Engineering, whilst collaborating with Jaguar for providing support to all departments within annual hosting of the London International
LandRover, PAB Coventry, Bombardier and the Faculty of Engineering on costing, pricing Youth Science Forum and involvement in the
many global companies on innovative materials and managing submissions of research proposals Pint of Science festival.
projects. In 2013, Professor Lin launched to all sponsors. Over ten years of working together,
Impression Technologies Ltd, to connect their high degree of professionalism and clear The Stevens Group were recognised with the
Imperial’s Faculty of Engineering directly with knowledge of application requirements has 2014 Research Group of the Year Award at the
automotive and transport manufacturers. He is provided a seamless service to over 340 staff in European Life Science Awards. Professor Stevens
a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering the Faculty and across more than 1100 proposals is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering,
and he won a Royal Academy of Engineering per year. Together they have also provided training the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute
research chair in early 2015. and advised new colleagues on best practice; of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
Mr Booth created a new methodology for
costing Centres for Doctoral Training that has
subsequently been adopted by other faculties
in the College, whilst Mr Power has established
a Faculty Research Support Forum to effectively
facilitate research support.

17 18
President’s Medals and Regius Professorship Postgraduate Graduation 2017


The Regius Professorship, granted by the Queen as part

of her Diamond Jubilee celebrations, recognises the
highest standards of research and teaching.

UNIHEAT led by
Professor Sandro Dr Stefanos
Macchietto Zafeiriou


The UNIHEAT team comprised experts, Dr Stefanos Zafeiriou is a Senior Lecturer
professors and project managers from in Pattern Recognition and Statistical Professor David Holden is Professor of
Imperial College London, their teams, and Machine Learning for Computer Vision Molecular Microbiology and the founding
five distinguished researchers from Boreskov at Imperial College London. Director of the MRC Centre for Molecular
Institute of Catalysis in Russia. Professor Bacteriology and Infection at Imperial College
He designs and develops statistical machine
Sandro Macchietto is Professor of Process London. The title of Regius Professor was
learning (e.g., deep learning) algorithms tailored
Systems Engineering, a co-founder of the conferred on Professor Holden for his work
for object and face recognition, object tracking,
Centre of Process Systems Engineering in infectious diseases.
object and face alignment, and automatic human
(CPSE), the Energy Futures Lab and the
behaviour analysis. Alongside his research, he Professor Holden is distinguished for his
MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures.
is currently supervising 13 PhD students and research on molecular mechanisms of microbial
The UNIHEAT project, an international programme is supporting 3 more in their studies. Under pathogenesis. In 1994, he invented signature-
of research-driven innovation and technology his guidance all his past PhD students have tagged mutagenesis (STM), the first DNA
transfer, aimed at improving heat exchange completed their PhD studies within 4 years. barcoding method enabling high-throughput
and catalysis during the oil refining process. One His strengths as a mentor are demonstrated analysis of mutants in genetic screens. Use of
of the largest multidisciplinary teams in the area by the high quality publications of his students this technique by Professor Holden and many
worldwide, it integrated expertise across adjoining in top tier journals and flagship conferences, others has resulted in the identification of
fields into a coherent approach for understanding and their successes in winning major fellowships thousands of microbial virulence and colonisation
chemical and physical characterisation, with top industry, such as Google, Intel, and determinants and has had a broad impact
thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer Qualcomm. His graduated PhD students have in understanding of many other biological
and reaction modelling, and whole system design. secured research positions with top industry processes. The technique has been licensed to
such as Google, Apple, Amazon, Toshiba six pharmaceutical companies. In 1997, Professor
Professor Macchietto was made a Cavaliere of
Research Cambridge and Hudl. They regularly Holden co-founded Microscience, a vaccine
the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by its
note that their accomplishments are a direct company which developed a single dose oral
President in 2004. He is recipient of the McRobert
result of his support and ambition for them. vaccine against typhoid. Using STM, Holden
Award, the top prize for innovation of the Royal
Academy of Engineering, IChemE’s Industry Award Dr. Zafeiriou has been also awarded a discovered many genes that enable infection by
for Innovation and Excellence Education and Distinguished Research Fellowship by the the human pathogen Salmonella enterica, and
Training, and the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise Finnish Distinguished Professors programme. made important breakthroughs in understanding
Innovation (with Process Systems Enterprise Ltd) its intracellular biology. Professor Holden’s group
and for Excellence (with CPSE). recently developed methods to study intracellular
bacterial replication at the single cell level, leading
to the discovery of antibiotic-tolerant Salmonella
persister cells – a cause of relapsing infections.
Professor Holden is a Fellow of the Royal Society,
the American Academy of Microbiology, the
Academy of Medical Sciences, and a European
Molecular Biology Organization Member.

19 20
Outstanding Student Achievement Awards Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Outstanding Student Achievement Awards are awarded
to those students who have achieved excellence in
extramural activities that bring credit to the College

Ms Clementine Dr Harriet Gliddon Captain David

Chambon Henson, MBE

Ms Clementine Chambon is in her fourth year Dr Harriet Gliddon is a Postdoctoral Captain David Henson is in his second
of PhD studies in the Department of Chemical Research Associate in the London Centre year of PhD studies in the Department of
Engineering at Imperial College London. for Nanotechnology at University College Bioengineering at Imperial College London.
London, having completed her PhD in the
She is Co-Founder of Oorja, a social enterprise He was injured in Afghanistan in 2011 while
Departments of Medicine and Materials
that uses agricultural waste and solar power serving in the Royal Engineers and has gone
at Imperial in 2016.
to power off-grid communities in rural India. on to represent Paralympics GB in athletics at
Out of 3,000 applicants, Oorja was selected to Since 2009, she has been a volunteer for the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro,
receive a Climate Fellowship from Echoing Green. Positive East, London’s largest HIV charity; winning bronze in the T42 200m race. David
As a result of this work Clementine was named first as a Volunteer Health Trainer and now was also Captain of the British Armed Forces
as one of 30 Social Entrepreneurs under 30 as a Point-of-Care HIV Tester. During her Team in the Invictus Games in 2014, winning
by Forbes Europe, and also as Social Innovator postgraduate studies, Harriet acted as an multiple medals, and competed again in the
of the Year by MIT Technology Review in France. Imperial Postgraduate Ambassador and a 2016 Games when he won gold in the 200m,
She has regularly contributed to local and STEMNET Ambassador. She represented the IT2 category. He sits on the Advisory Board
international media, including The Times Royal Society of Biology in Parliament and of the Imperial Centre for Blast Injury Studies
of India, The Huffington Post, Le Monde, coordinated an Imperial College Biotechnology as the veterans’ representative. In 2014,
Le Figaro Madame and Imperial magazine. Young Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES) team David was awarded an MBE.
in 2014, winning the GlaxoSmithKline Award
for Best Healthcare Business Plan. Harriet was
also awarded the Next Generation: Global
Health Innovator Prize and Best Video Prize at
the Imperial College Institute for Global Health
Innovation Student Challenges Competition. In
2015, she was awarded a Biochemical Society
Outreach Grant which enabled her to run
practical workshops based on her research
in local schools.

21 22
Outstanding Student Achievement Awards Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Outstanding Student Achievement Awards are awarded
to those students who have achieved excellence in
extramural activities that bring credit to the College

Ms Franca Hoffmann Dr Nathalie Dr Natasha Stephen


Ms Franca Hoffmann is in her third year Dr Nathalie MacDermott is in her second Dr Natasha Stephen completed her doctoral
of PhD studies in the Department of year of PhD studies in the Department studies in the Department of Earth Science
Mathematics at Imperial College London. of Medicine at Imperial College London. and Engineering at Imperial College London.
She is Director and Trustee of the UK-based In 2014 she was the Clinical Lead for the During her time at Imperial, Natasha made use
charity Supporting African Mathematics Samaritan’s Purse Ebola response and worked of her doctoral work on meteorites from Mars
Initiatives (SAMI), which advances education in alongside the Centers for Disease Control and to tirelessly promote science to the public and
mathematics for public benefit by improving the Prevention, World Health Organisation and increase awareness of the value of science to
standard of education in Africa and researching Ministry of Health in Liberia. During this time society. She has been involved with dozens of
the effectiveness of teaching and learning she contributed to the creation of a mobile rapid outreach activities, including London Southbank’s
initiatives. During her time at Imperial, she has response model for rural outbreaks of Ebola Soapbox Science, ‘I’m a Scientist Get Me Out
been President of the Imperial College SIAM virus disease and assisted with the development Of Here’, ‘Science Show-Off’ at the Bloomsbury
Student Chapter, Founder of the Maths HelpDesk, of protocols for the decommissioning of Ebola Theatre, the ‘Festival of Planets’ and ‘Night Safari
organiser of Cohort Building Activities, and treatment facilities. She returned to Samaritan’s with Mastercard – Mars and Meteorites’ at the
Ghana Team Leader for the International Physics Purse in 2015 to respond to the European Natural History Museum.
Olympiad 2016. This is her second Outstanding refugee crisis in Macedonia and Greece,
Student Achievement Award from Imperial. In working with them and the UNHCR effort to
2012, she carried the Olympic torch for Imperial provide care in refugee camps.
in the run up to the Olympic Games.

23 24
Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development Postgraduate Graduation 2017


Order of Ceremony

10.30 Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development


Gigue from Partita No 2 in D minor for solo violin
STUDENT ORATOR Johann Sebastian Bach The company rises when the Procession enters the hall and remains standing
President, Imperial College Union Solo performed by Tudor Trita until the Chair of the Court and Council is seated.
Mr Nas Andriopoulos (first year Mathematics student)
ADDRESS PRESENTATION OF THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE MEDAL Student Presidents College Secretary and Registrar and Clerk to the
President, Professor Alice P. Gast The Acting Dean of the Imperial College Court and to the Council, Mr John Neilson
Business School requests the President SECOND GROUP
Vice-Provost (Education),
PRESENTATION OF POSTGRADUATES FROM to award the Imperial College Medal to Faculty Operating Officer, Mr Jon Tucker
Professor Simone Buitendijk
Mrs Gail Hallissey Wardens
to whom the degrees of MBA, MSc, MRes Vice-President (Innovation), Professor David Gann
and PhD have been awarded College Tutors
VALEDICTION Acting Dean, Imperial College Business School,
Chair of the Court and Council, Sir Philip Dilley Readers Professor Nelson Phillips
THE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Senior Lecturers Mrs Gail Hallissey, Imperial College Medal winner
to whom the degrees of MSc, MEd and PhD
have been awarded FIFTH GROUP
Teaching Fellows Mace Bearer, Head of the Central Secretariat,
Research Fellows
Ms Diane Morgan
Provost, Professor James Stirling
Ms Diane Morgan, President, Professor Alice P. Gast
Academic Registrar, Mr David Ashton
who delivers the
congratulatory address Chair of the Court and Council, Sir Philip Dilley
Professors of the Imperial College Business School
to graduates today, is
Associate Dean at Imperial
and the School of Professional Development
College Business School,
Ms Diane Morgan, Associate Dean of Programmes,
leading the vision and
strategy for MBA and Imperial College Business School
MSc programmes.
Professor Anu Wadhwa, Associate Professor
of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Dr Lara Cathcart, Academic Director of
MSc Finance and MSc Risk Management
and Financial Engineering
Professor James Sefton, Chair in Economics
Dr Markus Perkmann, Associate Professor
of Technology and Innovation Management
Professor Richard Green, Professor of Sustainable
Energy Business
Dr Martyn Kingsbury, Director of Educational
Development Unit

25 26
Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development Postgraduate Graduation 2017


First of all, congratulations! Graduation from Imperial College
London is a real achievement and I want to congratulate you
on this important day.

I hope that you will continue to engage with

Imperial College Business School as we work to
inspire brilliant minds to be the world’s future
business leaders. The School has gone from
strength to strength building on the achievements
of our alumni and faculty, and is now counted
among the top business schools in the world. We
have grown our faculty by over 25% in three years
and we are constantly innovating. In the next year,
we will be launching new programmes, expanding
executive education, and continuing to hire new
faculty. Stay tuned!
Finally, I am delighted to welcome you to the
Business School alumni network, which reaches
125 countries with over 14,000 members. This will
enable you to connect with a powerful network
Professor Nelson Phillips of fellow alumni, and remain in contact with the
School. So that we can help you stay in touch,
And, while we are here to celebrate your personal please make sure that our alumni team have your
success, it is also important to remember that your up-to-date contact details. You are in a unique
accomplishments would not have been possible position as an alumnus of the School, with
without the support of those who are near and a wealth of support, advice and knowledge
dear to you. Take pride in reaching this milestone, at your fingertips.
and enjoy celebrating your success together with
family and friends.
I also want to wish you all the best as you move
into the next stage of your life. Pursue your
dreams in whatever career you choose and leave Above: LaunchPad Day, Left: Dr Julio Amador,
a positive mark on the world. I look forward to in June 2016, brought Research Associate at
together over 50 exhibitors, Imperial College Business
celebrating your successes in the years to come. including some of the School, and Dr Miguel
UK’s leading start-up Molina-Solana, a Research
organisations. Attendees Associate based at the
explored how to turn Data Science Institute,
their business ideas into used big data visualisations
reality and gained insight in the Data Observatory
into start-ups in digital to analyse how people
technology, healthcare used Twitter on the eve of
and climate change. Britain’s decision to leave
the European Union and on
the night of the US election.

Left: Kristin Forbes, an

external monetary policy
committee member at the
“Pursue your dreams in Bank of England, defended
the Bank’s post-referendum
whatever career you choose measures during a guest
lecture organised by the
and leave a positive mark Brevan Howard Centre
for Financial Analysis in
on the world.” September 2016.

27 28
Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development Postgraduate Graduation 2017

MSc Finance Best Applied MSc Investment & Wealth Prize for the best overall Prize for the Best overall


Financial Research Prize Management – The Wealth performance on the Weekend performance on the MSc
Harjaspreet Mand Management Prize Executive MBA programme Innovation, Entrepreneurship
James Alexander Iain Webb Louis Atallah & Management programme

GRADUATE PRIZEWINNERS 2017 MSc Finance & Accounting –

The Accounting Prize
James Tanehsakdi
MSc Investment & Wealth
Management – The
Prize for the best overall
performance on the Full-time
Nilookie Theekshani Homer

Prize for the Best end of

Investment Strategy Prize MBA programme year report on the MSc
MSc Finance & Accounting Best Matthieu Labouche Wenxiao Chen Innovation, Entrepreneurship
Applied Financial Report Prize & Management programme
The following awards and prizes are given Nicholas Jensch MSc Investment & Wealth Prize for the Best end of year Mark Newton
to students with a record of exceptional Management Best Applied report on the Full-time MBA
MSc Finance & Accounting – Financial Report Prize programme Prize for the best overall
achievement in scholarship in the Imperial Corporate Finance Prize Kaijie Wang Wenxiao Chen Performance in Innovation
College Business School. Miaomiao Wei Sarah Pascaru and Entrepreneurship
MSc Risk Management on the MSc Innovation,
and Financial Engineering Prize for the best overall Entrepreneurship &
Outstanding Student Prize performance on the MSc Management programme
Zhiye Gu International Health Nilookie Theekshani Homer
Management programme
MSc Risk Management Rishma Abdulmajid Lalani Prize for the best overall
& Financial Engineering Performance in Innovation
best Applied Financial Prize for the best end and Entrepreneurship
Report Prize of year report on the on the MSc Innovation,
Wanqian Xie MSc International Health Entrepreneurship &
Management programme Management programme
MSc Risk Management & Kendall Sanderson Ishaan Taneja
Financial Engineering Prize Lynn Hajjar
for Financial Statistics Prize for Best Overall
Arnan Viriyavejkul Prize for the most Performance (Distance
Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Learning MBA)
MSc Strategic Marketing Jian Xun Li Flor Pena
Digital and Analytics Prize
(Stream 1) Prize for the Best Performing Prize for Best End of Year
Thu Giang Nguyen Teaching Assistant Report on the MSc Economics
Mobeen Iqbal & Strategy for Business
MSc Strategic Marketing programme
Digital and Analytics Prize Prize for the best overall Nadine Janecke
Andreas Kyriakides IBM Innovation, (Stream 2) performance on the MSc
Memorial Prize Entrepreneurship and Design Aya Gharbawi Management programme Prize for the best overall
Rishabh Kathotia Project Prize 2015 Laura Pugh Strategist on the MSc
Rustam Orazaliyev Vinu Mohan Nigel Meade Quantitative Economics & Strategy for
Nilesh Parmar Finance Prize Prize for the best end of Business programme
Best Research Project Prize Michael Christodoulou year report on the MSc Nadine Janecke
Garzoli Matteo IBM Innovation, Management programme
Silvano Ermanno Zhiye Gu Entrepreneurship and Design Numerical Finance Prize Máté Deutsch Prize for the best overall
Project Prize 2016 Weilun Yu Economist on the MSc
The David Begg Prize Faisal Dajani Prize for the best overall Economics & Strategy for
for Outstanding Performance Peter Elvidge Stochastic Calculus Prize performance in an MSc Business programme
in Economics Yiannis Gkekas Ka Yui Hui Management Pathway Alexander Graf Von Buelow
Adam Davey George Gowers Rohan Singhal Linh Anh Do
Rich Haigh Pinhui Chiang Prize for the best overall
The David Begg Prize for Zara Lababedi The Enterprise Lab supports The Timothy Heymann performance on the
Outstanding Performance Gurd Mann students and alumni to Memorial Prize for Students Prize for the best overall MSc Business Analytics
(Weekend MBA) Charaf El Mansouri develop entrepreneurial with the best examination performance in an MSc programme
George Gowers Theo Maroulakis and innovation skills. performance in health Management Pathway James Arthur Leach
Paddy McCann related topics Conor Jones
The David Begg Prize for Jane Mills Ananya Elizabeth Kundu Prize for the best end of year
Outstanding Performance Josh Moran Prize for the best overall report on the MSc Business
in Economics (FTMBA) Jonathan Short Joan Woodward Postgraduate MBA Group Consulting MSc Finance & Accounting Prize for the best overall performance in the MSc Analytics programme
Wenxiao Chen Hannah Tofteberg Memorial Prize (shared across Project prize Outstanding Student performance on the Executive Management Summer Electives Philipp Dufter
Erling L’Orsa Tveit Executive, Weekend & Global Leyla Azimova Prize MBA programme Sebastian Abecasis
The David Begg Prize for Muhammad Zaman MBA programmes) Jimena Gonzalez Mardjetko Huangguan Zhao Tejas Amin Prize for the best overall
Outstanding Performance Joel Windels Jonathan Horning Prize for the Best Overall performance on the Global
in Economics Imperial College Business Ana Cuellar Jaramillo MSc Investment & Wealth Prize for the best end of year Performance on the MSc Online MBA programme
Vinaye Ancharaz School Director’s Prize MBA Finance Prize (EMBA) Michael Rogerson Management Best Applied report on the Executive Strategic Marketing Tom Whitbrook
(Distance Learning MBA) Adam Davey Financial Report Prize MBA programme programme
The David Begg Prize Leon Schelhase MRes Business Project Prize Yiwei Wu Tim Ruthven Hieu Hung Dang Prize for the best end of year
for Outstanding Performance Yunis Salayev MBA Finance Prize (GMBA) Adam Denny report on the Global Online
on the MSc Economics Wole Toriola MSc Investment & Wealth Prize for the best end of Prize for Best Applied MBA programme
and Strategy for Business Joan Woodward Postgraduate MSc Finance Outstanding Management Outstanding year report on the Weekend Report on the MSc Strategic Tom Whitbrook
programme Memorial Prize (Full-Time MBA) MBA Finance Prize (WEMBA) Student Prize Student Prize Executive MBA programme Marketing programme Nandish Bhatt
Nadine Janecke Jimena Gonzalez Mardjetko Simon Broomfield Stefano Valeri Yucheng Liu Christine Grew Nathalie van der Eycken
Benny Zachariah

29 30
Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development Postgraduate Graduation 2017


Sarah Pascaru
Kolawole Dairo
Charles Du Cane
Wadad Chatila
Maxence Chauffour
Bing Huan Kirby Xie
Lingyue Yang

