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Jozsef Piri Affidavit

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Jozsef Piri is being charged with second degree murder for shooting Roberto Fonseca Rivera. Evidence in the affidavit suggests Piri's vehicle was at the scene around the time of the murder based on camera footage and GPS data.

Jozsef Piri is being charged with second degree murder, a violation of Title 13 section 2301, for unlawfully causing the death of Roberto Fonseca Rivera.

At the crime scene, Roberto Fonseca Rivera was found dead in the driver's seat of his vehicle with two gunshot holes in the windshield and a gunshot wound to the face. His vehicle was parked on the side of the road.

FILED: 12/14/2021 9:03 AM

Vermont Superior Court


SA CASE“): 20-7632
DOB; 05/01/1972 AGE; 49
8945 POLICE DEPT.: VSP - Westminster
Tyson Kinney

INCIDENT N0; 19B106338




By the authority of the State of Vennont, the State’s Attorney for Windham County, upon the oath of
office charges:



| |


JOZSEF X PIRI, in the County of Windham, at Rockingham on or about November 1, 2019, committed second
degree murder by unlawfully causing the death of another, to wit Roberto Fonseca Rivera, with the intention to
kill, the intention to do great bodily harm, or a wanton disregard of the likelihood that death or great bodily
harm would result, in Violation of 13 V.S.A. § 2301.

Penalty: Imprisoned for life with a presumptive minimum term of 20 years.

Against the peace and dignity of the State.

DATED: December l3, 2021

St e/s Atto

This information has been presented to me and I have found probable cause.

DATED: 12/14/2021 . v

Superior Court Judge

Vermont State Police @191 State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338
NOW COMES Detective Sergeant Tyson Kinney, Vermont State Police, affiant, being duly sworn and on
oath, deposes and says he has probable cause to believe that, Jozsef Piri (DOB: 05/01/1972) has committed the
offense of, 2"“ Degree Murder, a violation of Title 13 section 2301.


l.) On November l, 2019 at approximately 1748 hours, Vermont State Police received a call fi'om Julio Melendez
(DOB: 01/11/1998) advising his co-worker at Katsiroubas Produce, who was identified as Roberto Fonseca-Rivera
(DOB: 07/09/1975), was making a delivery to a Vermont restaurant and had not returned to their shop in Hyde Park,
Massachusetts. Melendez indicated the Katsiroubas Produce truck’s GPS system showed the truck stopped on
Vermont Route 103, in the Town of Rockingham, Vermont. Vermont State Police dispatched a Trooper to the area
to check the welfare of Fonseca-Rjvera.

2.) At approximately 1814 hours, Vermont State Police arrived on-scene and located the Katsiroubas truck. The
truck was identified as a green 2020 Hino Box truck bearing Massachusetts registration V35190. The side of the box
truck was lettered with “Katsiroubas Produce.” The truck appeared to be parked in the southbound breakdown lane
of Vermont Route 103, in the Town of Rockingham, Vermont. This location was near the residence of 1832
Vermont Route 103. It was discovered Fonseca-Rivera appeared to be seated in the driver’s seat slumped over.
Upon further examination, Fonseca-Rivera’s vehicle appeared to have sustained two holes in the windshield
believed to have been caused fi‘om a firearm. Additionally, it also appeared Fonseca-Rivera suffered a gunshot
wound to the face. He was pronounced dead at 1844 hours by responding emergency personnel.


3.) The Vermont State Police- Crime Scene Search Team was contacted and responded to the incident to assist in the
investigation. This section of Vermont Route 103 is a two-lane highway of blacktop that travels in a general north-
south direction. It has many curves and a few hill crests. One lane is designated for northbound traffic while the
other is designated for southbound traffic. In the area of the incident, these lanes are separated by a dotted double
yellow centerline, with a solid white fog line on the east and west edges of the blacktop. The road surface is in good
condition with no notable defects. The lane markings are in good condition and clearly visible. The speed limit is
pested 50 MPH north and south of the incident location. A centerline rumble strip was positioned between the north
and southbound lanes to alert drivers in case they traveled into the oncoming lane.

4.) When the Crime Scene Search Team arrived, they noted what appeared to be two separate bullet strikes in the
fiont lefi portion of the Katsiroubas truck’s windshield. One of the bullet strikes did not penetrate the windshield,
while the second one appeared to have penetrated the windshield and struck Fonseca-Rivera. The truck also had
what appeared to be a gouge within the hood/engine area of the truck. It appears this gouge was made from one of
the projectiles being fired at Fonseca-Rivera, indicating the shot killing Fonseca-Rivera was fired from the fiont of
his vehicle. No other projectile strikes were located in Fonseca—Rivera’s vehicle.

5.) Fonseca-Rivera was located inside the Katsiroubas truck still seated in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. He was
slumped to the lefi side, against the driver’s door. His lefi hand was still positioned partially on the steering wheel,
while his right hand was positioned on the truck’s gear shift.

6.) No shell casings or other projectiles or weapons were located at the scene. It should be noted, members of the
Vermont State Police searched along the roadside both north and south from the scene with negative results.

7.) On November 6, 2019, the Crime Scene Search Team members examined the truck again in an attempt to
determine a possible projectile flight path prior to Fonseca-Rivera being shot. The Crime Scene Search Team
Vermont State Police State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS -

Case 19B106338

determined the flight path of the projectile originated from a South/North direction. Due to the perforation in the
window and the injury to Fonseca-Rivera’s head, the projectile could only come from directly in front of the truck.


8.) Afier being removed from the truck, Fonseca-Rivera was transported to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in
Burlington, Vermont. A Post-Mortem exam was conducted on November 3, 2019 by Dr. Elizabeth Bundock.

9.) As a result of the post-mortem exam, Dr. Bundock concluded Fonseca-Rivera’s cause of death was a single
penetrating gunshot wound of the head and neck. The projectile entered Fonseca-Rivera’s right chin and perforated
the right internal carotid artery at carotid bifurcation. The bullet subsequently lodged in Fonseca—Rivera’s posterior-
lateral right neck. The bullet was recovered at the time of the post-mortem exam and seized as evidence.

10.) Also noted during the exam, on the dorsum of the right hand and the palmar base of the thumb of the lcfi hand
(thenar eminence) were faint purple, punctate contusions and ‘ short, irregular to straight, superficial injuries
consistent with being struck by windshield glass.

ll.) Additionally, Dr. Bundock advised Fonseca-Rivera’s death was not instantaneous and he would have had time
to pull over and park the vehicle before passing out. This information was obtained fi'om a conference call with Dr.
Bundock and not listed in the autopsy report.


