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Conveying Feeders

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Cover Story

Guidelines for Solids Storage,

Feeding and Conveying
Shrikant Dhodapkar
The Dow Chemical Co. (U.S.)
These observations and recommendations
Lyn Bates — reflecting decades of experience — can help
Ajax Equipment Ltd. (U.K.)
George Klinzing
operators avoid a lot of headaches and heartache
University of Pittsburgh (U.S.) when it comes to handling bulk solids
Peter Wypych ��������������������������������������
University of Wollongong (Australia) �����

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uccessful startup and operation of ����������� ������������� �����
solids-handling processes depend ����������� �����������

on myriad small yet fateful deci- �� ��

sions that are made during the �������� ����������������� ������ ��
various phases of the project. Many of �������� ������������ ��� ���
���� ��������������
these are not quantitative but qualita- ���������
tive in nature, and are largely based on ������
��� ��� ��
experience and broad-based knowledge ��������������
��������� ������� �������
of solids handling. It is just as impor- ��� ��������� �� ��� ��������� ��
tant to know what not to do as it is ������� ������� �������
��� ��������� �� ������� �������
to know what to do. Since many engi- �������
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neers receive very little formal training �����������
����������� �������
on solids handling, their first instinct �������
is to draw an analogy between solids-
���������� �������� ������
handling systems and fluids-based ���������������� ���������� ������������ ��������� �������� �������
systems. This should be avoided. The ����� ����� ����������� ������������ ������������� ������� ������������ �������
���������� ���� ������������ ������ �������������� ���������� ���������� �����
behavior of solids (powders, pellets and ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
granules) is often counter-intuitive to ������������������������������������������������������������������������

the behavior of pure fluids. FIGURE 1. Consider these guidelines when selecting hopper geometry
The guidelines presented here draw
upon the collective experience of the Variations in product condition arise Use shear testing for evaluating
authors and highlight key issues that for various reasons, most of which fall material flowability and wall fric-
need particular attention. These rec- into the three general classes: unifor- tion characteristics. The Jenike flow-
ommendations are by no means ex- mity, consistency and stability. Mate- factor tester [1] and Schulze Rotational
haustive, but merely provide a start- rials that initially have uniform com- Shear Tester (RST) [2] are typically used
ing point for a thoughtful discussion. position may change during handling; for such measurements. Shear testing
for instance, if segregation occurs, the is the domain of specialists, but expe-
STORAGE material may demonstrate different rienced personnel can usually make an
Material Testing and Evaluation bulk properties. Meanwhile, supply assessment of the degree to which such
Get a representative and traceable inconsistencies may result from sea- testing may be necessary. Critical arch-
sample. Make sure that the sample sonal or process variations, or the need ing dimensions, stable rathole diameter,
is stable over time. If large variabil- to secure materials from alternative hopper angle required for mass flow and
ity is observed, understand the source sources. The product may also change feeder load can be calculated using the
(nature and range) of the variability, with time, temperature, attrition, or proven theories of Jenike and other re-
and collect multiple samples to estab- through natural degradation or other searchers. A very important note: Some-
lish the bounds on physical proper- mechanisms. All these changes must be times the material’s angle of repose is
ties. Proper documentation of sample considered in combination, taking into incorrectly used to calculate bin design
source and history is helpful in trou- account the complete range of operat- parameters. The angle of repose should
bleshooting if the hopper does not per- ing and ambient conditions to which only be used to estimate the volume of
form as expected. the material may be subjected. material in the bin.

FIGURE 2. Shown here are five of the

�� most commonly used hopper geometries
�� for bulk solids
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�� ��

����������� �������������� ��������� �������������� �������������� area of the outlet for mass flow appli-
������ ������ ����������� �������������� ������ cations. The critical arching dimension
in a plane-flow channel is half that of
Perform a wall-friction test on those occurring during normal opera- the diameter of a circular outlet, pro-
a representative wall sample ob- tion, and from plant shutdowns, pro- vided the slot length is greater than
tained from the equipment fab- duction cycles or weekends. three times its width. For example,
ricator. For example, a mill-finish Choose mass flow mode. A bin is a 12-in.-wide slot that is 3 ft long is
aluminum sample from one fabrica- set to operate in mass flow mode when equivalent in flow terms to a 24-in.-dia.
tor may differ significantly from an all material in the bin is in motion while outlet and the walls can be less steep
aluminum sample from another ven- the material is being discharged. When (about 10 deg shallower). Remember,
dor. If the material being handled is this does not occur, the bin is operat- flow aids can also be used to encourage
highly abrasive, consider the effect of ing in funnel flow mode. In general, a flow for hard-to-handle materials [3, 4],
wear on wall friction. Some wall ma- mass flow pattern results in a smaller but getting the wall slope wrong is far
terials become more polished (smooth) required outlet size, more reliable flow more difficult to correct.
with wear while others might become for cohesive materials and some re- In retrofit situations, have struc-
rougher. Similarly, the effect of poten- mixing of segregated materials. tural considerations re-evaluated
tial corrosion and oxidation must be The first-in, first-out nature of mass by a trained solids-handling ex-
taken into account. flow also helps to prevent fluidiz- pert. For example, when a funnel flow
Be sure to measure the appropri- able powders from flushing straight bin or silo design is converted to oper-
ate bulk density. This critical mea- through the hopper. It should be noted ate in the mass flow pattern, the cylin-
surement should reflect the circum- that the first-in, first-out flow pattern der-cone transition may have to be re-
stances of the application. For instance, in mass flow can only be achieved if inforced to withstand highly localized
a rapidly filled hopper may require there is at least one diameter head of peak stresses. On the other hand, if a
the holding capacity to be based on a material in the cylindrical section of silo that was designed for mass flow is
“loose poured” density, while one filled the hopper. This is a requirement to operated with a more cohesive material
slowly may be better assessed using a get a uniform draw of material during that forms large voids and ratholes, the
“settled” density value. On the other discharge. additional dynamic loads, due to erratic
hand, “aerated” bulk density should Mass flow hoppers are typically flow, must be taken into account.
be used if aeration devices are used as taller than funnel flow hoppers (for a Don’t overlook the value of
flow aids. Care should be taken when given hopper geometry, such as those close cooperation and collabora-
dealing with a product that exhibits a shown in Figure 2), due to a steeper tion with the supplier or vendor.
wide range of density values according cone angle. There are applications To ensure success, it is important to
to how it is handled. where a self-cleaning funnel flow de- have agreement on the following is-
sign will provide comparable duty at sues upfront:
Selection, Specification lower cost; therefore, careful evalua- • Definition of operating window,
and Design tion of all factors is essential. along with extreme bounds of oper-
Establish the range of moisture Be aware that choice of hop- ating conditions and material prop-
content, additive content and op- per shape is a multi-factor deci- erties
erating temperature. The design sion (Figure 1). The decision largely • Sampling techniques and definition
basis should reflect the full range hinges on whether the flow benefits of of representative sample (including
of conditions in which a material is plane flow, which occurs in a V-shaped handling instructions)
going to be handled and not just “typ- flow channel, are justified over the • Test methods to be used for prod-
ical” operating conditions. For out- poorer flow behavior associated with a uct evaluation and eventual perfor-
door applications, consider the con- conical or pyramid construction. mance evaluation
sequences of temperature cycling and Flat walls and rectangular cross- • Expectations on performance vali-
whether there may be condensation sections allow easy construction and dation and financial terms associ-
in the headspace (silo weeping) or on maximize holding capacity but gener- ated with it
walls that may be in contact with the ally have the worst flow characteristics • Degree of freedom available to the
material. and pressure capacity. Cones contain vendor to optimize total cost of the
Include discharge rate expecta- internal pressures well, but require project and share the reduction in
tions in your design criteria. The simultaneous flow convergence in two cost with the purchaser
discharge rate of a powder can be se- directions at 90 deg to each other.
verely limited by its lower permeability By comparison, plane flow allows the Installation, Operation and
as compared to a granular material. use of less-steep walls and permits flow Performance
Test the material for flowabil- through smaller outlets, but normally Keep the wall surface smooth. Sur-
ity changes resulting from con- requires the use of a well-designed face impediments on the hopper wall
solidation over time. Try to antici- feeder to extract product from an ex- such as weld splatters, offset flanges
pate problems that may arise from tended slot. Such a feeder must extract protruding gaskets, poke holes and
extended periods of storage, such as product from the total cross-sectional badly installed liners prevent the