GRADUATES 2017 Lyndsey Paul

James Victor Pedder
Gwenaelle Pellerin
Kevin Elliott
Jarin Gamet
Richard Geiger
Oi Ying Cheung
Andrew Chin
Michael Christodoulou
Iloudou Zaher
Shen Zhan
Zuer Zheng
Sylvain Poncet Pardeep Grewal Chieh-Hung Chung Xi Zhou
Mariam Qadir Gerald Paul Marwan Hanna Dimitrios Daskalopoulos Chunxin Zhou
Meike Susanne Eventus Chukwuma Kalu Pierre-François Dieu Qianying Zhu
Please note that this list of names is provided for the information and interest Rahausen Hermening Samaira Kausir Khan Shilan Fang
of those attending the ceremony. It represents a list of postgraduates at the time Vaishnavi Rajendran Imran Khan Georgios Filippas MSc Finance & Accounting
Juan Carlos Ramirez Andreas Kougias Jia Fu Reyana Al Alawi
of going to press, not all of whom are attending the ceremony. Alexander Rodriguez Melo Kevin Kumarasinghe Matteo Silvano Ermanno Garzoli Alessio Anderegg
Michael Rogerson Anirban Lahiri Malek Gedeon Elli-Anna Apodiakou Koufaki
Hannah Rosquist Tofteberg Chi leng Jane Lam Sergey Gostev Chae Gyeong Bong
Jared Ruddy Choon Liew Hitesh Gulati Keith Bonjour
Diploma of Imperial Duncan Hughes-Phillips Sean Peter Symons James Morton Saajid Sahabdeen Pik Tong Sheryl Lin Nadia Habibie Keagan Bryce Borthwick
College, Master of Business Obehi Idahosa Man Chi Vivian Tam Don Laurence Anthony Pearl-Stella Sam-Orlu Pedro Lopes Paul Heron Andrew Case
Administration Reshma Jobanputra Souleymane Traore Nakandalage Alexander Sear Benjamin Lusty Wing Hin Derek Ho Wutthiyo Chanchaochai
Ronald Harry Philip Joss Sameer Trikha Denise Ozuome Jonathan Henry Terry Short Rachel Maguire Juliette Hottebart Cheng-Kai Chang
IMPERIAL COLLEGE Sanjeev Kamu Reddy Amy Hoi Yan Tsai-Lamoureux Giovanni Puddu Marius Bull Skarstein Gurdeep Singh Mann Alexis Iaponas Aner Chen
BUSINESS SCHOOL Maninder Kaur Alexandra Tsakiridi Michael Rosam Vivek Abhay Vakil Patrick McCann Ujjval Ashish Jaipuria Honghong Chi
Balal Khan Yeliz Tufekcioglu Kucukaltan Shahab Saremi Robert-Charles Van Exter Jane Mills Ameya Rahat Jerath Tomasz Leszek Chrost
Distance Learning MBA Joaquim Soares Kiteculo David Gitau Wanyoike Calvin Sellers Mohit Verma Iain Scott Morgan Arthur Johanet Liangrong Chunyu
Basil Abdi Chirag Jagdish Kotecha Fitti Guido Weissglas Vineet Kumar Singh Pui Yim April Morina Farhad Rustom Jokhi Nicolas Claret
Iyabode Abifarin Aliaksei Kustau Andrew Williams Amrinderjit Singh Yiwen Zhang Phoebe Musonda Man Fung Kenneth Junior Kan Lu Dai
Samuel F Abu Patrick Chun-Pin Lai Kaliaum Woodley Alicia Snushall Frank Hansen Tian Ze Zhou Yuka Nakamura Nilesh Manohar Jia Ying Dai
Mohammed Abu Fazaa Shuai Li Mutlu Dogus Yildirim John Vafaye Kara Anne Wylie Nicholson Khatwani Mankani Rashmi Dedigama
Olatoyosi Adekoya Isaac Kok Lit Lim Azlan Zainal Abidin Fabio Wider Executive MBA (EMBA) George Imoudu Obaze Abboud Kheir Lei Ding
Ime Adepoju Tai Loi Look Joel Windels Adeoye Alabi Olalekan Odukoya Eleni Kontosi Yiqi Dong
Adedayo Kayode Adesanmi Hironori Majima Executive MBA (WEMBA) Benny Varghese Zachariah Tejaskumar Amin Adeboyewa Odukunle Jeremy Law Thibaut Du Couedic De Kererant
Olasunmbo Adigun Jason Leigh Meager Isoken Adeghe Alexander Zarayskiy Aroon Baskaradas Eseoghene Ogbu-Sifo Cheuk Hei Lee Alexandre Farhat
Ankur Agarwal Dimitrios Miltsis Temitope Sean Akinwale Ankur Bhatnagar Kabir Olakunle Olatunde Stuart Edward Lee Sukrit Friestad
Olayide Olawonuola Ajani Hasibe Mocu Louis Atallah Full-Time MBA Richard Andrew Fergus Broderick Babajide Onifade Pakakun Leelathuwanont Poya Ghadimi
Enyinnaya Chijioke Akagha Mylène Sylvie Moreau Ikenna Awagu Esraa Al-Naib Faisal Dajani Olawale Owoeye Fangfei Li Tianshengying Gu
Olugbenga Bolarinwa Akomolafe Samuel Moss Martin Baber Alisa Anantvoranich Adam Davey David Park Derek Yan Ting Li Chenjun Guo
Owusu Afriyie Akoto Sezorin Oluwafemi Nedd Iulia Balan Sue Ann Ang Ronnie Abraham Easo Edward John Perryman Jonathan Liu Carl Hakim
Maisam Midhat Noori Al Hayali Andrew Nolan Jason Samuel Bartholomew Saleem Anwar Rana Georges Takayuki Saito Muqi Liu Zhiyao He
Ahmed Abdulsalam Albayatti Daniel Aigbonabure Oboasekhi Simon Paul Broomfield Maria Averkina El Rachkidy Lonnen Kayode Salawu Nadhira Farhana Loebis Yuan He
Philip Alexander Adetayo Babagbemi Odunsi Anna Calciolari Leila Azimova James Fox Marco Signorelli Wei Han Loh David Christopher Harry Hill
Nikolaos G Alikaniotis Sebastian Wanjala Oggema Yuk Ying Chau Hasan Okyar Bayraktar Giulia Garzilli Samuel Stafrace Bohui Lu Anh Hoang
Mahesh Amatya Irenosen Barbara Ohiwerei Claudiu Ioan Chendes Imogen Berman Ioannis Gkekas Chay Hian James Tan Ken Luo Isabella Sofie Holtze-Petersen
Samer Arafeh Olabode Olaiya Ojo Kume Chibsa Emifatmawaty Binti Ariffin Siddhartha Gupta Oyewole Toriola Amit Mamtani Shuning Hong
Alejandra Arbelaez Sierra Emeka Benjamin Okolo Fares Corbaci Benjamin Bouju Ahmad Salman Haq Abdou Toure Harjaspreet Mand Huiling Hu
Edward Arseneau Ikeazor Nnaemeka Okonkwo Alexandros Dafkos Wenxiao Chen Anish Joshi Thomas John Harry Whitbrook Lorenzo Arturo Metry Ahmed Hussain
Aribim Joyce Atebe Oyebisi Oladeji Michael Dariane Pawat Chuengsappaisan Zara Lababedi Shane Young Rui Mourinha Ruivo Nicholas Jensch
Oluwaseyi Banigbe Adegboyega Olatunde Antonio Di Mauro Ramiro De Anda Espino Piers Lambert Woon Kei Joyce Yuen Rhita Mourtada Xiaoling Jin
Timothy Luke Barraclough Elysia Ying Yee Ong Obumneke Ndudirim Ekeke Charaf El Mansouri Josh Lewsey Muhammad Zaman Pedro Nazareth Kai Jin
Khaled Sinane Barrage Chioma Onuegbu Peter Elvidge Murat Ercanli Inna Lim Oussama Zenakhri Ioannis Ntikas Ploy Jittjana
Jiunn Bay Olalekan Abiodun Owolaju Andrea Fedeli Emil Gadimaliyev Jonathan Lipton Rustam Orazaliyev Konstantina Klaoudatou
Ronnie Sean Benoit Babatunde Oladimeji Oyediran Barbara Freire De Souza Jimena Gonzalez Mardjetko Theodoros Maroulakis Aygen Öztürk Matthias Knüpfer
Osepiribo Ben-Willie Michael Paddon Sam Robert Gauntlett Pinar Gorgulu Kumar Mishra Diploma of the Imperial Guillaume Page Deting Kong
Pooyan Borzabadi Farahani Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos Prasanna Gengatharan Ye He Paul Alain Njonga College, Master of Science Michel Phaedonos Ruhua Kong
Uche Cordelia Bosah Theodoros Papagiannis Katerina Sophia Giannini Jonathan Andrew Horning Sam John Orton-Jay Gaetan Peroux Ka Yi Li
Nicholas Andrew Brown Barbara Akorobari George Gowers Ana Cristina Jaramillo Cuellar Nilesh Parmar FINANCE SUITE Dario Popadic Xiuting Li
Elena Alina Capraru Patrick-Isicheli Christine Grew Philip Jarman Natasha Harshad Patel OF PROGRAMMES Sam Pouyan Theeraphat Lim-Anubhava
Hansley Jatindev Chadee Flor Pena Martinez Richard Andrew Kemp Haigh Phinnitcha Jiranithiroj Timothy Ruthven Federico Pravettoni Yanfeng Lin
Ai Vy Natasha Chia Michael John Preddy Rami Harajli Kanika Kankan Tanvi Trehan MSc Finance Nalataporn Pusuwanaratana Weichao Liu
Afulenu Ifeoma Chukwujama Diego-Alejandro Ramirez Alexandra Henig Andre Akira Kashiwara Adeela Zeb Robin Ach Maxence Radjabi Jizhou Long
Ibironke Ibilola Dada Sohail Parves Rana Lydia Hicks Christopher Douglas Nemika Badrisingh Alain Marcus Richter Victor Rodolfo Pereira Lopes
Ifigenia Dimitriadou Rheino Redelinghuys Satoshi Hirashita Katz-Summercorn Global MBA Joe Beach Jujhar Sandhu Pakparin Louphrasitthiphol
Warda Mohamed Hassan Dirir Alla Reitsma Mark Horvat Shariq Kochhar Thamir Alhammad Alexandre Olivier Genevieve Sekwalor Kilian Niemarkt
Seema J Effendi James Christopher Relf Thomas Jamie Newton Lins De Noronha Vinaye Dey Ancharaz Thomas Beaudet Beiying Shi Wladimir Ostrovsky
Philip Ogaga Egbetho Brian Robinson Agathocles Kashis Erling L’Orsa Tveit Peace Ani Karim Sulimane Benaraïch Ci Song Nicholas Nirat Phanphensophon
Chikeziri Ndubuisi Emeagi Allyn Gareth Rogers Jeremy Kent Rory Love Antoinette Benneh Ansah Esther Benzennou Marcus Dexun Tan Julian Poehlmann
David Esteban Campillo Thomas Roudier Mark Lees Stephen Mathers Avi T Aronovitz Yvan Berthoux Hin Chi Tang Antonios Prounias
Barbara Ezeh Karim H. Sabry Daniel Leggett Idan Mizrahi Nerissa Beerbul Dennis Bews Yee Pei Teh Zina Rajjal
Shawn Constantine Ford Mojtaba Safavi Heather Mack Vinu Mohan Nandish Bhatt Kristian Borstad Qianli Tian Luca Ryser
Yu Fu Yunis Salayev Vasil Mladenov Nicole Moogalian Andrew Campbell Sandra Brekalo Kimberley Tsim Julia Salomon
Rupert John Graves Leon Schelhase James Anthony Yuen Chun Eric Ng Kian Chuan Chang Yue Cai Stefano Valeri Stefaniia Semenova
Matthew Paul Gready Joyce Sicat Bridgeman Moore Iwakazu Nishikawa Asrif Omar Che Yusoff Iban Calbete Sharanya Vimalan Jay Shirke
Mariko Hiramatsu Anant Vaibhav Singh Joshua Moran Yue Niu Pui Man Yoyo Chu Yutong Cao Yan Chi John Wong Tong Sun

31 32
Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Xiaoyang Tan Zhen He Yage Wang Hoi Kei Cheng Meng Xia Saleh Hasasna Ling Tang Xiaofei Liao
James Tanehsakdi Shi He Xiaohan Wang Alexandra Naomi Can Xu Tong He Karim Tannir Wei Wern Loo
Thanyakan Thamphetrarak Chong He Zheng Wang Denyse Dangoor Xin Xu Jin Huang Shi An Teh Han Mao
Abhisada Vanichprasertporn Lars Ivan Helfenstein Chen Wang Oliver Dean Si Ho Yam Skotlastika Indasari Claire Thormann Mia Mayer
Ria Rajkumar Wadhwa Wadhwa Bernard Hoe Peiqiang Wang Ludovico Donato Jiayuan Yang Albertus Irianto Lawrence Tilli Mandlenkosi Moyo
Naomi Wai Zibin Huang Yifei Wang Julien Ducor Yun Yang Faraj Jabbour Fang Tong Azlan Nazari
Xingsu Wang Yujia Huang Shen Wang Jiajia Fang Wei Jin Yang Jayaganesh Janardhanan Lorenzo Traversa Somto Okoye
Xinwei Wang Yatong Huang Haoming Wang Ya Gao Yao Yang Nadine Janecke Augustin Vérot Ee Hui Ooi
Miaomiao Wei Lida Huang Yangguang Wang Jiaqi Gou Zhouhui Ye Yu Ji Ann-Kristin Juliane Maria Vetter Yunyue Pan
Zhimei Wen Yifan Huang Liwan Wang Sushim Gunessee Ruolin Yin Siyuan Jiang Olivia Eva Valeska Yue Peng
Won-Tek Woo Jiajie Huang Jiaxin Wang Xielin Guo Hong Zhang Jin Jin Von Sury D’Aspremont Valentin Marcel Poirelle
Anqi Xu Yunsuh Huh Haonan Wang Fuad Guseynov Zihan Zhang Dominika Kampa Viktoria Voss Cheuk Kin Poon
Niannian Xue Pok Yin Hui Yongwei Wang Mary Hadjigavriel Shujie Zhao Sofie Emilie Kamsvåg Karl Wadia Lu Qi
Jiarui Yang Ka Yiu Hui King Shun Wong Yichi Han Xi Zheng Anastasios Karadimos Franz Wagner Shruti Ramaprasad
Yujia Yang James Jackson Shengchaun Wu Yawei He Chenglin Zhong Paolo Liel Karpel Yunda Wang Yujia Ren
Yi You Kejie Jia Tao Wu Panuwat Hirunpatawong Yizhao Zhu Eleni Korta Yinren Wang Edoardo Rossello
Kaiyuan Yu Lu Jiang Yimiao Xiao Nam Hoai Hoang Andriana Kozar Xiaoyi Wang Neha Sharma
Dhwanit Zaveri Yu Jin Wanqian Xie Shuyun Hou Ho Suen Lam Naila Waseem Christina Vaki
Liting Zhang Kailin Jin Jianing Xiong Yuwei Hsu Diploma of the Imperial Romain Lanfranchi Ahmed Elias Wessin Romero Niccolo Valerio
Huangguan Zhao Chengyuan Jin Jian Xiong John Jenkins College, Master of Science Jonathan Lee Lo Wong Huiyan Wan
Chenchao Zhou Zhuo Kang Fanghao Xu Tonglin Jiang Guanghua Li Tung Ling Wong Robert Whiffin
Yue Zhu Rishabh Kathotia Sirui Xu Magali Keller MANAGEMENT SUITE Muyun Li Tiffany Wong John Wisnioski
Nicolas Konow Ruilin Xu Sean Kelly OF PROGRAMMES Pan Li Sui Wu Ka Chung Wu
MSc Risk Management & Efthymios Angelos Kouzelis Jing Xu Nijin Kong Yeji Li Ching Yi Wu Li Xu
Financial Engineering Wioletta Mai Krejner Jiajie Xu Matthieu Labouche MSc Economics & Strategy Siyu Liang Hao Wu Irfan Zaini Zainudin
Xiaoxi Bai Wioletta Mai Krejner Fan Xu Shen Li for Business Xiao Lin Alexandra Wyatt Ying Zhang
Alix Barbier Saint Hilaire Souleiman Lazrak Duchunzi Xu Yao Li Mikel Abi Ramia Chenglin Lin Renjie Xiao Ying Zhou
Yang Yang Bay Antonino Leonardi Shutian Xue Cheng Yuan Li Abodunrin Abidoye Han Liu Xin Xie Jonathan Zimmermann
Hassan Bin Tariq Sufan Li Xiaohan Xue Huandi Lin Salman Alarayedh Xiaochen Liu Yuanyuan Xu
Nornabilah Husna Binti Daike Li Yeyi Yang Simian Lin Latifah Albahar Zhaoyan Liu Liangting Yang MSc Innovation,
Mohammad Fuad Wanying Li Xujie Yang Yi Ling Gustaf Amle Liping Liu Ziqing Yang Entrepreneurship &
Theodór Blöndal Tai Li Tian Yang Yucheng Liu Ifedayo Teniola Animashaun Chi-Yun Lu Boya Yang Management
Olivier Boisserie Chenyang Li Shuqi Yang Yuen Yan Lo Alessandro Cesare Mingyao Lu Altug Yildiz Jemima Toyosi Adeyemi
Jingjing Cai Juntao Lin Ruiqi Yang Ruolang Luo Filippo Aondio Chris Meyer Zuoyang Yuan Tolulope Ayomide Agbeyo
Kai Tao Chen Chen Ling Xinyi Yao Joseph Guozheng Lye Kinnata Nikko Arjuna Fabian Mielsch Yaoyin Zhang Ambuj Agrawal
Mengxin Chen Huajun Liu Robert Daniel Yechoua Koki Maeoka Hussam Bakkar Ge Mu Boyuan Zhang Abdel Raouf Al Rawabdeh
Shuo Chen Di Lu Xiaorong Yin Wai Hay Mang Huayue Bao Kamilya Nauryzbek Yuchen Zhang Omeir Almheiri
Minghe Chen Zhiwei Lu Weilun Yu Charlton Martin Awwal Bello Piotr Norwa Yue Zhang Dina Alnabulsi
Yangxin Chen Xi Lu Hongbo Yuan Nattapat Mekdhanasarn Viktor Erik Bertilsson Chiwuike Nwokenna Jinshuo Zhang Indina Asri Andamari
Xinyi Chen Yayang Luo Jue Yuan Krystof Mincev Paolo Daniel Bollag Oludamilola Omisore Yu Zhang Ojuolape Ikeola Arojo
Chiao-Ling Chen Megan Lyons Yuhao Zang Hansi Mo Mantas Budrikas Jan Yi Ling Ong Chuhong Zhang Afopefoluwa Olamide Atoyebi
Xi Cheng Tianming Ma Xiyao Zhang Ho Ming Nicholas Ng Daniyar Bylkylov Evelyn Ostertag Mingying Zheng Nour El-Yamine Bachir
Darshan Chheda Yanjun Mao Liuhui Zhang Trang Nghiem Valeria Cadena Nieto Yeye Ouyang Weilu Zhou Farah Bandukwalla
Sunil Sagor Chowdhury Amine Mejjati Alami Chen Zhang Stephen Norris Qing Hao Chan Chen Pan Minting Zhu Antonella Benhamou
Hui Jing Chuah Phoonlarp Mekraksakit Zijian Zhang Ye Pan Jiawei Chang Chen Peng Chenjie Zhu Priya Bhagani
Wei Cui Giacomo Maria Mustarelli Yu Zhang Yotin Paraphasu Xueyuan Chen Jan Philipp Xinjie Zou Sach Bhansali
Wenjie Cui Bartosz Nurzynski Bo Zhang Tong Pei Hong Chen Francisco Jose Planas Aikaterini Bika
Mengying Dai Wenxin Pan Yifan Zhang Noor Dean Rajab Yiyuan Chen Jiyuan Ren MSc Business Analytics Claire Caillaux
Xiaoqi Deng Shyam Patel Ying Zhang Antonio Rizzo Man Wui Chum Leopold Simon Günter Ried Muneeb Alam Athena Casarotto
Jérémy Desir Elena Patsali Zhuoran Zhang Claudia Roden Alexandre Clemente Karin Astrid Rutschmann Ramila Alasgarova Yousef Chahien
Antonios Dimitriadis Luka Perisic Manqi Zhao Philippe Sassoon Antonia Sophie Christiane Cramer Lucas Michael Rydell Fatemeh Arbab Wei Jen Chao
Luke Dowling Sarut Phongpetra Miao Zheng Chenyi Shan Shaoqian Deng Victoria Saez-Benito Seungchan Baik Jeanne Charbit Dunoyer
Tianhui Fan Xuan Qi Wenjun Zhou Jianan Si Fernando Dias Benjamin Decio Santucci Christopher Thomas Bradshaw Xiqiuzi Chen
Zihao Fang Chen Qian Xichen Zhu Jiawei Song Leo Jude Dolan Rasheed Sarumi Tinatini Buturishvili Olivia Annie Cheucle
Shuobo Feng Sainam Roekworachai Banglong Zhu Shameek Sookye Nishita Floral D’Souza David Valentin Schaerer Yi Chang Olivia Andrea Coelho Pimenta
Xin Feng Vibeke Greby Schmidt Shijun Zhu Fabien Angelo Steiner Naina Dugar Alexander Schult Junhong Chen James David Crothers
Alexandros Fragkiadakis Kit Sham Xinxin Zhuang Samuel Oliver Stern David Francis Gordon Elias Ka Chun Se Philipp Dufter Henriette De Boer
Chee Yiap Gan Ying Shi Xiaowen Su Kaivan Faria Kelly-Ann Sehnaoui Maria Athena Beatrice Engesaeth Farah Ehsan
Qinwen Gao Ying Shi MSc Investment & Wealth Zhu Sun Minyi Feng Jiaying Shen Joachim Michael Ernst Sara Feiz
Chen Gao Jonathan Singh Management Jiaping Sun Joshua Filler Chaoyi Sheng Fabaiha Farooq Paul Fries
Jianle Gao Rohan Singhal Amina Alderazi Surui Sun Shuang Fu Enze Shi Hoa Phuong Giang Caroline Fuerstenberg
Yue Gao Xuanyu Song Natalia Bakhir Li Tan Stefanie Karin Gerhart Siqi Song Galliane Gobenceaux Andrea Guevara Gasca
Xinyi Ge Ruochen Su Nada Banna Sophie Tremblay-Sabatini Mitchell Gettis Sharan Soni Saranya Govindan Brandon Louis Gunawan
Shuang Geng Yu Sun Drew Alexander Scott Barnden Pablo Valderrabano Meral Goekmen Yan Su Julian Hohlweg Hang Guo
Zhiye Gu Chin Hong Sze Bayartbileg Bayaraa Gomez-Pinto Valerie Goh Yuting Sun Wilson Kakai Xinyu Guo
Chengqi Gu Tatti Tangjitcharoen Guido Cafaggi Yardpiroon Vilaipornrattana Alexander Wichard Hartwig Dixi Sun Ioannis Filippos Kanellopoulos Hongyu He
Yuchao Gu Xiwen Tao Biwei Cai Kaijie Wang Graf Von Buelow Pornpisut Suntiviriyapadung Aamir Ahmed Khan Rolf Heide-Ottosen
Xiufeng Guo Yuze Tong Daryl Chan James Alexander Iain Webb Henry Gros Sujaree Sutasthumkul Siangyang Lau Sing Wai Kurtise Ho
Daniel Hakim Vasileios Ventouris Yoke Cheah Lulu Wei Minyi Gu Fangming Tan James Arthur Leach Nilookie Theekshani Homer
Yi Hang Arnan Viriyavejkul Liuyi Chen Jonathan White Melike Güler Baifu Tang Anne Elizabeth Jin Lee Weiyao Hong
Saul Richard Hathaway Panagiotis Vogiatzis Liang Chen Yiwei Wu Susanne Hartmann Yuqing Tang Jone Chun Leung Marios Italos