12.) During Fonseca-Rivera’s autopsy, the projectile (Identified as A1-1)was removed fi'om Fonseca-Rivera’s neck.
This projectile (Al-1) was sent to the Vermont Forensic Laboratory for analysis. As a result of the analysis the
following information was learned:

13.) The projectile was identified as a 9mm caliber fired "Total Metal Jacket" (TMJ) type bullet. The total metal
jacketed bullet exhibited markings suitable for identification with the firearm from which it was fired. Firearms that
produce general rifling class characteristics like those present on .[tem Al-l include, but are not limited to,
semiautomatic pistols with brand names Bersa, FIE, Glock, Heckler & Koch, IMI (UZI), Kahr Arms, LIW and Sites
chambered to fire 9mm Luger caliber cartridges.


l4.) The vehicle Fonseca-Rivera was operating contained an onboard GPS system installed by Katsiroubas Produce.
Vermont State Police received GPS data information from Katsiroubas Produce afier being notified of this incident.
This information was downloaded and sent to investigators by Human Resources- Director Hemy Foreman. The
timestamp was also verified by Geotab personnel (Geotab is the sofiware company of the GPS product). I received
the downloaded information and learned the following:

15.) On November 1, 2019 at approximately 13:21 :30 hours, Fonseca-Rivera’s truck was traveling 58 mph. It
decelerated to 53 mph (13:21:36 hours), accelerated to 57 mph (13:21:38 hours), and decelerated back to 53 mph
(13:21:39 hours.) It was still going 53 mph at 13:21:52 hours and then decelerated to 41 mph at 13:21 :57 hours.
This was a l2 mph deceleration over a five second interval. At 13:21:48 hours, the GPS indicated the truck was
back up to 47 mph. At 13:22:07, l9 seconds later, the truck was at a stop (0 mph.) The truck remained at 0 mph
until it was discovered by law enforcement. Based on this information, it is believed the shooting occurred at
approximately 1322 hours.

16.) The Crime Scene Search Team also seized a personally owned GPS from inside the vehicle at the time of
Vermont State Police mu State of Vennont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

when Fonseca—Rivera passed this location, the difference is approximately 3 minutes and 35 seconds ahead of

24.) The second vehicle of interest, an older model Toyota Tundra with Vermont registration, passed Chester
Sunoco at 13: 16:27. When comparing the timestamp against when Fonseca-Rivera’s truck passing this location, the
difference is approximately 15 seconds ahead of Fonseca-Rivera’s truck.

25.) The older model Toyota Tundra and Piri’s vehicle passed Residence #1554 shortly before Fonseca-Rivera’s
truck passed it. The older model Toyota Tundra passed this location at 13:18:46 hours and Piri’s vehicle passed it at
13:19:04. When comparing the timestamp against when the Fonseca-Rivera’s truck passed this location, the older I

model Toyota Tundra passed the camera approximately 21 seconds before Fonseca-Rivera’s truck which passed at
13:19:08. The Toyota Tacoma passed the camera as 13:19:19, 15 seconds behind Piri’s vehicle. The unidentified
blue sedan passed this location at 13:19:34, 30 seconds behind Piri’s vehicle.

26.) Piri’s vehicle passed Residence #1554 approximately 4 seconds ahead of Fonseca-Rivera’s truck. This would
indicate that somewhere in between Chester Sunoco and Residence #1554, Piri’s vehicle slowed significantly. The
distance between Camera #2 and Camera #3 is approximately 2 miles (verified by Piri’s vehicle
passed Chester Sunoco approximately 3 minutes and 35 seconds ahead of Fonseca-Rivera’s truck. (This is consistent
with Piri’s account of him pulling into the carwash on Vermont Route 103, in the Town of Chester, Vermont. Please
refer to Jozsef Piri’s interview below).

27.) The Savage Trucking video showed Piri’s vehicle and Fonseca-Rivera’s truck still relatively close to each other
as they passed Savage Trucking. The estimated time distance between both vehicles was approximately 1.21
seconds with Piri’s vehicle directly ahead of Fonseca-Rivera. This estimated time was recorded after reviewing the
Savage Trucking video numerous times and obtaining the average time of spacing between Piri’s vehicle and
Fonseca-Rivera’s truck via a stopwatch. Piri’s vehicle passed this location at 13:20:42. The older model Toyota
Tundra passed the camera at 13:20:19 (23 seconds ahead of Piri), while the newer model Toyota Tacoma passed at
13:20:50 (8 seconds behind Piri). The unidentified blue sedan passed Savage Trucking at 13:21:04 (l8 seconds
behind Piri’s vehicle).

28.) Once Fonseca—Rivera’s truck stopped it did not travel any further. The Sidney Services camera is the next
surveillance camera located south of where Fonseca-Rivera’s truck was located. A review of the Sidney Services
footage shows the other vehicles of interest. The distance between the older model Toyota Tundra and Piri’s vehicle
at Sidney Services increased to 38 seconds. The older model Toyota Tundra passed this location at 13:23:37 hours
and Piri’s vehicle passed this location at 13:24: 15 hours. The newer model Toyota Tacoma and the unidentified blue
sedan caught up to Piri’s vehicle and are 2 seconds behind Piri’s vehicle. The newer model Toyota Tacoma and the
unidentified blue sedan are within feet of ea‘ch other. This would indicate Piri’s vehicle slowed down between
Residence #1554 and Sidney Services locations.

29.) The Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station’s point of view is directed from the building of the Sunoco station toward
Vermont Route 103 and the US Interstate 91 Exit 6 southbound on—ramp. While reviewing the video, Investigators
noticed the older model Toyota Tundra and Piri’s vehicle passed this location and Piri’s vehicle entered the US
Interstate 91 southbound on-ramp toward Massachusetts at 13:26:36.

30.) Please refer to Attachment A (time/location chart for all vehicles involved) which is attached and incorporated
into this affidavit as if set fully within.

30.) Vermont State Police received surveillance footage from the Current Bus and Vermont State Police cruisers
which were in the area and captured video along Vermont Route 103, prior to the homicide occurring. Upon
reviewing these videos, it was noted no vehicles were parked along the shoulder of Vermont Route 103.

