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Counseling When It Matters How Guidance and Counseling in The Philippines Adjusted During The COVID 19 Pandemic 1

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Counseling When It Matters: How Guidance and Counseling

in the Philippines Adjusted During the COVID-19 Pandemic



Aquino, Aira Ritziel

Hilo, Lloyd V.

Mabbayad, Dana Hannah F.

Miral, Ronalie Caren C.

Soriano, Kristian Edren A.

Verzosa, Nicole C.

Submitted to the Department of Arts and Sciences OLFU – Valenzuela City in fulfillment of the
Requirements for PSRS 412: Psychological Research
November 2021



As the researchers in this study, we would like to acknowledge and give our appreciation
and sincerest gratitude to the Creator who gives us strength, knowledge, wisdom, patience and
perseverance in order to bring this study to completion. For making a way for us in the times when
we already lost our hopes.

To Sir Carlo B. Certeza, our beloved Psychological Research 1 professor, we would like to express
our sincerest gratitude for always being keen on sharing his professional knowledge to each and
every one of us in order to equip us with the necessary information to come up with our research;
who challenged us to get out of our comfort zones by giving us his raw critique and who inspired
us to continually strive in producing excellent work, even in times of failure.

To Ma’am Raessel B. Gutoman, our Psychological Research 2 professor and research adviser, who
never failed to check up on our work and well-being throughout the duration of conducting this
research, for always being enthusiastic in answering our never-ending queries and for constantly
motivating us that we could accomplish in finishing our research outstandingly.

To our beloved family who made our education in this institution possible, for providing all of our
needs including the resources that we have spent on this research and of course for their overall
support and understanding in us, their children. We love you and appreciate you beyond words. 
To Ms. Marisol Ariza, an OLFU - Valenzuela BS Psychology Alumni who, despite her hectic
schedule, willingly made time for our group in order give us her insightful feedback and much
needed critique that allowed us to visualize how our paper would be received by those who will be
reading it after it is done. 


To our friends and other people who helped us

a lot in finishing this research within the limited time. Of course to the research panel, who enabled
us to improve on our knowledge in properly conducting a qualitative research. We greatly
appreciate your time and insightful evaluation on our work.

We have conducted this research not only for grades but also to increase our knowledge that will
greatly help us in the future as we continue to practice our profession. The researchers would also
like to appreciate one another for being able to finish this study despite of challenges and personal
Problems brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Congratulations for doing our very best.

Last but not the least, we would also like to thank our respondents; we thank you for making time
for us to interview you and learn about your experiences that have made it possible for us to
complete this paper. We appreciate the cooperation and support that you all gave to us. Again,
thank you everyone.



This study titled Counseling When It Matters: How Guidance and Counseling in
Philippines Adjusted During the Covid-19 Pandemic aims to determine how did Guidance and
Counseling adopted its services to cope up with the current situation. The study is conducted in
order to answers questions on did they transitioned services from face-to-face to virtually at a very
critical time for the students such as the Covid-19 pandemic, what are specific challenges arose in
implementing online counseling services during the Covid-19 pandemic and what does it mean for
Guidance and Counseling services if flexible learning or distance learning will still be adopted in
the Filipino academic setting in the next few years. This research provides broader information,
knowledge, and solution concerning to the problem in hand. To gather important details and ideas,
different sources were used such as books and other studies connected or similar to this study. The
researchers use a qualitative approach, and descriptive design wherein the researchers can gather
data through observation and interviews. This type of study does not require a large number of
respondents compared to quantitative research. Qualitative research is a type of social science
research that collects and works with non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from
these data that help understand social life through the study of targeted populations (Crossman,
2020). This particular design is ideal for this research as it intends to gain perspective on how
guidance and counseling transitioned its services from traditional to face-to-face approach to online
services, as well as the adjustments and the problems encountered in the said transition, from the
perspective of those who experience it firsthand.