33 34
Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Mukunda Valli Somisetti Felix Goodman Mahima Razdan Wei-Chung Chang Tianqing Liang Paloma Urquijo Zobel
Marie Anne Karin Mathilde Tilly Victoria Grzymek Catarina Rebelo De Morais Guerra Yongmin Chen Shenghan Liao Valeria Vallone
Chun-Wei Tsai Shuwen Guan Soheb Ahmed Roomi Yuxuan Chen Nan Lin Nathalie Van Der Eycken
Sigourney Waibel Zakariya Hadejia Matthew Russell-Cheung Kewei Chen Shen Lin Alejandra Vandromme Castillo
Johnny Wells Ahmadreza Hajighorbani Takuya Saito Yulu Chen Wenjia Lin Merve Varli
Tin Yan Beatrix Wu Marcus Hanna Donia Salama Pavel Chernyshev Lanhao Liu Ivie Vasilopoulou
Halima Yakubu Henry Augustine Shachi Saraf Claire Theresa Cranston-Selby Chuhan Liu James Victor
Polson Po Sung Yue Tidswell Hannaford Rajat Sarda Datonye Bekinbo Dagogo-Jack Sixian Liu Patcharapak Vidhayasarana
Jordan Harris Capucine Mathilde Aude Schegin Jinxue Dai Sisi Liu Natnicha Virameteekul
MSc Management Mohamed Nassif Hassoun Alisa Selezneva Hieu Hung Dang Yefei Liu Simran Wadhwani
Sebastian Abecasis Arandeep Singh Heer Anusha Shammi Mahtani Shurabhi Das Junyi Lu Yige Wang
Antonio Abrantes Coulibaly Alice Marjorie Hubener Zhaochen Shan Ilaria Dell’Acqua Xin Luo Aileen Wang
Zaina Abu Shullaih Michael Hills Oliver Sherborne Nichapa Dhamabutra Tara MacBain Ying Wang
Dr Catherine Mulligan, Research Fellow in the
Charlotte Sijibomi Adeyemi Oliver Hopkins Henry Spencer Carolina Díaz Aline Jane Madaghjian Nathan Wang
Innovation and Entrepreneurship department
and Associate Director of the Centre for
Umang Agarwal Chee Sing How Rory Stafford Lambros Efstathiou Aditya Mahardhika Yaxi Wang
Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering. Ayushi Aggarwal Mengyao Hu Valeria Stepantsova Aicha El Khettab Yiya Mao Noppawan Wangkicharoenkul
Ali Ajmal Nicole Stephanie Jaquemet Weiwei Sun Lynn El Ladki Aspasia Mastromina Yi Yin Wu
David Ayobami Osagie Alabi Chaohui Jin Shanhang Sun Khaled El Rifai Federica Mazza Danyu Wu
Gintare Jancyte Maxine Wille Yvenn Amara-Ouali Niki Joannides Nutcha Taechanuruk Tracy Lee Elzoghbi Viraj Mehta Xiaoying Xie
Lijia Ju Iat Seng Yeung Elisabeth Amyot Conor Jones Yiru Tao Margarida Fernandes Ni Mei Siying Xiong
Michael Kafetzis Chen Zheng Kittiphon Anekpong Monica Julianti Lawrence Silvio Terracciano Boonvipa Foorungsriroj Olivia Memmi Jiajing Xu
Ayse Seyyide Kaptaner Chor Yuan Ang Sarvashreshth Kalash Patsaporn Thepsuwan Alexandra Furet Nader Mohammed Chang Yang
Katharina Khadjavi MSc International Health Juhi Ashtputre Rena Kayali John Tollemache Mengxin Gao Omar Mourad Chen-Yu Yu
Gabriella Khoury Management Anna Babiej Alice Kent Christopher Matthew Toomey Abdolrahman Ghaffari Marandi Priyashi Nahata Laura Zambon
Si Nok Kuok Shola Abbasova Natalia Bao Chen Faizan Kamran Khan Jacklyn Trejo Aya Gharbawi Preetika Vijay Nair Ekaterina Zanozina
Shiyue Lan Oyinkansola Esther Akanbi Andhika Yahya Arpan Khandelwal Clara Vanni D’Archirafi Raissa Ghosn Barbara Nemethova Lei Zhang
Evan Leary Ibiyinka Akinnola Santiago Baramuli Peter Koczerzat Natnaree Vasunirachorn Nataliya Golubovich Thu Giang Nguyen Yi Zhang
Shu Han Lee Milena Aksentijevich Aurelia Barbieri Theepan Kunathees Xiang Wang Robert Akira Graves Feiying Ni Yiwen Zhang
Ariel Lerner Maria Al Ghorayeb Julien Bauduin Kristina Braut Kyllingstad Mian Wang Jiaqi Guo Marija Nikcevic Zihao Zhang
Wei Li Bandar Aleissa Camilia Berrada Ingrid Lange Danyan Wang Ridhi Gupta Rae Okpu Siming Zheng
Yanxi Li Carla Bedran Deepak Bhalla Arman Lari Jialei Wang Rami Sharif O H Hachicho Ingrid Ombregt Jingyi Zhou
Harriet Loach Omar Bhakri Wern Tchern John Bin Jennifer Lau Alexander Warnakulasuriya Mona Halawi Celine Omeira Mo Zhou
Cedric Meston Sriya Bodapati Jay Borkhataria David Leahy James Robert Whiteley Lena Marie Hansen Shane O’Rourke Ge Zhou
Amin Monem Dorabad Helen Bowen Wright Jules Bouscatel Keat Li Lee Madeline Nicola Williams Shuying He Maria Paz Palla Valiente Yanru Zhu
Saiyad Aftharb Omar Mowlana Miriam Cabib Damien Brame Liuzhen Li Jason Pok Hei Wong Weiyang He Margaux Pascual
Yaruq Nadeem Madhurima Chakraborty Vittorio Cannizzaro Xiangfei Li Xinzhe Xie Jiaxi He Neha Rajendra Pate
Albert Nassar Claudia Chan Rexhino Cekrezi Da Li Yiqi Yan Jinyi He Anna Pawlak Diploma of the Imperial
Jonathan Natzel Rachel Anne Clancy Dominic Ming Hon Chan Ming Jun Lim Bertram Ross Yap Ho-Hsin Hsu Tao Peng College, Master of Science,
Mark Newton Melissa Egle Vikram Chaudhuri Yayi Liu Daniel Yates Fan Hu Karn Piluntanadilok Master of Research
Yu Hin Ng Filippo Mario Gerber Linjia Chen Yicheng Liu Marina Yoshimoto Celine Hummel Carolina Dimitra Plexidas
Yuk Lun Ng Carissa Gilbert Cheng Chen Alvaro Llanza Weiyi Yu Ankita Israney Jutarat Reunsukh Business
Kalyaporn Ngamvinitchai Konstantinos Gougoulakis Xi Chen Nikitha Lynus Ho-Ning Yu Bassima Sima Jaber Philippine Reys Sandra Bernick
Célia Lina Florella Novello Lynn Hajjar Yi Chen Anna Masten Ho Yuen Enrico Jaede Katherine Rowland Francesco Capponi
Chukwumela George Okoroma Kunlin Jie Zhi Chen Divya Mathew Emma Lyndsey Yule Harshita Naresh Kumar Jagasha Leilani S C Pao Quentin Coutellier
Xiaomei Ouyang Mohamad Kobrosly Lok Kiu Cheng Vikram Matthai Nicolas Zalcberg Frajhof Himanshu Jain Jeyla Sadikhova Adam Denny
Nadia Panalak Chak Kwan James Ku Mei-Hsin Cheng Mario Mattioli Jennifer Maissa Zard Radhika Jindal Sorakrit Sakulmaharerk Tamar Gomez
Mehek Premjee Ananya Kundu Kai Ho Cheung Layla Mesforoush Zhiwei Zeng Dragan Josifovski Maria Camila Salazar Mara Guerra
Jason Rine Rishma Abdulmajid Lalani Pinhui Chiang Haggai Moalem Nikolaos Zervoudis Busra Karamanci Michael Sammer Stanislav Kucherenko
Rory Ryan Marco Lammendola Jidapa Cholsaranont Hee Ra Moon Aiyu Zhang Rekhansh Karamchandani Pataraporn Sawamiphakdi Krystal Lau
Zain Said Si Man Lao Shuning Chu Karina Morrison Que Zheng Noor Hira Khalid Waheed Anne Marie Colette Sebton Zaici Li
Aziz Izzat Aziz Sajdi Chihei Li Pitchapa Chuenpridi Ramil Nafikov Shuying Zhong Soravis Kheawchaoom Udaya Sehgal Marine Mograbyan
Leila Samii Yi-Ching Lin Man Yuk Carmen Chung Alexander Daniel Nairne Wenjie Zhou Alison Khoi Saanya Sharma Hormoz Ramian
Daniya Sardar Nikolaos Louris Felix Cohen Himadeep Nallavadla Zachary Kingston Krishita Viresh Sheth Oren Schneorson
Mengfan Sheng Thandie Lungu Hunt Collings Eyo Ndem MSc Strategic Marketing Michelle Koehler Alberti Ganna Shumska Laurens Vandeweghe
Vincent Yu Shiao Zixiao Ma Máté Deutsch Camille Ng Nourhan Abou El Enin Gabriela Lubomirova Silvia Sigrist
Nikhil Kumar Simharaju Juliana Neumann Annalisa Di Corcia Quyen Ngoc Nguyen Rose Abu Dabat Kostadinova Abhay Singh
Chetan Sood Yuriko Nishikawa Eleni Laurence Dimitriou Chinju Nwankwo Hayder Al-Mazraqchi Hugo Krall Anahita Smeets Diploma of the Imperial
Chrisanthy Surya Jubril Odulana Linh Anh Do Sumiro Oemar Lara Al-Sabti Rebecca Sophia Kriegbaum Jie Song College, Doctor of Philosophy
Nurul Parameswari Susantono Ngozi Ada Ijeoma Ofong Rebecca Dorgham Alana O’Kirwan Gianita Andriana Maria Kristalinskaya Charlotte Florence Spillman
Ishaan Taneja Nkemamaka Cynthia Okonkwo Wanzi Dou Oluwabusayo Onome Oyetunji Marie Constance Arguello Gozde Kucukcan Katarina Stefansson IMPERIAL COLLEGE
Xinyi Tang Nicole Xin Yun Ong Sufjan Doula Jessica Padilla-Sanchez Gerardo Babatz Lemus Chi Hei Crystl Kung Emilie Anker Stordalen BUSINESS SCHOOL
Narudom Techaval Peace Oruma Emmanuel Economides Vasiliki-Aspasia Papachristou Nitya Balagopal Hanyue Lai Kevin Michael Sturm
Chloe Teh Meric Oztap Charlotte Effah Stefania Papadopoulou Karolina Barasneviciute Sara Lattouf Linda Marianna Szymanska Christopher Corbishley
Veerinda Thanasirisate Constantina Patsalou Ahmed El Berdai Misha Patel Francesca Barbieri Shaina Laughlin Yasmina Tahan Lien Marc C De Cuyper
Evangelia Thoukidides Nyankhundi Phiri Nadim El-Khalil Cherng Zheng Daryl Pek Shishir Bhanot Mathias Laursen Yujuan Tan Jyun Fu
Mei Yu Tse Samantha Pinheiro Sijia Feng Vatunyu Pholsen Aishwarya Bhatia Wan-Jen Lee Tancrede Tancrede Le Merrer James Grant
Chanodom Utsahajit Siti Salma Ramli Matthew Freeman Diana Pichurkina Bee Binitie Ines Leitao Henriques Prachi Thakur Rahul Kumar
Sebastien Vandenheste Asrah Rasool Liyuan Fu Laura Pugh Stefan Robert Louis Bisoux Sing Tung Leung Chavisa Theppadungporn Caterina Lepore
Yuzhu Wan Kendall Sanderson Timothee Gallot Carwyn Rahman Camille Boillot Yutong Li Marlin Tiyabhorn Jianxun Li
Lauren Gloria Warner Aman Shah Timur Gazizullin Ren Ran Pauline Maria Helena Borg Yixuan Li Flavia Torrado Pacheco Yining Shi
Eliott Wertheimer Samiha Sokar Dhruva Goel Nicole Rapeport Nicola Catanzano Shihan Li Monika Tumaite Yang Zhang

35 36
Imperial College Business School and School of Professional Development Postgraduate Graduation 2017


It is with pleasure that I offer my congratulations to you on your great
achievement. As students in the School of Professional Development
you have had the unique opportunity of studying humanities-oriented The following awards and prizes are given
subjects in a science, engineering, medicine and business environment. to students with a record of exceptional
achievement in scholarship in the Faculty
46 students are graduating from the Science of Natural Sciences.
Communication Unit, now celebrating its 25th
year. A recognised world leader, its courses offer
a unique mix where serious humanities and MEd University Learning The Rees Rawlings PG Cert
social science critique is combined with industry- and Teaching Dissertation ULT Prize 2014
level practical skills in TV and radio production, Prize 2016 Vicky Salem
journalism, exhibition design and web design. Elizabeth Hauke
Its 700 alumni are working in all areas of science
The Routledge Education
media, in policy, in museums and in public Prize 2015
engagement, and are making a difference. Its Elizabeth Hauke
particular style of teaching, which celebrates
the collaborative and creative instincts of our
students, breeds a particular type of science
communicator: thoughtful, critical, imaginative.
Today we welcome back the students of the

2015–16 cohort and we look forward to the
Professor Simone Buitendijk contribution these talented and inspiring people
will make to science-society relations.

Three PhD students are graduating from I am very proud of the achievements of all
the students of the School of Professional
the Centre for Languages, Culture and
Communication, with theses entitled ‘Creativity Development and will be celebrating with
in the Malaysian ESL curriculum: Policy and you today as you graduate and join the lifelong
implementation’; ‘Shanghai’s public culture Imperial alumni community. I wish you and Please note that this list of names is provided for the information and interest
during Japanese occupation period: Yang Jiang’s your supporters a truly special day. of those attending the ceremony. It represents a list of postgraduates at the time
comedies’ reception and transformation of Jane of going to press, not all of whom are attending the ceremony.
Austen’s comedy art’; and ‘Gendering Egypt’s
January 2011 Revolution: The state, feminism,
and competing for the Egyptian nation’.
Diploma of the Imperial Mary-Laine Friday Naomi Maria Stewart Diploma of the Imperial
Seven students graduate today from the College, Master of Science Abigail Glading Neil Graham Stoker College, Doctor of Philosophy
Educational Development Unit with a Masters Marianne Guenot Miquel Sureda Anfres
in University Learning and Education, helping
to deepen their own teaching, learning and Greta Keenan Kate Whittington
educational leadership as well as being Alberto Allica Natasha Khaleeq Joanna Sally Wolstenholme Huzaina Abdul Halim
ambassadors for the learning and teaching Yara Al-Rajeh Hilary Lamb Hei Tung Wong Hiu Yan Cheung
community at Imperial. Federico Barni William Oliver Latter Ahmed Kadry
Gabriella Beer Jun Rong Li
James Bowers Cheyenne Asia Mccray Diploma of the Imperial
Richard Breislin Flora Mccrone College, Master of Education
“I will be celebrating with James Jonathan Ashworth Brown
Rosemary Cafferkey
Aidan Patrick Mcguckin
you today as you graduate Alexandra Cauvi Zoe Ohman TEACHING
Maria De Los Angeles Harry Pettit
and join the lifelong Imperial Codina Relat Olivia Grace Isabel Philipps Caroline Clewley
alumni community” Sarah Cowen-Rivers
Charlotte Elizabeth Dodwell
Ian Sillett
Daniel Ricardo Silva Luna
Elizabeth Hauke
Harry Krishnan
Wilko Duprez Abigail Skinner Ahmed Moolla
Ms Giskin Day, Principal Teaching Fellow
Ellyw Evans Eva Maria Spievogel Vicky Salem
in the School of Professional Development,
with Science Communication student George Filsell Caroline Steel Graeme Wilson
Susan O’Sullivan. Erin Frick Eleonora Steinberg Sagen Zac-Varghese

37 38
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Graduation 2017


AND FACULTY OF MEDICINE: The company rises when the Procession enters the hall and remains standing
until the Chair of the Court and Council is seated.


ORDER OF PROCESSION Student Presidents

College Secretary and Registrar and Clerk to
the Court and to the Council, Mr John Neilson
Vice-Provost (Education),
Faculty Operating Officer, Ms Nazia Hirjee
Professor Simone Buitendijk
Order of Ceremony Wardens
Professor Maggie Dallman, Associate Provost
College Tutors (Academic Partnerships)
13.45 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine
Readers Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Professor Tom Welton
STUDENT ORATOR The Vice-Provost (Education) presents: Professor Gavin Screaton
President, Imperial College Union – Dr Harriet Gliddon Teaching Fellows
Professor Roger Kneebone and Dr Fernando Bello,
Mr Nas Andriopoulos – Ms Franca Hoffmann
Research Fellows President’s Medal for Excellence in
– Dr Nathalie McDermott
Societal Engagement
President, Professor Alice P. Gast PRESENTATION OF THE RECIPIENTS Mr Paul Brown, President’s Medal
Academic Registrar, Mr David Ashton
OF THE PRESIDENT’S MEDAL for Research Support Excellence
PRESENTATION OF POSTGRADUATES FROM The Vice-Provost (Education) presents: Professors of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Professor Sara Rankin,
THE FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES – Mr Paul Brown (Research Support Excellence) and the Faculty of Medicine
Imperial College Medal winner
to whom the degrees of MSc, MRes, MPhil
Head of Department, Centre for Environmental
and PhD have been awarded The Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships) Professor David Holden,
Policy, Professor Mark Burgman
presents: Regius Professorship recipient
MUSICAL INTERLUDE – Imperial College Centre for Engagement Head of Department, Chemistry,
Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz,
Gigue from Partita No 2 in D minor for solo violin and Simulation Science (Excellence in Professor Alan Armstrong
Honorary Degree recipient
Johann Sebastian Bach Societal Engagement)
Head of Department, Life Sciences,
Solo performed by Tudor Trita
Professor Anne Dell FIFTH GROUP
Mace Bearer, Head of the Central Secretariat,
The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine requests the Director of Postgraduate Studies,
Mr Jon Hancock
PRESENTATION OF THE POSTGRADUATES President to award the Imperial College Medal Mathematics, Professor Henrik Jensen
FROM THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE to Professor Sara Rankin Provost, Professor James Stirling
Head of Department, Physics,
to whom the degrees of MSc, MPH, MRes, MEd,
Professor Jordan Nash President, Professor Alice P. Gast
The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine requests Professor Myra McClure, Senior College Consul, Chair of the Court and Council, Sir Philip Dilley
CONGRATULATORY ADDRESS TO GRADUATES the President to award the title of Regius Faculty of Medicine
Professor Sara Rankin Professorship of Imperial College London to
Professor Terry Tetley, College Consul
Professor David Holden
(non-clinical), Faculty of Medicine
Professor Sara Rankin,
who delivers the PRESENTATION OF THE HONORARY GRADUATE Professor Desmond Johnston, Vice-Dean
congratulatory address The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine requests (Education), Faculty of Medicine
to graduates today, is
Professor of Leukocyte
the President to confer the Degree of Doctor of
and Stem Cell Biology in Science honoris causa of Imperial College London
the National Heart & Lung on Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz
Institute at Imperial
College London.
Chair of the Court and Council, Sir Philip Dilley



39 40
Faculty of Natural Sciences Postgraduate Graduation 2017


Left: Professor Pietro Spanu with postgraduate students.
Professor Spanu’s research group explores the molecular
biology, development and pathogenicity of filamentous

fungi that infect plants.

Far left: Members of the Tom Coates Pure Mathematics

research group meet to discuss the arrangement
of surfaces within a curved three-dimensional space.

Below: Ms Helen O’Brien of the Department of Physics

Congratulations to all of you on your great success that we are here with the magnetometer instrument that will be used on
to celebrate today. Surrounded by your friends and families, who have the European Space Agency Solar Orbiter mission in 2019.
The instrument, built at Imperial, will measure the Sun’s
supported you during your time here, you can be justly proud. magnetic field in interplanetary space.

“Postgraduate study is not easy;

it requires dedication, hard work
and a sustained intellectual effort,
over many months or years.”
As postgraduate students, you were a vital part
of this extraordinary community. As alumni, your
connection endures. I encourage you to keep
in touch. Explore our programme of lectures.
Make use of our alumni networks. Join the Royal
College of Science Association. Give back as
a volunteer or donate to support those who Research income
in 2014–15:
follow in your footsteps. However you choose
£75 million
to keep connected, know that your experience
and expertise are vital to our future success.
Professor Tom Welton
I would also like to thank your family, friends
Number of staff:
and colleagues for the support they showed 1,419
The Faculty of Natural Sciences is also proud
you – another example of the great things that
of your achievement. Postgraduate study is not
can be achieved when we work together.
easy; it requires dedication, hard work and a
sustained intellectual effort, over many months I congratulate you once again on your success,
Number of
or years. You have risen to that challenge and and wish you the best for the future, wherever
students: 4,787
you have excelled. I am honoured to have this your ambitions take you.
opportunity to celebrate with you today.
In the Faculty of Natural Sciences you, our
students, are among the world’s most talented,
driven and bright. For example, Chemical Biology
PhD student Alex Bond, co-founder of FreshCheck,
and Grantham PhD student Florence Gschwend,
co-founder of Chrysalis Technologies, have been
featured in this year’s Forbes Europe 30-under-30
list (FreshCheck has created a simple colour-
change system for food packaging that can alert
the consumer when food has spoiled, Chrysalis
Technologies seeks to treat and transform waste
wood material into fuel).
As a community we come together to transcend
departmental boundaries, pooling our talents to
find the best solutions to some of the greatest
challenges of our time. While you have been
here, our statisticians have led the programme
on Data Centric Engineering at the Alan Turing
Institute and Professor Jim Skea from the
Centre for Environmental Policy is Co-Chair of
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) Working Group III, responsible for drafting
its mitigation and emission reduction strategies.

41 42
Faculty of Natural Sciences Postgraduate Graduation 2017


The following awards and prizes are given
to students with a record of exceptional The Imperial College Advanced
Hackspace Demo Day in March
achievement in scholarship in the Faculty 2017 gave student makers at
of Natural Sciences. the College an opportunity to
demonstrate their technology
and science-based innovations.

Abdus Salam Centenary Prize for MRes Graham Mathews Prize

Postgraduate Prize Structural Molecular Biology James Warren
Jonathan En Ze Lee Sabrina Slater
Graham Mathews Prize
Adnams Prize Centenary Prize for MRes Claire Theresa Boothby
Frances Gillian Clare Owen Systems and Synthetic
Biology Illumina Prize
Adrian Sutton Prize Michael Crone George Joseph Powell
Maciej Jarocki Paul Rutten Jean Vila

AECOM Prize Centenary Prize for MRes Innovation Award for MSc
Thomas James Evans Tropical Forest Ecology in Applied Biosciences and
Ross Robert Fairgrieve Ross Edward James Gray Biotechnology
Albena Ivanova Padmakshi Agarwal
Centenary Prize for MSc
Anne Thorne Thesis Prize in Applied Biosciences Joseph Hooker Prize
David Mack and Biotechnology Hollie Booth
Isabel Rabey Indigo Pratt Kelly
Marion Laguette Julian Huxley Prize
Arcadis Water Joss Patrick Lyons-White
Management Prize Charlotte Rich Memorial
Aisha Gloudon Prize for Water and Waste Lord Porter Prize
Ariane Elsa Laporte-Bisquit Management Francesca Vianello
Elizabeth Macmanus Alexios Papadopoulos
Timothy Poole Major Contribution to the Life
Attenborough Prize of the Theory and Simulation
Ans Vercammen Colt Foundation Prize of Materials Centre for
Marko Ristic-Smith Doctoral Training (2013)
AWE PhD Prize for Excellence Vincent Chen
Kristjan Poder Department of
Mathematics Prize Major Contribution to the Life
Bell Prize Yudie Du of the Theory and Simulation
Timothy Rhys Hedgeland of Materials Centre for
Director’s Prize Doctoral Training (2014)
Blackett Laboratory – Industry Abby Casey Thomas Edwards
Club Thesis Prize Jorge Costa Dantas Faria Mark Seller Certificate MSc Taxonomy and Sigma-Aldrich Prize The Outstanding PhD Winton Capital Prize for the
Jizhong Yao Thomas Hodsden Major Contribution to the Life of Excellence Biodiversity Prize Simon Hunter in Chemistry Award Best MSc Statistics Student
of the Theory and Simulation Jasmine Bickel Roseanne Chenery Daniel Malko Cian Naik
Centenary Prize for MRes Environmental Resources of Materials Centre for Sir Alan Fersht Prize Morgane Vacher Adrien Payan
Cellular and Molecular Basis Management Prize Doctoral Training (2014) MRes Biosystematics Prize Nanomaterials Prize Philipp Jurijvic Rhein
of Infection Sergiu George Jiduc Ali Hammad Le Qin Choo Steven Sim The Royal Statistical Winton Capital Prize for the
Freja Kirsebom Marc Vila Tusell Sir Peter Knight Prize Society Prize Best PhD Thesis in Physics
GCE Prize for best Major Contribution to the Life MRes Green Chemistry Zoe Holmes Paraskevi Bakirtzi Justin Andreas Alsing
Centenary Prize for MRes overall performance on of the Theory and Simulation Dissertation Prize Perkin Prize in Drug
Molecular and Cellular MRes Ecosystems and of Materials Centre for Louis Hennequin Discovery Research Solid State Physics Prize The Warner Prize Yael Naim Dowker Centenary
Biosciences Environmental Change Doctoral Training (2013) Niall Mcloughlin Aurelien Leguy James Alexander Scott Prize in Mathematics
Elli-Effrosyni Mylona Sarah Mayor Mohammed Musab Khawaja MSc Bioinformatics Susana Noronha Moreira
Nattapong Sanguankiattichai and Theoretical Systems Research Prize for best Southwood Prize Veolia Environmental Antunes Gomes
Gerald Durrell Prize Major Contribution to the Life Biology Prize MRes Project in PE CDT Kamolphat Atsawawaranunt Services Prize Thomas Prince
Centenary Prize for MRes Ans Vercammen of the Theory and Simulation Ana-Isabella Tanase Andreea-Otilia Suiu Laura Frances Bentley Tara Barratt Lim Nengli
Molecular Plant Biology of Materials Centre for Timothy Gordon
and Biotechnology Gladys Locke Prize Doctoral Training (2013) MSc Taxonomy and Ross Makuch Memorial Winton Capital Prize for the
Laura Antonaru in Applied Optics Gabriel Vittorio Lau Biodiversity Prize Law Prize The Blackett Laboratory Best MSc Statistics Project
Adria Escobet Montalban Ana Luisa De Almeida Serra Albena Ivanova MSc Physics Prize Esben Andersen Revsbech
Jorge Da Silva Brandon Annesi
Paul Maria Dichtl

43 44
Faculty of Natural Sciences Postgraduate Graduation 2017


The Molecular Sciences Research Hub at Imperial’s White City Campus will
house the Department of Chemistry, providing an opportunity for chemists
to work alongside other molecular scientists, engineers, medics and

technology companies.

