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Sulphur Magazine Nov-Dec - 2021 - Compressed

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Sulphur Issue 397

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Sour gas projects

Demand for sulphur fertilizers
November | December 2021




Options for sour water stripper gas
Sulphuric acid projects and technology







■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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End-to-end systems from receipt of molten sulphur to loading
31 of solid material – single source supply by IPCO.
• Premium Rotoform pastillation.
33 • Duplex steel belts specifically alloyed to resist corrosion.
• High capacity drum granulation.
34 • Downstream storage – silo and open/closed stockpiles.
• Custom-built reclaimers for any location.
35 • Truck, rail and ship loading and bagging systems.
• Large scale block pouring.







IPCO_Sulphur_ad_210x297.indd 1 31/08/2021 09:07

■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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17 Sour gas projects
Although the number of new sour gas developments has slowed in recent years
12 Cover: PosiNote/ compared to the large boost of the previous decade, sour gas projects continue
to be a major source of new sulphur production.
20 Trends in demand for sulphur fertilizers
14 Sulphur is becoming an increasingly important crop nutrient, due to a
combination of lower airborne sulphur emissions, the increasing prevalence of
15 high analysis fertilizers, and higher cropping intensities.

21 Longer lived refractory linings
As sulphur recovery units operate at progressively higher temperatures, creep
17 stress in the furnace refractory lining can lead to deformation or even failure
of the bricks and require the shutdown of the SRU. UK-based DSF Refractories
18 have developed a product which minimises creep stress damage at high

temperatures, for a longer-lived furnace lining.
26 A sustainable solution for sulphur waste
20 C. Teulon of RSK reports on the research that was carried out to test whether

21 Sulphur from sour gas the waste sulphur from a biological sulphur removal process could be applied
in agriculture to increase the quality and quantity of crops in Iraq.
New projects will boost Middle
22 Eastern sulphur output. 30 Sulphuric acid projects and technology
Developments in sulphuric acid technology and engineering know-how are
23 highlighted by recent project case studies from DuPont Clean Technologies,
Metso Outotec and thyssenkrupp Uhde.
38 Sour water stripping gas processing options
25 M. Rameshni and S. Santo of RATE discuss different sour water stripping gas
processing options, depending on contaminants in the sour water streams and
site-specific requirements.
27 44 Challenges with the transition to biofuels
Considering the current shift to produce biofuels instead of conventional oil
28 products, M. van Son of Comprimo discusses the impact that this may have on
the ability to process the sour water acid gas streams produced in existing or
new sour water strippers.
30 47 A new low-cost H2S scavenger

44 New low-cost metal oxide solid scavengers for H2S removal from wet and
dry natural gas have been developed and deployed at commercial scale.
G. Alptekin, F. Kugler and M. Schaefer of SulfaTrap LLC describe the new
Moving to biofuels technology and its performance.
33 50 Liquid redox going beyond the expected
Challenges of processing sour
34 water acid gas streams. Streamline Innovations Inc. highlights some of the new developments and
successful applications of the Valkyrie™ process and its redox technology, in
35 both gas and water streams.

Read this issue online at:
37 4 Editorial Looking for the peak

6 Price Trends
Published by: 8 Market Outlook
39 10 Sulphur Industry News
40 12 Sulphuric Acid News
16 People/Calendar





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53 Looking for
the peak
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11 he past year has seen an extraordinary run- to some of the highest prices seen for years. This
up in sulphur and sulphuric acid prices, the was coupled in mid-October with China’s decision
former from a low of around $50-70/t f.o.b. in to restrict exports of fertilizers to keep domestic
13 mid-2020 to more than $100/t higher than that at consumers supplied, and has pushed DAP prices
the end of Q1 2021. Prices then plateaued for much to record levels. In mid-October India’s government
14 of this year, but they have begun moving inexorably raised its subsidies on DAP to try and keep its phos-
upwards again in the past couple of months, drawn phate industry supplying farmers, which has also
by rapidly rising phosphate prices, and Middle East allowed prices to continue to rise. Phosphoric acid
16 sulphur rates recently breached price levels not prices India were quoted recently at $1,330/t –
seen since 2012. levels not seen since just before the financial crisis

17 Sulphur depends very much upon the state of of 2008.
oil and gas markets for its supply, and fertilizer Phosphate prices like that can support high
18 markets for its demand, and the former were very sulphur prices, but for how long? High gas and oil
Phosphate prices much impacted by the onset of the covid pandemic prices look to be with us for at least the rest of the
last year and its associated lockdowns. Part of northern hemisphere winter, but phosphate demand
20 like that can the run-up in sulphur prices has been due to lin- can be more sensitive to high prices. Still, Mosaic
gering supply tightness from refinery shutdowns, said at the start of November that 90% of its fourth
21 support high as well as the delay of some key supply projects, quarter sales were already committed and priced,
sulphur prices, like Kuwait’s Clean Fuels Project. But rising energy with some customers requesting commitments
prices have also been behind much of the rebound as far forward as 2Q 2022, and for the moment it
but for how in sulphur prices over the past year, as vaccination expected upward pricing momentum to be contin-
long?” programmes lead to an easing of covid restrictions ued. New sulphur capacity will probably make itself
24 around the world and a global surge in demand for felt in 2022, but for the time being, it looks like
fuels. Oil prices have headed back above $80/bbl, we have not yet reached the peak of this particular
the highest level for eight years. And all of this has sulphur rally. n
26 been exacerbated recently by the crunch in natural
gas markets, especially in Europe and Asia.
27 But it is phosphate prices which have been
behind much of the current pull upwards in sulphur
markets. Phosphates were becalmed in 2020 like
29 most other commodities, but the return of demand
to the market has exposed relatively tight supply,
30 with closures of Chinese domestic mono- and diam-
monium phosphate (MAP/DAP) due to environmen-
31 tal crackdowns contributing to rapidly rising prices.
The natural gas price spike mentioned earlier has
seen most European ammonia capacity shut down,
33 and this, coupled with high coal prices in China
has driven the ammonia content of MAP and DAP Richard Hands, Editor








42 4 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021




■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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We are everything
sulphur and much
5 51

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10 56 Comprimo and Chemetics – delivering

sulphur and sulphuric acid solutions
for a more sustainable world.
Through everything we do, we provide maximum
long-term profits for our customers while meeting
the most stringent environmental requirements.
15 Helping our customers to be better neighbours is
16 always good business for them and us.


SO 2

Decrease Reduce Energy
21 OPEX emissions efficiency

Learn more with one of our experts
24 email:




















■ Contents
Chemetics_Comprimo 2021.indd 5
8/25/2021 11:39:00 AM
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Price Trends
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in output because of strong oil product
demand. Increased travel on the back
7 53 Meena Chauhan, Head of Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Research, of continued Covid-19 restrictions being
Argus Media, assesses price trends and the market outlook for sulphur. relaxed has contributed to this uptick.
8 54 Long delayed new sulphur capacity in
the Middle East has yet to emerge but
9 55
SULPHUR for sulphur in the country softened through appears to be more promising for 2022.
10 56 October. The government is enforcing restric- Kuwait’s new 615,000 bbl/d Al Zour refin-
The more stable and slightly softer tone to tions on energy consumption and energy ery entered into the commissioning stage.
11 the global sulphur market has given way intensity across a range of industries in a The first of three trains is expected to begin
to firmness. There has been considerable drive to curb emissions. The move comes operations in February with the remaining
uncertainty in the market in recent months, on the back of China’s pledge to achieve two operational during the second half of
13 with new capacity yet to come online in the carbon neutrality by 2060 and puts in ques- 2022. Sulphur capacity at the refinery is
Middle East and restrictions on Chinese tion the expected increase in oil-based sul- 600,000 t/a. Meanwhile the Clean Fuels
14 processed phosphates exports lacking phur production in the second half of 2021. Project was reported as being operational.
clarity. DAP prices have rallied through In the longer term, increased integration Over in Brazil, sulphur prices were
October meanwhile, providing strong sup- and forecast expansions in the Chinese assessed at $245-246/t at the end of
16 port to sulphur markets and pricing. The refining sector means China’s reliance on October, firming by over $100/t since the
Middle East sulphur benchmark breached sulphur imports is expected to decline. But start of 2021. The phosphate market is
17 the $200/t f.o.b. mark in October and was the clamp down on energy use and focus on heavily reliant on imports and supply con-
assessed by Argus at $223-230/t f.o.b. emissions reductions may impact the rise of cerns emerged following the news of Chinese
18 on 28th October, with the expectation of new capacity and production. export restrictions. Sulphur demand from
further firming in the short term. Middle East producers increased official domestic phosphate producers is expected
Restrictions on Chinese exports had been selling prices into the low $190s/t f.o.b. at to be strong to meet production rates.
20 expected, with discussions taking place the start of October, up by around $11-14/t In India, sulphur prices have also been
in recent months. Exports of phosphates, on September. The increases at the time rising as demand from phosphate produc-
21 largely DAP and MAP, will be restricted as reflected strong buying activity from China ers remains strong while the country strug-
producers have made agreements with and India with product availability deemed gles with high DAP import process. Further
China’s top economic planning agency to be stable. Strong demand has been driv- support to the sulphur market is expected
23 the NDRC to curb exports. Some Chinese ing the tightness and led to spot prices firm- as the government is encouraging replenish-
port authorities halted fresh deliveries and ing beyond posted prices at the start of the ment of sulphur stocks to supply increased
24 since 15th October fertilizer export inspec- month. 4Q contracts for Middle East supply domestic fertilizer production in the after-
tions also commenced. The restrictions are concluded at $180/t f.o.b., with higher vol- math of the Chinese export clampdown.
expected to remain in place until June 2022. ume buyers in north Africa securing slightly Highers prices in India continue to sup-
26 This has led to supply concerns in the DAP lower settlements at $175-180/t f.o.b. port the outlook for Middle East netbacks.
market and the short term market balance Opec+ continues to ease its crude Indian prices were assessed at $277/t
27 moving to deficit or tighter in the forecast. production restraints in line with its pre- on average at the end of October. Delhi has
Port inventories in China continued to fall viously agreed plan. The group confirmed approved a new fertilizer subsidy boost,
in October before steadying at around 1.5- at the start of October that it will stick to offering temporary comfort to some trading
29 1.6 million tonnes. The likelihood of stocks the planned increase of 400,000 bbl/d in companies. DAP import prices have rallied
being replenished was limited until import November. Meanwhile, crude prices have to levels far above the breakeven point of
30 prices see a correction. Domestic prices continued to rise, despite the increase the DAP subsidy set back in mid-May. But

Fig. 1: Global sulphuric acid demand changes (y-on-y growth) Fig. 2: Monthly Middle East sulphur producer prices
million t/a $/t
33 16 200
14 175
34 12 other Kuwait KSP
10 Latin America 150
35 8 S and SE Asia
6 North America
36 4 Middle East 100
2 Africa
37 NE Asia 75 Qatar QSP
-2 50
38 -4
-6 Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan
2016 2018 2020 2022 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
40 Source: Argus Sulphuric Acid Analytics Source: Argus Sulphur


42 6 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021




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with DAP prices expected to continue to 260/t with traders pointing to higher the capacity to produce 220,000 t/a acid.
6 52
climb in the weeks ahead, it is unlikely to freight rates. Spot business is expected to The plant had been idled since the fourth
7 53 provide relief for long. Domestic producers be slower with the focus turning to those quarter of 2019, alongside the associated
will continue to achieve the most favour- price discussions but demand from the integrated phosphate fertilizer business.
8 54 able DAP margins, which will continue to copper sector remains robust. There were The associated plants will remain idled.
support sulphur demand. indications from one buyer that a cargo In Japan, planned smelter turnarounds
9 55
had been secured for Q1 2022 at close to during 4Q are expected to lead to lower
10 56
SULPHURIC ACID $250/t Planned maintenance at Anglo sulphuric acid production compared with
The firm trend in the global sulphuric acid American’s Collahuasi mine impacted cop- a year earlier. In South Korea, Nam-
11 market has not abated. Prices have contin- per production in Q3 2021, according to the hae Chemicals was undergoing a month
ued to firm through to the end of October, company’s production results. Copper pro- of planned maintenance at both of its
with no signs of slowing. Tight supply cou- duction was down 6pm on the quarter, but 800,000 t/a plants until November. Prices
13 pled with strong demand has kept the mar- up 1% year to date. The Tia Maria project out of South Korea/Japan have been much
ket supported. Northwest European export in Peru appears to be facing further obsta- lower than the NW European benchmark.
14 prices were assessed at $200-220/t f.o.b. cles despite having necessary permits. The At the end of October, the northeast Asian
at the end of October, slightly below highs of social and political environment has put the high end of the price was $70/t below the
$230/t f.o.b. earlier in the month. The Euro- potential start up of the project in question European export price. Expectations are
16 pean market was deemed to be in a critical following years of delays and opposition. If stable in the outlook for export availability
state, as key suppliers curtailed production. the project were to progress, it would lead to and capacity, with no closures or expan-
17 Nyrstar announced it would be curtailing sup- a significant increase in domestic consump- sions currently planned in the forecast.
ply at three of its plants by up to 50% added tion of acid produced from local smelters. Sulphuric acid production in Namibia
18 concerns over security of supply for buyers in This would impact export availability to main will be impacted by a water leak in the
other regions. Prayon declared force majeure market Chile. off-gas system at Dundee Precious Met-
at its sulphur burner in Belgium in October. Over in Brazil, prices were stable in als’ Tsumeb smelter. The company has
20 Strong import demand following the closure the second half of October after firming to revised its production guidance down for
of Inovyn’s sulphuric acid plant at Runcorn $255-260/t November appeared to be 2021, with potential additional mainte-
21 is further exacerbating the market situation. covered at the time of writing but there was nance required at the plant. Tsumeb pro-
The expectation is for further price increases potential for a cargo for December. Itafos duced 249,000 t of acid in 2020. Supply
before the end of the year. The tight balance announced on 20 October that it had made from the smelter is primarily for the local
23 is also pointing to a likely firm view for the the decision to restart its sulphuric acid market, with the balance exported to neigh-
early months in 2022. The shift in DAP and plant at Arraias. The recommissioning of bouring countries in the region.
24 sulphur price direction in light of the new the plant is expected to be completed over In the US, negotiations are underway
restrictions on Chinese DAP exports is also a 4 month timeframe in order to commence for 2022 contracts. Prices were at $245-
supporting the acid price outlook. sulphuric acid sale in the first quarter of 255/t at the end of October for spot
26 Chile spot prices have been a key mar- 2022. Acid demand in Brazil has been high, volumes. The market is expected to remain
ket discussion, particularly as we approach with supply extremely tight through parts of tight through 1H 2022 with strong demand
27 negotiations for 2022 annual contracts. the year. This has led to domestic prices from various sectors. Imports are expected
Prices firmed at the end of October to $250- in the market firming. The Itafos plant has to increase next year. n



Price Indications

33 Table 1: Recent sulphur prices, major markets

34 Cash equivalent May June July August September
Sulphur, bulk ($/t)
Adnoc monthly contract 189 184 175 175 180
36 China spot 233 249 256 215 230
Liquid sulphur ($/t)
Tampa f.o.b. contract 192 192 195 195 195
38 NW Europe 228 228 228 228 228
Sulphuric acid ($/t)
39 US Gulf spot 160 160 190 230 230
40 Source: various


42 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021 7




■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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Market Outlook
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6 52 Historical price trends $/tonne

7 53 300
8 54
Sulphur (Adnoc monthly f.o.b.)

9 55 Liquid sulphur (NW Europe)

Sulphuric acid (Ex-term Tampa)
10 56


12 200 200





17 100 100





22 0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Source: BCInsight

SULPHUR assumption behind the potential down- also being a factor. Power curbs in
26 side to the market view. Strength from China hit chemical and steel sectors
l A seasonal decline in weather condi- non-fertilizer sector demand such as and affected operations at several cop-
27 tions in the eastern Atlantic will hinder nickel is expected to provide considera- per smelters, temporarily disrupting
operations at Jorf Lasfar in Morocco ble growth in trade volumes to markets acid output.
through the end of 2021 and into including southeast Asia. l In the wider economy, inflation in the

29 2022. In South Africa, port congestion eurozone grew to 4.1% in October,

problems were challenging at Rich- SULPHURIC ACID jumping from 3.4% in September, a
30 ard’s Bay with vessels subjected to 15 l Maintenance turnarounds – both flash estimate from Eurostat shows.
day wait times, increasing demurrage planned and unplanned – have sup- Inflation is at its highest since July
31 costs. ported the tight balance over the course 2008, driven by significantly higher
l Indian state refiners increased refinery of the year so far and will continue to energy prices and supply-chain price
run rates in October following an antici- squeeze availability in the spot mar- pressures.
33 pated increase in fuel demand. IOC is ket into 2022. Rio Tinto’s Kennecott l Outlook: Sulphuric acid is expected to
expected to increase run rates to 90% smelter in Utah was still offline at the remain at a premium to sulphur through
34 in October from 85% in September, end of October following an accident the fourth quarter and into 2022. The
before upping rates to 95% in Novem- while Vale production at Sudbury was tight smelter-acid sector is support-
ber. Indian sulphur capacity is forecast down by 27% for nickel and 6% for cop- ing the view for firmer in the coming
36 to rise by over 100,000 t/a by 2023, per due to the strike there. months. The potential for a price cor-
raising domestic output. l Nationwide power rationing in China rection remains, potentially in 2022,
37 l Outlook: Global sulphur prices are and slowing demand for sulphuric acid particularly if DAP and sulphur prices
likely to firm further, driven by demand is understood to have led to copper both see substantial decreases. How-
side fundamentals and supported by smelter Tongling Nonferrous Metals ever, with demand expected to remain
39 the short term rally in the DAP mar- reducing its output. Its Jinlong and Jin- robust across most sectors including
ket. The outlook for new supply in the guan smelters started to cut operating metals, the disconnect with sulphur
40 2022-2023 period is healthy, based rates by around 20% from 22 October may prevent acid prices from following
on projects in the pipeline, the key 2021 with high sulphuric acid stocks the same trends. n

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10 56 Tower
11 Hot water


Hot acid
Cold fluid



18 Hot fluid
Cold acid




Cold water




28 Failure safe Recover more energy


30 Clark Solutions SAFEHR® is a patented sulfuric acid heat recover

technology which can increase high pressure steam generation in
31 energy recovery
an acid plant by almost 20% and total energy recovery by as
much as 35%, while addressing issues such as safety and corrosion
33 Cooling water in an absolutely innovative way.
34 demand reduction


37 Learn more:





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■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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Sulphur Industry News
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5 51
hydrogen, using carbon capture and stor-
6 52 CHINA age, by 2030.
7 53
Start-up imminent for Shenghong refinery SWEDEN
8 54 China’s private sector Shenghong Petrochemical refining complex is targeting a start-
up in late November, following the receipt of its first cargo of crude in October. The
Sandvik extends collaboration with
9 55 Tenaris
greenfield refining complex in the eastern Lianyungang petrochemical zone has a
10 56 capacity of 16 million t/a, including a 320,000 bbl/d crude unit – the largest single Tenaris and long-standing business part-
stream CDU in China – and a 76,000 bbl/d naphtha reformer. Product capacities ner Sandvik Materials Technology say that
11 include 56,000 bbl/d of gasoline, 41,000 bbl/d of diesel and 32,000 bbl/d of jet they are extending their nearly 20-year
fuel. Construction began in mid-2019, delayed from 2018 by late approval of its alliance with the signing of a new five-
environmental impact assessment, but has been achieved within two months of the year agreement for the supply of tubular
13 scheduled completion date in spite of the coronavirus pandemic. Shenghong Petro- products with premium connections and
chemical is owned by Eastern Shenghong, a producer of petrochemical products and specialty steel alloys for the oil and gas
14 chemical fibres. market. The renewed agreement combines
Like other major new greenfield refineries Rongsheng ZPC and Hengli Changxing, Sandvik’s expertise in material technology
Shenghong is designed to use sour crude from the Arabian Gulf. The refinery’s sulphur and the development of corrosion-resistant
16 recovery section has a capacity of 600,000 t/a. n steel alloys with Tenaris’s excellence in
the manufacture of high-quality, high-per-
17 forming piping and connections.
cations in Pakistan. The scope of Axens’
work includes the supply of a process KUWAIT
19 Tecnimont to build new hydrocracker design package for integration of three
SRU fire at Mina al-Ahmadi
existing units into a FCC gasoline hydro-
20 Maire Tecnimont says that its subsidi- treating configuration using licensed On October 18th a fire broke out in the sul-
ary KT – Kinetics Technology has been Prime-G+® technology, as well as catalysts phur recovery unit of the Mina Al-Ahmadi oil
21 awarded a e200 million lump sum turnkey and adsorbents for the sulphur recovery refinery in Kuwait, operated by the Kuwait
engineering, procurement and construc- unit and hydrotreaters, internals for the National Petroleum Company (KNPC).
tion contract by LOTOS Oil, to build a new distillate hydrotreater, training and long There were no deaths but some minor inju-
23 hydrocracking unit with associated logistic term technical services. The upgrade is ries and several were treated for smoke
facilities for the LOTOS Gdansk refinery. scheduled to be completed by Q2 2024. inhalation. The fire occurred in the atmos-
24 Project completion with fully operational The award follows cooperation between pheric residue desulphurisation unit (RDU),
facilities is expected by the first half of the two companies that began in 2019 but forced the shutdown of one of the refin-
2025. This plant will be capable of treating when Byco awarded Axens a study to ery’s two large 180,000 bbl/d crude distil-
26 better performing base oil groups, with a evaluate the configuration of units for the lation units. It was expected to take around
lower environmental impact. International modernisation. Byco operates Pakistan’s three weeks to repair damage and restart
27 environmental regulations are driving the largest refinery, a 156,000 bbl/d facility production. The incident comes less than
need for higher quality base oils, especially at Mouza Kund, 20km west of Karachi. a month since full operations began at
in the automotive sector, where engine oil KNPC’s Clean Fuels Project (CFP). The pro-
29 manufacturers are responding to increas- COLOMBIA ject involved the upgrade and integration of
ing demand for low sulphur and energy- the firm’s Mina al-Ahmadi and Mina Abdul-
30 efficient products.
Ecopetrol looking to green and lah refineries, although the RDU was not
Pierroberto Folgiero, Maire Tecnimont blue hydrogen part of the upgrade.
31 Group CEO, commented: “We are delighted Colombia’s state-owned Ecopetrol says
to continue our long-lasting, mutually ben- that it is looking at a variety of green hydro- WORLD
eficial cooperation with such a prestigious gen pilot projects, including for its Carta-
33 client, thanks to this third EPC project gena and Barrancabermeja refineries,
HSFO market remains strong as
awarded to our Group and concerning the with a total investment cost of $200-300 ships switch to scrubbing
34 Gdansk Refinery. With this award we further million. The first step on the company’s Platts reports that, contrary to initial expec-
strengthen our footprint in Poland as well as hydrogen roadmap will be to import an tations about the switch towards lower
our strong commitment to support the LOTOS electrolysis unit from Spain in 1Q 2022 sulphur bunker fuels as part of the Interna-
36 Group in ensuring the best environmentally to test integration with existing hydrogen tional Maritime Organisation’s low sulphur
performing processes and products”. production at its 165,000 b/d Cartagena mandate, the high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO)
37 refinery, on the Caribbean coast. Ecopet- market has remained relatively strong due
PAKISTAN rol’s refineries consume 130,000 t/a of to the uptake of exhaust scrubbing sys-
hydrogen as part of desulphurisation sec- tems. Very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO)
Axens to modernise Byco refinery tions, most at Cartagena and around one does represent 60-65% of global bunker
Axens has been selected to support third at its 250,000 bbl/d Barrancaber- demand at present, but in Singapore,
40 Byco’s refinery upgrade project in order to meja refinery. The company is also look- the world’s largest bunkering port, HSFO
meet Euro V gasoline and diesel specifi- ing at producing up to 50,000 t/a ‘blue’ demand has remained strong, with sales