Cover Story ��������������������
material from sliding along the wall. time basis for calculation of ����������������
Remember the humorous adage: “Pro- feed rate accuracy must be es- ������������������
truding lips sink powder ships” tablished. Make sure that ac- ���������������� ����������������������
Avoid using a slide gate to throt- ceptable accuracy is achieved ����������� �������
tle the flow because this will result at the lowest feed rate. ����������� ��������������������
in preferential flow at the outlet. Run extended trials (1–7 ���������� ���������������
����������� ���������������������
This preferential flow problem can be days) on new materials ��������������������
alleviated by using a vertical transi- or critical applications.
tion piece (H > 1.5 D) at the outlet. Many problems do not ap- ������������������������
Slide gates should only be used in pear in short-duration (< 1 ������������������
the open or closed position. The inner day) tests. Consider renting
diameter of the bottom flange can be a unit for longer-term pilot- FIGURE 3. The most frequently encountered issues
associated with hopper design and installation are
slightly oversized to avoid any lips or scale testing. summarized here
protrusions in the flow path. Be sure to test representa-
Avoid asymmetric stresses. Do not tive materials. Often times,
cut into the walls of a hopper to create offline tests are done on ma-
additional discharge outlets. In most terials that do not reflect flow ���������
cases, they will disrupt the mass flow properties of actual material
pattern and create high wall stresses. in process. Such tests may be
Protect the wall finish and lin- misleading. �������
ers of the cone from the weather to
prevent oxidation (rust) and corro- Selection, Specification
sion. The internal surface of the hop- and Design
per must be protected from fabrication Define operational re- �����
until the time it is installed in the pro- quirements. Does the pro- ���������
cess. Make sure that all the protective cess require the material to
liners are removed before commission- be fed at a target rate (e.g.,
ing the hopper. Avoid welding on cones in a continuous blending op- ���������������������������
with liners and wall coatings since the eration), or to deliver a target
heat can cause delamination. totalized weight in a batch FIGURE 4. Improper design of the hopper-feeder
Avoid improper selection and operation (e.g., in a packag- interface will lead to preferential flow channels in a
mass flow bin
installation of a feeder, which can ing operation)?
destroy the flow pattern in a well- Choose between gravimetric and Plan for sufficient flight tip
designed mass-flow hopper. Reli- volumetric feeders. Gravimetric feed- clearances. Make sure that flight tip
able flow out of a mass-flow hopper ers are recommended when feed rate clearances for screw feeders are large
requires the material to be discharged uniformity of better than ±2% is re- enough to avoid particle trapping or
across the whole cross-section of the quired, especially for sample collection wedging, which can result in material
outlet. For example, a screw feeder times less than 30 seconds. These feed- degradation. On the other hand, ro-
with progressively increasing pitch of- ers are also required for feeding fine tary feeders require the clearances to
fers a proven option for drawing mate- cohesive powders with erratic flow, or be less than the particle size to avoid
rial across the entire outlet. powders with unpredictable bulk den- smearing inside the housing.
Some common installation issues sity that are prone to aeration. Determine whether the feeder is
discussed in this section are summa- Be sure to design the feeder and required to provide positive pro-
rized in Figure 3. hopper as an integral unit. The tection against uncontrolled flow
feeder is not merely a “discharger;” that might result from flooding
FEEDERS therefore, reliable flow out of the or flushing of fine powders. For ex-
(PROCESS AND ADDITIVE) hopper is essential for proper feeder ample, a screw feeder will not restrain
Material Testing and operation. A feeder is designed to a fluidized powder from flushing out
Evaluation modulate the flowrate of the material of a hopper. If the product is prone to
Conduct trials under realistic con- that is reliably fed into it. Material flushing, install a valve on the dis-
ditions. Materials that are sensitive discharge must take place over the charge port. The valve should be inter-
to heat and moisture may appear to entire outlet for a mass flow hopper locked to be open only when the screw
be well-behaved in air-conditioned to work (Figure 4). For some hard-to- is running, and should have an emer-
labs. This can produce false confidence handle products (such as those that gency override switch to close it.
based on test results. are cohesive, caking, fibrous, stringy, Consider system-integration is-
Establish feeding accuracy re- time consolidation sensitive or hygro- sues that may arise when feeder
quirements. It is important to know scopic), a discharger may have to be electronics are integrated with
whether feed rate control or totalized installed upstream of the feeder to plant network and process com-
weight is required by the process. The ensure reliable flow [3, 4]. puters. The ability to seamlessly in-
Feeder Maximum Mode of opera- Sealing Dust con- Ease of Ability to han- Ability to Ability to handle Ability to
type particle tion (gravimetric against tainment or clean- dle abrasive handle friable tramp metal or handle sticky
size vs. volumetric) pressure spillage out materials materials hard chunks materials
Rotary 1/2 in. Volumetric(1) Good Good Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor
Vibrating No limit Volumetric(1) Cannot Fair Good Good Good Good Good
Screw Up to 1/3 of Volumetric(1) Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor
min. pitch
Belt 6 in. Gravimetric Cannot Poor Good Good Good Good Fair