Please note that this list of names is provided for the information and interest
of those attending the ceremony. It represents a list of postgraduates at the time
of going to press, not all of whom are attending the ceremony.

Diploma of the Imperial Rita Fialho De Matos Sampainho Nashmia Naeem Raja Jonathan Michael Wyatt
College, Master of Science Saoirse Flood Ruairi Patrick William Shuinong Xu
Tassilo Franz Maria Freiherr O’Donoghue Muhammad Yate
CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Von Hirsch Habad Olad Jingzhu Zhang
POLICY Dylan Daniel Furszyfer Ladislas Ollagnier Han Zhang
Augustin Pierre Marie Seyed Bagher Oraee
Muaz Adnan Gallot-Lavallee Willem Overeynder
Aziza Akhatova Luis Esteban Gavilanes Frances Gillian Clare Owen Diploma of the Imperial
Khalifa Alkhalifa Rodriguez Dedi Palamea College, Master of Philosophy
Yiran An Delaram Ghasemi Theodora Panayides
Diego Anton Corrochano Mariana Violeta Ghosh Nikul Pandya CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL
Ruth Apps Tamara Elizabeth Gilhuys Alexios Papadopoulos POLICY
Hayk Arakelyan Michael Gonzalez Soobin Park
Abderrahim Assab Sophie Graham Rebecca Clare Parrish Ravi Shah
Devin August Ornstein Filippo Grassi Melika Parva
Elpiniki Avgeraki Ferdinand Habbel Nikolaos Pavelis
Charles Palmi Axelsson William Hamshaw-Thomas Eleanor Rachel Penney Diploma of the Imperial Tianyang Deng Peiting Ruan Sarah Fahad A Alsobaie Edward Parsons
Edna Conceicao Gouveia Ben Hart Leandro Peraro College, Doctor of Philosophy Yifan Dong Alba Santmarti Sanz Rolf Andernach Shyeni Paul
Denascimento Balca Jiayi He Timothy Poole Anna Duran Corbera Aniqa Sardar David Anders Louis Perdios
Lily Bani-Hashemian Timothy Rhys Hedgeland Astrid Wulandari Rahardjo CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Gil Ferreira Hoben Rita Shahi Natalie Andrews Stephanie Reid
Tara Barratt Charlotte Heffer Marko Ristic-Smith POLICY Chenyan Gao Zhensheng Shi Pietro Aronica Daniel John Scott
Edward Burraston Bateman Laura Heintzman Joshua Charles Rowland Abiskar Giri Sebastian Ling Soh Michael Thomas Barclay Shikh Mohd Shahrul Nizan
Marine Michèle Berkmans Bailey Hemphill Francisco Arturo Ruiz Mardones Dalya Al Muthanna Jiachen Gu Yili Sun Tim Barrett Shikh Zahari
Elettra Bianchi Dennerlein Philippa Joan Henderson Dante Guillermo Ruiz Martínez Geraldine Brennan Lerui Guo Rui Tang Benedict Barron Steven Sim
Graham Biggs Aurelia Hillary Nasreen Sayed Aisha Gloudon Mulin He Kanut Tangsangasaksri Rhiannon Beard Ernest Cheng So
Carlos Bonora Yannick Hoegerle Xinlei Shao Anthony Lavers Louis Hennequin Xiangyu Teng Daniel Beatrup Elisabeth Storck Saha
Maria Angeliki Boufounou Alexandra Ioanna Imirziadis Yifei Shen Young Suk Lee Zuzana Hodakova Chinmay Kamal Thakker Pierre Boufflet Hui Huang Tay
Caterina Brandmayr Hidehiko Ishii Peter Snow Nur Syafrina Mohd Sharif Panwei Hu Richard John Thistlethwaite James Clarke Nuchutha Thamsumet
Cameron Victor John Brown Albena Ivanova James Stevenson Babak Tadayyon Tahmasebi Yi Huang Francesca Vianello Juliet Collins Peter Thomson
Sam Royston Burford Zhonghao Jiang Michael Stock Fuyi Huang Marc Vila Tusell Rosa Cookson Anita Toscani
Daniel Robert Joseph Burke Sergiu George Jiduc Sophie Stromback Amina Jama Sibo Wang Owen Davis Nicole Trainor
Hervé-Dominique Cavalier Stefan Grey Jimenez Wisler James Sykes Diploma of the Imperial Philippa Jones Ronghua Wei Gilbert De Gregorio Morgane Vacher
Patrapa Chaikittisilp Michael Joos Joo Gian Tan College, Master of Science, Jolyon Alexander Jones William Whitehouse Angela De Manzanos Guinot William Vigor
Dimitrios Chairetis Livia Kalossaka Aster Tang Master of Research Foivia Konstantinou Mark Wilkinson Martina De Marco Aurimas Vysniauskas
Quentin Changeat Evangelos Karagiannis Pichanee Tanprasert Ai Hui Doreen Lau Mengzhu Wu Michael Dent Jennifer Ward
Zhiming Cheng Yasir Khan Jiali Tao CHEMISTRY Kevin Robin Legrand Xingchi Xiao Andre Duerrbeck Claire Elizabeth Weston
Kellie Cheng Elena Khishchenko Erica Adams Taylor Linqian Li Yihong Xing Marina Fedorova Daniel Wilkinson
Anastasia Chrysafi Nicolas Kraus Paola Teulieres Faris Abualnaja Ang Li Liqing Xu Raquel Leh-Na Fraccari Yunqing Zhu
Chi Chung Ariane Elsa Laporte-Bisquit Ute Barbara Thiermann Frank Arregger-Powell Tianlun Liang Congyi Xu Daniela Franco Bodek
Lucy Clarke Alexander Lautner Benjamin Luke Thomas Xinyu Bai Tianshan Lin Hengzhang Yang Yajie Gao
Henry Clifford Sophie Lawrence Sam Thomson Huda Baldo Chieh-Ting Lin Bowon Yoo Sarah Gates Diploma of the Imperial
Agathe Couvreur Eleonore Lazat Viera Ukropcova Nicholas George Baldwin Miriam Kate Lyons Yutong Zhang Zsofia Heckenast College, Master of Science
Arthur Crawshay La Na Lee Rachel Umunna Jasmine Bickel Xuerui Ma Liying Zhang Sarah Margaret Geneste Holliday
Marine De La Sayette Siyuan Lei Najmul Usman Anil Saddat Bijoy Christy Maksoudian Handa Zhang Irene Iriarte Carretero LIFE SCIENCES
Erica Michelle De Souza Indra Levite Cecilia Ana Valeri Iribarren Nur Hayati Binti Jasmin Sophie Mason Dong Zhao Kittichan Kanokphandharangkul
Orla Delargy Wei Ren Lim Esmee Erica van Veen Manon Jeanne Claire Boul Niall Mcloughlin Hao Zhou Kaiser Karamdad Camila Acosta
Gautier Desme Chenchen Liu Anna Isabella Adriano Wainer Caterina Brighi Oliver Neil Chaipat Lapinee Padmakshi Agarwal
Yi Ding Sebastian Carl Otto Ljungwaldh Samantha Walters Eric Wasson Burns Kai Ling Ng Siak Gee Lim Jarome Russell Ali
Ruth Dorothy Watts Donald Elizabeth Macmanus Mengfei Wan Yuting Cai Joseph Nnabuife Ogana Diploma of the Imperial Jiazhi Liu George Avraam
Pascal Dubois Joana Madaleno Chao Wang Leila Alissia Carrier-Sippy Oyerohunke Oyediran College, Master of Philosophy, Yimeng Ma Gal Barel
Eilidh Duncan Jeanne Martin Yining Wang Tianyi Chen Kleopas Palate Doctor of Philosophy Daniel Malko Robert Simon Andrew Barker
Elissar Hortense El-Hage Xiangrui Meng Bhanpavika Wangvitayakun Weng I Chio Michael Potter Nicola Mccarthy Lily Barrie
Thomas James Evans Catrin Meurig Christoph Weigl Yingying Chu Kitiya Prombandankul CHEMISTRY Gemma Milman David Barrington Marquis
Ross Robert Fairgrieve Alison Midgley Mina Weydahl Jonathan Colburn Euan Pyle Katherine Montgomery Samia Belmaachi
Hanif Falah Madeleine Flamine Claire Morley Dyah Roro Esti Widya Putri Juan Cuadrado Pedrouzo Manoochehr Rasekh Dominic Affron James Murray Laura Frances Bentley
Mathieu Jacques Henri Farnarier Alexander Mytenka Max Winpenny John Arnesh Divakaruni Daniel Philipp Jurijvic Rhein Nawal Albilal Ling-Fu Nieh Jessica Betts

45 46
Faculty of Natural Sciences Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Hollie Booth Giuliana Paula Mastropietro Constantinos Charalambous Samuel Pownall Sujinna Lekmeechai Gregg Hutchence Mayghal Divyesh Vijapura Justine Dattani
Claire Theresa Boothby Garcia Xiaoyu Chen Yichen Qiu Kathryn Luckett Shuyun Jia Fernando Virdia Liam Dempsey
Anna Melissa Bothe Oscar Mcginty Rui Chen Josep Ramoneda Massagué Corinna Mattheis Yuting Jiang Iva Vitkova Elizaveta Dubrovina
Ellen Bowler Oliver Jon Mendes Xi Chen Maximus Rex Bevin Mcgeever Siyu Jiao Qi Wang Lewis Percival Gordon Evans
Joel Brown Elisabetta Michielon Satpal Chodha Stefan Rowe Yiran Meng Lauren Kanapka Hao Wang Fjodor Gainullin
Helena Maria Irene Millan Le Qin Choo Eric Rutten Gabriele Micali Sherif Mohamed Sherif Khalifa Anna Louise Watt Andrea Granelli
Magdalena Buras Evangelia Mouskou Michael Crone Paul Rutten Kirsten Miller Zein Aftab Ahmad Khan Rebecca Wilks Georg Hahn
Susan Burn Liza Nagode Carys Davies Johanna Sagawe Jayneil Rajesh Patel Till-Arpad Kischkat Gareth Michael John Williams Jonathan Hill
Lorenzo Calisse Sai Sanggkeeth Narayanasamy Emiel De Lange Manfredi Giovanni San Martino Sarah Pierce Philipp Reinhold Kraus Marcus Wood Kurunandan Jain
Luis Fernando Camarillo Elliot Newton Rishi De-Kayne D’Aglie Di San Germano Luke Bryan Roberts Edwin Calland Kutas Hiu Wu Xiyun Jiao
Guerrero Nneka Concilia Nnadi Emma Dobinson Nattapong Sanguankiattichai Faye Rodgers Chun Hang Lam Yifan Wu Jonathan Alexander Kiehlmann
Hyungcheol Chae Indigo Pratt Kelly Sarunas Driezis Ka Wai Se Rui Rodrigues Pak Yeung Lau Qiushi Xiang Spyridon Kollias-Liapis
Yik Man Chan Sophie-Astrid Quignard Catherine Ducker Alexandra Sequeira Raposo Delphine Rolando Man Chon Leong Lifan Xuan Konstantinos Kourliouros
Themoula Charalampous Hannah Richardson Vinoth Durairaj Georgios Sioutas Sam Sheppard Qiusi Li Jin Yan Zhana Kuncheva
Alexandre Chausson Josh Adam Drummond Carl Patrik Eickhoff Sabrina Slater Jonathan Smith Jiaqi Liang Chenhao Yan Dongchen Li
Roseanne Chenery Robertson Abisola Fafolu Ge Song Grigorij Sutov Yawen Lin Kai Yin Cong Liu
Jennifer Frances Christelow Irene Robles Rebollo Roisin Louise Fattorini Victoria May Stanley Rachel Vaux Tianjiao Liu Marco Paolo Zampino Elena Louca
Jessica Bess Agnes Christie Eirini Rousounelou Helen Victoria Ford Sandra Sullivan Christopher Waite Chang Liu Alexandros Zervogiannis Benjamin John Maling
Christopher Thomas Clarkson Omar Saif Shawn Francis Olivia Swann Oliver Wearn Binbin Liu Shuyi Zhang Diletta Martinelli
Gideon Corby Asiem Sanyal Luis Francisco Garcia Manriquez Jocelyne Sze Tiandi Yang Evan Huang Liu Laurel Qun Zhang Julian Newman
Roberto Johannes Correa Michael Schmutzer Roxanne Gardiner Peter Taylor Ling-Shan Yu Xiaojing Liu Shanshan Zhang Binh-Khoi Nguyen
Joseph Gregory Leon Counsell Michael Philipp Schneider Scott David Gardner Madina Wane Yunhan Luo Xinyu Zhang Susana Noronha Moreira
Matthew Davis Lisa Maria Schneider Judy Ghalayini Zhexin Wang Cheng Luo Shijie Zhao Antunes Gomes
Ana Luisa De Almeida Serra Harold Scholes Guillermo Gilbert Hamish Warren Diploma of the Imperial Jue Mao Xiaowu Zheng Ragnhild Noven
Jorge Da Silva Anne Elizabeth Scholle Peter Gleeson Yasunori Watanabe College, Master of Science Pietro Marchesi Yaming Zhuang Pierre Nowicki
Laura De Arroyo Garcia Richard James Sheppard Timothy Gordon Jennifer Wells Richard Mardiat Charles Nurser
Qingchen Diao Aleksandr Shershebnev Ross Edward James Gray Emily Margaret Whettlock MATHEMATICS Smitha Maretvadakethope Marcel Bogdan Ogrodnik
James Downie Nicholas Edward Snee William Patrick Green Coogan Abigail Wood Killian Guillaume Paul Diploma of the Imperial Matjaz Payrits
Munan Du Jiahui Song Selene Yasmine Gutierrez Joel Shutt Woon Xin An Martin-Horgassan College, Master of Research Giacomo Plazzotta
Mariam Elgabry Vivak Soni Al-Khudhairy Konstantinos Xenofontos Xingkun An Robert Allan Burton Mason Thomas Prince
Eve Grace Englefield Molly Steadman Orestes Uxio Gutierrez Yiyu Xiang Jialian Bai Alasdair Mcwilliams MATHEMATICS Alexander Rush
Felipe Espinoza De Janon Elizabeth Stormfield Al-Khudhairy Gang Xiao Paraskevi Bakirtzi Thomas Melistas Nicolau Sarquis Aiex Marini
Edward Evans Sasha Suryometaram Lorna Harvey Xing Xing Pierre-Alain Belaube Kedan Mi Thomas Bendall Ferreira
Francesca Jane Everard Ana-Isabella Tanase Amira Hassan Yiying Zhang Maria Berardi Zhenyuan Miao Aythami Bethencourt De Leon Eric Schaanning
Charlotte Fenner Joshua Taylor Alice Elizabeth Haughan Ruifeng Zhang Nicolas Berkouk Aitor Muguruza Gonzalez Matthew Garrod Deborah Schneider-Luftman
Conrad James Foley Andrew Townsend Louie Henderson Yuxiang Zhang Andreas Bock Patricia Nadya Rose Gibbins Lars Sektnan
Eve Elizabeth Damaris Friedman Chun Hey Tso Sui Peng Heon Yanlei Zhu Joseph Breuer-Weil Cian Naik Thomas Gibson Alvis Ho Ting Tang
Emma Gail Ans Vercammen Chi Hei Jack Ho Giulia Campolo Kyriacos Neocleous Zoe Goss Eduardo Marcello Viegas
Liam Gascoigne-Cohen Jean Vila Jinwen Hua Gerry Candy Jacques Netzer Michael Haigh Zi Wang
Gabriel Michael Gemmiti Christos Vlachos Hannah Jagoe Diploma of the Imperial Jung Hwan Chai Ryutaro Oikawa Arman Khaledian Kwok Wong
Catherine Gonner Marius Von Essen Matthew Jarvis College, Master of Philosophy, Jing Chang Ahmed Osman Chloe Lacombe Frantisek Zak
Dominic Habgood Coote Catherine Elizabeth Walker Xuejiao Jia Doctor of Philosophy Diyu Chen Midhun Pandathil Unnikrishnan Oana-Andrea Lang
Daniel Hahn Connor Walsh Noel Patrick Didier Hui Min Belinda Chin Soh Yeon Park Douglas Machado Vieira
Michel Hajj Xining Wang Juvigny-Khenafou LIFE SCIENCES Ho Yin Chiu Hélène Yoko Marie-Rosine Lea Oljaca Diploma of the Imperial
Clio Hall James Warren Matthew Roy Kerr Francisco De Lima Andrade Patoux Josephine Park College, Master of Science
Jake Hobby Royle Alexandra Welford Irsyad Noor Abadi Bin Georgina Adams Laurent Marie Georges Adrien Payan Riccardo Passeggeri
Annick Hoffmann Jessica Jacqueline Williams Khairil Anuar David Ainsworth De Marcelier De Gaujac Jacques Perot Paulina Rowinska PHYSICS
Gal Horesh Jessica Williams Donghwi Kim Claire Bankier Imogen Eleanor Mhari Dell Clement Marc Paul Henri Piat Tasmin Symons
Thomas Howells Kun Xu Freja Kirsebom Charlotte Barthen Andrea Di Biagio Robert Pullman Jemima Maple Tabeart Luigi Alfonsi
Stefano Okundaiye Idugboe Dyah Nadira Zarra Nahide Koksal Sophie Bell Joshua Ding Aleksandra Anna Radziwill Amnah Alqabandi
Amy Jackson Joanna Zigrino Anita Mariann Kristiansen Stefi Benjamin Patrick Doohan Hugo Rakotoarimanga Brandon Annesi
Michael Jardine Nurul Syuhada Zulhaimi Rachel Isolde Lane Shaw Annabelle Bladon Yudie Du Andrianjak Diploma of the Imperial Pierfrancesco Bosco
Mudith Jayawardena Alexandre Leary Adam Cartwright Jianing Duan Esben Andersen Revsbech College, Master of Philosophy Costanza Isabella
Yingjie Ji Mengqiao Li Sern Farh Matthew Choo Vladimir Eremichev Christopher Robinson Maria Carissimo
Xiaoyu Jie Diploma of the Imperial Siying Liu Alexander Cornish Ibrahim Muhammed Faruqi Pierre Sacuto MATHEMATICS Alessandra Marie
Yunsoo Kim College, Master of Research Ipsita Mahapatra Charles Anthony Rowland Cotton Wan Ting Fong Rueben Ananthan Carmichael Martins
Emma Venetia Watkins Knowles Moontaha Mahbub Edward Couchman Jan Friedmann Santhana Dass Romano Trabalzini Krai Cheamsawat
Alysia Yi Min Kwan LIFE SCIENCES Haris Mallick Christopher Culbert Masafumi Fujita James Alexander Scott Siyuan Chen
Tsz Kam Kwok Sarah Mayor Zoe Helen Curtis Lu Gao Ragini Singhal Dorian Daimer
Marion Laguette Fatima Alafifi Victoria Mercier Adriana Fiorita De Palma Weiwei Gu Alexander Michael Frederic Sitt Diploma of the Imperial Alessio David
Harriet Camille Sophia Lambert Richard Amaee Shane Morris Emma Defriez Yurong Gu Leonidas Souliotis College, Doctor of Philosophy Rik Peter De Ruiter
Bethan Lang Laura Antonaru Elli-Effrosyni Mylona Isabel Fenton Antoine Gubri Simon Streng Paul Maria Dichtl
Kit Wah Kit Lee Kamolphat Atsawawaranunt Padma Gayathri Nainar Zannatul Ferdous Stephane Guilherme Gomes Robert Sullivan MATHEMATICS David Drahi
Xiang Li Ahmad Masood Aziz Alexander Nash Tian Geng Alistair Hall So Takao Yi-Hsien Du
Joss Patrick Lyons-White Daniel Roy Bell Carlos Navarro Paya Edward Harding Samuel Crane Walker Hastings Yuki Takaya Maria Andrade Adria Escobet Montalban
Anna Macphie Robert Berchtold Joana Neto Cerejeira Sian Huish Yidan He Wenhao Tang Qurat-Ul-Ain Azim Hamish Forbes
Federica Maggiorelli Thomas Blake Jane Odoi Mohd Husri Thomas Patrick John Hogan Charles Emile Andre Tardif Maha Bakoben Qiaoqiao Fu
Sarah-Lee Manmohan Maria Fernanda Blanco Perez André Paulo Pereira Nan Jia Dirk Andreas Houben Tycho Tax Richard Bell Christopher Gallagher
Henry Marshall David Busse De Oliveira Frade Robert Johnson Ouming Huang Sankalp Tipnis Pierre Blacque-Florentin Yizhuo Gao
Dominic Martin Ahranee Canden Matthew Pope Rhian Jones Yiwen Huang Hector Tzavellas Geraldine Bouveret Bin Gao
Leanne Massie Emma Caton George Joseph Powell Jill Kowal Zhenzhong Huang Iulian Udrea Albert John Crosby Miguel Garcia Cutillas

47 48
Faculty of Natural Sciences Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Ross Grassie Junjie Liu Nurdaulet Sarkytbayev Chi Xiao