Table of Contents
1.0 The Problem and Its Background………………………………………………...6
1.1 Introduction………………………………….………………6

1.2 Theoretical Framework 9

1.3 Conceptual Framework 10
Guidance and Counseling Services 11
Students 11
Institution 11
Future researchers 11
1.7 Scope and Limitation 12
1.8 Definition of Terms 12
Chapter 2 14
2.1 Flexible Learning 14
2.1.2 Online Education 15
2..2 Guidance and Counseling 16
2.2.1 E- Counseling 16
3.1 Research Design …………………………………………………………………………………………17
3.2 Research Locale………………………………………………………………………………………….17
3.3 Population and Sampling………………………………………………………………………………...18
3.4 Research Ethics…………………………………………………………………………………………..19
3.5 Research Instruments ……………………………………………………………………………………21
3.6 Data Collection…………………………………………………………………………………………..22
3.7 Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………….24
3.1 Research Design 17
• Selection Procedure
• Participants of the Study 19
• Instrumentation 20
Interview Protocols 20
• Data Gathering Procedure 22
• Mode of Analysis 23
References 24


Counseling When It Matters: How Guidance and Counseling in Luzon Adjusted

During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 1



When unexpected events occur, people are forced to adapt and make essential changes in
their lives. Individuals get to step outside of their comfort zone in order to discover new methods
of going about their day-to-day activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly posed
significant challenges to how things are generally done as health protocols such as the imposition
of lockdowns, physical distancing, and limited face to face gatherings are put in place by the
Philippine government directly affecting the education sector.

Guidance and Counseling are one of the many field branches in psychology that is a vital
part of an educational institution. According to the American School Counselor Association
(ASCA), school counselors work to maximize student success, promoting access and impartiality
for all students. School counselors, as important members of the school leadership team, help to
build an atmosphere of success for all. School counselors design and deliver school counseling
programs that improve student outcomes and apply academic achievement strategies. Guidance
and Counseling help students to overcome problems inside the school and also outside of the
school environment. The services are being conducted by certified and licensed professionals.


For the first months since the outbreak of COVID-19, many

academic institutions decided to temporarily postpone the ongoing classes as one of the
restrictions in response to the pandemic. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED), was
challenged to continue teaching and learning beyond the usual face-to-face instruction. As a
solution to the problem brought by the pandemic, CHED, implemented flexible learning and
teaching. It will make the transition from conventional to flexible teaching and learning methods
much easier. This includes general guidelines for implementing flexible learning and teaching
options, techniques, tactics, processes, teaching methods, and modalities in higher education.
Flexible learning is the development and implementation of programs, courses, and learning
interventions that are tailored to the specific needs of learners in terms of place, pace, process,
and products of learning. It involves the use of both digital and non-digital technology, as well as
the delivery of face-to-face and out-of-classroom learning, or a combination of both modes of
delivery. It ensures the continuation of inclusive and accessible education when conventional
teaching methods are unavailable, such as in the event of national emergencies (CHED, 2020).

As schools began closing in response to the pandemic, so did guidance and counseling
and its services. For the numerous countries that closed their schools, this meant that guidance
could only be provided using digital technologies and other tools and channels that can be used
for communication at a distance. Besides personal issues, students are also provided with support
concerning: curricular difficulties, study difficulties, queries related to the choice of subjects,
changes in the postsecondary course requirements due to COVID-19, queries related to exams,
concerns related to the transition to post-secondary education, etc. (Oboh, 2020). From an in-
person, face-to-face setting between the school counselor and the student to a screen setting is
not an easy transition. Some problems may occur like the internet connection, the noises in the


background, and having the appropriate devices. Oboh further

added that school counselors working at the centers of educational resources and assistance are
delivering remote counseling and guidance for students and distance psych pedagogical
assistance services for parents/guardians and teachers. E-counselling seems to be a new
phenomenon within counseling. It is a modern means of communication between counselors and
clients in sessions via the internet within a stipulated period of at least once a week in a year or
six months with a singular purpose of assisting clients in discovering themselves and making
useful choices about their educational, vocational and personal-social needs (Oboh, 2020).