(1) Can be run in gravimetric mode if the feed hopper is set up in a loss-in-weight configuration.

tegrate a feeder control package with terials (such as tramp metal or ing an arched stress field; for example,
the plant network and share data and nuts and bolts) by withdrawing small amount of ma-
diagnostic information will result in j. Headroom constraints terial during filling. Leaving the hop-
smooth operation. k.Vibrations in the process area and per partially full before refilling will
Be aware that rotary and screw isolation techniques required also achieve the same result.
feeders are prone to pulsations in l. Controller interface protocol and Provide a slide gate (or some
feed rate. Pulsations can be mini- control system integration with other type of shutoff valve) above
mized in a number of ways: existing plant network and pro- a feeder. This is especially important
• Rotary feeders: cess computer for situations in which the feeder fails
• Use a reduced-capacity rotor and m. Data and parameters that need and must be removed for maintenance
increase the number of vanes to be exchanged, namely, instan- or repairs when the overlying silo or
• Screw feeders: taneous flowrate, setpoint, total- bin is full of materials.
• Install wire mesh at the nozzle ized weight, bulk density, alarms, Make sure that the seals are ad-
outlet system reset and PID control pa- equately purged to prevent fine
• Provide a slot (1.5 times the pitch) rameters powder from entering and destroy-
on the side of the nozzle n.The location of the controller box ing the seal. Seal and bearings must
• Install a wedge at the outlet over vis-à-vis the feeder be inspected and maintained on peri-
which the material must flow A concise comparison of various feed- odic basis to avoid premature failure.
• Reduce the pitch near the outlet ers, shown in Table 1, provides a good
��� • Use a twin-screw configuration starting point. An in-depth review of FEEDERS FOR PNEUMATIC
various feeders can be found in Car- CONVEYING SYSTEMS
Feeder selection considerations son et al. [5] and Thomson [6]. Material Testing and
The following issues must be consid- Evaluation
ered during feeder selection: Installation, Operation Feeders for pneumatic conveying
1. Material properties and Performance systems are rarely tested on a stand-
a. Particle size distribution and Always confirm that the outlet alone basis. Rather, their effectiveness
maximum lump size will not be blocked or obstructed is typically tested while conducting
b. Flowability and cohesion or admit a reverse gas flow. Un- conveying trials. The following issues
c. Air-retention characteristics and vented rotary valves often pass back must be looked into during testing:
their effect on bulk density air by leakage, and via returning vane 1. The effect of gas leakage or aeration
d. Flooding or flushing characteristics pockets. With no means of escape, this on the bulk density of product. Re-
e. Abrasiveness air can inhibit flow from the hopper. duced bulk density can result in lower
f. Friability Allow a gas-bypass route to ensure feeder capacity.
g. Sensitivity to temperature that the material will flow freely into 2. The abrasiveness of material and its
2. Operational requirements the feeder. Fit a torque limiter or a impact on feeder performance
a. Process temperature and humid- level detector to isolate the drive if 3. Stickiness of material and any re-
ity conditions there is any prospect of backup from sulting reduction in feeder capacity
b. Feed rate (typical, maximum, downstream equipment. 4. Ease of cleaning and unplugging
turndown ratio requirements) Verify and minimize the starting
c. Feed rate uniformity versus accu- load on the feeder. It is not uncom- Selection, Specification
racy and sampling requirements mon for the starting load to be five and Design
d. Volumetric versus gravimetric times the operating load. During ini- Give careful consideration during
feeding tial filling conditions, a peak stress the feeder selection process. Feeder
e. Need for dust control and contain- field is generated in the bin where selection depends on the mode of op-
ment large loads are transmitted to the eration (pressure versus vacuum),
f. Sealing requirements against feeder. With flow initiation, an arched operating pressure, mode of convey-
pressure stress field is developed in the hopper ing (batch versus continuous), space
g. Ease of cleaning (frequency of where most of the load is supported by availability and material properties
cleaning and acceptable effort nec- the hopper walls (further discussion (such as abrasiveness and cohesion).
essary) on arched stress fields can be found in See Table 2 for more details.
h.Sanitary requirements (for in- Jenike, [1]). The arched stress field is Match feeders with the charac-
stance, in food and pharmaceuti- retained even if the flow is temporarily teristics of air movers. For instance,
cal applications) stopped. Feeder loads during startup feeders that create large pulsations
i. Ability to handle unexpected ma- can be significantly reduced by creat- in the feed rate should not be used
Feeder Suitable For Operating Pressure Suitable Materials Unsuitable Conveying Comments
System Types Materials Mode
Suction nozzle Vaccum Up to 0.5 bar All free-flowing Caking, large Continuous dilute Feed rate control is dif-
vacuum chunks, sticky, phase ficult
Rotary feeder Vacuum and 0.5 bar vacuum to Wide range of ma- Abrasive, caking, Continuous dilute Most common feeder.
pressure 3.5 bars pressure (6 terials sticky, very co- and dense phase Wide variety of design
bars maximum) hesive features
Eductor Pressure 0.25 bar Free-flowing Abrasive, friable, Continuous dilute Special design for abra-
highly cohesive phase sive materials, high pres-
sure motive gas may be
Blow tank – Pressure 0 – 10 bar Wide range of ma- Very cohesive, Batch dilute and Poorly flowing materials
bottom terials, abrasive sticky or dense phase will require air injection
discharge materials compressible in the cone, hard-to-
materials control conveying rate
Blow tank – Pressure 0 – 10 bar Fine fluidizable ma- Geldart class B, Batch dilute and These do not empty
fluidization type, terials (Geldart class B/D, D or material dense phase completely upon dis-
top discharge A/C, A) with large chunks charge
Double flapper Pressure 0 – 0.5 bar Abrasive and free- Cohesive Continuous dilute Pulsing feed
valve flowing material phase
Screw feeder Pressure and 0.5 bar vacuum to 1 Wide range of ma- Sticky, compress- Continuous dilute Improper design will
vacuum bar pressure terials ible phase result in problems with
feed rate control. Rate
sensitive to material
Fuller-Kinyon Pressure 3 bar Fine powders Coarse materials Continuous dilute Typically used in cement
pump phase / dense industry
Slide gate Vacuum Up to full vacuum Coarse materials, Cohesive, sticky Continuous dilute Simple to use; discharge
preferably free-flow- materials phase rate depends on mate-
ing rial properties
Other Pressure 0 – 0.5 bar Materials with high Sticky, cohesive, Continuous dilute
specialized air retention or low low air retention and dense phase
feeders: deaeration, prefer-
Diaphragm pump ably low bulk density