Vermont State Police State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

41.) Pedro Iroala- (DOB: 06/06/1983) was identified as being a fi'iend of Fonseca-Rivera who was on a telephone
call with Fonseca-Rivera either at the time of incident, or just prior to the incident occurring. Iroala was interviewed
on November l, 2019 by Det. Sgt. James Vooris and on December 10, 2019 by Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney. Iroala did
not speak English and needed interpreters to be interviewed. During the first interview, Iroala’s son, Julio Melendez
was used as an interpreter. During the second interview, an FBI language specialist was used. The following is a
synopsis of all information learned fi‘om Iroala. Iroala described the last phone call he had with Fonseca-Rivera.
Iroala advised Fonseca-Rivera was traveling down the mountain while enroute to Chicopee, Massachusetts. Iroala
was advised there was a vehicle in front of Fonseca—Rivera that was speeding up and slowing down. Fonseca-Rivera
was attempting to judge the distance to pass this vehicle, however was unable to do so. Iroala advised Fonseca—
Rivera to “honk” at the vehicle.

42.) Atlsome point, Iroala heard what appeared to be Fonseca-Rivera hitting the “zipper” on the roadway. This was
clarified to be the rumble strip. When Fonseca—Rivera hit the “rumble strip,” Iroala noted Fonseca-Rivera appeared
to be laughing (as if he did not mean to hit the strip).

43.) Then Iroala stated he heard what appeared to be a deep inhale and then did not hear anything further from
Fonseca—Rivera. Iroala called to Fonseca-Rivera by saying, “hello, hello, hello.” Afier not receiving a response,
Iroala ended the phone call with him and assumed Fonseca—Rivera lost service. During the initial interview with
Iroala he stated at the time the call ended, he heard what appeared to be a loud noise (consistent with someone
dropping a cell phone on the floor). This was not mentioned by Iroala during the second interview.

44.) Iroala described not knowing what happened when contact with Fonseca-Rivera was lost. He stated he did not
hear anything to indicate the truck was slowing down or stopping; for example, brakes hissing or the engine idling
down. Iroala called Fonseca-Rivera back to attempt to make contact but was unsuccessful. Iroala did not know if he
had passed the vehicle in fiont of him or not. Iroala explained he went home without contacting Fonseca-Rivera and
did not think anything was wrong.

45.) Afier arriving home, Iroala learned Fonseca-Rivera had not returned. He contacted “Edwin” at the Katsiroubas
Produce warehouse and advised him what occurred. Edwin checked the GPS for the truck and learned the truck was
still parked on Vermont Route 103, in Vermont. When this was discovered, Iroala advised his son (Melendez)
contacted Vermont E91 l to report the incident.

46.) Iroala estimated the amount of time that passed, from the time he and Fonseca-Rivera spoke of the vehicle that
was in fi‘ont of him until the time the call ended, was between 5-8 minutes. Iroala stated he knew Fonseca-Rivera
was in a 50 mph zone on the highway during the phone call (it was not verified how he knew).

47.) Julio Melendez (DOB: 01/11/1998) was identified as Iroala’s son and was interviewed on November l, 2019
by Det. Sgt. James Vooris. Melendez was used during some of the interviews as an interpreter. Melendez spoke
English, however his dialect was broken. During his interview with Det. Sgt. James Vooris, he explained that
Fonseca-Rivera was recently released from federal prison, believed to be sometime in October 2019. Melendez
advised he knew Fonseca-Rivera was stressed recently about money and falling behind on bills. He advised that he
was living at a parole house and that parole was taking 25% of his paycheck.

48.) Henry Foreman (DOB: 10/01/1968) was identified as the Human Resources Director of Katsiroubas Produce.
I interviewed Foreman on November l, 2019, after he arrived at the Vermont State Police- Westminster Barracks.
He indicated the vehicle Fonseca-Rivera was traveling in was equipped with an on-board GPS system. This GPS
system inside the vehicle was identified as Geotab. Foreman stated he would have the information downloaded and
forwarded to the Vennont State Police as soon as possible.

49.) Jozsef Piri (DOB: 05/01/1972) (November 2, 2021) was identified as the operator of the 2018 Toyota Tundra,
Vermont State Police State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 198106338

do, there was nobody there and there was nobody past in fi‘ont of me and I thought ya know this is a stroke of luck.
For the first time I have a clear path so I floored it to 55 like I said, I uh, put it in cruise control and that was it. And I
didn’t see anybody behind me. I didn’t see anyone on the side of the road, cars passed infrequently because it was
pretty quiet drive. There wasn’t anyone in front of me for the first time in a long time, that they either slowing me
down. No, it was very uneventful.” It should be noted, initially Piri stated he was traveling 60 mph and identified the
speed limit as 55 mph. When Det. Sgt. Wright corrected Piri and informed him the speed limit was 50 mph, Piri
changed his statement and identified his speed as 55 mph.

60.) As Piri traveled south on Vermont Route 103, he stated he set cruise control. He described traffic on Vermont
Route 103 as being clear in front of him and nobody behind him. He also recalled in the past it was not uncommon
for out of state drivers to be in a hurry and tailgating him.

61.) Piri explained he arrived at Interstate 91 at approximately 1400 hours and traveled south toward Enfield,
Connecticut. While traveling home, he stopped at a Costco Wholesale in Enfield, Connecticut to obtain a new
generator. Piri arrived at his residence in West Simsbury, Connecticut at approximately 1630 hours. He immediately
took a shower and lefi for Foxwoods Casino at approximately 1715-1720 hours. During the trip, Piri stated he was
extremely exhausted afier the course of events that transpired over the last two days.

62.) During the interview, Piri inquired to Det. Sgt. Wright where someone saw his truck. He was informed that
someone saw his truck while it was in the Town of Chester, Vermont and that Vermont State Police were
conducting a death investigation “along Vermont Route 103.” Det. Sgt. Wright asked Piri if he had been watching
the news and was aware of the incident that occurred. Piri stated no, and that he had only been monitoring the news
to inquire if his power/Xfinity in Londonderry, Vermont had been repaired due to the storm. Piri also stated he was
not aware of the investigation in the Chester, Vermont area. It should be noted, Piri never asked any additional
questions regarding the death investigation afler being made aware of the investigation.

63.) Timothy Jeffers (DOB: 08/021982) was identified as being an employee of Al Jeffers and Sons Plumbing and
Heating. Jeffers was interviewed on January 3, 2020 by Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney and Det. Sgt. Frank LaBombard, in
reference to the well work which was competed on the Piri property. Jeffers agreed to meet with me at the business
to complete a formal interview.

64.) Jeffers stated he was contacted by Piri to conduct work on his property located at 260 Mansfield Road,
Londonden'y, Vermont because the well was not functioning properly. The contact occurred on October 18th and
Jeffers’ workers treated it as an emergency service call.