In the Philippines, under the Act of 2004, more popularly known as the Guidance and
Counseling act, the state recognizes the important role of Guidance Counseling in nation-
building and promotes the sustained development of reservoirs of licensed Guidance Counselors.
Even though the state recognizes the important role of Guidance Counseling in the nation, there
is still a shortage of practitioners for guidance and counseling. In 2019, The Department of
Education (DepEd) requires a ratio of one guidance counselor for every five hundred students.
However, there are only 3,220 registered guidance counselors. Guidance and Counselors are
outnumbered compared to the number of students that need their services. Problems may arise
because of the uneven ratio and some students may not get the proper support and guidance.

The Department of Health (DOH) issued a press release on 10 September 2020, in

collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), about the importance of public
mental health, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Center for
Mental Health (NCMH) has reportedly recorded a large rise in monthly depression hotline calls,
from 80 calls to 400. The numbers are showing that more and more Filipinos are seeking help
concerning their mental health during the community lockdown.

The purpose of the study is to have an understanding of how the Guidance and
Counseling of schools and universities transitioned its services from face-to-face to virtual
consultation at a very critical time for the students during the COVID-19 pandemic. To describe
the effectiveness of the online services of Guidance and Counselling in helping the students to
cope up with the ongoing pandemic.


1.2 Theoretical Framework

Schlossberg's Transition Theory

A transition is described as any event (or non-event) that causes changes in relationships,
routines, assumptions, roles and responsibilities. According to Nancy Schlossberg are certain
factors that influence the coping abilities of an individual, as well as how to move through
transitions. Sargent and Schlossberg (1988) call it the basic systematic processes of mastering
change. A process which consists of the Four S’s: situation, self, support, and strategies. This
transition model enables practitioners to better understand the needs of students by using a
structured strategy to predict, measure, and modify change reactions. Through an organized
method to predicting, measuring, and modifying reactions to change, practitioners can better
grasp the needs of the students. School counselors are a vital part of an educational institution
because of the services they provide that benefit both the student and the educational institution.
They work with students at many levels, from primary to college. The abilities, academic
successes, professional development, and social and emotional development of students are all
enhanced by the services that school counselors provide. The objective of assisting students in
reaching their full potential reflects the significantly more complex role of school counselors in
student care. Because no two students are alike, school counselors must have a thorough
awareness of human behavior, a holistic viewpoint, the ability to recognize a student's problem,
and the ability to ignore biases. It is not just the academic issues that students may encounter.
Issues like school violence, racism, gender inequality, and mental health as well. In this study,
the transition considered is the sudden shift of guidance and counseling services from face-to-
face to virtually or online born out of COVID-19 restrictions in the Philippines.


1.3 Conceptual Framework

1.4 Aims of the Study

1. How did Guidance and Counseling transition its services from face-to-face to virtually at a
very critical time for the students such as the COVID-19 pandemic?

2. What specific challenges arose in implementing online counseling services during the
COVID-19 pandemic?

3. What does it mean for Guidance and Counseling services if flexible learning or distance
learning will still be adopted in the Filipino academic setting in the next few years?


Guidance and Counseling Services

This study can provide collective insight on how Guidance and Counseling adjusted their
services from face-to-face to online during the COVID-19 pandemic coming from different
Guidance Counselors and Guidance Officers that can enhance the remote/online services given
to the students.


To bring awareness to students on the different services provided by the guidance and
counseling department that can support their general well-being, help them with their academic
achievement strategies, and cope up with the current situation.


The outcome of this study can be a source of information in developing programs and
policies to aid the Guidance and Counseling Department that are efficient and sustainable
especially in the flexible learning set-up.

Future researchers

The study provides an understanding of how the guidance and counseling adjusted during
the pandemic and can be a model, guide, and a future reference to researchers who will conduct a
study in relation to this topic.


1.7 Scope and Limitation

This study is a narrative of how the guidance and counseling in different campuses
(specifically HEIs) around Metro Manila adjusted their services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study requires 5 respondents in total; ideally 2 of the respondents are Guidance Officers
with the intent to take the licensure examination for Guidance and Counseling and 3 that are
already Licensed Guidance Counselors who have experienced the transition of face-to-face
learning to online learning. The researchers do not consider the gender, religion, and civil status
of the respondents. Semi-structured interview sessions will be conducted via online platforms
such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams depending on the platform most convenient
for each respondent.