in systems that use fans as air mov- Make sure that the feeder is ap- • If the conveying line is getting
ers. The interaction between pressure propriately designed for quick coated (by materials buildup) dur-
variations resulting from feed rate clean out for sanitary applica- ing the test, the data will exhibit
fluctuations and fan characteristics tions. Provide the necessary working scatter and may not be reliable
can result in an unstable system. space in the process area.
Proper interfacing of feeders Selection, Specification
Installation, Operation with the conveying line is essential. and Design
and Performance The feeders are attached to the convey- In the project scope, clearly define
Design a proper venting system for ing line with a feed shoe or a feed box. current conveying-rate require-
rotary airlock feeders in positive- A good feed shoe design provides for ments and plant layout, along with
pressure applications. The upward rapid removal of material from the bot- plans for future expansions or po-
leakage of air through clearances and tom of the feeder, minimal reduction in tential rate enhancements due to
returning pockets can impede mate- local gas velocity at the feed point, and improvements in process technol-
rial flow and may reduce bulk density, minimal recirculation patterns. ogy. This should include potential
which can result in capacity limitations. changes in the product slate due to
The vent always contains entrained PNEUMATIC CONVEYING improvements in process technology.
solids and therefore must be designed – DILUTE PHASE Developing the project scope should be
as a pneumatic conveying system. Material Testing and a collaborative effort between research,
Consider the effect of pipe and Evaluation manufacturing and engineering per-
bolting stresses. Feeders connected For materials for which there is no sonnel and the outside vendor.
to piping system (chutes) that are ex- prior pneumatic conveying experi- Allow a ‘reasonable’ horizontal
posed to large variations in tempera- ence, and for which no related data conveying length (15 to 20 pipe di-
tures either due to process conditions are available, pilot or full scale testing ameters), before the first bend to
or diurnal variations may experience is recommended. Take the following allow the bulk material to acceler-
high stresses. This can affect the oper- issues into consideration: ate. Use of flexible hose at the pickup
ational clearances and cause jamming • Conduct tests at material tempera- should be kept to minimum. Excessive
or excessive leakage to occur. tures and moisture levels that are length of flexible hose, often in the form
Consider relative expansion that comparable to the process conditions of a coil, is the worst pickup pipe con-
may result from hot product and • Conduct tests on off-grade materi- figuration. Inability to provide proper
cold ambient conditions. Relative als (not just the prime product) to configuration at the pickup will result
expansion of feeder internals due to a ensure process reliability across a in plugging condition at gas velocities
hot product can cause interference fit range of material properties higher than saltation velocity
and result in a feeder jam. The prob- • Consider the effect of attrition on con- Consider stepping conveying
lem can be alleviated by heat tracing veying characteristics if the material lines (increasing the pipe diam-
the feeder. is being recirculated during the test eter) to prevent excessive veloc-

��� �

solids flowrate. Safety margin • Incorrect rotational direction of ro-
�������� must be allowed for non-opti- tary airlock/feeder or air movers
�������� ����� mal line configuration at the • Conveying lines with directional in-
�������� pickup (such as insufficient ternal treatment (e.g., shot-peening)
������ ����� ��� acceleration lengths, back-to- that are installed backwards