42 11 Sulphur 397 | November-December 2021




■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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of HSFO up 2.7% year on year, as larger and environmentally friendly solution to the of Oman coast of the United Arab Emir-
6 52
ships, which tend to be the ones with extreme acid gas concentrations that have ates. Reports suggest that the company is
7 53 scrubbing systems, use the port. Users of previously challenged the region. By remov- considering 9.6 million t/a of LNG export
VLSFO pay on average a $100/t premium ing and sequestering these gases, the capacity, aimed at markets in India, Paki-
8 54 over HSFO, which can make the cost of Dark Horse Facility makes it possible for stan, Japan and elsewhere in Asia. ADNOC
scrubbing systems attractive, especially operators to realise a single-source solu- has recently sought expressions of inter-
9 55
for new build vessels. tion to CO2 and H2S contaminants that are est from several international engineering
10 56 prevalent throughout the basin.” contractors for conceptual studies and for
UNITED STATES front-end engineering and design (FEED)
11 Flame retardant sulphur plastics work on the surface facilities required
Piñon sour gas facility nearing University of Arizona researchers say that at the huge terminal. ADNOC currently
12 capacity they have developed a way to turn sulphur can produce 11 bcf/d of natural gas and
13 Piñon Midstream says that its greenfield into a flame retardant, high-end plastic. 1.3 bcf/d of sour gas, but is involved in
sour gas treatment and carbon capture The work comes at the end of 10 years several large developments to boost this
14 facility in New Mexico is near its initial of research by the team to find uses for capacity, including the Hail, Ghasha and
capacity, and the company is installing its elemental sulphur. Two years ago, Jeff Dalma projects. It is expanding its huge
second facility. The 85 million cfd Dark Pyun, a professor in the Department of Shah gas project, developing the Umm
16 Horse facility, in Lea County New Mexico, Chemistry and Biochemistry and his col- Shaif gas cap reservoir and expanding into
uses amines to strip carbon dioxide and leagues, created lenses made of sulphur unconventional gas.
17 hydrogen sulphide from natural gas and for infrared detectors. Now, they have cre-
delivers sweet gas to third-party mid- ated a high-end thermoplastic elastomer RUSSIA
18 stream operators. The sequestered acid out of sulphur. The material is rubbery,
gas is then reinjected into the well. A sec- elastic and mouldable compared to stiffer
Russia adding major new gas
ond, 170 million cfd treatment facility is plastics. Other types of thermoplastics are processing capacity
20 expected to be completed before the end used to make the grips on items such as Russia is expected to dominate the For-
of the year. The company says that the power tools, pens and toothbrushes. The mer Soviet Union (FSU) region in terms
21 first well has the capacity to permanently sulphur plastic created by Pyun and his of the number of gas processing capac-
sequester up to 175,000 tonnes of CO2 team is flame retardant; soon as it catches ity projects expected to be planned or
and 75,000 tonnes of H2S per year. The fire, it immediately self-extinguishes announced between 2021 and 2025,
23 company is also adding a second well instead of burning and creating heat and according to GlobalData. The leading data
that will be completed in 2022 which will smoke. The researchers’ work was funded and analytics company notes that Russia
24 double this. by Eni, which partnered with the University will contribute around 77% of FSU addi-
“We are excited to announce that our of Arizona to develop and translate the tions by 2025. The huge increase in gas
Dark Horse Facility is open for business,” technology. processing capacity, totalling up to 10.3
26 said Piñon Midstream co-founder and pres- “We are still in the early developmental billion scf/d, will help Russia to meet grow-
ident Steven Green. “The producers in our stages, but this is the first demonstration ing domestic demand and export gas as
27 area have had a dire need for a long-term of a polymer with these properties,” said LNG and through pipelines.
Pyun. The team’s work is detailed in Ange- Teja Pappoppula, Oil and Gas Analyst
wandte Chemie, a journal of the German at GlobalData, comments: “Ust-Luga is the
29 Chemical Society. “It really stands out.. largest upcoming gas processing plant in
because almost all plastics are flamma- Russia and is expected to help the country
30 ble,” Pyun said. “Most plastics today are meet demand for natural gas in the peak
very cheap and have excellent mechani- winter season. Operated by RusKhimAly-
31 cal properties that can be tunable over a ans, the processing plant is expected to
broad range of products from automobile start operations in 2024.”
engine parts to rubber tires, but they’re Uzbekistan ranks second in terms of
33 flammable. Plastics that have really good gas processing capacity additions, with a
properties and are flame retardant, such planned and announced gas processing
34 as this one, are very expensive. What we capacity of 1.5 bcf/d by 2025. Mubarek
eventually want are plastics that are low- II is the major gas processing plant dur-
cost, with good properties, and are flame ing 2021 to 2025 with a proposed capac-
36 retardant.” ity of 580 million scf/d. The planned gas

processing plant is expected to start

37 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES operations in 2022. Third is Kazakhstan,
which will have a planned and announced
38 ADNOC looks to huge LNG export gas processing capacity of 1.06 bcf/d by
terminal 2025. Tengiz II is the largest upcoming
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company gas processing plant in the country and is
40 Piñon Midstream’s Dark Horse facility under (ADNOC) is reportedly planning a huge slated to begin operations in 2024 with a
construction. LNG export terminal at Fujairah on the Gulf capacity of 937 million scf/d. n

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Sulphuric Acid News
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UNITED STATES nologies available,” said Stuart McDonald,

6 52
President and CEO of Taseko Mines.
7 53
DuPont to license acid plant for ioneer Smelter shutdown leads to disruption
8 54 in acid supply

A computer rendering of the new Rhyolite Ridge plant.
Rio Tinto declared force majeure on ship-
9 55
ments of copper cathode and sulphuric
10 56 acid from its Kennecott mine in late Sep-
tember after the smelter was shut down
11 on September 21st following a release of
molten copper materials. According to the
announcement, Rio Tinto is assessing the
13 work needed to safely restart operations
at the smelter and is working closely with
14 customers to minimise any impacts. Phos-
phate producer Itafos said that supply of
sulphuric acid supply to its Conda, Idaho
16 phosphate plant was disrupted as a result.
Conda sources approximately 40% of its
17 acid requirements internally and approxi-
mately 60% from a combination of vol-
18 Lithium-boron miner ioneer Ltd has awarded DuPont Clean Technologies a contract for umes received from Rio Tinto’s Kennecott
the license, engineering, and supply of proprietary equipment for a planned sulphuric mine under a long-term supply agreement
acid plant at the company’s Rhyolite Ridge project in Nevada. DuPont will work with and volumes procured from other third
20 engineering partner SNC-Lavalin on the plant design, using MECS sulphuric acid tech- party producers. Conda produces around
nology for the 3,500 t/d sulphur-burning unit, as well as controls that limit emissions to 550,000 t/a of mono-ammonium phos-
21 among the lowest in the world for this type of facility. DuPont will also supply its latest phate, superphosphoric acid, merchant
generation MECS Super GEAR™ catalyst and other critical proprietary equipment. The grade phosphoric acid and ammonium
contract is conditional on a final investment decision by the ioneer board of directors. polyphosphate.
23 The acid will be used to leach lithium and boron from mined rock. The plant will also
generate an initial 35 MW of electricity, sufficient to power the entire Rhyolite Ridge INDIA
24 operation using primarily co-generated, zero-carbon power. The heat generated will
also be used for evaporation and crystallisation processes required to produce lithium
Paradeep targeting 2Q 2022 for
carbonate and boric acid. An air quality permit was awarded in June 2021 for what is phosphoric acid expansion
26 the first sulphuric acid plant permitted in Nevada. Fertilizers manufacturer Paradeep Phos-
Rhyolite Ridge is expected to produce 20,600 t/a of lithium carbonate, converting in phates Ltd says that it is looking at 1Q
27 year four to 22,000 t/a of battery-grade lithium hydroxide, and 174,400 t/a of boric acid. 2022 for an expansion of its phosphoric
Pending final Department of the Interior (DOI) approval of the plan of operation, the project acid production by 120,000 t/a, as well
is expected to begin production in the second half of 2024. as the installation of a new evaporator to
29 Commenting on the contract, ioneer Managing Director, Bernard Rowe, said: “devel- increase strong phosphoric acid production
opment of the Rhyolite Ridge lithium-boron project is a critical strategic step to enable by 116,000 t/a. The increases are part of a
30 US production of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles (EV) and renewable energy 50% increase in the company’s capacity for
storage. ioneer’s core commitment is to produce essential materials in an environ- producing non-urea fertilizers including diam-
31 mentally and socially responsible and sustainable manner through lowered emissions, monium phosphate and NPK by 50% from
reduced water usage and a minimal surface footprint. We are delighted to welcome 1.2 million ta to 1.8 million t/a at its site
MECS-DuPont to our team.” n at Paradeep in Odisha state. The estimated
33 investment on the expansion projects would
be close to $64 million. The funding will be
Metso Outotec to supply copper “We are very excited to have purchased partly through internal accruals and partly
the key SX/EW process equipment from debt. Paradeep operates 1.3 million t/a of
35 leaching plant for Florence Metso Outotec, a world leader in mineral sulphuric acid capacity at the site.
36 Metso Outotec has signed an agreement processing and hydrometallurgical tech-
with Florence Copper Inc., a subsidiary of
nologies. The VSF X technology is ideally CANADA
37 Taseko Mines, to supply copper solvent suited for our Florence copper project,
extraction and electrowinning technology which is set to become one of the most
Metso Outotec to deliver SX plant for
for a plant to be built in Arizona. Metso energy-efficient and low-carbon copper pro- First Cobalt
39 Outotec delivery includes the modular ducers in the world. The modular nature Metso Outotec has signed an agreement
VSF X solvent extraction plant and the of the equipment will reduce construction with Canadian battery materials recy-
40 main process equipment for the electrow- time and allow Florence to commence cop- cling company First Cobalt Corporation
inning plant. per production quicker than with other tech- to deliver solvent extraction technology

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6 52
for First Cobalt’s refinery expansion in nesian production. Indonesian exports of EGYPT
Ontario. Metso Outotec’s scope of delivery unprocessed nickel ore ceased in January
7 53 includes the engineering and supply of a 2020 due to a ban imposed by the govern- Nuberg wins acid plant contract
modular VSF X solvent extraction plant. ment. As a consequence, China had less Nuberg EPC has been awarded a contract to
8 54 First Cobalt aims to produce 25,000 t/a of material available to feed its nickel pig supply a 500 t/d sulphur burning acid plant
high-quality, battery-grade cobalt sulphate iron (NPI) industry resulting in a decrease and 5 MW power generation plant by the
9 55
using a proprietary acid leaching process in Chinese NPI production. New NPI pro- International Company for Chemical Indus-
10 56 called Re-2Ox. Their refinery in Ontario is jects in Indonesia ramped up strongly in try (ICCI) at its site at Gamasa City, west
currently the only permitted producer of 2020 and it is anticipated that this trend of Damietta, Egypt. The project will use
11 battery-grade cobalt for the North American will continue in 2021 and 2022. World Nuberg’s double contact double absorp-
electric vehicle market. nickel mine production declined in 2020, tion process. Nuberg’s scope of services
“We are happy to be moving forward with mainly due to the Indonesian ore ban, but includes process design and technology
13 Metso Outotec, an industry-leading busi- recovered in 2021 and is expected to con- including product and technology develop-
ness partner. Metso Outotec was selected tinue to increase in 2022. Indonesia is the ment, process know-how & licensing, basic
14 based on its competitive pricing and techni- world’s top nickel miner due to its expand- engineering, front end engineering design
cally superior bid. The contracted solution ing domestic nickel industry. High pressure (FEED), construction management, opera-
involves the latest advancements in solvent acid leaching projects being developed in tion & maintenance, detailed engineering,
16 extraction in terms of modular design, pro- Indonesia and other parts of the world will project management, commissioning, EPC
cess control, and ease of installation and further increase global mine output. and lump sum turnkey solutions, heavy fab-
17 start up,” said Trent Mell, president & CEO rication, and start-up of the plant, which is
of First Cobalt. NEW CALEDONIA scheduled for 3Q 2023.
WORLD Tesla signs supply agreement with BRAZIL
HPAL plant
Nickel output forecast to rise by 18% Nickel producer Prony Resources New
Itafos restarting sulphuric acid plant
in 2022 Caledonia has struck a deal with the car at Arraias
21 The International Nickel Study Group says manufacturer Tesla to supply 42,000 t/a Phosphate producer Itafos says that it will
that it expects global demand for nickel is of the metal by 2024 for use in Tesla car restart its sulphuric acid plant in Arraias in
expected to increase to 3.04 million t/a in batteries. Negotiations had been under the state of Tocantins over the next four
23 2022 from an estimated 2.77 million t/a in way since before the pandemic and were months, in order to begin sales of sulphu-
2021. Production of nickel is forecast to rise concluded at Tesla’s headquarters last ric acid during the first quarter of 2022.
24 to 3.12 million t/a from 2.64 million t/a. week. The contract is for several years and “There continues to be significant demand
The market balance is therefore a net defi- makes Tesla a key customer. for fertilizer products worldwide, including
cit of 134,000 tonnes in 2021, and a sur- New Caledonia is home to the Goro sulphuric acid in Brazilian markets. Restart-
26 plus of 76,000 tonnes in 2022. The INSG nickel mine and associated high pres- ing our sulphuric acid plant at Arraias gives
said that an acceleration of the covid-19 sure acid leach plant. It had been owned us the opportunity to meet market demand
27 vaccination roll-out, the progressive recov- by Brazilian mining giant Vale since 2007, with positive margins, while we continue
ery of main economic indicators worldwide, but has faced difficulties with local opposi- to evaluate strategic alternatives,” said G.
growth in stainless steel production and a tion due to dumping of acid-contaminated David Delaney, CEO of Itafos.
29 continued positive impact on use from the waste, and failed to reach production tar- The Arraias sulphuric acid plant has
electric vehicle industry through the use of gets, eventually being placed on care on a capacity of 220,000 t/a but, like the
30 nickel sulphate in batteries were all positive maintenance at the end of 2020. After rest of the infrastructure associated with
factors for new demand. China now repre- a failed sale to Australia’s New Century Arraias’ vertically integrated phosphate fer-
31 sents 60% of global nickel demand, com- Resources, in March this year a buyout was tilizer business, has been shut down since
pared with 5.5% in 2000 and 39% in 2010. organised by Prony, a consortium includ- 4Q 2019.
The International Stainless Steel Forum ing mine employees, three regional prov-
33 (ISSF) has released figures for the first inces, and Singaporean commodity trading BELGIUM
three months of 2021 showing that stain- group Trafigura, with Tesla described as “a
34 less steel melt shop production increased technical and industrial partner”. The car Upgrade for PVS Chemicals acid plant
by 24.7% year-on-year to 14.5 million t/a, marker is expected to assist with product PVS Chemicals Belgium N.V. (PVS) has
35 ®
and strong growth is anticipated for the full and sustainability standards at the mine. successfully started up a new MECS con-
36 year of 2021, despite announced possible Goro produced only 23,400 tonnes of verter and steaming equipment, licensed
production cuts in China. nickel in 2019 out of a notional capacity by DuPont Clean Technologies, at its sul-
37 On the supply side, the INSG expects of 60,000 t/a. Prony hopes to double this phuric acid plant in Gent, Belgium. The
new nickel pig iron projects and high by 2024 to 44,000 t/a, which will make new 4-pass converter, which offers a
pressure acid leaching projects being Tesla virtually the sole offtaker. Tesla CEO capacity increase to approximately 300
39 developed in Indonesia and elsewhere Elon Musk urged the nickel industry earlier t/d of sulphuric acid, replaces two paral-
to increase global mine output. However, this year to provide more nickel for electric lel converter trains. The converter upgrade,
40 there is a degree of uncertainty in the vehicle batteries to avoid a bottleneck in along with new steaming equipment, will
figures, particularly for Chinese and Indo- car production. allow PVS to double the plant’s saturated

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steam output. PVS will not only be able to INDONESIA centrate processing from 130,000 t/a to
6 52
supply steam generated from the new boil- 380,000 t/a, with a sulphur dioxide recov-
7 53 ers to an industrial neighbour, but will also Production ramps back up at Grasberg ery section and associated sulphuric acid
prevent approximately 11,700 tons of CO2 Freeport-McMoran has nearly doubled cop- plant. The sulphuric acid plant will have a
8 54 from entering the atmosphere every year. per and gold production at its large Gras- projected capacity of 100,000 t/a, with
The PVS sulphuric acid plant in Gent is one berg mine after a lull due to covid. The the offtake likely to be used in the local
9 55
of the few sites globally to produce ultra- company says that it produced 448,000 production of phosphate fertilizers, replac-
10 56 high purity sulphuric acid, a critical ingre- tonnes of copper in the third quarter, up ing current acid imports.
dient for the semiconductor chip industry. from 384,000 tonnes in the same quarter Speaking at the signing ceremony,
11 David Nicholson, president and CEO of last year, with output at Grasberg rising Zimbabwean president Emmerson Mnan-
PVS Chemicals Inc. said, “This project and to 159,000 tonnes from 100,000 tonnes gagwa said that Zimplats intention to con-
the teamwork, perseverance and hard work year-on-year. Production is currently at 90% struct a base metal refinery is a crucial
13 shown by all project members, including of the projected level, and is expected to step towards local mineral beneficiation
MECS field services who worked along- reach maximum by the end of 2021. Mill- and value addition of the platinum group
14 side us through successes and difficulties ing rates achieved over 177,000 t/d of ore of metals.
to deliver the plant, ensure PVS Belgium in September, with the company expecting “The sulphuric acid plant will contrib-
has a bright future. This project builds on milling rates to average 175,000 t/d in ute strategic raw materials needed in the
16 the 126 years of history at this plant and the fourth quarter. Freeport is installing local manufacturing of fertilisers and help
gives it a new heart, so it is ready to run for additional milling facilities in 2023, which reduce the importation of sulphuric acid.
17 decades to come.” will increase daily milling rates to 240,000 The adoption and use of smart energy
Eli Ben-Shoshan, Global Business Leader, metric tons of ore per day. sources by Zimplats through integrating
18 DuPont Clean Technologies, said, “Sulphuric The company has also broken ground the development of a 110 MW solar power
acid plants are key sources of carbon-free on a new $3 billion copper smelter and plant is also commendable,” he said.
energy. By capturing that energy, the indus- precious metals refinery in East Java as
20 try can contribute to decarbonising thermal part of a deal that saw Grasberg’s min- ETHIOPIA
energy production. We are delighted to be ing license extended to 2041, with the
21 able to assist PVS Chemicals in that aim and Indonesian government taking a majority
OCP signs agreement for phosphate
to help the plant optimize energy recovery stake in the mine. Speaking at the ground fertilizer complex
while ensuring reliable, high quality sulphuric breaking ceremony, Indonesia president The Ethiopian government signed a joint
23 acid production so the plant can consistently Joko Widodo said that the construction development agreement with OCP Group
meet production capacity targets.” of a domestic smelter would strengthen for the implementation of a fertilizer pro-
24 downstream industry in the Gresik Special ject in Dire Dawa in Ethiopia for a total
CHINA Economic Zone and would attract other investment of up to $3.7 billion, accord-
industries to invest. The new smelter will ing to the Ethiopian Ministry of Finance.
Smelters return to production have a capacity of 1.7 million t/a. Chiyoda The agreement was signed during a visit
Copper smelter Tongling Nonferrous Metals has been awarded the construction con- by a high-level delegation to Morocco, led
27 has reportedly reduced its output in response tract. In order to meet its commitment of by Ahmed Shide, Ethiopian Minister of
to national power rationing and lower demand reaching 2 million tonnes of concentrate Finance, accompanied by officials of the
for sulphuric acid. Its 350,000 t/a Jinlong smelting capacity by December 2023, the Ethiopian Chemical Industry Corporation,
29 and 200,000 t/a Jinguan smelters have cut PT-FI joint venture is also planning to fund Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corpora-
operating rates to about 80% from the sec- a $250 million, 30% expansion of its PT tion, and the Ethiopian Mineral, Petroleum
30 ond half of October because of high sulphuric Smelting joint venture to take its capacity and Biofuel Corporation.
acid stocks and depressed demand. Tongling to 300,000 t/a. The fertilizer complex will require a $2.4
31 produced 4.4 million t/a of sulphuric acid in billion in its first phase for the development
2020, according to Argus. ZIMBABWE of a 2.5 million t/a fertilizer unit including
However, the 100,000 t/a Guorun cop- urea and NPK/NPS products, using phos-
33 per smelter in Shandong province and Zimplats plans smelter expansion phoric acid shipped in from Morocco, and
300,000 t/a Nanguo smelter in Guangxi South Africa’s Impala Platinum, which could reach a capacity of 3.8 million t/a in
34 province have recently returned to produc- owns the Zimplats facility in Zimbabwe, the second phase.
tion after extending shutdowns from July into has signed a memorandum of agreement
September. Shandong Fangyuan Nonferrous with the Zimbabwean Ministry of Mines New acid plant
36 Metals has also restarted its 300,000 t/a and Mining Development for a $1.8 billion In separate news, Indian plant constructor
refined copper smelter after a long shut- upgrade programme for Zimplats over the Nuberg EPC has been awarded a contract
37 down. The restart of a significant chunk of next seven years. The development plan to revamp a 50 t/d sulphur burning sul-
smelting capacity comes as copper smelt- will include an expansion of the Mupani phuric acid plant and 40 t/d aluminium
ers and miners prepare for negotiations on and Hartley mines, as well as a new $200 sulphate plant for the Awash Melkassa
39 treatment and refining charges (TC/RCs) for million base metal refinery to recover plati- Chemical Factory at Oromia. The work will
2022. Greater operational smelting capac- num group metals. A 110 MW solar power be carried out on a lump sum turnkey basis
40 ity means higher demand for copper concen- plant will also form part of the facility, and and is due for completion by the start of
trate, which pushes TC/RCs lower. an expanded smelter which will take con- 2023. n