Kainan Gu Wei Liu Vincent Alain Pierre Sebag Jinpeng Xu
Fangyuan Gu Jingru Liu Rajkiran Shehmar Laszlo Tibor Zalavari
Michael Harrison Yasmin Malik Navjit Singh Stav Zalel
Fei He Nellie Marangou Szilard Szoke Deli Zhang
Selim Hotinli Elise Marey Amy Tee Shuo Zhang
Mohammed Uwais Iqbal Elizabeth Martin Fred Temple Mingyang Zhang
Maciej Jarocki Behnam Najafi Tu Kim Tran Bohou Zhang
Tianqi Jia Conor O’Riordan Karim Mathieu Van Aelst
Tian Ran Jin Aimilios Pagouropoulos Scott Vasquez
John Jonsson Nikoletta Prastiti Caroline Florence Paule Venet Diploma of the Imperial
Kuan-Jung Lai Ben Pullin Merica Wanakornkul College, Master of Research
Jonathan En Ze Lee Liqin Ren Lu Wang
Kaiyuan Li George James Rodrigues Youyi Wang PHYSICS
Ken Gabriel Lim Lara Roman Castellanos Andrew Ralph Warwick
Christian Lindackers Manya Sahni Terence Wright Shengyang Chen
Alexander Coney
Djamshid Ahmud Damry
Samuel Davis
Adam Drew
Tian Du
Markus Frembs
Douglas Garratt
Claudia Gollner
Maximilian Grell
Thomas Hebdige
Erick Hinds Mingo
Christopher Ho
Thomas Hodsden
Zoe Holmes
Jaspreet Kainth
Luis Alejandro Lanzetta Lopez
Saurav Limbu
Supamas Nitnara
Ioulianna Panidi
Thomas France Parker
Sinclair Ratnasingham
Alice Smith
Andreea-Otilia Suiu
Michael Trigatzis
Benjamin Walker
The founders of Hidden Gens,
Peregrine Warren Davide Braga Matthew Kasoar Kirsty Roy
a student start-up that has
Yuchen Xiang James Bumby Alexander Khanin Timothy Runcorn
developed a low-cost test to
Abby Casey Mohammed Musab Khawaja James Semple determine a person’s blood type
Nathan Alex Chander Kamil Korzekwa Emma Simpson using nanoparticles.
Diploma of the Imperial Vincent Chen Matthias Kraft Eluned Anne Smith
College, Master of Philosophy Laura Chen Benjamin Krikler Samuel John Piney Stafford
Yiguo Chen Gabriel Vittorio Lau Christos Stavrou
PHYSICS Jason Cole Aurelien Leguy Andrew Strang
Noemi Correa Poblete Matteo Lostaglio Nicholas Hiroshi Stuart
Jasmine Barnard Finer Jorge Costa Dantas Faria Edmund Lovell William Sutcliffe
Kirsty Smith Oliver Curtin David Mack Gareth Tear
Jack Cutler Vincent Maioli Achaya Teppitaksak
Tanapat Deesuwan Kyle Major Drew Thomas
Diploma of the Imperial Patrick Dunne Kishan Manani Man Hong Tsang
College, Doctor of Philosophy Thomas Edwards Steven Mcnamara Jose Videira
Max Frenzel Lukas Medisauskas Mihai-Dorian Vidrighin
PHYSICS Ruth Geen Antony David Milne Jessica Wade
Sylvain Damien Gennaro Rishi Mistry Shuai Wang
Zara Abdelrahman Simon Good Mark Thomas Mitchison Sian Williams
Saleh Alatabi Joshua Paul Green Thuy Tien Nguyen Bjorn Carsten Witt
Matthew Allinson Christopher Gubbin Alun Perkins John Wood
Radhwan Alnaimi Ali Hammad Samuel Phibbs Jonathan Wood
Justin Andreas Alsing Peter Hawkins Thomas Phillips Robert Woodward
Alexandros Anastasiou Andrew Mark Hickling Emilio Pisanty Alatorre Jizhong Yao
Joao Arnauth Pela George Hicks Kristjan Poder Minho Yoon
Dr Marina Galand, Reader Anthony Ashmore Charlotte Holmes Isabel Rabey Nicky Zachariou
in Planetary Science, with Mark Baber Mia Hughes Daniel Rathbone
PhD student and Imperial
Adam Bailey Christopher Hunt Joseph Jonathan Razzell Hollis
scholar Kevin Heritier.
Jasvir Kaur Bhamrah Harley Simon Hunter Martin Read
Francesca Bottacchi Rudolph Kalveks George Richardson

49 50
Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Research income
in 2015–16:
£182 million

It is a pleasure to extend a warm welcome today to you, Number of staff:

your loved ones and all who have encouraged and supported
you during your time here as part of the Faculty of Medicine
postgraduate community.
Number of
students: 3,666

Dr Mohammed Aslam,
Clinical Vascular Scientist in
You’ve been part of Imperial during a really the Department of Surgery
exciting period. Across the Faculty, we’ve worked and Cancer, with a
postgraduate student.
and collaborated to deliver really interesting
science, such as use (for the very first time) of a
predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus
in pre-clinical studies as an injected anti-bacterial
therapy – offering the prospect of a potentially Members of the paediatric
important new weapon in the fight against microbiome research group use
next-generation sequencing
drug-resistant infection. New interdisciplinary technologies to understand the
opportunities have also been launched, such development of the respiratory
as through our joint establishment with the and gastrointestinal microbiota
in term and premature infants.
Institute of Cancer Research of the Cancer
Research Centre of Excellence, representing
an outstanding new framework for bringing
multidisciplinary strengths to bear on cancer
understanding, treatment and prevention.
Professor Gavin Screaton Achievements such as these are founded on
the commitment of Imperial’s student and
This community is broad, talented and diverse – staff community to finding evidence, building
its collective breadth of experience and knowledge knowledge and applying it to areas of need.
is one of its great strengths. Throughout your As you move on from Imperial, you remain
studies you have not only advanced your own a part of this scientific community. We are proud
knowledge but you have also contributed to the of you and we need you. Stay in touch: collaborate
academic life of this Faculty and become a key with us; draw on our alumni networks; and pass
participant in Imperial discovery and impact. your expertise on to support future generations
of students.
But for now, enjoy the day! I congratulate every
one of you on your success and hope you have a
happy and memorable day here in the splendour
of the Royal Albert Hall.

“As you move on from

Imperial, you remain
a part of this scientific
community. We are proud
of you and we need you.”

51 52
Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Dean’s Prize for Human Dean’s Prize for Reproductive Magill Prize NHLI Prize for Respiratory
The following awards and prizes are given Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology Timothy Marshall and Cardiovascular Science
to students with a record of exceptional Hannah Maude Luiza Borges Manna Cheuk Ting Yiu
Master of Public Health Prize
achievement in scholarship in the Faculty Dean’s Prize for Human Dean’s Prize for Surgical (Dissertation) Philip Poole-Wilson
of Medicine. Nutrition Education Aljohara Alsaud Prize for Outstanding
Hajir Ibraheim Gregory Shepherd Soyoung Kwak Achievement in the MSc
Jessica Morris in Preventive Cardiology
Dean’s Prize for Immunology Dean’s Prize for Translational Jie Ying Lim
Rohit Siroya Medicine MSc Human Molecular Uzma Khan
Professor Robin Carhart-Harris,
Emily Frost Genetics Prize
Head of Psychedelic Research
Dean’s Prize for Master of Tony Jiang Richard Batchelor Prize
in the Division of Brain Sciences.
Public Health General Stream Galen Prize for Biomedical in Immunology
Emanuella Ikem Research MSc Epidemiology Prize Ralf Wenz
Adria Canellas Socias (Dissertation)
Dean’s Prize for Master of Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard
Public Health Global Stream Gavron Prize
Jessica Morris Sarah Seaholme MSc Reproductive and
Hamlyn Prize Developmental Biology
Dean’s Prize for Medical Daniel Freer Course Prize
Robotics and Image Guided Rejin Varghese Thomas Iain Robert Hopkins
Intervention Abigail Walker
Lahiru Wijayasingha

Dean’s Prize for

Medical Ultrasound
Arwa Algadi

Dean’s Prize for

Medical Ultrasound
Zahra Sheikh

Dean’s Prize for Microbiome

in Health & Disease Stream
Gintare Vaitkute

Dean’s Prize for Molecular

Basis of Human Disease
Christopher Adams

Dean’s Prize for Molecular

Biology and Pathology
of Viruses
Michael Dieringer

Dean’s Prize for Molecular

Dean’s Prize for Anaesthetics, Dean’s Prize for Biomedical Dean’s Prize for Clinical Dean’s Prize for Experimental Shelley Jane Watcham
Pain Medicine & Intensive Research (PH) Research: Diabetes and Neuroscience
Care Stream Leonie Olivia Kohlhammer Obesity Stream Angelique Sadlon Dean’s Prize for Paediatrics
Ying Tan Fen Shermaine Thein and Child Health
Dean’s Prize for Biomedical Dean’s Prize for Genes, Patricio Javier Alcaraz Couret
Dean’s Prize for Bacterial Research (RCVS) Dean’s Prize for Epidemiology Drugs and Stem Cells –
Pathogenesis & Infection Carlo Biffi Philip Peter Milton Novel Therapies Dean’s Prize for Preventive
Stream Qasim Majid Cardiology Surgical trainees on the
Sophie Howard Dean’s Prize for Cancer Dean’s Prize for Epidemiology, Jonathan Bennett London General Surgical
Biology Evolution & Control of Dean’s Prize for Health Policy Skills Programme, run
Dean’s Prize for Matthew Ellis Infection Stream Sam Haskell Dean’s Prize for Quality by Imperial, simulate
Biomedical Research Oliver Watson and Safety in Healthcare a laparoscopic procedure
in the Clinical Skills Unit
Athena Cheung Dean’s Prize for Cancer James Clark
at St Mary’s Hospital.
Informatics Stream
Yuliang He

53 54
Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Graduation 2017

FACULTY OF MEDICINE: Master of Philosophy Shruthi Belavadi

Otilia Beres


Catherine Roberts
Luiza Borges Manna
Stephanie Chambers
James Clark
Raquel Silva Emily Charlotte Colley
Gabrielle Darby
Catherine Davies
Please note that this list of names is provided for the information and interest Master of Science Keziah Jo Deeks
of those attending the ceremony. It represents a list of postgraduates at the Judith Demello
time of going to press, not all of whom are attending the ceremony. Susan Ellis
Mariya Mahmood Zahir Al Hinai Gordon Gregory
Lara Al Zoubi Julia Hart
Khawater Bahkali Sam Haskell
Master of Philosophy Eloise Rozemarijn Van Vuren Asma Matoug-Elwerfelli Master of Research Laura Jean Bruce Thomas Iain Robert Hopkins
Rutendo Namatirai Verenga Anne Marie Mcginley Lina Cai John Henry Illingworth
INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL Klaudija Viskovic Owen Mulhern DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE Islay Campbell Arjuna Imbuldeniya
SCIENCES Hope Chimfwembe Nkamba Rachel Cassidy Sarah Jessica Jegasothy
Elaine Adaku Nkwocha Joy Arthur Io Ieong Chan Seetal Jheeta
Elizabeth Byrne Master of Science Hibaq Obsiye Emily Ashworth Oscar Alfonso Chavez Ibanez Olayinka Khafilat Jibunoh
Omobolaji Abisola O S Okenla Stefan Beckford Yile Chen Qiongwen Kang
DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE Georgia Marie Palmer Amy Bradley Flavien Coukan Viral Rajen Kantaria
Master of Science Sohee Park Verena Laura Alina Broich Bimandra Adiputra Djaafara Mark Richard Keilthy
Iman Achkar Tulsi Patel Andrea Caramés Jasmine Ebrahimi Dani Lee
NATIONAL HEART AND LUNG Taniqua Kristina Adderley Aled Phillips Tsz Wing Chau Feyisayo Fadero Vishakha Mahajan
INSTITUTE Ahmed Ahmed Wanchana Pinkaew Chujie Chen Anoosheh Ghasemian Malak Malaekah
Aydah Al Ali Paul Poudevigne-Durance Johannes Octan Daniel Tiancheng Han Andrea Markou
Zamrina Adilafatma Patricio Javier Alcaraz Couret Carmen Cristina Riggioni Nicola Davis Lance Hentges King Hang Mau
Adam Javier Ahmed Manuel Maria Alves Da Silva Victoria Ruiz De Miguel Lisa Evans Faith Ho Iseult Mclister
Ujomoti Ibhadenaje Akintunde Fráguas Mateus Rahma Saleh Xinzhu Fei Longda Jiang Aaron Mills
Abdulmohsin Alamoudi Camila Angelico Soares Cabral Youhani Hiranya Samarakoon Anne-Sophie Fluri Arti Paresh Kara Rampa Victor Mosweu
Arwa Algadi Kemi Awonaya Damini Sant Emily Frost Aikaterini Kentistou Grace Murray
Hamsa Ali Hussain Haesoo Bae Poonam Shah Laura Fuentes-Font Liangliang Kong Johanne Newstead
Reem Alsharari Natasha Bearpark Aneesa Tahir Shaikh Divya George Roxanna Korologou-Linden Holly Alexandra Norman
Aeshah Althunayyan Arta Begati Saara Shatumbu Irfan Ghani Meredith Martyn Edward O’Garro-Priddie
Joseph Kwaku Appiah Nurul Amirah Syazana Binti Rohit Siroya Alice Rebecca Glaser Hannah Maude Carlos Eduardo Machado Alves Moyinoluwa Julianah Olusoji
Dimitris Aspri Mohd Amir Emmanouil Georgios Jennifer Graudenz Dario Francis Mazza Costa Pinto, a postgraduate Oluwasemilore Abigail Oyekunle
Ifigeneia Bardi William Martin Broughton Solomonidis Hajir Ibraheim Isobel Mclachlan student, at St Mary’s Hospital Hannah Patel
Jonathan Bennett Ann-Marie Buckley Rajevaa Sritharan Xiaomeng Li Philip Peter Milton Zawar Junaid Patel
Shatra Binti Mohamed Yusof Nuo En Chan Vaishnavi Sundaresan Fanyi Li Rosanna Luisa Munday Abigail Phillips
Rebecca Callingham Nicholas Chew Supreet Kaur Sunner Heidi Christine Lightfoot Neesha Nanu Ibtehal Attaelmanan Emma Schulte Elina Psara
Max Cheng Nicholas Constantinou Kornelija Suveizdyte Severin Limal Maria Roza Nikolopoulou Rosie Brown Carolyn Sharpe Justin Riordan-Jones
Anna Colclough Luis Antonio Costa Ortega Momal Taimoor Abdul Sattar Fakee Mahomed Oluwadamilola Rica Oredein Margarita Cariolou Yuanrui Shi Ameneh Ghazal Saatchi
Oluwafunso Aderonke Fadahunsi Edward Anthony Cruz Cervera Narmin Talibova Anna Katherina Mallach Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard Zubin Chand Haitham Shoman Crispin Scotter
Lambert Felix Leonard De Boer Joy Ewenn Tan Taridzo Mazenenga Natasha Bernadette Pinto Melinda Chau Neil Stillman Sarah Seaholme
Samantha Joan Gerdy Michael Dieringer Olga Tatarinova Nawaphan Metchanun Tala Maria Radejko Sarah Chin Narjis Khatoon Terrence Simmons
Rebecca Graham Daniel Olufemi Egbase Sam Thomas Templeman Maryam Muqbel Ria Ratna Lim Fang Ming Gulamraza Thawer Christopher Sowden
Michael David Gregson Joshua Mark David Evans Justina Then George Nesr Saskia Ricks Yike Gao Hayley Thompson Carla Teixeira Beltrao
Adam Hafez-Kamel Amos Froese Van Dijck Kunyuan Tian Shu Ning Debabrata Roy Rafaela Guedelha Cardao Zein Khaled Awni Toukan Karen Ann Todd
Yaqi Hu Denisse Paola Garcia Daza Seng Kuong Ung Pablo Oriol Valls Luisa Dolores Saldana Ortega Adriana Guzman Holst Adelina Kusuma Wardhani Laurent Viac
Mozhgon Jeddi Henry Gerdes Anna Vatselia Wishwanath Patkee Ruolian Shi Wan-Chun Huang Rachael Williams Abigail Walker
Uzma Kanval Khan Shahi Abdul Ghani Meng Wang Jessica Preston Balazs Toth Qali Musse Hussein Id Thomas Samuel Wincott Zun Wang
Barbara Kobson Pauline Carlotta Goeller Yunfei Wang Laura Riggall Cam Thanh Tran Emmanuella Peace Ikem Qianhui Xu Simon Watts
Lev Libergod Luis Edgardo Gonzales Huerta Zilin Wang Charis Ringland Alexandros Tsompanidis Tracy Kanyeba Ilunga Wanling Zhou Mark Wilson
Jie Ying Lim Louisa Green Shelley Jane Watcham Nicola Jayne Rodgers Tomalika Rahmat Ullah Sharif Ismail
Rahmatulai Maane Cenqi Guo Ralf Wenz Angelique Sadlon Anna Ulrich Praise Ese Izinyon
Qasim Majid Antonia Hargadon-Lowe Samuel Windross Fathimah Sulistyowati Sigit Qing Wang Rosemary Jenkins Master of Science Master of Research
Naila Mannan Stephan Jonas Holtkamp Hongyao Xie Laura Simmons Huihan Zhi Assem Kurzhangulova
Michael Norman Alexander Hooftman Intan Farida Yasmin Anqi Song Soyoung Kwak DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY
Michael Toba Obafemi Nabiha Hussain Bongwhan Yeon Sirion Suchaovanich Ka Man Michelle Lo AND CANCER AND CANCER
Lara O’Donnell Damaris Priscila Intriago Silvana Zammit Fen Shermaine Thein Master of Public Health Niamh Lyons
Gaffor Omer Baldeon Jing Zhang William Trender Tim Mc Mackin Hauwa Yusuf Ahmed Hasina Abdul
Wathna Palamandadige Stephany Jaiquel Baron Horaine Tsang SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Katrina Mclarty Rosanna Gilda Aiello Christopher Adams
Ashish Patel Keerthana Jegatheesan Jacqueline Tung Hang Meng Karim Khalid Amer Ibrahim Al Fathi
Thomas Richards Clarris Jilan Yurgita Varaeva Irrum Afzal Feng Miao Ben Amies Katie Anders
Adithya Sharanya Sarah Khaled Wai Meng Wang Noor Alabdulbaqi Jessica Morris Maria Arianoglou Maham Arshad
Zahra Sheikh Christina Kondyli Dingyi Wang Reem Albrahiam Tasnime Osama Shankari Arulkumaran Mehwish Arshad
Xian Shen Maria Lafazani Monica Wai Wah Yee Aljohara Alsaud Chloe Payne Tutu-Ola Tiwalola Atalabi Victoria Auyeung
John Shepherd Xin Yun Leong Beenish Zaki Chiamaka Esther Amaefule Zubair Popalzai Anthony Attwood Blaise Carlo Biffi
Daniel Thomas Aldara Martin Alonso Anqi Zhang Riham Arab Agberemi Raqeebat Adrian Stuart Bartlett Robert Bloxham

55 56
Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Andrew Innes Syed Sohaib Iris Scherwitzl Manish Chand