back bends, and so on). • Poor alignment of flanges or im-
�������� proper seating of gaskets (which
Installation, Operation can result in air leakage or material
and Performance degradation)
Avoid conveying line lay-
� � • Specialized bends or elbows (such as
out with bends or elbows blind tee configurations) that are in-
placed back to back. This stalled backwards
will inevitably cause excessive • No allowance for pipe flexing (which
pressure drop and premature can result in high bolting stresses
line plugging. on the components)
�������������� Be aware that conveying Always verify the control logic and
lines should not be routed the sequence of valve operation in
like utility lines (i.e., those the field. Follow these recommenda-
carrying compressed gas tions to avoid problems:
FIGURE 5. This phase diagram shows the rela- or steam), which follow • For complex systems, run simula-
tionship between pressure drop, solids conveying the contours of a building. tions before startup to understand
rate and gas velocity along the various pneumatic When designing solids-han- unintended consequences. A soft-
conveying flow modes dling systems, minimizing the ware code is easier to mend than
number of bends or directional broken hardware during a startup
ity at the end of the line. Be sure changes will result in higher capacity, • Failure to include sufficient time
to maintain the minimum required lower degradation, less erosive wear delay between various steps may
Froude number at the step location, and more reliable flow. cause problems. For example, a large
otherwise the material will settle out Consider electrostatic effects. slide valve may take as much as 30
of the suspension (saltation). Properly Electrostatic effects in pneumatic con- seconds to close fully.
stepped systems result in more effi- veying systems can be minimized by • If control loops are being used for
cient systems with lower degradation increasing the relative humidity of the feed rate control, tune the param-
and wear. Using ISO pipes or tubes al- conveying air to more than 70%. eters and provide upper limits to
lows for more choices in diameters. Remember that ‘more air’ can prevent overshooting. This might
Be aware that proper venting of mean ‘less transfer capacity’ in result in overfeeding solids into a
the rotary airlock and feeder in a dilute-phase systems. At constant conveying line resulting in plugged
positive-pressure system is criti- conveying pressure, increasing gas condition.
cal for reliable operation. Upward velocity results in reduced conveying During startup, verify process in-
leakage of air into the feed hopper can capacity (This is shown in Figure 5, strumentation with field measure-
result in reduced discharge rates or an at the line labeled A ➔ B). Operating ments. Make sure that calibration
unsteady feed rate. This issue can be limits can be best understood using parameters, conversion factors and
addressed by using proper design of a the concept of operating windows (see units are correctly entered, calculated
vent system, either using a body vent Agarwal and Dhodapkar [7]) and communicated to the process com-
or a disengagement hopper. The vent Install sufficient ports or cou- puters. If possible, use local gages for
system should be designed much akin plings in the systems for pressure verification.
to a conveying system with sufficient measurement during trouble- More guidelines on troubleshooting
gas flow and minimal bends. shooting. Pressure measurement is a pneumatic conveying system can be
Be aware that product damage convenient way to measure the pulse found in Mills [8], and Dhodapkar and
and wear at piping bends is very of a conveying system. Take time to Jacob [9].
material-dependent. A blind tee generate baseline data for an exist-
piping configuration often has a lot ing conveying system. It will come in PNEUMATIC CONVEYING
of merit, but may also cause greater handy for future troubleshooting. – DENSE PHASE
pressure drop compared to long-ra- Always verify installation in the Material Testing and
dius bends. Mitered elbows may offer field. The technical guidelines of sys- Evaluation
a good compromise in some cases. tem designers and engineers, even if Conduct pilot-scale or full-scale
Remember that minimum con- well-documented, can be undone by testing on representative materi-
veying velocity is a function of con- contractors installing a system. Com- als, especially for new or differ-
veying rate. Make sure that the gas mon mistakes, such as those listed ent products where no prior ex-
velocity at the pickup is greater than here, can cause significant delay in perience or data are available.
the saltation velocity at the highest successful startup: Benchtop characterization tests (to
Cover Story