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38 Learn more at LEWIS®

39 Minerals
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Anglo American plc has announced a num- Mike Brown, who served in the roles on an


6 52
ber of senior leadership changes. Seamus interim basis. Brown has been a non-exec-
7 53 French has decided to leave Anglo Ameri- utive director of the company since 2013
can at the end of 2021 after 14 years with and he will continue to be actively involved
8 54 the company and will be replaced as CEO of as a director, the copper producer said.
Bulk Commodities by Themba Mkhwanazi, Buffington previously served as the presi-
9 55
currently CEO of Kumba Iron Ore. Mpumi dent and CEO of gold and silver producer
10 56 Zikalala, currently managing director of Hycroft Mining Holding Corp. He has expe-
De Beers Managed Operations, has been rience with multiple project ramp-ups and
11 appointed as CEO of Kumba. Both appoint- with improving the productivity in under-
ments will take effect on 1st January 2022. ground and open pit mining operations, the
Mpumi’s successor at De Beers Managed company said. Nevada Copper’s previous
13 Operations will be confirmed in due course. president and CEO, Mike Ciricillo, stepped
Mark Cutifani, chief executive of Anglo down from his post in August.
14 American, said: “We congratulate Themba Chile’s Minera Escondida, the world’s
Mkhwanazi and Mpumi Zikalala on their Ruben Fernandes, Anglo-American. largest copper mine, has appointed Edgar
new roles. Themba will shape the strategy Basto as its new CEO, effective from
16 for our global iron ore, metallurgical coal more recent role leading our global bulks December 1st. Escondida is 57% owned
and manganese interests. The premium operations and strategy. His work to draw by BHP, in which Basto has served since
17 quality of our steelmaking ingredients and out considerable operational synergies and 1989. He was appointed president of Min-
the partnerships we will continue to build sharing of best-practice has enhanced our erals Australia on 1st July 2020 and was
18 to develop cleaner steelmaking technolo- capabilities and been central to our perfor- responsible for BHP’s iron ore and nickel
gies have never been more critical as we mance improvements over many years. We operations in Western Australia, metallur-
work to tackle climate change. Mpumi’s wish him well.” gical and energy coal in Queensland and
20 extensive operational experience at De In conjunction with these changes, New South Wales, and copper in South
Beers will be instrumental as she builds on Ruben Fernandes, CEO of Base Metals, Australia. He has extensive experience in
21 Kumba’s progress to drive sustained safe, will also take on accountability for the iron the resources industry, with a long career
world-class performance working closely ore and the nickel operations in Brazil. As spanning multiple commodities in Aus-
with its strategic business partners. planned, the Quellaveco copper operation tralia, Colombia, Chile and Peru. He has
23 “I am also delighted that, together with in Peru will also move to the Base Met- held numerous key leadership roles since
Nolitha Fakude as chair of our management als portfolio once it is commissioned. This joining BHP in 1989, including vice presi-
24 board in South Africa, and Natascha Viljoen streamlining of responsibilities will allow dent Global Health, Safety, Environment
as CEO of our PGMs business, we will have Ruben to maximise efficiencies across all and Communities (HSEC), Asset President
three women of such high calibre leading of Anglo American’s operations in South Escondida and Asset President Western
26 our extensive interests in South Africa.” America, alongside his global strategic Australia Iron Ore. He holds a Bachelor
“We thank Seamus for his enormous responsibilities for base metals. of Science (Metallurgy) from the Industrial
27 contribution and unfailing commitment to Nevada Copper Corp. has named University of Santander and has recently
Anglo American over 14 years, both as Randy Buffington as its next president received an Honorary Doctorate in Engi-
CEO of our coal businesses and in his and chief executive officer. He succeeds neering from Edith Cowan University. n

30 ! The following events may be subject to postponement or cancellation due to the global
coronavirus pandemic. Please check the status of individual events with organisers.

Calendar 2021/2022 SulGas Conference 2022 – Virtual event
Contact: Conference Communications Office
Tel: +91 73308 75310
NOVEMBER 2021 Contact: Paula Zaharko, Sulphur Experts Email:
33 Tel: +1 281-336-0848 Ext 101 21-24
Email: Laurance Reid Annual Gas Conditioning
34 European Refining Technology Conference,
Conference, NORMAN, Oklahoma, USA
MADRID, Spain JANUARY 2022 Contact: Lily Martinez, Program Director
35 Contact: Sandil Sanmugam,
23-25 Tel: +1 405 325 4414
Portfolio Director, Europe,
36 Email:
WRA Conferences Sour Oil and Gas Advanced Technology (SOGAT),
Tel: +44 20 7384 7744 ABU DHABI, UAE MARCH
Email: Contact: Nick Coles,
38 Web: Director – Conferences,
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Sour gas projects
Although the number of
9 55
new sour gas developments
10 56
has slowed in recent years
11 compared to the large boost
12 of the previous decade,
13 sour gas projects continue
to be a major source of new
sulphur production.





Left: LNG tankers being loaded
21 at Ras Laffan, Qatar.


23 ulphur extraction from process- 20th century, with the exception of Qatar, only 2.4 million bbl/d). The Council is also
ing of sour gas represents around whose lack of oil led it to instead focus on looking to try and achieve self-sufficiency
24 50% of all recovered sulphur, and developing its gas reserves. However, ris- for the UAE in gas production, and possibly
can have an outsize effect on sulphur mar- ing populations and developing cities have even become a net exporter.
kets. While sulphur recovery projects at left many states needing additional gas for To do so Abu Dhabi’s National Oil Com-
26 refineries are often incremental, sour gas electricity production and are now leading pany (ADNOC) has been forced to exploit
plants often process large volumes of gas to the tapping of these sour gas reserves. large sour gas fields both onshore and
27 and hence recover large tonnages of sul- offshore of the Emirate. Currently the larg-

phur, making the project slate for new sour Abu Dhabi est gas processing sites are at Habshan,
gas developments all the more important. which processes gas from the Bab, Umm
29 Globally, around one third of all sour gas New gas discoveries in Abu Dhabi have Shaif and Thamma fields, and the large
reserves can be classified as highly sour recently brought reserves in the UAE to onshore Shah gas field and processing
30 (>1% H2S), and these are concentrated in the sixth largest in the world, though plant, in the desert 210 km southwest
four main regions: the Middle East, Central gas production in the Emirates has pla- of Abu Dhabi. Both sites produce around
31 Asia, China, and North America. Each has teaued at just below 60 bcm per year, 10,000 t/d of sulphur, for a total of 6.6
had a history of sour gas development, for and runs behind consumption of around million t/a. Another 400,000 t/a comes
different reasons, but the Middle East has 70 bcm. The UAE as a whole has been from the Das Island plant, with the Ruwais
33 the largest proportion of sour reserves, a net importer of gas since 2008 as the refinery generating another 100,000 t/a.
sometimes up to 20-30% H2S, and the fast growing cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi However, there are major sour gas
34 largest incentive to develop them. require more power. Gas is imported from expansions in the pipeline. Germany’s
Qatar along the Dolphin pipeline, and to Wintershall and Italy’s ENI are working
Middle East Dubai as LNG, though ADNOC also exports with ADNOC to develop the Hail and Gha-
36 7.7 bcm of LNG from the offshore Das sha offshore ultra-sour gas fields. This will
Sour gas in the Middle East centres around Island terminal. involve the construction of artificial islands
37 the huge Khuff basin, which extends under Abu Dhabi has hugely ambitious plans and two causeways. It is expected to pro-
the waters of the Arabian Gulf offshore of for its oil and gas development. Last year duce over 1.5 billion scf/d of sales gas by
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar and Abu Dhabi, its Supreme Petroleum Council approved a around 2025. In addition, ADNOC plans to
39 and then onshore through the east of $122 billion investment plan for oil and gas boost production from its Shah sour gas
Saudi Arabia, south of the UAE and into out to 2025, including raising oil capacity field from about 1.3 billion scf/d to 1.5
40 Oman in the east. Most of the countries by 1 million bbl/d to 5 million bbl/d (even billion scf/d through its joint venture with
concentrated on oil production during the though the UAE’s OPEC quota is currently Occidental. It also plans to move forward

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to develop sour gas fields at Bab and phur output at Ras Laffan during August; capacity to 8.5 million t/a, nearly 90% of
6 52
Buhasa. equivalent to 3.3 million t/a (the figure that from gas processing.
7 53 The Shah expansion is expected to includes sulphur from refinery processing Upcoming expansion projects are
increase sulphur production by 5,000 t/d at Ras Laffan, but is mostly from sour gas focused mainly upon oil but will produce
8 54 (1.6 million t/a) from about 2024. Gha- operations). some associated gas and condensates. The
sha/Hail is at an earlier stage – contracts Qatar has now decided to raise output Marjan expansion project aims to increase
9 55
are still being awarded and the front end by a further 32 million t/a of LNG via the the oil production by 300,000 bbl/d, with a
10 56 engineering design is being rejigged, and North Field Expansion Phase 1. This project similar amount of condensates, as well as
the project may not reach capacity until too has slipped however, and choice of pro- large volumes of associated gas. As part
11 towards the end of the decade. ject partner will now not be until the start of of the expansion, increased associated
2022. A final investment decision on the 16 gas from the Zuluf field will be separated
Qatar million t/a second phase should also come and sent to the onshore Tanajib gas plant,
13 in the first quarter of 2022, according to which is being expanded to handle an addi-
Qatar’s sour gas production comes from Qatargas. Phase 1 could begin operations tional 2.5 billion scf/d of gas. Aramco says
14 processing gas from the North Field, the in 2025, and would add another 600,000 that it expects Tanajib to become opera-
largest natural gas field in the world. Gas t/a of sulphur production capacity. tional in 2025.
from the North Field is typically around In the longer term, Aramco has also
16 0.5% H2S, but can range as high as 6%. Saudi Arabia announced the development of the huge
What has driven Qatar’s sulphur output is Jafurah gas field, the largest unconven-
17 the decision to become the world’s largest Saudi Arabia has the fourth largest gas tional non-associated gas field in the
LNG exporter, and the sheer volume of gas reserves in the world, but for many years Kingdom, covering 170 km by 100 km
18 which that requires to be processed. Via focused rather upon its oil output and let and containing 200 tcf of gas. Production
seven majority owned operating company much gas go to flaring. Beginning in the is expected to begin in 2024, but will not
joint ventures with Exxon, Conoco, Shell 1980s it began construction of its Master reach its target of 2.2 billion scf/d of sales
20 and others, at the start of 2020 state Gas Gathering System for associated gas, gas until 2036.
gas monopoly Qatargas operated 14 LNG and began to consume gas domestically
21 trains with a total capacity of 68 million for power generation, water desalination, Central Asia
t/a of LNG. Gas is brought ashore and enhanced oil recovery, and other indus-
processed at Ras Laffan at the tip of the trial consumption (eg ammonia, methanol The area of sour gas exploitation in
23 peninsula, and sulphur sent to the Com- production). However, Saudi Arabia’s gas Central Asia is mostly around the Caspian

mon Sulphur Facility at the site for export. demand continues to rise. One driver is an Sea region, in Russia to its west, Kazakh-
24 Most of this LNG capacity attempt to reduce con- stan to its north and east, and the zone
was built during the 1990s sumption by oil-burning of sour oil and gas reserves extends fur-
and 2000s, and Qatar main- In September power stations to free ther south east into Turkmenistan and
26 tained a moratorium on new up more oil for export. Uzbekistan. Onshore deposits in Russia
gas-based developments from 2021 Qatargas… However, much of the and Kazakhstan are the longest standing
27 2011-17 to extend the life of country’s domestic gas and most mature, with discoveries going
achieved the
its reserves. However, it did production is from asso- back to the 1960s and exploitation to the
28 milestone of a
proceed with one project dur- ciated gas, and hence 1980s, while new exploration has focused
29 ing this time, albeit delayed production can be con- on offshore reserves in the North Caspian
on several occasions; the
stable 10,000 t/d strained by OPEC quotas. and onshore reserves into Turkmenistan.
30 Barzan LNG project, in which of sulphur output. To overcome this Saudi Russia produced 5.0 million t/a of sul-
ExxonMobil is a 7% share- Arabia has turned to its phur from sour gas processing in 2020,
31 holder. There are two LNG standalone gas reserves, according to Gazprom, down from 5.4
trains in the Barzan project, with a com- most of which are sour, and therefore, million t/a in 2019. Some of this sulphur
bined capacity of 1.4 billion scf/d (9.8 mill- like Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia has found comes from gas piped across the border in
33 ion t/a). Although construction was largely itself increasingly having to process highly Kazakhstan, from the Karachaganak field.
completed by 2014, the start-up date for sour gas fields. The Kursaniyah gas plant While there are no new sour gas projects
34 Barzan slipped from its projected 2015-16 started up in 2012, followed by Wasit in in Russia, Karachaganak is involved in a
first because of leaks in the gas pipeline 2016, with a gas processing capacity of debottlenecking project which aims to pro-
running from the production wells to the 2.5 billion scf/d and sulphur production cess sour gas on the Kazakhs side of the
36 mainland, and then because of the covid of 1,200 t/d. The Fadhili gas plant began border to expand production. However, the
pandemic. However, ExxonMobil says that operations in 2020. At capacity it pro- acid gas separated from the sales gas will
37 the project did finally start operations dur- cesses 2 billion scf/d of gas from the off- be reinjected into the well.
ing 2020. shore Hasbah field to generate sales gas Elsewhere in Kazakhstan, the largest
Additional sulphur from Barzan gas has and 500 million scf/d from the onshore producer is TengizChevroil (TCO), which
39 added several thousand t/a to Qatar’s Khursaniyah field to operate a cogenera- is a joint venture between Chevron (50%),
production. In September 2021 Qatar- tion power plant. Sulphur output from ExxonMobil 25%, KazMunaiGaz 20%, and
40 gas announced that it had achieved the Fadhili is 4,000 t/d (1.3 million t/a) at Russia’s Lukoil 5%. TCO produces around
milestone of a stable 10,000 t/d of sul- capacity, taking Saudi sulphur production 2.5 million t/a of sulphur, and although

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there is a wellhead pressure maintenance China’s sour gas fields are mostly in (AER) – about half the figure for 2011 –
6 52
project planned to be completed in 2023, the southern province of Sichuan, where in British Columbia sour gas production
7 53 this will also involve acid gas reinjection to there are three major projects with asso- bottomed out in 2018 and since then has
boost oil output, and no extra sulphur will ciated gas processing capacity. The been rising. Most of the natural gas recov-
8 54 be produced. Puguang sour gas processing plant, oper- ered from the unconventional Montney Play
Kashagan in Kazakhstan is another ated by Sinopec, became operational in Trend in BC has little to no H2S content,
9 55
oil project with sour associated gas. Oil 2011, and produces around 1.7 million t/a though the large volumes of gas recov-
10 56 production was supposed to be 450,000 of sulphur. Sinopec’s other field, Yuanba, ered still generate a reasonable quantity
bbl/d in the first phase, but is likely to began operating in 2014. Sulphur content of sulphur. There are also fields such as
11 run at only 300,000 bbl/d this year. One of the gas is lower here and total sulphur Heritage with H2S concentrations of up to
barrier to increasing capacity is reportedly output is around 300,000 t/a. 0.5% and the Birch-Nig-Umbach area has
throughput of the associated gas process- The last of the three is a partnership H2S concentrations up to 2.2%. British
13 ing section, and so there is now a new plan between the China National Petroleum Columbia’s sour gas sulphur output rose
in train to build a new gas processing plant Corp and Chevron at Chuandongbei. Gas to just over 400,000 t/a in 2020, up from
14 12 km northeast of the existing onshore production began in 2016, and there is a 270,000 t/a in 2019. Though this is still
Bolashak oil and gas treatment complex, 400,000 t/a sulphur plant as part of the well down on the 2011 figure of 800,000
to accommodate associated gas produc- development. Chuandongbei is the only t/a, it means that overall Canadian sour
16 tion from Kashagan. The $860-million gas one of the three sour gas plants where gas sulphur production actually rose in
plant will have a design capacity to process there are expansions likely in the near 2020 for the first time in many years, to
17 1 bcm of sour gas from Kashagan to pro- future. The second stage of development, 1.9 million t/a.
duce 0.82 bcm of sales gas, and 155,000 scheduled for 2023, will include the Tie-
18 t/a of liquid fractions and condensate. It shanpo gas field and the construction New sulphur
will also increase sulphur production by of another gas processing plant. A final
210,000 t/a. Commissioning is currently stage will involve the development of the New sour gas projects do not dominate
20 set for 4Q 2023. Dukouhe and Qilibei gas fields. Sulphur the forecast for new sulphur production in
In neighbouring Turkmenistan, sulphur output is likely to increase by 300,000 t/a the way that they used to. Nevertheless,
21 comes from the gas processing plant with the completion of Phase 2. as this review reveals, there is still new
at Galkynysh (formerly known as South capacity coming on-stream over the next
Yolotan), where gas with an H2S content North America few years.
23 of around 6% is processed. Galkynysh is In Europe and North America, produc-
currently processing around 2 bcm of sour Sour gas production in North America tion continues to decline. CRU recently
24 gas per month, according to Türkmengaz, comes mainly from the Rocky Mountains, forecast that Germany’s Wintershall sour
and producing about 90,000 tonnes per in a belt extending from British Columbia gas facility will close in the second half
month (1.1 million t/a) of sulphur. in the north, through Alberta and then of this decade, removing almost all of
26 Finally, the Kandym sour gas plant in down into the continental United States. Europe’s remaining sour gas production.
Uzbekistan, which began operations in This region was the birthplace of the sour In North America, British Columbia has
27 April 2018. It processes 8 bcm per year gas and sulphur industries in the 1920s, seen an uptick in production which may
of sour gas and condensate from six gas but because of that the fields are old and balance falling output in Alberta, but the
fields; Kandym, Kuvachi-Alat, Akkum, Par- mainly played out. Maturing gas fields and trend is still downwards. In China, produc-
29 sanal, Khoji and West Khoji. Sulphur pro- the shale gas boom have undercut US tion is increasing, but not as quickly as
duction is running about 180,000 t/a. and Canadian sour gas production and had been anticipated a few years ago, and
30 destroyed much of the economic rationale new output may only total 300,000 t/a of

31 China for developing new fields. sulphur. In Central Asia, the major issue is
In the US, production of sulphur from the relative inaccessibility of the gas fields,
China’s demand for gas is growing faster sour gas was 276,000 tonnes in 2020, and the consequent difficulty in exporting
than any other country in the world, as its according to the US Geological Survey, sulphur from the region. Kazakhstan’s gov-
33 government tries to pivot away from its reli- down from 323,000 t/a in 2019. Of this, ernment has also cracked down on sulphur
ance on coal in a bid to reduce pollution 45% came from the PADD 3 region – the storage, forcing TCO to sell its stockpile.
34 and smog as well as lower the country’s US Gulf Coast – and 54% from the PADD Most new sour gas projects therefore are
carbon emissions. This is leaving the coun- 4/5 region – the west coast and Rocky looking to acid gas reinjection to boost
try with a growing deficit however. Petro- Mountains area. This figure has declined oil production, although the Kashagan
36 china says that it estimates Chinese gas steeply, especially in the Gulf Coast; a dec- expansion is an exception to this. For the
demand for 2021 will be 350-356 bcm per ade ago in 2010 US sour gas production time being, then, it remains the Middle
37 year, up almost 10% on 2020’s figure of was responsible for 1.17 million t/a of sul- East where most new sour gas is being
326 bcm. Chinese gas production reached phur production. extracted, with Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia
193 bcm in 2020, up by 9.8%, but imports It is a slightly different story in Canada. and Qatar the largest prospects. New sour
39 continue to grow. To meet its rapidly grow- Although sour gas production has fallen in gas sulphur production from these coun-
ing demand China is looking to any poten- Alberta, where sour gas producers gener- tries could total 3-4 million t/a by 2025,
40 tial sources of gas, including shale gas, ated 1.46 million t/a of sulphur in 2020 with the majority coming from the Shah
coalbed methane and sour gas. according to the Alberta Energy Regulator expansion in Abu Dhabi. n

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53 Trends in demand
for sulphur fertilizers
8 54

9 55

10 56

Sulphur is becoming an increasingly important crop nutrient, due to a combination of
lower airborne sulphur emissions, the increasing prevalence of high analysis fertilizers,
and higher cropping intensities.

ulphur is present in all crops and deposition to a fraction of its original A related technology is used for urea
16 plays an important metabolic role. It value, and consequently led to many soils enhanced sulphur, Urea-ES.
is essential for the formation of pro- becoming depleted in sulphur. Urea can also be coated with elemen-
17 teins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes, At the same time, use of traditional tal sulphur. Sulphur-coated urea combines
and is involved in photosynthesis, energy fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, 77-82% urea (36-38% N) with a 14-20%
18 metabolism and carbohydrate production. single superphosphate and potassium sul- sulphur coating. IFA estimated the market
Sulphur also contributes to the flavour and phate have decreased, with a preference for sulphur-coated urea to be 900,000 t/a
aroma of crops such as onions and can for higher analysis fertilizers such as urea, (tonnes product) in 2016, with almost all
20 therefore influence the quality of farm pro- diammonium phosphate and potassium of this market (ca 95%) in east Asia.
duce. Plant availability of sulphur can also chloride. Although as Figure 1 shows, while There are also blends. Yara offers
21 govern its uptake of nitrogen, and hence global use of SSP has declined in absolute two ammonium nitrate/calcium sulphate
limit growth. For this reason it is an impor- terms, use of ammonium sulphate and blends. Mosaic’s MicroEssentials fertilizer
tant plant nutrient; on average the fourth SOP has actually increased slightly, just range contains 10-15% sulphur in a 50-50
23 most required soil nutrient after nitrogen, nowhere near as much as use of other fer- mixed form of both sulphate (for initial
phosphorus and potassium, but much tilizer types has. availability) and elemental sulphur to keep
24 higher for some crops such as oilseed rape. plants growing throughout the season.