1.8 Definition of Terms

This section will provide the definitions of terms used within the paper that will help
readers better understand the course of the study.

Flexible Learning – the utilization of a variety of learning delivery methods, such as online
platforms or digital or printed modules (Barrera et. al, 2020).

Distance Learning - any educational or learning technique in which the guide and the learner
are separated geographically. There is no physical student-to-student, as well as student-teacher
interaction in this set-up (Estira, 2020).

COVID-19 – a disease caused by a novel coronavirus strain. The letters CO, VI, and D stand for
corona, virus, and disease, respectively. This disease was previously known as the '2019 novel
coronavirus,' or '2019-nCoV.' (World Health Organization, 2020).


Pandemic - defined as an epidemic that spreads globally or across a vast area,

crosses international borders, and usually affects a huge number of people (World Health
Organization, 2020).

E-counseling or Online Counseling - is a controversial form of psychological counseling that

uses distance communication technologies to deliver a variety of mental health services,
including therapy, consultation, or psycho-education (Kocsis et al., 2018).

Guidance - a term used to describe the direction, advice, and counseling provided in cooperation
with the client that will often use personal data and interviews as important auxiliary tests. (N.,
Pam M.S. 2013).
Counseling - services and programs that help students resolve emotional, social or behavioral
problems and help them develop a clearer focus or sense of direction (Niasco, 2019).

Guidance Counselor - a Filipino guidance counselor is a person who has been registered with
the Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and Counseling and the Professional Regulation
Commission and has been issued a valid Certificate of Registration and a valid Professional
Identification Card (PRC). Provide assistance and support to teachers as a member of the full
team that handles the educational goals and needs of their students (Arrieta, 2021).

Transition - any event or non-event that causes changes in relationships, routines, assumptions,
roles and responsibilities (Neste, S. L. 1998).
Intervention - An intervention is a combination of program elements or strategies designed to
produce behavior changes or improve health status among individuals or an entire population.
(N., Pam M.S. 2013)
Therapy - the therapeutic medical treatment of impairment, injury, disease, or
disorder. (American Psychological Association, 2016)


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

In this chapter, the researchers have collated previous Literature and Studies that are
related to the research topic and provide supplemental ideas that will help understand and
progress the current study.

2.1 Flexible Learning

For the first months since the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic, many academic
institutions decided to temporarily postpone the ongoing classes as a restriction to the pandemic.
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED), was challenged to continue teaching and
learning beyond the usual face-to-face instruction. As a solution to the problem brought by the
pandemic, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), implemented flexible learning and
teaching. It will make the transition from conventional to flexible teaching and learning methods
much easier. This includes general guidelines for implementing flexible learning and teaching
options, techniques, tactics, processes, teaching methods, and modalities in higher education.
Flexible learning is the development and implementation of programs, courses, and learning
interventions that are tailored to the specific needs of learners in terms of place, pace, process,
and products of learning. It entails the use of both digital and non-digital technologies and covers
both face-to-face/in-person and out-of-classroom learning modes of delivery, or a combination of
both modes of delivery. It ensures the continuation of inclusive and accessible education when
conventional teaching methods are unavailable, such as in the event of national emergencies
(CHED, 2020).


2.1.2 Online Education

As a response to the necessary community lockdown due to the Covid 19 Pandemic,

certain HEIs in the country like Our Lady of Fatima University implemented online classes in
order to resume the classes. In other words, the COVID-19 pandemic forced universities to
switch their entire instructional apparatus to one of online delivery overnight. Thus, it is no
longer a question of whether online education can deliver the promise of a quality higher
education and rather one of how universities can immediately and effectively embrace mass
adoption of online learning. (Ligouri & Winkler, 2020). Online learning means, first and
fundamentally, the shift from face-to-face learning to the use of devices of various sorts to
deliver that learning. Successful online learning thus requires that students and teachers be
familiar and proficient in their uses of those devices for learning. Of course, even more
fundamentally, it requires that the devices exist (Garcia & Weiss, 2020).