determine such characteristics as wall

friction, permeability and deaeration �������������� ������������������������� ��������������
tendencies) are helpful for prelimi-
nary screening of a material’s suitabil-
ity for dense-phase conveying. Dense-
phase conveying performance can be
sensitive to variations in material ������������������ ������������������
properties (such as particle size, size ���������������� ��������������
distribution, shape, density, moisture
and cohesion).
Selection, Specification ����������������
and Design ������������������
Ensure that the choice of a flow ���������������
mode (and system) is based on the ��������
product properties (rather than ������
�������� ������
on some imprecise definition or �����
misleading solids-loading assump-
tions), and that the selected or sup-
plied flow mode is confirmed dur-
������������ �������������
ing commissioning. The term “dense ���������� �����������������
phase” is often misused in practice. For ����������
example, many so-called “dense phase”
systems are found to be operating in
dilute phase (or suspension flow). And,
many researchers and designers define
“dense phase” as a flow mode with sol- ���������������������������� ����������������������
ids loading (mass of solids/mass of gas)
greater than 10 or 15.
FIGURE 6. As shown above, dense phase systems can be classified by the flow
Many different types of dense-phase pattern and mechanism of solid-air mixing
conveyors have been developed over the
past few decades to take advantage of dense phase. Some materials can be sumption. The gas leakage at the feeder
certain product properties (such as air conveyed in single- or multi-slug/plug (especially through rotary valves) must
retention, deaeration, permeability, co- mode, some in fluidized moving-bed be considered in design calculations
hesion, and particle-size distribution). type flow, while others can only be con- and compensated appropriately.
In most cases, “dense-phase” can simply veyed in dilute phase. Not selecting Use a gas-flow control system
be considered as some form of non-sus- the right flow mode for a particular for multiproduct and multi-des-
pension flow that occurs at some time material, or the right operating condi- tination systems, to ensure that
at any section along the pipeline. Using tion for a given flow mode, can result the operating point is maintained
solids loading as an indicator of flow in excessive pressure spikes, system within the stable operating zone.
mode can be misleading (for instance, shutdown, unstable vibrations and Also, ensure that the gas-flow control
solids loading is a mass concentration pipeline blockages. system provides a constant gas mass
parameter that depends on the mass Define the minimum and maxi- flowrate for the full range of operating
or density of the particles; some dilute- mum conveying rates in a process pressures and pressure fluctuations.
phase systems are operating at a solid at the outset. Compared with dilute- Numerous control logic schemes are
loading rate greater than 40, while phase conveying, the dense phase re- available from various vendors or can
some dense-phase systems operate at a gime can be more limiting and sen- be designed by reputable consultants.
solid loading rate less than 10). sitive to variations in air flow and For systems with high pressure
For materials that do not have a conveying rate. For some materials, a drop (7 psi or 50 kPa and higher),
natural tendency for conventional reduction in solids flowrate can shift consider stepping the line diam-
dense- phase conveying, consider the operating point into the unstable eter to reduce the velocity and
specialized systems with con- zone, thereby causing severe instabil- maintain dense-phase conditions.
trolled and regulated gas injec- ity (evidenced as line vibrations and In dense-phase systems, gas expan-
tion or bypass pipeline technology pressure spikes). sion can be significant between the
(Figure 6). Ensure that proper dense- Ensure proper venting at the feed point and destination. This will
phase flow is actually achieved during feeder to avoid feeding problems result in a corresponding increase in
commissioning. Using a conventional that may result from gas blowback. gas velocity, and a possible transition
or “off-the-shelf” pipeline, not all ma- Feeder gas leakage can be a significant from dense- to dilute-phase flow along
terials can be conveyed reliably in fraction (up to 50%) of total gas con- the conveying pipeline.
Shrikant V. Dhodapkar is a
research leader in the Solids
Processing Lab at The Dow
Chemical Co. (B-1402, Dow
Chemical, Freeport, TX 77541;
Phone: 979-238-7940; Fax: 979-
238-0969 E-mail: sdhodapkar He received his
����������������� B.Tech. in Chemical Engineer-
����������������������� degradation or pipe-
��������������������������������������� ing from I.I.T-Delhi (India)
line blockage. To purge and his M.S.Ch.E. and Ph.D.
��������������������� from the University of Pitts-
�������� a dense-phase line during burgh. During the past 18 years, he has published
�������� numerous papers in particle technology and con-
cleaning, a controlled in- tributed chapters to several handbooks. He has
crease in gas velocity may extensive industrial experience in pneumatic con-
�������� veying, silo design, gas-solid separation, mixing,

������ be required. The dust col- coating and the design of solids processing plants.
���� ��� lector must be designed to He is a member of AIChE and Vice-Chair of the
Particle Technology Forum.
��������� ���
handle the peak gas flow

���� Lyn Bates is managing di-
rates. rector of Ajax Equipment
���� Ltd. (Mule St., Bolton, BL2
Work closely with