Farmers, especially in the developed Sulphur-enhanced fertilizers EuroChem produces urea ammonium sul-
world, were once used to receiving this phate at its plant at Novomoskovsky Azot,
26 sulphur for ‘free’, via atmospheric deposi- These traditional sulphur fertilizers still as well as ammonium sulphate nitrate.
tion caused by sulphur dioxide pollution. represent the bulk of plant nutrient sul- Finally, sulphur can be applied in ele-
27 The crackdown on burning sulphur in power phur that is delivered to fields as fertilizer; mental granular form, though it must oxi-
plants and road vehicles from the 1980s perhaps 70% in 2017 according to figures dise to sulphate to become available to
onwards has reduced this atmospheric from the International Fertilizer Associa- the plant. HJ Baker & Bro mix it with 10%
29 tion. However, with a growing recognition bentonite clay to cause the clay to absorb
Fig. 1: Use of traditional sulphur of the issue of sulphur deficiencies in soils moisture and swell to break up the granule
30 containing fertilizers, million has come a range of new sulphur contain- in the ground and assist with its conver-
tonnes S per year ing or enhanced fertilizers which incorpo- sion to sulphate.
31 rate elemental sulphur into higher analysis For the moment, these remain relatively
8 fertilizers, either within granules or as an niche products, though their use is growing.
7 ammonium sulphate external coating. Introducing a liquid sul- Total demand for sulphur as a fertilizer is
33 6
phur spray to Urea, TSP, MAP or DAP dur- only about 15 million t/a, compared to over
ing drum or pan granulation, for example, 110 million t/a for nitrogen. Nor does all
sulphur, million t/a

34 5 results in N and P products with a 5-20% of that 15 million t/a come from recovered
4 elemental sulphur content. elemental sulphur – SOP is mined as sul-
Sulphur-enhanced fertilizers combine phate, and some SSP and AS come from
SSP nutrient availability with high use-efficiency, smelter acid used to treat phosphate rock or
2 and also have good storage and handling produce caprolactam respectively, the latter
37 1 properties. The market for sulphur-enhanced particularly in China. However, the Sulphur
NP+S products has developed over the past Institute estimates that the global require-
38 0
decade, with particular take-up in the US, ment for sulphur fertilizer at closer to 24






39 Brazil, India and parts of Africa. Shell license million t/a S to tackle the increasing sulphur
year a micronized sulphur enhanced product as deficiency in soils in order to achieve the
40 Source: IFA Thiogro, and this technology is now used kind of crop yields that the world will need in
to produce sulphur enhanced phosphates. order to sustain a growing population. n

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Longer lived
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As sulphur recovery units operate at progressively higher temperatures, creep stress in the
furnace refractory lining can lead to deformation or even failure of the bricks and require the
shutdown of the SRU. UK-based DSF Refractories have developed a product which minimises
19 creep stress damage at high temperatures, for a longer-lived furnace lining.

21 he Claus process converts hydrogen added to alumina to promote high densifica- Creep resistance
sulphide into elemental sulphur in tion. Talc (MgO) may be added to promote
two steps. The first step is the high the formation of a liquid phase, but at cer- The traditional materials for SRU linings
23 temperature reaction furnace, where H2S tain levels can inhibit grain growth during are based on 90% alumina and generally
in the gas stream is burnt in air or oxy- alumina sintering which can reduce the operate well. However, there has been a
24 gen to convert a stoichiometric portion of relative rate of coarsening to densification. tendency towards higher operating tem-
it into sulphur dioxide. The second step is Other sintering additives include CuO or TiO2 peratures for SRUs in recent years, both
a series of reactors and condensers where and work by causing more vacancies in the to cope with leaner acid gas streams,
26 the SO2 reacts with the remaining H2S to alumina lattice. These vacancies promote and to ensure the destruction of benzene,
produce sulphur and steam. The overall diffusivity and increase diffusion rates. toluene and xylene (BTX) in the feed gas,
27 reaction scheme is: The percentage of alumina content in as well as ammonia and other potential
an alumina refractory can dramatically alter contaminants, but also via the increased
28 2H2S + O2 → S2 + 2H2O
its properties. At the highest rates of Al2O3 use of oxygen enrichment to allow higher
29 The initial combustion of H2S to SO2 is content (>99%) there is corundum, which is throughputs. BTX destruction requires
accomplished at very high temperatures, the hardest form with the highest strength temperatures of >1,200°C. Oxygen enrich-
30 typically above 1,000°C. The reaction and resistance to erosion. However, it can ment can push operating temperatures to
vessel is thus lined with a refractory mate- be brittle and vulnerable to heat stresses, 1,500°C or more; in reaction furnaces with
31 rial to protect the vessel itself, which must and is mostly used for low temperature or 40% oxygen enrichment, steady tempera-
endure a severe thermo-mechanical and harsh wear applications. Alumina for SRU tures of 1,490°C can be achieved, and
thermo-chemical environment. Traditionally, use is typically around 90% aluminium oxide, a system running at 60% O2 enrichment
33 SRU refractory linings have been based on although sometimes as high as 94-95%. can increase the operating temperature to
alumina (Al2O3). Alumina is one of the most Lower levels of alumina are found in mul- 1,510°C.
34 chemically stable oxides, in both oxidative lites, which are mixes of alumina and silica These temperatures still pose no sig-
and reducing atmospheres, as well has and contain around 70% alumina. They have nificant threat to the stability of typical
having good strength and hardness. the advantage of low levels of impurities, alumina linings. However, where there are
36 excellent volume stability and high resist- abnormal process temperature excursions

Aluminas ance to loading in high temperatures. Finally, upwards from this level, even if sporadic
sillimanite refractory has an alumina content and short term, they can lead to creep
There are numerous types of alumina; alu- of between 50-60% with higher levels of deformation in the most mechanically
minium oxide can exist in several different silica than mullites. Sillimanite refractories stressed parts of the lining (e.g. the top
39 crystal forms, though the hexagonal close have low creep and high refractoriness under of the furnace). Multiple excursions can
packed alpha phase is almost exclusively load, and are widely used in the glass, iron lead to deformation or even failure of the
40 used for ceramics because of its density and steel, petrochemical, electrical, cement, lining and subsequently limit the length of
and heat stability. Various additives can be and non-ferrous metal industries. an operating campaign.

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many years, it is nevertheless also a signifi-
6 52 Fig. 1: Alumina-silica binary phase diagram
cant step forward in materials design. Frimul
7 53 FX is 75% alumina, which fully converts to
mole, %
95% crystalline mullite on firing.
8 54 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
2,200 Following extensive research, the binary
phase diagram (Al2O3:SiO2) for these mate-
9 55 2,100 rials (Figure 1) has been reassessed, and
10 56 shows that the mullite stable phase field
Al2O3 + veers toward Al2O3 enrichment at elevated
temperature, °C

11 mullite liquid temperatures. The Frimul FX composition

1,890°C + 10°C mitigates for this phenomenon, which in
12 SiO2
1,800 + conjunction with ultra-pure fused and reac-
liquid mullite tive in situ bonding materials contributes
13 mullite + liquid +
1,700 Al2O3 to very low creep values at 1,650°C.
14 1,587°C + 10°C
SiO2 + mullite Physical and chemical properties
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 A comparison of physical and chemical prop-
16 SiO2 Al2O3
weight, % erties of Frimul FX and a traditional mullite
17 bonded corundum 90% alumina product is
Source: F.J. Klug, S. Prochazka, and R.H. Doremus, Alumina–silica phase diagram in the mullite region,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 70, 750–759 (1987) outlined in Table 1. In addition to increased
18 creep resistance, the other intrinsic physi-
cal and thermal attributes of the ceramic
Table 1: DSF Frimul FX properties compared to typical 90% alumina SRU lining positively influence lining and therefore unit
20 material stability, including a lower density compared
to traditional material (around 14% lower),
21 Frimul FX 90% alumina lower thermal conductivity and lower ther-
Bulk density (g/cm3) 2.62 3.05 mal expansion (both 21% lower than a 90%
alumina material). The lower density means
Apparent porosity, % 16.2 16.3
23 that a Frimul FX SRU lining weighs less than
Cold crushing strength, MPa 111 78 that constructed with traditional material.
24 Chemical composition (%) Not only does this lower the stress on the
Al2O3 75.6 90.4 material, which can be particularly important
SiO2 24.2 9.28
in larger SRUs, such as in large gas plants
26 in the Middle East, it also means that the
K2O 0.08 0.01
backing thickness can be reduced without
27 Na2O 0.20 0.17 a detrimental increase in shell tempera-
Phase composition (%) ture, so overall heat loss is reduced. This
Mullite 96 16.6 maintains an appropriate shell temperature
29 (175-290°C) to avoid both condensation of
Corundum 1 80.6
sulphuric acid at lower temperatures or sul-
Thermal expansion 20-1,500°C, % 0.91 1.15
30 phidation at higher temperatures. A poten-
Thermal conductivity, @ hot face 1,000°C 14.3 18.0 tial decrease in backing lining thickness can
31 also increase the overall reactor capacity by
Source: DSF Refractories
3.4% for a 3.65 m diameter reactor.

33 Frimul FX consideration the views of industry experts, Creep under load

DSF Refractories therefore decided to
34 DSF Refractories & Minerals have long use their experience in these materials to DSF’s main objective in development of the
supplied premium grade re-bonded fused develop a creep resistant mullite specifically product was that Frimul FX should exceed
mullite refractories for long campaigns (up for SRU linings. The remit for this product the creep resistance of present materials
36 to 20 years) in the glassmaking industry. was to exhibit minimal creep deformation and meet the future auspices of relevant
The bricks are used to form sprung self- at 1,650°C. Frimul FX is fired to 1,700°C API standards. To qualify this, it was speci-
37 supporting crown structures, in which in batch intermittent kilns which ensures fied that maximum deformation should be
they are subjected to temperatures up to extensive solid-state bonding throughout the 0.5% between 50 and 100 hours via ASTM
1,650°C and therefore must have intrinsic brick matrix. This in turn imparts structural C832 or DIN EN 993-9 creep under load
39 thermo-mechanical stability, that is, creep integrity at high temperatures and loads. determination at 1,650°C and 25psi.
deformation resistance. While Frimul FX is a derivative of a prede- Frimul FX has been through an extensive
40 Following anecdotal reports of SRU lin- cessor product; DSF Frimul F, the latter with creep testing programme encompassing
ings failing prematurely, and taking into proven thermo-mechanical stability over both ASTM and ISO/BSEN test methods. A

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summary of all tests performed at 1,650°C
6 52

7 53
is shown in Table 2. There does seems to
be an anomaly in the results when a cylin-
DSF Refractories & Minerals
der specimen is tested; the deformation DSF Refractories was founded by local entrepreneur John West. West had established
8 54 recorded during the test does not correlate the West Gas Improvement Company in 1874 at Friden in the heart of the picturesque
closely to the before/after measurements Derbyshire Peak District (now a National Park) to take advantage of local silica depos-
9 55
which may be due to an idiosyncrasy with its, and the High Peak railway which ran adjacent to the site. The area is one of upland
10 56 the measurement system. Numerous tests limestone scenery, with tertiary siliceous deposits formed as pockets filling large pits
have also been performed at 1,600°C; and hollows in the limestone surface. West also supplied town gas to Manchester,
11 at this temperature virtually no creep is and founded the Derbyshire Silica Firebrick Company (later DSF Refractories) in 1892
observed, and the material is perceived as to manufacture town gas retort shapes from locally-sourced silica and siliceous sands
‘zero’ creep within the constraints of experi- for the high temperature gasification sections of town gas plants. All of the company’s
13 mental error and the inherent stability of the early products were based on local silica and siliceous deposits quarried from pits in
creep apparatus. the surrounding area. Refractory shapes were either machine or hand moulded; fired
14 and then packed in barrels for transportation. DSF still prides itself on its ability to

15 API 565 hand-produce bespoke brick shapes for any application.

The gradual changeover from town gas to natural gas in the 1950s-70s led to a
16 One of the hurdles DSF has had to over- change in the company’s activities from ceramics for gas applications to high alu-
come in promoting Frimul FX was the exist- mina bricks based on bauxite, mullite and andalusite for the steel industry, which
17 ing standard for SRUs; American Petroleum by 1977 represented 70% of the company’s turnover. In 1979 a new product based
Institute (API) 565: Thermal Reactors for on andalusite was launched for the glass industry, which was followed in 1986 by
18 Sulphur Recovery Units in General Refinery a change of ownership (to the BHF group) which heralded a new era of both product
Service. The old standard said refractories development and investment; mainly refractories for the glass industry and the addi-
should be at least 88% alumina; a barrier tion of a modern mineral processing plant which not only supplied the requirements
20 to the adoption of a lower alumina mul- of refractory manufacture but also provided much needed capacity for processed
lite refractory. That section had not been mineral sales to grow.
21 updated for over 40 years, so DSF prioritised The 1990’s saw a decline in DSF’s steel industry sales as the UK steel industry
participation in the standards committee contracted, with basic steel ladle bricks gaining prominence over siliceous and high
for API 565 in order to review it and judge alumina compositions. The focus moved to the glass industry with many new prod-
23 whether it was still fit for purpose in the light ucts developed. Management buyouts occurred in 1992 and the 2003, the latter
of the way that the sulphur industry had triggering a dynamic period of investment and growth, with supply of refractories to
24 changed over that time. With creep resist- the glass industry. In recent years DSF has also become a significant supplier to the
ance becoming one of the key properties carbon black industry, and most recently has turned its attention to the petrochemi-
that users were looking for in a refractory, cal market. n
26 they helped develop a test for fitness for
use which involved a specification of creep
27 deformation of less than 0.5% between 50 gen production can be generated by oxygen The reaction affects all silica-containing
and 100 hours at 1,650°C, which is now enriched feeds in an SRU, and the pres- materials, and therefore in regard to SRU
included in the updated standard. ence of hydrogen in a gas feed can reduce hot face lining materials, whether mul-
29 SiO2 containing components in refractory lite or mullite-bonded, the phenomenon
Silica depletion compositions to SiO(g) vapour phase at has to be assessed. For high hydrogen
30 temperatures in excess of ~800°C via the concentrations (> approx. 13 vol-%), it
One of the concerns about using mullite following reaction: is acknowledged that all mullite/mullite-
31 materials was the potential for silica leach- bonded materials will suffer SiO2 deple-
ing from the refractory by hydrogen. Hydro- SiO2 + H2 Æ SiO(g) + H2O tion. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

33 Table 2: Summary of Frimul FX creep tests performed at 1,650°C

34 Standard Sample load (psi) Orientation Expansion (%) Creep (%)

35 50-100h Total Before/after

DIN EN 993-9 Cylinder 29 Pressing 0.79 0 +0.02
ASTM C832 Prism 25 Perpendicular 1.04 -0.09 -0.23 -0.19
37 ASTM C832 Prism 25 Perpendicular 0.96 -0.1 -0.19 -0.17
ASTM C832 Prism 25 Perpendicular 0.92 -0.04 -0.12 -0.08
DIN EN 993-9 Cylinder 29 Pressing 1.00 -0.08 -0.22 -0.05
ASTM C832 Cylinder 25 Pressing 1.07 -0.17 -0.56 -0.17
40 Source: DSF Refractories


42 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021 23




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6 52 Fig. 2: Hydrogen depletion of silica at front face Fig. 3: Hydrogen depletion of silica leaving corundum layer
(2 years exposure), mullite-bonded corundum at front face (2 years exposure), Friuml FX
7 53

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2mm alumino-silicate D4417/RW 2mm alumino-silicate D4418/RW






Al Ka1 Si Ka1 Al Ka1 Si Ka1

imaging of Frimul FX indicates that its high this is the case then Frimul FX is affected the crown of the melter, with a 4m span,
firing temperature ensures extensive mul- to a depth of ~1mm per annum, which is and in an aggressive boron-containing envi-
26 lite intra- and inter-granular bonding; there similar to Fricor 95, the traditional mullite ronment. Although the material is new to
is no free silica, the silicate that remains bonded corundum composition. the sulphur industry, technical due diligence
27 is encapsulated in the mullite matrix. The Following consideration by industry has been performed and to date there have
residual corundum is mainly intragranular, experts, this effect was not considered as been no significant parameters which would
which under high loading actually imparts significant, due to the acknowledgment that negate the use of this material.
29 a small expansion to stabilise the mate- a 25 year campaign would potentially affect DSF argues that using a mullite mate-
rial. Whilst pure Al2O3 is chemically the only 25mm of refractory; and even in this rial has intrinsic benefits compared with
30 most resilient composition for hydrogen hypothesis the load bearing stability portion traditional 90% alumina materials:
rich environments; in comparison with mul- of the refractory would not be compromised. l Comparable maximum service tempera-
31 lite it has poor thermo-mechanical stability Concerns about potential blockage of down- ture.
and relatively high creep characteristics. stream pipework were not borne out in view l Shell temperature is maintained in the
Samples of Frimul FX and DSF’s Fri- of the very small quantities of silica being range 175-290°C.
33 cor 95, a more traditional mullite bonded leached and their dilution in the gas stream. l Lower density, which correlates with a
corundum material, were placed on the reduced footprint weight.
34 working lining of a SRU (5 exposed faces) Summary l Lower thermal conductivity, leading
for a period of two years to investigate the to the potential for thinner linings to
interaction with hydrogen. The reaction DSF says that its Frimul FX represents a increase reaction capacity with no sig-
36 surface was examined by SEM in back step change in SRU lining materials, exhibit- nificant change to shell temperature.
scattered and elemental mapping modes ing unparalleled creep resistant characteris- l Lower and linear thermal expansion;
37 (Figures 2 and 3). The lower elemental tics which are intended to not only meet but there are no peaks or troughs in the
mapping images clearly show the removal exceed the API standards, and more impor- expansion curve, and therefore no hetero-
of SiO2 from the face of the structure in tantly define a material with capability to geneous reaction to temperature swings,
39 both samples (red images). The process withstand both normal and abnormal oper- specifically during power outages.
could be isokinetic, that is the depletion of ating temperatures. The material has been l Excellent resistance to creep at high
40 SiO2 continues at a constant rate without in service in an oxy-fuel fired glass melter loads and temperature providing stable
any barriers to the speed of the process. If operating continuously at 1,600°C across lining construction. n

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53 A sustainable
solution for
8 54

9 55

10 56 Left: Wheat field in the UK.


sulphur Below: The Iraq field trials
were developed to further
assess the feasibility of
the sustainable solution

for the sulphur which is
14 the commercialisation of
the sulphur product for
sale into agriculture, as a
16 fertilizer, in Iraq.










RSK and its subsidiary ADAS have developed a sustainable solution for the disposal of sulphur
27 waste generated from a natural gas processing facility in Iraq. C. Teulon of RSK reports on the
28 research that was carried out to test whether the waste sulphur from a biological sulphur removal
29 process could be applied in agriculture to increase the quality and quantity of crops in Iraq.