65.) The work on the Piri residence continued to October 19th. Jeffers remembered the residence having an attached
garage, however could not remember if the residence had a separate detached garage. While at the residence
working on the well, Jeffers took photographs of the work being completed on the property. These photographs
capture numerous firearm steel targets within the curtilage of the property, and Piri standing next to the workers. It
appeared to Jeffers due to the distance of the targets fi'om the residence (approximately 50 feet), that these particular
targets are consistent with a target set up for firing handguns. The well was not able to be completed on October
19th and Piri wanted to be present when the workers returned. They scheduled to meet back at the property on
November l, 2019 to complete the remaining work on the well pump. Jeffers subsequently forwarded one
photograph of the three he took of the work being completed to Vermont State Police.

66.) Jozsef Piri (February 23, 2020 interview) was interviewed a second time on February 23, 2020 by Det. Sgt.
Tyson Kinney and Det. Sgt. Sam Truex during the execution to the search warrant at the Piri residence located at
260 Mansfield Lane, in the Town of Londonderry, Vermont.

67.) During the interview, Piri was asked to recall what he remembered about his previous interviews with Det. Sgt.
Wright and what he remembered specifically about the incident. This question was asked of Piri due to the amount
Vennont State Police State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

75.) During the interview Kupra'cz openly spoke to Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney. She was informed in more detail about
the purpose of the interview with Piri. She advised Piri doesn’t carry firearms with him in his travels, but has them
secured inside their residences. She was asked what type of person Piri was and if he was the type who gets upset
easily. She stated: “He sometimes gets upset like any man.” When asked what makes Piri upset, the following
dialogue between Det. Sgt. Kinney and Kupracz occurred;

76.) Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney “Um, so what makes him tick? What would, what would piss him off?”

77.) Betty Kupracz: “People that don't do their job, you know, um, I can tell you honestly, anything that's dirty, like,
dirt, droppin' stuff. He's just, he's very meticulous. He likes his things, you know, nice and clean. He likes nobody to
touch his stuff, um, what makes him tick? When people don't do theirjob or, you know, something breaks and it's
unexpected, you know, and he just

78.) Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney: “Like the well?”

79.) Betty Kupracz: “Uh, yeah but, we were passed that.”


80.) During an open source search while using, State Police learned the distance from Savage
Trucking to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station is approximately 5.6 miles. If Piri set the cruise control to 60 mph (refer to
interview #1 with Piri completed by Det. Sgt. Wright), it should have taken him 5.6 minutes, or approximately 5
minutes and 36 seconds. When comparing times from when Piri’s vehicle passed Savage Trucking, to when it
passed the Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, it took Piri’s vehicle 5 minutes and 54 seconds; which is 18 seconds longer
than expected.

81.) From Residence #1554 to Savage Trucking, before the homicide scene, the older Toyota Tundra was an average
of 20.5 seconds ahead of Piri’s vehicle. From Sidney Services to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, afier the homicide
scene, the older model Toyota Tundra was an average of 45.5 seconds ahead of Piri’s vehicle. Afier passing the
homicide scene, the gap between the older model Toyota Tundra, the vehicle directly ahead of Piri’s vehicle, and
Piri’s vehicle increased.

82.) From Residence #1554 to Savage Trucking, before homicide scene, Piri’s vehicle was an average of 11.5
seconds ahead of the newer model Toyota Tacoma SR5 and an average of 24.5 seconds ahead of the blue sedan.
From Sidney Services to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, after the homicide scene, Piri’s vehicle was an average of l
second ahead of the newer model Toyota Tacoma SR5 and an average of 1.5 seconds ahead of the blue sedan. Afier
passing the homicide scene, the gaps between Piri’s vehicle and both the newer Toyota Tacoma SR5 and the blue
sedan decreased.

83.) From Residence #1554 to Savage Trucking, the older model Toyota Tundra was an average of 32 seconds
ahead of newer model Toyota Tacoma SR5 and an average of 45 seconds ahead of the blue sedan. From Sidney
Services to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, the older model Toyota Tundra was an average of 46.5 seconds ahead of new
model Toyota Tacoma and an average of 47 seconds ahead of the blue sedan. Afler passing the homicide scene, the
gap between the older model Toyota Tundra and the newer model Toyota Tacoma increased, and the gap between
older model Toyota Tundra and the blue sedan stayed approximately the same.

84.) Piri’s vehicle position relative to the vehicle ahead of it and the vehicles behind it changed between Savage
Vermont State Police «and State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 198106338

paCk a few bags and were transported by Vermont State Police to West Simsbury, Connecticut. Jozsef Piri was
transported by Det. Sgt. Sam Truex and Det. Sgt. Kinney in 'Det. Sgt. Truex’s vehicle, while Kupracz and their
daughters were transported by Det. Sgt. Angela Baker.

93.) During the trip fi'om Vermont to Connecticut, Vermont Detectives utilized the Interstate 91 corridor to travel
south. While operating within the area of Springfield, Massachusetts (where the traffic became more congested) it
was noted by Investigators of Piri becoming physically upset at the way other drivers were operating their vehicles
around the police vehicle. 0n two separate occasions, vehicles swerved into the lane Vermont State Police were
traveling in, causing Piri to become upset at the motorists.

94.) Upon arriving in Connecticut, Vermont Investigators met with the Connecticut State Police-Crime Scene
Search Team who were awaiting our arrival. At the conclusion of the search, two Walther 9mm handguns,
magazines and ammunition were located at the Piri residence.


95.) On February 26, 2021, members of the Vermont State Police- Crime Scene Search Team, executed the search
warrant on Piri’s truck, which was identified as a Grey 2018 Toyota Tundra truck bearing Connecticut registration
867XGR; VIN#5TFDY5F12]X730279. This truck was located and seized at the Piri residence in Londonderry, v

Vermont. The truck was not searched at the residence, it was towed and transported to the Vermont State Police-
Westminster Barracks to be searched at a later time.

96.) During the execution of the search warrant, members of the Crime Scene Search Team noticed what appeared
to be a “Safe Guard” magnetic holster located inside the occupant compartment on the driver’s side of the center
console in the area of where the driver’s knees would be. Subjects who use this type of holster position the firearm
so the metallic slide of the firearm sticks to the magnetic plate. This ultimately makes the firearm readily available
and easily accessible to the driver. A subsequent warrant was applied for and granted on March 4, 2021. This holster
was later seized as evidence.

97.) The operation of the rear automatic window in Piri’s truck was documented during the execution of the warrant
of the truck by the Crime Scene Search Team. This window was identified by the manufacturer as the “power
vertical sliding rear back glass window.” This window was found to be in working condition and utilized by a push
button on the driver’s console area. From utilizing this button, the operator or passenger could automatically lower
the rear window down in the vehicle from the front seat area of the truck. This operation of the window did not
prohibit the operator fi‘om lowering the window while the vehicle was in motion.


