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Iste Standards

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Standards: Reflection

Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
a. Promote, support and model creative and innovative thinking and
a. This standard is very important in the education field. There is a
reason that there is a bigger push towards the use of technology
today; children learn better when technology is integrated into the
curriculum. When technology is integrated properly, it allows the
students to be very creative and inventive in regard to solving
problems. Multiple forms of submission on assignments can be
utilized by the students to fit their best method of learning. Knowing
this, students are able to explore and create different materials that
support this creative and innovative thinking.

We have implemented this standard many times in our class. Every
activity we have done has demonstrated creative thinking and
creativity. However, the activity that demonstrated this standard the
most was the Blizzard Bag project. We were allowed to create our
own lesson using all of the tools given on blackboard. The lesson could
be as creative or straightforward as we wanted it to be. This project
coincided directly with the first standard.
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving problems
using digital tools and resources
a. This is also a very important standard to keep in mind when
integrating technology into the classroom. Exploring real-world issues
and solving problems using the digital tools and resources is a major
part of todays curriculum. The vast majority of the information that
we have access to is found on the Internet. We can use this
information found on the Internet and utilize it using other digital
tools and means of communication. Doing this will help bridge the
digital dived and implement technology into the classroom in a useful

Throughout the class this semester, we have implemented this
standard many times. In our lesson plan project, we used a YouTube
video as course materials to convey our message. Next we had the
students use iPads to take pictures and further their knowledge on
the subject we were presenting. This demonstrates standard 2b

Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and

a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital

tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
a. This standard addresses the manner in which digital tools and
resources are implemented. To properly integrate technology, one
must make sure that he or she is developing relevant learning
experiences with the technology. This will ensure that the students
see the reasons for integrating technology is relevant to the subject
matter, therefore, getting better results out of students. Applying
technology to relevant information allows the teachers and students
to eliminate any and all misconceptions about the content or
technology itself

In this class, we have utilized many forms of technology. However,
whenever we did implement this technology, it was in a relevant
sense. The material description included steps and certain
suggestions on completing the assignment using technology. This
helped limit confusion and keep us focused on the assignment itself.
In turn, the material was more understandable and allowed us to
think more creatively.

b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all
students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active
participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own
learning, and assessing their own progress
a. When integrating technology into the classroom, it is important to
remember that students need to be able to explore the technology to
become effective with it. Allowing the children to explore whatever
means of technology is offered helps them to become more familiar
with it. In turn, the children will then be able to perform items such
as: set goals for themselves, manage their own learning, and assess
their own progress. All of these are very simple in traditional settings,
however, it takes time to adjust to the technological setting, so we
must allow children the opportunity to explore and develop their
technological skills.

In our class this semester, I was very nervous about the fact that we
were going to be using so much technology. It took time, effort and
patience to be able to properly shift my preference from the
traditional classroom to one that utilizes technology. This standard
states this directly. Once I got used to the technology, I was able to
begin to utilize it in a more practical sense than when I first got to the

Standard 3: Model Digital Age Work and Learning

a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of
current knowledge to new technologies and situations
a. The teacher is the main instructor on the methods and uses of
the technology. They themselves must be fluent in the use of
said technology. This will ensure the fact that the students
have a good understanding of what the technology is used for.
In addition to this, when an instructor has good knowledge on
the technology, he or she is able to address any concerns or
uses in regard to the technology. This ensures that the lessons
will run smoothly.

In class this semester, we always had support. This made the
class much easier and free flowing. The fact that there was
always a means of troubleshooting problems made the move to
technology much easier. I can see this playing a huge role in a
younger classroom as well. However, I also feel like a lot of
time could be wasted instructing individuals on how to use the
technology properly.
b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members
using digital tools and resources to support student success and
a. Collaboration and communication play key parts in the education
field. By keeping in communication with families and communities
via technology, everyone can stay up to date with what is
expected of the students. Communicating via technology is also a
great way to familiarize everyone around the students with the
technology that they are using. This will also help the students in
the sense that it provides additional support for them if need be.
This semester all of our work was based around communication
and collaboration. We had a course Q&A tab where we could
ask questions regarding material in the course. We also
communicated via Google Docs and emails. This helped me get
familiarized with the technology and answer an questions that I
had regarding the material.

Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital
information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual
property, and the appropriate documentation of sources
a. This standard discusses the ethical side of the use of technology.
Teaching students the proper way to use the information retrieved using
technology is just as important as the use of technology itself. This
standard reflects the importance of citing work and using ethical practice

to properly educate students through the use of technology and

technology centered lessons.
For this class, we used mostly original content that did not require any
citations. However, we were well aware of the fact that all information that
was not ours had to have the proper citations and reference material. This
ensured that we were not plagiarizing any material and that all of our work
was credible and accurate.
b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered
strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and

a. This standard reflects the fact that not all students learn the same
way. It is important to remember that when using technology, it is
quick and easy to make sure that you present material in multiple
ways to satisfy each and every learning style. For example, you could
use a video and also a PowerPoint to get the material to the student.
Providing multiple means of delivering material allows all students to
be educated properly.

For this class we had many different methods of learning. Each week,
material would be presented to us in many different formats. This
helped me because I am a visual learner. I would prefer to scroll
through lecture slides and take notes. This being said, the use of
multiple methods of delivery gave me a sense of security that I would
be able to learn the way I was most comfortable with.

Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and leadership
a. Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative
applications of technology to improve student learning
a. The learning process never stops. To ensure that teachers are the best
they can be, one must be involved in learning communities and other
professional teaching organization. When integrating technology, it
can be difficult to make sure that you are staying current with all of
the teaching techniques. For this reason, communication with other
professionals is key to staying up to date with all of the methods and
techniques used in the teaching community.

Throughout the class, we collaborated on the best way to go about
completing an assignment many times. This collaboration allowed us
to better understand the technology we were using and the best
techniques and methods for using that technology. This allowed our
work to stay current and up to date. This is the reason that we
communicate and collaborate during the class.

b. Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion,

participating in shared decision making and community building, and
developing the leadership and technology skills of others

a. Once you have developed your own mastery of technology, you need
to pass on the savings. Helping others understand the benefits of
technology in the classroom will allow a smoother and more natural
transition in your own classroom. This process will also help advance
your already existing knowledge of technology and help you better
teach your students.

In the classroom, we utilized this standard a lot. When someone was
struggling, others would step in to help him or her understand the
problem better. This furthered both students understanding of the
problem and technology in general. The implementation of this
standard allows both teachers and students the opportunity to work
together to better integrate technology into the classroom.

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