31 vidence of Iraq’s vast petroleum 98% pure, is not always acceptable for Iraq that received funding from the Inter-
resources are seen throughout the other chemical uses. national Finance Corporation. Elemental
region in the extensive oil and gas In petroleum-rich southern Iraq, pollu- sulphur is recovered during the process-
33 extraction and processing facilities. Iraq tion and prevention and sustainability are ing of associated gas using licensed bio-
is committed to reduce flaring by 2030 aspirations but implementation is less reactor technology. The sulphur produced
34 and as part of this, infrastructure is being of a reality. Waste management facilities from the process is delivered as a solid
developed to process natural gas that are also limited. Further, the region is rav- powder with a dry matter of 79.9% and
would otherwise be flared. Some of this aged by war, plagued by poverty and water total sulphur content of 98.9% (based on
36 gas is sour with elevated concentrations is scarce. Farmers in Iraq struggle in this dry matter).
of poisonous hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas. marginal environment and are challenged The ESHIA identified that the recovered
37 In NGL processing the H2S is converted to with infertile soil and extreme climates. sulphur did not have a disposal outlet and
elemental sulphur which is produced as a RSK, a leading integrated environmen- the waste management facilities in Iraq
waste product. While sulphur is a commod- tal, engineering, and technical services were non-existent, overcapacity, or did not
39 ity in international markets, the volume business, completed an Environmental, meet international requirements. Even at
produced in some facilities is not sufficient Health and Social Impact Assessment a rate of up to 43 t/d, the volume was not
40 to warrant investment in infrastructure to (ESHIA) for a proposed sour gas processing enough to consider export and there was
facilitate export, and the quality at over facility (400 MSCFD associated gas) in no market for elemental sulphur with these

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6 52 UK pot trials UK field trials

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specifications in Iraq. The objective was to UK pot trials with winter oilseed rape in 2019. Winter
17 find an environmentally responsible solu- oil seed rape was selected for this work
tion to re-use the sulphur and divert it from Pot trials were carried out by environmen- as it is known to be responsive to sulphur
18 existing landfills. tal consulting company ADAS in polytun- fertilizer and therefore provides a good test
A detailed options analysis identified nels in the UK to characterise the sulphur crop for these experiments.
agriculture as a potential user since sul- fertilizer. The specific objectives of the All sites showed a yield response to
20 phur is a nutrient required for plant growth. experiment were to: applied sulphur ranging from 0.2 to 1.8
A series of experimental pot and field tri- l quantify the rate of oxidation of elemen- ton/ha. Yield increases were measured
21 als in the UK and Iraq, completed in June tal sulphur to crop available sulphate in from both the sulphur and ammonium sul-
2020, were designed to research that three contrasting soil types; phate fertilizer treatments at each site,
hypothesis that the sulphur produced is l measure any change in pH following supporting the use of sulphur as a source
23 beneficial in vegetable and cereal crops application of elemental sulphur in of fertilizer sulphur. Yield increases from
and will increase both the quality and three contrasting soil types; the sulphur ranged from 0.1 to 1.6 t/ha.
24 quantity of the crops. l provide an initial test of crop response The research suggested that the sul-
To research this hypothesis, RSK part- to elemental sulphur of oilseed rape, phur fertilizer is at least as effective as a
nered with the University of Basrah College wheat and grass grown in three con- water-soluble sulphur fertilizer in supplying
26 of Agriculture and engaged with ministries, trasting soil types. sulphur to plants grown in pots.
industry stakeholders and farmers, while
27 providing new learning and development The pot experiment provided valuable data Iraq pot trials
opportunities for Iraqis. on the availability of soil sulphur for plant
The results showed that sulphur waste uptake and impact on soil pH of the sul- The objectives of the pot experiment under-
29 from a biological sulphur removal process phur. The pot experiment concluded: taken by the University of Basrah in 2019
could be applied to major crops in Iraq to l sulphur has not had a significant impact were to:
30 increase yield and quality. Further the sul- on soil pH; l provide an initial test of the crop
phur waste could be diverted from landfills l sulphur oxidised fast, and was avail- response to sulphur on four representa-
31 while improving the bottom line for both able for plant uptake at a rate that tive crop species (sunflower, okra, corn,
the gas processor and the farmers. was at least equal to soluble forms of beans);
Full physical (including spread assess- sulphur; l measure the impact of sulphur appli-
33 ments) and chemical characterisation on l sulphur had no negative impact on cation on soil pH and electrical
the waste sulphur concluded the sulphur plant growth. conductivity.
34 was:
l non-hazardous;
UK field trials The pot experiments included:
l did not contain heavy metals; l three soil types (silty clay, sand, silt);
36 l did not contain hydrocarbons; The UK field trials consisted of experi- l three sulphur application rates (0 kg/
l non-leaching; ments designed to characterise the sul- ha, 64 kg/ha and 6 t/ha);
37 l 60 – 75 % dry matter content; phur fertilizer compared to other more l two organic matter application rates
l > 99.8% sulphur and the remainder bio- commonly used water-soluble sulphur fer- (0% and 5% by dry weight).
mass <0.2%; tilizers and assess whether application of
39 l median diameter (D50) of 5.75 μm sulphur to a range of crop types increases The Iraq pot trials concluded:
(rapid oxidation and uptake to plants); crop yields/quality. l a significant effect on pH was observed
40 l does not show hydrophobic behaviour Sulphur response field experiments for all crops, with a significant reduc-
typical of chemically produced sulphur. were carried out at three sites cropped tion of pH at rate of 6 t/h as compared

42 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021 27




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6 52 Iraq pot trials Iraq field trials

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17 to the rate of 64 kg/ha (pH reduction Conclusions and next steps

in the Iraqi soil is important for soil The objectives of the field
18 conditioning); The UK and Iraq field experiments showed
l application of sulphur accompanied yield increases and benefits to crop qual- experiments in southern Iraq
with 5% organic matter improved per- ity from the application of sulphur, demon-
were to assess the response of
20 formance of corn, sunflower, and strating that the product is a good source
okra grown in all three soil types and of crop available sulphur. The Iraq field vegetable and cereal crops with
21 alleviated sulphur deficiency; experiments showed significant benefits
l sulphur had no adverse effect on growth to yield and crop quality across a range
and without added sulphur.
of crops under study at all soil types. of crop types, which demonstrates that
23 sulphur deficiency does limit crop yields

Iraq field trials in Iraq and that sulphur can be used
as a source of sulphur to support Iraqi
The Iraq field trials were developed to fur- agriculture.
ther assess the feasibility of the sustainable Next steps include assessment of sev-
26 solution for the sulphur which is the com- eral options for the supply and application
mercialisation of the sulphur product for of sulphur in Iraq:
27 sale into agriculture, as a fertilizer, in Iraq. l supply the powdered sulphur as a raw
The objectives of the field experi- material to another fertilizer manufac-
ments in southern Iraq were to assess turer for processing into a fertilizer
29 the response of vegetable and cereal product, most likely a multi-nutrient fer-
crops (tomato, onion, wheat, and barley) tilizer product (solid or liquid);
30 to added sulphur (0 kg/ha and 80 kg/ha) l Process the sulphur into a liquid sus-
in terms of growth/yield and availability of pension fertilizer;
31 sulphur in soil. l process the sulphur into a granulated
The Iraq field trials concluded: fertilizer product which can be applied
l sulphur is a good source of crop avail- using conventional fertilizer application
33 able sulphur; equipment;
l tomato, onion, wheat and barley crops l supply the sulphur to chemical manu-
34 showed a positive yield response to facturers. n
applications of sulphur;
l ascorbic acid content in tomato (a qual-
36 ity metric) increased with the use of
sulphur; RSK gratefully acknowledges the support
37 l grain yield and quality of wheat and and contributions from the following:
barley were enhanced by addition of Dr Lizzie Sagoo, ADAS; Dr Peter Berry, ADAS;
organic matter and sulphur; Dr Mohsen Disher, University of Basrah; Dr
39 l sulphur accompanied with increas- Rashad Adil Imran, University of Basrah;

ing nitrogen and sulphur availability Dr Hayfaa Jasim Hussein, University of

40 and uptake maximised yield quality of Basrah; Dr Najlah Jebur Mohammed,
crops. University of Basrah.

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■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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3 49 Desmet Ballestra offers design and supply

4 50
of plants and relevant field services for the
production of sulphuric acid, oleum, SO2
5 51

6 52

7 53 and SO3.
8 54
• Permanent licensee of DuPont MECS® for major sulphuric acid/oleum units
9 55
• Proprietary technologies and know-how for small sulphuric acid/oleum
10 56
and SO2/SO3 units
• Updated DuPont MECS® HRSTM system for enhanced heat recovery
• Tail gas cleaning systems and emissions control
• Wide range of production capacities and customized solutions
according to specific customers’ requirements
• Spare parts and technical assistance support worldwide


Over 25 units have been
successfully delivered
20 and installed worldwide.




















Desmet Ballestra S.p.A. – Via Piero Portaluppi 17 – Milan – Italy –





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Sulphuric acid
revamp the acid plant and re-design the
6 52
acid towers.
7 53 The AZFC production complex, owned
by Polyserve Group, was first commis-

projects and
8 54 sioned in 1984 and includes two sulphuric
acid production plants – Unit 6 and Unit
9 55
7. Unit 6 had been AZFC’s workhorse. In
10 56 its time, 18 million tonnes of single super-

phosphate (SSP) fertilizer had been manu-
11 factured from more than six million tonnes
of sulphuric acid yielded by the unit.
Unit 6 had also produced over 600 million
13 kW of clean electricity over its lifetime,
allowing AZFC to cut CO2 emissions by
14 11,000 tonnes.
Developments in sulphuric acid technology and engineering
The decision to revamp Unit 6 was not
15 know-how are highlighted by recent project case studies an easy one to make, as Dr Eng Sherif El-
16 from DuPont Clean Technologies, Metso Outotec and Gabaly, chairman of AZFC, explains: “Unit
6 produces around 30% of AZFC’s sulphu-
17 thyssenkrupp Uhde. ric acid. We therefore wanted to keep the
shutdown to a maximum of 12 months. We
18 needed a reliable and experienced partner
DUPONT CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES who could oversee the project and sup-
port us with any technical issues. Given
20 AZFC Unit 6 revamp project the experience, references and success
DuPont had with similar projects, AZFC

21 y 2015, the Unit 6 sulphur burn- downtimes, multiple shutdowns and signifi- chose DuPont.”
ing plant operated by Abu Zaabal cant losses in production. As well as resolving productivity issues,
Fertilizer and Chemical Company AZFC had originally considered shutting the overhaul of Unit 6 would enable AZFC
23 (AZFC) had been in service for 31 years. the plant down when its new Unit 7 was to meet newly introduced Egyptian emiss-
Unsurprisingly, three decades of operation commissioned in 2009. But rising demand ions regulations. These cut permissible
24 at the company’s fertilizer production com- for phosphoric acid meant the company SO2 emission limits from 1,500 mg/m3 to
plex in Egypt’s Qulubia Governorate had needed the extra capacity. The time had 450 mg/m3 for new plants and to 800 mg/
taken their toll. Due to a host of problems, clearly come for a complete revamp. AZFC m3 for existing plants.
26 including corrosion, sulphate build-up and decided to act and selected DuPont Clean

gas leaks, the unit was experiencing daily Technologies (DuPont) as a partner to Before the revamp
The list of challenges facing AZFC was
long. The original brick-lined drying and
29 absorption towers were in very poor shape
with visible signs of deterioration. In par-
30 ticular, acid leaking from the bottom of the
vessels and at the outlet nozzles of the
31 acid tower was causing sulphate build-up
and severe corrosion.
Sulphate build-up on the tube sheet of the
33 mist eliminators in the inter-pass absorption
tower (IPAT) was also triggering shutdowns
34 and causing corrosion. Additionally, sections
of the old brick tower lining were regularly

coming loose and falling into the acid cooler,

36 leading to further leakage from cooler pipes.
The furnace baffles had also fallen over. This
37 suggested that the gas was not mixing suf-
ficiently, and that sulphur was entering down-
stream equipment and causing corrosion.
39 AZFC was not only concerned about
the acid towers at Unit 6. Severe corro-
40 sion on cast iron piping, notably on the
AZFC’s Unit 6 after the revamp project. elbow of the IPAT, had created a number

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Above left: AZFC’s Unit 6 before the revamp – the drying and absorption towers were in very bad shape. Above right (top and bottom): Acid was
leaking from the bottom of the acid tower, causing corrosion issues.
of holes. Because the pipes were very
21 heavy, installed at height and difficult to
access, repairs were problematic and led
to extended downtimes.
23 This was not all, either, as the following
issues also needed to be put right:
24 l a significant plume from the stack;
l gas leaks from the shell of the cold
heat exchanger;
26 l missing refractories in the waste heat
27 l corrosion on the tube sheet bundle and
expansion joint of the boiler jug valve;
l unsafe demineralised water tanks due

29 to corrosion.

30 Sometimes, the plant was shut down three

to four times per day to attend to these myr-
31 iad problems. Controlling the old plant had
thus become extremely difficult and unsafe.

33 The revamp
34 As part of the revamp project, DuPont was
asked to:

l re-design and install new acid towers

36 and reduce overall SO2 emissions;
l improve converter performance;
37 l provide site supervision during the
installation of MECS ® equipment.

39 The new high-efficiency acid towers

included modern UniFlo ® acid distributors
40 in corrosion-resistant MECS ® ZeCor ®-Z alloy
as well as MECS ® Brink ® mist eliminators. A view of the MECS ® Brink ® mist eliminators in the new acid tower.

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Left: The new tower as it is lifted into place at Unit 6. Right: Since start-up, Unit 6 has operated to performance guarantees, producing up to 640 t/d of acid.
DuPont also introduced new MECS ® iron internals for the first pass converter, of $6.5 million, AZFC now has a highly
GEAR ® catalyst for increased conversion such as support grids and columns, were effective plant at between one-fifth to one-
23 and supplied hard-wearing MECS ® ZeCor ®-Z also replaced, and new woven wire screens tenth of the cost of a new plant, but with
acid piping for the acid towers and the dry- installed for all passes. When the brick lining the same life expectancy.
24 ing tower mesh pad. had been restored, the converter was then

As well as guaranteeing a sulphuric loaded with the new MECS ® GEAR ® catalyst. Unit 6 revamp achievements
acid production rate of 615 t/d, the aim The revamp further included:
26 was to also achieve SO2 emission targets l repair of the main blower and almost all l The plant’s average sulphuric acid pro-
of less than 800 mg/Nm3, as well as SO3 rotating equipment; duction capacity increased from 480
27 absorption and SO3/acid vapour emission l fitting of seven new gas valves; t/d to 640 t/d
control levels of less than 35 mg/Nm3. l a new gas duct for the IPAT; l Stack SO2 emissions decreased from
The revamp began in late 2015 with l re-tubing of the cold inter-pass heat 2,000 mg/Am3 to < 600 mg/Am3
29 the dismantling of the old acid towers and exchanger; l Plant availability improved with reduced
repairs to the foundations. The new carbon l a pristine demineralised water plant; downtime
30 steel tower vessels were fabricated off- l the creation of a modern control room. l Downtime average pre-revamp (average
site by local engineering company ASF–EL over 2 years) = 138 days per year
31 Sewedy Industries Group and transferred Success l Downtime average after revamp = 3.9
to Abu Zaabal in three sections – where days per year
they were then welded, lifted into place, The entire multi-million project was managed l Improved availability has eliminated
33 and erected in a simple operation. in a very short delivery time by AZFC’s Ayman LE 59 million per annum ($3.8 million
Highly corrosion-resistant MECS ® ZeCor®-Z Abd El Hafeiz and Hassan Hussein, the coor- p.a.) in lost sulphuric acid sales over
34 alloy was used for pipes, all elbows, bends, dinating manager, project department. The that period
fittings and spool pieces. Their installation revitalised Unit 6 successfully started up l Loss in production cut from 41.7 per-
was carried by local engineering company on the 15th November 2016 after a shorter cent in 2014 to 0.87 percent in 2019.
36 IEMSA construction, whose welders had been than anticipated shutdown. The full revamp l A step change in plant reliability
qualified by DuPont. was concluded on budget, on time and with- l The revamped plant ran for more than
37 Mr Abd El Hafeiz recalls: “Through- out a single incident or injury. three years before the first cold shut-
out the project, DuPont not only provided Since start-up, Unit 6 has operated to down, compared to shutdowns every
the process design and engineering for performance guarantees, producing up to 4-6 months previously
39 the acid towers, but also supported the 640 t/d of sulphuric acid. The revamped l No injuries or accidents during the
revamp in an advisory role, and assisted unit had its first cold shut down for mainte- entire revamp project
40 us with the start-up of the plant.” nance in December 2019, following more l A sparklingly clean and pristine plant
During the revamp, most of the cast than three years’ operation. For its budget with even roses now cultivated on site.

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7 53
Mazidagi project, Turkey
8 54 Collin Bartlett of Metso Outotec and Kenan Soybelli of Eti Bakir A.S.

9 55
engiz Holding acquired Eti Bakır
10 56 from the Turkish government in
2004 with a clear strategic aim: to
11 build an industrial complex in the Mazidagi
district of Mardin, Turkey – one that com-
bined fertilizer production with metals pro-
13 cessing at a single location. This plant was
designed to create a high level of energy
14 self-sufficiency by efficiently capturing


energy from the various unit processes
on site. The Mazidagi project concept, by
16 successfully delivering a truly integrated
production complex, has set a new bench-
17 mark for future plant designs.
With the Mazidagi production complex
18 now fully operational, Eti Bakir has fulfilled
its ambition to increase the contribution
domestic production makes to Turkish Mazidagi’s sulphuric acid plant.
20 fertilizer demand – a strategically critical

objective for a country whose large agricul- ject as its technology portfolio was able The Mazidagi production complex
tural sector has (to date) relied on large to cover a large proportion of key plant
volumes of fertilizer imports. Crucially, it sections for the industrial complex (Fig. The Mazidagi complex, which takes its
has been the additional revenues from 1, sections in dark green). In this case names from its location in the Mazidagi
23 metals recovery that have made the Mazid- study, we focus on the technology applied district of Mardin province in Turkey, was
agi project economical. in the interconnected pyrite roasting, off- built at an investment cost of approxi-
24 Metso Outotec was chosen as the key gas cleaning and sulphuric acid production mately $1.1 billion, making it the high-
technology partner for the Mazidagi pro- section (Fig. 1, highlighted in yellow). est budgeted project in Eastern Turkey.

26 Fig. 1: Mazidagi project: Overall flowsheet and Metso Outotec’s scope (dark green).
Sections covered in this case study are highlighted in yellow

pyrite conc. steam
offgas and sulphuric
29 pyrite roasting offgas cleaning
acid plant

* Na CO addition
lime milk addition

32 ** 2 3
Metso Outotec scope phosphate phosphoric ammonia & DAP/NP
beneficiation plant acid plant fertilizer plant
34 iron cake plant Cu electrowinning

PLS neutralisation CuSX extraction
pressure leach filtration
36 * & filtration & stripping

** precipitation
cobalt precip. CoCO Co recovery
filtration 3
ion exchange ZnCoSX extraction
& stripping
39 zinc precip. filtration ** precipitation
ZnCO 3

40 Source: Metso Outotec

41 Source: Metso Outotec

42 Sulphur 397 | November-December 2021 33
The Mazidagi production complex
The Mazidagi complex , which takes its names from its location in the
Mazidagi district ofISSUE
■ Contents 397 inSULPHUR
Mardin province Turkey ( 2021Figure 1), was built at an
1 47

2 48
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4 50

5 51
Construction began in the first-quarter of ability to offer both integrated digital tools
6 52 Table 1: Mazidagi project: roaster
2015 and was completed in the first-quar- and specific process know-how.
plant process data
7 53 ter of 2019, with the project entering com- Within the Mazidagi complex, the roast-
missioning after 50 months and 20 million Plant feed: 1,500 t/d pyrite ing plant fulfils two fundamental process
8 54 person-hours. objectives:
Pyrite composition
The complex incorporates six key pro- l Firstly, to provide an SO2 off-gas source
9 55 S 48%
duction units (Fig. 1): for sulphuric acid production
10 56 l pyrite roaster/off-gas/sulphuric acid plant; Fe 46% l Secondly, to produce a calcine capable
l phosphate beneficiation plant; Cu 0.5% of being processed in the downstream
11 l phosphoric acid plant; hydrometallurgical complex.
Co 0.5%
l ammonia plant;
12 Zn 0.2%
l fertilizer plant; These dual process requirements meant
l hydrometallurgical plant. Roaster configuration: there was a need to monitor and control
2 x 750 t/d lines, roaster plant operations to ensure that –
14 Additionally, a relatively large number of aux- each with 123 m2 bed area based on the composition of the concen-
iliary utilities are also required to efficiently Calcine: total 45 t/h (S <0.6 wt-%) trate, the operating temperature and the
operate this integrated facility, namely: HP steam (WHB): atmospheric conditions – roaster product
l demineralised water production plant; quality remained constant.
16 Total 129 t/h (60 bar, 400°C)
l chemical water treatment plant; Temperature control at this roasting
17 l water cooling plant; Source: Metso Outotec plant was a key factor, given that different
l condensate purification plant; types of metals were being recovered, and
18 l steam turbine and gas engine; was therefore best handled by an optimisa-
l auxiliary boiler; has advanced and improved greatly. In tion system. Excessively high roasting tem-
l natural gas distribution stations; the past, environmental and safety stand- peratures, for example, could potentially
20 l air compressor plant; ards were often the driving forces behind lock-up sub-microscopic particles in the
l pyrite and ash transport units; improvements in equipment and plant calcine, while too low temperatures might
21 l fire reservoir and distribution system; design. Today, however, the emphasis negatively affect overall plant performance.
l main water tank and water wells; has shifted to plant efficiency and optimi- Good process control was therefore of the
l switchyard; sation – as delivered via Metso Outotec’s utmost importance.
23 l packaging facility. advanced process control philosophy. In For the Mazidagi project, Metso Outotec
recent times, responsibility for plant con- applied state-of-the-art digitalisation tools
24 The Mazidagi complex consumes 550,000 trol and operation, traditionally the domain for process monitoring, control and advisory
tons of locally-extracted phosphate rock of owner/operators, has also shifted to activities – to ensure the best available sup-
and processes this to produce 750,000 process technology companies due to their port for commissioning of the plant. This was
26 tonnes of fertilizer annually. This includes
200,000 tonnes of diammonium phos- Fig. 2: Roaster plant configuration for monitoring, control and optimisation
27 phate (DAP) and 550,000 tons of NP
products. Being the only fertilizer plant in
the region, Mazidagi meets the entire ferti- Outotec roaster optimiser
29 lizer requirements of the surrounding Har-
ran Plain. The plant’s overall share of the
30 Turkish phosphate fertilizer market will be real time data access
20 percent initially.
DCS system
32 Roasting plant
33 In specific cases, pyrite roasting provides
a viable alternative to sulphur burning as a feed exchange of process information and control signals
34 source for sulphuric acid production, espe-
cially when pyrite is available from local
sources. This is especially true for a land-
locked location such as Mazidagi, where the acid plant
logistics associated with supplying sulphur
37 to the plant are particularly challenging.
The standard processing technology for air
pyrite is roasting in a fluidised bed reac-
tor, as has been used on a commercial leaching plant
scale since the 1950s. While the princi-
40 ples of roasting remain unchanged, pro- Source: Metso Outotec
cess control technology for roasting plants