98.) Afier seizing firearms fl‘om the Piri residence located at 260 Mansfield Lane, in the Town of Londonderry,
Vermont, the firearms were sent to the Vermont Forensic Laboratory for additional analysis to compare with the
projectiles located inside Fonseca-Rivera’s body (Al-l).

99.) Item Bl-l was identified as a 9mm Luger caliber, Walther model PPQ semi—automatic pistol, serial number
FCI8133. Item Al-l bullet revealed it to exhibit the same general rifling class characteristics as those produced by
the Item Bl-l pistol; however, because of the lack of sufficient suitable corresponding microscopic markings, it was
not possible to identify or eliminate the Item Al-l bullet as having been fired fi'om the Item B l-l pistol.

SEARCH OF PIRI PHONE (identified as evidence Item #41)

100.) Throughout the course of the investigation, numerous search warrants were granted in relation to Piri’s cell
phone search habits and what was specifically searched for on the date of the incident. These search warrants were
Vermont State Police iEMOI State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

Naples, Florida. While in Florida, he had purchased multiple firearms since moving in March 2021. SA Mustibn was
assigned to contact the Vermont Intelligence Center to inquire more about Piri.

108.) When SA Mustion learned of the purpose of the trace inquiries, he did not have any further questions nor
involvement. It should be noted, SA Mustion provided Piri’s new address as 8495 Bahama Swallow Way, Naples
FL. This address was listed by Piri during the firearms purchase.


109.) Fonseea-Rivera was driving a Katsiroubas box truck south on VT103 when he was shot and killed. The bullet
came from outside the cab of the truck, and it was fired fi-om in front of the truck. This is consistent with it being
fired from another vehicle in front of the Katsiroubas truck.

110.) Piri’s Toyota truck is visible on video footage from multiple sources as being directly in fiont of the
Katsiroubas truck prior to where the shooting occun‘ed. The last of these is approximately 0.8 miles north of where
the Katsiroubas truck came to rest.

11 l.) In interviews, Piri admitted to driving his Toyota truck on that route during that approximate timeframe. Piri
also described how that day and the preceding one were not going smoothly due to issues at his Vermont house and
delays in getting back to Connecticut. During his trip from Londonderiy to Connecticut, Piri stated he did not see
anything out of the ordinary during his trip home.

l 12.) The positioning of Piri’s Toyota truck relative to the vehicles around it changed noticeably in the same area
where the Katsiroubas box truck came to rest. It got farther behind the vehicle in front, and the vehicles behind it
caught up to it. This indicates Piri’s truck slowed down in that area.

1 13.) Piri’s Toyota truck has a rear window that can be completely lowered by the
operator and while the vehicle is
in motion.

114.) Piri advised he does not carry firearms in his Toyota truck, but subsequent searches located a magnetic holster
in the truck, a toolbox modified to have a hidden firearm carrying section. A wall mounted flag box, built for
concealing firearms was also located inside his residence.

115.) In his initial interview, Piri advised he was not aware of any incidents having occurred in the
Rockingham/Chester area. State Police Detectives believe this to be untrue due to his phone searches; he had
searched for news/information prior to detectives’ arrival, and he had accessed an intemet news article about the

116.) Piri’s searches about news in the Rockingham/Chester area, once he got back to Connecticut and in the
aflermath of Fonseca-Rivera’s murder, were out of the ordinary for Piri’s prior search behavior. Essentially, he
never searched anything like this before the murder.

117.) Likewise, Piri’s efforts to clear his search history/location data in the immediate aftermath of the homicide are
out of the ordinary for his prior pattern of behavior regarding clearing of data.

l l8.) At a search of Piri’s Vermont residence, a firearm that is consistent with the type used to murder Fonseca-
Rivera was located. The barrel and upper receiver were missing. Piri’s account of how they came to be missing is
inconsistent with his otherwise very organized personality regarding firearms.

l l9.) In a later interview, Piri described how, afier talking to detectives the first time, he and his wife timed the route
of travel fiom the homicide scene to the car wash. This was suspicious to detectives, and Piri did not disclose how
Vermont State Police {new State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

f.’ i

Vehicle Time Passing Time difference Time difference Time difference

Camera fr from Vic from V2

2 13:13:07 NA 215 s ahead NA

1 13:16:27 200 s behind 15 s ahead 200 s behind
Vic 13:16:42 15 s behind NA 215 s behind
3 Not onvideo NA NA NA H 7

‘Veh 4 was parked at Sunoco, time passing camera

13:17:16 34 behi 34 behi 249 s behind is when it left parking lot

rm mt m:
Vehicle Tlme Pas Time difference Time difference Time difference
Cam from vehicle fr m Vic from V2
1 13 18:46 NA 21 he 18 s ahead
2 13 19: 18 s behind 3s NA
Vlc 13:19:07 3 s behind NA 3 s behind A

3 13:19:19 12 s behind 12 behi 15 s behind

4 13:19:34 15 s behind 27sb 30 s behind

r, mum f!!! .vw.I:;-utruchiuz;

Vehicle Time Passing Time difference Time difference Time difference "0‘65: Savage Video SYSiem IS Slow by aPPI'OX- 1
Camera fr hicle from Vic from V2 hour and 6 mln. Times are adjusted.

1 13:20:19 NA 24 s ahead 23 s ahead

2 13:20:42 23 s behind 1 s ahead NA I

Vic 13:20:43 1 s behind NA 1 s behind

3 13:20:50 7 s behind 7 s behind 8 s behind
4 13:21:01 11 s behind 18 s behind 19 s behind

HOMICIDE SCENE Approx 1832 Rockingham Rd (W103)

,-nu'h‘-,I if; Evin-y/“iivliuz-e, in nvnwm :hni. :wu’mrm 1w


Vehicle Tim ssing Time difference Time difference Time difference Notes: Sidney video system is slow by approx. 1
from vehicle from Vic from V2 hour. Times are adjusted.