2.2 Guidance and Counseling

There are many ways to define Guidance and Counseling. It can be defined as helping
students to achieve their academic goals, it can be helping students to shed a light on what path
they may take, or it is simply providing guidance and counseling. According to an article
released by Britannica, Guidance counseling is the process of helping individuals discover and
develop their educational, vocational, and psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve an
optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness. In a school setting, guidance
counseling attends to the needs of students, parents, guardians, professional associates and the
community. It involves individual student planning, guidance curriculum instruction, system
support and the provision of response services. School counselors promote student achievement
through individual consultations, small group sessions and classroom lessons. Counselors
dedicate their energy, time and skills to provide both direct and indirect support to students
through inclusive and evidence-based approaches.


Despite the emphasis given to Guidance and Counselling in

schools, there are indicators that maladjustment remains a challenge in public boarding
secondary schools. This has cast doubts on the role being played by Guidance and Counselling in
helping students to adjust to the school environment. There was, therefore, a need to assess the
effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling services in enhancing student adjustment to the
school environment. (Kanga, 2017) After assessing the effectiveness of Guidance and
Counselling services, Kanga added that the study found out that guiding students on how to
achieve their full potential, counseling them on study skills, helping students to set academic
goals, guiding them on the subject and career choice and counseling than on personal
organization enhanced their adjustment to the school academic environment.
This study established that Guidance and Counseling is effective in enhancing adjustment to the
school academic environment of students based on the majority of their responses.

2.2.1 E- Counseling

With the advent of Covid-19, Italian university students were overwhelmed by fear of the
pandemic and the social restrictions of the lockdown phase, with all didactic activity provided
online. These stress factors caused people to experience psychological problems and/or the
aggravation of pre-existing mental symptomatology. Counseling services included telephone
listening activities, online psychological interviews, psychoeducational groups for interventions
of anxiety management, and workshops on study methods conducted in small groups. (Curcio,, 2020). School closures due to coronavirus (COVID-19) are affecting learners/clients
worldwide. With the temporary discontinuation of face-to-face and other guidance services, the
use of online platforms and tools ensures a basic offer of career guidance even during the
lockdown, many individuals need more in-depth and intense guidance support to define their
choices and next steps, depending on the stage of the process of transition and orientation, and
their situation and context (Oboh, 2020). Oboh further added that school counselors working at
the centers of educational resources and assistance are delivering remote/online counseling and
guidance for students and distance psych pedagogical assistance services for parents/ guardians
and teachers.
Therefore, E-counselling seems to be a new phenomenon within the counseling parlance. It is a
modern means of communication between counselors and clients in
sessions via the internet.




This chapter in the research represents the process of how the data was gathered. This
includes the research design, research locale, population and sampling, research ethics,
research instruments, data collection and data analysis. 

3.1 Research Design

To gather the data needed for the study, the researchers use a qualitative approach, and
descriptive design wherein the researchers can gather data through observation and interviews.
This type of study does not require a large number of respondents compared to quantitative
research. Qualitative research is a type of social science research that collects and works with
non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help understand
social life through the study of targeted populations (Crossman, 2020). This particular design is
ideal for this research as it intends to gain perspective on how guidance and counseling
transitioned its services from traditional to face-to-face approach to online services, as well as
the adjustments and the problems encountered in the said transition, from the perspective of
those who experience it firsthand.

3.2 Research Locale

The interview will be in the manner of computer-mediated communications

(CMCs), wherein the researchers will make use of online tools (i.e., Zoom, Google Meet,
Microsoft Teams) in order to keep the data gathering procedure safe. CMCs provide real-
time exchange between the researchers and participants which will serve useful for
research that intends to collect a big quantity of data; online interviews is the most
convenient mode of interview for everyone involved in light of the public health issue. It
also protects both the researchers and the participants by encouraging everyone to stay at


home and reducing face-to-face interaction without jeopardizing the

process of data collection.