��� 2AR, U.K.; Phone: (+44) 1204
an experienced vendor 386723, Email: lyn@ajax., a specialized, bulk-sol-
to design and install
���������� ��� ids-handling company. Bates
�������� proper pipeline sup- has also served on numer-
��������� ous U.K., U.S. and European
ports, to prevent exces- technical committees, and
�������������� sive deflection and line worked alongside many of
the pioneers in the technolo-
movement and reduce gies related to bulk-solids handling. Bates has
the prospect of fatigue presented papers at numerous conferences and
������������������������������ seminars, and has published articles in many
failure. The motion of trade journals. He is the author of “User Guide
to Segregation (The British Materials Handling
slugs and stresses gener- Board, 1997) and “User Guide to the Design, Se-
FIGURE 7. Shown here is a typical phase diagram
for dense phase pneumatic conveying systems
ated within the convey- lection and Application of Screw Feeders” (Pro-
fessional Engineering Publishing Ltd., 2000),
ing line during directional and contribued a chapter to “Characterisation
Remember that selection of op- changes (such as those that occur at of Bulk Solids,” edited by D. McGlinshey (Black-
well, 2005). He is a member of the Institution
timal feeder is critical. Improper bends or diverter valves) results in of Mechanical Engineers, and is a recipient of
feeder selection can result in unreli- significantly higher stresses on pipe the I.Mech.E.’s Solids Handling Award for Pro-
fessional Excellence in the Technology, and the
able operation and high maintenance supports as compared to dilute-phase Australian Institute of Engineers’ Bulk Solids
Handling Award.
costs. systems.
George E. Klinzing is pro-
fessor of chemical engineering
Installation, Operation and In summary and vice-provost for research
at the University of Pitts-
Performance The guidelines offered here provide burgh (826 CL University of
Make sure that the operating point a good starting point for designing a Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
15260; Phone: 412-624-0784;
(gas flowrate, solids flowrate) falls reliable bulk solids handling system Email – Klinzing@engr.pitt.
edu). He earned his B.S. degree
well within the bounds of plug sta- involving selection, installation and in chemical engineering from
bility at all locations in the system operation of a silo, feeder and convey- the University of Pittsburgh,
and holds a Ph.D. in chemical
and for all pipeline configurations ing system. Each new project offers engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He
(if applicable). Coarse or granular unique challenges, especially with has been active in the pneumatic conveying re-
search community, and has published numerous
materials that can be conveyed in dense ongoing innovations in polymer sci- papers, books and book chapters on the subject.
phase (low-velocity slug-flow mode) ex- ence and fine (even nanoscale) par- Presently Klinzing is exploring pressure signa-
tures for flow analysis. He is a Fellow of the Ameri-
hibit an unstable operating zone in be- ticle production. The secret to success can Institute of Chemical Engineers, and a mem-
ber of the AIChE’s Particle Technology Forum, and
tween (high-velocity) dilute-phase and lies in understanding the fundamen- serves as an accreditation reviewer for ABET.
(low velocity) dense-phase conveying. tal concepts of solids handling, using Peter W. Wypych is the direc-
The dense-phase regime is bound by a material characteristics (real data) for tor of the Key Centre for Bulk
Solids & Particulate Technolo-
high-velocity (unstable zone) boundary designing, matching hardware perfor- gies at the University of Wol-
and a low-velocity (blockage) boundary mance specifications with the process longong (Wollongong N.S.W.
2522, Australia; Phone: 2-
(see Figure 7 for details). requirements and paying attention to 4221-3491; Fax: 2-4221-4577;
A proper purge-control sequence details during design and implemen- He received his B.E. (Honours
may need to be designed and tested tation. ■ I) degree in mechanical engi-
neering and his Ph.D. from the
to avoid unnecessary product Edited by Suzanne Shelley University of Wollongong. For
past 25 years, he has been involved with the R&D
of solids handling and processing technology, and
has expertise in pneumatic conveying, dust-fume
References: 5. Carson J.W., and G. Petro, Feeder Selection
Tips, Powder and Solids Annual, Chemical control and dust explosions. He has published
1. Jenike, A.W., Storage and Flow of Solids, Bul- Processing, pp. 39-42,1999. extensively in these areas. He is also the founder
letin No. 123 of the Utah Engineering Exper- and general manager of Bulk Materials Engineer-
imental Station, University of Utah, 1964. 6. Thomson, F.M., Feeders: Smoothing the flow ing Australia. Wypych is a Fellow of the Institu-
of materials through the plant, Chem. Eng., tion of Engineers Australia, and the Chair of the
2. Schulze, D., Flowability and Time Consoli- October 1978. Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling.
dation Measurements Using a Ring Shear
Tester, Powder Handling & Processing, Vol. 7. Agarwal, A., and Dhodapkar, S., Debottleneck
Pneumatic Conveying Systems,Chem. Eng.,
8, No. 3, p. 221, 1996.
April 2004, pp. 38-44. Recommended Reading:
3. Dhodapkar, S.V., and Manjunath, K., Selec- Klinzing, G.E., Marcus, R.D., Rizk, F., and Leung,
tion of Discharge Aids for Bins and Silos, 8. Mills, D., Keeping Pneumatic Delivery Up to
Speed, Chem. Eng., June 1990. L.S., “Pneumatic Conveying of Solids – A Theoret-
Chem. Eng., August 2005. ical and Practical Approach (2nd edition), Powder
4. Dhodapkar, S.V. and Manjunath, K., Selection 9. Dhodapkar, S.V., and Jacob, K.V., Smart Ways Technology Series,” Chapman and Hall, 1997.
of Discharge Aids for Bins and Silos— Part to Troubleshoot Pneumatic Conveyors, Chem.
Eng., March 2002. Rhodes, M., “Introduction to Particle Technol-
II, Chem. Eng., October 2005. ogy,” John Wiley and Sons, 1998.


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