1 7
: : NA NA 38 he
2 : : 38 s behind NA NA
13 : : 2 s behind NA behi
13:24:17 0 s behind NA behi Within feet o] Vehicle #3

:Imrltn) Iii)" iwzlun-m Im A

Vehicle Tim Time difference Time difference Time difference

from vehicle from Vic from V2
13:25:4 NA NA 53 s ahead

2 13:26:36 53 s behind NA NA

‘Vic NA NA NA NA W 7 i

.3 13:26:36 0 s behind NA 0 s behind 7 7 7 7 1

‘4 13:26:37 17s behind NA 1 s behind 1

Vennont State Police State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

75.) During the interview Kupra'cz openly spoke to Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney. She was informed in more detail about
the purpose of the interview with Piri. She advised Piri doesn’t carry firearms with him in his travels, but has them
secured inside their residences. She was asked what type of person Piri was and if he was the type who gets upset
easily. She stated: “He sometimes gets upset like any man.” When asked what makes Piri upset, the following
dialogue between Det. Sgt. Kinney and Kupracz occurred;

76.) Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney “Um, so what makes him tick? What would, what would piss him off?”

77.) Betty Kupracz: “People that don't do their job, you know, um, I can tell you honestly, anything that's dirty, like,
dirt, droppin' stuff. He's just, he's very meticulous. He likes his things, you know, nice and clean. He likes nobody to
touch his stuff, um, what makes him tick? When people don't do theirjob or, you know, something breaks and it's
unexpected, you know, and he just

78.) Det. Sgt. Tyson Kinney: “Like the well?”

79.) Betty Kupracz: “Uh, yeah but, we were passed that.”


80.) During an open source search while using, State Police learned the distance from Savage
Trucking to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station is approximately 5.6 miles. If Piri set the cruise control to 60 mph (refer to
interview #1 with Piri completed by Det. Sgt. Wright), it should have taken him 5.6 minutes, or approximately 5
minutes and 36 seconds. When comparing times from when Piri’s vehicle passed Savage Trucking, to when it
passed the Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, it took Piri’s vehicle 5 minutes and 54 seconds; which is 18 seconds longer
than expected.

81.) From Residence #1554 to Savage Trucking, before the homicide scene, the older Toyota Tundra was an average
of 20.5 seconds ahead of Piri’s vehicle. From Sidney Services to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, afier the homicide
scene, the older model Toyota Tundra was an average of 45.5 seconds ahead of Piri’s vehicle. Afier passing the
homicide scene, the gap between the older model Toyota Tundra, the vehicle directly ahead of Piri’s vehicle, and
Piri’s vehicle increased.

82.) From Residence #1554 to Savage Trucking, before homicide scene, Piri’s vehicle was an average of 11.5
seconds ahead of the newer model Toyota Tacoma SR5 and an average of 24.5 seconds ahead of the blue sedan.
From Sidney Services to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, after the homicide scene, Piri’s vehicle was an average of l
second ahead of the newer model Toyota Tacoma SR5 and an average of 1.5 seconds ahead of the blue sedan. Afier
passing the homicide scene, the gaps between Piri’s vehicle and both the newer Toyota Tacoma SR5 and the blue
sedan decreased.

83.) From Residence #1554 to Savage Trucking, the older model Toyota Tundra was an average of 32 seconds
ahead of newer model Toyota Tacoma SR5 and an average of 45 seconds ahead of the blue sedan. From Sidney
Services to Exit 6 Sunoco Gas Station, the older model Toyota Tundra was an average of 46.5 seconds ahead of new
model Toyota Tacoma and an average of 47 seconds ahead of the blue sedan. Afler passing the homicide scene, the
gap between the older model Toyota Tundra and the newer model Toyota Tacoma increased, and the gap between
older model Toyota Tundra and the blue sedan stayed approximately the same.

84.) Piri’s vehicle position relative to the vehicle ahead of it and the vehicles behind it changed between Savage
Vermont State Police EBMO State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338
Trucking and Sidney Services. It appeared to slow down relative to the vehicle ahead of it, and the vehicles behind
caught up to it. This occurred approximately in the same timefi‘ame as Fonseca-Rivera’s truck, which was directly
behind Piri’s vehicle, exhibited a significant reduction in speed and ultimately came to a stop.


85.) On February 23, 2020, members of the Vermont State Police executed a search warrant at Piri’s residence
located at 260 Mansfield Lane, Londonderry, Vermont. This search warrant was signed by the Honorable Judge
John Treadwell on February l9, 2020.

86.) During the execution of the search warrant, members of the Vermont State Police- Crime Scene Search Team
conducted the search of the residence. Upon notifying Piri of the signed search warrant and how we planned on
executing the warrant on that date, one of Piri’s first questions was to law enforcement if we could take our shoes
off during the execution of the warrant.

87.) It should be noted the' interior of the Piri residence was extremely neat, clean and organized. When the Crime
Scene Search Team searched the f'uearm safe inside the Piri residence, they found all firearms to be clean and in
proper working order. All ammunition was labeled and neatly stacked within the safe to easily display what caliber
of ammunition was in the box. All similar ammunition was located in the same place together and was not separate
or strewn about. In some instances, the original boxes the firearms were shipped in were located within the Piri
residence, including some original purchase paperwork.

88.) During the search of Piri’s firearms, the search team located and seized three firearms. These firearms were
identified as a Glock .45 caliber handgun with six magazines, a Remington 1911 9mm caliber handgun with three
magazines, and a Walther PPS 9mm caliber handgun. The noteworthy aspect of the Walther PPS 9mm caliber
handgun is that only the frame of the firearm was located. The barrel and slide (items needed to conduct forensic
ballistic comparisons) were missing. When asked where the barrel and slide to the firearm were located, Piri
explained he did not know. Piri advised he had been having a problem with the firearm misfiring and that he had
attempted to order a new barrel and slide, but never did. This statement was inconsistent with Piri’s overall neatness,
organization level and his overall knowledge of firearms; specifically, where and when he purchased the firearms.

89.) Also during the search, members of the search team located what appeared to be a plastic Rigid toolbox with a
foam insert. The foam insert had two sections cut out of it. These cut out sections were in the shape of handguns. It
appeared Piri would utilize the toolbox to conceal firearms inside the toolbox. When asked the purpose of such
toolbox, Piri stated his daughter cut out the insert in the shape of a firearm.

90.) The search team also located what appeared to be a wooden flag box located in the stairwell of the residence.
This wooden flag box opened up to conceal a location to store a long-gun firearm. This wooden flag box and the
aforementioned Rigid toolbox were inconsistent with Piri’s statement about not having any hiding places for

91.) Upon arriving at the property at 260 Mansfield Lane in Londonderry, we immediately noticed a shooting lane
on the rear of the property. This shooting lane was previously mentioned during Jeffers interview with Det. Sgt.
LaBombard and me. Upon further inspection, I noticed multiple steel targets positioned along the rear wood line
(northside) of the residence. These targets included steel silhouette targets and bowling pins.