Professor Robin Shattock, Rajeshwari Iyer Alessondra Speidel Gregory Scott Tou Pin Chang
Chair of Mucosal Infestion and Daimona Kounde Rebecca Thursfield Hema Sharma Alvin Mingguang Chen
Immunity, with a postgraduate Simon Lambden Christopher Toepfer Tang Ngee Shim Joanna Rachael Cook
student at St Mary’s Campus. Joanne Caroline Leonard Matthew Tranter Benjamin Simpson Andrew Currie
Sarah Linnett Vassilos Vassiliou Andrea Sirianni Shreelata Tanuka Datta
Anne Mirabella Michael Waller Antonia Solomou Rita Liliana De Campos Pires
Lucy Penfold Agnieszka Szymula Santos E Sousa
Eleanor Clotilde Sandhu George Tharakan Aimee Di Marco
Kirill Shkura DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE Iain James Trayton Thompson Ebony Escalona
Konstantinos Vanezis Anil Thotakura Mariana Flores Torres
Paulius Viskaitis Ghalia Abdeen Effrosyni Tsafa Tamara Gall
Lucien West Hena Ahmad Thisanayagam Umasunthar Ektoras Georgiou
Mary Alikian Naomi Walker Chun Gong
Suzanne Alsters Ke Yan Wen Alejandro Granados Martinez
NATIONAL HEART AND LUNG Thomas Barbour Chieh Lee Wong Isobelle Grant
INSTITUTE Cheryl Wing Shan Battersby Sophie Yacoub Karim Hamaoui
Alexandra Bazeos Hafiz Rashidi Harun
Sara Abou Al-Saud Sara Louise Bissett Archie Hughes-Hallett
Oladipupo Adeyemi Katrin Blondrath SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Christopher Hunter
Samha Alayoubi Lauren Capron Simon Alexander Hurst
Mark Almond Mohammed Chaudhry Ahmed Almashrafi Frances Jackson
Fahad Abdulaziz M Alrashed Hannah Mary Cheeseman Sarah-Jane Anderson Rajvinder Karda
Ashton Barnett-Vanes Angela Cheverton Perviz Asaria Mattaka Khongkow
Jun Cao Timothy D’Alessandri Danielle Ashworth Pasarat Khongkow
Yee-Man Ching David Caetano Duarte Yutong Cai Torben Kimhofer
Anna Cocking Filipe Tomaz Mate Car Przemyslaw Korzeniowski
Katrina Jane Curtis Katja Ebert Kelsey Case Holly Kramer
Amy Day Claire Feeney Celine Christiansen-Jucht Jimmy Kyaw Tun
Jaideep Dhariwal Chao Gao Thomas Cowling Anthony Peng Yew Leong
Aida Di Gregorio Pena Hazim Ghani Kyle Jayson Foreman Dafydd Lloyd
David Gibeon Pavandeep Ghataorhe Daniel Gibbons Hugh Mackenzie
Martin Alan Glasser Paolo Giannetti Angela Olufunmilayo Kate Maclaran
Aleks Kamer Guvenel Simren Gill Gibson-White Diya Malhotra
Shouvik Kumar Haldar Harriet Gliddon Thomas Hone Durr-E-Shahwar Malik
Joseph Jacob Guiyi Ho Natsuko Imai Sherez Markar
Harpal Kalsi Sarah Jasim Senthuran Jeyapalan Karen Menezes
Fahima Kausar Natalie Johnston Mai Sadaka Kadi Roberta Migale
Hung-Yen Ke Kelsey Jones Rachel Kelly Laura Muirhead
Matthew William Brown Yueyang Huang Samata Pandey Cheuk Ting Yiu Julia Kelly Jens Sebastian Kalchschmidt Elizabeth Koshy Hatam Naase
Finlay Campbell Yao-Ling Hung Priyankaa Pitcheshwar Qingyu Zeng Tina Zubaida Khan Salwa Kamourieh Eman Abdulwahhab Nasralla Simon Newman
Adria Canellas Socias Cindy Ikie Pantelitsa Protopapa Yiyuan Zhang Cheryl Lai Ekaterina Kinnear Jack Olney Jonathan Nolan
Fan Cao Rani Issac Thuruthiyil Isobel Routledge Ming Zhao Xiang Li Julio Jose Lahoz Beneytez Edward Parker Samuel Pannick
Shuangyi Cao Miroslav Philip Janatka Hajrah Sarkar Shir Kiong Lo Julia Langer Vasanampalli Bhargavi Rao Michail-Dimitrios Papaioannou
Po Ling Chan Viktoria Kalna Youssef Saryeldin Stephan Loeser Pui Pik Law Nazarudin Safian Kinesh Pradip Patel
Hei Man Chan Oleg Aleksandrovich Karpov Mahmoud Hamway Master of Education Francesco Mazzarotto Korina Marie Seimand Li Shalini Santhakumaran Gemma Petts
Torbert Chun Wah Chan Hui Ling Ke Robin Schafer Alison Mcmillan King Lun Liu Isabel Diane Tavitian-Exley John Porter
Yang Chen Yousun Kim Inês Serrano Pereira DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY Adam Mills Karen Mary Logan Mathieu Vanhove Magali Sarafian
Athena Cheung Jessica King Suzanne Marie Shanel AND CANCER Nura Mohamed Georgios Malietzis Kristie Lynn Watkins Sinead Savage
Lucia Cilloni Leonie Olivia Kohlhammer Mohammad Usman Sharif Divya Mohan Chiara Marini Bettolo Syed Shah
Adela Constantinescu-Bercu Arinbjorn Kolbeinsson Poppy Simmonds Aisha Alzouebi Sukhjinder Nijjer Erin Victoria Mcalister Natalie Shenker
Chrystalla Constantinou Marie Beatrice Lang Neil David Slaven Giuseppe Retrosi Rishi Pabary Amy Mccallin DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY Natasha Singh
Hossain Delowar Akther Chun Hang Lau Katherine Sloan Rishi Sen Hitesh Patel Chris Mcnicholas AND CANCER Mohan Singh
Matthew Dixon Saheed Oluwaseun Lawal Yeji Sung Gregory Shepherd Michael Paul-Smith Kirsty Mehring-Le Doare Ailsa Sita-Lumsden
Anja Djokic Rebecca Leszczynski Nicholas Synn Rhodri Llywelyn Williams Francesco Pesce Stephanie Menikou Mohd Badrin Hanizam Alistair Angus Peyre Slesser
Matthew Ellis Tianci Li Ying Tan Ricardo Petraco Da Cunha Ryan Mitchell Abdul Rahim Michael Stacey
Ieva Eringyte Jack Lowe Kai Boon Tan Stefan Piatek Borja Mora Peris Kyrillos Adesina-Georgiadis Nicole Strittmatter
Jerome Fourre Timothy Marshall Sophie Thayanithy Diploma of the Imperial Virginia Pinto Ignasi Moran Castany Ali Mohammed Aldhebaib Henry Tam
Daniel Freer Domhnall Mchugh Ka-Ning To College, Doctor of Philosophy, Thanushiyan Poobalasingam Anne Mottram David Antcliffe Kate Tatham
Georgios Galaris Yasmine Menad Quezia Keller Toe Doctor of Medicine Norman Qureshi Caroline Mullineaux Sanders Jane Antony Marisa Christina Taylor-Clarke
Chiao Chin Gan Haoxiang Min Michele Tonutti Claire Raphael Daniel Munblit Richard Appleby Pei Yun Teo
Abdullah Ghazwani Zaida Molins Bordallo Gintare Vaitkute INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL Yogini Raste Nikolina Nakic Adeel Aqil Vidhya Varghese
Mary Goodwin Devmini Chaturangika Rejin Varghese SCIENCES Ann-Kathrin Reuschl Shakunthala Narayanaswamy Muhammad Asaduzzaman Nikhil Vergis
Andrea Goya Grocin Moonamale Sejal Varsani Ryan Robinson Theona Natisvili Nigel Bagnall Sarah-Jane Walton
Sanika Hakim Natasha Myhill Mathew Veal Corinne Bischof Neil Saad Kimberley Painter Adam Beech Camilla West
Alexander Hall Arvind Kumar N Vadivelu Qiao Wang Joanna Camilla Dawes Juan Miguel Sanchez Nieto Justyna Przystal Laura Bella Ana Wheelock Zalaquett
Nicola Harris Anitha Nair Oliver Watson Athena Eugenia Georgilis Guy Scadding Ryan Russell George Bouras Anatole Wiik
Alveera Hasan Timur Navruzov Lahiru Wijayasingha Peter Hill Sophie Schobesberger Julian Anthony Rycroft Benjamin Byrne Arnaud Wolfer
Yuliang He Valeria Nikolaenko Derek Wong Tien-Chi Huang Benoy Shah Rahil Z Sanatinia Jochem Caris Samantha Woods
Sophie Howard Georgios Nteliopoulos Catherine Louise Wrench Elizabeth Georgina Lacey Anand Shah Marta Sawicka James Cartwright Angela Yulia
Cong Hu Pia Ogger Li Yin Ing-Simmons Richa Singh Sophie Sayers Alice Chadwick Shuchen Zhang

57 58
Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Graduation 2017


ORDER OF CEREMONY AND The company rises when the Procession enters the hall and remains standing
until the Chair of the Court and Council is seated.


Student Presidents College Secretary and Registrar and Clerk to the
Court and to the Council, Mr John Neilson
Order of Ceremony SECOND GROUP
Vice-Provost (Education),
Faculty Operating Officer, Mr Richard Martin
Professor Simone Buitendijk
17.00 Faculty of Engineering Wardens
Vice-Provost (Research),
College Tutors Professor Nick Jennings
OF THE PRESIDENT’S MEDAL Readers Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Professor Jeff Magee
STUDENT ORATOR The Vice-Provost (Education) presents: Senior Lecturers Ms Sue Feller, recipient of the President’s Medal
President, Imperial College Union – Ms Sue Feller (Excellence in Pastoral Care) for Excellence in Pastoral Care
Mr Nas Andriopoulos Lecturers
The Vice-Provost (Research) presents: Professor Jianguo Lin, recipient of the President’s
– Professor Jianguo Lin (Excellence in External Teaching Fellows
ADDRESS Medal for Excellence in External Engagement
Engagement and Partnerships) Research Fellows and Partnerships
President, Professor Alice P. Gast
– UNIHEAT, led by Professor Sandro Macchietto
(Outstanding Research Team) Professor Sandro Macchietto, recipient of the
– Mr Shaun Power and Mr John Booth President’s Medal for Outstanding Research Team
THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Academic Registrar, Mr David Ashton
(joint award) (Research Support Excellence) Mr Shaun Power, recipient of the President’s
to whom the degrees of MSc, MRes, MPhil, PhD Professors of the Faculty of Engineering
– The Stevens Group, led by Professor Molly Medal for Research Support Excellence
and EngD have been awarded
Stevens (Outstanding Research Team) Professor Anthony Bull, Head of the
– Dr Stefanos Zafeiriou (Excellence in Research Mr John Booth, recipient of the President’s Medal
MUSICAL INTERLUDE Bioengineering Department
Supervision) for Research Support Excellence
Gigue from Partita No 2 in D minor for solo violin Professor Neil Alford, Associate Provost
Johann Sebastian Bach Professor Molly Stevens, recipient of the
Solo performed by Tudor Trita President’s Medal for Outstanding Research Team
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering requests Dr Lorraine Craig, Associate Dean
(first year Mathematics student) Dr Stefanos Zafeiriou, recipient of the President’s
the President to award the Imperial College Medal for Learning and Teaching
to Professor Geoff Maitland Medal for Excellence in Research Supervision
Professor Geoff Maitland, recipient of the Imperial
Chair of the Court and Council, Sir Philip Dilley
The Vice-Provost (Education) presents: FIFTH GROUP
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Mace Bearer, Head of the Central Secretariat,
– Ms Clementine Chambon
– Captain David Henson Mr Jon Hancock
– Dr Natasha Stephen Provost, Professor James Stirling
President, Professor Alice. P. Gast
Chair of the Court and Council, Sir Philip Dilley

59 60
Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Graduation 2017

DEAN’S WELCOME You are now part of
the alumni community
of over 90,000
engineering graduates

I would like to congratulate you on your exemplary

achievement, and thank your families for their support
during your time here. Your hard work, determination
and intelligence have made a lasting mark in your The Faculty of
Engineering is ranked
departments and within the Faculty of Engineering. first in Civil Engineering
and Geology in The Times
and Sunday Times Good
University Guide 2017
We also have established the new Dyson
School of Design Engineering. The School offers
undergraduate and postgraduate courses in
design engineering, global innovation design
and innovation design engineering. This places
the Faculty of Engineering at the forefront of
the emerging field of Design Engineering and
harnesses the innovative and entrepreneurial
spirit of our students and academics.
Top left: Professor Sanjeev Gupta, Professor of Earth
What continues to make our engineers unique Science, presents his work on the European Space
is our strong focus on translation, making lives Agency’s ExoMars mission at the KPMG Data Observatory,
better and pushing boundaries. We achieve located within Imperial’s Data Science Institute.

this through entrepreneurship, creativity and Above: Professor Stepan Luckyszyn, Professor of
design. The Imperial degree and your close ties to Millimetre-wave systems, in his laboratory with students
academics and industry sets you apart. It is now from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
on you to make an impact in your chosen field.
Left: Postgraduate student on the test rig in the Royal
Professor Jeff Magee British Legion Centre for Blast Injury Studies at Imperial
You can hold your head high as you tell people
College London. The Centre fosters collaboration between
you are an engineering graduate of Imperial medics, scientists and engineers.
As you leave the Faculty of Engineering and College London. The Faculty of Engineering
Imperial College London please do not view this continues to be ranked within the top ten
as goodbye, but rather the start of a new journey. engineering programmes in the world, including
You are now part of the alumni community of over third in the 2015–16 Times Higher Education
90,000 engineering graduates, who are shaping World Ranking.
industry, conducting ground-breaking research
and inspiring the next generation of engineering Congratulations on this exciting day! We look
forward to hearing about your success and having
leaders. We encourage you to stay involved and
you as a member of the Faculty of Engineering “You can hold your head
keep pushing us to achieve greatness.
alumni family. high as you tell people
The Faculty of Engineering is engaged in
extensive interdisciplinary collaboration across you are an engineering
College to push the scientific and technological graduate of Imperial
boundaries. The newly established Institute of
Molecular Science & Engineering works to expand College London.”
our understanding of molecules, nanoscale
assemblies and their priorities to help identify
holistic solutions to emerging grand challenges.
Additionally, the state-of-the-art Michael Uren
Biomedical Engineering Research Hub at the
White City campus has cemented our place as
a leader in biomedical engineering. This was
made possible by a generous gift from alumnus
Sir Michael Uren.

61 62
Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Graduation 2017

The following awards and prizes are given Departmental Project Prize John Kilner Prize MSc in Sustainable Energy Qatar Petroleum Medal
to students with a record of exceptional for Advanced Aeronautical for Energy Materials Futures Prize for Best Overall Farrel Gray
Engineering Mathew Niania Performance
achievement in scholarship in the Faculty Javier Igual Campos Pedro Augusto De Araujo Falcao RBS Global Markets Prize
of Engineering. Julia Higgins Centenary Prize Pessoa for Academic Excellence
DSTL Prize in Composite Giulia Grazziella Ferretti Gareth Michael John Williams
Materials MSc in Sustainable Energy
ABS Consulting Prize in Atkins Prize for Soil Dynamics Black & Veatch Prize Buro Happold Award Stephen Benn Lapworth Medal Futures Prize for Best Robert Bird Group Award
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology in Environmental Christoph Franz Steinbauer Michael Webster Performance in Examined Andrea Cassinelli
Loukas Oikonomakis Murray Mcgregor Engineering Dudley Newitt Prize for Components
Miguel Martinez Pañeda Charalampos Konstantinou Constance Fligg Tipper Experimental Excellence Larry Hench Prize Marie Wegner Rolls-Royce Prize in Nuclear
Bagrit Scholarship Aly-Joy Ulusoy Centenary Memorial Prize Vincent Poulichet Coline Jumeaux Engineering
Airbus Prize for Advanced James Mcintosh Francesca Tallia Paresh Ashok Parmar MSc in Sustainable Energy Arun Kumar Khuttan
Aeronautical Engineering BP Prize for the MSc in Dudley Newitt Prize for Futures Prize for Best
Xabier Romero Saenz Best MRes Bioengineering Petroleum Geoscience Corporate Partnership Theoretical/Computational Letitia Chitty Centenary Research Project Ronald Stewart Jenkins
Student Robert Fox Programme Award Excellence Memorial Prize Phoebe Pearce Memorial Prize
Airbus Prize for Best Daniel Phillip Pink Piyawat Lertvittayakumjorn Mario Villanueva Luke Lapira Victor Lee
MSc Project BP Prize for MSc Petroleum Ivan Matellanes David Ocio Moreno MSc Petroleum Geoscience Zhaoyu Xu
Andrea Cassinelli Best MRes Medical Device Engineering Christopher Snowden Elaine Austin Centenary Fieldwork Prize
Design Entrepreneurship Lukas Mosser Memorial Prize London Petrophysical Maya Le Pargneux Stella Bagrit Centenary
Ash Prize Student Departmental Prize for Anton Pershin Society Prize Memorial Prize
Marina Saiz Alia Daniel Taylor Composites Mubeen Ashraf Muhtar MSc Petroleum Geoscience Marina Saiz Alia
Hanaë Said Ahmed Energy Institute Prize Tomoya Usui Sedimentological Prize Daniel Andreas Schwyn
in Petroleum Engineering William Mitchell
Wanida Pongtepupathum Maurice Hanson Prize The Journal of Petroleum
Anupriya Anupriya OPC Ltd Well Test Geology Prize
Energy Institute Prize Analysis Prize James Anthony Hamilton-Wright
in Petroleum Geoscience McLean Medal Mark Thomas
Kevin Boulesteix Charalambos Kallepitis Townend Prize
Jingwei Xian OPC Ltd Well Test Pedro Manuel Arcelus Arrillaga
Frank Hodgson Memorial Prize Analysis Prize
Adrien Joly MSc Advanced Chemical Lezin Galibert Unwin Postgraduate Prize
Jurgen Vassallo Engineering Prize for Best Claire Villette
Performance in Examinations PACT Prize 2016 Jianglong Wang
Geoff Hewitt Prize Marcelle De Kock Gilbert Ogolo
Gaelle Rondepierre Jie Ren Victor Appleby Prize in
Patrick J Dowling Prize Engineering Hydrology
Gyebi Kufuor Memorial Prize MSc Advanced Chemical in Advanced Structural Marc Girona Mata
Xusong Wang Engineering Prize for Engineering David Ocio Moreno
Best Performance in the Luke Lapira
Hertha Ayrton Centenary Prize Research Project Xin Meng Water Conservation
Lanruo Wan Samara Sadeek Trust Prize
Peter Vaughan Memorial Lorenzo Menin
IPEM Student Prize MSc Analgoue and Digital Medal Xiang Ren
for Best MSc project Integrated Circuit Design Lauren Doughty
in Medical Physics Outstanding Achievement Weinberg Prize
Florentina De Comtes Prize Philips Group Project Prize Aloisius Purnama
Chang Gao in Computing Science
Ivor Tupper Prize Melinda Chan William Penney Prize
Giuseppe Calvi MSc Communications Luca Filipi Boon Hwee Chan
and Signal Processing David Joyce Ludovic Michel Thierry Feige
Jane Watson Memorial Prize Outstanding Achievement Joan Alabort Medina Nayoung Kim
Dunhui Xiao Prize Kathryn Shea Lukas Malms
Adrian Lopez Rodriguez Angharad Lowri Thomas Francisco Suarez Ortiz
Janet Watson Henry Williams
Citizenship Prize MSc Control Systems Winton Capital Advanced
Luke Bridgestock Outstanding Achievement Prize in Advanced Materials Computing MSc Project Prize
Prize Characterisation Techniques Mehdi Bahri
John & Frances Jones Prize Tamás Kern Stefan Goniszewski Christopher Snowden
Benjamin David Reeve Vivian Tong
MSc Future Power WS Atkins Prize
Networks Prize Rishabh Gvalani
Professor David Dye, Professor of Metallurgy in the Department of Materials, with a research colleague. Yitong Li

63 64
Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Graduation 2017

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING: Vignesh Venkateswaran

Jakub Vohryzek
Diploma of the Imperial
College, Master of Philosophy,
Marta Aragones Anglada
Askar Aryntay
Maxime Van Laer
Alix Jacqueline Kim Vu Duc

GRADUATES 2017 Fivos Voskarides

Atilla Vrasdonk
Inès Walther
Doctor of Philosophy

Orevaoghene Attah
Yerassyl Auyezkhanov
Gunel Azizova
Shaman Wang
Shihang Wang
Xingzhi Wang
Yilin Wang Matthieu Barthelemy Mengyun Wu
Danlin Wang Rheeda Ali Ziyad Bin Said Yuyang Wu
Billy James Woods Luca Antonello Annecchino Shahirah Binti Kexin Yang
Please note that this list of names is provided for the information and interest Kan Wu Silvia Ardila Jimenez Mohamed Loqman Jing Yu
of those attending the ceremony. It represents a list of postgraduates at the time Zhihao Yang Carlo Bagnato Christian Bohm Kai Bin Yi
Ge Zhang Luke Bashford Katty Elizabeth Cabezas Terán Qiao Zhang
of going to press, not all of whom are attending the ceremony. Baoqi Zhang Asim Bhuta Sourojeet Chakraborty Tianyuan Zhang
Guang Zhao Siti Haida Binti Ismail Guangdi Chen Xinmo Zhang
Xinyi Zhao Timothy John Bonner Jisiyuan Cheng Yiming Zhang
Hanyi Zhao Jacopo Bono Michael Coelho Yu Zhang
Diploma of the Imperial Omar Mahfoze Diploma of the Imperial Wenhan Du Eugenio Zuccarelli Yin-Hao Chang Cristian Constante Amores Yubai Zhang
College, Master of Science Husman Mahmood College, Master of Philosophy David Eustace Susu Chen Carolina Contreras Quintanilla Lingqiao Zhu
Olivier Alain Julien Mantica Sifa Fidelia Wing Keung Cheung Marcelle De Kock Yanbin Zhu
AERONAUTICS Fanyu Meng AERONAUTICS Manon Fraulob Diploma of the Imperial Kok Yean Chooi Petrus Johannes De Kock
Aulia Lazuardi Muhammad Irene María García López College, Master of Research Mean Chung Ghim Nan Ding
Roshendra Suroshan Haris Nadeem Hao Wu Clément Gérard Alejandro Adrian Menglin Duan Diploma of the Imperial
Abewickrama Ryan Newton Anita Purba Nilam Hapsari BIOENGINEERING Granados Castro Paraskevi Gkanavara College, Master of Philosophy,
Chamara Sampath Abeykoon Yuanbo Nie Brook Frances Rose Huxford Grigorios Grigoriadis Christopher Kwadwo Gordon Doctor of Philosophy
Abeykoon Mudiyanselage Augustin Nove-Josserand Diploma of the Imperial Filippos Ioannou Royan Dawud Aldian Benjamin Hardcastle Abdurrahman Fadhlil Halim
Mathilde Claire Aouizerate Pierre Olive College, Master of Philosophy, Ahmed Ismail Sean Batir Alexandros Houssein Renad Ismail CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
Alexis Avice De Bellevue Nikolaos Papagiannakopoulos Doctor of Philosophy Siwoo Jeong Andrew Birch Mohammad Jafarnejad Patrick Maria André
Turqueville Anton Pershin Muhammad Hasyier Marco Boodramsingh Seyedeh Jamalian Ardakani Camille Jordan Norfarah Diana Aba
Kaidi Bai Gregory Poh Yi Ren AERONAUTICS Farooque Joni Tamkin Tiffany Chan Dejana Jovicevic Aigerim Kairosheva Nihal Almuraikhi
Sharath Chandra Beemanpalli Rachel Jackson Price Doruk Kara James Clarke Sang Lee Faraz Kavehei Saeed Alshihri
Stephen Benn Julien Ravet-Bailey Stefano Buoso Olivia Karathanou Javier Cudeiro Sarah Lewis Foster Kholi Pedro Manuel Arcelus Arrillaga
Alexis Berthou Xabier Romero Saenz Daniele De Grazia Shamas Ul Ebad Khan Darije Custovic Sinan Li Raymond Teck Hien Khoo Aaron Borg
Camille Marie-Claire Bouter Hanaë Said Ahmed Dirk Ekelschot Maxim Khomiakov Sofia Dallorso James Mcintosh So Yeon Kim Shane Cadogan
Warwick Walter Bradfield Putra Arri Sandhi Marcin Fert Brian Dong-Uk Kim Julia Ebert Gavin Metcalf Jialong Lan James Campbell
Hamza Butt Yi Sian See Thibault Flinois Sebastian Kuhn Jorge Fernandez Quesada Alexander Morris Wen-Hsin Lee Xi Chen
Zhaoheng Cai Baiyang Shi Michael Garland Ngo Fung Daniel Lam Andrea Fiorentino Susan Mulcahy Man Cheng Lei Florence Yu Tsing Chow
Qianqian Cao Jordan Stoker Mashy David Green Timothée Lambert Lewis Formstone Ilias Pagkalos Yuanli Li Paul Corbett
Bowen Cao Xin Sui Luigi Gigliotti Diane Clémence Lancien Patricia Gallego Wei Pan Xiaoqi Li Zi Ran Da
Andrea Cassinelli Qi Zhi Tan Gareth Robert Jones Marie Leroy Adam Gregory Lomas Shiva Persad Xiaoyu Li Joao Da Silva Burgal
Tancredi Catalano Gonzaga Lee Roy Theodore Mu Seok Kwak Joseph Newman Pitt Lillington Sean Arthur Blaise Herault Tonghathai Phairatana Anas Momen Ibrahim Asaad I M Daher
Alvaro Cea Esteban Xiaoyu Tian Yumnah Mohamied Marti Llairo Spencer John Chandos Hoskyns Georgios Pothoulakis Jose Juan Morales Corona Aikaterini Diamanti
Vamsi Krishna Chalamalasetty Tan Tsong Kai Douglas John Rainbird Atbin Malayeri Ibidumo Igah Antonios Pouliopoulos Henry Nel Emilio Diaz Bejarano
Jennifer Chapman Chuanhao Wan Robert James Sinclair Simpson Xin Mao Travis Jacobs Benjamin David Reeve Klara Nguyenova Giulia Lice Graziella Ferretti
Marine Corinne Andrew John Wheatley Mason Thammawichai Mariam Ebrahim Jaafar Ioanna Karpathiou Ester Reina Torres Elliot Nolan Christina Gatsiou
Francyane Charrier Man Hang Wong Mohamed Tim Kirby Jose Maria Rivera Rubio Olawunmi Esther Odunola Cher Goey
Yuzhu Chen Xin Wu Albane Stéphanie Marie Moreau Wing Fai Lee Caroline Roney Gilbert Ogolo Farrel Gray
Nicolas Marc Armand Février Qing Xie Diploma of the Imperial Aikaterini Mouliadou Julien Lin Ethan Rowland Emeke Osaje Boram Gu
Feng Gao Naichen Xing College, Master of Science Nik Syahirah Aliaa Carl Lubba Hugo Sant’Ana Pereira Marion Ossart Ajay Gupta
Emmanuel Garcia Wei Ying Nik Sharifulden Gerald Moore Daniel Andreas Schwyn Samuel Damilola Oyekanmi Abdihakim Hassan
Ravin Garg Shuxuan Yu BIOENGINEERING Pablo Ortega San Miguel Konstantinos Petkos Edward James Spurrier Andrius Patapas Thomas Hills
Romain Barthelemy Roger Guangkui Zang Adam Ouzeri Daniel Phillip Pink Atsushi Takagi Jia Ying Charleen Peer Ruien Hu
Giubergia Edouard Zerdoun Elias Abou Jaoude Huiting Pan Thomas Robins Jiaying Tang Shayne Petkiewicz Muhammad Ibadurrohman
Andrew Gloster Mi Zhou Mohammed Aly Lihui Peng Tania Elionora Rodin Medina Andreas Thomik Puvich Punmeechao Jing Ji
Nidhi Goel Tianye Zhu Deanandya Ananto Margherita Piccini Clara Rodriguez Fernandez Tim Weenink Aloisius Purnama Zhiwei Jiang
Nicolas Patrick Marie Roger Zouei Meghna Asthana Ioanna Prionisti Fotios Savvopoulos John Wilson Abdul Rahman Rana Harkamaljot Singh Kandail
Jérôme Hanappier Alessia Atzeni Rémi Pascal Pruvost Isobel Steer Wen Wu Aishwarya Ashish Redij Nikolaos Kazazakis
Grace Hu Ho Ting Au Neerajha Ram Julia Sun Jie Ren Folasade Labiyi
Shujun Hu Diploma of the Imperial Juan Aviles Milan Lance Rane Daniel Taylor Julien Renard Niccolo Le Brun
Fabian Patricio Hualca Tigsilema College, Master of Science, Sam Banisadr Lou-Ann Raymond Alvaro Vinals Guitart Diploma of the Imperial Gaelle Rondepierre Wei Ting Lee
Javier Igual Campos Master of Research Aurelien Bichon Marianne Regli Emily Woods College, Master of Science Samara Sadeek Kai Liu
Omar Md Abd El M A Khalil Willy Vladimir Bonneuil Daniel Ressi Vincent Zaballa Rafaella Sammouti Nur Mazlan
Eng Hin Koh AERONAUTICS Alexandre Michel Maurice Breant Mireia Ruiz Maymó CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Emilie Françoise Hélène Sauve Malami Mohammed
Kai Mbali Kruger Bastos Franco Cevenini Marina Saiz Alia Frederik Schulze Spuntrup Ioana Nascu
Bastien Laurent Baris Gungordu Wei-Chung Chang Ignacio Sallent Diploma of the Imperial Sheik Abdul Hafidz Bin Sheik Zahra Shahbakhsh Dimitrios Nerantzis
Hao Li Rishabh Gvalani Ankit Chawla Simon-Cyrus Schams College, Master of Philosophy A Hamid Harsh Ujjval Shukla Yen Ngeow
Wenhao Li Csaba Katai Charlene Chetcuti Kenneth Shaw Mohamed Abusharida Alexandra Sikinioti-Lock Andreas Nold
Yixuan Li Paul Mannix Cedric Daniel Norbert Colas Zihao Shen BIOENGINEERING Titilayo Adeyinka Benjamin Silcox Richard Oberdieck
Junlin Liang Lee Nissim James Cunningham Ramya Shivananjaiah Oluwaseyitan Ololade Agbaje Shubham Singh Anthony Odongo
Jialiang Lin Thomas Rees Behnoush Davami Eva Ann Sideris Christine Otieno Lu Ai Mohd Juwaidy Bin Suhaimi Bhavish Patel
Jiamin Luo Arjun Sharma Florentina De Comtes Yao Song Hamza Alhamadah Avinash Sukhwani Vincent Poulichet
Yi-Rong Luo Francesca Sogaro Theocharis Drakos Amelia Heloise Faith Thomson Olowo Akinlabi Aminu Clement Tang Ana Luz Quiroga Campano
Cédric Mahé Simon Warder Richard Du Thuy-Vi Aurélie Truong Grace Aquah Rabi’Atu Tanimu Sadia Rahman