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achieved by installing proprietary Roaster
6 52
Optimizer technology at the roaster plant.
7 53 The Roaster Optimizer, configured with


Metso Outotec’s advanced process control
8 54 (ACT) platform, functions independently from
the plant’s distributed control system (DCS)
9 55
(see Fig. 2), and DCS functionality therefore
10 56 remains untouched. Instead, the role of the
Roaster Optimizer is to read process values
11 from the DCS, use these to calculate an
optimised solution for plant operation, and
then send back optimised values – such as Mazidagi’s gas cleaning plant section.
13 feed rate, airflow or water addition rate – to
the DCS.
Gas cleaning and sulphuric acid


The gas cleaning plant plays a central role
17 in the smooth and efficient operation of a
metallurgical sulphuric acid complex.
18 Nowadays, with most prime global
deposits depleted, metal producers are
increasingly having to process complex ores
20 and concentrates. This often involves the Mazidagi’s roasting-gas cleaning-acid plant sections.
dual challenge of extracting less valuable
21 metals at higher production costs. In many primary and second stage Editube wet elec- l adaptable to specific process condi-
cases, complex ores and concentrates are trostatic precipitators (Wet-ESP). Mercury is tions – being adjustable with respect to
also associated with potentially polluting the main volatile generated by the roaster. the complex mineralogical composition
23 contaminants (e.g. arsenic and mercury) This is removed via Metso Outotec’s B-N of the pyrite ore and the fine particle-
whose concentration tends to increase as mercury removal system, which remains size distribution of the feed material;
24 the desired metal content reduces. the benchmark technology for the industry. l integration of a state-of-the-art ACT opti-
Given the challenging nature of complex Once it has been processed in the wet miser – complementary to the plant’s
ores, as highlighted above, the design of the gas cleaning section, the off-gas is then suit- control system;
26 gas cleaning plant clearly needs to consider able for further handling by a conventional l installation of a gas cleaning system –
all eventualities regarding off-gas impurities. sulphuric acid plant (see main photo). capable of conditioning the off-gas to pro-
27 For the Mazidagi project, the purity of the sul- duce sulphuric acid quality suitable for

phuric acid required for downstream fertilizer Summary use in the downstream fertilizer complex;
production was another key consideration. l installation of a sulphuric acid plant

29 Dry/hot gas cleaning is the first gas Cengiz’s $1.1 billion investment in the with a low pressure (LP) steam system
cleaning step downstream of the roasting Mazidagi metal recovery and integrated fer- – to complement the steam produced
30 process. This involves removing any solid tilizer project provided Metso Outotec with from the roaster plant.
dust emitted by the process with the highest the opportunity to showcase process tech-
31 possible efficiency – generally by employing nologies that encompass the complete After Mazidagi’s successful start-up, the
hot electrostatic precipitators (Hot-ESP). value chain at one production complex. operators expressed their satisfaction with
The dedusted off-gas then enters the For the roasting plant-gas cleaning the smooth operability of the plant. The
33 wet gas cleaning plant where the remain- plant-sulphuric acid plant section at the project detailed in this case study demon-
ing impurities are removed using Metso Mazidagi complex (Fig. 2), Metso Outo- strates Metso Outotec’s proven abilities
34 Outotec’s Otovent scrubber and packed tec’s successfully implemented proven in developing and improving roasting, gas
gas cooling tower. This traditional and process technologies that demonstrated cleaning and sulphuric acid technologies
well-proven configuration is coupled with the following advantages: with every new plant design. n
Table 2: Mazidagi project: gas cleaning plant process data Table 3: Mazidagi project: sulphuric acid plant process data
Gas flow from roasting units 152,000 Nm3/h Sulphuric acid production: 2,080 t/h
38 Sulphuric acid quality: As <0.1 mg/kg acid, Hg <1 mg/kg acid
SO2 concentration 12.6 vol-%
39 Temperature 350°C Plant emissions: <2 kg SO2 / t acid
Low pressure (LP) steam (HEROS™): 20 t/h (7 bar g), 170°C
40 Source: Metso Outotec
Source: Metso Outotec


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7 53
Small scale sulphuric acid plants – availability first
8 54 Dr Zion Guetta, Dr Holger Thielert, Dr Dirk Koester

9 55
mall-scale sulphuric acid plants sulphuric acid plants, along with recom- l Mechanical design – particularly the
10 56 offer an environmentally, techni- mendations for specific equipment. This handling of the cold spots, as these
cally and commercially feasible way draws on the long-term experience gained can induce acid condensation and ulti-
11 of converting sulphur-containing off-gases from running a small-scale sulphuric acid mately result in corrosion.
(acid gases) into a valuable product. The plant. This reference plant has been on-
sulphuric acid produced in these plants can stream and operating trouble-free for Given that the above criteria are the bread
13 be used directly as a feed material to pro- almost 40 years. Under continuous opera- and butter of plant design, even more can
duce marketable fertilizers, such as ammo- tion, its catalyst service time, without be achieved at process level.
14 nium sulphate or potassium bisulphate. screening, is higher than 15 years.

A small-scale sulphuric acid plant Alternative process design
will produce approximately 10-200 t/d General approach
16 of acid. In the design of large-scale acid Conventional sulphuric acid plants con-
plants, heat recovery is the focus, as For acid plants, process and mechanical sist of combustion, conversion and
17 this significantly impacts on plant profit- design should focus on known criteria absorption sections. The small-scale
ability. Small-scale sulphuric acid plants, which affect plant availability, for example: alternative process design (Fig. 1) also
18 in contrast, require a plant design that l Corrosion allowances, type of alloys includes an additional post-combustion
provides maximum availability, trouble- and fouling allowances – as these have gas cleaning step. Gas cleaning can be
free operation and minimal maintenance. a direct impact on the service time and carried out dry or wet, although wet clean-
20 This allows operators to focus on their maintenance type of each equipment ing is most efficient.
core product – the production of coke or or pipe. In the alternative sulphuric acid pro-
21 pulp, for example. l Equipment manufacturers – some have cess, acid gas and air are combusted
In this article, we highlight an alter- better availability of spare parts and in a chamber to form SO2. The resulting
native process design for small-scale some have longer service time. heat of combustion is recovered by the
Fig. 1: Process flow diagram for thyssenkrupp Uhde’s alternative sulphuric acid process – strong acid from wet acid gas

25 converter




condensation drying tower absorption
31 tower tower
combustion chamber
33 acid gas


37 98.5% H2SO4

39 waste water

40 Source: thyssenkrupp Uhde


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medium pressure (MP) boiler. Downstream of combustion cham-
6 52
ber, the gas enters the condensation tower to remove water
7 53 vapour and wash out any dust. The cleaned gas is then com-
pletely dried in the drying tower (using sulphuric acid) before
8 54 entering the converter where it is reacted with oxygen over a
catalyst to form SO3. The final acid is produced in the final
9 55
absorption tower downstream of the converter. Typically, the off-
10 56 gas leaving the final absorption tower will not require additional
11 This alternative process design offers clear advantages in
terms of availability, compared to plants without gas cleaning,
as has been demonstrated by the long-term operational history
13 of a reference plant. The plant’s operators report that no cata-
lyst screening or change in catalyst has been necessary in 15
14 years of operation. For this plant design, therefore, the avail-
ability of the converter section is six times higher than for a
conventional system.
16 Advantageously, the alternative process design also avoids
specific or proprietary equipment or material design. This allows
17 generic repairs or replacements to be arranged with appropriate
local service providers and manufacturers.
18 A small drawback of the alternative process is the reduced
potential for heat recovery, compared to a conventional process.
This is because recovered heat is mainly required to preheat dry gas
20 before it enters the converter, while in conventional processes it can
be recovered for steam production. Despite this, in small capacity
21 plants, the heat recovery potential is negligible, and more than offset
by the equipment savings and the value gained from higher avail-
ability and lower maintenance costs.

Equipment maintenance Dry granulation
Pumps and acid coolers – similar to the catalyst in a conventional
plant – do require frequent maintenance in the alternative pro-
cess design. This can be compensated for by adopting equipment
of fertilizers
redundancy (duplication) to ensure full availability. Indeed, ‘1+1’
27 equipment redundancy has been successfully applied as common
practice at the reference plant, i.e. while one item is in operation Our technology has been recognized around the world
a replacement item is always held in stock. for dry granulation of MOP / SOP and NPKs. Our services
29 Additionally, the combustion burner process unit requires regu- cover pilot plant tests, basic engineering, equipment
lar maintenance due to the corrosion associated with acid gas
supply, start-up supervision, and commissioning. Typical
30 combustion. The presence of corrosive as well as solidifying com-
ponents, like ammonia with hydrogen sulphide and naphthalene, flake capacities are in the range of 10 –130 t / h or more.
31 respectively, are a particular challenge. Nevertheless, the burner
developed for the reference plant by Uhde and its partners shows We have received orders for more than 100 fertilizer
no requirement for wear parts after ten years in operation. This
compactors of latest Köppern technology since the
33 burner features a special mechanical design as well as its own
dedicated control system. year 2000. The total installed flake capacity of these plants
34 is around 80,000,000 tpa.

35 Summary Köppern – Quality made in Germany.

36 Process design should always match up to long-term project

• State of the art technology
requirements. In many ways, therefore, selecting the optimum
37 sulphuric acid process for a specific project is similar to the every- • Process technology know-how
day choice between a bicycle, car or truck: as different types of • High plant availability
sulphuric acid process serve different purposes and fulfil differ- • Quick roller replacement
39 ent expectations regarding efficiency and availability. For projects
focused on high availability and low maintenance costs, thyssen-
krupp Uhde’s alternative sulphuric acid process design offers key
advantages. n

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53 Sour water stripping

gas processing options
8 54

9 55

10 56

M. Rameshni and S. Santo of RATE discuss different sour water stripping gas processing
options, depending on contaminants in the sour water streams and site-specific requirements.


n refineries, sour water is produced corrosion. The sour water from the delayed recovered ammonia is sold to the fertilizer
from different processes and units e.g. coker is therefore treated separately in a industry to produce nitrogen fertilizers. The
16 from naphtha and diesel hydrotreat- separate SWS. No reflux is recycled to the purity of the ammonia from the old technol-
ing and the delayed coker units. The sour tower to prevent the buildup of phenol and ogy two-stage sour water stripper was not
17 water stripper removes hydrogen sulphide cyanide. The tower overhead is condensed very high but met environmental regulations.
(H2S) and ammonia (NH3) from the sour in the overhead and is usually routed to Different sour water stripper options
18 water generated in the refinery. Steam, the sulphur recovery unit (SRU) for further are listed below:
generated in the reboiler, heats the water, treatment. l single-stage sour water stripping, non-
and strips the H2S and NH3 from the water. In the design case, the stripped phenolic water;
20 The sour water streams produced by water must comply with the following l single-stage sour water stripping phe-
distillation and delayed coking units are specifications: nolic water;
21 often referred to as phenolic water, while l Maximum H2S content (wt ppm): <1 l two-stage sour water stripping in series
the sour water stream produced by the l Maximum NH3 content (wt ppm): 10 for phenolic water to strip phenol and
hydrotreating units are often referred to as cyanide;
23 non-phenolic water. For a grassroots refinery design, in most l SW-MAX, two-stage sour water stripper
The sour water from delayed cokers cases the refinery would have a phenolic to produce pure NH3 and pure H2S.
24 contains H2S, NH3, and CO2, water, phenol and non-phenolic sour water stripper,
and cyanide. The sour water from the hydro- where the overhead gas is sent to the In the first option, the H2S is sent to the
treater contains H2S, NH3, CO2 and water. SRU; non-phenolic water from the bottom sulphur recovery unit and the ammonia is
26 In other words, in addition to H2S, NH3, of the SWS tower can be recycled to the sent to the fertilizer unit. In the second
and CO2, phenolic sour water may also hydrotreating unit, but phenolic water from option, the H2S is sent to the sulphur
27 contain so-called heat stable salts (HSSs), the tower is sent to another unit for further recovery unit and the ammonia is sent to
hydrogen cyanide, and phenols. The pres- treatment. the incinerator.
ence of these components can adversely Historically, it has been normal indus-
affect the ability to strip ammonia and H2S. try practice in most cases to process the Single-stage SWS
Due to the solubility of ammonia in sour water in a single column the so-called Sour water is collected from all of the
30 water, and other impurities, the design of sour water stripper. The overheard of the units in the facility and sent to a dedicated
the phenolic sour water stripper is different SWS containing the sour gases (SWS gas) vessel. Sour water is received in the sour
31 from the non-phenolic sour water stripper: is sent to the thermal reactor of the sul- water feed drum in which water and oil
l higher reboiler duty; phur recovery where a high intensity burner are separated. Caustic NaOH is injected
l more trays and higher efficiency trays; is used for the destruction of NH3, H2S, into the sour water line to the sour water
33 l phenolic treated water cannot be used hydrocarbons, phenol, and cyanide. It is feed drum. Any flash gas generated goes
as process water as it would damage anticipated that with proper design the to the tail gas incinerator. The slop oil
34 the hydrotreater catalyst; combustion temperature of the burner will pump transfers the recovered oil to the
l the overhead system of phenolic and non- be adequate for complete destruction of closed drain system on high level in the oil
phenolic SWS may be designed differently impurities such as phenol, cyanide, and compartment of the sour water feed drum.
36 to prevent the buildup in the SWS. heavy hydrocarbons. The sour water tank feed pump trans-
The so-called treated water from the fers the sour water from the sour water
37 The phenol and cyanide in the delayed bottom of the sour water stripper is sent feed drum, under level control, to the sour
coker sour water are highly soluble in to the water treatment system for further water feed tank. The tank is a cone-roof
water and very difficult to strip out. The processing. tank with an oil skimmer attached to an
39 treated water still contains some of these In some refineries, especially in the US, internal floating roof. It is designed for a
components and should not be recycled a two-stage sour water stripper is used to 72-hour residence time to minimise the
40 to the hydrotreater because it will dam- separate the ammonia from the H2S. The effects of fluctuations in the sour water
age the hydrotreater catalysts and cause recovered H2S is sent to the SRU, and the composition. The tank is also provided

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6 52 Fig. 1: Single-stage sour water stripping

7 53 FC acid gas to
B/L reset PC B/L SWS flare
8 54 stripped water TC M
9 55 acid gas

FC to sulphur
10 56 B/L recovery unit

11 sour water VFD

12 LPS
from P-105
14 FC

15 NaOH pH LPC


17 N2 blanket
18 LS N2 blanket storm water
LS LC gas to sewer
19 sour
slop oil B/L LPS water PC LS M M

LPC drains

Source: RATE

with nitrogen blanketing above the float- package also injects ammonium polysul- overhead, is of high purity and an excellent
24 ing roof and a H2S analyser of the nitrogen phide into the bottoms of the sour water feed for sulphur plants. It contains negligi-
space. Skim oil separated out in the oil stripper. ble ammonia and, because the plant feed
skimmer is sent, via skim oil pumps to the Hot stripped water is initially cooled has been degassed, only traces of hydro-
26 discharge line of the slop oil pumps. by heat exchange with the stripper feed carbons. It does, however, contain any
The sour water stripper strips the sour in the feed/ bottoms exchanger. It is carbon dioxide that is present in the feed.
27 water feed from the sour water feed tank. then pumped by the SWS bottoms pump
The sour water feed is first pumped with for further cooling in the recovered water Ammonia stripping
sour water stripper feed pumps and then cooler. The bottoms flow is automatically The hydrogen sulphide stripper bottoms
29 preheated in the stripper feed/bottoms adjusted to maintain a constant liquid level stream, containing all the ammonia in the
exchanger by the hot stripped water from in the stripper. The cooled stripped water feed and some hydrogen sulphide, is fed
30 the column. To avoid corrosion due to flash- is returned to the unit it originated from directly to the ammonia stripper, which is a
ing, the feed temperature is limited to 95°C. (delayed coking unit or hydrotreating unit) refluxed distillation column. In this column,
31 The stripper has a lower stripping sec- outside of the battery limit. Fig. 1 shows a essentially all ammonia and hydrogen sul-
tion, and an upper pumparound section, single-stage sour water stripper. phide are removed from the water, which
which serves as a contact condenser for leaves as the column bottoms stream.
33 most of the stripping steam. The pumpa- SWS-MAX 2-stage SWS for pure After exchanging heat with the hydrogen
round pump recirculates water from the top sulphide stripper feed, this stripped water
34 chimney tray back to top tray via the pump-
NH3 and H2S is cooled and sent off-plot for reuse or treat-
around air cooler under flow control. Excess SWS-MAX is a proprietary two-stage sour ing. The ammonia and hydrogen sulphide
pumparound water continuously overflows water stripper design by RATE. stripped from the water in the ammonia
36 the chimney tray as internal reflux. The stripper are passed through an overhead
pumparound cooler is regulated to main- H2S stripping condenser and are partially condensed.
37 tain acid gas vapour temperatures no lower From the feed tank, the degassed sour
than 75°C to avoid gas-phase deposition of water is pumped to the two-stage SWS H2S absorption
solid ammonium bisulphide (NH4HS). The plant, where it is heated by feed bot- The purpose of the H2S absorber is to
39 stripped gas goes to the SRU. toms exchange and fed to the acid gas or remove any additional H2S from the rich
Low pressure steam is directly injected hydrogen sulphide stripper. This stripper NH3 stream and recycle it back to the sys-
40 into the bottoms of the sour water stripper is a steam-reboiled distillation column. tem to ensure the incineration stack com-
for stripping. An ammonium polysulphide The hydrogen sulphide, which is stripped plies with SO2 emission regulations.