92.) Once the property in Vermont was searched, consent from the Piri’s was granted for Vermont State Police to
meet with Connecticut State Police to conduct a search of the Piri residence in West Simsbury, Connecticut. Since
Piri’s truck had been seized as part of the search warrant, Piri, Kupracz and their two “daughters were allowed to
Vermont State Police «and State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 198106338

paCk a few bags and were transported by Vermont State Police to West Simsbury, Connecticut. Jozsef Piri was
transported by Det. Sgt. Sam Truex and Det. Sgt. Kinney in 'Det. Sgt. Truex’s vehicle, while Kupracz and their
daughters were transported by Det. Sgt. Angela Baker.

93.) During the trip fi'om Vermont to Connecticut, Vermont Detectives utilized the Interstate 91 corridor to travel
south. While operating within the area of Springfield, Massachusetts (where the traffic became more congested) it
was noted by Investigators of Piri becoming physically upset at the way other drivers were operating their vehicles
around the police vehicle. 0n two separate occasions, vehicles swerved into the lane Vermont State Police were
traveling in, causing Piri to become upset at the motorists.

94.) Upon arriving in Connecticut, Vermont Investigators met with the Connecticut State Police-Crime Scene
Search Team who were awaiting our arrival. At the conclusion of the search, two Walther 9mm handguns,
magazines and ammunition were located at the Piri residence.


95.) On February 26, 2021, members of the Vermont State Police- Crime Scene Search Team, executed the search
warrant on Piri’s truck, which was identified as a Grey 2018 Toyota Tundra truck bearing Connecticut registration
867XGR; VIN#5TFDY5F12]X730279. This truck was located and seized at the Piri residence in Londonderry, v

Vermont. The truck was not searched at the residence, it was towed and transported to the Vermont State Police-
Westminster Barracks to be searched at a later time.

96.) During the execution of the search warrant, members of the Crime Scene Search Team noticed what appeared
to be a “Safe Guard” magnetic holster located inside the occupant compartment on the driver’s side of the center
console in the area of where the driver’s knees would be. Subjects who use this type of holster position the firearm
so the metallic slide of the firearm sticks to the magnetic plate. This ultimately makes the firearm readily available
and easily accessible to the driver. A subsequent warrant was applied for and granted on March 4, 2021. This holster
was later seized as evidence.

97.) The operation of the rear automatic window in Piri’s truck was documented during the execution of the warrant
of the truck by the Crime Scene Search Team. This window was identified by the manufacturer as the “power
vertical sliding rear back glass window.” This window was found to be in working condition and utilized by a push
button on the driver’s console area. From utilizing this button, the operator or passenger could automatically lower
the rear window down in the vehicle from the front seat area of the truck. This operation of the window did not
prohibit the operator fi‘om lowering the window while the vehicle was in motion.


98.) Afier seizing firearms fl‘om the Piri residence located at 260 Mansfield Lane, in the Town of Londonderry,
Vermont, the firearms were sent to the Vermont Forensic Laboratory for additional analysis to compare with the
projectiles located inside Fonseca-Rivera’s body (Al-l).

99.) Item Bl-l was identified as a 9mm Luger caliber, Walther model PPQ semi—automatic pistol, serial number
FCI8133. Item Al-l bullet revealed it to exhibit the same general rifling class characteristics as those produced by
the Item Bl-l pistol; however, because of the lack of sufficient suitable corresponding microscopic markings, it was
not possible to identify or eliminate the Item Al-l bullet as having been fired fi'om the Item B l-l pistol.

SEARCH OF PIRI PHONE (identified as evidence Item #41)

100.) Throughout the course of the investigation, numerous search warrants were granted in relation to Piri’s cell
phone search habits and what was specifically searched for on the date of the incident. These search warrants were
Vermont State Police ERMO State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338
signed by the Honorable Judge Treadwell on February 27, 2020, March 4, 2020 and May 12, 2020 and Februaiy 9,
2021. Det. Sgt. Eric Jollymore conducted the analysis of the cell phone and relayed his findings to me. This was in
reference to Piri’s search habits and patterns fi'om 2017 to February 2020.

101.) During an analysis of Piri’s previous six-month search history from his cell phone (between the dates of May
1, 2019 to October 31, 2019), it was discovered 518 searches were completed. Out of the 518 searches only 8 were
news related. The Google searches located within this date range only contained 4 references to anything
immediately identifiable as being associated with the State of Vermont. These searches were identified as occurring
May 18, 2019 londonderry vt dump
May 18, 2019 londonderry vt town hall
May 18, 2019 Official Website of the Town of Londonderry, VT
July 5, 2019 londonderry vt town office

102.) During an analysis of Piri’s search history fi‘om his cell phone on the date of the homicide (November l,
2019), it was discovered l8 searches were completed. Out of the 18 searches 15 were news related. Search terms
such as “Chester vermont news”, “rockingham vt news”, “vennont crime news” “channel 3 news vermont” were the
types of search terms located. The beginning of these searches started at 1722 hours on November 1, 2019. This was
before Vermont State Police were contacted for the welfare check of Fonseca-Rivera and before Piri was
interviewed on November 2, 2019. It was discovered he had searched for news/information prior to detectives’
arrival and had accessed an actual internet news articles about the incident advising him the death was suspicious.

103.) A search history fl'om November 3, 2019 to February 26, 2020 revealed a search history of 201 searches with
l4 being news related. This information is vital to establishing a pattem of Piri’s search history and to illustrate a
spike of Chester/Rockingham Vermont news related searches on November l, 2019 and November 2, 2019. It also
showed he knew about the death investigation during Det. Sgt. Wright’s interview with him due to his search history
on November 1, 2019. It should be noted, some of the data recovered could not be used due to no timestamps to
positively identify the scope.


104.) On March l9, 2020, the Honorable Judge John Treadwell granted a search warrant for records pertaining to
Jozsef Piri’s email address of Within those records requested were location data history
within the timeframe specified within the warrant.

105.) On April 7, 2019 at approximately 1329 hours, l received the compliance from Google, Inc. Upon reviewing
the location data history I learned “ does not have records data available to export fi'om date
range 2019-10-31T00:00:00.000Z to 2019-1 1-08T00:00:00.000Z.” Additionally, I continued to review the
compliance and learned this information was deleted by the user on November 3, 2019.The deletion start date began
on November 1, 2019 and ended on November 2, 2019. According to Google, this was the only time Piri had ever
deleted his location history.