3.3 Population and Sampling

The researchers seek five (5) Filipino, of legal age individuals, regardless of gender,
religion and civil status, who are Licensed Guidance Counselors and Guidance Officers with
an intent to take the Guidance and Counseling Licensure Examination in the near future.
The researchers will employ purposive sampling which falls under the category of non-
probability sampling techniques. Through the posting of recruitment posters on Facebook,
and through the referral of the  Guidance and Counseling Department of Our Lady of
Fatima University - Valenzuela, researchers aim to locate Licensed Guidance Counselors and
Guidance Officers within Metro Manila who are working in Higher Education Institutions
(HEI) before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, experienced the transition from face-to-
face to online learning, and are still currently working in the same institution at present.
Those who only partially fit the criteria such as Licensed Filipino Guidance Counselors and
Guidance Officers who work outside of Metro Manila, Licensed Guidance Counselors and
Guidance Officers within Metro Manila who work with High School students and below, are
excluded from the study as it will not serve the intended purpose of the research. Members of
the vulnerable population such as elderly, pregnant women, children, differently abled
individuals are not the target respondents for this particular study and are therefore also
immediately excluded from the potential list of respondents. For those who will meet the
criteria of the study, researchers will utilize communication via email for health and safety
purposes; as meeting face to face could pose significant risk to all the individuals   involved  in
contracting the COVID-19 virus, and to also adhere to the health safety protocols imposed by
the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF). 


3.4 Research Ethics

In all research studies, the protection of human participants through the application
of appropriate ethical norms is critical. Because of the in-depth nature of the study process,
ethical considerations have a specific significance in qualitative research (Arifin, 2018). The
participation of the respondents in this study is entirely voluntary. They will be adequately
informed about the research, and given the right to accept or decline participation. Upon
agreeing to take part, they are to be made aware of the fact that they are still free to
withdraw at any given time without penalty. All potential respondents will be made sure to be
of legal age, mentally competent enough to consent, and sign the digital Informed Consent
form provided by the researchers via email of their own free will. Interview with the
respondents will be conducted via online video-conferencing platforms (i.e. Zoom, Google
Meet, and Microsoft Teams) most convenient for the interviewee. The interview is estimated
to last for about an hour to an hour and a half. To ensure the confidentiality and privacy
within video conferencing interview session, the researchers will always opt for the most
secure option offered in all platforms mentioned above; such as creating a Zoom meeting that
is password protected and can only be entered by individuals involved in the research, a
Google Meeting that is by email invite only which will prevent anyone with an unfamiliar
email address to enter, and a locked Microsoft Teams meeting that will hinder any attempt
on entering the meeting while it is being conducted. In spite of already affixing their
signature in the digital informed consent, interview sessions with respondents will always
begin with asking their permission if they will permit the researchers to document the
interview in video form, audio form and in manual transcription as well. Files obtained  
during the interviews with the respondents will be downloaded immediately and stored in an
external hard drive of one of the members specifically meant for this research.


During the sharing of data among members however, since the possibility of doing it
in person is out of the question, anonymity will be kept by assigning specific code names to
each respondent that is only known to the researchers. Encrypted and password protected
file sharing will also be utilized as an added protection to the online data sharing among
members. All sorts of data obtained from the respondents will only be stored until the
duration of the study is complete and will be wiped clean off the internet and even offline in
the external hard drive for this research. The researchers plan to provide one (1) Starbucks
Gift Card per Licensed Guidance Counselor and Guidance Officer as a token of gratitude for
making time to do the interview. Starbucks e-gift certificates can be sent electronically
making sure that no person-to-person contact will occur and therefore ensuring health safety.

When the duration of the study has been completed, all respondents will be sent a
copy of the paper in the form of their choice (soft copy or hard copy) that the researchers
hope will add knowledge and insight to them personally, and would serve beneficial especially
in their field of practice (Guidance and Counseling).