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6 52 Ammonia incineration Fig. 2: Ammonia combustion with special design ultra-low NOx incineration burner
7 53 Ammonia can be sold as a liquid to local
fertilizer companies or burned in the
8 54 incinerator.
For some plants, ammonia recovery
9 55
may not be desired or may be uneconomi-
10 56 cal. In such cases, the ammonia product
can be incinerated, either directly off the
11 reflux drum or after being scrubbed with
water to reduce the hydrogen sulphide con-
tent. Alternatively, it may be further purified Source: Duiker

13 and recovered to produce either anhydrous

or aqueous ammonia suitable for sale or
14 for further processing. l The overhead of the H2S absorber uses, diverting NH3 away from the SRU
Key features of WSW-MAX are: through the knockout drum is pure rich can improve the performance of the
l Stripping the mixture of H2S and NH3 NH3. The bottom of the H2S absorber SRU. Ammonia can cause operating
16 in a first stripping distillation column and the knockout drum containing H2S problems such as catalyst deactivation
to obtain a rich H2S vapour, which is recycled to the first distillation tower and equipment plugging in the SRU. In
17 flows, to the sulphur recovery unit. H2S stripper through the feed tank. addition, a higher flame temperature is
The bottom of the stripping column l The advantage of the two-stage column required to fully destroy NH3, leading
18 contains rich NH3 which is processed design is the separation of H2S and to higher COS and CS2 formation and
in the second tower. NH3 into different product streams. The subsequently lower sulphur recoveries.
l Stripping the rich NH3 in a second strip- ammonia stream can be combusted l The size of the SRU can be reduced
20 ping distillation column to obtain rich without producing significant SO2, or or the throughput of an existing unit
NH3 vapour, it is purified further in the it can be purified and sold as feed- can be increased since the extra air
21 H2S absorber to remove any residual of stock. Likewise, the purified H2S can required to burn the ammonia, as well
H2S before sending it to the ammonia- be directly used as a feedstock for a as the ammonia itself, is eliminated
burning incinerator or to the fertilizer unit. sulphuric acid plant. Besides beneficial from the feed.
Fig. 3: RATE two-stage SWS-MAX sour water stripping

25 cooled condensate PC

N2 vent to H2S to flare

26 PC

ammonium H2S to SRU
27 LI
28 reset to H2S absorber

sour water
stripped water to users sour gas H2S absorber
29 TC M
30 recycled stripped water H 2S
stripper E306
antifoam M


stripped water to H2S absorber N2

32 sour water FG

vent gas FC
feed FC
33 LC LC


34 oil
vent to tail gas skim oil

incinerator LPC
35 skim pH
N2 oil
36 LC

37 vent
N2 blanket
oil gas to sour water
38 LPS sour PC LS M M
storm water to sewer
LPC water

40 Source: RATE


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The existing SWS was evaluated accord-
6 52 Fig. 4: RATE two-stage SWS-MAX sour water stripping
ing to the following engineering activities:
7 53 l Conduct the SWS simulation based on
PC the original design.
8 54 l Conduct the SWS simulation based on
ammonia to

incinerator the current conditions with phenolic

9 55
M LC water.
10 56 l Evaluate the original equipment sizing
H2S absorber
FC and compare to the new condition.
11 l Evaluate the SWS internal designs for
numbers of trays and reboiler duties.
12 TC
l If feasible, recommend modifications to

13 FC
the existing unit.
sour gas from NH3 stripper M l If modification are not possible, con-
14 sider either adding an additional new
SWS column in series with the existing

one or, separating the phenolic water
16 from the non-phenolic water upstream
stripped water from NH3 stripper
of the SWS so that the new water from
17 the new unit will have its own SWS and
the existing SWS is used for non-phe-
recycle water
Source: RATE nolic water.
l The overhead from both SWSs will be
sent to the SRU.
20 Fig. 2 shows an example of a special per gas from the sour water stripper and, l Evaluate the existing SRU to ensure an
ultra-low NOx ammonia burning incinerator due to an expansion of the refinery, the adequate combustion temperature in
21 design by Duiker. SRU capacity had to be increased. Two the burner.
Figs 3 and 4 show the two-stage SWS- options were evaluated: (1) increase the l If the combustion temperature is inad-
MAX proprietary design by RATE. SRU capacity by using oxygen enrichment, equate introduce low level of oxygen.
23 The H2S absorber removes all residual or (2) eliminate the SWS gas to the SRU
H2S to produce pure ammonia, free of and increase the amine acid gas only (the The final recommendation was to separate
24 H2S, that can be incinerated compliance sour water stripper would be modified to a and process phenolic and non-phenolic
with SO2 emission regulations. SWS-MAX 2-stage SWS scheme and the incineration sour water separately.
differs from other technologies that require would be modified to ammonia burning
having caustic scrubbing to meet environ- incineration. Case 3 – Processing new SWS gas in an
mental regulations. The block flow diagram in Fig. 5 com- existing SRU
27 If the ammonia stream is to be inciner- pares the two options. In this project, the existing sulphur recov-
ated it is sent to the incineration section, It was concluded that the capital ery unit was not processing SWS gas. The
comprising a forced draft incinerator with investment of using oxygen enrichment only feed stream was the amine acid gas
29 heat recovery. The burner is a proprietary compared to using a two-stage SWS was from the ARU unit.
design to manage ammonia burning with- compatible, but the operating cost of oxy- Adding the SWS gas to the existing SRU
30 out any NOx formation. The ammonia will gen enrichment case was higher due to would impact on the capacity if the SRU
be dissociated in such a way to keep NOx supplying the oxygen at all times. The cus- operated on air only, therefore, the amine
31 at a very low level and to comply with envi- tomer therefore selected two-stage SWS acid gas would have to be reduced to
ronmental regulations. over oxygen enrichment. maintain the hydraulic and capacity limits.
The flue gas is cooled in a waste heat An alternative option was to use oxygen
33 boiler by generating high pressure steam. The Case 2 – Refinery expansion resulting in enrichment to keep the same rate of amine
high-pressure steam along with the excess corrosion problems acid gas and to add the new stream of the
34 high-pressure steam from the SRU is super- In this project, the customer added the SWS gas. The system had to be modified
heated in the superheater coil of the incinera- coker unit to their refinery without evalu- to receive both amine acid gas and the
tor waste heat boiler before being exported to ating the SWS and experienced severe SWS gas and using oxygen enrichment for
36 the high-pressure steam header. The inciner- corrosion in the tail gas treating unit. They maintaining the capacity. In addition, oxy-
ated flue gas is routed to the stack. tested the bottom stream of the SWS and gen would increase the combustion tem-
37 the water contained significant amount of perature that helps with the destruction of
Case studies of recent RATE projects phenol and cyanide. The water was recy- ammonia and other contaminants from the
Case 1 – SRU capacity expansion cling throughout the process units when SWS gas. Destruction of ammonia, phenol,
39 phenolic water should not be recycled as cyanide, heavy hydrocarbons, BTEX, and
In this project, the customer had an process water. mercaptans with oxygen enrichment has
40 existing sulphur recovery unit treating Recycling of the treated water from the significant advantages and prevents the
amine acid gas and the sour water strip- SWS as process water was stopped. plugging of downstream equipment.

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6 52 Fig. 5: SRU capacity expansion options

7 53
8 54

9 55 Amine acid gas REVAMPED REVAMPED

from ARU Claus thermal and Tail gas treating
Incineration Stack
10 56 catalytic section and TGU amine

11 SWS gas
12 sulphur


14 Amine acid gas new

from ARU Claus thermal and REVAMPED
15 Tail gas treating
catalytic section Incineration
and TGU amine Stack
SWS gas
Source: RATE


21 Processing SWS gas in the sulphur

Fig. 6: Two-zone reaction furnace
recovery unit requires specific criteria and
advanced control to ensure:
23 l proper amine acid gas split between
zones 1 and 2 of the reaction furnace; air
24 proper air control;
l sufficiently high temperature in Zone 1 zone 1 zone 2
25 NH3 gas
for the reaction furnace for the destruc-
26 tion of ammonia and other impurities;
l prevent SO3 formation and corrosion by
27 providing proper mixing;
m complete destruction of SWS in feed
28 amine acid gas
m high intensity burner
m adequate residence time in the
reaction furnace Source: RATE
30 m adequate burner combustion
31 m provide checker wall, vector wall or tion furnace. Some licensors use a single for any necessary modifications/
choke ring in the reaction furnace zone reaction furnace which lacks flexibil- replacements
m partial bypass of amine acid gas to ity of operation. With a two-zone reaction l all piping pressure drop should be
33 rear zone of furnace furnace, if there is any fluctuation in the checked for hydraulic limits
m steam traced ammonia acid gas amine acid gas, the operator can adjust l refractory upgrade suitable for oxygen
34 lines the flow rate of the amine acid gas to enrichment.
m keep mixed acid gas line short each zone to maintain the adequate com-
m ammonia content in the WHB outlet bustion temperature, with one zone this Conclusions
36 less than 100 ppm. isn’t an option.
In addition, using oxygen enrichment In a grassroots design, normal practice
37 Processing the amine acid gas and the has the following requirements: has been to process SWS in the SRU and
SWS Gas with the reaction furnace con- l new burner capable of ammonia burn- to have separate sour water strippers for
figuration would require a two-zone reac- ing with oxygen phenolic and non-phenolic water.
39 tion furnace (Fig. 6). Based on extensive l new SWS line with control system When it comes to the revamp and modi-
CFD modelling the best configuration l new oxygen line with control system fication of existing SRUs the best option
40 for processing amine acid gas and the l new reaction furnace will depend on the specific situation and
SWS gas was to have a two-zone reac- l other equipment should be evaluated the purpose of the modifications. n

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6 52

7 53 South Asia's
8 54

9 55

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53 Challenges with the

transition to biofuels
8 54

9 55

10 56

Considering the current shift to produce biofuels instead of conventional oil products,
M. van Son of Comprimo discusses the impact that this may have on the ability to process the
sour water acid gas streams produced in existing or new sour water strippers.

our water can be found in most
16 industrial facilities including refin-
eries, gas plants, power plants
17 and chemical factories. Depending on the
source of the water, the components in the
18 sour water will be completely different.
In a sour gas processing facility, the
sour water typically originates as either pro-
20 duced water or condensed water and may
contain low levels of H2S and CO2 as well
21 as hydrate/corrosion inhibitors. Produced
water may also contain salts. Condensed
sour water is normally salt free, however
23 may contain carry-over products from the
production cycle such as amines, glycols,
24 methanol, and other items that may have
been injected into the process1.
In an oil refining facility, the sour water

26 can originate from desalters and process-

ing units such as the fluid catalytic cracker
27 (FCC) or hydrotreaters as well as amine
and sulphur recovery units (SRUs) includ-
ing the tail gas treatment unit (TGTU).
29 These sour water streams distinguish
themselves from gas processing facility
30 sour water streams through their higher
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) content, the pres-
31 ence of large amounts of ammonia (NH3)
and the much larger volumes that need to
Fig. 1: Process flow scheme of single-stage sour water stripper be processed.
33 The processing of these sour water
Source: Comprimo acid gas streams in a sour water stripper has been
34 well documented in literature2,3 and it is
stripped water not the intent of this article to go into
design details of these units or what can
36 be done with the stripped water. The focus
of this article is to discuss the impact
37 stripper column that sour water stripping technology selec-
sour water
feed/effluent tion may have on the produced sour gas
38 exchanger streams, also called sour water acid gas
39 reboiler (SWAG), and on the options available to
flash drum process these gases, considering the cur-
40 rent shift to produce biofuels instead of
conventional oil products.

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6 52 Fig. 2: Process flow scheme of two-stage sour water stripper The impact of biofuels on how to
7 53 H2S gas NH3 gas
process sour water acid gas
With the emergence of biofuels facilities,
8 54 there are new challenges with respect to
sour water strippers and where and how to
9 55
process the sour water stripper acid gas
10 56 that is produced.
sour water H2S stripper NH3 stripper There are essentially two different
11 methods for processing biofeedstocks in
In the first method, biofeedstocks are
flash drum co-processed with conventional hydrocar-
bon feedstocks. This results in somewhat
14 stripped water modified SWAG streams, without much of
an impact to the downstream SRU where
the SWAG is processed. Similarly, the
16 Source: Comprimo impact on the performance of a two-stage
sour water stripper to segregate ammonia
17 and H2S is also marginal.

Conventional sour water stripper ammonia can be destroyed in a CO boiler The second method is a standalone bio-
or other furnace. It can also be routed as a fuels facility, for which the most common
acid gas processing separate feed source to the SRU, which is technology chosen nowadays is the applica-
Sour water produced in a plant where no often the destination for SWAG from a sour tion of hydrotreating. In this process, water
20 ammonia is present, such as a gas plant, water stripper in a refinery environment. is produced due to the oxygen atoms in the
typically contains very low concentrations Fig. 2 shows a typical configuration for biomass feeding the hydrotreater, and some
21 of H2S and CO2 as neither of the gases a two-stage sour water stripper. wash water may be required to remove any
dissolve in high concentrations in the The traditional method to process SWAG ammonia produced in the unit. As biomass is
sour water based on Henry’s law. One in a refinery is in the thermal stage of the typically very low in sulphur, these sour water
23 can expect concentrations in hundreds of SRU. Due to the potential for ammonia to streams will not have the traditional equimolar
ppmwt. As a result, the SWAG flow rates form salts with H2S, CO2 and SO2 in colder ammonia and H2S composition but will con-
24 are very small, and in most facilities will sections of the SRU, it is essential to tain much higher concentrations of ammonia
be routed to the flare directly, where they destroy the ammonia to a very low concen- compared to the H2S. These water streams
may add a small amount of SO2 to the tration (<50 ppmv). This is normally accom- may also contain a substantial amount of
26 environmental emissions. plished in the thermal reactor by integrating CO2. In addition to the change in the sour
This is not the case in refineries where the three Ts into the design: temperature, water composition, due to the absence of sul-
27 a large portion of the nitrogen present in time, and turbulence. The turbulence por- phur components in the feed, there is usually
the crude oil is converted to ammonia tion can be accomplished by installing a no large amine acid gas stream associated
in the hydroprocessing units. Due to the high intensity burner to provide good mix- with the unit, which traditionally would be fed
29 rapid dissolution of ammonia in water and ing of the acid gas streams and air/oxygen. with the SWAG to the SRU. As a result, in
the formation of ammonium bisulphide in A minimum temperature of 1,300°C is rec- most cases these facilities will not have an
30 water, with equimolar amounts of ammo- ommended for the destruction of ammonia. SRU, which makes the question of where and
nia and H2S, the sour water will contain This can be done by designing the SRU with how to process SWAG more important.
31 large amounts of ammonia and H2S. There air and acid gas preheat or by installing a So, what options are there to deal with
are usually two different methodologies for front-side split thermal reactor, where a SWAG when there is very little amine acid
removing the H2S and ammonia from the portion of the amine acid gas bypasses gas available and there is still a requirement
33 sour water. In Fig. 1, a typical process flow the main burner, thereby artificially raising to meet certain environmental limitations for
scheme for a single-stage sour water strip- the air stoichiometry in the front zone to SO2 emissions? The key is how to deal with
34 per is provided. This configuration removes provide a higher temperature. It is recom- ammonia. Ammonia by itself is a very dan-
both ammonia and H2S from the water to mended to limit the bypass of amine acid gerous product with a TLV of 25 ppmv and
produce a SWAG stream containing about gas to the second zone of the thermal cannot be released to atmosphere without
36 one third H2S, one third ammonia and one reactor such that the front zone remains destroying or removing it first.
third water. a reducing environment as oxidising condi- Due to the presence of H2S, even
37 Some facilities may elect to segregate tions can impact the integrity of the refrac- though in smaller quantities than for con-
the ammonia and H2S in a two-stage sour tory. And finally, time is simply a matter ventional refineries, the treatment of the
water stripper. This results in a high purity of residence time in the thermal reactor. SWAG will need to be combined with the
39 ammonia product, which can be sold as It can range anywhere from 0.8 seconds removal of the H2S before effluents can be
anhydrous or aqueous ammonia and a high to 2 seconds depending on the ammonia sent to the atmosphere.
40 purity H2S product, which is processed concentration in the mixed acid gas or the The first option discussed here is to
in an SRU. Alternatively, the segregated presence of hydrogen cyanide. route both SWAG and the amine acid gas

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be processed together with the amine acid
6 52 Fig. 3: Process flow scheme for ammonia burning thermal oxidiser with scrubber
gas (if present) in an H2S scavenging sys-
7 53 tem such as LOCAT, Thiopaq or Sulfatreat.
The process scheme for this solution is
8 54 provided in Fig. 4.
For a biofuels facility, the primary key for
9 55 fuel gas processing sour water and SWAG is how to
air air integrate the processing with the available
10 56
caustic infrastructure that may or may not be pres-
fuel gas
11 ent4. It is always the preference to use the
spent caustic existing sour water stripper(s) and SRU to
Source: Comprimo manage the new sour water and/or reduced
13 SWAG flow rates. In the case of a full con-
version from conventional oil processing to
14 Fig. 4: Process flow scheme for acidic removal of ammonia prior to sulphur bio feedstock, the acid gas flows may be
scavenging unit insufficient to maintain proper operation
of an existing and likely oversized SRU. In
16 H2S removal that case, the economics of the above men-
unit tioned two configurations need to be evalu-
17 ated for capex, opex and integration into
existing infrastructures of caustic supply as
18 well as ability to handle the waste streams
from the units.
SWAG pure scrubbing solution
21 With the emergence of the (co)process-
ing of bio feedstocks in hydrotreaters, the
balance of amine acid gas and sour water
23 acid gas produced in refineries is swinging
Source: Comprimo more to the SWAG side. This results in a
24 requirement to re-evaluate how to process
this SWAG.
that are produced together to a thermal Alternative technologies such as eutec- For co-processing, the impact on the
26 oxidiser. Due to the presence of ammo- tic freeze crystallisation could be consid- existing sulphur block is typically limited to
nia, the thermal oxidiser design needs to ered to produce a solid product instead of a debottlenecking of the existing sour water
27 be modified to ensure that full ammonia a wastewater stream. Depending on the system with minimal impact on the SRU.
destruction can occur, and the formation amount of sulphur present in the sour water In standalone biofuels facilities, alter-
of NOx is limited. This will require special and amine acid gas streams, the consump- native methods may need to be explored
29 thermal oxidiser technologies like the John tion of caustic in this configuration could on how to handle SWAG in combination
Zink Noxidizer or the Duiker SCO technol- lead to high operating costs. Fig. 3 shows with the required SO2 emissions. Ammo-
30 ogy. The custom designed thermal oxidiser the process scheme for this line up. nia is the key component to deal with and,
employs a staged process, whereby NH3 An alternative methodology for dealing in the absence of an SRU thermal stage,
31 destruction is achieved in a reduction with the ammonia in SWAG is to install requires alternative methods for removal
chamber with a high-temperature and an ammonia scrubbing system which is with additional waste streams. n
sub-stoichiometric environment to pre- designed to remove ammonia before it is
33 vent NOx formation. The gases from the routed to an H2S scavenging unit.
reduction chamber are quenched before The ammonia scrubbing system con- References
34 entering the oxidation chamber where air sists of a dual stage absorption system 1. Stevens D. Mosher A., Ogg D: “Fundamen-
tals of sour water stripping,” Brimstone Sul-
is injected to complete combustion. A fire designed to remove 99.9% of the ammo-
35 fur Symposium, (Sep 2007).
tube waste heat boiler provides heat recov- nia from the gas stream. In this unit, the
2. Stevens D. Mosher A.: “Fundamentals of
36 ery and cooling of the flue gases. Due to gas is passed through two towers where
sour water stripping”, Brimstone Sulfur Sym-
the presence of H2S in the SWAG, SO2 is the gas is contacted with an acidic scrub- posium, (Sep 2008).
37 produced and can be removed using a flue ber solution to remove the ammonia by
3. Scott B.: “Processes for treating refinery
gas desulphurization technology, which forming ammonium bisulphate or ammo- sour waters”, Brimstone Sulfur Symposium
in most cases uses caustic to meet the nium sulphate in solution. As the H2S in (Sep 1995).
39 environmental targets. The absorbed SO2 the gas phase is a weak acid, it will not be 4. van Son M., S. Sreejit S.: “Green fuel inte-
is typically converted to a sulphate by intro- picked up by the scrubber solution, which gration with refinery sulphur complex: a case
40 ducing air in the waste stream and routed is a strong acid. The remaining gas will study”, Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Confer-
to a wastewater treatment facility. contain mostly H2S and CO2 and can then ence 2019.

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53 A new low-cost
H2S scavenger
8 54

9 55

10 56

New low-cost metal oxide solid scavengers for hydrogen sulphide (H2S) removal from wet and dry natural
12 gas have been developed and deployed at commercial scale. The desulphurisation process uses a
13 proprietary sorbent chemistry to achieve a high sulphur capacity and removal efficiency. G. Alptekin,
14 F. Kugler and M. Schaefer of SulfaTrap LLC describe the new technology and its performance.

n large gas processing plants, H2S is

16 typically removed from the natural gas

by amine solvent scrubbing. While amine
17 wash works effectively to bring the sulphur
concentration to levels acceptable for pipe-
18 line utilisation, the remaining sulphur con-
centration is typically too high for using the
gas in chemical synthesis applications (e.g.,
20 steam methane reforming). Also, the high
capital cost associated with amine scrub-
21 bing systems make their operation more
suitable for large scale applications. As a
rule of thumb, amine systems are cost effec-
23 tive for applications requiring higher than 10
t/d sulphur (Fig. 1). The solid-state sorbents
24 are commonly used for polishing and small-
scale H2S removal (typical sulphur removal
need is less than 1 t/d). Liquid scavengers
26 (e.g., triazine) operate cost effectively in the
intermediate range (1-10 t/d).