106.) On June 15‘, 2021, I made contact with Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Special Agent Ricky Mustion of
the Boston Field Office. SA Mustion had previously contacted the Vermont Information Center and inquired about
Jozsef Piri. According to SA Mustion, Piri had been flagged in the ATF computer system due to the amount of
firearm trace inquiries which had been ran within the last two years. SA Mustion advised when the system flags
someone, it automatically labels that person as someone who may be trafficking firearms.

107.) During my conversation with SA Mustion, I learned Piri had moved fiom West Simsbuiy, Connecticut to
Vermont State Police iEMOI State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

Naples, Florida. While in Florida, he had purchased multiple firearms since moving in March 2021. SA Mustibn was
assigned to contact the Vermont Intelligence Center to inquire more about Piri.

108.) When SA Mustion learned of the purpose of the trace inquiries, he did not have any further questions nor
involvement. It should be noted, SA Mustion provided Piri’s new address as 8495 Bahama Swallow Way, Naples
FL. This address was listed by Piri during the firearms purchase.


109.) Fonseea-Rivera was driving a Katsiroubas box truck south on VT103 when he was shot and killed. The bullet
came from outside the cab of the truck, and it was fired fi-om in front of the truck. This is consistent with it being
fired from another vehicle in front of the Katsiroubas truck.

110.) Piri’s Toyota truck is visible on video footage from multiple sources as being directly in fiont of the
Katsiroubas truck prior to where the shooting occun‘ed. The last of these is approximately 0.8 miles north of where
the Katsiroubas truck came to rest.

11 l.) In interviews, Piri admitted to driving his Toyota truck on that route during that approximate timeframe. Piri
also described how that day and the preceding one were not going smoothly due to issues at his Vermont house and
delays in getting back to Connecticut. During his trip from Londonderiy to Connecticut, Piri stated he did not see
anything out of the ordinary during his trip home.

l 12.) The positioning of Piri’s Toyota truck relative to the vehicles around it changed noticeably in the same area
where the Katsiroubas box truck came to rest. It got farther behind the vehicle in front, and the vehicles behind it
caught up to it. This indicates Piri’s truck slowed down in that area.

1 13.) Piri’s Toyota truck has a rear window that can be completely lowered by the
operator and while the vehicle is
in motion.

114.) Piri advised he does not carry firearms in his Toyota truck, but subsequent searches located a magnetic holster
in the truck, a toolbox modified to have a hidden firearm carrying section. A wall mounted flag box, built for
concealing firearms was also located inside his residence.

115.) In his initial interview, Piri advised he was not aware of any incidents having occurred in the
Rockingham/Chester area. State Police Detectives believe this to be untrue due to his phone searches; he had
searched for news/information prior to detectives’ arrival, and he had accessed an intemet news article about the

116.) Piri’s searches about news in the Rockingham/Chester area, once he got back to Connecticut and in the
aflermath of Fonseca-Rivera’s murder, were out of the ordinary for Piri’s prior search behavior. Essentially, he
never searched anything like this before the murder.

117.) Likewise, Piri’s efforts to clear his search history/location data in the immediate aftermath of the homicide are
out of the ordinary for his prior pattern of behavior regarding clearing of data.

l l8.) At a search of Piri’s Vermont residence, a firearm that is consistent with the type used to murder Fonseca-
Rivera was located. The barrel and upper receiver were missing. Piri’s account of how they came to be missing is
inconsistent with his otherwise very organized personality regarding firearms.

l l9.) In a later interview, Piri described how, afier talking to detectives the first time, he and his wife timed the route
of travel fiom the homicide scene to the car wash. This was suspicious to detectives, and Piri did not disclose how
Vermont State Police TEL" State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

he knew exactly where the scene was. Piri_did not explain why this was completed during his interview.

120.) Based on the aforementioned facts, I believe probable cause exists to show that Jozsef Piri has committed the
offense of 2nd Degree Murder when he shot and killed Roberto Fonseca-Rivera on November l, 2019. Due to Piri
not residing in the State of Vermont, I reasonably request the Honorable Court issue an arrest warrant so Piri can be
located and taken into custody.

Subscribed and swom to me on December l3, 2021


Z; y Notary Public
Dec be

Vermont State Police {new State of Vermont
Major Crime Unit Windham County, SS
Case 19B106338

f.’ i

Vehicle Time Passing Time difference Time difference Time difference

Camera fr from Vic from V2

2 13:13:07 NA 215 s ahead NA

1 13:16:27 200 s behind 15 s ahead 200 s behind
Vic 13:16:42 15 s behind NA 215 s behind
3 Not onvideo NA NA NA H 7

‘Veh 4 was parked at Sunoco, time passing camera

13:17:16 34 behi 34 behi 249 s behind is when it left parking lot

rm mt m:
Vehicle Tlme Pas Time difference Time difference Time difference
Cam from vehicle fr m Vic from V2
1 13 18:46 NA 21 he 18 s ahead
2 13 19: 18 s behind 3s NA
Vlc 13:19:07 3 s behind NA 3 s behind A

3 13:19:19 12 s behind 12 behi 15 s behind

4 13:19:34 15 s behind 27sb 30 s behind

r, mum f!!! .vw.I:;-utruchiuz;

Vehicle Time Passing Time difference Time difference Time difference "0‘65: Savage Video SYSiem IS Slow by aPPI'OX- 1
Camera fr hicle from Vic from V2 hour and 6 mln. Times are adjusted.

1 13:20:19 NA 24 s ahead 23 s ahead

2 13:20:42 23 s behind 1 s ahead NA I

Vic 13:20:43 1 s behind NA 1 s behind

3 13:20:50 7 s behind 7 s behind 8 s behind
4 13:21:01 11 s behind 18 s behind 19 s behind

HOMICIDE SCENE Approx 1832 Rockingham Rd (W103)

,-nu'h‘-,I if; Evin-y/“iivliuz-e, in nvnwm :hni. :wu’mrm 1w


Vehicle Tim ssing Time difference Time difference Time difference Notes: Sidney video system is slow by approx. 1
from vehicle from Vic from V2 hour. Times are adjusted.

1 7
: : NA NA 38 he
2 : : 38 s behind NA NA
13 : : 2 s behind NA behi
13:24:17 0 s behind NA behi Within feet o] Vehicle #3

:Imrltn) Iii)" iwzlun-m Im A

Vehicle Tim Time difference Time difference Time difference

from vehicle from Vic from V2
13:25:4 NA NA 53 s ahead

2 13:26:36 53 s behind NA NA

‘Vic NA NA NA NA W 7 i

.3 13:26:36 0 s behind NA 0 s behind 7 7 7 7 1

‘4 13:26:37 17s behind NA 1 s behind 1


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