All above-mentioned research protocol underwent ethical review through a PHREB

Level 2 accreditation by the Research Ethics Committee, OLFU-IERC and will be strictly
abided by each member of the research group to avoid any risk such as data breaches and
leakage of sensitive data (such as personal data) that could be misappropriated, and put the
respondents who are professionals in the field of Psychology at an inconvenient


3.5 Research Instruments

The method of acquiring data will be through an interview. Significantly, interviews

as a tool for evaluating qualitative data provide interviewees with more flexibility in sharing
their thoughts based on how well they know them. It allows researchers the opportunity of
observing the entire process and ensures that both the respondents and researchers are on
the same page within the discussion (Adhabi & Anozie, 2017). Semi-structured is the type of
interview selected by the researchers because it is for the most part personal and unstructured; it
aims to identify the participants’ emotions, feelings, and opinions regarding the subject matter
(Langkos, 2014). The researchers made a self-made and semi-structured interview
questionnaire that consisted of ten (10) questions; all of which have been formulated with the
intent of extracting the necessary information from the interviewees/respondents in line with
answering the aims of this research, and have been validated by three Registered
Psychometricians. Researchers have implored their expertise in correcting and modifying the
questions before its official use in the data collection.


3.6 Data Collection

Figure 1


Figure 1 shows the data gathering procedure. Researchers created a semi-structured

interview that was validated by qualified validators in order to collect the data required for
this study; researchers seek Filipino Licensed Guidance Counselors and Guidance Officers
who are intending to take the Guidance and Counseling Licensure Examination to gather
insights on how their services to the students in Higher Education Institution have adjusted
during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Researchers will invite potential respondents to take part in
the study and willingly explain its nature and purpose for them to be fully informed, and be
made aware of what the research will entail. Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions in the
country made to safeguard the health safety of the people, all of these procedures will be
conducted online, and with strict adherence to privacy and confidentiality for the protection
of the information of the respondents of the study. Once respondents have agreed to take
part, the researchers will then send an electronic informed consent form to sign via email to
be digitally signed and returned to the researchers. 

A semi-structured interview will be conducted via online platforms such as Zoom,

Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, depending on the interviewee's personal preference for
convenience. Recording and manual documentation of the interview will proceed only to the
extent permitted by the interviewees, but will definitely not push through if they do not agree
or consent to it. All members of the group will be present during the online interview even if
only one person will be interviewing the respondent to ensure the proper documentation of
data considering the possible connectivity issues that may arise, and to provide immediate
assistance to the respondents and researchers if necessary. Finally, using Qualitative Content
Analysis, all of the data will be analyzed and interpreted. 

Since all data collection procedures will be performed entirely online due to the
restrictions set upon by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) given the situation of COVID-19
in the country, the researchers have made sure to adhere to the value of confidentiality and
right to privacy as outlined in the Data Privacy Act of the Philippines.

3.7 Data Analysis

Qualitative Content and Discourse Analysis (QCA) will be utilized for analyzing this
study. This method is useful for evaluating large amounts of verbal data gathered from
interviews or focus groups that identify trends and patterns in the words used, such as how
frequently they are used, their relationship to one another, and how the communication discourse
is structured, by systematically coding and categorizing textual data (Graneheim et al., 2017).


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“Counseling When It Matters: How Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines Adjusted
During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

1. In terms of adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic, what are the initial steps you have taken
during the first lockdown in 2020?
2. What are the usual tips that you, as a Guidance Counselor/Guidance Officer, offer to help
students in adjusting to online learning?
3. What are the differences in providing guidance and counseling services during face-to-face
and virtually?
4. What types of student concerns arose during the transition from face-to-face learning to
online learning?
5. What specific and recurring types of concerns coming from students have you noticed since
the start of the lockdown in 2020?
6. In terms of phone calls and messages coming from students, what are the similarities and
differences in those made before the COVID-19 pandemic and during the COVID-19
7. In your institution/campus, what is the guidance counselors-to-students ratio?
8. What does this ratio imply?
9. In what ways have the Guidance and Counseling Department been able to cope up with the
surge of calls and messages, based upon the ratio you have just provided? (This will be a
follow up in case the department received more calls and messages during the pandemic)
10. In order to fully adjust to the demands of online learning and in providing guidance and
counseling services virtually, could you please give us a brief overview of the plans that the
department has if flexible learning will still be continued for the next few years?


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