28 New technology
29 SulfaTrap LLC recently introduced the
SulfaTrap™-R7 series sorbents for high
30 performance H2S removal. The very high
sulphur uptake achieved by these sorbents
31 and their relatively low cost enable their
use in an expendable manner (the media is
replaced periodically as it is saturated with
33 the sulphur compounds). The SulfaTrap™-R7
sorbents consist of transition metal oxides
34 that can remove the H2S via a chemical
reaction. SulfaTrap™-R7Q is an iron-based
absorbent that is effective for treating “wet”
36 gas streams containing at least 2,000 ppmv
H2O. The SulfaTrap™-R7J is a copper-based
37 absorbent that can treat dry (or wet) gases
containing as low as 0-2,000 ppmv H2O. The
reaction between the metal oxide and H2S
39 forms a stable metal sulphide as described
by the sulphidation reaction below:
A lead-lag system treating compressed natural gas, designed and fabricated by SulfurTrap LLC. MO + H2S(g) MS + H2O(g)

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The reaction produces one mole of water
6 52 Fig. 1: The effective operating range of various sulphur removal technologies
for every mole of H2S removed which
7 53 results in net water production. For pro-
cess feed streams saturated with water, a
8 54 condensate management strategy must be
1,000,000 liquid redox 10
t/d amine/Claus in place to prevent accumulation of liquid
9 55 sul
100,000 phu water in the sorbent beds. This may con-
inlet sulphur, ppmv

10 56 redox/absorb 0t sist of dew point control via process heat-
10,000 /d
sul ing and insulation or automatic draining of
11 100 r liquid water from the bottom of the sorbent
1,000 kg/
d su vessel. The adsorption reaction is exother-
12 lphu
r mic, which results in a modest adiabatic
13 temperature rise depending on the inlet
10 SulfaTrap absorbents
concentration of H2S. The magnitude of the
14 adiabatic temperature rise depends on the
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 reactivity of the metal oxide. The expected
gas, t/d
heat of adsorption is between 30-100 kJ/
16 mol H2S, which corresponds to a 20-30°C
Source: SulfaTrap LLC adiabatic temperature rise for every 1 vol-%
17 H2S removed from the gas.
For best utilisation of the sorbent (i.e.,
18 Fig. 2: Schematic showing the lead-lag operation (left); SulfaTrap LLC’s 230 MMSCFD to achieve the highest sulphur uptake), it is
19 compressed natural gas (P=1,100 psig) desulphurisation system (right) recommended that the sorbent is housed in
two beds operating in lead-lag configuration,
20 feed gas where the bed in the lead position removes
the bulk of the sulphur, and the bed in the
21 lag position serves as a polisher to reduce
the outlet sulphur concentration to ultra-low
levels (Fig. 2 left). Once the lead bed is satu-
SulfaTrap™-R7Q SulfaTrap™-R7Q
23 rated with sulphur, this vessel will be iso-
lated for sorbent replacement while the lag
24 bed provides all sulphur removal during this
product gas time. After the lead vessel is refilled with the
fresh sorbent, it is placed back online in the
26 Source: SulfaTrap LLC lag position for another period of operation.
This scheme allows continuous operation
27 while maximising the sorbent utilisation. Typ-
Fig. 3: Comparison of physical properties of SulfaTrap™-R7 sorbents for ical changeout frequency of the sorbent is
dry (left) and wet (right) gas applications adjusted based on the site requirement (typi-
29 cal bed life can range from 3 to 12 months).
An example of a lead-lag system treating 230
30 MMSCFD compressed natural gas (CNG)
designed and fabricated by SulfaTrap LLC
31 is shown in Fig. 2 (right). This system
consists of two 45-m3 vessels rated for
1,100 psig.
33 The SulfaTrap™-R7 family sorbents main-
tain their mechanical integrity and physical
34 structure after use. Both types of media
can be easily removed from the vessels at
the end of their useful life, either by using
36 vacuum evacuation (directly transferring
SulfaTrap™-R7J SulfaTrap™-R7Q
the material to a vacuum truck) or by grav-
Size: 1/4" to 1/8" pellets Size: 3/8" pellets
37 ity drain. As in common practice, SulfaTrap
Appearance: dark grey to black Appearance: pale red to brown
Bulk density: 1.15 to 1.20 kg/L Bulk density: 0.78 to 0.85 kg/L LLC recommends purging the “spent” sorb-
LOD (120°C): <10 wt-% LOD (120°C): <10 wt-% ent bed with nitrogen at low pressure (after
Packaging: 150 kg drums, 24CF super sacks Packaging: 150 kg drums, 24CF super sacks the bed is taken offline and isolated), and
39 Handling: non-pyrophoric after use Handling: requires water spraying after use to
prior to the removal of media from the bed.
prevent exotherm
40 Source: SulfaTrap LLC The SulfaTrap™-R7Q sorbent, due to the
formation of an iron sulphide phase (FeS),

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6 52 Figs 4(a-c): H2S breakthrough profile for treatment of (a) dry natural gas over the SulfaTrap™-R7J sorbent,
(b) LPG over the SulfaTrap™-R7J sorbent, (c) wet natural gas over the SulfaTrap™-R7Q sorbent
7 53
a) b) c)
8 54
90 160 90

sulphur concentration, ppmv

sulphur concentration, ppmv

T = 50°C
concentration, ppmv

T = 40°C T = 50°C H2S

9 55 P = 1 psig 120 560 ppmv H2S 200 ppmv H2S
60 2,000 ppmv H2S GHSV = 15,000 h-1 60 2.4% H2O, CO2
10 56 180 ppmv H2O 80 GHSV = 7,500 h-1
30 GHSV = 7,500 h-1 30
11 40
0 0 0
12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
loading, wt-% sulphur loading, wt-% sulphur loading, wt-%
Source: SulfaTrap LLC

requires treatment with water to eliminate solid contact time of 0.48 sec. The sharp sorbents. Notably, the SulfaTrap™-R7Q sorb-
16 any potential exotherm due to exposure to breakthrough profile even at such short ent does not promote the formation of car-
air. The water quench can be applied inside gas-solid contact times suggests rapid sul- bonyl sulphide (COS) in the presence of high
17 the vessel housing or to the media taken phur uptake kinetics, resulting in excellent concentrations of CO2.
outside (due to the relatively mild exotherm sorbent utilisation and high sulphur capac- Both SulfaTrap™-R7J and SulfaTrap™-R7Q
18 water can be sprayed onto the media after ity in compact vessels. have been deployed at commercial scale
it is removed from the bed). On the other SulfaTrap™-R7J sorbent can also effec- with proven results treating a wide range of
hand, the “spent” SulfaTrap™-R7J material tively treat light hydrocarbon streams. natural gas and LPG feedstocks in numerous
20 is not pyrophoric after use and exposure Fig. 4(b) shows the H2S breakthrough pro- sites (gas treatment plants, biogas/landfill
to air does not cause any heating at all. file while treating a liquefied petroleum gas gas treatment systems, synthesis gas desul-
21 Neither material requires activation prior to (LPG) stream. While in this example, the phurisation) in the US, Canada, Europe and
use, and both consist of inexpensive metal LPG is treated in the gas phase, the sorb- the Middle East.
oxides and ceramic binders; hence can be ent is equally effective when treating the
23 used cost effectively in a once-through, LPG in liquid form. The sorbent achieves Summary and conclusions
expendable manner. A comparison of the 18 wt-% S uptake at saturation.
24 sorbent properties is shown in Fig. 3. In treating the wet gases SulfaTrap™-R7Q New metal oxide-based sorbents have
The SulfaTrap™-R7J dry gas sorbent can sorbent achieves up to 35 wt-% S uptake been developed for removing the H2S from
achieve a minimum of 27 wt-% S loading (35 kg of sulphur removed per 100 kg sorb- hydrocarbon gas streams. The sorbent can
26 at breakthrough (27 kg sulphur removed ent) at full saturation. A breakthrough profile achieve a high sulphur capacity and removal
per 100 kg of sorbent). A representative for a CO2 stream containing 200 ppmv H2S efficiency. The results from proof-of-concept
27 breakthrough profile is shown in Fig. 4(a) and 2.4 vol-% H2O is shown in Fig. 4(c). This experiments and field applications show
for a natural gas stream containing 2,000 material exhibits a relatively shallow break- that high sulphur uptake is achievable for
ppm H2S with only 180 ppm H2O. The gas through profile, but the sulphidation kinet- treatment of both wet and dry gas streams
29 hourly space velocity (GHSV) for the test ics is much faster (gas-solid contact time is with favourable economics using relatively
was 7,500 h-1 corresponding to a gas- 0.48 sec) than other iron-based commercial low-cost capital systems. n


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53 Liquid redox going

beyond the expected
8 54

9 55

10 56

The Valkyrie™ process was first introduced
as a reborn version of redox technology
for treating H2S in natural gas processing.
14 In this article Streamline Innovations Inc.
15 highlights some of the new developments
16 and successful applications of the Valkyrie
process and its redox technology, in both
gas and water streams.


20 n Sulphur No. 387 March-April 2020, Valkyrie™ acid gas
pages 46-52, Streamline Innovations treating unit.
21 Inc. introduced the Valkyrie™ process
as a reborn version of redox technology
for treating H2S in natural gas process-
23 ing. The Valkyrie process is a derivation of
the original liquid redox process in which
24 the chemical, Talon™, converts hydrogen
sulphide (H2S) into elemental sulphur in a
reduction reaction and regenerates when
26 exposed to oxygen from air in the oxidation
process. With a high specificity towards
27 sulphides and a fast reaction rate, the
Valkyrie process provides the efficiency of
a scavenger with a significantly lower opex
29 due to its regenerative chemistry.
The primary chemistry of the Valkyrie
30 process, Talon, was designed to be envi-
ronmentally forward and biodegradable.
31 The recent rise in ESG and zero-flare initia-
tives has made its green characteristics an
attractive alternative to hazardous triazine-
33 based scavengers in the upstream oil and
gas market, specifically in the U.S. shale
34 gas sector.
Since 2018, Streamline has deployed
20 Valkyrie systems, with nearly a dozen
36 more in development, and has expanded

its technology to industries beyond

37 upstream natural gas processing. Since
the process is agnostic to the carrier gas
(natural gas, CO2, air, N2, water), appli-
39 cations in landfill gas, renewable fuels,
municipal and industrial wastewater treat-
40 ment, and aerobic foul air scrubbing have
all been added to Streamline’s repertoire.

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In parallel to its gas-based applications, gas treating unit (Valkyrie AGTU). include model predictive control of the
6 52
water-based Talon is equally robust and effi- Three units were constructed in parallel. amine plant to provide efficient and auto-
7 53 cient to treat dissolved sulphides in water Each unit was designed to treat 60 MMSCF/D mated operations. Additionally, logic was
and wastewater streams. In these aqueous at 900 psig on the 50 gpm amine plant, with required to optimise the extent-of-reaction
8 54 applications, hydrogen peroxide, rather than a 1 long t/d Valkyrie AGTU. The Valkryie AGTU control in the Valkyrie unit that is crucial to
oxygen, is generally used as the oxidation was modified from the direct treat Valkyrie to the process; thus, integrated communica-
9 55
source due to its efficiency and ease of treat the acid gas stream with H2S concentra- tions between the two units were required.
10 56 application. Streamline has commercialised tions ranging from 35% to greater than 50%. For example, the Valkyrie unit predicts the
and deployed its Talon Sulphide Elimination The design allows the desulphurised acid gas outlet H2S concentration of the amine plant
11 System (TSES), which provides a flexible pro- stream of nearly pure CO2 and water vapour in advance to correct for treatment rates
cess that destroys the underlying sulphide in to be sent to a small flare – without H2S pre- before the additional H2S even makes it to
the aqueous phase in either lead or lag con- sent, dropping emissions of SO2 to below lev- the tail gas treater.
13 figurations, providing odour control and pre- els requiring Title V air permitting regulations.

venting H2S off-gas scenarios in wastewater. Unique aspects of the Valkyrie AGTU Treating non-H2S sulphur species
Some of the new developments and include the following:
successful applications of the Valkyrie and Generally, upstream oil and gas operators
its redox technology, in both gas and water Balance between low operating pressure in U.S. shale are only concerned with treat-
16 streams are highlighted. and high H2S in acid gas: The Valkyrie AGTU ing H2S in order to meet sulphur specs
was designed to treat the extremely high H2S for the sale of natural gas into pipelines.
17 Acid gas treating of acid gas at much lower operating pres- Therefore, treating non-H2S sulphur species
sure than a standard direct treat Valkyrie does not play into facility design, and often
18 An oil and gas exploration and production operating at field pressure. Because liquid presents a post start-up challenge to opera-
operator in the Delaware Subbasin of the redox treating is purely chemically driven tors. Treating these sulphur species can be
Permian in West Texas discovered its gas and therefore less dependent on pressure difficult and many times require multiple
20 contained higher than expected H2S. This of the gas, the primary design consideration processes to achieve success.
region of the basin typically produces a was to balance the height of the Valkyrie Whilst Talon is designed for hydrogen
21 higher gas-to-liquid ratio resulting in large contactor (required to provide enough reac- sulphide treatment, the highly reductive
gas volumes. Surprisingly, the operator tion time) versus the amine overhead still nature of the chemistry will also reduce
found the gas containing a moderate level pressure, which generates the head pres- other sulphur species, notably aryl sulphides
23 of H2S, ranging from 300 to 700 ppm, and sure required to overcome the liquid head (including COS), short-chained mercaptans,
a CO2 concentration ranging from 2% to in the Valkyrie contactor. A balance was thiophenes, and even carbon disulphide.
24 3%. With only ‘sweet gas’ pipelines avail- achieved between increasing the pressure The resulting products are presumably disul-
able, the producer was required to treat of acid gas off the amine still and the design phides that are eliminated with the elemen-
to a maximum of 4 ppm of H2S and 2% of the contactor to achieve the desired treat- tal sulphur generated from the H2S.
26 of CO2. The decentralised production infra- ing units required to meet the outlet acid A recent study in a gas containing sig-
structure (with three separate gathering gas spec of <4 ppm of H2S. nificant fractions of mercaptan and other
27 facilities) and the total production of sul- sulphur species being treated in a direct
phur (2-4 long t/d total) meant that the Temperature considerations due to high treat Valkyrie unit was performed and
construction of a Claus plant was not an H2S exothermic reaction: Liquid redox treat- determined that carbonyl, methyl, and ethyl
29 economically feasible option, leaving the ing of H2S creates an exothermic reaction. mercaptans were 95%+ removed from the
producer to initially assume that a scaven- When treating extremely high H2S in acid gas stream, as well as a significant reduc-
30 ger would be the only practical sweetening gas, there is a significant reaction resulting tion in the corresponding sulphides. Thio-
solution available. However, the H2S con- in an increase in process chemistry tem- phenes and CS2 were also reduced in the
31 centrations continued to increase as more peratures of over 25°F. Design considera- gas stream (see Fig. 1).
wells were drilled, and with no sour gas tions for this temperature increase included These sulphur species would otherwise
sales pipeline available, the scavenger- process coolers, elimination of insulation to present problems to the operator, or the
33 based treatment quickly proved economi- allow cooling from ambient air, and improv- corresponding midstream treatment facility.
cally unsustainable. ing the efficiency of the reaction with a novel
34 Streamline performed a cost-benefit patent-pending contactor design. Ultra low pressure packed tower
analysis and determined that with the previ-
ous investment in NACE-capable compres- Smart amine integration with Valkyrie
36 sion, combined with the high volume of AGTU: To ensure seamless operation of With the current trend towards renewable
gas and moderate level of H2S, the optimal the SuperValkyrie process, the process energy and the number of landfill gas,
37 treating configuration was to separate the control logic of the amine needed to not biogas, biofuel, and renewable fuel refin-
H2S and CO2 with an amine plant at pipe- just maintain temperature of the amine in eries increasing daily, adaptation of treat-
line pressure, followed by removal of the the regeneration still, but also the pres- ing and production facilities must occur to
39 H2S from the acid gas utilising a Valkyrie sure to ensure the gas can make its way match new design considerations. Many
unit. The resulting unit, called “Super- through the Valkyrie contactor and out to of these “non-geologic” gas production
40 Valkyrie”, is an integrated smart amine the flare. This required some additional sources produce smaller volumes of gas
plant directly coupled with a Valkyrie acid logic in the unit; future approaches will and operate at pressures far below, what

42 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021 55




■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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6 52 Fig. 1: Reduction of sulphur species in a direct treat Valkyrie™ unit

7 53
8 54 before treatment 92% reduction of all non-H2S
90 sulphur species:
after treatment
9 55 80 l 94% of sulphides
l 92% of mercaptans
concentration, ppm

10 56 70 l 92% of carbon disulphides

60 l 97% of thiophenes
50 l 97% of COS
12 40
l 97% of methyl ethyl sulphide
l 96% of carbon disulphides
13 30 l 97% of C1 & C2 mercaptans
carbonyl dimethyl methyl diethyl methyl ethyl Isopropyl n-propyl t-butyl n-butyl carbon dimethyl thio-
ethyl phenes
sulphides mercaptans disulphides
before treatment 456 12.3 20.9 16.3 119.8 80.1 3.8 8.7 54.5 4.6 16.8 40 14.2
17 after treatment 16.5 6.5 0.6 7 4.5 3.2 5.7 2.2 0.7 7 1.4 17.1 0.5

18 Source: Streamline Innovations


20 is seen in the oil and gas industry. As pression system that will pull 60 inches Sour water treating
such, there is no appreciable pressure for of H2O with an output of approximately 4
21 the gas to transit production facilities. psig, and the unit will only require a pres- Streamline’s Talon™ is equally effective at
Additionally, and perhaps most notably, sure drop of less than 1 psi. This outlet destroying sulphides in both the water phase
virtually every non-geologic gas production pressure will allow the gas to be recom- and gas phase. At low pH, sulphide ions
23 has some level of H2S. Achieving a low- pressed using a non-NACE compressor to (sometimes called hydrosulphide, bisulphide,
pressure solution with a high sulphide undergo membrane separation to remove or HS–) can bind to free protons in water and
24 removal capacity is imperative for these the CO2 and upgrade the gas to sales release gaseous H2S in the surrounding air.
green energy sources. Talon, with its pipeline spec. Commonly called ‘sour water’ in oil and gas
strong affinity for H2S even at low partial processing and refining, sulphides are also
pressures, its biodegradability, and non- regularly found in municipal and industrial

hazardous byproducts of elemental sul- wastewater. Streamline’s Talon is designed
27 phur and water, is an ideal candidate for to eliminate the sulphides before this reac-
these applications. Utilising the sulphur for tion can occur and volatise into H2S.
agricultural soil amendment even contrib- The biodegradable redox chemistry is
29 utes to the ‘circular economy’. deployed in the aqueous phase through the
Towards that end, Streamline has Talon Sulphide Elimination System™ (TSES)
30 adapted its Valkyrie process to these where it breaks apart the sulphide in the
applications. A small test unit is currently same manner as in gas phase. The HS– in
31 in operation treating approximately 30 lbs the sour water reacts with the Talon reagent
of sulphur per day at a small landfill in a where it first undergoes reduction, convert-
pilot project, treating from 3,100 ppm to ing the HS– to hydrogen ions and sulphur,
33 non-detectable levels, through a packed- followed by oxidation and regeneration,
tower system operating at 1 psig. through the application of an oxidant, gen-
34 That project led to the construction of erally hydrogen peroxide (Fig. 2). Hydrogen
a large-scale plant at one of the busiest peroxide is a preferred oxygen source due
landfill sites in the U.S. situated in North- to its ease of application as a liquid and
36 ern Illinois. This unit contains a 70 ft tower its efficiency in reacting with Talon for the
with two sections, one containing a 25 ft regeneration. The reactions are:
37 packed tower and one as a gas-liquid sep- Reduction:
arator. This system treats 7,500 scfm or
38 HS– + 2FeIII+ → H+ + S + 2FeII+
10.8 MMSCFD of gas at H2S levels rang-
ing from 2,500 ppm to 5,000 ppm and Oxidation:
is expected to come online by the end of ½ H2O2 + 2FeII+ → (OH)– + 2FeIII+
40 2021. The landfill gas gathering system Overall:
operates with the assistance of a com- Packed tower installation. HS– + ½ H2O2 → H2O + S

42 55 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021




■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
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agitation to ensure proper contact between
6 52 Fig. 2: Talon Sulphide Elimination System™ (TSES)
the chemistry and the sulphides. In certain
7 53 cases, a static mixer or inlet side of a
Fe2+ S S pump can maximise chemical contact with
8 54 lean the sulphide.
chelant S S
S S Depending on the system configura-
9 55
_ elemental sulphur tion, the sulphur and any other oxidised
10 56 sulphide S Talon™ precipitants can either be removed as part
of a larger solids management program
11 H H H H or direct filtration. If settled, the sulphur
O rich O O generally sinks to the bottom of the pit;
12 chelant in other cases, it rises with floating scum.
water peroxide The removal of the elemental sulphur sol-
Source: Streamline Innovations OXIDATION ids can be accomplished by running the
14 treated water through a self-cleaning back
wash filter with dewatering box for the fil-
This process occurs nearly simultaneously reaction to progress to completion. In auto- tered solids. The filter is automated and
16 in the same liquid stream, and therefore mated systems, pH and ORP analysers will can be spared for continuous operation.
the application can be done in a pipeline compare the oxidation-reduction potential, Since the process relies on a straight-
17 setting, until all of the oxidant is consumed. along with H2S analysers to ensure that forward chemical reaction, the equipment
The Talon-peroxide combination can also sufficient chemicals have been added to required for the TSES process is relatively
18 be very effective in more advanced pro- completely destroy the sulphides. The sul- simple, notably storage tanks for the Talon
cesses, such as those used for reducing phur formed in the reaction is a solid with and peroxide, corresponding chemical
other organics and metals when little or an average particle size of 25 microns. injection pumps and quills, and instrumen-
20 no sulphides are present. When dosed cor- With automated analysers reading tation for reaction monitoring. This low-cost
rectly, the TSES will eliminate more than H2S, pH, ORP, and a flow meter, the data H2S alternative provides an efficient yet
21 95% of the sulphides in the first few min- is used in a feedback loop to determine cost-effective method to remove sulphides
utes and will continue its redox reaction the quantity of Talon and peroxide neces- in water.
until no sulphides are remaining. sary to react with the sulphides present in There are a number of projects in which
23 The TSES can be deployed across a the water. Talon is injected into the water Streamline is deploying this technology,
range of applications including inline treat- stream from a chemical storage vessel and the applications range from waste-
24 ing or after the water has been stored in a and is pumped using a metering pump water in industrial applications, produced
tank or pit. The TSES can also be deployed into the sour water pipe through an injec- water in upstream environments, and refin-
in a very simple manner or automated for tion quill. After adding the Talon reagent, ery wastewater. One of note is at a Claus
26 flow pacing. In most applications, the sour hydrogen peroxide is likewise injected from SRU in the Middle East, where treatment
water, Talon, and peroxide mixture flows its storage vessel using a chemical meter- has been successful in treating 500 ppm
27 through a pipeline or a reaction vessel ing pump into the sour water pipe through sulphides in a water stream down to non-
where sufficient time is provided for the a similar quill. The mixture then requires detect levels. n

29 Fig. 3: TSES process for sulphide removal

30 inject Talon™ inject hydrogen peroxide

31 water/wastewater pipe/system

+ + + + + + + =
S H Fe3+ Fe2+ H H Fe3+ H Fe3+ Fe2+ H H Fe3+ H
sulphide Talon™ lean elemental Talon™ rich oxygen Talon™ lean water sulphide Talon™ lean elemental Talon™ rich oxygen Talon™ lean water no sulphide
34 chelated
sulphur chelated
(O2 or
sulphur chelated
(O2 or
sulphide concentration, ppm




time, minutes

40 Source: Streamline Innovations


42 Sulphur 397 | November - December 2021 53




■ Contents ISSUE 397 SULPHUR
1 47

2 48


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7 53 Technical Editor: LISA CONNOCK Argus Media 49
8 54 Contributor: MEENA CHAUHAN
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• Sour Oil & Gas International and National Developments

• Decarbonizing Natural Gas Processing towards Net-Zero Future
• SRU Best Practices, Experiences and Troubleshooting

• Hydrogen Production from H2S
21 • CO2 Capture in Gas Processing
• H2S and CO2 Recovery from Waste Streams

24 • HSE Considerations in Sour Hydrocarbon Management

• Role of Digitalization in Sour Hydrocarbon Management and Emission Reduction












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Your partner when it comes to sulphuric acid.
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