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Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Felicity Jane Roberts Ilias Dalagiorgos Ngai Sui Leung Dimitra Rozi Haochenzi Zhang Philip Brezovszky Jueming Liu Binjie Xia
Deborah Anne Roebuck Manon Dangelser Shengzhe Li Menglin Ru Jun Zhang Jack Bridger Yao Liu Benyuan Xu
Christine Seifried Thomas Dawnay Min Li David Sadradze Ze Zhang Matthieu Buffet Yifan Liu Tian Yang
Binchu Shi Maximilien De Warren Tongmeng Li Mark Sampson Yunting Zhang Feipeng Cai Sean Löfgren Di Yao
Shelly Singh Antoine Jacques Albert Defer Jichi Li Yuchao Shang Xiaoyue Zhao Charlotte Maxwell Carruthers Yen Jeong Loh Bin Yao
Suna Srisamai Camille Michèle Nicole Defillon Nan Li Piyush Kumar Sharma Yifan Zhou Alexander Carver David Loughnane Ho Man Yau
Irina Valtcheva Alison Delahunty Jicheng Liang Yiye Shi Yanlan Zhou Ioannis Chadjiminas Cong Lu Shengnan Yu
Mario Villanueva Angel Denia Berrocoso Xin Liao Yiyang Shou Jian Zhu Narongrit Chaianuchittrakul Diyi Ma Yifan Zhai
Wan Mohd Fazli Wan Nawawi Thomas David Dennison Chung-Kai Lien Konstantinos Simotas Lisa Chalaguine Georges Madalinski Haoran Zhang
Keeran Ward Maryam Dewiandratika Ziyi Liu Richard Andrew Vincent Smith Ying Chan Robin Marle Cong Zhang
Nathan Welch Alexandre Justin Divol Teng Liu Dimitra Spyropoulou Diploma of the Imperial Melinda Chan Samuel Martinet Tangkai Zhang
Joseph Yao Lauren Doughty Yuqing Liu Christoph Franz Steinbauer College, Master of Philosophy, Ze Chen Ivan Matellanes Yaozhong Zhang
Mauricio Zamorano Mosnaim Peter Dritsakos Jia Liu Meril Stuck Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor Chen Chen William Mcgehee Ruizhe Zhang
Imad El Khouri Jan Loades Rinaldi Kanta Suherman of Engineering Xi Chen Félix Mézière Xu Zhao
Pingbo Fan Jin Jie Loo Qiyu Sun Xidi Chen Luka Milic Ye Zhou
Diploma of the Imperial Xueyang Fang Andrés Sebastián López Nogales Visakhadevi Sutandhi CIVIL ENGINEERING Bingwei Chen Katsushi Minamizono Wanqing Zhou
College, Master of Science Tong Feng Marc-Antoine Lorthiois Maythus Svasti-Xuto Chiu Wing Cheung Pierre Laurent Monchalin Yunxin Zhou
Ariadni Maria Filippidou Dawei Lu Kah Ming Tai Amin Aghakouchak Chanakarn Chinchatchawal Stylianos Moschoglou Lulai Zhu
CIVIL ENGINEERING Jian Fah Fong Anthony Wai-Leung Lui Roger Teoh Chro Haider Ahmed Sylvester Chrisander Anne Mottram Mengqi Zhu
Kristian Darcy Fox Hugues Louis Baptiste Lys Jitka Tomkova Alejandro Barrero Bilbao Christos Christidis Christopher Edwin Mower
Steven Wenyi Gao Qian Ma Chanapa Treewong Reuben Brambleby Tanguy Coatalem Hugh O’Brien
Mohamed Abdelhadi Ryan Gibbons Lamprini Malatesta Despoina Tsakona Jack Grimes Izaak Coleman Boon Eng Oh Diploma of the Imperial
Yara Achkouti Cyril Hervé Paul Marie Giraud Srisathiavani Marathamuthu Susana Tsang Joseph Francis Haley Aishling Cooke Guillaume Thierry Paillot College, Master of Research
Tito Adibaskoro Marc Girona Mata Alberto Martin Gonzalez-Zaera Charilaos Tsetoulidis Jeong Min Han Elizabeth Corrie Wang Pan
Joshua Agbede Sachin Luke Gosai Aid Martinez Hernandez Vasileios Tsigkakos Asher Hoskins Justine Courty Androniki Papagora COMPUTING
Angela Afua Asson Ahlijah Alexander Gregg Masferrer Miguel Martinez Pañeda Martina Uffredi George Stefanos Koudis Samuel Rhys Cox Alexios Papakonstantinou
Emdad Ahmed Panqi Gu Murray Mcgregor Aly-Joy Ulusoy Charilaos Latinopoulos Lu Cui Ani Petrosyan Anastasios Andronidis
Savvas Akritidis Sonali Gungoosingh Chenyue Mei Madhab Uprety Elizabeth Long Liu Junning Deng Phumin Phuangjaisri Davide Giacomo Cavezza
Jorge David Albuja Sanchez Sergio Andrés Gutiérrez Cofré Carmen Meneses Guiu Louis Marie Vallette Viallard Jianlin Luan Peter Lewis Efstathiou Sara Pohl Chia Yi Joel Choo
Valentina Aleotti Giorgos Haralambous Xin Meng Jurgen Vassallo Bastian Manz Clement Noël Escolano Guilherme Cristovao Pombo Daniel Coelho De Castro
Mohmmed Sabri Alshahed Rizky Ardian Hidayat Lorenzo Menin Maria Laura Vazquez Ruiz Severine Marechal Jiarou Fan Alfan Presekal Matthew Douthwaite
Mooza Al-Sowaidi Germain Roger Albert Hot Tolulope Junaid Mohammed Ken Vinck Simon Moulds Yan Fan Jie Pu Giannis Evagorou
Dan Hickson Aluvi Philip Howes Khaled Mokhtar Athanasios Voudris Sarah Noye Yingjing Feng Osama Farooq Rama Sanket Sayaji Kamthe
Georgios Anatolakis Qiuwen Hu Ibrahim Mohamed Jonathan Walsh Jimmy O’Keeffe Luca Filipi Dimos Dimitrios Raptis Ilia Kisil
Anupriya Anupriya Siqi Hu Hanief Momen Wan Muhamad Syahmi Masahide Otsubo William Sykes Fisher Matthieu Pierre Louis Raymond Andrei Lascu
Dayu Apoji Jingwen Hu Javier Monroig Vives Bin Wan Manshol Ahmad Ramli Anthony Miles Flynn Loubna Rizqi Domagoj Margan
Athina Atalioti Shijie Huang Theodoros Mourtis Wan Amir Hisyam Wan Zakariah Jonathan Ritson Shanshan Fu Romain Raymond Jackie Sabathé Miten Mistry
Mathieu Auguste Chung-Yu Huang Puteri Myrasandri Endah Putri Wandari Nicolas Gislain Schaeffer Hao Geng Frederic Sauvage Andrea Paudice
Kevin Aznar Santiago Erin Hylton Ahmad Nassar Xusong Wang Sofia Semitsoglou-Tsiapou Andreas Georgiou Shahrokh Shahi Jo Schlemper
Courtnae Raedawn Maria Bailey Andrei Ignat Brenna Newell Dong Wang Wenlong Shang Nicolas Gotchac Kayla Suzan Shapiro Tianjiao Sun
Zineb Bargach John-Paul Indoe Ka Wing Ng Liqiao Wang Stavros Sidiropoulos Yitao Guan Kathryn Shea Teng Yu
Gulshanlal Basant Rai Layal Ismail Yilin Ni James Ward James Simpson Vincent Elie Hage Yang Shi
Emir Ali Basar Abderrahmane Jaidi Raúl Norambuena Michael Webster Peri Smith Jie Heng Yuki Shinohara
Ayesha Basit Rui Ji Vito Adivta Nugraha Chenjia Wei Esra Suel Michael Hopkins Pavlos Siaperas Diploma of the Imperial
Ioannis Basmatzidis Yixiu Jiang David Ocio Moreno Rory Westrup Howard Taylor Joshua Howarth Christopher William Smallwood College, Master of Philosophy,
Stergios Befas Jiaqing Jiang Loukas Oikonomakis Christopher Wharf Claire Villette Jonas Incius Christopher Snowden Doctor of Philosophy
Eline Berg Braathen Adrien Joly Hussein Omer Michael Wigington Jie Wang Yuxuan Jiang Jukka-Pekka Eemeli Soikkeli
Mekuria Betru Diego Juarez Garcia Sanjana Pal Yu Bing Yvonne Wong Jialiang Yu Ziwen Jin Sabrina Souidi COMPUTING
Hélène Bodineau Korkin Kadehjian Emmanouil Palierakis Chaoxian Wu Ding Zhou David Joyce Edward Oliver Steele
Nanthawoot Boonintra Kalliopi Kalamara Thetis Pantou Kai Wu Olivier Vincent Sami Khatib Suleeporn Sujichantararat Ekaterina Abramova
Justine Bénédicte Jacquel Briard Andreas Kaloterakis Andreas Parpottas Chengyu Xia Jawad Amin Khokhar Nimalesh Sukumar Joan Alabort Medina
Noel Broderick Sami Kamal Shuai Peng Minhua Xia Diploma of the Imperial Yi Sheng Koh Hin Hong Tam Duangtida Athakravi
Chen Cai Fotios Katsaros Chunyin Peng Xin Xin College, Master of Science Veronika Kolejakova Elena-Alice Tanase Lucas Carstens
Amelie Marie Caille Ivo Keranov Iraklis Perdikis Guanyu Xiong Dimitrios Kollias Pierre Angelo Thary Xi Chen
Martin Christopher Cannon Muhamad Khalil Vionita Rizqa Permana Ziqi Xu COMPUTING Nikolaos Kostoulas Angharad Lowri Thomas Tiberiu Chis
Huan Cao Dewei Kong Cynthia Petnga Jie Xu Desy Kristianti Amandine Lea Triaux David Cittern
Ke Cao Charalampos Konstantinou Carlos Esteban Piola Ruiz Na Xu Fahd Abdeljallal Zoe Landgraf Alexandru Vaida Michael Cook
Fiona Carr John Bohdan Kurylo Freddy David Ponce Costales Ying Xu Bayan Al-Arifi Karlson Lee Pierre Eugene Valassakis Graham Bruce Deane
Brice Chan Ng Yok Olateju Elizabeth Kuye Harit Prasertsin Zhaoyu Xu Faisal Aleissa Rebecca Lee Zoe Vance Stefanos Eleftheriadis
Konstantinos Chatziioannou King Lam Kwan Xiaoting Pu Jiahui Yang Mohammed Al-Hakim Piyawat Lertvittayakumjorn Antoine Marc René Vianey-Liaud Daniele Filaretti
Wenyu Chen Ludovic Dominique Laignelet Ruyi Qian Lingxi Yang Manal Mubarak Alhammad Yin Li Songyang Wang Marco Fiscato
Lu Chen Verone Lancaster Xuewen Qing Yinglu Ye Lubna Alkhalil Zhaofeng Li Haoyang Wang Zafeirios Fountas
Yuezhou Chen Nikolaos Lantzounis Shichao Qiu Han Yu Lauren Anders Jiawei Li Ziyu Wang Alberto Gatto
Xiaoqing Chen Luke Lapira Rataphong Rahong Xianyi Yu Noppawee Apichonpongpan Zuwei Li Yaguang Wang Constantinos Gavriel
Zun Chen Mikael Lautret-Staub Vinod Rampersaud Sekai Zengeza Ivan Avanessov Zukang Liao Qi Wang Pavel Gonzalez
Chao Chen Gauthier Le Traon Rémi Ratail Emmanouil Zervas Cataldo Azzariti Zhi Ting Lim Robert James Webb Zena Hira
Zeyu Cheng Austin Hoyoung Lee Xiang Ren Zhuolun Zhang Mehdi Bahri Timothy Lim Lotte Weerts Chin Ho
Federico Ciuffa Victor Lee Sophie Eugenie Louise Ridacker Xiaoyu Zhang Ross John Wyatt Baker Yen Khye Lim Lin Wei Sokratis Kartakis
Matthew James Colson John Isaac Jie Lee Gabriella Katrina Rizzo Siliang Zhang Lucy Bates Songjun Lin Henry Williams Panagiotis Kouvaros
Oscar Criado Domenech Clayton Lei Xiaoxiao Rong Chao Zhang Rémi Bazin Guanjie Liu Liqun Wu Tomasz Kuchta
Mayowa Jeremiah Dada Gregory Leonard Benjamin Rowan Shiwei Zhang Adrien Edgar Boukobza Wing Sang Vincent Liu Haojinghong Wu Yu Liu

67 68
Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Fabio Luporini John Routledge Hengyan Liu Mohamed Fayez El Sharkawy Vincent Paul Romain Cloitre Clemens Moritz Tepel
Ioannis Marras Seung Yeon Ryu Yuqi Liu Mohamed Elmikaty Stephane Jean-Bernard Cremel Myrto Thoma
Feryal Mehraban Pour Malav Sanghavi Adrian Lopez Rodriguez Xitong Gao Hayden Wallace Dahmm Napat Tongmark
Behbahani Elodie Soler Yunhai Lu Yixing Gao Wei Dai Andreas Tsipouriaris
Rabih Mohsen Ka Hei Suen Peining Ma Theodosis Georgiou Charlotte D’Arcy Veronica Liliana Uribe Uribe
Sepideh Nazemi Gelyan Xinyang Tan Xiaoxi Ma Spyridon Giannelos Pedro Augusto De Araujo Simon Olivier Robert
Rumyana Neykova Harry David Thompson Haoyu Ma Liucheng Guo Falcao Pessoa Van De Kerckhove
Khin Hua Ng Wan-Ting Tseng Marcus Moore Onur Guven Nicolas Benoit Marieeudes Dimitrios Vardouniotis
Zhan Qiu George Wright Arghavan Nazemi Krystallo Hadjicosti De Lacoste De Laval Jianglong Wang
Kate Reed Athanasios-Xenofon Parathyras Yasaman Hamidizadeh Axelle Delangle Marie Wegner
Michal Romaniuk Pasha Pashazade Chenxi Hao Shaunagh Duncan Natalia Maria Wisniewska
Yad Tahir Diploma of the Imperial Hongyu Qian Lila Izhar Maria-Aliki Efstratiadi Wei Xin
Quang Tran College, Master of Philosophy, Huaqi Qiu Jingjing Jiang Johannes Martin Frey Jia You
Orestis Tsinalis Doctor of Philosophy Ze Ren Zygmunt Jones Lei Gao Yang Yu
Luke Urquhart Elliott Schires Hamdi Joudeh Aspasia Georgakopoulou John Zepos
Wenlong Wang DYSON SCHOOL OF DESIGN Yaroslav Shchekaturov Paul Judge Matthew Glasstone Yuxin Zhou
Weikun Wang ENGINEERING Ze Shen Ilias Kalamaras Akash Goenka Lei Zhu
Shicai Wang Shiguang Song Shri Kanagasabapathy Alan Goron Dr Petar Kormushev, DIrector of the Robot Intelligence Lab, with the DE NIRO,
Timothy Wood Bruce Garvey Sikan Sun Hadi Karimi Khouzani Augustin Guibaud the Dyson School of Design Engineering’s Natural Interaction Robot.
Robert Alexander Wright Min-Tzu Sung Ermis Koutsos Vincent Clement Charles Haguet Diploma of the Imperial
Zhongliu Xie Tiffany Tuor Lieuwe Leene Liav Adi Harel College, Master of Research
Xian Yang Diploma of Imperial College, Mohammad Kamalul Wafi Sze Chie Lim Christopher Dixon Hopper Yi Wang Sasha Dorai
Lazaros Zafeiriou Master of Science Lanruo Wan Huafeng Liu Xi Hua MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Yanliuxing Yan Thibaut Pierre Marie Durand
Ruotong Wang Wenhan Luo Guoquan Huang Shaoxi Yu Charlotte-Ellen Eales
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC Shu Wang Ankur Majumdar Joseph Juan Golam Majumder Long Yu Tariq El-Hassan
Diploma of the Imperial ENGINEERING Wenmei Wang John Murray-Bruce Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos Fanzhou Zhao Emmanuel Epelle
College, Master of Science Zeming Wang Stavros Papadopoulos Omri Klug Haoliang Zhou Juan Sebastian Eslava Herrera
Pierre Ablin Yameng Wang Peter Pesl Michael Günther Kölbl Diploma of the Imperial Sian Evans
DYSON SCHOOL OF DESIGN Kamna Ashu Miao Wei Pablo Peso Xiaoxi Kong College, Master of Philosophy, Onyekachukwu Chukwuemenem
ENGINEERING Lei Ba Wei Xiao Borzoo Rassouli Pauline Marie Lacreuse Doctor of Philosophy Diploma of the Imperial Ezeamuzie
Benjamin Bernard Paul Boclet Zhunlin Xie Ruchir Saraswat Panagiotis Ladas College, Master of Science Clara Apolline Maïté Facy
Luca Alessandrini Pakorn Boonkrong Yue Yan Wassif Shabbir Wai Hay Thomas Lai MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Michael Fairbairn
Kourosh Atefipour Giuseppe Calvi Qingsong Yan Kan Shi Chengdong Lai EARTH SCIENCE Gilang Fardanea
Noach Ben-Haim Jaeeun Cha Shuhao Yan Richard Stanton Filip Michal Langiewicz Joseph Ahn AND ENGINEERING Elizabeth Sophie Felts
John David Narciso Bertolaso Yujue Chang Qijun Yuan Mingyang Sun Wen Wei Lee Petros Akridis John Fennell
Edward Brial Yinru Chen Xiaotian Zhang Sayedpouria Talebi Ruipengyu Li Kiron Ken Athwal Harkaran Singh - Lorena Andrea
Gabriel Brückner Siquan Chen Yunxiao Zhang Danhang Tang Hoong Woei Lim Daniel Benstock Ishrat Ahmed Fernandez Romero
Jorge Andres Cartes Sanhueza Xi Chen Ziyao Zhang Morteza Varasteh Yu Liu Christopher Burrows Muhammad Ahsan Charles Fitzroy
Brendan Cawley Soyoon Chin Chenming Zhang Evangelos Venieris Wufan Liu Saba Butt Ayobami Akinlawon Amir Foley
Sheng Cheng Shanelle Clarke Xueqing Zhang Zheng Wang Andreas Livera Kun Cao Hassan Aldaif Robert Fox
Shuxin Cheng Tianhong Dai Hanyuan Zhang Xiaoyao Wei Kevan Majde Nicola De Laurentis Firudin Aliyev Olivier Franco
Jongwoo Choi Devanshee Deepak Yuxuan Zhao Felix Winterstein Arthur Arnaud Marie Mariaud Jacob Dobson Charlotte Allen Daniel Frost
Elena Dieckmann Lan Ding Qier Zhao Stephen Woods Muhammad Izany Bin Md Sallih John Dodds Abdulrahman Almulla Malene Fumany
Christian Felsner Jingyu Du Cunzhuo Zhao Chao Xiong Simon Meunier Marcus Gardner Abdullah Almuslem Christopher Furby
Janna Fuller Gavin Fong Kah Lin Bowen Zheng Yang Yang Merdiani Aghnia Mokobombang Giovanni Giustini Andreu Alvaro Rinat Gabdrakhmanov
Charlotte Furet Yang Fu Xinyi Zhong Yujian Ye Xiaomiao Niu Camilla Halewood Pipin Ariyanto Lezin Galibert
Martina Garbolino Jingyi Gao Lisha Zhong Peng Zhang Abisola Otesile Fabian Hampp Maxime Wissam Atoui Luke Gavin
Heng Gu Chang Gao Jingwei Zhu Xiaochen Zhao Phoebe Pearce Francisco Hernando Quintanilla Hannah Aylwin Eymeric Robert Philippe Genty
Olivia Hildebrand Zhenzhong Gao Yiming Zhu Guangyu Zhou Tipphawan Pisanpeeti Rebecca Sian Jeffers Chafic Azar Clémence Gualini
Miao-Ju Ho Zhou Ge Shi Zuo Artemis Pountoureli Andi Jin Hikmat Babayev James Anthony Hamilton-Wright
Philippe Hohlfeld Xuan Gong Bahareh Martin Jurisch Salmat Baoku Kristian Matthew Hardman
Yeting Jiang Emanuele Gruppi Diploma of the Imperial Pourbagheraghchehkandi Yusuf Kanca Marion Barre Kenneth Hodcroft
Jieyu Jiang Zhuyan Gu Diploma of the Imperial College, Master of Science Nursita Setiawati Pramono Mark Kelly Jean Etienne Edouard Bastin Yiqun Huan
Clarissa Kang Lan Guang College, Master of Philosophy, Yichen Qian Peter Kraus Auriane Bergerol Alexander Hudson
Sheroy Katila Yuliang Guo Doctor of Philosophy MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Jidapa Ratanayanon Junyi Lee Kevin Boulesteix Muhammad Adhwa Husein
Yuri Klebanov Taha Hamid Adrian Regueira Lopez Sang Jin Lee Jimmy Boulter Eui Chang Hwang
Lucia Lane Edde Rehma Javed ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC Firas Abi Saleh Yuan Ren Alexander Leibinger Jamie Burford Sergi Iglesias Costa
Charles Leclercq Rong Ji ENGINEERING Jules Barot Mauricio Riveros Rodriguez Shervin Maleki Azarbaijani Pierre Emmanuel Gilbert Burrus Chukwunonso
Laura Leddy Yang Ju Jose Miguel Benito Ruiz Muhammad Rizki Nigel Marx Andrew Maurice Callington Nkemyesoa Ikiliagwu
Olli Lehtonen Tamás Kern Georgios Anagnostou Edouard Paul Bernard Bertagna Ahamefula Rochas Meor Meor Zulkifli James Carlile Aleksejs Ivanovs
Wenxi Li Solon Kousios Carlos Arana Remirez Luke Bevan Allison Rowe Jacob Page Emily Carson Michael Johnson
Christoph Massak Andrew Kubal Andrew Bean Mohamed Hafiz Setareh Shamdani Samuel Park Cagri Cerrahoglu Georgina Katzaros
Andre Mcqueen Xiaosen Li Radu Berdan Bin Abdul Samad Kaige Shi Joshua George Petersen Evi Charalampous Vasiliki Kosmidou
Jolita Mo Conghui Li Huibo Bi Maria Briola Matteo Silvestri Michele Pettina Charalampos Chrysinas Chandrika Rizki Kusuma
Maria Noh Jue Li Mohd Hisham Bin Nordin Remi Emmanuel Kyriaki Skevi Mohamad Ikhwan Zaini Ridzwan Paolo Ciancimino Gary Laing
Kicheol Pak Yitong Li Yanfei Chen Marie-Josep Bucquet Aitor Soler Garcia Valentina Ruffini Charles Clark Akshay Lakhani
Antoni Pakowski Zhengyu Li Hung Chen Claire Marie Claude Burtin Adriana Soledad Soliz Miranda Wasim Sarwar Naomi Dawha Maya Le Pargneux
Christina Catharina Yiqian Li Mingbo Dai Alberto Carceles Peiro Iason-Zarifis Spiliotopoulos Frederic Sebilleau Gabrielle De Govia Chloe Leandrou
Friis Blach Petersen Yifan Liang Clement Doire Yawen Chen Binxuan Sun Ran Sopher Sharan Dhami Jie Jian Leong
Jon Rasche Ting Fu Lin Andreas Doumanoglou Ahammad Rafsan Chowdhury Krisztina Szabo Keith Tarnowski Shwan Dizayee Mark Lewis
Haidin Rashid Amin Yiming Lin Derek Eaton George Cleaver Lara Elise Ruth Tarasewicz Sorin-Cristian Vladescu Dietrich Kevin Dongue Dongue Jifei Li

69 70
Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Danqing Liu Diploma of the Imperial Yujia Bai Nathaniel Read

David Lobo Guerrero Alonso College, Master of Philosophy, Renee Bose Giles Rought Whitta
Fokion Loizos Doctor of Philosophy Mengnan Cao Thomas Whiting
Delwen Kaur Loudon Boon Hwee Chan Kathryn Yates
Joseph Macdonald EARTH SCIENCE AND Yi Heng Cheong
Muhamad Yusuf Abdul Madjid ENGINEERING Tong Cui
Peter Malcolm Yi Cui Diploma of the Imperial
Hayden Margetts Sunshine Abbott Alexandra Darivaki College, Master of Philosophy,
Angelos Markou Alexandros Adam Dafni Daskalaki Mountanou Doctor of Philosophy
Marek Marksoo Zaki Mahmoud Sharif Marie Valérie Louise Devisse
Pierre-François Mateo Al Nahari Alhashmi Ludovic Michel Thierry Feige MATERIALS
Aiden McGuckin Tareq Al-Ansari Laura Finnegan
Hayley Meek Abdulaziz Aldhuwaihi Dick Ferieno Firdaus Mohammad Adabi
James Mills Dawoud Al-Mahrouqi Sophie Carole Nathalie Grosjean Nor Ezzaty Ahmad
William Mitchell Ali Al-Menhali Zheng Han Benjamin Bell
Sam Montgomery Nayef Mehsin A A Alyafei Ornapsorn Hasdin Robert Bell
Lukas Mosser Julia Beckert Linlin Hou Polina Brangel
Mubeen Ashraf Muhtar Thomas Andreas Berndt Ismaila Omeiza Ibrahim Claire Burgess
Thibault Mukerjee Gaurav Bhutani Awidia Eswandari Juwita Mitchell Cuddihy
Pezhmon Nassiri Moshiel Biton Arun Kumar Khuttan Gil Da Costa Machado
Johanna Alejandra Luke Bridgestock Nayoung Kim Carina Marisa
Navarrete Guerra Liping Cai Tian Lan Dos Santos Almeida
Tobias Neuert Chiara Civiero Qinmeng Luan Bernadette Elliott-Bowman
Qianni Ni David Culley Adomas Lukenskas Claudio Ferraro
Jack O’Callaghan Jorge Enrique Ye Ma Anna Fricker
Bob Felix Ocitti De La Torre Guzman Lukas Malms Stefan Goniszewski
Nnaemeka Ifeanyi Okoli Henry Debens Peace Namono Nazeba Sonia Hallen
Jude Okolie Peter Rory Gordon Aigerim Omirkhan Rachael Harrison
Opeoluwa Olawale Harini Hewa Dewage Jia Ouyang Ming He
Uzezi Orivri Martin Honig Na Pan Andrew Philip James Hodgson
Thomas James Paul Owens Amadi Ijioma Alexander Nicholas Parnell Coline Jumeaux
Diane Pendieu Enkoue Naomi Jordan Liuqing Peng Juhan Kahk
Loic Valentin Pilioua-Zimongo Roulin Khondoker Linda Sofie Reuter Charalambos Kallepitis
Richard Pitman Peter Lai Yadukrishnan Sasikumar Mabel Lew
Wanida Pongtepupathum Philipp Lang Yitong Shi Elena Littmann
Fatkhur Rahman Marlene Leclerc Epameinondas Skountzos Giovanni Luongo
Federica Cleo Raimondi Qinghua Lei Chengsong Su Mohd Muzamir Bin Mahat
Mahsa Rezaei Duy Luong Francisco Suarez Ortiz Robert Maller
Anthony Rickards Donald Macallister Brian Sum Paul Mulvey
Yohann Loic Rocher Tamara Markovic Bryan Tan Jun Kai Maria Nelson
Kareem Rodgers Hannah Menke Blessing Tavaya Mathew Niania
Jean Ronin Calogero Migliore Cappello Caroline Taylor Kharissa Nitiputri
Kimberley Emma Toxvaerd Roy Katherine Louise Murphy Mei-Shan Ting Celia Pacheco Moreno
Amin Salehi Morteza Nejati Jean Vergnet Paresh Ashok Parmar
Halo Ameen Fateh Salihi Chao Ning Yiyi Wang Kien Cuong Pham
Ernesto Santibanez Borda Joao Paulo Pereira Nunes Siyang Wang Lucia Podhorska
Marine Therese Josette Schera Adam Pacey William White Yoann Porte
Daria Shalashova Carl Steven Palk Noppong Worapipat Alireza Rahnama
Anna Sheikina Graeme Poole Hao Wu Alberto Scaccabarozzi
Hammed Shittu Catriona Anne Reynolds Xueming Xia Giuseppe Giovanni Scatigno
Eli Saut Silalahi David Robinson Wei Xiong Richard Simons
Renny Sara Selviani Sipayung Duna Roda Boluda Xueping Yan Anu Solanki
David Smith Rebecca Claire Smith Tianhan Yang Kyasha Sri Ranjan
Christopher Stapleton Alan Spencer Rui Yang Francesca Tallia
Mark Thomas Natasha Stephen Yuhong Yang Hung Kai Ting
Emma Toms Adamu Abdullahi Suleiman Xinyi Yu Vivian Tong
Lia Turrini Jonathan Tennant Yifan Zhao Hsiang-Han Tseng
Tomoya Usui Marijn Van Cappelle Zejun Zheng Hei Tsui
Ebubechukwu Chimdimma Xiaoguang Wang Yu Zhou Peter Tympel
Nwamaka Uzochukwu Dunhui Xiao Miao Zhu Victor Wan
Ayunda Aulia Valencia David Wearing
Xueke Wang Jingwei Xian
Konrad Wojnar Diploma of the Imperial Diploma of the Imperial Kim Yong
Xinran Yu College, Master of Science College, Master of Research Amanda Yi Fen You
Abdul Rafay Zafar Zebang Zheng
The Imperial Drone
Society, a student-led
Chenlu Zhang group which will run
Oliver Ge Zhu Ahmad Abdulsalam Peilong Dong seminars and courses for
Mohammed Karim Zinoun Charles Adams Said El Chamaa drone enthusiasts within
Faisal Abdulaziz I Almana Lloyd Jones and beyond the College,
Ahmad Alraddadi Dhan-Sham Rana launched in February 2017

71 72
The Imperial alumni community Postgraduate Graduation 2017

Left: Mathematics alumni

meet current students at a

WELCOME TO YOUR networking and careers event

held in South Kensington.


Below: Alumni and friends

of the College at a reunion
in Dublin which was hosted 190,000 alumni. 42%
by President Alice Gast living outside the UK

Our vision is to continue to strengthen our

globally connected network. Over the last year,
working closely with our international groups,
our senior leadership team has attended alumni
receptions and gatherings in Australia, China,
France, Germany, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, the United
Arab Emirates, and the United States, and many
more events have been run by local groups for
their networks. Imperial academics have shared
Ms Nicola Pogson, their research and insights with alumni as part
Director of Alumni of the Pint with a Prof series and closer to home,
alumni have attended events around the UK
Relations Above: Alumni, students,
including the annual Alumni Weekend, regional parents and friends gather in
receptions with President Gast, professional Malaysia to meet President
Gast and the Imperial team.
Congratulations on your graduation and a warm networking events, career workshops and
welcome to Imperial’s alumni community. As you reunions. Many alumni have spoken about
cross the stage of the Royal Albert Hall, you will how much they personally have benefitted
join a powerful and global network of more than from remaining connected with Imperial, their
190,000 leaders, innovators and game-changers. classmates and their local alumni network.
This connection will endure far beyond the years
One of the key themes that has emerged from
you have spent on campus.
talking with alumni is the need to build stronger
Wherever your path takes you after today, your links between different generations, ensuring that MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR resources and join our campus libraries.
life will be shaped by your Imperial education, recent alumni benefit from the expertise, career IMPERIAL CONNECTION You are also entitled to discounts on further
the friendships you have formed, and your insights, knowledge and connections of alumni study and other College services.
experiences here. well established in their careers. In response to To ensure you can benefit fully from your Imperial
this feedback, we are developing a programme connection and enjoy alumni services, we need Find out about more alumni services and benefits
Imperial’s five-year strategy acknowledges to be able to contact you. Without your explicit on our website:
for recent graduates, which features workshops
the importance of our staff, students, alumni consent, we will be unable to contact you at all
and events tailored to your needs, and we are
and friends in helping humanity address the Imperial alumni live after Graduation and won’t be able to inform you
encouraging our international groups to reflect SHARE YOUR DAY WITH US
changes and challenges ahead. We are fully in 200 countries about the latest alumni benefits, events and news.
convinced of the potential that a vibrant and
connected community holds for both the College, As you embark on the next step of your journey, Please make sure you visit the alumni stand at
gown collection today, or visit one of the smaller alumni.imperialcollegelondon
our alumni and society and we are committed do ensure you make the most of your Imperial
to helping you make the most of your lifelong connections. Opt-in to receiving communications 2
1 stands around campus to update your contact
connection with Imperial. from us (you can do that at the alumni stand in 4 3 details, opt-in to receiving communications from @imperialcollege
gown collection today) to take full advantage us and collect your Graduation 2017 pin.
Top five countries @imperialcollege
of the benefits and services offered to the lived in by Imperial You can continue to play an active role in
“My career and time at Imperial have taught community, and to tap into the wisdom and alumni:
1. UK
keeping this prestigious community strong and
connections of alumni who have already made connected: whenever you move home or change
me not to be frightened about taking strides in your professional field. In turn, you can
2. China (including
Hong Kong) jobs, remember to update your contact details
Wherever your journey after Imperial takes you,
don’t forget to keep in touch and share your
anything on. The reputation of the College also play your part in building a strong alumni 3. US
4. Greece
and professional information with the Alumni accomplishments with us.
community through the gift of your time, expertise Relations Office.
travels a long way – when I mention that and support, to help both the students that follow
5. France

You can also access your benefits by registering

I am an alumnus of Imperial, everyone in your footsteps and fellow alumni.
for an online alumni services account. You
recognises it as one of the very best places can then activate your exclusive alumni email Watch footage of your graduation online
from a few days after the ceremonies at
in the world to study.” address (ending,
update your contact information, access online
Ian Joesbury (Mechanical Engineering 1986)

73 74
The Imperial alumni community Postgraduate Graduation 2017

“Don’t second guess what

MEET YOUR other people expect of
your career. Make choices
FELLOW ALUMNI that mean you can do what
you enjoy every step of
the way and the rest will
From conserving history to treating and preventing
epidemics, Imperial alumni are making an impact
fall into place.”
around the world. Dr Sir Michael Jacobs
(PhD Clinical Medicine 1998)

Dr Eleanor Schofield Dr Alok Gupta Dr Sir Michael Jacobs

MEng Aerospace Materials 2002, MSc Mathematics and Finance 2006 Clinical Medicine Research 1998
PhD Materials Research 2006 Dr Alok Gupta left a successful role Dr Sir Michael Jacobs was awarded
Dr Eleanor Schofield is the Head in algorithmic trading in New York a Knighthood for services to
of Conservation and Collections to apply his data science skills to the prevention and treatment of
Care at the Mary Rose Trust. The tech startup, Airbnb, managing the infectious diseases, recognising
Mary Rose is a Tudor ship, which fraud and trust team. his role in the treatment of Ebola
sank in Portsmouth Harbour in cases in the UK.
“I knew that if I wanted to get into the City
1545 and was discovered in 1971. then the only choice was Imperial – I wanted to "As a physician at the Royal Free London NHS
study maths and finance in London at a really Foundation Trust, I lead a team of consultants
“I manage a team of conservation, maintenance
credible institution. My thesis was with a partner to provide a clinical service dealing with
and collections staff, who look after our artefacts,
in industry so I interviewed and then started infections. I’m also the Programme Director for
monitor the ship’s hull and maintain the
working for BNP Paribas. High Consequence Infectious Diseases for NHS
environmentally controlled conditions they
all reside in. After completing a PhD, I went into high England. My role is to put in place systems and
frequency algorithmic trading at BNP Paribas processes to ensure our preparedness for any
I liaise with universities (including Imperial) and dangerous infections.
and then at Deutsche Bank, which at the time
apply for funding with them for PhD students and
was the number one FX provider. I moved with Our team treating the Ebola patients during the
postdocs to work on specific research projects,
Deutsche Bank from London to New York. epidemic functioned fantastically. We were trained
or liaise with existing projects where relevant.
When I was interviewing there, I dug up my old and prepared because we knew that it would
My job also involves some practical work on the Imperial statistics notes and revised them! happen sometime. We didn’t know that it would be
ship, getting all the safety gear on and collecting Ebola, but we knew it would happen. We function
Living in New York I started to hear a lot about
samples to analyse. The hull of the ship was as a hospital within a hospital, with a big team
tech startups, Silicon Valley, and data science.
sprayed for years with a polymer to reinforce of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists
People had been working on the stuff we were
the wood, and is now drying under controlled and so on, and everyone was ready.
doing at Deutsche Bank for maybe 25 years,
conditions. During this phase we have to monitor
and I wanted to work on ground-breaking new We knew so little about Ebola and we were
it very carefully for chemical, mechanical and
problems that no-one had a foundation in. learning as we went, using new treatments, things
biological stability.
Airbnb was growing rapidly, but it was still trying that had never been used in humans before.
Getting people interested in science, and not We had to disassociate from it all and just
to find its feet in the data-driven space. I now
scared of it, inspires me. I like that I get to break concentrate on the medicine.
manage the fraud and trust team. I think about
down barriers and stereotypes of people who work
how people come to trust the platform and other There was a huge, courageous humanitarian
in science. I love getting to work on something in
members of the community. We’re developing response during the epidemic, with hundreds
science that people can really relate to. It’s great
new models to try to detect and predict bad of people travelling to Sierra Leone to help.”
talking to people about the Mary Rose, and seeing Alumni and visitors enjoy the
interactions on the platform and in the real world.”
them realise that it’s science and it’s exciting!” sunshine at Beit Quad during
the 2016 Alumni Weekend at
the Imperial Festival.
75 76
The Imperial alumni community


In 2015–16, over 7,400 Imperial alumni and friends donated
to the College, raising more than £20 million. We invite you
to join Imperial’s inspiring giving community.

Imperial is indebted to many of its alumni, “This scholarship has given

generations of whom have helped in whatever
way they have been able by providing the funding
me the confidence to believe
for our President’s Scholarships, Student in my ability and has helped
Support Funds, Faculty Deans’ Funds
Mr Andrew Bayode Ms Ann Collins and Outreach work, among other key initiatives.
me understand and enjoy my
As you graduate and join our alumni community, time at university.”
we would love to welcome you to this proud
Executive MBA 2002 Chemistry 1985, Connie Anne Dodgshon
tradition of supporting the next generation of
MSc Management Science 1986 Imperial students. (MEng Design Engineering)
Olalekan Andrew Bayode is
Senior Vice President – Pipeline Ann Collins is General Manager, Your donation to Imperial can be used in
and Portfolio Management at Liquefied Natural Gas Origination many ways. You may wish to support an area of
College life that you have particularly enjoyed, or
Iroko Pharmaceuticals, a global at Shell. She is responsible for “Without the support
a College fund that you yourself have benefitted
company that develops and business development in Africa, of the generous funding
from as a student.
I received from Imperial,
commercialises products for Europe and South America. I would never have been
able to attend university,
responsible pain management. let alone gain so much from
“I’ve loved working on business involving
my time as a student here.”
different countries, being part of a truly diverse
“My first degree was in pharmacology but Daniel Chipchase
The cumulative value of many graduates leaving
team, and the thrill of seeing a deal close. (Year 3 BSc Biology
I was always attracted to the commercial side a small gift as they graduate from Imperial can
My toughest roles have also been the most with Management)
of the pharmaceutical industry and joined make a profound difference.
rewarding and where I forged deep friendships.
Lederle Laboratories (which then became Wyeth,
then Pfizer Inc.) Although I had completed I was President of the Royal School of Science
a marketing postgraduate degree with the Union in 1985 and I still have many fond 5  raduate gifts of £5 can pay for
Chartered Institute of Marketing, I decided a weekly student travel card.
memories of my time at Imperial, from black tie
to augment my knowledge with an MBA, for
a broader base in entrepreneurship, finance
balls in Silwood Park, to ‘racing’ a raft across
the Serpentine for RCS, to making a perfect
graduate gifts of £5 can pay for
a student counselling session.
Last year, over 4,500
and general management. monoclinic sulphur crystal.
I did the Imperial Executive MBA program while My father studied at Imperial, so I always felt
Imperial alumni made
a gift to support your 15 
graduate gifts of £5 can pay for
a day of scientific discovery at White
I was with Pfizer where I spent 17 years in roles familiar with the College – but I chose it because City for a prospective Imperial student.
including Commercial Director covering Europe/ of its worldwide reputation and I loved the London
Middle East/Africa/Canada, which exposed me to location. Imperial taught me that I could succeed 50 
graduate gifts of £5 can pay for
a variety of working cultures and practices across a student to learn off-campus on
if I worked hard and took some risks. My time at
the region and globally. I then moved from the a field trip.
Imperial was a great chance to be among, and on
UK to the USA in 2007 with Pfizer, where I had
the opportunity to work on more strategic projects
equal terms with, a group of high performing and
highly intelligent people from all over the world,
100 graduate gifts of £5 can support
an Imperial student in unexpected
from the global headquarters. In 2010 I joined which is fantastic experience for life. I am still financial hardship.
Iroko Pharmaceuticals, a start up organisation, proud to say I graduated from Imperial.”
Connie Anne Dodgshon,
as Vice President – Commercial Operations, and
an MEng Design Engineering
the change has been refreshing and exciting after Thank you for helping to support the student in her second year,
working for a 100,000-strong global organisation. students who come after you. and a beneficiary of the
President’s Scholarship.
Johnny Kwan (Chemical If you want an international career you need
Engineering 1978, MSc to have as much in your arsenal as possible to To make your gift, or to find out more:
Management Science 1979)
ensure your competitiveness. We now operate in
discusses sustainable
business with alumni and a global market, so you are competing with talent
their guests during the from around the world wherever you are. I believe @
Alumni Weekend at the
in seeing opportunities where they exist and
Imperial Festival. +44 (0)20 7594 9330
being willing to take them on.”

Wherever your
journey after Imperial
takes you, don’t
forget to keep in
touch and share your
with us.


Share your day with us online

using #OurImperial

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